March/April - Temple Beth El


March/April - Temple Beth El
March - April 2015
Sunday, March 1st
Men's Club Meeting, 9:15 a.m.
Monday, March 2nd
Sisterhood Cooking, 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 4th
Erev Purim Celebration, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, March 6th
Family Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 8th
Purim Carnival, 9:00 a.m.
Monday, March 9th
Sisterhood Luncheon, 12:00 p.m.
Friday, March 13th
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 15th
Purim Baby Boutique, 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 19th
Sisterhood Seder, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, March 20th
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Friday, March 27th
Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15 p.m.
Friday, April 3rd
Office closes at 2:00 p.m.
Shabbat Service, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 4th
2nd Night Seder, 5:30 p.m.
Friday, April 10th
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 12th
SAC Spaghetti Dinner, 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 15th
Yom Hashoah Observance, 7:00 p.m.
at Kehillath Shalom
Friday, April 17th
Chai Club Dinner, 6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Friday, April 24th
Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15 p.m.
Sunday, April 25th
Spring Rummage Sale, 2:00 p.m.
Monday, April 26th
Spring Rummage Sale, 10:00 a.m.
Temple Celebration Honoring
Diane E. Berg, R.J.E.
Save the Date!
Saturday Evening, May 30th
Make your plans to attend a very exciting event at Temple Beth El. We are honoring our
beloved Director of Education and dear friend, Diane Berg. Our relationship with Diane
dates back well over forty years, throughout which she has shared her passion for Jewish
learning and Jewish values with generations of students – and their parents. Diane has
earned many honors and awards over the years, and has also served in leadership
positions at NATE, LITE, CAJE and JGSLI (the acronyms to be explained) and other
Jewish educational institutions. Weʼre planning a wonderful party, loaded with
entertainment, food, drink, dancing and lots more.
Our featured entertainment for the evening will be a musical presentation by our own
Chutzpah Troubadours. Weʼve enjoyed their artistic talents and creativity for many years,
and look forward to being dazzled once again.
We will also be holding a Silent Auction at the event, so your gift-basket donations will
be well-appreciated, as well as artistic items you may create or craft with your own hands.
We will be showcasing our talents, as well as our generosity.
We will be engaging our Religious School students with an “acts of loving-kindness”
gemilut chasadim project. A presentation of their good deeds, and a very special quilt,
will be displayed at the event. And we will be working on a Memories Book; electronic and
hard-copy submissions to the Book will be displayed as well.
In addition to applauding Diane, the celebration serves as our major fundraiser for the
season. An Honor Committee is being formed, and we will be creating a Scroll of Honor,
and an Honor Book, and we will be asking each of you to make a contribution and to be
as generous as you can. All gifts will be acknowledged in our Book and all will be
recognized for their participation. Your generosity helps support the ongoing vital work
of our Temple, sustaining the programs that serve our congregation and sustaining
our relationship with the world-wide progressive Jewish community and with the
community at large.
So please, plan on attending our Celebration, and think of how you would like to participate.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at
More details coming soon!
- The Temple Beth El Celebration Committee
The True Sanctity of Kaddish
Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
“The origins of the Kaddish (mournerʼs prayer) are mysterious; angels are said to have brought
it down from heaven...” - Gates of Prayer: The New Union Prayer Book, UAHC, © 1975
This phrase, from the old blue book, Gates of Prayer I used as a child, has remained with me. As I grew older, unlike
others in my temple community, I was fortunate not to have experienced the death of a close friend or the loss
of a family member until well into college.
Now as an adult, and certainly as a rabbi, I have come to appreciate the potency to be found in the practice
of reciting Kaddish. Yet it is not so much in the words themselves. When you consider the text of the prayer, it is
nothing unusual or unexpected. Written in the Aramaic, this is the vernacular of our people from two thousand years
ago. I believe the Kaddish derives its power from two places:
The prayer gives a mourner something on which to focus, words into which tradition pours a sense of purpose and
meaning. With these very words, you honor the legacy of a loved one, just like our people have done for generations.
Kaddish is meant to be said in the presence of community; not while you are alone in your sorrow, but in a time and
place, where others can share your pain. Those gathered can help console you, while they hear the stories that
remain in your heart. It is not easy, but in talking about our loved ones - in time - it hurts a little less.
This is the true power, the true sanctity of Kaddish. This is the reason why Judaism centered its sacred mourning
practices bringing people together to say Kaddish. Sometimes it is in the synagogue. However, it also takes place
in the very homes where the mourners live. It is a Mitzvah (commandment) for the mourner and yet, it is a gift that
others can give to be part of a Minyan service when Kaddish is said.
I feel very proud of this community that we have a dedicated core of congregants who volunteer to lead a Minyan
service when they are needed. When requested, they are the ones who step forward to make it possible.
Over time, some of our leaders have retired and moved away from the area. There is still a strong core. However,
adding to its ranks is needed. If you are someone who likes the melodies of prayer, if you know the depths
of sadness that can come from mourning and know how prayer can be a comfort, then this is the opportunity for you!
It requires your presence a couple of times a year and you will touch the heart of another human being and offer him
or the chance to speak the powerful words of Kaddish.
Please join me on April 23rd and 30th for a two-session workshop. In the first session, we will explore the mystery of
Kaddish and learn the howʼs and whyʼs of Jewish mourning practices. The second session will be for those who might
be interested in serving as a leader for a Minyan service. We will go through the structure of the service and youʼll
receive materials to help you, should you decide to volunteer. Even if you have reservations, I invite you to come and
learn more about this important aspect of Jewish life.
No one wants to have to say Kaddish. However, when the time comes, it is comforting to know tradition
has offered us guidance and given us a gift of the words we can say.
Diane E. Berg, RJE
Essential Jewish Learning for
its Own Sake Can Be Joyful
Earlier in February, I attended the National Association of Temple Educators Conference, (now called the Association of Reform
Jewish Educators) celebrating its 60th year. It was an opportunity for me to “stretch my brain”, learn from my colleagues
and to be exposed to the newest innovations in the field of Jewish Education. I loved it. Nothing is better than having the
opportunity to learn, even at my age.
In preparing for his conference workshop, facilitator David Bryfman asked educators to provide the names they call their
Synagogue School. The answers included the common: Religious School, Supplementary School, Complementary School and
Congregational School. One educator, I hope “tongue in cheek”, called his school “Jewish Adventure in Learning” (JAIL).
Mr. Bryfman continued by saying that when people think of the word “school” they think of desks, chairs, curriculum, books and
studying. He urged us to create an alternative way to express what we are doing beyond the constriction of the word “school”
and to help parents and children think differently about the learning there.
All parents want their kids to be happy. They want their children to feel successful in their learning and to be good human beings.
They want their children to have pride in being Jewish. The Clergy, our teachers and I, want the same things. We know that we
need to go beyond curriculum and books to reach and teach our students how to apply Judaism to their everyday lives.
We strive to make every moment of education an experience that leaves each student inspired and maybe even transformed.
We want our students to know that learning; especially Jewish learning, will enrich their lives and allow them to make ethical and
compassionate choices and, to gain the most joy and knowledge. Jewish learning is life-long.
I believe that we are more than desks, chairs and curriculum. Our teachers work tirelessly because, like our parents, they believe
they can help motivate our students to take what theyʼve learned to make first themselves and then the world better. Judaism
is the way to get them there. I agree with David Bryfman: “Education isnʼt just about transmitting information, it is about
transforming lives.”
Did you know?
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Barbara Pickell, Congregant
An Important Book about Israel?
In last monthʼs bulletin I read with dismay that a temple book club had chosen “The Promised Land” by Ari Shavit and
considered it an “important book about Israel”. This is a book filled with distortions and omissions - even alleging a
massacre - giving fodder to those who would delegitimize Israelʼs right to exist. Furthermore, as a Eurocentric book,
it focuses on the arrival of European Jews to “Palestine” in the 19th and 20th centuries with scant mention of the Jews
who had already been living in the Eastern Mediterranean for an unbroken 3,000 years. Today, 50% of Israeli Jews
are descendants of these indigenous people.
In describing his great-grandfatherʼs arrival in Israel, Shavit portrays him as not seeing the land as it was, already
populated. This is a gross distortion of the actual reality as seen by Zionists like Herzl. Contrary to popular legend,
the Zionists did not have a slogan of “A land without people for a people without a land”. The Zionists were well aware
that the land was inhabited (although thinly settled) and Herzl promoted a detailed program of how land was to be
legally purchased for the establishment of new Jewish communities. This is the blueprint that was followed.
As a consequence of the 1948 war, 620,000 Arabs were displaced from Israel and 850,000 Jews were expelled from
Arab Muslim nations. While Israel absorbed the Jewish refugees, the Arab nations denied citizenship to their fellow
Arabs perpetuating a permanent refugee crisis. By comparison, of the more than twenty- five million refugees from
WWII and the partition of India, all were successfully relocated in host nations. None of this is of interest to Shavit
because it does not fit his “tragic” view of Israel.
Shavitʼs book is hardly known in Israel because it has not been translated into Hebrew. In Israel, there would be
a population that would recognize the many historical errors. Since its publication in English in November 2013, the
book has appeared in Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian, and Polish, but not Hebrew. On December 4th 2014, Israeli
veterans of the 1948 Lydda battle attended a panel discussion where they learned what Shavit had written. They
were incensed by his accusation of a massacre. (See article by Martin Kramer (President of Shalem College in
Jerusalem and past director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University)
Despite Shavitʼs disclaimer that this book “is not an academic work of history”. His “blow-by-blow” description of the
1948 battle for Lydda reads like history. Shavit portrays this battle as a massacre and points to it as proof
of a premeditated and systematic plan to dispossess and expel the Palestinian Arabs. Shavit provides no footnotes
whatsoever, so he is able to shade and blend his viewpoint into accounts by the participants. When historians like
Martin Kramer go to the sources in the archives - the story is completely different. Kramer provides a point-by-point
rebuttal in the online magazine MOSAIC.
For those who want factual, annotated history, I recommend the recently published book by Caroline Glick –
“The Israeli Solution”. Even if one doesnʼt agree with her conclusions, itʼs a fascinating read.
Books like Shavitʼs give the world another reason to demonize Israel and to hate all Jews, as there is a thin and
diminishing line between being anti-Israel and being anti-Jew.
Mazal Tov..
To Linda and Arthur Mont, on their 50th wedding anniversary.
To Jerry and Judy Epstein, on the 50th wedding anniversary.
To Ira and Cheryl Richman, on the birth of their granddaughter, Liliana.
To Peter and Naomi Rothenberg, on the birth of their granddaughter, Emily.
To Stephen and Marjorie Levy, on the birth of their grandson, Aaro.
To Victoria Wilson and Gerald Cupit, on the birth of their grandson, Samuel.
Audrey Gold, Chai Club President
Welcome to the Chai Club
Vote in the Zionist Congress Election
Your vote for ARZA in the 2015 Zionist Congress in Jerusalem can promote the ideas of Progressive Jewish values and help
provide funds to promote these values.
The first Zionist Congress was started by Theodor Herzl in 1897. Every four years the Zionist Congress meets in Jerusalem.
All Jewish people over the age of eighteen can vote. This election gives Jewish people a voice in policies in Israel. This vote also
will determine the programs which will be funded. All this is determined by the voting taking place at this time. Funds are
divided based on the number of votes. The Reform movement needs your support. A vote for ARZA leads to funds for the
Progressive Movement in Israel including Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) which promotes a tolerant, pluralistic,
compassionate Jewish Society. IRAC is against gender segregation and the exclusion of women. Remember “Women of the
Wall” and their gender segregation on buses.
To vote, you need to fill out a form and pay $10.00 to cover expenses. TBE has forms to use and these are located in the lobby.
You may vote online at
The election runs currently through April 30th. Your opinion counts. Make your voice heard. Vote Now!
Ner Tamid
Please join those who have made
a provision for Temple Beth El in
planning their estate. Your gift helps
to assure the long-term viability of the
temple. If you have already included the
temple in your estate plan and would like
to be recognized or would like further
information, please call the temple office
at (631) 421-5835, ext. 200 and ask
Lisa to have someone contact you.
You can contribute by:
____ Making a bequest to the temple in your will
____ Making a gift of stocks and/or securities
____ Making a life-income charitable gift annuity
____ Making a gift using real estate
____ Other
We gratefully thank those who have chosen to participate in
planned giving to Temple Beth El of Huntington:
Joanne Fried
Michael and Surelle Heiberger
Barbara Schenk
Debra Rich,
Vice President Operations and Programming
Coffee House
"Coffeehouses largely serve as centers of social interaction: the coffeehouse provides social members with a place
to congregate, talk, write, read, entertain one another, or pass the time, whether individually or in small groups of two
or three people. A coffee house can serve as an informal club for its regular members." (Wikipedia)
Coffee shops in the U.S. arose from the espresso and pastry centered Italian coffeehouse in the Italian - American
immigrant communities. From the late 1950's onward, coffeehouses served as a venue for entertainment most
commonly folk music performers during the American folk music revival.
What does this have to do with Temple Beth El? Years ago TBE held a number of coffeehouses with talented
members performing and attendees singing along. It's been a while since we had a coffeehouse and itʼs about time
we have another one. Times are different, and the format may be different, but we still have a very talented musical
community. Do you have a talent, singing, playing an instrument or are you a comedian? Do you enjoy listening
to music, and drinking coffee or just meeting new people or spending time with friends? Come join us on April 18th at
8:00PM either as a performer or a member of the audience.
If interested in performing, contact Pam Reingold:
Come have some coffee, sit back and enjoy yourselves. It's only $9:00 per person and $18:00 per couple.
Project H.O.P.E.
Carol Werblin, Social Action Chairperson
For many years, Sue Seiler and I pondered how we could start a soup kitchen at TBE. However, space always seemed to be
an issue. Then, two years ago, our dream of making sure people did not go hungry, became a reality. My good friend and
temple member, Peter Shore, approached me with an offer from the Moose Lodge in Greenlawn and Peterʼs own group of men
from Centerport who wanted to give back to the community. Gary Shea, Governor of the Lodge, wanted the Moose Lodge space
to be used by our temple to hold community events. And we couldn't have a better place to hold our suppers.
Having worked with Dan Diviney, Youth Minister from St. Hugh, I knew about a program he started ten years earlier called Project
H.O.P.E. - St. Hugh. Their project serves a Sunday Supper twice each month to those in need. We met with him over the
summer of 2012, and we became Project H.O.P.E. - TBE.
In partnership with St. Hugh, we began hosting Sunday Suppers each month. Whatʼs more, Dan and St. Hugh very generously
helped with our start-up costs. We weren't quite sure how we would fund our program, but again, things worked out amazingly
well. Your help as congregants have embraced this program as much as we do. You have helped us feed almost two hundred
people each month by setting up, serving, cooking, and donating dinners and desserts. Some members have even donated
money to this program in honor or in memory of a loved one.
Among our generous donors, Howard Schneider has really come to love Project H.O.P.E. Not only does he volunteer each month
with his entire family – (Mimi, Evan, and Jordan), while Howard is furiously slicing bread, Mimi and the boys are helping with the
But it doesn't stop there. Howard is also part of “Dentists for a Better Huntington”, a group that makes an annual donation to three
charities in Huntington. He has told the group about our wonderful programs. Project H.O.P.E. was voted a recipient of one
of these awards. We attended the ceremony at Black and Blue restaurant, where we received a check in the amount of five
thousand dollars. Based on Howardʼs praise of the program, another dentist contributed an additional thousand dollars,
realizing how vital this program is to the people of Huntington. So, with the help of the youth of Huntington, who volunteer their
time each month, and this generous donation from Howard and his “Dentists for a Better Huntington”, Project H.O.P.E. will
continue to feed people well into next year. Thank you, Schneider family.
If you would like to know more about Project H.O.P.E., and learn how you can help, go to the temple website or contact us
directly at or
March 15th - Purim Baby Boutique
March 22nd- Project H.O.P.E.
April 12th - Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Boutique
April 26th - Project H.O.P.E.
Upcoming Events:
Amy Podhurst, President Sisterhood
The Orange and Miriamʼs Cup
The orange has become one of the ceremonial symbolic foods on the Seder plate at many womenʼs Seders. The first
time I heard about the orange, the story was that a rabbi interviewed on a radio station was asked about the role
of women rabbis. Supposedly he said, “A woman on the bimah makes as much sense as an orange on the Seder
plate.” After that broadcast, oranges made their appearance on plates.
However, I learned recently that the origin of the orange on the Seder plate began with Susannah Heschel. Heschel,
the daughter of one of the leading Jewish theologians of the 20th century, Abraham Joshua Heschel, added the fruit
to the plate in the 1980s as a sign of solidarity with lesbians and gay men. Since that time, the orange has become
a symbol of the empowerment of Jewish women. Either way, the orange represents the fruitfulness of giving voice
to those who havenʼt been heard.
Alongside the traditional Elijahʼs cup filled with wine on the Seder table, many now add a cup of water to highlight
Miriamʼs contribution to our history. Miriam was Mosesʼ and Aaronʼs sister and was known as a prophetess and
a leader with her brothers. Her wisdom, optimism and faithfulness gave the Israelites confidence to overcome the
hardships of the Exodus. Wherever Miriam went, she miraculously found water throughout the desert. Miriamʼs
cup reminds us of her strength and is a symbol of hope and renewal. When we sing and dance, we recall Miriamʼs
encouragement for freedom.
“As Miriam stood upon the shores and gazed across the sea,
The wonder of this miracle she soon came to believe.
Whoever thought the sea would part with an outstretched hand,
And we would pass to freedom, and march to the Promised Land.
And the women dancing with their timbrels,
Followed Miriam as she sang her song
Sing the song to the One whom we’ve exalted
Miriam and the women danced and danced the whole night long”.
Howard W. Schneider
President Menʼs Club - Brotherhood
Make a Difference
This has been a really busy weekend. My family and I had the privilege of participating in two different community
charitable events.
The first was the “Give Kids a Smile”, a dental screening event sponsored by the Suffolk County Dental Society that
was held at the Long Island Aquarium in Riverhead. Together, with approximately seventy other professional
volunteers, we provided almost two hundred children free dental exams, cleanings, fluoride treatments, a dental
health puppet show, a Lionel train exhibition and free admission to the aquarium for the day.
The second event was Project H.O.P.E. – TBE, led by Carol Werblin and Sue Seiler; where an intrepid crew of soup
makers, cooks, table setters, bread and chicken cutters, servers and pot washers provided a healthy meal to seniors
and more than a hundred less fortunate members within the Huntington community. Next month they will do it
again…and again…
One of the main foundations of Judaism is Tikkun Olam – “repairing the world, and making the world a better place”
while passing these values to our children. Temple Beth El offers many opportunities for both adults and children to
make a positive difference in the lives of those in our local community. Please join us. Whether you do this through
donations of your time and skills, monetary donations, or a little of both, makes no difference.
The important thing is to make a difference.
Calling all Torah Chanters!
Thank You
To Dr. Richard Schoor for his presentation on “Menʼs Health” for the Men's Club / Brotherhood.
To Ela Morchi-Shenkelman and Daniel for donating enough rotisserie chickens to
feed our guests for the Project HOPE in February.
To custodians, Rob and Steve, for helping us out with all of our projects.
To Marjorie Levy for her ongoing dedication to the temple library.
To Hillary and Mike Epstein for a fantastic and entertaining evening of Fleetwood Macked.
Surelle Heiberger, Chairperson
Kol Nidre
Among the positive aspects of being the Kol Nidre Chairperson, along with much work and responsibility, come a few
opportunities to “break the doldrums” of winter. First, my job is drawing to an end for this year (Yippee!) Secondly,
I can happily report that we have not only met but exceeded our budgeted amount by $10,000 This is a truly
phenomenal achievement and I heartily thank and congratulate each and every congregant who donated. We should
be very proud.
In addition, we attained the largest percentage of donating members for the last several years. Can you imagine what
we could have raised if those who did not participate could have donated at least $36.00 - A Double Chai.
Be still my heart!
I am so very proud of our Temple membership and, of course, there are many people who have helped us reach this
goal. To the following, I offer my sincerest thanks:
To our intrepid phone squad callers:
Steven Widerman, Mark Goldman, Michael Heiberger, Marcia Schwalb, Cecile Fallon, Barbara Schenk, Howard Schneider,
Linda Braun, Peter Chiacchiaro, Lisa Tricomi and David Barton.
To Andy and Andrea Levenbaum for the use of the office phone bank at their business Levenbaum Associates for four
evenings this year and for many years past.
To Lisa Bennett and Irma Talbot who keep me up to date on all contributions and postings.
And finally, to you, the membership of Temple Beth El, who make this job a “Mitzvah in disguise”
Kol Nidre Honor Roll 2014/5775
Aaronson, Richard & Susan
Adelman, Philip
Albert, Chris & Lisa
Ames, Jack & Street Ames, Lori
Ansell, Robert & Laura
Aronowsky, Barry & Barbara
Aronson, Mark & Heidi
Axinn, Lennard & Ann
Baran, Charles & Sherry
Barton, David & Julie
Barton, Gloria
Baskir, Mark & Carol
Baumann, Robert & Eileen
Berg, Diane
Berger, Arthur & Bridgette
Bergman, Stanley M. & Marion J.
Bergson, Robert & Debra
Berlent, Todd & Liza
Besso, Michael & Elyse
Biblow, Mark & Andrea
Blog, Harold & Joan
Blog, Susan
Blum, Lawrence & Suzanne
Blumenthal, Mark & Amy
Bouza, Joseph & Reingold, Pam
Braun, Bonnie
Braun, Edward & Roseann
Braun, Linda & Davis, Ilene
Breitstone, Peter & Dianne
Brozinsky, Edward
& Singer, Janet
Caravella, Salvatore & Monica
Cassidy, Matthew & Leslie
Chiacchiaro, Peter & Suanne
Clopper, Jeffrey & Carol
Cohen, Burton & Anita Z.
Cohn, Tom & Craven, Victoria
Craig, Mario & Shoshana
Crain, Robert & Sandra
Dalton, Brian & Freed, Jennifer
Dalven, Joseph & Ruth
Dannenberg, Michael & Carol
DeMarco, Vincent & Jill
Dietz, Sheldon & Adrianne
Dinstell, Scott & Audrey
Dombrower, Steve & Janis
Donders, Arlen & Rebecca
Eckstein, Howard & Sherry
Edelstein, Andy
& Sherman, Beth
Ehrman, Jeffrey & Teresa
Eig, Barry & Elaine
Eig, Daniel & Lynne
Epstein, Jerold & Judith
Epstein, Mike & Randee
Eysler, David & Pam
Faber, Stephen & Doris
Fairbanks, Judith
& Bronstein, Bryce
Fallenberg, Deborah
Feeney, Myra
Feilbogen, Peter & Joan
Feinblatt, David & Debora
Feinstein, Brian & Jean
Feldman, Jeffrey & Elyse
Finkel, Rosalind
Fogel, Brian & Rachel
Fremed, Gregg & Noreen
Fried, Joanne
Fried, Mitchel & Hermer-Fried,
Fusco, Richard & Jennifer
Gary, Howard & Molla
Geisler, Lynn & Howard, James
Gerson, Jeffrey & Eileen
Gettinger, Barbara
Gildin, Herbert & Gloria
Gillet, Jason & Jennifer
Gittelman, Jennifer
Glass, Evan & Janet
Gold, Audrey
Goldblatt, Jane
Golden, Richard & Barbara
Goldman, Mark & Susan
Goldstein, Dan & Rosalie
Goldstein, Jonathan & Susan
Gordon, David & Elissa
Grass, Robin & Warde, Una
Greenberg, Michael & Jayne
Greenwald, Richard & Linda
Greenwood, Scott & Danielle
Hasenzahl, Brian & Tammy
Heiberger, Michael & Surelle
Helfand, Andrew & Gail
Hemley, Seth & Cynthia
Henoch, Gilbert & Sheila
Herman, Mitch & Jennifer
Herman, Steven & Iris
Herzfeld, David & Melanie
Hirsch, David & Nancy
Hirschfeld, Jeanne
Hittleman, Daniel & Carol
Hutt, Michael & Korobow, Amy
Hyde, Francine
Iserson, Richard & Beverly
Israeli, Ron & Nancy
Jackson, Gerald & Laura
Joseph, Jeffrey & Abbe
Jurrist, Jeffrey & Susan
Kaish, Steven
& Mermelstein, Julia
Kamenstein, Matthew & Hope
Kammerling, Richard & Rosalie
Kaplan, Elaine
Kaplan, Randy & Amy
Kaplan, Stuart & Debbie
Karpf, Andrew & Tanya
Kasman, Richard & Marlene
Kaufman, Brian S. & Susan E.
Kaufman, Jonah & Lynn
Kellerman, Stephanie & Jenny
Keschner, Scott & Jennifer
Klayman, Burton & Laura
Klein, Irving
Klein, Mary
Krawitz, Paul & Nancy
Kreindler, Herbert & Barbara
Kresner, Patricia
Kristel, Alan & Brycie
Kristel, Steven & Lisa
Kudler, Harley & Karen
Kurtzberg, Louis
LaCorte, Justin & Susanne
Lawson, Kevin & Pamela
Levenbaum, Andrew & Andrea
Levy, Stephen & Marjorie
Lieberman, David & Klein,
Paula Lifson, Robert & Joan
Lilker, Ruth
Lustig, Brad & Suzie
Mabie, Ryan & Jessica
Madenberg, Joseph & Judith
Mahler, David & Linda
Masnick, Burt & Sandra
McDonagh, Thomas & Elisa
Messina, Ilene
Mezz Hoest, Madeline
Mildener, Barry & Pitch, Richard
Mishkit, Alison
Mishkit, Gladys
Molny, Marvin & Ethel
Monat, Lawrence & Roberta
Mont, Arthur & Linda
Montague, Todd & Denise
Morett, Claudia
Moses, Richard F.
& Werblin, Carol
Moskowitz, Kenny
Nathanson, Steven
Ng, Kenny & Susan
Nitekman, Jeffrey
Pearlman, Allan
Pearlman, Joshua & Carrie
Perlman, Joseph & Eleanor
Perry, David & Annette
Phillips, Howard & Rhoma
Pickell, Barbara
Pinals, Andrew & Ann
Podgainy, Martin
Podhurst, Robert & Amy
Pokross, Sara
Polese, Vincent & Lisa
Porcelain, Michael
Purow, David & Deena
Radgowski, Tom & Melissa
Raskin, Mark & Lucy
Redler, Martin & Gail
Resnikoff, Michael & Lauren
Ricci, Louis & Alina
Rich, Charles & Debra
Richman, Ira & Cheryl
Rimler, Mark & Debbie
Roffman, Steve & Florence
Rosen, Carol
Rosenvinge, Mary
Ross, Edward & Laura
Rothenberg, Peter & Naomi
Rotter, Neal & Camens, Shelley
Rozen, Barry
& Lichtenstein, Sarah
Rubin, Jeffrey & Brettler, Cora
Rudner, Jeffrey
Salzman, David
& Dibenedetto, Mary
Samuel, Stewart & Jamie
Sard, Eugene & Edith
Saslow, Neal & Viviene
Schaeffer, Bernard & Weber,
Nanci Olivere
Schapero, Peter & Ilene
Schatten, Alan & Linda
Schenk, Barbara
Schindel, Robert & Suzanne
Schmier, Albert & Marcia
Schneider, Edythe
Schneider, Howard
& Rosen, Miriam
Schoor, Rich & Erin
Schreiner, Susan
Schwalb, Barry & Marcia
Schwartz, Jack & Elizabeth
Seiden, Peter & Nancy
Seiler, Robert & Susan
Shallat, Barton & Jane
Shapiro, Mark & Vita
Shaw, Gary & Zuckerman, Helen
Shindler, Arnold & Eileen
Siegel, Clifford & Lorie
Silverman, Harriet
Silverman, Lawrence & Brenda
Silverstein, Michael & Susana
Simon, Laurence & Ann
Simowitz, Frances
Sitler, Julie
Siudzinski, Paul & Gray, Ellen
Slavin, Dianne
Smolokoff, Sheldon & Toby
Spencer, Gil & Denise
Sporkin, Bradley & Karyn
Spritzer, Lois
Stein, Aaron & Sasha
Stein, Melvyn & Rosanne
Steinberg, David & Carisa
Stern, Howard & Barbara
Susswein, David & Kent, Aileen
Swaim, Selma Cohen
Szarfarc, Howard
& Toner, Gemma
Taibi, Vincent & Carrie
Talbot, Irma
Tane, Ira & Teresa
Tannenbaum, Scott & Linda
Tiger, Helene
Toran, William & Phyllis
Tricomi, Edward & Lisa
Viesta, Rick & Elizabeth
Wachtel, Inez
Wadler, Scott & Joann
Walerstein, Janet
Walfield, Alan & Spangle, Louise
Wattel, William & Linda
Wayne, Peter & Beverly
Weinkrantz, Michael & Jane
Weinzimer, Melvin & Dolores
Weitman, Adam & Elvira
Widawsky, Michael & Janet
Widerman, Steven
& Bookheim, Linda
Wilson, Victoria & Cupit, Gerald
Winter, Robert & Linda
Wiseman, Atma
Wolff, Jerry & Susan
Zamari, Marlene
Zucker, Bob & Robin
Zusman, Barry & Margo
Jack Klesman and Harry Klayman at yahrzeit
- Burt and Laura Klayman
Zelda Starr Finkel at yahrzeit
- Andrew and Gail Helfand
Melvin Rosen at yahrzeit
- Howard Schneider and Miriam Rosen
Marvin Korobow at yahrzeit
- Michael Hutt and Amy Korobow
Murray Podgainy and Martin Danis at yahrzeit
- Martin Podgainy
Albert Bennett at yahrzeit
- Lottie Bennett
Herb Walerstein at yahrzeit
- Janet Walerstein
Edward Sinder at yahrzeit
- Arnold and Eileen Shindler
Charlotte Monat Meyer and Martin Monat at yahrzeit
- Lawrence and Roberta Monat
William Feeney at yahrzeit
- Myra Feeney
Herman Wattel at yahrzeit
- William and Linda Wattel
Berdie Kasman at yahrzeit
- Marlene Kasman
Harriet Goldberg at yahrzeit
- Arnold and Eileen Shindler
Linda Joy Kristel at yahrzeit
- Alan and Brycie Kristel
Edna Farine at yahrzeit
- Jeanne Hirschfeld
Benjamin Danis at yahrzeit
- Martin Podgainy
Philip Risika at yahrzeit
- Mollie Sugarman
In honor of:
Sarah Clopper becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Arnold and Eileen Shindler
Temple Beth El
- Michael Hutt and Amy Korobow
- Steven Shaiman
The birth of Liliana, granddaughter of Ira and Cheryl Richman
- Florence and Steve Roffman
- Barbara Schenk
To the recovery of:
Margo Zusman and Barbara Golden
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Roslyn Starer
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
Denise Spencer and Audrey Gold
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
In memory of:
Rose Schmulker at yahrzeit
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
Carol Fleischman at yahrzeit
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
In honor of:
The birth of Liliana, granddaughter of Ira and Cheryl Richman
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
Sarah Clopper becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
In memory of:
Melvin Rosen at yahrzeit
- Patricia Kresner
In honor of:
Jeff Lipman's retirement
- Sue and Rob Seiler
In memory of:
Gail Iris Klayminc at yarhzeit
- Howard and Sherry Eckstein
In memory of:
Sam Wasserman and Helen B.H. Cohen
at yahrzeit
- Selma Cohen Swaim
In memory of:
Sid Stuchin
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
-Florence and Steve Roffman
Pearl Rayer
- Marcia Schwalb
Aaron Goldberg
- Phoebe Krane and Sandy Hoffman
Selma Freed
- Steve and Florence Roffman
Rosanne Moses
- Steve and Florence Roffman
Martin Fogelman
- Steve and Florence Roffman
Joan Wyckoff
- Steve and Florence Roffman
Wilhelm Dombrower at yahrzeit
- Steven and Janis Dombrower
Rebecca Mildener at yahrzeit
- Barry Mildener and Richard Pitch
Mildred Levinson at yahrzeit
- Mark and Carol Baskir
Harold Goldman at yahrzeit
- Floyd and Sherri Goldman
Terri Green at yahrzeit
- Barry Mildener and Richard Pitch
Sonia Aronson at yahrzeit
- Heidi and Mark Aronson
In memory of:
Aaron Goldberg
- Barbara Schenk
To the recovery of:
Margo Zusman and Elisa McDonagh
- Barbara Schenk
In memory of:
Aaron Goldberg
- Diane Berg
Selma Freed
- Debra and Charles Rich
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
Diane Vajda at yahrzeit
- Richard and Rosalie Kammerling
In honor of:
Jessie Kammerling
- Richard and Rosalie Kammerling
Sarah Clopper becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Richard and Rosalie Kammerling
- Dan and Carol Hittleman
- Chai Club of Temple Beth El
- Sisterhood of Temple Beth El
- Bradley and Karyn Sporkin
- Barton and Jane Shallat
- Joy and Brian Moss
In memory of:
Aaron Goldberg
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
- Fran Simowitz
Dora Rosenbaum at yahrzeit
- Joan and Peter Feilbogen
In honor of:
Jerry and Judy Epstein's 50th wedding anniversary
- Sue and Rob Seiler
Rob Fishman becoming a partner
- Sue and Rob Seiler
In memory of:
Selma Freed
- Michael Freed
Jack Berman at yahrzeit
- Marlene Zamari
Morris Rosen at yahrzeit
- Carol Rosen
Ly Herz Brettler at yahrzeit
- Cora Brettler
Martin Greenwald at yahrzeit
- Richard and Linda Greenwald
Joshua Helfand at yahrzeit
- Andrew and Gail Helfand
In honor of:
Rabbi Clopper, for performing the service for Jeanette Gollon
- The Greenwald Family
Rabbi Clopper, for the support he continually gives
to the Religious School
- Religious School Students and Families
Rabbi Clopper, for his support
- The Dombrower Family
Lily Stein becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Aaron and Sasha Stein
Sarah Clopper becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Jane Goldblatt
- Richard and Beverly Iserson
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
- Michael and Carol Dannenberg
- Jeff and Elyse Feldman
- Florence and Steve Roffman
Temple Beth El
- Michael Hutt and Amy Korobow
In memory of:
The death of Diane Berg's aunt
- Joan and Peter Feilbogen
Steve Block
- Sue and Rob Seiler
In honor of:
Temple Beth El
- Michael Hutt and Amy Korobow
In memory of:
Nathan Lipsky at yahrzeit
- Louis Kurtzberg
In honor of:
Seymour Lilker's birthday
- Marshall and Carol Adelstein
In memory of:
Mae Wong at yahrzeit
- Janet and Mike Widawsky
In memory of:
Rosanne Moses
- Paula Klein
Joan Wyckoff
- Paula Klein
Helen Schor
- Jeffrey and Shelly Daduk
Robert Levy and Fannie Hechtman at yahrzeit
- Claudia Morett
Jenny Yeazell at yahrzeit
- Alan Walfield and Louise Spangle
Renee Schatten at yahrzeit
- Alan and Linda Schatten
In honor of:
The birth of Liliana, granddaughter of Ira and Cheryl Richman
- Mary Rosenvinge
To the recovery of:
Lori Street Ames and Elisa McDonagh
- Sue and Rob Seiler
In memory of:
Selma Freed
- Sue and Rob Seiler
In memory of:
Barbara Somach at yahrzeit
- Brian and Joy Moss
B’nei Mitzvah
To Jack Breitstone (March 7th), Michelle Dori (March 21st),
Halle Greenwood (March 28th), Alexis Schoor (April11th),
Kloe Blumenthal (April 18th) and Remi Berlent (April 25th)
on becoming B'nei Mitzvah!
For her creative project, Kloe will create a photographic collage
of images she has taken of sunsets on her way to Hebrew
School. For her charity project, Kloe has chosen to make
cupcakes for birthday parties at homeless shelters.
Jack Breitstone – March 7th
We are so very proud of our son, Jack, on becoming
a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Beth El. Jack enjoyed his studies at
TBE and we want to thank Lenny Thaw, Diane Berg and her
staff for helping Jack on this most important achievement.
As a new family to the community, we found a warm and
supportive home – particularly Rabbi Clopper who made us feel
welcomed and assured. Our experience of preparing for Jack
to become a Bar Mitzvah has been very meaningful for
our family.
The Bat Mitzvah experience means a great deal to our family.
Itʼs amazing when we realize that Kloe is becoming a young
adult. It seems like yesterday that our little blue-eyed daughter
was learning how to walk and talk. Now as she prepares
to become a Bat Mitzvah, we see how much she has grown.
She has taken on the vast responsibilities that becoming
a Bat Mitzvah involve with great determination. While it is no
easy task, with her projects and studying, along with all of her
outside duties, Kloe has made us very proud of the young adult
that she is becoming.
Jack is a bright, energetic and enthusiastic boy who is always
willing to help others and the world around him. Jack has
chosen the Little Shelter Animal Rescue in Huntington as
a focus for his Gʼmilut Chasadim. Helping those without
a voice was important to him. Jack has also collected items for
the local food pantries during the harsh winter months. For his
Tzedakah project, Jack chose to make a personal donation to
the Make a Wish Foundation for which he has also participated
in the Long Beach and Oyster Bay Polar Bear Swims.
Our wishes for Kloe as she enters adulthood are simple.
We hope that she shares and continues to lead a life that
includes the Jewish customs that she has learned from
Temple Beth El. We wish her happiness with whatever she
chooses to do in her life.
Remi Berlent – April 25th
We will continue to be amazed by our son as we watch him
mature into a confident and caring member of the Jewish
community and the world he lives in. It is an honor to be his
parents and share in his celebration today.
During her years at TBE, Remi has made a cultural, academic
and spiritual commitment to Judaism. Her Bat Mitzvah service
is a milestone we are so proud to see her reach; a milestone,
but not an ending. We love watching Remiʼs sense of Jewish
identity flourish along with her understanding of the need for
inclusivity. We are grateful for the encouragement, warmth,
and enthusiasm with which all of her teachers, Cantor Alison
and the very special Rabbi Clopper, taught her as they made
Temple Beth El a sanctuary – not just in the physical sense.
Michelle Dori – March 2st
Temple Beth El has been a very enriching experience for the
Dori family. When Michelle started Hebrew school four years
ago she was a little reluctant but with the excellent programs
and teachers she has become a well-educated and inspiring
young woman. She has enjoyed participating in the field trips
and extracurricular activities like the NYC Tenement Museum
and “Shul-in”.
Throughout her Bat Mitzvah year – and we hope into the future
– Remi has been working with “Grateful Greyhounds” and
Heifer International, the first for her Gʼmilat Chasadim
service project, the latter for her Tzedakah or charity
project. “Grateful Greyhounds” educates the public about
former racetrack greyhounds and sight hounds to promote the
adoption of these beautiful and gentle dogs as pets. Heifer
International empowers families to turn hunger and poverty into
hope and prosperity by linking communities and helping them
to bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with
a long history of poverty.
She has made an impressive commitment to learning her
blessings and will soon learn her Parsha. We are a blended
family and we are ecstatic over the progress that Michelle has
made.Our family has become a lot closer and this has raised
our expectations exponentially. We are forever grateful
to Rabbi Clopper, Diane Berg, Lenny Thaw, Risa Curiale and all
of TBE's teachers and staff past and present.
Created around her Haftorah portion, Remiʼs art project uses
multi-media to design and link Jewish stars of different sizes,
textures and colors into a visual reminder that all Jews are
bound by the covenant of the Torah to treat others as we would
want to be treated.
We are now looking forward to a future filled with many positive
relationships and Jewish values. L'chaim.
Mazal Tov to Remi and to all of the children becoming
B'nei Mitzvah this year and congratulations to their parents.
Kloe Blumenthal – April 18th
Temple Beth El is a special place to us because of all the
amazing opportunities that it offers. The people at TBE, from
Rabbi Clopper to the office staff and everyone in between, have
all been so helpful to our family over the years. Our children
have benefited from the caring and skilled people who have
taught them about what it means to be Jewish.
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March 1-7
Helen Cohn
- mother of Janet Singer
Rita Kammerling
- mother of Richard Kammerling
Robert Pakula
- brother of Janet Walerstein
- uncle of Doug Walerstein
Harry Summer
- grandfather of Tracy Summer
Jeanette Summer
- grandmother of Tracy Summer
Roy Gordon
- father of David Gordon
Bernard Heller
- father of Rita Anilionis
Rae Markowitz
- mother of Bernard Markowitz
Joseph Sitler
- father of Joe Sitler (z:l)
Carrie Weil
- grandmother-in-law of Irving Klein
Michael Cohn
- father of Tom Cohn
Marvin Frankel
- father of Eleanor Perlman
Pearl Gottlieb
- grandmother of David Susswein
Arthur Kopcienski
- friend of David and Pam Eysler
Harry Chiet
- grandfather of Jackie Selmer
Berta Feilbogen
- mother of Peter Feilbogen
Adele Eysler
- aunt of David Eysler
Stan Feinblatt
- father of David Feinblatt
Betty Friedman
- sister of Laura Klayman
Samuel Spiegel
- father of Carol Berliner
Abe Levine
- uncle of Steve Roffman
Bernard Strauss
- father of Dolores Weinzimer
Ruth Wolff
- mother of Jerry Wolff
Sophie Cherner
- aunt of Alan Schatten
Frances Goldberg
- mother of Minna Seligson
Madeline Selix
- mother of Stephanie Kellerman
Samuel Susswein
- grandfather of David Susswein
March 8-14
Betty Forman
- mother of David Forman
David Karin
- father of Marjorie Levy
Joseph Darwin
- father of Manuel Darwin
Irving Freed
- grandfather of Jen Freed
Betty Wasserman
- mother of Selma Cohen Swaim
Jack Brown
- father of Toby Smolokoff
Grace Koutrouby
- mother-in-law of Dianne Slavin
Barry Kravchick
- cousin of Janice Groden
Syril Seiden
- mother of Peter Seiden
Beatrice Weinstein
- mother of Amy Kaplan
Frieda Bronstein
- mother of Bryce Bronstein
Henry Jackson
- father-in-law of Laura Jackson
Ida Kaplan
- stepmother of Sylvia Wertheim
Ann Millstone
- mother of Burton Klayman
Sarah Novick
- grandmother of Julie Nace
Andree Blaudeau
- aunt of Norman Copel
Joel Goldman
- father of Carol Slippen
Mollie Robinson
- aunt of Selma Cohen Swaim
Gloria Silverstein
- mother of Michael Silverstein
Richard Slippen
- brother of Michael Slippen
Irving Waldgeir
- father of Linda Winter
Louis Baker
- father of Barbara Kreindler
Rebecca Kurtzberg
- sister of Louis Kurtzberg
Jay Simon
- brother of Larry Simon
Sylvia Walfield
- mother of Alan Walfield
Alexander Berman
- father of Sheila Henoch
March 15-21
Blanche Honickman
- mother of Steven Honickman
Sam Shindler
- father of Arnold Shindler
Russell Chernick
- brother of Cindy Halpern
Raymond Feifer
- uncle of Sherry Baran
Wallace Bywater
- father of Jean Feinstein
Sarah Cohn-Richman
- mother of Clare Cohn-Brown
Roberta Fremed
- mother of Gregg Fremed
Stanley Nathanson
- father of Steven Nathanson
Eli Sherman
- brother of Sandra Hechler
Robert Simowitz
- husband of Fran Simowitz
Alexander Coleman
- father of Surelle Heiberger
Ester Karten
- mother of Claudia Weisman
Gail Iris Klayminc
- sister of Sherry Eckstein
Shirley Lillian Street
- mother of Lori Street Ames
March 22-31
Jack Schatten
- father of Alan Schatten
Gregory Shaw
- brother of Gary Shaw
Jane Weisman
- grandmother of Michael Bertuch
Jesus Aznar
- great uncle of Tes Silverman
Rose Eysler
- grandmother of David Eysler
Harriet Fallon
- mother of Michael Fallon
Matthew Kammerling
- father of Richard Kammerling
Rae Phillips
- mother of Howard Phillips
Gherrie Rodriguez
- cousin of Tes Silverman
Rosa Kupferberg
- grandmother of Joan Feilbogen
Charles Schwalb
- father of Elyse Besso
- father of Barry Schwalb
Leo Seiler
- father of Rob Seiler
Max Lipeles
- father of Robin Zucker
Beatrice Schwalb
- mother of Elyse Besso
- mother of Barry Schwalb
Jacob M. Henoch
- father of Gilbert Henoch
Wilbur Morton Shurr
- father of Fran Hyde
Douglas Gray
- father of Diane Kleet
Myrna Vertaa
- aunt of Janice Groden
Nathan H. Freeman
- father of Alan Freeman
Frank Goldberg
- uncle of Ann Simon
Benjamin Pofcher
- uncle of Surelle Heiberger
Harry Warshaw
- father of Bonnie Braun
April 1-7
Martin Kaplan
- father of Randy Kaplan
Henry Werblin
- father of Carol Werblin
Louise Yeazell
- aunt of Louise Spangle
Arnold Naiman
- husband of Inez Wachtel
Carl Bagnall
- father of Marcia Schwalb
Jeanette Groden
- mother of David Groden
Yetta Gross
- mother of Carol Hittleman
Reba Levenberg
- mother of Andrew Levenberg
Morris Mildener
- father of Barry Mildener
Stan Millstone
- stepfather of Burton Klayman
Florence Matthews
- mother of Roberta Monat
Rose Podgainy
- mother of Martin Podgainy
James Warde
- brother of Una Warde
Neil Barton
- father of David Barton
- husband of Gloria Barton
Emanuel Jarmon
- father of Steve Jarmon
Emil Josenhans
- father of Erich Josenhans
Neil Thomas
- cousin of Cecile Fallon
May Blog
- mother of Harold Blog
Max Kaufman
- father of Brian Kaufman
April 8-14
Regina Rosenberg
- mother of Shawne Rosenblum
Tina Chernick
- mother of Cindy Halpern
Ira Goldsmith
- grandfather of David Eysler
Blanche Lipsius
- mother of Barbara Schenk
Bertha Molny
- mother of Marvin Molny
Ida Stockman
- mother of Linda Mont
Abraham Gildin
- father of Herbert Gildin
Minnie Kanigel
- mother of Laura Jackson
Ruth Strod
- mother of Rosalie Goldstein
Cantor Renee Coleson
- friend of Cantor Sandy Sherry
Ira Finkel
- brother of Wil Finkel (z:l)
Doris Kaplan
- stepfather of Ely Kaplan (z:l)
Mayer Walfield
- father of AlanWalfield
Dorothy Schechter
- sister of Toby Markowtiz
Jacob A. Blaustein
- father of Rhoma Phillips
Steven Davis
- brother of Eileen Baumann
Rose Dorfman
- mother of Marilyn Perlin
Pearl Goldman
- mother of Mark Goldman
Abraham Korner
- uncle of Cindy Halpern
Rose Kreiswirth
- mother of Lisa Kreiswirth
Edward Rosen
- uncle of Miriam Rosen
Mary Blond
- grandmother of Irving Klein
Joseph Kalish
- father of Elaine Kaplan
April 15-21
Helen Hechler
- mother of Stephen Hechler
Kenneth Markel
- son of Carl and Edith Markel
Gloria Brotman
- mother of Andrea Marino
Arlene Brown
- mother of Dan Goldstein
Morrie Huebschman
- stepfather of Joan Blog
Howard Iserson
- father of Richard Iserson
Louis M. Licht
- father of Phoebe Krane
Sylvia Wolman
- mother of Melanie Herzfeld
Bess Belkin
- grandmother of Perry Wiseblatt
Morris Dalven
- father of Joseph Dalven
Irwin Margulis
- father of Joy Moss
Betty Edelstein
- mother of Andy Edelstein
Casper Kurtzberg
- father of Louis Kurtzberg
Ruth Rosenbaum
- aunt of Joan Feilbogen
Gilbert Spritzer
- husband of Lois Spritzer
Grace Miriam Burnett
- mother of Margaret Mills
Seymour Feldman
- father of Denise Tieman
Paula Fields
- grandmother of Beth Sherman
Elsie Goldberg
- grandmother of Debbie Kaplan
Frank Jordan
- stepfather of Cindy Halpern
Rose Sherman
- mother of Sandra Hechler
Morton Baine
- father of Sherri Goldman
Frank Gary
- father of Howard Gary
Bennie Moskovitch
- father of Israel Moskovitch
Peter Gray
- father of Ellen Gray
April 22-30
Oscar Bonner
- father of Sandra Crain
Libby Fleischer
- mother of Michael Fleischer
Lola Goldman
- mother of Floyd Goldman
Helen Selmer
- mother of Al Selmer
Milton Widerman
- father of Susan Blog
- father of Steve Widerman
Glenn Carver
- uncle of Danna Kaplan
Erich Guttenberg
- father of Mary Rosenvinge
Joseph Chiet
- uncle of Jackie Selmer
Robert Ehrman
- father of Jeffrey Ehrman
Myron Klein
- father of Irving Klein
- grandfather of Mary Klein
Louis Lilker
- father of Seymour Lilker (z:l)
Clarence Blog
- father of Harold Blog
Toby Faber
- mother of Stephen Faber
Betty Siegel
- mother of Carol Calev
Sylvia Gelbman
- mother of Phyllis Toran
Gertrude Ruskin
- mother of Joanne Fried
Louis Trimmer
- grandfather of Louis Kurtzberg
Reba Cohen
- mother of Burton Cohen
Irving Hauser
- grandfather of Elyssa Riccoboni
Bea Feinstein
- mother of Jackie Selmer
Rose Klein
- mother of Irving Klein
- grandmother of Mary Klein
Sylvia Lipeles
- mother of Robin Zucker
Henry Postel
- father of Howard Postel
Beatty Shindler
- mother of Arnold Shindler
Sadie Klein Lichtenstein
- grandmother of Sarah Lichtenstein
Howard Lipsius
- father of Barbara Schenk
George Stampfl
- father of Linda Schatten
Margot Dombrower
- grandmother of Steve Dombrower
Seymour Hirschfeld
- husband of Jeanne Hirschfeld
Ruthellen Holtz
- sister of Andrew Levenbaum
To Evan Glass and family, on the death of his
father, Michael Glass, on November 30, 2014.
To Linda Greenwald and family, on the death of
her mother, Jeanette Gollon,
on December 6, 2014.
To Fran Simowitz and family,
on the death of her brother, Aaron Goldberg,
on December 13, 2014.
To Cecelia Stuchin and family,
on the death of her husband, Sid Stuchin,
on January 27, 2015.
To Carol Lipman and family,
on the death of her mother,
Pearl Rayer, on January 30, 2015.
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Hours: Monday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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(631) 423-WINE
Fax: (631) 423-9465
Photography by Ilene
Bar & Bat Mitzvahs
-Sweet SixteensSpecial Events
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Ilene Kaufman Messina
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Non-Profit Org.
660 Park Avenue
Huntington, NY 11743
Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
Rabbi Emeritus Barton Shallat
Cantor Alison Lopatin
Cantor Emerita Sandra Sherry
Director of Education - Diane Berg
Bʼnei Mitzvah Trainer - Lenny Thaw
President - Marcia Schwalb
Tel.: 631-421-5835 • Fax: 631-421-1224
For all your hearing needs or to contact Dr. Melanie Herzfeld, Au.D
113 Crossways Park Dr., Ste 101 Woodbury, NY 11797
516-364-0011 •
Huntington, NY
Permit No. 158