renewal of space and spirit


renewal of space and spirit
Holy Blossom TEMPLE
Summer 2016
High Holy Days 5777
Adult First Service Family Service Adult Second Service Adult Contemplative Service
6:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 pm Sanctuary
Youth Chapel
Youth Chapel
Adult First Service 8:30 am Family Services 9:00 am Adult Second Services 11:30 am Family Second Service 11:30 am Little Blossoms (5 and under) 2:00 pm Young Readers (ages 6-8) 2:00 pm Sanctuary
PSCH or Youth Chapel
Sanctuary or PSCH
Youth Chapel
Youth Chapel
Adult Service Family Service Taschlich 10:00 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm Sanctuary
Cedarvale Ravine – Markdale Entrance
Ceremony 10:00 am Brimley Road Cemetery
Adult Services Family Service Adult Services Teen Service 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 pm 9:00 pm Sanctuary or PSCH
Youth Chapel
Sanctuary or PSCH
Youth Chapel
Family Services 8:30 am Adult Service 10:30 am Adult Service 11:00 am Young Professionals Service 11:00 am Family Service 11:30 am Study Sessions 2:00 pm Little Blossoms (5 and under) 2:15 pm Young Readers (ages 6-8) 2:15 pm Adult Services / Yizkor 3:30 pm Neilah approx.6:00 pm PSCH or Youth Chapel
Activity Room
Youth Chapel
Various Locations
Youth Chapel
Sanctuary or PSCH
Sanctuary or PSCH
PSCH - Philip Smith Congregational Hall
www.holyblossom .org
From Optimism To Confidence 4
TERUMAH: Our New Membership Model 5
Directory Of Community Engagement 6
A More Open House 8
Young Families Can Bloom Here 10
Prophetic Judaism: Holy Blossom’s Roots 11
Renewal Project Update 12
Interview: Debbie Spiegel 14
Thank You to our Congregation 16
Our Congregational Family 17
Welcome to our New Members 20
can blossom here
Come grow with us and enjoy all our
congregation has to offer. These first
Cover photo taken by Jim Wescott, Facilities Manager
steps are just the beginning of lifelong
learning in your family’s Jewish journey.
Let us be your spirit
from home, where w
of belonging for you
strong Jewish ident
From Optimism
to Confidence
Rabbi Yael Splansky
I’ve noticed a shift in Temple life. Pesach seemed to usher
in a new season of confidence for our congregation. Many
people had been working diligently for many months or
years on a number of fronts in the areas of our Renewal
Project, Membership, and Education in particular. All at
once, we seem to have turned a corner from optimism to
confidence. As significant pieces of the puzzle click into
place, no longer do we tell one another: We can do this.
Now we say: We are doing this.
This is surprising. Why, if the menorah was too complex
for human hands did God give Moses the instruction
in the first place? To teach that in every worthy human
endeavor, no matter how big or small, no matter how
simple or sacred, there is an element of the Divine. God’s
hand is in all our works. We plan and push, we strive
and strategize, we raise the roof and raise the funds, but
our work is only made successful and secure with God’s
Spritual Confidence
How Far We Have Come
Throughout Israel we see signs with the word: Bitachon.
It means Security. Security is priority number one in
Israel, but what does it mean? Bitachon is also a religious
concept meaning confidence beyond the physical,
confidence in God. We are the most secure when the
spiritual dimensions of faith, trust, and peace are acquired
in addition to physical safety. Our history is filled with
examples of individual Jews and entire communities
that were physically threatened, but walked through life
confidently, because they knew God’s nearness.
When I first became the Senior Rabbi I said my job was
to first stabilize, then to mobilize our congregation. With
countless partners and leaders we have done just that.
We now have the confidence to roll out future-facing
initiatives in the areas of both Space and Spirit. We aren’t
afraid to experiment and even take some measured
risks for the sake of securing the next generation. We are
literally investing millions in them, providing for them as
our predecessors once provided for us.
The original building project was the Mishkan, the
portable sanctuary we carried with us throughout our
journey from Egypt to Eretz Yisrael. The Torah describes
in great detail how the monies and materials were
raised, who was the architect and who was the designer,
who were the craftsmen and women. It was a physical
labour of love shared by all the people. However, there
is one essential moment of Bitachon, when the project
was shown to be in partnership with the Divine. The
seven-branched menorah was intricate in its design; the
lighting oil rested in seven cups shaped like flowers, holy
blossoms. Moses couldn’t fathom it. Even after God
explained in elaborate detail, demonstrated in a model
of fire, Moses was still perplexed, insecure. Rashi teaches
that God then said to Moses, “Now throw a lump of gold
into the fire and it will form by itself.”
From Stabilize to Mobilize to Galvanize. That’s what’s
next. Our Renewal of Space and Spirit must reach every
congregant and every would-be congregant. We are
keeping our promise of a warm welcome and an inclusive
spirit, so that young and old can find a true home here.
The greatest thing you can do now is encourage a friend,
neighbour, relative or colleague to join you at Holy
Blossom. This is a very exciting time in the life of our
congregation. Moses’ lump of gold is thrown into the
fire. What will emerge with God’s blessing? An exquisite
menorah of holy blossoms, capable of radiant light.
I look forward to being with you throughout the summer
– especially at our outdoor services – and with great
anticipation, I imagine our annual reunion for the High
Holydays. Physical demolition may be underway, but
spiritual uplift and community-building, and confidence
is on the rise.
With an Eye to the High Holy Days
Holy Blossom Temple
This time last year, we began our exciting new outreach
to Young Professionals. Holy Blossom changed the
way we connect with our youngest adult members,
aged 18 to 30. We now offer membership directly
to each young person, and then maintain a personal
connection throughout the year. Since last September,
the Young Professionals have held events inside Temple
and beyond. They have met directly with the Board, to
suggest how to strengthen their cohort. They will be
part of our future.
Our future requires as well that our current members
find meaning, joy and support in their Jewish lives at
Holy Blossom.
And our Congregation’s future depends on reaching
out successfully to those just beginning their families.
Young families whose eldest child is aged 8 or
younger are the focus this year of our re-visioning
of membership, with a model called “Terumah”.
That means ”gift of the heart”. It comes from Torah,
when our ancestors’ gifts enabled the building of the
Tabernacle, their portable synagogue. Today it describes
the gift we receive as a community from the young
families who choose to join us.
This bold new vision of membership is the result of a
great deal of listening to this cohort and their parents
and learning about the ways in which these families
connect with Jewish communal life. While being
absolutely open - more open than ever before – about
the cost of running a synagogue (you will all have seen
this in your membership package), we recognize that
young parents today face heavy financial burdens. And
so, we encourage them to contribute as much as they
can toward the cost of operating our synagogue. We
provide guidelines for ways to decide on an amount, if
the full share is too much. The decision is that of the
Bulletin • Summer 2016
Joan Garson
family. We believe (and have undertaken research that
demonstrates) that most of those who can, will choose
to pay the full cost of membership. Whether they
choose to pay that amount, or pay less, we welcome
them fully. The future we build together will, we hope,
be long and rewarding. It may include a time when the
full cost of membership will be within reach.
Our community is surrounded by a large group of
families with young children. Many of these families
celebrate Tot Shabbat, or attend Little Blossoms… their
earliest family memories include Holy Blossom, and
yet they are not our members. When a family chooses
not to join us as members, or leaves, it is a family
lost to our shared Congregational future. In the past,
this age group disproportionately sought dues relief,
or left when they reached the age of full membership
dues. Our survival and growth as a Congregation is
enormously strengthened if we can welcome these
families who surround us, into our Congregation, and
maintain the membership we have now. To do that, we
learned we needed to change, and with the Terumah
model, we have.
Our Temple Board of Directors, with the leadership
of our membership department chair Cheryl Sylvester,
supported by our Rabbis and many volunteers,
unanimously approved the Terumah model. We all
know it represents a risk, of course. We pictured a
future without young families, and knew that future
was unacceptable. We chose to implement a vision
which we hope will fill - refill - our halls with children.
This change is accompanied by changes in our
Congregation’s touches with this cohort, from the
moment we celebrate a wedding, to a naming or bris,
to Little Blossoms, education, and on to bar and
bat mitzvah. We have added new staff and new staff
cont. +
positions, committed rabbinic resources, and opened our
hearts to welcome these families.
The future success of this outreach will also need your
support as Congregants. Please share names of young
families whom we can welcome and encourage to connect
with Holy Blossom. Whether the names you share are
new names, or children of members, we want to know
them all. Please contact Tema Smith, our new Director
of Community Engagement, or Rabbi Helfman, or any
member of Temple leadership. And all of us need to
demonstrate, as we support our Renewal of Space, that
young families are a key part of our Renewal of Spirit.
Director of
It’s a big title —
and one that I am thrilled to be taking up
I take a lot of inspiration from a community that I discovered
quite by accident while I was living and studying in Israel — the
CouchSurfing community. What is that, you ask? CouchSurfing
is an online community of travellers who open their homes to
fellow travellers. As a host and as a guest, I’ve welcomed and been
welcomed by dozens of people from all around the world, some of
whom I’ve developed lasting friendships with after sharing just a
few days.
CouchSurfing is about more than simply travelling on the cheap.
It is dedicated to building connections and forming relationships
among people with something in common: the love of travel.
They community thrives by following five simple rules:
Share Your Life - Couchsurfing is about sharing your life, your
experiences, your journey, your home, your extra almonds or a
majestic sunset. We believe that the spirit of generosity, when
applied liberally, has the power to profoundly change the world.
Create Connection - Connection makes us happier; we need
more of it. Connecting with and accepting the kindness of
“strangers” strengthens our faith in each other and helps us all
become better people.
Offer Kindness - Tolerance, respect and appreciation for
differences are embodied in kindness.
Stay Curious We appreciate and share a desire to learn about one
another, about the world and about how we can grow as people
and become better global citizens through travel.
Leave It Better Than You Found It - This applies to the world, to
relationships, to your host’s home or to the sidewalk you meander
down on your way to the coffee shop. We’re here to make the
world better, to enhance each other’s lives and to become stronger
in that purpose by coming together.
It is this attitude that I carry with me into my work in the
Jewish community. My role is that of a connector — to use the
highway metaphor that has become popular in Jewish professional
Holy Blossom Temple
At Limmud (UK, 2009)
with representatives of
the international Limmud
circles, I am here to provide an easily accessible on-ramp to
all that the community has to offer, and to provide a merge
lane for those who are already here who are looking to deepen
their involvement and experience. I love talking to people and
hearing their stories and connecting them to meaningful Jewish
opportunities — be they social, worship-based, or educational.
In addition to working with people who are already within the
community, I am especially interested in reaching people who
don’t know how to begin to connect — often-times, interfaith
families, or the adult children of intermarriage, racially diverse
families and individuals, and other under-engaged or exploring
Jews. These people are often looking for meaningful Jewish
life but do not know where to start. I also love working with
communal professionals and volunteers to make sure that, when
a connection is made, the community knows how to meet these
people where they are and welcome them with open arms.
article by
Tema Smith
I have worked with two organizations in particular that have
given me the tools to work with these groups. I have trained
with Big Tent Judaism (formerly the Jewish Outreach Institute),
an organization dedicated to reaching out to unaffiliated Jews,
especially those in intermarried households. I also work with
and represent in Toronto an organization called Be’chol Lashon,
which means In Every Tongue. Be’chol Lashon builds networks
of global Jewish leaders, strengthens diverse Jewish communities
around the world, educates Jews and the general public about
Jewish diversity, and encourages people of diverse backgrounds
who are interested in Judaism to find a home in the community.
What connects us all is that we find meaning in Jewish life.
What that meaning is, though, is different for each of us. I look
forward to meeting many of you over my time here at Holy
Blossom — please do not hesitate to drop by my office so we can
chat over a cup of tea. I can’t wait to hear your story!
Me (from left to right) at the
Be’chol Lashon International
Thinktank (2013) with Rabbi
Ruth Abusch-Magder, Rabbi
Juan Mejia and Rabbi
Gershom Sizomu
Bulletin • Summer 2016
A More Open House
June 17, 2016
Holy Blossom Temple
Thank you to Judy Nyman for contributing
many of the photos taken at A More Open
House and seen throughout this Bulletin.
Bulletin • Summer 2016
can blossom here
Come grow with us and enjoy all our
congregation has to offer. These first
steps are just the beginning of lifelong
learning in your family’s Jewish journey.
Let us be your spiritual home away
from home, where we can offer a sense
of belonging for your family, and a
strong Jewish identity for your children.
• A vibrant community of young families
just like yours
Start young! We make it easy to have fun
and meaningful Jewish experiences with
your little ones – simply come and we’ll
do the rest:
• Led by Rabbis with young families of
their own
• Jewish heritage with contemporary
• Join us for Family First Fridays,
Tot Shabbat, Shabbat morning Family
Services, Little Blossom’s young family
Havdalah evenings. Services your kids
will love.
• Modern new facilities underway will
be a beautiful backdrop for your family’s
future Jewish gatherings and special
• Sunday morning religious school with
educational stories, music and arts and
crafts. Hands-on Mitzvah Day and Kids’
Mitzvah Club, and more.
• Engaging musicians at children’s
services that thrill our littlest “Blossoms”
• Learn with our Parent Education
Program “PEP” talks and join Chavurot
to “do Jewish” with a small group
of other young families.
We respect each young family’s unique
stage in life. Partnering with Holy
Blossom through our new Young
Families Membership Plan for families
whose oldest child is 8 or younger helps
balance the needs of your family with
support for our congregation.
Based on Terumah — “Gifts from the
Heart” — this personalized approach to
membership lets each family determine
a membership contribution that works
for them. And just like all Temple
membership contributions, you can
make them on a monthly basis and
will receive a full tax receipt.
We’d love to hear from you, and would
be happy to answer any questions!
“It’s a busy time of
life raising young boys,
and we are so grateful to have
Holy Blossom partner with us as
we nurture a love of Jewish
traditions and faith. Here, we have
a feeling of community for our
family at every stage.”
– Sarah and David
416.789.3291 ext.232
Holy Blossom Temple
article by
Rabbi Michael Satz
When I first started as associate rabbi two years ago, my office
was opposite the pictures of Holy Blossom Temple’s senior rabbis
of the past (and present). Everyday, I would come up the grand
staircase in humility as I looked at these men (and one woman).
I am inspired everyday by their dedication to our historic
congregation, but I am also inspired because they knew that their
service to Holy Blossom did not only occur in our walls. These
rabbis knew that Judaism also happens in the streets of Toronto
will need, and have organized themselves into different groups
to help with housing, medical needs, and education. The
congregation has also held education sessions to learn about the
plight of refugees and what Canada is doing in response.
Holy Blossom Temple, along with many other synagogues in the
GTA, has really come together to confront the immediate crisis
of Syrian refugees, we also continue to do our ongoing important
work to alleviate the effects of poverty in Toronto.
Our Out of the Cold shelter, co-chaired this year Jill
Witkin and Shari Wilson, completed its twentieth
season this spring. For twenty-two weeks from the
fall to the spring 425 volunteers served 2,640 meals
to our guests and about forty guests per week slept
over. We provide entertainment, healthcare advise,
and a marketplace of donated items for those in
need. Holy Blossom’s Out of the Cold has a reputation of being
one of the most welcoming and generous programs in the city.
Prophetic Judaism:
Holy Blossom’s Roots
and in the corridors of power. Judaism is about study, prayer,
and family, and it is about being part of society and bringing
our values to that society. Our rabbis led this congregation to
fight for peace and to fight against poverty, to fight for human
rights and to fight against hatred, and to bring Canadians of all
faiths together. Holy Blossom Temple has taken the words of our
prophets very seriously, and we continue to do so today.
This past year of 5776 has been one of renewal. As we renovate
our space, we have also been going through spiritual renewal. I
believe that any Jewish renewal needs to go back to roots to be
able to move forward. In the 70’s many Holy Blossom members
were very instrumental in welcoming Vietnamese refugees to
Toronto. They took the Torah imperative to not oppress the
stranger as a core value, and they summoned their empathy
because we as Jews know what it means to be a
stranger and refugee. Because of our history
of sponsoring refugees (and again in the
90’s with the wars in the Balkans),
many congregants felt that we had
an imperative to sponsor Syrian
refugees. Under the leadership
of Jacqueline Friedland, families
and individuals have raised
tens of thousands of dollars to
sponsor two families to come
to Toronto to be reunited with
their family already living here.
Dozens of volunteers have collected
the household items that the families
Bulletin • Summer 2016
Feeding the hungry is core to Holy Blossom’s social action
mission, and we do it well, and yet poverty rates continue to
grow in Toronto. Under the leadership of Bob Charendoff, Jeff
Baker, and Jascha Jabes, we are exploring partnerships in the city
and province with groups like Ve’ahavta, Dixon Hall, Faith in
the City, and the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition
(ISARC) to address the underlying issues of poverty.
On June 6, 2016, in conjunction with the Religious Action
Center of Reform Judaism, we held the a program called “How
to Be a Jewish Advocate”. Isaac Nuell of the RAC, along with
local activists and advocates Tom Chervinsky of Canadians for
Clean Prosperity, Joe Abbey-Colborne of Faith in the
City, Anne Woolger of Matthew House, and
Steve MacDonald of CIJA led discussions on
poverty, refugees and Israel and how we
can take the good work that we do at
Holy Blossom one step further to try
to solve social issues in Canada.
I hope that the coming year of 5777
will be one of continued service to
our community, and I hope to we
will begin to build coalitions of like
minded people to be engaged with
our society in the spirit of our Holy
Blossom roots.
Atrium Construction is
If you’ve recently dropped into Holy Blossom, and we certainly
encourage you to do so, you’ll undoubtedly have noticed some
exciting physical changes to our campus. Our general contractor,
Pomerleau Inc., has arrived on site (in a very big way) and Phase
1 Atrium construction has officially begun. The photos you see
on this page provide the visual evidence of the hard work that
hundreds of our committed Renewal Project volunteers have put
in to get us to this incredibly joyous time in the long and storied
history of our synagogue.
The first noticeable signs of the work are the construction
hoarding, fencing and other protective barriers Pomerleau
has erected, in order to secure the site for safety. In addition,
Pomerleau has created an extensive covered walkway connecting
the Main
Sanctuary (via doors on the
east side of the Herman
Chapel) with the
School Wing –
the temporary
home of all of
the Temple’s
and people –
through our
new entrance
doors off
the Ava Road
parking lot.
These new doors open into the former Boardroom Foyer and
they’ll serve as our primary entrance to Temple for the duration
of Phase One construction – which is currently estimated to run
until near the end of 2017.
What this means is that the older portion of the building has
been completely emptied of all contents and sealed off – with the
exception, of course, of the Main Sanctuary. The School Wing
can now be accessed either by taking our new elevator just off
the entrance doors or by using the stairs at the west end of the
Boardroom. Clergy, membership and development staff can be
found on the third floor; school and youth staff are housed on
the second floor; and accounting and administration are located
in the northwest corner of the first floor.
Interior exploratory demolition of this older portion of the
building has begun and more noticeable exterior demolition is in
our very near future … as we make way for our transformative,
light-filled Atrium and the rest of our Phase 1 spaces: our new
Library, Café, Youth Lounge, Administrative Wing and much,
much more, all in a LEED Silver Certified environmentallyfriendly building.
Want to be reminded of how great our renewed Holy Blossom is
going to look? You can refresh your memory but following this
link to our conceptual renderings and floor plans: holyblossom.
W elcome to
Holy Blossom Temple
Holy Blossom Temple
off to a Great Start!
How will the High Holy
Days be affected by this?
The short answer is: not too much at all.
Please be assured that all High Holy Day services and
programming will remain onsite at 1950 Bathurst Street. We’ll
be using the Main Sanctuary, Philip Smith Congregational Hall,
3rd floor Youth Chapel, and various other spaces within our
School Wing. The construction zone will be organized, cleaned
up and completely segregated from our public spaces during the
whole of the High Holy Day period. At the time of this writing,
specific services and room assignments are still being finalized,
so please look for more information during the summer months
in our bi-weekly Life at Holy Blossom email blasts and in your
High Holy Day information and ticket package, arriving in
Any more questions?
We h a v e a n s w e r s .
As always, we thank you for your continued
patience and support for our Renewal Project.
If you have any further questions, please click on
our FAQs anytime at Or drop us a line at renewal@ and we’ll do our best to answer
2. Hoarding and ESC measures installed on north side of project site
removed promptly.
and turned over to HBT
“May you be blessed in your comings and goings.”
(Deuteronomy 28:6)
ְּ ‫ ָךֶ תא‬,‫ ָךֶ ּו ְֵֹּב;בּוַ ָבּו ֵָּ ַתא‬,‫ָךַ ָבּו ֵָּ ַתא‬
“May you be blessed in your comings and goings.”
(Deuteronomy 28:6)
Bulletin • Summer 2016
Debbie Spiegel
The Department of Education at Holy Blossom Temple works
with the entire community to strengthen and promote all its
educational opportunities. Judy Winberg serves as the chairman
of the department. Under her guidance, creativity and expertise,
the Department of Education works to offer our community
excellence in all facets of learning.
I had the opportunity to sit down with Debbie Spiegel, the
Director of Education to discuss the new and exciting program
changes both in the past and upcoming years at Holy Blossom.
This is what Debbie shared with me….
Early Childhood Centre
Our Early Childhood Centre (ECC) is an icon of the Toronto
Jewish Community. Holy Blossom has been fortunate to offer
both 2 and 3 year old programs to the little minds that can
grow up to do amazing things. “I have the pleasure of seeing
smiling faces each day and to hear the pitter patter of toddler
feet in our hallways”. These little minds bring happiness to
everyone in the Education office when they listen to the
laughter and song that exudes from the ECC classrooms.
Pam Hamovitch, the Director of the ECC for the past
17 years, retires in June. However, as Debbie said, “we
are extremely fortunate to have engaged Jessica Lipinski
as our new director of the ECC. We look forward to
her success, along with the continued achievements of
our wonderful and dedicated teachers, who continue
to work hard and show enthusiasm and care towards the
young ones”.
Holy Blossom will also continue to offer the Little Blossoms
program for children 0-24 months, which is a Friday preShabbat program. These Little Blossoms have the ability to fill
their day with music, singing, instruments and challah. Not
only do they get a taste of Shabbat, but they are surrounded by
a social and caring environment to begin their socialization into
higher levels of programs. The success of this program is allowing
us to strive to expand to another day in the week.
“Thank you to all those involved in the Early Childhood Centre
programs, and for all those little ones who continue to inspire
those around them each day”.
article by
Sydney Dubin
Camp George Summer Intern
Youth Education Centre
is NOT Religious school
In the past, children have complained and insisted that Hebrew
school was boring and many didn’t feel invested in their learning.
For many parents, they may have had bad memories in their
own religious school experience, which ultimately can affect
their child’s. However, we are rebranding our concept of religious
school. Although we may call it
the same thing, it becomes
a misnomer because it is
definitely not the same
experience of the 80s
or 90s, it’s new. With
the ever so changing
teachers, attitudes
and experiences,
these important ideals
ultimately make the
experience different from
those of their parents and
past students. Having that as a
Holy Blossom Temple’s religious school is not
what it was, and the Youth Education Centre encompasses both
the formal and informal ways of experiencing education. Classes
do not only exist within the 4 walls of a classroom, but through
youth activities, field trips, hands on social action projects such as
packing at the Passover Food Drive, as well giving back to others
through acts of tzedakah.
A number of years ago we added a a full JK program on to
Holy Blossom Temple
Three Generations of
ECC: Lorraine Sandler
(ECC Director of HBT
Pre-School for 18 years),
Pam Hamovitch (ECC
Director 17 years)
Jessica Lipinski...
incoming Director!
our Sunday mornings that allowed little footsteps and ideas to
enter the temple. Similarly, we have continued to make changes
to our schedules, such as starting formal Hebrew language in
grade 2, the grade 6 students are now a part of the senior school
to prepare them for their B’nai Mitzvah, students in grade 10
continue to participate in Confirmation, which is said to be a
highlight of their Jewish education, and the student teacher/
madrichim program continues to thrive. As we prepare for the
upcoming year, the application process is much easier, with our
online forms which are now connected to our new Temple wide
database program.
For upcoming fall of 2016,
we have
school which proved to be extremely successful. Therefore, we
are hoping to expand and produce a new after school program
called “Art with the Masters” with grades 2-5. An experienced
and talented artist, Sandra Merovic who is a valued teacher in
our Youth Education Centre will be offering this program in the
upcoming school year.
“Jewish Teen Experience Midtown”, also known as JTEM is a
really exciting program for our students in grades 8-12 that is in
collaboration with Beth Tzedec Congregation and Beth Sholom
Synagogue. Students will gather for Jewish educational learning,
social experiences, and an overall great time each Monday
evening. All three buildings will be used for classes, each semester
the students will rotate buildings. Classes will run the gamut of
art, drama, science, technology, text study, and Hebrew
language. Students receive the flexibility of choosing
their own courses and being a part of a Jewish
Teen community.
All youth activities, under the leadership and
guidance of Lisa Isen Baumal are an integral
part of our students experience from grade 3
to 12. For more information on ANY Youth
Education Centre programs, contact Debbie
or Lisa.
many new exciting programs planned,
such as:
“Hebrew Playdate” is a new after school Hebrew
Language Immersion program for children in JK and SK.
Hebrew Playdate will incorporate the Hebrew language through
games, songs, dance and art. This programs allows the children
younger than grade 2 an ability to begin learning Hebrew
early on in their lives, and to hopefully continue this skill into
adulthood. We look forward to engaging our younger cohort in
after school programming during the week.
This past academic year we instituted a new art program in
Bulletin • Summer 2016
Adult Education
Debbie also coordinates the Schwartz/Reisman Centre
for Jewish Learning/adult education program along with
Rabbi Michael Satz and Les Rothschild, as chair. With the
collaboration of the great staff, endeavours to bring thoughtful
and quality programs to our adult community is able to be
successful. Courses include text study, Israel, social justice. “The
Centre for Contemporary Jewish Literature” under the guidance
of Cynthia Good and the “Centre for Arts and Culture” under
the guidance of Gillian Helfield bring excellence in all aspects of
literature and the arts to our community.
Thank You
Our 2016 Holy Blossom Congregational Appeal (HBCA) is underway.
As of the date of publication of this Bulletin, the Holy Blossom congregation has raised 50% of our goal,
thanks to the generosity of our loyal members. Your support of the HBCA helps ensure membership and
Religious School education are available for all those that wish to belong, including new families who
want to be part of our sacred community.
As we look towards the upcoming High Holy Days, we are encouraged by the response the HBCA has
already received – with many donors choosing to add an additional $160 to celebrate Holy Blossom
Temple’s 160th anniversary. We are heartened by the commitment of so many congregants and extend
a tremendous thank you to all who have already supported this year’s Appeal.
If you haven’t made your pledge yet – we still need your help and would greatly appreciate your gift.
We invite you to contribute, at whatever level is comfortable for you, so that we can meet and surpass
our best HBCA year ever when we achieved results exceeding $600,000. Remember, gifts of all
amounts are deeply valued, with the names of all donors of $600 or more proudly displayed on our
Donor Wall. The names of all HBCA donors are published in our Temple Bulletin and on our Website.
With your gift to the HBCA, we ensure Holy Blossom stays accessible, 365 days a year, to everyone,
regardless of financial circumstances. Our open spirit is a strong representation of our Holy Blossom
values and commitment to our community and membership.
If you have not yet made your contribution, you can do so
online, with your membership package, or by contacting
Cindy Zimmer at or by phone at
416.789.3291 ext. 229
Holy Blossom TEMPLE
A Planned Gift to the Holy Blossom Temple Foundation is an opportunity
to leave a legacy that will benefit the Temple and our community for
generations to come. Planned or deferred giving enables you to arrange a
contribution to the Temple in a manner that meets your personal, financial
and philanthropic objectives.
To learn more about making a creating a Holy Blossom Legacy Fund in
your name, through a bequest in your will, life insurance or any of the
other flexible options available, please contact Jonathan Ain, Director of
Development at 416.789.3291 ext. 249 or
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
Welcome to Our
Congregational Family
Mazal Tov
n Fred Zemans on receiving the Law Society Medal from the Law Society of Upper Canada.
n Harley Mintz, who received an honorary fellowship from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Eileen & David Berger on the birth
of a granddaughter, Louise Elka
Goodman-Berger. Proud parents
are Ilana Goodman-Berger & Joshua
Goodman-Berger. Other proud
grandparents are Mindy & Howard
Goodman. Proud great grandparents
are Claire Goodman and Gertie
Helena & David Fine on the birth
of a granddaughter, Ivy Rachel
Spragg. Proud parents are Ariella
Fine & Joseph Spragg. Other proud
grandparents are Jim & Lorraine
Spragg. Proud great grandparents are
Norma Rae; and Delbert Lewis.
Bonnie & Sheldon Hoppe, on the
birth of twin grandsons, Aiden
Cale Tepperman and Blake
Finley Tepperman. Proud parents
are Jordana Hoppe and Carey
Tepperman and brothers to Sammy. Other proud grandparents are
Bonnie & Jack Tepperman. Proud
great grandmothers are Janie Rigler;
Mary Hoppe; and Irene Tepperman.
Bonnie & Sheldon Hoppe on the
birth of a granddaughter Ellie Jade
Lewis. Proud parents are Adina
Hoppe and Greg Lewis. Other proud
grandparents are Michelle and Colin
Romain. Proud great grandmothers
are Janie Rigler; and Mary Hoppe.
Lauren & Gabriel Granatstein
on the birth of a daughter
Charlotte Reese Granatstein.
Proud grandparents are Judy &
Jack Winberg; Lynda Schneider
Granatstein and Billy Granatstein. Proud great grandparents are Jack &
Rhoda Granatstein; Marilyn & Bert
Winberg; and Sylvia Schneider.
Joan & Ray Moses, on the birth of
twin great grandsons, Charlie and
Jacob Larson and brothers’ to
Allen. Proud parents are Heather
Moses Larson & Robert Larson. Proud grandparents are Lil Nobel;
Janice & Jeff Moses; and Paula &
Ted Larson. Other proud great
grandmother is Bella Larson.
Janet & Michael Ryval on the birth
of a grandson, Thomas Matthew.
Proud parents are Jonathan Ryval
and Alta Karpenko, and brother to
Haley. Other proud grandparents
are Annis & Steve Karpenko. Proud
B’nei Mitzvah
great-grandparents are Jane & Walter
Karpenko; and Lee Campione.
Tobye and Sydney Sennet, on the
birth of a granddaughter, Charlotte
Sennet-Razmov. Proud parents
are Kelly Sennet- Razmov & Mark
Razmov. Other proud grandparents
are Sabina Razmov and Barry
Diana Shedletsky & Daniel
Steinberg on the birth of a daughter
Romy Meadow Steinberg and
brother to Damon Steinberg. Proud
grandparents are Anita & Ralph
Shedletsky; and Joanne & Michael
Steinberg. Proud great grandparents
are Elke Shedletsky; Eve Pascoe; and
Clara Steinberg.
Engagements &
Maddie Axelrod, daughter of Heather Shapiro & Terry
Axelrod, to David Kogan, son of Lilya Levitan & Naum
Kogan, who will be married in August 2016.
Alexander Bien, son of Barry Bien & Eyre Purkin Bien
to Nava Dabby, daughter of Joseph & Yolande Dabby
who will be married on June 30th 2016.
Lindsay Goodman
daughter of Lauren &
Mark Goodman
Sat., June 4, 2016
Julia Leese
daughter of Ora &
Michael Leese
Sat., June 4, 2016
Alexis Grossman
daughter of Jennifer
Grossman and Bob
Sat., June 11, 2016
In Memoriam..
n T homas Beck, husband of Marianne Beck; father
of Catherine Beck, Anthony Beck and Lydia
n Sheila Sloan Berkovitz, mother of Carol Kassel,
Howard Sloan and Allen Sloan, sister of Marion
n James (Jimmy) Burstein, husband of Goldie
Burstein; father of David Burstein and Candy
Burstein; brother of Edie Atkins Goodis and
Sandra Freeman
n Ruth Cait, mother of Joan Cait and Cherl-Anne
n Maxine Drevnig, wife of Victor Drevnig; mother
of Leslie Drevnig and Jennifer Drevnig; sister of
Marty Kaplan
n Fay Greenwood, mother of Evelyn Friesner and
Ronald Greenwood
Bulletin • Summer 2016
Joshua Kuper
son of Jocelyn & Shaul
Kuper –
Sat., June 18, 2016
Meghan Hendrickson
daughter of Lauren &
Tim Hendrickson
Sat., July 30, 2016
The congregation sympathizes with the recently bereaved. We remember:
n S
amuel Hamovitch, husband of Evelyn
Hamovitch, father of Greg Hamovitch, Nonnie
Hamovitch, Jonathan Hamovitch and Eric
n Alice Hershberg, mother of Dane Hershberg,
Richard Hershberg and Barbara Marr
n Ahuva Krieger, mother of Karine Krieger and
Orran Krieger
n Elaine Krohn Medwed, mother of Debbie
Spiegel, David Krohn, Judy Landau and Janet
n Sybil Litman, mother of Chuck Litman, Martin
Litman and Brian Litman
n Peggy Mahon, mother of Greg Mahon, Judy
Mahon, Mark Mahon, Mary Jo Ihor, Collen
Mahon, Tim Mahon and Brian Mahon
n Hershel Okun, father of Stephen Okun, Elana
Okun, Deanna Okun-Nachoff and Sharon Okun;
brother of Ellen Blankstein
n Barbara Organ, mother of Rob Organ, Julie
Paradis, Larry Organ and Michael Organ; sister of
Joy Wolfson
n Samuel Osak, husband of R
uth Osak; father
o f Diane Osak, Lisa Osak, Karen Osak and Paul
n Ruth Pelly
n Lionel Rubin, husband of Bobbie Taub Rubin;
father of Ronna Rubin, Gayle Rubin and Michael
n Harvey Schechter, husband of Laura Schechter;
father of Eileen Tichauer and Doreen Schechter
n Anna Steinberg, mother of Elen Steinberg and
Sam Steinberg, sister of Maya Liverant-Krakovsky
We thank our generous donors
Sami and James Cooper Youth
Award Fund
Marvin Zarnett, In Memory: Sami &
James Cooper
Jean Fine Seniors Fund
Esther & Harry Hands, Yahrzeit:
Sharon Clavir and Family; Cynthia &
Brian Hands and Family
Ethel List, In Honour: Toby & Gordon
Barbara Organ, In Memory: Gail &
Gary Goodman
Sheila Smolkin, In Honour: Mondays
@ the Temple
Peter Weinwurm, In Honour: Ruth
Floral Fund
Lauren & Mark Goodman on the
occasion of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter, Lindsay
Margot & David Greenberg on the
occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Jennifer Grossman on the occasion
of the Bat Mitzvah of her daughter, Lexi
Ora & Michael Leese on the occasion
of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter,
Candice & Philip Solomon on the
occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their
son, Jay
Gardner Family Fund
Allen Gardner, Yahrzeit: Dee-Dee &
Gary Shiffman and Family
Earl Gardner, Yahrzeit: Dee-Dee &
Gary Shiffman and Family
Gertrude Gardner, Yahrzeit: Dee-Dee
& Gary Shiffman and Family
The Pam Hamovitch ECC
Playground Improvement Fund
General Donation: Tammy
Hauerstock & Steven Bloom; Susan &
David Linds; The Swimmer Family
Pam Hamovitch, In Honour: Mary
Samuel Hamovitch, In Memory:
Debbie & Randy Spiegel
Holy Blossom Temple Adult
Education Fund
Judy Draimin, In Honour: Renata &
Arnold Somers
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Andrea Baltman and Family; Susan &
Barry Borden; Etta Ginsberg McEwan;
Drs. Elaine Herer & Stephen Holzapfel;
Shoshana Paice; Sheila Smolkin; Barbara
Thal-Hodes & Bob Hodes
Holy Blossom Temple Foundation
General Donation: Muriel Cohen
Morris Cooper, In Honour: Paul
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Randi & Alan Garfinkel
Janet & Michael Ryval, In Honour:
Anita & Michael Greenstein
Jackie & Michael Shulman, In
Honour: Wendy & Elliott Eisen
Holy Blossom Temple Renewal
General Donation: David Aaron
Cooper; Harvey Silver
Janice & Larry Babins, In Honour:
Joan Garson & David Baskin
Henry Thomas Beck, In Memory: Joan
Garson & David Baskin
Laurie Davis, In Honour: Carol
Crystal & Jeff Meilach
Zelda & Jeffrey Farber, In Honour:
The Beber Family
Joan Garson & David Baskin, In
Honour: Rosalie Sussman
Peggy Mahon, In Memory: Joan
Garson & David Baskin
Lindi Rivers, In Honour: Ellen Cole
Lionel Rubin, In Memory: Joan Garson
& David Baskin
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour:
Barbara & Richard Conway; Carol
Crystal & Jeff Meilach; Judy Nyman &
Harley Mintz
Judy & Jack Winberg, In Honour:
Joan Garson & David Baskin
Liz Wolfe & Paul Schnier, In Honour:
Joan Garson & David Baskin
Jacob’s Tower Fund
Gershon Bengershon, In Memory:
Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman
Florence & Sydney Cooper, In
Honour: Marilyn Shesko & David
Fahima Meranda, In Memory:
Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman
Freda Urbas, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Judy & Jack Winberg, In Honour: Jill
Hertzman and Anne Moranis
Sydney Jacobs Memorial Fund
Bikur Cholim, In Appreciation: Daisy
Dr. Jimmy Burskin, In Memory: Daisy
Sybil Litman, In Memory: Daisy
Joan Kerbel Leadership
Development Fund
Anne Dublin, In Honour: Holy
Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Helena Fine, In Honour: Holy
Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Judy Malkin, In Honour: Holy
Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Sandra Merovic, In Honour: Holy
Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Kiddish Fund
Geri & Norman Durbin and Sandi
& Larry Byers in honour of the
forthcoming marriage of Alyssa ByersHeinlein and Joshua Durbin
Library Fund
Ann MacPherson & Earl Bederman,
In Honour: Kathy & Maurice Green
Rabbi Dow & Fredzia Marmur
Program for Educational Excellence
Rabbi Dow & Fredzia Marmur, In
Honour: Sheila Smolkin; Virginia &
Carl Solomon
Musical Heritage Fund
Hani Blobstein, In Memory: Mary
Debbie & Steven Chris, In Honour:
Janet & Howard Goldstein
Helena & David Fine, In Honour:
Joanne & Kevin Roher
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Mary Seldon
Judy Nyman, In Appreciation: Walter
Uri Priwes, In Honour: Janet &
Michael Ryval
Judy Sarick, In Memory: Brenda &
Fred Saunders
Sandi Schafer, In Honour: Mari Lynn
Peter Weinwurm, In Honour: Rabbi
Teri Appleby & Jon Leo; Nancy & Peter
Musical Legacy Fund
Sybil Litman, In Memory: Mary
Out of the Cold Fund
General Donation: Susan Fleisher and
Larry Cornblum; Forest Hill Lions Club
Harry Armel, Yahrzeit: Susan Berman
Jeff Axler, In Honour: Kathy &
Maurice Green
Leo Berman, Yahrzeit: Susan Berman
and Family
Murray Corlett, In Memory: Sharon
& Lorne Tashis
Anna Flancman, Yahrzeit: Sharon
Herman and Family
Lola Foster, In Memory: Bernice
Bernard Herman, Yahrzeit: Sharon
Herman and Family
Ethel Koranyi, Yahrzeit: Susan Berman
and Family
Nicholas Koranyi, Yahrzeit: Susan
Berman and Family
Sybil Litman, In Memory: Randi &
Alan Garfinkel; Marilyn Hahn
Barbara Organ, In Memory: Sheila
Bacher; Susan & Barry Borden; Joy &
Charles Cohen; Janice & Rob Danson;
Mary Ellen Dillon; Ruth & Bob Ehrlich;
Marilyn Hahn; Kivvit; Linda Pack; Ann
& Gary Posen; Sheila Smolkin; Tema
Title; Dorothy & William Wolfson
Al Rayson, In Memory: Gerald Sheff &
Shanitha Kachan
Esther Spaget, In Memory: Gail &
Gary Goodman
Hartley Steinberg, Yahrzeit: Nancy
Prussky & Ronald Steinberg; Eleanor
Myrtle Wise, In Memory: Mala
Prayer Book Fund
General Donation: Margot & David
Dr. Yoel Abells, In Honour: Judy
Breuer and Family
Project Tikvah Fund
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Gail & Barry Silver
Rabbis’ Discretionary Funds
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour:
Sandra & Jerry Chapnik; Ruth & Bob
Ehrlich; Zita Gardner; Joanne Weigen;
Lenka Weksberg; Diane & Jonathan
Wilson and Family
Rabbi Michael Satz, In Honour:
Barbara Thal-Hodes & Bob Hodes
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Honour: Helena & David Fine; Ellen
Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In
Honour: Joanne Weigen
Helen Dublin, In Memory (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Anne
Morris Dublin, In Memory (Cantor
Benjamin Z. Maissner’s discretionary
fund): Anne Dublin
Dr. Nathan Morrow, In Honour
(Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary
fund): Pauline Morrow and Family
Melba & Oscar Pollack, In Memory
(Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary
fund): Sydney & Richard Krelstein and
Laura & Sidney Schipper, In Memory
(Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary
fund): Robert Schipper and Family
Shirley & Leon Tessler, In Honour
(Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary
fund): Ronnie Winberg
Sandy & Lionel Waldman, In Honour
(Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary
fund): Lloyd Duckman
Peter Weinwurm, In Honour (Rabbi
Yael Splansky’s discretionary fund):
Lloyd Duckman
Peter Weinwurm, In Honour
(Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers’
discretionary fund): Anne Dublin
Nancy Ruth Educational Fund
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Nancy Ruth
Sam Ruth, Yahrzeit: Etta Ginsberg
Shacharit Fund
General Donation: Tere & Alberto
Quiroz; Val & Arieh Waldman
Sandra Banks, In Memory: Elaine &
Marvin Givertz
Sheila Berkovitz, Yahrzeit: Carole &
Bill Kamel and Family
Harry Cash, Yahrzeit: Lillian & Dr.
Stanley Cash and Family
Meryl Cole, Yahrzeit: Michael Cole
and Family
Chaim Drujan, Yahrzeit: Judy Druyan
and Family
Martha Drujan, Yahrzeit: Judy Druyan
and Family
David Dunkelman, Yahrzeit: Toby
Dunkelman and Family
Robert Fishman, In Honour: Susan &
Dr. Brian Fishman
Anna Flancman, Yahrzeit: Sharon
Herman and Family
William Frohman, Yahrzeit: Amanda
Saul Greenwood, Yahrzeit: Ruth Ellen
& Sheldon Greenwood
Ethel Grossman, Yahrzeit: Barbara
Grossman and Family
Joel Gruberman, Yahrzeit: Judith
Michael Hart, Yahrzeit: Jill Kamin &
Murray Hart and Family
Bernard Herman, Yahrzeit: Wendy
Eisen and Family; Carole Zucker and
Charles Hershfield, Yahrzeit: Ruth
Ellen & Sheldon Greenwood
Lionel Joseph, In Memory: Russ
Holy Blossom Temple
Wolf Kampelmacher, Yahrzeit: Judy
Druyan and Family
Ida (Ina) Katz, Yahrzeit: Cheryl Renee
Toby Fay Klapman, Yahrzeit: Shirley
& Leon Tessler
Nathan Kleinman, In Memory:
Kleinman Family
Anna Kurlender, In Memory: Claudia
Blumberger & Sidney Troister
Laszlo Lantos, Yahrzeit: Aggie Lantos,
Robert Lantos and Family
Magda Letai, In Memory: Robert
Lantos and Family
Pearl & Jay Lipsey, Yahrzeit: Helen
Drusilla Manny, Yahrzeit: Cheryl
Vivienne Manny, Yahrzeit: Cheryl
Martin Offman, Yahrzeit: Leslie &
Allan Offman
Charles Palef, In Memory: Barbara &
John Greenberg
Nathan Peck, In Memory: Wendy &
Ronnie Peck and Family
David Rigler, Yahrzeit: Bonnie &
Sheldon Hope and Family; Janie Rigler
Elka Rubenstein, Yahrzeit: Eileen &
David Berger and Family
Henry Sager, Yahrzeit: Adele Sager and
Dr. Shia Salem, Yahrzeit: Jocelyne
Salem and Family
Arnold Sandler, Yahrzeit: Tracey
Sandler & Ken Herlin and Family
Ella Schaefer Sax, Yahrzeit: Julia &
Michael Sax
Abraham Schwartz, Yarhzeit: Franci
Sniderman and Family
Henry Seldon, Yahrzeit: Mary Seldon
and Family
Alexander Shapiro, Yahrzeit: Cheryl
Madeira & Bill Shapiro and Family
Frank Shapiro, Yahrzeit: Heather
Shapiro and Family; Bill Shapiro and
Benjamin Shekter, Yahrzeit: Lorie
Shekter Wolfson; Mark Shekter; Rhona
Shekter Muirhead; Richard Shekter
Max Shrier, Yahrzeit: Joni & Eric
Eisenberg and Family
Molly Shoichet, Yahrzeit: Shirley &
Leon Tessler
William Shoichet, Yahrzeit: Shirley &
Leon Tessler
Adele & Samuel Silver, In Memory:
Myrna Freedman
Joe Tessler, Yahrzeit: Shirley & Leon
Deborah Troister, In Memory:
Claudia Blumberger & Sidney Troister
Donna Uster, Yahrzeit: Rosie & John
Anne Wein, Yahrzeit: Jill & Solomon
Wein and Family
Graham Wilansky, Yahrzeit: Judith
Mozah Zeemans, Yahrzeit: Joyce &
Fred Zemans
Bella Caplan & Paul Dahlstrand;
Doreen & Joe Kronick; Karen S. Levy;
Paula & Allen Mitchell; Arlene Roth;
Temple Beth Elohim
Gerry Sigler, In Memory: Janet &
Michael Ryval
Cantor Jodi Sufrin, In Honour:
Lauren J. Komack; Judy & Paul Zorfass
Gordon and Linda Wolfe Family
Youth Award Endowment Fund
Gordon Wolfe, Yahrzeit: Etta Ginsberg
Young Professionals Fund
General Donation: Carole & Jay
Youth Awards Fund
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Marlene Myerson; Judy & Jack Winberg
Lindi Rivers, In Honour: Joan Garson
& David Baskin; Gail Gerstein; Ellen
Jackie & Michael Shulman, In
Honour: Rosalind & Stan Witkin
Youth Engagement Fund
Elaine Krohn Medwed, In Memory:
Janice & Larry Babins; Meredith
Englander & Jason Spetter; Pam & Greg
Hamovitch; Jane & Rob Herman; Ellen
Social Action Fund
Fred Zemans, In Honour: Nancy Ruth
Syrian Refugee Relief
General Donation: Mark & Shelley
Diamond; Michael & Janette Diamond;
Bulletin •• December
Summer 2016
Our Rabbis
and Cantors,
June 2016
We are delighted to welcome the following new members to Holy Blossom Temple:
· Arthur-Elie Gr ynbaum
· Bernie & Hilar y Davis
· Isaac & Barbara Givon
· John & Kathy Morrissey
· Richard Brott
· Wendy Ellis
· Yotam Dor & Caitlin MacLeod
A More Open House
June 17, 2016
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
416.789.3291 •