You(th). Here. Always.


You(th). Here. Always.
Holy Blossom TEmPlE
December 2015
You(th). Here. Always.
M a k i ng HBT Your Hom e
Fr iday, D e ce m b er 11,2015
Intergenerational Chanukah Party
4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
• Nosh on Latk es and Sufganiyot
• Spin the dreidel
• Create Chanuk ah craf ts
• Dance to Oozak azoo
• Join us as we light our communal menorah
Please let us k now if you plan to attend by
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 to Elana Fehler
efehler @holy blossom. org or 416. 789. 3291, ex t. 532.
Kabbalat Shabbat
6:00 p.m.
Neshama Car lebach and Josh Nelson join Cantor
Maissner on the bimah of our main sanctuar y for a
joyous Fr iday night ser vice.
The music we sing each week is deeply par t of who
Josh and Neshama are.
Come and hear them br ing it to life!
Shabbat Morning
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Torah Study : 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
A leading voice of the Israeli Movement for Progressive
Judaism, R abbi Nir B ar k in, will teach.
Shabbat Mor ning S er vices:
10:30 a.m.
S er vices will include a ser monette delivered by R abbi Er ic Yoffie ,
the immediate Past President of the Union for R efor m Judaism.
Seniors/Mondays at the Temple Chanukah Party
Monday, December 14, 2015
(the 8th day of Chanuk ah) 12:30 p.m. . Philip Smith Hall
Cost: $5 for Temple member s, $7 for non-member s
Lunch and a musical program with Cantor Maissner and
Lindi R iver s , accompanied by Nadia Adler.
An Excerpt from Senior Rabbi’s Address
Young Professionals Moving Forward
Youth Engagement Through Renewal
We Day
From Our Shinshinim
The Shinshin Experience
Holy Blossom - Our Home Away from Home
HAPSTY: Unlocking Community
Early Childhood Centre
Our Grade 6 Retreat
Holy Blossom Palooza
Our Congregational Family
Thank You to Our Congregational Appeal Donors
Welcome to our New Members
Want to share a comment about the Bulletin?
Email Robert Carnevale at
An Excerpt from Senior Rabbi’s Address
Holy Blossom Temple’s Annual General Meeting
November 2015/Kislev 5776
Rabbi Yael Splansky
A year ago I received an unexpected
call, an invitation to lead Shabbat
services for 5,000 people at the
next Biennial Convention of the Union for Reform Judaism.
I understood the message sent by way of that invitation -“Holy Blossom Temple is back in business.” Rabbi Rick Jacobs
and his leadership team wanted to send a message to all of
us here, saying: “We see what your congregation is up to and
we want to acknowledge that the Reform Movement and the
Jewish People, is strengthened by it.” Two short weeks ago
representatives of our leadership – some 30 strong – traveled
to Orlando for the Biennial. Wherever I went, people stopped
to say: “Holy Blossom is everywhere.” And I’d say: “Yes! And
we’re doing great.”
Renewed Strength
You know it has been a very trying year for me personally.
Thank God, I am doing well. I finished my treatment before
Simchat Torah, my energy is steadily returning, and my
doctors say: “Go and live your life.” So that’s what I’m doing.
There is regular maintenance and up-keep, of course, but
forward is the direction I’m facing. I mention it, first, because
I know you care and wonder and I thank you for that. Please
continue to keep me in your private prayers; they seem to
be working. And I mention it also because when I look back
on this year, it must be noted that despite my illness, it has
been a great year for Holy Blossom Temple. This speaks
volumes about the health of our congregation. We have strong
leadership -- and I mention Joan Garson in particular. We are
a synagogue community united. There is good will and good
momentum to carry us forward. Make no mistake; this is not
simple inertia. This does not “just happen.” There is drive and
determination, deliberate decision after deliberate decision for
when to be discriminating and when to be daring. This is how
we advance.
The Source of our Strength
We are likely living at a pivot point in Jewish history. We
need to study it well as we prepare our space and spirit for the
coming generations. I once heard Professor Jonathan Sarna,
our finest commentator on American Jewish history, speak
about Millennials. He teaches that the outlook of those in
their 20s and 30s has been shaped and battered by two central
events: September 11, 2001 and the economic collapse of
2008. Millennials tend to be suspicious of big institutions,
including big Jewish institutions, because they have watched
too many collapse before their very eyes.
I think about them a lot and ask what Holy Blossom Temple
must become in order to create a Jewish home with and for
them. Those of us who grew up in an earlier era were led to
believe that institutions were strong and individuals were
weak or at least vulnerable. But it turns out that institutions
can be fragile and individuals are strong. We have seen that
ourselves here at HBT. The cracks in the walls can give way to
rain, but institutions like ours are as strong as the individuals
who make them. And that is why HBT is a fortress! Make no
mistake. Our strength is not in the grand scale of our building;
it is not even in our great numbers. It is because of the work,
the wisdom, and the WILL of the people who make up this
Kehillah Kedoshah, this sacred congregation.
We are strong in different ways. Some study Torah and are
committed to life-long learning. Some are teachers in our
schools. Some have signed their names on the line to sponsor
a Syrian Refugee family of five. Some create a warm shelter
for our weekly Out of the Cold guests. Some are shiva service
leaders, who bring such comfort to our mourners. Some are
donors who give a little or a lot, but always with clarity that
their contribution sustains the Jewish People – present tense
and future. Some raise their voices in prayer with our Temple
Singers and in turn teach the rest of us to draw nearer to God.
I’d like to show Millennials – not tell, but show your children
and grandchildren – that a synagogue community is as strong
as the individuals who commit to it. And that is why Holy
Blossom’s strength is deep and wide.
“Let the Variety of Productivity
be for Goodness”
The world is a dangerous place today. We all feel it. We
wonder and worry what will be. A synagogue is a rare and
precious place where we can find sanctuary. Yes, sanctuary
in prayer and sacred study, but also sanctuary in the unique
relationships that form over a sacred task, a sacred moment.
Two strangers can meet at Mondays @ the Temple, our weekly
program for seniors, and literally sustain one another. Two
Holy Blossom Temple
congregants – one, a 20-something entrepreneur, just starting
out and the other, an established and experienced professional,
can be matched through our mentorship program and each can
find new meaning and purpose.
The written departmental reports before you are impressive.
What you are about to hear from our Temple President Joan
Garson and from the Chair of our Renewal Project, Tom
Friedland, is ambitious and admirable. But please understand
that the mitzvot each of us pursues day in and day out,
the sacred tasks each of us carries also give report to our
collective strength.
I’ll conclude with a prayer for our sacred work. Birkat
HaShanim. The Prayer for the Years.
Bless us, Eternal God. Let this year and all the variety of its
productivity be for goodness; and bestow blessing upon the face
of all the earth. Satisfy us with Your bounty and bless our year as
the good years of days gone by.
Baruch Atah Adonai, M’vareich HaShanim.
Praised are You, O God, who blesses the years
Young Professionals
Moving Forward
As the youth of Holy Blossom
become Young Professionals, they are
creating new kinds of connections
with our Congregation and the wider community.
This age cohort, from approximately 22 to beyond 30, has
been a particular focus of attention for lay and professional
leadership over the last year; this focus will continue. A new
membership model, with nominal dues to age 30, has been
developed. Email and Facebook groups have been established
and are growing. A young professional, Angie Shiffman, has
been hired as a part-time contact person devoted to this group;
she is always ready for coffee with its members and prospective
members, and has been successful in beginning to build
connections. Rabbi Helfman has a particular responsibility for
this age group and he is deeply engaged.
Leadership of the Young Professional group met recently with
the Executive and Senior Staff of Temple. Avram Musafija
and Zach Roher demonstrated to us their deep personal
commitment to growing this group and its ties to Holy
Blossom, while enabling their work for tikkun olam with a
range of activities. Through social media, meetings and events,
both within the Holy Blossom community and with other
congregations, and with members and non-members, they and
their fellow Young Professionals are working to make this group
grow and thrive.
At the same time, as Rabbi Helfman explains, our community
should be aware and very proud that members of the Holy
Blossom Young Professional age group provide leadership to
many other young professional groups throughout the city,
Bulletin • December 2015
Joan Garson
from hospitals to community service organizations. Holy
Blossom’s own Young Professionals are delighted to partner in
events with these other young professional organizations. This
helps to ensure these events are successful, while providing
to that Holy Blossom’s Young Professionals the opportunity
to experience this wide range of offerings within the frame of
Holy Blossom. Members of our Young Professional group are
independently developing their own models as well, beginning
with a group trip to Israel to investigate hi-tech in Tel Aviv.
As Avram explained to our leadership, our renewed building
will enhance the experience of Young Professionals by provided
many spaces they can utilize, from kitchens to meeting rooms.
And the extensive tikkun olam activities in our Congregation’s
life will, we hope, be enriched by the participation of this
cohort. Avram and Zack’s meeting with us was inspiring, both
because of their commitment to the success of the Young
Professionals, and their commitment to our Congregation.
What is the role of our Congregation with this group, so
critical to maintaining the ongoing connection of young people
with our community into their futures and ours? Our task
is to empower: by providing resources of staff and rabbinic
leadership, funding as required, spaces to be used, and then, by
letting them find their own way forward. Our Board Executive
has encouraged the leadership of this group to keep in touch
with us, to ask us when they need us, whether it is to help in
finding mentors in a mentorship program, or to link to other
groups or communities. We commit to providing our ongoing
support to them. We are thrilled that they are with us and we
share with the entire Congregation a heartfelt wish for their
B u i l d i ng yo ut h En g a g e m e n t
t hro ugh Re
We’ve always described our Renewal Project as a generation to
generation (l’dor v’dor) kind of undertaking, ensuring HBT
remains strong and vital for our children, grandchildren, and
their future offspring.
And it goes without saying that engaging our youth at Temple
is of utmost importance. When we talk of “youth”, we’re
really speaking of multiple cohorts – everybody from infants
to toddlers, children to pre-teens, teens to young adults and
of course, all of their parents too. Deep consideration of the
needs of each of these groups has not only affected the creation
of programming and events at HBT over the years, it’s also
contributed directly to the design-thinking and planning of
spaces of our Renewal Project. Especially in what we’ll soon see
as we construct the balance of Phase 1 of the Project.
Much more detailed thought has gone into this endeavor than
this article can possibly convey in limited space, but here are
some of the key features of Phase 1 construction, designed either
expressly, or at least in part, to deepen our relationship with
youth of all ages.
Let’s start with the most obvious. Our beautiful new and
enlarged Family Chapel (located in the former Maurice
Eisendrath auditorium), with windows that let light stream in,
has been designed with maximum comfort and cohesion in mind
– for families attending Kabbalat Shabbat, First Fridays, Little
Blossoms, Religious School events – and all of our many other
services and activities.
Our new Youth Lounge will have prominence of place on the
3rd floor of our new Holy Blossom, with not only privacy, but
also a glass wall that will provide a spectacular overlook of our
magnificent light-filled Central Atrium, from the east side. It’s
imagined that this lounge will attract students from grades 6 and
7 on up, and will be a place where they can just hang out and
chill, discuss issues of the day and shared interests, hop online or
even catch up on homework.
And then of course, there’s the Atrium itself. Really the core
architectural feature and heartbeat of our renewed campus at
1950 Bathurst St., it has been designed first and foremost to
connect people to people, and then people to places, within our
synagogue. Here is where parents of children in our religious
school can come inside, chat and schmooze as they wait for
their kids. With wifi available throughout, kids and teens can
find a comfortable place to sit and surf, talk with friends or do
Our new synagogue café (working title: “Holy Grounds”) is
something you told us you wanted in our membership survey,
and this will be located on the first floor of the Atrium. The
concept is still evolving, but imagine coming to Shul and being
able to buy a good cup of coffee and relax with a light snack!
Our “Living Wall” is also featured prominently on the first floor
of our sunlit Atrium, providing beautiful indoor greenspace for
plants to climb while they naturally filter the air. The Living
Wall and our LEED Silver Certification, are examples of our
Temple’s commitment to Tikkun Olam and to protecting our
environment as we build to ensure our future.
Our new Library will also be located on the ground floor, just
off the Atrium. With a design-concept driven primarily by an
education and youth focus, it features a smaller gathering space
that lends itself perfectly to youth group meetings and activities.
New School Offices will be located on the north end of the
campus on the 2nd floor, visible from the Atrium. Got a question
for the Director of Education? Dropping by for an appointment
or informational meeting? All HBT educational programs and
activities for toddlers, kids and teens, will be co-ordinated from
this spot.
But let’s head back down to the first floor of the Atrium for a
just a few more features. (Thanks for staying with the tour so
far.) Here, all of our youth and their parents will find our new
Tzedakah Centre, where we’ll co-ordinate our charitable giving
activities. This is where we’ll take donations of warm clothing
for our “Out of the Cold” program, previously loved items for
families who need a little help, and so much more.
Our Life Cycle room will provide a quiet place for families to
meet with our Rabbis and Cantors to discuss life cycle events,
like B’nei Mitzvahs. And finally, at the north end of the Atrium,
interactive screens will be available for everyone (but especially
our youth) to learn more about Holy Blossom Temple … from
our programs and activities, to our values to our long and
storied history. (Look for an HBT app to evolve from this, soon
Renewal of Space. Renewal of Spirit. For now and for generations
to come.
Holy Blossom Temple
Amy Lester, Avery
Beutel, Jaimie Kerzner
article by
We Day is an event for students across Ontario founded by Free the Children, and
the Kielburgers. They organized this event to inspire change and raise awareness of
issues around the globe. It is also a celebration of the volunteer work, fundraising
efforts, and good deeds of students across the city.
It includes many celebrity speakers and performers. There were many inspiration
stories and it was a very moving experience to be apart of. Some speakers included
Spencer West, Annalise Carr, and Magic Johnson. There were also performances
from Shawn Mendes, Carly Rae Jepson, and Hozier.
Being at the ACC, full of students from schools across the GTA was an amazing
experience. Holy Blossom had 15 students from grade 6-10 attend We Day.
Everyone loved hearing the musical guests perform, but it was also really inspiring
to listen to the stories that were shared, and the amazing things that kids our age
have been able to accomplish to make change.
We were certainly inspired to try to do things to help make a difference, and
HABSTY plans on holding several fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds
for Free the Children, and promote some of the amazing work they are doing in
the world.
We Day really makes you feel like you can make a difference, and even doing the
smallest acts of kindness, like we have learned about throughout our years at Religious School at Holy Blossom, help make the world a better place.
Programs like We Day are great ways to fulfil mitzvot. At Holy Blossom, there are
many ways such as YEAH, HABSTY and many volunteer opportunities that you
can get involved in and fulfil mitzvot!
Bulletin • December 2015
From our
Noam Nadler
and Bar Cohen
article by
Hello everyone!
Two months have passed since we arrived, and we are happy to say that with
your help we feel a part of this community. Within this short period of
time, we have experienced a fair amount of different occasions, events and
holidays with the Holy Blossom community.
A couple of weeks after our arrival, we were welcomed and greeted by the
entire congregation after being honoured with an Aliya during the first
High Holiday, Rosh Hashanah. Experiencing the High Holidays away
from our families and home in Israel was difficult, but it has certainly
been a unique experience. The graceful tunes and melody of the services
were astonishing and completely different from the services we knew in
Israel, a thing that supported our understanding, that Judaism contains so
many different movements that are made of endless shades, and together,
they make it whole.
Another way in which we are continuously exposed to both Holy Blossom’s
spirit and congregation is through the Shabbat Family Service, which we
take part in. Having
the privilege to join the
community in the morning prayers helps us to strengthen our connection to
the people of Holy Blossom, to the reform movement and helps us to explore
our own Jewish identity. In the past few weeks we began to take a greater
part in the services, by presenting a ‘Dvar Israel’ – a few minutes within
the service in which we talk about a topic of our choice, involving Israel,
that is close to our hearts. We certainly feel that the ‘Dvar Israel’ is a great
opportunity for us to share our thoughts and feelings with the community,
and so we invite you to join us in the Shabbat morning Family Service and
listen to our ‘Dvars.
One of the events that showed us how warm and caring the Jewish
community in Toronto is, was the event that all of the 24 shinshinim hosted
at Lipa Green – The UJA’s Shinshinim Let’s Talk About It event. We invited
all of the communities of the hosting Jewish institutions and we were pleased
with the high participation rate of Jewish people from all over Toronto.
Throughout the evening we discussed the recent events that have occured
in Israel and reviewed some of the difficulties, challenges and experiences of
the situation and our hope for the future. Together with the high attendance
and deep discussions, the event was declared a success, and all 24 of us realized
two things: the huge impact that we have on the community, and that the Jewish
community of Toronto stands with Israel.
We wanted to share our gratitude with the Holy Blossom community for this great
opportunity and for supporting the shinshinim program for so long. Thank you for the
wonderful time we have already had, and for the amazing time we would have in the rest of
this year together.
Holy Blossom Temple
The Shinshin
article by
Saul Mandelbaum
Our children, Elijah 10 and Gabriel 7, were vibrating with anticipation of the arrival of our shinshin, Bar Cohen, from approximately
a week prior. Decorations and signs of welcome were designed, produced and hung. Maps of Israel were consulted and flags were
coloured. A stream of questions flowed with pressured speech from their mouths. How old is he? Does he have brothers and sisters?
What do they do in Israel? Will he play with us? Is he Jewish? Will he speak Hebrew?
Upon meeting him their initial reserve was dispelled by his smile and once it was established that he had a vast experience with
Mario Brothers he was their new object of affection and anointed sibling supreme. We celebrated his 18th birthday shortly after his
arrival with ice cream cake, presents and gifts from us and his family. From this point onwards it was fall hikes, family gatherings and
adventures. Bar particularly enjoyed the drenching on the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls refusing the flimsy rain slicker to welcome
the torrent of water upon himself.
For us having Bar here has been a fabulous experience. He has become one of our family and has opened up to us with all his warmth,
charm and care. Gabriel regularly collapses into his arms in the evening and Elijah discusses his daily travails with his older brother.
Israel is no longer for our children an idealized place far off yet filled with conflict as Bar has made the country seem human and close.
We have connected with his family and promises of a reciprocal visit have been made that our kids will ensure we keep.
Our Jewish life has also benefitted from the presence of our shinshin. Bar has shared with us our time at Holy Blossom and
discussions around the weekly parashat Shabbat have taken on new perspectives. The contrasts and similarities of Jewish life in Israel
with our practice have given our children a sense of the wider Jewish world. Their new interest in the history and politics of Israel
has manifested in many long deliberations and arguments (could it be any other way?)
that will provide them with a base from which they will start their own journeys
exploring their Jewish identity.
I believe that both Bar and Israel will also benefit from the cultural
exchange that has occurred. Bar spends his days at Leo Baeck, Holy
Blossom and CHAT, teaching, presenting and taking courses. He
will no doubt bring back to Israel the opinions and views he is
experiencing here to share with the people in his circles. Even
within the almost three months that he has been here I have
seen him change and grow and it is truly our pleasure to be
part of this experience.
We wish Bar all the best with his next host family that he
is about to join and there is no doubt that we will want to
participate once more in this wonderful program.
Bulletin • December 2015
Holy Blossom -
Our Home away from Home
article by
Brenda Baskind
I have been a teacher at Holy Blossom Temple preschool since I came to Toronto from South Africa in 1987. I am now in my
29th year here and proud to be a teacher at this wonderful preschool.
Over the years, I have taught with many different teachers and each year has been equally great. When I started
teaching at Holy Blossom in 1987, Lorraine Sandler was the Supervisor and I learnt a lot from her. She was my
inspiration and mentor. Her love of children and her belief in Jewish Education and values were her passion.
Lorraine built our school and the great reputation it has today lives on in large part because of her.
When Pam became our next Supervisor, she carried on the work that Lorraine left. Pam stepped
into Lorraine’s shoes and I am proud to say that Pam has filled those shoes and more! Her
dedication to the children, families and teachers, and her broad knowledge of child
development have inspired us. Her leadership and vision have made Holy Blossom a
household name in our community.
Being a teacher at Holy Blossom is not just a job. We, teachers, have become a
family. Each one of us has been there for the others as we have celebrated good times,
engagements, weddings, and the births of our children and grandchildren. We’ve been
there to support each other through illness and, sadly, even loss within our group or our
families. So when you see us in the hallways and you greet us, know that we are not just
teachers, but we are a group of women who have been though a lot together and we all know the
meaning of joy and sadness, and the blessings that children bring to us all.
Know that we do our job with love and dedication. We
respect and care for your most precious children and we don’t
take this lightly. We feel the responsibility greatly and do our best
every day to nurture and teach those in our care. We take pride in
our classrooms, our lessons and our impact on your children’s
emotional, social and cognitive development. We know our
job is a special one and wouldn’t chose any other path
Holy Blossom Temple
Unlocking Community
article by
Neil Jonatan
This past week, I had the privilege of unlocking the door to the HABSTY
lounge. My face burst into a smile as I watched my friends and community
members spill into the lounge and onto the chairs and couches. Who
knew that the simple act of turning a key would unleash new bonds
between young members at Holy Blossom?
I was given the lounge key by HABSTY’s past president, Talia Rivers,
during our board installation dinner. The dinner was held this past June
and it was the first time the entire HABSTY board had the chance to
celebrate each other’s roles in the Temple. I remember receiving a handmade gavel to aid with board meetings along with a calendar to help us plan
upcoming events. I am grateful for these great gifts and, along with the rest of
HABSTY, I am putting them to good use.
As the official door opener and president of the youth group, I feel a deepening
connection to the building and to my fellow HABSTYites. My key-turning
duties occur every Monday evening, when we open the door to our teen
lounge – an opportunity to be together as Jewish peers and build a strong
community. Our lively lounge nights create enough ruach to last the
entire week.
Even though our lounge is just one room, to me it is the foundation of
youth engagement at Temple. Unlocking community is a great honour
that I will always cherish.
Bulletin • December 2015
Shal‘om’ from the Early Childhood
Centre at Holy Bloss‘om’
article by
Pam Hamovitch
Director of the Early Childhood Centre
The Early Childhood Centre at Holy Blossom Temple is constantly evolving. From our curriculum
and physical space to our increasingly younger population, we are always trying to keep pace with
the ever changing needs of our community along with best practices.
The world in which we live in changes too. Everything is faster, busier, more hectic and rushed. Children
have not really changed - only what goes on around them has. It is our job as educators to be present in the
moment, slow down the pace and seize every moment as a learning opportunity. To do this, we must be sure that
each child is an active participant in his or her learning. This is how they learn best.
Over the years we have continuously evaluated and improved on the experiences we provide to our youngest students
– currently there are 92 of them. We strive to foster in our children a love of learning, Jewish values and to feel a sense of
belonging to a community. We cannot do this alone. Our work also includes families, caregivers and some of the special
‘guests’ we welcome into our school each week. Together we can all grow alongside the children we embrace so dearly.
This year at Holy Bloss‘om’, we added ‘Yoga’ to our week! The mind, body and spirit revolution is most palpable
from yoga studios to synagogues. Ten years ago most of our students would not have even known what Yoga
is. Today, it is ubiquitous. The children will not necessarily tell you that Yoga a unique form of exercise that
connects the body, mind and spirit. However, they will tell you that Yoga is something a parent does
“in the basement or goes to after dropping his child off at school.’ Our hope in bringing Yoga to our
students is to help them become more aware of their bodies leading them to greater confidence and
Children find so many things fascinating and interesting, that it is often hard for them to prioritize where
to focus their attention. Through movement, breathing and some simple meditation, Yoga teaches children
to focus in a healthy and positive way. The children love Jessica, from Yogabe, and her ‘animal’ poses. When
children imitate the movements and sounds of nature, they have a chance to get inside another being and imagine
taking on its qualities.
We also all know that children love to hear music, make noise and be creative. The addition of JStixx and Rhythm Kingdom
offer hand drums and other percussion instruments which are easy to use in a group setting. As Rufus of Rhythm Kingdom
states: “When we are able to have fun in an easy and non-judgmental way, we can benefit from the proven stress-reducing and
immune system-boosting benefits of recreational music making.” Drumming together allows children to create something
greater than they could do on their own.
May we continue to provide an environment where our children can grow and bloss‘om’.
Holy Blossom Temple
Our Grade 6
Harriet Hylton
and Sasha Steiner
article by
On Friday October 16th many of the grade 6 religious school students went on an overnight retreat to YMCA
Cedar Glen, in Schomberg Ontario. We hate to admit that we weren’t too excited at first, but it turned out to be an
amazing experience for everyone. We had a chance to meet our new classmates and bond with our old ones. When
we got there we had a bit of time to check out our rooms, and chat with our roommates before Shabbat dinner.
Some highlights of the weekend were: lots of outside activities including getting to climb ropes and let our classmates
ballay us. We also learned how to use a compass. Nobody knew what they were doing, and so when we did a nature
walk activity we all walked in the wrong directions and had to ask other groups for hints to find our goal.
When we were inside the activities didn’t stop. On Friday we had Shabbat services, and talked about our Jewish
goals. On Saturday Rabbi Helfman came up to spend the day with us. He led us in services, and taught us about the
history of Reform Judaism. One thing that was really interesting was the Havdallah services on Saturday night before
we left. None of us had experienced Havdallah before, and spending it all together made it even more special. Down
time was really fun also, however whether it is correct to call it “down time” is debatable. We got to go to the games
room and play pool, air hockey, foosball, and catch up with old friends.
We had a lot of amazing teachers and HABSTY members with as on the trip, which made it even that much more
exciting. Thank you Debbie, Lisa, Rabbi Helfman, Sari and Sam for the amazing activities that you planned for us.
We could have stayed longer but we all needed to get home to catch up with the Jays.
Bulletin • December 2015
H ol y - Bl o s s o m- P a l o oza
article by
David Gershon
Holy Blossom Music Specialist, Teacher, and
Service Leader
I may have goofed. I named our upcoming Chanukah show ChanukahPalooza. It seemed like the perfect
name for a big Chanukah concert — especially with our plan to fill the stage with great Canadian
children’s musicians. But with all the performers now booked, it appears I could more
accurately have called it Holy-Blossom-Palooza.
Apparently Holy Blossom is not just an amazing confluence of Jewish space,
spirit and community. Turns out, it is also an incubator for some of
the country’s top kids’ entertainers. Check out the line-up for
ChanukahPalooza, our young families Chanukah concert
coming December 6th to City Playhouse in Thornhill:
Mark “Marky” Weinstock
Young children and parents at HBT know Mark
as the kind face and sweet musical sound of
Little Blossoms, Hot Shot Shabbat and more. But
many don’t know he is an award winning songwriter,
a physician, and a respected educator. Mark’s music has
brought him across North America and overseas – singing with children in the Himalayas, the
jungles of Australia, Cambodian orphanages, and interfaith communities in Jerusalem.
Anyone who has attended HBT’s own Chanukah Parties in the last few years will instantly know
the name Oozakazoo, made up of Joshuah Skye Engel and Noah Aiken-Klar. When not singing
at Holy Blossom, the members of Oozakazoo have been busy becoming a sensation in the kids’
music world. Their 2013 CD “Young Folk Rock” was produced by music legend Ken Whiteley
and has garnered praise and recognition from the top of the industry including the Parent’s
Choice Award.
Marlowe & the MiX
Years of Little Blossoms alumni know Marlowe’s upbeat brand of music from many Friday
mornings of song, movement, challah, juice and fun. That same Marlowe has now gone on to
win a Juno nomination for best children’s album of the year for her CD “One Dance Floor”.
Marlowe has become known for her ability to craft great pop tunes which get families dancing,
but with lyrics that are 100% kid friendly.
Judy & David
Also known as Judy and yours truly. And I am only too happy to gush about my connection to
our wonderful shul and all it has given me.
HB has been my musical and Jewish home since long before there was a Judy & David. It was
HBT that welcomed our family with open arms when we first moved to Canada in 1978. It
was HBT where I first began to play guitar in youth group and teach in the religious school.
It was at HBT where I began to write some of my first songs, often accompanied by Mr. Holy
Blossom, himself, Mike Morgulis. A decade later, it was at HBT that I was teaching music
in the Activity Room and I met a gorgeous religious school teacher named Judy Adelman. I
called her up as a volunteer to help lead a song with me for the kids. Needless to say, a little
Holy Blossom magic happened and we would continue making kids music together to this
Holy Blossom Temple
Judy and I began singing together for services and events at Holy
Blossom. HBT helped fill my schedule with enough singing that I
could quit my “day job” and focus on launching “Judy & David”.
Eighteen recordings, one Juno award, and many concert tours
later, it was actually at HBT Family Services where we met Martin
Markle who would go on to produce our current JiggiJump TV
series on Kids’ CBC.
In fact, ChanukahPalooza is so steeped in Holy Blossom people,
you’re probably wondering why it is at the City Playhouse in
Thornhill and not at Temple – or at least in a downtown theatre.
Actually, if you are Rabbi Helfman, you haven’t stopped ribbing
me about that. And there is no truth to the rumours that it is
my secret mission to make hundreds of HBT members drive
Welcome to Our
up to Thornhill at least once per year (since I drive the opposite
direction hundreds of times per year). Actually, it’s a small,
beautiful theatre with lots of free, easy parking that is the perfect
size for a family Chanukah concert. And did I mention, there is
lots of free, easy parking?
ChanukahPalooza will have two shows on December 6, one at
10:30 and one at 3:30. Holy Blossom families are encouraged to
come to the 3:30 show to be together for this fun event.
For more information and to reserve your seats online visit or call the City Playhouse box office at
Hope to see you there!
Congregational Family
Sari Goldman & Steven Davidson,
on the birth of a son Philip
Benjamin Davidson and brother
to Liam and Ainsley. Proud
grandparents are Fran & Bernie
Goldman; and Roz & Moishe
Laura Fogler & Hartley Blumenfeld
on the birth of a son, Ryan Mendy
Blumenfeld. Proud grandparents
are Barbara & Gary Fogler; Andrea
Shapiro Lipstein & Leonard
Lipstein; Charles Blumenfeld. Proud
great grandparents Gladys & Lloyd
Fogler, Claire Blumenfeld and Sam
Irene & Bernard Frolic on the birth
of a granddaughter, Julia Mia Frolic.
Proud parents are Miriam Malc &
Daniel Frolic and sister to Charlie.
Other proud grandparents are Ann
Malc and Jack Malc.
Marlene & Max Orenbach on the
birth of a granddaughter, Joey Chase
Carson. Proud parents are Jaimie
& Daniel Cason. Other proud
grandparents are Lezley & Alan
Carson. Proud great grandmothers
are Reva Carson; Renee Goldhar;
Fay Lusthause.
Sharon & Shelley Miller, on the
birth of a grandson, Noah Clark
Miller. Proud parents are Esther
Connors & Joshua Miller. Other
proud grandparents are Helen
Gurofsky & Allan Connors. Proud
great grandmother is Clara Miller.
Eva & Mark Madras, on the birth
of a granddaughter, Lyla Brooke
Madras. Proud parents are Tracey
Hendler & Jonathan Madras.
Other proud grandparents are Judy
& Doug Hendler. Proud great
grandmothers are Agnes Chuisolo;
Brauna Hendler.
Happy Iscove and Mel Iscove are
proud to announce the birth of their
granddaughter, Lily Eve Ben-Yakov.
Proud parents are Debra Iscove
and Max Ben-Yakov. Other proud
grandparents are Natella and Daniel
Ben-Yakov (Montreal). Delighted
great grandfather is Seymour
Locketz. (Minneapolis).
B’nei Mitzvah
n Rebecca
Krichker, daughter
of Leigh Chalmers
& Victor Krichker –
Saturday, January
16, 2016
n Max Valihora,
son of Brianna &
Michael Valihora –
Saturday, January
16, 2016
n Jaryd Diamond,,
son of Nisa
& Matthew
Diamond –
Saturday, January
23, 2016
n Rachel Starkman,
daughter of Jennifer
Shulman and Rob
Starkman – Saturday,
March 5, 2016
n Noa Offman,
daughter of Randi
Rose & Craig Offman
– March 2016 in
Engagements & Weddings
Robin Blumenkranz, daughter of Karen Garmaise
and Israel Blumenkranz to Ian Greenberg, son of
Ilene and Larry Greenberg who will be married in
February 2016.
Sarah Davis, daughter of Ken & Lynda Davis, to
Andrew Soberman, son of Allan Soberman and
Jacqui Latter. A spring wedding is planned.
Bulletin • December 2015
Chase Ison son of Jordan & Yvette Ison, and DJ
Loman & Troy Ellis to Marissa Daniels daughter
of Robin Daniels and Bob and Shawna Daniels
who were recently engaged. Proud Grandparents of
Bernie & Joan Shapiro.
Lindsay Klein, daughter of Judy & Jerry Klein,
to Jared Binstock, son of Lesley Binstock Offman
& Allan Offman and the late Morley Binstock,
who were married in September 2015. Proud
grandparents are Carol Freedman, Rivka Klein and
Lorna Gross.
Ian Rosen, son of Susan Jackson and Larry Rosen
to Kate Chazan, daughter of Joan Shnier and Jake
Chazan. The wedding is planned for November
Engagements & Weddings cont.
Elise Rotsztain, daughter of Fay Greenholtz and
Michael Rotsztain, and Ian Klesmer, son of Harold
and Sandy Klesmer, were married in August 2015.
In Memoriam..
Lauren Sterling, daughter of Carole & Jay Sterling
to Simon Wolfe, son of Fran & Marty Wolfe.
Granddaughter of Bettina Dankner and the late
Ralph Dankner and the late Ruth & Sam Sterling.
Grandson of the late Rose & Harry Wolfe, and the
late Lena & Murray Rothberg.
Torey Stronell, daughter of Susan and Roger
Stronell to Zack Belzberg, son of Lynn and Brent
Belzberg who were married in August 2015.
The congregation sympathizes with the recently bereaved. We remember:
n Edith Altschuler, mother of Kenneth Altschuler
and Amnon Altschuler
n Miriam Berger, mother of Tobye Sennet,
Harvey Berger and Carole Assayav, sister of Elsa
Tooberman and Ruth Berman
n Alan Cherry, father of Wendy Mendelbaum,
Debbie Cherry and Lisa Cherry, brother of Joy
Cherry Weinberg and Linda Cherry Soudack
n Jerome Diamond, father of Dr. Sara Diamond and
Larry Diamond; step-father of Carla Silver
n Nancy Fishman, mother of Dr. Brian Fishman and
Larry Fishman
n Sydney Fogel, father of Judy Zeilig and Fogel Fogel
n Ronald (Ronnie) Goldstein, husband of Bonnie
Goldstein; father of Lesley Reuben, Stephen
Goldstein and Michael Goldstein
n Haya Grosman, mother of Hanna Gordon and
Sharon Grosman; sister of Nehamah Yoeli
n Barry Harris, father of Maggie Harris, brother of
John Harris and Paul Harris
n Cyril Hersh, husband of Esther Hersh; father of
Suzanne Hersh and Stacey Hersh
n Diana Lass, wife of Harold Lass; mother of Jenny
n Fela Leader, mother of Rolland Leader and Arthur
n Leslie Newman, sister of Cathy Newman and Paul
n Ronnie Olsberg, brother of Mel Olsberg, father
of Maurice Olsberg, Simone Olsberg, and David
n Tillie Paulin, mother of Frances Biback, Vivian
Ruby and Richard Paulin
n Rose Roth, mother of Esther Burnett and Neal
n Saundra Sherman, wife of Henry Sherman; sister of
Ethel Lamster
n Evelyn Shulman, mother of Maureen Kaell
n Diane Silver Hassell, wife of Christopher Hassell;
mother of Michael Silver and Seth Silver; sister of
Barry Goldblatt
n Anne Sniderman, mother of Kenneth Sniderman,
Barry Sniderman and Nancy Fried
n Elliott Snitman, husband of Dr. Lisa Rosenerg;
father of Aryeh Snitman and Jacob Snitman; son
of Harry Snitman; brother of Janine Grossman and
Stephen Snitman
n Richard Sommers, husband of Linda Sommers;
father of Robin Sommers and Geoffrey Sommers;
brother of Frank Sommers
n Joseph Soren, father of Gary Soren; brother of
Kathleen Jacobs
n Marjorie Stark, mother of Isabel Shessel and Helen
n Dorothy Stone, mother of Gay Lokash and
Carolyn Rosenthal
n Sophie Stransman, mother of Janice Long and Alan
n Michael Weinstein, brother of Shawnee Glickman,
Suzie Pustil, Caron Mirrett and Fern Weinstein
We thank our generous donors
Bikur Cholim Fund
Henry Bigio, Yahrzeit: Matilda Bigio
The Bernard, Carol & Samuel Braun
Memorial Fund
Marcia Cohen, In Honour: Aaron
Eugene Dreisman, In Memory:
Marcia & Kenneth Cohen and Family
Joshua & Henrietta Chesnie Temple
Endowment Fund
General Donation: Henrietta Chesnie
Cyril Hersh, In Memory: Henrietta
Doreen & Joe Kronick, In Honour:
Henrietta Chesnie
Diana Lass, In Memory: Henrietta
Community Engagement Fund
Gail & Barry Silver, In Honour: Judy
& Jack Winberg
Sami and James Cooper Youth
Award Fund
Judge Bonnie Croll, In Appreciation:
Sami & Jimmy Cooper
Ronnie Goldstein, In Memory: Sami
& James Cooper
Alma & Harvey Rosen, In Honour:
Sami & James Cooper
Earl and Marilyn Danson Farber
Endowment Fund
Jane & Frank Tizel, In Honour: Mary
Ann & Dan Rothstein
Jean Fine Seniors Fund
Dorothy Garten, In Memory: Sheila
Bacher; Marilyn Patchen Hahn
Sybil & Jack Geller, In Memory:
Daisy Jacobs
Peggy M.A. Richter, In Honour:
Mondays @ the Temple
Steve Rivers, In Memory: Daisy Jacobs
Diane Silver Hassell, In Memory:
Gail & Gary Goodman
Holy Blossom Adult Education Fund
Shirley Gross, In Memory: Gail &
Gary Goodman
Diane Silver Hassell, In Memory:
Toby & Gordon Ciglen
Holy Blossom Temple Foundation
General Donation: Claudia
Blumberger & Sidney Troister and
Family; Jordanna & Earl Lipson and
Family; Nancy Ruth; Brenda Spiegler &
Mark S. Anshan; Esther & Marvin Tile;
Tatiana Zdyb
Mortimer Goodman, Yahrzeit: Claire
Cyril Hersh, In Memory: Corinne
Black, Richard Vroomon and Family;
Terrie & Doug Davidson; Ruth &
Henry Gillson and Family; Lydia &
Jeff Goldfarb and Family; Bernice
Goren and Family; Joyce & Alan Hersh;
Marilyn & Dr. Don McGregor; PGA
Canada; Jocelyne Salem; Larry Sax
and Family; Carrie Schipper Torgov
and Family; Colin Stevenson; Rhonda
Wilansky & Israel Ben-Ishai and Family
Russ Joseph, In Honour: Freya &
Lewis Wasel
Alberto Quiroz, In Honour: Susan &
James Bookbinder; The Lang Family
Ethel Sapera, In Memory: Rachel &
David Baron
Susie Schafer & David Frank, In
Honour: Denise Gordon, Dennis Chow
and Family; Loren & Mark Roth
Mary Seldon, In Honour: Loren &
Mark Roth
Helena Weinwurm, In Memory:
Myrna Sandler
Holy Blossom Temple Renewal
General Donation: Jane & Robert
Herman; Ronna Rubin & Phil Smith;
Annalee & Brian Schnurr; Judy & Jack
Pam & Michael Albert, In Honour:
Judy & Jack Winberg and Family
Jerome Diamond, In Memory: Nancy
Nancy Fishman, In Memory: Etta
Ginsberg McEwan
Randi & Alan Garfinkel, In Honour:
Carmen & Emil Horvath
Ronnie Goldstein, In Memory: JoAnn
& Stanley L. Gold
Henriette Helfman, In Honour:
Nancy Ruth
Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In Honour:
Etta Ginsberg McEwan
Cyril Hersh, In Memory: Holly & Sohn
Laskin and Family; Erin O’Connor
Holy Blossom Temple Outgoing
Board Members, In Appreciation:
Joan Garson
Holy Blossom Temple Staff &
Clergy, In Honour: Joan Garson &
David Baskin
Joy Rosen, In Honour: Joan Garson &
David Baskin
Eli Shore & Jascha Jabes, In Honour:
Joan Garson & David Baskin
Harry Smith, Yahrzeit: Ronna Rubin &
Phil Smith
Anne Sniderman, In Memory: Wendy
& Elliott Eisen; JoAnn & Stanley L. Gold
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour: Etta
Ginsberg McEwan; Miriam & Larry
Dorothy Stone, In Memory: Susan &
Barry Borden
Michael Weinstein, In Memory: Susan
& Barry Borden
Isenberg Family Endowment Fund
Annette Fogle, In Memory: David
Jacob’s Tower Fund
Dr. Karen Barrett, In Memory:
Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman
Florence Hertzman, In Honour:
Carol Abugov; Marilyn Shesko & David
Hertzman; Linda Slotin & Jonathan
Fisher; Elina Tarasson & Eban Bayefsky
Paul Newman, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Philip Shesko, Yahrzeit: Marilyn
Estelle Zaldin, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Joan Kerbel Leadership
Development Fund
Brenda Fishauf, In Memory: Jan &
Robert Simonsky and Family
Holy Blossom Temple
Cyril Hersh, In Memory: The Simonsky
Horace Jatwes, In Honour: Holy
Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Kiddish Fund
Pam Greenstein & Stuart Baltman
in honour of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter Katie Baltman
Naomi & Alan Kriss in honour of the
Bar Mitzvah of their son Noah
Farah & Martin Perelmuter and
family in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of
their son Cole
Musical Heritage Fund
Carol Epstein, Yahrzeit: Fran & Bernie
Mark Goodman, In Honour: Mary
Sandy & Andy Schaffer, In Honour:
Ruth Ellen & Sheldon Greenwood
Diane Silver Hassell, In Memory: Ellie
& Peter Loebel
Janie Swartz, In Honour: Ruth Ellen
& Sheldon Greenwood
Out of the Cold Fund
General Donation: Benjamin
Hertzman; Jascha Jabes; Mazon Canada
Shelly Berenbaum, In Honour: Gail
Bonnie Croll & Robert Henry, In
Honour: Cathy & Lorne Greenbaum
Karen Garmaise & Maurice Moss, In
Honour: Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson
Cyril Hersh, In Memory: Bonnie Croll
& Robert Henry; Marilyn & David
Toby Kopman, In Memory: Shelly
Berenbaum & Chuck Litman
Alison Licht, In Honour: Marsha &
Harry Glicksman
Emile Olsberg, In Memory: Debby
Out of the Cold Volunteers, In
Honour: Ann MacPherson & Earl
Bernice Penciner, In Honour: Jinni
& Joel Carman and Family; Carole
& Harvey Kerbel; Barbara & Marvin
Miller; Sandy & Jack Miller; Karen &
Seymour Pomotov; Rose & Duke Segal;
Sheila Smolkin
Daniel Penciner, In Honour: Ruth &
Gurion Hyman
Elise Rotzstain & Ian Klesmer, In
Honour: Fay Greenholtz & Michael
Saundra Sherman, In Memory: Rena
& Bob Bader and Family; Kim & Ben
Barankin; Rita Belfer; Beverley Borins;
Toby & Gordon Ciglen; Sharon & Mirv
Freedman; Lyla & Martin Gelfand; Gail
& Gary Goodman; Ruth Green; Daisy
Jacobs; Sharon & David Rapoport and
Family; Frederick Seepersad; Sheila
Smolkin; Harriet & Geray Train and
Evelyn Shulman, In Memory: Debby
Prayer Book Fund
Rabbi Jill Borodin, In Honour: Holy
Blossom Temple Sisterhood
Project Tikvah Fund
Selma & Charles Goodfellow, In
Memory: Nancy Pollack and Marjorie
Pam & Greg Hamovitch, In Honour:
Lynne & Larry Koffman; Ellen Tarshis
Happy Iscove, In Honour: Joey
Bulletin • December 2015
Fingold and Family
Rabbis’ Discretionary Funds
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation:
Elissa & David L. Fingold; Audrey &
Michael Morgan
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour:
Carla & Alain Baudot and Family; Ruth
& Bob Ehrlich; Karen Fainman and
Family; Barbara & Gary Fogler; Anita
& Michael Greenstein; Susan Grossman
and Family; Deborah Liebow & Ken
Snider; The Paice and Paice Lidsky
Families; Jane & Russell Rendely and
Family; Rosemary & Gary Tile and
Family; The Zeller Cooper Family
Rabbi Michael Satz, In Appreciation:
Janice Babins; Jeremy Barry; Melinda
Barry; Elissa & David L. Fingold; Karen
Garmaise & Maurice Moss
Rabbi Michael Satz, In Honour: The
Pezim Family; Susan Unger & Dr. Ed
Hussman; Natalie & Lenny Waldman;
Sandy & Lionel Waldman and Family
Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In
Appreciation: Elissa & David L. Fingold
Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In Honour:
Chris Hassell and Family; Henry
Rappaport & Michael Burns; Susan &
Dr. Mark Sager
Rabbi John Moscowitz, In
Appreciation: Janette & Michael
Rabbi John Moscowitz, In Honour:
Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman;
Susie Schafer & David Frank
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Appreciation: Elissa & David L. Fingold;
The Sapera Family; Susan Unger & Dr.
Ed Hussman
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Honour: Etta Ginsberg McEwan; Leslie
Binstock Offman & Allan Offman;
Jane & Russell Rendely and Family;
Rosemary & Gary Tile and Family
Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In
Appreciation: Chris Hassell and Family;
Karen Mock and Family
Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In
Honour: Florence Hertzman; Susan
& Dr. Mark Sager; The Zeller Cooper
Sadie Berger, In Memory (Rabbi
Michael Satz’s discretionary fund): Helen
Berger Gamsey
Allan Cherry, In Memory (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Terrye &
Jack Kuper
Iris Drache, In Honour (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Miriam
& Marvin Dryer and Family
Lori Gershon, In Memory (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Karen
Fainman & Jason Adelman and Family
Cyril Hersh, In Memory (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Karen
Fainman & Jason Adelman and Family;
Myrna Freedman; Judy & David
Mishkel and Family
Joseph Hodes, In Honour (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Barbara
Thal & Robert Hodes
Harriette Laing, In Honour (Rabbi
Yael Splansky’s discretionary fund):
Rosalie Sussman
Arthur London, In Memory (Rabbi
Jordon Helfman’s discretionary fund):
Beverlee London
Arthur London, In Memory (Cantor
Benjamin Z. Maissner’s discretionary
fund): Beverlee London
Yael Scutaru, In Honour (Rabbi Yael
Splansky’s discretionary fund): Beth
Goldstein & Barry Rosen
Michael Weinstein, In Memory (Rabbi
John Moscowitz’s discretionary fund):
Steve Pustil
Michael Weinstein, In Memory
(Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner’s
discretionary fund): Steve Pustil
Rabbi Moscowitz 25 Years Book
Rabbi John Moscowitz, In Honour:
Judy Nyman & Harvey Mintz
Nancy Ruth Educational Fund
Diane Silver Hassell, In Memory:
Nancy Ruth and Alan Ruth
Shacharit Fund
David Abells, Yahrzeit: Yoel Abells; The
Abells Family
Albert Abugov, Yahrzeit: Carol
Abugov and Family
Erin Belman, In Memory: Noah
Belman; Denise Dorfman; Brian
Lusthaus; Marlin & Irv Miller
Bella Bendayan, Yahrzeit: Reina
Jacob Bendayan, Yahrzeit: Reina
Bendayan & Dan Borrett and Family
Edward Bien, Yahrzeit: Elissa & David
L. Fingold
Henry Bigio, Yahrzeit: Matilda Bigio
Esther Bloch Shesko, Yahrzeit:
Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman
Anita Bochner, Yahrzeit: Mary
Serene Bodor, Yahrzeit: Robert Lantos
Solomon (Sam) Charach, Yahrzeit:
Alice & Ron Charach
Irving Cohen, Yahrzeit: Barbara ThalHodes & Bob Hodes
Myrna Crystal, Yahrzeit: Carol Crystal
& Jeff Meilach and Family
Amalia Dan, Yahrzeit: Peter Dan and
Julian Druyan, Yahrzeit: Judy Druyan
Sydney Ezrin, Yahrzeit: Sharyn Salsberg
Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin
J. Paul Fingold, Yahrzeit: Elissa &
David L. Fingold
Robert Fishman, In Honour: Susan &
Brian Fishman
Penelope Briana Frohman, Yahrzeit:
Amanda Frohman
Dora Fromovitz, Yahrzeit: Evelyn
Gardner and Family
Myer Fogel, Yahrzeit: Rosie & John
Uster and Family
Betty Gold, Yahrzeit: JoAnn & Stanley
L. Gold
Reuben Gold, Yahrzeit: JoAnn &
Stanley L. Gold
Charles Goldstein, Yahrzeit: Faigie &
Michael Goldstein
Lillian Gollom, Yahrzeit: Kaylee Miller
Nat Gollom, Yahrzeit: Kaylee Miller
Mark Goodman, In Honour: Glenda
Bocknek; Charlotte Haber
Sid Greenstein, Yahrzeit: Anita &
Michael Greenstein
Sylvia Guberman, Yahrzeit: Judith
Devy Herlin, Yahrzeit: Sarah Herlin
and Family
Belle Hodes, Yahrzeit: Barbara Thal
Hodes & Robert Hodes
Max Hoffman, Yahrzeit: Bernice
Penciner and Family
Happy Iscove, In Honour: Barbara
Dr. Martin Kazdan, In Memory:
Marion Kazdan and Family
Irene Klein, Yahrzeit: Vera Mandel
Jack Kugelmass, In Honour: Glenda
Bocknek; Charlotte Haber
Rita Libman, Yahrzeit: Judy & Jack
Diana & Alex Lipson, Yahrzeit:
Barbara Cooper and John Lipson
Bessie Massey, Yahrzeit: Millie &
Sheldon Goldstein
Selig Patchen, Yahrzeit: Marilyn
Patchen Hahn
Harry Penciner, Yahrzeit: Bernice
Penciner and Family
Samuel David Pollack, Yahrzeit: The
Pollack Family
Ethel Sapera, Yahrzeit: Sam Sapera,
Matthew Sapera, Terri Sapera and
Ruth Schlossberg, Yahrzeit: Mark
Schlossberg and Family
Diane Silver Hassell, In Memory:
Janice & Larry Babins
Irving Sneidman, Yahrzeit: Faigie &
Michael Goldstein
Samuel Sterling, Yahrzeit: The Sterling
Sophie Toplitsky, Yahrzeit: Ida Tugg
Adeline Wagman, Yahrzeit: Joel
Kathy Zalvin, Yahrzeit: Steve Zalvin
and Family
Syrian Refugee Relief
Henriette Isadora Helfman, In
Honour: Hope & Cantor Benjamin
Maissner; Henry Rappaport & Michael
Burns and Family
Dr. Jemma & Rabbi Jordan Helfman
and Family, In Honour: Richard Banks;
Carla & Alain Baudot and Family; Lisa
& Aaron Baumal and Family; Sherry
Cantor & Jeff Freedman and Family;
Barbara & Edward Cherkinsky Susan &
Brian Fishman; Cynthia Good & Dan
Aronchick; Kathy & Maurice Green;
Holy Blossom Temple Early Childhood
Centre Staff; Ellen Karabanow; Natalie
& Jeff Kirsh and Family; Arlene &
Jeffrey Laderman; Ora & Michael
Leese and Family; Erin O’Connor;
Shoshana Paice; Eric Petersiel; Jocelyne
Salem; Mary Seldon; Angie & Adam
Shiffman; Sheila Smolkin; June & Byron
Sonberg; Elayne & Dan Steinhardt;
Arieh & Vallry Waldman; The Warner/
Findlay Families; Susan & Marc Webb;
Donna & Mark Weinstock; Judy & Jack
Winberg and Family; The Zalvin Family
Youth Awards Fund
Cyril Hersh, In Memory: Sarah &
Douglas Steinberg
Ellen Karabanow, In Honour: The
Birthday Girls
Youth Engagement Fund
Dr. Terry Axelrod, In Honour: Hope
& Cantor Benjamin Maissner
Sheila & Bob Master, In Honour:
Judy & Jack Winberg and Family
Alberto Quiroz, In Honour: Isabel
Freeman; Miriam Frohlinger; Ksenija
Teodorovic; Arieh & Vallry Waldman
Diane Silver Hassell, In Memory:
Barry Goldblatt and Family
David Baskin & Joan Garson
Wendy & Elliott Eisen
Carole & Bernie Zucker and Family
Frances & Lawrence Bloomberg
Lloyd & Gladys Fogler
Larry Rosen & Susan Jackson
Janis Rotman
The Rotman Family Foundation & Sandra Rotman
Ken Rotman & Amy Kaiser
Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman
Thank you ...
to our
Holy Blossom
Appeal Donors!
We are tremendously grateful
to all of our members listed
below who have made
contributions above and
beyond regular membership
Did you know that nearly
40% of Temple members are
unable to pay full fees due
strains on household finances?
Your generosity helps ensure
Holy Blossom remains a
vibrant and vital full service
congregation, where everyone
can participate with dignity
and joy, regardless of financial
Of course, it’s never too late
to make your annual gift. If
you haven’t already, please
consider donating today by
contacting Cindy Zimmer,
our Foundation Manager
(ext. 229) to make your gift.
Holy Blossom.
Thanks to our donors
life can blossom here.
Joy & Barry Gales
Robert Lantos
Gaye & Andrew Stein
Earl Bederman & Ann MacPherson
Jacqueline & Tom Friedland
Mary Seldon
Harvey S. Borden
The Cummings Family
Michael & Dimitra Davidson and Family
Phyllis & Jeff Denaburg
Michael & Janette Diamond
Helena & David Fine
Lois & George Fine
The Leibow-Snider Family
Earl & Jordanna Lipson
Henry Liss and Family
Lorraine & Donald Loeb
The Mirvish Family
Stephen & Suzie Pustil
Lisa Ritchie & David Carroll
Avra Rosen & Mark Goodman
Jim Shenkman & Denise Zarn
Helen Sinclair & Paul Cantor
Cary H. Solomon and Family
Rabbi Yael Splansky & Dr. Adam Sol and Family
Harvey Tanzer & Cheryl Goldhart and Family
Trinity Plastic Products Inc.
Rose Wolfe
The Yakobson Family
Lisa & Aaron Baumal
Debra & Barry Campbell
The Caplan Family
Drs. Alice & Ron Charach
George & Susan Cohon
Greg Coleman & Jill Witkin
The Crawford-Ritchie Family
Carey Diamond & Tina Urman
The Ehrlich Family
Angela & David Feldman
Gary & Barbara Fogler
Fran & Bernie Goldman
Marvin & Diana Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Herman
S. Jennifer Hunter
Sheldon Inwentash, Lynn Factor, Nicole,
Raquel & Jakson
Jan & Russ Joseph
John B. Laskin & Holly Goren Laskin
Rena Mendelson & Allan Detsky
Carolin & Jerry Michaels
Lesley & Ron Miller
Karen Minden & Harvey Schipper
Allan & Lesley Offman
Dr. Stephen Pearl
Ann & Gary Posen
Rhonda Richer & Tim Lipa
Leslie & Darren Richmond
Jack & Judith Rose
Nancy Ruth
Jocelyne Salem and Family
Judy & Sam Sapera
Brenda & Fred Saunders
Julia & Michael Sax
Alison & Alan Schwartz
Michael & Jackie Shulman and Family
Judy Simmonds
Lise & Luke Sklar
Sheila Smolkin
Brenda Spiegler & Mark S. Anshan
Carole & Jay Sterling
Francie & Martin Storm
Esther & Marvin Tile
Lionel & Sandy Waldman
Jack & Judy Winberg
Milton Winberg
Elizabeth Wolfe & Paul Schnier
Esther Zeller Cooper & Morris Cooper
Joyce & Fred Zemans
Ilana Zylberman Dembo & Ron Dembo
Anonymous x7
Jonathan Ain & Sam Gershkovich
Jean Anderson & Randall Friedland
Michael & Barbara Baker
Jim & Susan Bookbinder
Barry & Susan Borden
Elen, Howard, Bryan and Jennifer Brodie
Elizabeth & Reuben Bromstein
Richard & Sara Charney
Michael & Phyllis Cincinatus
Charles & Joy Cohen
Victor & Maxine Drevnig
Robert & Ruth Ehrlich
Elissa & David L. Fingold
Lawrence Freedman & Joy Rosen
Allan & Sondra Gotlieb
Murray Hart & Jill Kamin
Sharon Herman
Florence Hertzman
Steve Hurowitz & Diane Osak
The Karlinsky/Anderson Family
Harriette Laing
David & Susan Linds and Family
Ben & Jill Lustig
Ted Margel & Ilyse Lustig
Ms Sharon Neiss & Dr. Gordon Arbess
Ilan Philosophe & Katrina Violetis
Harvin & Rachel Pitch
Teresa & Alberto Quiroz
Debbie Redner & Benjamin Applebaum
Beth & Eric Roher
Cheryl Rosen & Daniel Drucker
Michael Rotsztain & Fay Greenholtz
Ronna Rubin & Philip Smith
Marvin & Victoria Sadowski
Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin
Holy Blossom Temple
Lili & Michael Shain
Dr. & Mrs. George Steiner
Martin Sterling
Floyd & Barbara Stern
Diane & Jonathan Wilson
Judy Winberg & Andy Pollack
Daniel & Michelle Wittlin
Susan Yack & Eric Rumack
Pam & Michael Albert
Janice & Larry Babins
Jodi & Steven Bager
Marvin & Linda Barnett
Susan Baskin
Naomi Bell
Mr. Ben-Ishai & Dr. Wilansky
Neil & Corinne Berinstein and Family
Michael Bernstein & Nan Dasgupta
Eric Beutel & Deborah Siegel
Matilda Bigio
Corinne Black & Richard Vrooman
Rudy Bloom
Gail & Zel Bocknek
Harriette Borins
Richard Borins, Sheryl Brodey
and Family
Elinor Borsook, Cathi &
John Freedman
Judy & Eric Breuer
Andrew & Lara Brodkin
Jason & Jennifer Burstein
Dr. Charles Cass
Deborah Chesnie Cooper
Henrietta Chesnie
Stephen Chris & Debra Birnbaum
and Family
Sharon Clavir and Family
Elise & Richard Cohen
Peter Collins & Kris Langille
Barbara & Richard Conway
Stewart Cramer, Raquel Adelstein
and Family
Bonnie Croll & Robert Henry
Carol Crystal & Jeff Meilach
Susan & Peter Dan
Jeff Dicker & Sandi Smith
Sharon Domb & Stephen Manly
Marvin & Miriam Dryer
Owen & Nancy Duckman
Joyce Eisen
Arnold & Ricky Englander
Larry Enkin
Maxanne Ezer
Bruce & Jodi Feldman and Family
Joseph & Helen Feldmann
Michael Firestone &
Carol Albert-Firestone
Anne Freeman
Stephen & Jill Fremes
Deborah & Marvin Gans
Shelley & Arthur Gans
Zita Gardner
Elaine & Marv Givertz
Marilyn & David Gluskin
Eleanor Godfrey
JoAnn & Stanley L. Gold
Joanne Goldberg
Bulletin •• December
December 2014
Lillyann Goldstein & Bill Wiener
and Family
Ronniez”l & Bonnie Goldstein
Mindy & Howard Goodman
Barry & Hanna Gordon
The Gottlieb Family
Kathy & Maurice Green
Shelley Greene & Joel Kirsh
Allan & Janine Grossman
Barbara L. Grossman
Susan & Haroldz”l Grossman
Dorothy Hasinoff & Kalle Vaga
Dr. Larry & Karen Hausman
Dr. Gillian Hawker &
Dr. Marty Perlmutar
Alan & Joan Heavenrich
Helfield-Klein Family
Janeth & Alex Henry
Elaine Herer & Stephen Holzapfel
Jill Hertzman
Andrea Himel & Eric Adelson
Susan Himel & Neil Kozloff
Helen & Joe Hochberg
The Howard Family
Dr. Ivan & Diana Hronsky
The Ingvaldsen Family
Elliott Jacobson & Judy Malkin
Allan Kates & Danielle Himel
Hilary & David Kettner
Jeffrey & Natalie Kirsh
Dr. Stuart & Francie Klein
Shirley Kofman
Richard & Sydney Krelstein
and Family
Alan & Carol Lavine
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Leibel
Brian Lidsky & Elana Paice Lidsky
Hettie & Norman Lofchy
Jean & Richard Lorie
Randy Malinsky, Mathew Malinsky,
Cathy Brack
Justine Melman and Family
Keith & Suzette Meloff
Fred & Cecile Metrick
Brian & Joan Mirsky
David & Karen Mock
Freda Ariella & Arthur Muscovitch
Michelle & Gavin Naimer
Erin O’Connor
Albert & Sandra Page
Shoshana Paice
Randolph & Julia Paisley
Martin & Farah Perelmuter
Alison & Gary Polan
Dr. Frank Pulver & Dr. Annalee Cohen
Ted & Merle Rachlin
Val & Anita Rachlis
Anna Cecille Ratney
Jane & Russell Rendely
Razelle Roebuck & David MacCoy
Florence & Irving Rother
Maxwell & Nancy-Gay Rotstein
Rhonda Rovan & Howard Rosenberg
Robert & Marlene Ruderman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rumack
Michael & Janet Ryval
Rivanne Sandler
Matthew Sapera & Darren Sukonick
Doreen & Alan Saskin
Lawrence Sax
Robert Schipper
Samuel & Charlotte Schwartz
Anci Shafran
Helen & Edward Sheffman
Donna & Stanley Shenkman
Robert & Mona Sherkin
Dr. Larry & Carolyn Silverberg
Roslyn G. Sitzer
Gerald & Judy Slan
Neri & Peter Slan
Sharon Smith-Miller & Shelley Miller
Lawrence Smith &
Marsha Elser-Smith
Marilyn & Richard Soberman
Ethel Solomon
Janis & Gary Soren
Randy & Debbie Spiegel and Family
Susan & Ray Stancer
Cecile Kaufman Stein
Rosalie Sussman
Cheryl Sylvester & Robert Schenk
and Family
Liz Tarshis & Rick Lash
Mr. & Mrs. Temkin
Leon & Shirley Tessler
Sidney Troister & Claudia Blumberger
Marvin & Sharon Ungerman
John & Rosie Uster
Craig & Kimberley Walters
Myrna Weinstein
The Wilder Family
Shari & Michael Wilson
Alan & Phyllis Wintraub
Stan & Ros Witkin
Linda Wolfe
Dorothy & William Wolfson
George & Glory Wortzman
Betty Young
The Zemans-Ronthal Family
Anonymous x7
Carol Abugov
Ms L. Aro & Dr. R. Leader
Ethel Bain
Andrea Baltman
Rita Belfer
Janice Bereskin & Ira Barkin
Gail Berman
Rosemarie Berman
Mrs. Susan Berman
Birenbaum Family
Beverley Borins
Paulette Brodey
Sally Chodorcove
Sara Clodman
Marcia & Kenneth Cohen
Michael Cole
David Dewitt & Susan Davis-Dewitt
Judy Druyan
Mildred Eisenberg
Nancy Epstein & David Goldbloom
Brian & Susan Fishman
Isabel Freeman
Paula Freeman
Adam Fremes
John & Nora Freund
Etta Ginsberg McEwan
Hersh & Shawnee Glickman
Jose & Mary Goldman
Millie & Sheldon Goldstein
Cynthia Good & Dan Aronchick
Claire Goodman
Gail & Gary Goodman
The Gordon-Chow Family
Leland Harris & Ruth Morayniss
E. David Hart
Linda Kamerman & Lewis Molot
Etienne & Aubrey Kaplan
Ellen Karabanow
Marion Kazdan
Paula Kirsh
Robert Klotz & Lyn Feldman
Marie Knaul
Fern Lebo & Alan Brudner
Jeffrey Leibel & Nancy Gebel
Leonard Levy
Nancy & Irving Lipton
Peter & Eleanor Loebel
Veronica (Vera) Mandel
Pnina Margolese
Joel Mickelson & Julie Markle
and Family
Kaylee Miller
Michael & Thuy Morgulis
Carol Osulky
Mrs. Bernice Penciner
Clifton M. Pezim
Mark & Joy Resnick
Lindi Rivers
Joanne Rosenberg & Jerry McIntosh
Adele Sager
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Sager
Rabbi Michael Satz
Ron & Elisabeth Saunders
Ruthe Schipper & Jerry Rotstein
Dan & Yael Scutaru
Tobye & Sydney Sennet
Diane & Gary Shiffman
Gail Silver
Julius Silver
Alma Simonsky
Robin & Bill Sims
Alexis Singer & Brian Nichols
Kenneth & Ruth Skolnik
Ruth Smith
Anne Snidermanz”l
Joan Solway
Doris Sommer-Rotenberg
Paul & Roseanne Spiar
Carol Lou Spiegel
Marla Spiegel & Joe Donahue
Ann D. Sutton
Jay & Linda Swartz
Tema Title
Frank & Jane Tizel
Ida Tugg
Paula & Alan Warren
Janet & Mark Webber
Mr. & Mrs. G. Winemaker
Joy & Herbert Wolfson
Sherry Wolfson
Harriet Wolman
Gloria Wunder
The Zalvin Family
Steve Zalvin
Anonymous x 24
We are delighted to welcome the following new members to Holy Blossom Temple:
Aaron Kazman
Abby Tile
Adam Sniderman
Adam Molot
Adam & Lindsay Beder
Alan Fr ydman &
Elayne Nusbaum
Alexandra Chris
Alexandra Saper a
Andrew Berinstein
Anna Hodgins
Ari Morgulis
Barnett Ludwig
Barr y Dewitt
Ben Goodis
Benjamin Leon &
Amy Greenberg
Benjamin Caplan
Benjamin Hertzman
Benjamin &
Aubrey Freedman
Benjamin Shapiro
Bradley Shafran
Brooke Gangbar
Charles Liss
Charles Ludwig
Cor inne Goldberger
Daniel Kolominsky
Daniel Axelrod
Daniel Friedland
Daniel Roher
David Polan
David Getz &
S tefanie Danis
Dean Skurka
Devon Stossel-Stairs
Eden Gelgoot
Elaine Goodman
Eli Molot
Ellen Cole
Elliot Berinstein
Emily Saunders
Eric Balshin
Erika Finestone
Erin Gelgoot &
Craig Gaffney
Erin Silverstein
Evan Freedman
Ezra Strauss
Ezra Fleisch
Greer Tanzer
Hannah Kalman
Howard Schmeltzer
Isaac Dicker
Isaac La wther
Jack Lipson
Jacob Dicker
Jacob Mir vish &
Leyla Bikbylato va
Jakson Inwentash
Jamie Sapera
Jamie Cra wford-Ritchie
Jason Rosen
Jennie Howard
Jennifer Schlossberg
Jennifer Mayers
Jesse & Cam White
Jill Meilach
Joanna Shnall
Joeley Pulver
Jonas Ross
Jonathan Rotchtin
Jonathan Linds
Joshua Borodin
Joshua Sack
Justin Linds
Justin Pico v &
Abby Sharp
Kaiya Kfir Morgulis
Karen Reisman
Ken & Ravit Lechter
Kira Sklar
Lana Liss
Laura Charney
Lauren Carroll
Lauren Albert
Lee Davis
Leeza Richman-Gould
Lyla Abells
Marc Feldman
Marlie Smith
Matthew Klincans
Matthew Dicker
Matthew Cohen
Megan Cramer
Mel & Carla Krass
Meredith Jonatan
Michael Rosenberg
Michael Liss
Michael Kravshik
Michael Marks
Michael Jones &
Ashley Iskip-Lavoie
Michelle Black
Miriam Heavenrich
Molly Goodis
Monica Peters &
Bradley Vooren
Natalie Simonsky
Natalie Eckler
Nicole Inwentash
Nicole Markowitz
Nikki Kravshik
Noah Rosenstock
Norman & Gloria May
Olivia Penciner
Oona Nadler
Rachel Tile
Rachel Moranis
Rachel Strauss
Rachel Friedland
Rachel Ehrlich
Raquel Inwentash
Rebecca Tartick
Rebecca S klar
Rebecca S tein
Riley Zuckerman
Rob Sniderman
Robert Snider &
Hayley Ro vet
Robert Chris
Robyn Goldhar
Ron & Zlata Huddleston
Ron Rein & Lina Wu-Rein
Ror y Diam ond
Rudy Goldenberg &
Sarah Ferguson
Samantha Wolfe
Samantha Corbin
Samara Abells
Samuel Rumack
Sandra Lyons
Sarah Goodman
Sean Hacker Teper
Shayna Markowtiz
Sofia Ludwig
Sophie Rivers
Stephanie Tartick
Steven Rotchtin
Taiga Lipson
Taylor Zuckerman
Tyler Smith
Valerie Hamilton
Yale Hertzman
Yonatan Konig &
Karly Waks
Zachar y Berinstein
Zev Skolnik
1950 Bathurst street, Toronto, on m5P 3K9
416.789.3291 •