Holy Blossom Temple in a New Light this Chanukah


Holy Blossom Temple in a New Light this Chanukah
Holy Blossom TEMPLE
December 2013
Holy Blossom Temple
in a New Light
this Chanukah
Intergenerational Family Chanukah Party
Friday, November 29, 2013 at 4:15 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at 6:00 p.m.
Nosh on latkes and soufganiyot. Spin the dreidel in Jacob’s Tower. Create Chanukah
crafts. Hear the talented and infectious band – Oozakazoo! Light your menorah.
RSVP required by Wednesday, November 27th @ 12:00 noon to Elana Fehler,
efehler@holyblossom.org or 416.789.3291, ext.532
Children under 3 – free
Ages 3-12 - $5 (members), $6 (non-members)
Ages 12+ - $10 (members), $12 (non-members)
RSVP required by Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. to Elana Fehler,
efehler@holyblossom.org or 416.789.3291, ext. 532
Bring your own Menorah and Chanukah candles.
Seniors Chanukah Party
Monday, December 2, 2013 12:30 p.m.
Festive lunch followed by musical entertainment featuring Klezkonnection
accompanied by our own Cantor Beny Maissner and Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers.
Rekindling The Lights
Philanthropy: A bright and vibrant future for HBT
The mood is different at Holy Blossom this year 5
I want our youth to love Temple 7
Learn and Grow Jewishly as part of our Temple Community 8
hank you to our Holy Blossom Congregational Appeal Donors 10
Progress on our Renewal Project 12
A boy whose unique light inspired the rebuilding of a tower 13
Transition 14
Our Congregational Family 16
Holy Blossom Calendar 19
Want to share a comment about the Bulletin?
Email Robert Carnevale at rcarnevale@holyblossom.org.
Rekindling The Lights
Rabbi Yael Splansky
One trait I’ve come to admire about our
congregation is its intellectual curiosity. Our
congregants want to grow in knowledge, to
be challenged by ideas, and to turn to their
synagogue as a place to stimulate and satisfy their
intellectual curiosities.
Over the years of preparing for our Renewal
Project, people have asked thoughtful questions
– How much space do we really need? How will
we raise the funds? Do we need to move off-site
during construction? These are practical and
necessary questions, which spring from discerning
minds. These are questions for problem solving,
asked and answered with a cool head and usually
from an emotional distance.
The Will
But now, finally, the emotional curiosity of the
congregation is also being sparked. People are
asking another set of questions, which get to the
heart of who we are and what we stand for. How
will our synagogue structure honour our past
and seamlessly point to our future? How will
our youth be given pride of place? How will our
elders navigate their way? Where will we meet
with one another during construction? How will
our synagogue building be an expression of Jewish
values, including caring for the earth? This new
layer of conversation
signals that our Renewal
Project is just around the
corner; it is no longer
theoretical. “Renewal
of Space and Spirit” is
now finding its way into
the imaginations of our
congregant-families; it is
becoming an expression
of our evolving
congregational identity;
and this is very exciting.
The word “Chanukah”
literally means “Rededication,” because it was
at this time during the Maccabean Revolt that
our people – against all odds – returned and
rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem. For us,
thank Goodness, there is no enemy to confront as
we enter the great doors of our Temple. For us, it
is only a matter of will.
We are relighting all the lamps. Thanks to the
steadfast dedication of lay and professional
leadership, Transition is now giving way to
Renewal. In the following pages you’ll read about
the Campaign for Youth Engagement and our
new Religious School model, about the meaning
of membership and righteous giving, about
Rabbinic leadership and physical renewal.
A year ago there was uncertainty and even anxiety,
because we were in the early stages of Transition.
So many questions were being tossed up into the
air and no one knew how they’d land. A year
later, after focus groups and listening campaigns,
congregational surveys and countless face-to-face
conversations, answers and clarity have emerged,
pointing the way for us. Now emotional curiosity
is sparked; momentum is gaining; and excitement
is palpable. Let’s light every light and rededicate
ourselves to this Temple, our Holy Blossom
Holy Blossom Temple
The mood is different at
Holy Blossom this year…
We hear in many ways that Temple has begun to
stir. It is again a welcoming place. Our spirits are
lifting and we have the energy to aspire.
Let me share with you my vision of Holy Blossom
5 years from now. We will be a congregation
of 2000 or more families (member units to be
more precise), who are inspired by what we do,
and proud to be associated. Our new building
by its nature will foster relationships and Jewish
community. It will be the nerve centre of our
mission, an engaging place that bridges distance
to bring us together; to pray, to learn and to share.
Temple will bring the world to us, and more
important reach us where we are; in our homes, on
campuses, even in our cars. Holy Blossom will be
the congregation where the engagement of our
spiritual experience, the breadth and depth of our
learning at all ages, and our astuteness and energy
in meeting the social issues we chose to engage are a
beacon to the community.
This is predicated on a single proposition: Reform
Judaism, Holy Blossom style, has a unique and
compelling moral message that can engage each
generation, on its own terms, to make our lives
better and the world a better place.
Making that proposition live has three elements:
spiritual commitment, untrammelled excellence
in ritual, education, and social action, and the
belief that what we do is a direct expression of the
relationships we foster among us.
So how do we get from here, to there? Holy
Blossom may be a very special congregation in
the history of this community and of the Reform
Movement. Yet the fact is that the Jewish world has
evolved faster than we have. Whether we cite the
Pew Report, which documents a broad-based
decline in Jewish affiliation across the United
States, or our own experience, it is clear that doing
what we have done in the past will not serve our
future. Not for the first time in our history we
have to think and act anew, to reinvigorate, to turn
I borrow the phrase “turnaround” from the
corporate world to make an important point. In
a typical “turnaround”, there is a fundamental
assumption that the institution is worth preserving,
and can, given change. (I don’t think any of us
doubt that given the buzz of the High Holy Days
and the continuing beat of day to day activities.)
To achieve the turnaround, we have to go back to
basics. What is our identity? What distinguishes us
as a Reform congregation? Historically, we have
represented the summit of excellence in spiritual
leadership and guidance, education, and social
action. Those values still hold true. Yet our
congregational survey tells us that our identity is
neither clear, nor expressed or both. Board
Member Merle Kriss leads the drive to produce a
new Statement of Identity. It is a vital benchmark
against which our activities are to be measured.
Informed by our Statement of Identity, our new
vision has several key elements. The first is new
leadership, both lay and professional. To that end
we are well on the path toward welcoming our new
Senior Rabbi. Rabbi Jordan Helfman has already
had a transformative impact as our new Assistant
Rabbi. The selection process for a successor to
continued on page 6 }}
From the Board
Dr. Harvey Schipper
our Executive Director, Benjamin Applebaum, who has served
us so capably for more than a decade, is also well underway. Our
Board has much new blood. It has embraced rules and procedures
as well as a Code of Conduct, all of which articulate its serious
responsibilities. New bylaws, updating our governance structure,
will come to the congregation for discussion and approval this
The second is the vessel for our activities, our physical renewal
project. Construction is scheduled to begin after the High Holy
Days in 2014. The plans are evolving quickly. The congregation is
broadly engaged. Designing the project in two phases appears to
have enabled us to meet key financial goals.
The third element goes to our essence: Jewish lifelong learning.
If we are to be the beacon, our leaders of lifelong learning
must inspire and engage as extraordinary educators. We can’t
be limited by our walls, neither for our members who wish to
learn, nor for those from whom we hope to learn. This year we
have made beginning steps. Next year we must come up with a
comprehensive forward-looking plan that we can execute. It is a
major Board task.
For years we have taken our members for granted. We’ve been
less than respectful and engaging in welcoming them. Sisterhood
and the Volunteer Engagement Task Force are moving rapidly to
make sure that members of our congregation can find fulfilling
leadership roles. Shortly we will be filling, after too long a delay,
our Membership Department Chair.
We are making progress. But I return again to the “turnaround”
theme. The vision is not complete. It will take several years before
we fully realize the fruits of our efforts. Meanwhile we have a
serious fiscal problem. Our expenditures substantially exceed
our revenues, and are likely to do so for a while. The Finance
Committee, those working in development, the professional
staff, and the Board are focused on that challenging reality. We
are looking for innovative solutions. We need to increase our
membership, though the model of membership may change. We
need to be a more giving congregation, and the avenues for that
activity need to evolve.
We will explore alternative revenue sources, partnerships and
alliances. We need to look very closely at how each and every one
of our activities align with our vision. It is not a matter of cutting
our way to growth. We will set our sights clearly on a future vision
and map out the steps to get there.
Temple is rich with extraordinary talent. We need you. I am
confident that with your involvement we will come up with a plan
that is vibrant, future embracing, and compelling, not only for
current members but for the broader community. Once we
do that, finding the fiscal means to achieve that goal will be
There are many voices that say the
cathedral synagogue is dying. “The
future is small and hamish,” they say.
In that light a vision of 2000 families
seems out of touch. It is not. It says
that size plus diversity and a deep sense
of community opens options and
possibilities far beyond the reach of
others. It is in our essence to take the
risk. It is not our nature to wait for the
future and follow. It is our nature to
anticipate the future and help make it
Photos by
Dr. Harvey Schipper, President
Holy Blossom Temple
I want our youth to
article by
Lisa Baumal
Youth Director
This past July, my role here at HBT expanded to ‘Director of
Youth Engagement’. Now, in addition to my role within our
Religious School, I coordinate all our various youth
activities: KEF – the afterschool program for JK-grade 2 on
Sundays, YEAH for grades 4-6, JVC for grades 7 and 8, and
HABSTY, our high school youth group that is a part of
In addition to programs, I have been connecting teens to
volunteer opportunities in Religious School and other areas of
our congregation. Through all this, I have already been able to
connect with our kids in so many ways, and in so many places!
For me, this new role at Temple has been a perfect fit: Informal
Jewish Education has always been my passion – be it in a Temple
setting, camp, NFTY, Israel, university campus or elsewhere. I
also care very deeply for this congregation, and recognize that
its’ future is our youth. I want our youth to love Temple, build
memories here, create strong friendships here, and help shape the
future of Holy Blossom Temple. Here are some of the things that
are going on around Temple for youth:
KEF has our youngest kids creating amazing art, making dance
videos, playing sports and generally having a great time in our
building after Religious School on Sundays!
YEAH meets monthly for programs – upcoming is the first ever
YEAH sleepover!
JVC’s HOME: Hands on Mitzvah Experiences, has been a huge
success. Each month we fulfill a different mitzvah together –
making soup for Bikkur Cholim, baking muffins to welcome our
Out of the Cold guests etc. I look forward to doing more mizvot
each month with this group!
HABSTY meets every Monday for lounge nights – Homework
help, games night, mystery snack – there is always something
happening in the lounge on Monday nights for our teens. 5 of
our teens recently returned from NFTY-NEL’s Fall Kallah in
Buffalo, and registration will open soon for 2 upcoming events
in Cleveland – one of which includes a track for grade 7&8
In addition to their own monthly programs, HABSTY members
are also helping to plan and run programs for some of our
younger youth, including our first even YEAH Temple
sleepover, coming up on December 7th!
Also new this year is HADRACHA – a teen leadership seminar
open to any teen who is a camp counsellor, student teacher, or
any leadership position. This seminar meets monthly and will
help build and develop group leading and programming skills.
It’s been a busy fall for youth at HBT – from apple picking,
learning, soup making, bowling, dancing, retreats, Havdallahs,
lounge nights, sport play, karaoke, baking muffins, student
teaching, and more! Working with the task forces within the
Campaign for Youth Engagement, and our Religious School, we
are coordinating our efforts to plan future programs.
Please contact me for more information on any of the above
opportunities, or if you have a child or grandchild who would
like to become more involved in Temple. I look forward to more
fun with our youth in the coming months!
lbaumal@holyblossom.org 416-789-3291 ext. 242
Bulletin • December 2013
Learn and Grow
Jewishly as part of our
Temple Community
My family joined Holy Blossom more than 35 years ago. I
celebrated my Consecration, Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation
in our sanctuary, and my husband and I were married by
Temple clergy. It feels like only yesterday that we welcomed our
daughters into the world at their baby namings. They are
now 9 and 7 years old and we regularly stop by the wall at
Temple where our Consecration photos hang – theirs and mine.
It’s hard to believe that in the not
too distant future, their pictures will
amongst those of the Confimands
as well.
article by
Meredith Englander
that they are gaining at our school as well. They are making
Jewish friends, developing relationships with Rabbis and
learning about what it means to be an active member of our
Temple community.
The Temple is changing. Our Religious School evolves – now
offering greater flexibility and choice that better suits the needs
of our families. Our worship has changes – including the
introduction of an early reader’s service for the High Holidays.
The Temple’s physical space will evolve and change –
as we break ground for the renewal project.
So when asked to consider “Why Holy Blossom Temple
Now?”, I realize that for me, it has always been Holy Blossom
Temple. From the life cycle events that I’ve celebrated here, to
the holidays and festivals that I have observed, the friendships
that have developed and the Jewish education that I’ve built
upon, Holy Blossom has really
always been a part of my life. As
my family grows, it is increasingly
important to me that we – actually
everyone in my family, including
my parents and siblings – continue
to make Holy Blossom a part of
our lives.
As did I, our daughters attend
Religious School/Hebrew School at
Holy Blossom. I take great pleasure
Lyla and Corrie Spetter
in watching them learn and grow
Jewishly as part of our Temple community. Lyla, who is in
grade 4, can read Hebrew fluently and we listen with pride as
she recites the prayers that she’s been learning in class. When
we joined our younger daughter’s class for services last year, we
observed and were moved by Corrie’s quiet but comfortable
participation in the service. Beyond the formal education
that my daughters receive at Religious School – knowledge
of Jewish holidays and history, life cycle events, the Hebrew
language, prayers and songs – there is something less tangible
Holy Blossom Temple
A bright and vibrant future for Holy Blossom Temple
article by
Jonathan Ain
Director of Development
Building and strengthening the Jewish
community through philanthropy has been
a tradition of my family, at least for the
three generations of Ains who have lived
and worked in Canada.
Growing up, I understood that my Dad
had an important job for Jewish people
(Steve Ain is a former CEO of UJA
Federation and UIA Canada; Steve’s father
Joe Ain was a prominent international
Jewish community figure). However, as
kids, our understanding of Dad’s career was
limited to the knowledge that he was often
not home for dinner and attended many
“very important meetings”.
As we grew older, we began to grasp the true significance of his
work, the primary lesson of which was that the creation of a
thriving, vital Jewish community does not occur by accident.
Rather, as Jews we deliberately create community by looking
after one another’s well-being. We celebrate each other’s
milestones and comfort one another during times of need.
Throughout time, our community’s survival has depended
upon the obligation of the older generation to support,
encourage, and often provide a “hand-up” to the next.
members, I am humbled by the devotion
and passion of generations of families for
whom Holy Blossom forms a lifeblood;
this is a special membership whose parents,
grandparents and great-grandparents
worshipped, celebrated and studied at this
landmark institution.
All of these wonderful people make me
so excited to have taken on the Director
of Development role at Holy Blossom.
As I continue to learn more about this
splendid institution, I remain excited and
motivated by the strong presence of those
ingredients key to successful philanthropy:
top-rate cantors, rabbis and teachers, a caring
membership, and a donor community ready to ensure the
Temple’s sustained prosperity.
As I look upon the coming year, it is with great joy and
anticipation that I hope to meet each and every one of you.
Working together, we will cement a bright and vibrant
future for Holy Blossom Temple – today, tomorrow, and for
generations to come.
As I look at Holy Blossom and the remarkable range of
opportunities our 150 year old Temple offers, I see a
congregation filled with a deep passion for all that is Jewish.
I see mothers bringing infants into Temple to begin forming
their Jewish connections. I see a pre-school bustling with
children and young parents, all of whom come through our
sacred doors in order to ensure their young ones are receiving
a healthy Jewish start. I see young families looking to lay down
their roots at one of the country’s premier congregations. I see
deeply committed volunteers who are determined to steward
Holy Blossom through a successful Transition and Renewal.
Most important, as I meet and hear from more Temple
Bulletin • December 2013
Jonathan Ain, Jonathan’s Grandmother, Phyllis Fox,
Jonathan’s husband, Sam Gershkovich
Thank you to our Holy Blossom Congregational Appeal Donors!
We are pleased to report that we have raised $451,000 from the wonderful generosity of the donors listed below.
Our Congregational Appeal makes membership at Holy Blossom possible for all who wish to belong. Many in our
congregation face financial hardships. Funds from this appeal directly subsidize membership fees, ensuring membership
for all regardless of financial circumstance. It is through this campaign that we truly ensure that our community continues
to be an inclusive and vibrant centre of Jewish life.
It’s not too late to make a contribution to this year’s Congregational Appeal - the need remains great - with your help we
can reach the milestone. Please consider making a gift now. You will still receive a tax receipt for the current year, and
have your congregational support recognized in the next Bulletin and on our website. Please call Jonathan Ain, Director of
Development (ext. 249) at the Temple to make your gift today.
Thanks again to our generous donors!
Fran & Lawrence Bloomberg
Wendy & Elliott Eisen
Gladys & Lloyd Fogler
Patricia & Richard Fogler
Joan Garson & David Baskin
Charles & Marilyn Gold
Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman
Carole & Dr. Bernard Zucker
Robert Lantos
Sam & Micki Mizrahi
Larry Rosen, Susan Jackson and Family
Gaye & Andrew Stein
Earl Bederman & Ann MacPherson
Joseph Burnett & Colleen Kennedy
Michael & Janette Diamond and Family
Karen & Tom Ehrlich and Family
George & Lois Fine
Tom & Jacqueline Friedland
Joy & Barry Gales
Sybil Geller & Jack Geller, Q.C.
Leon & Anita Lapidus and Family
Lorraine & Donald Loeb
Audrey & David Mirvish
Patricia Nadeau & David Rosenkrantz
Stephen & Suzie Pustil
Mary Seldon
Jim Shenkman & Denise Zarn
Rabbi Yael Splansky & Dr. Adam Sol and Family
Harvey Tanzer & Cheryl Goldhart and Family
Rose Wolfe and Family
Michael & Pamela Albert and Family
Mark S. Anshan & Brenda Spiegler
Harvey S. Borden C.A.
Barry & Debra Campbell
Drs. Alice & Ron Charach
Richard & Sara Charney
George & Susan Cohon
Esther Zeller Cooper & Morris Cooper
Heather Crawford & Larry Ritchie
Jeff & Phyllis Denaburg
Carey Diamond & Tina Urman
Helena & David Fine
Jack M. Fine
Lawrence Freedman & Joy Rosen
The Harold & Ethel Freeman Foundation
Fran & Bernie Goldman
Diana & Marvin Goodman
Mark Goodman & Avra Rosen
Allan & Sondra Gotlieb
Dorothy Hasinoff & Kalle Vaga
Sheldon Inwentash & Lynn Factor, Nicole, Raquel,
and Jakson
John B. Laskin & Holly Goren Laskin
Earl & Jordanna Lipson
Henry E. Liss and Family
Rabbi Dow & Fredzia Marmur
The Melman Family
Rena Mendelson & Allan Detsky
Carolin & Jerry Michaels
Lesley & Ron Miller
Dr. Stephen Pearl
Rhonda Richer & Tim Lipa
Lisa Ritchie & Dave Carroll
Judith & Jack Rose
Dr. Shia & Jocelyne Salem
Maureen, Lorne and Alex Saltman
Brenda & Fred Saunders
Julia & Michael Sax
Dr. Harvey Schipper & Dr. Karen Minden
Ronald & Joanne Schwarz
Michael & Jackie Shulman
Mrs. Judith Simmonds
Lise & Luke Sklar
Cary Solomon and Family
Francie & Martin Storm
Esther & Marvin Tile
Jack & Judy Winberg
Elizabeth Wolfe & Paul Schnier
Vanessa & Ari Yakobson
Helene Zelovitzky
Joyce & Fred Zemans
Janice & Larry Babins
Dr. Michael & Barbara Baker
Warren Blatt, Joanne Godel and Family
Jim & Susan Bookbinder
Michael & Phyllis Cincinatus and Family
Diamond Schmitt Architects
Jeff Dicker & Sandi Smith
Maxine & Victor Drevnig
Tamara & Gary Fine
Murray Hart & Jill Kamin
Jane & Robert Herman
Sharon Herman
Steven Hurowitz & Diane Osak
Harriette Laing
Susan & David Linds and Family
The Lipson-Kogut Family
Dr. Ted Margel & Ms Ilyse Lustig
Sharon Neiss, Gordon Arbess and Family
Ann & Gary Posen
Debbie Redner & Benjamin Applebaum
Leslie & Darren Richmond
Beth & Eric Roher
Michael Rotsztain & Fay Greenholtz and Family
Ronna Rubin & Philip Smith
Eric Rumack & Susan Yack
Nancy Ruth and Family
Marvin & Victoria Sadowski
Sam & Judy Sapera
Alison & Alan Schwartz
Lili & Michael Shain
Ethel Solomon
Joyce & Barry Spiegel
Elen Steinberg & Howard Brodie
Carole & Jay Sterling
Daniel & Michelle Wittlin
The Wittlin Family
Terry Axelrod & Heather Shapiro
Susan Baskin and Family
Naomi Bell
Corinne & Neil Berinstein and Family
Matilda Bigio
Corinne Black & Richard Vrooman
Rudy Bloom
Bonnie Bloomberg
Richard Borins & Sheryl Brodey
Andrew & Lara Brodkin
Jason & Jennifer Burstein
Deborah Chesnie Cooper
Henrietta Chesnie
Sharon Clavir and Robin Mirsky
Dr. Annalee Cohen & Dr. Franklin Pulver
Charles & Joy Cohen
Richard & Elise Cohen
Peter Collins & Krisanne Langille
Barbara & Richard Conway
Bonnie Croll & Robert Henry
Susan & Peter Dan
Michael & Dimitra Davidson and Family
The Drucker Family
The Duckman Family
Owen & Nancy Duckman
Robert & Ruth Ehrlich
Arnold & Ricky Englander
Larry Enkin
Holy Blossom Temple
Maxanne Ezer
Elissa & David L. Fingold
Michael Firestone & Carol Albert-Firestone
Anne Freeman
Stephen & Jill Fremes
Randall Friedland & Jean Anderson
Shelley & Arthur Gans
Deborah & Marvin Gans
Zita Gardner
Randi & Alan Garfinkel
Howard & Carole Gelfand
Judy & David Gershon
Marvin & Elaine Givertz
Marilyn & David Gluskin
Eleanor Godfrey
Jo Ann & Stanley Gold
Ronald & Bonnie Goldstein
Howard & Mindy Goodman
The Gotlieb Family
Matt & Aviva Gottlieb and Family
Kathy & Maurice Green
Barbara L. Grossman
Susan & Harold Grossman
Alan & Joan Heavenrich
Gillian Helfield, Eric Klein and Family
Dr. Elaine Herer & Dr. Stephan Holzapfel
Helen & Joe Hochberg
The Howard Family
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Hronsky
Melissa & Tim Hylton
The Ingvaldsen Family
Allan Kates & Danielle Himel
Hilary & David Kettner
Jay S. Keystone
Dr. Stuart & Francie Klein
Shirley Kofman
Richard & Sydney Krelstein and Family
Merle Kriss
Jeff Leibel & Nancy Gebel
Judith Leranbaum
Dr. Larry & Mrs. Faye Librach
Jean & Richard Lorie
Ben & Jill Lustig
Jay & Malca Marin
Shelley & Sharon Miller and Family
Modern Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Sylvia & Harvey Naftolin
Erin O'Connor
Martin & Penny Offman
Julia & Randolph Paisley
The Pataki Family
Bernice & Yitz Penciner
Phyllis Pepper
Marty Perlmutar & Gillian Hawker
Alison & Gary Polan
Teresa & Alberto Quiroz
Ted & Merle Rachlin
Anna Cecile Ratney
Lindi & Stephen Rivers
Ms. Razelle Roebuck & Mr. David MacCoy
Maxwell & Nancy-Gay Rotstein
Rhonda Rovan, Howard Rosenberg and Family
Marlene & Robert Ruderman
Pearl Rudin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rumack
Michael & Janet Ryval
David & Sandra Sandler
Ethel Sapera
Matthew Sapera & Darren Sukonick
Doreen & Alan Saskin
Robert Schipper
Anna Maria Shafran
Ted & Grace Shafran
Bonnie & Mel Shear
Helen Sherman
Hanna Shlesinger
Deborah Siegel & Eric Beutel
Gerald & Judy Slan
Bulletin • December 2013
Sheila Smolkin
Candice & Phil Solomon and Family
Janis & Gary Soren
David & Susan Speigel
Dr. Manuel & Phyllis Spivak
Leslie & Mel Springman
Susan & Ray Stancer
Cecile Kaufman Stein
Norma & George Steiner
Bert & Barbara Stitt
Joni Stossel & Graham Stairs
Maureen & David Tartick
Shirley & Leon Tessler
Sidney Troister & Claudia Blumberger
Walters Family
Lila Weiss
Dr. Rhonda Wilansky & Mr. Israel Ben-Ishai
Lawrence & Lori Wilder and Family
Diane & Jonathan Wilson
Shari & Michael Wilson
Phyllis & Alan Wintraub
Stan & Ros Witkin
Linda Wolfe
William & Dorothy Wolfson
The Zemans-Ronthal Family
Carol Abugov
Loris Aro & Rolland Leader
Gordon & Sandy Atlin
Dr. Benjamin Barankin & Dr. Kimberly Liu-Barankin
Lisa & Aaron Baumal
Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman
Janice Bereskin & Ira Barkin
Gail Karen Berman
Mrs. Susan K. Berman
Zel & Gail Bocknek
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Book
Dr. Barry & Susan Borden
Beverley Borins
Marlene & Andy Borins
Paulette Brodey
Dorothy Brown
Ari Burkes & Rosalie Abate-Burkes
The Caplan Family
Sally Chodorcove
Sara Clodman
Michael S. Cole
David A. Cooper
Gladys Cotton
David Dewitt & Susan Davis
Judy Druyan
Mildred Eisenberg
Richard Feldman & Irene Chow
Ruth Fischer, JD Reeves and Asher Reeves
Isabel Freeman
John & Nora Freund
Etta Ginsberg McEwan
Lynn Gluckman & Andrew Taylor
Millie & Sheldon Goldstein
Claire Goodman
Gary & Gail Goodman
David Hart
Jill Hertzman
Imperial Coffee and Services Inc.
Aubrey & Etienne Kaplan
Ellen Karabanow
Margaret & Richard Kardish
Rose Kates
Dr. Martin & Marion Kazdan
Jeffrey & Julie Kirsh
Paula Kirsh
Robert Klotz & Lyn Feldman
The Knaul Family
Ahuva Krieger
Kuretzky Vassos Henderson LLP
Fern Lebo & Alan Brudner
Brian Lidsky & Elana Paice Lidsky
Peter & Eleanor Loebel
Allan & Alisa Lyons
Pnina Margolese
Julie Markle & Joel Mickelson
Justine Melman
Idee & David Mendicino
Kaylee Miller
Maxine Minden
Michael & Thuy Morgulis
Barbara Organ
Albert & Sandra Page
Shoshana & David Paice
Clifton Pezim
Marla Powers
Rational Business Solutions
Arlene Roth
Florence & Irving Rother
Erika Rubin & Adam Breslin
Alan Ruth
Adele Sager
Dr. Mark & Susan Sager
Ian Salonin & Kate Melnyk
Rivanne Sandler
Drs. Ron & Elizabeth Saunders
Annalee & Brian Schnurr
Harold Segal
Tobye Sennet
Naz & Eddi Ser
Helen & Edward Sheffman
Diane & Gary Shiffman
Jack Shuber M.D.
Myrna & Harvey Silver
Julius Silver
Alma & Paul Simonsky
Robin Sims
Anne Sniderman
Joan Solway
Doris Sommer-Rotenberg
Sara Speigel
Theodore Spevick
Lauren Sterling
Martin Stern
Rosalie Sussman
Ann Sutton
Jay & Linda Swartz
Lisa Taylor and Family
Ida Tugg
Debby Vigoda
Herb & Joy Wolfson
Harriet Wolman
Gloria Wunder
Andrew & Lynne Zalvin
Phase 1 construction begins
in only 10 months!
It continues to be a busy and rewarding time for our HBT Renewal Project.
All summer long and into the fall, the Project Engagement committee conducted
extensive outreach to the congregation, to listen and fully understand our needs
in a renewed building, and to share the increasingly palpable excitement of the
October 2014 groundbreaking.
A large number of meetings were held with stakeholder groups all over Temple.
Groups ranged from teens to seniors, and various Temple committees described
their specific needs and desires for the campus. There were also a series of Temple
tours during these months, where participants actively envisioned our future space.
In every case, representatives from our architects, Diamond Schmitt, were in
attendance, to listen and understand.
As a direct result of this input, the architects have been better able to assess our
Temple’s programmatic needs to guide the schematic design process. Once this
stage is complete, they’ll immediately move into the detailed design phase, where,
once again, specific input will be sought from the congregation. These are all
necessary and helpful steps in advance of the first shovel going in the ground next
Watch this space for further updates and be sure to visit the Renewal page on
our Temple website for more news. And please remember, if you’d like to get
involved in any way with our Renewal Project, we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Please reach out at www.holyblossom.org/renewal.
Holy Blossom Temple
A boy whose unique light
inspired the rebuilding of a tower
article by
David Rosenberg
Renewal Communications
Jacob Hertzman was unlike any other boy. Although doctors
could clinically describe his condition, no one could give it
a name, other than “The Jacob Syndrome”. But, hearing his
parents David and Jill tell it, Jacob was one of a kind in so many
meaningful ways.
“No one ever had to tell Jacob what to do”, recounts David. “He
would just walk in, say I’m Jacob, and take over. He was just so
Jill remembers, “Despite obstacles that he couldn’t control,
Jacob was a boy who just said yes to life. He was extraordinarily
passionate, adventurous and independent.”
And he never missed a chance to go to Temple. He embraced
Judaism fully, and loved Holy Blossom. Attending services
whenever he could, he’d sing in his loud voice, sometimes
joining the Torah procession or “helping” the Rabbi on the
bimah, when the mood struck him.
On one of these occasions, David remembered being taken up
the tower with his class as a special treat, many years ago. So he
and Jacob tried the door and it was open. The space was dark,
dank and in disuse, strewn with old cartons full of Temple
records. Walls were covered with graffiti, the handwritten names
of children from years past. But a faint light emanated from
above and the two climbed the rickety old staircase to the top.
Bulletin • December 2013
The windows were now grimy and cracked. But Jacob didn’t
care. He jumped up and down, exclaiming “You can see
everything from here” as he gazed out over the city “This must
be what looking down from Heaven is like!” David and Jacob
added their names to the wall. And whenever he could, Jacob
would spend time in the tower. It became his special, secret space
within Temple.
That memory, and Jacob’s positive, forward-looking nature, is
what inspired David to rebuild the Tower.
“In Rabbi Eisendrath’s original vision, the tower was always
meant to serve as a beacon, a positive light that would lead the
way”, says David. “That was very much Jacob’s spirit. I wanted
to unlock the tower for good, and have it serve as a symbol,
leading the way for our Renewal Project.” Dedicated on Shabbat
Shuvah this past September, Jacob’s Tower has been completely
rebuilt. A staircase that was once rickety, is now sturdy and
beautiful. Lighting has been carefully chosen to accentuate the
peaceful, contemplative nature of the space. The windows are
new. And the walls are still adorned with the handwritten names
of so many of our Temple’s children.
David’s hope is that every class, and every member who can,
visits the tower and feels its transformative power. “It’s simple,
says David, “as Jacob might say “It’s simple”, says David, “as
Jacob might say… Just come up here. See what I see.”
Next steps in the Rabbinic
Transition Process
Barry Campbell
Chair: Transition Steering Committee
As Chair of the Transition Steering Committee, I am pleased to present the report below from the Chair
and Vice-Chairs of the Rabbinic Search Committee:
The Senior Rabbi search process at Holy Blossom follows a Union for Reform Judaism
recommended approach and was approved by the Board and outlined to the Congregation in 2012.
The Search Committee, which includes 3 Board members and a broad cross-section of individual
Holy Blossom members was struck by the Transition Steering Committee (which reports to the
Board), and is consistent with the Rabbinic Transition process approved by the Board.
Since beginning deliberations in December 2012, the Search Committee has developed a
position description based on extensive congregational feedback, the most recent survey results,
Clergy involvement and a thorough Board review. The position description has been available
on the Transition Webpage of the Holy Blossom website since August 19th, 2013. There has
been strong response to the July 2013 posting; in addition, the committee has engaged in a
wide sourcing of possible candidates across North America and beyond. At the time of writing,
19 Rabbis who meet stringent URJ criteria for synagogues of our size have applied, which
demonstrates the ongoing attractiveness of Holy Blossom’s senior pulpit.
The Search Committee first undertook a paper application and Internet evaluation of potential
candidates, based on their personal vision statements, experience, publications, sermons and
community involvement (many Rabbis now post their sermons and articles on line). Specifically,
we were looking for candidates who could demonstrate a past track record of contribution and
leadership in their current and past pulpits. A select number were asked to engage in a lengthy
telephone interview with members of the search committee. Following further committee
deliberations, a number have been invited to Toronto for face-to-face interviews. A standardized
interview guide based on the position description has been created for each phase of the process to
allow for detailed evaluation and comparison.
Our goal is to establish over the next two months or so a short list of three to four fully qualified
candidates who will enter the next phase of the process. The short listed candidates will go through
further personal interviews not only with the Search Committee but also with members of the
Board. As we go further into the search process, we will also engage members of the congregation.
This process takes time and may well run into the first quarter of 2014 but we are committed
to selecting the right candidate for Holy Blossom Temple. The Search Committee will make its
recommendation to the Board for its consideration at the end of the process.
Throughout these phases, we continue to benefit from congregational input and perspectives.
We are most grateful to all of you who have chosen to provide comments and recommendations
Holy Blossom Temple
about candidates. Your Search Committee has shared these nominations from the Congregation with the CCAR Rabbinic
Placement Director (through whom we must work to approach Rabbis) to speak to potential candidates, to assess their interest
and to encourage them to apply. All Rabbinic applications are held in confidence by the Search Committee and the Board.
Hershell Ezrin, Chair Rabbinic Search Committee
David Ain and Lorraine Loeb, Vice Chairs, Rabbinic Search Committee
The transition process, which has been underway for over a year, has involved extensive congregational engagement and reflects a
vibrant and forward-looking congregation.
Your comments, questions and suggestions about
the Transition process are always welcome.
Please contact us at transition@holyblossom.org or leave a voice-mail message at 416.789.3291 ext.518
Bulletin • December 2013
Holy Blossom Temple: November 2013
Welcome to Our
Congregational Family
We are delighted to welcome the
following new members to Holy
Blossom Temple:
n Judy Adler
n Rosemarie Berman
n Joey Blinick
n Zachary Burnett
n Esther & Gary Caplan
n Dorothy Charach
n Lynn & Michael Clarfield and Family
n Eliana Cohen and Family
n Beth Denaburg
n Marnie Denberg-Lax & Matthew Lax and
n Joanna Flatt
n Adam Fremes
n Tracie & Glenn Graff and Family
n Jessica & Jason Jacobson and Family
n Meredith Johnson and Family
n Rebecca Leese
n Malcolm Lester
n Irina & Eric Levant and Family
n Jamie Long
n Jordanna & Derek Luth
n Cheryl Madeira & Bill Shapiro and Family
n Robin Malach
n Karen Mann
n Corry & Jason Meretsky and Family
n Erin & Yahel Nov
n Avra Rayson
n David Rotchin
n Max Rubin
n Jeffrey Sattin
n Nicky Schlossberg
n David Segal
n Alan Selby
n Cory Sterling
n Kaley Stuart
n Alexandra Topp
n Lisa Winberg
n Kate Winbaum
n Sara Zatzman
n Adam Zeldin
n Jonathan Zipursky
B’nei Mitzvah
n Barbara Thal-Hodes & Robert
(Bob) Hodes, on the birth of a
grandson, Theodore Roland
Giguere Hodes (Teddy). Proud
parents are Nadine Giguere & David
Hodes. Other proud grandparents are
Marcel Giguere & Line Chartier.
n Ingrid Johnson on the birth of a
daughter, Naomi Alexa Johnson.
Proud grandparents are Jill & Ted
n Lindsay & Jonathan Nyquist
on the birth of a daughter, Chloe
Alexandra Nyquist and sister to Lily.
Proud grandparents are Jill & Allan
Schaffran; and Jo Anne & Doug
Nyguist. Proud great grandmother is
Margaret Nyquist.
n Ronnie Shore & Denes Rothschild
on the birth of a son, Ben Rothschild,
and sister to Simone. Proud
grandparents are Amalia & Ze’ev
Shore; and Susan & Charles
n Janet and Michael Ryval on the
birth of a granddaughter, Haley Ruth
Ryval. Proud parents are Jonathan
Ryval & Alta Karpenko. Other proud
grandparents are Annis & Steve
Karpenko. Proud great grandparents
are Gerry Sigler; Jane & Walter
Karpenko; and Lee Campione.
n Tami & Mark Uster on the birth
of a daughter, Daphne Simone
Uster, and sister to Noah. Proud
grandparents are Lisa & Jerry
Friedberg; and Rosie & John Uster.
Proud great grandmother is Fanny
December 7, 2013
4 Tevet 5774
David Friedland,
son of Jacqueline &
Tom Friedland
December 14, 2013
11 Tevet 5774
Lindsay McLean,
daughter of Laura
Dallal & Brian
January 11, 2014
10 Shevat 5774
Rosenberg, son
of Gillian & David
January 18, 2014
17 Shevat 5774
Max Mickelson, son
of Julie Markel & Joel
February 1, 2014
1 Adar I 5774
Riva Menon,
daughter of Mimi
Menon and Govind
nFebruary 1, 2014
1 Adar I 5774
Jacob ZemansRonthal, son of
Marcia Zemans &
Adam Ronthal
February 22, 2014
22 Adar I 5774
Jacob CrawfordRitchie, son of
Heather Crawford &
Larry Ritchie
March 1, 2014
29 Adar I 5774
Avishai Sol, son of
Rabbi Yael Splansky
& Adam Sol
March 2, 2014
30 Adar I 5774
Toby Gold, son of
Jacky Fine & James
Engagements & Weddings
n Joni and Eric Eisenberg are delighted to
announce the engagement of their son Robert Alex
Eisenberg to Hannah Rose Pinsky, daughter of
Susan and David Pinsky of Acton, Massachusetts.
Proud grandparents are Mildred Eisenberg (Toronto),
Roz Shrier (Montreal), Marcia Waters (Acton), Diane
Rosenberg (Chicago) and Bernie Pinsky (Kansas
n Fran Suran and Stephen Malach are pleased to
announce the engagement of their daughter Rachel
Malach to Jordan Silverman, son of Shirley
Tenenbaum and Howie Silverman. Proud
grandparents are Rita Suran, Rose Tenenbaum, Reny
Silverman, and Carol and Willie Silverman.
n Tobye and Syd Sennet are pleased to announce
the marriage of their son, Daniel Max Sennet to
Jessica Leah Goldstein, daughter of Diane and
Wayne Goldstein of London, Ontario, on October
6, 2013.
Holy Blossom Temple
In Memoriam
n Ben David Axelrod, father of Terry Axelrod, Sam
Axelrod and Michele Bloom, brother of Anne Harris
and Jack Axelrod
n Myer Brody, husband of Mimi Brody, father of
Mark Brody, Daniel Brody and Anna Brody
Michael Budlovsky, husband of Alice Budlovsky,
brother of Margaret Kardish, David Budlovsky and
Daniel Budlovsky
n Marilyn Farber, mother of Jane Tizel and Ron
Farber, sister of Bill Danson
n Max Finestone, husband of Heather Finestone,
father of Jason Finestone and Erika Finestone, brother
of David Finestone, Peter Finestone and Stephen
n Ruth Gould, mother of Susan Berger, Bonnie
Gould, sister of Norma Barkin, and Sol Belmont
n Charles Kadin, husband of Tanny Kadin, father of
Marlene Kadin and Cheryl Kohut
n Annette Klemow, mother of Neil Klemow and
Valerie Lipson, sister of Ruth Sax and Max Schleicher
n Michele Langton, daughter of Reva Henry, mother
of Zoe Langton, sister of Alex Henry and Harriett
n Kevey Leibow, father of Deborah Leibow, David
Leibow and Stephen Leibow
n Larry Librach, husband of Faye Librach, father of
Judith Librach and David Librach, brother of Barbara
n Anne Mirvish, mother of David Mirvish
n Georgina Rigor, sister of Eva Barton
n Audrey Rockman, mother of Roger Stronell
n Rose Rose, mother of Ruth Green, Edward Rose,
sister of Fay Greenwood and Silvia Price
n Billie Samuels, mother of Susan Sole, Corinne
Perlmutar and Nancy Mandel
n Ruth Sax, wife of Lawrence Sax, mother of Robert
Sax, Gail Sax and Toby Sax, sister of Max Schleicher
n Merle Seligman, mother of Richard Seligman,
Lawrie Seligman, Arthur Seligman and Resa Bloom
n Selma Sobel, mother of Jonathan Sobel and Steven
n Arlene Stone, mother of Janet Wasserman, Nancy
Cohen and Billy Stone, sister of Marilyn Pollock and
Barbara Applebaum
n David Swimmer, husband of Lisa Swimmer, father
of Noah Swimmer and Dylan Swimmer, son of Jennifer
Swimmer, brother of Miranda Fitzgerald
n Ethel Turk, mother of Noel Turk and Pamela Stein
n Kathy Zalvin, wife of Steve Zalvin, mother of
Andrew Zalvin, Michelle Delmar and Shane Zalvin,
sister of Mary Alice Legge and Gordon Legge
We thank our generous donors
Accessibility Fund
Dr. Brian Hands, In Honour: Etta
Ginsberg McEwan
Racie Sherman, Yahrzeit: Etta
Ginsberg McEwan
Archive Fund
David Hart, In Honour: Josephine &
Michael Cole; Chello Sittambalam
Bikur Cholim Fund
Susan Chernow, In Appreciation: Lisa
Liz Tarshis, In Appreciation: Lisa
Brimley Fund
General Donation: Sharon Clavir;
Cynthia & Brian Hands
Joshua & Henrietta Chesnie
Temple Endowment Fund
Henrietta Chesnie, In Honour: Toby
& Donald Farb and Family; Sybil
& Jack Geller; Gail & Gary Goodman;
Jill Kamin & Murray Hart; Ellen
Karabanow; Bambi Katz and Family;
Fredzia & Rabbi Dow Marmur; Hope
& Cantor Benjamin Maissner; Bev &
Les Rothschild; Ronna Rubin &
Phil Smith; Sheila Smolkin; Brenda
Spiegler & Mark S. Anshan; Linda
Wolfe; Rose Wolfe; Zemans Family
Earl and Marilyn Danson
Farber Endowment Fund
Marilyn Farber, In Memory: Ilene &
Sam Ackerman; Francie & Paul
Alter; Margaret & David Amis; Jean &
Lew Applebaum; Evelyn & Harold
Ashley; Lisa & Robert Ashley; Sarah
& David Ashley; Sandy & Gordon
Atlin; Sheila Bacher; Hettie Barasch;
Gabriel Beck; Mimi Beck & David
Lampert; Rita Belfer; Beverly Borins;
Sandy Brooks; Margo Brown; Penny &
Arnie Cader; Sara & Richard Charney;
Henrietta Chesnie; Chisik Family; Reba
Clodman and Family; Sharon Cohen &
Elliott Peranson; Ada Coxworth & Dale
Bailey; Nancy Cummings; Elizabeth &
Larry Cyna; Terrie & Doug Davidson;
Bulletin • December 2013
Dr. Mildred Eisenberg; Elaine Frankel;
Myrna Freedman; Randi & Alan
Garfinkel; Sybil & Jack Geller; Dr.
Gregory Gelman; Helen Glazer; Fern
Glicksman; Reta & Harvey Goldkind;
Diana Goodman; Gail & Gary
Goodman and Family; Marcie & Barry
Gordon; Marilyn Hahn; Holy Blossom
Temple Sisterhood; Happy Iscove; Daisy
& Sidney Jacobs; Ellen Karabanow;
Angela Keyes; Edward & Marianne
Keyes and Family; Stephanie & Rabbi
Barry Kogan; Harrianne Kronick and
Family; Joan & Brian Lambert; Barbara
Lampert & Peter Fitting; Cheryl Levick
and Family; Julie Luks & Daniel
Danson; Rochelle Luks; Judy Malkin &
Elliott Jacobson; Berenice & Mark
Mandelcorn; Lesley & Ron Miller;
Winnifred Miller; Maxine Minden;
Karen & David Mock and Family;
Cindy Mortimer; Helen Mosoff; Connie
& Bernice Myers; Sheila O’Brien &
Patrick Keyes; Ilana & Gavin Opert and
Family; Barbara Organ; Esta & Harry
Palter; Lillian Peranson; Shaya Petroff;
Judith Plaut and Carol; Harriet Pinkus;
Ann & Gary Posen; Susan Rae; Betty
Reid; Judy & Carl Ritchie; Renee &
Warren Rochman; Mary Ann & Dan
Rothstein; Mari Lynn Rusak; Nancy
Ruth; Patricia Samuels; Mary Sand;
Ruth & Larry Sax; Annalee & Brian
Schnurr; Marilyn Seigel; Mary Seldon;
Helen & Edward Sheffman; Hanna
Shlesinger; Noreen Shulman; Gail &
Barry Silver; Sheila Smolkin; Brenda
Speigel & Mark S. Anshan; Sara Speigel;
John Sweet; Cherie Szereszewski and
Kailah Rubin; Nomi Tal & David Hes;
Nancy & Peter Theimer; Tema & Irwin
Title; Helen Tizel; Nancy & Philip Turk;
Susanne & Kevin Tyber; Miriam &
Marc Warner; Florence Wilder; Barbara
Wiseman; Linda Wolfe; Roz & Bernie
Wosnick; Florence & Milten Wunch; Joi
& Perry Young
Elliott Jacobson & Judy
Malkin Family Fund
Elliott Jacobson, In Honour: June &
Byron Sonberg
Jean Fine Seniors Fund
General Donation: Dr. David
Myer Brody, In Memory: Sandy &
Gordon Atlin; Charles Bern; Thelma
Rosen Berris; Lois Buckstein; Josephine
& Michael Cole; Helen & Joe
Feldmann; Zita Gardner and Family;
Randi & Alan Garfinkel; Sybil & Jack
Geller; Diana & Marvin Goodman;
Gail & Gary Goodman; Jane & Gary
Griesdorf; Beth Herst & Sanford Borins;
Patty & Marcel Himmel and Family;
Jean & Richard Lorie; Ann & Gary
Posen; Rochwerg Family; Marlene &
Robert Ruderman; Nancy Ruth; Mark
Schlein; Judy & Gerald Slan; Sheila
Smolkin; Brenda Speigel & Mark S.
Anshan; Esther & Marvin Tile; Rosalind
& Stanley Witkin; Linda Wolfe; Joyce
& Fred Zemans
Geri Durbin, In Honour: Mondays @
the Temple
Temma Gentles, In Honour: Mondays
@ the Temple
Fay Greenwood, In Honour: Ruth
Green and Family
Marilyn Hahn, In Honour: Fradell
David Hart, In Honour: Shelly
Berenbaum & Chuck Litman; Phyllis &
Jeff Denaburg
Rose Rose, In Memory: Joyce &
Herb Appleby; Susan & Louis Axelrod;
Sheila Bacher; Rita Belfer; Betty
Bloomberg; Beverley Borins; Toby &
Aaron Brotman; Toby & Gary Ciglen;
Donna & Dennis Colt; Lorraine &
Ernie Dicker; Iris Drache; Raezelle,
Gustave and Laurie Goldmann; Gail
& Gary Goodman; Sandra & Stephen
Goldstein; Karen & Jordan Haberman;
Shana Haberman & Doron Melnick
and Family; Marilyn Hahn; Dorothy
Holmes & Paul Unterman; Ellen
Karabanow; Murray Kroach and Family;
Anne & Bill Lieberman; Sally & Joel
Lipkind; Etta Ginsberg McEwan;
Lynnda & Jeff Pancer; Judi & Paul
Scott; Mary Seldon; Judi Schwartz;
Sheila Smolkin; John Sweet; Linda
Ethel Turk, In Memory: Nancy-Gay &
Max Rotstein
Joy Wolfson, In Honour: Fradell
Rabbi Edward & Fagi
Goldfarb Fund for Jewish
Rabbi Edward Goldfarb, In
Appreciation: The Grammar Groupies
Floral Fund
Corinne Black & Richard Vrooman
on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah
of their son Liam Nicholas
Claire & Mark Caplan on the occasion
of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Angus
Sharon Domb & Stephen Manly on
the occasion of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter Eden
Jacqueline & Tom Friedland on the
occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son
Joanne Godel & Warren Blatt on
the occasion of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter Georgia Hanna
Shelley Greene & Joel Kirsh on the
occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their
son Ezra
Amy Kaiser & Ken Rotman on the
occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their
son Paul
Sharonah Masson & Danny Wengle
on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah
of their son Benny
Nancy & Jeffrey Radnoff on the
occasion of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter Clare
Randi Rose & Craig Offman on the
occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son
Eli David
Deborah Siegel & Eric Beutel on
the occasion of the Bat Mitzvah of their
daughter Avery
Nancy Theimer, In Honour: Phyllis
Florence Unger-Wilder & Lawrence
Wilder on the occasion of the Bar
Mitzvah of their son Harrison
Harry and Blanche Posen
Memorial Lecture Fund
Joy & Charles Cohen, In Honour:
Aaron Lipson and Family; Marta
Lipson and Family; Peter Lipson and
Family; Nancy & Lloyd Pollack;
Nancy & Peter Theimer
Holy Blossom Temple
General Donation: David Aharon
Cooper; Dr. David Kaplansky; Akos
Kwarten & Jonas Divine; Andrea
McKellar; Beverley Rudd
Helen Aaron, In Appreciation: Bram &
Jeff Aaron
Larry Babins, In Honour: Jane & Rob
Jared Berger, In Honour: Barbara &
Floyd Stern
Myer Brody, In Memory: Sydney &
Richard Krelstein
Joanna Cooper, In Memory: David
A. Cooper
Anita Diamond, In Memory: Adele
Hannah Gore, In Honour: Ilana
Zylberman & David Gore
David Hart, In Honour: Debbie
Redner & Benjamin Applebaum
Janet & Michael Ryval, In Honour:
Kathy & Maurice Green
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation:
Alyce & Dennis Helfman
Bernice Stein, In Memory: Jane &
Russell Rendely; Adele Sager
Holy Blossom Temple
Renewal Project
Daniel G. Cooper, In Honour: David
A. Cooper
Diana Goodman, In Honour: The
Birthday Girls
Marilyn Hahn, In Honour: Beverley
Freedman; Goldie & Dave Leibman
Murray Hahn, Yahrzeit: Marilyn Hahn
Gillian Helfield & Eric Klein, In
Appreciation: Alyce & Dennis Helfman
Sally & Ben Jacobson, In Memory:
Betty Bloomberg
Barbara Kives, In Honour: Marilyn
Barbara Paikin, In Honour: Marilyn
Jackie & Michael Shulman, In
Honour: Wendy & Elliott Eisen
Harry Smith, Yahrzeit: Ronna Rubin &
Phil Smith
Joy Wolfson, In Honour: Marilyn
Isenberg Family Endowment
Marilyn & Ron Nefsky, In Honour:
Carol & Steve Pilon
Jerry Plener, In Memory: Carol &
Steve Pilon
18 Jacob’s Tower Fund
Jacob’s Tower Dedication, In
Honour: Zita Gardner and Family
Eban Bayefsky, In Honour: Florence
Sylvia Chris, In Memory: Jill and Anne
Barbara Cohen, In Honour: Florence
Michael Hertzman and Joel Ulster,
In Honour: Marilyn Shesko & David
Lily Leiderman, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Anne Rogul, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Luna Roth, In Memory: Florence
Max Rubenstein, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Esther Bloch Shesko, Yahrzeit:
Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman
Phillip Shesko, Yahrzeit: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Benny Stark, In Memory: Marilyn
Shesko & David Hertzman
Joan Kerbel Leadership
Development Fund
Corinne Black, In Honour: Phyllis &
Jeff Denaburg; Liz Johnson
Corinne Black & Richard Vrooman,
In Honour: Bev & Les Rothschild
Henrietta Chesnie, In Honour:
Sharyn & Hershell Ezrin; Sheila
Ruth Cooper, In Memory: David A.
Jill Kamin, In Honour: Phyllis & Jeff
Denaburg; Liz Johnson
Spencer Otis, In Honour: Jill Kamin
& Murray Hart
Avra Rosen, In Honour: Denise
Kiddish Fund
Jacob’s Tower Dedication, In
Honour: David Hertzman and Family;
Jill Hertzman
Jordan Helfman, In Honour: Alyce &
Dennis Helfman
Library Book Fund
Elana Waldman, In Memory: Mryna
Rabbi Dow & Fredzia
Marmur Program for
Educational Excellence
Henrietta Chesnie, In Honour:
Happy Iscove
Musical Heritage Fund
Henrietta Chesnie, In Honour: Mary
Joy & Charles Cohen, In Honour:
Judy & Ralph Shiff
Esther Connors-Miller & Josh
Miller, In Honour: Janice & Larry
Ruth Ellen Greenwood, In Honour:
Faye & Jerry Swartz
Annette Klemow, In Memory: Mary
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Honour: Etta Ginsberg McEwan
Sharon & Shelly Miller, In Honour:
Holy Blossom Temple Singers
Rema Samsonov, In Memory: David
A. Cooper
Ruth Sax, In Memory: Helena &
David Fine; Holy Blossom Temple
Singers; Nancy & Lloyd Pollack; Mari
Lynn Rusak; Helen & Edward Sheffman
Ethel Turk, In Memory: Gay Lokash
Rose Wexler, In Memory: Fay Glustein
Out of the Cold Fund
General Donation: The Giving
Tree Foundation of Canada; Stephen
Dalia Alalouf, In Appreciation: Wilder
Richard Anderson, In Honour: Dori
Ben David Axelrod, In Memory: Sybil
& Jack Geller
Janet Ber, In Honour: Nadine & Bob
Mark Cassidy, In Honour: Michael
Annalee Cohen & Frank Pulver, In
Honour: Marcie-Ann Gilsig
Debbie & Rob Conway, In Honour:
Phyllis & Jeff Denaburg and Family
Ruth & Robert Ehrlich, In Honour:
Sandy & Gordon Atlin
Murray Ellis, In Honour: June
Mindy & Rick Gelman and Family,
In Honour: Phyllis & Jeff Denaburg
and Family
Jennifer & Mark Gershon, In
Honour: Debby Vigoda
Lori & Ernie Gershon, In Honour:
Debby Vigoda
Kathy & Maurice Green, In Honour:
Ellen Karabanow; Lydia Schaverien
Kathy & Maurice Green, In
Appreciation: William Edwards and
James Forster
Ruth Ellen Greenwood, In Honour:
Debbie & Marvin Gans
David Hart, In Honour: Debby Vigoda
Elliott Jacobson, In Honour: For
being named as an FCPA/FCA
Jonathan Lampe, In Honour: Debbie
& Marvin Gans
Arlene Lee, In Memory: Marlene &
George Bernard; Harriette Caplan; Joan
& Norm Cohen; Bella & Lawrence
Hall; Fayla, Bruce and Jordan Lee; Roz
Mason & Moe Haber and Family; Alma
& Harvey Rosen; Avy Winer; Rhonda
Kevey Leibow, In Memory: Kathy &
Maurice Green
Anne M. Mandell, In Memory: Himel
Anne Mirvish, In Memory: Sharon &
Lorne Tarshis
Walter Moos, In Memory: Susan and
Gail Berman
Freda Muscovitch, In Honour:
Barbara & Bob Hodes
Alex Orzy, In Honour: Karen & Dr.
Larry Hausman
Steven Plant, In Honour: Esther &
Cyril Hersh
Leslie Richmond, In Honour: Sharon
Marlene & Robert Ruderman, In
Honour: Debby Vigoda
Ruth Sax, In Memory: Mala
Greenbaum; Esther & Cyril Hersh;
Linda & Abe Neufeld
Brian Schnurr, In Appreciation: Lisa
Rosen & Kivi Shapiro
Gayla & Kenny Schwartz and
Family, In Honour: Phyllis & Jeff
Denaburg and Family
Benjamin Shekter, In Memory: Esther
Zeller & Morris Cooper and Family
Bob Smolkin, In Memory: Ellen
Abram Teitel, In Memory: Debby
Jack Toker, In Honour: June & Robert
Siller; Shay & Maurice Wechsler
Arieh Waldman, In Appreciation: Janet
& Michael Ryval
Harry & Cecile Pearl Youth
Award Endowment Fund
Ruth Sax, In Memory: Joyce & Fred
Plaut Manor Fund
Claire Caplan and Family, In
Honour: Ellen Karabanow
Henrietta Chesnie, In Honour: Judith
Plaut and Carol
Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, In Memory:
David Aharon Cooper
Merle Seligman, In Memory: Ellen
Prayer Book Fund
Claudia Blumberger, In Honour:
Rochelle & Ed Treister
Jeff Denaburg, In Appreciation: Elissa
& David Fingold and Family
Sidney Troister, In Honour: Rochelle
& Ed Treister
Project Tikvah Fund
General Donation: Merle Kriss;
Bernice & Yitz Penciner; Jane &
Frank Tizel; Paula Warren
David Hertzman, In Honour: Barbie
& Brian Casselman
David Hertzman and Family, In
Honour: Annalee & Brian Schnurr
Jill Hertzman, In Honour: Connie &
Herb Karasik and Family; Annalee
& Brian Schnurr
Spencer Otis, In Honour: Shari &
Michael Wilson and Family
Rabbi’s Discretionary Funds
Rabbi John Moscowitz, In
Appreciation: Sylvia & Donald Gales
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation:
Alter Family; Sara Clodman;
Heather, Erika, and Jason Finestone;
Daisy & Sydney Jacobs; Gloria &
Anthony Leibel; Amy Kirsh; Etta
Ginsberg McEwan; Sharyn & Martin
Middlestadt; Pauline Morrow and
Family; Marla Powers; Joanne Weigen;
Wilder Family
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour:
Margaret Green; Lisa Swimmer
Rabbi Teri Appleby, In Appreciation:
Gail Berman; Connors Family; Miller
Family; Ann & Terry Smutylo and
Family; Joanne Weigen
Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In
Appreciation: Joanne Weigen
Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In Honour:
Ellen Karabanow; Judy Malkin &
Elliott Jacobson; Rosen Family; Nancy
Ruth; Mary Seldon and Family
Rabbi Edward Goldfarb, In
Appreciation: Jane & Frank Tizel and
Rabbi Dow Marmur, In Appreciation:
Nancy & Bob Cohen and Family; Robin
& Bill Stone and Family; Janet &
Stephen Wasserman and Family
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Appreciation: Connors Family; Heather,
Erika, and Jason Finestone; Mimi
Fullerton and Family; Daisy & Sydney
Jacobs; Miller Family; Wilder Family;
Zener Family
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Honour: Nancy & Bob Cohen and
Family; Robin & Bill Stone and
Family; Rosen Family; Janet & Stephen
Wasserman and Family
Holy Blossom Temple
Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In
Appreciation: Alter Family; Jane &
Frank Tizel and Family
Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In
Honour: Arlene Roth; Lisa Swimmer
Frances Erdell, Yahrzeit (Cantor
Benjamin Z. Maissner’s fund): Carol
Collin and Family
Ruth Ellen Greenwood, In Honour
(Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner’s fund):
Lili & Michael Shain
Jack Kugelmass, In Honour (Rabbi
Yael Splansky’s fund): Jeff Levy
Cantor Benjamin Z. & Hope
Maissner, In Appreciation (Cantor
Benjamin Z. Maissner’s fund): Linda &
Abe Neufeld
Clara Rosen, In Memory (Cantor
Benjamin Z. Maissner’s fund): Earl
Rosen and Family
Clara Rosen, In Memory (Rabbi
Jordan Helfman’s fund): Earl Rosen and
Ruth Borden Education
Grace Lindover & Tom Newman, In
Honour: Harvey Borden
Sami and James Cooper
Youth Award Fund
Ev Blustein, In Honour: Sami & James
Sylvia Gross, In Memory: Sami &
James Cooper
Billie Samuels, In Memory: Sami &
James Cooper
Nathan Spring, In Honour: Sami &
James Cooper
Yvonne Stein, In Honour: Sami &
James Cooper
Schwartz Reisman Centre
for Learning
Bernard Baruch Cooper, In Memory:
David A. Cooper
Shacharit Fund
General Donation: Mary Goldman
Albert Abugov, Yahrzeit: Carol
Erin Belman, Yahrzeit: Belman Family
Bella Bendayan, Yahrzeit: Reina
Bendayan and Family
Jacob Bendayan, Yahrzeit: Reina
Bendayan and Family
Edward Bien, Yahrzeit: Elissa & David
Anita Bochner, Yahrzeit: Mary
Serene Bodor, Yahrzeit: Agnes Lantos
Henry Clavir, Yahrzeit: Isabel Schwartz
Saul Cohen, Yahrzeit: Joanne Cohen
Shirley Cohen, Yahrzeit: Joanne
Hilliard Conway, In Memory: Audrey
& David Mirvish
Louis David Craig, Yahrzeit: Craig
Amalia Dan, Yahrzeit: Peter Dan and
Evelyn Davis, Yahrzeit: Julia &
Michael Sax
Stanley Davis, Yahrzeit: Julia &
Michael Sax
Julian Druyan, Yahrzeit: Judy Druyan
Maurice Elkouby, Yahrzeit: Reina
Bendayan and Family
Samuel Englander, Yahrzeit: Arnold
J. Paul Fingold, Yahrzeit: Elissa &
David Fingold
Mayer Fogel, Yahrzeit: Uster Family
Dara Fromovitz, Yahrzeit: Evelyn
Max Fromovitz, Yahrzeit: Evelyn
Randi & Alan Garfinkel, In Honour:
Linda & Abe Neufeld
Rose Garfinkel, In Honour: Linda &
Abe Neufeld
Al Ginsburg, Yahrzeit: Maxine Minden
Mary Ginsburg, Yahrzeit: Maxine
Feige Gold, Yahrzeit: Esther & Marvin
Norman Goodis, Yahrzeit: Lyle Goodis
and Family
Sylvia Guberman, Yahrzeit: Judy
Alice Herman, Yahrzeit: Wendy Eisen
and Carole Zucker
Susan Hershfield, Yahrzeit: Ruth
Ellen Greenwood
Max Hoffman, Yahrzeit: Bernice &
Yitz Penciner
David Klein, Yahrzeit: Vera Mandel
Philip Klotz, Yahrzeit: Klotz Family
S. Calvert Kogan, Yahrzeit: Kogan
Zinaida Maidanik, Yahrzeit: Lev
Edwin Mirvish, In Memory: Audrey &
David Mirvish
Joseph Naston, Yahrzeit: Marla
Bernice Palef, Yahrzeit: Barbara &
John Greenberg
Rose Patchen, Yahrzeit: Joanne Cohen
Zelig Patchen, Yahrzeit: Joanne
Cohen; Marilyn Hahn
Harry Penciner, Yahrzeit: Bernice &
Yitz Penciner
Hank Rosen, In Honour: Cheryl Rosen
and Family
Sylvia Roth, Yahrzeit: Arlene Roth
Bessie Salem, Yahrzeit: Jocelyne &
Shia Salem
Lillian Salsberg, Yahrzeit: Sharyn
Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin
Ruth Sax, In Memory: Matilda Bigio
Jack Schwartz, Yahrzeit: Schwartz
Pauline Shapero, Yahrzeit: Colt
Family; Goodman Family
Rita Shapiro, Yahrzeit: Dr. Heather
Bertha Sklar, Yahrzeit: Sklar Family
Adele Silver, Yahrzeit: Myrna
Life at Holy Blossom
Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9, 16, Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, 10:30 a.m.
Feb. 3, 10, 24
Ongoing until Dec. 16, (no classes Nov 18) 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
Ongoing, HABSTY Lounge, Dec. 2, Jan. 13, Feb. 3, 5:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Jan. 20
7:30 p.m. Feb. 24-Mar. 17
Samuel Silver, Yahrzeit: Myrna
Nancy Theimer, In Honour: Nora &
John Freund
Samuel Tile, Yahrzeit: Esther &
Marvin Tile
Sophie Toplitsky, Yahrzeit: Ida Tugg
Evan Weiner, In Memory: Stuart
Bella Zweig, Yahrzeit: Esther &
Marvin Tile
Stagecraft Fund
Max Finestone, In Memory: Annalee
& Brian Schnurr
Janet & Michael Ryval, In Honour:
Ellen Karabanow
Morris Vigoda Memorial
Debby Vigoda, In Honour: Marlene
& Robert Ruderman
Youth Awards Fund
Ellen Karabanow, In Honour: The
Birthday Girls
Joyce & Fred Zemans, In Honour:
Shirley Pomislow
Youth Engagement Fund
General Donation: Madelyn &
Arthur Weingarden
Terry Axelrod, In Appreciation:
Corinne & Neil Berinstein
David Gershon, In Honour: Alyce &
Dennis Helfman
Carole & Jay Sterling, In
Appreciation: Alyce & Dennis Helfman
Jack Toker, In Honour: Mimi & Sam
Lori, Lawrence, and Harrison
Wilder, In Honour: Paula & Samuel
For all programs between Nov. 25, 2013 - Feb. 28, 2014
Mondays @ the Temple
Sisterhood Zumba
JVC (Gr. 7-8) HOME
What do the Christian Scriptures say about Torah? Prof.Barrie Wilson
Israel and the Environment; Water as a Resource - Paul Kay,
3:30-6:00 p.m. Holy Sprouts Winter Market
9:30 a.m.
Sisterhood Torah Study, Rabbi Teri Appleby
Nov. 27
Erev Chanukah
8:00 p.m.The Counter-Missionary Survival Seminar, Jews for Judaism
Jan. 15-Feb 19
11:15 a.m.
Rabbi Goldfarb’s Yiddish Novel
Ongoing until Dec. 18.
9:30 a.m.
Advanced Hebrew Grammar
Ongoing until Dec. 18 7:30 p.m. Sisterhood presents Unique Lives
Feb. 26
Nov. 28
7:30 p.m. Reform Zionism in Israel, Rabbi Larry Englander
Nov. 28 Chanukah
7:00 p.m. Reform Zionism in Israel, Rabbi Larry Englander
Dec. 5
8:00 p.m. Jewish and Democratic - How the two coincide: The role of Reform
Dec. 5
Judaism in securing Israel’s democratic and pluralistic future, Rabbi
Gilad Kariv
7:30 p.m. Christianity through Jewish Eyes, Rabbi Michael Stroh
Jan. 30-Mar. 6
9:00, 10:00 Little Blossoms (New session begins Jan. 10 2014)
11:00, 12:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service & Craft
6:00 p.m Tot Shabbat Service & pot luck dinner
Nov. 15, Dec. 20, Jan. 17, Feb. 21
Dec. 6, Jan. 3 and Feb. 7
Dec 7
Dec. 14
Jan. 11
Feb. 8 9:00 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
Nov. 24, Dec. 15, Jan. 26
Nov. 24 Dec. 8, Jan. 12, Feb. 9
Dec. 8
Dec. 15, Jan. 12, Feb. 9 Jan. 26
Feb. 2
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Mon. to Fri. Mon. to Thur. Sunday Wed. Dec. 25, Thurs. Dec. 26 and Wed. Jan. 1
Saturday The
Nov. 29, Jan. 24, Feb. 28 7:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
Shabbat Torah Study, Rabbi Yael Splansky
YEAH Shul-In (Grades 4-6)
Family Education Program, “Shabbat Shalom”
Family Education Program, “Tu B’Shevat revisited”
Family Education Program, “Tikkun Olam”
Temple Singers
Sunday Book Club, Sharon Singer
HABSTY (Gr 9-12), Latke Bake-Off
Hadracha Teen Leadership
JVC Laser Tag
Breakfast with Brotherhood
HABSTY, Scavenger Hunt
Shacharit on Statutory Holidays
6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Services
10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
10:30 a.m. Family Shabbat Service
7:00 p.m.
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
416.789.3291 • www.holyblossom.org
Ongoing until Dec. 20. 

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