Celebrating - American Jewish Archives


Celebrating - American Jewish Archives
Holy Blossom TEMPLE
December 2011
Simchat Torah
• In Perspective - Rabbi Moscowitz • From the Board - Mark S. Anshan • Gilad Shalit
• In a Time of Transition
To Save a Life
Our Brimley Road Cemetery
Full Screen
Festival of Lights
The entire congregation is invited to
our Chanukah celebration.
Join in this inter-generational
celebration of miracles and light. Enjoy live music, dreidel games,
story telling and latkes with all the
Bring your own chanukiyah and we
will light the candles together.
Friday, December 23, 2011 at 4:30. Visit holyblossom.org for all Chanukah
information and event updates.
In Perspective by Rabbi Moscowitz
The Remarkable Teaching of Joseph
From the Board by Mark S. Anshan
Reflections on Engaging with the Next Generation
Musical Notes from the Cantor
Now and Then
Photo Treasures from our Archives: Stagecraft
Youth Engagement
One sukkah for the world
Go Big and Come Home
A High Holy Day Thank You
Gilad Shalit 10
To Save a Life
In a time of transition 12
Our Brimley Road Cemetery
Reader Response 13
Our Congregational Family 14
Calendar of Events 19
Cover photo: Mike Morgulis
Full Screen
The Remarkable Teaching
of Joseph
Rabbi John Moscowitz
In Perspective
There is a moment near the beginning of the
Joseph story when the Torah reveals itself so
tellingly that we say, “Yes, exactly, right.” And it
may even change how we think (and act).
Joseph has been dragged down into Egypt, sold
as a slave, his life as low as human life can go: his
family has abandoned him; he has no value;
he is known to no one in Egypt and he has no
future. Joseph has been robbed of everything, his
fundamental identity included.
Joseph was approached by Potiphar’s wife, his
father appeared in his consciousness – and by
standing for fundamental values of decency,
integrity, respect (for self, for God, for others),
Jacob’s teaching held his son’s passions at bay so
that his mind could reason wisely and well.
The identity instilled by the father in the son
remained with Joseph in good times and bad;
it held sway when Potiphar’s wife cast her eyes
upon the well built slave.
At which point Potiphar’s wife – he the close
advisor to Pharaoh, she a beautiful woman -attempts to seduce him. How’s that for luck? An
alluring woman wants you, you have absolutely
nothing to lose in saying yes. No pain, all gain.
“Joseph has a mind; or more
precisely, an identity”
Even if Joseph is caught, what could be worse
than living in the dungeon and working for a
slave’s rate – after all, he was already doing that!
Surprise, surprise, though: Joseph rejects the
advances of Potiphar’s wife with an adamant No.
He flees the scene, knowing he is vulnerable to
the humiliated Mrs. Potiphar concocting a story
that has Joseph the seducer, she the victim.
What craziness on the part of Joseph! First
he passes up an opportunity for a moment of
pleasure, and then he endangers himself by
shaming the wife of a powerful man. Why
would Joseph do such an apparently stupid
thing? Has he lost his mind?
No, actually, by the telling of the rabbis, it is in
fact that Joseph has a mind; or more precisely,
an identity. The rabbis say: at the moment when
Rabbi Moscowitz and Rabbi Yoffie – Oct. 25, 2011
Think about it: the identity, the set of values, the
way to think that Joseph’s parents had instilled
in him as a child, remained with him, and were
especially salient at the moment of greatest
The child was well gone from the parents, but
the parents were still in the child. Which is
ironically what made Joseph the mature man
he was -- not only at that one instance, but for
the rest of his life as a leader of his brothers, the
Egyptians and eventually the Jewish People.
Holy Blossom Temple
Reflections on Engaging with
the Next Generation
Mark S. Anshan
we can fashion a Jewish educational program that
will achieve our objectives: provide substantive
Jewish knowledge that will provide the skills and
interest for our members to understand and
embrace the desire to live Jewish lives in a secular
world. Our Reform movement has been working
on the goals and objectives of Jewish education
“decisions we make today will
inform the nature and composition
of the community they will “inherit”
We need to understand and be able to respond
and their work is near completion. Our leaders,
to the needs and interests of the post-university
Jeff Dicker, Chair, Department of Education and
and young adult cohorts. We hear from them
Sheryl Brodey, Chair, Religious Education
and read many studies which recount that this
Committee are working with their teams and our
generation, perhaps more so than previously,
Director of Education, Debbie Spiegel, to analyze
are disinclined to spend their time, energy and
our current program and determine how we can
financial resources in a large synagogue setting
implement changes to enhance our educational
like Holy Blossom. Although this may not be
model and build upon
true for everyone in this
our legacy. Equally
group, it is clear that we
important in this
need to think creatively
endeavour is the
and boldly about the
acceptance of lifelong
strategies to be employed
Jewish learning and
to reach this critical group
towards this end, we
and, in doing so, ensure the
will need to think about
future of the congregation.
how we can encourage
That is why we have
embarked on additional
Mark Anshan and his wife, Brenda Spiegler – Purim 2010 larger numbers of our
adult members to pursue
strategic work, building on
educational opportunities through our adult
our 2005 Strategic Plan, under the leadership
education programs.
of Lisa Taylor Vice-Chair, Department of
Administration with support from Larry Ritchie
In order for your leaders to understand the needs
Department Chair to consider the activities that
and concerns of our members, we encourage you
need to be introduced and most importantly, how
to communicate with us. Please do not hesitate to
to do this within our overall theme of community
contact me via email at president@holyblossom.
engagement. If you are interested in knowing
org or by phone at 416.789.3291 ext. 222.
more about this initiative, please contact me.
A related challenge for all synagogues that have
supplementary religious schools is the threshold
issue of how, in the society in which we live with
so much competition for a family’s leisure time,
Bulletin • December 2011
On behalf of the Officers and Board, I wish
all members safe travels during the upcoming
holiday season and we look forward to seeing you
at Temple when we celebrate Chanukah.
From the Board
I recently met with one of our chavurot and we
discussed a number of challenges facing Holy
Blossom Temple and synagogue life generally.
This kind of discussion leads inevitably to talking
about the future of synagogues and what should
a congregation like ours consider in its strategy to
reach the next generation – the group that will be
leading the congregation in the not too distant
future. The decisions we make today will inform
the nature and composition of the community
they will “inherit” from us.
Musical Notes from the Cantor
T e m p l e
S i n g e r s
Joanne Roher
Opportunities for Jewish learning, friendship, fun and
collaboration provide our Temple Singers group with more
than the expected experiences of what it is to sing in a
synagogue choir.
Yes the music is beautiful and it is a great honour to participate
in Shabbat, festival, concert and special congregational events.
So too is it enjoyable to sing with other choirs in the city, both
Jewish and from other sacred communities.
The hidden gem about participating in this choir, aside from
the friendships formed, fun, social support and comeraderie,
is the quality of Jewish learning that takes place as we study a
piece of liturgical, Israeli, or secular music. Cantor Maissner
provides exquisite commentary on the Judaic roots of each
piece of music, its connection to our liturgy, the historical
context of the composition as well how it fits into our Reform
tradition. It is a delight to learn about Israeli music. Not
only do we all enjoy it, but Cantor Maissner, has probably
met or worked with so many important Israeli composers
and performer(s) from Naomi Shemer, and Dudu Fisher to
Gevatron and Naftali Hershtik. We are frequently introduced
to Yiddish melodies that stand the test of time. Not bad for
such a young cantor! It is exciting to feel part of a learning
You might think that you have to have a beautiful voice and/
or that you must read music to sing in the choir. Neither
is accurate as we always consider ourselves one voice, with
members learning to listen to one another and blend our
voices - each unique and special. As for reading music, few of
us are very competent sight readers, but we are good enough
and with the guidance of our Cantor and Nadia Adler our
accompanist and our professional choir, we learn very difficult
pieces and enjoy the satisfaction and pride of mastering what
for us are complex pieces of music.
There are many opportunities to participate in Temple Life
that offer rich experiences. The Temple Singers is yet another
such group that will open doors for enriched participation in
Jewish life. Temple members of all ages and levels of musical
experience who are interested in learning in our relaxed and
welcoming setting, are welcome to come to any of our
rehearsals (Sundays 10.00 am- 12-00 pm). In fact, bring a
friend and join us for a few rehearsals if only to enjoy a taste
of what keeps many of us so connected to Temple through the
Temple Singers.
Just one more thing. If you sing with Temple Singers, it means
a terrific reserved seat at all Temple services!
Contact Mari Lynn Rusak mlrusak@holyblossom.org or
Cantor Maissner bmaisser@holyblossom.org
or call 416.789.3291 ext 224 and let either know that you
would like to come to a rehearsal.
Submitted by Jack Kugelmass
Holy Blossom Temple
Now and Then:
Treasures From
Sick and tired of TV reality shows? If you’d rather
experience a charming and heartfelt play, plan to attend
Stagecraft’s upcoming production Pillars of Salt, written by
Michael Ross Albert of Thornhill and directed by Michael
Ryval. Set in a shiva house, it explores the dynamics of
family members - jealousies, anger and compassion. They
laugh and cry, as family ties are tested.
Stagecraft was founded in 1994 at Holy Blossom Temple
as a vehicle to bring together Temple members to work
together creatively and to share in the joys and frustrations
of mounting theatrical productions with Jewish themes to
the best of their amateur abilities. This dedicated group
hopes to attract Temple members and the wider Jewish
Temple Players: 1959
Stagecraft: 2011
Stagecraft’s first production, Sholem Asch’s God of
Vengeance, was originally produced in New York in the
1920s and closed down by the police after 8 performances.
Worried about the reaction of Temple members in 1994, as
it was set in a house of ill repute, Rabbi Marmur was asked
to lead a Q&A session after the play. The final consensus
was that prostitutes and brothels had existed amongst Jews
too – and still do today - and Temple members were still
talking about the play several weeks after the performance.
Since then, Stagecraft mounts two plays a year, striving for
a balance of comedy and drama. Temple members wishing
to become involved will be most welcome!
Pillars of Salt runs Thursday,
Dec. 8, Saturday Dec 10, 7:30
p.m. both evenings, and Sunday
Dec. 11, at 2 p.m. For tickets,
call the Stagecraft Hotline at
416.789.3291 ext 511.
Bulletin • December 2011
Youth Engagement
One sukkah for the world:
a metaphor for our community and a place within it for every youth.
Rabbi Karen Thomashow
We are taught, by our sages, that it is fitting for all of Israel to sit
in one sukkah.
of the entire people of Israel, with intense love and peace, until it
may be considered as if all of Israel dwells together in one sukkah.
This is derived from Leviticus chapter 23 verse 42, which reads:
“For seven days…all who belong to the people of Israel shall live
in Sukkot.” In this verse, the word sukkot, which is the plural
of the word sukkah, is spelled without the letter vav. This means
that the word can also be read as sukkat, “the sukkah of ” in the
singular, implying, as says the Talmud, that “the entire nation of
Israel may, and ought to, dwell in a single sukkah of [the people].”
While Rabbi Kook believed that after the high holidays we are
naturally more akin with one another, Rabbi Nathan believed that
while we may be more naturally akin with one another, we
still need to work at kinship and community. And that effort we
make is what will lead to unity—the type that makes one feel as if
he or she is dwelling in one giant Jewish sukkah.
Obviously, no sukkah is large enough to hold the entire Jewish
people. So what, then, is the meaning of this seemingly absurd
Our tradition provides at least two ways in which to derive
meaning from this incongruous idea of a single sukkah for all the
Jewish people. First, according to Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook,
rabbi of pre-modern Israel, “as long as we are plagued by pettiness
and other character flaws, we cannot attain true collective unity.
But after experiencing the unique holiness of Yom Kippur, we
merit an ever-increasing harmony among the diverse sectors of
the nation. During this special time, it is as if the entire nation is
sitting together, sharing the holy experience of the same sukkah.”
“It is our obligation to make our
congregational community a place for all,
including our youth”
“as long as we are plagued by pettiness
and other character flaws, we cannot
attain true collective unity”
In approximately one month, at the URJ Biennial in Washington,
our Reform movement will launch and embrace a call to action,
reprioritizing human and financial resources toward the end of
wider engagement of the youth of our movement. It will be a
2020 vision, re-energizing our own congregation’s emphasis on
youth engagement.
One of the proof texts that speaks to me of a place for every youth
within our congregation is this profound text which calls for all
of our people to unite under one sukkah. It is our obligation to
make our congregational community, which the sukkah may be a
metaphor for, a place for all, including our youth.
According to the Hasidic master Rabbi Nathan, in his work
entitled Likutei Halachot, “One should concentrate on being part
Rabbi Karen Thomashow, member of the URJ Campaign
for Youth Engagement Vision Team. For more information and to
participate, please email kthomashow@holyblossom.org
Holy Blossom Temple
Go Big and Come Home!
This fall has seen Holy Blossom bustling with
holiday preparations and celebrations. Countless
congregants have contributed their unique talents
to make the Tishrei festivals as joyful and robust as
they were. Such generosity of the spirit speaks to
the strength of our congregation.
Throughout the High Holy Days 15,000 people
attended our 28 services! We thank Jill Hertzman
and her team of 23 Gabbaim. We thank our Head
Ushers, Gerry Prendegast and Jeff Levy, and their
corps of 62 ushers and greeters. 52 Temple Singers
and 15 Shofar Blowers rang in the new year in
joyous chorus. Special thanks to Michael Cole, Jeff
Denaburg, Dr. David Greenberg, Harry Hochman,
Mike Morgulis, and John Sweet, Temple members
who joined our Rabbis
and Cantors on the bima
to lead the congregation
in prayer. And 43 teens
and adults brought
honour to our sacred
texts by chanting Torah
and Haftarah on Rosh
HaShanah and Yom
They are: Sophie Alman,
Benjamin Applebaum,
Charlotte Axelrod,
Sabrina Brodkin, Ari
Burkes, Sonya Ben-Ishai,
Levi Cassidy, Dorothy
Charach, Alexa Coleman, Steven Davidson, Jeff
Denaburg, Danya Firestone, Randi Garfinkel,
Cynthia Good, Jonathan Gordon Chow, Rachel
Gotlieb, Madi Grubert, Margot Grubert, Mathew
Hacker Teper, Joanna Harris, Melissa Herman,
Suzanne Hersh, Jill Hertzman, Danille Hoffer,
Rebecca Howard, Daniel Kaplan, Gail Kerbel,
Max Kopstein, Marc Levy, Brian Lidsky, Leah
Liederman, Mike Morgulis, Eric Petersiel,
Joeley Pulver, Joanne Roher, Brenda Saunders,
Jackie Shiner, Lesley Shiner, Jill Smith, Robert
Bulletin • December 2011
Yo u
Rabbi Yael Splansky
Sniderman, Susan Speigel, Arieh Waldman, and
Paula Warren.
Judy Hirsh took the lead this year to ensure that
our Sukkah and three bimas were beautiful for
Sukkot. We thank our 20 teen volunteers for
decorating our Courtyard Sukkah. More than 30
Pre-school, Religious School, and Leo Baeck Day
School classes visited the sukkah throughout the
week to wave the lulav and etrog.
Thanks, too, to Jackie Mamott for wrapping
up the festival season with our Simchat Torah
celebration. Our 70 Consecration Students, their
parents, and 70 more Torah carriers danced our 10
precious Torah Scrolls throughout the sanctuary
for a total of 7 Hakafot. And Judy and David
Gershon’s Klezmer band
with a guest appearance
from Rabbi Noam Katz
had us dancing the night
Our Rabbis and Cantors
lead from the bima, but so
many details need attention
in advance of our services.
Our Maintenance and
Administrative Staffs and
our Executive Director,
Benjamin Applebaum,
ensure all goes smoothly.
And the Chair of the
Department of Worship, Sarita Dotan, oversees
the fall holyday season with tremendous care and
Yes, these numbers are impressive. But, of course,
we cannot quantify the impact these holydays have
on our people. How many prayers were prayed,
how many loved ones remembered, how many
memories were made – these are what we are really
after and they are beyond measure. &
Gilad Shalit: To Save a Life
Rabbi Yael Splansky
If a non-Jewish citizen of the world is confused
by Israel’s exchange for Gilad Shalit, we’d
understand why. If a non-Jewish friend or
neighbour asks us to explain it, we only need
to remind them that Israel is The Jewish State;
and the mitzvah of redeeming captives, Pidyon
Shvuyim, is a sacred duty.
Our Torah teaches us to embrace every Godgiven moment of life. On Rosh HaShanah
we read the Akeydah, when the angel stops
the raised knife and lets the boy live. On Yom
Kippur we read God’s words: “I place before
you life and death. Choose life, so that you may
Literally from the very beginning, Jews have had
to strategize, act, and make painful concessions
to fill this mitzvah. Genesis tells how Abraham
raised up an army to free his kinsman, Lot,
who’d be kidnapped.
This season Israel has shown the world the
Jewish commitment to life. She has taken brave
risks and made heart-wrenching concessions in
order to bring Gilad home. Israel has acted upon
the Mishnaic dictum: “When one saves a single
life, it is as if, he has saved an entire world.”
And yet, I don’t think we can say there was any
justice in this exchange. One thin soldier for
1,027 prisoners, including terrorists who have
blood on their hands. It may not have even been
the “right” thing to do. However, most seem to
feel it was a “good” thing to do. Why? Simply
because Gilad is alive and the victims of terror
are dead. Gilad still has a chance at living a full
life and doing a lot of good in this world, while
those murdered by terrorists have “only” the
next life to live.
Maimonides teaches: “Mitzvah rabbah hi” -- “It
is a mitzvah of paramount importance.” This
statement has shaped Jewish law. For example,
a Torah scroll may be sold in order to raise
the necessary funds to redeem a captive. And
although an existing synagogue may not be sold
for this purpose, the monies set aside to build
a new one may be redirected in order to rescue
a captive.
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that Jews
and Judaism are obsessed with life. Just look at
our liturgy. We pray on the High Holy Days:
“Remember us for life... inscribe us in the Book
of Life.” We pray on
the Festivals: “Save us
this day for life.” We
pray with each new
moon: “I shall not
die, but live and tell
the deeds of the
Eternal God.” We
mark each simcha
with Shehechiyanu:
“Praised are You, O
God… who has given
us life, sustained us,
and enabled us to
reach this moment!”
We are the people who raise a glass and
shout, “L’Chayim!” Toasting with “L’Chayim”
is not a simple custom of the Jews. It is a
deeply religious commitment. Years ago, on
a congregational trip to Eastern Europe, a
Holocaust Survivor had a notable response
when visiting the concentration camps and
mass graves. At each site, he took out a flask
and offered a L’Chayim. This act was not
a celebration, to be sure, but a triumphant
expression of gratitude for seeing life win out
over death. L’Chayim is a proclamation of the
Jewish intoxication with life itself. It is a
declaration of our faith in this God-given life.
It is a pledge to carry on with life no matter the
pain, no matter the cost. A simple “L’Chayim”
can be an act of defiance of death and praise for
the God of all life.
Holy Blossom Temple
Our 2011 Confirmation
Students in Israel visiting
the Gilad Shalit Family Tent
Judaism is about how to live rather than what to believe. Judaism is
about how to live rather than worrying about when we will die. Judaism
emphasizes life in this world rather than in the next. Judaism cannot make
us live forever, of course, but it can save a life. It has saved a life! And it
can, for all of us, make life worth living.&
From Rabbi Splansky’s sermon on Erev Shmini Atzeret, October 19, 2011
Bulletin • December 2011
In a time of
Our Brimley Road Cemetery
Dedicated on June 23, 1929, the Brimley Road Cemetery
is an integral part of Holy Blossom Temple’s history and
community. The cemetery was established on the west side
of Brimley Road north of Kingston Road supporting, at the
time, a congregation of approximately 250 Holy Blossom
Temple families. Today, the Brimley Road Cemetery is still
serving the Holy Blossom Temple community as a peaceful
final resting place for our community.
Over the last few years, Brimley Road Cemetery has been
in a time of transition. Chaired by Richard Charney, the
Cemetery Committee has been hard at work to overcome
some of the challenges that faced the site. In 2010 the
Committee adopted a long term plan that will give a clear
guide for the future of Brimley Road Cemetery and its
landscape architecture.
John Aldorosi, cemetery superintendent, and his staff have
been busy this year planting flowers, installing benches and
planting trees in alignment with this plan. The building
structure that is on the site, has also received a face lift, with
the long term plans to construct a new reception area and
washrooms on the site. This has improved the aesthetics and
comfort of the cemetery and will further the beautification
of the space for present and future generations. Many of
the new trees and benches are available for dedication or
memorial of a loved one. Please contact the Foundation
Office for more information 416.789.3291 ext. 265.
Our thanks to the Cemetery Committee and the Cemetery
staff for their dedication and commitment to the ongoing
enhancement and beautification of our cemetery.
Holy Blossom Temple
Yes! Our Bulletin is in colour.
No! It doesn’t cost any more!
Actually it costs less!
A tremendous response from our readers for our new
Bulletin. Many members of our community appreciated the
new design, and the longer length. However, one question that
was asked: Doesn’t this cost the Temple a whole lot more?
Today, printing two colours – our old Bulletin, or 4 colours
– our new Bulletin, is a minimal difference for most print
houses; the technology is about the same. With much more of
the process, design and content production happening inhouse, we were actually able to produce our first new Bulletin
at significant savings.
We hope to increase these savings moving forward, and
continue to evolve the Bulletin into a publication the HBT
community looks forward to receiving bi-monthly.
We also heard from you about the
Back Page Calendar. Members liked
the calendar appearing on the back
page, with the option of cutting it
out for reference, but thought it was
hard to understand. To solve this,
we have expanded the Calendar to
two full pages.
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You are
• Holy
Sprout to celebrate
With so much always
happening at Holy Blossom, one
page was never enough! Both the inside back,
and back covers now serve to capture our community services,
programs and events – at a quick glance. Remember, everything
happening at the Temple can be found, in greater detail,
on our website: holyblossom.org
Do you have a question about the Bulletin? About an
article in this issue? Something you would like to see regularly
included? A photo you think captures our community?
Please contact Robert Carnevale at: rcarnevale@holyblossom.org.
Now that we have welcomed Siddur Pirchei Kodesh
into our sanctuaries, it is time to say good-bye to
the prayerbook that served our congregation so
well and for so many decades. Many volumes of
Gates of Prayer have been dedicated in honour or in
memory of loved ones. Volunteers from the Worship
Committee have alphabetized these prayerbooks
according to dedication names. If you wish to pick
up the volumes which carry the names of your loved
ones, you may do so by coming to the Temple office
any time in November or December.
In January we will donate remaining copies to
congregations that would enjoy using them. If you
know of any small congregation that would benefit
from having Gates of Prayer, please notify Executive
Director, Benjamin Applebaum, ext. 226. Damaged
prayerbooks will be lovingly buried.
To learn more about Siddur Pirchei Kodesh,
and to order your copy or dedication, please visit
Bulletin • December 2011
Welcome to Our
Congregational Family
We are delighted to welcome the
following new members and their
families to Holy Blossom Temple:
Samantha Bader
Mio & Avi Behar
Myles Borins & Christina Hall
David Cooper
Justine Percell Cowell & Jason Cowell
Jordan & Amanda Dermer, and
Alexandra, James and Andrew
Joel Eisenberg
Joy Ellick & Corey Fraiberg, and
Evan and Sydney
Richard Feldman & Irene Chow, and Lin
Isabel Freeman
Natalie Gangbar, and Brooke
Gale Berkowitz
Charles & Nathalie Gluckstein, and
Jared, Cole and Lilly
Jennifer Gray, and Sidney, Claire and Charles
Natalie & Jeff Kirsh, and
Samuel, Jonathan and Miles
Mazal Tov
n Marvin Sadowski, on receiving a
Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his
many years of service and support of the Canadian
Friends of Haifa University.
n Karen Kollins & Daniel Abramson, on the birth
of a son, Lev Morris Kollins Abramson and brother
to Ruby. Proud grandparents are Bambi Katz & Al
Freireich; Ilene Alt & Richard Kollins; Bonnie & Allan
Abramson and Keri Vanaggelen.
n Irene & Bernie Frolic, on the birth of a
granddaughter, Rosalie Shaina Frolic. Proud mother
is Ruth Frolic.
n Sari Goldman & Stephen Davidson, on the birth
of a daughter, Ainsley Maya Davidson and sister to
Liam. Proud grandparents are Fran & Bernie Goldman
and Roz and Moshe Davidson.
n Lynda & Ken Davis, on the birth of a
granddaughter, Ella Sophie Davis. Proud parents are
Jodie Davis & Jamie Davis. Other
proud grandparents are Sue & Allan Kaufman Proud
great grandmothers are Fay Wolk, Lillian Kaufman and
Ceil Singer.
n Lesley Goldstein & David Reuben on the birth
of a daughter, Ashley Marissa Reuben and sister to
Zachary and Justin. Proud grandparents are Bonnie &
Ronald Goldstein and Ruth & Nelson Reuben.
n Kaeli Macdonald & Jordan Shiffman, on the
birth of a son, Miles Macdonald Shiffman. Proud
grandparents are Dee-Dee & Gary Shiffman
and Moira & Bob Macdonald.
n Deena & Casey Savlov on the birth of a son,
Joshua Louis Savlov and brother to Noah. Proud
parents are Susanne & Stuart Egier and Marlene &
Bobby Savlov. Proud great grandparents are Bertha &
Willie Savlov and Dr. Arthur Egier.
n Janie & Frank Tizel, on the birth of a
granddaughter, Zoey Ryan Tizel. Proud parents are
Eliana & Josh Tizel. Other proud grandparents are
Jacquie & David Busheikin and proud great
grandmothers are Marilyn Farber and Helen Tizel.
n Dr. Stacey Grossman & David Vernon on the birth
of a daughter, Noa Soloman Vernon and sister to
Levi. Proud grandparents are Marcy Grossman & Gary
Zaidlin; Lorne Grossman; Doris Vernon; Joanne
Kirzner and Howard Vernon.
B’nei Mitzvah
December 17, 2011
21Kislev 5772
Isaac Quiroz
Son of Theresa & Alberto
January 21, 2012
26 Tevet 5772
Zoe Katz
Daughter of Risa & Peter Katz
Alex Kitz
Sarah Lesser, and Georgia and Marlowe
Erik & Michelle Levy, and Sophia
Linda & Jan Malat, and Liliana
Cheryl Manny
Aviva Mayers
Mira Metter
Gitty Noruzi
Dena Perlmutar, and Rachel
Elyse & Howard Rosen, and Zoe and Arielle
Michael Rosenblat & Alison Cummings
Ronnie & Denes Rothschild, and Simone
Deborah Garfield Rotish & Mark Rotish
Adele Sacks & Jamie Spotswood, and Isla
Paula Sheman, and Raquel
Jamie Silverman & Julia Berlin, and
Eden, Samuel and Sasha
Lauren Sterling
Ashley & Kevin Todoroff
Arlene & Paul Weisberg, and
Samantha, Jaimie and Jessica
Linda Williams
n Diana Jillian Bohnen, daughter of Lynne and
Robert Bohnen, granddaughter of Dr. Irving and
the late Eleanor Appleby, granddaughter of Shirley
and the late Dr. David Bohnen, to Michael David
Bernknopf, son of Cheryl and Kenneth Bernknopf.
In Memoriam
n Edythe Abron, mother of Sharon Abron Drache,
sister of Murray Levinter, Molly Zorn and Florence
n Emanuel Albert, father of Carol Albert-Firestone,
Isabelle Albert and Barry Albert
n Fran Biderman, mother of Nancy Biderman and
Mark Biderman.
n Zinaida Goldenberg, mother of Anna Tournainski
and Inna Eidelman
n Judith Jordan-Austin, mother of Gail Silver and
Mark Jordan
n Miroslave Kamerman, mother of Linda
n Sam Landau, husband of Janet Landau, father of
Eve Starkman, Allan Landau, Lori Landau and brother
to Aaron Landau
n Esther Matalon, sister of Albert Fine
n Robert Salsberg, father of Germaine Smith, Eric
Salsberg and brother of Thelma Pritzker
n Louise Segal, wife of Harold Segal, mother of
Barbra Segal and Benna Segal
n Steve Sherman, husband of Helen Sherman,
father of Jonathan Sherman and Denise Sherman,
brother of Marvin Sherman
n Monty Sommonds, husband of Judith Simmonds,
father of Jill Cherniak, Cathy Perlmutter, Joy
Simmonds and Anne Simmonds
n Edgar Singer, husband of Faye Singer, father of
Jonathan Singer and Anna Singer, brother of Jacqueline
n Albert Solway, husband of Shyrle Solway, father
of Jeff Solway and Nancy Solway
n Jessie Thaler, mother of Jeffrey Canto-Thaler,
sister of Leatrice Schindler
Irving Temins, husband of Jean Temins, father of Carol
Temins and Mark Temins
Holy Blossom Temple
We thank our generous donors
Barry & Susan Borden Fund
Jackie Caplan, In Memory: Susan &
Barry Borden
Camp Scholarships Fund
Gloria & Jerry Groberman, In
Honour: Jackie & Saul Koblin
Joshua & Henrietta Chesnie
Temple Endowment Fund
Pnina Margolese, In Honour:
Henrietta Chesnie
Ruthe Schipper, In Honour: Henrietta
Sami and James Cooper
Youth Awards Fund
Sami Cooper, In Honour: Judith &
Carl Ritchie
Earl and Marilyn Danson
Farber Endowment Fund
Marilyn Farber, In Honour: Beth
Perrars; Helen Tizel
Rosalyn Locketz, In Memory: Marilyn
Farber; Jane & Frank Tizel
Jean Fine Seniors Fund
Hershell Ezrin, In Honour: Mondays
@ the Temple
Ruthe Schipper, In Honour: Ellen
Bea Sidlofsky, In Honour: “The
Birthday Girls”
Floral Fund
Goldie Leibman, In Honour: Marilyn
Thomas Nachshen, Bar Mitzvah: Julie
Jon Ser, Bar Mitzvah: Naz & Eddi Ser
Nathan Kredentser, Bar Mitzvah:
Debra Muchnik & Neil Kredentser
Isaac Quiroz, Bar Mitzvah: Teresa &
Alberto Quiroz
Zoe Katz, Bat Mitzvah: Risa & Peter
Garfinkel Family Fund
Pnina Margolese, In Honour: Randi
& Alan Garfinkel
Esther Hands Memorial
Lillian Clavir, Yahrzeit: Sharon &
Stanley Clavir
Rabbi Edward & Fagi
Goldfarb Fund for Jewish
B’Nei Mitzvah Class, In Honour:
Amanda Frohman
Max Goldfarb, Yahrzeit: Rabbi Edward
& Fagi Goldfarb
Rose Goldfarb, Yahrzeit: Rabbi
Edward & Fagi Goldfarb
Irving Siegel, Yahrzeit: Rabbi Edward
& Fagi Goldfarb
Thelma Siegel, Yahrzeit: Rabbi
Edward & Fagi Goldfarb
Bulletin • December 2011
W. Bernard Herman
Educational Fund
Bernard Herman, In Memory: Wendy
& Elliott Eisen and Family; NancyGay & Max Rotstein; Carole & Bernard
Zucker and Family
Holy Blossom Temple
General Donation: William Hawkes;
Ruth Mesbur & Harlan Schonfeld;
Stephanie Perry & Ronan McGrath
Clara Beinish, In Memory: Corinne
Black & Richard Vrooman and
Corinne Berinstein, In Honour: Leslie
Klein; May Rose
Fran Biderman, In Memory: Ruth
& Joe Axler; Florence & Edward Brill;
Ilene Chadnick; Dorothea Kanga and
Family; Elizabeth Liguori & David
Ritchie; Toronto Resource Partners
Jean & Dr. Garson Conn, In Honour:
Rosalind & Stanley Witkin
Diana & Marvin Goodman, In
Honour: Sybil & Jack Geller
Dr. Larry Hausman, In Honour:
JoAnn McEachin & Horst Steinfels
Michael Herman, In Memory:
Rosalind & Stanley Witkin
Judith Jordan-Austin, In Memory:
Debbie Redner & Benjamin Applebaum
Peter Loebel, In Honour: Jennifer &
Larry Baldachin and Family
Elisabeth & Ronald Saunders, In
Appreciation: Doris Alter & Peter
Ruthe Schipper, In Honour: Sybil &
Jack Geller
Edgar Singer, In Memory: Marlene &
Dr. Robert Ruderman
Esther & Marvin Tile, In Honour:
Mimi & Malcolm Kronby
Larry Wasserman, In Memory:
Barbara & Floyd Stern
Holy Blossom Temple
Renewal Project
Judith Jordan-Austin, In Memory:
Ann & Gary Posen
Diana Goodman, In Honour: “The
Birthday Girls”
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation:
Jill Smith
Israel Study Fund
Rosalyn Locketz, In Memory:
Corinne Black & Richard Vrooman and
Jacob’s Tower Fund
Laura Hertzman-Wise, In Honour:
Florence Hertzman
Elliott Jacobson & Judy
Malkin Family Fund
A happy, healthy and joyous New
Year to all our friends and family:
Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson
Joan Kerbel Leadership
Development Fund
Miroslava Kamerman, In Memory:
Helena & David Fine; Eva OrmutFleishman & Philip Fleishman
Anne Marshack Mandell, Yahrzeit:
Patricia & Marcel Himel and Family
Pnina Margolese, In Honour: Mary
& Henry Seldon
Sandi & Andy Schafer, In Honour:
Helena & David Fine
Helen Sherman, In Honour: HBT
Temple Singers
Dr. Debby Vigoda, In Honour: Anne
Freeman; Mary & Henry Seldon
Goldie Wolpin, In Memory: Lesley &
Ronald Miller
Sandra Kamenir, In Honour: Ruthe
Gary Kaplan, In Honour: Etienne &
Aubrey Kaplan
Zoe Klein, In Honour: Ruthe Schipper
Pnina Margolese, In Honour: Andrea
Baltman; Corinne Black & Richard
Vrooman; Toby & Gordon (Gary)
Ciglen; Etienne & Aubrey Kaplan;
Edith Kirzner; Judy Malkin & Elliott
Jacobson; Marla Powers
Ellen Karabanow, In Honour: Pnina
Ruthe Schipper, In Honour: Jan &
Keith Allin; Janice & Larry
Babins; Marilyn & David Gotfrid; HBT
Sisterhood; Wendy Levant & Michael
Schipper; Elaine & Michael Levine and
Family; Ellen B. Levine; Judy Malkin
& Elliott Jacobson; Pnina Margolese;
Marion Orenstein; Carol & Lionel
Schipper; Jayne & Stuart Schipper;
Debbie & Arthur Stern and Family
Judy Winberg, In Honour: Ruthe
Musical Legacy Fund
Keith Allin, In Honour: Ruthe
Corinne Berinstein, In Honour:
Ruthe Schipper
Amanda Frohman, In Honour: Ruthe
Pam Greenstein, In Honour: Ruthe
Jennifer Hunter, In Honour: Ruthe
Judith Jordan-Austin, In Memory:
Corinne Black & Richard Vrooman;
HBT Sisterhood
Library Book Fund
Bonnie & Ronald Goldstein, Mazal
Tov: Myrna Freedman and Family
Sandra Kamenir, In Honour: Ellen
B. Levine
Zoe Klein, In Honour: Jacqueline
Cummings; Ellen B. Levine
Phyllis Wintraub, In Honour: Fern &
Donald Resnick
Dow & Fredzia Marmur
Program for Educational
Judith Jordan-Austin, In Memory:
Sandra & Gordon Atlin; Susan &
Barry Borden
Frances Sarner, In Memory: Thelma
Dr. Joe Starr, In Honour: Susan &
Barry Borden
Musical Heritage Fund
Toby & Gordon (Gary) Ciglen, In
Honour: Frances & Philip Shapiro
Helena & David Fine, In Honour: Eva
Ormut-Fleishman & Philip Fleishman
Michael Hart, In Memory: Annie &
Michael Appleby; Razelle Roebuck &
David MacCoy; Phyllis & Alan
Nadejda Adler, In Honour: The
Gordon-Chow Family
Olsberg Rutsatz Fund
Elke & Melville Olsberg, In
Appreciation: Annette Wolf
Out of the Cold Fund
General Donation: Anonymous
Mickey Albert, In Memory: Ronni
Brott & Julian Heller
Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman,
In Honour: The Brettler/Mintz
Corinne Berinstein, In Honour: Ellen
B. Levine
Murray Blankstein, In Honour:
Eleanor & Michael Davis
Sidney Butofsky, In Memory: Holly
Goren Laskin & John Laskin
Kassy Clodman, In Memory: Ronni
Brott & Julian Heller
Beth Dewitt & Tim Szego, Mazal
Tov: Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson
Domenic Fantilli, In Memory: Marsha
& Harry Glicksman
Sybil & Jack Geller, In Honour: Dr.
Debby & Morris Vigoda
Mortimer Goodman, In Memory:
Ronni Brott & Julian Heller
Kathy & Maurice Green, In Honour:
Sandy & Gordon Atlin; Ellen
Happy Iscove, In Appreciation: Susan
& Joseph Young and Family
Lisa Kanigsberg & Kris Dorken,
Mazal Tov: Judy Malkin & Elliott
Daniel Krangle, In Memory: Dr.
Debby & Morris Vigoda
Rosalyn Locketz, In Memory: Bambi
Katz Freireich & Al Freireich
Shawna Meshwork, In Honour:
Vallry & Arieh Waldman
Dr. Sid & Mrs. Nusinowitz, In
Honour: Fran & Murray Ellis
Aida Phillips, In Memory: Janice &
Larry Babins and Family; Marsha
& Harry Glicksman and Family
Oscar Posen, Yahrzeit: Ann & Gary
Rose Posen, Yahrzeit: Ann & Gary
Abby Sears & Stephen Erlichman,
In Honour: Marsha & Harry Glicksman
Marlene Sheff, In Honour: Etienne &
Aubrey Kaplan
Marsha Slivka, In Honour: Claudia
Blumberger & Sidney Troister
Kathy & Maurice Green; Lesley &
Ronald Miller; Ann MacPherson &
Earl Bederman; Homeira Rabbani
Debbie & Randy Spiegel, In Honour:
The Brettler/Mintz Foundation
Faigie Weinstock, In Honour: Esther
Zeller Cooper & Morris Cooper
and Family
Plaut Manor Fund
Claire Caplan, In Honour: Ellen
Pnina Margolese, In Honour: Ellen
Prayer Book Fund
General Donation: Rabbi W.G. Plaut
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour:
Myrna Ross
Brenda Saunders, In Honour: Esta &
Dr. Harry Palter
Project Tikvah
Judith Jordan-Austin, In Memory:
Marilyn & David Gotfrid; Sheila &
Bob Smolkin
Ruthe Schipper, In Honour: Gail &
Barry Silver and Family; Ruth &
Graham Silver and Family
Barry Silver, In Honour: Susan &
Barry Borden
Morris Silver, In Memory: Gail &
Barry Silver and Family
Max Sniderman, In Memory: Barbara
Rabbi’s Discretionary Funds
Rabbi John Moscowitz, In
Appreciation: Bonnie Croll & Robert
Henry; Binnie (Bena) Hyman; Heidi
Steinberg-Fenton & Brian Fenton and
Family; Virginia & Carl Solomon; Susan
& Joseph Young
Rabbi John Moscowitz: Hayley
Nuttall, Mazal Tov: Ellen Karabanow
Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation:
Carol Abugov and Family; Heather &
Maxwell Finestone and Family; Mindy
& Howard Goodman and Family;
Karen Kollins & Daniel Abramson and
Rabbi Karen Thomashow, In
Appreciation: Marlene & Andrew
Borins and Family; The Clodman
Family; Karen Kollins & Daniel
Abramson and Family; Friends and
Family of Esther Matalon z”l; Elisabeth
& Ron Saunders; Susan & Joseph Young
Rabbi Edward Goldfarb, In
Appreciation: Pearl Rudin; Virginia &
Carl Solomon
Rabbi Dow Marmur & Fredzia Marmur,
In Appreciation: Hope Sealy
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Appreciation: The Clodman Family;
Sharon Herman and Family; Elisabeth
& Ronald Saunders; Heidi SteinbergFenton and Brian Fenton and Family;
Susan & Joseph Young
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In
Honour: Joyce & Fred Zemans
Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner: Meryl
Cole, In Memory: Jan & Robert
Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In
Appreciation: Carol Abugov and
Family; Ruth Nathan; Diana Shiffman;
Virginia & Carl Solomon
Nancy Ruth Educational
Judith Jordan-Austin, In Memory:
Nancy Ruth
Lorraine Sandler Tribute
Endowment Fund
Bonnie Croll & Robert Henry, In
Honour: Cathy & Lorne Greenbaum
and Family
Shacharit Breakfast Fund
Betty Antflick, Yahrzeit: Zelda Farber
and David Antflick
Isadore Antflick, Yahrzeit: Zelda
Farber and David Antflick
David Appleby, Yahrzeit: Dr. Reva
Eleanor Appleby, In Memory: Annie
& Michael Appleby and Family
Erin Belman, Yahrzeit: The Family of
Erin Belman
Myer Bald, Yahrzeit: Burtha & Henry
Bella Bendayan, Yahrzeit: Reina
Bendayan and Family
Henry Bigio, Yahrzeit: Matilda Bigio
Serene Bodor, Yahrzeit: Agnes Lantos
Joshua Brodey, Yahrzeit: Paulette
Brodey and Family
Henry Clavir, Yahrzeit: Isabel Schwartz
Frances Erdell, Yahrzeit: Carol Collin
and Family
Sydney Ezrin, Yahrzeit: Sharyn
Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin
Paul Fingold, Yahrzeit: Elissa & David
Fingold and Family
Mayer Fogel, Yahrzeit: Rosie & John
Uster and Family
Sue Freedman, Yahrzeit: Marla Powers
Penelope Frohman, Yahrzeit: Amanda
Sylvia Frohman, Yahrzeit: Amanda
Ida Green, Yahrzeit: Rochelle Green
Susan Hershfield, Yahrzeit: Janet
Hershfield and Family
Dorothy Himel, Yahrzeit: Susan Himel
& Neil Kozloff
Barry Kane, Yahrzeit: Adele Mamott
Doris Kane, Yahrzeit: Adele Mamott
Jack Kane, Yahrzeit: Adele Mamott
Sydney Mamott, Yahrzeit: Adele
Anne Nashman, Yahrzeit: Rina & Saul
Gerald George Nashman, Yahrzeit:
Rina & Saul Fishbein
Anne Pritzker, Yahrzeit: Sharyn
Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin
Isaac Ray, Yahrzeit: Lucy Weinstein
David Redner, Yahrzeit: Debbie
Redner & Benjamin Applebaum and
Oscar Salem, Yahrzeit: Jocelyne & Dr.
Shia Salem
Lillian Salsberg, Yahrzeit: Sharyn
Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin
Frances Sarner, In Memory: Shelley
& Arthur Gans
Rita Shapiro, Yahrzeit: Shapiro Family
Shiva Leaders, In Appreciation: Claire
Goodman; Sharon Herman and Family
Asher Solomon Leranbaum,
Yahrzeit: Judith Leranbaum; Michael
Leranbaum; Susan Mogil
Harry L. Solomon, Yahrzeit: Cary
Solomon; Melanie Yunger
Helen Swartzfeldt, Yahrzeit: Myrna
Max Yack, Yahrzeit: Ellen Yack and
Family; Susan Yack and Family
Stagecraft Fund
Clara Beinish, In Memory: Viviane &
Saul Ship
Ron Boyd, In Honour: The Cast and
Crew of The Angel Capone
Mortimer Goodman, In Memory:
Viviane & Saul Ship
Alan Gordon, In Honour: The Cast
and Crew of The Angel Capone
Paul Kent, In Memory: Viviane &
Saul Ship
Eric Kirsh, In Honour: The Cast and
Crew of The Angel Capone
Dr. Debby Vigoda, In Honour: Janet
& Michael Ryval
Donna Uster Memorial Fund
Donna Uster, In Memory: Carmela &
Michael Paul
Youth Awards Fund
Berecz Family, Yahrzeit: Helene Barto
Corinne Berinstein, In Honour:
Donald Duprey
Alan Brudner, In Honour: Nancy-Gay
Rotstein & Maxwell Rotstein
Meryl Cole, In Memory: Shoshana
Feuerlich Family, Yahrzeit: Helene
Rina & Saul Fishbein, In Honour:
Doreen & Harold Fishbein; Carole &
Dr. Martin Rosenberg
Rosalyn Locketz, In Memory: Sara
Clodman and Family; The GordonChow Family; Glenda Mindlin; Arlene
Roth; Barbara Thal Hodes & Robert
Ellen Karabanow, In Honour: “The
Birthday Girls”
Karen Kollins & Daniel Abramson,
In Honour: Sara Clodman and Family
Karen & Shelly Mandell, In Honour:
Kim Stewart
Stuart Rothman, In Honour:
Elisabeth & Ron Saunders
Debbie Speigel and Family, In
Honour: Karen Kollins & Daniel
Abramson and Family
Holy Blossom Temple
T h ank you
. . . t o o u r A n n u a l C o n t r i b u t i o n D o n ors!
We have already raised $468,000 from the wonderful generosity of the donors
listed below.
The focus of our Annual Contribution Campaign is to make membership at
Holy Blossom possible for all who wish to belong. Many in our congregation
face financial hardships. Funds from the Annual Contribution Campaign
directly subsidize membership fees, ensuring membership for all, regardless of
financial circumstance.
This year our goal was to match last year’s total of $540,000. Unfortunately to
date we have not yet achieved our goal. We currently have a shortfall of over
$60,000 and your fellow members need your help!
It’s not too late to make a contribution to this year’s Annual Campaign.
We would like to invite all those who haven’t yet done so to consider making a
gift to the Annual Contribution Campaign – it will ensure that our community
continues to be a vibrant centre of Jewish life that is inclusive for all, and that
we can continue to never have to turn away our fellow member due to financial
adversity. Please consider doing what you can to maintain the strength of our
family of congregants and keep the doors open for everyone.
Please call Loriellen Karam (ext 227) at the Temple to make your gift today.
Benefactor $7,200 +
Fran & Lawrence Bloomberg
Michael & Janette Diamond and Family
Angela & David Feldman
Lloyd & Gladys Fogler
Joan Garson & David Baskin
Gail & Irving Gerstein
Charles & Marilyn Gold
Larissa & Mauricio Kuperman
Robert Lantos
Sheila Loftus and Family
Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman
Gaye & Andrew Stein
Patron $3,600 +
Earl Bederman & Ann MacPherson
Elizabeth & Reuben Bromstein
Sandra Dawe & Lloyd Hoffer
Tom & Karen Ehrlich and Family
Wendy & Elliott Eisen
Tom & Jacqueline Friedland
Hugh Furneaux & Penny Fine
Joy & Barry Gales
Sybil Geller & Jack Geller, Q.C.
Leon & Anita Lapidus and Family
Lorraine & Donald Loeb
Bulletin • December 2011
Larry Rosen & Susan Jackson and
Rosenkrantz Family
Henry & Mary Seldon
Harvey Tanzer & Cheryl Goldhart
and Family
Denise Zarn & James Shenkman
Carole & Dr. Bernard Zucker
Anonymous (3)
Sponsor $1,800 +
Michael & Pam Albert and Family
Terry Axelrod & Heather Shapiro
Janice & Larry Babins
Joanne Bargman & Earl Silverman
Renette & David Berman
Cheryl & David Blinick and Family
Barry & Susan Borden
Harvey Borden
Debra & Barry Campbell
Doctors Alice & Ron Charach
Sara & Richard Charney
George & Susan Cohon
Billy & Carolyn Collins
Esther Zeller Cooper & Morris Cooper
Crawford-Ritchie Family
Phyllis & Jeff Denaburg
Helena & David Fine
Gloria & Jack Fine
Lois & George Fine
Frank Gerstein & Laurie May
Frances & Bernard Goldman
Diana & Marvin Goodman
Sondra & Allan Gotlieb
Karen Hacker & Irving Teper
Murray Hart & Jill Kamin
Faryl Hausman & Ronald McCloskey
Sheldon Inwentash, Lynn Factor, Nicole,
Raquel & Jakson
Elliott Jacobson & Judy Malkin
Tim Lipa & Rhonda Richer
Jordanna & Earl Lipson
Rabbi Dow & Fredzia Marmur
Valerie & Anthony Melman
Rena Mendelson & Allan Detsky
Kenneth & Renee Metrick
Lesley & Ron Miller and Family
Rabbi John Moscowitz
Dr. Stephen Pearl
Marty Perlmutar & Gillian Hawker
Anita & Val Rachlis
Lisa Ritchie & Dave Carroll
Jack & Judith Rose
Joy Rosen & Lawrence Freedman
Michael Rotsztain & Fay Greenholtz
and Family
Jocelyne & Shia Salem
Lorne, Maureen & Alex Saltman
Brenda & Fred Saunders
Lionel & Carol Schipper
Alison & Alan Schwartz
Donna & Stanley Shenkman
Norman & Janet Shiner and Family
Michael & Jackie Shulman
Judith & Montyz’l Simmonds
Lise & Luke Sklar
Larry & Donna Smith
Julie & Cary Solomon
Rabbi Yael Splansky & Dr. Adam Sol
Carole & Jay Sterling
Francie & Martin Storm
Marvin & Esther Tile
Tina Urman & Carey Diamond
Florence & Milton Winberg
Jack & Judy Winberg
Jill Witkin & Greg Coleman
Elizabeth Wolfe & Paul Schnier
Jonathan & Amal Wolfe
Rose Wolfe
Deborah Zemans & Daryl Gelgoot
Joyce & Fred Zemans
Anonymous (6)
Leader $1,200 +
Jan & Keith Allin
Gordon Arbess & Sharon Neiss
and Family
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Baker
Warren Blatt & Joanne Godel
Susan & James Bookbinder
Jeff Dicker & Sandi Smith
Maxine & Victor Drevnig
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Egier
Ruth & Robert Ehrlich
Martha & David Finkelstein
Linda Frum & Howard Sokolowski
Shelley Greene & Joel Kirsh
Robert & Jane Herman
Sharon Herman
Steven Hurowitz & Diane Osak
John Laskin & Holly Goren Laskin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Leibel
David & Susan Linds and Family
Lipson-Kogut Family
Henry & Burtha Liss
Carolin & Jerry Michaels
Ann & Gary Posen
Elizabeth Johnson & Leslie Rose
Ronna Rubin & Philip Smith
Eric Rumack & Susan Yack
Nancy Ruth and Family
Lili & Michael Shain
Brenda Spiegler & Mark S. Anshan
John Sweet
Supporter $600 +
Eric Adelson & Andrea Himel
Jason Baker & Ellie Morch
Yolande & Cyril Baldachin
Susan Baskin
Naomi Bell
Neil & Corinne Berinstein and Family
Martin & Harriet Blackstein
Bonnie Bloomberg
Marlene & Andy Borins
Norma & Maxime Borinsky
Judy & Allan Borodin
Lara & Andrew Brodkin
The Burstein Family
Henrietta Chesnie
Debby Chesnie Cooper
Stephen Chris & Debra Birnbaum
and Family
Michael & Phyllis Cincinatus
and Family
Sharon & Stanley Clavir
Richard & Elise Cohen
Jeffrey & Dianne Cole
Shoshana R. Cole
Peter Collins & Krisanne Langille
Garson & Jean Conn
Richard & Barbara Conway
Bonnie Croll & Robert Henry
and Family
Susan & Peter Dan
Iris Drache
Marvin & Miriam Dryer
Duckman Family
Madeleine Epstein
Maxanne Ezer
Tamara & Gary Fine and Family
Rina & Saul Fishbein
Patricia & Richard Fogler
Arthur & Shelley Gans
Deborah & Marvin Gans
Zita Gardner
Randi & Alan Garfinkel
Howard & Carole Gelfand
Marilyn & David Gluskin
Bertye & Bernard Gluckstein
Jo Ann & Stanley L. Gold
Joanne Goldberg
Mira Goldfarb & Adam Berkowitz
and Family
Ronnie & Bonnie Goldstein
Mark Goodman & Avra Rosen
Mindy & Howard Goodman
and Family
Gotlieb Family
Matt, Aviva, Jessie & Allie Gottlieb
Katrin & Maurice Green
Barbara Grossman
Harold & Susan Grossman
Joan & Alan Heavenrich
Helfield-Klein Family
Frances & Paul Hellen
Drs. Elaine Herer & Stephen Holzapfel
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Hronsky
The Ingvaldsen Family
Robynn Jolliffe
The Karlinsky / Anderson Family
William & Carol Kassel
Hilary & David Kettner
Dr. Stuart & Francie Klein
Malcolm & Mimi Kronby
Mariam Leitman & Craig Perkins
Jeffrey Leon & Carol Best
Judith Leranbaum
Rhoda Lewis
Larry & Faigie Librach
In honour of Peter Loebel
Jean & Richard Lorie
Jill & Ben Lustig
Randy & Mathew Malinsky
Michael & Randi Marrus
Dr. Keith & Suzette Meloff
Cecile & Fred Metrick
Sharon & Shelley Miller
Karen Minden & Harvey Schipper
Joan & Brian Mirsky
Bernice Mukamal
Sylvia & Harvey Naftolin
Bernice & Yitz Penciner
Alison & Gary Polan
Dr. Franklin Pulver &
Dr. Annalee Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Pulver
Teresa & Alberto Quiroz
Ted & Merle Rachlin
Anna Cecille Ratney
Debbie Redner & Benjamin Applebaum
Judy & Carl Ritchie
Lindi & Stephen Rivers
Razelle Roebuck & David MacCoy
David & Gillian Rosenberg and Family
Arlene Roth
Maxwell & Nancy-Gay Rotstein
Marlene & Robert Ruderman
Gail & Daniel Rumack
Janet & Michael Ryval
Marvin & Victoria Sadowski
David Sandler
Prof. Rivanne Sandler
Ethel Sapera
Matthew Sapera & Darren Sukonick
Doreen & Alan Saskin
Robert Schipper
Ted & Terri Schipper
Walter Seaton
Anci Shafran
Grace & Ted Shafran
Bonnie & Mel Shear
Viviane & Saul Ship
Deborah Siegel & Eric Beutel
Lawrence Smith & Marsha Elser
Bob & Sheila Smolkin
Dr. Ken & Franci Sniderman
Mrs.Harry L. Solomon
Gary & Janis Soren
Barry & Joyce Spiegel
Debbie & Randy Spiegel
Dr. Manuel & Phyllis Spivak
Leslie & Mel Springman
Susan & Ray Stancer
Cecile Kaufman Stein
Harold & Anne Stein
Norma & George Steiner
Jay & Linda Swartz
Lorne & Sharon Tarshis
Seymour & Gloria Temkin
Leon & Shirley Tessler
Eleanor Thall
Sidney Troister & Claudia Blumberger
John & Rosie Uster
The Valihoras
Craig & Kimmy Walters
Dr. Rhonda Wilansky &
Mr. Israel Ben-Ishai
Lawrence Wilder and Family
Diane & Jonathan Wilson
Shari & Michael Wilson and Family
Judith Winberg & Andrew Pollack
Phyllis & Alan Wintraub
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Wise
Stan & Ros Witkin
Mr. & Mrs. Z. Wittlin
Daniel & Michelle Wittlin
Linda Wolfe
William & Dorothy Wolfson
Betty Young
Zemans - Ronthal Family
Anonymous (14)
$1 - $599
Dafna & David Abells
Carol Abugov
Shirley & Scarlat Albright
Sheila Bacher
Harriet & Richard Bain
Dr. Benjamin Barankin &
Dr. Kimberly Liu
Lisa & Aaron Baumal
Reina Bendayan
Gail Berman
Susan H. Berman
Linda & Howard Book
Beverley Borins
Harriette Borins
Paulette Brodey
Dorothy Brown
Candy Burstein
Rosalie Abate-Burkes & Ari Burkes
Charles Cass
Sally Chodorcove
Sara Clodman
Michael Cole
Robert Cooper
Robert Cronish
Terrie & Douglas Davidson
Mrs, Goldie Davis
Clare & Monte Denaburg
Joyce Eisen
Heather & Maxwell Finestone
Sandra & Michael Florence
Anne Freeman
Ethel & Harold Freeman
Isabel Freeman
Ruth Goldberg Fremes
Stephen & Jill Fremes
Nora & John Freund
Etta Ginsberg McEwan
Golda Goldman & Joe Oliver
Mildred & Sheldon Goldstein
Claire Goodman
Jane & Gary Griesdorf
Margaret & David Hart
Esther & Cyril Hersh
Jill Hertzman
Danielle Himel & Allan Kates
Helen & Joe Hochberg
Tim & Melissa Ann Hylton
Debra Iscove & Maxim Ben-Yakov
Sandra Kamenir
Etienne & Aubrey Kaplan
Ellen Karabanow
Margaret & Richard Kardish
Geraldine Karlan
Rose Kates
Martin & Marion Kazdan
Paula Kirsh
Edith F. Kirzner
Marie Knaul
Ahuva Krieger
Diana & Harold Lass
Liam Leibel
Lydia Levin & David Barkham
Leonard Levy
Brian Lidsky & Elana Paice Lidsky
Nancy & Irving Lipton
Ellen & Mel Little
Peter & Eleanor Loebel
Shelly & Karen Mandell
Pnina Margolese
Catherine Mayers
Joel Mickelson & Julie Markle
and Family
Mrs. Kaylee Miller
Glenda Mindlin
Maxine Minden
Ted Moses
Shoshana & David Paice
Clifton Pezim
Dr. Sheila Pollock
Ruth Rashkis z’l
Goldie Rivers
Barbara Wade Rose & Jonathan Rose
Lazarus Rosen
Harold Segal
Bonnie & Mel Shear
Helen & Edward Sheffman
Helen Sherman
Eleanor & Jack Shuber
Jodi Shuster & Jeffrey Sniderman
Julius Silver
Myrna & Harvey Silver
Robin & William Sims
Paul & Alma Simonsky
Gerald & Judy Slan
Anne Sniderman
Joan Solway
Doris Sommer-Rotenberg
Sara Speigel
Martin Stern
Martin Sterling
Rosalie Sussman
Ann Sutton
Taylor Family
Ellie Tesher
Eileen & Paul Tichauer
Tema & Irwin Title
Heather & Gary Topp
Morris & Debby Vigoda
Paula & Alan Warren
Beth Weingarden & Paul Michael Stein
Joy & Herbert Wolfson
Harriet Wolman
Vanessa Melman Yakobson & Ari
Anonymous (24)
Holy Blossom Temple
Life at Holy Blossom
For all programs between Dec. 1, 2011-Jan 30, 2012
Dec. 5, 12, 19,
Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 27, 2011 Jan. 23-Mar 5 (not Feb 20)
7:30 p.m. Nov. 28 7:30 p.m. Mondays @ the Temple
Texts and Textiles, Rabbi Michael Stroh
Sisterhood Games Night
Weekly Nov. 29-Dec 6
Dec. 6 11:00 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar, Rabbi Edward Goldfarb
7:30 p.m. Festive and Reflective Psalms, Rabbi Karen Thomashow
8:00 p.m. Judaism Across the Spectrum: A panel discussion, Rabbis Moscowitz,
Frydman-Kohl, Steinmetz, at Beth Tzedec Congregation,
1700 Bathurst Street
7:30 p.m. Jan. 17-31
Lost Scriptures, Prof. Barrie Wilson
Weekly Weekly Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Jan. 18, 25, Feb. 1 Feb. 8
9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Sisterhood Torah Study, Rabbi Edward Goldfarb
Yiddish Novel, Rabbi Edward Goldfarb
Films of the Jewish Diaspora, Dr. Gillian Helfield (final class)
Three Iranian Women, Dr. Rivanne Sandler, (final class)
Introduction to Talmud III, Rabbi Karen Thomashow
Israel: A State of Exception?, Derek J. Penslar
Dec. 1 8:00 p.m. After America: Can the West Be Saved, Mark Steyn
Tot Shabbat (For children 5 and under and their families)
Dec. 2 6:.00 p.m. (Service & Pot luck dinner)
Dec. 16 5:30 p.m. (Service & Craft)
Jan. 6, 2012 6:00 p.m. (Service & Pot luck dinner)
Jan. 20, 2012 5:30 p.m. (Service & Craft)
Dec. 23
4:.30 p.m. Chanukah celebration
Hot Shot Shabbat (For children 5 & up and their families)
Dec. 2 6:00 p.m.
Jan. 6, 2012
6:00 p.m.
Weekly 9:00 a.m. Nov. 26, Dec 17, Jan 28
10:15 a.m. Nov. 26, Dec 17, Jan 21
1:00 p.m. Dec. 3, Jan 7
10:15 a.m. Nov. 26 Torah Study, Rabbi John Moscowitz
Shabbat Meditation, Michelle Katz,
Women’s Rosh Hodesh Beit Midrash – after Kiddush
Learner’s Minyan, Rabbi Edward Goldfarb
Shabbat by Grade: Senior Kindergarten in the Family Service
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
416.789.3291 • www.holyblossom.org
Bulletin • December 2011
Shabbat by Grade: Grade 2 in the Family Service
Shabbat by Grade: Grade 6 in the Family Service
Shabbat by Grade: Grade 1 in the Family Service
Dec. 10 Feb. 4 Feb. 25 The Hot Shot Shabbat families join the Tot Shabbat for their Shabbat Dinner.
Weekly 10:00 a.m. Temple Singers, Cantor Maissner
Dec. 18, Jan. 22 10:30 a.m. Sunday Book Club, Sharon Singer
9:30 a.m.
Brotherhood Breakfast Club
Nov. 13 Ted Shafran presents technology in our lives
Nov 27 no Religious School PD Day for teachers
Dec. 4 Grade 4 Family Education program
Dec. 11
9:30 a.m.Brotherhood Breakfast Club presents Michael Cole, who will give his
annual book review
Jan. 15 9:30 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Club – speaker TBA
Jan. 29 Grade 1 Family Education program
Feb. 5 Grade 2 Family Education program
Feb. 12
9:30 a.m.Brotherhood Breakfast Club presents Howard Warren who will speak
about mediation and Arbitration
Feb. 19 No Religious School – Family Day
Mon. to Fri. Mon. to Thur.
Sun. Mon., Dec. 26, Tue.,Dec. 27
and Mon., Jan. 2 7:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. Shacharit
Fri. Sat. Sat. 6:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Shabbat Morning Service
Family Shabbat Service
Nov. 25, Jan. 27, Feb. 24 6:30 a.m.A unique Kabbalat Shabbat experience of song and prayer for 20 and
30 somethings
1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
416.789.3291 • www.holyblossom.org

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