July/August - Temple Beth El


July/August - Temple Beth El
Temple Beth El
July - August 2014
Huntington, New York
Friday, July 4th
Office closed
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, July 11th
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 15th
Blood Drive at 4 p.m.
Friday, July 18th
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, July 25th
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 1st
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 8th
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 15th
Summer Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
A Warm Welcome
Marcia Schwalb, President
With great pleasure and excitement, it is my honor to inform you that our search committees
have selected our new Director of Ritual Music, Cantor Alison M. Lopatin, and our new
Bʼnei Mitzvah Trainer, Leonard Thaw, to serve our congregation. The Director of Ritual Music
two-year contract was approved at our May congregational meeting and the Bʼnei Mitzvah
Trainer one-year contract was approved by The Board of Trustees at the June Board
I invite you to join me in welcoming Cantor Alison and Lenny Thaw into our temple family and
life with open arms and warm hearts. They are both very eager to begin meeting our families,
building relationships and working with us.
Cantor Alison was ordained in May of this year through the Reform Movement at The Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music and is
a graduate of Wesleyan University and The San Francisco Conservatory of Music. She has
held student cantor positions at several congregations, most recently at Port Washington
Jewish Center, and at Congregation Adas Emuno in Leonia, New Jersey. Cantor Alison grew
up in the Reform Movement in Connecticut. She is an experienced, vibrant and accomplished
vocalist and involved in community service. She is friendly and outgoing and looks forward to
enriching our temple life with her voice, caring and enthusiasm through leading us in Shabbat
and High Holy Day Services and directing our Adult and Youth Choirs. Cantor Alison will
reside in Huntington and we welcome her to our congregation and to our community.
Lenny Thaw is an experienced Bʼnei Mitzvah trainer, religious school director and teacher,
having held positions at several Long Island Reform and Conservative synagogues, and is an
active member of L.I.T.E. - Long Island Temple Educators. He is currently the Bʼnei Mitzvah
Educator at South Huntington Jewish Center, is employed with MʼYad LʼYad - Operations
Manager and Easy Systems, Inc. - Computer Consultant, is a graduate of Queens College,
attended Yeshiva University High School, and has continued to take training and courses in
Jewish and general education topics. Lenny looks forward to collaborating with
Rabbi Jeff Clopper and Diane Berg and to learning with each of our Bʼnei Mitzvah families.
Lenny resides in Deer Park along with his wife Millie and daughter Cassie and we welcome
them to our congregation.
Iʼd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the congregation meeting and
the Board of Trustees for your endorsement of our choices.
Summer Shabbat Services begin on Friday, July 4th and will continue through
Friday, August 22nd Shabbat-in-the-Lot. Cantor Alison is hoping to attend Summer Services
on July 18th, August 8th and August 15th. Please come, bring your friends and family, and
take this relaxing and informal opportunity to meet and greet our new Director of Ritual Music.
Friday, August 22nd
Shabbat-in-the-Lot, 6:15 p.m.
Friday, August 29th
T.G.I.S., 7:00 p.m.
Cantor Alison Lopatin
Lenny Thaw
Bʼnei Mitzvah Trainer
Who is wise? One who learns from all people
Diane E. Berg, RJE
This article is dedicated to our tenth grade Confirmands. It allows me to share some of the wisdom that they acquired
after a year of wrestling with many “big” Jewish ideas. These students are deep thinkers who wanted to know more.
Their teachers, Rabbi Clopper and Rabbi Klafter of Temple Beth David, would probably say that they learned from
these students as well. After hearing their Confirmation speeches, please allow me to share with you many of their
inspiring messages. We are extremely proud of their growth, pride and learning experiences.
Jake Dombrower: “A big topic that we focused on this year was Israel. Before Hebrew High I had a pretty neutral
position on my interests in the state. Now more than ever, I want to visit the home land. Overall, Judaism is more than
just something I believe in. It has taught me valuable life lessons that shaped me to become the person that I am.”
Jake Ambrosio: “I believe God is an Eternal being that is watching out for us. From when we are born until we die,
God watches and cares about us. God loves each and every individual uniquely and fully. From His love he tries to
guide us toward the right path. God does not, however, control lives or decisions; we are our own people who
He loves for being us.”
Ben Morales: “Since Confirmation is about confirming my Jewish values, I will tell you about the things in Judaism
I feel are important to me. I love Jewish culture. This has to be the most meaningful thing about being Jewish. I am
very proud to say I am part of an extremely old culture. The language is also pretty cool. Hebrew is on my “top five
languages to learn” list. I canʼt wait to visit Israel and practice my Hebrew and to walk where our ancestors walked.
Finally, the history of the Jewish people is just so amazing. To say that I am part of a religion that has survived since
the 18th century B.C.E.”
Josh Mollineaux: “I thought that after my Bar Mitzvah I was done. But after a few Mondays at Hebrew High, I really
started to like it. I even looked forward to it. I have made some great friends and had a lot of fun. I also learned a lot
about Jewish culture. I learned how important it is to have a Jewish education because of our peopleʼs history.
Iʼve learned that rabbis can be very cool and nothing like how they are on TV. I have a sense of Jewish pride from
home, but attending Hebrew High has given me even more. Most of the places I go, Iʼm the only Jewish person.
But there is a comfort level at Hebrew High because we are all Jewish.”
Eliana Wiseblatt: “This is a place of community. This is a place of comfort. I come to Hebrew High because I love
being here. I've met some amazing, spectacular people, I've gained a group of friends, and Iʼve become a part of
a bigger community than just Temple Beth El. When I was little, I was proud to be Jewish because it was different.
Now, I'm proud because it's who we are, and that is something I love “Lʼdor vʼdor: from generation to generation.
These words are written on the wall right outside. But what do they mean, and what do they have to do with Judaism?
Confirmation to me is being old enough to find God for myself and to follow His voice wherever He takes
me…Judaism is more than being different: us. We are family.”
Nicole Spencer: “Your buddies at Hebrew High and forming bonds that will never break. Praising God on Friday night
Shabbats. Accepting everyone else around us with open and caring arms and connecting with our heritage and being
close with our families. Lʼdor vʼdor: from generation to generation. Loving one another and loving Adonai our God with
all our hearts.”
Do you love to sing? Do you want to hang out with fun people
and get to play an important part in leading worship at TBE?
Come join the Adult High Holy Days Choir! All are welcome.
We happily welcome back all past participants and warmly encourage anyone interested to
join in. No previous choir experience is necessary. Just bring your voice and an enthusiasm
to sing Jewish music. Rehearsals will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
starting August 5th with me, Cantor Alison. If you are new to the choir or need a music binder
please, email Denise Montague - montague5767@aol.com by Tuesday, July 29th.
Looking forward to hearing your beautiful voices!
Ner Tamid – The Eternal Light
Please join the planners for the future of Temple Beth El of Huntington in assuring the sustainability of the temple long into the
future. “Ner Tamid”- is an initiative to recognize congregants who have included the temple in their financial and estate plans.
All gifts are welcome – there is no amount too small, and this is an honor everyone can participate in without any impact on
present financial circumstances.
Temple Beth El is here today because our predecessors had the insight to establish it, not only for them, but for generations to
come. It is our responsibility to assure the continuation of the temple by supporting this effort. Your generosity and consideration
will help keep the eternal light burning over the ark in our sanctuary forever. Thank you.
Help Wanted
Ner Tamid - An Eternal Light
Calling all adults with time and skills to share!
Please join those who have made a provision for Temple Beth El
in planning their estate. Your planned gift helps to assure long
term viability of the temple. You can receive more information
by calling the temple office at 631-421-5835, Ext. 200.
Please ask for a Development Committee member to contact
you regarding Ner Tamid.
We are looking for one or more persons who like creative writing,
are organized and have a feeling for “the pulse” of the temple.
Our event and program planners need help getting “the word out”to the community about our many activities - another way to help
bring more people interested in Jewish life through our doors.
They would be responsible for publicity & advertising in local
You can participate by:
! Making a bequest to the temple in your will
! Making a life-income charitable gift annuity
! Making a gift using Real Estate
*An attorney and member of our congregation has graciously offered his time
Please email Marcia Schwalb, marcials426@yahoo.com
*An attorney and member of our congregation has graciously offered his time
Thank You
To the members of the Ritual Committee for their
good work this year.
To Robin Faiguenbaum for her loving education
of our tiny tots in the Shalom Friends Program.
To those volunteers who helped make the Social Action
Committee's Annual Spaghetti Dinner and
Boutique a major success.
To Lisa Bennett, Irma Talbot, and Maddy Schwartz for
their dedicated work and support while keeping the TBE
offices running smoothly.
To the Trustees stepping-down from the board this year,
who have given much of themselves for the enrichment
of our Jewish life; Rita Anilionis, Barry Chase, Tom Cohn,
Rachel Frankel, Mary Klein, Ira Richman, Peter Schapero,
Charles Sherman and Lori Street-Ames.
To Ken Friese for his beautiful musical accompaniment
for Shabbat services throughout the year.
To Jenny Shore, for creating beautiful
Mother's Day baskets; helping to make twenty-four
women living in local shelters very happy!
To Raul Romero, Jose Reyes and Jose Alvarado
for keeping our building “shining bright” and helping to
make our events run smoothly.
For tireless efforts in service of Temple Beth El on our
Search Committees: Director of Ritual Music Search:
Co-chairpersons Denise Montague and
Ann Simon; Rabbi Clopper, Linda Braun,
Peter Chiacchiaro, Haley Davis, Lisa Fishman,
Jen Freed, Mary Klein, Howard Schneider,
Rob Seiler and Beverly Wayne.
Bʼnei Mitzvah Trainer Search: Co-chairpersons
Debbie Jarmon and Julie Nace;
Rabbi Clopper, Diane Berg, Jean Feinstein
and Andy Karpf.
To Maddy and Steven Schwartz for their generous
donation of the office furniture for our Religious School.
To the Klein Family for their generous donation to
The Rose Klein Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Program
and the program committee under the leadership of Lisi
Viesta, Florence Roffman and Mary Klein.
Library News!
During a rainy summer's day,
what better way to pass the time for you or
your teen or ‘tween ager than reading a book?
Come over to TBE's library. It is “chock-full” of great reading.
For young adults, the fiction books are interesting,
funny and mysterious.
A wall of books invites our younger readers to explore.
For adult readers, there is a large selection of up-to-date fiction
displayed as "New Acquisitions" on carts and on the shelves.
Have questions about Death, Intermarriage,
Faith, the Bible or Ethics?
The TBE Library is the place to find anything with a Jewish flavor.
Pull up an easy chair (yes, we have one)
and enjoy newspapers and magazines.
Howard W. Schneider
Meritorious Works
Summer is finally here and after all our winter snow the thoughts of most of us turn to the likes of swimming pools,
beaches, summer camp, cookouts and other outdoor activities. For the Menʼs Club/Brotherhood thoughts turn to
Charlie Mayer.
Charlie was an amazing person. Full of boundless energy, he gave selflessly of his time and energy to better Temple
Beth El of Huntington. Always involved, he was both president of the Menʼs Club/Brotherhood and founder of the
Chai Club. When Charlie passed away the Brotherhood created an award in his honor to acknowledge those
exceptional congregants who, like Charlie, give so much of themselves to our temple community.
If you were fortunate enough to attend the Wine and Cheese Reception and the presentation of the Charlie Mayer
Meritorious Service Award at the Shabbat service on June 20th. you already know who this yearʼs recipient is. If not,
read on, and see if you can figure it out.
This yearʼs recipients have been members of Temple Beth El for over fifty years. They are an avid professional
photographer, bike rider, fisherman, teacher and ceramic artist. They regularly volunteer to participate in Project
H.O.P.E. and are a member of both our Sisterhood and our Brotherhood. OK, by now some of you are probably a bit
confused and thinking that I have either lost a couple of “my marbles”, or this honoree is truly unique.
You would be right - with the second choice.
This is our Chai year. The 18th year that the Charlie Mayer Meritorious Service Award has been presented and we
decided to make a small break with tradition. This year, instead of awarding this honor to an individual, we have
awarded it to a couple.
In addition to being long term, involved, members of our Temple family, this couple has been the guiding force behind
this Temple bulletin for nearly ten years, over fifty issues. Working in the background, soliciting articles, chasing down
contributors for copy (such as myself), editing, proofreading, handling advertiser contracts, layout and design.
No small feat, they do it all to make sure our bulletin is informative, timely, and creative. This year the Brotherhood
was proud and honored to award the Charlie Mayer Meritorious Service Award to Bob and Robin Zucker.
So as you read this summer edition of the Temple Beth El bulletin, I hope your thoughts turn to sun, fun, and meritorious works.
The Rose Klein Memorial Scholar -in- Residence Weekend
- Lego Warsaw Ghetto and Lego Jerusalem -
Thank you to our Scholars: Building Blocks architect Stephen Schwartz and Warsaw Ghetto survivor Nessa Ben Asher, for sharing your
knowledge and for providing our temple family with such a creative and meaningful learning experience!
Special thanks to the Klein family for their generous donation and for sponsoring this program.
We also thank our sponsors: Jeff and Carol Clopper, Florence and Steven Roffman,
Marcia and Barry Schwalb, Howard Schneider and Mimi Rosen, Lisi and Rick Viesta, The Chai Club and The Sisterhood.
We thank our Co-chairpersons: Mary Klein and Lisi Viesta.
Thank you to these committee members: Florence Roffman, Loren Silverman, Mara Strenger, Andy Karpf and Audrey Dinstell.
Thank you to Diane Berg for her wonderful presentation at the book discussion, and for coordinating our students'
participation in the Lego events.
Thank you to Rabbi Clopper and to President Marcia Schwalb for their support for this event.
In addition, we appreciate all of the hard work of our custodial staff.
And a “Big” Thank You to all participants for helping to make this event a great succes
Amy Podhurst, Sisterhood President
Looking Forward to a Year of “Hot Stuff”
Looking back over this past year, Sisterhood has hosted a wide variety of fun and enriching activities. We learned how
to bake Challah, simmer soups, and hone our knife skills. We celebrated Rosh Chodesh, discussed books during the
day and in evening programs, created handmade gifts for nursing homes and hospital patients in “Knitzvah”, played
mahjongg, and sold beautiful religious articles in our Judaica shop. Meeting for lunch each month, our members
learned about Project Hope, trusts and estates, how to quilt, and listened to a memberʼs personal pilgrimage to honor
her familyʼs suffering during the holocaust. Our congregants gave blood in our blood drives and cleaned out their
closets for our fall and spring rummage sales. Sisterhood volunteers hosted the homeless once a month in the
synagogue through the Huntington Interfaith Housing Initiative during the winter. We organized mailings of sweets
for Rosh Hashana and Shalach Manot for Purim for our congregants and college students.
We sadly mourn the loss of two wonderful women, Diann Ulick a former Sisterhood President and Michele Roberts,
who served on the Sisterhood Board. We will carry on their passion for making TBE a welcoming home for women.
Jen Freed has offered to fill in for Michele as Financial Secretary and our board has approved her as per our
Expect this coming year to have many of the same activities and exciting, new ones as well! We welcome
Audrey Dinstell to the board as our new Programming Vice President. Sheʼll be “brainstorming” plans with her
committee so if you have any ideas, please email: sisterhood@tbeli.org.
! "# % & ' ( ) & * +
Mazal Tov..
To Nanci Weber and Bernie Schaeffer, on their son Andrew's graduation.
To Ilene Messina, on her daughter's graduation.
To Ruth Lilker, on her granddaughter's graduation.
To Janet Singer and Ed Brozinsky, on Sarah Singer's engagement to Katie O'Conner.
To Bob and Eileen Baumann, on the birth of their grandson, Blake.
To Joe and Ellie Perlman, on the birth of their grandson, Raphael.
To Debi Fallenberg, for being honored by The Huntington Chamber of Commerce.
To Diane Berg, who was chosen as a Woman of Distinction in Huntington.
Carol Werblin, Social Action Chairperson
Another Year of Tzedakah and Tikkun Olam
As we approach the end of another year, I look back proudly at all that we have accomplished as a congregation. We have held
drives for clothing, food, toiletries, and baby clothing. We have provided furniture and housewares to those moving
into emergency housing, and offered emergency housing to those living out in the cold. We have delivered food to local shelters
and invited those living in shelters to enjoy meals at our Temple. Thanks to the talents of Jenny Shore, we distributed many beautiful Motherʼs Day baskets to women in local shelters.
Sue Seiler and I continue to coordinate the Sunday Suppers at the Moose Lodge in Greenlawn for Project H.O.P.E. - TBE.
We just finished our second year on June 29th. Thanks to a very generous donation from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, we were
able to serve a wonderful chicken dinner to about one hundred seventy-five guests. Please look for flyers for the 2014-2015
Supper Calendars. Come over and see what we are all about. Volunteer by cooking, setting-up or serving dinner to our Huntington
neighbors. It's also a great way to get your children involved with a community outreach program.
On July 13th, we will be hosting our third, and last, TBE dinner of the temple year, our Annual Community Barbecue and Boutique.
We need volunteers to help cook, bake cookies, serve, and transport guests to and from this dinner. Please look for upcoming
fliers and contact me at: cwerblin@hotmail.com or telephone 631-261-6029 to see how you might help.
In August, we will be collecting school supplies. When you shop for your children, please add a “little something extra” into your
cart for those less fortunate. Religious school has concluded and most of us are busy with summer vacation plans unfortunately though
social action needs never end.
I would like to share a personal story so that you might see how our donations directly help those in our community. Social Action
Committee's “Give-and-Receive” Program continues to act as a vital liaison between social service agencies, local shelters,
school districts, and their families. This year, one child in my class always seemed to come to school hungry and in the same
clothing each day. After visiting his home, I realized that this family had lost most of its furniture to a flood and to bedbugs.
The five family members were sharing two beds and sitting on crates in their living room. Thanks to your donations, weʼve
provided furniture for this boy, his brother, sister, father, and grandmother. They now have beds and dressers for their clothing,
and will soon be receiving living-room furniture. We have also set up a meal program delivering perishable foods (meats, fruits,
and vegetables) weekly to his family. Thanks to donations in our food pantry, we have supplemented these meals with canned
and boxed goods. We also provided school supplies and clothing for this boy.
This is just one example of the many local families and individuals that we have helped throughout the year. Please continue
to donate clothing, furniture and housewares. Also, if you are having a special event in your life and you are thinking of making
a donation in honor or in memory of someone, consider making it to the Social Action Committee. This year we will be working
with a greatly reduced budget and we will be relying primarily on the generous donations of congregants. Without additional new
contributions our funding will soon be depleted and unable to support our monthly events, in addition to running the HIHI, Project
H.O.P.E., and “Give-and-Receive” Programs. Thank you for the continued support.
Take Action. Make a Difference
To Joy Moss and family, on the death of her father,
Irwin Margulis, on April 17, 2014.
To Ann Simon and family, on the death of her uncle,
Frank Goldberg, on March 31, 2014.
To Staci Wuss and family, on the death of her grandmother,
Laura Lacher, on May 2, 2014.
To Barbara Greenberg and family, on the death of her husband,
our congregant Arnold Greenberg, on April 1, 2014.
To Alan Roberts and family, on the death of his wife,
our congregant Michele Roberts, mother of Sam,
Hannah and Emily, on May 14, 2014.
To Rosalie Goldstein and family, on the death of her mother,
Ruth Strod, on April 10, 2014.
To Andrea Marino and family, on the death of her mother,
Gloria Brotman, on April 16, 2014.
Thank You
Festival of Arts and Letters
We thank the artists who participated: Gloria Barton, Amy Blumenthal,
Sarah E. Brown and Simon Brown, Carol Clopper, Lauren Feldman, Rob Goldman,
Dan Hittleman, Sandy Hoffman, Susan Kaufman, Phoebe Krane, Patricia Kresner, Marjorie
Levy, Burt and Sandy Masnick, Sara Pokross, Ellen Richer, Florence Roffman,
Erica Rosenvinge, Miriam Rosen and Jordan, Evan and Howard Schneider, Bob Simowitz,
Janet Singer, Joann Wadler, Una Warde, Nanci Weber, Melvin Weinzimer,
Jennie Weitz, Steve Widerman, Susan Wolff and to Bob and Robin Zucker.
We thank the open microphone participants:
Josh Clopper, Sarah Clopper, Tom Cohn, Sophie Dalton, Patricia Kresner,
Spencer Login, Charley Rich, Florence Roffman and Rob Seiler.
We thank raffle donors:
Gloria Barton, Dan Hittleman, Phoebe Krane, Patricia Kresner, Sarah Lichtenstein,
Ellen Richer, Howard Schneider, Joann Wadler, Una Warde and Melvin Weinzimer.
We thank this committee: Elyse Besso, Jen Freed, Rob Goldman, Robin Grass,
Amy Podhurst, Una Warde, Janet Widawsky, and Robin Zucker.
And our co-chairs Florence Roffman and Linda Wattel.
And we thank our sponsors: Richard and Susan Aaronson, Glen Ames,
Mark and Heidi Aronson, Stanley and Marion Bergman, Mark and Amy Blumenthal,
Edward Brozinsky and Janet Singer, Harold and Joan Blog, Tom Cohn
and Victoria Craven, the Chai Club, Sheldon and Adrianne Dietz,
Barry and Elaine Eig, Jeffrey and Elyse Feldman, Barbara Gettinger, Jane Goldblatt,
Richard and Barbara Golden, Robin Grass and Una Warde, Michael and Surelle Heiberger,
Ron and Nancy Israeli, Stuart and Debbie Kaplan, Burton and Laura Klayman, Stephen and
Marjorie Levy, Thomas and Elisa McDonagh, Sara Pokross, Charles and Debbie Rich,
Steven and Florence Roffman, Mary Rosenvinge, Barry Rozen and Sarah Lichtenstein,
Beverly Safian, Marc Safian and Rita Jones, Bernard Schaeffer and Nanci Weber,
Barbara Schenk, Barry and Marcia Schwalb, Robert and Susan Seiler, Sisterhood TBE,
Bradley and Karyn Sporkin, Rick and Elizabeth Viesta, Janet Walerstein and to
Michael and Janet Widawsky.
In addition, we would like to thank Brotherhood for providing, cooking and serving the
refreshments, Sisterhood for creating and serving the brownie bar, and the Chai Club for
providing security. Our very special thanks to Artist-in-Residence Jodi Wattel for helping
us create a beautiful mural. And thanks sent to Larry Simon and Ira Tane for helping to
organize the set-up with our wonderful custodial staff.
Thanks to Diane Berg for facilitating our students’ participation and to President,
Marcia Schwalb for her support.
And thank you, Rabbi Clopper for the lovely Havdalah service and technical support.
In memory of:
Diann Ulick
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
Sidney Schmukler at yahrzeit
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
In memory of:
Seymour Licht
- Fran Simowitz
Art McCormick
- Fran Simowitz
In memory of:
Bernard Shindler at yahrzeit
- Arnie and Eileen Shindler
Sidney Madenberg at yahrzeit
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
Beatty Shindler at yahrzeit
- Arnie and Eileen Shindler
In honor of:
Herb and Barbara Kreindler's granddaughter
Amanda becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Allan and Joyce Pifko
Adrianne and Sheldon Dietz's grandson
Benjamin becoming a Bar Mitzvah
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
In memory of:
Michele Roberts
- Peter and Beverly Wayne
Sylvia Ravitz
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
In honor of:
The birth of Rhys, grandson
of Susan and Jerry Wolff
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
Jeanne Hirschfeld's 90th birthday
- Carol Perlmutter
In memory of:
Joel H. Cohen at yahrzeit
- Selma Cohen Swaim
In memory of:
Diann Ulick
- Barbara Schenk
- Barbara Reiss and Harry Newman
- Surelle and Mike Heiberger
- Elaine and Barry Eig
Michele Roberts
- Debbie and Charley Rich
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
- Barbara Schenk
- Barbara Reiss and Harry Newman
- Jonathan Green and Hilary Thomas
Nadine Choueka
- Lina and Bill Wattel
Irwin Margulis
- Florence and Steve Roffman
Gloria Brotman
- Florence and Steve Roffman
- Debbie and Charley Rich
Margot Dombrower at yahrzeit
- Steve and Janis Dombrower
Joan Purow and Ronnie Palmet at yahrzeit
- David and Deena Purow
Cynthia Slavin at yahrzeit
- Dianne Slavin
Calvin Axinn at yahrzeit
- Lennard Axinn
Eileen Summer at yahrzeit
- Tracy Summer
Harold Satran at yahrzeit
- Robert and Joan Lifson
Ida Kalish at yahrzeit
- Ely and Elaine Kaplan
Gretchen Rothenberg at yahrzeit
- Peter and Naomi Rothenberg
Ruth Klesman at yahrzeit
- Burt and Laura Klayman
May Blog at yahrzeit
- Harold and Joan Blog
Gertrude Ruskin at yahrzeit
- Joanne Fried
Minnie Kanigel at yahrzeit
- Gerald and Laura Jackson
Morris Mildener at yahrzeit
- Barry Mildener and Richard Pitch
Doris Kaplan and Joseph Kalish at yahrzeit
- Ely and Elaine Kaplan
Frank Gary at yahrzeit
- Howard and Molla Gary
Paula Fields and Betty Edelstein at yahrzeit
- Andy Edelstein and Beth Sherman
Stan Millstone at yahrzeit
- Burt and Laura Klayman
Gil Spritzer at yahrzeit
- Lois Spritzer
Rona Chase Robbins at yahrzeit
- Barry Chase
Stuart Chernick, Frank Jordan and Abraha Korner at yahrzeit
- Cindy Halpern
Carl Bagnall at yahrzeit
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
Ethel Spiner at yahrzeit
- Martin Podgaint
Edwin Jedeikan at yahrzeit
- Miriam Rosen and Howard Schneider
Sara Lipsius at yahrzeit
- Barbara Schenk
Tony Toran and Hattie Toran at yahrzeit
- Phyllis and Bill Toran
Betty Edelstein at yahrzeit
- Beth Sherman and Andy Edelstein
In honor of:
Nanci Weber and Bernie Schaeffer's son Andrew's graduation
- Barbara Schenk
Joe and Judy Madenberg's grandsons
Eric and Sam becoming B'nei Mitzvah
- Barbara Schenk
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Ilene Messina's daughter's graduation
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Ruth Lilker's granddaughter's graduation
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Sarah Singer's engagement to
Katie O'Conner
- Janet Singer and Ed Brozinsky
The birth of Blake, grandson of
Bob and Eileen Baumann
- Bob and Eileen Baumann
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
- Roberta and Lawrence Monat
The birth of Rhys, grandson of
Susan and Jerry Wolff
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
The birth of Logan, grandson of
Burt and Sandy Masnick
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Adrianne and Sheldon Dietz's grandson
Benjamin becoming a Bar Mitzvah
- Barbara Schenk
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
Florence Roffman, for all of her work on the
Festival of Arts and Letters
- Jane Goldblatt
The birth of Noah, grandson of Rita and Algis Anilionis
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
- Florence and Steve Roffman
Herb and Barbara Kreindler's granddaughter
Amanda becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Barbara Schenk
Lisi Viesta, for a successful
Scholar-In-Residence program
- Barbara Schenk
To the recovery of:
Raul Romero
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Barbara Schenk
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
Lisa Bennett
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
In memory of:
Blanche and Howard Lipsius at yahrzeit
- Barbara Schenk
In honor of:
Barbara Schenk's grandson
Spencer becoming a Bar Mitzvah
- Phyllis and Bill Toran
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
To the Recovery of:
Barbara Schenk
- Phyllis and Bill Toran
In memory of:
Laura Lacher
- Diane Berg
Ruth Strod
- Diane Berg
Michele Roberts
- Diane Berg
Anthony Vajda at yahrzeit
- Richard and Rosalie Kammerling
Matthew Kammerling at yahrzeit
- Richard and Rosalie Kammerling
Milton Gershon at yahrzeit
- Janet Gershon
In honor of:
The birth of Rhys, grandson of Susan and Jerry Wolff
- Richard and Rosalie Kammerling
Nanci Weber and Bernie Schaeffer's son Andrew's graduation
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
The birth of Raphael, grandson of
Joe and Eleanor Perlman
- Barry and Marcia Schwalb
Debi Fallenberg being honored by
the Huntington Chamber of Commerce
- Diane Berg
The birth of Blake, grandson of
Bob and Eileen Baumann
- Diane Berg
In memory of:
Peter Gray at yahrzeit
- Ellen Gray
In honor of:
Nanci Weber and Bernie Schaeffer's son Andrew's graduation
- Sue and Rob Seiler
In memory of:
Carolyn Widerman
- Barbara Gettinger
In memory of:
Michele Roberts
- Andrew and Gail Helfand
Tracey Frank
- Stephen and Lynn Rosen
Edward Rosen at yahrzeit
- Miriam Rosen and Howard Schneider
In honor of:
Rabbi Clopper, for officiating at the funeral service
for Frank Goldberg
- Ann and Larry Simon
In memory of:
Herb and Barbara Kreindler's granddaughter Amanda becoming
a Bat Mitzvah
- Sheldon and Eleanor Feinstein
In memory of:
Robert Feilbogen and Joel Rosenbaum
at yahrzeit
- Peter and Joan Feilbogen
Max Walfield at yahrzeit
- Alan Walfield and Louise Spangle
In honor of:
The birth of Blake, grandson of Bob and Eileen Baumann
- Marjorie and Stephen Levy
Adrianne and Sheldon Dietz's grandson Benjamin becoming
a Bar Mitzvah
- Phyllis and Bill Toran
Herb and Barbara Kreindler's granddaughter Amanda becoming
a Bat Mitzvah
- Phyllis and Bill Toran
Joe and Judy Madenberg's grandsons Eric and Sam becoming
B'nei Mitzvah
- Phyllis and Bill Toran
In memory of:
Louis and Dora Trimmer at yahrzeit
- Lou Kurtzberg
In memory of:
Diann Ulick
- Marjorie and Stephen Levy
In memory of:
Diann Ulick
- Mary Rosenvinge
Irwin Margulis
- Mary Rosenvinge
- Sue and Rob Seiler
- Mark and Susan Goldman
Gloria Brotman
- Mary Rosenvinge
Frances Spangle at yahrzeit
- Alan Walfield and Louise Spangle
Pearl and David Goldman at yahrzeit
- Mark and Susan Goldman
Jack Schatten at yahrzeit
- Alan and Linda Schatten
Libby Seiler at yahrzeit
- Sue and Rob Seiler
Stephen Gettinger at yahrzeit
- Bonnie Gettinger
In honor of:
The birth of Rhys, grandson of Susan and Jerry Wolff
- Mary Rosenvinge
The birth of Noah, grandson of Rita and Algis Anilionis
- Sue and Rob Seiler
The birth of Blake, grandson of Bob and Eileen Baumann
- Mary Rosenvinge
- Mark and Susan Goldman
Jeanne Hirschfeld's 90th birthday
- The Duberstein Family
The engagements of Erica Seiler and Evan Seiler
- Debbie and Steve Jarmon
In memory of:
Irwin Margulis
- Rob and Lisa Fishman
- Peter and Beverly Wayne
- David and Nancy Hirsch
- Steve and Debra Jarmon
- Elaine and Barry Eig
- Mollie Sugarman and Charles Sherman
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
- Debbie and Charley Rich
July 1-7
Harriet Bergman
- grandmother of Franci Freilich
Al Davis
- father of Eileen Baumann
Andrea Elias
- sister of Jacqueline McGowan
Alois Robert Eysler
- father of David Eysler
Milton Weinkrantz
- father of Michael Weinkrantz
Sidney Wohle
- father of Elissa Gordon
James Cohn
- father of Clare Cohn-Brown
Barbara Berg
- mother of David Berg
Hortense Kleet
- mother of Warren Kleet
Priscilla Schwartz
- mother of Ruth Dalven
Hortense Gronin
- sister of Rhoma Phillips
Lewis Kaplan
- father of Randee Kaplan
Flora Sprung
- mother of Sara Pokross
Lena Denon
- mother of Edith Sard
Sophie Israel
- mother of Heidi Aronson
Toby Wattel
- mother of William Wattel
Stuart Goldblatt
- husband of Jane Goldblatt
- father of Florence Roffman
July 8-14
Peter Cangemi
- father of Adrianne Dietz
Marilyn Goldberg
- aunt of Alan Goldberg
Mollie Shriftman
- adopted mother of
Mollie Sugarman
Charles Aaronson
- father of Richard Aaronson
Gloria Rojak
- mother of Carol Berliner
Stanley Harnick
- father of Naomi Rothenberg
Arthur Kaplan
- father of Ely Kaplan
Jerry Lieberman
- father of David Lieberman
Sally Gothelf
- mother of Inez Wachtel
Seymour Lilker
- husband of Ruth Lilker
Belle Berliner
- mother of Alan Berliner
Jack Finkler
- father of Judy Fairbanks
Hyman Rosen
- father of Carol Rosen
Anita Feinstein
- mother of Brian Feinstein
Rhoda Goldberg
- mother of Alan Goldberg
Jack Greenberg
- father of Michael Greenberg
Barry Dean Klayminc
- brother of Sherry Eckstein
July 15-21
Charles Alter
- father of Irma Talbot
Sarah Goldberg
- mother of Fran Simowitz
David Roffman
- father of Steve Roffman
Diane Taylor
- mother of Janice Groden
Edwin Weinstein
- brother of Cecile Fallon
David Mendelsohn
- father of Beverly Iserson
Molly Spritzer
- mother of Gilbert Spritzer (z:l)
Gertrude Gary
- mother of Howard Gary
Shirley Podhurst
- grandmother of
Robert Podhurst
Irene Schlang
- mother of Robert Baumann
Joseph Billick
- father of Jessica Mabie
Murray Epstein
- father of Elaine Eig
Paul Mandel
- father of Liza Tenner
Milton Mishkit
- husband of Gladys Mishkit
- father of Alison Mishkit
Jordan Yurkew
- grandson of Marvin and
Lorraine Baron
Merla Brandt Small
- aunt of Beverly Wayne
August 1-7
Bessie Baker
- mother of Barbara Kreindler
Julius Hyde
- father-in-law of Fran Hyde
Isadore Finkel
- father of Wilfred Finkel (z:l)
Lee Fisher
- mother of Mollie Sugarman
Arthur Mildener
- brother of Barry Mildener
Steven Rotter
- brother of Neal Rotter
Rose Chiet
- grandmother of Jackie Selmer
Irene Bern
- aunt of Selma Cohen Swaim
Joseph Berkoff
- father of Leslie Strickland
Andrew Epstein
- father of Jerold Epstein
Maxwell Kleet
- father of Warren Kleet
Minna Pakula
- mother of Janet Walerstein
August 8-14
Ted Gach
- grandfather of Laura Ross
Irving Levy
- father of Stephen Levy
Sophie Pofcher
- aunt of Surelle Heiberger
David Rojak
- father of Carol Berliner
Mac Kahn
- father of Sharon Freeman
Vivian Roffman
- sister of Steve Roffman
Melvin Baumann
- father of Robert Baumann
Chana Hirsch
- mother-in-law of Lisette Hirsch
Morris Hoffman
- father of Sandy Hoffman
Sally Klein
- mother of Lisa Tricomi
Nancy Olivere Weber
- mother of Nanci Weber
Harry Wolff
- father of Jerry Wolff
Irving Goldberg
- father of Minna Seligson
Max Prince
- grandfather of Joan Feilbogen
July 22-31
Sydelle Donnelly
- sister of Linda Mont
Leonard Green
- father of David Green
Ann Pilatsky Pomeranz
- mother of Richard Pilatsky
Gilda Togman
- friend of Philip Adelman
Andrew Dash
- father of Ellen Dash-Heller
Morris Schwartz
- father of Ruth Dalven
Joyce Sand
- sister of Ilene Baumann
Ellen Shapiro
- sister of Jane Shallat
Eva Axinn
- mother of Lennard Axinn
Leon Crain
- father of Robert Crain
Rose Lilker
- mother of Seymour Lilker (z:l)
Herbert Rothenberg
- father-in-law of Alan Kristel
Douglas Edmund Fogelman
- son of Martin Fogelman
Norbert Kanigel
- father of Laura Jackson
Abe Klein
- father of Cecelia Stuchin
Pauline Schmier
- mother of Albert Schmier
Regina Berman
- mother of Sheila Henoch
Werner Herzfeld
- father of David Herzfeld
Belle Klasky
- aunt of Toby Smolokoff
Bernard A. Siesel
- father of Joan Blog
August 15-21
Frances Harnick
- mother of Naomi Rothenberg
Jack Siegel
- uncle of Jane Shallat
Evelyn Banks
- aunt of David Susswein
Harriet Shaw
- mother of Gary Shaw
Elaine Abrams
- mother of Harlee Richmond
Freda Hittleman
- mother of Daniel Hittleman
Israel Zeifman
- father of Anne Zeifman
Peter Guttenberg
- brother of Mary Rosenvinge
Hilda Archer Pilson
- mother of Susan Schreiner
Victor Sherman
- father of Beth Sherman
Harry Baron
- father of Marvin Baron
Edward Leinwand
- brother of Michael Leinwand
Clyde Matthews
- father of Roberta Monat
William Spangle
- father of Louise Spangle
Pearl Blumenthal
- mother of Carol Bernstein
Terry Tockman
- aunt of Robin Grass
Gertrude Marsh
- mother of Susan Wolff
Irving Roth
- grandfather-in-law of
Harriet Silverman
Sadie Roth
- grandmother-in-law of
Harriet Silverman
Herbert Street
- father of Lori Street-Ames
August 22-31
Yonah Dietz
- grandson of Sheldon and
Adrianne Dietz
Mort Ginsberg
- father of Alyssa Slansky
Eva Grossberg
- grandmother of Lawrence Blum
Rose Kurtzberg
- grandmother of Lou Kurtzberg
Tillie Heller
- mother of Rita Anilionis
Leonard Herman
- stepfather of Marla Johnston
Abraham Taylor
- father of Janice Groden
Ruth Barton
- mother of Neil Barton (z:l)
Charles Engelsher
- great uncle of Victoria Wilson
Candace Soderlund
- aunt of Denise Montague
Wilfred Finkel
- husband of Rosalind Finkel
Laura Sandler
- mother of Elyse Feldman
Irving Sarner
- father of Donald Sarner
William Jacob Weber, Jr.
- father of Nanci Weber
Charlotte Ratner
- mother of Ellen Richer
Bruno Selmer
- brother of Al Selmer
Samuel Aronowsky
- father of Barry Aronowsky
Milton Levine
- father of Marcia Blume
Herman Seiff
- father-in-law of Elaine Seiff
Benjamin Wolfer
- father of Randal Williams
Lenore Lakowitz
- cousin of Janice Groden
Marilyn Feingold
- sister of Sandra Crain
Sam Ginsberg
- father of Barbara Stern
Harry Markowitz
- father of Bernard Markowitz
Philip Noumoff
- father of Marlene Kasman
Franne Alter
- sister-in-law of Irma Talbot
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Photography by Ilene
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660 Park Avenue
Huntington, NY 11743
Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
Rabbi Emeritus Barton Shallat
Cantor Alison Lopatin
Cantor Emerita Sandra Sherry
President - Marcia Schwalb
Director of Education - Diane Berg
Bʼnei Mitzvah Trainer - Lenny Thaw
Tel.: 631-421-5835 • Fax: 631-421-1224
For all your hearing needs or to contact Dr. Melanie Herzfeld, Au.D
113 Crossways Park Dr., Ste 101 Woodbury, NY 11797
516-364-0011 • www.earminder.com
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