B`nai Today - Congregation B`nai Torah


B`nai Today - Congregation B`nai Torah
B’nai Today
A Publication of Congregation B’nai Torah
You Belong Here
November / December 2015
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein
Senior Rabbi | Joshua Heller
Rabbi | Eytan Kenter
Executive Director
Natalie K. Sarnat
Page 3.................................................................Rabbi Heller’s Message
Page 4................................................................Rabbi Kenter’s Message
Page 8............................................................Sisterhood & Brotherhood
Early Childhood Education Director
Binnie Edelson
Youth & Family Education Director
Sharon Graetz
Marketing & Engagement Director
Julie Stanwick
Development Coordinator
Bruce Warschoff
Elissa Fladell
Terri Coffsky
Executive VP
Alan Smirin
At-Large, Israel Advocacy
Tal Nudelman
VP Finance
Ori Epstein
At-Large, Endowment
Roger Woodman
VP Ritual
Alan Fixelle
At-Large, Social Action
Tracy Seitz
VP Building Fund
Harry Lutz
At-Large, Inclusion
Michelle Berghoff
VP Education
Lisa Perlin
At-Large, Strategic Plan
Richard Berlin
VP Fundraising
Amy Rosenberg
At-Large, Leadership
Development, Lisa May
VP Membership
Greg Bluestein
At-Large, Special Projects
Jonathan Mittleman
VP Facilities
John Thompson
Over 40 Programming
Lowell Fine
VP Communications
Karen Grant
Sisterhood President
Robyn Miller
VP Youth
Jodi Moskowitz
Brotherhood President
Matt Dickson
VP Programming
Dina Fuchs Beresin
700 Mt. Vernon Hwy, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
404.257.0537 • www.bnaitorah.org
Page 2
Page 9.........................................................................Hannukah Festival
Pages 10-11...............................................................................Yahrzeits
Page 12....................................................................November Calendar
Page 13.................................................................... December Calendar
Pages 15-22....................................................................... Contributions
Shacharit - Morning Services
8:45 am
6:50 am
7:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 am
6:50 am
7:00 am
Ma’ariv – Evening Services
Sunday - Thursday 6:15 pm
Shabbat Services
6:30 pm - Erev Shabbat
Saturday 9:00 am - Shabbat
10:30 am - Youth
12:00 pm - Kiddush
5:00 pm - Mincha
**Service times may change on
Festivals & Holidays. Please refer to
the weekly Shabbat Shalom e-mail for
special changes.
To enrich Jewish lives through community, tradition, and Torah.
Our B’nai Torah family seeks a deeper relationship with God and our
community through Jewish observance and prayer in a warm, welcoming
and inclusive environment. We learn through Torah and inspired teaching to
achieve personal growth and meaning. Our traditions help us create a better
world through charity and social action.
November / December 2015
When we talk about “giving charity,” we are actually talking about many diverse types
of activity. Two people may give of themselves, or their resources, with very different
The Hebrew word Tzedakah, is often translated as “charity.” However, the English word
“charity” implies something that is done out of a sense of love and free will. In contrast,
the word Tzedakah, implies that giving comes from a sense of righteousness and justice
served. Do we see our help to others as a “good deed,” or as a sacred obligation?
Maimonides, in his famous “ladder,” discusses and prioritizes different types of giving, as
you ascend the “ladder.” Gracious giving is on a higher level than that which is begrudging.
Giving anonymously reduces embarrassment and preserves the dignity of the recipient.
1. The person who gives reluctantly and with regret.
2. The person who gives graciously, but less than one should.
3. The person who gives what one should, but only after being asked.
4. The person who gives before being asked.
5. The person who gives without knowing to whom he or she gives, although the recipient knows the identity of the donor.
6. The person who gives without making his or her identity known.
7. The person who gives without knowing to whom he or she gives. The recipient does not know from whom he or she receives.
8. The person who helps another to become self-supporting by a gift or a loan or by finding employment for the recipient.
There is also the question of whom it is that we help. By definition, charity and Tzedakah in its narrowest sense, go to help those
who are in need, poorer than the giver. In Judaism, we also have a concept of Gemilut Hassadim, doing acts of kindness for
others, who may have needs that are not financial. When we provide a meal to a homeless family through Family Promise, we
are obligated to act because of our relative financial security. In contrast, when we bring a meal to a family in illness or mourning,
through our Kesher Committee, the recipient may be perfectly capable of buying us dinner 100 times over, but we are filling a
spiritual need, rather than a physical one.
In English, one can also differentiate between charity, helping those in need, and philanthropy, improving society as a whole.
Another way to understand the distinction is that “charity” helps someone “else,” someone who is physically hungry, or spiritually
needy. In contrast, “philanthropy” might benefit everyone, including us. A new prayer book never fed a hungry person, but
supporting educational or cultural programs allows each of us to be better people.
Do we give to make the world a better place only for others, or for ourselves as well? Do we tend to physical or to spiritual needs?
Do we give out of a sense of obligation, or with an open heart? Through these pages and beyond, B’nai Torah offers many ways
to engage in holy giving.
What’s the one thing you count on from Congregation B’nai Torah? For most of our members,
you need to know that we will be here when you need us. When you need a Bar Mitzvah date
for your child, or when you have a family emergency, you are confident that the Rabbis and
staff are standing by to help you get through your time of need. Some folks turn to the shul
to make sure their kids get a good Jewish foundation in preschool, and some just want to
know that they have tickets and a seat on the High Holidays. There is only one way to ensure
Congregation B’nai Torah will be around when you are the one in need, give now and give
continuously. We must each do our part to make certain that our shul is the best that it can be,
no matter whose time of need it may be.
What do you get for your generosity? Why support the shul even if you are not the one who is
in a time of need? Congregation B’nai Torah offers a wide variety of educational programs for
the entire family, as well as many opportunities throughout the year to work on behalf of our
local, national, and international communities. We offer holiday services, programming, and
social opportunities where you can meet others in our community.
Please, don’t wait for your time of need to turn to Congregation B’nai Torah. Look to us throughout the year to help out, make
new friends, make an impact in the community, or just to get your money’s worth. Check out our website, and our weekly
Shabbat Shalom newsletter regularly, to find programs that interest you. I look forward to seeing you soon, and thank you for
your generous support of our shul.
Page 3
November / December 2015
When Staci was younger, she went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore with her
Aunt. She was a docent there, so Staci got to go behind the scenes at the dolphin show.
What 10 year old (or 32 year old) wouldn’t love that? She had an amazing time, and
was very grateful for the experience.
From that point forward, however, every gift that she received from that Aunt was
dolphin related. Dolphin notepads, dolphin earrings, you get the idea … While she
truly enjoyed the aquarium visit; dolphin gift after dolphin gift, she enjoyed somewhat
less. There was no escaping the dolphin presents. We did not know what dolphinrelated object we might receive for our wedding.
While Staci clearly did not love every one of those gifts, to her Aunt it represented
something special, a moment that they shared, something that brought them together.
I think all of us can name similar examples where we received gifts that meant very
little to us, but a great deal to the gift-giver. That is why we receive monogrammed
tube socks, rather than registry items, it is because the giving of gifts is not just about
the person receiving the gift. It is as much about the person giving them.
Some, including the famous medieval Rabbi Maimonides, argue that the sacrifices that we offered God fit into this category.
God did not need roasted lamb or meal offerings, but it was the best thing that we could offer, and therefore God appreciated
the gesture. It meant something to God to be receiving a gift that meant such a great deal to the giver.
In the months ahead, we will enter the season of gift giving. Whether it be Hanukkah presents at home, or secret Santas at
work, we will be giving and receiving many presents. It is incumbent upon all of us not only to recognize how much receiving
gifts means to us, but also to recognize that the giver and their feelings are just as important. Let us take this opportunity not
only to thank those giving us gifts with lovely thank you notes recognizing the item, but also by appropriately acknowledging
how much receiving that gift meant to you, and how it represents the warm feelings that you have regarding your relationship.
Only then will we truly appreciate what gifts are about. They aren’t about the stuff, but the love with which they are given.
I am constantly touched by the congregants at Congregation B’nai Torah. I truly believe
there is more than one way to give back to our community, and our congregants exemplify
this every day. There are the regular minyonars, regular daveners, and regular Shabbat
attendees. They each add so much to the ritual practices. There are the congregants who
are able to give financially, in an extremely generous way. Did you know that our dues only
cover half of our operating budget? The remainder comes from generous donations and
fundraising activities. There are the congregants who are able to give of their time, in a
volunteer capacity. From a member of the Board of Trustees, to an office volunteer, each
ensures Congregation B’nai Torah is able to serve each of our congregants to the best of our
ability. We would not be able to offer all of the exciting programs and events if not for lay
volunteers, let alone the work we get done in the office. Our valued office volunteers do so
much to ensure the day-to-day operations, not always exciting, but very important work is
Each of these people, who give so generously of their time and money, has allowed me to get to personally know different
members of our congregation. I have been fortunate to call many my dear friends, and feel lucky to share my personal and
professional life with them.
I encourage each member of our congregation to take a role in an area of synagogue life that speaks to them. So much of being
a member of our synagogue is the sense of community and shared religious identity that will forever shape our lives, and those
of our loves ones and families.
Thank you to those who have taken an active role in our community, and I look forward to meeting new and old congregants
alike, who are ready to take their journey with Congregation B’nai Torah to the next level.
Page 4
November / December 2015
“Congregation B’nai Torah! This is Sarah, may I help you?” said Sarah Woelz, for the
past 17 years. The Israeli ‘phone voice’ of B’nai Torah has greeted prospective and
current congregants for many years.
Sarah started working at Congregation B’nai Torah as a part-time secretary to then
Rabbi Radler “zl.” Her position quickly became full time, as the Congregation began
growing at a rapid pace, absorbing the responsibilities of not only Rabbi’s secretary,
but also as office administrator, updating the Congregational member’s list, baby
naming and bris ceremonies, bar and bat mitzvah dates, and conversions. Sarah also
works for Rabbi Heller, who fondly refers to her as “our institutional memory, on-site
Notary Public, secular mikvah lady, liaison to the Kesher committee (Sarah is literally
on call 24/7 to respond to illness and death), ambassador to the Israeli Consulate and
Israeli dancers, the only person who can out-email me. Sarah is the glue that holds
the place together.”
Sarah grew up in Tel Aviv, and studied textile engineering. She met her husband,
Helmut, at the airport when he visited Tel Aviv on business. They moved to Atlanta,
GA, so he could pursue a temporary business opportunity with an engineering firm.
That was 25 years ago. Now retired, Sarah’s husband enjoys woodworking as a hobby. Sarah’s hobbies are visiting her daughter,
Keren, and her beautiful granddaughter, Noga, in Bat Hefer, Israel, and Israeli folk dancing. Sarah mentioned that her daughter,
Keren, works as a tour guide for Amiel Tours, in case anyone is looking for a guide on his or her next trip to Israel! Her son,
Tomer, lives in Atlanta, and is a preschool teacher at the Marcus Jewish Community Center.
With her quick Israeli wit, and years of experience at Congregation B’nai Torah, Sarah is a treasure. She knows everyone, and
knows where everything is kept, but most importantly to the staff and congregants, Sarah keeps everyone laughing.
Susan Proctor, a Congregation B’nai Torah congregant, is originally from Springfield,
Massachusetts and is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She has been
a working artist in the Atlanta area since 1995.
Susan has a very extensive and diverse body of work consisting mainly of acrylic and mixed
media paintings known for vibrant color, texture and expression.
Susan is a member of Atlanta aRtists center and Dunwoody Fine Art Association, where she
served as president for two years. She was also programming VP for Roswell Arts Alliance in
She has given presentations at many venues in the Atlanta area and has had solo shows at
Pinckneyville Art Center, Roswell Cultural Art Center, High Country Art Gallery in Blue Ridge,
Blue Ridge Arts Association as well as her own studio.
Susan has been accepted to and participated in many juried art exhibits in which she has won
awards. She has also exhibited her work in several galleries in Georgia and North Carolina.
The cover art menorah, and 2 other beautiful menorahs, are for sale in the Sisterhood Gift Shop.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
— Mahatma Gandhi
Page 5
November / December 2015
Israel is the center of our religion. It has served as a home to our people, a refuge for the
persecuted, and sanctum to the spiritual. And yet, the importance of Israel can sometimes
fade into the background of our daily lives, highlighted on holidays and news headlines. The
leadership at Congregation B’nai Torah wants to make Israel top-of mind through the newly
created Israel Advocacy committee.
Global Jewish support for Israel has allowed it to overcome existential threats, and thrive
into an economic and technological marvel in just a short 67 years. Many in our congregation
are already a part of this critical support. Some give time and resources to organizations
that work to promote Israel’s welfare. Some advocate for Israel by attending lectures and
programs. And others are seeking opportunities to get involved and to strengthen their
connection with Israel.
The Israel Advocacy committee is dedicated to presenting our congregation with
opportunities to do just that. Together we can galvanize as a congregation and grow our
support and advocacy of Israel.
Over the next year, the Israel Advocacy committee will plan educational speaking
engagements, fun cultural programs, opportunities for charitable and political involvement, as well as youth programs to foster
an Israel connection with the next generation. As we engage our congregation to strengthen the passionate support for Israel, I
invite you to get involved on the committee and to attend the programs. Share your ideas with us, and tell us which topics and
organizations are important to you.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
— Dr. Seuss
I’m Tracy Seitz married to Brian. We have two beautiful children, and two puppies with lots of energy!
Our family has been in Atlanta for well over 100 years, and we are so excited that we recently
decided to join the B’nai Torah family. Brian and I want our children to practice philanthropy and
generosity within our community. We know the best way for them to see the various ways they can
contribute is to show them by example. We embrace the causes that we are passionate about, and
show them that you can give not only with financial contributions, but with your time and resources.
I recently joined the Board of Trustees at Congregation B’nai Torah as the Social Action Chair. So far,
this year we have participated in the Back to School program benefiting the children of Lake Forest
Elementary and we have collected food through Operation Isaiah to benefit the Atlanta Community
Food Bank. We have committed our shul to providing meals once a month to the Zaban Couples
Shelter. Our family recently teamed up with the Hirschfields (our children will be sharing their B’nai
Mitzvah together in 2017) to provide a meal to the shelter in October. Our children loved helping to
prepare the food! Even though they were too young to help deliver and serve the food, they knew
their contribution was important and needed.
Upcoming Social Action events include Family Promise, Atlanta Hunger Walk, Hanukkah Program benefiting Lake Forest
Elementary & Atlanta Pride. Please refer to the Congregation’s website for upcoming events http://www.bnaitorah.org/
socialaction-opportunities/. If you have an interest in any events we are currently involved in, or want to start something new
at our shul, we welcome your input! Please reach out to me at anytime (tracykseitz@hotmail.com). Looking forward to it!
I wondered why somebody didn’t do something. Then I realized, I am somebody.
— Unknown
Page 6
November / December 2015
“Hope!” said Ingrid Montenegro, Bilingual Parent Liaison at Lake Forest
Elementary School in Sandy Springs. “I open up an empty supply closet at the
beginning or each school year, and wonder how we will fill it with necessities.
Within a few days, I always receive a call from Debbie Lewis, and she gives
me hope!”
B’nai Torah congregant, Debbie Lewis, is a social advocate for Lake Forest
Elementary School. The public school is a Title 1 school, a designation for
schools with a disproportionate number of low-income students. Sandy
Springs, Georgia is one of the wealthiest cities in the country, but at Lake
Forest Elementary school, 97% of the students live below the poverty line.
Tracy Seitz, Congregation B’nai Torah Social Action Chair, invites our
Congregation to donate to the Weekend Backpack program before each
school year begins. “B’nai Torah always fills our supply closet. They are one
of the first organizations to show up, and they always help.” The Weekend
Backpack program provides backpacks and weekend snacks for the students
who have been identified by social workers and teachers. The students who
receive our donations would not have a backpack or weekend food, if it were
not for the Weekend Backpack program.
Taylor Barton, Principal
Ingrid Montenegro, Bilingual Parent Liaison
Taylor Barton, Principal of Lake Forest Elementary School, said, “B’nai Torah’s
participation brings the community together.” He believes that “it creates a powerful connection between the community and
the students at a very young age.”
Congregation B’nai Torah Sisterhood also assists Lake Forest Elementary, by providing holiday gift boxes to the students who
otherwise would not be able to celebrate the holiday.
Lake Forest Elementary School is always in need of paper, spiral-bound notebooks, composition books, pencils, index cards,
colored pencils, kids khaki shorts and khaki pants, winter jackets, t-shirts, and socks. Please contact Social Action Chair, Tracy
Seitz, if you would like to donate to Lake Forest Elementary School, tracykseitz@hotmail.com.
Natalie Sarnat’s Classic Latke Recipe
2 pounds Idaho potatoes, well scrubbed but unpeeled
1 medium onion
2 eggs
¼ cup matzo meal or all-purpose flour
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil for frying
1. Grate potatoes alternately with the onion (this keeps the potatoes from darkening), either by hand or in a food processor.
With a food processor, either use a fine shredding disk, or cut the potatoes in half-inch dice, and then use the steel blade
with an on-off pulse motion to yield uniformly grated potatoes.
2. Drain potatoes and onions.
3. Mix in eggs, then matzo meal or flour. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Pour oil into a heavy skillet, preferably cast iron, to a depth of 1/4 inch, and heat. Oil should be very hot but not smoking.
5. Using a large tablespoon, form round or oval pancakes about 3 inches across, flattening them in the pan with the back of
the spoon. Fry until golden on both sides.
6. Drain pancakes on absorbent paper, and continue frying until all the batter is used. Serve as soon as possible. Pancakes can
be reheated in a 400-degree oven for about 10 minutes but will not be as crisp.
7. Enjoy!
Page 7
November / December 2015
In Sisterhood we have social programs, as well as religious/
educational programs, but that is not all that Sisterhood
is about. We are also about giving-whether, it is to the
synagogue or the community. With our popular Mah Jongg
events, we always include a social action twist. Currently
we are collecting items for Lake Forest Elementary School
for the gift boxes we put together at the Congregation
B’nai Torah Hannukah Festival, which is another program
that we support, to make it possible. We have collected
toiletries and toys for other organizations, and even
sponsored families for the holidays, so the kids would have
clothes/toys to open on the holiday. Throughout the year
we are always collecting money and selling pins in support
of Torah Fund, which helps support various rabbinical schools. In the past we have knit squares for Warm Up America, and
completed one blanket that we donated to a women’s shelter (for which we have cooked meals), and sent the rest to the
organization for them to complete and donate as needed. This
is an event that I personally ran, and while doing something for
charity, it was a great way for us to get together and learn a new
talent as well.
In the spirit of giving, many of us give our time. We volunteer
to help organize events and run the events. We could not be
successful without the women of Sisterhood taking the time
to volunteer their time, which is as important as donating
monetary items.
I have found that I treasure my time with Sisterhood, and the
friendships I have made with social programs, but our social
action has been truly satisfying as well.
B’nai Torah Brotherhood is excited for this year, and hope you will all join us for the programs, projects and events that appeal
to you. If you are interested in taking a leadership role within Brotherhood, please reach out to Co-President, Matt Dickson,
404-210-7443. Here is sample of events this year:
Brotherhood Blood Drive - 3-4 times per year
Brotherhood member Curtis Gelber organizes a blood drive for our Congregation to benefit the American Red Cross.
Monthly Texas Hold’em Poker League
Open to all!! Join the fun, while helping to raise money for some great causes! No buy-in for 1st time players
Synagogue Bowling League
If you are interested in the co-ed bowling team, please reach out to Team Captains: Howard Newman and Sam Kaplan
Spring Father & Family Event
A Daddy & Kids event, for all ages of children. Please contact Matt Dickson if you are interested in helping to plan this event.
When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.
— Eleanor Roosevelt
Page 8
November / December 2015
Congregation B’nai Torah Hanukkah Festival
Sunday, December 13 – 10:00AM-12:00PM
Come celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah with your Congregation B’nai Torah community
Join us for games, crafts, treats, and more
Contribute to our annual Lake Forest Elementary School supply drive and help fill gift bags
We look forward to seeing you there!
Questions? Interested in volunteering?
Contact Sharon Gaetz, Youth and Family Education Director, for more information
Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe whose mitzvot add holiness to our life and who gave us the mitzvah to light
the lights of Hanukkah.
Barukh attah adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel hanukkah.
Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe who accomplished miracles for our ancestors in ancient days, and in our
Barukh attah adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, sheh-asah nissim la-avoteinu ba-yamim ha-heim u-va-z’man ha-zeh.
On the first night only:
Praised are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, for granting us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this day.
.‫שׁל ֲחנֻכָּה‬
ֶ ‫ְשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמצְוֹתָיו וְ ִצוָּנוּ ְל ַה ְדלִיק נֵר‬
ָ ‫ֲשׁר ִקדּ‬
ֶ ‫ א‬,‫בָּרוּ ְך אַתָּה ה' אֱלֺֹקֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך הָעוֹלָם‬
.‫ָשׂה נִסִּים ַלאֲבוֹתֵינוּ ַבּיָמִים ָההֵם וּ ַבזְמַן ַהזֶּה‬
ָ ‫שׁע‬
ֶ ,‫בָּרוּ ְך אַתָּה ה' אֱלֺֹקֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך הָעוֹלָם‬
On the first night only:
.‫שׁ ֶה ֱחיָנוּ וְ ִקיְּמָנוּ וְ ִהגִּיעָנוּ ַלזְּמַן ַהזֶּה‬
ֶ ,‫בָּרוּ ְך אַתָּה ה' אֱלֺֹקֵינוּ ֶמ ֶל ְך הָעוֹלָם‬
Binnie Edelson’s World Famous Oven Baked Latkes
Time: 30 minutes. Makes 24 latkes.
2 large russet potatoes (about 1 pound),
2 ½ teaspoons kosher salt
scrubbed and quartered lengthwise
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 large onion (8 ounces), peeled and quartered
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
½ cup all-purpose flour
About 1 cup vegetable oil
2 large eggs
Applesauce or sour cream for serving
1. Preheat the oven to 425˚ F. Line two large, heavy rimmed baking sheets with heavy-duty foil. Coarsely shred the potatoes
and onions together in a food processor (or grate by hand with a box grater). Transfer the mixture to a clean dishtowel and
squeeze and wring out as much of the liquid as possible.
2. Working quickly, combine the potatoes and onions with the flour, eggs, salt, baking powder and pepper, tossing with a fork
until well combined.
3. Pour ½ cup oil onto each baking sheet, spreading it with a spatula. With a fork, scoop 12 small latkes onto each baking sheet,
pressing to flatten into disks.
4. Bake the latkes until crisp on the bottom and sizzling, about 12 minutes. Flip the latkes, rotating the pans from back to front
and top to bottom, and bake until crisp on the second side, about 8 more minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack lined with
paper towels or paper bags, drain briefly, and serve.
Page 9
November / December 2015
November 1/ Heshvan 19
Anna Bidner
Rose Karlick
Benjamin Tillem
November 2/ Heshvan 20
Theodore Frankel
Robert Lipson
Helene Skutch
November 3/ Heshvan 21
Gerald Sherwinter
Ethelyn Slaughter
November 4/ Heshvan 22
Arlene Bernstein
Bill Cohen
November 5/ Heshvan 23
Martin Cohen
Ellen Halpern
November 6/ Heshvan 24
Nancy Capasso
Sidney Dermer
Marvin Goren
Theodore Korotkin
Esther Libowsky
November 7/ Heshvan 25
Marianne Baranan
Matthew Kornblum
Joseph Reiter
Joseph Reiter
Susann Salmon
Sidney Stoller
November 8/ Heshvan 26
Becky Sacks
November 9/ Heshvan 27
Sol Bearman
Melvin Jacobs
Lillia Schottenfeld
November 10/ Heshvan 28
Isadore Adler
Rose Ginsburg
Ethel Gottschalk
Sophia Levenson
November 11/ Heshvan 29
Elaine Goldberg
Ethel Goldstein
Richard Goldstein
Louis Levin
Page 10
November 12/ Heshvan 30
Joy Studin
Kurt Weiler
November 22/ Kislev 10
Geoff Frisch
Richard Singer
November 13/ Kislev 1
Rea Hopter
Caroline Massell
Sheila Prager
November 23/ Kislev 11
Melvyn Fisher
Harry Grant
Samuel Manaker
November 14/ Kislev 2
Edna Levy
Lorraine Mizrahi
Zev Yudlo
November 24/ Kislev 12
Elsie Forshaw
Samuel Glass
Rose Newman
Natalie Podolsky
Henry Rice
Louis Scheinberg
Sali Szlam
November 15/ Kislev 3
Albert Adler
Ziva Blum
Francine Fish
Joel Hecht
Joel Hecht
Silvia Manis
Shirley Sadow
November 16/ Kislev 4
Mr. Gross
Robert Levenson
Joseph Lewis
Blossom Newman
Terry Shapiro
Gabe Stanley
November 17/ Kislev 5
Henry Ajlen
Rose Benuck
Jeannette Lipsitz
Frances Mahler
November 18/ Kislev 6
Maurice Epstein
Mildred Weisenthal
November 19/ Kislev 7
Fannye Rosen
November 20/ Kislev 8
Harry Fishman
Melba Gould
Louis Tanenbaum
November 21/ Kislev 9
Robert Alexander
Joe Cohen
Eleanor Edelstein
Nannette Walter
Adele Wolfe
November 25/ Kislev 13
Jacques Benkiel
Sarah Hoffman
Jane Mittel
Audrey Strongin
Charles Veinish
November 26/ Kislev 14
Frieda Fingersh
Rosalie Guttenplan
November 27/ Kislev 15
Ida Esptein
Naomi Gold
Tilde Hirsch
Solomon Mirin
Mendel Romm
November 28/ Kislev 16
Natalie Baker
Joseph Levine
David May
Edward Metzker
November 29/ Kislev 17
Barbara Marcus
Bessie Proctor
Hyman Schwartz
Mitzie Sherman
November 30/ Kislev 18
Sidney Adler
November / December 2015
December 1/ Kislev 19
Leonard Bressler
Sylvia Framer
December 2/ Kislev 20
Morris Berman
Bernard Freedman
Richard Glaser
Molly Katz
Robert Levy
Bessie Richman
December 3/ Kislev 21
John Caldwell
Barzillai Cheskis
Mary Cynman
Samuel Goodman
Ida Kaplan
Lillian Schwartz
Raymond Solomowitz
Nathan Wolf
December 4/ Kislev 22
Max Alembik
Minni Frank
Anne Grossman
Jenny Jacobs
Al Newman
December 6/ Kislev 24
Faye Fasner
Nathan Fisher
Betty Lupescu
Sam Pomerance
Mildred Powell
Carl Proser
December 7/ Kislev 25
Mayer Brachfeld
Stanley Goldin
Solomon Isenberg
Stanley Sparks
December 8/ Kislev 26
Marion Kaplan
David Teperson
Joe Zion
December 9/ Kislev 27
Jonathan Barkan
Nathan Chipperstein
Esther Cohen
Eunice Edelstein
Barbara Kaplan
Celia Levine
Johanna Loewenthal
Ruby Posel
Benjamin Senie
Henrietta Siegel
Ben Stern
December 10/ Kislev 28
Abraham Appel
Dora Fox
December 11/ Kislev 29
Aida Ellin
Alice Goldman
Page 11
Karin Holzer
Hattie Nodvin
Ruth Wilensky
December 12/ Kislev 30
Ida Adler
Mamie Berry
Nacha Brener
Shelly Rosenfeld
December 13/ Tevet 1
George Adler
Lillian Borgh
Henry Bracker
Neil Marbach
Harry Nordin
December 14/ Tevet 2
Raiza Berg
Sylvia Brownstein
Isaac Cheskis
Chic Lupescu
December 15/ Tevet 3
Clara Baker
Alvin Dubin
Irene Dubin
Belle Goldklang
Nancy Woolfson
December 16/ Tevet 4
Stanley Barcus
Louis Gingold
Leah Goldberg
Barbara Mencher
Neal Nodvin
December 17/ Tevet 5
Manny Grumet
Milton Kalina
Frankie Levy
David Levy
Daniel Zalik
December 18/ Tevet 6
Murray Appel
David Dickson
Leanora Frisch
Marthe Levy
Fred Tuchman
December 19/ Tevet 7
Anna Abrams
Arnold Goldman
Jack Nagler
Regina Stiel
Elias Tache
Laura Weinsoff
December 20/ Tevet 8
Morris Cohen
Rose Davidson
Alan Gould
Joseph Morse
Milton Perling
Sarah Sorkin
December 21/ Tevet 9
Morris Sloman
Leopold Szlam
Ida Urken
December 22/ Tevet 10
Harry Dratman
Bernardine Heidt
David Mandelbaum
December 23/ Tevet 11
Joyce Goldenberg
December 24/ Tevet 12
Mansour Ahlzadeh
Harry Hershenson
Abraham Klein
Celia Skolsky
John Vogel
December 25/ Tevet 13
Samuel Asrael
Howard Feigelson
Gerald Immermann
Esther Krieger
Esta Lipsky
Leonard Stone
Izydor Wechsler
December 26/ Tevet 14
Claire Charme
December 27/ Tevet 15
Lottie Beldick
Leopold Bornstein
Richard Granath
Sylvia Grant
Israel Katz
Tessie Mehlberg
Kurt Voss
December 28/ Tevet 16
Florence Gerson
Phoebe Heller
Maxene Miller
Harold Moss
December 29/ Tevet 17
Murray Appel
Leon Bress
Rita Goldberg
Saul Hochdorf
Sylvia Leder
Sam Newman
Beatrice Stark
Maurice Youngleson
December 30/ Tevet 18
Rosalie Epstein
Kurt Herman
Samuel Leder
Arthur Rosinek
Leah Stark
Walter Strauss
George Walter
December 31/ Tevet 19
Michael Kramer
Mary Manaker
Alvin Shoenig
November / December 2015
Blood Drive
Shabbat Candle
Lighting 5:22pm
Tess Berman Bat
Family Havdalah
honoring Martin
Hochdorf after
Morning Minyan Morning Minyan Ariel Goldt Bat
at 6:40am due
at 6:40am due
Mitzvah Blessing
to Rosh Hodesh to Rosh Hodesh
RS 7th Grade
Field Trip
to Oakland
Sisterhood Mah
Jongg 7pm
Shabbat Candle
Lighing 5:17pm
PS Thanksgiving
Feast 12pm
Ethan Wolfson
Bar Mitzvah
Shabbat Candle
Lighing 5:13pm
Alan Dershowitz
at MJCCA Book
Festival 8pm
RS Parent
MACoM Ground
Breaking 1pm
Poker Night 7pm
Camp CBT Public
School Edition
9am - 4pm
Morning Minyan Shabbat Candle
8:45am due to
Lighting 5:11pm
Strauss Bar
Nicole Katz
Mincha Bat
Page 12
November / December 2015
Rabbi & a
Minister at
5 Seasons
Brewery at the
Prado 7pm
Shabbat Candle Family Service
Lighting 5:10pm for second and
fourth graders
Painting at
Art & Soul
Minyan at
6:45am due to
Minyan at
6:45am due to
Minyan at
6:45am due to
Minyan at
6:45am due to
6th Night
Samantha and
Evan Garber
B’nai Mitzvah
1st Night
2nd Night
3rd Night
4th Night
5th Night
Minyan at
6:45am due to
8th Night
Page 13
Minyan at
8:45am due to
Minyan at
6:50am due to
Fast Day
Shabbat Candle Jordan Shoob
Lighting 5:13pm Bar Mitzvah
Fast of Tevet
Shabbat Candle
Lighting 5:11pm 7th Night
Shabbat Candle
Lighting 5:15pm
November / December 2015
$10 minimum donation required
• Brotherhood – Supports the Brotherhood organization
• Seniors – Supports programming and education focused on our Senior congregants
• Chesed/Chevra Kadisha – Supports the sacred work of the Chesed and Chevra Kadisha group, supporting families who
have suffered a loss
• Children’s Library (minimum bookplate $25) – Provides funds to purchase children’s books
• Facilities (Building) – Supports the synagogue building
• General Donations – General donations used to assist the synagogue
• Junior Congregation – Supports the Shabbat morning youth services
• Kesher – Supports the important work the Kesher Committee does to care for those in our community
• Kiddush Support – Supports the providing of weekly Kiddush meals after Shabbat services
• Religious School – Supports the execution of Religious School for our youth
• Preschool – Supports the activities of our Preschool
• Sisterhood – Supports the Sisterhood organization
• Youth Activities – Supports programming for youth
• Ziva Blum Memorial Garden – Supports an outside garden and prayer space
• Gladys & Saul Brett Library Benefit (minimum bookplate $50) – Supports library needs in our Beit Midrash
• Freda Robbins Chumash Bequest (minimum bookplate $50) – Supports the purchasing of Chumash books
I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.
— Dr. Jonas Salk
No minimum donation required
• Congregant Support Fund – Subsidize membership fees in order for all members to be able to be a part of our community
• Rabbi Evan Radler Memorial Tribute Fund – provides for youth scholarships
• CBT Includes Me – Supports the inclusion of people with special needs in all aspects of Congregational life
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands.
You need to be able to throw something back.
— Maya Angelou
No minimum donation required
• Ann W. Brett Young Adult Education Fund – Supports the programming and education of young adults
• Cantorial Fund – Supports the use of a Cantor over the High Holy Days
• Lipsitz Family Fund for Capital Improvements – Supports large improvements needed to the building and property.
• Torah Restoration Fund – Supports the maintenance and care of our 13 Torahs
• Rabbi Heller Discretionary Fund – A fund allocated by Rabbi Heller. It is used to help the synagogue and greater
community, as well as those in need.
• Rabbi Kenter Discretionary Fund – A fund allocated by Rabbi Kenter. It is used to help the synagogue and greater
community, as well as those in need.
• Howard Seidband Fund for Adult Learning – Supports adult learning and specifically the scholar in residence program
• Nathan Tanenbaum Endowment Fund – Supports the Religious School by awarding a deserving 7th grade Religious
School student with the Nathan Tanenbaum Award. This award is accompanied by a donation of needed items to the
Religious School to continually improve the program.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.
— Edmund Burke
Page 14
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Francine & Barry Kersh
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
By Judy & Kevin Wolman
…Yahrzeit of Ethel Draisin
…Yahrzeit of Abraham Wolman
By Cathy & Morris Borenstein
…Yahrzeit of Jacob Borenstein
By Nancy Bracker
…Yahrzeit of Irvin Asher
…Yahrzeit of Regina Asher
By Phyllis R. Herman
…Yahrzeit of Sam Rosen
By Judy & Kevin Wolman
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Paul Zuckerman
…Yahrzeit of Joseph Zuckerman
By Jeanine & Zvi Bekerman
…Yahrzeit of Erich Felsberg
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
By Caryl & Howard Cohen
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Arlene & Gary Eichholz
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Sue & Larry Ellison
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Annie Fried
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
By Dana & Ari Greenberg
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Francine & Barry Kersh
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Alyson & Gabe Lembeck
…Wishing Stuart Neiman Refuah
By Charlotte & Joel Marks
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Shelley & Lou Milakofsky
…In Memory of Evelyn Kirshstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Anita Reiter
…In Memory of Manny Gordon
Page 15
By Susan & Howard Schub
…Yahrzeit of Abraham Schub
…Yahrzeit of Lillian Schub
By Henry Stiel
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…Yahrzeit of Frederica Stiel
…Yahrzeit of Leo Steil
By Judy & Leon Udwin
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Rita & Michael Zadoff
…Yahrzeit of Al Zadoff
By Susan & Rupert Barkoff
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Richard Barnett
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Francine & Barry Kersh
…On the Birth of Gabriel Cohen
By Katie & Moshe Siegel
…In Appreciation of B’nai Torah
By Sharon & Roger Solomon
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Jodi & Stephen Sonenshine
…Yahrzeit of Debra Sonenshine
By Cherie & Gary Aviv
…In Honor of Maya Granath’s Bat
…In Honor of Micah Kornblum’s Bar
By Ellen & Eddie Betel
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Jacky & Sam Goldberg
…Yahrzeit of Rose Wander
By Renae & Eddie Goldberg
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…Yahrzeit of Leo Erber
…Yahrzeit of Mary Erber
…On the Birth of Lila Summer Kaye
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Lisa & Seth Greenberg
…Yahrzeit of Henry Hirsch
By Etta Raye Hirsch
…Yahrzeit of Henry Hirsch
By Franeen Sarif
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…Yahrzeit of Ruth Wolfson
By Paul Zuckerman
…In Memory of Miriam Belger
…In Memory of Murray Porter
…Yahrzeit of Lottie Zuckerman
By Star & Steven Newman
…In Honor of Deby, Kiya and Meishe
…On the Birth of Danielle Leah
By Maureen & Colin Richman
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
…Yahrzeit of Max Richman
By David Rosenthal
…In Memory of Leona & Harry
By Debbie & Stan Sonenshine
…On the Marriage of Evan Cohn &
Jen Holbach
…On the Birth of Arielle Maya
…On the Birth of Jacob Engler
…In Honor of Erin Haber’s
Engagement to Ethan Bagen
…On the Birth of Sutton Louise Haber
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…On the Birth of Lila Summer Kaye
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…On the Birth of Pace Lazarus
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…On the Birth of Danielle Leah
…On the Marriage of Michael &
Jessica Seiden
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
…On the Marriage of Shayna Walter
& Adam Levy
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…In Honor of Henry Stiel
…Wishing Louis Tanenbaum
Continued Good Health
By Judy & Kevin Wolman
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Rosalyn & Saul Adler
…Yahrzeit of Phyllis Gootman
…Yahrzeit of Julia Levine
By Tina & Jack Arbes
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Spring & Tom Asher
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Bettye & Harry Baer
…Yahrzeit of Bertha Baer
…Yahrzeit of Abe Fisher
…Yahrzeit of Dora Fisher
…In Honor of Seth & Elana Goldberg’s
B’nai Mitzvah
By Cindy & Steve Baron
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Amy & Jay Bear
…In Memory of Arnie Shapiro
By Cindy & Bruce Becker
…On the Birth of Shane Jacob Frist
By the Beiner Family
…On the Birth of Sidney Grace
By Joe Benkiel
…Yahrzeit of Harry Samuel Benkiel
By Peggy & Rick Bernstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Kathy & Dennis Berry
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Judy & Marvin Blase
…Yahrzeit of Debra K. Bloom
By Josephine Bonnett
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Allan Brezel
…Yahrzeit of Henry Brezel
By Shirley & Perry Brickman
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Rosalyn Bush
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Shelley & Stephen Buxbaum
…Yahrzeit of Reba Buxbaum
…Yahrzeit of Anne Metzker
By Rita & Fred Chaiken
…On the Marriage of Evan Cohn &
Jenn Holbach
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
Page 16
…On the Marriage of Marissa Shams
& Brad Wilkins
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Barbara & Burt Chasnov
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Debra & Louis Cohan
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
By Brad Cohen
…In Appreciation of Kenney
By Eugene & Harold Cohn
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
By Jeanie Diamond
…In Honor of Andrew Altmann’s Bar
By Yaffa & Stanley Dratman
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Andy Deutsch & Laruen Estrin
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Robin & Dave Edwards
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Anita & Max Eidex
…Yahrzeit of Liffy Radin
By Laura & Harold Einstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Bernie Eisenstein
…In Honor of Stephen Freedman’s
By Nicole Ellerine
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Faye & Abe Esral
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
By Laraine & Lowell Fine
…Yahrzeit of Jake Hirsh
By Sharon & Stephen Freedman
…In Honor of Micah Kornblum’s Bar
By Norbert Friedman
…Yahrzeit of Gusta Friedman
…Yahrzeit of Oskar Friedman
By Eve & Brian Frist
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Barbara Garber
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
By Hilary & Marc Goldberg
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Sophie Goldberg
…On the Birth of Eleanora Gingold
By Barbara Goldin
…In Honor of David Goldwasser’s
By Ilene & Adrian Grant
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Karen Grant
…Yahrzeit of Gary Zeitlin
By Derrick Greenberg
…In Memory of Harold Greenberg
By Lesli Greenberg
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Ron Heidt
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Ronna & Marvin Hellman
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Karen & Michael Himmelstein
…Yahrzeit of Ellen Himmelstein
By Barbra & Gene Hirsh
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Martin Hochdorf
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Gil Holzer
…in Appreciation of Nancy Isenberg
By Barbara Horowitz
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Deborah & Jack Hyman
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Susie & Howie Hyman
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Barbara & Alan Kaplan
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Janet Kaplan
…In Memory of Rose Klein
By Judy & Don Kaye
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Lin & Jay Kayser
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Peggy & Isaac Klug
…In Memory of Miriam Belger
…In Memory of Helen Klug
By Kim & Richard Kopelman
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Cathy & Jeffrey Korotkin
…Yahrzeit of Sylvia Korotkin
By Carthy & Steve Kuranoff
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Michael La Kier
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Mark Landy
…In Appreciation of B’nai Torah
By Sarah & Bill Lazarus
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Michael Leff
…In Honor of Martin Hochdorf
By Helene & Michael Lehv
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
By Nita Levin
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Rick Levy
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Debbie & Stewart Lewis
…In Honor of Nicole Cobb’s Bat
By Joel Libowsky
…Yahrzeit of Irving Libowsky
By Sheryl Lipman
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Lorraine & Wayne Lutz
…Yahrzeit of Mollie Ravich
…Yahrzeit of Nathan Ravich
…Yahrzeit of Joy Studin
By Rosanne & Harry Lutz
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…In Memory of Mildred Covin
…On the Marriage of Michael &
Carey Dermer
…On the Birth of Avia Oshri Kamins
…On the Birth of Oliver Brian Goldman
…In Memory of Meyer Garber
…On the Birth of Ryan Jacob Katz
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…Wishing Susan La Kier Continued
Good Health
…On the Marriage of Joanna Lazarus
& Josh Rothstein
…On the Birth of Pace Benjamin
…On the Birth of Minka Louise
…Wishing Barry Saloff Continued
Good Health
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
…On the Marriage of Michael &
Jessica Seiden
…On the Birth of Amitai Shafrin
By Sara Marder & Seth Force,
Page 17
Asher & Eitan
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
By Barbara & HP Mays
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
By Sherry & Harry Maziar
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Sally & Bill Meadows
…In Memory of Murray Porter
By Shelley & Lou Milakofsky
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Peter Morrison
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
By Rochelle & Brian Moss
…In Honor of Sarah Rosenberg’s Bat
By Firooz Nahai
…Yahrzeit of Enayat Nahai
By Kenneth Ostrowski
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Lisa Philipson
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Juli & Steve Pollak
…Yahrzeit of Eugene Levinson
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Joellyn & Avi Poster
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Lani & Spencer Preis
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Nancy & Rick Prouser
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
By Zippi & Paul Reisman
…Yahrzeit of Dov Yodlo
…Yahrzeit of Jenny Yudlo
…Yahrzeit of Zev Yudlo
By Diane & Eric Rosenbaum
…In Appreciation of B’nai Torah
By Avi Rosenstein
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
By Milton Rosenthal
…In Memory of Paul Weiner
By Linda Rosh
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Jana & Brad Ross
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Rhonda Roth
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Brenda & Bill Rothschild
…On the Birth of Sutton Louise Haber
By Sandy Rothstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Joan & Alan Rubenstein
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
…Yahrzeit of Jonathan Fedler
…Yahrzeit of Jennifer Lurie
By Carol & Joe Rubin
…Wishing Renae Goldberg Return to
Good Health
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Beth Salzman & Adam Leaderman
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Tracy & Barri Seitz
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Linda & Steve Selig
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Diane Slovin
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Rose Sowadsky
…Yahrzeit of Lotte Zunz
By Gloria & Paul Sternberg
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Holly & Steven Strelzik
…On the Marriage of Lauren Berger &
Ben Feingold
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Stacey & Douglas Thornton
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
By Stacey & Brian Tovin
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Hope & Richard Trebilcock
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Elaine & Joseph Weinberger
…In Appreciation of B’nai Torah
By Ava & Bob Wilensky
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Roz Winston
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
…In Memory of Arnold Holzer
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Ashley & Roger Woodman
…Yahrzeit of Melvin Woodman
By Nancy Zimmermann
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Shirley Levitt
…Yahrzeit of Irving Levitt
By Jodi & Stephen Sonenshine
…Yahrzeit of Debra Sonenshine
By Sue & Mark Ament
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Wendi Aspes
…In Memory of Albert Benveneste
By Sherri & Bill Bornstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Jill & Ivan Diamond
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Cindee & Michael Gold
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Betty & Alan Grus
…On the Marriage of Evan Cohn and
Jenn Holbach
…On the Engagement of Stuart Frank
& Nancy Mizrahi
…On the Birth of Oliver Brian Goldman
…On Warren Gray’s Engagement to
Anna Griffith
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
…On the Engagement of Erin Haber
and Ethan Bagen
…On the Birth of Sutton Louise Haber
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Honor of Micah Kornblum’s Bar
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…On the Marriage of Marissa Shams
and Brad Wilkins
By Barbra & Gene Hirsh
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Suzanne & Bob Kahn
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Peggy & Isaac Klug
…In Memory of Robert Spielberger
By Dominique & Rael Levin
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Peggy Perling
…Yahrzeit of Jack Berchenko
By Michelle Rosinek
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
…On the Birth of Jacob Engler
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
Page 18
…In Honor of Jory Linder
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Fran & Howard Rottenberg
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
By Joan & Alan Rubenstein
…On Carly Ellison’s Engagement to
Tim Gordineer
…On the Marriage of Stephen
Tanenbaum & Lauren Marantz
By Susan & Howard Schub
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Judy & Leon Udwin
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Madeline & Ronald Urken
…Yahrzeit of Hyman Urken
By Barbara & Frank Wilensky
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
By Roz Winston
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Judie Barkan
…Yahrzeit of Dorothy Reider
By Homa Daniels & Al Adler
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Anita & max Eidex
…Yahrzeit of Stephen Eidex
…Yahrzeit of Clara Shoenig
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
By Suzanne & Robert Friedman
…In Appreciation of Halli’s High
Holidays Honor
By Ed & Robyn Gerson
…Yahrzeit of Frances Gerson
By Nancy Isenberg
…On the Birth of Shira Cohen
…In Honor of Mollie Engler
…In Honor of Shugie Engler
…In Honor of Zev Fine’s Bar Mitzvah
…Wishing Renae Goldberg Return to
Good Health
...Yahrzeit of Sara Grossman
…Yahrzeit of Lt Walter Nathan
…Yahrzeit of Sadie Isenberg
…In Memory of Rose Klein
….Wishing Howard Lefkowitz
Continued Good Health
…In Honor of Zoe Rosenberg’s Bat
….On the Birth of Amitai Shafrin
…In Honor of Tim Shovers’
Engagement to Kira Doar
…On the Birth of James Sawyer Varon
By Gina Karp & Family
…Yahrzeit of Mendel Klug
…In Honor of Rachael Rosenberg’s
By Marsha & Andy Kessler
…Wishing Larry Ellison Continued
Good Health
…On the Birth of Sutton Louise Haber
…In Memory of Evelyn Kirshstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…On the Birth of James Sawyer Varon
By Dominique & Rael Levin
…In Appreciation of Aliyot Received
…In Appreciation of Fran Redisch
By Susan & David Reingold
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Mona Sorkin Shuman
…In Appreciation of Fred Chaiken
…In Appreciation of Elissa Fladell
…In Appreciation of Alan Grus
…In Appreciation of Natalie Sarnat
By the CBT Preschool Fund
…On the Birth of Noah & Ethan
By Binnie Edelson
…In Memory of Robert Moss
…On the Birth of Noah & Ethan
By Sue & Larry Ellison
…In Memory of Robert Moss
By Rachael, Simon, Mollie & Shugie
…Wishing Binnie Edelson Continued
Good Health
By Barbara Halpern
…Wishing Binnie Edelson Continued
Good Health
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Barbara & Joel Klein & Family
…Yahrzeit of Seymour Klein
…On the Birth of Minka Louise
By Elyssa & Adam Kramer
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Millard & Wendy Lesch
…Yahrzeit of Charlette Kessler
…Yahrzeit of Betty Lesch
By Dominique & Rael Levin
…In Memory of Robert Moss
By Roberta & Norman Rittner
…Yahrzeit of Rose Kromnick Rittner
…In Memory of Hannah Sterling
By Fran & Howard Rottenberg
…Wishing Ellen Freedman Continued
Good Health
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Shelley & Howie Shapiro
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Alana, Marc, Devin & Reese
…Wishing Binnie Edelson Continued
Good Health
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Allison & Louis Tanenbaum
…Wishing Stuart Neiman Return to
Good Health
By Susan & Bill Usdan
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Sherrie & George Warsaw
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Linda & Michael Weinroth
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Roz Winston
…In Memory of Robert Moss
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…On the Birth of Sutton Louise Haber
By Laura & Harold Einstein
…Yahrzeit of Lawrence Gilbert
By Randy Farrow & Stan Lefco
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Rosanne & Harry Lutz
…In Honor of Andrew Altmann’s Bar
...Wishing Ruth Aronson Continued
Good Health
Page 19
…In Honor of Samuel Brenner’s Bar
…On the Marriage of Evan Cohn &
Jenn Holbach
…On the Birth of Arielle Maya
…On Carly Ellison’s Engagement to
Tim Gordineer
…On the Birth of Jacob Engler
…On the Marriage of Ben & Lauren
...In Honor of the B’nai Mitzvah,
Elena & Seth Goldberg
…Wishing Janice Goldberg Continued
Good Health
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
…On Erin Haber’s Engagement to
Ethan Bagen
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Honor of Micah Kornblum’s Bar
…Wishing Seymour Pomper Return to
Good Health
…In Honor of Sarah Rosenberg’s Bat
…In Honor of Stephen Tanenbaum &
Lauren Marantz
…On the Birth of James Sawyer Varon
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Lisa, Brad, Seth & Jason May
…Yahrzeit of Frances May
…Yahrzeit of Jen Passoff
…Yahrzeit of Bernie Reznik
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Risa Mullman
…In Memory of Harold Sarles,
Gordon Robinson, Myles Mullman,
Ellen Holt
By Ethel & Bob Reznik
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Amanda & Al Shams
…Yahrzeit of Issie Ginsburg
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
…Yahrzeit or Arleen Shams
By Cynthia Stone
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Bill Usdan
…Yahrzeit of Allen Tenenbaum
…Yahrzeit of Sol Tenenbaum
By Barbara & Art Abbey
…Yahrzeit of Freda Robbins
By Arlene Fisher
…In Memory of Rose Klein
By Jordan Rush
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
By Holly & Steven Strelzik
…In Memory of Rose Klein
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
By Judy & Kevin Wolman
…On the Birth of Sutton Louise Haber
By Rita & Michael Zadoff
…Yahrzeit of Annika Stein
By Rebecca & Brent Bernath
…In Memory of Joan Strauss
By Sam & Eddie Dressler
…In Memory of Beatrice Ettinger
By Rebecca & Jon LaBanca
…In Honor of Caleb Helelr’s Bar
By Mona Sorkin Shuman
…In Honor of Stuart Leaf’s Birthday
By Jodi & Stephen Sonenshine
…Yahrzeit of Debra Sonenshine
By Georgette Westerman
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…On the Birth of Gabriel Cohen
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…On the Birth of Lila Summer Kaye
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…On the Marriage of Joanna Lazarus
& Josh Rothstein
…On the Birth of Pace Lazarus
…On Sarah Rosenberg’s Bat Mitzvah
By Jeffrey Lesser
…In Appreciation of Martin Hochdorf
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Rita & Fred Chaiken
…Yahrzeit of Syma Yellin
By Irma & Basil Margolis
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…On the Birth of Gabriel Cohen
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…Yahrzeit of William Margolis
…Yahrzeit of Dolly Nohr
…On the Birth of James Sawyer Varon
By Wilma & Gerson Asrael
…In Memory of Meyer Garber
By Beth & Seth Linder
…In Honor of Rabbi Joshua Heller
By Tamara & Brian Mand
…In Memory of Meyer Garber
By Ron Lipsitz
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Ilene Abrams
…In Appreciation of Stephen
…In Honor of Stephen Freedman’s
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…Wishing Gary Meyer Continued
Good Health
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Sam & Gary Alexander
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
By Jeannine & Aaron Altmann
…On the Marriage of Michael &
Carey Dermer
…In Honor of Micah Kornblum’s Bar
Page 20
…In Honor of Hannah Miller’s Bat
…In Honor of Sarah Rosenberg’s Bat
By Shelley & Bob Antin
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
By Nancy & Robbie Baron
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Joe Benkiel
…Yahrzeit of Milly “Malke” Benkiel
By Neil Berger
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Stacy & Adam Blaiss
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Sheryl & Greg Bluestein
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Joan & Don Brown
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Susan & Ken Coffae
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Fran & Mike Cohen
…Yahrzeit of Erna Weiler
By Eugene & Harold Cohn
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Jill & Ivan Diamond
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Merrie & Bruce Edelston
…Yahrzeit of Morris Israel
By Sheryl & Steven Eisenberg
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Elinor & Sandy Epstein
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Stacey & David Epstein
…In Honor of the B’nai Mitzvah,
Shayna & Simon Coffsky
By Randy Farrow
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Sheli & Sam Feldman
…Yahrzeit of Saul Feldman
By Laraine & Lowell Fine
…Yahrzeit of Alfred Zwart
By Stacey & David Fisher
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Nina & Herman Fishman
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Ellen Freedman
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Annie Fried
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
By Gloria Frisch
…On the Birth of Shane Frist
…On the Marriage of Shayna Walter
& Adam Levy
By Judith Glazer
…In Honor of Eddie, Micah and Avi
By Marcia & Murray Goldman
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Renae & Eddie Goldberg
…In Memory of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Annette & Harold Gorvy
…Yahrzeit of David Gorvy
By Jacqueline & Alan Granath
…In Honor of Elissa Fladell
By Stewart Greenberg
…Yahrzeit of Kenneth Greenberg
By Libby Harwitz & Burton Blender
…In Appreciation of B’nai Torah
By Eric Jacobson
…In Memory of Sidney Abromowitz
…Wishing Renae Goldberg Return to
Good Health
…Wishing Stuart Neiman Return to
Good Health
By Sharon & Stuart Karper
…In Memory of Rose Klein
By Helen & Stan Kasten
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Honor of Nora Sarnat
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Marsha & Andy Kessler
…Yahrzeit of Pauline Tenenbaum
By Steven Kirson
…Yahrzeit of Walter Kirson
By Ann Klug
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Nita Levin
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Wendy & Jeremy Levison
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Debbie & Stewart Lewis
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Sheila & Jeffrey Lichtman
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Beth & Seth Linder
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Richard Litner
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Tamara & Brian Mand
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Sara Marder & Seth Force
…In Appreciation of B’nai Torah
By Charlotte & Joel Marks
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Eileen Niren & Philip Hayet
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…Yahrzeit of David Niren
By Allison & Leonard Olim
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Judy & Seymour Pomper
…Yahrzeit of Ruth Pomper
By Denise & Frank Rindsberg
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…Yahrzeit of Jack Rindsberg
By Roberta & Norman Rittner
…In Appreciation
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…Yahrzeit of Herbert J. Sperling
By Jessie & Michael Rosenberg
Page 21
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Fran & Howard Rottenberg
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Julia & Leonard Sacks
…In Memory of Bea Golembo
By the Family of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Robert Schapiro
…In Memory of Phyllis Brener
By Susan & Howard Schub
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Claire Schwartz
…In Appreciation of Honors Received
By Linda Schwartz
…Yahrzeit of Sylvia Levine
…Yahrzeit of Samuel Mautner
By Carol & Jules Sherwinter
…Yahrzeit of Abraham Hoffman
By Carole & Andrew Shovers
…Yahrzeit of Iman Shovers
By Eileen Shuman
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Mona Sorkin Shuman
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
By Holly & AJ Silverman
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Suzanne Silvers & Stephen Phillips
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
By Sarah & Stan Sloan
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Alona & Michael Solomon
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Rachel Sonenshine
…Yahrzeit of Debra Sonenshine
By Janine Storch
…Yahrzeit of Jack Storch
By Holly & Steven Strelzik
…Wishing Stuart Neiman Return to
Good Health
By Fran & Michael Szikman
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Jeanette & Nat Tieman
…In Honor of Anita & Max Eidex’s
…Wishing Max Eidex Continued Good
…In Memory of Ruth Gross
…In Appreciation of Martin Hochdorf
…In Honor of Sarah Rosenberg’s Bat
…Yahrzeit of Benjamin Tieman
By Mindy Wertheimer & Ira Katz
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Ava & Bob Wilensky
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Judy & Kevin Wolman
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Kay & Marvin Wolpert
…In Memory of Rose Klein
By Rita & Michael Zadoff
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Rochelle & Alan Ziglin
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Joshua
By Mary Zoghby
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Allison, Robert, Jacob & Daron
…In Memory of Ruth Force
By Cathy & Morris Borenstein
…On the Marriage of Marissa Shams
and Brad Wilkins
By Randy Farrow
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Barbara & Dan Kingloff
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Eytan
By Adam & Shayna Levy
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Eytan
November / December 2015
JULY 6 - OCTOBER 22, 2015
By Jennifer Glazer Malkin & Michele
Glazer Hirsh
…Yahrzeit of Molly Tabaksman Glazer
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Andrea & Chaim Nusnbaum
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Eytan
By Roberta & Norman Rittner
…Yahrzeit of Lillian Sperling
By Carol & Joe Rubin
…Yahrzeit of Sam Airov
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…Yahrzeit of Adrian David Rubin
By the Family of Susan Arnovitz Saltz
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Eytan
By Carole & Andrew Shovers
…Yahrzeit of Ruth Shovers
By Eileen Shuman
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
By Mona Sorkin Shuman
…In Memory of Ivan Bloch
…Wishing Larry Ellison Continued
Good Health
By Rachel Sonenshine
…Yahrzeit of Debra Sonenshine
By Jeanette Tieman
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Eytan
By Elaine Weinberger
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
By Jani & Mel Weinstein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Melissa & Joshua Wikoff
…In Appreciation of Rabbi Eytan
By Ann Klug
…Yahrzeit of Mendel Klug
…Yahrzeit of Hinda Rosin
…Yahrzeit of Noah Rosin
…Yahrzeit of Feigel Klug
…Yahrzeit of Gittel Klug
…Wishing Alan Ziglin Continued Good
By Rosanne & Harry Lutz
…In Honor of Caleb Heller’s Bar
By Olga & Bruce Rickoff
…In Appreciation of Honor Received
…Yahrzeit of Saul Feldman
…Yahrzeit of Nat Rickoff
By Joan King
…In Appreciation of Miriam &
Stephen Cole
By Peggy Perling
…Yahrzeit of Louis Perling
By Janet & Julius Alembik
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Elliot Coplin
…In Honor of Allan Tanenbaum
By Laura & Harold Einstein
…Wishing Louis Tanenbaum
Continued Good Health
By Marcia & Josh Ganz
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
By Myra & Jerry Portman
…Wishing Louis Tanenbaum
Continued Good Health
By Elaine & Allan Tanenbaum
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
…Wishing Renae Goldberg Return to
Good Health
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Honor of Hannah Miller’s Bat
…Wishing Stuart Neiman Return to
Good Health
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Barbara & Michael Wolfson
…On the Marriage of Stephen &
Lauren Tanenbaum
By Lynnda & Martin Bloom
…Yahrzeit of Esther Bloom
By Deborah & Lou Jacobs
…In Memory of Marsha Cohen
…In Memory of Anne Diamond
…In Memory of Lorna Immermann
…In Memory of Rose Klein
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Memory of Sylvia Strelzik
…In Memory of Jerry Tillem
By Dominique & Rael Levin
…Yahrzeit of Jack Storch
By Sharon & Kenny Sonenshine
…Yahrzeit of Isaac Capeluto
…In Memory of Phyllis Lazarus
…In Memory of Lynn Zeitlin
By Paul Zuckerman
…Yahrzeit of Sarah Zuckerman
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
— Will Rogers
Page 22
November / December 2015
Act as if
you do
makes a
It does.
— William
Page 23
November / December 2015
Hanukkah Festival
700 Mt. Vernon Highway, NE
Sandy Springs, GA 30328-4223
Dec 13
10am to 12pm
Featuring a photo booth, DJ, crafts, games, treats, and
Sisterhood Events
December 6th
Painting Event
Art & Soul
2pm to 5pm
Hanukkah Festival
We are getting a new Siddur! Dedicate Siddurim to your loved ones Sisterhood Events
$36 per Siddur December 6th
$34 for 10+ Siddurim Painting Event
Art & Soul
2pm to 5pm
Dec 13
GET A DOLLAR-FOR10am to 12pm
are getting
Featuring a photo booth,
DJ, to
games, treats, We
and more!
Complete your
CREDIT & HELP A December 31
Featuring a photo
Designate B’nai Torah Preschool
booth, DJ, crafts,
6th and
Art & Soul
2pm to 5pm
New Siddur! We are getting a new Siddur! Dedicate Siddurim to your loved ones $36 per Siddur $34 for 10+ Siddurim New Siddur!
Students at B’nai Torah Preschool
much-needed ALEF Fund sch
to your
Designate B’nai Torah Preschool
loved ones!
Students at B’nai Torah Preschool
$36 per Siddur
will receive much-needed
$34 for 10+
ALEF Fund scholarships