

November - December 2015
Sunday, November 1st
Fall Rummage Sale, 2:00 p.m.
Monday, November 2nd
Fall Rummage Sale, 10:00 a.m.
Friday, November 6th
Family Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 8th
"Oliver!" Auditions, 2:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 12th
"Oliver!" Auditions, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, November 13th
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Friday, November 20th
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 22nd
Community Thanksgiving Dinner,
2:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 26th
Closed for Thanksgiving
Friday, November 27th
Office Closed
Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15 p.m.
Friday, December 4th
Family Shabbat, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 5th
Young Families Chanukah
5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 8th
Chai Club Latke Party, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, December 11th
Chanukah Shabbat Celebration,
Time -TBD
Friday, December 18th
Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m.
Friday, December 25th
Office Closed
Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15 p .m.
Thinking about the Summer
Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
Fall is finally here! I love when the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to change color.
Though it is a beautiful backdrop, I must admit that I actually find myself longing for summer.
Not because I want to lounge at the beach or eat ice cream…although I do enjoy both.
For me, summer conjures images of days spent at camp: playing with friends, sharing meals
in a noisy dining room, sleeping in bunk beds and learning so much about life from
bunkmates and counselors.
I am a BIG believer in camp, especially Jewish camp. Through the years, I have spent the
majority of my summers at camp and the lionʼs share of those in overnight camp. I am always
amazed at the life, the energy and the creativity that effuses every aspect of it.
Educationally speaking, few places, if any, provide a better environment for enhancing
self-esteem and for making lasting friendships. In Jewish terms, surveys have proven that
camp is one of the top four factors the other three being youth grouping, Jewish day schools
and Israel trip in solidifying a childʼs strong and lasting Jewish identity.
Camp is a natural extension of what we try to do in Religious School. It immerses campers
in Jewish life in a way that is difficult to replicate in any classroom. When the Motzi - the
blessing over bread, is said at each meal, everyday objects are referred to by their Hebrew
names, and the entire camp stops to welcome Shabbat with prayer and song. There is a special
feeling - a kind of magic - that is so unique.
If you already send your child to camp, I know what a difference it makes for him or her.
If you have chosen Jewish camp, I thank you knowing what it will mean for your childʼs
Jewish identity and ultimately the future of our people. If you have a child in fourth grade or
above, please consider an exciting camp adventure for next summer.
I know not all children are suited for overnight camp. However, if you think yours might be,
there are so many options to consider, especially Eisner Camp, which has been around for
more than sixty years, or Crane Lake Camp. Thatʼs where Carol works as a member
of senior staff and I serve on the faculty. Both camps are affiliated with our Reform movement
which now has added two specialty camps: 6-Points Sports Academy for Jewish children
who take sports very seriously and 6-Points Sci-Tech Academy a remarkable place, where
they spend two weeks experiencing science, with robotics, video game creation and a host
of other science - related disciplines.
If you might be interested or know someone who could benefit from an exciting camp
experience, please let me know. I always am happy to tell anyone about each of the
amazing camps listed or to help find just the right place to experience a life-changing summer.
The snow hasnʼt started yet.
Yet I know when it comes it means we will be that much closer to summer. I canʼt wait!
To Ira and Cheryl Richman, on the birth of their grandson, Elliott.
To Richard and Rosalie Kammerling, on the birth of their grandson, Raiden.
To Norman and Harriet Copel, on the birth of their granddaughter, Eden.
To Ruth Lilker, on ther granddaughter Muriel's marriage to Alfiero Fratarcangeli.
To Susan and Jerry Wolff, on their 50th wedding anniversary.
Howard W. Schneider, Temple President
Kol Nidre
I have been told by many that they really liked my Kol Nidre speech. So for the benefit of those who were not there, and at the
risk of being overly repetitive, I have decided to publish a synopsis of it on these pages. Thank you to everyone who “takes it to heart”.
When I looked out over the crowd on Kol Nidre night I saw many people I recognized as frequently coming to temple, as well as
many that I had never met. Regardless, we all came for a common purpose. Along with millions of other Jews throughout the
world, we came united to our sense of Jewish self, our Jewish spirituality.
This year, 5776, I would like to invite you all to stay connected to your temple family, not just during the High Holy Days,
but throughout the year. I have learned a lot about what it takes to run a temple during my first few months as president. Above
all, two things are abundantly clear: what an amazing temple family we have, and what amazing opportunities we have to offer.
For both young and old we offer innumerable opportunities for learning, fun, comradery, social action, and spirituality. Join our
temple Meetup Group. Make new friends and have some new adventures. Like our temple Facebook page to get updates
on what is happening with our active Brotherhood, Sisterhood, Chai Club, and Youth Groups. If you have acting, or artistic talent,
get involved in our Chutzpah Repertory Theater production of “Oliver”. If you donʼt, then come to see the show this coming spring.
Unwind from the weekʼs “rat race” at a Friday night Shabbat service.
Another way to connect to your temple family is through Tzedakah. While TBE is well known for sponsoring many
community-wide charitable events through our Social Action Committee, we also provide Tzedakah to those of our temple
family in need. Whether it is reduced temple dues, aid from our Caring Committee or emotional support during difficult times,
your contributions are what makes it possible. The reality is that dues only cover about half of the templeʼs yearly budget.
The rest comes from your charitable donations.
Thanks to your generosity, last yearʼs Kol Nidre appeal exceeded its goal and combined with sound fiscal management allowed
TBE to finish the year “in the black”. Not by much, but for the first time in many years we did not run a deficit. This year I am
hoping that we can do better. I am asking everyone who did not participate in last yearʼs Kol Nidre appeal to please contribute
at least $36.00 and those of you who did participate, to please consider increasing your last yearʼs donation by at least $36.00.
Our temple wish list for this year includes: a handicapped ramp to the Bimah, a sound system for the hearing impaired and
upgraded security for religious school. This year, in addition to giving at Kol Nidre, I kindly ask that you consider doubling your
Mitzvah. Please consider that for every donation you make to a charity, you make a matching donation to your TBE family.
TBE is a diverse and progressive Jewish community. Are we perfect? No - but as Rabbi Clopper reminded us in his
Rosh Hashanah sermon, we are open to change and new ideas. This year, I would like to hear from all of you. What is the
temple doing right? What do we need to improve? If you are interested in sharing your thoughts with me, my email is: I canʼt promise that we will be able to make every change, but I can promise that I will listen. I can promise
that with your assistance, Rabbi Clopper, Cantor Alison, Diane Berg, our staff, myself and your temple board will all strive to make
TBE the best that it can be. I hope to see you at temple this year and wish you a sweet and happy 5776. LʼShanna Tova.
Ner Tamid
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What’s in a Name?
Diane E. Berg, RJE
There is power in the name a person makes for him or herself. It is our identity. It represents who we have become. It is our
reputation, our personal brand. When someone mentions your name you hope it conjures up good images. So it is with schools.
When you think of the word “school”, what do you think of? You most likely think of desks, chalk boards, teachers, books, and
homework. And what do your children think of? More work. In fact, if you Google images for school you would be hard-pressed
to see anything outside this stereotype. Now, look at the definition of school in the Oxford Dictionary: An institution for educating
children. Institution! It sounds more like incarceration.
We Reform Jews have done a great job of eliminating names for God that limit us in how we understand God. There are no more
definitive names like “Rock, Lord, Him, He, His, and Master.” We know that God is beyond the limitations of words. This change
has opened us up to thinking of God in different ways.
Since the word “school” limits us, we are going to rename our school. We have changed, Jewish education has changed and
what we do in the classroom has certainly changed. We should not be limited by the word “school” because we are so much
more. Here is the challenge. I want to rename our school by eliminating the word “School.” I want your help because we deserve
a new name that will recognize us for being innovative, cutting edge, creative, supportive and all the adjectives that represent
who we are. We will be having a contest to rename us and in order to get adults and kids to think of an appropriate name, I am
offering a $50.00 prize. It is that important to me. Remember that our name reflects who we are, so think carefully and sign up
on the special entry tickets by the Boxtops for Education box outside our office door. Then place your entry with your name and
date and the name you are suggesting in the Boxtops box. Our Religious School Committee will make the final decision.
Start thinking!
Temple Library
Happy New Year! - Begin your Celebration
at the Temple Beth El Library.
Do you enter the Temple with a feeling of awe? A need for Teshuvah – turning away from those actions of which you are not
proud and turning toward a New Year of Mitzvot, learning and working toward being a better Jew, as well as a better person?
You and your family can make this holiday and the others in our Jewish calendar more meaningful, understandable and memorable.
Begin with the resource books, High Holiday Bible Themes, Volume One - Rosh Hashanah and Volume Two - Yom Kippur.
They will help you understand the commentaries and sermons. We have many other books that will enhance your participation.
Questions you may ask yourself: What is the significance of the Akedah? Discover the many interpretations this questionable
action evokes in relation to God, Abraham and Isaac. Is this a story against paganism and child sacrifice? Is it applicable today
when we see Arab terrorists strapping bombs to their children in actions against Israel and its Jews?
What of Abraham? Did he take into account Sarahʼs feelings for her beloved child who came so late in life? Did she know what
Abraham planned to do? Did she go along willingly or did she plead with Abraham to spare her child?
Did Isaac know and understand what was happening? Did he go willingly or argue with his father? How did he feel afterward?
Do your children go willingly to Rosh Hashanah services?
Do they understand what is happening? Your library has many books for children of all ages to learn about the holidays
including Tashlik. Our holiday books for nursery through adult readers are on display.
Bring more spirit, learning and excitement to your New Year. Please plan on visiting the TBE Library. Youʼll be glad you did.
Temple Beth El Library Research Fellowship Information is available for our Fellowship in the weekly TBEvents and in your library.
We must express our thanks to Adrianne and Shelly Dietz for their generous donation.
For any questions, please call: Jackie Hasson, Library Coordinator 631-421-5835, ext. 210
Social Action News
Carol Werblin, Social Action Chairperson
Our recent High Holy Days Food Drive was extremely successful. Thanks to the help of Paula Klein, Sue Seiler, BEASTY and
their president Haley Davis, Olivia Samuel, and Julia McDonagh. Reusable grocery bags were handed out to the congregation
after Rosh Hashanah services and returned on Yom Kippur. They were returned with more than five hundred pounds of food.
This generosity has provided, Island Harvest, Tri-CYA, and our two pantries with a large stock of food.
We really appreciate everyoneʼs generous contributions.
Please continue to bring non-perishable food whenever you come to temple for the many families in need that access our food
pantry, as well as others that we help directly. To find out what's needed most, check the Social Action Corner of TBEvents.
In September, we began the fourth year of Project HOPE-TBE. Thanks to Dan Diviney and Kara Werner, the Directors of Project
HOPE at St. Hugh. and the TBE volunteers , a wonderful dinner was served at St. Hughʼs Church to one hundred
seventy guests from the local Huntington community.
We extend a special thanks to Delea Farms in Elwood for donating bushels of peppers, zucchini and eggplants for our
vegetable lasagna. Please stop by their farm stand and thank them for their generosity.
We would also like to especially thank Howard W.Schneider, DDS and the “Dentists for a Better Huntington”. Project HOPE has
been selected as a recipient of one of their many grants for the second year in a row. Sue and I couldnʼt be more thrilled.
We now can provide a Sunday Supper each month to a hundred and sixty community members at the Moose Lodge in
If you would like to volunteer and “see what we are all about”, the Project HOPE calendar is printed on the temple web-site and
in the Social Action Calendar posted in the atrium. There are many volunteer opportunities for young and “not-so young” alike.
The Social Action Committee is preparing to host TBEʼs - Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner and Boutique for our needy
neighbors. This year the dinner will be held on Sunday, November 22nd. 2:00 p.m.
We need helpers and volunteers to drive guests, work in the kitchen, set tables, serve dinner, clean up, and help with our
clothing boutique from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Canʼt come on Sunday?
Students and adults can help set up on Saturday, November 21st, from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Students also can earn community service for school or temple, by putting together goody bags, making centerpieces or
helping to set up the Social Hall. If you are interested in any of these Mitzvah opportunities, please call me.
631-261-6029 or
In December, we will begin the Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initiative (HIHI) for the12th.season. We will be housing about
thirty people who are unable to access Suffolk County's - Emergency Shelter Program. We will continue to alternate with
Huntington Jewish Center as a host site on Wednesday nights through March. For those interested in participating or learning
more about the program, please join us at the SAC meeting on November 10th. If you would like to volunteer for HIHI, there is
a sign-up board in the atrium. There are some great volunteer opportunities for your children that need community service
hours, too.
November 10th. - Social Action Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
November 22nd. - Annual Community
Thanksgiving Dinner - 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
December 9th. - HIHI starts at Temple Beth El
December 13th - TBE-Project H.O.P.E. - Moose Lodge
Upcoming Events:
Take Action! Make a Difference!
Did you know?
Transportation Available!
Please join us for
Brunch On The
The 2015 Sisterhood Membership Get
Sunday, November 15,
12:00 to 4:00 p.m.
at the Centerport Yacht Club
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Beverly Wayne, Vice President
As we begin a New Year and the changing of the seasons,
Sisterhood has a full slate of activities planned thatʼs certain
to keep you engaged and involved. Youʼre invited to participate
in any or all of the upcoming events, including Book Clubs,
Mahjong, Luncheons and Special Programs. Watch your
weekly TBE Events for more details.
Nowʼs the time to get your table together and RSVP by
sending the form back to TBE.
If you have a special occasion youʼd like to commemorate,
a Sisterhood UnionGram is a great way to express your good
wishes. You can obtain a UnionGram order form by
downloading the form from TBE Events or by accessing it on
the Sisterhood webpage.
On Sunday, November 15th - Sisterhood will host its Annual
Brunch at the Centerport Yacht Club. This event is always
a wonderful day of good food, entertainment, raffles and
friendship in a beautiful setting. Itʼs open to all Temple
members, their families and friends…and the tickets are only
$25.00 for members and $35.00 for non-members. Thereʼs
always a great raffle with terrific gifts, and if you want to donate
a prize or create a Themed Basket, please contact: Beverly
Wayne at
This year, Sisterhood will also be working on Social Issues both
a locally and globally. Join us as we participate in Tikkun Olam
and share your ideas for projects and causes
that our Sisterhood can support.
For more information on Sisterhood membership or events
Rich Schoor, Menʼs Club President
This Menʼs Club year is progressing nicely. Thank you to all
who helped us while ushering, during the High Holiday
services, and a thank you to all who helped construct the Sukkha.
Thanks to all those who attended.
On November 15th we will have another meeting, this one on a
very important topic: food insecurity and hunger on Long Island
and in the Huntington area. This event is hosted by the Menʼs
Club, but will be jointly produced with the Social Action
Committee. Please attend, all are invited.
The Menʼs Club will be having several events, some social,
some “back to nature.” We had a “Boyʼs Night Out” at Rookies
in October, where we watched the Mets win against
the Cubs while eating sliders and drinking some fine beer.
Whatʼs not to like?
The December 13th, meeting will take place, Sunday at 9:15
am. The topic of discussion will be: ”Israeli Tennis Centers”.
This organization is not just about tennis but aims to promote
positive coexistence of Israeli youth of all backgrounds through
sports participation
Yes, we hosted another “Back to Nature” Event. This time, the
walk took place in Stony Brook Village, at the Avalon Park and
Preserve. If you have not been there, you are missing out on
something really nice. This park is an amazing gem in “our
backyards”: One hundred and forty six acres of beautiful
gardens and an easy walk. The weather was amazing. We saw
wild life and had the opportunity to send loved ones with no
earthly address a message via Cartes al Cielo. A terrific day
Hope to see everyone at these events.
For additional information please contact me:
We’ve Missed You
Double Your Mitzvah
Have you been away from Temple Beth El or know
someone who has been away for more than a year?
Come enjoy services with our wonderful Rabbi Clopper
and meet Cantor Alison Lopatin, our delightful
Director of Ritual Music, who joined us this past year.
This year, 5776, please consider
that for every donation you make to
a charity you make a matching
donation to your
Temple Beth El family.
Please consider a reduced cost, first year returning
membership with our
Getting To Know Us All Over Again category.
For more information, contact the temple office or
Together what a difference we can make!
B’nei Mitzvah
To Eric Dombrower (November 7th), Logan Slansky (November 14th) and
Jeremy Forman (December 5th) on becoming B'nei Mitzvah!
Eric Dombrower – November 7th.
Temple Beth El has played a huge role in Eric's growth over the years. Rabbi Clopper, Cantor Lopatin, Ms.Diane Berg and the
religious school teachers have made him feel like TBE is his second home. We appreciate all they have done to help and teach
him how to be a "Mench."
For his Community Service and Tzedakah Projects, Eric has combined his kindness towards others and his love for animals.
He has donated money to ARF- Aruba, which is an organization that unites homeless animals from the island of Aruba with
adoptive families in the United States and Canada. He has also collected various items for the “furry residents” of Huntington's
Little Shelter. For his Creative Project, Eric chose to bake a Challah with his grandmother and share it with those at his
Bar Mitzvah.
We are very proud of Eric, and can't wait to celebrate these accomplishments as he becomes a young man.
Logan Slansky – November 14th.
Temple Beth El has been a very special place and welcoming community to our family over the past eight years. We are so proud
of Logan becoming a Bar Mitzvah and want to express our thanks to Rabbi Clopper, Cantor Allison, Lenny Thaw and all of
Logan's teachers for their guidance leading up to and during this journey.
Logan's Mitzvah Projects reflect his passion for music. Logan has been playing piano from age six and at age eight he began
practicing with drums and percussion. He will be performing a piano solo piece during his service for his Creative Project.
For his G'milut Chasadim Project, Logan decided to volunteer his time at “School of Rock Rookies” Program, which inspires first
and second graders to enjoy and pursue music by teaching them to recognize pitch, understand rhythm and participate in
musical teamwork.
Logan will be making a donation to The Fender Music Foundation for his Tzedakah Project. The Fender Music Foundation
is a charity whose donations provide musical instruments to school music programs, after school programs and music therapy
We are extremely proud of Logan and the young man he is becoming. His warm, caring and generous nature make him
an amazing person to be around.
Jeremy Forman – December 5th
From the day our family joined the Temple Beth El Community, we have been nothing less than amazed by the dedication,
caring, and nurturing nature of both the clergy and the educators. It has truly been a pleasure to watch Jeremyʼs interest in his
Jewish heritage blossom due in no small part to the enthusiasm of Rabbi Clopper, Cantors Sherry and Lopatin, Diane Berg, and
his Religious Education teachers from his first day to this day. We are extremely proud to see Jeremy “be excited and inspired”
by his studies.
Jeremyʼs Gʼmilut Chasadim reflects his concern for the Environment and the Preservation of Resources for future generations.
He has dedicated himself to volunteering for beach and roadside cleanup projects throughout Suffolk County. In addition, he has
an ongoing newspaper collection which is donated to the Long Island Rabbit Rescue Group (on a monthly basis) for the care of
their foster and special needs rabbits.
Jeremyʼs Tzedakah Project is inspired by his love of animals. He hopes that there will come a day when no healthy, loving
companion animals will need to be euthanized and he has chosen to make a donation to The Little Shelter in Huntington in
memory of our beloved Corgi...Max.
It has been a privilege and a joy to witness the growth of our “little boy” into the insightful, compassionate young man he has
become. We are grateful that Temple Beth El has played an integral part in the development of his social consciousness and his
pride in his Jewish Heritage.
The Magic is Back!
Show Dates:
April 9 and 10th, 16th.and 17th.
Contact your production team at:
Informal and Informational Meeting:
Sunday, October 25th. at 11:30am and 12:30pm
Sunday, November 8th. from 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Thursday, November 12th. from 7:00pm -10:00pm
Thank You
To the Membership Committee for organizing our awesome Shabbat-In-The Lot
celebration, and to Ian Weitz and the rest of the Men's Club Brotherhood cooking
crew for cooking the food.
To Debra Jarmon and Linda Mahler for being such wonderful, warm greeters and to
David Mahler for taking beautiful pictures of our Tashlich experience on the beach.
To Cantor Sherry for teaching the Adult Hebrew Class and for a beautiful
B'not Mitzvah service.
To Larry Simon, Steve Passaro and the rest our custodial crew for getting
our building in tip top shape for the High Holy Days.
To Diane Berg, Maddy Schwartz and all the staff of Temple Beth El Religious School
for a successful opening of the school year.
To the awesome Temple Beth El Board of Trustees for all that you do.
To Rabbi Clopper, Cantor Alison, the Adult Choir and the Ritual Committee
for making our High Holy Days services both so beautiful and meaningful.
To the Men's Club for building the Sukkah and the Sisterhood for decorating it.
To all of the volunteers who ran the children's activities during
High Holy Days morning services.
To Debbie Jarmon for hosting the Sisterhood's Summer Luncheon, and ordering up
a perfect day to enjoy friends in her beautiful backyard.
To Amy Podhurst, Elaine Eig, Debbie Rich, Janet Widawsky and Joy Moss for
all that you do, and to the entire Sisterhood Board for all that you do!
To everyone who contributed to the Temple Beth El High Holy Days food drive.
To Rabbi Clopper for "evolving" your views on interfaith marriage.
To Lousie Spangle, Alan Walfield, Sue Seiler, Rita Anilionis, Barbara Golden,
Sandy Masnick, Robin Zucker, Bonnie Gettinger for help with the
Rosh Hashanah greetings.
To Richard Schoor and the Men's Club Brotherhood for providing
ushering during our High Holy Days services.
To Debi Fallenberg, Lisi and Emily Viesta, Ruth Fuller and Randee Epstein
for their help decorating the Sukkah.
To our wonderful shofar blowers Surelle Heiberger, Barry Schwalb and Emily Siegel.
To all the temple members who helped man our booth at the Huntington Fall Festival.
To Bob and Marcia Ingram, Rita Anilionis and Mary Rosenvinge for shopping and
cooking for Sukkot.
To Ian Weitz and family, on the death of his sister, Deborah Gold, on July 15th, 2015
To Sandy Masnick and family, on the death of her aunt, Toby Lamhut, on July 27th, 2015
To Eric Wuss and family, on the death of his father, Joseph K. Wuss, on July 30th, 2015
To Joan Feilbogen and family, on the death of her uncle, Edward Rosenbaum, on August 7th, 2015
To Hilary Machlis and family, on the death of her mother, and congregant, Toby Markowitz, on Friday, October 2nd, 2015
To Lawrence Monat and family, on the death of his sister, Dina Monat, on October 3rd, 2015
To Erin Schoor and family, on the death of her grandmother,Eudice Fishman on October 3rd, 2015
In honor of:
The birth of Elliott, grandson of Ira
and Cheryl Richman
- Burt and Sandy Masnick
Susan and Jerry Wolff's
50th wedding anniversary
- Marjorie and Stephen Levy
The birth of Raiden, grandson of Richard and
Rosalie Kammerling
- Marjorie and Stephen Levy
In honor of:
Jean Feinstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Debbie, Mike, Ben and Gabe Feinstein
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
Barbara Golden becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
Heidi Aronson becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Marcia and Barry Schwalb
Rabbi Shallat, for performing the graveside
funeral service for Judith Bloch
- Milton Bloch
The birth of Elliott, grandson of Ira and
Cheryl Richman
- Mary Rosenvinge
The birth of Raiden, grandson of Richard and
Rosalie Kammerling
- Mary Rosenvinge
In honor of:
Cantor Alison, for leading such beautiful High
Holy Days services with our choir
- Bill and Linda Wattel
In memory of:
Jack Goldberg
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
In memory of:
Diana Kurtzberg at yahrzeit
- Louis Kurtzberg
Max Berliner at yahrzeit
- Alan and Carol Berliner
In memory of:
Toby Lamhut
- Sharon Willen and Joel Lamhut
Jerry Bravata
- Ed Brozinsky and Janet Singer
Shirley Grass
- Elyse and Jeff Feldman
Edward Rosenbaum
- Julie Kaplan
David Aronson at yahrzeit
- Mark and Heidi Aronson
Irving Silverman at yahrzeit
- Joe and Judy Madenberg
Martha Prince at yahrzeit
- Peter and Joan Feilbogen
Kate Korobow at yahrzeit
- Michael Hutt and Amy Korobow
Loren Selix at yahrzeit
- Stephanie and Jenny Kellerman
Marilyn Podgainy at yahrzeit
- Martin Podgainy
Leroy Donders at yahrzeit
- Arlen and Rebecca Donders
Eva Grossberg at yahrzeit
- Libby Blum
Benjamin Siegel at yahrzeit
- Andrew and Carol Calev
Lawrence Grass at yahrzeit
- Robin Grass and Una Warde
Samuel Heiberger at yahrzeit
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Norma Goldner at yahrzeit
- Marjorie Goldner
William Bard at yahrzeit
- Kenny and Susan Ng
Elaine Abrams at yahrzeit
- Jeff and Harlee Richmond
David Chernick at yahrzeit
- Cindy Halpern
Jordan Yurkew at yahrzeit
- Marvin and Lorraine Baron
Ruth Berk at yahrzeit
- Harold and Joan Blog
Meyer Friedman at yahrzeit
- Rosalind Finkel
Wilfred Finkel at yahrzeit
- Rosalind Finkel
Bernard Schwartz at yahrzeit
- Jack and Liz Schwartz
Abraham Taylor at yahrzeit
- Janice and David Groden
Lenore Lakowitz atyahrzeit
- Janice and David Groden
Clyde Matthews at yahrzeit
- Lawrence and Roberta Monat
Joseph Hellman at yahrzeit
- Stuart Hellman
Freda Schneider at yahrzeit
- Idelle and Rita Kleinman
Peter Guttenberg at yahrzeit
- Mary Rosenvinge
Max Prince at yahrzeit
- Peter and Joan Feilbogen
Eva Grossberg at yahrzeit
- Lawrence and Suzanne Blum
Victor Sherman at yahrzeit
- Andy Edelstein and Beth Sherman
Ely Kaplan at yahrzeit
- Elaine Kaplan
In honor of:
The birth of Raiden, grandson of Richard and
Rosalie Kammerling
- Florence and Steve Roffman
- Barbara Schenk
- Adrianne and Sheldon Dietz
The birth of Eden, granddaughter of Norm and
Harriet Copel
- Florence and Steve Roffman
-Ed Brozinsky and Janet Singer
The birth of Elliott, grandson of Ira and
Cheryl Richman
- Florence and Steve Roffman
- Barbara Schenk
Ruth Lilker's granddaughter Muriel's marriage to
Alfiero Fratarcangeli
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Heidi Aronson becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Edward Melnitsky and Ilene Levy
Barbara Golden becoming a Bat Mitzvah
- Ira and Cheryl Richman
Heidi Aronson, Barbara Golden, Jean Feinstein
and Lisi Viesta becoming B'not Mitzvah
- Barbara Schenk
- Ed Brozinsky and Janet Singer
- Debbie and Charles Rich
To the recovery of:
Audrey Gold
- Mike and Surelle Heiberger
In memory of:
Sally Z. Klein at yahrzeit
- Lisa and Edward Tricomi
Marsha Freed at yahrzeit
- Jen Freed and Brian Dalton
Milton Gershon at yahrzeit
- Janet Gershon
In memory of:
Jerry Barsha at yahrzeit
- Ellen Gray and Paul Siudzinski
Eleanor Jackson at yahrzeit
- Ellen Gray and Paul Siudzinski
Selma Gorrin at yahrzeit
- Ellen Gray and Paul Siudzinski
In honor of:
Cantor Alison, for the kind visit to Herb
in the hospital
- Barbara and Herb Kreindler
In honor of:
Robin Grass' birthday
- Claire Joseph
In memory of:
Jeryl Cohen at yahrzeit
- Selma Cohen Swaim
In honor of:
Rabbi Clopper, for his prayers and support while
she was recovering from surgery
- Marlene Kasman
Rabbi Clopper, for the time and thought that went
into creating a meaningful wedding ceremony for
Erica and Aaron
- Sue and Rob Seiler
Rabbi Clopper
- Jane Goldblatt
In memory of:
Norma Lurie
- Jane Goldblatt
In memory of:
Edward Rosenbaum
- Sandra and Stephen Hechler
Morton Baker at yahrzeit
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
In honor of:
The birth of Elliott, grandson of Ira and
Cheryl Richman
- Marjorie and Stephen Levy
In memory of:
Shirley Grass
- Judy Fairbanks and Bryce Bronstein
- Steve and Debbie Jarmon
Toby Markowitz
- Herb and Barbara Kreindler
William Spangle at yahrzeit
- Alan Walfield and Louise Spangle
Aaron Perlman at yahrzeit
- Joseph and Eleanor Perlman
In honor of:
The birth of Ace, grandson of Carol Werblin and
Rich Moses
- Steve and Debbie Jarmon
- Paula Klein
Kate Berson's marriage to Dan
- John Ames and Lori Street Ames
Barbara Golden and Lisi Viesta becoming
B'not Mitzvah
- Seth Golden
The birth of Raiden, grandson of Richard and
Rosalie Kammerling
- Sue and Rob Seiler
Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehavilitation Center • Gurwin Home Care
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November 1-7
Hyman Adelman
- father of Phil Adelman
Martha Briefer
- cousin of Cecile Fallon
Edward Mahler
- father of David Mahler
Reuben Ruddel
- grandfather of Julie Nace
Damian Louis Freas
- cousin of Li Josenhans
Rosanne Moses
- mother of Richard Moses
Michael Olivere
- uncle of Nanci Weber
Marion Vann
- sister of Phyllis Toran
Carole Volkman
- friend of Mike and Surelle Heiberger
Jerry Fischman
- father of Deborah Fischman
Beverly Kristel
- mother of Alan Kristel
- mother of Steven Kristel
Marlene Rimler
- mother of Mark Rimler
Annalea Rosen
- stepmother of Carol Rosen
Les Schonbrun
- brother of Linda Mahler
Elsie Darwin
- mother of Manny Darwin
Jack Kahane
- father of Roy Kahane
Matthew Viesta
- son of Rick and Lisi Viesta
Sally Farber
- mother of Lois Spritzer
Frieda Gollay
- grandmother of Lauren Resnikoff
Ann Serotte
- aunt of Jane Shallat
Anita Roffman
- mother of Steve Roffman
Ethel Rubinstein
- grandmother of Doug Gilman
Anna Block
- grandmother of Carol Slippen
Joseph Kurtzberg
- great-uncle of Louis Kurtzberg
Rivka Kurtzberg
- great-grandmother of Louis Kurtzberg
Zelig Kurtzberg
- great-uncle of Louis Kurtzberg
Nancy Penny
- sister of Ann Pinals
Susan Pinals
- mother of Andy Pinals
Harry Rosenberg
- grandfather of Shawne Rosenblum
Andrew Ullmann
- brother of Jane Goldblatt
November 8-14
Miriam Glass
- grandmother of Carol Berliner
William Hoest
- husband of Madeline Mezz Hoest
George Mitchell
- grandfather of Elisa McDonagh
Harry Winter
- father of Robert Winter
Marjorie Blauman
- congregant and dear friend
Rita Rosenthal
- godmother of Laurel Atkinson
Reba Weinzimer
- mother of Melvin Weinzimer
Nathan Cohn
- father of Janet Singer
Peter Lifson
- father of Robert Lifson
Michael Lipsius
- grandfather of Barbara Schenk
Warren Seiler
- brother of Rob Seiler
Arthur Moses
- father of Richard Moses
Carmen Cullen
- mother of Beth Kay
Esther Plosky
- grandmother of Jill Plosky
Muriel Simon
- mother of Larry Simon
Morris Ullmann
- father of Jane Goldblatt
Beth Ellyn Mont-Bock
- daughter of Arthur and Linda Mont
Dorothy Hirschfeld Saltz
- sister-in-law of Jeanne Hirschfeld
- cousin of Ruth Lilker
Morton Kresner
- father-in-law of Patricia Kresner
Charlotte Monat Meyer
- mother of Lawrence Monat
November 15-21
Selma Freed
- grandmother of Jennifer Freed
Frederick Mayer
- father-in-law of Lucille Mayer
Jack Novick
- grandfather of Julie Nace
Morton Fried
- uncle of Mitchel Fried
Dora Graziano
- mother of Robert Graziano
Bernie Siesel
- brother of Joan Blog
Esther Warshaw
- grandmother of Sarah Lichtenstein
Ruth Kaplan
- mother of Ely Kaplan (z:l)
Milton Levine
- father of Harriet Copel
Robert Samuel Schoor
- father of Richard Schoor
Sylvia Levine
- mother of Harriet Copel
Charles Nadler
- father of Suzanne Blum
Belle Levy
- mother of Stephen Levy
Ethel Mayer
- mother-in-law of Lucille Mayer
Lenore Rand
- mother of Andrea Levenbaum
Ethel Margoluis
- grandmother of Jayne Greenberg
Hattie Hirschfeld
- aunt of Ruth Lilker
Morty Simon
- father of Larry Simon
Fred Solomon
- father of Tes Silverman
December 1-7
Marvin "Sonny" Feldman
- uncle of Judy Fairbanks
Lou Shulman
- great-uncle of Carol Clopper
Herbert Berkovitz
- father of Linda Wattel
Louis Reich
- father of Charles Rich
Jeanette Gollon
- mother of Linda Greenwald
Irving Rapaport
- father of Jane Shallat
Harold Wagner
- father of Robin London
Morris Dietz
- father of Sheldon Dietz
Helene Gendron
- aunt of Norman Copel
Harriet Goldberg
- sister of Arnold Shindler
Rachel Jackson
- great-grandmother of Ellen Gray
Herman Wattel
- father of William Wattel
Alex Goldberg
- father of Ann Simon
George Hillman
- uncle of Susan Wolff
Herbert Stone
- uncle of Beth Gilman
December 8-14
Carol June Seager Fuller
- mother-in-law of Ruth Fuller
Florence Leeds
- aunt of Janice Groden
Janet Salzman
- mother of David Salzman
Leon Joseph
- father of Jeffrey Joseph
Eric Slone
- brother of Andrea Biblow
Samuel J. Wasserman
- father of Selma Cohen Swaim
Beatrice Adelman
- mother of Phil Adelman
Jodi Cohn
- friend of Carol Werblin
Herbert Kleinberg
- father of Susan Aaronson
Margaret Zucker
- mother of Bob Zucker
Samuel Zusman
- father of Barry Zusman
Sigmund Hollander
- father of Lucille Mayer
Martin E. Monat
- father of Lawrence Monat
Rose Ochser
- grandmother of Alan Goldberg
Samuel Lipkind
- grandfather of Victoria Wilson
Leo Eysler
- grandfather of David Eysler
Pauline Finkel
- mother of Wil Finkel (z:l)
Norma Fallenberg
- mother of Debi Fallenberg
Aaron Goldberg
- brother of Fran Simowitz
Berdie Kasman
- mother of Richard Kasman
Joseph Ochser
- grandfather of Alan Goldberg
Joan Turkell
- mother of Laurel Atkinson
Jacob Kurtzberg
- great-grandfather of Louis Kurtzberg
Rose Seiff
- mother-in-law of Elaine Seiff
Jenny Yeazell
- aunt of Louise Spangle
November 22-30
Charlotte Bard
- aunt of Susan Ng
Mary Chiacchiaro
- mother of Peter Chiacchiaro
Steven Roday
- brother of Robert Roday
Renee Schatten
- mother of Alan Schatten
Sidney Slavin
- father of Dianne Slavin
Ruby Gold
- aunt of Tracy Summer
Alan Irgang
- father of Mark Irgang
Morris Levine
- father of Judith Epstein
Anita Chernick
- sister of Cindy Chernick
John Fogel
- grandfather of Ilene Schapero
Rose Schmukler
- mother of Sandy Masnick
Sadie Blackstein
- grandmother of Richard Aaronson
Hettye Dorn
- mother-in-law of Laura Jackson
Dorothy Tane
- mother of Ira Tane
Bertha Hollander
- mother of Lucille Mayer
Marjorie Schaeffer
- mother of Bernard Schaeffer
Herbert Schwarz
- father of Marlene Schwarz
Bessie Gottlieb
- mother of Edith Markel
Morris Rosen
- uncle of Carol Rosen
Beverly Gorman
- mother of Joanne Sherman
Christa Josenhans
- mother of Erich Josenhans
Dorothy Madenberg
- mother of Joseph Madenberg
Rita Sobel
- mother of Marilyn Albert
Kalman Wachtel
- father-in-law of Inez Wachtel
Michael Witner
- brother of Jayne Greenberg
Harold Darwin
- brother of Manny Darwin
Erwin Eisner
- father of Ethel Winkler
William B. Fisher
- father of Mollie Sugarman
Michael Glass
- father of Evan Glass
Sol Gollay
- grandfather of Lauren Resnikoff
December 15-21
Helen B.H. Cohen
- mother of Ruth Lilker
- grandmother of Ilene Messina
- grandmother of Denise Spencer
- mother-in-law of Selma Cohen Swaim
John Craven
- father of Victoria Craven
Shirley Flanagan
- mother of Noreen Fremed
Betty Levy-Shapiro
-aunt of Eileen Darwin
Isidore Kurtzberg
- grandfather of Louis Kurtzberg
Donald Moss
- brother-in-law of Cantor Sherry
Moe Herman
- father of Steven Herman
Herbert Newman
- father of Lynne Eig
Irving Simmons
- brother-in-law of Fran Simowitz
Ly Herz Brettler
- mother of Cora Brettler
Norma Bugden
- cousin of Surelle Heiberger
Paul Eisnitz
- father of Helen Zuckerman
Ruth Greenberg
- mother of Harriet Silverman
- grandmother of Micah Silverman
Ida Lipsky
- great-grandmother of Louis Kurtzberg
Eleanor Herman
- mother of Steven Herman
Sarah Rimens
- mother of Gloria Barton
Florence Hafetz
- aunt of Carol Berliner
Irwin Metcheck
- father of Lynn Rosen
Edward Sinder
- father of Eileen Shindler
Pauline Zeldin
- grandmother of Eve Morales
Frieda A. Bonner
- mother of Sandra Crain
Martin Fallon
- father of Michael Fallon
Ben Pearlman
- father of Allan Pearlman
Murray Podgainy
- father of Martin Podgainy
Stella Rozen
- mother of Barry Rozen
Michelle Haley Toran
- granddaughter of Bill and Phyllis Toran
William Feeney
- husband of Myra Feeney
Frank Gold
- father of Audrey Gold
Zelda Starr-Finkel
- grandmother of Gail Helfand
Carol Werblin
- sister-in-law of Carol Werblin
December 22-31
Mae Wong
- mother of Janet Widawsky
Joan Gray
- mother of Ellen Gray
Dora Rosenbaum
- grandmother of Joan Feilbogen
Janice Sandler
- mother of Amy Blumenthal
Ruth Strickland
- mother of James Strickland
Beatrice Jaffe
- sister of Seymour Lilker (z:l)
Celia Kaplan
- mother of Sylvia Wertheim
Reva Kaufman
- mother of Brian Kaufman
Benjamin Spritzer
- father of Gil Spritzer (z:l)
Lillian Mitnick
- great-aunt of Carol Clopper
Herbert Walerstein
- father of Doug Walerstein
- husband of Janet Walerstein
Morris Bonoff
- father of Barbara Gettinger
Arnold Bookheim
- father of Linda Widerman Bookheim
Sidney Ginsberg
- great-uncle of Judy Fairbanks
Harry Klayman
- father of Burton Klayman
Lori Susan Young
- sister of Janis Dombrower
Corinne Holtzman
- aunt of Beth Gilman
Rose Mayer
- grandmother of Elisa McDonagh
Sadie Cutler
- mother of Cantor Sandy Sherry
Julian Wilson
- uncle of Victoria Wilson
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*Quality Printing for all occasions
Business & Social, Digital Full Color, Black and White Printing, Offset Printing,
Graphic Design, Bindery, Copy Services, Posters and Banners
Photography by Ilene
Bar & Bat Mitzvahs
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over a Decade
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Non-Profit Org.
660 Park Avenue
Huntington, NY 11743
Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper
Rabbi Emeritus Barton Shallat
Cantor Alison Lopatin
Cantor Emerita Sandra Sherry
Director of Education - Diane Berg
President - Howard Schneider
Tel.: 631-421-5835 • Fax: 631-421-1224
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