Highlights Friday, September 4th Shabbat In The Lot, 6:15 p.m. Saturday, September 5th S'lichot, 8:30 p.m. Monday, September 7th Closed for Labor Day Friday, September 11th Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m. Sunday, September 13th Erev Rosh Hashanah, 8:00 p.m. Monday, September 14th Office Closed Rosh Hashanah Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Babysitting and Children's Activities 10:00 a.m. Family Service, 1:00 p.m. Young Children's Service, 2:30 p.m. Tashlich, 4:00 p.m. (Gold Star Beach) Tuesday, September 15th Office Closed Friday, September 18th Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 22nd Office closes at 2:00 p.m. Kol Nidre, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 23rd Office Closed Yom Kippur Morning Service, 10:00 a.m. Babysitting and Children's Activities, 10:00 a.m. Family Service, 1:00 p.m. Discussion Group, 1:00 p.m. Young Children's Service, 2:30 p.m. Musical Interlude, 3:30 p.m. Afternoon,Yizkor and Concluding Services 4:30 p.m. Break Fast, 6:30 p.m. Friday, September 25th Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15 p.m. Chai Club Dinner, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, September 27th Erev Sukkot Dinner, 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 28th Office closed for Sukkot Friday, October 2nd Family Shabbat, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, October 4th Erev Simchat Torah Yizkor Service, 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 5th Office closed for Simchat Torah Community Simchat Torah Celebration 7:00 p.m. (at Huntington Jewish Center) Friday, October 9th Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m. Monday, October 12th Office closed for Columbus Day Friday, October 16th Library Shabbat Pajama Party, 5:30 p.m. Shabbat Service, 8:00 p.m. Friday, October 23rd Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:15 p.m. Friday, October 31st T.G.I.S., 7:00 p.m. Israel on My Mind September - October 2015 Rabbi Jeffrey Clopper Israel has been on my mind for quite a while now. As the drama of the Iran nuclear deal continues to unfold, I find myself unsure. There are too many questions; too many unknowns. I have heard presentation after presentation from those who would assure me the agreement is a disaster while others maintain it is the best possible outcome given the various factors. I wish I had a crystal ball to be able to tell the future. But I donʼt, and I am left to guess like so many others. One thing I do know, however, is that I have come to respect the resiliency of the Israeli people. There is something remarkable about them - the real Israelis. By that, I mean the regular men, women and children who get up every morning and proceed to live their lives in a most common way. They, like us, work hard to provide for themselves and for families who rely on them. They, like us, love sports, theater, electronic gadgets, and all varieties of cuisine. They, like us, wonder about life and love and what makes for meaningful living. One major difference, however, is that they do it in a region of the world known for its history, as well as its hostility. The rich heritage of three major religions comes together in this one small place. The imprints of empires that once ruled the ancient world can be found all through the land, while modern complexes speak to an ever growing and developing nation. It is such a brilliant mix of old and new; a testament to the will and desire of Israelis and the Jewish people to continue our journey forward. It is difficult to truly understand the complexities of Israel and the Middle East without seeing it “first-hand”. News coverage of events and conflicts are never able to provide the full picture. I would hope that we all would work hard to dispel the misunderstandings, misrepresentations and prejudgments. The best way to do that is to see and experience Israel for yourself. In the coming weeks, you will be hearing about an informational gathering. I am looking forward to hosting anyone in our Huntington area community who might be interested in joining me on a tour through Israel. Planning is still in its infancy; however, I am hoping there will be many who come to find out more about a trip that we can hopefully make within two yearsʼ time. Fundamentals of Judaism Our Fundamentals of Judaism class will explore the history, beliefs and customs of Judaic practice. Class will meet five times on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. October 13th and 27th, November 17th, December 15th and January 5th. ! Contact Lisa in the temple office to register:631-421-5835, Ext. 200 or Let the Fun Begin…Again Diane E. Berg, RJE October 4th - Wear a Crazy Hat Day November 15th - Wear a Sports Item and bring in the name of someone Jewish from that sport December 20th – Wear Crazy Socks or Tights Day January 31st. - Pajama Day- Wear your warmest, craziest, funniest pajamas March 20th - Come in Costume for our Purim Carnival Some of the things Iʼve learned through the years are: Coming to a temple to learn about Judaism has got to be a fun experience. It has to be relevant and meaningful so the kids know they will use what they have learned. Ideally, it needs the support of our wonderful parents to really take hold. Something that has been consistent is a parentsʼ desire for their children to feel good about being Jewish and feel successful in their studies. Our students love it when their parents praise them for their accomplishments, whether in learning Hebrew or in their Judaic studies. Our teachers will be sending home newsletters over the year to give parents a peak at some of the ways they are creating a sense of wonder and excitement in their classrooms! This is definitely a more enriching and enjoyable experience than many adults once had! We want to create more hands-on learning experiences, so Iʼm hoping to offer a couple of cultural opportunities after dismissal on Sundays. These may include Hebrew language and cooking. I will be polling students when they return to see what additional ideas they might have and then see if there is any interest. Weʼll keep you posted. And lastly…a real Challenge. Itʼs time to think of a better name for what we are. I would like to replace the term “Religious School” and “Hebrew School” with something that really shows us as creative, innovative and fun. I would like to go beyond the idea of “school” and find a better, more descriptive name. We will be holding a contest to come up with the best rename, one that shows the enjoyment of learning here. Start thinking and watch for the contest to begin. There will be a prize for the best name. Jewish books are important. They bring us into worlds we have not experienced. They evoke feelings and teach us valuable lessons. We have invited Sandy Lanton, author of numerous childrenʼs books, (the most recent “The Littlest Levine is”), to talk about and read one of her books to our Primary students and their parents. She will discuss why she chose Jewish themes for her stories and sell autographed copies to those who wish to include them in their libraries. Look for the date in an email next month. Last winter, our seventh graders suggested holding a Pajama Day. It was a big success and most everyone, including staff, came in their pajamas. This year, we will be holding one spirit day every month. Florence Roffman, Temple Past President We’ve Missed You Have you been away from Temple Beth El or know someone who has been away for more than a year? Come enjoy services with our wonderful Rabbi Clopper and meet Cantor Alison Lopatin, our delightful Director of Ritual Music, who joined us this past year. Please consider a reduced cost, first year returning membership with our Getting To Know Us All Over Again category. For more information, contact the temple office or Our Struggle with Judaism Sunday, October 25th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the Great Room We, as Jews, are on “the cusp” of gigantic change globally and in our local world. Rabbi David Wolfman will be at Temple Beth El, to speak with us and discuss our personal and community experiences of change, faith and transition. How has Judaism changed? What impact is this going to have on our community? What changes are already taking place? What is the role of faith in the Jewish community? A teacher and rabbi for over twenty five years, Rabbi Wolfman is trained in mediation and negotiation at Harvard Law Schoolʼs Program on Negotiation and at Mediation Works, Inc. in Cambridge, MA. He has taught Transitional Management courses throughout North America and the United Kingdom. He also served as the Director of the Reform Movementʼs Commission on Rabbi-Congregational Relations for over fifteen years. Rabbi Wolfman has a unique insight into lay/clergy relations and is widely recognized as an expert and a leader in this field. In fact, for many years, he led the URJ Shallat Initiative to help relationships between new rabbis and their congregations. Rabbi Wolfman has developed an international practice helping Jewish communities transition and mediate change. He has worked with communities as far flung as Argentina, Singapore and Shanghai. Join us for a fascinating discussion. Rabbi Wolfman is comfortable with your uncomfortable questions. We are very fortunate to have Rabbi Wolfman visit us. This experience will be dynamic, mind-expanding and open to the community, so please invite your friends and family. Refreshments will be served Thank you To Manny and Eileen Darwin, Howard and Molla Gary and Sandy Hoffman for organizing the Chai Club's Beach Party and Barbecue at Centerport Beach in July. To Barry Eig for putting together the monthly Chai Lites. To Denise Montague, for helping to make Linda Braun's transition to VP of Education a smooth one. 2 Howard W. Schneider, Temple President Connections What type of connection we choose is up to each of us. This year I challenge you to stay connected to your humanity, your Temple Beth El Jewish family, not just via some electronic box, but in person. I think you would make Lieutenant Commander Data proud. LʼShanna Tova. We live in a very connected society. We have our smart phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. We have Facebook, Google and Twitter. Many of us feel we have everything we need in a small box, smaller than an original series Star Trek tricorder, which fits neatly into the palm of our hand. But, are we truly connected to each other? Are we like the Star Trek nemesis. The Borg, letting our humanity be diffused by technology? Or, like the Enterpriseʼs android Lieutenant Commander Data, using technology to enhance our own humanity? I guess the answer depends on each individual. You are Invited to Visit... This year, 5776, I would like to invite you to connect with your Jewish family here at TBEl. Whether that connection is at a hike with the Menʼs Club, a Sisterhood book group, a Chai Club dinner, or continuing education classes, it makes no difference. I invite you to come and experience Friday night Shabbat Services a few times a year. Take part in our upcoming temple production of “Oliver”. Join our “Meet Up Group”. Like the “Temple Beth El of Huntington” Facebook page. Also, please donʼt forget to attend Rabbi Wolfmanʼs most informative program, "Our Struggle with Judaism" - Sunday, October 25th, and explore how Judaism is changing in our modern world. The Temple Beth El LIBRARY Another way to connect to your temple family is through Tzedakah. While Temple Beth El is well known for sponsoring many community-wide charitable events through our Social Action Committee, we also provide Tzedakah to those of our temple family in need. Whether it is reduced temple dues, aid from our Caring Committee or emotional support during difficult times, your contributions make it all possible. Thanks to your generosity, last yearʼs Kol Nidre Appeal exceeded its goal, allowing us to fund many worthwhile programs. This year I am hoping that those who did not participate will contribute at least $36.00 and those who did participate will consider increasing last yearʼs donation by $36.00. Think about what a difference we can make! Date: Any time you want to learn, relax, read <RX ZLOO EH DPD]HG DW RXU FROOHFWLRQ RI 5HIHUHQFH )LFWLRQ 1RQÀFWLRQ Young Adult and Children’s books. When you have a moment, bring the whole family to a world of discovery and fun. Shabbat Pajama Party Our special programs include: Shabbat Library Fellowship Throughout the year, many of us give donations to numerous worthwhile charities. This year, I kindly ask that you consider doubling your Mitzvah. Please consider that for every donation you make to a charity, you make a matching donation to your Temple Beth El family. Stay connected. FOR INFORMATION, please contact Jackie Hasson, Library Coordinator (631) 421-5835 ext. 210 Lisa Tricomi, Membership Vice President Membership Time to be part of Something I have been a member of Temple Beth El for over fifteen years. When we moved to Huntington in 1998, I knew that I wanted us be a part of a Reform Jewish Community, So my family came to TBE. My husband is not Jewish and luckily he has embraced the temple and vice versa. Both of our children became a Bar and a Bat Mitzvah at TBE. We were so proud and happy for them, yet there was something missing. We were not really as involved with the temple as we would have liked. Over the years, I sporadically attended Sisterhood luncheons, Family Shabbat Services and various temple events. Last year, I was asked to be on the Temple Board as part of the Membership Committee, and this year will be serving as Vice President of Membership. As many of you are aware, declining membership among temples is something we are facing today. My hope is that our current members feel important and valued and that our future (prospective) members also feel welcomed and embraced. 3 At TBE we have something for everyone, and it is up to you - the member - to get involved and participate. Now, I ask myself why it took so long for us to be an active part of our community. The answer is not quite that simple. At first it was filled with excuses: Working two jobs, our children need to be driven everywhere, and I donʼt have time for outside things. Iʼve always wanted to join events at temple, but our family didnʼt really know anyone and going to these events was sometimes a little awkward. I know we are all busy in our daily lives; however, it is up to all of us to keep our “vibrant community alive”. It is never too late to get involved; make a difference in our community and you will meet new people. Itʼs really exciting and fun! Be a part of our dynamic Social Action Committee, help out with Project Hope, lend your time to the Outreach Committee, or be a partner with our Membership Committee. The many opportunities are there for you to be enriched. Let us work together as a team to make TBE the place where everyone knows your name. If you want to get involved feel free to call or email the Membership Committee; we will be sure to welcome you to our TBE family. Social Action News Paula Klein, Committee Member Our Social Action Committee has a full and active calendar each year with dinners, fund drives and community services for hundreds of Huntington areas people in need. Weʼve already held the 2015 School Supply Drive, for example, and are planning our High Holy Days Food Collection, Thanksgiving Dinner and Boutique. These will soon be followed in the winter and spring by HIHI, the Purim Baby Boutique, Spaghetti Dinner and then next summerʼs BBQ - all in addition to our monthly Project Hope Dinners and ongoing food Ner Tamid pantry requests. Temple members are probably familiar with those opportunities for, Tikkun Olam -“Healing our World”- and how they might help !" !"#$%#&'()*& #$%# '()*&+,(%#&-,(& +,(%# -,(&,$.#&/$0#&& ,$.# /$0# & their less-fortunate neighbors. If you are a new member, please ask $ 112(.)%)(*& 2(.)%)(*&3(2& 3(2&4#/1"#&5#+,& 4#/1"# 5#+,&6"& 6"&)*& )*& Carol Werblin, or other committee members, how you 1" $**)*7&+,#)2&#%+$+#8& +,#)2 #%+$+#8&9(:2&7)3+&,#"1%& 9(:2 7)3+& 3 , # "1 %& 1"$**)*7& and your family can get involved. +( $%%:2#&+,#& +,#&"(*7;+#2/& "(*7;+#2/&..)$<)")+=& )$<)")+=&(3&+,#& (3 +,#& +(&&$%%:2#& While our caring volunteers are very busy with actions already planned, there are many different types of meaningful Mitzvah projects and social justice actions that we can also explore and adopt. Some of these are already underway at other Reform temples and organizations. In April, for instance, the URJ offered ways to help the victims of earthquakes in Nepal. In June, it posted prayers for the AME church in Charleston, SC where nine people were killed during their bible study. Unfortunately, there are always emergencies and a crisis to support around the globe and you can find suggestions and ideas to pursue on the URJ social action web site here. Closer to home, one nearby temple picks various causes during the year and organizes congregational charity walk-a-thons for organizations dedicated to help cure Cystic Fibrosis and Breast Cancer. Members of another local temple have sponsored community activities and volunteered their time at the Wyandanch Summer Day Camp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here are many opportunities in our Huntington community to get involved directly with organizations such as “Long Island Food Not Bombs” and Community Solidarity,Tri-Community and Youth Agency, Huntington Hospital, Family Service League or the Northport VA Medical Center, to name a few. What are your ideas and thoughts? What Social Action would you like to focus on next year and what new projects should we consider? Do you want to lead a meditation group for peace? Attend a “Lobby Day” in Albany? Invite and listen to activist speakers? Letʼs all become part of the solution both globally and locally, to heal our world and promote social justice. Audrey Gold, Chai Club President Chai Club Building Community Building “community” is one of the most important ideas in bringing Jewish people together. Chai Clubʼs summer BBQ was an excellent example. Members brought Pot Luck to share. Others grilled and took care of the BBQ. It was a wonderful experience and we had a great time. In 1990, George (H.W.) Bush signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This law helped many people follow their dreams and work and travel easier, but it was only the beginning. We celebrate the progress, but religious institutions were and still are exempt from the ADA. Was the exemption fair for people with disabilities? Do these people want and need to be part of their religious community? We do not need a law to do what is right. The entire community needs to be able to participate in the religious life of a temple. No one should feel separate from their Jewish Community. In building community no one should be left out. ADA was passed twenty-five years ago. Religious institutions should include the spirit of the law and make the location of worship and meetings etc. more inclusive of peoplesʼ needs. Let us think of people we know that have disabilities and think about how we can help them become full members of our community. Each one of us is responsible in helping to make our community more inclusive. 4 Jennifer Freed, Sisterhood President Sisterhood L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu As we start a new year, we reflect on the past, experience the present and look forward to the future. We may resolve to make certain changes for ourselves such as eating healthier, exercising more, or being a better person. Whatever your renewal plan is, let Sisterhood become a part of your life in this New Year. The Sisterhood of Temple Beth El is engaging and we strive to bring womenʼs interests, passions, and concerns to the forefront and support the Temple in a variety of ways. looking for a place to connect and feel a part of our local Jewish community. This year we hope to bring some new programs and continue some favorites like our exciting cooking classes. In October, feel empowered as we learn how to better protect ourselves through a Self Defense lesson; also in October we will get together to celebrate being a woman and femininity for Rosh Chodesh which is the new moon and start of the new Jewish month Cheshvan. We are also planning a 'Decades' Dance Party. Sisterhood provides a wide range of programming and community service opportunities including book clubs, member luncheons, cooking classes, rummage sales and blood drives. As a member, I have enjoyed past events such as Israeli dancing, painting, jewelry making, and the “awesome” New Member Luncheon held in November. Sisterhood has been a great place to meet new people, strengthen friendships and share my experiences with other women who like, me are If you are not yet a member of Sisterhood, please consider joining us. Let Sisterhood be a place to make new friends, learn, grow, and be together. We always welcome new programming ideas; feel free to share at We look forward to a fun and meaningful year. Rich Schoor, Brotherhood President Brotherhood Off to a Great Start In July, a few intrepid temple members braved the heat and humidity and endured a two and a half mile, thousand calorie nature walk in the Cold Spring Harbor State Park. The terrain at the park is very hilly and at times affords incredible vistas of the Long Island sound. The event was a way for us to enjoy our island and our community. Perhaps, even, it was a “stay-cation”. Our next event will be a nature walk, though this time it will be at the Kings Park bluffs. For those that have not been there, this walk is a hidden gem of Long Island. The trail head starts on Old Dock Road and takes walkers through pristine forest. Ultimately, the path ends on the bluff overlooking Smithtown Bay, Sunken Meadow and sound. The views are spectacular and the walk is easy. Wear long pants (rubber bands around the cuffs help) and use bug spray as a tick prevention measure. Other events in the planning phase include a whiskey tasting event and a viewing of a movie featuring the Kings Park State Hospital, followed by a walking tour of the grounds of this incredible structure: eerie, frightening, and awe inspiring all at the same time. The event dates are to be decided in the future. Hope all or at least some can attend the Menʼs Clubʼs “LI-Exploration Series.” See you there. Chutzpah is back! We are proud to present “Oliver!” in April 2016 The sense of family, the sense of community and friendship that a show brings, is paramount to what TBE stands for. We chose this particular show because we feel it is a perfect vehicle for involving the “young at heart” and children alike in the performance and/or production. There is a place for everyone and entire families can be a part of this amazing experience. Come meet your production team of Linda Braun, Ilene Davis, Erich and Li Josenhans at our “Box Office” in the Atrium on Sunday, September 20th and 27th at 9:00 a.m. Let us know what your dreams are and how we can help you achieve them. Join us for an informal and informative meeting on what to expect from auditions and rehearsals on Sunday, October 25th at 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Chutzpah Repertory Theater began in 1998 with Fiddler on the Roof and continued until 2012 with The Music Man. During those years, bonds of friendships were made, babies were born, marriages were celebrated, and children of all ages came together as one. Audition Dates: Sunday, November 8th and Thursday, November 12th. We are hoping that youʼll all come out so that you will “consider yourself” one of us. 5 High Holy Days 2015 / 5776 Schedule of Services, Festivals and Activities Saturday, September 5th S’lichot (at Temple Beth El) 8:30 p.m. Sunday, September 13th Erev Rosh Hashanah 8:00 p.m. Monday, September 14th Rosh Hashanah Morning Service (1) Children’s Activities Family Service Young Children’s Service (2) Tashlich at Gold Star Beach 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 22nd Kol Nidre 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 23rd Yom Kippur Morning Service (1) Children’s Activities Discussion Group Family Service Young Children’s Service (2) Musical Interlude Afternoon, Yizkor and Concluding Service (2) Break Fast 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sunday, September 27th Erev Sukkot 7:00 p.m. Sunday, October 4th Simchat Torah Festival & Yizkor (at Temple Beth El) 7:00 p.m. Monday, October 5th Community-Wide Simchat Torah Celebration 7:00 p.m. (at Huntington Jewish Center) (1) Babysitting is available (18 months to 5 years of age). Registration in advance is required. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated. (2) Open to the community. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES. These programs are designed for children ages 6 through 12 who may not be ready to sit through a morning service. Led by teachers from our Religious School, these creative and enjoyable activities reinforce the themes of the High Holy Days. Adults can attend morning services with the comfort of knowing their children are safely and meaningfully participating in the High Holy Day experience in a supervised setting. There is no fee for the children’s activities. FAMILY SERVICES. Families with children between the ages of 8 through 12 may wish to attend the Family Services at 1:00 p.m. Led by Diane Berg, these services, which are approximately one hour in length, provide families an opportunity to worship together during the High Holy Days. YOUNG CHILDREN’S SERVICES. Bring your younger children (pre-K through 2nd grade) to these spirited afternoon services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 2:30 p.m., led by our Rabbi and Cantor, with accompaniment from our Junior Choir. Please invite your Jewish friends with young children to attend. These services are open to the community. We wish you a healthy and Happy New Year and look forward to greeting you during the High Holy Days and throughout the upcoming year. 6 B’nei Mitzvah To Madelyn Johnston (September 26th), Samantha Lustig (October 10th), Jordana Resnikoff (October 17th), Drew Viesta (October 24th) and Joel Kaplan (October 31st) on becoming B'nei Mitzvah! Feeding the hungry is an important Mitzvah for Jordana. She has volunteered a the Soup Kitchen at Hebrew Union College in New York City and volunteered at the Reginal Food Bank at N.E. New York. She has also assited with projects for the TBE Thanksgiving Dinner and hopes to help again this year. Ethan Halle – August 29th As members of Temple Beth El, we are proud and honored that our son, Ethan will become an adult member of this community by becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Ethanʼs creative project reflects his love of hockey. He has taken a hockey stick; painted it white and has written on it, in English and Hebrew, attributes that make a hockey player. The hockey stick is meant to reflect that being a hockey player is not simply holding a stick, and that being a member of the Jewish Community is about being more that someone who has learned how to read and recite Hebrew. For her Tzedakah Project, Jordana will be making a donation to the Milton Gershon Youth Scholarship and Camp Fund. Crane Lake Camp is an important place for Jordana and another special Jewish community in her life. This summer was her fifth summer as a camper and she feels strongly about making it possible for others to attand camp and share the same experiences as she has had there. Ethan was honored to be able to contribute to this worthwhile event and the charities it benefits. Ethanʼs Tzedakah has been done with his great uncle Joel Josephs in mind. Joel has been battling Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease for which there is no known cure. Ethan has made a donation to the American Liver Foundation which seeks to find a cure for this disease. Drew Viesta – October 24th Ethanʼs Gʼmilut Chasadism was to spend a day volunteering at the Lee and Aidan McMahon Foundationʼs - Family Golf Outing to raise funds for Hospice Care Network, The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and The American Liver Foundation. He spent the day working at a kiosk on the golf course for the players as well as helping as needed. Ethan also participated in the auctions and raffle events. Jordana is excited to continue her Jewish learning in the Hebrew High School Program and looks forward to graduating from this program as her sister and brother did. She also looks forward to many more wonderful summers at Crane Lake. Temple Beth El has become a very special place for our family. Drew has been in Religious School here since the first grade and plans to continue his Jewish experience at Hebrew High in the coming year. We are grateful to Rabbi Clopper, Diane Berg and all of Drew's wonderful teachers for providing him with such a meaningful Jewish education over the years. We would also like to thank Lenny Thaw and Cantor Alison Lopatin for guiding Drew through the Bar Mitzvah process. Samantha Lustig – October 10th For his G'milut Chasadim project, Drew has chosen to give back to the temple and his community by helping with the Purim Carnival and volunteering for Project Hope. Drew has always been committed to helping animals, so for his Tzedakah Project, Drew will be making a donation to support the North Shore Animal League. Drew also enjoys learning and playing music, and will be performing a piece on the piano during his service for his Creative Project. Sammi Lustig is the last of the Lustig Sisters to become a Bat Mitzvah at Temple Beth El. She has been participating in temple programs since the age of three and even performed with her mother and sister in Chutzpahʼs “Guy and Dolls.” She is an 8th grade honor student at Oldfield Middle School and is proudly serving as one of the schoolʼs Student Government Representative. She also enjoys being on the schoolʼs Field Hockey team and in the drama club. Outside of school, she can be found most days at Stars of Tomorrow Dance Academy where she is part of their competition dance team. We are so proud of Drew for becoming a Bar Mitzvah, for all of his hard work and talent, and especially for the kind, caring and generous person that he is. Sammi has been working diligently towards becoming a Bat Mitzvah and has especially enjoyed learning the trope and applying it to her Torah and Haftarah. Following in the footsteps of her big sisters, Sammi plans to volunteer in the Religious School. She loves being around young children and looks forward to interacting with them and helping them with holiday projects and songs. She is also organizing a collection of back to school supplies and is working with HACO (Harborfields Alliance Community Outreach); an organization that assists needy families in the community. She would like to thank everyone who has helped and supported her throughout this process, and looks forward to sharing this special milestone with her parents, sisters, family and friends. Joel Kaplan – October 31st Being a member of the Temple Beth El community is very important to our family. We have a long history here, which Joel has been a part of since attending the TBE nursery school when he was two years old. We are very proud that he is continuing the legacy by becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Joel is conscious of others and his surroundings. He understands the meaning of Tikkun Olam and how important it is to contribute his time towards helping others. He participates in Project Hope and cooking meals for the Tri CYA. His creative project is two-fold. He will be making fresh Challah (from scratch!) for the Tri CYA as well as for the blessing after his service. Joel will be donating to the American Diabetes Association in loving memory of his grandfather, Ely. Jordana Resnikoff – October 17th Temple Beth El has been our familyʼs spiritual home for the past eight years. We have been eagerly looking forward to the day that Jordana becomes a Bat Mitzvah and are grateful to Diane Berg, Rabbi Clopper, Cantor Lopatin, and the teachers and staff who guided her along the way. It has been our greatest joy to watch Joel grow into an amazing and insightful young man, with the encouragement of so many educators at Temple Beth El. We look forward to his continuing on to Community Hebrew High School and building a stronger connection with his heritage. 7 8 Tributes 50th ANNIVERSARY FUND In memory of: Bernie Markowitz - Burt and Sandy Masnick Shirley Grass - Burt and Sandy Masnick Norma Lurie - Burt and Sandy Masnick ADULT EDUCATION FUND In memory of: Toby Lamhut - Mary Rosenvinge In honor of: The birth of Ace, grandson of Carol Werblin and Rich Moses - Marcia and Barry Schwalb CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND In memory of: Bernie Markowitz - Barry and Barbara Aronowsky - Mike and Surelle Heiberger Eleanor Asher - Barry and Barbara Aronowsky CARING COMMUNITY COMMITTEE FUND In memory of: Bernie Markowitz - Arnold and Eileen Shindler Martin Lerman - Joe and Judy Madenberg Bessie Baker at yahrzeit - Herb and Barbara Kreindler CAROLE VOLKMAN KITCHEN FUND In memory of: Belle Berliner and Gloria Rojak at yahrzeit - Alan and Carol Berliner CHAI TRIBUTE FUND In memory of: Bernie Markowitz - Allan and Joyce Pifko To the recovery of: Phoebe Krane - Mike and Surelle Heiberger GENERAL FUND In memory of: Shirley Grass - Diane Berg - Mary Rosenvinge - Debra and Charles Rich - Florence and Steve Roffman - Barbara Schenk - Mike and Surelle Heiberger - Louis Kurtzberg - Diane Berg - Ed Brozinsky and Janet Singer Bernard Markowitz - The Chai Club - Barbara Schenk - Peter and Joan Feilbogen - Marjorie Goldner - Phyllis and Bill Toran - Adrianne and Sheldon Dietz Norma Lurie - Phoebe Krane and Sandy Hoffman - Louis Kurtzberg - Mike and Elyse Besso - Marcia and Barry Schwalb - Dan and Carol Hittleman - Arnold and Eileen Shindler - Mary Rosenvinge - Elaine and Barry Eig - Madeline and Steven Schwartz - Janet Walerstein - Peter and Joan Feilbogen - Florence and Steve Roffman - Herb and Barbara Kreindler - Roz Finkel - Bill and Linda Wattel - Andrew and Gail Helfand - Sue and Rob Seiler - Amy Bleecher - Ada Gracin - Barbara and Richard Golden - Shelley Camens and Neal Rotter - Paula Klein and David Lieberman - Debra and Charles Rich - Robert and Eileen Baumann - Ed Brozinsky and Janet Singer - Peter and Beverly Wayne - The Lawson Family - Barry and Margo Zusman - Ellen Richer - Debi Fallenberg - Steve and Debbie Jarmon - Elisa and Tom McDonagh - Larry and Ann Simon - Cecile Gruer - Joe and Judy Madenberg - Barry and Barbara Aronowsky - Igal and Ela Shenkelman - Rabbi Beth Klafter - Linda Braun and Ilene Davis - The Mont Family - Adrianne and Sheldon Dietz - Lawrence and Roberta Monat - Robin Grass and Una Warde - Stewart and Jamie Samuel - Sara Pokross Toby Wattel at yarhzeit - Bill and Linda Wattel Margaret Prince at yahrzeit - Peter and Joan Feilbogen Ethel Podgainy at yahrzeit - Martin Podgainy Ronnie Palmet at yahrzeit - David and Deena Purow Edwin Jedeikin at yahrzeit - Howard Schneider and Miriam Rosen Lena Siegel at yahrzeit - Andrew and Carol Calev Arthur Zellermayer at yahrzeit - Howard and Molla Gary Eleanor Coleman at yahrzeit - Mike and Surelle Heiberger Anthony Toran, Hattie Toran and Sylvia Gelbman at yahrzeit - Bill and Phyllis Toran Doris Taffel at yahrzeit - Mike and Surelle Heiberger Win Braun at yahrzeit - Ed and Roseann Braun Wayne Palmet at yahrzeit - David and Deena Purow Hortense Kleet at yahrzeit - Warren and Diane Kleet Stanley Harnick at yahrzeit - Peter and Naomi Rothenberg Benjamin Calev at yahrzeit - Andrew and Carol Calev Arthur Kaplan at yahrzeit - Elaine Kaplan Mark Ruskin at yahrzeit - Joanne Fried Morton Slippen at yahrzeit - Michael and Carol Slippen Irving Schneider at yahrzeit - Edythe Schneider Lewis Kaplan at yahrzeit - Mike and Randee Epstein Gertrude Gary at yahrzeit - Howard and Molla Gary Milton Mishkit at yahrzeit - Gladys Mishkit Norbert Kanigel at yahrzeit - Laura and Gerald Jackson 9 Herbert Rothenberg at yahrzeit - Alan and Brycie Kristel Maxwell Kleet at yahrzeit - Warren and Diane Kleet Arthur Mildener at yahrzeit - Barry Mildener and Richard Pitch Jack Friedman at yahrzeit - Burt and Laura Klayman Sophie Israel at yahrzeit - Mark and Heidi Aronson George and Rhoda Goldberg at yahrzeit - Alan and Jackie Goldberg William Jacob Weber at yahrzeit - Nanci Weber and Bernie Schaeffer Anita Feinstein at yahrzeit - Brian and Jean Feinstein Eva Axinn at yahrzeit - Lennard and Ann Axinn Bernard Siesel at yahrzeit - Harold and Joan Blog In honor of: The birth of Ace, grandson of Carol Werblin and Rich Moses - Barbara Schenk - Diane Berg The birth of Jackson, grandson of Marjorie and Stephen Levy - Florence and Steve Roffman Daniel Shenkelman becoming a Bar Mitzvah - Sue and Rob Seiler Evan Schneider's high school graduation - Sue and Rob Seiler Sarah Clopper becoming a Bat Mitzvah - Shelley Camens and Neal Rotter - Ellen Richer Diane Berg's celebration - Ellen Richer - Debra Cutler-Lurie - Mike and Hillary Epstein The birth of Neve, great-grandson of Arthur and Linda Mont - Robert and Eileen Baumann The birth of Aaro and Jackson, grandsons of Marjorie and Stephen Levy - Robert and Eileen Baumann Erica Seiler's marriage to Aaron Matzkin - Marcia and Barry Schwalb - Diane Berg Mike and Cecile Fallon's "150th" birthday - Barbara Schenk Joanne Fried's son Michael's marriage to Kenneth Matos - Diane Berg The birth of Eden, granddaughter of Norman and Harriet Copel - Barbara Schenk To the recovery of: Herb Kreindler - Joe and Judy Madenberg - Phyllis and Bill Toran - Mike and Surelle Heiberger Nanci Weber - Mike and Surelle Heiberger MARJ BLAUMAN MEMORIAL FUND In honor of: Phyllis and Bill Toran's grandson becoming a Bar Mitzvah - Barbara Schenk MILTON GERSHON YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP AND CAMP FUND In honor of: The birth of Jackson, grandson of Marjorie and Stephen Levy - Norman and Harriet Copel Their daughter Emily receiving her doctorate degree - Norman and Harriet Copel Bernie Markowitz - Dan and Carol Hittleman - Herb and Barbara Kreindler - Joe and Judy Madenberg Dorothy Goldman at yahrzeit - Sue and Rob Seiler In honor of: The birth of Ace, grandson of Carol Werblin and Rich Moses - Florence and Steve Roffman - Sue and Rob Seiler - Marjorie and Stephen Levy - Mary Rosenvinge - Debbie Fischman and Perry Wiseblatt Sue and Rob Seiler's daughter Erica's marriage to Aaron - Debra and Charles Rich - Lisa and Rob Fishman - Steve and Debbie Jarmon Cantor Sherry receiving her doctorate degree - Lisa and Rob Fishman Rabbi Clopper, for all of his support with Daniel becoming a Bar Mitzvah - The Lawson Family MUSIC AND CULTURAL ARTS FUND In memory of: Bernie Markowitz - Richard and Beverly Iserson - Lois Spritzer - Barbara and Cliff Bart In honor of: Their grandson David's graduation from Julliard - Sheldon and Toby Smolokoff To the recovery of: Burt Klayman - Sheldon and Toby Smolokoff OUTREACH FUND In memory of: Shirley Grass - Claire Joseph RABBI CLOPPER’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of: Shirley Grass, and in thanks to Rabbi Clopper for a meaningful funeral service - Robin Grass and Una Warde Lee Fisher at yahrzeit - Mollie Sugarman In honor of: Howard Schneider's presidency - Sylvia Rosen - Marlene and Gerald Rosen Rabbi Clopper - Jane Goldblatt RELIGIOUS SCHOOL ENRICHMENT FUND In memory of: Norma Lurie - Surelle and Mike Heiberger - Barbara Schenk - Ellen Gray and Paul Siudzinski - Dr. Craig Fluhr - Susan Eginton - Michael and Sharon Siegel - Diane Kremin - Audrey Gold Irving Schneider at yahrzeit - Howard Schneider and Miriam Rosen Elaine Myers at yahrzeit - Howard Schneider and Miriam Rosen In honor of: Diane Berg - Lisa and Rob Fishman Logan Toran becoming a Bar Mitzvah - Phyllis and Bill Toran Daniel Lawson becoming a Bar Mitzvah - Daniel Lawson Andrew Schaeffer's first job - Barbara Schenk To the recovery of: Janet Widawsky - Phyllis and Bill Toran RHEA LIEBMAN MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND In memory of: Bernie Markowitz - Marjorie and Stephen Levy Norma Lurie - Marjorie and Stephen Levy In honor of: The birth of Eden, granddaughter of Norman and Harriet Copel - Marjorie and Stephen Levy RITUAL BEAUTIFICATION FUND In memory of: Philip Stein - Debra and Charles Rich SEYMOUR LILKER MIROSLAV HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Rose Kurtzberg and Minnie Siegel at yahrzeit - Louis Kurtzberg SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE FUND In memory of: Shirley Grass - Sue and Rob Seiler Norma Lurie - Robin and Bob Zucker Adele Berkoff - Leslie Strickland Condolences... To Surelle Heiberger and family, on the death of her cousin, Diane Brown, on May 15th, 2015. To Diane Berg and family, on the death of her cousin, Tessa Kagan, on June 6th, 2015. To David Gordon and family, on the death of his mother, Anita Gordon, on June 12th, 2015. To Diane Berg and family, on the death of her mother, Norma Lurie, on June 18th, 2015. To Jeffrey Ehrman and family, on the death of his brother, David Ehrman, on June 22nd, 2015. To Leslie Strickland and family, on the death of her mother, Adele Berkoff, on June 28th, 2015. To Robin Grass and family, on the death of her mother, Shirley Grass, on July 6th, 2015. To Joseph Marino and family, on the death of his mother, Carmela Marino, on July 8th, 2015. To Eric Wuss and family, on the death of his father, Joseph K. Wuss, on July 30, 2015. To Mike and Cecile Fallon, on their "150th" birthday. To Joanne Fried, on her son Michael's marriage to Kenneth Matos, on July 4, 2015. To Minna Seligson, on the birth of her granddaughter, Jada Sky, on July 6, 2015. To Sue and Rob Seiler, on the marriage of their daughter, Erica, to Aaron Matzkin. To Sheldon and Toby Smolokoff, on their grandson David's graduation from Julliard. To Harriet and Norman Copel, on their daughter Emily receiving her doctorate degree, and on the birth of their granddaughter, Eden Laila, on July 27, 2015. To Carol Werblin and Richard Moses on the birth of their grandson, Ace Henry, on July 11, 2015. To Lisi Viesta, Barbara Golden, Jean Feinstein and Heidi Aronson on becoming B'not Mitzvah on August 22, 2015. 10 REHABILITATION • LONG-TERM CARE • ASSISTED LIVING • HOME CARE Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehavilitation Center • Gurwin Home Care Gurwin Jewish - Fay J. lindner Residences 11 Yahrzeits September 1-7 Bea Bernstein - mother of Li Josenhans Joseph Hellman - father of Stuart Hellman Walter Prince - uncle of Joan Feilbogen Ruth L. Berk - cousin of Joan Blog Morris Kleinman - grandfather of Allan Pifko Edward Gilman - father of Doug Gilman Marilynne Ginsberg - mother of Alyssa Slansky Martin Levy - father of Lorraine Baron William J. Whitehorn - father of Lisa Fishman Sarah Ruddel - grandmother of Julie Nace Freda Schneider - mother of Rita Kleinman - grandmother of Idelle Kleinman Benjamin Siegel - grandfather of Carol Calev James Strickland - father of James Strickland Esther Lazar - grandmother of Alina Ricci Harvey Hermer - uncle of June Hermer-Fried Lena Zorn - mother of Anita Cohen September 8-14 Norman Bronstein - father of Bryce Bronstein Marion Brown - mother of Toby Smolokoff Annie Le - fiancée of Jonathan Widawsky Bernard Linder - father of Suanne Chiacchiaro Anna Berman - mother of Marlene Zamari Helen Moskowitz - mother of Kenny Moskowitz Jerry Barsha - uncle of Ellen Gray Mollie Bernstein - grandmother of Li Josenhans William Cohen - grandfather of Carrie Pearlman Morris Gillet - father of Jason Gillet Israel Needleman - father of Eileen Darwin Barbara Williams - mother of Jeffrey Williams David Chernick - father of Cindy Halpern John Farrell - brother of Maureen Bertuch Sam Fried - grandfather of Diane Berg Lillian Tassell - aunt of William Toran James Warde - father of Una Warde Michael Farrell - brother of Maureen Bertuch Otto Ratner - father of Ellen Richer Arnold F. Bergman - father of Stanley Bergman Max Berliner - father of Alan Berliner Milton Cohen - father of Eve Morales Samuel Heiberger - father of Michael Heiberger Norman Morett - father of Claudia Morett Sally Wiseman - mother of Ellen Storch Marsha Freed - mother of Jen Freed Jill Kipnes - wife of Andrew Kipnes Loni Herzfeld - mother of David Herzfeld Mary Moran - aunt of Una Warde Everett Silverman - father of Micah Silverman Kate Korobow - mother of Amy Korobow Stanley Rand - father of Andrea Levenbaum Julia Waldbaum - gran dmother of Marjorie Levy September 15-21 William Bard - father of Susan Ng Evelyn Bork - sister of Linda Mont Rose Fisher - grandmother of Carol Calev Norman Goldner - husband of Marjorie Goldner Victor Rose - uncle of Elaine Eig Elias Besso - father of Michael Besso Betty Jason - mother of Eleanor Perlman David Blond - uncle of Irving Klein Bernard London - father of Bernard London Fannie Gildin - mother of Herbert Gildin Martin Simowitz - son of Fran Simowitz Bertha Susswein - grandmother of David Susswein Carol Etkin - mother of Jennifer Herman Arthur Geisler - father of Lynn Geisler Bette Rapaport - grandmother of Jane Shallat Stanley Rubenstein - father of Danna Kaplan Helen Ackerman - mother of Herbert Walerstein (z:l) Toby Geisler Wasserman - mother of Lynn Geisler Aurel Rozen - father of Barry Rozen Molly Shifrin - grandmother of Laurel Atkinson October 1-7 Alfred Brandt - father of Beverly Wayne Martha Prince - mother of Joan Feilbogen Alexander Schonbrun - father of Linda Mahler Claraellen Bookheim - mother of Linda Bookheim Widerman Jeryl Cohen - daughter of Selma Cohen Swaim Rose Goldberg - sister of Fran Simowitz Alfred Hollander - brother of Lucille Mayer Selma Gorrin - aunt of Ellen Gray Julia Palmer - mother of Marion Bergman Robert Shaw - father of Gary Shaw Henry H. Spiner - father-in-law of Martin Podgainy Herman Cohen - grandfather of Eve Morales Paul Wang - father of Peter Wayne Morton Baker - brother of Barbara Kreindler William Lichtenstein - grandfather of Sarah Lichtenstein Max Kellerman - grandfather of Beth Gilman Rose Weinbaum - grandmother of Beth Gilman September 22-31 Leroy Donders - father of Arlen Donders Seymour Levenbaum - father of Andrew Levenbaum Ruth Porper - grandmother of Suzie Lustig Ettie Rose - aunt of Elaine Eig Rosella Samilowitz - mother-in-law of Fran Simowitz Herman Farber - father of Lois Spritzer Eleanor Jackson - grandmother of Ellen Gray Marilyn Podgainy - wife of Martin Podgainy Lawrence Grass - father of Robin Grass Gertrude Mendelsohn - mother of Beverly Iserson Abraham Eisenberg - grandfather of Jill Plosky Rubin Szpitalnik - father of Lisette Hirsch Ella Ullmann - mother of Jane Goldblatt Philip Kaufman - father of Jonah Kaufman Reba Park - grandmother of Randal Williams Diana Kurtzberg - mother of Louis Kurtzberg Loren Selix - father of Stephanie Kellerman David Aronson - father of Mark Aronson October 8-14 Shelley Finkler - sister of Judy Fairbanks George Schneider - grandfather of Idelle Kleinman - father of Rita Kleinman Irving Silverman - father of Judy Madenberg Phyllis Nathanson - mother of Steven Nathanson Samuel "Gordon" Strenger - father of Mara Strenger Celia Goldsmith - grandmother of David Eysler Mortimer Gross - father of Carol Hittleman Jerry Bass - father of Lisa Polese Frances Kyle - aunt of Li Josenhans Ida Winter - mother of Robert Winter Lawrence Gordon - father of Carol Leinwand Arthur Shaiman - brother of Norman Shaiman William Jacob Weber, III - brother of Nanci Weber Irwin Becker - husband of Audrey Gold Mariela Espinoza - friend of Vivian Fleischer Etta Hyde Reich - mother-in-law of Fran Hyde 12 October 15-21 Mollye Levine - grandmother of David Levine Sarah Lilker - stepmother of Seymour Lilker (z:l) Lyla Stein - mother of Glenn Stein Jerome Karpf - father of Andrew Karpf Bernard Schwartz - father of Jack Schwartz Solomon Cohen - father of Burt Cohen Mark Lubroth - father of Ilene Schapero Elise Morett - sister of Claudia Morett Herbert Siegel - father of Carol Calev Leon Dorfman - father of Marilynn Perlin William Englander - father of Carrie Taibi Murray Golub - father of Barry Golub Martin Greenberg - grandfather of Micah Silverman Marian Nester - aunt of Michael Fallon Diane Bauman - mother of Michele Stollow Suzanne Danis - wife of Martin Podgainy Gertrude Henoch - mother of Gilbert Henoch October 22-31 Gary Roffman - brother of Steve Roffman Larry Swaim - husband of Selma Cohen Swaim Jacob Marsh - father of Susan Wolff Sonia Rapaport - mother of Jane Shallat Annalea Rosen - stepmother of Carol Rosen Lillian Iserson - mother of Richard Iserson Mina Klein - wife of Irving Klein - mother of Mary Klein - mother of Lynn Kaufman Sylvia Nadler - mother of Suzanne Blum Faye Richman - mother of Ira Richman Max Samilowitz - father-in-law of Fran Simowitz Beth Short - cousin of Li Josenhans Joan Wyckoff - mother of Jennifer Shore Shirley Werblin - mother of Carol Werblin Edith Lipkind Wilson - mother of Victoria Wilaon Richard Wilson - father of Victoria Wilson Winnie Cohen - grandmother of Eve Morales Gertude Fastow - mother of Gloria Gildin Hannah Lifson - mother of Robert Lifson Max Goldberg - father of Fran Simowitz Bessie Baris - grandmother of Sharon Freeman Vera Warshaw - mother of Bonnie Braun Pediatric Dental Specialist !"#$%&'$()*"+&%,)-."($%,$/&) !"#$%&'()'*+,-./&.%0'11*0'23' -"'0$+1 &2" -."($%, *"+&%, 3""#/ 45 6+5%+&/7 82$,#'"+7 %+# -."($%, 3""#/ !%&$"+&/9 4 3"567/5.-8$%9'2%.:.-8/:.'1.-8$7';/</8<'="%'+,/7&%.-' ' >?'5"-8,<'"='$@.'$-&'A-&.%' ' 4 1/@/8$7'BC%$9<' 4'D"-C5.%+A%9'+"-8$/-/-@'=/77/-@<' ' :;< =%$+ -&'""& CD+&$+1&4+ E$,,%1" ="GH"' 45 &2" IG"'$(%+ I(%#"GJ 45 !"#$%&'$( *"+&$/&'J <>? @%'A5$",# B4%# F%/& 34'&2.4'& <;:K:;LM <N?KM:O; ###),#<&&<)+"5'"%'<+$-'8,.'+"&.'EE! ! Scan our QR code 716 New York Avenui U Huntington, NY Ph: 631-421-025n U Fax: 631-421-0308 Hours: Monday - Friday - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. *Large selection of wedding & B’nei Mitzvah invitations *Quality Printing for all occasions Business & Social, Digital Full Color, Black and White Printing, Offset Printing, Graphic Design, Bindery, Copy Services, Posters and Banners 13 Did you know? !"#$!%&'$%($)*'+,'-+%'$%((#./$0.%-.12/$(%.$3#',%./4 5%#+.67$812#/7$51.+,#/7$9#:,+1+,%'$1':$;%-17 $ <.+/7$=,'-%7$>*'?"$1':$/%$2*?"$2%.#@ <>/%$A$0.%-.12/$(%.$(.1,>$/#',%./7$,'?>*:,'+"%/#$&,+"$2,>:$<>B"#,2#.C/7 D#2#'+,1$01+,#'+/7$1':$51.E,'/%'C/F Transportation Available! 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