Summer 2016 - Beth Am Synagogue
Summer 2016 - Beth Am Synagogue
A Visit to Rodeph Shalom Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg and Jullie Gottlieb, President SUMMER 2016 SIVAN/TAMUZ 5776 CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM RABBI & PRESIDENT 1 CANTOR’S CORNER 5 CONGREGATIONAL LEARNING 8 UPCOMING EVENTS 10* COMMUNITY NEWS 21 CONTRIBUTIONS 22 FUND DESIGNATION 27 *throughout bulletin US ON BethAmBaltimore On a wet Sunday in late May, about 30 Beth Am’ers trekked by bus to Philadelphia to visit a historic Reform synagogue on North Broad Street. Although Rodeph Shalom has more than twice as many members as Beth Am and occupies an entire city block, its story parallels ours in many ways. After years of maintaining both suburban and city locations, Rodeph Shalom decided to locate exclusively on Broad Street, which was a largely poor and formerly neglected neighborhood. Their fund-raising campaign and building project have played a major role in the area’s revitalization. Like Beth Am, Rodeph Shalom’s home is a majestic 1920’s Moorish style structure which was in need of infrastructure improvement and restoration. Like Beth Am, they were in desperate need of additional space for education and community gatherings, and more suitable space for “chapel” services. The nature and scale of Rodeph Shalom’s engagement with its surrounding community is somewhat different from Beth Am’s but they, too, aimed to make their synagogue more open to the neighborhood. The results are impressive. The synagogue building was completely renovated and boasts a beautiful, light-filled addition, complete with courtyard, community gathering spaces, and accessible facilities. The magnificent sanctuary was fully continues on page 3 A Trip to Rodeph Shalom continued 2 restored and modestly altered to accommodate more intimate worship on Shabbat. They created functional education and administrative space. Attractive landscaping replaced a chain link fence around the building, and the synagogue hosts a weekly farmer’s market which attracts congregants and neighborhood residents. Take a look at their website: The eight professional, clergy, and lay leaders who hosted us so graciously described a long and challenging process of fund raising. But the commitment to their city location, the campaign, and the construction process catalyzed ideas and engagement among congregants and attracted new members. They maintained clarity of vision throughout the project and adjusted plans in response to both new ideas and financial constraints. For example, parts of walls designed to match the original building’s stone façade were replaced with large windows in order to open the building to the neighborhood. Once they identified a way to make the sanctuary feel more intimate, the community room which was initially intended in part for chapel worship was re-envisioned for many other purposes. There are several notable differences between Rodeph Shalom and Beth Am, but there are enough similarities to reinforce our confidence that, with participation and perseverance, and fidelity to our core values, the goals of Tradition and Transformation: The Campaign for Beth Am are within our reach. 3 While there are many ways to give to Beth Am, we hope you will consider supporting the Synagogue’s missions by making a bequest to Beth Am in your will or living trust. Making a bequest allows you to combine your financial planning with philanthropy to make a lasting investment in the future of our congregation. Contact your attorney to learn how you can make a bequest to Beth Am. 4 CANTOR’S CORNER Summer Thinking List Cantor Ira Greenstein Most summers I have offered a reading list for people to consider. This year, as an alternative, I would like to offer a THINKING list, that is, seven “big” questions which you might try to tackle as periodic dinner conversation or chatter while pretending you are soaking up sun on the beach. Each question below is derived from some aspect of the prayer service, and my hope is that you will come back with a newfound perspective on the prayers we recite each week. Perhaps you will find that your answers change over time, or that answers evade you. I think that is normal, as we grow and confront challenges in our lives. Enjoy! Question 1: How much, and in what manner, does God intervene in our individual lives? Each New Moon, we ask God for a month of goodness, health, wealth, etc. We ask on Friday night that we lie down in peace and awake, avoiding all kinds of sickness and travail. We ask for peace. Is there a line which we draw, as individuals, that perhaps defines how interventionist our personal God is? Question 2: Would God really let us humans destroy His creations? One of our roles on earth is to watch over God’s creatures and the environment. Yet, humankind is able to cause extinctions of species, we kill ourselves in conflicts, and we invent (and used twice) nuclear arms against our own. Or are we just being selfcentered, actually an annoyance in the universe of the Almighty? What IS our place in the world? Question 3: How are we Jews distinct from other religions? In the Aleinu prayer, we note how God did not make us like the other peoples of the world. In many prayer books, we removed the lines from this prayer which described the other peoples … in my opinion, with good reason, since the traditional text says that other people “worship nothingness and vanity, praying to a god (hinted, Jesus) who cannot save them.” If we had our druthers, what would we re-insert? Or would we follow at least one course used in some Reform services, 5 and just describe ourselves more fully (that our responsibility is to praise God’s name …)? Question 6: What is the meaning of Echad? In the opening of the Shema, various translations of this work are: One, Alone, Is One, etc. Is it “all of the above” or is there some meaning that word has for Said another way, would Judaism us personally? I happen to love serve us just as well if the Torah the ambiguity in a term like this, had no historical basis and was but are you personally willing to the equivalent of an elder sitting forego a definition as a tenet of in the middle of his village’s our theology? circle and telling the tales of ancient community history? Is Question 7: Do I really believe it important that there was in Heaven, or some refuge for our a revelation at Sinai, or an spirit when our body fails? escape from Egypt, or an actual character of Joseph, or …? Is the concept of a life after death something we feel is, or might Question 5: What does the be, or is it a fiction made to help word “bless” mean? us better cope with death … or something else? In Yizkor and We bless God, God blesses us, elsewhere, we pray for the souls we bless each other … what’s of our departed brethren, and we this about? Does God need our regularly refer to joining God in blessing? What does a blessing Heaven where God is surrounded accomplish, that we recite dozens by his angels. Is this something of them daily? we are willing to consider, or is it strictly some metaphor which has worked for us over the millennia, serving some purpose for us? Question 4: Does it really matter if the Torah is historically accurate? 6 LUNCH& learn WILL RETURN IN THE FALL MONTHLY ON TUESDAYS NOON - 1 PM Join Beth Am congregants and friends for Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Daniel Burg and Rabbi Kelley Gludt. All are welcome. Please bring a fish/dairy lunch. 5777 THEME: EXPLORING PROVOCATIVE AND PERTINENT THEMES IN OUR FIVE LITURGICAL SCROLLS Schedule: September 20 November 15 December 20 In the spirit of volunteerism, we would like to invite you to help clean up after Kiddush Lunch. Join our unofficial clean up crew to make the transition quicker and cleaner than ever before. Make it a mitzvah! From time to time Beth Am members ask for help in the following ways: • Rides to shul and events • Rides to doctor appointments • One-Dish Meals for those who are ill • Occasional errands Beth Am’s Congregant to Congregant (C2C) committee wants to provide these services for our members. Please indicate your interest to Joyce Keating: WE NEED USHERS! Imagine being a guest at Beth Am, walking in the door and being greeted by a warm, welcoming and friendly face, and feeling like you found your new Jewish home. Sign up at to greet our Shabbat guests, and help them understand why our members say Beth Am, “Feels like home.” 7 CONGREGATIONAL LEARNING Rabbi Kelley Gludt The famous and articulate sage, Rabbi Hillel, said “Knowledge not increased is knowledge decreased. One who does not study deserves to die.” (Pirke Avot 1:13) Strong words, but that does not discount the truth of the message: learning is a life-affirming value and has been both a Jewish ideal and priority for centuries. This past year has been an amazing year of learning for us as a community. But, as always, there is still so much more to be done! And while as summer looms we may dream of a short break from the pressing tasks at hand, we cannot be freed from our obligation to keep learning, studying and expanding the limits of our knowledge. To this end, I encourage all of our students, day school, Lab, young families, teens and adults, to set aside some serious time and make a strong commitment to continue learning through the long, lazy and luxurious months of summer. Acquiring an education is no easy 8 task, and it is so difficult to see the attrition that three months “off” has on the hard-earned leaps forward that our children have made in both their Judaic and Hebrew studies. So this summer, send a message to your children that learning never goes on hiatus, while at the same time reinforcing the invaluable Jewish education and Hebrew skills they have worked so hard to acquire. A few suggestions: • Assign your children three Jewish books to read this summer. • Read the Torah portion each week with your child. • Come to Shabbat services. • Check out the following websites to keep your children up on their Hebrew skills: http://www.learnhebrewpod. com/ Happy learning! From every person whose heart is willing take my offering...and make me a holy space that I may dwell among them. - Exodus 25 Thank you to everyone who has so generously contributed to this year’s Annual Fund. We hope for 100% participation from the Beth Am family in support of our synagogue. Please make your donation now by calling Ricky Fine at (410) 358-2380. 9 UPCOMING EVENTS BAYITT We are young adults in our 20s and 30s transforming Jewish life in Baltimore City by building an egalitarian, socially conscious Jewish community. Check us out at 10 The highly anticipated cookbook from Beth Am’s beloved food maven, “In the Kitchen with Harriet, Vol.2” is now available. Hardcover: $25 Paperback: $18 The net proceeds benefit Beth Am. Order/Reserve your copy today! 410-523-2446 or Once-a-month, K esher becomes Kesher L’Neshama! Come prepared to learn new and uplifting melodies as we raise our voices, engage o ur souls, and expand our horizons! As a kindness to neighbors without parking pads or garages, please park in the Beth Am parking lot behind the Esplanade Apartments unless you have mobility or accessibility concerns. The lot is accessible from Brooks Lane and Beth Am’s spaces are designated by blue stripes. Take care to park only in the Beth Am spaces to avoid being towed (at your expense). Last Date for 5776: June 18, 2016 SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE MEETING NEXT MEETING: September 2016 Contact Jackie Donowitz, or Arthur Shulman, to get involved. 11 We’re Putting our Communications “Under Construction” Coming in July...the Marketing Committee and staff want to better understand how you want your Beth Am news. Watch for a survey arriving in your in-box and mailbox requesting your feedback on the way we communicate with you via weekly email/social media. What’s going on with my calendar!?! With a double issue, we included the calendar for the next two months so you can pull it out and display on your fridge. 20 27 26 MONDAY 19 SUNDAY 28 21 TUESDAY JUNE 2016 29 22 30 23 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 24 8:18pm Candle Lighting July 1 6:00pm Services in the Park (pg. 10) 8:19pm Candle Lighting FRIDAY 2 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Service 11:15 am Shabbat Yachad 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15am Shabbat Yachad 25 SATURDAY IYYAR SIVAN If you are interested in sharing your Jewish journey, please contact Michael Sanow at Held after Kiddush lunch, congregants share their personal interpretation of what Judaism means to them and how they integrate Judaism into their daily lives. 5776 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY June 26 27 28 29 3 4 Independence Day Office Closed 5 Rosh Chodesh 1 Sivan 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 August 1 2 3 Rosh Chodesh Cantor Greenstein’s Trip to Spain begins Rabbi Burg’s Fellowship begins MISS THE RABBI? WE DO TOO. PLEASE NOTE THAT RABBI BURG WILL BE IN ISRAEL UNTIL JULY 28TH FOR HIS FELLOWSHIP. FRIDAY SATURDAY 30 1 7 8 15 Trip to Spain Ends 8:13pm Candle Lighting 21 22 29 23 30 6 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15 am DIY Shabbat Yachad 5776 SIVAN TAMUZ 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15 am DIY Shabbat Yachad 5 7:55pm Candle Lighting 2016 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15 am DIY Shabbat Yachad 6:00pm Services in the Park 8:18pm Candle Lighting 4 Rosh Chodesh 1 Tamuz 16 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services (Last Reading by Jordana) 11:15 am Shabbat Yachad 8:08pm Candle Lighting 28 9 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15 am DIY Shabbat Yachad 6:00pm BAYITT (pg. 10) 8:15pm Candle Lighting 14 2 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Service 11:15 am Shabbat Yachad 8:18pm Candle Lighting JULY THURSDAY 2016 22 29 28 15 14 21 8 7 Tisha B’av 1 July 31 30 23 16 9 2 31 24 17 10 3 September 1 25 18 11 4 Rosh Chodesh SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AUGUST 7:16pm Candle Lighting 7:27pm Candle Lighting 7:37pm Candle Lighting 6:00pm BAYITT 7:46pm Candle Lighting 7:55pm Candle Lighting 2 26 19 12 5 SATURDAY TAMUZ AV 6 3 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15am DIY Shabbat Yachad 8:45 am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15am DIY Shabbat Yachad 27 8:45am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15am DIY Shabbat Yachad 20 8:45 am DIY Torah Study 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15am DIY Shabbat Yachad 8:30pm Tisha B’Av 13 9:30am Kesher Services 11:15am DIY Shabbat Yachad Rosh Chodesh Av 1 8:45am DIY Torah Study FRIDAY 5776 GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL/FUTURE FRESHMAN Alexis Hudes, Park School of Baltimore Future Freshman of Bates College Toby Spokes, Jemicy Upper School Future Freshman of Lasell College (parents are Ellen and Jeff Spokes) GRADUATING UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM Sydney Chasin, Edinburgh Napier Aaron Kraft, Clark University Future Graduate student at University of British Columbia (parents are Kristi Aho and Jim Kraft) Kate Scher, College of Charleston (parents are Judith Schagrin and David Scher) Daniel Stern, Yale University (parents are Joanne Gold & Andy Stern) COMPLETING GRADUATE PROGRAM Eric Raphael Gottlieb, University of Maryland, School of Medicine (parents are Julie and Steve Gottlieb) Leah Jacobs, University of Maryland (parents are Lou and Erica Jacobs) Rebecca Stainman, Drexel University School of Medicine Starting residency in Pediatric Neurology at NYU (parents are Bonnie and Stuart Stainman) CONGRATULATIONS, GRADUATES! SANCTUARY SERVICES Our next Sanctuary Services will be December 3, 2016 Join the “Kiddush Krew” and help make our kiddush buffet extra enticing and delicious! In preparation for our Sanctuary Shabbatot, we ask you to put your culinary skills to work by sharing with the congregation a recipe which no one will be able to resist. Your delectable donation will help Beth Am live up to its motto “Feels like Home.” Sign up: or contact Desiree at Held after Kiddush lunch, congregants share their personal interpretation of what Judaism means to them and how they integrate Judaism into their daily lives. If you are interested in sharing your Jewish journey, please contact Michael Sanow, HIGH HOLY DAY SEATING Reserve your seats for the High Holy Days! Fill out the form and pay online: BABYSITTERS NEEDED! We need to add to our bench of baby-sitters for Shabbat Yachad and other special events. Learn more about this opportunity by emailing Josh at 18 Memorial Plaque Dedications Order memorial plaques for the High Holyday dedication by July 15. To order a Memorial Plaque, to be added to the Beth Am Memorial Tablets in the Sanctuary lobby, please complete this form. Memorial Plaque Form *Current Cost: $550 (before July 1) $595 after July 1 Please make all checks payable to Beth Am. Return forms to: Beth Am Synagogue, 2501 Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Maryland 21217 Fax (410) 523-1729 If you have any questions, please contact Nakia at the Beth Am office: (410) 523-2446 or I would like to order ________ plaques. At *$550 each (total): _________ Option 1: Order plaques Option 2: Reserve plaques ______________________________________ _______ I would like to pre-order a “Reserved” plaque. _______ Quantity Your Name ______________________________________ Address (line 1) ______________________________________ Your Name ______________________________________ Address (line 2) ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ Phone ______________________________________ English Name of the Deceased ______________________________________ His/Her relationship to you ______________________________________ English Date of Death (month, date, year) ______________________________________ Hebrew Date of Death (month, date, year) Please indicate the time of death: _______AM ______PM 19 20 COMMUNITY NEWS PRAYERS FOR HEALING Mark Nelson John Martin Marks Peggye Remilleux Bert Rosenheck Murray Rose Cole DeLorme Joshua Simon Elise Cohen Koby Gruenwald Bette Cotzin Christine Fletcher Frank Rosenstein Lenore & Marvin Berman Debi Manhein Russell Kassman Archer Senft Stuart Millison Ned Pollard Scott Silverstine Mike Hess 50+ ANNIVERSARIES Matthew & Gladys Freedman David & Eleanor Goldstein Richard & Miriam Joseph J. Mark & Lorraine Schapiro Nelson & Sara Fishman Albert & Nadja Pats Ivan & Gala Stern Avraham & Marcia Amith Kalman & Myra Hettleman Herbert & Harriet Goldman Edward & Joanne Wallach Roger & Harriet Garfink Edward & Joan Sills David & Diane Levine Marcia & Robert Kargon Herschel & Judith Langenthal Neal & Winifred Borden 12-Jun 14-Jun 18-Jun 18-Jun 20-Jun 20-Jun 20-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 24-Jun 24-Jun 30-Jun 03-Jul 04-Jul 14-Jul 26-Jul 31-Jul MAZEL TOV Rachel Fishman Feddersen on becoming Forward’s Publisher (daughter of Merle & David Fishman) Betty Samuels Seidel on receiving the Builder of Unity Award at the Federation of Jewish Women’s Organizations of Maryland‘s Centennial Anniversary Celebration Elizabeth Weese on the birth of her seventh grandson, Caleb Dalton Staszewski (parents are Emily and Kay Weese) RECENT DEATHS Steve Kraft, brother of Jim Kraft (Kristi Aho) Gail Bendit Anthony “Tony” Perlman, husband of Patsy Perlman Leonard Sachs, husband of Lainy LeBow-Sachs, stepfather of Carrie LeBow Charlie Blair Ron Silberberg Burton Gold Alexa Moinkoff Merle & Murray Sachs Lottie Greene Donald Allen Hilda Coyne Vickie Dorf Fran Kanterman 70+ BIRTHDAYS Carol Traub Shirley Braverman Barbara Magid Jacqueline Donowitz Jane Glick Nancy Holder Ruth Berger-Kline Ann Frazier David Jones Dovey Kahn Eleanor Goldstein Charles Angell Barbara Gamse RosellenFleishman Helen Sandy Winters George Hess, Jr. Allan Krumholz Stuart Stainman Victoria Dorf Ellen Fine Harris Goldberg Ricky Fine Emile Bendit David Kornblatt Sanford Shapiro Deborah Singer Ellen Blaustein Mary Jacobs Marion Pines Linda Weisfeldt Frances Rubenstein Birdie Hack Albert Pats Harvey Singer Miriam Davidoff Patricia Joseph Gloria Askin Herbert Goldman Lawrence Polakoff Diane Abeloff Leonard Estis Myra Hettleman Alfred Moses Stephen Weiner Renate Milewich 03-Jun 04-Jun 04-Jun 06-Jun 07-Jun 08-Jun 09-Jun 10-Jun 12-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun 14-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 16-Jun 18-Jun 20-Jun 21-Jun 22-Jun 23-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun 28-Jun 30-Jun 01-Jul 02-Jul 06-Jul 07-Jul 07-Jul 12-Jul 14-Jul 16-Jul 16-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 20-Jul 20-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 30-Jul 21 u! yo Thank APRIL CONTRIBUTIONS Accessibility Fund Nancy & Richard Bloom in memory of Elaine Snyder, wife of Sol Snyder in memory of Billy Kahn, husband of Dovey Kahn in memory of his mother Rebecca Bloom, on her yahrzeit Roz & Nelson Hyman in honor of Deborah & Steve Lubow, on the birth of their grandchild Adult Education Fund Winnie & Neal Borden in memory of his father, Melvin Borden, on his yahrzeit Building Preservation & Ritual Enhancement Fund Ellen & Mordecai Blaustein in memory of her mother Henrietta Baron, on her yahrzeit Nancy & Richard Bloom in honor of Henry Feller, Josh Weisberg and the entire Administrative Staff Patsy & Anthony z”l Pearlman in honor of Ellen Pats on her birthday Cantor's Discretionary Fund Nancy & Richard Bloom in honor of Cantor Ira Greenstein and the entire Choir Ricky & Eric Fine in memory of her sister, Eileen Scherl, on her yahrzeit Educator’s Discretionary Fund Nancy & Richard Bloom in honor of Sandy Winters in honor of Jim Jacobs in honor of Jordana Meisel in honor of Rabbi Michelle Stern & Eitan Kimchi on the birth of Aviva Kimchi-Stern in honor of Rabbi Kelley Gludt Abby & Charles Rammmelkamp in honor of Rabbis Gludt & Burg General Fund Lisa & Alan Garten in memory of his brother Lawrence Garten, on his yahrzeit 22 I. William Schimmel Student Scholarship Fund Barbara & Alan Gamse in memory of her mother, Bernice Goldenberg, on her yahrzeit Lorraine & Mark Schapiro in memory of her mother, Bernice Goldenberg, on her yahrzeit Barbara & David Schimmel in memory of his maternal grandfather, Sam Sakols, on his yahrzeit Kiddush Fund Jim Schapiro in memory of his wife, Nancy Schwartz Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Ellen & Mordecai Blaustein in memory of her sister, Ruth Poger, on her yahrzeit Nancy & Richard Bloom in appreciation ShirleyBraverman in honor of Rabbi Burg’s birthday JoAnn & Jack Fruchtman in memory of Elaine Snyder, wife of Sol Snyder Mimi & Richard Joseph in memory of his mother, Naomi Joseph, on her yahrzeit Lainy LeBow Sachs and Leonard Sachs z”l in memory of Annette Shawe, mother of Steve Shawe Aaron Levin in appreciation Cheri & Ed Levin in honor of Rabbi Burg’s birthday Nadja & Albert Pats in honor of their son, Yale Pats, on his birthday Carol & David Shear in memory of her mother, Andree Levys, on her yahrzeit Celeste Sollod & Zack Berger in appreciation Gail & Lou Wohlmuth in memory of Irving Liner, father of Jay Liner in memory of Sheldon Minkove, brother of Carroll Minkove Social Action Fund Joyce Keating in memory of Elena Bernick Joan & Edward Sills in memory of his mother, Tillie Sills, on her yahrzeit Youth & Teen Education Support Fund Jo-AnnOrlinsky in honor of Richard & Nancy Bloom, on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Ava Bloom Lisa Stern & Robert Rombro in memory of his mother, Geraldeen Rombro, on her yahrzeit 23 u! yo Thank MAY CONTRIBUTIONS Accessibility Fund Malka Sarros in memory of Elena Bernick Adult Education Fund Renee & Arnold Packer in memory of her mother, Ruth Wolfe, on her yahrzeit Building Preservation & Ritual Enhancement Fund Rosellen & Norman Bloomberg in memory of Elaine Snyder, wife of Sol Snyder Eleanor & David Goldstein in memory of his cousin, Jerome Saltz, on his yahrzeit Linda Gross in memory of her parents, Doris & Norman Shor, on their yahrzeits Judy Miller in honor of Lois Feinblatt, on her birthday Jill & David Paulson in memory of Ralph Siegel, father of Janet Levin Cantor's Discretionary Fund Mabel & Fred Barron in memory of his parents, Blanche & Alexander Barron, on their yahrzeits Elaine & Norm Weinstein in memory of his father, Julius Weinstein, on his yahrzeit Lisa Berlin Wittenstein & Bob Wittenstein in appreciation of Cantor Greenstein Educator’s Discretionary Fund Sarajane Greenfeld in appreciation of Rabbi Kelley for Lunch & Learn Lisa Berlin Wittenstein & Bob Wittenstein in appreciation of your help and support of Sammie’s Bat Mitzvah Etta & Louis L. Kaplan Education Fund Elaine & Norman Tucker in honor of Elaine Freeman, on her birthday Floral Fund Debbie & Harvey Singer in honor of Elaine Freeman, on her birthday 24 General Fund Eleanor Ochfeld in honor of Elaine Freeman, on her birthday I. William Schimmel Student Scholarship Fund Fred Katz in memory of his sister, Trude Viener, and his brother, Ludwig Katz, on their yahrzeits Kiddush Fund Sarajane Greenfeld in appreciation of Karin Batterton for her hospitality at Lunch & Learn Harriet Miller in memory of the son of Nancy & Russell Margolis in honor of Lois Feinblatt, on her birthday Abby & Charles Rammelkamp in honor of Isaac Moss, on his Bar Mitzvah SimoneStewart in honor of Ariel Ayala Howell-Stewart Prayer Book Fund for a Mahzor Marcia & Robert Kargon in memory of her mother, Anna Rose, on her yahrzeit Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Abbie & Gary Bass in appreciation Karin Batterton in honor of Linda & Jack Lapides, on their anniversary in memory of Billy Kahn, husband of Dovey Kahn in memory of Elaine Snyder, wife of Sol Snyder Bailey & Stanley Fine in memory of her father, A.J. Evans, on his yahrzeit Janie & Rob Frier in memory of Steven Kraft, brother of Jim Kraft Helen Greenberg in honor of Don Akchin, on his birthday Sarajane Greenfeld in appreciation of Rabbi Burg for Lunch & Learn Mary Jacobs in memory of her husband, Robert Jacobs, on his yahrzeit Nadja & Albert Pats in memory of her mother, Sadie Barron, on her yahrzeit in memory of his mother, Anna Pats, on her yahrzeit MarionPines in memory of her husband, Samuel Pines, on his yahrzeit Stacy & Gary Suskauer in memory of his grandmother, Minna Madelbaum, on her yahrzeit 25 Rabbi's Discretionary Fund cont. Brian Whippo in appreciation of Rabbi Burg Lisa Berlin Wittenstein & Bob Wittenstein in honor of Samantha Wittenstein on her Bat Mitzvah in memory of his father, Bert Wittenstein, on his yahrzeit Social Action Fund Betty & Dan Chemers in honor of Zander Chemers and Jennifer Katz on their marriage Carol & Jerry Doctrow in memory of her mother, Bernice Boocker, on her yahrzeit Malka Sarros in memory of Elena Bernick Joan & Edward Sills in memory of her father, Moe Green, on his yahrzeit Youth & Teen Education Support Fund Rosellen & Bob Fleishman in honor of Elaine Freeman, on her birthday You can make online credit card payments to acknowledge life cycle events, the Annual Fund and special occasions. 26 ANNUAL FUND DESIGNATION 2015-2016 5776 Accessibility Fund - Used to make the facility accessible to those with impaired physical abilities Adult Education Fund - Supports educational programs for all adults BAYITT Fund - Beth Am’s Young Adult Initiative for 20’s and 30’s Building Preservation and Ritual Enhancement Fund - Supports the preservation and renovation of the building and the ritual items Cantor’s Discretionary Fund - Allows the Cantor to support special programs and individuals in need Educator’s Discretionary Fund Allows the Educator to support special programs and individuals in need Etta & Louis L. Kaplan Education Fund Supports the purchase of furniture, equipment and capital improvements for the Jewish Discovery Lab Floral Fund - Beautifies the Bimah Garden Fund - Beautifies grounds General Fund - Applied to the operating budget of the congregation I. William Schimmel Student Scholarship Fund - Assists students in their educational pursuits Kiddush Fund - Used for luncheons following Sabbath and holiday services Prayer Book Fund - Supports the purchase of prayer books and dedication prayer books Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund - Allows the Rabbi to support special programs and individuals in need Social Action Fund - Supports social action activities in the Reservoir Hill area and the general community Tiny Tots Shabbat Fund - Supports Shabbat programs for our preschoolers Youth & Teen Education Support Fund Supports educational programs for all of Beth Am’s youth ACKNOWLEDGE THE OCCASION THROUGH BETH AM We encourage all congregants to send their contribution requests directly to Nakia Davis, so they can be processed in a timely manner. Online donations available at our website First & Last Name(s): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ If your contribution is from a couple or family, please list all names (use additional paper if necessary) Telephone: (________) __________ - ___________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Amount of Donation: ____________________________ ($10 minimum requested; please make checks payable to Beth Am) Fund Designation____________________________________________________________________ In honor/memory/appreciation of ______________________________________________________ Send Acknowledgement Card To: Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ 27 BETH AM BOARD OF TRUSTEES Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Julie Gottlieb Lisa Akchin Lynn Sassin Alan Kopolow David Lunken Trustees through 2017 David Demsky Risa Jampel Ashley Pressman Naomi Rosner Trustees through 2018 Debbie Agus Dina Billian Carol Berkower Matt Herman Trustees through 2019 Ilene Cohen Marjorie Manne Brenda Serpick Bob Wittenstein Past Presidents and Life Members Past President Scott Zeger Past President Cy Smith Honorary Life Member Lainy LeBow-Sachs Honorary Life Member Efrem Potts Office Hours Tuesday-Thursday: 9:00-4:00 Friday: 9:00-3:00 Office Contact Extentions: Tel: (410) 523-2446 / Fax: (410) 523-1729 Extensions: Rabbi Daniel Burg - 14 Rabbi Kelley Gludt - 15 Henry Feller, Exec. Dir. - 20 Linda Small, Annual Fund Coordinator Rachel Weitzner, Capital Campaign Coordinator - 21 Norm Weinstein, Bookkeeper - 17 Nakia Davis, Front Office Coordinator and Assistant to the Rabbi - 11 Josh Weisberg - Program Coordinator - 16 Lynora Lawless - Communications and Membership Coordinator - 10 Sandy Winters, Ritual Coordinator- (410) 598-6397 Office E-mail: Email: Standing Committees Continuing Ed Chair Continuing Ed Co-Chair Finance Chair Finance Co-Chair House Chair Kiddush Chair Membership Chair Membership Co-Chair Religious Services Chair Social Action Chair Social Action Co-Chair Youth Education Chair Roberta Greenstein Rachel Rosenheck Alan Kopolow Joe Wolfson Sam Polakoff Desireé Robinson Patricia Fradkin-Berman Meg Hyman Joe Wolfson Arthur Shulman Jackie Donowitz Dina Billian Ad Hoc Committees Annual Fund Chair Annual Fund Vice Chair Balt. Jewish Council Rep. Beth Am Connection BAYITT Chair Congregant to Congregant Development Chair Development Co-Chair In, For and Of, Inc. Marketing Chair Operations Co-Chair Operations Co-Chair Res. Hill Improvement Council Ricky Fine Jim Jacobs Ben Rosenberg Joanne Katz Risa Jampel Sara Goodman Joyce Keating Lainy LeBow-Sachs Cy Smith Don Akchin Ellen Spokes Ashley Pressman David Demsky Don Akchin Web site: Rabbi Daniel Cotzin Burg (443) 202-0912 (cell) (emergencies only, please) Cantor Ira Greenstein (443) 759-7807 (home) Rabbi Kelley Gludt Director of Congregational Learning (520) 248-9541 (cell) Henry Feller Executive Director (443) 742-9654 (cell) (emergencies only, please) Julie Gottlieb Board President (410) 294-7418 For transportation assistance, contact Joyce Keating or (410) 358-5477
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