NSJC Honoree Celebration Monday, June 8th Ronald J. Colace


NSJC Honoree Celebration Monday, June 8th Ronald J. Colace
385 Old Town Rd Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776-2297
631-928-3737 Fax 928-9700
www.northshorejewishcenter.org E-mail: executive.director@nsjc.org
Sivan/Tammuz 5775
June 2015
NSJC Honoree Celebration
Monday, June 8th
Ray Cella
Congressman Lee Zeldin page 7
Ronald J. Colace
Anthony DeTurris
Iris & Jeff Heller
Stacey & Seth Persky
Elegant buffet begins promptly at 6:30 pm
Lon Cohen
Program to follow, concluding with dessert & music!
Religious School Pre-Pesach Concert page 8
Hobbs Community Farm
Ray Cella
B’nai Mitzvah Projects!
Community Service Hours!
Bring Your Children!
Kevurot Shemot Ceremony page 9
NSJC is responsible for Bed #5 at the Bethel
Hobbs Community Farm in Centereach. Since
2010, congregant volunteers have stopped by to
plant, weed and harvest crops that help support families in our area.
Volunteers are welcome to come by at any time - there’s always
something that needs to be done on the Farm.
If you and/or your family would like to participate in this hands-on
mitzvah, please contact Melissa Kurtz at melkurtz@hotmail.com
or call her at 474-5091.
North Shore Jewish Center
385 Old Town Road
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Rabbi Aaron Benson
Cantor Daniel Kramer
NSJC Staff
Executive Director: Marcie Platkin
Education Director: Sheryl Glickman
Nursery School Director: Sheri Potash
Youth Engagement: Jennifer Schwartz
NSJC Officers
President: Phyllis Frank
Executive VP: Andy Polan
VP Education: Karen Grinberg
VP Finance: Eric Zwerling
VP Fundraising: Amy Lester
VP Membership: Stephanie Galinkin
Secretary: Steve Heft
Affiliate Presidents
Men’s Club: Jeffrey Adelman
Sisterhood: Anne Avni
Seniors: Mildred Stern
USY: Hannah Stein
June Feldman
Jerry Green
Shelly Fenton-Zeira Susan Lieberthal
Claire Rubman
Lenore Frank
Stephen Shapiro
Paul Gold
Debbi Varano
Paul Winton
Sharyn Golden
Main Office: 631-928-3737
Rabbi’s Cell: 631-318-0180
Religious School: 631-928-1174
Nursery School: 631-928-3737
Fax 631-928-9700
Office Hours: M-Th 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Website: northshorejewishcenter.org
Email: executive.director@nsjc.org
Bulletin Editor: Sharon Waxenbaum
Proofreader: Ira Kocivar
Daily Minyan
Monday & Thursday....................6:45 am
Tues. Wed. & Fri..........................7:00 am
Saturday........................................8:45 am
Sunday..........................................9:00 am
*Sunday - Thursday.....................8:00 pm
Friday.......................................... 8:00 pm
Saturday.....See Candle Lighting Time
*To arrange for an evening minyan at
NSJC, please call the office at 928-3737
several days prior to yahrzeit.
When a shiva minyan is scheduled, the
service will take place at the shiva home
at 8:15 pm. Please make every effort to
attend to ensure they have a minyan in
order to recite Kaddish. Thank you!
Youth Group Schedule
Grades 4 & 5
Sundays 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
Grades 6, 7 & 8
Sundays 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Grades 9 - 12
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Candle Lighting
8:03 pm
8:07 pm
8:09 pm
8:10 pm
8:05 pm
8:05 pm
8:10 pm
8:10 pm
Times have been adjusted for Port Jeff Station.
Tot Shabbat
6:00 pm
Jun 5
Program followed by a
kid-friendly dinner!
Watch for details on
summer schedule!
Many thanks to...
The Roberts and Rosen Families - for sponsoring the kiddush
on April 11, 2015 in celebration of Phyllis Rosen’s 80th birthday.
NSJC Men’s Club - for sponsoring the kiddush on April 18,
2015 in celebration of reading from the Federation of Jewish
Men’s Club’s Sefer Haftarah.
Roselyn & Fred Turnofsky - for sponsoring the kiddush on
April 25, 2015 in thanks for Fred’s Kol HaKavod honor.
Doris Weisman - for sponsoring kiddush on June 20, 2015 in
celebration of her Bat Mitzvah.
NSJC Board of Trustees - for sponsoring the kiddush on June
27, 2015 in honor of President Phyllis Frank.
The Congregation and Board of Trustees offer their
deepest condolences to the following family:
Donald Blumenthal - On the loss of his brother, Milton Blumenthal, on April 3, 2015.
Zichranam livracha, may the memory of the righteous remain for a blessing.
June 5/6
June 12/13
Shabbat Services
Parshat Beha’alotecha
6:00 pm Tot Shabbat
8:00 pm Services
Zayin Moving Up
8:45 am Services
Parshat Shelach
8:00 pm Services
8:45 am Services
June 19/20
Parshat Korach
8:00 pm Services
Rabbi Benson on
“The Afterlife”
8:45 am Services
Bat Mitzvah Doris Weisman
June 26/27
The congregation and the NSJC Board of Trustees extend a
mazal tov to the following Bat Mitzvah and her family:
Parshat Chukat
8:00 pm Services
8:45 am Services
Kol HaKavod
Jeffrey Adelman has served on our Board of Trustees
for many years, holding leadership roles on numerous
committees and for countless events. This month he
completes his two-year term as Men’s Club President.
Jeffrey is a mensch who demonstrates tremendous concern,
committment and follow-through in his activities and
efforts for our kehillah.
Fred Turnofsky is a dedicated and hard working member
of our kehillah. He epitomizes the behind-the-scenes,
devoted, caring congregant. Fred does and does and
always in a gentle, kind way. Todah Rabah for your
continued commitment to our NSJC community. Your
efforts are appreciated.
Jerry Green, our Ritual Chair, capably carries out his
responsibilities, helping to oversee that Shabbat and
Yomim Tovim services run smoothly. He has also leads
our morning minyan, Sunday through Friday. Jerry can be
counted on to consistently open the synagogue doors for
morning minyan in snow, rain and every kind of weather.
We appreciate the dedication and care Jerry gives to his
Board of Trustees portfolio.
Doris Weisman
Saturday, June 20, 2015
When asked why she decided to participate in a formal Bat
Mitzvah ceremony, Doris explained: “When beginning my Hebrew
studies with Marty Rubenstein last winter, I told him that I had
always wanted to become a Bat Mitzvah, but life events got in
the way. He started me down this road and encouraged me to stay
with it, even during my darkest hours when I wanted to give up. I
have always wanted to honor God in this manner, and He has led
the way. My faith in God and in Judaism has been a driving force
all these years after my husband died and has now led me to this
Linda & Harry Resnick celebrated the birth of their
granddaughter, Harper Eve Resnick, Chana Leah, on February
13, 2015. She is welcomed by parents, Megan & Brian Resnick,
and big brother, Hank.
Dan Granek was named the NY Metropolitan Region,
Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, Regional Man of the Year
at their annual Honoree Dinner on March 29, 2015.
Our NSJC USY chapter was named the METNY’s Chapter of
the Year at April’s Regional Convention (see page 10).
Sharon & David Worksman celebrated the birth of their
granddaughter, Adina Molly Worksman, on April 13, 2015. She
is welcomed by proud parents, Caryn & Brad Worksman, and
big brother, Ethan.
Rabbi’s Desk
Rabbi Aaron Benson
Jeffrey Adelman
Deb Varano
Firsts are important. As I write, we are counting the omer,
preparing for the holiday of Shavuot, the holiday of the first
fruits offering. Firstborn children in Judaism have special
responsibilities and privileges. The first month of the year
on the Jewish calendar is not when the year changes, in
Tishri with Rosh HaShanah, but rather in Nisan, the month
of Passover in which we became a people.
In June I will mark a first of sorts along with all of you,
the conclusion of the term of the first president with whom I
served here at NSJC. While Joey Muntner was the president
with whom I interviewed and who helped get me here, Phyllis
Frank was the first president alongside of whom I worked in
service to our congregation. It has been a very special first to
have a president like her - for me and for my family, as well
as for our congregation. I offer my profound thanks to her for
all her help and guidance.
From the start of her term, Phyllis brought a personal
touch to her presidency, truly bringing herself to the job.
Whether it was when Isabel had a little car accident that first
week we were here and Phyllis prepared a Shabbat meal fit
for a king for us, or her willingness to make phone calls
to whomever needed calling, greeting people in the lobby
on Shabbat morning as they came to service or working to
make relationships important, Phyllis has worked tirelessly
to set a tone for our congregation. One of togetherness. One
of family.
Looking back, it doesn’t seem as if it’s been just two years.
The feeling of integration with the congregation that my
family and I have. The welcoming feeling that we get. The
connections that we’ve made, I point to Phyllis Frank as a
key figure in making all of them possible.
So, speaking for myself and for the congregation, I offer
her a big yasher koach on a job well done and good wishes
for her post-presidency: may it be far more relaxing and
stress-free, but still see her leadership and wisdom continue
to strengthen and guide the North Shore Jewish Center.
L-R: J.J. Goldberg, Norman Korowitz, Rabbi Benson.
Mary Ellen Shouler made a pre-Pesach chametz purchase from Rabbi
Benson, witnessed by Sheryl Roberts (seated) and Jeffrey Adelman (behind
the camera.)
According to Jewish law, Jews may not own, eat or benefit
from chametz (leavened foods forbidden on Passover) during the
holiday. In addition to removing it from one’s possession, the
rabbis instituted the further practice of selling chametz as well.
At NSJC, this means one signs a document giving our rabbi
permission to “sell” our chametz to a non-Jewish person on our
behalf. As pictured above, for many years our bookkeeper, Mary
Ellen Shouler, has been willing to purchase our chametz (and
sell it back promptly after the holiday!)
Todah Rabah to Norman Korowitz, who coordinates, and the
NSJC congregants who sponsor our POPS (Patrons of Prominent
Speakers) programs. J.J. Goldberg gave a thought-provoking talk
on a recent May evening about Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu,
President Obama and United States/Israel relations.
Jewish Websites of the Month
Israel’s only English-language radio station, TLV1 broadcasts
24/7 with shows on music, from pop to world to indie, art and
culture and politics. Original shows include popular podcasts,
StreetWise Hebrew, which uses discussion of the language and
slang as a window into the Israeli mind, and Tel Aviv Table,
exploring the ins and outs of Israel’s expanding culinary world.
contributed at other times just because they
President’s Welcome
Phyllis Frank, NSJC President
understood we needed their help. We helped
one another in the difficult and sad times.
Our congregants have been available to
attend shiva and yahrzeit minyanim even in
the worst of weather conditions. We support
Being president also involved the love
and tolerance of my family. My husband,
Jim, has been God’s angel as his support
was almost always available. I did try a
few times to wake him to help me with a
computer challenge or two but, honestly,
the morning would have been a better time
to ask for help.
My adult kids were tolerant when our
phone conversations were very brief or
cut short because synagogue business was
calling me. I tried to reward them for their
understanding with a mention of them in an
article or speech. My Canadian son-in-law
one another. The love and hugs are given to
especially enjoys this.
one one another because we are community
I have absorbed a lot of information about
religion in the United States today and, and family.
Special thank-yous and words of
of course, in Israel and worldwide. I am
increasingly aware and concerned about appreciation to Joe Muntner, IPP, who
anti-Semitism being demonstrated here and greatly assisted with my transition to
abroad. We need to stick together and work the presidency, to my Executive Board,
on solutions, remedies and tolerance. If we my Board of Trustees, to Marcie Platkin,
cannot make peace amongst ourselves how Executive Director extraordinaire, her
do we expect to get along with our diverse staff and, of course, our clergy, Rabbi
community worldwide?
Aaron Benson and Cantor Daniel Kramer.
As I review the calendar of the past two
Welcoming our new rabbi was a special
years, I am so grateful to those who helped
to bring us programs, religious services,
I have always tried my best and hope that
events, and a cadre of support and efforts
you feel the rewards of my efforts. So with
to sustain NSJC as the jewel of Suffolk
this, I say shalom and l’hitraot as President
County. We offer so many opportunities to
our congregants and the community at large of NSJC and, again, thank you for the
privilege and honor of serving as your
for which we can be very proud.
Togetherness permeated us as we shlepped, president. I leave you in the capable hands
cajoled, worked and stressed while we of our incoming president, Andy Polan.
Todah Rabah for all the enriching
put together the garage sales, Thrift Shop
afternoons, Shabbat kiddushim, Honoree opportunities and experiences.
Celebrations, meetings and
more meetings, POPS
programs, craft/vendor fairs,
speakers, brit milah and baby
namings, classes, celebrations
of B’nai Mitzvah, Gatsby
Night, Cablevision’s program,
social action programs,
installation of Rabbi Benson,
and so much more. Todah
Rabah to congregants who
contributed additional funds
for our spring-summer
lawn maintenance after Left-Right: Jeff Stern, Cantor Daniel Kramer, Stewart Ain, Phyllis
exceptionally high 2013-14 Frank, Meryl Ain and Rabbi Aaron Benson.
We welcomed Meryl and Stewart Ain at our annual Yom
winter snow removal costs
HaShoah Observance on April 16th. They discussed the the
that ate up our budget. importance of remembering lessons of the Holocaust and
And thanks to those who its victims, as survivors dwindle in number.
Ray Cella
Dear NSJC Congregants,
Did someone say June 30, 2015?
Yes, that date concludes my journey as
your NSJC president. The tapestry of my
presidency has been full of many exciting
times, challenges, successes and concerns. So,
with June 30th closing in, I want to reflect a bit
on some of my experiences and also express
my thank-yous for your gifts of support,
cooperation and friendship.
I chose “connections” as the theme for
my presidency. I feel that the connections
we make with one another are the glue that
affords us the gift of working and playing
together. The challenges were softened with
the cooperation and togetherness of your
helping hands and hearts.
Thank you for giving me the opportunities
to step out of my comfort zone and
have experiences that were exciting and
rewarding. I have learned so much and feel
blessed to have met so many people in our
synagogue community as well as in the
broader Conservative movement. I plan to
continue meeting, working and enjoying with
my fellow congregants. We have so much to
offer to one another.
Seniors in Action
Mildred Stern, President
Beverly Trotiner, Programming
June 2 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Howard Kleiner with the
Brettonwood Players
June 9 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Alyson Minz from the
Victims Bureau of Suffolk County
June 16 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Mariana Regado - Alzheimer’s Disease
June 23 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Sylvia Mordalo - Emergency Preparedness
June 30 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Fourth of July Celebration
7 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Mechana Gonem - Visiting Israel
14 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Meryl Ains on her book
“The Living Memories Project”
21 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Assemblyman Fred Thiele on PSE&G
28 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Social Worker from Suffolk Y-JCC
You and Your College Student
$$ave Hundreds of Dollars!
enroll in our
Defensive Driving Course
Save 10% on Auto Insurance
Reduce 4 Points from Your Licence
If you took the course in 2013,
it’s time to take it again to receive your discount!
SUNDAYS 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
$40 Registration fee
Bagel lunch included
This course will be offered on the following date:
June 28
Enclose $40 for each participant and send to:
NSJC Men’s Club ATT: Fred Graff
385 Old Town Road, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Latest Programming Info
Wed, June 3 BQLI Awards Dinner Gala 5:15 pm
NSJC Sisterhood will honor our Woman of Achievement
Anne Avni at Temple Israel in Great Neck.
Fri, June 5 Kitah Zayin Graduation
Graduation exercises for the Zayin class.
8:00 pm
Sun, June 7 Last Day of Religious School 10:00 am
Stepping up exercises for grades Aleph though Vav.
Mon, June 8 NSJC Honoree Celebration 6:30 pm
Join us as we honor Iris & Jeff Heller, Stacey & Seth
Persky and Ronald J. Collace/Anthony DeTurris for their
contributions to NSJC and our community.
Fri, June12
Preschool Graduation
10:00 am
The Marilyn Reichler Preschool pre-K graduation.
Sun, June 28 Defensive Driving 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Bring your friends and neighbors. Get 10% off your auto
insurance. $40 registration fee includes bagel lunch.
Mah Jongg
Every Wednesday Noon - 3 pm
Bring your Mah Jongg card (and set, if you have one!)
Beverages will be provided. Please bring a kosher snack to share.
Display of Honor
Our NSJC Display of Honor, located in
the hallway just off of the kiddush room, has expanded
to include First Responders, Police Officers, Firefighters
and Ambulance Corps.
If you or a member of your family serve with these
heroes, please leave a photo in uniform and a short bio of
their career in the Main Office so that they may included
in our display.
NSJC Thrift Shop
Thursdays Noon - 3 pm
We thank the many congregants who have given of their
time, strength and wardrobes!
Please help the Shop continue to be a steady source of
income for our synagogue. Contact the office if you are
able to volunteer on a Thursday, any time between 11:30
am and 3:30 pm.
The Thrift Shop will be open during the summer.
Men’s Club News
Jeffrey Adelman, President
“Celebrating 50 Years of Service”
Anne Avni, President
It is hard to believe that my term as president is drawing to
a close. At this time, I have to ask myself, “Did I accomplish
everything in this position that I had hoped to when I began
two years ago?”
The answer is a resounding yes! Our Sisterhood is a large
group, with such diverse interests and talents, yet we come
together to create a supportive environment for everyone.
We offer educational and social programs, and social action
projects that appeal to a wide audience and enhance NSJC and
the greater community. I am most proud of our newer members
who have taken on additional responsibilities, despite feeling
nervous about doing so.
Thank you to everyone who has supported NSJC Sisterhood
over the past two years. I wish the best of luck to our incoming
president, Carol Greenberg.
Ray Cella
Reflecting on my Men’s Club presidency, I feel it went by
fast. Prior to becoming Vice President, I served on our Board,
supportive, but not very active. I realized that I had to step up to
the plate. I discovered Men’s Club Federation and all they offer.
My fellow MC members were always available to help out and,
when things got tough, they came through. You’re a great group of
guys and I thank you all.
This year we lost a long-standing Board member and friend, Richard
Randall, z’’l. We will always remember his kind words and smile.
I am proud that we provide a variety of services to NSJC
including arranging for shiva minyan leaders and kits, putting up
the sukkah, providing High Holy Day ushers and delivering a Yom
HaShoah candle to every NSJC family. The World Wide Wrap,
visit to Central Islip Cemetery, Sefer Haftarah service and Men’s
Club Shabbat programs enhance our spirituality. We also sponsor
a defensive driving program and a spring softball league. Our
programs support NSJC, our traditions and our youth.
I congratulate and offer my support to our incoming president,
Aaron Avni. Please contact us at mensclub@nsjc.org.
Sisterhood Ruach
Israeli Dance
Jill Cohen
6:15 pm - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
No classes during
but will resume in September!
On Sunday, April 19th, Representative Lee Zeldin, a Republican member of the United States
Congress, in New York’s 1st District, gave us an update on United States relations in the Middle East,
with an eye towards telling us about what he’s been doing as our congressman.
Thank you to NSJC congregant Charlie Lefkowitz for facilitating the Congressman’s appearance.
Spring Concert
On Sunday morning, March 29th, our NSJC Religious School
students presented, “A Concert for Pesach.” Conducted by music
teacher Ira Kocivar, our students in the Instrumental Ensemble
and choirs entertained with selections from traditional liturgy,
folk songs and a piece with lyrics written by Moreh Kocivar. An
additional treat was provided by the performance of original music,
composed by several of our Hey and Vav students.
Yasher Koach to the students in our Instrumental Ensemble, who
meet each Sunday morning, before school begins, to practice with
Moreh Kocivar.
NSJC Honoree Celebration
when we proudly honor
Iris & Jeff Heller, Stacey & Seth Persky, Ronald J. Colace and Anthony DeTurris
Monday, June 8th - 6:30 pm
We invite you to add your name to our Scroll of Honor
Platinum.....................$5000* Ruby...............................$750
Diamond.....................$2500** Pearl...............................$500
Emerald......................$1800** Silver...............................$236
Sapphire.....................$1000 Bronze.............................$ 1 1 8
It’s not too late!
Listings received after May 18th will be placed in our monthly Bulletin.
Please make checks payable to North Shore Jewish Center - Honoree Celebration 2015.
For credit card donation ($300 minimum) please call 928-3737.
photos: Lon Cohen, S. Waxenbaum
Religious School
NSJC Kevurot Shemot, Burial of Holy Materials • Sunday, April 26, 2015
Photos: Ray Cella, Lon Cohen, Sharon Waxenbaum
The Talmud teaches us that we need to care for religious books and items carefully, even after they are no longer useable. Such items,
called shemot (“names,” for the fact that things with God’s name in it must be so cared for) are kept in a genizah, a storage room, until such
time as they can be buried. It is a special honor that we should have on our grounds a place for shemot, and now a place for two old Torah
scrolls, no longer kosher, rendering it a very special and holy place.
Yasher koach to Ethan Sokol who, in November 2000 at the age of 14, took on the responsibility for transforming a forgotten corner of
NSJC into a fitting burial site for damaged religious articles as his Eagle Scout project.
Preschool registration is now open for the 20152016 school year. We create an environment that
encourages a love of learning and offers a quality,
challenging and developmentally appropriate
curriculum in a Jewish setting. We have openings
for Toddlers, Three-Year-Olds and Pre-K. Call Sheri Potash
for information at 928-3737.
The Chai 5 Kids Summer Program is accepting registration
for the summer of 2015. We offer mini- and full day programs.
Have your children join us for memorable camp experiences,
rewarding friendships and great activities. Children who
will turn 2 by December 31st are eligible for our pre-toddler
camp. We welcome 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds to join us for a great
summer! Call Sheri Potash at 928-3737.
July 6th - August 13th
Summer Camp Mondays - Thursdays
Mini-Day 9:30 am - 1:15 pm
Full Day 9:30 am - 2:45 pm
Teenagers 13 & 14 years old
Volunteer as Counselors at
Chai-5 Preschool Summer Camp!
This is a great opportunity to experience working with children
while doing a mitzvah for your community! If you are interested,
please contact Sheri Potash at 928-3737.
PJ Books - Jewish Books for Jewish Children
PJ Books brings Jewish books to families who have children
between the ages of 8 months and 8 years old.
Subscriptions are FREE!
During the weekend of April 24th-26th, NSJC’s
USY chapter was named Chapter of the Year at the
METNY Regional Convention held at the Hudson
Valley Resort in Kerhonkson, New York. A group
earns this award based on chapter improvements
in areas such as types of programming, i.e.
community service, and increase in membership and
participation. Yasher Koach to Youth Engagement
Director Jennifer Schwartz and Kol HaKavod to our
chapter members!
Later that afternoon, other Youth Group members
enjoyed themselves at Sky Zone Trampoline Park.
Jenn Schwartz
To enroll, go to the PJ Books website at http://pjlibrary.org/ny/nsjc
June Religious School Calendar
June 3
June 5
June 7
Regular Classes
Zayin Class Graduation 8 pm
End of Year Ceremony
Gan-Vav Classes 10 am
Rebbe’s Tish
Derived from the Hassidic tradition of distribution
of food to followers, this modern food pantry helps
to feed our hungry neighbors. Non-perishable foods
may be left at NSJC year-round. Cash donations are
distribute at holidays in anonymity.
At present, our pantry is in need of:
macaroni & cheese
pasta sauce
peanut butter
The 2015 Hazon New York Ride and Retreat
Labor Day Weekend, September 4th-7th
Register before July 1st, use the code: nsjcsummer
and get $50 off your registration!
Join the NSJC team and the People of the Bike for a relaxing and
meaningful Shabbat retreat at Hazon’s home at Isabella Freedman
Jewish Retreat Center, and for two days of glorious cycling through
the Berkshires and Hudson Valley into New York City.
It’s more than just a ride. Spend Shabbat hiking on the Mohawk
Trail, canoeing on the lake, exploring the Adamah organic farm
and enjoying delicious kosher
Judaism in a diverse community,
with options including yoga, musical
services and traditional prayers.
Cyclists can then enjoy two
days of fully-supported riding:
Sunday’s route will explore the
Connecticut and Massachusetts Berkshire hills and quaint towns,
while Monday will be spent on the Putnam Trail in the Hudson
Valley. Non-riders are welcome to join to help crew (a vital and
energetic part of the weekend), or just come for Shabbat.
Visit http://hazon.org/bike-rides/new-york-ride/ or contact
Jenn Solomon at jennsolomon@yahoo.com for more info.
Sheri Potash
in addition to other non-perishables. Collection
containers are located in the coatroom.
Shpiels on Wheels
Create A Permanent Legacy
Mazal tov to our preschool graduates and their families! Back row L-R:: Josh Levine,
Emerson Roth, Ben Schneider, Julianna Golden, Ashton Queller, Sophia Maggiore. Bottom
row L-R: Meera Kelley, Uri Klein, Rachael Blumstein, Jordan Sadlofsky, Noah Sadlofsky.
We invite you to purchase and
personalize a walkway brick for
yourself or someone else. It is a
special way to honor or memorialize
someone, acknowledge a milestone
event or give your name a permanent
place here at NSJC.
For more information call the office
at 928-3737 or contact Andy Polan at
Alan Golnick - in memory of Carol Golnick at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Thank you for your generous donations
Synagogue Fund
Barbara & Alan Meisel - In memory of Daniel
Karen & Richard Litman - In honor of Susan
Glaser’s mother, Ruby Danziger.
Sharon Worksman - In memory of my sister, Beth
Linda & Harry Resnick - In honor of the baby
naming at morning minyan of our granddaughter,
Harper Eve Resnick, Chana Leah.
Linda, Irwin and Jordana Schwitzer - In memory of
Ronald Resnick.
JoAnne & Marc Shapiro - In memory of Daniel
Feldman, son of Ken & June Feldman.
Garry Randall - In memory of my cousin, Richard
Tiffany Joseph - In memory of Daniel Feldman.
Marsha Belford & Wlodzimierz Guryn - In memory
of June & Kenneth Feldman’s son, Daniel Feldman.
May his memory be for a blessing.
Peninnah Klein - In memory of Seymour Frank at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Daniel Kramer – In honor of Andy Polan.
Marty Kupferberg - In memory Sam Kupferberg at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Matthew Rifkin - In memory of Harold Rifkin at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Mitchell Saunders - In memory of Stuart Saunders
at the time of his yahrzeit.
Sue French - My thanks to Mona & Steve
Goldstein for always being there with love,
kindness and helping hands.
Sue French - Best wishes for a speedy recovery
to Harvey Witman and family.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Jan Somers - In memory of Samuel Sadinsky.
Carol Greenberg - In memory of Sam Sadinsky.
Marsha Belford - In memory of Sam Sadinksy.
Sheila & Harold Schiffman - In memory of our
beloved aunt, Pearl Feinstein, at the time of her
Nancy Gold - In memory of Burton Gold at the time
of his yahrzeit.
Rebbe’s Tish
Helen Ambrose - In memory of Nathan Seltzer at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Helen Ambrose - In memory of Samuel Seltzer at
the time of his yahrzeit.
David Kramer - In memory of Mildred Berger at
the time of her yahrzeit.
David Kramer - In honor of Drs. Daniel Kramer &
Jessica Cella.
Richard Bronstein - In memory of Benjamin
Bronstein at the time of his yahrzeit.
Ethel Bronstein - In memory of Dorothy Leder at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Shelly Federmann - in memory of Frank
Federmann at the time of his yahrzeit
Andy Polan - In memory of Daniel Feldman.
Lillian Shulman - in memory of Jerry Shulman at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Education Scholarship Fund
Marsha Belford - In memory of Sam Sadinsky.
Kiddush Fund
Gary Sosnovich - In memory of Rachel Sasnovwiec
at the time of her yahrzeit.
Patrons of Prominant Speaking Fund
Arthur Forman - In memory of Frank Forman at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Tamara Slobodkin - In memory of Daniel Feldman.
Carol & Norman Korowitz - in honor of Sheri &
Ron Fox on the birth of their granddaughter.
Carol & Norman Korowitz - in honor of POPS
Library Fund
Linda & Harry Resnick - In memory of Theodore
Demsky at the time of his yahrzeit.
Jesse Becker Fund
Roselyn Turnofsky and Family - In memory of
Joseph Littwin at the time of his yahrzeit.
Roselyn Turnofsky and Family - In memory of
Harvey Littwin at the time of his yahrzeit.
Michele Hamou - In memory of Jesse Becker at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Cantor Martin Ehrlich Memorial Fund
Nelson Koch - In memory of Bernard Koch at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Shoah Memorial Fund
Lois Rosenstein - In memory of my mother,
Dorothy Rosner at the time of her yahrzeit.
Youth Fund
Carole & Norman Korowitz - In honor of our
Barbara Lesser - A donation at yizkor.
Building Fund
Morris Friedman - In memory of Jack Friedman at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Stephen Javeline - In memory of Herman Aronowitz
at the time of his yahrzeit.
Martin Shevell - In memory of Morris Shevell at the
time of his yahrzeit.
June & Ken Feldman - Congratulations to Naomi
Slobodkin on her new job and new car.
Bible & Prayer Book Fund
Andy Polan - In memory of Sam Sadinky.
Kogel Fund
Charles, Lisa, Samuel and Louis Lefkowitz - In
memory of Louis Lefkowitz at the time of his
Sharon & David Worksman - In honor of our new
baby granddaughter, Adina Molly.
Donald & Alice Blumenthal - In memory of Milton
Roselyn & Fred Turnofsky - In honor of Fred’s Kol
HaKavod honor.
Lenore & Claude Frank - In memory of Daniel
Lenore & Claude Frank - In memory of Spencer
Jeanette Parker - In memory of Mary Rabinowitz at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Jeanette Parker - In memory of Abraham
Rabinowitz at the time of his yahrzeit.
Jeanette Parker - In memory of Jacob Pakowitz at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Nancy Sacks - In memory of Sharon Worksman’s
sister, Beth Friedman.
Sue French - Thanks to all those who made my
Shalach Manot bag so delicious. Of course, “I ate
the whole thing!”
Save your boxtops!
Bring them
to the
Religious School
Carole & Norman Korowitz - For the complete
recovery of Harvey Witman.
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