- India Habitat Centre


- India Habitat Centre
Enabling Awareness, Expression & Linkages
Annual Report
India Habitat Centre
concept of the symbol
The India Habitat Centre was
conceived to provide a physical
environment which would serve as a
catalyst for a synergetic relationship
between individuals and institutions
working in diverse habitat related
areas and therefore, maximise their
total effectiveness. To facilitate this
interaction, the Centre provides a
range of facilities.
The symbol has three basic elements. The downward
pointing triangle within the male figure encircled by the
words “India Habitat Centre”.
The figure of the man, developed from a prototype of
a rock painting from Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh,
represents the anthropomorphic personification of Shiva,
the Creator - Demiurge, as the Divine Archer.
The bow in his left hand has been deleted for purpose
of design. The figure depicts the phenomenon of the
expanding form, quintessential to the eternal repose,
peace and order in the universe.
The downward pointing triangle is a female symbol
representing “Shakti”. It is based on “Shri Yantra”, a
general term for instruments of worship which include
geometric forms. An amalgamation of the two forms
symbolize the creative activity of the cosmic male and
female energies in successive stages of evolution. It is the
archetypal marriage represented in abstract form, a key
to the secret of cosmic and universal harmony.
Encircling them is the Universe, shown by the
typographical use of the words “India Habitat Centre”
placed in a perfect circle.
The symbol in its entirety would represent the aim of the
India Habitat Centre to resolve and restore at every level
- Environmental and Ecological, a balanced, harmonious
and improved way of life.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Page No.
Governing Council
Member Institutions
Director’s Report
Annexure 1 - Programmes: January 2009 - December 2009
Annexure 2 - IHC Members’ Evening
Annexure 3 - Habitat Visual Arts Gallery: Calendar of Events
Annexure 4 - Manage Your Life With IT
Annexure 5 - Information Alert Services
Annexure 6 - Habitat Learning Centre: Extension Centres
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Aims & Objects
Develop an integrated physical environment in
which various professions and institutions dealing
with different facets of habitat and habitat related
environmental issues would function, interact and
attempt to resolve habitat related problems in a
coordinated manner.
Organise and promote conferences, seminars, lectures,
public debates and exhibitions in matters relating to
habitat, human settlements and environment.
Promote awareness in regard to habitat related
environmental issues including water, air, noise and
waste pollution, energy and its conservation, water and
human waste management and other such matters.
Cooperate and collaborate with other national
and international institutions in furtherance of the
objectives of the Centre.
Acquire, hold, improve and develop lands and
construct buildings and related facilities on behalf of
members of the Centre.
aims and objects
Promote better urban and rural settlements relevant
to the Indian social, cultural, and economic context
and related to the lifestyle of its people.
Offer awards, prizes, scholarships and stipends in
furtherance of the objectives of the Centre.
Inculcate better awareness and sensitivity in regard
to all aspects of creative human activity including the
significance of art in habitat.
Organise and maintain residential hostels, restaurants
and other amenities for its members, their guests and
non-members invited by the Centre.
Document all relevant information pertaining to
habitat, human settlements and environmental
Maintain and keep in good repair all buildings and
common services.
Advise and if needed, assist the Government in the
formation and implementation policies relating to
habitat, and human settlements.
Promote education, research, training and professional
development on habitat and human settlement and
environment related issues.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Constitute or cause to be constituted Regional Centres
at convenient places to promote the objectives of the
Do all such other lawful activities as the Centre
considers conducive to the attainment of all or any of
the above objectives.
••Mr. Kiran Karnik, President,
India Habitat Centre (IHC)
Governing Council Members
••Dr. Syeda Hameed, Member,
Planning Commission
••Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Director General,
The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI)
••Mr. K. L. Dhingra, Chairman & Managing
Director, Housing & Urban Development
Corporation Limited (HUDCO)
••Mr. S. Sridhar, Chairman & Managing Director,
National Housing Bank (NHB)
••Ms. Supriya Banerji, Dy. Director General,
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
••Prof. Chetan Vaidya, Director, National Institute of
Urban Affairs (NIUA)
••Ms. Sunita Narain, Director, Centre for Science &
Environment (CSE)
••Mr. Vikram Lal, Trustee, Vikram Sarabhai
Foundation (VSF)
••Mr. Arvinder Singh Chamak, President, All India
Brick & Tile Manufacturers Federation (AIBTMF)
••Dr. M.M. Kutty, Joint Secretary (D&L),
Ministry of Urban Development
••Mr. O.P. Jain, President, Sanskriti Pratishthan
••Mr. Jagdish Khattar
governing council
••Mr. R M S Liberhan, Director,
India Habitat Centre (IHC)
••Indian Overseas Bank
••State Bank of Hyderabad
••State Bank of India
Registered & Administration Office
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi 110 003
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
••Indian Council for Research on International
Economic Relations (ICRIER)
••Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
Limited (IREDA)
••Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced
Research (IFCPAR)
••Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited
••Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST)
••International Labour Organisation (ILO)
••MacArthur Foundation (MAF)
••MCD Slum & JJ Department
••National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB)
member institutions
••All India Brick & Tile Manufacturers Federation
••All India Housing Development Association
••Association of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
••Building Materials & Technology Promotion
Council (BMTPC)
••Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)
••Centre for Development Studies and Activities
••Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
••Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
••Consultancy Development Centre (CDC)
••Council for Advancement of People’s Action and
Rural Technology (CAPART)
••Council of Architecture (COA)
••Centre for Science and Technology of the
Non-Aligned & Other Developing Countries
••Delhi Management Association (DMA)
••Delhi Policy Group (DPG)
••Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC)
••Foundation for Universal Responsibility (FUR)
••Housing & Urban Development Corporation
Limited (HUDCO)
••Housing Development Finance Corporation
Limited (HDFC)
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
••National Foundation for India (NFI)
••National Housing Bank (NHB)
••National Institute of Design (NID)
••National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)
••Population Council
••Research and Information System for Developing
Countries (RISDC)
••Society for Development Studies (SDS)
••The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
••University of Pennsylvania Institute for the
Advanced Study of India (UPIASI)
••Vikram Sarabhai Foundation (VSF)
director’s report
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my privilege to present to you the 21st Annual
Report of the India Habitat Centre along with the
audited balance sheet and accompanying financial
statement for the year 2008-09, duly certified by the
auditors of the Centre, M/s V. Sahai, Tripathi and Co.
To begin on a sombre note, of all the lessons we
continue to learn, one of the most abiding ones is
that good news has to be made with hard work and
sincere efforts while bad news just lurks around the
corner waiting to bump into you. We watched the
economic slowdown happening and its severity and
widespread effects were the prime components of
trouble: the seminar circuit slowed down, people’s
travels were curtailed, as were their celebrations and
naturally it affected the revenues of the Centre. It is
getting over now and it is so for us as well, as we do
see the positive signs of revival of different activities
which consequently will have a bearing on our
Time by its nature must move on.
Yet another year has gone by for the Centre. One of
the several challenges of the Centre has been how to
constructively engage the civil society and the policy
makers of the polity on issues of urban habitats and its
myriad sub-sets which make life and living of every
citizen a permanent climb. We have sought to build
a public discourse on a range of concerns - from
availability to accountability to affordability of the
very basic amenities, to the qualitative environment
for pursuit of excellence. There have been so many
voices and conversations on these issues, each with a
common thread of helplessness running through. We
decided to bring them together in a three day conclave
under the umbrella of the 1st Habitat Summit. This was
held in September 2009. The highlights of the issues
and the participation profile have been described in
detail in another part of this report.
We are firmly moving towards sustaining the different
dimensions of the Centre’s profile. We have an
Annual Habitat Film Festival which brings the best
of Indian cinema of the previous year. We have an
Annual Theatre Festival presented by Old World
Culture. It comprises a ten-day theatre performance
by both professionals and amateurs. We have
introduced a Music Festival this year with its focus
on Lok Sangeet. This year we had the lok sangeet and
traditions of music from Jammu & Kashmir and Tamil
Nadu. The Promising Artist Award, the Photography
Award and the Excellence in Ceramics Award have
become an annual tradition. The voice of the young
is captured through the Habitat Young Visionary
Award which is entering the seventh year now. And
now to create a voice of reason on habitat concerns
we have held the Habitat Summit. In addition there
were many collaborative programmes: a film festival
on environment, a film festival on livelihoods by CCS,
a documentary film festival by PSBT and many other
events in partnership with embassies, civil society
and like-minded organisations.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
In her address to delegates at the concluding
session of the 1st Habitat Summit, Ms. Sheila
Dikshit, Hon. Chief Minister of Delhi referred
to the India Habitat Centre as a great Centre
and a city in itself. She further added that
“when (Joseph) Stein made this I don’t think he
really thought that it would become a kind of
a city centre but it is. You have so many things
happening here that today perhaps Delhi’s
most happening place is the Habitat Centre,
so it is only right and it is only appropriate
that you are having these discussions here …
and understand where we are all going”.
It is also true that whether it is the urban, suburban,
rural - our very own Delhi-ite or the rural artisan or
development worker from Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu,
Assam and other States or the urban professional on
information technology or management studies - the
Centre is seen to be providing an enabling environment
to come in, share and disseminate their knowledge
and experiences to enable learning, practices and
action based processes.
The Centre has indeed evolved into a dynamic and
happening hub in the nation’s capital, with reference
to intellectual discourse, meaningful dialogues, pursuit
of knowledge, exposure to appreciation of art and
culture and an overall enabling ambience comprising
a green physical environment, technologically
supportive wi-fi enabled campus and easy access to a
range of services - hospitality, banking and leisure.
This was also evident during the 1st Habitat Summit,
when the young and old, the rural and urban
practitioners, the teachers and the learners mingled
and shared experiences. The Centre’s focus on
‘Enabling Awareness, Expression and Linkages’ was
truly perceptible once again.
It is very rewarding to see the varying range of citizenry
frequenting the Centre - the youth, the ‘middles’ and
the seniors in terms of age, and the various professional
groups ranging from art to industry to development to
business to culture et al, entering the portals of the
Centre to whet their appetite and take away learning,
understanding and appreciation of their respective
areas of interest.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Indeed the Centre has something to offer everyone
and it so reassuring to see that the mandate for which
the Centre was set up and the aims and objects it set
for itself, are being met on an ongoing basis.
The theme for the Habitat Young Visionary Award
2009 was India’s Youth Energy: Power and Potential.
160 entries were received and it was very encouraging
to notice the increasing pan-India participation.
The Award continues to be a fully funded fellowship
for a summer programme in Cambridge University,
U.K. with the second winner being awarded an
internship with Nat Geo Channel in Hong Kong. The
winner of the 2009 Award was Parth Patel from IIT
Delhi and the second winner was Anurag Dutta from
BITS Pilani. We have been very encouraged by the
growing interest in this initiative and are emboldened
to partner this quest of the young to dare to dream.
On another dimension, the India Habitat Centre had
mandated itself to play a facilitative and supportive role
in strengthening civil society. From the very beginning
itself we were keen to reach out rather than be mutely
content with providing a menu of choice happenings at
our venue. Any institution of such a dimension as ours
must reach out to different segments of the citizenship
so as to assist in upgradation of knowledge, building
awareness and empowering them to play the roles
that are needed to be accomplished because of the
changing environment of development paradigms.
Our Habitat Learning Centre has now entered its eight
year in helping children and young minds to acquire
IT skills that help them to become employable.
A review process was initiated this year to build on
past learning and take forward the programme with
more intensive focus on bridging the digital divide.
We acknowledge the support of AusAid for computers
and other equipment.
Sector for Enhancing Delivery Capabilities’ (HSVS)
programme. Over 300 NGOs have benefited from
this knowledge based programme and are inter-linked
through the Habitat Knowledge Grid.
This initiative has taken the India Habitat Centre to
the southernmost tip of the country, Kanyakumari as
well as to Ladakh, Assam, Rajasthan, Haryana and
other parts of Tamil Nadu.
And now in partnership with Swiss Agency
for Development and Cooperation, we
conducted a three day pilot programme
on climate change and global warming,
hoping to create a level of awareness and
skills that will position community players
to be climate managers in their own areas of
work. The programme was held in Madurai
and participating organisations came from
27 districts of Tamil Nadu. Our facilitating
organisation was ODAM, Tiruchuli.
Tamil Nadu
‘Reaching out’ has been the mantra of the Habitat
Library & Resource Centre (HLRC), the intellectual hub
of the Centre. With the support of Irish Aid the HLRC
continues to reach out to NGOs across the country
with 9 day modules to increase their effectiveness,
through the ‘Harnessing the Strengths of the Voluntary
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
The Habitat Knowledge Grid hosted by the
HLRC is a web based platform that enables
both dissemination and sharing of information
on the voluntary sector, on Climate Change
and on Delhi. This is a dynamic platform that
enables the reaching out process and lends
itself to anchoring other relevant subject areas
on a need based manner.
The HLRC has now expanded the IHC web site
to provide information on a range of subject
areas to enable members and others to access
information easily. The areas include links
to weather, finding your way around, bird
watching, the day’s events in Delhi, tracking
useful information, spending your day on the
ether and so on. The architectural splendour of the
Centre has also been highlighted.
1st Habitat Summit
The first ‘Habitat Summit’ was held from September
24th - 26th, 2009.
The genesis of the 1st Habitat Summit happened in
February 2008 when India Habitat Centre conceived
the idea to launch an Urban Habitats Forum - a
professional civil society initiative whose primary
purpose would be to serve as a multi-disciplinary
public awareness and educational platform, and
to facilitate positive change in India’s cities by
engaging all stakeholders of society in shaping India’s
built environment.
“We need to concentrate on the subject, not only from the viewpoint of better
transportation systems, but also from the larger issue of climate change”.
Mr. Jaipal Reddy, Minister of Urban Development, Government of India
An exclusive space titled ‘Members Habitat’ has
been created on the web site for members’ use. This
is expected to assist members to update their profile,
check their accounts statement and register for
email alerts.
This link can be accessed on the home page of the
IHC web site at www.indiahabitat.org. A car pooling
service and a feedback service for Institution Members
is also available on the same space.
The next section of the report features detailed
information from the various functional areas/
departments of the India Habitat Centre.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
The idea was developed with a view that sustainable
urban development necessarily needs a shared vision
of the future. Such a vision will lead to the creation
of a manifesto of citizens’ aspirations that can guide
policy and programmes to work towards developing
an alternative urban vision and agenda that considers
liveability and sustainability as key parameters for
success in the development of India’s cities.
Voices of aspiration heard at the Habitat
Summit for a world class city:
“A city which allows everyone to live in dignity,
especially the poor and disadvantaged”
Meera Sanyal
“A city which provides security of livelihood for
all its inhabitants”
Arbind Singh
“A city that is a national conglomeration of
Jehangir Pocha
“A city that has holistic neighbourhoods which
are inter-connected”
Kiran Karnik
“A city that ensures liveability on a day to day
K. C. Sivaramakrishnan
The Summit had the following objectives:
•• Inform the general public about sustainable
urbanisation and good practices in built
•• Make practical recommendations to improve the
policy and & regulatory framework that shapes the
built environment
•• Highlight innovative strategies for land use and
opportunities for positive urban change
•• Provide holistic education and learning opportunities
for young talent to develop a new professional class
for built environment management
•• Expand the sustainable urban development/built
environment marketplace
The key elements of the Summit included:
A three day conference with plenary, panel and town
hall sessions, and a supplementary Master Class for
aspiring policymakers and practitioners aiming to
engage in developing the built environment.
“A city that is green, open and environment
friendly and has trees as one of its
Ravi Singh
The Summit was designed as a communication
vehicle to position key policy issues as well as
to highlight opportunities for positive change by
showcasing community-oriented community urban
regeneration projects; and planned as a multi-layered
event to focus attention on the state of our cities, and
to debate strategies for improving their liveability,
competitiveness and environmental sustainability.
A Green Jobs Fair: Recognising that the habitats
of tomorrow will need to adapt to the growing
sustainability challenge, and that industry and
jobs will need to reflect the new paradigm
of a much more acutely priced carbon and
natural resource economy, the Fair was held
to raise awareness of the emerging career
opportunities as the transition to a green
economy happens.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
A scholarship programme titled the Urban
Habitats Forum Fellows to facilitate
participation of young talent between 18-35
years in the Conference.
An Urban Expo showcasing implementable
Community oriented Urban Regeneration Projects.
Concluding the Summit, the Director of the Centre,
Mr. Raj Liberhan briefed that the Habitat Summit
had been conceived as much as a catalyst, as it was
meant to serve as a platform for a discourse on India’s
alternative urban futures.
Based on the linkages, communities, thoughts and
ideas generated by the Summit and its preceding
consultations, it is recommended to annualise the
Summit and enhance the public-facing component
of the Summit, which enabled the Summit itself to
become more relevant in the eyes of the community,
the government, and the media - all important
stakeholders in the urban dialogue.
An Ideas Competition titled “Delhi Within” to inspire
ideas for urban change. 30 entries were received,
of which, 10 finalists’ ideas were showcased at the
1. ‘In Between Days’ by Ish Shehrawata
2. ‘Heritage City’ by AGK Menon, INTACH Delhi Chapter
3. ‘Power of Seeing’ by Studio Abhyas (adjudged
4. ‘Recycle Bus Stop’ by Nishant Kumar
5. ‘Aya Nagar Development Project’ by Greha
6. ‘Vikas Marg’ by Vikas Pawar
7. ‘Layered Interconnected Grounds’ by Aurgho
8. ‘Green Short Cuts’ by Swati Janu
9. ‘Industrial Museum Collaboration’ by Swati
10. ‘Sky Metro House’ by Ravish Kumar
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
In terms of topicality, and based on the policy
direction outcomes of the Summit, it is recommended
that the Summit focus particularly on land use and
urban mobility for the next year and it remains
multi-disciplinary, independent, non-partisan, and
inclusive for continued impact.
The presence and participation of youth, the successor
generation, in this Summit was very evident and
visible in keeping with the Centre’s focus on providing
a voice to the young.
Reaching Out
A key mission of the Centre to ‘reach out’ to the
members and others to develop knowledge base and
enable skills has continued this year.
A special focus to reach out to members has been
through the ‘Manage Your Life with IT’ programme
run by the Habitat Library & Resource Centre. This
is in its fifth year and has been designed to enable
our members and their spouses to understand the
fascinating world of computers and use this key tool
to ‘manage’ their lives better and become empowered
citizens in the home and external environments.
The programme runs for three months at a time on
Saturdays and Sundays. 77 members attended the
‘Manage your life with IT’ classes and the interest in
using computers in the library is growing. (Please see
Annexure 4)
This is part of the Habitat Weekend Experience put
together by the Habitat Library & Resource Centre
Along with ‘Members Habitat’, the Centre is also
reaching out to members through an interesting
range of usual and unusual components of
information on the IHC web site. Check it out at
The HLRC continues to reach out through its proactive
email Information Alerts on various subjects and on
IHC Walks.
Further, in its mission to reach out to different
categories of the citizenry in order to enable skills
and develop knowledge base for them, the Centre
runs different programmes and courses through the
Habitat Learning Centre and the Habitat Library &
Resource Centre.
•• Basic and Advanced Courses in Computers for
teaching under-privileged and marginalised
children from different parts of Delhi. This is
conducted in the Habitat Learning Centre and
in the Extension Centres in underprivileged
locations in Delhi
•• Orientation Courses for the Facilitators who
teach in the Extension Learning Centres
•• Nine day programme on ‘Harnessing the
Strengths of the Voluntary Sector for Enhancing
Delivery Capabilities’ (HSVS) to help NGOs
working at the grassroots level to enhance
their organisational effectiveness so that they
can deliver better programme results through
enhanced knowledge base
•• Three day programme on ‘Growing Differently
in the Climate Change Paradigm’ to help NGOs
working at the grassroots level to understand
the issue and to provide local solutions to the
marginalised communities
Habitat Seminar Series on ‘Harnessing
the Strengths of the Voluntary Sector for
Enhancing Delivery Capabilities’
The Habitat Library & Resource Centre
(HLRC) of India Habitat Centre is running a
seminar series, ‘Harnessing the Strengths of
the Voluntary Sector for Enhancing Delivery
Capabilities’ (the HSVS programme) in
partnership with Irish Aid, in its quest to help
harness the strengths of the voluntary sector
to interlink their programme profiles and
enhance delivery capabilities.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
The seminar series has been conceived to
include two integrated modules to cover key
issues impacting on efficient delivery and
enabling sharing and learning.
While the series started off as an eight day
series an additional day has been added in
response to consistent feedback received from
NGOs to add a component on understanding
the issue of Climate Change in order that they
can enable direct action at the community
India Habitat Centre’s partnership with NGOs
began through our HLRC when we reached
out to different organizations through the
Information Alert Service on issues of concern to
society. During the course of time, the Centre in
partnership with NGOs has launched a number
of initiatives through the Habitat Learning Centre
as well, wherein we linked our computer learning
initiatives to the NGOs’ child constituency. This has
been followed up with exposure to legal literacy again
through the Learning Centre. The present initiative is
one more step in this process.
Habitat Seminar Series on Climate Change:
‘Growing Differently in the Climate Change
The Habitat Library & Resource Centre (HLRC) of India
Habitat Centre is commencing a Habitat Seminar Series
on Climate Change: ‘Growing Differently in the Climate
Change Paradigm ’, specifically aimed at NGOs.
This seminar will be run over three days and has
been designed to create understanding on the issue
of Climate Change in order that NGOs in association
with the community can enable direct action at the
grassroots level.
This series is a direct spin-off from the India Habitat
Centre’s seminar series, on ‘Harnessing the Strengths of
the Voluntary Sector for Enhancing Delivery Capabilities’
(the HSVS programme) in its quest to help harness
the strengths of the voluntary sector to interlink their
programme profiles and enhance delivery capabilities.
While the series started off as an eight day series, it has
been expanded to add a component on understanding
the issue of Climate Change, in response to consistent
feedback received from NGOs, in order that they can
track possible issues needing solutions and help the
community to adapt and grow differently.
An outcome of this initiative has been the creation
of the Habitat Knowledge Grid, which is designed to
be a unique continuing partnership after the series
for learning and sharing among the NGOs inter se
and is facilitated by the Habitat Library and Resource
Centre of India Habitat Centre to assist and equip
programme implementers to enhance effectiveness of
All the seminars are led by an experienced and hands-on
team of professionals and include presentations, group
work, peer learning with emphasis on providing solutions
on different geographic terrains and including the use of
regional language.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Habitat Library & Resource Centre
The Habitat Library & Resource Centre continues
to be a preferred destination in the Centre due to its
calm and facilitating environment. We continue to
receive kudos for the supportive staff and services and
we strive hard to maintain this profile for this island
of intellectual pursuit within the hustle and bustle of
the Centre. The library was visited by 2388 members
this year and 1554 members used the Internet service.
29 Author members presented 52 titles published by
them to the Habitat Authors Corner which has been
set up to showcase the intellectual works of the
members. While the base collection has stabilised
new additions are in the form of electronic reference
sources as well as new publications reviewed by the
HLRC as well as members suggestions which have
included regional newspapers in English as well.
Authors Corner Discussions and Documentary
screening for members were being held in the
Library Lounge as a part of the Habitat Weekend
The Library Lounge has reopened after renovation
and expansion and members have started frequenting
the Lounge. A selection books by IHC members has
been showcased there.
further disseminate computer literacy. (Please see
Annexure 6)
In March this year the HLC took a recess to review its
work over the last six years and prepare the road map
to chart the way forward, building on the learning
and experiences with the various courses, pilots and
other initiatives that were undertaken. The resolve
to intensify the focus on IT learning and bridge the
digital divide was re-affirmed when feedback from
partner NGOs established that IHC’s curriculum,
content and schedule were very contextualised
and relevant and was sought after as they made a
valuable contribution to the programmes conducted
by them. IHC’s certification of participation was also
appreciated and sought.
Based on the earlier practice and adding value, a 12
month structured programme was devised that would
include a three month Basic Course followed by a
six month Advanced Course and a three month skillbased course such as mobile phone repairing, financial
accounting, computer hardware maintenance and
other relevant skills. The English Language learning
component would continue to remain an integral part
of the programme.
86 children were enrolled by 14 NGOs for the Basic
Course and the Advanced Course is ongoing.
In keeping with its IT based focus, outreach and plans,
HLRC is now administered by the IT Manager of the
Habitat Learning Centre
The Centre set up the Habitat Learning Centre (HLC)
in February 2002 to provide underprivileged children
access to information technology so that they are able
to explore more and better options for a better quality
of life. Over the years IHC partnered with many
NGOs working with children from the marginalised
communities who brought them to the HLC for
programmes that will provide them with computer
literacy and skill development. A natural outcome
was the setting up of Extension Learning Centres at
NGO locales to attempt to reach more children to
Participants who have completed our courses
have been able to take up livelihoods in
different organisations. Among the notable
successes has been a group of participants
who have recently formed an NGO and set
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
up a computer learning centre on their own
in Lal Kuan area of Delhi and have begun
conducting classes for participants from the
marginalised community there!
The links and collaborations established by the Habitat
Film Club with film societies, film bodies, embassies
and film distributors enable its members to enjoy a
wide and varied selection of films every month.
The Habitat Film Club seeks to expose its members
to the wealth and variety of cinema from across
the globe; from the early classics to the avant garde
styles of the new film makers, as well as films from
mainstream cinema showcasing the works of the
legends and rising stars of Indian and world cinema.
The Orientation Course for Facilitators from the
Extension Learning Centres is ongoing. This is run on
Saturdays and is spread over 12 weeks and includes
addressing technical, teaching and keeping-in-touch
In a move to enhance and upgrade the systems and
structure of the HLC, it is now administered by the IT
Manager of IHC and the faculty has been broad-based
by integrating in-house expertise from the Habitat
Library & Resource Centre thereby achieving a cost
effective solution to address this need.
Both members of the Centre and non-members join
the Habitat Film Club to belong to a film fraternity that
shares love for films and experience the excitement
of cinema. Members of the Habitat Film Club get
immediate access to forthcoming films and activities.
Habitat Film Club has always showcased a wide and
varied fare of films both Indian and international and
this year was no exception to the previous years.
In January the film club activities started off with the
5th Tricontinental Film Festival 2009, in collaboration
with breakthrough, along with a Focus On Korean
Films courtesy UTV World Movies.
February screened a retrospective of Director Gautam
Ghose’s films and also an International documentary
film festival on drugs: exploring myths, discovering
facts, reducing harm, presented by UNESCO in
collaboration NACO.
A Spanish Film Festival was the highlight in the month
of March.
April focused on Rome In Italian Classical Cinema
in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Centre and
UTV World Movies.
Habitat Film Club
The Habitat Film Club was started in March 2000 and
is a member of the the Federation Of Film Societies
Of India. It won the 6th Pritiman Sarkar Memorial
Award for the best Film Society in Northern India for
2002 - 2003.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
May was the month for the Habitat Film Festival,
featuring award winning regional films with a special
focus on the screening of Actor - Director, Revathy’s
body of works.
Films on Award Winning French
(2005 - 2008) were screened in June.
In July, films based on the Civil Rights Movement in
the USA & America’s Independence were showcased
courtesy American Centre, New Delhi.
A Mexican Film Festival and retrospective of Actor,
Director, Writer, Kamal Hasan’s films were the
attractions in August with Kamal Hasan attending the
inaugural show, adding lustre to the event.
September was dedicated to special screenings of ace
Director Akira Kurosawa’s films while an Egyptian
Film Festival was held in October.
In November, films based on Charles Dickens’
Novels and in December, movies on Christmas were
screened in collaboration with Enlighten Film Society,
In addition there were Film Club discussions held
every month where Film Scholars discussed a wide
range of films with the film club members.
Habitat Visual Arts Gallery
As the year 2009 comes to a close, the Visual Art
Gallery continues to be a veritable hub for activities
related to the world of art. The main gallery hosted
58 shows while the Open Palm Court hosted 57
shows and the Experimental Art Gallery hosted 25
The following are some of the highlights:
February - A Room With A
View (English/1985/117mins)
Dir. James Ivory
(Persia - The Circle
Dir. Ja /2000/90m
far Pa
sa Parks St
July - The Ro Dir. Julie
June An
(Benga uranan
Dir. An 006/120min
Roycho uddha
July - To Kill A Mockingbird
(129mins) Dir. Robert Mulligan
Tracing Waste - The Kabari’s Contribution To Society:
This exhibition of artworks by Enrico Fabian held at the
Visual Arts Gallery in March 2009 took a look behind
the curtains and discovered a world of its own. We
got an impression of the daily lives of people who are
responsible for handling tons of refuse in a complex
system of waste management.
Performative Formations in March 2009 at the Open
Palm Court Gallery was an exhibition / performance
that invited its beholders to take part in a third space
where patterns as ideas and materialisations were
investigated from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Three female artists, Malathi Selvam from
Tamil Nadu, Kristina Matousch, and Anna
Laine from Sweden approached patterns as a
subject from various perspectives.
September - Saptapadi
(Bengali/1961/163mins) Dir.
Ajoy Kar. Cast: Suchitra Sen,
Uttam Kumar
September - Akira
Kurosawa Evenin
Rashômon (Japane
- B&W/1950/88mi
November - Last Lear (English/2007/130mins) Dir.
Rituparno Ghosh. Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Preity
Zinta, Arjun Rampal, Divya Dutta, Shefali Shah &
Jisshu Sengupta
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Malathi Selvam is a self-taught artist who bases
her works on the kolam, an artistic practice
often referred to as a form of indigenous craft.
She has developed the practice in a personal
manner, incorporating elements from
photography as well as popular religious art.
Apart from their common interest in patterns, they
engaged in an aesthetic that is relational and thus
concerned an interaction between audience, artists
and art works. The aim was to present a contact zone
where both deconstruction and reconstruction was
Kristina Matousch’s works were engaged in
the ordering aspects of patterns, everyday
life, and the relation between inside and
outside which have a connection with the
daily kolam practice and often takes forms as
Lorna Murray’s Weaving in the Urban Tangle was a
display of textile panels at the Experimental Arts Gallery
in February, 2009. Her art employs the two and three
dimensional potential of utilitarian objects as well
as discarded materials discovered within the tangled
network of Delhi’s streets. She weaves these together
into intricate, ornamental cloth constructions, which
are statements about the impermanence, beauty,
and chaos intrinsic to the fabric of society in Delhi.
She works with the extraordinary transformations
that occur when ordinary functional materials are
juxtaposed together. The works explored notions of
duality and complexity, and the seemingly endless
human urge in India towards the making of beauty in
any circumstance. The mediums in use were recycled
match boxes, plastic wrappers, threads, wood, plastic
and perspex.
Anna Laine’s research concerning the kolam
relates the Indian practice and its patterns to
rhythms, as well as parallel Western constructions
of femininity.
Penguin Classics Library had arranged an exhibition
of best looks ever written in March, 2009. The library
was set up in the Amphitheatre and there was a live
jazz band performance. There were dramatized
readings from a selection of classics by theatre
personalities Bhaskar Ghosh & Sinia Dugal.
Sandeep Silas, a civil servant, travel-writer, poet and
scholar had a photo exhibition at the IHC Lobbies on
Orchids and Faces, shot by him in Longwood Gardens,
Pennsylvania, USA. He feels that there is so much of
divinity, grace, joy and peace in flowers and yet the
world goes on trading guns instead of flowers!
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
The Paint Your Canvas workshop is organised to
enable participants to explore and share the nuances
of painting with well-known artist Kavita Jaiswal.
These classes are conducted at the India Habitat
Centre’s Visual Arts Gallery for members of IHC as
well as others.
As part of the India Habitat Centre’s outreach
programme, the Visual Arts Gallery continued
to conduct its quarterly ‘Art Workshop’ by
Rohit Sharma.
IHC Visual Arts Gallery Awards
In an effort to promote photography as an art form, the
Visual Arts Gallery instituted an award for photography
in the year 2003. The award constitutes an amount of
Rs.1.20 lakhs as fellowship and the winner’s works
are showcased in a weeklong photography exhibition
at the Open Palm Court Gallery.
The IHC in collaboration with Art India and with the
support of Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council jointly
present the Promising Artist Award. Instituted in 2005
by the India Habitat Centre and Art India Magazine,
the aim of this prestigious award is to encourage and
support a committed promising Indian artist. The
winner is awarded with a certificate of merit, a cash
prize of Rs.1,50,000/- and an opportunity to showcase
his/her works at the India Habitat Centre’s Visual
Arts Gallery.
The ‘Excellence in Ceramics’ Award has been
instituted by Delhi Blue Pottery Trust in collaboration
with India Habitat Centre and is given for technical
excellence and freedom of artistic expression, greatly
encouraging the movement towards the development
of cutting edge ceramics. It carries a cash award of
Rs.1,25,000/- and offers the winner an opportunity to
showcase his/her work at one of the galleries of India
Habitat Centre.
These awards are announced at the Annual Arts
Evening at the end of every year. This year the awards
will be presented on December 10, 2009.
Hospitality Services
The Hospitality facilities comprising of Guest Rooms,
Restaurants and Bar, Health Club, Conference and
Banquets and Performing Art Events have been an
integral part of the Centre over the last twelve years.
The smartly appointed guest rooms, the interesting
themes and wide range of cuisine in the restaurants,
the convention venues and the rich mix of programmes
has immensely contributed towards making the Centre
one of the most sought after destinations not only in
Delhi but also in India. Over the years, high service
standards have been maintained ensuring excellent
member satisfaction levels. There are innumerable
repeat visitors and regular members who have made
this their second home. The Centre has today become
an extremely popular hub frequented by people from
all walks of life.
It will be recalled that the India Habitat Centre
management, since inception had decided to
outsource the hospitality services to M/s Old World
Hospitality, for a period of 13 years, which expires in
June 2010. The Governing Council had instituted a
series of steps to decide the future course. On the basis
of an overall process of evaluation and assessment,
through consultations and discussions, it was decided
in principle to negotiate the continuance of services
through M/s Old World Hospitality.
Standing Committees of India
Habitat Centre
The Standing Committees that functioned up
to November 2009 are:
A. Tariff Committee
The Governing council in its 44th meeting
held on 26th August 1997 constituted the Tariff
Committee in pursuance of the agreement
with Old World Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. (OWH).
As per the agreement between IHC and
OWH, the Tariff Committee comprises three
nominees from IHC and two nominees
from OWH.
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
I. Dr. R.K. Pachauri, Director General, TERI
II. Ms. Tara Sinha
III. Ms. Nisha Taneja, ICRIER
IV. Two nominees from OWH
This committee is assisted by Director, IHC in
taking the decisions. This committee fixes the
tariff rates. The committee also monitors and
controls the quality of service in the facilities.
The committee has met 34 times from time
to time for regulating and reviewing the tariff
rates taking into account all the relevant
B. Finance & Expenditure Committee
The Governing Council in its 44th meeting held on 26th
August, 1997 also decided that a finance committee be
constituted which will look into the budget estimates
prepared by the Centre and OWH and the expenditure
needs. The Finance & Expenditure Committee would
also authorise the expenditure that is required to be
incurred while examining and evaluating in detail the
estimates prepared with a view to giving the finality of
the cost and also the implementable option available
to IHC to raise resources. The current members of the
Finance & Expenditure Committee are as follows:
I. Dr. R.K. Pachauri, Director General, TERI
II. Mr. E Sridharan, Director, UPIASI
III. Mr. S Sridhar, CMD, NHB
IV. Prof. Chetan Vaidya, Director, NIUA
V. Dr. M. M. Kutty, Joint Secretary, (D&L), Ministry
of Urban Development
VI. Mr. R M S Liberhan, Director, IHC
The committee met from time to time for the purpose
it has been constituted. So far 88 meetings of this
committee have taken place.
C. Membership Committee
The Governing Council in its 70th meeting authorised
the President to reconstitute the Membership
Committee to scrutinise the applications received by
IHC between 26th February 2009 to 25th April 2009
for its membership. The President nominated a four
member committee headed by Ms. Syeda Hameed,
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Member, Planning Commission. The committee is
meeting regularly to finalise the new members.
D. Library Committee
The committee is constituted to assist and give
suggestion on the functioning of the library and
resource centre. It is the endeavor of the committee to
gather suggestions from the members to make HLRC
more interactive and useful to the members. The
committee comprises of following members:I. Dr. Manmohan Kapur
II. Dr. Uma Shanker
III. Dr. Harsh Wardhan
IV. Mr. S.K. Sinha
V. Mr. Dinesh Sharma
VI. Mr. M.I. Butt
VII. Mrs. Monica Thaper
VIII. Dr. (Mrs.) Sushma Kashyap
IX. Mrs. Anuradha Chaturvedi
E. Audit Committee
The Governing Council in its 51st Meeting held on
20th March 2001 formed an Audit Committee to look
into internal audit reports and internal check system.
The Governing Council is regularly updated on the
work being carried out by the Committee and the
Internal Audit reports and their compliance.
The President reconstituted the committee on
25th May 2009 with following as its members:
I. Air Commd. (Retd.) M M Joshi,
Director TDED, TERI
II. Mr. Anil Paul, Director Finance, HR &
Administration, Population Council
III. Mr. P. K. Jain, FAO, NCRPB
Till date all the sub committees have discharged the
responsibilities given by the Governing Council from
time to time.
Governing Council Meetings
The Governing Council met thrice after the last
AGM. The meetings were held on 4th March 2009,
30th June 2009 and 4th November 2009. Some of the
important issues taken up in these meetings included
the following:
1. Review of hospitality arrangement at IHC.
The Governing Council appointed a three
member committee to look into the review of
hospitality arrangement which is expiring in July
2010. The committee gave its recommendations
to the Governing Council in its 73rd meeting.
The Council has decided to extend the existing
and depth of their reach. The Council also noted
the works being carried out in the maintenance
area and role of the internal technical committee
comprising of officers of IHC and an expert
consultant, which was looking after all the
maintenance work at IHC.
8. IHC staff pay revision
The Council in its 73rd meeting approved interim
relief for IHC staff and finalisation of the pay
revision wef 1st June 2009.
Acknowledgements and Conclusion
2. Adoption of Annual accounts for 2008-2009 and
recommended to the General Body for adoption.
The Council after going through all the relevant
issues including foreign contribution to IHC,
income tax assessments, property tax dispute
etc., has recommended for adoption the annual
accounts for the year 2008-09.
3. IHC budgets were also reviewed by the Council.
The Council in its 71st meeting approved the
annual budget of IHC for the year 2009-10.
4. The issue of membership was also taken up by
Governing Council.
The Council discussed various options that
the Membership Committee could consider
while finalising new memberships. The Council
ultimately has left it to the collective judgment of
the members.
5. Governing Council also followed up on the 1st
Habitat Summit.
The Governing Council in its 73rd meeting
discussed the 1st Habitat Summit and advised the
President to establish an advisory group to assist
the formulation of the next summit and its issues.
6. Governing Council also took action on the
suggestions emerging from 20th AGM.
7. Programme profile of IHC and maintenance
practices at IHC.
The Governing Council noted the developments
and appreciated the broad range of initiatives
In these times of frenetic activity, some hustle and
some bustle, where very moment adds a step to the
pace, the Centre’s environs offer a shelter to pause
and reflect and contemplate. It can be in the proximity
of the fountains or amidst the palms or next to the
lotus pool or in the silence of the library. This is what
the Centre has come to mean to the different shades
of members and visitors who enter the portals of
the Centre.
In the ultimate, we need many such islands in the city
and in the country with young India rearing to go and
accomplish many feats, the right ambience and the
appropriate facilitating environs needs to be created
for such thinking minds. At the very least, Ladies and
Gentlemen, we have created and sustained one here
in the capital of the country.
No place of the size and dimension of the India
Habitat Centre can work without the goodwill
and support of a multiplicity of regulatory
agencies and inspection authorities. The MCD,
the power companies, the Delhi Jal Board and
above all, the Ministry of Urban Development
has held our hand and helped to stabilise the
Institution’s profile. Their benign umbrella of
support has been most protective from sundry
externalities and to all of them we owe our
In the more immediate context, the role of
the members of the Governing Council has
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
been exemplary in providing inspiration and
ideas to keep the magic of the Centre alive
and vibrant. The President and the members
of the Governing Council have unhesitatingly
given of their time and talent to steer the
complex affairs of the Centre with fortitude
and sagacity.
Above everything we need to thank the many,
many anonymous individuals who give of
their talent, time, diligence and complete
attention to making all the little thing work so
that the entire institution is always running.
We must appreciate that a 24-hour institution
cannot have any hitch and these technicians,
housekeeping persons, engineers, security
personnel and helpers work day and night to make
it happen. You will also see smiling faces behind the
various desks at HLRC, Film Club, Library Lounge,
Art Gallery, Programmes and wherever else you go
who make your visit to the Centre a pleasant and
meaningful experience.
With these words, I present to you the Annual
Accounts for 2008-2009 of India Habitat Centre for
endorsement and seek your active co-operation in
maintaining the centre and its earnest attempt to serve
the nation in conformity with its aims and objects for
which it has come into existence in the Capital.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I commend to you the
adoption of the Annual Accounts of 2008-2009.
For and on behalf of the Governing Council
Place: New Delhi
Dated: 3rd December 2009
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
R M S Liberhan
Annexure 1 | Programmes: January 2009 - December 2009
Habitat Debate and Discourse Initiative
Panel Discussion
January 17
Needs And Rights Of Elder People Collab: Agewell
March 26
Role Of Older Persons In Democratic Process. A
discussion on the needs and rights of the elderly
Collab: Agewell Foundation
April 7
The book India And Global Crisis by Dr. Shankar
Acharya was released by Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia,
Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, followed
by a panel discussion Collab: Academic Foundation
April 20
Role Of An MP: Expectations Vs Reality. The
discussion attempted to explore and understand
the various ways in which Indian MPs straddle the
realities of the urban and the rural, the modern and
the traditional, the social and the State, the formal and
the informal. Panelists included political and social
scientists, political leaders and experts on democratic
institutions. Collab: Democracy Connect
June 9
The Flexibility Curve A discussion to explore gender,
diversity and flexibility in organisations. Panelists:
Mohinish Sinha, CEO, idiscoveri Enterprise; Ragini
Chopra, V.P, Corp. Communications, Jet Airways;
Ruvina Singh, Head HR & Head of Group Resourcing
India, Royal Bank of Scotland; Smriti Lamech,
Journalist, Writer, Blogger; Urvashi Butalia, Founder &
Director, Zubaan Books. Moderated by Rini Khanna
July 25
DELhiBERATIONS An evening with architects from
Delhi and Bangalore. Participants: Sanjay Mohe,
A G K Menon, Architects & Vir Mueller Architects
Martand Khosla, Morphogenesis, ABRD Architects,
Verendra Wakhloo, Stephane Paumier, Praveen
Bavadekar, Anagram
September 1
Panel Discussion on the book Bazaars, Conversations
And Freedom: For A Market Culture Beyond Greed
And Fear by Rajni Bakshi. The author was in
conversation with Dr. Subir Gokarn, Chief Economist,
Standard & Poor’s Asia-Pacific; Vijay Mahajan, social
Entrepreneur and Chairman, BASIX. Moderated by
Vir Sanghvi
December 1
Panel discussion on Muslims In North India Frozen
In The Past by Prof. Syed Iqbal Hasnain. Presided
by Kuldeep Nayar, renowned journalist and editor.
Panelists: Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State for
Environment and Forests, E. Ahmed, Minister of State
for Railways, Prof. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, CEO and
Director, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
Habitat Learning and Sharing Initiative
Health Talks
January 9
Lecture by Psycho linguist Sara Ann Schuchert on
Open The Doors Of Learning Through Music, Dance
And A Deeper Understanding Of The Human Mind!
Explore The Relationship Between Movement,
Language And The Brain As The Underpinnings Of
Learning Collab: Action For Autism
January 10
Illustrated Talk - based on her recently published
book Dreams & Beyond: Finding Your Way in the
Dark (Pub: Hay House) Madhu Tandan spoke on how
to interpret dreams and discussed the many ways a
single dream can be understood. She also explored
the variety of dream types.
March 13
Sun Gazing - A Cost Free Natural Method For
Good Health Speaker: Hira Ratan Manek (HRM)
“HRM Phenomenon” Collab: Foundation For Peace
Harmony and Good Governance
March 28
Human Life scientist Dr. M.M.Alex, Director, Institute
of Ancient Intergrated Therapies, spoke on Good
Health Today With Modern And Ancient Therapies
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
April 11
Himalayan Master Yogiraj Siddhanath spoke on Kriya
Yoga Collab: Hamsa Yoga Sangha
April 23
Suryaji Jowel, renowned exponent of Suryayog, spoke
on Environment & Enlightenment
May 11
National Seminar on Toxicity In Tobacco & How To
Reduce It And The Death Rates In The Country Due
To The Tobacco Menace Collab: Avinash Society
May 15
Health Talk Series - Know The Edible Oils - When,
Which, Why And How To Consume Panelists: Dr.
Mala Kapur Shankardass, Dr. Anil Chaturvedi, Ishi
Khosla, Chef Nita Mehta and V. N. Dalmia. Collab:
Development, Welfare & Research Foundation &
Hudson Canola Oil
July 13
Mumbai - based nutrition expert Dr. Vijaya Venkat,
spoke on Self-Care Is Health Care Is Earth Care Chair:
D. R. Kaarthikeyan, President - Life Positive Foundation
Collab: Foundation For Good Governance
July 30
Medical Applications Of Reflexology With A Focus
On Epilepsy by Dr. Krishna Dalal, AIIMS
August 20
Dr. Anoop Misra, Director & Head, Dept. of Diabetes
& Metabolic Diseases, Fortis Hospitals spoke on
Dealing With Diabetes & Cholesterol Disorders
Moderated by Dr. Mala Kapur Shankardass Collab:
Development, Welfare & Research Foundation
September 22
ARDSI- Delhi Chapter observed World Alzheimer’s
Day with presentations on Alzheimer’s disease
followed by an interactive session
September 30
Dealing With Snoring - Is It A Heart Health Hazard?
Speakers: Dr. Manvir Bhatia, Senior Neurologist,
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Head, Dept. Sleep Medicine, Sri Ganga Ram Hospital;
Dr. J. P. Sawhney, Head, Dept. of Cardiology, Sri
Ganga Ram Hospital; Moderator: Dr. Mala Kapur
Shankardass, Health Sociologist & Gerontologist.
Collab: Development, Welfare & Research
October 30
Prevention And Management of Backache Speaker:
Dr. P. S. Maini, Principal Director and Advisor,
Orthopaedics Surgery, Fortis Group of Hospitals,
Padma Bhushan Awardee; Moderator: Dr. Mala Kapur
Shankardass, Health Sociologist & Gerontologist
Collab: Development, Welfare & Research
January 12
Giorgio Giacomelli, President of Hydroaid and
member, UNSG’s Advisory Board on Water and
Sanitation spoke on The Water Related Millennium
Development Goals And Beyond Collab: Italian
Embassy and Italian Cultural Centre
March 19
Scientific Framework For Integrated Approach With
Emphasis On Socio-Economic & Environmental
Responsibilities Of Hilly Small Hydro Projects
Speakers: Prof. A K Gosain, IIT Delhi and Pratap
Chandnani, Founder, Green Shakti
April 2
Spiti Ecosphere: Travel, Adventure, And Conservation
In The Himalayas Winner of the 2008 Responsible
Tourism Award, Ecosphere is an organisation working
towards conservation, livelihoods and sustainable
development in Spiti. Its co-founder, Ishita Khanna,
an Ashoka Fellow and MTV Youth Icon 2008, spoke
about Ecosphere’s work and her experiences of
working and living in Spiti Collab: The Himalayan
June 4
To mark World Environment Day, Philippe Scholtes,
Representative, United Nations Industrial Development
Organisation, spoke on Industry, Energy, Environment
And Climate Change Chair: Shalini Dewan, Director,
UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan Collab:
UN Information Centre, New Delhi
June 5
On World Environment Day - talk on denudation of
the Aravalis which would lead to the desertification
of Delhi and NCR. Collab: Indian Council For
Human Relations
August 19
Regeneration, Potential In The Aravallis by Ranmal
Singh Jhala followed by an interactive session
October 31
Haryali Aur Rasta Illustrated talk by Dr. T. V. Sairam
on Acoustic Ecology Collab: Nada Centre For Music
Therapy, Chennai
November 30
Haryali Aur Rasta Illustrated talk by Gurpreet Sidhu,
Co-founder of People Tree, on Empowerment Of
Women Through Eco-Friendly Livelihoods Collab:
Indian Council for Human Relation
December 1
Special Interactive Seminar, a precursor to the
upcoming international Conference of the Parties
on Climate Change at Copenhagen Collab: The
Oceanic Group
December 23
Haryali Aur Rasta Anupam Mishra, Executive
Secretary, Gandhi Peace Foundation spoke on
Traditional Rain-Water Harvesting
inherited and acquired? In a business association,
what are the rights of the partners? Are they different
for women? Two eminent speakers expounded this
section of the law
April 25
Female-Anger by Dr. Ameeta Parsuram, Associate
Professor, Department of Psychology, Jesus and
Mary College, University of Delhi followed by a
Q & A session
February 6
Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director, Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
spoke on Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change
Collab: German Embassy
March 12
14th Science Circle Lecture | Dr. Ute Frevert, Director,
Max Planck Institute for Human Development,
Germany spoke on Does Trust Have a History?
Collab: German Embassy
November 11
World Science Festival IV - Charles Darwin
Bicentennial Lecture: The Evolution of Consciousness
by Prof. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Director, Centre
for Brain and Cognition, University of California,
San Diego Collab: World Institute for Advanced
Study, CPFS
Women’s Issues
December 7
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf, Director, Art History
Institute in Florence, Max Planck Institute, spoke
on Mediterranean Art Histories In A Transcultural
Perspective - The Case of Medieval Sicily Collab:
German Embassy
January 14
Women And Law Ex-LSR Students Association (ELSA)
presented a series of lectures by an eminent panel
of speakers on understanding the law particularly
from a woman’s perspective. Women And Business
& Property - What are women’s rights to property,
December 8
Bonjour India Littératures - A French Festival Of
Letters Literature sessions, readings & panel sessions.
Colonization, French Society And The Writer by
Laurent Mauvignier, Pascal Bruckner
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
December 9
Bonjour India Littératures - A French Festival Of
Letters Literature sessions, readings & panel sessions.
Epileptic To Kabul Disco - The New French Graphic
Novel by Nicholas Wild, David B
May 9
Metaphor of New Realities: An Evening of Indian
Poetry Participation by poets writing in Hindi,
Bengali, English, Punjabi and Urdu Collab: Poetry
Club of India
December 10
Bonjour India Littératures - A French Festival Of
Letters Literature sessions, readings & panel sessions.
Representing The Self by Gregoire Bouillier, Catherine
May 16
Book Club met to read from Three Cups Of Tea by
Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin
December 11
Bonjour India Littératures - A French Festival Of
Letters Literature sessions, readings & panel sessions.
Love In The 21st Century by Pascal Bruckner, Gregoire
Bouillier, Catherine Cusset
December 30
Kuchh Naya, Kuchh Purana Old and new readings
in Hindi and Urdu Collab: Yatra Books & Penguin
Books India
February 23
Kavita Singh, art historian and Associate Professor
at the School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU spoke on
Painted Epics Of Rajasthan: Pabuji And Dev Narayan
In Myth And History
November 16
Medieval History Journal Annual Lecture Prof. Chris
Wickham of Oxford University, and Editor, Past And
Present spoke on Problems of Historical Transitions
- A Comparative Approach Collab: Medieval History
Society, JNU & ICCR
March 15
Dramatised Reading of renowned English playwright
Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party (1958) Collab:
Shaw’s Corner
March 27
Book Club met to read from Onitsha by Jean-Marie
Gustave Le Clezio
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
July 3
Book Club met to read from A Golden Age by
Tahmima Anam
July 26
Talk And Anecdotes On Shaw’s Life And Philosophy
on the occasion of George Bernard Shaw’s Birth
Anniversary, followed by a dramatized reading of
the comedy The Man Of Destiny. Shaw presents
a refreshingly new profile of Napolean Bonaparte,
outwitting a strange lady he’s equally outwitted by!
Collab: Shaw’s Corner & Embassy of Ireland
September 18
Poetry Club Of India presented Tradition & Modernity:
An Evening Of Indian Poetry
October 12
Poetry readings by L.S Bajpayee in Hindi & Urdu and
Sujata Choudhary in English & Oriya. Chair: Sameer
Kakkar. Collab: Universal Poetry
December 5
Book Club met to discuss Eat, Pray & Love by
Elizabeth Gilbert
December 12
Bonjour India Littératures - A French Festival Of
Letters Literature sessions, readings & panel sessions.
Being Contemporary: The French Novel And The XXI
Century by Phillippe Vasset
December 15
Poetry readings in Hindi, Urdu & English. Chair:
Sameer Kakkar. Collab: Universal Poetry
January 7
The Right To Choose Religion: Myth and Reality by
Prof. Bharat Gupt. Dr. Indrani Rampersad from
Unversity of Trinidad was the main discussant. Chair:
Prof. Ram Das Lamb, Hawaii University
January 7
Garland Of Peace an original idea calling for declaring
war ruins/sites as Peace Heritage Sites - novel global
peace initiative by civil servant, travel writer and poet
Sandeep Silas
January 9
India Analysed Sudhir Kakar in conversation with
Ramin Jahanbegloo. Collab: Oxford University Press
and High Commission Of Canada
January 13
Annual lecture of Apne Aap Women Worldwide by
leading feminist legal scholar Catherine MacKinnon
on Trafficking, Prostitution and Inequality: Confronting
the Demand. Introduction by Emmy-winner,
Ruchira Gupta
March 27
Experience the IB Classroom A perspective on the
Diploma Programme conducted by Pioneers & Leaders
in Education - The Shri Ram School, Gurgaon
April 4
Swami Bodhananda Saraswati spoke on Enlightenment
- Here And Now Collab: Sambodh Foundation
April 17
Arundhati Ghose, India’s former Ambassador to
United Nations, launches India And Arms Trade
Treaty: Making Disarmament Meaningful To People’s
Lives Edited by Binalakshmi Nepram, Secy. Gen.,
Control Arms Foundation of India and Founder,
Manipur Women Gun Survivor’s Network. Pub.: India
Research Press. Book launch will be followed by a
panel discussion on United Nations Process For An
International Arms Trade Treaty And How This Treaty
Will Help India In Dealing With Rising Security Threats
Due To Unregulated Arms Proliferation Panelists:
Prof. Anuradha Chenoy, Air Cmde. Prashant Dikshit,
Dr.Bibhu Routray, Deba Mohanty, Ashima Kaul, Riju
Raj Jamwal
April 27
A dialogue with founder Chairperson of SPIC MACAY,
Dr. Kiran Seth on The Future Of Indian Dance. This
was accompanied by the screening of Anubhuti,
a documentary on Spic Macay Collab: Prasiddha
Foundation & Kri Foundation
May 3
Author - Scholar Pran Nevile spoke on the lure of
Ghazal gayaki and presented rare private recordings
of eminent artists Surindar Nath, Talat Mehmood,
Begum Akhtar, Naina Devi & Salim Raza and some
video clippings of renowned ghazal singers of the
May 7
A tribute to legendary actor, activist and humanist
Balraj Sahni. Excerpts from some of his writing and his
views presented by Impresario Asia’s artists Collab:
Impresario Asia
May 17
An evening of Bangla Shruti Natak (audio plays)
by playwright and presenter Swapna Guha. The
performance was followed by a discussion with
Swapna Guha
May 18
Letters, Sounds, Images - Indian and Bulgarian
Artists in Dialogue Interactive performances by Rana
Dasgupta (writer), Georgi Tenev (writer) and Kalin
Nikolov (composer) Collab: Bulgarian Embassy
May 23
Music Therapy For The Seniors by T. V. Sairam,
author, ethnobotanist and former member of Indian
Revenue Service, who has been researching on the
therapeutic aspects of music Collab: Nada Centre for
Music Therapy, Chennai
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
600-Days In The Himalayas A presentation by Sunyogi
Uma Shankar. Chair: D. R. Kaarthikeyan
June 30
The Challenge Of Black Money Speaker: M.
Damodaran, Former Chairman, SEBI. Chair:
D. R. Kaarthikeyan
July 6
Shailesh V. Haribhakti, Chartered Accountants,
Haribhakti & Co Chairman, BDO Consulting Ltd;
Corporate Governance spoke on Truth Multiplier In
Indian Stock Market. P. H. Ravikumar, Managing
Director & CEO, Invent ARC, Former SGM
ICICI Bank; MD& CEO of NCDEX Ltd. spoke on
Money Laundering And Financial Markets. Chair:
D. R. Kaarthikeyan
August 3
A. P. Saxena, former Director (Management) Planning
Commission, spoke on Ethics In Administration Chair:
T. N. Chaturvedi, former Karnataka Governor Collab:
Institute for Improved India
August 18
Award of the 3rd Prof. ML Sondhi Prize for International
Politics to Rear Admiral K. Raja Menon (Retd.),
Chairman of the Task Force on Net Assessment and
Simulation in the National Security Council spoke on
The Nature Of Future Conflict In The Indian Context
September 16
Impact of Triple Eclipses - Reality or Myth? by
Dr. M. M. Alex, Human Life Scientist Chair:
D. R. Kaarthikeyan
September 19
Fourth Annual Peace Day Festival: Interpretations Of
Peace And Conflict Panel Discussion on Manufacturing
Peace with Praful Bidwai, Anil Chaudhary, Kavita
Srivastava & other scholars Collab: Kriti
September 21
On the occasion of World Peace Day, IHC launches
Garland of Peace, an initiative by Sandeep Silas to
Declare War Ruins As Peace Heritage Sites all over
the world
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
October 4
Prof. Dr. Arjun K. Sengupta, MP, Chairman, Centre
for Development and Human Rights spoke on
Is There A Human Right Development? Chair:
D. R. Kaarthikeyan
October 13
How To Save And Invest Wisely? Speaker: P. H.
Ravikumar, MD & CEO, Invent ARC and former SGM
ICICI Bank and MD& CEO of NCDEX Ltd. Chair:
D.R. Kaarthikeyan
November 2
Marsia by Mir Anis Recitation by Dr. Taqi Abidi,
renowned Urdu scholar & poet Collab: Husan
Ara Trust
November 6
2nd Dr. L. M. Singhvi Memorial Lecture by Justice
Altamas Kabir on Sixty Years Of The Indian
Constitution And The Common Man
November 8
Interaction On Architecture Presentation on City And
Megalopolis. 2050: 9.95 Millions Inhabitants Of The
Earth by Italian architect Massimiliano Fuksas followed
by a presentation on Form Follows Sun - Architecture
In The Age Of Global Warming by Indian architect
Raj Rewal. The architects were in conversation
following the presentations. Org. Embassy of Italy in
collaboration with Indian Institute of Architects
November 23
Dr. Bageeshwari Devi spoke on Why Me? followed
by discussion on related questions
November 26
Tools for Tough Times Speakers: Dharmaraj Iyer,
MS, (CS) MIT, CEO of Harmony at Work & Haridas
Blake, Head Trainer of Harmony At Work Chair: D.
R. Kaarthikeyan
December 15
3rd IESHR LECTURE by Prof. Benedict Anderson
on Rooted Cosmopolitanism And Its Political
Preconditions Collab: SAGE Publications & The
Indian Economic and Social History Association
December 29
Role of Older Persons in Nuclear Families under the
Series of Symposiums on Needs & Rights of Older
Persons Collab: Agewell Foundation
Seminars, Workshops And Others
October 26
Symposium: arch I - Architecture Platform presented
Architecture For Humanity, exhibition cum panel
discussion showcasing sustainable designs, involving
community participation, by architects Revathi
Kamath, Anne Feenstra & Alex van der Beld (ONIX)
in India, Afghanistan & Netherlands, respectively.
Collab: Dutch Embassy & CMS
October 26
Vimhans continued with its monthly series of workshops
on Family Relationships & Communication
September 15
Focus on Do We Really Communicate? How To
Enhance This Very Essential Component Among
October 14
Focus on How To Talk, So Children Will Listen
November 17
Focus on better understanding of the issues concerning
intimacy followed by identifiable ways that help
enhance the same
December 16
Focus on early identification of lacunae in
communication and on preventing challenges in
parenting and in couples
Habitat Youth Initiatives
July 8
Student First! A dialogue series on quality education
for all by School Choice Campaign Collab: Centre for
Civil Society
July 24
Pravah and Ashoka: Innovators for the Public presented
an evening of celebration and interaction with young
people from across India who have started their own
social change initiatives Collab: Change Looms
July 26
We began a new series of talks on governance
accountability for young people. The first in the series
focused on What Does Your Vote Want? Collab: The
YP Foundation
September 9
Student First! Dialogue Series - Panel discussion on
Right To Education: Will It Be Enough? by School
Choice Campaign Collab: Centre for Civil Society
October 14
Student First! Dialogue Series - Panel discussion on
School Admission Reforms: Why, What, How? by
School Choice Campaign Collab: Centre for Civil
Habitat Young Visionary Awards
January 28
Semi - finals of the Habitat Young Visionary
Award 2009
January 30
Finals of the Habitat Young Visionary Award 2009
New Initiatives
Turning Point
A new series that looks at landmark decisions, creative
works, inventions, endeavours and events that have
made a definitive difference; that broke fresh ground,
gave new direction and changed the course and
broadened the horizons
January 15
We began the series with a dialogue between
musicologist and music scholar Madan Gopal Singh
and Rabbi Shergill, the popular contemporary voice
of our music legacy
March 30
In the second lecture celebrated Bharatanatyam
dancer & choreographer Geeta Chandran was in
conversation with renowned Bharatanatyam dancer
and Kuchipudi exponent Dr. Yamini Krishnamoorthy
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
April 10
In the third lecture, renowned film director Shyam
Benegal was in conversation with contemporary
director Anurag Kashyap
May 29
In our next lecture, renowned Hindi poets Kanhaiya
Lal Nandan and Ashok Chakradhar deliberated over
the course that Hindi Poetry has taken
August 25
Ashish Ganju & Manit Rastogi traced the evolution of
architecture in the Indian dimension and its impact
on urban development in the 4th interaction of
the series
October 14
New Writings From The North East Writers Temsula
Ao, Mamang Dai & Bijoya Sawian discussed the
growth and progress of North eastern writings with
Urvashi Butalia, Editor-In-Chief, Zubaan Books
Kisse Kahaniyan
A series of programmes on the art of storytelling both
traditional and experimental
March 20
Inaugural session on the occasion of International
World Day Of Theatre For Children And Young
People followed by interaction Collab: ASSITEJ India
August 27
Series contd.
September 10
Stories From Other Lands
October 15
Stories Related To Festivals
November 26
Fantastic Tales
December 23
Stories Of Nature
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Words of Women
IHC in collaboration with Zubaan presented Words
of Women
July 16
Manreet Sodhi (author of The Long Walk Home) was
in conversation with Daman Singh (author of Nine by
Nine) Collab: Harper Collins
August 17
An interaction with author Shazia Omar, a young
and contemporary voice from Bangladesh followed
by launch of her book Like A Diamond In The Sky
Collab: Zubaan & Penguin
September 12
Interaction with well-known Bengali author Anita
Agnihotri & Nandini Guha, the translator of her new
novel The Awakening Pub. Zubaan
September 30
Interaction with spiritual and introspective writer
Poonam Srivastava (Pub. Amber Books) Collab:
November 9
Waves In The Hinterland by Farah Naqvi Pub. Zubaan/
Nirantar. Panel Discussion on Rural Media, Rural
Voices: Does Grassroots Journalism Exist In India?
Can It Survive? Panelists: Dr. C. P. Joshi, Minister for
Rural Development, Dr. Syeda Hameed, Member,
Planning Commission, Sir Mark Tully, Journalist &
Author, Siddharth Varadarajan, The Hindu, Sutapa
Deb, NDTV, Kavita, Co-Editor, Khabar Lahariya,
Banda Collab: Words of Women
February 1
Tales Of An Explorer: Well-known explorer Mandip
Singh Soin took us on a three decade journey of diverse
travels & adventures from Himalayan summits and
active Volcanoes to Elephant & Camel safaris. Noted
author Bill Aitken provided the introduction. Collab:
The Himalayan Club, Ecotourism Society, HET and
PATA India Chapter
April 18
Cdr. Satyabrata Dam, leading Indian mountaineer and
explorer, spoke on Himalayan Rhapsody featuring
rarely traversed passes in the Lahul and Zanskar
Region Collab: The Himalayan Club
May 17
Himalayan Club members Milan Moudgill & Sahil
Vohra used stunning images to take us along the
beautiful and challenging “Chadar” trek along the
frozen Zanskar river in the winter and across the
high-altitude snow-bound Lamkhaga Pass in Garhwal
Collab: The Himalayan Club
October 4
Innovative Science Learning In Schools Through
Astronomy; How To Make Students Curious About
Science And Nature?
November 7
Astro Tourism: The Next Big Thing In Travel And
Tourism Opportunities And Prospects
December 4
Astro Tourism: Star Party, Geminids Meteor Shower,
Lunar Eclipse On New Year’s Eve. December Sky Fun!
Climate Change Series
June 20
Adventure Sports Are ‘Cool’! Children, aged 9-16
years, of Himalayan Club members shared their
experiences of participating in skiing, trekking, and
kayaking. Experts also discussed various adventure
options for children and safety concerns. Collab: The
Himalayan Club
Canvas Askew
A year-long series of talks, debates and discussions on
various aspects of mental health and illness, addressing
current confusions, controversies and positions
January 23
The inaugural talk was delivered by Delhi based
psychiatrist, Dr. Alok Sarin
August 31
Mongolia - In The Land Of Genghis Khan Adventurer
Mandip Singh Soin, recounted tales from his recent
expedition in the Gobi desert and high Steppes and
his adventures with local nomads, chasing the rare
Argali and trekking through the sub-Arctic Khan
Khenti hills Collab: The Himalayan Club
February 20
Dr. Shekhar Seshadri from The National Institute Of
Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, spoke
on Education In The Times Of Terror - A Case For
Preventive-Promotive Mental Health For Children
Astronomy Series
March 21
Dr.Ajit Bhide, psychiatrist, Bangalore, spoke on Fear Is
The Key: A Close Look At Anxiety
We continue with our series on Astronomy in
collaboration with Space Technology & Education
July 7
Total Solar Eclipse, Exploring the Mystic!
Understanding the Total Solar Eclipse phenomenon,
safe viewing techniques, and how to plan an eclipse
watch and travel at the time
August 1
Talk on The International Year Of Astronomy ’09 400 Years Of Star Gazing
September 2
The Great Indian Star Count, Indian Skies: What We
See, What We Should?
May 22
Prof. Sanjeev Jain from the National Institute of Mental
Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, spoke on
Rhythm and Blues, The Cadence of Bipolar Disorder
June 19
The Canvas In The Mirror: Portrayal Of Psychiatric
Disorder In The Arts Panelists: Authors and Film
makers. Moderated by Prof. Anirudha Kala
July 17
Do Prevention Strategies For Suicide Work? Speaker:
Mohan Isaac, Professor of Psychiatry, University of
Western Australia, Perth
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
August 30
Dr. Aniruddha Deb from Kolkata spoke on The
Slaughter Of Innocence: How Academics Is Ruining
Adolescence Chair: Kabir Mustafi, educationist
September 25
Dr. PSVN Sharma spoke on Surviving Schizophrenia
November 5
Habits Of Happiness: Cultivating Altruism Speaker:
Ven. Matthieu Ricard, Author of Happiness & The
Monk & The Philosopher and collaborator with Mind
Life Institute, which fosters dialogue and collaboration
between Buddhism and modern sciences Collab:
Sitaram Bharatia Hospital & Foundation for Universal
Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
December 18
Prof. Mathew Varghese, NIMHANS, Bangalore,
spoke on The World Is Grey: Dealing With Problems
Of Aging
January 24
Beyond The Object An evening with internationally
renowned sculptor Avtarjeet Dhanjal about concepts,
ideas and beyond Collab: Impresario Asia
February 24
Ghalib-Ke-Khatoot (Letters of Mirza Ghalib) A
dramatised reading by Anees Azmi with Ghazal
rendering by Mannu Kohli. Concept: K.K. Kohli
Collab: Impresario Asia
March 25
Interactive session with filmmaker Ajay Bhardwaj
followed by screening of his documentary on partition
Rabba Hun Ki Kariye Collab: Impresario Asia
April 8
Celebrated painter Sidharth showcased his latest work
through an audio-visual presentation followed by an
interactive session. Art critic and curator Sushma Bahl
introduced the artist. Musicologist Dr. Madan Gopal
Singh spoke about Sidharth and his work Collab:
Impresario Asia
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
May 27
On the occasion of his 45th death anniversary, a
tribute to India’s first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal
Nehru and his vision of a modern India through his
writings Discovery of India and Letters to a Daughter
Collab: Impresario Asia
September 13
Renowned film maker K. Bikram Singh presented an
illustrated talk Making Of Hussain’s Art on India’s
iconic painter M. F. Hussain Chair: Ashok Vajpeyi,
Chairman, Lalit Kala Akademi Collab: Impresario
October 20
Interaction with Suresh Kohli, writer, film maker and
critic followed by a panel discussion
The Republic Of Science: New Vistas At Sixty
A new series of talks in collaboration with World
Institute for Advanced Study, CPFS The series assesses,
through the perspectives of key players, the state of
science in India in the context of globalisation and
other tumultuous changes that have occurred in the
geopolitical scenario
March 25
The first lecture was delivered by T. K. Alex, Director,
ISRO Satellite Centre on Voyage to the Moon: India’s
April 29
2nd lecture in the series Collab: World Institute for
Advanced Study, CPFS
May 26
3rd lecture Prof. Bikash Sinha, Director, Saha Institute
of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata spoke on Seeking the God
Particle - Mega Experiments Testing Fundamental
Laws Of Physics Collab: World Institute for Advanced
Study, CPFS
June 27
4th lecture in the series
July 27
Science and Security: India’s Strides by Dr. Prahlada,
Scientist & Chief Controller, Research & Development
(Services Interaction), DRDO, Ministry of Defence,
New Delhi
August 24
6th lecture in the series
April 23
Role of Older Persons In Democratic Process A
discussion on the needs and rights of the elderly
Collab: Agewell Foundation
September 17
7th lecture in the series
October 21
On the first anniversary of India’s maiden mission to
the moon, Chandrayaan-1, Pallava Bagla, Science
Editor, NDTV, spoke on Was India’s Moon Mission,
Chandrayaan-1 A Success Or A Failure? Collab:
Centre for Philosophy and Foundations of Science
Current Affairs
February 2
The Ramakrishna Hegde Memorial Lecture
2009|Rajiv Malhotra, Founder and President, Infinity
Foundation spoke on Where is India in the Encounter
of Civilizations? Chair: Dr. Amit Mitra, Secy. Gen.
FICCI. Presided by S.M. Krishna, M.P., former CM,
August 3
Elections 2009 And The Road Ahead Speaker: Navin
B. Chawla, Chief Election Commissioner of India
Collab: Foundation For Good Governance
August 10
Admiral Sureesh Mehta, Chief of the Naval Staff
& Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee spoke on
National Security Challenges: An Overview Collab:
National Maritime Foundation
September 11
Shiv Shankar Menon, former Foreign Secretary spoke
on The Maritime Imperatives Of India’s Foreign Policy
Chair: Admiral Arun Prakash (Rtd.) Collab: National
Maritime Foundation
February 18
Impact of Recession on Older Persons A discussion
on the needs and rights of the elderly Collab: Agewell
May 29
Older Persons - The Custodians of Cultural Heritage
Discussion on the needs and rights of older persons
Collab: Agewell Foundation
IHC - ISST Gender Policy Forum
May 15
State, Market, Family: The Care Regime in India
Speaker: Prof. Rajni Palriwala, Delhi School of
Economics. Discussants: Dr Elizabeth Hill, Sydney
University, Sudeshna Sengupta, Mobile Creches
August 4
Her Earning ‘Endowments’: An Exploration of Asian
Wives’ Contribution To Their Household Income In
The United States Speaker: Dr. Veena S. Kulkarni,
Assistant Professor of Sociology, Dept. of Criminology,
Sociology and Geography, State University, Arkansas,
USA. Discussant: Dr. Lekha Chakraborty, Fellow
(Associate Professor) National Institute of Public
Finance and Policy, New Delhi
November 6
Measuring Gender Empowerment - What Policy
Implications? Speaker: Dr. Abusaleh Shariff, Senior
Research Fellow (Labor Markets and Social Safety
Nets), International Food Policy Research Institute.
Discussant: Dr. Aasha Kapur Mehta, Professor of
Economics, Indian Institute of Public Administration
IIM Calcutta Lecture Series
Series of monthly lectures by leading corporate heads
Collab: IIM Calcutta Alumni Association
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
June 28
First lecture by D. Shivakumar, Managing Director,
Nokia India spoke on Mobile Handsets: Sweeping
The World
July 24
Pradeep Gupta, Chairman, CyberMedia Group &
Founder, Indian Angel Network, spoke on Angel
September 10
Rohtash Mal, Executive Director, Escorts Ltd. & CEO
of the Escorts Agri Machinery Group spoke on The
Dynamics Of Management In Family Businesses And
October 29
Latika Khaneja, founder of celebrity management
firm Collage Sports Management, spoke on
Sports Marketing - Lessons For Corporates And A
Career Option
December 11
Vineet Taneja, Marketing Chief of Nokia, spoke on
How To Build Trust In A Brand
IHC Members Meet
July 18
Writer - Director Dinesh Kapoor spoke on Journey Of
The Famous Koh-I-Noor Diamond From Its Origin To
Its Present Place In The Tower Of London
September 19
S. K. Sharma, IAS, former CMD, HUDCO, spoke on
Governance In India
IHC Summit
September 24 - 26
India Habitat Centre in association with the Urban
Habitats Forum (UHF) a professional civil society
initiative committed to improving India’s built
environment presented the ‘1st Habitat Summit’, to
drive the development of an alternative urban vision
and agenda
The Summit, a multi-layered event included a publicfacing Expo, which showcased urban best practices
and community projects that demonstrate how to
enhance liveability in India’s cities. The Summit has
strong international support from leading institutions
such as the Urban Age (London School of Economics
& Political Science), the Bay Area Council Economic
Institute (California, USA), and BDP (Europe’s largest
design consultancy)
The Summit aims to serve as a forum for dialogue
and debate, bringing experts from around the nation
and the world together, to discuss the development
of vibrant communities and liveable cities in India.
Positioned as both a learning and awareness building
platform, the Summit has been designed to influence
present and future leaders, by engaging policy makers,
practitioners and students, alike
Habitat Heritage Initiatives
Heritage Walks
January 11
Nature enthusiast and active Delhi Bird Group
member, Sheila Chhabra lead a bird walk for children
between 5-10 yrs introducing them to the world of
birds at the Delhi Zoological Park
November 21
Ayesha Grewal, Founder, The Altitude Store, A
Division of Environment Energy and Enterprise
Ventures Private Limited, spoke on What Exactly
Does Organic Mean?
February 15
A Tryst With Delhi’s World Heritage Sites facilitated
by Beeba Sobti. Second in a trilogy celebrating Delhi’s
architectural jewels at Humayun’s tomb
December, 19
Dr. Vijay Sharma, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic
Surgery, AIIMS & Dr. Shefali, Rheumatologist, AIIMS,
spoke on Arthritis And Backache Problem
February 22
Sam Miller, author of Delhi: Adventures in a Megacity
(Pub: Penguin), lead Know Your Neighbourhood walk
around Panchsheel Park, Siri Fort and Shahpur Jat
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
March 15
Journalist Sunil Raman lead a walk at Tughlakabad
March 22
Bio-Diversity Park lead a walk as part of the series
exploring the natural heritage of Delhi
April 5
Author and Naturalist Nimret Handa lead a tree walk
in Nehru Park
May 17
Heritologist Vikas Bhardwaj lead a walk at the Crafts
Museum highlighting the living heritage reflected in
popular and courtly culture, Tribal arts and sustainable
practices created since ages
July 19
A visit to some of the lesser well known historic
buildings in the vicinity of Humayun’s tomb with
historian Swapna Liddle
August 9
Historian Swapna Liddle took us around some of the
sites on the North Delhi Ridge related to the Revolt
of 1857
September 11
Journalist Sunil Raman lead a walk in Mehrauli
exploring monuments of the Moghuls after
November 15
Journalist Sunil Raman lead a walk through the
by-lanes of Chandni Chowk
December 6
Walk at the National Gallery of Modern Art through
the exhibition Indian Life And Landscape By Western
Artists - Paintings And Drawings From The V&A
1790 - 1927
December 27
Dr. Oswal lead a Bird walk at the Yamuna Bio
Diversity Park, Wazirabad
Other Walks
March 8
Mother-Daughter Special on Women’s Day Authorartist Bulbul Sharma lead a walk at the Lodhi
April 12
Author Vaishali Gupta lead a walk exploring basic
science concepts hidden in our natural surroundings
at the Lodhi Gardens. For 5 - 10 year olds
July 5
Akansha Rastogi & Rikimi Madhukaillya curators
from the Osian’s Centre for Archiving Research and
Development (CARD) lead a walk around the Osian’s
exhibition on Modern & Contemporary Indian Art at
the Visual Arts Gallery
October 25
Delhi birder Nikhil Devasar lead a walk at Basai, near
the Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, to see the wintering
November 8
Historian Swapna Liddle leads a walk through
Turkman Gate and Ajmeri Gate. We visited the tomb
of Raziya Sultan, the 14th century Kalan Masjid, and
the Ghaziuddin Madrasa - the site of the first Westernstyle college in Delhi and others
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Annexure 2 | IHC Members’ Evening
January 17, 2009
Samir Sangal speaks on Life & Medical Insurance How Can The Common Man Benefit From It?
February 21, 2009
Laxmi Shankar Vajpayee, Director, All India Radio,
speaks on Broadcasting In India - New Dimensions
March 21, 2009
Poonam Suri speaks on Social Changes In China:
Her experience of China and the current economic
April 18, 2009
Dr. A. K. Merchant, Executive Vice-President, Choice
Solar speaks on Spirituality and Environment - Focus
on Solar Energy
May 16, 2009
Dr. A. K. Merchant, Executive Vice-President, Choice
Solar speaks on Spirituality and Environment - Focus
on Solar Energy
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
July 18, 2009
Writer - Director Dinesh Kapoor speaks on Journey
Of The Famous Koh-I-Noor Diamond From Its Origin
To Its Present Place In The Tower Of London
September 19, 2009
Topic: Governance in India, speaker - Mr. S K Sharma,
IAS (Rtd.) Former CMD HUDCO
November 21, 2009
Ayesha Grewal, Founder, The Altitude Store, A
Division of Environment Energy and Enterprise
Ventures Private Limited, speaks on What Exactly
Does Organic Mean?
December 19, 2009
Dr. Vijay Sharma, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedic
Surgery, AIIMS & Dr. Shefali, Rheumatologist, AIIMS,
speak on Arthritis And Backache Problem
Annexure 3 | Habitat Visual Arts Gallery: Calendar of Events
January 2009
21st - 27th January
Spiritual Journey recent paintings of R. S. Pande and
Pooja Mathur
Visual Arts Gallery
1st - 10th January
Arushi Arts presents So What If My World Is Flat?
a solo show by Milind Nayak
11th - 15th January
In Free Verse an exhibition of architectural and
conceptual ceramics by ceramic artists Leena Batra,
Rekha Bajpe Aggarwal and Sonia Ramaswamy
16th - 20th January
Gallery Sanskriti presents Passage Though Time by
modern and contemporary artists
21st - 24th January
Galleria presents Shades Of Vietnam featuring well
known and talented French-Vietnamese contemporary
artists Luong Dung, Nguyen Minh Phuoc, Dao Hai
Phong, Nguyen Minh, Bui Huy Quang, Phan Thu
Trang, and Anh Quang
28th January - 04th February
Two Birds Siri Devi Khandavilli, an interdisciplinary
artist, presents an exhibition of her latest paintings
and video works
Convention Foyer
4th - 8th January
Shared Lenses an exhibition of photographs on
Kashmir by Tarika Khattar and Richa Sinha
9th - 12th January
Colours III a solo show by Dr. Kamal Gupta
21st - 24th January
Silence a solo show by Chaitali Dey
28th - 29th January
Remembering Taj Hotel, Mumbai Group Show by
Soumen Datta & students
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
25th - 27th January
The Artist, The Man a solo show by Vikash Kalra
1st - 6th January
Exhibition by Abilities Unlimited continues
28th January - 1st December
Krishna - Romantic Fantasy in Peacock Forest a solo
show of recent paintings by Raghu Vyas
7th - 30th January
Shahjahanabad - A Journey Through Old Delhi.
Pen & Ink drawings by Vikram Kalra
Open Palm Court
1st - 6th January
Quest solo show of paintings and installations by
Arup Biswas
Experimental Art Gallery
9th - 13th January
Art and Meditation solo show of painting by
Yash Pal
8th - 14th January
Beyond Mithila : Exploring The Decorative recent
paintings by Shelly Jyoti
15th - 18th January
Soul Search solo show by Priyanka Gupta Agrarwal
15th - 20th January
Female Attitude and
Vinita Dasgupta
19th - 24th January
Feeling Of Ceramics show of ceramic works of
Archana Das
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
25th - 31st January
The Enlightened... solo exhibition, mixed media
paintings based on Lotus Sutra: Emergence of
Buddhahood from within the life of common mortal.
By Rupal.k
14th - 16th February
Tree and Family a solo show by Gajendra Prasad Sahu
21st - 27th February
Delhi Blue Pottery Trust & Sanskriti Foundation presents
Maati - An Exploration of Contemporary Terracotta.
20th December - 20th February
09 Against The Wall a photo-visual exhibition
supported by ActionAid
February 2009
17th - 20th February
Water Colour Paintings a solo show by Tribhuvan Deo
Convention Foyer
1st - 5th February
Exhibition by Space Artist Group, Bangladesh
Visual Arts Gallery
12nd - 05th February
Photographic Tribute to Ravi Verma by Rohit
6th - 8th February
Julley Photo perspective from the Himalayas and
Rajasthan by travel writer and photographer Ajay Jain
6th - 8th February
Gallerie Alternatives presents Collective Intent - 4, the
Tenth anniversary exhibition of paintings, drawings,
photographs & sculptures by 27 artists
9th - 13th February
Solo show by Madhu Lakhanpal
9th - 13th February
M.E.C. Art Gallery presents Entity a group show by
contemporary artists
14th - 20th February
HelpAge India presents Art For Aged. Supported by
the Habiart Foundation
21st - 26th February
Delighting In Daughters Group show organised by
Centre for Media Studies
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 28th February
Shahjahanabad - A Journey Through Old Delhi We
continue with Pen & Ink drawings by Vikram Kalra
Experimental Art Gallery
21st - 27th February
Delhi Blue Pottery Trust & Sanskriti Foundation
presents Maati - An Exploration of Contemporary
28 February- 3 March
Art Farrago presents Space and Vision, artworks by
Vigyan Vrat
Open Palm Court
5th - 8th February
Varanasi - Frames of Resurrection - photography
exhibition by Chiru Roy
9th - 13th February
Art is Miracle 2 a solo show by Harpreet Singh
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
1st - 3rd February
Weaving in the Urban Tangle Display of Textiles Panels
by Lorna Murray
7th - 11th February
Women at the Door of Millennium a solo show of
paintings by Jiten Sahu
24th - 28th February
Hill Beckon an exhibition of paintings by
Chandranath Das
20th December - 20th February 09
Against The Wall a photo-visual exhibition by Jason
Taylor & Sanjit Das. Supported by ActionAid
20th February - 20th March 09
Delighting In Daughters An exhibition of paintings
organized by the United Nations Population Fund India (UNFPA) and CMS
March 2009
14th - 18th March
Ragini Art presents Gen Next artworks by Dhanur
Goyal, Suchit Sahni, Nisha Sharma, Rohan Sandhir
19th - 25th March
Samanway artworks
Visual Arts Gallery
4th - 6th March
Gallery Pioneer Presents Manoj Agerwal‘s current
series, titled ‘Silent Viewer’ is based on everyday life
and people that catch his observation in the metro
cities he lives in and visits
26th - 31st March
Krishna’s Collection presents Magical Moments
artworks by Sangeeta Singh, Kunal Sharma, Debashish
Mishra, Sujit Mallik, Gautam Sahu
Convention Foyer
7 - 13 March
Wovenscapes - Masterpieces of Creative Weaving an
exhibition of artworks by Dinesh Kurekar
14th - 19th March
Dhoomimal Gallery presents Drawing - The Essence
drawings by 50 from the old masters to upcoming
20th - 25th March
‘Tracing Waste - The Kabari’s Contribution To Society’
exhibition of artworks by Enrico Fabian (Have you
ever asked yourself where all your garbage goes to
and what happens to it? Have you ever asked yourself
who are these people collecting the refuse of a mega
city like Delhi?)
26th - 3rd March
Gallery Nvya presents ‘Recent works of Gurdeep
Singh’ Culmination of unparallel energy of human
existence and passion towards life through strokes and
colours is what abstract paintings done by Gurdeep
Singh hold
Open Palm Court
2nd - 7th March
Performative Formations a performance/exhibition
project by Malathi Selvam, Kristina Matousch &
Anna Laine
2nd - 6th March
Environment - a solo show by Dhanpal Singh
7th - 10th March
Joy of Life - a group show by M S Thakur & Prashant
11th - 15th March
The Green God - a solo show by Dhananjay
16th - 20th March
Peace & Nature - a solo show by Sanjay Punekar
21st - 24th March
Group show by Rohit Sharma, Sangeeta Sharma
and Shailender
27th - 30th March
Ark Foundation presents Aagaaz - a group show by
New Age Artists
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 30th March
Exhibition of photographs on Delhi by
Krishnendu Chatterjee
Experimental Art Gallery
1st - 6th March
Gallerie Alternatives presents Nature and Man oil
paintings by Rahul Sikri
8th - 13th March
“Through the Mist” A Solo Show of Paintings by Lekha
Malik, Curated by Puja Gupta
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
13th - 18th March
Une Vague de rêves (A Wave Of Dreams) artworks by
Siddhartha Tawadey
6th - 12th April
‘Desert Dreamings’ presented by Warlukurlangu
Artists Aboriginal Association, Australia
13th - 19th April
Rang Baisakh II group show by Tamal Basu, P.
Karmakar, Ramesh Gorjala, H. R. Das, Shymal
Mukherji, Asurved, L. N. Rana
21st Feb - 20th March
Delighting In Daughters An exhibition of paintings
organised by the United Nations Population
Fund - India (UNFPA) and CMS
April 2009
Visual Arts Gallery
4th - 10th April
Dhoomimal Gallery presents ‘Drawing - The Essence’
drawings by 50 from the old masters to upcoming
11th - 14th April
Lantern of Art presents ‘Into The Light’ Group Show
of 40 Artist
15th - 20th April
The exhibition, “Growing Panes in Solitude” talks
about his intrigue with the radically changing urban
landscape. While working on the series, Mumbai
was attacked by terrorists and this affected his entire
outlook, which reflects the fragility of change in his
paintings. The exhibition will showcase 10 mixed
media paintings along with 4 short art films created
by the artist. Jaideep Mehrotra, a Mumbai based artist,
is having a solo exhibition of his works in Delhi after
a gap of 18 years
21st - 30th April
‘Marigold or Mary’s gold? A tribute to apparent
contradictions’ artworks of Gabriella Montanari
Inauguration by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi
Sheila Dikshit Guest of honour H. E. Roberto Toscano,
Ambassador of Italy
Open Palm Court
1st - 5th April
‘Untired of Sameness Untired Of Change’ resent
works by ceramist artist Rachna Parasher
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
20th - 25th April
Solo show of paintings by Soumen Dutta
26th - 30th April
“Duet Exhibition of Paintings” duet show by Pinaki
Acharyya & Ashok Kumar Dey
Convention Foyer
1st - 7th April
Beyond The Visual an exhibition of paintings by Bijan
9th - 12th April
Mystique a solo exhibition of paintings by Vikas
13th - 16th April
An exhibition of paintings by Swatantra
17th - 19th April
Aditya’s Centre For Art presents a group show of
contemporary artists
24th - 26th April
Group show by contemporary artists - Sarandeep
Grover, Urmi Dutt and Nupur Chaube
27th - 29th April
An exhibition of paintings by Maya Karanjkar
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 30th April
Monumental Architecture an exhibition of paintings
of havelis of Chandi Chowk and other architectural
beauties by Sanjib Saha
Experimental Art Gallery
16 - 19 April
Inter Arts presents European Art, Glass & Ceramics
by Amanda Brisbane, Helen Millard, Okra Svaja,
21st March - 20th June
Sandeep Silas, a civil servant, travel-writer, poet,
and scholar is coming up with a photo exhibition on
“Orchids and Faces”, shot by him in the Longwood
Gardens, Pennsylvania, USA
8th - 13th May
Recent Paintings by Shweta Mohapatra
14th - 20th May
Recession’group show by Sridhar Aiyer, Mohammed
Suleman, Ram Dongre, Amit Srivasatava and others
21st - 25th May
‘Hues in Myriads’ Groupshow by Poonam Pratap
Kohli, Ajay Rana, Vibha Sharma, Dalip Chandolia,
Roop Chand, Kanchan Chander, Alka Raghuvanshi,
Manish Pushkalye, Vijender Sharma and more
May 2009
Visual Arts Gallery
1st - 4th May
‘A Flight from Infinity to Vicinity…. Vicinity to Infinity’
solo show by Saurabh Narang
5 - 10 May
Remadhav Arts presents ‘Human Condition’ solo
show by Rajesh Prasad Srivastava
11 - 19 May
‘Earth Bodies’ Oil, Water Colours Paintings and
Drawings by Jatin Das
22nd - 26th May
‘Earth and Elements’ landscape paintings by R B
Santosh Kumar. All the natural splendour works being
showcased in this exhibition are oil on canvas. Nature
has been a great inspiration for artist R B Santosh
Kumar. The paintings are in various shades and hues
27th - 31st May
Galerie Art Eterne presents ‘Art Beyond Mart’ group
show by Anand Goswami, Devajyoti Ray, Jay Jharotia,
Krishnendu Porel, Laxman Aley, Manoj Naik,Mohan
Singh, Niren Sen Gupta, Rupak Goswami, Sanjay
Bhattacharya, Shivani, Sudip Roy, Vijender Sharma
Open Palm Court
7th May
‘BESHYA (The Prostitute)’ art works by Pintu Paul
26th - 31st May
‘The Narrators’ Paintings, Sculptures and Graphics
Prints by Ajay Sharma, Atanu Parmanik, Deepankar
Gosh, Lalit Bhartiya Sakhi
Convention Foyer
4th - 7th May
An exhibition of photographs by Jyotica Sikand
8th - 9th May
UMANG 2009’ Paper
Neera Manchanda
10th - 14th May
Inner Feelings Solo Show by Savita Sharma
15th - 17th May
Beyond Innocence Solo Show by Upasna Kapoor
18th - 21st May
Solo Show by Roop Chand
29th - 31st May
An exhibition of
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 31st May
A journey Through Delhi - An exhibition of drawings
in color and b&w by Soumen Dutta
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Experimental Art Gallery
20th - 27th May
Embassy of the Czech Republic presents Photography
of Jiri Turek
20th - 25th June
‘The artist The man Purity of colors’ solo show
of Vikash Kalra’s water colours Art is an intimate
conversation between those who were once strangers
in this unpredictable land of ours
30th April - 20th June
Petals Foundation - an NGO organisation that works
in the area of “Disability Integration” particularly with
children who are hearing handicapped or mentally
1st - 30th May
Sandeep Silas, a civil servant, travel-writer, poet,
and scholar is coming up with a photo exhibition on
“Orchids and Faces”, shot by him in the Longwood
Gardens, Pennsylvania, USA
26th - 30th June
Call Of The Wild solo exhibition by Somesh Goyal
Convention Foyer
16th - 18th June
Group show presented by Ark Foundation
19th & 21st June
An exhibition of paintings by Kuldeep Kumar
23rd - 24th June
Group show by Aditya’s Centre for Art
June 2009
Visual Arts Gallery
6th - 13th June
Art India Magazine and Visual Arts Gallery,India
Habitat Centre present exhibition of artworks and
installations by Baptist & Chinmoy
24th - 30th June
‘His/Her Story - My voice against violence as a
woman’ solo exhibition of Eleena Banik’s Paintings
and Sculptures
Open Palm Court
1st June
An exhibition of painting, collage, puppetry and
sculptures created by children during the Summer Art
Workshop organized by Bajaj Capital Art House
8th - 13th June
‘Dissolving Stones’ Sculpture Show by Perminder
Singh Sculptor’s words It is in doing that one realises
the essence of one’s life
14th - 18th June
Serenity Arts presents ‘Contemporary Evolution’
group show by Anu Gunju, Anoop Srivastav, Chander
Shekhar, Deepa, Bhando, Mahesh, Manissha Khanna
Shalini, Amit Kumar, Rohit Sharma, Sangeeta Sharma
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
25th - 28th June
Impressions an exhibition of paintings by Vibha Singh,
Meenakshi Gupta and Ramesh Rana
29th - 30th June
Tribal Art Of Botswana And India a photography
exhibition of the Botswana bushmen art and
comparable Indian tribal art by Sudha Satyawadi
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 30th June
Apertures an exhibition of photographs by Jyotica
21st - 20th June
Sandeep Silas, a civil servant, travel-writer, poet,
and scholar is coming up with a photo exhibition on
“Orchids and Faces”, shot by him in the Longwood
Gardens, Pennsylvania, USA
30th April - 20th June
Petals Foundation - an NGO organisation that works
in the area of “Disability Integration” particularly with
children who are hearing handicapped or mentally
July 2009
Visual Arts Gallery
05th - 21st July
A Festival for the Arts and Culture, Jashn-Osianama:
Kala, Cinema Aur Sanskriti Ka Mela. Violence Non
Violence 1000 years, that brings together select
masterpieces from the Osian’s Archive & Library
22nd - 31st July
080 Transform - Contemporary Architecture in
Bangalore Wall hung display panels and 3-dimensional
building models The exhibition presents forty
non-residential architecture projects built or designed
after the year 2000 in Bangalore - twenty built and
twenty future projects - through panels and models
and a photo essay
10th - 12th July
Perceptions and
Serenity Arts
24th - 26th July
Life and Times of George Bernard Shaw by Embassy
of Ireland & Shaw’s Corner
27th - 31st July
Pooro’s Art presents Positive Strokes, an exhibition
of paintings, drawings & photographs by Chander
Shekhar, Dalip Chandolia, Harshvardhan Arya,
Kamini Manocha, Kumar Gaurav, Mahesh Kandpal,
Poonam Kohli, Richa Sharma, Roop Chand, Subhash,
Vishnu Pawan & Mahesh
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
Open Palm Court
1st - 31st July
Dilli - Dally an exhibition of photographs by
Amit Bhatia
06th - 12th July
‘White’ & ‘blue’ mix media artworks by Sharad
Bhardwaj and Shakeel Siddiqui
Experimental Art Gallery
20 - 26 July
Kaleidoscope - Mixing with the North and South
Painters & Sculpture a group show by Ramesh Terdal,
Karthik, Krishna Raichur, Venkatesh O., Anitha H. C.,
Rama Suresh, Bhindu Mannari, Pratiksha A., Suchi
Krishan, Seema Singh, Tanushree Singh
27th - 31st July
Art for Prabhat presents Do I love You? Sculptures and
Paintings by Aditi Garg, MJ Enas, Asit Patnaik, Ramesh
Gorjala, Laxman Aelay, Dharmendra Rathore
Convention Foyer
1st - 2nd July
Tribal Art Of Botswana And India by Sudha Satyawadi
3rd - 5th July
Art Hive presents a group show of paintings by Basant
Bhargav, Vivek Verma, Swatantra, Y. A. Chanchal
& Santosh
4th - 4th July
Yatharth Art & Cultural Society presents Bade Bhai
Sahab directed by Mr. Siddharth Gautam About the
Play A renouned group which plans to entertain its
audience with a play called “Bade Bhai Sahab” written
by Shri Munshi Premchand Ji
18th - 19th July
Saksham Theatre Group presents “Thanku Baba
Lochandas” (Hindi Play) Duration - 120 min. Written
by Nag Bodas Directed by - Sunil Rawat
25th - 26th July
Saksham Theatre Group presents ‘The Physicist’
(Hindi Play) Written by Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Translated by Mahesh Dutt & Renu Dutt. Directed
by - Sunil Rawat
1st - 20th July
Sandeep Silas, a civil servant, travel-writer, poet,
and scholar is coming up with a photo exhibition on
“Orchids and Faces”, shot by him in the Longwood
Gardens, Pennsylvania, USA
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
August 2009
Visual Arts Gallery
01st - 04th August
South Passage An exhibition of paintings by Nasr
Varour. It is an exhibition of 25 paintings In this artist
invokes the representational powers of art
05th -07th August
Beyond the Form Bajaj Capital Art House presents
Beyond the Form, an exhibition of paintings by Anil
Gaikwad, George Martin P.J., Jagdish Chinthala,
Jayashree Burman, Maya Burman, Murali Cheeroth,
Nitish Bhattacharjee, Paresh Maity, Satish Gujral,
Viveek Sharma & Vivek Vilasini Exhibition Concept
8th -12th August
Vyomini - The Divine Solo show by Shuchi Krishan
13 -18 August
Nitanjali Art Gallery presents A Symphony of New
Works Solo show by Qamar Alam
19th -24th August
Visual Diary Solo show of paintings, video art,
drawings & sculptures by Kavita Singh Kale
25th -31st August
Ports of Call: 1979 - 2009 Solo show by Jasleen
Open Palm Court
1st - 07th August
Voyage Artworks by Sher Singh/Manish Kumar Roa
8th - 12th August
Abacus Artworks by Balesh Jindal
13th - 15th August
Nature And Human Being Artworks by Hemlata
7th - 11th August
Harmony An exhibition of paintings & photography
by Sanjay Punekar & Amit Bhatia
13th - 16th August
Group show of drawings & watercolours by
T. Vaikhuntam, Neeraj Goswami, Vijendra Sharma,
Sanjay Bhattacharya, Manu Parik & Sudip Roy
17th - 21st August
Group Photography Exhibition by Munish Khanna
22nd - 25th August
Ganesh Mudra Exhibition of Ganesha Paintings by Sri
Atma, Uday Kulkarni, Sanjay Punekar & Savita Singh
as part of Maharashtra Mahotsav celebrations
31st August
Vanishing Points, Zoomed-In Exhibition of a
photographic series from Mongolia by Himali Singh
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 31st August
Freedom Frames: Monumental Milestones - an
exhibition of photographs by Aadil Jamal
Experimental Art Gallery
23rd August
Exhibition - “Dream India of Rajiv Gandhi” A Tribute
To Bharat Ratna Shri Rajiv Gandhi an Art Event- On the
Spot Canvas Painting by Children and an Exhibition
by Kumar Vikas Saxena
20th - 20th November
Photography by Tarun Chhabra
September 2009
16th - 20th August
Black and white perspective on Expressions of Body,
Mind and Soul An art exhibition by Anita Chauhan
Convention Foyer
1st - 6th August
Group Show curated by Dr. Dhanpal Singh
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Visual Arts Gallery
01st - 08th September
A Thin Thread Dividing The Extremes Of Self
Realization Acrylic and oil on canvas with thread
work by Ruchi Goyal Kaura
09th - 14th September
090909 Contemporary Art Exhibition Suresh kumar
(Sculptor), R. Srinivasan (Sculptor), Rajesh Sharma
(Sculptor), Sunita chauhan (Sculptor), Amit Dutt
(Painter), Brij Mohan Arya (Painter), Dinesh Kumar
Ram (Painter), Mamoon Numani (painter), Vijaya Ved
(painter), Surinder Jagtap (Painter), Mukesh kumar
(painter), Sapana Sharma (Painter), Pramod kumar
(painter), Anil Tatto (Painter), Umesh Prasad (painter),
Rajendra Prasad (Painter), Rawinder Tomar (Painter)
15th - 24th September
Paintings by Mohan Singh
25 - 05 September
Tasveer Arts presents Pan India, A Shared Habitat
Photography by Prashant Panjiar
8th - 12th September
An exhibition of paintings by Bijan Paul
16th - 19th September
An exhibition of paintings by J. P. Singh
20th - 23rd September
A Farewell to Arms - a photo-exhibition documenting
the human cost of arms proliferation on people’s lives
in India and the urgent call for a United Nations Arms
Trade Treaty
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 30th September
First Lights At The Qutab Complex - an exhibition of
photographs by N.Thangavelu
Experimental Art Gallery
Open Palm Court
1 - 7 September
Romance With The Delhi Roads Paintings by
Rohit Sharma
8th - 12th September
Symphony by Tapan Kr. Das & Arpita Das Tapan’s
painting is visually from and line based. The inner
world of philosophical vision in our dreams and
nightmares of love and longing
13th - 24th September
Photography exhibition by Sanjay Das
25 - 29 September
Urvashi Paintings by Manjit Singh
30th - 02nd September
Oct An exhibition by Limelight Candles
18th - 26th September
Urban Angst paintings by Diyali Sen, followed by
Urban Itinerants photographs by David D’Souza
27th - 29th September
Gallerie Alternatives present Towards Utopia a solo
exhibition of paintings by Sunaina Bhalla
23rd September
TDHNRO presents Launch of the Audio Book “ Sparsh
Ke Niyam Sikhiye”
24th - 26th September
India Habitat Centre (IHC), in association with the
recently established Urban Habitats Forum (UHF),
a professional civil society initiative committed to
improving India’s built environment, is organising the
‘1st HABITAT SUMMIT’, to drive the development of
an alternative urban vision and agenda
Convention Foyer
1st - 2nd September
Iconic Art An exhibition of paintings presented by
Art Serenity
5th - 7th September
Group show by Nupur Chaube, Pratibha Singh
& Santosh Chandran
10th - 30th September
Urban India Through The Lens by Mala Mukerjee,
Chandan Dubey & Smita Barooah Sanyal India
is home to some of the oldest cities in the world
1st Sept - 20th November
Photography by Tarun Chhabra
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
and some of newest. Three photographers explore
how this journey has impacted urbanity in
contemporary India
7th - 11th October
Delhi - A Journey Through Night An exhibition of
photo - paintings by Vikram Kalra
October 2009
12th - 16th October
Natural Strokes Group Show by Vishnu Pawan,
Kuldeep Kumar, Parvinder Singh and Pradeep Kumar
Visual Arts Gallery
25th September - 5th October
Tasveer Arts presents Pan India, A Shared Habitat
photography by Prashant Panjiar
18th - 20th October
Art Serenity presents Divine Grace Group show
curated by Neena Arora
19th - 21st October
Gallery Time and Space presents Vertical Horizon
artworks by Pallon Daruwala
21st - 25th October
An exhibition of paintings by Dhananjay Mukherjee
22nd - 24th October
Artworks by Hariram Hiranandani
27th - 31st October
CMS Environment Exhibition on Climate Change
25th - 31st October
Delhi Blue Pottery Trust presents The White Rabbit
artworks by Adil Writer
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
Open Palm Court
30th September - 2nd October
A display of designers candles by Limelight Candles
1st - 31st October
Natural History Prints of Birds and Trees of Delhi Kriti
team presents an exhibition to mark the beginning of
the Wildlife Week, sketched and painted by naturalist,
Pratibha Pande
Experimental Art Gallery
3rd - 8th October
Expressions artworks by Girish Adannawar
9th - 13th October
Unity In Diversity Artworks by Sajan Mathew, Pratima
Mathew, Anup Kumar, Chand Kishor Ray, Sovin
Bhatacharya & Shubhra
14th - 24th October
The Indecisive Moment Artworks by Prarthna Modi
25th - 31st October
Harmony And Meditation Artworks by Sanjay Punekar
& Bhiva Punekar
1st - 6th October
WWF presents
Madhur Das
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
1st October
On the occasion of World Habitat Day, India Habitat
Centre & NHB present The Habitainment Quiz
3rd - 4th October
Mitr Cultural Society presents play Bheja Fry
Dir. Anil Sharma
6th - 12th October
Delhi International Arts Festival
Convention Foyer
2nd - 6th October
Dance of Colours & Eminent Strokes An exhibition of
paintings by Shreekant Dubey & Vandana Dubey
23rd October
Commotion presents Against the Grain
24th - 25th October
The Actor Factor Society Theatre presents play
The Indian Wants The Bronx Dir. Sunit Sinha
Convention Foyer
26th October
Book launch of Love Will Follow by Shaifali Sandhya.
Collab: Random House India
8th - 12th November
The Divine Paintings & photography show by Babita
B. & Prakhar Pantey
November 2009
16th - 18th November
Sublime Surrender Group show of Indian contemporary
artists presented by Serenity Arts
Visual Arts Gallery
1st - 7th November
Group show presented by Sanjeev Verma
8th - 12th November
Cross Roads Solo show by photographer Roy Sinai
13 - 18 November
Let The Music Take You Solo show of paintings by
Prodeep Mookerjee
18th - 23rd November
Group show presented by Art Alive
24th - 27th November
Group show presented by Bank On Art
28th - 30th November
Gallery Alternatives presents works of Krishna Murari
Open Palm Court
1st November - 7th November
Neutral Witnesses Solo show by Kota Neelima
8 - 12 November
Solo exhibition of paintings by Somnath Banerjee
13th - 19th November
Mitti Ki Khushboo by Deep Narayan Paul & Ranjan
Paul presented by Nirvana
20th - 26th November
Group show by Art Dezire
1st - 5th November
Group show of paintings by Delhi Movement
23rd - 25th November
Creation And Mythology In Indian Folk Art Solo show
of paintings by Dr. Sudha Satyawadi
26th - 30th November
Devotion Solo show of paintings by Harish Kumar
Delhi ‘O’ Delhi Foyer
1st - 30th November
The Essence Of IHC - An exhibition of Black & White
photographs by Andrew John
Experimental Art Gallery
5th - 8th November
Shellscapes & Medical Graphics Solo show by
Dr. Akhter Husain
9th - 14th November
Ceramist Award Winner 2008, Solo exhibition by
Ajya Kumar Mastana
19th - 25th November
Solo show of watercolours & photographs by
Maya Sinha
20th Aug - 20th November
In Retrospect - Journey Through A Decade
An exhibition of selected photographs by
Tarun Chhabra
27th - 30th November
Objet D’art Group show by Renu Gupta,Tanuja
Jain,SantoshKumar & Anil Kumar
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Annexure 4 | Manage Your Life With IT
Today, just you and your computer can create a unique
partnership. You can connect to the world, you can
connect with your near and dear ones and you can
manage your time, your assets, your hobbies and
even your loneliness. We have had several requests
to assist our members to learn computer, and we have
put together interesting modules to make friends with
this wonderful medium.
Batch IA (Time 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM)
Batch IB (Time 11.45 AM to 1.15 PM)*
Session Topic
Batch 3 (Time 11.45 AM to 1.15 PM)
Session Topic
MS Word-1
MS Word-2
MS Word-3
Doubt Clearing Sessions
for Ms Word
Use of Picasa (Image editing
software) and use of
Online album
Internet Surfing and
Searching, Use of Wikipedia
Uses of different applications
like Anti-Virus software, Music
Player, PDF Reader, WinZip etc.
Office in the Sky (Use of
Internet to store and share files)
Chatting (Use of Instant
Online booking of travel tickets
Online Purchase
Entertainment with
Introduction of Windows
Movie Maker
Doubt Clearing Session
Introduction of Website
Introduction of Website
Introduction of Online Banking
Use of Social Networking Site
Batch 2 (Time 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM)
Session Topic
Fundamentals of
MS Windows
Fundamentals of
MS Windows
Doubt Clearing Sessions
for MS Windows
MS Excel-1
MS Excel-2
MS Excel-3
Doubt Clearing Sessions
for MS Excel
MS Powerpoint-1
MS Powerpoint-2
Doubt Clearing Session
for MS PowerPoint
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
(1) Venue: Habitat Learning Centre , Core 4A , UG floor.
(2) Practical sessions Timings: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
only on Sundays.
(3) The course contents for Batch-1 are designed
for beginners.
(4) The contents for Batch-2 and Batch-3 are designed for those who are already familiar with Batch-1 contents.
(5) Only for members and their spouse.
(6) * Batch-1 timings subject to change.
(7) Tutorial will be distributed at the beginning of each
(8) Limited seats. Prior registration is mandatory.
E-mail: hlrc@indiahabitat.org
Website: www.indiahabitat.org
Annexure 5 | Information Alert Services
1. Child Health
2. Consumer Awareness & Protection
3. Delhi
4. Disaster Management
5. Education
6. Environment Management
7. Gender Issues
8. Good Governance
9. HIV & Health Issues
10. IHC Walks
11. Important Days (eg. World Water Day,
World Health Day, etc.)
12. ICT
13. Knowledge Management
14. Leadership
15. Pollution
16. Right to Information
17. Sustainable Development
18. Urban Management
19. Waste Management
20. Water & Sanitation
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
Annexure 6 | Habitat Learning Centre: Extension Centres
Discipleship Centre
12/188 and 189,
STOP Extension Centre
Institute of Social Service, Prabhatara
R.K.Puram, Sec 1.
New Delhi - 110066
Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST)
SAATHI Centre,
Kalyanpuri Police Station,
Delhi - 110091
CASP-Delhi Unit
D-572, Madan Pur Khadar
J.J. Colony, New Delhi
Fathepuri Night Shelter,
New Delhi - 110006
Amba Foundation
B94/4, Joshi Colony,
Mandawli IP Extn.
Delhi - 110092
Servants of the People Society
H. No .1 M.T.N.L Telephone Exchange
Child Survival India (CSI)
Part II Plot No. 985 & 986,
Sector A-6,
Narela, Delhi - 110040
Navjyoti - Delhi Police Foundation
B-1399, JJ Colony,
Near B. Block Community Centre
Bawana, New Delhi - 110039
Cross Christian Charitable Trust (CCCT)
21/44, Kalyanpuri,
Delhi - 110091
India Habitat Centre - Annual Report 2008-09
India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110 003
Telephone: 24682000, 43662001 Fax: 24682010
E-mail: info@indiahabitat.org
Website: www.indiahabitat.org