Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En RSPO Principles & Criteria Public Summary Report Main Audit report. 12-14/08/2013 Assessment Surveillance Audit no 01 report. 07-09/09/2014 Palm Oil Mill: Extractora Natural Ecuador S.A. Natural Habitats. Country: Ecuador Certificate number: CA4574/14 Substitute CA4332/13 Report prepared by the lead auditor: David Ogg FICFor. Certification decision date: 19/08/2013 Certification expiry date: 18/08/2018 IBD CERTIFICAÇÕES LTDA Rua Dr. Costa Leite, 1351 CEP: 18.602-110 Botucatu – SP – Brasil Tel / fax: +55 14 3811-9800 – MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 1 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Contents Part 1. Scope of the Certification Audit 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Normative references Company and Contact Details RSPO Membership Details Audit type Location of the Palm Oil Mill Palm Oil Mill Output and Approximate Tonnages Certified General Description of Supply Base 1.7.1 Location of the Supply Base 1.7.2 Statistics of the Supply Base and Estimated Tonnes of FFB produced per year 1.7.3 Biodiversity (Total Conservation & HCV Area for the respective Supply Bases) 1.7.4 Calculation of the Number of Production Units (N) to Sample for the Mill 1.7.5 Calculation of the Number of Sub Contractors to be sampled. 1.8 Progress of associated Smallholders or Out-growers towards Compliance with relevant Standards 1.9 Location Map for this Certification Unit Part 2. Partial Certification 2.1 Time-bound plan 2.2 Progress made on the time-bound plan Part 3. Audit Process 3.1 IBD - The Certification Body 3.2 Audit Team 3.3 Audit Methodology 3.3.1 Audit Agenda 3.3.2 List of stakeholders consulted prior to and during the audit. 3.3.3 Outline of how stakeholder consultation was managed. 3.3.4 Issues that arose during stakeholder consultation and company responses. 3.4 Supply Chain Certification. Part 4. Audit Findings 4.1 Summary of findings 4.2 Non conformity register 4.2.1 Verification of previous assessment non-compliances 4.2.2 New non-compliances raised at this audit Part 5. Formal signing of audit findings 5.1 Acknowledgment of internal responsibility by the Client 5.2 Signing by the Lead Auditor. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 2 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En PART 1: SCOPE OF THE CERTIFICATION AUDIT 1.1 Normative references The Palm Oil Mill and the supply base was audited against the following documents: RSPO International Principles and Criteria (April, 2013 version) National Interpretation (approved version XX/20XX) Local indicators developed by IBD (approved version 07/08/2013) New Planting Procedures (September, 2009 version) Supply Chain of Certification Standards (November 25, 2011) 1.2 Company and Contact Details Company name: Business address: Exportsustent S.A. (Natural Habitats) Office Ecuador: Ave. Amazonas N39-123 Edif. Amazonas Plaza, 8th floor, #58 | Quito | Ecuador. Jessenia Angulo, Sustainability Manager +31652823919 ; EU 834/2007 Organic. NOP/ USDA Organic, MIFFAF Organic. Non-GMO Project. Kosher U, GMP+, Fair for Life. HACCP. Contact person: Mobile telephone: e-mail: Web site: Other certifications held (ISO…) 1.3 RSPO Membership Details RSPO membership number: Parent company as applicable: 1-0115-11-000-00 n/a 1.4 Audit type Date of previous audit: Date of this audit: Main or ASA (1 to 4): Date of next surveillance audit August 12th to August 14th 2013 (Main Audit) August 7th to August 9th, 2014 ASA 1 August 2015 1.5 Location of the Palm Oil Mill Palm Oil Mill (POM) Name Extractora Natural Ecuador S.A. Location Address Km. 2 de la vía Viche-Esmeraldas, Esmeraldas, Ecuador Mill Capacity MT/Hour 9/MT/Hour GPS Reference Longitude Latitude UTM: 00 74964 17N:0 662441 1.6 Palm Oil Mill Output and Approximate Tonnages Certified The estimate for the last 12 months is applicable to Annual Surveillance Audits and is the Projection for the next 12 months from the previous audit. The actual production for the last 12 months are the audited quantities since the last audit. The projection for the next 12 months is given by the company. FFB received and processed by the mill For the 12 month period prior to Mt RSPO Certified FFB: 22,274 mt this audit: Mt Conventional FFB: 0 mt Estimate for last 12 Months (MT) Actual Production for last 12 months (MT) Projection for next 12 Months (MT) [State if IP or MB] (ASA audits). [State if IP or MB] [State if IP or MB] CPO PK PKO CPO PK PKO CPO/IP PK/IP PKO/IP 6,800/IP 3,200/IP n/a 4,472/IP 2,510/IP n/a 7,000/IP* 3,500/IP** n/a Notes: Average OER: 19.89%. The production is lower than projected due to the disease “PC”, which has had a devastating effect on many farms, killing up to 90% of all oil palms. All PK is sold to local kernel crushing plants but is not sold as RSPO certified. All sales of CPO/IP are to Palma Organica (A company in the same group). However, Palma Organica is not yet RSPO SCC certified and so no sales are made as / IP. It is all sold as CPO Organic. *572 MT for estate production and 6,428 MT for outgrowers. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 3 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En **286 MT for state production and and 3,214 MT for outgrowers. 1.7 General Description of Supply Base Natural Habitats owns one farm (Hacienda Clemente – Natural Mangrove S.A. 211ha) that contributed less than 10% of the FFB crop processed at the mill. This farm has been devastated by the disease PC. FFB is mainly supplied by associated growers (86 farmers). They are organized as the first organic association of producers in Ecuador. Natural Habitats helps and support all the farmers, through its agronomist team, in the implementation of organic and sustainable production practices, training, micro credits, supplies and premium prices. Current supply base The small farm holders are located within a radius of up to 100km from the Palm Oil Mill. A full and complete list of all the farms is available which include: The name of the farmer; The location address; The grid reference; The total area; The productive area; The tonnes FFB per year per farmer; The planting years; The cycle and the biodiversity per farm. Locations in general: Tabuche; Viche; Chucaple; Cube; El Rito; Taquigue; Tonsupa; Monpiche; Muisne; Rocafuerte; Las Delicias; Chigue; Chura; Quininde and La Union. The total area of oil palm: 3,916.13 ha. (Average of 45.96 ha per farmer). Area of productive oil palm: 3,058.78 ha. (Average of 40.82ha). Total FFB production per year: 25,942 mt. (Average 8,48 mt per ha). (Re) Planting years 1991 to 2010. (No new planting since 2005) Total biodiversity of the farms: 1,569 ha (43 ha for state, and 1526 ha for outgrowers) 1.7.1 Location of the Supply Base Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) GPS Reference Location Address Name Longitude Latitude Natural Mangrove Ecuador S.A. (Natural Habitats) Tabuche 00 79257 0 661108 Capelo Pablo Viche 00 74014 0 662622 Arroyo Margarita Viche 00 73197 0 662008 Saltos Ramon Viche 00 72041 0 660871 Freire Diego Viche 00 74234 0 662389 Hernandez Byron Viche 00 67593 0 660747 Hernandez Alberto Viche 00 68672 0 661437 Rivadeneira Pablo Viche 00 72062 0 662286 Morales Ivan Viche 00 70760 0 662406 Jumbo Vicente Chucaple 00 59495 0 660557 Cagua Juan Chucaple 00 60978 0 659974 Calderon Jose Chucaple 00 62248 0 660537 Fuentes Martha Chucaple 00 62139 0 658267 Giler Ramon Cube 00 65085 0 656311 Erazo Mentor Cube 00 65267 0 655578 Erazo Eduardo Cube 00 65267 0 655578 Santos Milton Cube 00 64687 0 653091 Jimenez Luis Alberto El Roto 00 65064 0 659858 Chica Jamy Taquigue 00 83488 0 657847 De La Cruz Flavio Taquigue 00 82156 0 660654 Torres Gilbert Tonsupa 00 90602 0 630397 Jimenez Dias Carlos Tonsupa 00 92942 0 629759 Nuñez Isabel Monpiche 00 69571 0 624244 Olave Angela Monpiche 00 69999 0 621989 Aveiga Edison Monpiche 00 70406 0 611200 Zambrano Victor Franklin Monpiche 00 66132 0 619939 Rosales Pablo Monpiche 00 55552 0 612727 MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 4 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Rosales Jose Saldarriaga Lider Saldarriaga Carlos Marcillo Alexandra Chica Isrrael Reyez Cecilia - Fernando Mera Eladio Cañote Ivan Cabezas Elsy Estupiñan Pedro Nazareno Felipe Marcillo Hector Moreira Eladio Ganchozo Nelys Luna Mora Clorina Goya Lusdary Calle Miguel Macay Benedita Espinoza Hurbano Eljuri Gabriel Borja Veronica Cobeña Mariana Vera Noris Catagua Juan Carlos Morlas Fernando Tello Jorge Orozco Fausto Hoyos Lucia Catagua Paula Santos Ibarra Aguilar Angel Rodriguez Segundo Monpiche Monpiche Monpiche Monpiche Muisne Muisne Monpiche Monpiche Rocafuerte Rocafuerte Rocafuerte Rocafuerte Las Delicias Las Delicias Las Delicias Las Delicias Las Delicias Las Delicias Las Delicias Chigue Chigue Chura Chura Chura Quininde Quininde Quininde Quininde Quininde Quininde Quininde La Union Associated growers added to the supply base since the last audit. Oil Palm Plantation (OPP) Location Address Name Vazconez Martha La Union Cortez Fernando Nuevo Quininde Cortez Fernando Cupa Intriago Alexandra El 200 Intriago Favian El 200 Vela Jimmy Valle del Sade Jose Machuca Miramuchin Jose Enrriquez Malimpia Jurado Sevilla Gandhy Danilo Cosmopolita Zona 20 Jurado Sevilla Heguel Danilo Nuevo Quininde Jurado Montero Betty Daniela Cosmopolita Zona 20 Jurado Sevilla Edison Danilo Cosmopolita Zona 20 Andrade Calisto Nelson Estaban Agromache Bravo Narvaez Wilson Rene Perla del Sade Cevallos Arizala Maria Enoe El Coco amlimpia Cevallos Arizala Maria Enoe Pueblo Nuevo Km 201 Van Moorselaar Cevallos Daniela El Cedro Malimpia Enriquez Rodriguez Jose Anuario La Cumbre Martinez Gonzalez Marco Polo Gorgona Loyaga Zaquinaula Walter Umberto El Duana Loyaga Guerrero Jonathan Patricio Chucaple Adentro 00 55777 00 55851 00 55025 00 54918 00 70406 00 70461 00 52664 00 66644 00 90179 00 10347 00 103696 00 108579 00 60243 00 61561 00 62149 00 59706 00 59329 00 62161 00 58791 00 87895 00 86223 00 69944 0 068518 0 070099 00 44464 00 31643 00 39581 00 42944 00 40194 00 27887 00 11996 00 65372 0 612136 0 611931 0 612573 0 613389 0 611200 0 607148 0 613962 0 621213 0 676859 0 681527 0 681415 0 680818 0 668173 0 066641 0 668990 0 667729 0 669397 0 669871 0 668556 0 657329 0 655145 0 663563 0 668704 0 669829 0 664042 0 673042 06 67168 0 667038 0 670083 0 666515 0 722695 0 660383 GPS Reference Longitude Latitude 00 09 480 079 29 840 00 22 075 079 28 830 00 22 075 079 28 830 00 14 877 079 26 215 00 15 056 079 25 941 00 31 566 079 22 468 00 27 886 0 666514 00 22 075 079 25 711 N 00°20.515. W 079°24.622. N 00°19.810. W 079°26.642. N 00°20.5850. W 079°25.281. N 00°20.787. W 079°25.276. N.00°00.971. W 079°26.233 N.00°30.340. W 079°22.803. 17 N. 0672641 Utm.0045872 17 N. 0674728 Utm.0027712 17 N. 0672641 Utm.0045872 N 00°12´068´´ W 079°26´254 17 N. 061361 Utm.0038890 N.00°18.139. W . 079°25.817 N.00°31.490. W . 079°32.435. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 5 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Muñoz Loor Edison Rafael Velazco Verdezoto Sergio Amado Segura Vergara Alfonso (#1) Segura Vergara Alfonso (#2) Segura Vergara Alfonso (#3) 1.7.2 San Jacinto de Chipo Santa Elvira Km 9.5 Via San Ramon Km 9 Via San Ramon Km 1 Via San Ramon N.00°16.2970. N.00°16.292. N.00°18´´392 N.00°18´576 N.00°19.793 Statistics of the Supply Base and Estimated Tonnes of FFB produced per year Name Area of Oil Palm (Ha) Estimated Tonnes Total/ Mature/ FFB/Yr Certified Production Natural Mangrove Ecuador S.A Associated growers: 211.32 3704.81 211.32 3704.81 1820 20454 W . 079°2332.705 W . 079°27.630 W. 079°32´986 W. 079°32´361 W . 079°28.960. Planting Years Cycle (Years) 1991 - 2004 1991 - 2004 25 - 30 25 - 30 1.7.3 Biodiversity (Total Conservation & HCV Area for the respective Supply Bases) Oil Palm Plantation Biodiversity.(Total Conservation & HCV Area) Hectares. Name Conservation HCV Comments All 1,334 0 1.7.4 Calculation of the Number of Production Units (N) to Sample for the Mill N = 0.8√Y, where “Y” is the number of units, with the result always to be rounded “up” to the next whole integer. Where only a sample of the supply base is assessed, units not previously assessed, or assessed earlier in the certification program, are to be preferred over those more recently assessed. For the Mill, how many units make up the production base? Owned estates (Y) Sample: N = 0.8√Y Smallholders (Z) N = 0.8√Z 1 1 86 8 Explanation as to the selection of estates sampled The 60 associated growers included in the main audit were sampled separately to the 26 addition. Sq rt 60 = 8 x 0.8 = 6.4 (7) Sq rt 26 = 5,09 x 0.8 = 4,072 Total sample of 11 1.7.5 Calculation of the Number of Sub Contractors to be sampled. N = 0.8√Y, where “Y” is the number of contractors, with the result always to be rounded “up” to the next whole integer. Where only a sample of the sub-contractors not previously assessed, or assessed earlier in the certification program, are to be preferred over those more recently assessed. The table below shows the number of approved sub-contractors who may be contracted to be directly employed in the work of the certification unit. The number of sub-contractors actually contracted at the time of the audit is used to calculate the sample. Number of sub-contractors. Mill and workshops Farms Approved: 12 Approved: 0 On site during audit: Y 3 On site during audit: Y n/a Number to audit: = 0.8√Y 3 Number to audit: = 0.8√Y n/a Names Activity Audited Names Activity Audited Sr. Baloy Cheme Diego Pipeline Yes Ramón installation Carlos Efraín Arias Mill Doctor Yes Rodríguez Roxana Elizabeth Charpoca Farm personnel Yes Trejo Labour Code training. 1.8 Progress of associated Smallholders or Out-growers towards Compliance with relevant Standards - should be in accordance to the 3 year implementation plan No small holders or outgrowers not already included in the scope of the certificate. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 6 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En 1.9 Location Map for this Certification Unit Note: Individual maps of the group members are available but it is not practical to reproduce them here. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 7 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En PART 2: PARTIAL CERTIFICATION The rules for partial certification allow organizations that have a majority holding in and / or management control of more than one autonomous company growing oil palm to certify individual management units and / or subsidiary companies subject to certain rules. Not applicable. The one owned farm is included in the main audit and ASA1. The company has only one mill. PART 3: AUDIT PROCESS 3.1 IBD - The Certification Body IBD takes pride in being the largest certifier in Latin America and the only Brazilian certifier of organic products with accreditation through IFOAM (international market), ISO Guide 65 (European market regulation CE 889/07), Demeter (international market), USDA/NOP (North-American market), COR (Canadian market) and INMETRO/MAPA (Brazilian market), making its certificate global. Located in Botucatu-SP, Brazil, IBD has been in operation since 1992. Initially focused exclusively on the certification of organic product, after 2004, IBD began including certification services in the social-environmental area through the EcoSocial, Integra, RSPO and UEBT (Union for Ethical BioTrade) programs. Today, IBD certifies over 5,000 producers, covering an area of approximately 520 thousand hectares in cultivation and 3 million hectares under wild harvest management, throughout 16 countries. o For more information regarding IBD Certificações, access RSPO Membership N : 8-0090-08-000-00. Approved since 09/2008. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 8 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En 3.2 Audit Team Lead auditor: Audit team: David Ogg. Ronald Vargas - Agronomy graduation - Agriculture doctorate - Soil Microbiology post-doctorate - RSPO, GlobalG.A.P., Tesco Nurture, US Agriculture, ETI, SQF, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 lead auditor with more than 20 years of experience with audits - More than 10 year experience with Palm Oil Production - Spanish, English and Japanese speaker 3.3 Audit Methodology. 3.3.1 Audit Agenda Date Time th August 7 2014 16:00 17:30-18:00 18:00-20:00 8th August 0700-1300 1300. 1315 - 1930 9th August 07:00-1600 1600 1800 3.3.2 Location Program Auditor(s) David Ogg and Ronald Vargas Travel from Sao Paulo to Quito, Ecuador. Both arrive to Quito on flight Aerogal AV 8373, 15:54. Hotel Quito, Ecuador Annual Surveillance Audit (ASA) opening Both meeting. Confirmation of the audit agenda and field operations to be visited. Presentation by Exportsustent, S.A. (Natural Habitats) to summarize company´s organization and changes since last external audit process. Field Audits Mill facility Extractora Natural Opening meeting at mill. Ecuador S.A. Mill audit and principles 1 to 8 doucment review. Field audits Observation and interviews at selected sites. To evaluate. Communications, Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment at community level. Local Interviews, schools, medical care units, local community representatives. Extractora Natural Ecuador S.A. Preparation for closing meeting meeting room. Extractora Natural Ecuador S.A. Closing meeting meeting room. Both Both Both Both List of stakeholders consulted prior to and during the audit. The associated growers were sampled as stakeholders. There was no stakehplder input received by IBD or by the RSPO prior to the audit. 3.3.3 Outline of how stakeholders consultation was managed. No outside stakeholder comments were received. 3.3.4 Issues that arose during stakeholder consultation and company responses. Subject raised Company response and proposed action to be taken. Audit team findings Pricing mechanism of FFB was raised by some of the smallholders. The communication mechanism for the pricing of FFB is explained to all smallholders and they are advised as to any changes via a newsletter, text messages, emails, web site and notice boards at the mill. The company procedures were confirmed by interview with other smallholders and it is noted that due email and phone connections, some smallholders may not receive the information quickly. They are visited by agronomists on a regular basis and prices are given at that time. No further action required. Company is making more and evident efforts to better communicate MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 9 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En pricing mechanism. 3.4 RSPO Supply Chain Certification. This section is extracted from the RSPO SCCS checklist and report. It is only required that this RSPO P&C audit includes either Module D and / or Module E of the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard. Module D – CPO Mills: Segregation Number Requirement Compliance Evidence D.1 Documented procedures D.1.1 The facility shall have written procedures and/or work Yes instructions to ensure the implementation of all the elements specified in these requirements. This shall include at minimum the following: a) Complete and up to date procedures covering the implementation of all the elements in these requirements b) The name of the person having overall responsibility for and authority over the implementation of these requirements and compliance with all applicable requirements. This person shall be able to demonstrate awareness of the facilities procedures for the implementation of this standard. Walter Basques is in charge. He is the plant manager, and was able to demonstrate a sound understanding of all implemented procedures and the RSPO SCC module D. All FFB is received from the small holders and company farm; which are included in the scope of this audit and of the RSPO P&C certificate. Therefore all FFB inputs are RSPO certified. The projected FFB yields from each farmer are known by the agronomists (i.e. farms supervisors visiting farms on weekly basis); any excessive quantities of FFB from an individual farmer is investigated to ensure it has not originated from another (uncertified) source. There are no MB calculations applicable. The mill has a full set of procedures as describe in documents: Manual De Funciones Extractora Natural Ecuador S.A., and Extranatu. Natural Mangrove Ecuador S.A. This includes all mill procedures from purchase of FFB, extraction of CPO and PK, through to sales and POME. The Manual de Procedimientos integrates example pictograms which clearly depict the procedures to be followed at the receiving FBB area. All processes to be followed are described; including the reports needed to fulfill administration requirements. These documents form part of the human resources file and detail how the workers have to work at each station based on job assignments for each post. D.1.2 The facility shall have documented procedures for receiving and processing certified and non-certified FFBs. The Manual de Procedimientos, as mentioned on item D.1.1, integrates example pictograms which clearly depict the procedures to be followed at the receiving FBB area. All processes to be followed are MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 10 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En described; including the reports needed to fulfill administration requirements. All FFB inputs are from RSPO P&C organic certified oil palm plantations included within the scope of the present certification. D.2 Purchasing and goods in D.2.1 The facility shall verify and document the volumes of certified and non-certified FFBs received. D.2.2 The facility shall inform the CB immediately if there is a projected overproduction. Only FFB outsourced/purchased from associated growers or from the owned farm included within the scope of the present audit is managed at the company´s mill. The mt are recorded in real time and summarized in various reports. See also D.3.1. There has not been an overproduction but the mill manager is aware of this requirement. D.3 Record keeping D.3.1 The facility shall maintain accurate, complete, up-to-date and accessible records and reports covering all aspects of these requirements. Daily FFB delivered records are kept in place (i.e. “Daily report of FFB”). The process starts with a weighbridge ticket identifying the origin of the FFB. All suppliers are identified by a software code linked to the weighbridge (i.e. Báscula). Thus, it is not possible for any non-certified fruit to enter the mill. Reviewed input documents showed compliance with normative requirement (i.e. on 31/07/2014, a total of 6.82 mt of FFB from Isabel Núñez were processed). All weighbridge tickets indicate the time of delivery and the fact that the FBB are organic. An updated weekly report summarizing FBB inputs from own farm and associated growers is kept at the main office. This report is printed weekly. A print out summarising the weekly report for each farmer (i.e. Isabel Núñez. production area= 38ha, delivery by week, accumulated delivered Metric Tons to week 31 = 221 mt). Summarized data also provides information on the total Metric Tons of FFB delivered by all farmers to week 31: 14,306 mt; with an indication of the average FFB mt/ha/yr for each sector of associated suppliers (i.e. 9mt/ha/yr). Daily CPO and PK production with OER% data was also available. Weekly summary of production: week 30, 497.36 mt FFB, 95.64 mt CPO/IP, an OER of 19.23%, Kernel 53.77mt (10.81%). Tank stock records were also available for review. Estimate for last 12 Months (MT) Actual Production for last 12 months (MT) Projection for next 12 Months (MT) [State if IP or MB] (ASA audits). [State if IP or MB] [State if IP or MB] CPO/IP PK/1P PKO CPO PK PKO CPO/IP PK/IP PKO/IP 6,800 3,200 n/a 4,472/IP 2,510 n/a 7,000 3,500 n/a Notes: FFB total for last 12 month period.22,274 mt. OER 19.89%. The production I slower than projected due to the disease “PC”, which has had a devastating effect on many farms, killing up to 90% of all oil palms. All PK is sold to local kernel crushing plants but is not sold as RSPO certified. As all sales of CPO/IP are to Palma Organica (A company in the same group). However, Palma Organica is not yet RSPO SCC certified and so MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 11 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En no sales are made as / IP. It is all sold as CPO Organic. D.3.2 D.3.3 D.3.4 Retention times for all records and reports shall be at least five (5) years. The facility shall record and balance all receipts of RSPO certified FFB and deliveries of RSPO certified CPO, PKO and palm kernel meal on a three-monthly basis. The following trade names should be used and specified in relevant documents, e.g. purchase and sales contracts, e.g. *product name*/IP or Identity Preserved. The supply chain model used should be clearly indicated. The company is only 3.5 years old but they will be kept for at least 5 years. The inputs and outputs are balanced on a weekly basis. See D.3.1 above. No sales of any certified products to date but the company is aware of the requirement to include the supply chain category in the description. D.4 Sales and good out D.4.1 The facility shall ensure that all sales invoices issued for RSPO certified products delivered include the following information: a) The name and address of the buyer; b) The date on which the invoice was issued; c) A description of the product, including the applicable supply chain model (Segregated) d) The quantity of the products delivered; e) Reference to related transport documentation. There have been no sales of RSPO products. However, company sales invoices include all the required information. E.G. 15/04/2014. Invoice number NHG-POH. Sale of xmt CPO organic to Remia BV. D.5 Processing D.5.1 D.5.2 D.5.3 The facility shall assure and verify through clear procedures and record keeping that the RSPO certified palm oil is kept segregated from non-certified material including during transport and storage and be able to demonstrate that is has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that contamination is avoided. The objective is for 100 % segregated material to be reached. The systems should guarantee the minimum standard of 95 % segregated physical material9; up to 5 % contamination is allowed. The facility shall provide documented proof that the RSPO certified palm oil can be traced back to only certified segregated material. In cases where a mill outsources activities to an associated palm kernel crush, the crush still falls under the responsibility of the mill and does not need to be separately certified. The mill has to ensure that: The crush operator conforms to these requirements for segregation The crush is covered through a signed and enforceable agreement All FFB inputs are from RSPO P&C organic certified oil palm plantations included within the scope of the present certification. No other FFB is allowed to enter the POM. New flexi-tanks are used for each despatch of CPO and so there is no contamination. See D.5.1 above. No work is outsourced. The flexi-tanks are transported by a local company but as all flexi-tanks are new for each consignment, it is not considered necessary to include that company in the audit. The loading and filling of the flexi-tanks is all under the direct control of the POM. D.6 Training D.6.1 The facility shall provide the training for all staff as required to implement the requirements of the Supply Chain Certification Systems. As all FFB inputs are RSPO PC certified, and so all outputs maybe sold as SG. Mill workers are all trained in procedures. The facility shall only make claims regarding the use of or support of RSPO certified palm oil that are in compliance with the RSPO Rules for Communication and Claims. No claims are made. D.7 Claims D.7.1 PART 4 AUDIT FINDINGS 4.1 Summary of findings. Principle 1: Commitment to Transparency. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 12 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Summary for Principle 1: Criterion 1.1: Oil Palm growers and millers provide adequate information to other stakeholders on environmental, social and legal issues relevant to RSPO criteria, in appropriate languages and forms to allow for effective participation decision making. Compliance Findings: Comments: There is sufficient documental evidence that growers The Company developed an internal communication Yes are provided with adequate information on system for all interested parties about its operations (environmental, social and/or legal) issues relevant and developments related to RSOP. Informative to RSPO Criteria to relevant stakeholders for boards at the mill office post all relevant information effective participation in decision making. which easily accessible to all producers. Procedures in place include actions to inform any Records of requests for information and responses producer that cannot read or have access to are maintained. communication media (e-mail, telephone, etc.). The main issues relating to RSPO developments and implementation are explained during technical visits to each individual farm which on average takes place on weekly basis. Requests can be made by personal visits to the mill office. There is a written procedure (i.e. Procedimiento de Quejas y Reclamos, revision subject to approval). There are forms at the gates that can be completed by any person (i.e. Buzón de Quejas, No. 000001, 2201-2014). The requests are received in duplicate; one is sent to Company Quito´s office. Within 30 days the answer is provided. The company web site provides guidance for how to obtain information in both English and Spanish. Information accessible includes: “The principle of Transparency encompasses the concept of Socioenvironmental Responsibility¨ adopted by the Exportsustent S.A. (Natural Habitats). All information related to document Mesa Redonda para la Produccion Sostenible de Palma Aceitera (RSPO) is available as well. Hiring and positions vacant are advertised. An email address is available for information and the procedures for hiring are with the Recruitment and Selection department. From the Exportsustent S.A. (Natural Habitats) website: “The principle of Transparency encompasses the concept of Socio-environmental Responsibility adopted by the Exportsustent S.A. (Natural Habitats) is also indicate in document Mesa Redonda para la Producción Sostenible de Palma Aceitera (RSPO). The 'Procedimiento de Quejas y Reclamos' is also relevant and used for this process, and it is complemented with the 'Buzon de Quejas' as a program fully accepted by stakeholder based on their social and anthropological background (i.e. Buzón de Quejas, No. 000001, 22-01-2014). It gives full details as to how to contact the company. The system is commonly used by local communities (i.e. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 13 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Municipalidad, Schools, Medical Government Units, etc.) to address issues from interested parties. Examples of communication include Date, Number, Type of request made, Who to address the request, etc. Criterion 1.2: Management documents are publicly available except where this is prevented by commercial confidentiality or where disclosure of information would result in negative environmental or social outcomes. Summary of the findings for 1.2: Compliance Findings: Comments: Publicly available documents include: Contact person: Ms. Jessenia Angulo, Social and Yes • Land titles/user rights (Criterion 2.2); Environmental Manager. • Occupational health and safety plans (Criterion All the documents that are publicly available are 4.7); listed on company’s office at the site. Not all • Plans and impact assessments relating to documents are available in hard format as they are environmental and social impacts (Criteria 5.1, 6.1, expensive to produce. They are available for review, 7.1 and 7.8); as are all internal documents. • HCV documentation (Criteria 5.2 and 7.3); • Pollution prevention and reduction plans Land Titles/user rights: (Criterion 5.6); Contact person: Mr. Néstor Solórzano, Secretario. • Details of complaints and grievances (Criterion 1. Escritura de Cancelación De Hipoteca y 6.3); Prohibición de Enajenar Compañía • Negotiation procedures (Criterion 6.4); NorgesPalm, S.A.; and Titulo De Crédito, • Continual improvement plans (Criterion 8.1); RUC: 060000240001, Clave Catastral • Public summary of certification assessment report; 200487. • Human Rights Policy (Criterion 6.13). 2. Escritura de Compra Venta de un Lote de Terreno, Anhelio Israel Chica Mero, 25-081991; R.U.C. 1701542423001. Supporting documents: Política Integrada, Enero 2014; Reglamento de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo; Evaluación de Riesgos Laborales; Viche, Enero 2014; and Guía Manual Do SIG, No. MSIG; de Principios y Criterios de la Mesa Redonda de Palma Sostenible RSPO, Caso Ecuador, Plan de Mitigación de Impactos, Plan de Manejo Ambiental, Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, Términos de Referencia para Realizar Estudio de Impacto Ambiental-EXPOST, and Consulta y Participación Ciudadana Estudio de Impacto Ambiental EXPOST. Criterion 1.3 Growers and millers commit to ethical conduct in all business operations and transactions. Summary of the findings for 1.3: Findings: Comments: There is a written policy committing to a code of A specialist lawyer has prepared a paper specific to ethical conduct and integrity in all operations and corruption which senior management has signed. transactions, which is documented and There is a policy statement on the web site regarding communicated to all levels of the workforce and business operations with ethics and integrity. There operations is reference to Anti-Corruption in Política Integral, Enero 2014. Human Resources handles, everybody in the company must get this statement during entry/hirering/contracting/periodical traing. Company has Regulamento Interno where ethical issues are included. There are internal audits conducted to identify and to prevent corruption and to ensure integrity (i.e. Auditoría Interna, Pablo Rosales, 17-07-2014, Informe ST-SUC-PRO-001, 23-07-2014, and Listado de Productores Salientes año 2014. Compliance Yes MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 14 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En All electronic means are used to communicate to all levels of the farmers. New farmers are informed of policies and there is a dialogue system allowin Martha Vasconez, g workers to discuss any policies and procedures (i.e. Contrato del Productor con la Sra. Martha Vasconez, 14-07-2014). Principle 2: Compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Summary of Principle 2: Criterion 2.1: There is compliance with all applicable local, national and ratified international laws and regulations Summary of the findings for 2.1: Findings: Comments: Compliance Evidence of compliance with relevant legal The system is understood and implemented by the Yes requirements is available. relevant company managers. Rule NP 39. States how the work must flow and how A mechanism for ensuring compliance is the system works. implemented. There are files with laws and regulations covering: The environment – Acuerdo No. 006 Ministerio del A system for tracking any changes in the law is Ambiente; Norma de Emisiones al Aire desde Fuentes implemented. Fijas de Combustión, Libro VI Anexo 3, Pressidencia de la República. Health and Safety and Labour Laws – Reglamento de Seguridad y Salud En el Trabajo, Enero 2014; Decreto Ejecutivo No. 2393, Reglamento Interno de Trabajo, aprobación 07-07-2014 EXYRANATU; Reglamento Interno de Trabajo, Natural Mangrove Ecuador, 1505-2014. and Resolución de aprobación No. MRLDRTSP1-2014-0173-R3_DC, 28-05-2014. Mill: 1.Permiso de Funcionamiento 2014, Cuerpo de Bombero Quinindé, No. 00161, 2. Oficio No. 007-EXTRANATU-2014; 03-07-2014 (Licencia Ambiental). 3.Registro Único de Contribuyentes Sociedades, No. RUC 089174622001. 4. Solicitud Permiso Aguas, 30-04-2013. Environmental legislation is being complied with, as evidenced in the field. Social legislation is also complied with as evidenced through interview and document inspection. The system of compliance is verified by way of a comprehensive software system that includes all applicable laws. There is a reputable company for support of the software used to keep up to date with the laws. The regulations are passed on the necessary departments for implementation. Used sources are Ministry of Environment web site; ANCUPA (Asociación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma Aceitera); and Diario la Gazeta (i.e. Acuerdo Nro. 0060, Ministerio de Relaciones Laborales for Palm Producer, and Acuerdo Nro. 0041 Empleo de MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 15 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Sustitutos en caso de Personal Discapacitados) Field inspections ensure compliance of existing applicable legislation. The Company subcontracted the service of a lawyer and a environmental expert for clear access to the law and its implementation. New laws and regulations are frequent and need to be carefully monitored on line or through the National Official Newspaper: La Gaceta. Technical Assistance deals with Organic and RSPO practices. 30 farms /1 agronomist, which follow implementation. Austainability Dept. develops program for farmers and every rountine meeting day, monitoring,, training is done. The company contracts the services of two external lawyers (In Esmeraldas, and in Quito). All national regulations and laws have been complied and all supporting documents are in the offices in Quito and Esmeraldas. Laws related to the business include: Forestry Law, Environmental Law, Labour Code, Water Law, Company Law, Political Constitution of Ecuador. All relevant laws are circulated to the small holders via a newsletter. It is normal for 90 days to implement new laws. Criterion 2.2: The right to use the land can be demonstrated and is not legitimately contested by local communities with demonstrable rights Summary of the findings for 2.2: Findings: Comments: Compliance Documents showing legal ownership or lease, history The office at EXTRANATU was visited to review the Yes of land tenure and the actual legal use of the land documents related to land ownership. were available for review. All documentation was reviewed and all land titles were found to be in order. The history of ownership Land titles for all properties in accordance with the and transfer was reviewed and found to be law of the land. complete. Contact Person: Mr. Néstor Solorzano, Secretario. Legal boundaries confirmed on site. Supporting Documents: 1. Escritura de Cancelación De Hipoteca y No disputes or conflicts noted. Prohibición de Enajenar Compañía NorgesPalm, S.A.; and Titulo De Crédito, RUC: 060000240001, Clave Catastral 200487. 2. Escritura de Compra Venta de un Lote de Terreno, Anhelio Israel Chica Mero, 25-081991; R.U.C. 1701542423001. . From the legal documents, maps are prepared (i.e Croquis de la Unidad Productiva, Borja Borja Alexandra Verónica, MAE-RA-2014-93722. Payment of land ownership taxes are controled. If the tax ownership in paid, means all ownership is in order. All legal ownership documents are kept in the offices MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 16 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En in Quito and our production facilities in Esmeraldas. Land use is in a completely legal way. History of land use and ownership was reviewed and boundaries confirmed on site with small-holders. Criterion 2.3: Use of land for oil palm does not diminish the legal or customary rights of other users without their free, prior and informed consent. Summary of the findings for 2.3: Findings: Comments: Compliance No customary or legal rights on any lands. The company owns a plantation purchased in 2009. Yes Associated growers have owned their properties for generations. The land used in the area has been agricultural production for many decades and land title is clear, as evidenced through documents, like the Land Title: Escritura de Compra Venta de un Lote de Terreno, Anhelio Israel Chica Mero, 25-08-1991; R.U.C. 1701542423001. Principle 3: Commitment to long-term economic and financial viability. Summary of Principle 3: Criterion 3.1: There is an implemented management plan that aims to achieve long-term economic and financial viability. Summary of the findings for 3.1: Findings: Comments: Compliance The company has a documented working plan that The Business Development Manager, together with Yes covers a minimum period of 3 years from the date of the Production and Financial manager, prepares the the assessment. It includes crop yield projections; company business plan. The document is projected OER trends; costs and income. for 15 years, and covers all farms, the mill and all joint operations in Ecuador and aborad. There is a replanting programme projected for a The CEO and Business development manager ensure minimum of 5 years when the crops reach the age of that the business plan is updated every year. There is 20-25. also a production management plan which is specific to the production of FFB and mill practices. Supporting docments: RSPO surveillance audit Report of changes and improvements, Ecuador 2014 (i.e. confidential document presented by Ms. Jessenia Angulo). The plantations of the company are more than 6 years old; with the oldest with 25 years. There is a record of all crop ages (i.e. Datos Parcelarios de Paula Catagua). No re-plantings performed at this Company and its supply base farmers due to a disease locally named PC (i.e. Pudrición del Cogollo). Presently, there is a research plot which has been established for PC study with a total of 1160 plant; at Hacienda Clemente which was destroyed by this disease complex. The company is at present time evaluating alternatives for disease control using IPM approaches; such as use of better genetic material for high productivity, lower height, resistance to insects and adapted to soils and climate. Principle 4: Use of appropriate best practices by growers and mills. Summary of Principle 4: Criterion 4.1 Operating procedures are appropriately documented and consistently implemented and monitored. Summary of the findings for 4.1: MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 17 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Findings: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for farms and mill are documented. A mechanism to check consistent implementation of procedures was in place Records of monitoring and actions taken were maintened and available, as appropriate. The mill records the origins of all third-party sourced Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB). Comments: The company has a production protocol with sections covering all operations from planting to harvesting (i.e. Procedimiento para la erradicación de plantas infectadas con la Pudrición de Cogollo (PC)). Compliance Yes The agronomist team, managed by the General Manager (i.e. this position is currently vacant and temporarily hold by Ing. Gabriel Vera, Procesos Orgánicos) ensures the implementation of organic and best management practices in all farms and all supplying farm holders. All activities related to production are monitored. Farm supervisors oversees farm maintenance, plant protection activities, supplies, water and soil management, planning, composting procedures quality control, internal control system, integrated pest management amongst others. The results from the monitoring process are used to prepare tailored advisory to each farmer and to help them with fertilization processes, inputs, and to prevent production problems (i.e. Control de Actividades, Hacienda La Tormenta, Edison Aveiga, semna 29, 2014; Producción Individual de Palmicultores (Reporte Diario de Producción), Semana 30; 538,360 Kg, and Control de Producción, Hacienda Paulita, Historical Yield per Producer). The mill has standard operating procedures covering all aspects of mill management (i.e. “Manual de Procedimiento Extractora”, and Quality Control Unit: Manual de Procedimientos, Área Laboratorio). There are mechanisms implemented for procedure implementation as indicated in document: Tiquetes de Fruta Palma Aceitera Orgánica, 06-08-2014, Marina González, 1.150 kg. EXTRANATU Mill: Monitoring records are used (i.e. Registro de Esterilización, 25-07-2014, semna 30; Registro de Extracción, 02-08-2014, Prensa No. 1; Registro de Clarificación, 02-07-2014; and Control de Centrífuga, 24-04-2014). Records of monitoring were available for review at the time of the audit (i.e. Registro Acidez, Humedad e Impureza, PR-CC-REG-003, Semana 31, Licor Prensa, Pre-Clarificador, Terminado, Humedad e Impurezas; and Registro de Pérdida de Aceite en Proceso, PCINREG-CC-0004, Semana 31, 2014). Criterion 4.2: Practices maintain soil fertility at, or where possible improve soil fertility to, a level that ensures optimal and sustained yield Summary of the findings for 4.2: Findings: Comments: Compliance There was evidence that good agriculture practices, Contact Persons: Mr. Otto Gordillo, Gabriel Vera, and Yes as contained in Standard Operating Procedures Miguel Martínez. NC 001 (SOPs), are followed to manage soil fertility to a level MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 18 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En that ensures optimal and sustained yield, where possible. There was evidence of periodic tissue and soil sampling to monitor changes in nutrient status. Records of fertiliser inputs are maintained. A nutrient recycling strategy is in place, and may include use of Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB), Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME), and palm residues after replanting. Foliar analysis is conducted on an annual basis in September and the results are converted into fertiliser program which includes natural composts and minerals. Soil analysis is conducted yearly. Visual analysis is carried on a daily basis by the agronomy team. Each associated grower is visited at least twice per month (i.e. AGRAR PROJECT, Reporte de Análisis de Suelos, Hacienda Paulita (Paula Catagua), 07-032014, PCatagua-S-19-02-14; and Análisis Foliar, PCatagua-F-19-02-14, 11-03-2014. Fertiliser program based on foliar and soil analysis, Programa de Fertilización 2014. Records of fertilization as described in: Control de Actividades, Hacienda José Luis, Sector Quininde (Santa Elvira). Records are maintained for all EFB and fibre application in follow areas after plant eradication (i.e. PCIN-BAS-REG-00001, 14-07-2014). NC 001. Records of fertiliser inputs do not indicate the type of fertiliser applied. POME is retained within a closed system and is finally broken down by natural vegetation and microorganisms within the confinement of the 7 ponds used to treat the POME. No land application takes place. Criterion 4.3: Practices minimise and control erosion and degradation of soils. Summary of the findings for 4.3: Findings: Comments: Maps of soils were available. There is a general soil map for Ecuador which shows that the soils of Esmeraldas do not include fragile A management strategy is in place for plantings on soils, 1:1000000, 1986. Donkeys, buffaloes and small slopes above a certain limit. tractors are used to transport FFB to void soil compaction. Interview with agronomist, managers, farm supervisors and associated growers, as well field observations confirmed absence of fragile soils No peat soil in certified area. Very detailed soil at visited farms. The company hasn’t detected fragile history register at government level exists. soil in the vicinity At the farm owned by the company for example, the previous owner of the estate planted Teak on the steeper ground and this has been continued. There are 6 hectares only on the owned estate. The associated growers have adopted the same system and may use a variety of other species to produce an early return from the timber. Cover crops are used for both soil fertility and wedd control; thus reducing the risk of soil erosion. No peatland at visited farms. All water sources (i.e. rivers, small creeks, etc.) were marked for protection through reforestation or natural outgrowth of local vegetation. Large rivers, such as Esmeraldas River, were protected by buffer zones of more than 25-30 meters. Yearly river level fluctuations also determine distance for housing and farming activities. Criterion 4.4: Practices maintain the quality and availability of surface and ground water. Summary of the findings for 4.4: Compliance Yes MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 19 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Findings: An implemented water management plan is in place. Protection of water courses and wetlands, including maintaining and restoring appropriate riparian and other buffer zones (refer to national best practice and national guidelines) were demonstrated. Appropriate treatment of mill effluent to required levels and regular monitoring of discharge quality, especially Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), is in compliance with national regulations (Criteria 2.1 and 5.6). Mill water use per tonne of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) (see Criterion 5.6) is monitored. Comments: Plan de Mitigación de Impactos, Plan de Manejo Ambiental, Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, and National law only states that a 3 meters buffer zone is to be maintained. This value varies accordingly with water course width (i.e. Acuerdo Ministerial Nro. 002, Ministerio de Ambiente). Compliance Yes NC 002 The company owns a nursery for reforestation of buffer zones. Current practices also include natural regeneration. The company maintains a 25 meters buffer zone of natural species alongside the Rio Esmeraldas, Tabuche farm; which exceeds National Law requirement. No protected wetlands observed at the visited sites. At small producer farm level it was observed reforestation and riparian zone management and protection along rivers or small creeks; which evidenced appropriated erosion control and minimal risk of water contamination. NC 002. No evidence of BOD monitoring of POME. POME is retained within a closed system and is finally broken down by natural vegetation and microorganisms within the confinement of the 7 ponds used to treat the POME. No land application takes place. 3 The mill uses 0,8 m of water per 1mt of FFB processed. They have a well for abstraction which is rain-filled and only used by the mill for their purposes. A new tricantre instalation will reduce the water consumption further. Criterion 4.5: Pests, diseases, weeds and invasive introduced species are effectively managed using appropriate integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques Summary of the findings for 4.5: Findings: Comments: Compliance Implementation of Integrated Pest Management The company is 100% organic and there is no use of Yes (IPM) plans were properly monitored. any artificial pesticides. The IPM plan is described in 17 sections which include identification, prevention, treatment, beneficial plants and traps and an evaluation method of the controls (i.e. Control Fitosanitario, sector Vilsa, semana 2, 2014). There is a dedicated team for IPM implementation and they visit all associated growers and the company farm on a daily / weekly basis. A report is prepared for each inspection and reccomendations are made for each type of insect problem identified. Criterion 4.6: Agrochemicals are used in such a way that does not endanger health or the environment. There is no prophylactic use, and where agrochemicals are used that are categorised as World Health Organisation Type 1A or 1B, or are listed by the Stockholm or Rotterdam Conventions, growers are actively seeking to identify alternatives, and this is documented. Summary of the findings for 4.6: Findings: Comments: Compliance This is an organic operation. This is a 100% organic palm production and palm oil Yes. Therefore no use of agrochemicals was confirmed extraction operation. through observations and interviews and inspection Weeds are controlled mechanically. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 20 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En of the orgainc certification documentation. The No evidence of pesticides usage at the time of the certification number of Natural Habitats Group's audit. Interviewed farm owners and managers operational company Exportsustent S.A.: provided further evidence. 7757EC1100z1s(NOP). Criterion 4.7: An occupational health and safety plan is documented, effectively communicated and implemented Summary of the findings for 4.7: Findings: Comments: Compliance All workers involved in the operation are adequately The company has a health and safety plan (i.e. Yes trained in safe working practices (see Criterion 4.8). Evaluación de Riesgos Laborales and Reglamento de Adequate and appropriate protective equipment is Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo). available to all workers at the place of work to cover The risks at each station were checked in the mill in all potentially hazardous operations, such as accordance with National legislation (i.e. Reglamento pesticide application, machine operations, and land de Seguridad y Salud y Medio Ambiente en el preparation, harvesting and, if it is used, burning. trabajo, decreto No. 2393), which includes all the criteria that must be taken into account. All workers involved in the operation were The company has prepared a matrix showing all adequately trained in safe working practices (see operations and the risks associated in terms of Criterion 4.8). Adequate and appropriate protective operator risk, mechanical, biological, environmental equipment was available to all workers at the place and major classification (i.e. Evaluación de Riesgos of work to cover all potentially hazardous Laborales). operations, such as machine operations, and land These risks are then classified in terms of the level of preparation, and harvesting. each risk. Mitigating activities for each risk are then decided (i.e. Estándar Equipos De Protección The responsible person/persons are identified. There Individual, Matriz de Selección de EPIS y EPP). are records of regular meetings between the For example: responsible person/s and workers. Concerns of all 1. Steriliser. First step: Heat. Noise. Slippery parties about health, safety and welfare is discussed floor. Machinery and tools. Solids and at these meetings, and any issues raised are liquids escaping. No major risks associated recorded. (i.e. Evaluación de Riesgos Laborales). Second step: Evaluation of the risk: Rated 1 All workers are provided with medical care, and to 9 with 9 being the most extreme. covered by accident insurance. Steriliser risks vary from 4 to 8. The 8 is for noise. Third step: Noise is identified as Accident and emergency procedures exist and above as a significant risk to health and PPE instructions are clearly understood by all workers. is required linked to training in the correct Accident procedures are available in the appropriate use and insection of machinery. The final language of the workforce. Assigned operatives step is recorded training in accordance with trained in First Aid are present in both field and the risk assessment (i.e. Asistencia a other operations, and first aid equipment is available Capacitación y Formación, 29-07-2014, at worksites. Records of all accidents are kept and Simulacro de Evaluación y Rescate). periodically reviewed. There is a policy statement published in the mill by Occupational injuries are recorded using Lost Time way of a large banner and circulated to the Accident (LTA) metrics. smallholders (i.e. Política Integrada, Enero 2014). Locally the called legal Sistema de Auditoria de Riesgos de Trabajo in used. Emergency training is conducted and depending upon the nature of the emergency, the fire brigade and other emergency services are contacted and there is an alarm which requires all workers to go to an RVP (i.e. Asistencia a Capacitación y Formación, 29-07-2014, Simulacro De Evaluación y Rescate). All workers in the mill have been trained in first aid (i.e. Asistencia a Capacitación y Formación, 22-072014, Primeros Auxilios a Brigadistas de Primeros Auxilios). There are also specific workers trained in emergency porcedures. For out grouwers training is done once a month whith log file use with relevant MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 21 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En chart templates, accident recordings, procedures. The policy is supported by a manual called the Health and safety Policy and a Health and Safety Plan (i.e. Evaluación de Riesgos Laborales), which include the objectives, the decisions based on the government regulations and obligations of the workers and the company, safety team and structure, the role of the doctor, services for health, roles and functions, measures to prevent risks to communities, risks at work, environmental risks associated with health and safety, recommendationsto prevent accidents, emergency plan and in the case of robbery. There is a generic risk assessment which covers risk points, the consequence and mitigating action (i.e. Evaluación de Riesgos Laborales.). For example; EFB located away from the burners and presence of functional fire extinguishers. There is a health and safety officer in the mill who is responsible for all OHS matters (i.e. Mr. Alexander González, Responsable de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional). There are doctors (Drs. Carlos Arias Rodríguez and Eduardo García Cruel) in full time employment and a facility is being built at the mill for a permanent location from where the doctors will visit all the farmers. There is an emergency committee that reviews accidents and emergencies and they will meet to review any accident and will report back to the OHS officer and will advise as to any new training, PPE requiremnts, working instructions and SOP´s, etc., to mitigate the problems (i.e. Acta del Comité de Seguridad Industrial y Salud Ocupacional, 16-062014). PPE is distributed free of charge and there is a record of the distribution and re-distribution. Data showed that issuance is in accordance with a schedule for checking the PPE (i.e. RR.HH.SSO.PRG.-0001, Sr. Luis Alfredo Arce Rosales). Supporting document: Plan Emergencias y Contingencias, 2014. First aid box is located in the mill and well signed. Fire extinguishers functional (i.e. Inspección de Extintores, 15-04-2014) A register of all each accident is kept which includes the person, the location and the event (i.e. Investigación de Accidentes e Incidentes, RR.HH.SSOPRG-0002; Investigación de Incidentes y Accidentes de Trabajo, 07-05-2014, Car accident; and 01-042014 Bismar Valverde fall). A description and the cirmustances that led to the accident is prepared by MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 22 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En the health and safety officer. There is a medical report prepared for each accident which includes the action taken by the doctor that attended the victim. Support document: Parte Acumulativo Anual de Incidentes y Accidentes de Trabajo, 2014. Criterion 4.8: All staff, workers, smallholders and contractors are appropriately trained Summary of the findings for 4.8: Findings: Comments: A formal training programme is in place that covers All workers undergo induction training. The Human all aspects of the RSPO Principles and Criteria, and Resources assistant keeps updated the training that includes regular assessments of training needs matrix, and coordinates together with the OHS and documentation of the programme. officer all needed trainings (i.e. Asistencia a Capacitación y Formación, 31-07-2014, Procesos de Certificaciones y Manejo de PC). Field observations and interviews confirmed effective training. Evidence of proper EPP usage at field and mill visited operations evidence proper training of assigned staff. Traning is also arranged for the farmers and for their workers. Risk assessments of all farm operations are conducted in the same way as for the mil (Capacitación y Formación, 31-07-2014, Procesos de Certificaciones y Manejo de PC). Compliance Yes Principle 5: Environmental responsibility and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Summary of Principle 5: Criterion 5.1: Aspects of plantation and mill management that have environmental impacts are identified, and plans to mitigate the negative impacts and promote the positive ones are made, implemented and monitored, to demonstrate continuous improvement Summary of the findings for 5.1: Findings: Comments: Compliance An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is Environmental impact assessments in place (i.e. Plan Yes documented. de Manejo Ambiental; Plan de Mitigación de Impactos; Términos de Referencia para Realizar Where the identification of impacts requires changes Estudio de Impacto Ambiental-EXPOST, and Consulta in current practices, in order to mitigate negative y Participación Ciudadana Estudio de Impacto effects, a timetable for change was developed and Ambiental EXPOST). implemented within a comprehensive management The SEIA is a requirement from the Ministry of plan. The management plan identifies the Environment to obtain the environmental license. responsible person/persons. The company conducted it before the RSPO certification, the socialisation was also conducted This plan incorporates a monitoring protocol, and all that documentation was assessed by the local adaptive to operational changes, which is government. (see also, item 5.2) implemented to monitor the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. The plan is reviewed as a An HCV assessment has been carried out as stated minimum every two years to reflect the results of and confirmed at both the time of the pre-audit, the monitoring and where there are operational changes main audit and the ASA. that may have positive and negative environmental impacts. Environmental management plan in place (i.e. Plan de Manejo Ambiental, and Plan de Mitigación de Impactos). The small holders are controlled by Agro Calidad, with faculties to provide land licences for farming activities, who have visited all the small holders and they have also been granted licences. Firstly Certificado de transicion (non transition with HVCA or protected areas) must be entered to authorities. TOR for environmental impact assessment is MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 23 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En approved by the government, EIA must be entered, socialisation. When all these documents are approved in that order the farmer get an environmental license. Socialisation was conducted in the communities by a local consultancy company who concluded that there are no significant environmental impacts affecting society. In fact the conculsuoins were that the palm oil mill and the oil palm is a valuable source of work (i.e. Consulta y Participación Ciudadana Estudio de Impacto Ambiental EXPOST). Criterion 5.2: The status of rare, threatened or endangered species and high conservation value habitats, if any, that exist in the plantation or that could be affected by plantation or mill management, shall be identified and their conservation taken into account in management plans and operations. Summary of the findings for 5.2: Findings: Comments: Compliance The HCV was originally performed, based on Government N/A. No HCV. HCV assessment for the area where Palm Oil is produced, as No RTE species. indicated. The Ministry of the Environment in Ecuador has Measures are taken to protect conservation prepared maps covering the whole of Ecuador identifying areas as deined by the company. areas of HCV. This has been done using satellite imagery Action is taken to control illegal and and on ground surveys. inappropriate hunting, fishing or collecting No HCV areas are present in the farms covered by this audit. An environmental licence was granted for the activities. company. It was asked for a third body (Environmental services firm) to conduct a completed HVC areas study for all the regions where the farmers are located. Additionally, all farmers count with the non-intersection certificate (certificado de no-interseccion) document provided by the Ministry of Environment confirming that their plantations are not in protected or HVC areas. The study is called: “IDENTIFICACIÓN DE ZONAS DE ALTO VALOR DE CONSERVACIÓN EN FINCAS PROVEEDORAS DE FRUTA DE PALMA ACEITERA A LA EMPRESA NATURAL- HÁBITATS ECUADOR” and it will be used for the biodiversity enhancement programs (because the company will get Rainforest certified in Q1 2015). The SEIA is a requirement from the Ministry of Environment to obtain the environmental license. The company conducted it before the RSPO certification, the socialisation was also conducted and all that documentation was assessed by the local government. No HCV areas have been identified as confirmed by the Government. As mentioned previously on items 2.2, 2.3 and will be mentioned on item 6.4, no legal, customary, or users rights were identified, therefore, no social HCV were identified as well, hence there would be no community loss. Medical care provided to farmers and workers (their families included) represent a gain after the Company established its operations. Full employed doctors are hardly seen in other agricultural operations in the visited area. School support is also provided. Certificates, in the form of a letter from the Ministry of the Environment relating to protected areas, including HCV. This states no protected or HCV for the mill or owned farms or on the associated suppliers. Ref: Certificado de Interseccion. There is one letter for each associated grower, all stating that there is not contact with any protected areas or HCV. MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 24 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En There are 2 associated growers with more than 100 ha and so the environmental team is conducting a full EIA and will identify all species. However, those farms have also received certificates as above. Farmers, for personal conviction and commitment with the biodiversity, have set conservation areas of secondary forest. Environmental team monitors the flora and fauna of these areas and non hunting conflicts have been identified. Reforestation is also practiced by some farmers. The company has identified protected areas which comprise Teak on steeper ground, riparian zones and citrus growing areas. Those areas are protected by a security guard. No RTE were identified. However, the company has 2 environmental engineers who are training all the farmers and visit all the farmers to conduct reviews of each farm. Criterion 5.3: Waste is reduced, recycled, re-used and disposed of in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Summary of the findings for 5.3: Findings: Comments: Compliance The EIA includes a clear identificaton of all waste from the Yes All waste products and sources of pollution were mill, plantations and offices. identified and documented. A waste management and disposal plan to avoid or reduce pollution shall be documented and implemented. Mitigation Plan 2013. Plan de Mitigation de Impactos. Pages 36- 42 The ultimate responsible for the safe disposal of waste in the farm is the farm manager and in the mill the mill manager. All FFB waste is used for compost and renewable energy, other type of waste that can not be recycled such as empty bottles, and burned oils are collected by contractors with experience in handing waste. Recycling of EFB and fibre. Biofuel also for the boiler as part of the Improvement plan. Records of waste disposal are available. An agreement is in place with the local municipality who collect solid waste such as household and office waste, once per month. Hazardous waste is collected on demand. All mill and farm premises visited showed no presence of potentially contaminant residues. Criterion 5.4: Efficiency of energy use and use of renewable energy is maximised. Summary of the findings for 5.4: Findings: Comments: 610kw of electricity per month from the national grid. All energy used is monitored. Renewable energy. 3.75mt EFB / CPO mt Fossil fuel records are maintained and trends Electricity. 0.75kw / CPO mt. shown. Diesel. 1.15 gallon / CPO mt. Compliance Yes The fuel use is slightly higher as the real production has increased. The amount of fuel that can be consumed is restricted by law to prevent smuggling of fuel out of the country. Records of mineral fuel are very carefully prepared and reported to the Government. Improvement Plan is part of the Factory Machinery Otimisation “Informe Tecnico de Monitoreo Ambiental” related to CO2 issues. Criterion 5.5: Use of fire for waste disposal and for preparing land for replanting is avoided except in specific situations, as identified in the ASEAN guidelines or other regional best practice MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 25 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Summary of the findings for 5.5: Findings: The use of fire is not allowed for any land preparation or for replanting. The company has procedures in place to assist in the event of land burning on neighbouring land. No burning of domestic waste. Smalllholder training in place. Comments: No evidence of use of fire at visited farms or sites. Interviews provided further evidence of burning prohibition. Compliance Yes The plantations are suffering from a complex disease which causes growing tip rot and is summarised as PC. Affected palms are destroyed and fronds stacked in the plantations. No fire is used. Criterion 5.6: Plans to reduce pollution and emissions, including greenhouse gases, are developed, implemented and monitored. Summary of the findings for 5.6: Findings: Comments: Compliance As part of the environmental licence procedure, all Yes The mill management has identified the sources polluting activities have to be identified and an of pollution and emissions. environmental plan must be put into place. Various and regular measurements are taken of the emissions and pollutants. Measurements of emissions obtained are used to To demonstrate compliance with the Environmental Management Plan, a technical report was prepared develop strategies for improvement. in July 2014: POME is treated in a series of but there is no Informe Tecnico de Monitoreo Ambiental by Camach discharge as the water usage is so low. & Cifuentes, who are authorised by the government. They identified sources of pollution and measured the quality of the air, the emissions from the mill and environment within the limits of the mill. CO2. CO, NOX, O2, temperatures, gas qualities and pollutants were measured. The boiler emissions were included as was the POME. The main purpose of this report is to evaluate compliance with the law for the Ministry of the Environment. The sources of all pollutants are identified at the start of the report with a diagram showing the location within the mill. To dispose and treat POME, the mill has 7 decantation ponds, where POME receives treatment of microorganism and generates a close disposal cycle. There is a control system for the boiler smoke stack. Future plans are to install a tricanter to reduce the water required. Principle 6: Responsible consideration of employees and of individuals and communities affected by growers and mills. Summary of Principle 6: Criterion 6.1: Aspects of plantation and mill management that have social impacts are identified in a participatory way, and plans to mitigate the negative impacts and promote the positive ones are made, implemented and monitored, to demonstrate continuous improvement Summary of the findings for 6.1: Findings: Comments: Compliance A social impact assessment (SIA) including records of The social impact assessment has been conducted by Yes meetings was conducted and documented. a private organization (i.e. Consulta y Participación Ciudadana Estudio de Impacto Ambiental Ex Post, as The plans is to reviewed as a minimum once every a requirement for the environmental license request MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 26 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En two years and updated as necessary, in those cases where the review has concluded that changes should be made to current practices. There is evidence that the review includes the participation of affected parties. Particular attention is paid to the impacts of smallholder schemes (where the plantation includes such a scheme). by the Ecuadorian Government (i.e. Decreto No. 1040). It has been conducted with participation of stakeholders and it has been documented. Social impacts are both monitored and managed with the participation of local communities and smallholders. If the company’s operational scope changes, then the EIA and SIA’s are revised and documented. The schedule for environmental management monitoring and reporting is identified and reports are prepared in accordance with this schedule. Where there is an out-growers scheme, the company pays attention to the potential social impacts of their activities. No negative social impacts were identified; on the other hand the operation contributes to the area with employment and economic reactivation. Study covers social impacts also. Social impacts. In 2007 and 2008, a SEIA was conducted and 2 projects were implemented. Also EXTRANATU Women’s Association was created in 2013. The plan for mitigation of negative impacts is included on “Plan de Manejo Ambiental”, chapter 7 Plan de Relaciones Comunitarias. Reviewed by Ministry of Environment on yearly basis as part of the operational license renewal process. Attention has been given to medical care support and environmental protection educational activities at local schools (i.e. Convenio de Apoyo para el desarrollo de Buenas Prácticas AMbientales celebrado entre la Fundación Ambientalista Verde Natura y las empresas EXPORSUSTENT Y EXTRANATU del Grupo Natural Habitats, and Informe de Itinerancias MedicaTaquigue, 11-04-2014. 6.2 There are open and transparent methods for communication and consultation between growers and/or mills, local communities and other affected or interested parties Summary of the findings for 6.2: Findings: Comments: Compliance Consultation and communication procedures are The social responsibility officer (Mr. Armando García) Yes documented. maintains a close relationship with the communities. The Company built medical centres in the area and a A list of stakeholders, records of all communication, sport school. including confirmation of receipt and those efforts There is weekly communication, face to face or by are made to ensure understanding by affected post with the medical centres, as stated by the parties, and records of actions taken in response to procedure: Cronograma de Capacitaciones, records input from stakeholders, shall be maintained. of such activities as described in the report Asistencia de Reuniones y Capacitaciones, 15-05-2014). Policies and licenses are available for all stakeholders. There is an annual planning for communication events with the communities: Topics like environmental education, social development, nutrition, health are covered in these meetings with the communities. There’s a team dedicated to organise such events and to develop annual MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 27 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En programs to contribute in the communities development. Doc: Social projects annual planning. - There is a person dedicated to the relationship with communities and local stakeholders. Ref: Sustainability inspector - All communications from/with the communities are recorded and a follow-up file is open until what is requested/organised is concluded. Doc: Solicitud de informacion. As described in Lista de Proveedores Orgánicos. A list of stakeholders, records of all communication, including confirmation of receipt and those efforts are made to ensure understanding by affected parties, and records of actions taken in response to input from stakeholders, shall be maintained. Criterion 6.3: There is a mutually agreed and documented system for dealing with complaints and grievances, which is implemented and accepted by all parties Summary of the findings for 6.3: Findings: The system, open to all affected parties, resolves disputes in an effective, timely and appropriate manner, ensuring anonymity of complainants and whistleblowers, where requested. Documentation of both the process by which a dispute was resolved and the outcome ia available. Comments: As detailed in Procedimiento de Quejas y Reclamos. All involved stakerholders atended a training session to discuss complaints procedures and environmental regulation processes applicable to the production of Palm Oil (i.e. Asistencia a Capacitación y Formación, 27-02-2014, and Procesos de Regulación Ambiental, ST-CER-PRO-0005). Compliance Yes Criterion 6.4: Any negotiations concerning compensation for loss of legal or customary rights are dealt with through a documented system that enables indigenous peoples, local communities and other stake holders to express their views through their own representative institutions Summary of the findings for 6.4: Findings: Comments: Compliance A procedure for identifying legal, customary or user No legal, customary or user rights at this operation Yes rights, and a procedure for identifying people were identified. entitled to compensation, is in place. Land title or legally recognized documents show legal ownership thus no user rights are posible according to applicable local legislation. All of farmers have property legal documentation of their land, they are complying with the National law and paying taxes. Additionally, the company has property historical records showing the ownership of the land for the last 50 years. Ref: Predio and escritura publica. The small holders are controlled by Agro Calidad, which is agovernment office who have visited all the small holders and they have also been granted licences to operate under Ecuadorian Law. Criterion 6.5: Pay and conditions for employees and for employees of contractors always meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and are sufficient to provide decent living wages. Summary of the findings for 6.5: Findings: Comments: Compliance Documentation of pay and conditions were available Company Mill Information Board depicts current Yes at the time of the audit. Palm Oil and Minimum Wages for producers and workers, respectively. For each individual farm, farm The company providse adequate housing, water owners or administrators are responsible for worker supplies, medical, and welfare amenities to national information in regard to salaries, benefits, etc. All MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 28 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En standards or above, where no such public facilities are available or accessible. Labour laws, union agreements or direct contracts of employment detailing payments and conditions of employment (e.g. working hours, deductions, overtime, sickness, holiday entitlement, maternity leave, reasons for dismissal, period of notice, etc.) are available in the languages understood by the workers or explained carefully to them by a management official. Public government offices and Government Law Newspaper (i.e. Registro Oficial), also provide free access to applicable legislation. The Company makes demonstrable efforts to monitor and improve workers’ access to adequate, sufficient and affordable food. farming activities are subject to Government inspection. Payment details are fully depicted on empolyees paychecks (i.e. Rol de Pago, Dreddy Xavier Bone Góngora, 27-06-2014). The company is committed to provide the same opportunities for all workers or potential workers. The process was verified through personal interviews (i.e. Rodolfo Chanaluisa Oodónez, and Luis Arce Rosado). Housing is completely free and respecting national standards. Since the farms and mill operations are next to the established communities, staff and their relatives go to public schools and public hospitals. However, theres is medical assistance available at the mill. The company pays the 12.15% of the worker’s salary to the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security. This amount and the workers contribution of 9.35% are meant to cover family compensation funds, retirement, and public health (i.e. Rol de Pago, Dreddy Xavier Bone Gongora, 27-06-2014). The company has strict non forced labour policies, which are informed to all workers when there are training sessions. There is a cafeteria where food is provided free of charge. Criterion 6.6: The employer respects the right of all personnel to form and join trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining are restricted under law, the employer facilitates parallel means of associated and free association and bargaining for all such personnel Summary of the findings for 6.6: Findings: Comments: Compliance A published statement in local languages recognising The general manager prepares, and the HR assistant Yes freedom of association is available. communicates and implements the policy recognizing freedom of associations (i.e. Política Minutes of meetings with main trade unions or Integrada, Enero 2014, and Social and Fair Trade workers representatives is documented. Certificated Fair For Life). Workers are organised in a voluntary association, the idea was supported, funded and promoted by the company. Meetings are minuted (i.e. Asociación de Empleados del Grupo Natural Habitats, Informe 26-05-2014). Criterion 6.7: Children are not employed or exploited. Work by children is acceptable on family farms, under adult supervision, and when not interfering with education programmes. Children are not exposed to hazardous working conditions. Summary of the findings for 6.7: Findings: Comments: Compliance There is documentary evidence that minimum age The general manager prepares, and the HR assistant Yes requirements are met. communicates and implements the policy (i.e. Política Integrada, Enero 2014 and Código de Trabajo, artículo 136). MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 29 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En The company keeps copies of worker’s identity information and ensure that only workers older than 18 years old are employed (i.e. Código de Trabajo). The minimum employment age is 18. Criterion 6.8: Any form of discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, or age, is prohibited. Summary of the findings for 6.8: Findings: Comments: Compliance A publicly available equal opportunities policy The general manager prepares, and the HR assistant Yes including identification of relevant/affected groups communicates and implements the policy (i.e. in the local environment is documented. Política Integrada, Enero 2014; which covers all It was verified that that recruitment selection, hiring Social, Envrionmental, Workers Health and Safety, and promotion are based on skills, capabilities, Organic Production, etc. requirements of the qualities, and medical fitness necessary for the jobs normatives adopted by the company and its supply available. chain operations). Its communication and implementation, at visited farm sites and working places at the Company´s Mill, was evaluated through personal interviews. Compliance was evidence by workers and farmers/farm administrators/workers interviewed. No migrant workers at this Company. Local communitees supply most of the labour. Criterion 6.9: A policy to prevent sexual harassment and all other forms of violence against women and to protect their reproductive rights is developed and applied. Summary of the findings for 6.9: Findings: Comments: Compliance A policy to prevent sexual and all other forms of The general manager prepares, and the HR assistant Yes harassment and violence is implemented and communicates and implements the policy (i.e. communicated to all levels of the workforce. Política Integrada, Enero 2014). A policy to protect the reproductive rights of all, especially of women, is implemented and communicated to all levels of the workforce Personal interviews (i.e. Marisol Mendoza and Yuddy Suárez) evidenced lack of sexual and other forms of harassment. A specific grievance mechanism which respects anonymity and protects complainants where requested is established, implemented, and communicated to all levels of the workforce. Interviewed female personnel declared that reproductive rights of pregnant women and child bearing mothers are protected according to applicable Law (i.e. Código Penal, Artículos 3337 y 338). Workers who are breastfeeding only work 2 hours per day and receive their whole salary (8 hours). This is a labour law regulation. The president of the workers association (i.e. Ms. Yuddy Suárez) is in charge of organizing a gender committee. Her responsibilities include the communicating, as indicated in Integrated Company Policy, all information regarding sexual harassment. Personal interviews (i.e. Marisol Mendoza) evidenced lack of sexual and other forms of harassment. Criterion 6.10: Growers and mills deal fairly and transparently with smallholders and other local businesses. Summary of the findings for 6.10: Findings: Comments: Current and past prices paid for Fresh Fruit Bunches The production manager, financial manager and (FFB) are publicly available. business development manager discuss prices of FFB Compliance Yes MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 30 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Evidence was available that growers/millers have explained FFB pricing, and pricing mechanisms for FFB and inputs/services are documented (where these are under the control of the mill or plantation). Evidence was available that all parties understand the contractual agreements they enter into, and that contracts are fair, legal and transparent. every week, and they are publicly available in the mill, and they are also sent via phone text message to all farmers (i.e. Comunicados, PCIN-BAS-REG-00001, 08-008-2014). The company is being certified Fair for Life (i.e. Certificado No. 130137-SFT, IMO Instute for MARKETECOLOGY), and record average production costs, prices of the local market (other mills) and based on that price they add from 6 to 9% premium for organic production. Agreed payments are made in a timely manner. Smallholders fully understand the FFB pricing mechanism (i.e. Precio de Fruta de Palma Aceitera Orgánica, 08-08-2014). Prompt payment direct into bank accounts (i.e. Payment Evidence, Deposit to Mr. Freddy Xavier Bonne Góngora verified for 18-07-2014). Associated suppliers confirmed prompt payments. Criterion 6.11: Growers and mills contribute to local sustainable development wherever appropriate. Summary of the findings for 6.11: Findings: Comments: Contributions to local development that are based The social responsibility officer maintains a close on the results of consultation with local communities relationship with the communities. They have built were demonstrated. two medical centres in the area and a sports school. They are working on a new project to support the communities to build micro enterprises. No scheme smallholders for this operation. Compliance Yes Natural Habitats helps and support all the associated farmers, through its agronomist team, in the implementation of organic and sustainable production practices, training, micro credits, supplies and premium prices. Criterion 6.12: No forms of forced or trafficked labour are used. Summary of the findings for 6.12: Findings: Comments: There are evidences that no forms of forced or As confirmed trhough interview and observations trafficked labour are used. (i.e. Rodolfo Chanaluisa, Marisol Mendoza and Where applicable, it is demonstrated that no Walter Vásquez), no forms of forced or trafficked contract substitution has occurred. labour, contract substitution and temporary or migratory workers are used or practiced at this company. Criterion 6.13: Growers and millers respect human rights. Summary of the findings for 6.13: Findings: Comments: A policy to respect human rights is documented and The general manager prepares, and the HR assistant communicated to all levels of the workforce and communicates and implements the policy (i.e. operations (see Criteria 1.2 and 2.1). Política Integrada, Enero 2013). As confirmed trhough interview and observations. Compliance Yes Compliance Yes Principle 7: Responsible development of new plantings. Summary of the findings for principle 7: Criterion 7.1: A comprehensive and participatory social and environmental impact assessment is undertaken prior to establishing new plantings or operations, or expanding existing ones, and the results incorporated into planning, management and operations Summary of the findings for 7.1: Compliance Findings: Comments: N/A. No new plantings at this Company or at any The supply base for EXTRANATU mill is older N/A MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 31 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En member of its supply base. than 2005. The last new re-panting for experimental purposes done in planting in the supply base was in 2013-2014. Principle 8: Commitment to continual improvement in key areas of activity. Summary of the findings for principle 8: Criterion 8.1: Growers and millers regularly monitor and review their activities and develop and implement action plans that allow demonstrable continual improvement in key operations Summary of the findings for 8.1: Findings: The action plan for continual improvement is defined and implemented, based on a consideration of the main social and environmental impacts and opportunities of the rower/mill, and includes a range of Indicators covered by these Principles and Criteria. As a minimum, these include but are not necessarily limited to: Organic production (criterion 4.6) Environmental impacts (criteria 4.3, 5.1, 5.2) Waste reduction (criterion 5.3) Pollution and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission (criteria 5.6, 7.8) Social impact (criterion 6.1) Optimizing the yield of the supply base Comments: The company has a group strategic plan in which the milestones and improvement procedures are described. In the sustainability area, we have developed a sustainability platform with clear KPIs, (key performance indicators), procedures, milestones, per farmer, area (environmental, social, and R&D), country, and crop. Compliance Yes With regard to use of pesticides, this Operation does not uses pesticides. Biodiversity protection of Riparian Areas, buffer zones along water courses, conservation of forest areas, educational activities with local schools, reforestation program, and small farmers training. This makes the policing of the forest conservation more efficient. Recycling is carried out for materials such as plastics, steel, empty glass containers, batteries, engine oil, etc. Dangerous residues are stored in a warehouse and then incinerated according to applicable local legislation. GHG emissions. RSPO model is now used. See 5.6 for more details. Social impacts. In 2007 and 2008, a SEIA was conducted and 2 projects were implemented. Also EXTRANATU Women’s Association was created in 2013 this was legalized Optimising the supply base. This started in 2013 with the identification of better genetic material and the mechanisation of activities due to a lack of a work force. Target of an average of 23.5 mt FFB/ha in 2013 – this was achieved. Target of 26 mt average over the period 2014 to 2017. A sustainability report will be published in 2014. 4.2 Non conformity register. This section gives an over view of new or revised non-conformities raised during this assessment and of action taken to close out non-conformities raised during the previous assessments. Major non-conformities raised during a main assessment will prevent the certification body from making a positive certification decision for the concerned units/products. The NC number is comprised of 2 parts to include the year in which the NC is raised as well as a sequential number. 4.2.1 Verification of previous assessment non-compliances MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 32 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En Non-compliance: Date raised: Major or Minor: Correction at this audit Full: Partial: Not corrected: 2013/001 th 14 August 2013 Minor 6.10.6. Evidence shall be available that all parties understand the contractual agreements they enter into, and that contracts are fair, legal and transparent. Not all the smallholders fully understood the pricing mechanism for FFB. After this issue was raised at stakeholder consultation, interviews with farmers confirmed an understanding of the mechanism for FFB pricing. Full closure 4.2.2 New non-compliances raised at this audit NC number: Date raised: Major or Minor: Reference of standard: Standard requirement: Evidence of non-compliance: Date of closing: 2014/001 th 8 August 2014 Minor NC number: Date raised: Major or Minor: Reference of standard: Standard requirement: 2014/002 th 8 August 2014 Minor Evidence of non-compliance: Date of closing: No evidence of BOD monitoring of POME. 4.2.2 Records of fertiliser inputs shall be maintained. Records of fertiliser inputs do not indicate the type of fertiliser applied. 4.4.3 Appropriate treatment of mill effluent to required levels and regular monitoring of discharge quality, especially Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), shall be in compliance with national regulations (Criteria 2.1 and 5.6). Observations. Date raised: None raised. Date: Number settled Number outstanding th 8 August 2014 1 2 MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 33 of 34 Doc_2_2_30_1_3_En MQ III IBD Revisão 30.05.2014 GED/DOCUMENTOS/MODELOS E REFERENCIAS/2-SETOR DE INSPEÇÕES/2_2-RELATÓRIOS DE INSPEÇÃO/2_2_30_1_3_En – RSPO P&C Public Summary Report Página 34 of 34
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