PDF File - Baltimore Area Disc Jockey Association
PDF File - Baltimore Area Disc Jockey Association
BADJA Meeting – April – June 2013 Publication: DJ Bill Ziemski www.billyzee.com www.Badja.org Topic 1: Games & Interaction Topic 2: Your DJ Rig Topic 3: Badja Cookout Topic 4: Badja Garmet bags Topic 5: Adopt a Road Badja style Dry ice at the Badja cookout Games & Interaction Badja had a presentation in April on how to perform group games for Bar Mitzvahs, Corporate Team Building Events and/or School dances. Badja members learned new ideas from some of our own games specialists. Neil Goldberg, Joe Pachino, Mike Pachino, Larry Adler & Mark Whipple were among the members who shared their ideas for games. Here are a few warm up or table games. A quick idea to mingle with guests is to see who can say “Red leather yellow leather” five times fast. How about trying the topic game? Two groups line up and alternate naming an item in a topic. (ie topic = fruit. Opposing team members alternate naming a fruit until the competitor draws a blank. 1 point for the team then continue with the next competitors with a new topic.) How about name that tune with specific categories?– oldies, classic rock, TV themes, new music, etc. Try a new spin on name that tune by forming groups or tables. One member runs to the dance floor after they write down their answer on a dry erase board.- You can call this game “table tunes”. Here are a few dance floor games. The napkin dance involves teams of two. Call out a number between 1 and 4. Partners must put that many feet on the napkin and keep the other feet off of the ground. Try other games and be inventive by using props and costumes. Have teams dress in scuba flippers, oven mitts and they must race to pick up a poker chip and bring it back to the next teammate. Try simple props like racing with a balloon between your legs and pass it on. There were many more games discussed during the meeting like scavenger hunt musical chairs, stuff it with balloons, butt charades, human tic tac toe, shoe game, bubble wrap jump and more. If you need props for games, check out Joe Pachino’s website www.mobiledjgames.com You will find it all here! Your Dj Rig Questions discussed during May’s meeting included: 1. How do you transport your DJ console/rig and lighting to each event? How do you pack it safely in your vehicle? 2. What vehicle are you now using to get your gear to your events? Are you going larger or smaller? 3. How to do make sure your gear is insured while at the event and in transit? 4. What security methods or devices do you use on your vehicle to protect your gear? 5. What happens if your gear is stolen? What backups do you have in place? Our fellow member Jamie Papanikos's had his car and gear stolen. 6. What gear do you use to make life easier getting your rig into and out of events? What carts, custom bags, containers, straps, etc do you use that you can't do without? Badja Cookout June 3, 2013 Every year, the Baltimore Area DJ Association (BADJA) hosts an annual cookout for all of its members. Mark Whipple, program director for BADJA and owner of The Sound Investment DJ Co., hosted this year’s event and threw a pool party complete with good food and camaraderie. To add excitement to the event, Chris Bartosik and Nicky Burke BADJA members brought their professional dry-ice machines and flooded the pool with thick clouds of low-lying fog. A special thanks to those members that brought equipment to share with others; Chris Bartosik, Alex Kolego, Nicky Burke and others who left gear in their truck.. Neil Goldberg had karaokee gear but we never got around to setting it up for a song to sing. A big thanks to our food caterers/ DJ’s/ BBQ cook, transportation experts,….Cammie & Larry Adler. It takes a lot of work to do all that food shopping and preparation for the event. Your hard work is also greatly appreciated. Thanks to all of you for your effort in making this a very fun an enjoyable event. Badja Garmet Bags All Badja members have received the garmet bag (pictured left) with the Baltimore DJ Association logo on it. Members can proudly carry their tuxedo, suit, sports jacket and other clothing to their events. The BADJA Tshirt is given to each member who is a spotlight DJ. Spotlight DJs are featured on the front page of the website. http://www.badja.org/ Adopt A Road Program Badja has adopted a road. Visit our baby on Cromwell Bridge Road right off of 695. Drive by and see our sign. Badja members will keep it clean. The clean up date is Tuesday June 18 from 6-8. The location is Cromwell Bridge & Loch Raven Blvd at the Park & Ride location. Please help save our planet by being there. 1-695 at exit 29-A We will supply all of the necessary items to fulfill our responsibility. The picture below is why we expect a decent turnout from the membership. Next Meeting – Thinking of becoming a member? July 1, 2013 6:30pm – 9:00pm The best way to learn about BADJA is to attend a meeting and meet new people. 3 free meetings to non-members. Learn about the benefits. Ask for a free welcome kit. Contact Jamie Papanikos omega.entertainment@yahoo.com for more info. or follow the link. www.badja.org/join.htm Topics: DJ Vendor Night. See products & services offered to members. (equipment, brochures, wardrobe, security, repair, and more) Location: HighTopps Backstage Grille 2306 York Road Timonium, Md 21093 Badja meets at Hightopps without charge, so please support our meeting place by purchasing a meal. Member Spotlight All spotlight DJs will receive a free BADJA T-shirt for their participation. They are featured on the front page of the www.badja.org website. Contact DJ Billy Zee to become the next spotlight DJ at Partybz@aol.com Complete the spotlight questionnaire and tell us about yourself. Articles/ Presentations If you want to submit an article to be published on our site. Email DJ Billy Zee Partybz@aol.com This will help promote your business as well as educate others. If you have a presentation or an idea for our next meeting, then email Mark Whipple. mcwhip@verizon.net BADJA Website Have you been to the BADJA website lately? Brad Hart is no longer continuing his DJ profession, but will continue to be BADJA’s webmaster. We thank him for his loyalty and continued work for BADJA. http://www.BADJA.org Leads have been booked with BADJA members. Facebook Social media is a web tool that connects people. Get connected by becoming a BADJA facebook fan and post a response. Let us know about your events, post a photo, or sell your equipment. Do it today, and stay in contact with members beyond our monthly meeting. Badja on facebook. Don’t get left behind…social media is the way of the future! BADJA Benefit We welcome New Members! BADJA will hold one General membership meetings & at least one board of directors meeting per month. General meetings shall be open to all members & guests having business with the association. Apply today or stop by at our next meeting with a friend. Check your email for an evite to the next meeting! Don't miss all the new information brought to us by Pro Audio Industry professionals. Hope you can make the BADJA event. It should be packed with a lot of exciting new information and more great people to meet.
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