Somewhere Over the Rainbow


Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Somewhere Over the
Presented by the Greene County Department of Recreation
2:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Waynesburg Central High School Auditorium
30 Zimmerman Drive
Waynesburg, PA 15370
**Open to Greene County residents ages 2-17**
Application Deadline: 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Sponsored by:
CONSOL Energy &
Greene County Board of Commissioners:
Chuck Morris, Archie Trader & Blair Zimmerman
For more information, please call 724-852-5323 or visit
Somewhere Over the
Packet Checklist
Contestant Letter
*Application Form
Pageant Rules
*Commentary Form
Contributor Letter
*Ad Sponsorship Form
*Photo Release Form
Pageant Walk Diagram
*Sportsmanship Contract
*Return application to:
Greene County Department of Recreation
107 Fairgrounds Road
Waynesburg, PA 15370
by 12 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2014
For more information, please call 724-852-5323
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
December 10, 2013
Dear Miss Greene County Pageant Contestant:
The Greene County Commissioners and the Greene County Department of Recreation would like to welcome you to
the 2014 Miss Greene County Pageant. We appreciate your interest in being a contestant.
The 24th annual pageant date has been scheduled for Sunday, February 23, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. in the Waynesburg
Central High School Auditorium in Waynesburg, PA. Sponsored by CONSOL Energy, the theme is “Somewhere
Over the Rainbow.” To qualify as a contestant, you must complete the enclosed entry application, contestant
commentary form, and sportsmanship contract, submit $400 minimum in ad sponsorships, no staples in ads, please,
and include one 5x7 photo (for the pageant program) and one 8x10 photo (for the photogenic category). All
applications, forms, sponsorships, and photos must be received by 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at the
Department of Recreation, 107 Fairgrounds Road, Waynesburg, PA 15370. Contestant numbers will be determined
based on the order in which complete applications are received.
The judging categories are as follows (*Bonus scores will be used as a tie-breaker):
Photogenic – The 8x10 photo provided with your application will be judged. Photographer’s release will be
required for all copyrighted photos. (Natural Beauty; Smile; Appeal; Warmth; *Bonus Overall)
Interview – Young Miss and Teen Miss contestants will be asked questions at the discretion of the judges.
Interviews will be conducted prior to the pageant. Tiny Miss, Petite Miss, and Junior Miss excluded.
(Appearance; Conversation/Ability; Personality/Eye Contact; Poise/Confidence; *Bonus Overall)
Sportswear – A T-shirt will be provided by pageant sponsors and given at rehearsal. Blue denim shorts and
tennis shoes are required. Contestants will not be permitted to cover the T-shirt with any jackets, vests, etc.
(Eye Contact; Sincerity/Naturalness; Personality/Smile; Posture; *Bonus Overall)
Talent – Any form of talent is welcomed. Props are optional. Talent is limited to two minutes, thirty seconds.
Tiny Miss excluded. (Costume; Execution/Presentation; Skill/Difficulty; Presence/Appeal; *Bonus Overall)
Evening Gown – Model a fancy dress, whatever length you choose. (Naturalness; Overall Appearance;
Carriage and Confidence; Personality; *Bonus Overall)
Director’s Award – The contestant who sells the most in ad sponsorships will receive a check worth half of her
total sales (maximum cash value is $300).
Rehearsal will begin on Saturday, February 22, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. for Tiny and Petite and 10:00 a.m. for Junior,
Young, and Teen. Rehearsal will be held in the Waynesburg Central High School Auditorium. A group photo of all
contestants and 2013 Queens will be taken at 10:00 a.m. A CD and a back-up CD of talent music, if applicable,
must be supplied and marked with the contestant’s name and number. Rehearsal is mandatory, and all
contestants must attend.
On the day of the pageant, Sunday, February 23, 2014, contestants must be at the Waynesburg Central High
School Auditorium by 12:00 p.m. (Young and Teen) and 12:45 p.m. (Tiny, Petite, and Junior). Access to the
auditorium will begin at 11:30 a.m. Please review your packet for all pageant details and rules.
We wish everyone the best of luck, and we hope you have a fun and enjoyable day.
Chuck Morris, Archie Trader, Blair Zimmerman
Jake Blaker
Greene County Commissioners
Director of Recreation
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
2014 Miss Greene County Pageant
Application Form
Photogenic—Interview—Sportswear—Talent—Evening Gown
Circle Age Group
(Age on 2/23/14)
Tiny Miss ..................... 2-4 Years Old (Talent and Interview excluded)
Petite Miss ................... 5-7 Years Old (Interview excluded)
Junior Miss .................. 8-11 Years Old (Interview excluded)
Young Miss .................. 12-14 Years Old
Teen Miss..................... 15-17 Years Old
Contestant Name: _________________________________________________________________
Birth Date: ________________________________ Age on 2/23/14: _________________________
Hair Color: _______________________________ Eye Color: _____________________________
School & Grade: _______________________________________ T-Shirt Size: ________________
Home Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Mother’s Name: ___________________________ Father’s Name: _________________________
E-mail Address: ____________________________ Phone Number: _________________________
Please indicate type of talent and, if known, song title, costume color, or any prop(s) being used:
(All sets will fade in and out to black, and a spotlight will be used, unless otherwise requested.)
Please indicate color of evening gown (if known): _______________________________________
A 5x7 and 8x10 BLACK AND WHITE or COLOR photograph must accompany this application. A signed photographer’s
release form must accompany any professionally produced photograph.
Please send or drop off your completed application, contestant commentary form, sportsmanship contract, 5x7 and 8x10
photos, and $400 minimum in ad sponsorships to:
Greene County Department of Recreation
107 Fairgrounds Road
Waynesburg, PA 15370
All applications, forms, photos and sponsorships must be received by 12 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. Checks may be
made payable to Greene County Department of Recreation. For more information, please call 724-852-5323.
The Miss Greene County Pageant, the Department of Recreation, and Waynesburg Central High School are in no way
responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur before, during, or after the pageant.
**All judges’ decisions are final**
Signature ____________________________ Print Name ___________________________ Date_________
Miss Greene County Pageant Rules
The Miss Greene County Pageant is held as a fundraiser for Greene County Department of Recreation
programs. The pageant committee strives to provide an unbiased, fair, and competitive atmosphere in
which to compete.
Contestant must be a Greene County resident. Proof of residency may be required. Applications,
forms, photos, and ad sponsorships must be received by 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 14, 2014, at
the Department of Recreation, 107 Fairgrounds Road, Waynesburg. One 5x7 photo (for the pageant
program) and one 8x10 photo (for the photogenic category) must be provided with each application.
Age division will be determined by the contestant’s age on the day of the pageant. The pageant
committee has the right to combine age divisions depending upon the number of entries per division, or
to cancel the pageant and return all donations if entries do not warrant.
Contestant order will be determined by order received. First received in category will go last and so
Rehearsal is at 9:00 a.m. for Tiny and Petite contestants and 10:00 a.m. for Junior, Young, and
Teen contestants on Saturday, February 22, 2013 at the Waynesburg Central High School
Contestants must provide two (2) CDs of talent music at rehearsal if applicable for their talent routine.
Talent is limited to two minutes and thirty seconds (2:30).
Each contestant will receive one complimentary program book for competing in the pageant.
Pageant contestants must be at the auditorium by 12:00 p.m. (Young and Teen) and 12:45 p.m.
(Tiny, Petite, and Junior) on Sunday, February 23, 2014. Doors open to the public at 1:00 p.m. The
pageant begins at 2:00 p.m.
NO food or drink will be permitted in the auditorium.
NO taping, roping, or reserving seats in the auditorium will be permitted.
NO videotaping of the pageant will be permitted. A professional DVD of the pageant will be made;
DVDs can be ordered before or after the pageant.
One parent and one hair dresser per contestant are permitted backstage. Common dressing areas will
be provided; however, contestants will be responsible for all electrical components, mirrors, etc. Please
let the pageant staff know if a male will be present backstage so that appropriate accommodations may
be made.
Please enter and exit the auditorium during breaks of performances.
Contestant numbers are to be worn on the left hip. If the contestant number interferes with the talent
routine, it is not required to be worn during that competition.
During the sportswear competition, contestants are required to wear the official pageant T-shirt and
blue denim shorts and tennis shoes. Sportswear accessories are optional. Contestants will not be
permitted to cover the official pageant T-shirt with any jackets, vests, etc.
The contestant is responsible for completing each category. If there is an error on the contestant’s part,
judges have been instructed to judge accordingly. If there is a mechanical or technical error, the
contestant may start again immediately without any point deductions.
Judges are encouraged to write comments on the score sheets to help you better understand their
scoring and to also help you grow for future pageants.
The pageant staff reserves the right to disqualify a contestant due to poor sportsmanship without
refund, whether it is the contestant, her family, or her friend(s).
A queen and first runner-up will be crowned in each age division.
All queens, runners-up, and award winners are asked to stay until the end of the ceremony for
Judging and tabulation is done by qualified individuals, and their decisions and scores are final.
Copies of contestant score sheets will be available after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 26, 2014,
at the Greene County Department of Recreation.
The queens are required to make at least three appearances at the following Greene County events:
Jacktown Fair Parade, Rain Day, King Coal Parade, Veterans’ Day Parade, Waynesburg Christmas
Parade, Mt. Morris Parade, or any other approved events. A scrapbook must be kept of your 2014
reign. If a Queen becomes disqualified, the first runner-up will fill the remaining title.
Commentary Form
CONTESTANT NAME: _________________________________________ #________
The following information will be read while you are on stage modeling in the sportswear and
evening gown competitions. You will not be judged on the content of this commentary. Please
list the most important items first. We may edit as necessary to fit the allotted time.
Please complete the following sentences as they apply to you.
Contestant #___ is a member of:
She is active in her community as/by:
Her hobbies and other activities include:
Her honors and achievements are:
Contestant #___ plans to attend ______________________________________________ and
major in ____________________________________________________________.
Her ambition is to _________________________________________________________
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Dear Prospective Miss Greene County Pageant Contributor:
I am writing to ask if you will contribute to my participation in the 2014 Miss Greene County
Pageant. To apply, I need to collect a minimum of $400 in advertising sponsorships.
To support me, you can purchase an ad in the pageant program book:
A. Full-page ad with or without my picture is $100.
B. Half-page ad with or without my picture is $50.
C. Quarter-page ad with or without my picture is $25.
Please see the attached Ad Sponsorship Form for more details. No staples in ads, please.
The contestant who sells the largest total amount in ad sponsorships will receive the Director’s
Award, which will be a check worth half of her total sales, up to $300.
I would greatly appreciate your consideration of this request. Please inform me of your decision
and provide me with the appropriate information by Friday, January 10, 2014.
The Miss Greene County Pageant is organized by the Department of Recreation and sponsored
by CONSOL Energy and the Greene County Board of Commissioners, Chuck Morris, Archie
Trader & Blair Zimmerman. Proceeds benefit Recreation programs in the county. If you have
any questions about your ad, call 724-852-5323 or 724-852-5210.
Thanking you in advance.
Contestant Name
Phone Number
Copies can be made of this form.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
2014 Miss Greene County Pageant
Ad Sponsorship Form
Contestant Name: __________________________________________________________________
Sponsor Name/Business: ____________________________________________________________
Business Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip: __________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________ E-mail: ________________________________
Advertisement Specifications: (Please do not staple)
Size of Advertisement:
___ Full Page
Photo? Y / N
___ Half Page
___Quarter Page
Photo File Name/Description: _______________________________
Amount Paid: $___________
Check No.: __________
Pre-designed Advertisement: Please include an electronic or clean hard copy of your ad.
Electronic copies may be e-mailed to
Designed Advertisement: Please specify advertisement details:
Text: ____________________________________________________________________________
Graphic(s)/Image(s): _______________________________________________________________
Other Details/Information: _________________________________________________________
Copies can be made of this form.
Please make checks payable to: County of Greene
Ads need to be returned to contestants by Friday, January 10,
All applications, forms, photos, and sponsorships must be submitted to
Greene County Department of Recreation, 107 Fairgrounds Road, Waynesburg, PA 15370,
by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Please do not send cash.
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
2014 Miss Greene County Pageant
Photo Release Form
I, _____________________, of ________________________,
(Print Name)
(Studio or N/A)
give my permission for photos taken by me or the abovementioned company to be published in the 2014 Miss
Greene County Pageant program book, to be displayed
during the pageant, and to be used as needed for any
marketing or publicity related to the pageant.
(Authorized Signature)
Pageant Walk Diagram
--------------------------------------EDGE OF STAGE-----------------------------------JUDGES’ TABLE
 Enter from the back and pause on X#1. Walk straight out to X#2
and turn. Walk to X#3 and turn. Walk all the way over to X#4 and
turn. Exit behind the curtains.
 Used during sportswear and evening gown competitions only.
 During introduction of contestants near the end of the event,
walk to X#1, pause, and walk to the Exit.
2014 Miss Greene County Pageant
Sportsmanship Contract
The Miss Greene County Pageant committee strives to place a strong emphasis on sportsmanship and safety. As
part of this effort, parents/guardians are asked to read and discuss the elements of this Sportsmanship Contract
with their child. This is a contract between the Miss Greene County Pageant committee and the parent/guardian
and his/her child. The signatures on this form signify agreement to comply with the provisions of this contract.
I will encourage my child to have fun. I will behave as a positive role model, respect the goals of the pageant
committee, and reinforce the character values of good sportsmanship and self-discipline. Any problems or
criticisms will be presented in a positive way to the pageant committee and/or its volunteers. I understand the
committee has the right to address my concerns immediately or may decide to schedule a meeting at a later date. I
will refrain from criticizing other contestants before, during, or after the pageant. I understand that
unsportsmanlike behavior on my part, or on the part of my child or my child’s supporters, may result in being
asked to leave the pageant. Such actions may result in my child being disqualified or banned from any future
By signing this form, I affirm that I have read and understand the behavioral standards for parents/guardians as
stated above and the behavioral standards for my child as stated below, and that I agree to abide by the
stipulations therein.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________
I understand competition in the pageant is a privilege. I agree to act responsibly and follow all the rules while
participating in the pageant. I will encourage and support my fellow contestants, cooperate with and show respect
to the committee and its volunteers, attend rehearsal and the pageant with a positive attitude, practice good
sportsmanship at all times, and conduct myself in a proper manner at all times. I understand that unsportsmanlike
behavior on my part may result in my disqualification and even expulsion from the pageant.
By signing this form, I affirm that I have read and understand the behavioral standards for contestants as stated
above, and that I agree to abide by the stipulations therein.
Contestant Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _________________