Ohio-Meadville District Assembly 2016 Better Together
Ohio-Meadville District Assembly 2016 Better Together
Ohio-Meadville District Assembly 2016 Better Together Keynote Speaker: Rev. Susan Ritchie Guest Appearance: Jim Key April 2, 2016 UU Church of Akron Akron, OH 2 Rev. Susan Ritchie Small Batch Unitarian Universalism: Midwestern Recipes for the Future of our Movement While our organizational forms change over time, our Midwestern genius for local and seasonal gathering might well shape the Unitarian Universalist polity of a successful future. The Rev. Susan Ritchie is in her 19th year of ministry at the North UU Congregation of Lewis Center, Ohio. She is the last person elected by the Ohio Meadville District to serve as a member of the UUA Board of Trustees. Author of Children of the Same God: The Historical Relationship Between Unitarianism, Judaism, and Islam, she is currently working on a new book: Unitarian Pirates of the Caribbean: Historical Adventures in UU Polity. W 3 4 DISTRICT ASSEMBLY SCHEDULE Saturday 8:00 Registration Opens 9:30-10:15 Opening Worship 10:15-11:45 Keynote Speaker: Rev. Susan Ritchie 11:45 Lunch 1:15-2:30Workshops 2:30-2:45 Break 2:45-4:15 OMD Business Meeting 4:15-4:30Break 4:30-5:00 Closing Worship & Bridging 5:00-5:30 Closing Reception 0 [ ‘ Special Guest: Jim Key, UUA Moderator Jim Key, the UUA moderator will bring greetings to the assembly during our morning session. District Assembly is a chance for congregational leaders and ministers to meet, network, ask questions, provide input on the direction of the district, and gather resources and information on a variety of topics and programs through workshops, the keynote address,and the Marketplace. It is an opportunity for education, leadership development and networking in a stimulating UU setting. Don’t miss this chance for your congregation to have your voice heard, gain knowledge, and collect new resources. Consider sending a multigenerational congregational team to collect information from many workshops as well as to represent your congregation as delegates. 3 Additional Activities The Marketplace! - Be sure to check out the items for sale from our congregations and the resources available in this year’s Marketplace. Groups may choose to exhibit and sell their items at their own table. If you are interested, please check the OMD website for application forms. Deadline is March 1. Opening Celebration - The Saturday morning worship will be led by the Rev. Wayne Arnason and Rev. Kathleen Rolenz, ministers of the West Shore UU Church, Rocky River, OH. Business Meeting - This year will be a historic one for our delegates, who will be voting on regionaliza- tion. The exact agenda of the meeting will be sent out with the Annual Report in February. Delegates should be familiar with the report and the agenda prior to attending District Assembly. Workshops - This year’s District Assembly has several workshops on topics we’ve heard are imprtant to our members. In addition, a networking space has been set aside for those who want to talk about something different during the workshop slot. Workshop space is limited and workshops will be filled first-come, first-serve. Closing Worship - We will close our District Assembly with a moving service led by Rev. Lane Campbell from First UU Church of Columbus, that includes bridging the youth of the OMD into young adulthood. Please join us for this important transitional ritual. W 3 4 5 0 [ ‘ WORKSHOP OPTIONS Update on Regionalization - A1 In this workshop slot we will answer questions and present updated information about regionalization and the vote to be taken in the business meeting. It is recommended that you attend this workshop if you are not familiar with the issues around Regionalization. Presented by members of the OMD Board. Revitalizing Your Congregation: Authenticity & Accomplishment- A2 Is your congregation being impacted by changes in the religious landscape? Do you have fewer members, or members who are less willing to “step up” in the way others have been? Are people more reluctant to support the community financially? Do you suspect that your congregation might not be “keeping up with the times”, but you aren’t sure how, and you aren’t sure you want to know? This is a great time for congregational revitalization! Come and hear about new trends in religious life, ideas for how to manage them, and concrete next steps your congregation can take this year. Presented by Rev. Megan Foley, UUA Congregational Life Staff with the Central East Region. Growing by Giving: Stewardship as a Spiritual Practice - A3 This workshop will address current best practices for year round stewardship, innovative ideas for nurturing generosity in all areas of congregational life and new twists on the annual pledge campaign. Presented by Patricia Infante, UUA Congregational Life Staff with the Central East Region. Networking Sessions - A4 For those who would rather gather and talk with others about a specific topic, we are offering networking space. We ask that you tell us your preferred topic area and we’ll take the top 6 and reserve tables. The areas we have suggested are Communications, Membership, Music, Religious Education, Social Justice, Worship, Young Adults, and Youth. Or you can suggest your own! 4 Annual Business Meeting A part of the District Assembly is the Annual Business Meeting. Each congregation is encouraged to be represented by your authorized number of delegates, including a youth delegate when possible. Ministers in fellowship with the UUA and DREs with active membership in LREDA have a vote in addition to congregation delegates. Delegates will be asked to vote on: the motion on regionalization, OMD officers, trustees, nominating committee members, district budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17, and by-law changes. Delegates will also review reports from district staff and officers. Reports, the budget, by-law changes, the language for the regionalization vote and the nomination slate will be sent out electronically as part of the Annual Report in late February. Credential forms for each congregation’s delegates will be mailed in February. Please be sure to watch for this letter. Congregations need to submit their list of delegates in advance for credentialing. Questions? Contact the Board Secretary, Laura Conkle at lconkle@ohiomeadville.org. Ohio-Meadville District Delegate Formula Membership No. of Delegates 1-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 3 51-100 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 101-150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 151-200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 201-300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 301-400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 401-450. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 451-500. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 over 500. . . . . .one additional delegate for each 50 members or fraction thereof. Ministers in fellowship with the UUA and serving OMD Congregations and Religious Educators serving OMD congregations and having active status with LREDA have a vote in addition to congregation delegates. Removing Barriers Financial - We want to make sure that everyone who wants to attend District Assembly can by removing as many barriers as possible. To assist individuals with this, we are offering scholarships for those who cannot afford the registraton fee. Childcare options are available for anyone to use. However, most of these services do require advance planning and we need to know what you need by March 1st in order to make this happen. If you need one of these services, please be certain to apply by March 1st . If it is after this date, contact the district office and we’ll do what we can, but we will be limited in what we can offer. Accessibility - The UU Church of Akron is accessible for those with mobility issues. Chemical Sensitivities - Please bear in mind that many have chemical sensitivities and please limit your use of scented products while attending District Assembly. We appreciate your efforts. Childcare Child care will be available all day Saturday. Children will join their parents for lunch and the closing reception. To provide for the safety of all, children and infants must be preregistered by March 1. There is no onsite childcare registration. Cost for children is $10 each. This rate includes lunch on Saturday and the reception Saturday evening. Youth and Young Adults Why should youth and young adults attend District Assembly? Youth and young adults are leaders in our faith and have a unique perspective of our present and our future. It is important that their voices be a part of our gathering and planning. For this reason, we especially encourage youth and young adults to participate in all aspects of District Assembly. Youth and young adults are welcome to serve as delegates for their congregations, if chosen. They are welcome in all of our programming. We encourage all our presenters to be aware that our event is multigenerational and to plan their presentations accordingly. FEES The OMD Board has chosen to use funds from previous district assemblies to cover the costs of most the staff and presenters at District Assembly. We are asking that each attendee pay $15 to cover your lunch. if you are unable to pay this fee, scholarships are available. Onsite registration will be $20. Deadlines 5 Online registration will be open January 1 - March 20. March 1st is the deadline for children to register for children’s activities. Scholarships are available to cover the cost of the registration fee. Applications are due by March 1st. Your registration fee will be refunded if you are not awarded a scholarship and are unable to attend. Childcare Fees Advance registration will close on March 20th. After that date you may only register on-site. The childcare fee for Saturday is $10 per child, which includes lunch. Children must be registered by March 1 to allow us time to make arrangements for the appropriate number of childcare providers. Youth Caucus registration is due by March 20th. Youth who register onsite may NOT stay overnight at the church. Advance registration is required. Scholarships A limited number of scholarships are available for those in need to cover the cost of registration. Travel and hotel fees are not covered. See the Scholarship Application on page 6 for details. Payment Information You may pay with a credit card on-site, online, or by calling the OMD district office. Make Check Payable to: Ohio-Meadville District Mail to: Ohio-Meadville District PO Box 157 Saint Clairsville, OH 43950 H I u Register online and pay by credit card at the Ohio-Meadville Website and check back for updates as we get closer to District Assembly. Youth Caucus High school aged youth (14-18) are invited to sleep at UU Church of Akron on Saturday evening. To be eligible, the registration form, payment, AND the Youth registration and sponsor form must be received by March 20th. What is a sponsor? All youth attending DA must have an adult sponsor responsible for their support and supervision. Youth attending DA without a parent or guardian may be sponsored by an adult over the age of 25 who is registered for and attending DA. One adult may sponsor up to five youth. Sponsors are expected to abide by the same district event rules as the youth they are sponsoring. Sponsors should also obtain a signed medical release form from the youth’s parent or legal guardian. CERG youth event rules are listed on the youth registration form. Supervision is the responsibility of each sponsor-youth pair. A youth and sponsor should always know each other’s whereabouts and how to contact one another. Sponsors and youth should check in with each other several times a day. Adults wishing to be part of the Saturday night overnight must be approved as Con Advisors by their congregation. Questions about these policies can be directed to Evin Carvill-Ziemer at eziemer@uua.org 6 2016 Ohio-Meadville District Assembly SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM • The applicant must be a religious professional, member, or active youth of an OMD or SLD congregation, emerging congregation, or recognized group. • Priority is given to applicants who will represent their congregation at District Assembly as delegates, with preference given to those who are leaders in the congregation. • Special consideration is given to delegates from new congregations or congregations that have not (or not recently) sent representation to District Assembly. • The $15 registration fee will be provided by scholarship. If possible we recommend that the congregation provide a portion of the fee. Travel and housing costs are not covered by scholarships. • Applicants should have financial need. Priority will be given to applicants who have not received scholarships in the past, and, except in unusual cases, will not be awarded to the same individual in consecutive years. • Recipients are expected to attend and participate in the entire Saturday program. • Applications will be viewed with an anti-racist, anti-oppressive lens. • Deadline for all applications is March 1, 2016. See below for submission address. • Scholarship applicants must submit a registration form with their scholarship application or register online before submitting the registration form. Fees may be paid on-site or after the scholarship decision is given. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ________________ Phone:____________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Congregation: ______________________________________________________________________________ Congregation Position: _______________________________________________________________________ Are you a cong. delegate? _____ A youth? _____ Young adult?____ Why are you applying for this scholarship? Please limit your response to one page attached to this form. Congregational Verification To be completed by the minister, president/moderator, or secretary/clerk of the congregation/group DRE may complete this form for youth who are requesting a scholarship. I support this request for a District scholarship and confirm that (name) ________________________________ is a member in good standing or an active youth from ______________________________________________. I verify that this person (circle one) will/will not be a delegate for our congregation for the 2016 OMD District Assembly. Name___________________________________________ Position__________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Mail, fax or scan and email form to: Ohio-Meadville District, PO Box 157, St. Clairsville, OH 43950; 866-445-8219; office@ohiomeadville.org 2016 OMD & SLD District Assembly REGISTRATION FORM 7 Complete one form for each individual youth or adult. Include children on one adult’s registration form. Use one fee page (back side) for an entire family. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ E-mail address: ________________________________________ Congregation: ______________________________________________________________________________ Congregational Position:______________________________________________________________________ Youth Birthdate (if under 18): _________________________________________________________________ Accessibility Needs: Please list any accessibility needs you may have such as large-print programs, etc.: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Activities Registration - CHILDREN MUST BE REGISTERED by March 1 Please list child(ren)’s name, birthdate and any special needs. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parents will be asked to complete a brief information form for their child/ren onsite. Youth Sponsorship: Please note that all youth who are in high school must complete the youth sponsorship forms and submit them to the district office. Youth forms can be found on pages 9-11. All youth must have a sponsor during District Assembly. Contact Evin Carvill-Ziemer at eziemer@uua.org with questions. Meals -The registration fee includes the Saturday lunch and evening reception and breaks. Please advise us of any dietary needs. : ❑ Vegetarian ❑ Vegan ❑ Gluten-free ❑ Other ___________________________ Workshop Selection Workshop Registration: To aid us in room assignments please select your workshops below. Please place a 1 by your first choice and a 2 by your second choice. Descriptions are given on page 3. Workshops ___ A1 - Update on Regionalization ___ A2 - Revitalizing Your Congregation ___ A3 - Growing by Giving ___ A4 - Networking Session (indicate your topic) Networking Topics - indicate topic if participating Select only one, or write in one. ___ Communications ___ Membership ___ Music ___ Religious Education ___ Social Justice ___ Worship ___ Young Adults ___ Youth ___ Other: Please write in: _________________________________ 8 Additional Youth Information High School Youth who are not registering online must complete this additional information: Parent/guardian name(s)_____________________________________________Parent phone______________ Who to call if parent(s) can’t be reached_______________________________ Their phone________________ Name of Physician: ______________________________Physician’s phone number: _____________________ Health Insurance Co. _________________________________Policy No.______________________________ Fees Due: Note: If you are applying for a scholarship, please submit your form without payment. _____Youth, YA or Adult @ $15 = $ _________ _____ Children x $10 $ _________ Donation to the Scholarship Fund: $ _________ Grand Total $ _________ Make Check Payable to: Ohio-Meadville District Mail to: Ohio-Meadville District, UUA , PO Box 157, St. Clairsville, OH 43950 Youth Sponsor Form for District Assembly April 2016 9 Youth Name:___________________________________________________ Birth date____________________ I am a senior in high school (or equivalent) and plan to participate in the Bridging Ceremony: Yes ___ No ____ Health Information Known medical conditions/problems & special dietary needs________________________________________ Known allergies to medications/anesthetics_______________________________________________________ Current Medications ________________________________________________________________________ Saturday Night Youth Overnight For high school youth (ages 14-18) you may opt to stay overnight at the UU Church of Akron following District Assembly. Will you be staying at the host church? Yes ____ No _____ Youth Agreement District Assembly is a business meeting of congregational delegates and workshop opportunities for congregational leaders. Youth who attend District Assembly agree to participate fully in workshops and trainings offered. District Assembly is NOT a youth conference. Please note that the District Assembly staff and volunteers will only provide supervision of youth overnight at the church. During events at the church, supervision is the responsibility of the sponsor. DRE or Church Official: Please review the attached rules and the above expectations with the youth and make sure they fully understand them and agree to follow every rule presented without question. ______________________________________________ ____________________________ DRE/DRE Designee or Church Official if no DRE Signature Date Youth: I have read the above, and reviewed all rules with my DRE or church official. I understand them fully, and understand what could happen if I break a rule. ______________________________________________ Youth Signature ________________________ Date 10 Name _________________________________________ Event: _________________________________________ CERG Rules for Youth Events Youth and Adult Participants are expected to read and agree to these rules, by signing, before attending CERG events. Keeping Events Safe for All Violence, abuse, possession of weapons, or harassment of any type (physical, verbal, sexual, etc.) have no place in a CERG youth event. Because people are often far from home, activities that have a significant risk of physical harm (e.g. Wink and Kissy Face) won’t be part of CERG youth events. We seek to create a culture of consent: Only “yes” means yes. Phoofing, or “con-virgin” initiations violate a culture of consent and so will not be part of CERG youth events. Sexual behavior: We affirm the fact that we are sexual individuals. While this is an affectionate and loving community, it is not a sexual community. Sexualized behavior is exclusive behavior and is not conducive to coming together in this safe and intentional space. Inappropriate behavior not only includes intercourse and sexual harassment but also any sexualized contact, such as making out. This is not intended to discourage hugging and friendly affection. No illegal drugs, or alcohol consumption, no smoking or tobacco use is allowed at CERG youth events. This prohibition includes both adults and youth. Individuals addicted to nicotine are encouraged to talk to a district or regional staff person. Respect people and property, including respecting site rules. This includes cleaning up your own stuff. No leaving the site, adults included, without permission from the deans (co-chairs) or adult staff. Adult sponsors should inform their youth when they won’t be on site and youth must inform their sponsors if they are going off site. No walk-ins are allowed. Sleeping Arrangements Youth may not share a cover while sleeping. Electronic Expectations: Attendees are encouraged not to use electronics in an exclusive way. Adult Sponsors and Adult to Youth ratio It’s always important that youth know their adult sponsors and vice versa. Because CERG events can happen further from home, it’s even more important that youth and adults know each other. We expect youth to be sponsored by adults they know through their local congregations or an adult who really knows the youth well. Consequences for Community Violations There will be a team of youth and adults responsible for responding to violations of rules or community. The range of consequences can range from a verbal warning or discussion to being sent home or a police report. In the event of a significant community violation, the nature of the violation and consequences will be shared with the appropriate district YAC, district youth staff, congregation’s DRE or other appropriate leader, and parents/guardians of a youth. A local Safe House/Space may be an option. THE ENFORCEMENT OF THESE RULES IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY. I have read the above rules and agree to abide by them. Signature Date PARENTS’ LIABILITY RELEASE AND EMERGENCY CARE AUTHORIZATION 11 I hereby grant permission for my child(ren)__________________________________________________ to participate in the Ohio-Meadville District Assembly. I understand that neither the Ohio-Meadville District and the UU Church of Akron where we are attending District Assembly, nor their staffs or volunteers, assume any legal liability for the welfare of my son/daughter, and I hereby release them of such liability. I grant permission for my child to be transported to and from as well as during this event by the person named as their sponsor, or by reasonable and safe means by staff or volunteers under the supervision of district staff. In the event that an emergency should arise while my daughter/son is participating in this event, I hereby grant my permission to any responsible adult to do whatever is deemed necessary to insure the safety and well-being of my son/daughter. I hereby authorize whatever medical care said person(s) may deem necessary, which authorization I hereby grant in advance. I agree to assume all responsibility for any such medical expenses. If my child breaks one of the conference rules, I agree to be responsible for his/her transportation home. If my child participates in any illegal activity, I realize the proper authorities will be contacted. This consent may be photocopied, with photocopies authorized to be as binding as the original. Video and photos may be taken during this event and used in district publications including the website. Unless you initial below, your child’s likeness may appear in district publications including the website and Facebook. Your child will not be identified by name. ____ I DO NOT give blanket permission for my child’s likeness to appear in district publications. ____________________ Date signed ____________________________________________________________ Signature of parent or legal guardian SPONSOR AGREEMENT I will be attending District Assembly with the youth mentioned on this form, in the capacity of his/her sponsor. I am over 25 years of age. I will be responsible for their behavior during District Assembly and I have reviewed the rules with them. I understand the consequences if they break a rule during District Assembly. __________________________________________ Print Sponsor’s Name ________________________________________ Signature of Sponsor Email Address: __________________________________Congregation_____________________________ Contact Information: Contact number during District Assembly:________________________________________________________ If your youth is staying over Saturday night here will you be staying overnight on Saturday? _______________ Are you providing transportation for the youth or is someone else? _________________________________ This form can be mailed with the youth’s registration form or it may be mailed by March 20h to the district office after online registration is completed. Forms must be mailed by March 20th to be received in time. The sponsor and the youth will be emailed to acknowledge receipt of this form. Otherwise, sponsors, please make sure the form is completed and with the youth when you come to District Assembly. Mail form to: Ohio-Meadville District, PO Box 157, St. Clairsville, OH 43950 or fax: 866-445-8219 12 Thank you to our 2014-15 Fair Share Congregations to The UUA Annual Program Fund and District Dues New York UU Congregation of Jamestown Ohio UU Church of Akron UU Fellowship of Athens UU Congregation of the Ohio Valley, Bellaire UU Congregation of Greater Canton UU Society of Cleveland, Cleveland Heights Delaware UU Fellowship Blanchard Valley UU Congregation, Findlay UU Church of Kent North UU Congregation, Lewis Center First UU Society of Marietta Southwest UU Church, North Royalton Oberlin UU Fellowship West Shore UU Church, Rocky River UU Fellowship of the Firelands, Sandusky UU Fellowship of Wayne County, Wooster Pennsylvania First Universalist Church of Girard First UU Church of Indiana UU Fellowship of Ligonier Valley, Ligonier East Suburban UU Church, Murrysville Allegheny UU Church, Pittsburgh First Unitarian Church, Pittsburgh UU Church of the North Hills, Pittsburgh UU Church of the South Hills, Pittsburgh Ginger Hill UU Congregation, Slippery Rock UU Congregation of Smithton West Virginia UU Congregation, Charleston UU Fellowship of Morgantown We Also Thank our Congregations Who Are Fair Share to the OMD or are Merit Congregations OMD Fair Share Olmsted UU Congregations, N Olmsted, OH First Unitarian Church of Cleveland, Shaker Heights, OH UU Congregation, Erie, PA UUA Merit (20% increase) First Unitarian Church of Cleveland, Shaker Heights, OH First Unitarian Church of Toledo, OH First Universalist Church of Westfield Center, OH UU Congregation, Erie, PA hlLY OMD Merit (20% increase) Olmsted UU Congregations, N Olmsted, OH First Unitarian Church of Cleveland, Shaker Heights, OH First Unitarian Church of Toledo, OH First Universalist Church of Westfield Center, OH Congregational Proud Moments What is your congregation particularly proud of from the past year? Each congregation is invited to write up your Proud Moments and submit them in advance to your district office by March 20. All submissions will be posted in the Marketplace and shared on the district website. Send your proud moments to office@ohiomeadville.org. Ohio-Meadville District Assembly 2016 Ohio-Meadville District PO Box 157 St. Clairsville, OH 43950-0157 office@ohiomeadville.org phone: 740-297-6966 fax: 866-445-8219 www.ohiomeadville.org
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