Ohio-Meadville District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Ohio-Meadville District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
Ohio-Meadville District of the Unitarian Universalist Association Serving Congregations in Ohio, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania and New York November 2007 Dear OMD Packet Person, This packet is an important way for you to receive news of Ohio-Meadville District events, services, resources, and district business. The packet often includes happenings at other OMD Congregations and invitations to events. Do you have something for the January 2008, Packet? Deadline is December 22. Think of this as your way of reaching out to the rest of the Ohio-Meadville District. You may e-mail or mail your item to the District Office. THE DISTRICT OFFICE IS MOVING SEE THE ENCLOSED FLYER FOR NEW CONTACT INFORMATION The UUA has created a fund to help those whose homes have been destroyed in the fires in California. See the enclosed flyer on how you can help. Enclosed in this month’s packet: OMD Office is Moving. See flyer for new address and phone number. UUA Creates Fire Relief Fund Reminder Page Accessibility Award Commission on Appraisal Extends Deadline A Gathering with Bishop John Shelby Spong-First Unitarian Church of Toledo Advocacy & Witness News for Social Justice Chairs Renaissance Module Attention RE Leaders UUA Health Plan Salary Recommendations for 2008 Spirit Play K-1/4-6 OWL rescheduled for January Save the Dates for Junior & Senior High OWL and the OMD Curriculum Fair A Letter from Mary OMD Calendar P.O. Box 157, St. Clairsville, OH 43950 Phone: 740-252-5980 e-mail: office at ohiomeadville.org website: www.ohiomeadville.org OMD Office is moving! Our office administrator, Mary Huffman is retiring and saying good-bye to the district. Mary has served us well for the last 10 years and we are grateful for her work. Our new district administrator, Beth Casebolt, is starting the position on November 1. Because of this switch, the office is moving November 1st, please update your directory with this new information: The new OMD office phone number is: 740-252-5980 The new OMD office address is: PO Box 157 St. Clairsville, OH 43950 The OMD office email will remain office@ohiomeadville.org or om@uua.org The OMD office will now be located in the home of our new district administrator. She will welcome calls between 9 am and 9 pm any day. If no one is available please leave a message and she’ll get back to you as soon as she can. Beth brings a wealth of talent and knowledge to the position. Many of you already know her from her work on the OMD Board and the OMD Lifespan Faith Development Committee. Beth is a Credentialed Religious Educator at the Associate Level, a respected OWL trainer for grades K-1 and 4-6, webmaster for the District website, a web design and maintenance consultant, and OMD Small Church Resource Liaison. She was the past Director of Religious Education for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Ohio Valley in Bellaire, OH. Beth also has a background in theatre and works part time as the Technical Director of the Ohio University (Eastern Campus) Theatre Department in St. Clairsville, OH. Please do not hesitate to contact Beth if you have questions or need information about the district and district events. UUA Creates Fire Relief Fund Friends, The fires currently sweeping across southern California have affected Unitarian Universalists (UUs) in many communities. Fires are currently burning in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange and San Diego Counties. Damage reports remain incomplete at this time. According to the Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA) Pacific Southwest District (PSWD) Executive Ken Brown, ninety percent of the members of our Chalice Congregation in Escondido have evacuated their homes, with several homes burned. Meanwhile, members of other UU congregations have opened their homes to the evacuees. In response to this disaster, the Pacific Southwest District of the UUA has begun the PSWD Fire Relief Fund. A district committee will disburse all funds collected to UU congregations, UUs in need, community groups in relationship with UU congregations, and other groups supporting those most in need. Ken Brown notes, "As we have found in the past, insurance does not cover such devastation and it can take years for those affected to recover." Donations to the PSWD Fire Relief Fund are being accepted online at <www.uua.org>. If you wish to contribute by mail, please send funds to: Pacific Southwest District Fire Relief Fund 2052 Norma Street Oxnard, CA 93036 You can keep up to date with the situation by checking the Pacific Southwest District Website at <www.psduua.org>. Please share this information with your congregation and thank you all for your help in this time of need. Blessings, Joan VanBecelaere OMD District Executive OMD Workshop Application for General Assembly and District Assembly Workshops Deadline—November 15, 2007 District Assembly Exhibitors—Deadline–March 7, 2008 Forms are on the OMD website www.ohiomeadville.org Click on Programming Then DA & GA Workshops Then Workshop Proposals or Exhibitor You can download the forms in a pdf or word version. Deadline—January 15, 2008 District Award Nominations Save the Date Nominate the Individual, Congregation or Cluster for District Awards April 4-5, 2008 Unsung Hero Faith in Action UU Visibility Rising Star Service to Youth and Children Accessibility * Awards will be presented at the District Assembly, April 4-5, 2008 at First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh To read the criteria for these awards and to download a nomination form go to www.ohiomeadville.org To Programming To District Awards * See the flyer in this packet District Assembly at First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh Make Your Plans Now to Attend More Information will be coming to you soon. O-MD ACCESSIBILITY AWARD Has your congregation taken steps to become an “Accessible” congregation? If so, you may be eligible for the Ohio-Meadville District Accessibility Award. This award, presented for the first time (to the First Unitarian Church of Youngstown) at the 2007 OMD Annual Meeting, will be presented annually to an O-MD congregation that has made a significant accomplishment with respect to Accessibility issues. Accomplishments may be in areas including, but not limited to, architecture, environment, attitude and communication, and may be related to any aspect of church life. For examples of what can be done in your church, check out the tabs from “Getting to Church” to “Beyond the Building” at the UUA website http://www.uua.org/leaders/leaderslibrary/accessibility/environment/index.shtml . Maybe your congregation has taken steps in one or more of these areas. If so, why not let us know about them by submitting a description of what you have done? Any “project” undertaken within the past 3 years (2005 – 2007) will be eligible for the award, to be presented at the 2008 O-MD Annual Meeting. Submissions should be in the form of a written description of the project (the more descriptive the better), and should indicate when it was undertaken. Supplemental photographs or other illustrative items are encouraged. Submissions must be received by February 15, 2008 and will be reviewed by the O-MD Accessibility Committee, who will choose the award recipient. Please send submissions to Mike Comber either by mail or e-mail. His mailing address is 141 Lethbridge Circle, Copley, OH 44321; his e-mail address is mikecomber at verizon.net. If you have any questions, contact Mike via e-mail or by phone at 1-330-666-7216, or contact Doris Matthey at 1-216-228-5270 or by e-mail at dondor2 at sbcglobal.net . A Little More Time to Take Part in the Nationwide Review of the UU Principles and Purposes!!! The Commission on Appraisal has extended the deadline for Congregational Comments until January 15, 2008 Last January the Commission sent to each Congregation a packet of materials called Having Another Look at the Unitarian Universalist Principles and Purposes A Note to Congregations This packet • informs people about the review, • provides alternative formats and agendas for participating, and • provides a form for reporting congregational comments to the Commission Can’t find the packet? No problem. Download it from http://www25.uua.org/coa Want to email the Commission as an individual? We welcome your messages at coa@uua.org What in the world do Larry King, Bill Mahr, Bill O’Reilly, 60 Minutes, Fox News, William F. Buckley and Good Morning America have in common? A fascination with the theories of their invited guest, Bishop Spong. Bishop John Shelby Spong’s goal is to have people rethink Christianity by respectfully reconciling the teachings of Jesus with the present-day knowledge of physics, science and modern sociological understanding. An internationally recognized religious leader, Bishop Spong seeks “to break the Jesus explanations out of the boundaries of antiquity and explain it in the 21st century.” John Shelby Spong was the Episcopal Bishop of Newark, NJ, for more than twenty years, has taught at Harvard and delivers more than 200 lectures worldwide each year and is the author of 15 books. A Gathering with BISHOP JOHN SHELBY SPONG at First Unitarian Church of Toledo, Ohio December 1, 2007 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM For information or tickets, contact Julia Field McGhee: 419-865-4304 419-350-4773 (cell) JuliaFMc at aol.com TICKET COST $60 (includes a box lunch ) PROGRAM - Saturday, December 1 First Unitarian Church, 2210 Collingwood Blvd, Toledo Lectures: Not a Divine Rescuer of the Lost The Call to Fulfillment Q & A opportunities with Bishop Spong Book Signing ADVOCACY & WITNESS NEWS FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE CHAIRS REPORT FROM GENERAL ASSEMBLY It is always a special treat for the Advocacy and Witness staff to connect with you at General Assembly. This year we planned/presented six workshops and had sponsored an action center in the exhibit hall where 365 people sent messages to their representatives! For those of you who attended our workshops or booth we thank you and we look forward to working with you throughout the year. Also, we would like to extend a very special AMEN to the Right Relationship Team. General Assembly 2007 marked the debut of this hardworking volunteer committee, which helped address instances of discrimination, misunderstanding, or hurt between and among attendees, and which reported on its work to the entire plenary hall. They truly exemplified what it means to practice right relationship. To learn more about GA and to view many of the workshops online, visit: http://www.uua.org/events/generalassembly/2007/index.shtml 2007 Actions of Immediate Witness One of the most important things that happens at GA is the debate and adoption of Statements of Conscience and Actions of Immediate Witness. These statements on moral and public policy issues inform and guide the Advocacy and Witness work of the UUA. In contrast to the Statements of Conscience, which arise from a lengthy period of congregational study and action, Actions of Immediate Witness are adopted address pressing policy concerns in a timely manner. To learn more about Actions of Immediate Witness, visit www.uua.org/csw. • Social Support for the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Wo men (CEDAW) • Support Immigrant Families—Stop the ICE (Immigratio n and Customs Enforcement) Raids • Support Comprehe nsive Sex uality Education Legislation • Stop US Sponsored Torture—A Religious Call to Action • Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" • Pass the Employ ment Non-Discrimination Act with Transgender Inclusion and Protection Watch Presentations Online • Welcoming the Strang er: A Just Immigration Policy (Friday 6/22) This presentation on immigration featured Interfaith Worker Justice Director Kim Bobo and discussion of congregational organizing and solidarity actions, including the new sanctuary movement. http://www.uua.org/events/generalassembly/2007/presentations/31350.shtml • Theology of Peacemaking: (Saturday 6/23) Rev. William Schulz and Professor Sharon Welch discussed the theology of peacemaking in this popular presentation. http://www.uua.org/events/generalassembly/2007/presentations/31313.shtml • The Pentagon Papers: Then and Now (Saturday 6/23) Rev. Robert West, Daniel Ellsberg and presidential candidate Mike Gravel recounted their roles in events that led to the UUA's Beacon Press' publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971-72. Moderated by Amy Goodman. http://www.uua.org/events/generalassembly/2007/presentations/30971.shtml • Ware Lecture: Dr. Rashid Khalidi (Saturday 6/23) Historian Rashid Khalidi delivered a stinging denunciation of the Bush administration and its Middle Eastern policies in Saturday’s Ware Lecture. http://www.uua.org/events/generalassembly/2007/presentations/31309.shtml Ministry With Youth Renaissance Module February 22-24, 2008 Led By Helen Zidowicki and Jennifer Halperin Sponsored by The Ohio Meadville District Lifespan Faith Development Committee Loyola of the Lakes Jesuit Retreat House, 700 Killinger Road, Clinton, OH (Akron) Begins Friday at 6 p.m. with light dinner and concludes Sunday at 12 noon What are Renaissance Modules? The Renaissance program offers intensive trainings for religious education leaders and is a major component of the Professional Standards for RE Leadership. Each module includes 15 hours of training. Other modules in the program are: Unitarian Universalist History, Curriculum Planning in the Local Congregation, Developing a Philosophy of Religious Education, Ministry with Youth, Training Teachers, Multicultural Religious Education, Unitarian Universalist Identity, and Worship for All Ages. What are the goals of the Ministry With Youth module? The philosophy of this module is that youth will be ministered to by Unitarian Universalist congregations when they are respected as community members. As youth are empowered to be full members of Unitarian Universalist communities, both they and the community will be strengthened. Youth empowerment does not mean that adults are disempowered or should abdicate responsibility. It is not either/or. Youth empowerment means that the more empowered youth are as youth, the more appropriately empowered adults will be as adults. Please note that this is NOT a Youth Advisor Training. While this module is relevant to people working with youth in various capacities, this module is: directly focused on the education of the people supporting the advisors. congregation-oriented rather than focused on district- or cluster-level youth ministry. This grew from the belief that it is the congregations that are central to the religious experience of Unitarian Universalists. concerned with youth programming as part of the total life of the congregation. The module will include discussions of the following areas:: Characteristics and qualities of youth Building community Balanced programming Youth/congregational connections Selection, training and support of advisors Resources Youth programming structure within congregations, districts and at the UUA Reader: an extensive collection of materials addressing many aspects of ministry with youth. We highly recommend that leaders read the entire collection and that participants become familiar with its contents and read as much of it as possible before attending the module. Who are the leaders? Pat Ellenwood is the Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills, MA. Over the years she has served her district and the UUA in a variety of ways: the UUA Curriculum Visioning Committee, the UUA Religious Education Credentialing Advisory Committee, and the LREDA Representative to the Council of Church Staff Finances. She joined the LREDA Board in 1997 and was President from 1999-2002. She has been a member of the LREDA Grant Committee since 1998 and is the current Chair. Her essay, "Changing Lenses" appears in The Essex Conversations. She received the Angus H. MacLean Award for Excellence in Religious Education Leadership in 2002. She and her husband Steve have two grown daughters Heather and Amanda and in 2006 they celebrated 40 years of marriage and the arrival of their first grandchild, Kira. Kathy Strawser is the Director of Lifespan Faith Development at West Shore UU Church in Rocky River (Cleveland), Ohio. Previously she completed a thirty-year career as a high school English teacher. She is currently the co-chair of the O-MD Lifespan Faith Development Committee and treasurer of the district’s LREDA chapter. Kathy co-presented a workshop, “Intergenerational Worship, Every Sunday,” at the June 2006 General Assembly. She is a wife and mother of Rachel, a college freshman. What is the cost? $180 if registered by January 11 and $205 thereafter. This includes all materials, meals and lodging. Some partial scholarships are available for Religious Education Leaders in the Ohio Meadville District, who have no professional expenses or severely limited funds available. To apply, please request an application from the registrar and submit completed application by January 11. are not considered registered until we have your form and registration fee in hand, this includes scholarship applicants. Registrations are taken on a first come/first serve basis. After January 11 reservations will only be taken if room is available. Fee will increase to $205 and deposit of $100 is due with registration form. A $75 cancellation fee will be retained after January 11, and no cancellations will be accepted one week prior to the module. Our obligations to the Loyola Retreat House require that we employ these policies. Credit cards are accepted for payment, you must contact the district bookkeeper, Toni White at tawhitezin@ameritech.net to make arrangements to pay with a credit card. PLEASE NOTE: In order to receive credit toward "Renaissance Recognition" (the completion of 5 modules), you must attend the entire program. The content of the module is intensive and requires the full attention of participants. Therefore, parents are discouraged from attending with their children. If either of these policies causes a significant challenge for you, please direct your concerns to the registrar who will speak with the leaders. REGISTRATION FORM Ministry with Youth Renaissance Module Friday, February 22 - Sunday, February 24, 2008 Name___________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________State_______ Zip__________ Phone: Day_______________Evening_______________E-mail____________________ Congregation_____________________________________________________________ Position In Congregation___________________________________________________ Emergency Contact & Phone________________________________________________ Number of Renaissance Modules Previously Completed:_________________________ Special Needs (Dietary or Other)____________________________________________ _____ I am requesting scholarship aid, please send me a scholarship application. (January 11 is the application deadline for scholarships). $180 REGISTRATION FEE - Includes materials, meals and lodging. Deposit of $75.00 due with your registration form. Remainder is due on arrival. REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS January 11, 2008. You are not considered registered until we have your form and registration fee in hand, this includes scholarship applicants. Registrations are taken on a first come/first serve basis. After this date reservations will only be taken if room is available. Fee will increase to $205 and deposit of $100 is due with registration form. Please send this form and a check (for at least $75) made out to the "Ohio Meadville District" to: Lucy Carney, registrar 13303 Merl Avenue Lakewood, OH 44107 216-529-0235 or <lucycarney@cox.net> Confirmation and directions will be sent prior to the event. packet08 ~~~Late Fall 2007 ~~~ Attention RE Leaders: DREs, MREs, RE Chairpersons, etc, “Nuggets of Wisdom, Important Information and Other Stuff RE Leaders Ought to Know” Here is a list of the upcoming events of particular interest to religious educators. Note that the OWL Elementary Training has been rescheduled and requires your speedy response! Gathering of RE Leaders to discuss “Including Children with Special Needs” November 9th from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Maumee Valley UU Congregation Hosted by the Northern Cluster of the Heartland District who have invited OMD RE Leaders to join them for their meeting. Heather Dinklage-Travis, DRE at the MVUUC, will be the program presenter. For more details and to RSVP, contact Heather at mvuuc_dre at yahoo.com Our Whole Lives (OWL) Training for the Elementary Units (Kindergarten and First Grade, Fourth through Sixth Grades) January 4-5, 2008 at the First UU Society of Marietta The Lifespan Faith Development Committee has rescheduled this training. It may not be offered again until fall 2009, so plan to send folks to be trained if you are considering offering this program in the next couple of years. Peer Chaplain Training for Youth, Adult Leaders of Youth and Young Adults January 25-27, 2008 at the UU Church of Kent (tentative site) This UUA sponsored and led training is designed for youth, youth leaders and young adults to gain needed to effectively listen to, affirm, and emotionally support conferees at youth and young adult events. Chaplains are individuals who help manage crises, ensure a healthy and safe atmosphere, and bring spiritual resources and support to the community. The flyer and application forms are forthcoming. Contact klapidus at ohiomeadville.org for more information. Renaissance Module Ministry with Youth February 22-24, 2008 at Loyola of the Lake Retreat Center near Akron Look for the registration materials included in this packet or at www.ohiomeadville.org/conference/renmod08.html. The deadline for registration is January 11, 2008. Curriculum Fair March 15, 2008 at the UU Society of Cleveland This annual OMD RE Community event is a highlight of our spring. Spirit Play Training April 26, 2008 at the UU Fellowship of Wayne County in Wooster, OH See registration form elsewhere in this packet for opportunity to create a story-based, highly engaging RE program. The leader is Nita Penfold, co-developer of Spirit Play. Our Whole Lives (OWL) Combo Training for Grades 7-9 and Grades 10-12 May 15-17, 2008 at the Maumee Valley UU Congregation in Bowling Green, OH PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS TRAINING WILL RUN THURSDAY-SATURDAY Registration forms will be available on the OMD website in the near future. Salary Recommendations FOR 2008 As has happened several times since the first set of recommended pay ranges was created in 1997, they are updated for 2008. The increases average about 3.5%, reflecting movement in wage rates since the last set was issued. OMD congregations are encouraged to provide pay levels to clergy and church staff which are comparable to other congregations, regionally and nationally. This is the way to assure attracting and keeping persons with the best skills and abilities whose service will enrich our religious, educational and social justice programs for members and communities. In addition to reflecting wage movement, the 2008 pay ranges add a new mid-size III (350-499 members) set. This is an effort to help the smaller congregations of this size range in reaching the recommended rates. In addition to meeting the new recommended rates, Fair Compensation Congregations need to consider an annual pay adjustment for employees. The amount of these adjustments should reflect the change in the Consumer Price Index which is currently around 3.5%. Salaries and wages are one part of the compensation package. Pay should be accompanied by the standard array of benefit plans for eligible employees. These include health, disability and life insurances, pension coverage and time-off policies (and for ministers, pay in lieu of FICA). As your District Compensation Consultant, I am available to help you in understanding and implementing a fair compensation program for your congregation. I can be reached at gsolomon at ohiomeadville.org or 216/932-7808. I look forward to your call. Glenn Solomon Spirit Play Training A Unitarian Universalist Adaptation of Jerome Berryman’s Godly Play Sponsored by the Ohio-Meadville District Lifespan Faith Development Committee April 26, 2008 ~ 9 am to 5 pm UU Fellowship of Wayne County, Wooster, OH Leader: Nita Penfold, D. Min. co-developer Spirit Play Cost: $155 per participant ♦ Cost includes lunch and all materials, including Spirit Play stories on CD ♦ Some home hospitality is available but requests must be made by March 15. ♦ There is a limit of 15 participants. You are not considered registered until your form and registration fee are in hand. ♦ Registration deadline is March 15, after that date registrations may be accepted if openings are available. ♦ A minimum $75 registration fee per participant is due with the registration form. ♦ A $75 cancellation fee will be retained after March 15. ♦ Some partial scholarships are available for OMD participants with severely limited funds. Please request an application from the registrar. Applications are due March 15. ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ What will happen? You will: Experience a Spirit Play model classroom Hear Spirit Play stories Become a storyteller Learn about the philosophies of Jerome Berryman and Maria Montessori Hear success stories Learn how to begin a program For directions to the UU Fellowship of Wayne County, visit www.uufwc.org For additional registration forms, visit www.ohiomeadville.org/conference/spiritplay08.html For more information about Spirit Play, visit www.spiritplay.net Please read Jerome Berryman’s Teaching Godly Play: The Sunday Morning Handbook before the workshop. Questions? Contact Marge Thomas, registrar at 330-263-6880 or spiritplay@ohimeadville.org Spirit Play Registration Form April 26, 2008 Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _____________ Phone: _________________________ Email: __________________________________ Congregation: ____________________________________________________________ RE Role: ________________________________________________________________ Vegetarian and other Dietary Requests: _______________________________________ Home Hospitality Requests: ________________________________________________ Special Needs: ___________________________________________________________ What is your familiarity with Montessori, Godly Play or Spirit Play? (continue on Back) Make Checks payable to “Ohio Meadville District” with “Spirit Play” written in the memo line and mail with this form to: Marge Thomas, Registrar UU Fellowship of Wayne County 316 Burbank Road Wooster, OH 44691 Questions? Contact Marge Thomas, registrar at 330-263-6880 or spiritplay@ohiomeadville.org K-1 and 4-6 OWL “Our Whole Lives” Training For Teachers January 4-5, 2008 Training begins 2 pm on Friday and ends 9 pm on Saturday First Unitarian Univeralist Society of Marietta, Ohio Leaders: Beth Casebolt and Luanne Gearhart Cost: $115 per participant • This includes Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Snacks will also be provided. Home hospitality is available upon request. Deadline for home hospitality requests is December 7. • Teachers should bring their copy of the K-1 and/or 4-6 Our Whole Lives curriculum with them. • A $50 registration fee is due with the registration form. • Some partial scholarships are available for OMD participants with severely limited funds. Please request an application from the registrar. Applications are due by December 7. • A $50 cancellation fee will be retained after December 7. Questions? Contact the registrar, Heather Dinklage-Travis at elemowl@ohiomeadville.org Name Address City State: Phone: Zip: Email: Congregation Vegetarian or other Dietary Requests? Home Hospitality Requests? Special Needs? Were you trained for AYS? Other OWL Ages? Do you have any experience with teaching sexuality education? Make check payable to: Mail form and at least $50 registration fee to: Ohio-Meadville District Heather Dinklage-Travis, OWL Registrar Maumee Valley UU Congregation 20108 N. Dixie Highway Bowling Green, OH 43402-9255 Save These Dates!! Sixth Annual Ohio Meadville District Curriculum Fair sponsored by the Lifespan Faith Development Committee Saturday, March 15, 2008, 9:00 am -3:00 pm UU Society of Cleveland Heights, OH Care and nurturing of professional and volunteer religious educators Speakers feature OMD Religious Education Consultants Rev. Lynn Kerr and Vernie Hill. Check the OMD Website at www.ohiomeadville.org/conference.html for updated information and registration forms as they become available. Junior & Senior High OWL “Our Whole Lives” Training For Teachers May 15-17, 2008 Training will be Thursday through Saturday Maumee Valley UU Congregation, Bowling Green, OH Leaders: Kat Holtz and Fred Smith Cost: $175 per participant From the Desk of Mary Huffman To All My Friends in the OMD, It has been ten and a half years since I first came to work in the OhioMeadville District Office. Now it is time to move on to the next of life’s adventures—retirement. I‘ve been thinking that I will now have time to read those books I’ve put off reading—War and Peace, Sandburg’s The Life of Lincoln—well, maybe not. I will enjoy sleeping late and relaxing with the second cup of coffee instead of slurping it from a thermos cup as I rush to the office. I will miss answering the phone and talking with you UU’s. (Say that three times fast!) Some of you I’ve met in person others are a voice on the phone or an e-mail address, but I feel that we’ve come to know each other and that we’re friends. You’ll still be hearing from me now and then as I will be helping out with District Doings. That won’t keep me busy. So, I’m thinking of marketing my creative abilities and the skills I’ve acquired over the years in graphic design, writing and public relations. It has been a good ten plus years. It has been a good job because of the people of the OMD. I have one thing to ask of you. Just give your new District Administrator the caring support you’ve always given me. And now I wish for you everything you can possibly wish for yourselves. With much love, Mary Huffman Ohio-Meadville District Calendar—2007–2008 Month/Date Event Location Notes & Times November 1-4 ........... UUCF Christian Revival................................................West Shore, Rocky River 2-3 ........... Peacemaking Conference-Pittsburgh Area Cluster .........First Church Pittsburgh 2-3 ........... YAC Planning Meeting..................................................Allegheny Church, Pittsburgh 10............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Akron................................................... 10AM-2.PM 15............. Deadline for GA & District Assembly Workshop Proposals 16............. LREDA Meeting ...........................................................Wooster 29............. OMD Lifespan Faith Development Committee ..............via teleconference ................................ 10-2 30-Dec. 1 . YRUU Junior High Con (grades 7-9).............................West Shore UU Church, Rocky River December 1 .............. Bishop John Shelby Spong.............................................Toledo.................................................. 9:30 AM—4 PM 8 .............. OMD Board of Trustees.................................................Pittsburgh (Church TBA) 22............. Deadline for January Packet...........................................send items to District Office 2008 January 4-5 ........... K-1 and 4-6 Our Whole Lives (OWL) Training..............Marietta 11-13 ....... LREDA Chapter Retreat 12............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Akron................................................... 10AM-2.PM 15............. Deadline for District Award Nominations 15............. Deadline February Issue of District Doings 25-27 ....... Peer Chaplain Training for Youth, Youth Advisors & Young Adults Page 1-OMD Calendar— November, 2007 Month/Date February Event Location Notes & Times 7 .............. OMD Lifespan Faith Development Committee ..............via teleconference ................................ 10-2 9 .............. OMD Board of Trustees.................................................Wooster 9 .............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Akron................................................... 10AM-2.PM 15-18 ....... Winter Institute..............................................................Salt Fork Resort 22-24 ....... Renaissance Module Ministry with Youth.......................Loyola of the Lakes near Akron 25............. Deadline for March Packet.............................................send items to District Office March 7-9 ........... YRUU Social Justice Senior High Con ..........................First Church Pittsburgh 8 .............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Akron................................................... 10AM-2.PM 15............. Curriculum Fair .............................................................UU Society of Cleveland April 4-5 ........... OMD Annual District Assembly ....................................First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh 12............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Kenyon College 26............. Spirit Play Training (sponsored by LFD committee) ......Wooster................................................ 9-5 25............. Deadline for May Packet................................................send items to District Office May 10............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Akron................................................... 10AM-2.PM 14-16 ....... Jr. and Sr. High Our Whole Lives (OWL) Training ........Maumee Valley UU, Bowling Green, OH 15............. OMD Lifespan Faith Development Committee ..............Pittsburgh Area Congregation TBA...... 10-2 15............. Deadline June Issue of District Doings June 14............. Summer Institute Planning Committee...........................Akron................................................... 10AM-2.PM 6-8 ........... OMD Board of Trustees Retreat.....................................TBA Page 2-OMD Calendar—November, 2007
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