December 2011 UUSD Newsletter - Unitarian Universalists of
December 2011 UUSD Newsletter - Unitarian Universalists of
DECEMBER 2011 ‘Tis the Season uusd UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF SOUTHERN DELAWARE February 20102011 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF SOUTHERN DELAWARE —• DECEMBER ON THE COVER... UPCOMING Sermons TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS On Sunday, January 3rd, 2010, the Moorings.......................................................... 3 UUSD Lifespan Faith Development DECemBER 4 — FIND YOUR GREATNESS program put on the Nativity Story Thanksgiving at Church..................................2 3 -Rev. Smith addresses what the Rev. Vanessa during service with audience partici- Moorings Southern the reclamation of fierce unrest pation. calls See more about this great President’s Column.......................................... 4 in aperformance broken world. on page . Presidents Colum 3 Finance Update................................................ 4 Report 4 DECEMBER 11 — “ Living A Peeceful Treasurer’s UUSD Committee Updates. . ............................ 5 SERMONS FOR Community” - Each of FEBRUARY us has a role to play in Feb. 7thour - The Beloved Community Faith Development News News.......................................5 5 keeping community as loving and trusting Partner Church Photo taken by Leslie Lesko. Rev. Martin offers as Rev. we’dDeborah like it Mero to be.discusses Barbara Barnette Luther King Jr.’s vision of a completely Land and Building Committee .......................5 6 some observations and insights onand how we can Paegant Nativity Photos integrated society, a community of love accomplish thishelofty goal. justice, wherein saw brotherhood as an The Cloud Society............................................ 6 actuality in all of societal life. Where are we Visiting Minister Biographies 6 now? Is it possible to realize King’s dream? Communications Committee. . ........................ 7 DECEMBER 18 — Annual Nativity Pageant! Feb. 14th - Rainbow Sunday Social Justice Committee News .....................................7 7 (see story on with page Personnel Committee. In conjunction the10) UUA’s “Standing on the Side of Love” campaign, the Bethany Covenant Group presents a celebration of our status as a “Welcoming Congregation” and of Love. Join us for an uplifting celebration. Moxy Vote........................................................ Membership Committee News 88 Building Fund.................................................. 8 DECEMBER 24 — A CHRISTMAS Transylvania Partnership Committee News 8 Feb. 21st - What is the Meaning of LifeREFLECTION and Why Can’t I Do Anything - Rev. Smith speaks to Christmas’ past and Gold Event Thanks........................................... 9 With My Hair? present, and future Stewardship Committee News 9 Board & Committee Meeting Schedule......... 9 Rev. Elizabeth Ellis discusses the two conflicting stories of creation in the book of Community News& Announcements............................... 99 Genesis. We might summarize that by sayEvents ing that we are created from dust or from divinity; we are innately flawed or marvelLifespan Faith Development News................. Did You Know? 11 10 ously blessed. This has certainly influenced our western culture, and perhaps reflects Casting Call!..................................................... 10 archetypes in our own psyches. Well ONcertain THE COVER… News You Can Use 12 look at those creation stories and at what UUSD members and friends celebrate Thanksgiving UUSD Adult Education Classes....................... 11 they mean in our daily human lives. p together: (from top) Kris and Lee admire the decorated Dec. 28th - Climbing Over Barbed Wire Nominations Committee 13 12 Social Justice Update...................................... Sanctuary; Kathy Idziak contributes to the sumptuous presents a few sideRev. dishNancy buffet;Bouchard Steve, Karen, Vincent and Lora enjoy food thoughts about the spectrum of how we Friday Film & Book Club.......................... Events andFirst Announcements 19 13 andtake friendship. See page 3. things personally and how we have become callous about the things we say to others. Do You Know?.................................................. 14 Vision, Mission and Contacts 20 Many thanks to Rev. Bodor, Joel Bastow and the Ackers for Vision, Mission & Contacts.............................. 15 this month’s photographs. MOORINGS REVEREND D. MICHAEL SMITH December 2011 I gave a reading at this year’s Native American Thanksgiving, presented by the Lewes-Rehoboth Association of Churches. I want to share it with you. The author is Martin E. Marty, an American Lutheran religious scholar. “If I think that belief in creation simply means finding God in my inner parts, enjoying a beautiful sunset, marveling over a hummingbird, pondering a child’s birth, being thankful for blessings on Thanksgiving Day or admiring a sonata – all good things to do – nothing ‘humbling’ or ‘terrifying’ occurs. I am missing something – terror. If I examine my limits, or recognize that the sunset signals not only the end of the day but the end of all things, terror threatens. If one sees only the beauty of nature or the wonder of childbirth and cannot anticipate the horror of what happens to children in a warring world, there is only illusion. And more: Being thankful for is not the point of faith; being thankful to is. This demands humbling faith, not a warm Thanksgiving Day glow. And admiring that sonata can easily lead on to be content with awe for human achievement without leading one to think back to its source. A modern French treatment of La Creation by R. Guelly has it right: ‘To believe in creation is to see someone behind all things – to see the world as a gift.’” Thanksgiving Dinner at the Church Lee Summerville The dinner was spectacular with a scrumptious menu of food made by the best Delmarva Unitarian Cooks. At 4 p.m. on Thursday 30 people gathered to give thanks read by Joel Bastow and to eat together. The church as usual was transformed into a beautiful restaurant. The guests talked, laughed and ate to their hearts content. The turkey was tasty, the vegetables prepared to perfection, the cranberry dishes were special and the dessert was out of this world. We must thank all of the great cooks. I realize that for us “someone behind all things” may not work; perhaps, you find something else to replace it. But I do see, nevertheless, the world and all that is in it a gift. May the season bring you many gifts, especially that of love. In faith, D. Michael PRESIDENT’S COLUMN JEAN CHARLES Your Board of Trustees spent Saturday, October 22, at Betty Kirk’s house learning more about each other and our individual dreams for UUSD. It was a beautiful, crisp, fall day and everyone arrived filled with excitement and wonder for the future of our community. As elected officials, we all were in agreement that our first and foremost job was to make wise and compassionate decisions for we are also open to hearing about those things you think we have done well! BOT GOALS/PRIORITIES Create a more trusted, transparent and accepting environment according to our covenant. Promote more active listening. Develop a broad PR Campaign membership. to increase Prioritize 2 or 3 projects important to outreach and social justice. Continue building on the dream of a future home. UUSD. Celebrating Winter Solstice/Yule After much discussion, we agreed on the following goals/priorities for this church year (July 1, 2011June 30, 2012). We feel our “final 5” are in line with our mission and vision statements. Hopefully, you will agree these are important goals to work towards. For some Unitarian Universalists who have reservations about Christmas, the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) has become the focal point of the winter holiday season. This day has become important to both humanists and pagans, who can find common ground in celebrating this occasion. Themes can include light amid darkness; the death of nature and the cycle of life; the darkness just before the dawn; and the miracle of every birth. Please keep in mind that every Board member (Betty Kirk, Darlene Lehr, Chuck Herbert, Lori Reading, Margaret Keefe, Allan Cairncross, Rev. Mike and myself ) is open to listening to AND hearing your concerns on church matters. Along with the negative, “For everything there is a season—a time to die and a time to be born. With the arrival of winter’s low dark sky, communities around the world look to the miracle of light as a sign of rebirth and a source of hope. We celebrate the promise of new life and recommit ourselves to the protection of everyone’s right to his or her own radiant humanity.” (UU World) 9 FINANCE UPDATES UUSD’s finances look good, although some pledges are outstanding. If you find yourself in a spot and need to adjust your pledge amount (up or down) please talk with Darlene Lehr. The end of the year is approaching so you may want to give extra to benefit your tax situation. UUSD Fundraiser News The Holiday Art Benefit raised a total of $1,145 at the Saturday event. Twenty percent, or $229, is donated to the Children’s Program at the Rehoboth Art League and UUSD received $916. Thanks are due Gabriel Zapecki for all her work and dedication and, of course, to all who attended and bough great artwork! UUSD COMMITTEE UPDATES UUSD Tordatur Partnership News Tom Toth on behalf of the Partner Church Committee These are exciting times for our Partnership. Tordatur had its Partnership Service honoring us on Oct. 9th, 2011. During their service several hymns were sung including “Find the Stillness.” There was a prayer said, followed by the Our Father. Rev. Bodor gave a sermon entitled: Courage, Wisdom, and Friendship. Julia, a ninth grade student who attends Janos Zsigmond Unitarian High School and was confirmed as a Unitarian two years ago, read two quotations from Sri Chinmoy in English and Magyar. The two quotes are: “ Friendship needs to be cherished by two great and good friends as God’s divinely blessingful and supremely fruitful gift” and “Friendship is the butterfly-play in the life-dance of today’s Truth-seekers and tomorrow’s God-lovers.” After the sermon there was a silent prayer and then members of the congregation had the opportunity to light a candle in memory of somebody or something. Rev. Bodor lit a candle for our long lasting and fruitful friendship. As part of their service Rev. Bodor chose a candle lighting ceremony because she knew we lit a chalice each Sunday during our service and she and her congregation wanted to honor us in a similar manner. They do not light a chalice. Candles are only lit in Transylvanian Unitarianism the four weeks before Christmas, one candle each week. Several pictures of their service are included in this article. We thank Rev. Bodor for suggesting the idea of having a Partnership Service for each other. We feel the Partnership Services were very meaningful and brought us closer to each other. Rev. Bodor and her congregation received the banner that was presented to them during our Partnership Service. They are very appreciative and thankful for the gift and will cherish it, and we all thank Gabriel Jules and Kelley Jewett for doing a magnificent job designing, creating and sewing it. The Tordatur Congregation received a grant from the Romanian government to renovate their church and as soon as the renovation is completed, the banner will be hung in the sanctuary. We are all very happy for Tordatur. Rev. Bodor has invited our congregation to visit Tordatur numerous times. Let’s think ahead and make a Unitarian Pilgrimmage to Transylvania and Tordatur in the future. Rev. Mike provided you with information in last month’s Beacon at the Beach about some possibilities for visitation in the future. Rev. Bodor has also indicated to us that she and her husband Marton would like very much to visit us. TPC will be meeting on January 15, 2012 to begin planning for their future visit. We look forward to having both of them visit UUSD. We are pleased to announce that Sally Crouch recently joined TPC. We are always looking for new members. UUSD COMMITTEE UPDATES Land and Building Committee Allan Cairncross, Member, Board of Trustees This new committee, The Land and Building Committee (L&BC), was approved by the Board in November and the Future Home Committee discharged with thanks. The Board is asking all committees offer nominations of potential members and will select a representative group to start up L&BC. All members are also invited to submit their nomination to the Board. The charge of this committee is below. The initial charge of this committee is to do research and provide continuous input to the BOT, CCC, LRPC and Congregation for the purchase of property; either land for construction of a new church building or property including a building that can be made suitable for the needs of UUSD. The L&B Committee will learn about property availability, costs, financing and determine the attractiveness of the locations taking into account current membership location, political, economic and educational demographics and the potential for green space. This information will be invaluable to the CCC in raising capital. Next, the L&B Committee, subject to BOT and Congregational approval, will be in charge of all activities related to purchasing land, building or renovating a church of our own. This committee should continue until UUSD has moved into a building of its own. This means that it must work closely with the BOT, CCC, LRPC and Congregation to make well informed, responsible decisions to raise money, select and make offers on property, design and build or renovate a building of our own. The L&B Committee should select, with BOT and Congregational approval where needed, experts in the form of consultants, architects, interior design experts, engineers, mortgage bankers, lawyers, appraisers, building contractors, land use experts, etc. as needed to evaluate and purchase property and design and build a new building or renovate an existing building. All costs for these will come out of Capital Funds/ Building Funds, grants or loans. The L&B Committee should assist the UUSD in applying for a UUA First Home Grant and other grants as appropriate. A L&B Committee should be available to guide the Congregation through future renovations and additions to the original building of our own. This may mean periods of low or no activity and a rebirth as need arises. The Building Committee shall be a permanent committee of UUSD. The Chairman or Cochairs of the L&B Committee may be nominated by the committee and/or BOT and will serve with the approval of the BOT. THE CLOUD SOCIETY Dan Payne, Chair At the General Assembly in Charlotte a number of members of THE CLOUD SOCIETY were interviewed and videotaped by the UUA’s gift and generosity staff with an intention of publishing the interview in a newsletter or magazine. We each were asked what motivated us to designate UUSD as a beneficiary in our wills or life insurance policies. While the answers were all different the overarching theme was the importance of the church in each person’s life and the desire that it continue on a sound financial footing after one is gone. The video of the interview will be shown on January 15, 2012 at the installation ceremony of our newest members to THE CLOUD SOCIETY. Everyone is welcome to attend whether or not you are a CLOUD member. If you have any questions about how to join, ask me or any one else whose name is on a leaf on THE CLOUD SOCIETY plaque. UUSD COMMITTEE UPDATES News From the Communications Committee The Personnel Committee: Taking Care of Those Who Serve Dan Payne, Co-Chair Just as it takes an entire village to raise a child, it is only through the combined efforts of UUSD’s friends and members that our church remains healthy, strong, and growing. From managing the congregation’s finances and overseeing its fundraising efforts to organizing New Member Luncheons and lay services, the efforts of UUSD’s committees have a direct impact on our visitors’ and members’ worship experiences. Under the aegis of our Committee, Kathy Idziak, Betty Kirk and others have completed a booklet entitled ALL ABOUT UUSD– PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES. Denise Denny This booklet—in addition to providing information about our history, the seven principles and our covenant of good relations— is a ready source of data regarding church activities, celebrations and ways to support us. There is also a Contacts at a Glance list at the back of the booklet which reflects data about Church Committees and administration, including the Board and Staff. We would now like to introduce you to another, relatively unknown UUSD Committee: the UUSD Personnel Committee! The Personnel Committee serves as UUSD’s Human Resources department, and works with the congregation’s paid staff and Board of Trustees to ensure that UUSD staff members are treated and compensated fairly and in accordance with UUA and Board of Trustees Policy Guidelines. The booklet is directed to members and friends and anyone else who would like more information about our church. It can be used at events such as the Auction, Emma’s Revolution and the Art Show where many nonchurch members attend. Due to the sensitive nature of its subject matter, the Personnel Committee is a small committee by design. Its four current members are Linda Marsden (Chair), Ron Schaeffer (Secretary), Carol Bruce, and Denise Denny. Please feel free to contact any one of us to see our Committee Charge, ask questions, or learn more. Kathy Idziak will be updating the booklet periodically to reflect changes so please contact her at for additions, updates and suggested changes. Also, you can contact her or any member of Communications for copies. We are also working on other products for a wider public audience that can be used at other events and distributed more broadly. One of the Personnel Committee’s current projects is the review of the Minister, Lifespan Faith Development Director, Music Director, and Nursery Teacher position descriptions to ensure they accurately capture Reverend Smith’s, Peggy Smith’s, Marcie Schiff’s, and Sabina BeaverKepner’s responsibilities. The Committee’s long-term goals include creating a comprehensive UUSD Personnel Policy Manual. Covenant Group News Lin Schmidt, Milton Covenant Group Member “Got Balance?”, a lay service delivered on November 13th by the Milton Covenant Group, was first discussed a year ago. For several months prior to that, we realized that our lives weren’t going as well as they should for a variety of reasons. We had heavy burdens and knew that we were each out of balance in some way. So we set about taking on issues with our partners, families, friends, coworkers, jobs, volunteer work, health (exercise and diet), etc. in a fairly straightforward way. So, say, May would be a “Family” discussion. We each prepared and each shared. Along the way we each made significant changes. We were so inspired by what we had experienced and learned that we really looked forward to sharing with our church family; hence the service, which seemed to be very well received. I must say that we are thrilled about that and we thank you very much for being so responsive! The entire script of the service is available. Contact me at for a copy. UUSD COMMITTEE UPDATES Moxy Vote-Proxy Voting Your Values Margaret Keefe, on behalf of the “GA 21 of 2011” UUA has a new tool available to congregations and members who would like to vote their proxies at corporations and to make sure those votes are in line with UU values. UUA employs a proxy voting consulting service that creates voting recommendations consistent with UUA values. Congregations and members who own stock can take advantage of that research and vote with the UUA through Moxy Vote. Moxy Vote is a free online proxy voting platform that allows shareholders to vote their proxy ballots electronically. In addition to voting proxy ballots easily online, Moxy Vote users can align their votes with UUA and encourage public companies to change their business practices. The way Moxy Vote works is simple. Using the control number on a proxy statement, users can vote individual ballots online. Or, rather than receiving statements in the mail, UUA members can have their proxies automatically delivered to Moxy Vote. Resolutions which UUA submitted to corporations this year covered such social justice topics as climate change, employee non-discrimination, human rights and political spending. UUA encourages members to vote alongside them and keep current about ballots and resolutions. If you register at, you not only support UUA’s resolutions but Moxy Vote will make a donation to UUA for every user who signs up and supports them on the site. Go to http:// and check out UUA’s page and then register to use the site. If you have any questions or comments, you may direct them to Jessica Clarke at Grocery Store Gift Cards UUSD will be collecting gift cards in any demonination from grocery stores in the area. Rev Mike will be in charge of dispersing them. Please remember those in our church who need help. There will be a container on the back table for your cards. Thanks for helping. Any questions see Anne Pikolas or Jean Charles. UUSD Members and Friends, The Board of Trustees recently approved the establishment of the Land and Building Committee, which will research the availability, price, and possible purchase of property, either land for construction of a new church building or property including a building that can be made suitable for the needs of UUSD. This is a big step toward getting a home of our own in the future! You may not know, but we have taken a big step already toward our future home by raising over $30,350 from eleven UUSD members and friends through cash donations, and from another 41 people who donated gold. We want to continue to build this fund as we prepare to eventually launch a capital campaign program to gather funds for an eventual down payment, which could be about $300,000 or more. Even though a full-blown capital campaign could be a few years away, we are encouraging others to join the 52 members and friends who have already demonstrated their commitment. As we approach the end of 2011, many of us begin to plan our federal and state tax obligations. Contributions to charitable and non-profit organizations are often used to reduce taxes while providing financial support to selected organizations. Initial cash donations to our Building Fund have varied between $30 and $2,500, and the average gold donation was $320. In summary, we are off and running. Future home planning is underway, and we already have $30,353 in hand. Can you add to this building fund? Can you make a donation of any size by the end of the year? Please consider a year-end donation to the UUSD Building Fund. Join “the 52” now to help move us closer to our goal of a future church home. Lee Summerville Gary Colangelo Co-chairs, Capital Campaign Committee If you have tax-deferred retirement account like an IRA or 401(k) and are 70 1/2 or older you can distribute a donation directly to a qualifying charity [such as UUSD] for 2011 (Qualified Charitable Distributions under the Pension Protection Act of 2006). These qualified charitable distributions are federally tax-free up to $100,000, but you should discuss tax implications of any distribution with your tax advisor. EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS UUSD’s GOLD EVENT: Thanks from Walt and Pam Smith… When USSD members have a dream and they see a way to accomplish the goal, they really know how to respond. And respond YOU did! The opportunity to grow our Building Fund was presented to you and your response was overwhelming. On September 25th, we held a “Gold Event”. The premise was simple. Without taking any cash out of your pockets, you were asked to look around your house for any unwanted, unloved, unused or even “special” pieces of gold or silver, such as rings, chains, broken jewelry to donate to our Church. The donations were then sold with the proceeds to go directly to our Building Fund. By the end of day on Sunday, with all the donations evaluated, the results were tallied. There were 32 individual baggies contributed representing 41 members. That’s 38% of our membership participating. The average contribution was $320 with two donations worth over $1000. Walt even cut two rings off live fingers with no damage to the fingers. The gold buyer said that was one of the best participation rates he has had. The final total was $10,221.00, more than doubling the Building Fund! The following donations were made “In Memory Of” Special Persons of church members: Jacob Charles, father of Jean Charles; Virginia & Julian Colangelo, parents of Gary Colangelo; Audrey Staats, mother of Nita McVeigh; J. Robert & Joanne G. Lamade, parents of Anne Pikolas; Evelyn R. Pope, mother of Pat Rocket; Walter & Edith Smith & Mary Gorman, parents of Walt & Pam Smith; Martha Gaylord, mother of Lee Summerville; and James Toomey, father of Carole Toomey. Thank You and congratulations to all who contributed and made the Gold Event such a great success and helped our Building Fund grow. BOARD OF TRUSTEES & COMMITTEE MEETINGS All UUSD members are welcome to attend BOT meetings and Committee meetings. Meetings are open to all members; please contact the President of the Board or respective Committee Chair if you would like a copy of the meeting agenda or to request to be added to the agenda. Below is a list of regularly scheduled meetings, all held at UUSD unless otherwise indicated. Board of Trustees - monthly, first Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Jean Charles is the President. Lifespan Faith Development Committee monthly, second Sunday at 11:15 a.m.; Kris Acker chairs. Membership Committee - monthly, third Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Co-Chairs are Carole Toomey and Kelly Jewett. Music Committee - monthly, second Saturday, midday (location TBA). contact Linda Bennett. Social Justice Committee - monthly, third Wednesday at 7 p.m. The Chairs are Dan and Kris Acker. Green Sanctuary sub-committee is chaired by Joe Farrell. Worship Committee - monthly, first Wednesday (location TBD). Lin Schmidt and Jean Charles co-chair. First Sunday Lunch meets after services except during the summer months. The location is announced at service and in the OOS. Lunch Bunch - Annual Christmas Luncheon December 19 at noon, Bear Trap Golf Course outside Bethany Beach. Restaurant needs a count so please give your name to Darlene Lehr ( or 302424-7879 if you plan to attend. New UU Class If you are curious or are seriously considering membership with UUSD, this is the class that is required before you sign the membership book. No pressure – simply ask your questions, get the answers and make your own decision. The class can last as long as YOU need it to. Feel free to go when you are satisfied. We discuss budgets, finance, committees and simple nuts and bolts of the church. Please email me to express your interest – – I need to make sure I have enough handouts for the class. Class is held at 11:30 am after services at UUSD. For more information or to express your interest in attending such a class, please contact Jean Charles, 947-1779 or (so she can contact you when one is scheduled and have enough handouts). f LIFESPAN FAITH DEVELOPMENT NEWS PEGGY SMITH There are many activities and events coming up during the holiday season for the whole family. We hope you will be able to join us for some of them! On November 20th we began a new curriculum called Small Group Ministry Adapted for Children. The first half of the class is a service where our children are learning songs and readings that are often used in UU churches. If any of your children play an instrument there are opportunities each week for them to help by playing our prelude. Many of you are probably aware that UUSD has five Covenant Groups for Adults. The second half of our curriculum is a covenant group for our children. The first week the children wrote a Covenant about how they believe people should act toward one another. You will be very proud of their beliefs! Ask your child to show you the rainbow bracelets we made to help us learn the 7 UU Principles. We learned about the Pagan festival of Samhain a few weeks ago and learned about the ancient holiday which Universalists called All Souls Day. It is a day when we remember those whom we have loved who have died. We mark this holiday to remember that each of us has times of sadness, and each of us has times when we grieve the death of someone close to us. It is in coming together, in shared sadness, in knowing that others understand our feelings and miss their loved ones too, that we are comforted. On Sunday, November 27, the children had a service to name those people or pets for whom they grieve. Also for your information, our annual Incredible Christmas Pageant will be Sunday, Dec. 18th and we would love to have all of the children take part. Please start talking about what character they and you would like to be! If you have taken part in this wonderful event in the past you know how much fun it is! Rehearsals will be Dec. 4 & 11th when all important fittings for the costumes will take place. On Saturday, December 24 there will be a traditional Christmas Eve celebration with carols, stories, and refreshments. This is a very special evening for the whole family. Hope you can attend! 10 CASTING CALL for our third annual Intergenerational Christmas Pageant. “The Nativity Pageant” is intergenerational service for December 18. We have assembled many of the costumes and are working on the final touches. This play is for adults and children of all ages. Our narrators will guide us through the actions. This is a casting call for adults to play shepherds, stars, angels, wise(wo)men, and many animals. Do not expect a conventional rendition of the story with just three wisemen...we may have many. Do not expect animals that were present in Jerusalem at the time of Jesus. We will have butterflies, birds, turtles, and elephants, bunnies, and many more. No memorization! You will not have lines to say.You will choose parts ahead of time. There will be some last minute choices who will quickly put on simple costumes, and take your spots on stage for our Nativity Pageant! What can you do to make this play a rousing success? Feel free to come dressed in a costume of your own. Most of all, come to enjoy! The dress rehearsal and costume fitting for adults and children will be Sundays, December 4 and December 11. The incredible performance will be held on Sunday, December 18. Please show your support by attending even if you are not a character in the play. We will all provide the musical accompaniment for the show. Those who have attended in the past will tell you this is a “must see” event!!! UUSD Adult Education Classes – 2011-2012 Below are the next classes scheduled for the 2011 -2012 year. Each course costs $5, a portion of which covers administrative costs; the balance helps the church fund continuing and new offerings of our Lifespan Faith Development program overall. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the sanctuary for each course offered. All classes below are held in the UUSD RE room unless otherwise noted. Owning Your Religious Past This class offers Unitarian Universalists an opportunity to reckon with their religious upbringings and integrate them into their current religious lives. The program’s exercises invite participants to revisit religious spaces and people from childhood in a way that promotes greater self understanding and personal peace. Facilitator: Reverend Michael Smith Date/Time: Friday evening, 7 to 9 p.m., December 9 and Saturday, December 10, 9:30 a.m .to 5:30 p.m. Place: UUSD Religious Education room History of Unitarian Universalism Unitarianism and Universalism have deep roots in the history of religious evolution in Western Society going back two thousand years. But many UUs are not fully aware of this history and its connection to our denomination today. We attempt in four 2-hour sessions to connect the development of Unitarian and Universalist thinking to the issues that gave rise to religious dissent and change over time. There will be readings and preparation for each session. A booklet containing most, but not all, of the readings will be provided at the first session to all participants. Other readings will be recommended in advance of their discussion. The actual sessions will be interactive with question/answer periods with the goal of minimizing one-way lecture. The specific goals are listed below. This will be, at best, an overview course. For those interested in more depth, additional readings can be recommended. Goals 1. To understand the historical evolution of Unitarian Universalism in terms of the issues, disputes, themes, and enduring concepts that have shaped our liberal religious view 2. To appreciate the struggles, contributions, and sacrifices of many individuals who have kept our movement alive 3. To develop a sense of pride in Unitarian Universalism, and to understand the issues and challenges for the future 4. To help you clarify and strengthen your own faith and religious journey Facilitator: Ron Schaeffer Dates/Times: Thursdays, 6 – 8pm; Jan. 5, 12, 19 and 25. A signup sheet will be at the back of the sanctuary beginning December 1. Coming in February: Practicing Your UU Faith Every Day – Kathy Idziak and Betty Kirk w News from the Delmarva Cluster There was a brief review of the UU Revival on October 9, with participants offering comments from their churches and personal experience at the service. Attendance was 294, with 39 kids in the RE program. The offering brought in $3,227. A tentative date of October 14, 2012 was set for next year, and the tentative location is somewhere in New Castle County, with the northern DE churches hosting. Important dates: April 13 -15, 2012 in Arlington, VA, at Key Bridge Marriott – JPD 2012 Annual Assembly. November 29, 6:30 pm in Dover at Alta Porterfield’s home – next Delmarva Cluster meeting. Tentative date for the next meeting after that --- January 12, possibly at Chester River church. UPCOMING EVENTS Joseph Priestly District (JPD) of the UUA For District conferences, obtain complete registration flyers, information and Registration Forms via the JPD website Links to UUA and Cluster websites 11 UUSD SOCIAL JUSTICE UPDATE Kris Acker, Co-Chair, Social Justic Committee UUSD has had a very busy November showing support for Civic and Green issues. On Saturday, November 5, UUSD members participated in “Occupy Rehoboth“ at the bandstand in downtown Rehoboth Beach. It was an energetic peaceful event with speeches, drumming and chanting. We were encouraging our government to tax the 1 percent, prosecute the financial institutions who have put the world economy in peril and stop the attack on women . There were about 175 people who participated and 20 of them were from UUSD. Great representation! On Sunday, November 6, Anne Pikolas, Joe Farrell and Kris Acker went to Washington, D.C., to participate in “Hands around the White House “ This was a peaceful demonstration to protest the Keystone XL Pipeline. The pipeline proposal— put forward by the State Department—was to build a pipeline in Canada going through some of Canada’s most beautiful untouched areas and then down 12 through the center of our country and over our largest aquifer. We were coming to say to President Obama “say no to this pipeline, it’s time to stop jeopardizing or natural resources in the name of oil and the money should instead be used for alternative energy solutions. “ Organizers had anticipated five to six thousand people and approximately twelve thousand people arrived for the demonstration. It was an absolutely beautiful day in Washington and after music and speeches we were separated into groups and began to surround the White House. We circled the White House not once, but three time! Very satisfying for all involved. Then, early the next week our President Obama announced he was sending the plan back to the State Department which means the deal is off –the plan has been rejected. First Friday Film December 2, 2011 Book Club December 5, 2011 ? POTLUCK to Choose Next Year’s Books! Bring a dish and some books to propose for next year’s monthly Book Club. We will meet on Monday Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. for our annual potluck and book selection for the coming year. Each person is asked to bring a few books to present. New members are always welcome. Book Club meets monthly at 7 p.m. at UUSD. For more information, contact Bobbi Dunham q Avatar (2009) In the epic action adventure fantasy, Avatar, James Cameron, director of the film, Titanic, takes us to a spectacular new world beyond our imagination. On the distant moon Pandora, a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption, discovery and unexpected love as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization. Many people have likened the views in this movie to Unitarian Universalist principles. The following blog by Conservative writer and blogger Ross Douthat published in a New York Times op-ed convinced us to screen this as a First Friday Film. “Like the holiday season itself, the science fiction epic is a crass embodiment of capitalistic excess wrapped around a deeply felt religious message. Avatar is Cameron’s long apologia for pantheism -- a faith that equates God with Nature, and calls humanity into religious communion with the natural world.” Come to the church at 6:30 p.m for the potluck or at 7 p.m. just to view the film. There is usually a short group discussion following the movie. The FFF is a joint presentation of the Social Justice Committee and Lifespan Faith Development. For further information, call the UUSD church office at 302.645.6334. Handel’s Messiah at Cape Henlopen High School Dec. 10 at 3 p.m. and Dec. 11 at Del Tech at 3 p.m., which will be a sing-a-long-some rental scores available. Tickets are $20 and $10 for students with ID’s. They are available from Linda Bennett (302-644-1116) or online – The Rainbow Chorale presents “Home For The Holidays” Saturday, December 10, at 3 p.m. at Epworth Methodist Church, Rehoboth. Tickets in advance $15 or $20 at the door. Get tickets at 13 DO YOU KNOW? December Celebrations There are religious celebrations in every month of the year, but clearly December has the most significant ones for those religions in the Western world. It is the last month of the year in the Julian or Gregorian calendar (actually, it had been the last and tenth month in the original Roman calendar). Many of the special celebration days are from Pagan- based festivities, associated with the Winter Solstice, when we experience the shortest day of the year (generally falling on December 21 or 22). Christmas, or the celebration of the birth of Jesus by Christians falls on the 25th, but is generally felt by historians to have been tied to popular Pagan celebrations back in that early era when the Christian religion was developing. For example, in addition to the Winter Solstice celebrations in late December, there was Saturnalia starting on December 17—the seven day feast when Romana, or Neopagans, worshipped the ancient Gods of Rome. And then a whole host of other Christian celebrations sprang up in December, such as, St. Nicholas Day (International) on the 6th, The Virgin of Guadalupe (Mexico) on the 12th, Santa Lucia Day (Scandinavian) on the 13th, and Las Posadas (Mexico) on the 16th to 24th, all with their own local reasons and stories. But other religions also have celebrations in December. Ashura, the Islamic commemoration of the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, which is particularly significant for Shi’a Muslims, falls on the 5th. Also the Islamic month of Ramadan, which is part of a lunar-based calendar, can fall in November or December. This is the holiest period in the Islamic year, honoring the lunar month in which the Qura’n was revealed by God to humanity. Buddhists celebrate Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) on the 8th, the day the Buddha achieved 14 Enlightenment. The Jews celebrate Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights, on the 21st to the 28th this year. Some ancient religious celebrations still continue, such as when many people in Iran (Zoroastrians) celebrate Zartusht-no-diso, or the anniversary of the death of Zarathustra, on the 26th. And some people in Egypt will celebrate the Day of the Return of the Wondering Goddess (Kemetic Orthodoxy – supposedly one of the early religions in Ancient Egypt) on the 22nd. And there are cultural and secular holidays in December. People throughout the United Kingdom celebrate The Day of Good Will on December 26 (used to be called Boxing Day), when businesses put gifts in boxes for employees, or people are given the day off work. Also, Kwanzaa, an African-American celebration is on the 26th. And the Japanese celebrate Omisoka on the 31st, a year-end event in Japan where families clean up the home together to start fresh in the New Year. And a fairly recent secular holiday started by some Atheist and Agnostic groups, Krismas, celebrating the myth of Kris Kringle, which includes gift giving, decorating of trees and the home, but does not include the story of Jesus’ birth. This list is representative of the substantial diversity of religious and cultural celebration throughout the month of December. As UU’s we may have our own preference, but we try to respect and honor all these celebrations even if we are not involved with the specific religious or cultural organization. Celebration is about joy, and that should be our focus. December is (potentially) a month of joy and happiness arising from all this celebration. So “Happy Holidays” everyone, and much joy to all! Submitted by Ron Schaeffer, UUSD’s resident UU history buff UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF SOUTHERN DELAWARE 33739 Marsh Road, #2, Lewes, Delaware 19958 302-645-6334 VISION: Creating a diverse spiritual world community that celebrates and fosters the search for meaning, connection and acceptance. MISSION: UUSD is a welcoming congregation proudly providing a liberal spiritual home for people of free faith through worship, education, community, outreach, and social and environmental justice. UUSD Staff & Officers Minister Reverend D. Michael Smith302-684-5662 or Director of Lifespan Faith Development Peggy Smith 302-362-2771 Adult Education Coordinator Betty Kirk UUSD Committee Chairs Awards: D.R.Gray Capital Campaign: Gary Colangelo & Lee Summerville Cloud Society: Dan Payne Committee on Ministry: Gabriel Zepecki Communications: Dan Payne & Jay Liesener Denominational Affairs: Ron Schaeffer Facilities: Tom Evans Finance: Dan Payne Fund Raising: Barbara & Paul Barnette Nursery Teacher Sabina Beaver-Kepner Land and Building Committee: (TBD-see article inside) Youth Advisor Eric Standifer Lifespan Faith Develpment: Kris Acker Music Director Marcie Schiff Board of Trustees Jean Charles, President717-413-5648 Betty Kirk, Vice President/Church Council Chair Darlene Lehr, Finance Officer Chuck Herbert, Secretary Allan Cairncross Margaret Keefe Lori Reading Acccountant Ron Schaeffer Newsletter Staff Jay Liesener, Editor/Art Direction/Layout Dara Schumaier, Editor at Large Contributing Editors: Jane Germain Pam Smith Patricia Williams Leadership Development: Pat Schaeffer Long Range Planning: Allan Cairncross Membership: Kelly Jewett & Carole Toomey Music: Linda Bennett Partner Church: Tom Toth Pastoral Care: Rev. Smith & Dianne Conine Social Justice: Dan & Kris Acker Green Sanctuary Subcommittee: Joe Farrell Stewardship: Jean Charles & Paul Barnette Worship: Lin Schmidt & Jean Charles Webmaster: Jay Liesener Website Monitors: Anne Pikolas & Peggy Smith UUSD has a YahooGroup: Moderators: Dara Schumaier, Peggy Smith UUSD is on Facebook. Moderators: Peggy Smith & Jay Liesener CHANGE OF EMAIL ADDRESS? Please notify Ron Schaeffer or Jean Charles 15