Mar Valah December 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle


Mar Valah December 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle
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Issue 05 December 2015
DECEMBER 08, 2015
NOVEMBER 20, 2016
“Be merciful, just for your heavenly Father is
Merciful”(LK.6:36). The holy year of mercy invites us
to follow the merciful example of God the Father
who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive
and give love and forgiveness without measure. This
holy year is an occasion to make more evident the
mission of the Church to be a witness of mercy. Let
all our activities be the expression of divine mercy
in this year of mercy …
The Logo of the
Year of Mercy
The logo of the year of Mercy
expresses the Good Shepherd
who touches the flesh of
humanity with the power of love
to change one’s life. The Good
Shepherd, in his great
mercy, takes humanity upon
himself; his eyes are merged with
those of man. Every
person discovers in Christ one’s
own humanity and the future,
contemplating in his gaze,
the love of the Father. The three
concentric ovals with colors
progressively as we move
outward; suggest the movement
of Christ who carries humanity
out of the sight of sin and
death, the depth of the dark color
suggests the impenetrability of
the love of the Father
who forgives all.
`c£-i¤« A-Y¤-©d¡-¨k ¨O-à¤-J’
Q-c-c« F-¼ h¥-¼-È-j-·¢v-c¢-¼® h-j-X-¨h-¼ h¥-¼-È-j-·¢-©k-i®-´® ±d-©lm¢-´¤«-h¤-Ø® ¨¨a-l« h-c¤-n¬-c® Q£-l¢-Y« F-¼ h¥-¼-È-j« cv-J¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤. ’c£¨i-l¢-¨T?’ (Dv-dç. 3:9). `c¢-¨us o-©p¡-a-j-¨c-l¢-¨T?’ (Dv-dç. 4:9)- B-a-©·¡-T¤«
J¡-©i-©c¡-T¤-h¡-i¢ ¨¨a-l« ©O¡-a¢-µ Cª ©O¡-a¬-¹w-´® Q£-l¢-Y-h¡-J¤-¼ d-j£È¡-k-i¢v D-·-j-¨h-r¤-Y¡u H¡-©j¡ h-c¤-n¬-c¤« l¢-q¢-´-¨dç-¶¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤. ©O¡a¬-¹-q¤-¨T At-Ï-l¤« l¬¡-d®-Y¢-i¤« h-c-oæ¢-k¡-´¤-¼-l-t-´¤-h¡-±Y-©h m-j¢-i¡-i
D-·-j« cv-J¡u J-r¢-i¥. B-a¬-¨· ©O¡-a¬«, ¨¨a-l h-c¤-n¬-f-Ü-·¢v d¡k¢-©´-Ù J-T-h-J-¨q-´¤-s¢-µ¤«, j-Ù¡-h-©·-Y® h-c¤-n¬ o¡-©p¡-a-j¬-·¢-k-b¢-n®U¢Y-h¡-i f-Ü-¨·-´¤-s¢-µ¤-h¤¾ o¥-O-c-J-q¤-h¡-X® cv-J¤-¼-Y®.
A-p-Æ¡-j-·¢-c¤« kª-J¢-J l¬-±L-Y-Jw-´¤-h¢-T-i¢v ¨¨a-l-¨· Q£-l¢Y-·¢v-c¢-¼® A-J-×¢-c¢t-·¤-J-i¤«, o§¡t-Ï-d-j-h¡-i k-Ȭ-¹w-´¤«
l¢-g¡-L£-i O¢-É-Jw-´¤« A-T¢-h-¨dç-¶® o-©p¡-a-j-¨c C-kë¡-i®-h ¨O-à¤-l¡u
¨l-Øv-¨J¡-¾¤-J-i¤« ¨O-à¤-¼ C-¼-¨· h-c¤-n¬-j¤-¨T h¤-Ø¢v G-¨s ±d-oÇ-¹-q¡-i ©O¡-a¬-¹-q¡-X¢-l.
¨¨a-l-o¦-né¢-i¡-i h-c¤-n¬-u o-a¡ -Y¢-j¤-h¤Ø¢v l¬¡-d-j¢-´-X-¨h-¼¤« o®Y¤-Y¢-i¤-¨T-i¤« B-j¡-b-i¤-¨T-i¤« Q£-l¢-Y-·¢-k¥-¨T Y-¨us o¦-né¡-l¢-©c¡-T®
F-©dç¡-r¤« f-Ü-¨dç-¶¢-j¢-´-X-¨h-¼-Y¤« Y¢-j¤-p¢-Y-h¡-X®. d¡-d-·¢-¨us e-kh¡-i¢ B-a¢ h¡-Y¡-d¢-Y¡-´w ¨¨a-l h-c¤-n¬ f-Ü-·¢v l¢-q-qv l£-r®-·¢,
Y¢-j¤-o¡-¼¢-Ú¬-·¢-¨us ±d-Y£-J-h¡-i d-s¤-a£-oi¢v-c¢-¼® A-J-¼®, h-j-µ¢-këJw-´¢-T-i¢v H-q¢-µ-©dç¡-r¡-X® ¨¨a-l« ©O¡-a¢-µ-Y® ``B-a« c£-¨i-l¢-¨T?’’. H-j½-i¢v-c¢-¼¤ Q-c¢-´¤-¼-lt F-¼-Y¢-k¤-d-j¢ o-©p¡-a-ju F-¼ l¡-´¢-c® Br-h¡-i At-Ï-¹-q¤-Ù®. A-d-j-¨us l-qt-µ-i®-´¤« D-¼-h-c-·¢-c¤« -©l-Ù¢,
c-Á-i®-´¤« o-©É¡-n-·¢-c¤«-©l-Ù¢ Q£-l¢-Y« o-ht-dç¢-´¤-¼ A-l-Ì-i¡-X® o¡©p¡-a-j¬« F¼ d-a«-¨J¡-Ù® ¨¨f-f¢w l¢-l-È¢-´¤-¼-Y®. l¢-©a§-n-l¤« ¨l-s¤d礫, A-o¥-i-i¤« ¨J¡-k-d¡-Y-J-l¤«, H-×¢-¨´¡-T¤-´k¤« H-×-¨dç-T¤-·-k¤-¨h-kë¡«
o¡-©p¡-a-j¬-·¢-¨us G-Y¢t g¡-l-¹-q¡-X®. c¢-Y¬-Q£-lu A-l-J¡-m-h¡-´¡u
S¡u F-ɤ ¨O-à-X« F-¼ c¢-i-h-Ñ-¨us ©O¡-a¬-·¢-c® Cª-©m¡ ¨J¡T¤-· h-s¤-d-T¢ h¤-J-q¢v d-j¡-ht-m¢-µ j-Ù® ©O¡-a¬-¹-©q-i¤« o¡-b¥-J-j¢-´¤-¼Y¡-X®.
Mar Jacob Angadiath
Mar Joy Alappatt
Aux. Bishop
Advisory Board
Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparampil
Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulavanal
Editorial Board
Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vethanath
(Editor in Cheif)
Rev. Fr. Paul Chalissery
Rev. Fr. Suni Padinjarekkara
Mr. Jose Chennikkara
Mr. Joshy Kuncheria
Mr. Mohan Sebastian
Mr. Lince Joseph
’’c£ ¨¨a-l-¨· d¥t-Xå-p¦-a-i-©·¡-¨T o®-©c-p¢-´¤-J; c¢-¨us A-iv´¡-j-¨c c¢-©¼-©dç¡-¨k-i¤«-’’ (k¥-´ 10:27). O¤-j¤-´-·¢v d-r-i-c¢-i-h-·¢¨us-i¤« d¤-Y¢-i c¢-i-h-·¢-¨us-i¤« A-ɯ-o-· Cª j-Ù¤ ©O¡-a¬-¹w-´®
F-¹-¨c D-·-j« cv-J-X-¨h-¼-Y¤-Y-¨¼-i¡-X®.
l-r¢-i-j¤-J¢v At-Ú-±d¡-X-c¡-i¢-´-Ù®, h-c-oæ-k¢-º®, h¤-s¢-l¤-Jw l-µ¤¨J-¶¢ oª-K¬-·¢-¨us-i¤« m¤-±m¥-n-i¤-¨T-i¤« A-c¤-g-l« d-Jt-¼ o-h-s¡-iu
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¥t-·-j¥-d-h¡-X®. c¢-Y¬-Q£-lu A-l-J¡-m-h¡´¡u l-¼-l-©c¡-T® Cª-©m¡ d-s-º¤: ``c£ ©d¡-i¢ A-Y¤-©d¡-¨k ¨O-à¤-J’’ (k¥´ 10:37). c-kë o-h-s¡-i-c¡-i Cª-©m¡ o-g-i¡-J¤-¼ o-±Y-·¢v, m¡-j£-j¢-J-l¤«
h¡-c-o£-J-l¤« B-Å£-i-l¤-h¡-i h¤-s¢-l¤-J-q¤-h¡-i¢ F-·¤-¼-lt-´® oª-K¬-·¢c¡-i¢ j-Ù® l¢-k-¨dç-¶ a-c¡-s-Jw cv-J¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤: Y¢-j¤-l-O-c-l¤« l¢-m¤-Ú
J¤t-f¡-c-i¤«. Cª-©m¡-i¤-¨T h-p-Y§-d¥t-Xå-h¡-i j-Ù¡-h-¨· B-L-h-c«-l-¨j
oª-K¬-·¢-¨us-i¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-©T-i¤« m¤-±m¥-n o-g-i¢v Y¤-T-j¤-J F-¼-Y®
o-±Y« o¥-È¢-dç¤-J¡-j¡-i F-kë¡ o-g¡-m¤-±m¥-n-Jj¤-©T-i¤« Lª-j-l-©h-s¢-i J-T-hi¡-X®.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-·¢v c-½¤-¨T F-kë¡ m¤-±m¥-n-J-q¤« ¨¨a-l-J¡-j¤-X¬·¢-¨us f-p¢t-o®-d¤-j-X-¹-q¡-J-¨¶. ``c¢-¹-q¤-¨T o§t-Lê-Ì-c¡-i d¢-Y¡-l®
J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-l-c¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y¤-©d¡-¨k c¢-¹-q¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-l-j¡-i¢-j¢´¤-l¢u (k¥-´ 6:36) F-¼ L¤-j¤-l¢-¨us l¡-´¤-Jw m-Ç¢-i¤« ±d-©O¡-a-c-l¤h¡-J-¨¶. ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¢-©k-i®-´¤ l-q-j¤-l¡-c¤«, O¤-פ-h¤-¾-lt-´®
J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us o®-dt-m-c« cv-J¡-c¤« c-h¤-´® Q£-l¢-Y« o-ht-dç¢-´¡«. 
d-j¢-m¤Ú ¨¨a-l-h¡-Y¡-l¢-¨us
A-h-©k¡-Î-l Y¢-j¤c¡w
Q-c¢-µ d-j¢-m¤-Ú
A©½, d¡-d-·¢-¨us
J-sd¤-j-Ù S-¹-q¤-¨T
h-c-oæ¢-¨us J-s
A-½-i¤-¨T d-j¢-m¤-Ú¢-i¤-¨T
A-Æ¢-´¤-q-q¢v S¹-¨q
d¡-d« J¥-T¡-¨Y D-Î-l¢-µ
h-s¢-i¨h, A-¹-i¢v
Ag-i« ©Y-T¤¼ d¡-d¢-Jq¡-i
S-¹w-´¤-©l-Ù¢ A-©d-È¢-´-X-¨h.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¤-K-«
h¡t ©Q-´-f® A-¹¡-T¢-i-·®
h¡t-dç¡-dç Misericordiae Vultus- `J-j¤X¡t-±a-h¤-K«-’ F-¼ Y¢-j¤-¨l-r¤-·¢-k¥-¨T 2015 V¢o«-ft F-¶¤-h¤-Yv 2016 c-l«-ft 20 l-¨j J-j¤X-i¤-¨T Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n-h¡-i¢ ±d-K¬¡-d¢-µ¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤.
d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨us o-J-k O¢-É-J-q¤-¨T-i¤«
±d-g¡-n-X-¹-q¤-¨T-i¤« ©J-±z-f¢-z¤-l¡-i¢ c¢v´¤-¼ ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us h-p-·¡-i J-j¤-X-¨i-¼
B-m-i-h¡-X® J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n« ±d-K¬¡-d¢-µ¤¨J¡-Ù¤-¾ ©j-K-i¢v c¢-s-º¤-c¢v-´¤-¼-Y®.
©k¡-J-·¢-¨us h¤-r¤-l-c¤« C-T-l-J l¢-J¡-j¢-i¡i¢---World Parish Priest- g-j-X-·¢-¨us B-a¬-a¢-l-o«
h¤-Yv ±d-©m¡-g¢-µ ±e¡u-o¢-o® d¡-dç-i¤-¨T A-Qd¡-k-c Hªv-o¤-J¬« (Pastoral zeal) Cª ©j-K-i¤-¨T
o-l¢-©m-n-h¤-±a-i¡-X®. Cª l¢-m¤-Ú lt-n-·¢-¨us
h-¨×¡-j¤ ±d-©Y¬-J-Y C-Y® ©s¡-h¢v ¨ous® d£-©×-r®-o®
f-o¢-k¢-´-i¢v h¡-±Y« ©J-±z£-J-j¢-µ¢-j¢-´¤-¼ H-¼-kë.
h-s¢-µ®, o-g h¤-r¤-l-c¢-k¤«, F-kë¡ ±d¡-©a-m¢-J l¬-Ç¢
o-g-J-q¢-k¤« j¥-d-Y-J-q¢-k¤« C-T-l-J-J-q¢-k¤« c¢s-º¤ c¢v-©´-Ù H-j¤ A-c¤-a¢-c A-c¤-g-l-h¡-´¢
h¡-פ-l¡u d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® B-±L-p¢-´¤-¼¤ F-¼Y¡-X®. ``d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨c-©dç¡-¨k J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-l-j¡-i¢j¢-´¤-l¢u-~Merciful like the Father- F-¼ B-at-ml¡-J¬« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-·¢-¨us c¢-©i¡-L«
¨l-q¢-¨dç-T¤-·¤-¼-Y¡-X®. O-j¢-±Y-·¢-¨us O¢-k M-¶¹-q¢v ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T ±d-lt-·c-¹w-´® c-½¤-¨T Q£-l¢-Y-¨· ±d-©Y¬-J-h¡-i¢ Y¤s-¼¤-¨J¡-T¤-©´-Ù-Y¡-i¢-¶¤-Ù®. A-Y¤-¨J¡-Ù¡-X®
Cª A-o¡-b¡-j-X Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n-±d-K¬¡-d-c« d-j¢m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® c-T-·¤-¼-Y®.
25 K-ߢ-J-J-q¤-¾ Misericordiae Vultus F-¼
©j-K-i¢-k¥-¨T c-h¤-´® H-¼¤ o-Õ-j¢-´¡«. c-½¤-¨T
o§-Ì-Y-i¤-©T-i¤« D-s-l¢-T« ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤X-i¡-X®. d-j¢-m¤-Ú ±Y¢-Y§-·¢-¨us j-p-o¬« J-j¤X-i¤-¨T j-p-o¬-h¡-X®; ¨¨a-l« c-½¢-©k-i®-´®
C-s-¹¢-l-¼-Y® J-j¤-X-i¡-i¢-¶¡-X®. h¡-c-l-p¦-a-i¹-q¤-¨T d-j-o®-d-j f-Ü-·¢-¨us B-r« J-j¤-Xi¢-k-b¢-n®U¢-Y-h¡-X®; ¨¨a-l-~-h-c¤-n¬-f-Ü-·¢ -¨us
m¦«-K-k J-j¤-X-i¡-X®; o¤-l¢-©m-n-·¢-¨us A-T¢Ì¡-c-±d-h¡-X-l¤« J-j¤-X-i¡-X®.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n« D-a®-M¡-T-c« ¨O-à¤-¼-Y®
V¢-o«-ft F-¶¢-c¡-X®. B a¢-l-o-·¢-c® j-Ù¤ o-l¢©m-n-Y-J-q¤-Ù®. d-j¢-m¤-Ú J-c¬-J-i¤-¨T A-h-©k¡Î-l- Y¢-j¤-¼¡w a¢-c-h¡-X-¼®. h-c¤-n¬-©c¡-T¤-¾
¨¨a-l J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T d-j¢-b¢-i¢-kë¡-i®-h ¨l-q¢-¨dç-T¤¼-Y® ¨¨a-l-d¤-±Y-¨us h-c¤-n¬¡-l-Y¡-j-·¢-k¡-X®.
B j-p-o¬-·¢-¨us p¦-a-i-·¢v d-j¢-m¤-Ú h-s¢i-·¢-c® A-Y¤-k¬ Ì¡-c-h¤-Ù®. o-h-J¡-k£-c-o-g-i¤¨T O-j¢-±Y-·¢v j-Ù¡« l-·¢-´¡u Jªx-o¢v
O-j¢-±Y o§¡-b£-c-h¡-i¢ c¢v-´¤-¼¤. B Jªx-o¢v
o-h¡-d-c-·¢-¨us o¤-lt-Xå-Q¥-f¢-k¢-i¤« V¢-o«ft F-¶¢-c¡-X®. Jªx-o¢-k¢-¨us D-a®-M¡-T-c-·¢v
l¢-m¤-Ú ©Q¡x XXIII--¡-hu h¡t-dç¡-dç d-s-º¤.
``±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨us h-X-l¡-¶¢-i¡-i o-g J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T
Hª-n-b-h¡-X® C-c¢ D-d-©i¡-L¢-©´-Ù-Y®, J¡U¢-c¬-·¢¨us B-i¤-b-h-kë; A-lw o-J-k h-c¤-n¬t-´¤«
a-i¡-h-i¢-i¡-i A-½-i¡-i¢-j¢-´-X«’’. Jªx-o¢v
o-h¡-d¢-µ-©dç¡w l¡-r®-·-¨dç-¶ ©d¡w B-s¡-hu d-sº¤: ``Cª Jªx-o¢-k¢-¨us B-Å£-i-Y c-kë o-hs¡-i-©us-Y¡-X®-’’.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-·¢-¨us D-a®-M¡-T-c« A-YY® j¥-d-Y-i¢-¨k l¢-m§¡-o¢-J-q¤-¨T h¡-Y¦ C-T-l-J-i¡i J-·£-±Vv ©a-l¡-k-i-·¢-k¤« B-l-m¬-¨h-Æ¢v
±d-h¤-K-h¡-i h-×® ©a-l¡-k-i-¹-q¢-k¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T
l¡-Y¢v Y¤-s-¼¤-¨J¡-Ù® c¢t-l-p¢-´-X«.
o-h¡-d-c« 2016 c-l«-ft 20c® ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨us
j¡-Q-Y§-Y¢-j¤-c¡w a¢-c-·¢-k¡-i¢-j¢-´¤«. ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢¨us j¡-Q-Y§« o-J-k-j¤« A«-L£-J-j¢-´¤-¼ A-c¤-±Lp-a¢-l-o-·¢-c¡-i¢ o-g J¡-·¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤. ¨¨a-l«
Y-¨us ot-á¡-b¢-d-Y¬« ±d-K¬¡-d¢-´¤-¼-Y® ±d-b¡-ch¡-i¤« J-j¤-X ¨O¡-j¢-º¤-¨J¡-Ù¡-X®. o-Æ£t·-c« 136~v ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X A-c-É-h¡¨X-¼® c¡« c¢-j-l-b¢ Y-l-X G-פ ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-¼¤.
¨¨a-l-d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨us o-J-k Jt-½-¹-q¤« J-j¤X¡-h-i-h-©±Y. ’’A-l¢-T¤-¼¢-k¤-¾ o-J-k-Y¤« J-j¤-X¨i ±d-©M¡-n¢-´¤-¼¤. J-j¤-X J¥-T¡-¨Y A-l¢-T¤¼¢v H-¼¤« c-T-´¤-¼¢-kë-’’ (MV:8) F-¶¤« Hu-d-Y¤«
K-ߢ-J-Jw ±J¢-o®-Y¤-c¡-Z-¨us Q£-l¢-Y« h¤-r¤l-c¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T ±d-©M¡-n-X-h¡-i¢-j¤-¼¤-¨l-¼®
l-j-µ¤-J¡-¶¤-¼¤. ’’J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-lt g¡-L¬-l¡-Á¡t-’’
F-¼ Y¢-j¤-l-O-c-·¢-c® Cª lt-n« c¡« ±d-©Y¬-J«
Dª-¼v cv-J-X«. ``A-l¢-T¤-¼® J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-lc¡-i¢-j¢-´¤«-l¢-b« c¡-h¤« d-j-o®-d-j« J-j¤-X-J¡-X¢-
´¤-l¡u l¢-q¢-´-¨dç-¶¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤-’’(MV:8).
``o-g-i¤-¨T Q£-l¢-Y-·¢-¨us A-T¢-Ì¡-c« Y-¨¼
J-j¤-X-i¡-X®-’’ (MV:10). H-j¤ d-©È c¡« J-j¤X-i®-´® ±d-Z-h-Ì¡-c« cv-J¡u h-s-¼¢-j¢-´¡«.
o-h-i-h¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤, o-©É¡-n-d¥t-á« o-g o-Jk-©j¡-T¤« J-j¤-X-J¡-X¢-´¤-l¡u. l¢-m¤-Ú ©Q¡x
©d¡w h¡t-dç¡-dç c¢-j-l-b¢ Y-l-X J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T
±d-Z-h-Ì¡-c« Dª-¼¢-dç-s-º¢-¶¤-Ù®. ¨¨a-l-J-j¤-X¨i h-s-¼® h-c¤-n¬u Q£-l¢-´¤-¼¤. A-Y® ¨Y-ס-X®-~
©Q¡x-©d¡w h¡t-dç¡-dç dU¢-dç¢-µ¤. ``o-g-¨i ¨¨a
-l-J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T ±d-©M¡-n-J-i¡-´¤-l¡u O¤-h-Y-k¨dç-T¤-·¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤-’’ (MV:12). ¨¨±J-o®-Y-l-¨c-l¢¨T-¨i-kë¡-h¤-©Ù¡ A-l¢-¨T-¨i-kë¡« ¨¨a-l-J-j¤-Xi¤-¨T o¡-¼¢-b¬-h¡-J-X«
J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-lj¡-J¤-l¢u-’’(LK 6:36) F-¼ l-O-c« B-r-·¢v
±m-l¢-´¤-l¡u c¡« a¢-l¬-h¡-i hª-c« d¡-k¢-´-X«
(MV 13). A-¹-¨c ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us o§-j« ±m-l¢-µ®
14,15,16,17,18,19 K-ߢ-J-Jw Cª Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n« ±d¡©i¡-L¢-J-Y-k-·¢v c¡« F-¹-¨c Q£-l¢-´-X-¨h-¼®
c¢t-©À-m¢-´¤-¼¤. Y£t-Ï¡-T-c-¹w (Pilgrimage) Q¥f¢-k¢-lt-n-·¢-¨us g¡-L-h¡-X®. d¤-X¬-Ì-k-¹-q¢©k-i®-´¤-¾ Y£t-Ï-i¡-±Y-Jw ±d-b¡-c-h¡-X®. A-l
g¥-h¢-i¢-k¥-¨T-i¤-¾ c-½¤-¨T Q£-l¢-Y i¡-±Y-i¤-¨T
±d-©Y¬-J-Y-¨i H¡-t-½-¨dç-T¤-·¤«.
c¡« B-j¤« C-l¢-¨T Ì¢-j-l¡-o-´¡-j-kë. c-½¤-¨T
Q£-l¢-Y-k-Ȭ« ±d¡-d¢-´¤-l¡-c¤-¾ i¡-±Y-i¤-¨T d-T¢Jw Cª-©m¡ J¡-X¢-µ¤-Y-j¤-¼¤-Ù®. A-l-i¢v H-¼®
B-©j-i¤« c¡« l¢-b¢-´-j¤-Y® F-¼Y¡-X®. o-J-k
h-c¤-n¬-j¢-k¤-h¤-¾ c-Á J¡-X¤-J, A«-L£-J-j¢-´¤-J.
``Cª-©m¡ c-©½¡-T® cv-J¤-l¡-c¤« È-h¢-´¤-l¡-c¤«
(give and forgive) B-l-m¬-¨dç-T¤-¼¤-’’(MV:14). C-Y¢v
d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨c-©dç¡-¨k J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-l-j¡-J-X« c¡«.
Cª l¢-m¤-Ú-lt-n« o-h¥-p-·¢v d¡t-m§-l-Y®J-j¢-´-¨dç-¶-l-j¢-©k-i®-´¤ c¡« ±d-©Y¬-J-h¡-i¢ Y¢-j¢i-X«(MV:15) h¤-s¢-©l-×- c-½¤-¨T o-©p¡-a-j-¹-¨q
m¤-±m¥-n¢-´¤-J. A-Ú¬¡-Å¢-J-l¤« m¡-j£-j¢-J-l¤-h¡-i
d-Y¢-c¡-k® J¡-j¤-X¬ ±d-lt-·-c-¹-q¢-k¤« c¡« Gt¨dç-T-X-¨h-¼® d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® c¢t-©À-m¢-´¤-¼¤.
Q£-l¢-Y¡-ɬ-·¢v ¨¨a-l« c-¨½ l¢-b¢-´¤-¼-Y®.
C-l-i¤-¨T A-T¢-Ì¡-c-·¢-k¡-i¢-j¢-´¤«. `Jt-·¡l¢-¨us l-Ë-j«-’ ±d-K¬¡-d¢-´¤-l¡u l-¼ Cª-©m¡¨i c¡« A-c¤-J-j¢-´-X«.
¨¨a-l-J-j¤-X o-©p¡-a-j-¹-q¢-©k-i®-´¤ lt-n¢´¤-¼-Y¤-©d¡-¨k o¤-±d-b¡-c-h¡-X® c¡« o§-Q£-l¢-Y·¢v ¨¨a-l-J-j¤-X G-פ-l¡-¹¤-¼-Y¤« (MV:17).
`c¡-Z-c¤-©l-Ù¢ 24 h-X¢-´¥t-’ (24 Hours for the Lord)
F-¼ c-kë B-O-j-X« l-k¢-i ©c¡-Ø¢-¨k c¡-k¡«
S¡-i-s¡-r®-O-i®-´¤ h¤-ؤ-¾ ¨l-¾¢,m-c¢,a¢-l-o¹-q¢v c-T-·-X«. C-Y® A-c¤-j-S®-Q-c J¥-a¡-m-
i¤-¨T d-j¢-Jt-½-·¢-c¤« o§£-J-j-X-·¢-c¤-h¤-¾
a¢-l-o-h¡-X®. J¤-Ø-o¡-j-¨h-¼ J¥-a¡-m-i¤-¨T J¡j¬-·¢v ±d-©Y¬-J Q¡-±L-Y-i¤« Y¡-k®-d-j¬-l¤« d¤kt-·¤-l¡u o-J-k ¨¨l-a¢-J-©j¡-T¤« d-j¢-m¤-Ú
d¢-Y¡-l® D-d-©a-m¢-´¤-¼¤. J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T ©±d-È¢-Y¨j (missionaries of mercy) ©k¡-J-·¢-¨us F-kë¡
g¡-L-©·-i®-´¤« A-i-i®-´¤-l¡u d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢Y¡-l® B-±L-p¢-´¤-¼¤. C-Y¤ H-j¤ c¥-Y-c B-m-ih¡-X®. d¡-d-©h¡-O-c-·¢-c® ±d-©Y¬-J A-c¤l¡a-h¤-¾
¨¨l-a¢-J-j¡-X® Cª ©±d-n¢-Yt (MV:18)
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¢-©k-i®-´¤-l-j¤-l¡u
o-J-k-©j-i¤« d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® È-X¢-´¤-¼¤.
±d-©Y¬-J¢-µ® A-r¢-h-Y¢-i¤-¨T Y-h-oæ¢-k¤« Y¢-Á-i¤-¨T
f-Ü-c-·¢-k¤« J-r¢-i¤-¼-l-¨j. ot-á-j¤« D-T-¨c
A-¨kë-Æ¢v d¢-¼£-T® ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us l¢-b¢-´¤-h¤Ø¢v c¢v-©´-Ù¢-l-j¤«, A-Y¢v-c¢-¼® Bt-´¤«
l¢-T¤-Y-k¢-kë (MV:18). A-r¢-h-Y¢(Corruption) F-¼
o¡-h¥-p¬ Y¢-Á-¨i d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® m-Ç-h¡-i¢
m¡-o¢-´¤-¼¤-Ù®. ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us c£-Y¢, ¨¨a-l·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¡-¨X-¼® 20, 21 K-ߢ-J-J-q¢v
l¢-m-a£-J-j¢-´¤-¼¤. J-j¤-X-i¤« c£-Y¢-i¤« H-©j-i¡Z¡t-Ϭ-·¢-¨us j-Ù¤ h¤-K-¹-q¡-X®. A-Y® d-r-i
c¢-i-h-·¢-¨us ¨¨c-i¡-h¢-J-Y-i-kë, d¤-Y¢-i c¢-i-h·¢v l¢-m¤-Ú dª-©k¡-o® ±d-K¬¡-d¢-´¤-¼ l¢-m§¡-o·¢-k¥-¨T-i¤-¾ c£-Y£-J-j-X-h¡-X®.
Q¥-f¢-k¢ lt-n« a-ß-l¢-©h¡-O-c-¹-q¤-¨T o-hi-l¤-h¡-X® (indulgence). ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨us ¨d-o-p¡-
j-p-o¬-¹-q¢-k¤-¾ oQ£-l g¡-L-g¡-L¢-Y§-·¢-k¥-¨T
k-g¢-´¤-¼ ¨¨a-l-J-j¤-X-i¡-X® a-ß-l¢-©h¡-O-c-¹q¢v ±d-b¡-c«. l¢-m¤-Ú J¥-¶¡-i®-h-i¢-k¡-X® o-g Q£-l¢´¤-¼-Y®. l¢-m¤-Ú J¤t-f¡-c-i¢-k¡-X® Cª J¥-¶¡-i®-h
Y£-±l-Y-j-h¡-J¤-¼-Y®. Cª Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n« ¨¨a-l-d¢Y¡-l¢-©c¡-T® c-½¤-¨T ¨Y-פ-Jw È-h¢-´-X-¨h-¼®
B-r-·¢v l¢-q¢-µ-©d-È¢-µ¤-¨J¡-Ù®, ¨¨a-l-J-j¤X-i¢v c-h¤-´® B-h-Þ-j¡-l¡«(MV:22).
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¡-X® i¥-p¥-a, C-oë¡«
h-Y-¹-q¤-©T-i¤« J¡-Y-k¡-i dU-c«. ¨¨a-l-J-j¤-X
h-Y¡-É-j-f-Ü-¹-¨q B-r-¨dç-T¤-·¤-l¡u o-p¡i-J-h¡-J¤«. o-J-k-l¢-b Y£-±l-l¡-a-¹-q¤« g£-J-j-±dlt-·-c-¹-q¤« A-l-o¡-c¢-dç¢-´¤-l¡u ¨¨a-l-·¢¨us J-j¤-X F-kë¡-l-©j-i¤« È-X¢-´¤-¼¤.
l¡-L®-a¡-c-©d-T-J-h¡-i h-s¢-i« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¡Y¡-l¡-X®. ±J¢-o®-Y¤-c¡-Z-¨us J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T d-j-h-h¤p¥t-·« J¤-j¢-m¢v-c¢-¼® m-±Y¤-´-©q¡-T® È-h¢-µ¤
c-T-·¢-i ±d¡t-Ï-c-i¤-©T-Y¡-X®. A-©dç¡w h-s¢-i«
J¤-j¢-m¢u-O¤-l-¶¢-k¤-Ù¡-i¢-j¤-¼¤. ``d-j¢-m¤-Ú j¡Ñ£, J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¡-Y¡-©l-’’ F-¼ ±d-o¢-Ú-h¡-i
±d¡t-Ï-c-i¢-k¥-¨T h-s¢-i-¨· o-h£-d¢-´¡«. A-lw
c-h¤-´® J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h-Ú¬-Ì-i¡-X®. l¢-m¤-Ú eªo®-Y£-c¢-i, ¨¨a-l-J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T ±d-©Y¬-J-l¢-m¤-Úi¡-i¢ c-h¤-´® h¤-¼¢-k¤-Ù®.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T Cª lt-n« ¨¨a-l-d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨us
A-c-É-J¡-j¤-X¬« o-g h¤-r¤-l-c¤« l¬¡-d¢-´-©¶¨i-¼® d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-¼¤-
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n ±d¡t-Ï-c
o§t-Lê-Ì-c¡-i d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨c-©dç¡-¨k J-j¤-X-i¤-¾-l-j¡-J¤-l¡u S-¹-¨q dU¢-dç¢-µ Cª-©m¡-¨i,
F-¨¼ J¡-X¤-¼-lt d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨c J¡-X¤-¼¤-¨l-¼® A-¹® A-j¤-q¢-¨µ-i®-Y¢-¶¤-Ù-©kë¡. Jt-·¡-©l,
A-©¹ h¤-K« S-¹-¨q J¡-X¢-´-X-¨h. A-¹-¨c S-¹-¨q-kë¡-l-j¤« j-È¢-´-¨dç-T-¨¶. A-©¹
J¦-d¡-J-T¡-È-·¡v o-©´-l¥-o¢-¨c-i¤« h-·¡-i¢-¨i-i¤« o-Ø-·¢-¨us A-T¢-h-·-·¢v-c¢-¼¤«,
d¡-d¢-c¢-i¡-i o®-±Y£-©i-i¤« h-L®-a-k-c¡-h-s¢-i-©·-i¤« kª-J¢-J o¤-K-¹-q¢v-c¢-¼¤« A-¹® o§-Y-±É-j¡´¢-i©¿¡. o®-©c-p« c¢-s-º A-©¹ J-T¡-È« A-¹-¨i Y-¾¢-dç-s-º d-©±Y¡-o¢-¨c h-c« ¨c¡-ɤJ-j-i¤-l¡u C-T-i¡-´¢-i-©kë¡. J-j¤-X¡-h-i-c¡-i Cª-©m¡-¨i, d-Ö¡-·-d¢-µ c-kë J-¾-c® A-¹® d-s¤a£-o l¡-L®-a¡-c« ¨O-i®-Y¤-l-©kë¡. ``¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us a¡-c-¨h-¨É-¼® c£ A-s¢-º¢-j¤-¼¤-¨l-Æ¢v’’ F-¼®
o-h-s¢-i¡-´¡-j¢ o®-±Y£-©i¡-T® A-¹® d-s-º l¡-´¤-Jw C-¼® S-¹w-´® h-c-oæ¢-k¡-´¢-·-j-X-¨h. otá-m-Ç-¨c-Æ¢-k¤«, F-kë¡-l-©j¡-T¤« J-j¤-X-©i¡-¨T È-h¢-´¤-¼ d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨c, A-¹¡-X-©kë¡ S-¹w-´®
J¡-X¢-µ¤-Y-¼-Y®. ©k¡-J-·¢v, h-p¢-h-©i¡-¨T D-Ï¡c«¨Oií A-©¹ h¤-K-h¡-i¢ h¡-s¤-l¡u o-g-¨i
A-c¤-±L-p¢-´-X-¨h. A-Ñ-Y-i¢-k¤« ¨Y-פ-J-q¢-k¤« J-r¢-i¤-¼ h-c¤-n¬ p¦-a-i-¹-¨q J-j¤-X-©i¡-¨T
J-T¡-È¢-´¤-l¡u f-k-p£-c-j¡-i m¢-n¬-¨j-·-¨¼ A-¹® H-j¤-´¢-i-©kë¡. A-l-¨j o-h£-d¢-´¤-¼-l-¨jkë¡«, ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us È-h¢-´¤-¼ o®-©c-p-l¤«, J-j¤-X-i¤« A-c¤-g-l¢-µ-s¢-i¤-l¡u C-T-i¡-´-X-¨h.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T Cª Q¥-f¢-k¢ lt-n« G-×-l¤« A-c¤-±L-p a¡-i-J-h¡-´¡u A-©¹ d-j¢-m¤-Ú¡-Å¡l¢-¨c A-i-µ® S-¹-©q-l-©j-i¤« A-g¢-©n-J« ¨O-à-X-¨h. A-Ü-c¤ J¡-r®-O-i¤«, A-T¢-µ-ht-·-¨dç-¶lt-´¤ o§¡-Y-±É¬-l¤«, a-j¢-±at-´® o¤-l¢-©m-n-l¤-h¡-i¢ h¡-s¤-l¡u A-©¹ o-g-¨i d-j¢-m¤-Ú¡-Å-mÇ¢-i¡v D-Ò§-k¢-dç¢-´-X-¨h. d-j¢-m¤-Ú A-½-i¤-¨T F-±Y-i¤« a-i-i¤-¾ h¡-Ú¬-Ì«l-r¢ d¢-Y¡-l¢-©c¡-T¤«
d-j¢-m¤-Ú¡-Å¡-l¢-©c¡-T¤« H-dç« c¢-Y¬« l¡-r¤-¼ A-¹-©i¡-T® S-¹w ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-¼¤. B-©½u
~±e¡uo¢o® h¡t¸¡¸
l¢-m¤-Ú ±L-Ý« -J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T J-Xå¡-T¢
h¡t ©Q¡-i¢ B-k-dç¡-¶®
2015 G-±d¢v 11~-c® d-j¢-m¤-Ú d¢-Y¡-l® ±e¡u-o£-o® h¡t-
©a-l¡-k-i-¹-q¢-¨k l¡-Y¢-k¤-Jw- h-c¤-n¬-p¦-a-i-¹q¢-©k-´® Y¤-s-¼¤ l-i®-´¤-¼ J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us
J-l¡-T-¹-q¡-i¢-j¢-´-X-¨h-¼® h¡t-dç¡-dç B-±L-p¢´¤-¼¤-Ù®. h-©×-¨Y¡-j¤ J¡-k-M-¶-©·-´¡-q¤« J¥T¤-Y-k¡-i¢ ©k¡-J« -l¢-n-h-o-Ü¢-J-¨q A-g¢-h¤-K£-Jj¢-µ¤-¨J¡-Ù¢-j¢-´¤-¼
F-l¢-¨T-i¤« g£-J-j-Y-i¤-¨T h¤-K-g¡-l-¹-q¤«, ±J¥-j-Yi¤-¨T Y¡-ß-l-¹-q¤«,g-i-·¢-¨us c¢-k-l¢-q¢-J-q¤«
c¢-s-º¤ c¢v-´¤-¼ ©k¡-J-·¢-k¡-X® c-½w J-T¼¤-©d¡-i¢-¨´¡-Ù¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®. Cª J¡-k-i-q-l¢v
¨¨a-l« cvJ¤¼ J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T l-k¢-i o-Ø-·®
h-c-oæ¢-k¡-´¤-l¡-c¤« A-Y¢v Q£-l¢-´¤-l¡-c¤« h-c¤-n¬j¡-m¢-´® J-r¢-º¡v Cª l¢-n-h-o-Ü¢-J-¨q-¨i-kë¡«
Y-j-X« ¨O-i®-Y® o§t-Lê£-i-h¡-i A-É-j£-È« Cª g¥h¢-i¢v Y-¨¼ o¦-né¢-¨µ-T¤-´¡u J-r¢-i¤«. l¢-m¤-Ú
±L-Ý« k-Ȭ« l-i®-´¤-¼-Y® Cª J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T d¡U¹w h-c¤-n¬-j¡-m¢-¨i h-c-oæ¢-k¡-´¢ ¨J¡-T¤-´¤-J¨i-¼-Y¡-X®.
dç¡-dç c-T-·¢-i B-p§¡-c-h-c¤-o-j¢-µ® 2015 V¢-o«-ft
8 h¤-Yv 2016 c-l«-ft 20 l-¨j-i¤-q-q J¡-k-i-ql¢v ©k¡-J-¨h¡-¼¡-¨J J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-h¡-i¢
B-O-j¢-´¤-l¡u Y-à¡-¨s-T¤-´¤-J-i¡-X-©kë¡. `J-j¤X-i¤-¨T h¤-K«’ F-¼¡-j«-g¢-´¤-¼ A-dç-o®-©Y¡-k¢-J
±d-h¡-X-©j-K-i¢-k¥-¨T c-½¤-¨T l¢-m§¡-o-·¢-¨us
ht-½-±d-b¡-c-h¡-i M-T-J-¨· A-c¤-g-l¢-´¡-c¤«
B-o§-a¢-´¤-l¡-c¤« A-c¤-J-j¢-´¤-l¡-c¤« l¢-m§¡-o¢J-¨q È-X¢-µ¤-¨J¡-Ù¡-X® h¡-t-dç¡-dç Cª J-j¤X-i¤-¨T lt-n« ±d-K¬¡-d¢-µ¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®. o¤-l¢-©mn-·¢v ±Y-o¢-´¤-¼ p¦-a-i« J-j¤-X-i¤-©T-Y¡-X®
F-¼ ©J-±z B-m-i-¨· B-o®-d-a-h¡-´¢-i¡-X®
h¡t-dç¡-dç c-©½¡-T® o«-o¡-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®. ©k¡-J-·¢-¨k
F-kë¡ ±d¡-©a-m¢-J o-g¡-M-T-J-¹-q¢-k¤« J-j¤-X-i¤¨T H-j¤ l¡-Y¢v Y¤-s-´-X-¨h-¼-Y¡-X® C-Y¢-¨us
B-a¬-d-T¢-i¡-i¢ h¡t-dç¡-dç c¢t-©À-m¢-µ¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®.
±d-Y£-J¡-Å-J-h¡-i¢ A-©¼ a¢-l-o« Y¤-s-´-¨dç-T¤-¼
J-j¤-X-i¤« d¡-d-©h¡-O-c-l¤«
h¡-i¢ ¨¨a-l« c-T-·¢-i D-T-Ø-T¢-¨i-±d-Y¢-i¤-¾ c¢j-É-j-h¡-i d-j¢-L-X-c-i¡-X® (d¤-s.33:19, G-m. 63:9)
k¥-´¡-i¤-¨T o¤-l¢-©m-n-·¢-¨us B-a¬-g¡-L·¤-Y-¨¼ ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-¨i ©a¬¡-Y¢-d碵¤-¨J¡-Ù¤-¾ j-Ù¤-©d-j¤-¨T o§-j-¹w D-it-¼¤
©Jw-´¤-¼¤-Ù®. o-´-s¢-i¡-i¤-¨T g-l-c-·¢v
±d-©l-m¢-µ h-s¢-i«, O-j¢-±Y-·¢v ¨¨a-l« C-T-¨d-¶
l-k¢-i J¡-j¤-X¬-¨· ±d-J£-t-·¢-µ¤-¨J¡-Ù¡-X®
Bj«g¢´¤¼Y®. Y-k-h¤-s-J-q¢-k¥-¨T J-T-¼¤-l-¼
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us l¡-L®-a¡-c« d¥t-·¢-i¡-´¤-¼Y¢-v ¨¨a-l« J¡-X¢-µ A-c-É-h¡-i J-j¤-X-¨i
l¡-r®-·¤-J-i¡-X® h-s¢-i-l¤« o-´-s¢-i¡-i¤« Y-¹q¤-¨T ±d-J£-t-·-c-¹-q¢-k¥-¨T.(k¥-´ 1:49-54, k¥-´
1:78) ¨¨a-l-d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨us J-j¤-X H-r¤-J¢-¨i-·¢c¢v-´¤-¼-Y® ©i-m¤-l¢-k¡-X®. A-né-g¡-L¬-¹-¨q-´¤s¢-µ¤-¾ o¤-l¢-©m-n-¹-q¤-¨T ±d-Y¢-d¡-a-c-¹-q¢v
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T J-j¤-·® c-½w A-s¢-i¤-¼¤-Ù®.
’’C-©dç¡w J-j-i¤-¼-l-©j c¢-¹w g¡-L¬-l¡-Á¡t, c¢¹w O¢-j¢-´¤«’’.
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us ±d-©Y¬-J C-T-¨d-T-k¢-k¥-¨T h-c¤n¬-h-´-q¤-¨T J-Xå£-¨j¡-dç¤-¼ ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us ±d-Y¢Ô¡-i ©i-m¤ l¬-Ç-h¡-´¢. Y-¨us d-´v c¢-k-l¢q¢-©µ¡-T¢-¨i-·¢-i A-Ü-©c-i¤«, h¤-T-É-©c-i¤«,
l¢-b-l-©i-i¤« oª-K¬-¨dç-T¤-·¢-i ©i-m¤ l¬-Çh¡-´¤-¼-Y® ¨¨a-l-d¢-Y¡-l¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¤K« Y-¨¼. d£-V¢-Y-j¤«, ©j¡-L¢-J-q¤« ©i-m¤-l¢-¨us
J-j¤-X-i®-´¡-i¢ c¢-s-h¢-r¢-J-©q¡-¨T o-h£-d¢-´¤-¼ c¢j-l-b¢ o-zt-g-¹w o¤-l¢-©m-n-¹w c-½¤-¨T h¤Ø¢v l-j-µ¤-J¡-¶¤-¼¤-Ù®.(k¥-´17:13)
J-j¤-X-i¤-q-q-l-c¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y¤-©d¡¨k c¢-¹-q¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-q-q-l-j¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-l¢u (k¥´6:36)F-¼ B-p§¡-c« h-c¤-n¬-©j¡-T¤-q-q ¨¨a-l£-J
h-©c¡-g¡-l-·¢-¨us A-Y¤-k¬ c¢-at-m-c-h¡-i¢ c¢-k¨J¡-q-q¤-¼¤. ±J¢-o®-Y¤-m¢-n¬-j¢v c¢-¼® A-l¢-T¤-¼®
A-g¢-k-n¢-´¤-¼ d¥t-Xå-Y A-T-¹¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®
o§t-Lê£-i d¢-Y¡-l¤-h¡-i¤-q-q Cª Y¡-Y¡-Ŭ« ±d¡-d¢´-k¡-X®. B-©j¡-L¬-h¤-q-q-lt-´-kë ©j¡-L¢-Jw-´¡-X®
¨¨l-a¬-¨c B-l-m¬« F-¼® ±d-K¬-¡-d¢-µ ©i-m¤ A-c¤J-Ø-i¢-k¡-X® Y-¨us aª-Y¬« Dw-¨´¡-q-q¤-¼-¨Y-¼®
c-kë o-h-s¢-i¡-´¡-ju ±d-at-m¢-dç¢-µ A-k¢-l® (k¥´10:30~37) Q£-l¢-Y i¡-±Y-i¢v J-Ù¤-h¤-¶¤-¼
G-¨Y¡-j¤ aªt-g¡-L¬-l¡-c¤« c-½w o-®-©c-p¢-Y-j¡-i¢
Y£-j¡-c¤« c-©½¡-T® A-d-j¡-b« ¨O-i®-Y-l-©j¡-T®
A-c¤-J-Ø ±d-J-T¢-dç¢-´¤-l¡-c¤« D-©·-Q-J-h¡-i¢
g-l¢-´-X«. 
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T G-×-l¤« h-p-·¡i k-Ȭ« d¡-d-¹w È-h¢-´¤-J F-¼-Y¡-i¢-j¤-¼¤
(o-Æ£.25:6~7, 51:11~14). A-¹-i¤-¨T o§-g¡-l-·¢-¨c¡·-l¢-b« S-¹-©q¡-T® J-j¤-X-©Y¡-¼-X-©h-¨i-¼®
l¢-m¤-Ú J¤t-f¡-c h-©Ú¬ c¡« ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-©Ø¡w
C-´¡-j¬« ±d-©Y¬-J« c-½w At-Ï-h¡-´¤-¼¤-Ù®.
c¡« d¡-d¢-J-q¡-i¢-j¢-¨´ ¨¨a-l« c-©½¡-T® J-j¤-XJ¡-X¢-µ¤ (h-·18:32) F-¼-Y¢-k¡-X® ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T l-k¤-dç« c-½w h-c-oæ¢-k¡-´¤-¼-Y®.
¨¨a-l-·¢v c¢-¼¤« c-½w o§£-J-j¢-µ G-×-l¤«
l-k¢-i c-Á F-¼-Y® c-½¤-¨T d¡-d-¹w A-l¢-T¤-¼®
©h¡-O¢-´¤-J-i¤« ¨¨a-l-d¤-±Y Ì¡-c-©·-´® c-¨½
¨J¡-Ù¤-l-j¢-J-i¤« ¨O-i®-Y¤ F-¼-Y¡-X®. C-Y® o¡b¢-Y-h¡-´¢-i-Y® ©i-m¤-±J¢-o®-Y¤ l-r¢-i¡-X®. d¡-d¢-Jq¤-¨T h-b¬-·¢v Q£-l¢-µ Cª-©m¡-¨i-i¡-X® o¤-l¢©m-n-¹w c-½¤-¨T h¤-Ø¢v l-j-µ¤-J¡-¶¤-¼-Y®.
c£-Y¢-h¡-Á¡-¨j A-©c§-n¢-µ-kë h-s¢-µ® A-c¤-Y¡d-·¢-c¤ d¡-d¢-J-¨q A-©c§-n¢-µ¡-X® (h¡t-. 2:17)
Cª-©m¡ l-¼-Y®. ©k¡-J-·¢-¨us d¡-d« c£-´¤-¼
¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J¤-º¡-T¡-i¡-X® ©i¡-p-¼¡u
Cª-©m¡-¨i O¢-±Y£-J-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®.
(©i¡-p 1:29).
©i-m¤-±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨c j-È-J-c¡-i¢ o§£-J-j¢-´¤¼-lt-´® A-l-¨us h-j-©X¡-Ï¡-c-¹w l-r¢
¨¨a-l-l¤-h¡-i¢ j-h¬-Y ¨¨J-l-¼¤. Cª-©m¡-i¤-¨T
J¤-j¢-m¢-¨k h-j-X« d¡-d-·¢u-©h-k¤-q-q l-k¢-i l¢Q-i-h¡-i¢-j¤-¼¤(©s¡-h 3:25,4:25,5:21). l¢-m§-o¢-´¤-¼lu ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢v d¤-Y¢-i h-c¤-n¬-c¡-X® (¨J¡-¨q¡
3:10~11, 2¨J¡-s¢ 5:17). J-j¤-X-i¢-k¥-¨T A-c¤-Y¡-d·¢-©k-´® B-c-i¢-µ¤-¨J¡-Ù® A-l¢-T¤-¼® h-c¤-n¬¨c l¢-m¤-Ú£-J-j¢-´¤-¼¤, o§t-Lê-±d¡-d®-Y-c¡-´¤-¼¤.
©i-m¤ J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¤-K«.
©ct´® ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us J-j¤-X-i®-´® B-b¡-j-h¡-i¢
c¢v-´¤-¼-Y® C-±o¡-©i-k¤-h¡-i¤-q-q A-l¢-T¤-¨·
D-T-Ø-T¢-i¡-X®. D-T-Ø-T¢-i¢-k¥-¨T A-O-Õ-k-h¡-i o®©c-p« h¡-c-l-O-j¢-±Y-·¢-k¤-T-c£-q« c¢-k-c¢t-·¤-¼
¨¨a-l-¨·-i¡-X® l¢-m¤-Ú ±L-Ý-·¢v J-Ù¤-h¤-¶¤¼-Y®. ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us o®-©c-p-l¤« A-c¤-J-Ø-i¤«
±d-J¡-m¢-Y-h¡-J¤-¼ o«-g-l-¹w l¢-m¤-Ú k¢-K¢-Y¹-q¢v c¢-s-º¤ c¢v-´¤-¼¤. ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us
J-j¤-X-i®-´® d-r-i-c¢-i-h-·¢v l¢-m¡-k-h¡-i h¡-c¹-q¤-Ù®. A-Y® ¨¨a-l-·¢-¨us l¢-m§-o®-Y-Y-i¡-X®,
Ì¡-i¢-i¡-i o®-©c-p-h¡-X®, c£-Y¢-i¡-X®(©p¡-o¢-i
2:19) C-Y¤ Y-¨us l¡-Ë-k¬-g¡-Q-c-h¡-i C-±o¡-©i-k¤-
p¦-a-i-¹w Y¤-s-´¡«
j-È-J-¨c o§£-J-j¢-´¡u
s-l. ©V¡. A-L-o®-×¢u d¡-k-i®-´¡-d-s-Ø¢v (l¢-J¡-j¢ Q-c-s¡w)
±d-J¡-m-·¢-¨us-i¤« Y¢-j¤-c¡q¡-i ±J¢-o®-Y¤-h-o® 2015~-©k-i®-´¤-¾ a¥-j« C-c¢ h¥¼¡-r®-O-Jw h¡-±Y«. ±J¢-o®-Y¤ d¡-Y¢-j¡-i®-´ D-a¢-µ
o¥-j¬-c¡-X®. A-Ü-J¡-j-·¢-k¤« At-Ú-j¡-±Y¢-i¤¨T Y¢-Ç¡-c¤-g-l-¹-q¢-k¤-h¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼ F-kë¡ Q£l¢-Y-¹-q¢-k¤« H-j¤ c-l o¥-©j¬¡-a-i-h¤-Ù¡-J-¨¶.
o¥-j¬-c¤-a¢-µ¤, C-c¢ ©l-Ù-Y® c¡« J-Xå¤-Jw Y¤s-´¤-J F-¼-Y¡-X®. j¡-±Y¢ J-r¢-i¡-s¡-i¢. D-T-¨c
±d-g¡-Y-h¡-J¤«. A-Ü-J¡-j-·¢-¨us ±d-lt-·¢-Jw
D-©d-È¢-´¡« (©s¡-h 3:12). c-½¤-¨T B-Å¡-l¢-¨us
A-J-´-Xå¤-Jw (F-©e. 1:19) Y¤-s-´¤-l¡u i-Y®c¢-©´-Ù c¡-q¤-J-q¡-X® 25 ©c¡-Ø¢-©us-Y®. O-j¢±Y-·¢-k¥-¨T-i¤-¾ o-g-i¤-¨T Y£t-Ï¡-T-c-·¢v
j-Ù® h¤-K¬ c¡-r¢-J-´-kë¤-Jw D-Ù®. 1) ©i-m¤-~-j-ÈJu l-¼¤ J-r¢-º¢-j¢-´¤-¼¤ F-¼ ±d-K¬¡-d-c«.
2) ©i-m¤ l£-Ù¤« l-j¤« F-¼ ±d-K¬¡-d-c«. l-¼¤
J-r¢-º ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨c Y¢-j¢-µ-s¢-i¤-J. l£-Ù¤«
l-j¡-c¢-j¢-´¤-¼ ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨c o§£-J-j¢-´¡-¨c¡-j¤¹¤-J. C-Y¤-j-Ù¤-h¡-X® C-¼¤ c-½¤-¨T ±d-b¡-c
o®-c¡-d-J-©i¡-p-¼¡u c-T-·¢-i o¤-±d-b¡-c
A-s¢-i¢-dç¤-Jw ±m-Ú¢-´¤-J ’’c¢-¹w A-s¢-i¡-·
H-j¡w c¢-¹-q¤-¨T C-T-i¢v c¢v-dç¤-Ù®-’’(©i¡-p
1:27) c-½¤-¨T h-©Ú¬ o-¼¢-p¢-Y-c¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼ ±J¢-o®Y¤-l¢-¨c Y¢-j¢-µ-s¢-i¤-l¡u c¡« c-T-·¤-¼ c¢-Y¡-É
d-j¢-±m-h« B-l-X« 25 a¢-l-o-¨· ©c¡-Ø®. O-j¢-±Y·¢-©k-i®-´® C-s-¹¢-l-¼ ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨c Y¢-j¢-µ-s¢º-l-j¡-X® l¢-m¤-Út. Y¢-j¢-µ-s¢-i¡-·-lt F-±Y©i¡ ©d-j¤-Ù®. A-lu c-½¤-¨T h-©Ú¬-i¤-Ù®.
A-c¡-Z-j¢v, Y-T-l-s-J-q¢v J-r¢-i¤-¼-l-j¢v
o-©p¡-a-j-¹-q¢v, Q£-l¢-Y¡-c¤-g-l-¹-q¢v
c-h¤-´¤-O¤-פ-h¤-¾ ±d-d-Õ-·¢v
c-½¤-¨T C-T-i¢-k¤«
F-kë¡-l-j¢-k¤« F-l¢-¨T-i¤« ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨c at-m¢´¤-¼-Y¡-X® i-Z¡t-Ï l¢-m§¡-o«. l¢-m§¡-o-¨h-¼
B-É-j¢-J c-i-c« Y¤-s-¼¤-J¢-¶¤-¼¤-¨l-Æ¢-©k c-h¤´¤ ±J¢-o®-Y¤-h-oæ¤-¾¥. l¢-m§¡-o-c-i-c-¹w Y¤-s-¼¤J¢-¶¢-i¡v c-½¢v A-Τ-Y-J-j-h¡-i j¥-d¡-É-j£-Jj-X« o«-g-l¢-´¤«.
l¢-m§¡-o« ©c¡-p-¨i c£-Y¢-h¡-c¡-´¢ (Dv-dç.
A-±f¡-p-¨· ¨¨a-l-g-i-h¤-¾-l-c¡-´¢
(Dv-dç. 22:12)
d¥t-á-iª-©o-dç¢-¨c l¢-©l-J¢-i¤«
f¤-Ú¢-h¡-c¤-h¡-´¢ (Dv-dç. 22:12)
©h¡-m-¨i A-Y¤-k¬-c¡-´¢(c¢-i. 34:12)
¨c-©p-h¢-i-¨i Q-s¤-o-©k-h¢-¨us
d¤-c-j¤-Ú¡-j-J-c¡-´¢ (¨c-©p. 2:5)
©Q¡-f¢-¨c c¢-n®-J-q-Æ-c¤« c£-Y¢-h¡-c¤«
Y¢-Á-i¢v-c¢-¼® A-J-¼¤ Q£-l¢-´¤-¼-l-c¤-h¡-´¢. (©Q¡-f® 2:3)
a¡-c¢-©i-k¢-¨c Ñ¡-c¢-i¤«
m-Ç-c¤-h¡-´¢ (a¡-c¢. 2:23)
G-k¢-i¡-¨i h-p-Y§-h¤-¾
±d-l¡-O-J-c¡-´¢ (±d-g¡. 48:4)
o®-c¡-d-J-¨c l¢-c-i¡-c§¢-Y-c¡-´¢ (©i¡-p. 3:30)
h-s¢-i-¨· Jt-·¡-l¢-¨us
a¡-o¢-i¡-´¢ (k¥-´ 1:38)
l¢-m¤-Ú J¤t-f¡-c-i¢v
c-½¤-¨T H-j¤-h-i¢v
a-j¢-±a-j¢v, d¡t-m§-l-Y®-J-j¢-´-¨dç-¶-l-j¢v,
©j¡-L¢-J-q¢v, g-l-c-j-p¢-Y-j¢v
C-l-¨j-kë¡« ±J¢-o®-Y¤-l¢-¨c Y¢-j¢-µ-s¢-º-l-j¤«
Y¢-j¢-µ-s¢-©i-Ù-l-j¤« o§-É-h¡-©´-Ù o¤-l¢-©m-nh¥-k¬-¹-q¤« o¤-l¢-©m-n-o¤-J¦-Y-¹-q¤-h¡-X®. C-l
o§-É-h¡-´¡u ±m-h¢-µ¤-¨J¡-Ù® c-h¤-´® Cª ±J¢-o®Y¤-h-oæ¢-c¡-i¢ H-j¤-¹¡«. 
J¤-T¤«-f«: H-j¤ J¡-j¤-X¬-J¥-T¡-j«
e¡. ©d¡w O¡-k¢-©mã-j¢ (j¥-d-Y e¡-h¢-k¢ A-©dç¡-o®-¨×¡-©k-×® V-i-s-Jét)
J¤-T¤«-f-lt-n-·¢-¨us c¢-s-µ¡t-·¤-Jw
h¡-º¤-©d¡-J¤-¼-Y¢-c¤-h¤-©Ø, O¢-´¡-©L¡ ¨ous®
©Y¡-h-o® j¤-d-Y-¨i o«-f-Ü¢-µ¢-T-©·¡-q« J¡-j¤X¬-lt-n-·¢-¨us ±d-©M¡-n-X-h¡-i¢. V¢-o«-ft
08, 2015 h¤-Yv 2016 c-l«-ft 28 l-¨j B-©L¡-q
J-©·¡-k¢-´¡-o-g-©i¡-T® ©Ot-¼® c-½¤-¨T j¥-dY-i¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n« B-O-j¢-´¤-¼¤.
D-s-l l-ס-· J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us c¢-s-l¡-X®
J¤-T¤«-f«. J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us B-a¬¡-c¤-g-l« H¡©j¡ h-c¤-n¬-c¤« c¤-J-j¤-¼-Y® J¤-T¤«-f-·¢-k¡-X®.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T f¡-k-d¡U-¹w dU¢-´¤-¼-Y¤« d-j¢m£-k¢-´¤-¼-Y¤« J¤-T¤«-f-·¢-k¡-X®. Cª J-j¤-Xi¤-¨T J¥-T¡-j-·¢v B-J¡-m-©·¡-q« l¢-m¡-kh¡-i ¨¨a-l-J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us Bw-j¥-d-h¡-J¡u
Dw-l¢-q¢ k-g¢-µ-l-c¡-X® H¡-©j¡ J¤-T¤«-f-c¡-Z-c¤«.
o-K¢-©i-i¤« h-´-©q-i¤« J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us o®©c-p-µ-j-T¢v ©Ot-·¤-c¢t-·¢ A-lt-´¤-©l-Ù¢
Y¬¡-L-©·¡-¨T Q£-l¡t-dç-X« ¨O-à¤-¼ A-dçu J¤T¤«-f-¨h-¼ J¡-j¤-X¬-´¥-T¡-j-·¢-¨us J¦-d-i¡-X®.
Q£-l¢-Y d-Æ¡-q¢-©i¡-T¤ ©Ot-¼® ¨¨a-l« A-c¤-±L-ph¡-i¢ cv-J¤-¼ d¤-Y¤-Q£-l-¨c Y¬¡-L-©·¡-¨T o§£J-j¢-µ®, J-j¤-X-©i¡-¨T o«-j-Jn¢-µ® o®-©c-p-©·¡¨T l-k¤-Y¡-´¤-¼ A-½ J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T J¥-T¡-j-h¡-i
J¤-T¤«-f-·¢-¨us Q£-l-m§¡-o-h¡-X®. J¤-T¤«-f-¨h-¼
J¡-j¤-X¬-´¥-T¡-j« ¨J-¶¢-dç-T¤-´¡u Y-¨us o¤-Ko-©É¡-n-¹-q¤« oª-J-j¬-¹-q¤« h¡-×¢-l-i®-´¤-¼
A-½-i¤-¨T o¡-¼¢-Ú¬« J¤-T¤«-f-¨· J¡-j¤-X¬·¢-¨us o-h¦-Ú¢-i¢-©k-i®-´® ¨¨J-d¢-T¢-µ¤ c-T-·¤«.
h¡-Y¡-d¢-Y¡-´-q¢v-c¢-¼¤« o-©p¡-a-j-¹-q¢v-c¢-¼¤«
k-g¢-´¤-¼ J-c¢-l¢-¨us A-c¤-g-l« h-´w Y-¹-q¤¨T O¤-פ« ±d-o-j¢-dç¢-´¤«.
A-c¤-±L-p-a¡-i-J-h¡-i 2015~-¨k J¤-T¤«-f-ltn¡-O-j-X-·¢-c¤-©m-n« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-·¢©k-i®-´® ±d-©l-m¢-´¤-¼ c¡« c-½¤-¨T J¤-T¤«-f¹-¨q-´¤-s¢-µ® d-j¢-m¤-Ú¡-Å ¨¨O-Y-c¬-·¡v
l¢-k-i¢-j¤-©·-Ù o-h-i-h¡-X¢-Y®. J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T J¥T¡-j-h¡-©J-Ù c-½¤-¨T J¤-T¤«-f-¹-¨q c-Á c-m¢-µ®
l-j-Ù¤-X-¹-i J¡-j¤-X¬« h¤-j-T¢-µ h-j¤-g¥-h¢-i¡-´¤¼-Y® ±d-b¡-c-h¡-i¤« j-Ù¤ o¢-Ú¡-É-¹-q¡-X®.
1) l¬-JY¢ o¢-Ú¡-É« (Individualism)
J-c¢-l¢-¨us J¤-T¤«-f-h¥-k¬-¹-©q-´¡w C-¼® ©k¡J-¨h-Ø¡-T¤« ±d-©Y¬-J¢-µ® A-©h-j¢-´u o-h¥-p-¨·
o§¡-b£-c¢-´¤-¼ l¬-JY¢-o¢-Ú¡-É« J¤-T¤«-f-¹-q¤¨T-i¤« J¤-T¤«-f-f-Ü-¹-q¤-¨T-i¤«, J¤-T¤«-f¹w-l-r¢ o-h¥-p-·¢v l-qt-¼ c-Á-i¤-¨T h¥-k¬¹-©q-i¤« Y-Jt-´¤«. `S¡u’ `S¡u h¡-±Y-h¡-X®
o-Y¬«’; m-j¢ F-¼ l¬-JY¢-o¢-Ú¡-É-·¢-c® F-kë¡«
`S¡-c¡-X®’ f¡-´¢-¨i-kë¡« `F-c¢-´®’ d¤-s-J¢v.
l¬-Ç¢-o¤-K-·¢-c¤« oª-J-j¬-·¢-c¤« F-Y¢-j¡-i¢
l-j¤-¼-¨Y-kë¡« `g£-n-X¢-i¡-i¤«’ `A-d-J-T-h¡-i¤«’
C-´¥-¶t J-j¤-Y¤«. A-s¢-©º¡ A-s¢-i¡-¨Y-©i¡
l¬-Ç¢-o¢-Ú¡-É-·¢-¨us A-k-¨i¡-k¢-Jw c-½¤¨T J¤-T¤«-f-¹-q¢-k¤« J¡-j¤-X¬-j¡-p¢-Y¬-·¢-c¤«,
o§¡t-Ï-Y-i®-´¤« J¡-j-X-h¡-J¤-¼¤-Ù® F-¼¤-¾
o-Y¬« h-s-´-j¤-Y®. h-פ-¾-l-¨j c-©½-´¡w l-k¤-
Y¡-i¢ J¡-X¡u J-r¢-i¤-¼ J-c¢-l¢-¨us l¢-m¡-kp¦-a-i-h¤-¾-l-j¡-J¡u Cª J¡-j¤-X¬-lt-n-·¢v
c-h¤-´® d-j¢-±m-h¢-´¡«.
2) `o¤-K-o¢-Ú¡-É«’
(Hedonism-The pleasure Principle)
¨p-©V¡-c¢-o« A-Z-l¡ o¤-K-o¢-Ú¡-É-h¡-X®
J-c¢-l¢-¨us J¥-T¡-j-h¡-©J-Ù J¤-T¤«-f-¨· J¡t¼¤-Y¢-¼¤-¼ h-¨×¡-j¤ ¨¨o-Ú¡-É¢-J¡t-f¤-a«. Y-c¢´¤ o¤-K« cv-J¤-¼-Y¤-h¡-±Y« o-Y¬-l¤« c-kë-Y¤-h¡-i¢
l¬¡-K¬¡-c¢-´¤-¼ B-b¤-c¢-J h-c¤-n¬u ¨¨c-h¢-n¢-Jo¤-K-·¢-c-dç¤-s-¨· i-Z¡t-Ï o-©É¡-n-¨· h-s¼¤-J-q-i¤-¼¤. i-Z¡t-Ï o-©É¡-n« J-j¤-X-i¤«,
o®-©c-p-l¤«, d-Ƥ-l-i®-´-k¤«, Y¬¡-L-l¤-h¡-X® F-¼
i¡-Z¡t-Ϭ« Cª J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n« c-h¤-´®
p¦-a-i-·¢v o¥-Jn¢-´¡«.
±e¡u-o¢-o® d¡-dç B-p§¡-c«-¨O-i®-Y J-j¤-X-i¤¨T lt-n-·¢-©k-i®-´® ±d-©l-m¢-´¤-©Ø¡w J¡-j¤X¬-·¢-¨us h¡-k¡-K-h¡-j¡-J¡u c-h¤-´® ±m-h¢-´¡«.
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T J¥-T¡-j-h¡-i J¤-T¤«-f-·¢v-c¢-¼¤«
J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us c£t-µ¡-k¤-Jv H-r¤-J-¨¶. c-h¤´® c-½¤-¨T ±d¡-i-h¡-i Y-k-h¤-s-¨i J¡-j¤-X¬©·¡-¨T J¤-T¤«-f-·¢v m¤-±m¥-n¢-´¡«. ©j¡-L¢Jw-´¤«, f-k-p£-ct-´¤«, A«-L-p£-ct-´¤« Cª
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-·¢v J¤-T¤«-f« i-Z¡t-ÏY-X-k¡-J-¨¶. h-´-q¤« h¡-Y¡-d¢-Y¡-´-q¤« Y-½¢v
J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us o®-©c-p-o-Øt-´« l-q-j-¨¶.
h-´-¨q h-c-oæ¢-k¡-´¤-¼ h¡-Y¡-d¢-Y¡-´-q¤« h¡-Y¡-d¢Y¡-´-q¤-¨T Y¬¡-L-·¢-¨us l¢-k-i-s¢-º® A-l-¨j
J¡-j¤-X¬-©·¡-¨T J-j¤-Y¤-¼ h-´-q¤« J-j¤-X-i¤¨T J¥-T¡-j-h¡-i J¤-T¤«-f-·¢-¨us l¢-q-´¡-J-¨¶.
Q£-l¢-Y-d-Æ¡-q¢-¨i h-c-oæ-s¢-º¤ o®-©c-p¢-´¡-c¤«
J-j¤-X-©i¡-¨T d-j¢-k¡-q¢-´¡-c¤« h-s¤-d-Æ¡-q¢-´¤
J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us J¥-T¡-j-h¡-i c-½¤-¨T J¤T¤«-f-¹-q¢v-c¢-¼¤« J-c¢-l¢-¨us e-k-¹w h-פ
H-r¤-J¢-i¢-s-¹-¨¶. ©a-m¡-É-j-¹w-´¤«, J¡-k¡-É-j¹w-´¤«, g¡-n¡-É-j-¹w-´¤« A-dç¤-s-©·-i®-´®
o®-©c-p-·¢us D-s-l-l-ס-·, J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us
H-q¢ h-¹¡-· i-Z¡t-Ï ¨¨±J-o®-Y-l-¨¨O-Y-c¬«
Cª J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n-·¢v ©k¡-J« h¤-r¤-lu
l¬¡-d¢-´-¨¶. A-±J-h-l¤«, g£-Y¢-i¤«, ©j¡-L-¹-q¤«,
h¡-Ë-j¬-l¤« c¢-s-º ©k¡-J-·¢v Cª J-j¤-X-i¤¨T lt-n-·¢-k¥-¨T A-c¤-±L-p-·¢-¨us c-kë c¡©q-i®-´® l¡-Y¢v Y¤-s-´-¨¶. J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us J¥T¡-j-h¡-i J¤-T¤«-f-·¢v-c¢-¼¤« ©k¡-J« h¤-r¤-lu
J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us A-c¤-±L-p-lt-n-h¤-Ù¡-J-¨¶. 
a¢-l¬-J¡-j¤-X¬ A-Τ-Y-¹-q¤-¨T ±d-at-m-c«
©l-s¢-¶ A-c¤-g-l-h¡-i¢
n¢-´¡-©L¡ o£-©s¡-h-k-f¡t J®-c¡-c¡-i C-T-l-J-i¢v 2015 H-©Jé¡-ft A-l-o¡-c-l¡-j-·¢v
c-T-¼ 101 a¢-l¬-J¡-j¤-X¬ A-Τ-Y-¹-q¤-¨T ±d-at-m-c« ©l-s¢-¶ A-c¤-g-l-h¡-i¢. ©k¡-J-·¢-¨us
l¢-l¢-b g¡-L-¹-q¢v l¢-l¢-b J¡-k-M-¶-¹-q¢v c-T-¼-Y¤« o-g Hª-©a¬¡-L¢-J-h¡-i¤« m¡-o®-±Y£-ih¡-i¤« dU¢-dç¢-µ¢-¶¤-¾-Y¤« A«-L£-J-j¢-µ¢-¶¤-¾-Y¤-h¡-i a¢-l¬-J¡-j¤-X¬ A-Τ-Y-¹-q¡-X® ±d-atm¢-dç¢-µ-Y®. a¢-l¬-J¡-j¤-X¬-©·¡-T¤-¾ l¢-m§¡-o-l¤« g-JY¢-i¤« B-r-¨dç-T¤-·¤-¼-Y¢-c® ±d-at-mc« o-p¡-i-J-h¡-i¢. 
have 4 or more kids. After the recognizing the families,
Dr. Manoj Abraham will address the Parents focusing
on Family. The conclusion of the Year of Family will be
at 12.30 pm followed by lunch for the community.
The yearlong celebration of “Year of Family” was
initiated by Mar Jacob Angadiath under the Ministry of
Family Apostolate. Family Apostolate initiated many
programs and study materials in connection with the
Year of Family and the World Gathering of Families.
Family Apostolate ministry directed by Fr. Paul Chalissery is focusing on nourishing the families in the
spiritual, social, and psychological aspects of life. As
family is the domestic church of the Catholic Church, it
is very vital to focus on family so that the formation of
the children begins at home where parents are the role
models and primary persons imparting the faith to the
It is the challenge of the Family Apostolate ministry
to equip the parents for this important task. It is the
dream and prayer of the Family Apostolate Ministry to
help each and every family of Syro Malabar Catholic
Community by actively involving in each Parish and
Mission church. 
Tomy Arackal
St. Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Forane Church,
Missouri City, Texas together with Family Apostolate
Ministry of the St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic
Diocese of Chicago celebrate the conclusion of Family
Year – 2015 on December 06, 2015 with spirit filled
activities. On that day, at 9.00 am, there will be Solemn
Holy Mass for the families celebrated by Mar Jacob
Angadiath, Bishop of St. Thomas Syro Malabar Catholic
Diocese of Chicago, as main celebrant. Vicar Fr. Kurian
Neduvelichalumkal and Assistant Vicar Fr. Antony Wilson will concelebrate with the Bishop. The Bishop will
deliver the homily focusing on the family. Simultaneously, Dr. Manoj Abraham will address the High School
students in the Teen Faith Alive (TFA) program which
will be conducted in the auditorium from 9.00 am to
10.30 am.
After the 9.00 am Holy Mass, Sunday School students will join the community to recognize 34 couples
who celebrates the 25th wedding anniversary this year
and who completed 40th and 50th wedding anniversary. There will be special recognition of 8 families who
Marriage Preparation Course hosted by the Family
Apostolate was held at Casa Italia Retreat Center, Stone
Park, Illinois, on November 27 – 29, 2015. Twenty-four
participants from various parishes participated in the
program. The program started at 3:00 pm on November
27 and ended at 1:30 pm on November 29, 2015.
The course contained talks, discussions, and video
presentations on important features that are desirable
for a successful married life. It is noteworthy that on the
first day of the program, Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath
spoke to the class about the dynamics, tenets, and the
role of Christian families in building a virtuous society.
On the final day, Auxiliary Bishop Mar Joy Alappat
offered Holy Qurbana and talked to the class about the
two pillars, love and life, on which married life is built,
and the work of the Holy Spirit that strengthens families
for a profound married life.
Fr. Paul Chalissery, the director of Family
Apostolate, directed the program. Rev. Dr. Sebastian
Vethanath, Rev. Fr. Paul Chalissery, Dr. Paul Cherian,
Dr. Sheila Maliekel, Dr. Binoy George, Mrs. Elsa Kurian,
Mr. Cherian Kizhakebhagam, Mr. Binu Abraham, Mr.
Thomas Moolayil, and Mrs. Mercy Kuriakose talked
to the class on various topics. Mr. Joe and Mrs. Jolly
Venmelil, Mr. Jomy and Mrs. Julie Vadakumpadam,
and Mr. Ajain and Mrs. Timsy Kuzhimattathil shared
their experiences of married life. Also, the program
included prayers, meditation, and the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. All course participants were required to
stay at the retreat center to gain the full benefit of the
program. 
Pre-Cana Nov 2015 Group - Chicago
¨¨l-a¢-J-j¤-¨T Ì-k«-h¡-׫
¨s-c¢ F-±f-p¡« A-µu V-i-s-Jé-s¡-i¢ m¤-±m¥-n ¨O-à¤-¼
Connecticut CT, Rockland NY, Bronx-West Chester NY F-¼¢-l¢T-¹-q¢-¨k o£-©s¡-h-k-f¡t J®-c¡-c¡-i J¡-·-k¢-J® h¢-n-c¤-Jq¤-¨T d¤-Y¢-i V-i-s-Jé-s¡-i¢ ©Q¡-o-e® h¡-Y¬¤ B-©a¡-dç¢-¾¢v
A-µu c¢-i-h¢-Y-c¡-J¤«. e¢-k¡-Vv-e¢-i, c¬¥-©Q-r®-o¢ F-¼¢-l¢T-¹-q¢-k¤-¾ J®-c¡-c¡-i J¡-·-k¢-J® h¢-n-c¤-J-q¤-¨T V-i-s-Jés¡-i¢ ¨s-c¢ F-±f-p¡« A-µ-c¤« oª-·® e®-©q¡-s¢-V ¨ous®
Q¥-V® d-¾¢ l¢-J¡-j¢-i¡-i¢ o¤-c¢ d-T¢-º¡-©s-´-j A-µ-c¤«
D-·-j-l¡-a¢-Y§« G-¨×-T¤-´¤«. ©Q¡-o® O¢-s-dç¤-s-·® A-µ-c¡i¢-j¢-´¤« ©h¡t-¶u ©±L¡-l®, ¨h-i®-l¤-V® F-¼¢-l¢-T-¹-q¢-¨k
J®c¡c¡i CTlJJq¤¨T o-p l¢-J¡-j¢. Cª c¢-i-h-c-¹-¨qkë¡« 2015 V¢-o«-ft 20 h¤-Yv ±d¡-f-k¬-·¢v l-j¤«.
e¢-k¡-Vv-e¢-i¡-i¢-¨k ¨ous® ©Q¡x c¬¤-h¡u o£-©s¡-hk-f¡t J®-c¡-c¡-i- J¡-·-k¢-J® h¢-nu V-i-s-Jé-s¡-i¤« j¥-d-Y
D-d-©a-m-J-o-h¢-Y¢ A«-L-h¡-i¤« c¡-k-j-lt-n-´¡-k« o®-Y¤-Y¬tp-h¡-i j£-Y¢-i¢v m¤-±m¥-n ¨O-i®-Y-Y¢-c¤-©m-n« h¡-Y¦-j¥-d-Yi¢-©k-i®-´® Y¢-j¢-µ¤-©d¡-i ©J¡-¶-i« A-Y¢-j¥-d-Y¡«-L-h¡-i s-l.
©V¡. h¡-Y¬¤ h-X-´¡-¶-µ-c® B-m«-o-J-q¤« ±d¡t-Ï-c-J-q¤«
©c-j¤-¼-©Y¡-¨T¡-dç« A-µu ¨O-i®-Y F-kë¡ ©o-l-c-¹w-´¤«
c-z¢ ±d-J¡-m¢-dç¢-´¤-J-i¤« ¨O-à¤-¼¤.
n¢-´¡-©L¡ h¡t-©·¡-h¡-më£-p¡ J-·£-±Vv o-p-l¢-J¡-j¢,
J¡-k¢-©e¡t-X¢-i¡-i¢-¨k o¡-É¡ A-¼ ¨e¡-©s¡-c¡-dç-¾¢-l¢J¡-j¢ F-¼£ Y-o®-Y¢-J-J-q¢v c¡-k-j lt-n-´¡-k« o®-Y¤-Y¬t-ph¡-i ©o-l-c« ¨O-i®-Y-Y¢-c¤-©m-n« 2015 V¢-o«-ft 29~¡« Y¢i-Y¢ h¡-Y¦-j¥-d-Y-i¢-©k-i®-´® Y¢-j¢-µ¤-©d¡-J¤-¼ f-p¤-h¡-c-¨dç-¶
F-½¡-c¤-©lv h-T¤-´-´¤-r¢ A-µ-c® F-kë¡ c-Á-J-q¤« ¨¨a-l¡c¤-±L-p-¹-q¤« ©c-j¤-¼-©Y¡-¨T¡-dç« A-µu j¥-d-Y-i®-´¤
¨O-i®-Y F-kë¡ ©o-l-c-¹w-´¤« c-z¢ ©j-K-¨dç-T¤-·¤-J-i¤«
n¢-´¡-©L¡ o£-©s¡ h-k-f¡t j¤-d-Y-i¢v m¤-±m¥-n ¨O-ࡨc-·¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼ a¢-l¬-J¡-j¤-X¬ h¢-n-c-s¢ o-g¡«-L-h¡-i f-p¤h¡-c-¨dç-¶ Í£-eu J-X¢-dç-¾¢v A-µ-c¤« ©J¡-¶-i« A-Y¢-j¥d-Y¡«-L-h¡-i f-p¤-h¡-c-¨dç-¶ ©Q¡-o® O¢-s-dç¤-s-·® A-µ-c¤«
p¦-a¬-h¡-i o§¡-L-Y«. 
Fr. Joseph Thomas
Fr. Renny
Fr. Suni Thomas
Fr. Jose
Fr. Mathew
Fr. Emmanuel
Fr. Stephen
Kanipallil MCBS
n¢-´¡-©L¡ o£-©s¡ h-k-f¡t j¥-d-Y-i¢v
J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T Q¥-f¢-k¢ lt-n¡-O-j-X-·¢-c®
C-j¤-d-Y¢-c Jt-½-d-j¢-d¡-T¢-Jw
o¡t-l-±Y¢-J-o-g-i¢v 2015 V¢-o«-ft F-¶¢-c® B-j«g¢-´¤-¼ J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n« j¥-d-Y-i¢v
o-h¤-O¢-Y-h¡-i¢ B-O-j¢-´¤-¼-Y¢-c¡-i¢ h¡t ©Q-´-f®
A-¹¡-T¢-i-·® d¢-Y¡-l® C-j¤-d-Y¢-c Jt-½-d-j¢-d¡-T¢Jw ±d-K¬¡-d¢-µ¤. 2015 V¢-o«-ft B-s¡« Y¢-i-Y¢
S¡-i-s¡-r®-O j¥-d-Y-i¢-¨k F-kë¡ C-T-l-J-J-q¢-k¤«
h¢-n-c¤-J-q¢-k¤« l¡-i¢-´¡-c¡-i¢ cv-J¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼
C-T-i-©k-K-c-·¢-k¡-X® J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T lt-n« o-h¤O¢-Y-h¡-i¢ B-O-j¢-©´-Ù-Y¢-¨us B-l-m¬-J-Y-¨i´¤-s¢-µ¤« A-Y¢-c¤-©l-Ù ±d¡-©i¡-L¢-J c¢t-©À-m¹-q¤« A-g¢-l-z¬ d¢-Y¡-l® cv-J¢-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼-Y®.
1. c-½¤-¨T g-l-c-¹-q¢-k¤« C-T-l-J-J-q¢-k¤«
h¢-n-c¤-J-q¢-k¤« J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T Q¥-f¢-k¢-lt-n ±d¡t-Ï-c c-T·¤-J-i¤« Q¥-f¢-k¢-i¤-¨T ©d¡o®×t (Emblem)Ì¡-d¢-´¤-J-i¤« ¨O-à¤-J.
2. m¡-j£-j¢J-l¤« BÚ¬¡Å¢J¹q¤h¡-i
l¬-Ç¢-d-j-h¡-i¢ A-g¬-o¢-´¤-J.
3. A-d-J-T-·¢-©k¡ A-Þ¢-f¡-b-i¢-©k¡
- l
- ¨
- j j-È¢-´¤-l¡u B«-f¤-ku-©o¡ e-it F-Õ¢-©c¡ ¨¨o-sx h¤-r-´¢-©dç¡-J¤-
©Ø¡w A-d-J-T-·¢-k¡-i¢-j¢-´¤-¼-lt-´¤-
©l-Ù¢ ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-J.
4. i¡-±Y-i®-´¢-T-i¢v ¨o-h¢-©·-j¢-©i¡
h¦-Y-©a-p« o¥È¢´¤¼ Ì-k-©h¡
(Funeral Homes) J¡-X¤-©Ø¡w J¤-j¢-m-T-i¡-q« l-j-i®-´¤-J-i¤« o§-i«-©±d-j¢-Y-±d¡t-Ï-c
c-T-·¢ h-j¢-µ-l-j¤-¨T B-Å¡-´w-´¤-©l-Ù¢
±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-J-i¤« ¨O-à¤-J.
5. C-T-l-JJq¤-¨Ti¤« h¢nc¤Jq¤¨Ti¤« ©c-Y¦-
Y§-·¢v l¢-m¤-Ú Ì-k-¹-q¢-©k-i®-´®
Y£t-Ï¡-T-c« c-T-·¤-J.
6. J¤-¶¢-J-q¤«, i¤-l-Q-c-¹-q¤«, h¤-Y¢t-¼-l-j¤« ±L¥¸¤Jq¡i¢ B-Y¤-j¡-k-i-¹-q¤«
Q-i¢-k¤-J-q¤« o-zt-m¢-´¤-J.
7. J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us o¤-l¢-©m-n-h¡-i
l¢-m¤-Ú k¥-´¡-i¤-¨T o¤-l¢-©m-n« l¡-i¢-´¤-
l¡-c¤« dU¢-´¤-l¡-c¤« ¨¨f-f¢w J§¢-o®
c-T-·¤-l¡-c¤« ±m-Ú¢-´¤-J.
8. l-k¢-i ©c¡-Ø¢-¨k h¥-¼¡« m-c¢-i¡-r®-O
(¨e-±f¤-l-j¢ 27) F-kë¡ C-T-l-J-J-q¢-k¤«
h¢-n-c¤-J-q¢-k¤« G-J-a¢-c a¢-l¬-J¡-j¤-X¬
B-j¡-b-c c-T-·¤-J.
9. A«-L-¨¨l-J-k¬-h¤-¾ l¬-Ç¢-J-¨q,
±d-©Y¬-J¢-µ® J¤-º¤-¹-©q-i¤«, l¦-Ú-j¡-i
h¡-Y¡-d¢-Y¡-´-©q-i¤« A-c¤-o®-h-j¢-µ®
±d¡t-Ï-c-Jw c-T-·¢ Divine Mercy Sunday
(April 3, 2016) o-h¤-O¢-Y-h¡-i¢ B-O-j¢-´¤-J.
10. ¨o-d®-׫-ft h¡-o-·¢-¨k B-a¬ m-c¢-i¡-r®-O (3~¡« Y¢-i-Y¢) F¿¡ d¾¢Jq¢k¤« h¢nc¤Jq¢k¤« d¥t-Xå-h¡-i¤« ¨¨a-l-l-O-c
d¡-j¡-i-X« cT·¤J.
11. 2016 H-©Jé¡-ft h¡-o« F-¶¡« Y¢-i-Y¢
F-kë¡ C-T-l-J-J-q¢-k¤« h¢-n-c¤-J-q¢-k¤«
h¤-r¤-lu a¢-l-o-l¤« Q-d-h¡-k-±d¡t-Ï-c-i®-
´¡-i¢ h¡-×¢-l-i®-´¤-J.
12. l-T-©´ C-ɬ-i¢-¨k h¢-nu j¥-d-Y-J-q¢v-¨dç-¶ G-¨Y-Æ¢-k¤« H-j¤ ±d-©a-m-·® h¢n¨c a-¨·-T¤-·® o-p¡-i¢-´¡u H¡-©j¡
C-T-l-J-i¤« h¢-n-c¤« Y-i¡-s¡-l¤-J.
13. C-T-l-J, ¨e-©s¡-c Y-k-¹-q¢v Q¥-f¢-k¢
lt-n-¨·-´¤-s¢-µ® ©f¡-b-l-Y®-´-j-X ¨o-h¢-c¡-s¤-J-q¤« Jë¡-o¤-J-q¤« c-T-·¤-J.
14. l¢-m§¡-o d-j¢-m£-k-c Jë¡-o¤-J-q¤-¨T
©c-Y¦-Y§-·¢v c¢t-b-c-j¡-i
J¤-¶¢-Jw-´® dU-c-·¢-c¡-l-m¬-h¡-i
o¡-h¢-±L¢-Jw F-·¢-µ¤-¨J¡-T¤-´¤-J.
15. ¨¨a-l-J¡-j¤-X¬-·¢-¨us o©zml¡pJ j¡ilj¤¨T Q£-l-O-j¢-±Y« dU-c-l¢-n-i-h¡-´¤-J.
16. ©J-j-q-·¢-¨k G-¨Y-Æ¢-k¤« H-j¤ c¢t-b-c
J¤-T¤«-f-¨· J-¨Ù-·¢ o¡-Ø-·¢-J
-o-p¡-i« cv-J¤-J (Save - a - Family).
17. J¥¨T´¥¨T J¤-Ø-o¡-j-¨h-¼ J¥-a¡-m
o§£-J-j¢-´¤-J-i¤« ±d-m®-c-¹-q¢v
Dw-¨dç-¶¢-j¢-´¤-¼ J¤-T¤«-f-¹w-´¤-©l-Ù¢ ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-J-i¤« ¨O-à¤-J.
l-k¢-i ©c¡-Ø¢v `Cª-©m¡-i®-´¤-©l-Ù¢
24 h-X¢-´¥t’ F-¼ ©d-j¢v ±d-©Y¬-J dj¢d¡T¢Jw ±Jh£Jj¢´¤Ji¤«
oª-J-j¬-¨h¡-j¤-´¤-Ji¤« ¨Oà¤J.
18. A-r¢-h-Y¢-´¤« g£-J-j-l¡-a-·¢-c¤« A-ɬ-h¤-Ù¡-
J¡u Q¡-±L-Y-©i¡-¨T ±d¡t-Ï¢-´¤-J.
19. o-Æ£t-·-c« 136 J¤-T¤«-f-±d¡t-Ï-c-i¢v Dw-
¨dç-T¤-·¢ b¬¡-c-l¢-n-i-h¡-´¤-J.
20.`d-j¢-m¤-Ú j¡-Ñ£ J-j¤-X-i¤-¨T h¡-Y¡-©l...’ F-¼ ±d¡t-Ï-c F-kë¡ a¢-l-o-l¤« ¨O¡-kë¢
d-j¢-m¤-Ú A-½-i¤-¨T h¡-Ú¬-Ì«
The Pre Cana seminar was conducted under
supervision of Rev. Fr. Chalissery, procurator,
St. Thomas Syro-Malabar diocese of Chicago,
On behalf St. Mary’s Syro Malabar catholic
church, Old Bethpage New York.
The “stay-in” seminar was held at the beautiful
campus of the Immaculate Conception Seminary on the Gold Coast of Long Island. This
course material was prepared with a view to
provide the biblical background of creation of
the family, Review the basic principles of the
Catholic teachings in relation to prayer life ,Review the relevance of Sacraments in Catholic
Life ,Provide an understanding of the basics of
Catholic married life Review human sexuality
in the context of committed married life Provide basic understanding of the meaning of the
sacrament of marriage, Provide some tools in
handling the common problems in family life
and provide the ecclesiastical, legal, ethical,
and moral implications of the marital union.
The seminar attended by 26 aspirants and it
stared with registration and self introduction of
the candidates. Re. Paul Chalissery opened the
seminar with a prayer service and went on with
the Canonical aspects of Marriage and Fire
proof Video.The Second day started with Holy
Qurbana in the 85 year original Crypt Chapel
of this historical Seminary. Rev. Paul Chalissery led a discussion on Holy Catholic Church;
Scripture and prayer followed by a discussion by Rev Davy Kavumkal, CMI, Coordinator
General for North America.
The subject of Catholic parenting was expertly
handled by Dr. Liz Poomkudy With video and
paper handouts, followed by Millon Jose on
Theology of the body and Dr. Mary Mallappallil
discussing the challenges in married life. This
was followed by a discussion of communication and conflict resolution in family life by
Shamble Kumbluvelil. The Family of Mishu
and Minu Joseph did a series called family
Precana-Hemsted, New York
to family. The day ended with Fr. Chalissery
discussing several case studies with very
practical and real life issues, then confession
and adoration. The Final day started with again
Holy Qurbana followed by Rev. Chalissery.
Kathreen Pattett conducted exhaustive discussions on sexuality and Intimacy in marriage,
Family Planning and ethical concerns. The
concluded with the talk of Rev. Vicar Ligory
Johnson Philips and course evaluation and
distribution of certificates by Fr Paul Chalissery and Rev. Vicar.
St. Mary’s Syro Malabar church takes this
opportunity to thank Rev Chalissery and all the
subject matter experts who handled the various discussions. We also thank the seminary
for allowing us to use their beautiful facility. The whole seminar would not have been
possible without the help of Kathreen Pattet
who put together the course material and the
program list, Mathew Joseph for collecting
registrations, printing certificates, making the
candidates lists, Joy Myladoor, out trustee for
overall supervision with registration and other
aspects and Boban Thottam who functioned
as a liaison with the seminary and helped with
other onsite facilities throughout the seminar.
Every candidate expressed their great appreciation for the facility, discussions, presence of
such experts and the spiritual atmosphere they
were provided. 
Published by: Rev. Dr. Sebastian Vethanath, Chancellor, St. Thomas SyroMalabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago
372 S Prairie Ave., Elmhurst IL 60126, Ph: 630-279-1386, 630-279-1383. Fax: 630-279-1479
E Mail:
Design by: Chennikkara Inc. Ph: 773-842-9149,

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