Fra Presidenten


Fra Presidenten
Volume 41, Issue 4
Hovedstad Posten
April 2014
Fra Presidenten
Kjære venner,
Board Meetings
2nd Wednesday of each
month at 10:00 AM
At Ken Fialkowski’s Edward
Jones office by Freddy’s.
All members are invited
Regular Meetings
September – May
4th Monday each
month at 7:00 PM
Columbian Hall
6794 Martin Way E
Olympia, WA 98516
Need directions?
Have a question about an
upcoming meeting or event?
Contact Linda Fialkowski
Next Meeting
April 28, 2014
7:00 pm
Welcome to spring! I love this time of year with the flowers and shrubs
blooming and the trees beginning to leaf out. It’s like a new beginning.
Our Cultural skills program is also blooming under the capable leadership of David Olsen. Several members have already submitted their
completed paperwork to the Sons of Norway and are awaiting their pins.
Several other members are beginning the process of working on their
skills. David will be available prior to our membership meetings to assist
in the process, and Linda Fialkowski and I will always be available to
render assistance as needed. Go Hovedstad Lodge!
Mange tusen takk to all of you who have donated Box Tops and Labels
for Education. At last count we were running in sixth place, but we may
have made a dent in that with our March submission. The contest will end
May 17th so, with your continued support, we still have time to jump
ahead of the other lodges in our District.
Since the beginning of the year, we have added 13 new members to our
lodge. A big Fraternal V elkommen to all our new members. Let us all
take this opportunity to make them feel right at home with us.
The next event we have to look forward to is our Norway Day, Saturday,
April 19th from 10 to 4 at the Thurston County Expo Center. This year’s
committee has been working hard, and I hope you will plan to attend and
bring your friends and family.
Mark your calendar for Monday, May 19th. That is the day we will
celebrate Syttende Mai. This year marks the 200th anniversary of the
signing of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway. We will have a
buffet dinner including pork roast, baby red potatoes, carrots, salad and
rolls and, of course, dessert and coffee. The price will be $10 for members
of Hovedstad Lodge and $25 for guests and non-members. Our guest
speaker will be Sir Kim Nesselquist, the Norwegian Counsel for Washington and Oregon. We will gather at the Columbian Hall and dinner will
begin shortly after 6:30 pm. Hurrah for Syttende Mai!
Hilsen, Joanne
Minutes of Regular Meeting – March 24, 2014
Hovedstad Lodge
Executive Officers
President, Joanne Gray
Vice President, Tad Tower
Secretary, Heidi Brownell
Treasurer, Dan Konopatzke
Counselor, Linda Fialkowski
Program Directors
Social Director, David Olsen
360– 456-8578
Support Directors
Bill Hegge & Bob Larsen
Judy Byles 3 Yr
Bjarne Nilssen 2Yr
Anne Vatshell, 1Yr
Youth Director,
Chris Brownell
Hostess Coordinators
Aasa Sorebo
Janet Osman
Nancy Tower & Ken Olson
Linda Fialkowski
The meeting was called to order at 7:00m by President Joanne Gray. Joanne led the lodge in the Star Spangled Banner, the Norwegian Anthem,
and the Canadian Anthem. Joanne then welcomed tonight’s guests who
were: Johanna Haug, Julie and Chuck Newby, Ken and Sonja Bago, and
Karsten Sorebo.
Silent roll call was taken. Minutes from the last meeting, as published in the
newsletter, were approval by the lodge.
Vice President: Tad Tower welcomed Chris, Carolyn, and Megan Parks who
joined in Feb. Seven people joined in Jan. Linda Olsen joined in March. Julie and Chuck Newby submitted their applications for membership at the
meeting. Scholarship applications are being taken. Turn them in to Tad.
Secretary: There was no correspondence.
Treasurer: Dan Konopatzke passed around the pig for donations to the
Sons of Norway Foundation. He reported on our checking account balance.
Social Director: Several members have been working on cultural skills medals. You can find more information about the Cultural Skills program on the
S of N website. If anyone wants assistance finding the page, let David Olsen know. The first person who completes a cultural skill or sports medal
will get a gift card. Next month’s program will be provided by Esther Van
Noy. She will share Norwegian history through antique postcards.
Trustees Report: A report on the investment account was given.
Sunshine: Ellen Kjesbu reminded members that we are collecting stamps.
Youth Director: Lodge members volunteered with lodge youth on the first
Thursday of the month at the Salvation Army.
Volunteer Coordinator: Judy Byles shared that she and Joanne completed
two shut-in visits. One of them had seen the idea in the newsletter and
called to take advantage of the program. They also went to Clare Bridge.
Anne went along to speak Norwegian to two residents.
New Business:
Norway Day – Chris shared that Norway Day planning is coming along.
There are booster buttons for sale tonight for $10. Judy shared status on
volunteers. We need a few more people to take tickets. Also let Judy know
if you can make cookies.
The May meeting will be a week earlier than normal in order to celebrate
Syttende Mai. There will be a dinner of pork roast and baby red potatoes
served on Monday the 19th. Sir Kim Nesselquist is the scheduled guest
speaker. More information will be forthcoming.
On Sat, May 17th there will be a parade in Ballard. Bob and Elaine Dunn will
be carrying our lodge banner. Staging for the parade begins at 5pm.
Good of the Order:
Elna Benoit reported that the Honor Flight pancake fundraiser was a sucess
and that a companion will accompany Louise Benoit to Washington
DC. Louise and other veterans will visit the WWII memorial.
Columbia Hall is having a Fish Fry fundraiser on Friday, April 11 serving
cod, shrimp, fries, and one drink. The cost is $18 at the door or in advance
for $15. Joanne will send out an email with details.
Joanne thanked Aasa Sorebo and Janet Osman for being hostess coordinators and Marie and Lowell Anderson and Ellen Kjesbu for the ample refreshments.
Our next meeting is April 28th at 7:00 pm.
The business meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm and was followed with a
table prayer and refreshments. After refreshments Randi Moe demonstrated
Norwegian storytelling by sharing Norwegian stories.
Respectfully submitted
Heidi Brownell
Hurra Syttende Mai!
Join us for a wonderful traditional dinner for the 200th
Grunnlovsdagen, celebrating the signing of the Norwegian
Constitution in Eidsvoll on May 17, 1814.
Our dinner will be held Monday, 19 May 2014 at 6:30
pm at the Columbian Hall. We’ll have a buffet dinner of
pork roast, baby red potatoes, vegetables, salad, rolls and
of course, cake and coffee.
Sir Kim Nesselquist will be our guest speaker and we will have musical entertainment for your
enjoyment. We’ll have a sign-up sheet at the April meeting, or you can call or email Linda at or 459-3982. The cost to members will be $10 and guests will
be $25. Your check will secure your reservation. Seats are limited, call today!
Hipp Hipp Hurrah!
2014 is the 200th anniversary of the signing of Norway’s constitution.
The Ballard parade starts at 6:00PM on May 17th. It promises to be
better than ever. Bob and Elaine Dunn will carry the Hovedstad
banner in the parade and they would welcome anyone else that
wants to represent our lodge. Join them!
Contact them at 878-8533 or
A brief history of the Kvikk Lunsj phenomenon
Heidi Havan Grosch
For many of us our Easter tradition includes sitting down to a big Easter
dinner with the extended family. Perhaps there is an Easter egg hunt, deviled eggs or ham are served, and as per usual with such gatherings, you
probably eat too much. Norwegians’ traditional family Easter gathering is a
bit different. Many flock to cabins in the mountains for one final (and often
obligatory) winter ski or to a cabin by water to welcome in the spring. Long
hikes on foot or on skis (depending on the conditions) are the norm, and in
the backpack go the essentials: coffee, oranges and… Kvikk Lunsj, Norway’s
unofficial tursjokolade (tour chocolate).
Created by the Freia Chocolate Company in 1937, Kvikk Lunsj (Quick lunch) is reminiscent of a Kit
Kat bar with its wafer-covered chocolate divided into four sections; in 1999 Freia introduced Kvikk
Lunsj in a large candy bar size as well. An interesting Wikipedia statistic says that on the average a
Norwegian eats approximately nine Kvikk Lunsj bars every year, three of them during Easter…
One thing that makes Kvikk Lunsj special is its wrapper. During the 1960s, Freia started printing
different hiking/tour maps inside (fjellvettreglene). Those, along with Kvikk Lunsj’s distinctive
colors of red, yellow and green indicate as much as the appearance of daffodils and tulips that
Spring is on its way.
Congratulations to our
Scholarship Recipients!
Rebecca Hegge
Erik Hegge
Melissa Luper
Velkommen New Member
Linda Olsen
Velkommen New Member
Linda Olsen
Velkommen New Member!
Linda Olson
17110 Gibson Rd SW
Tenino, WA 98589
Project Framtid
Box Tops for Education
Have you been saving up your Boxtops and Labels for
Education? Make sure to br ing them with you to the
April meeting. The contest ends on May 17th, and
we’re in 5th place. Only the top 3 lodges get awards.
Now is the time for our last big push. Cut the labels off
the boxes in your pantry and ask your neighbors to do
the same thing. Go Team Hovedstad!
Cultural Skills Program
Prior to each monthly meeting of our
lodge from 6:15-6:45 PM, David Olsen,
Hovedstad Lodge social/cultural director,
will host an informal educational discussion. The purpose of this pre-meeting is
to support lodge members who want to
learn by doing in the Sons of Norway Cultural Skills
Program. If you are interested, please come to
discover how you can develop cultural skills and activities that interest you.
Norway Day Bakers 2014
A big tusen takk (thousands of thank you’s) to all
of you who are baking goodies for Norway Day,
2014! We think we can smell the combined efforts swirling together from Shelton to Lakewood
and around Tenino, Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey.
We have 41 of you again this year which is wonderful.
Bring your baked goods to the Thurston County Fairgrounds either Friday
night April 18, between 5 PM and 8 PM, or early Saturday morning, April
19, at 8 AM. We’ll be boxing them up for the sale and putting labels on
them so they’ll be ready for customers to buy at 10:00 AM. Any questions
call Judy 352-4725.
Judy Byles and Wendy Parnell, Bake Sale Chairmen
Mark Your Calendar
April 19– 10-4 NORWAY DAY
at the Expo Center at Thurston Co Fairgrounds
April 20– God Påske!
April 26– 11-3 Norwegian Heritage Festival at Pacific Lutheran University
April 28– Regular Meeting– Norway in Postcards,
Esther Van Noy
May 16-18– Viking Fest and Parade in Poulsbo
May 17– Syttende mai Parade in Ballard
May 19– Syttende mai Celebration Dinner at
Columbian Hall
July 26– Trollhaugen Steak Fry $18 Call Bill Hicks
425-672-0194 for reservations
If you would like your newsletter emailed to you,
in color and days earlier, please email me
Hostess Coordinators
Janet Osman 943-9074 and Aasa Sorebo 357-4059
Hovedstad Posten Editor
Linda Fialkowski
8108 Afflerbaugh Ct SE
Olympia, WA 98503