Hovedstad Posten


Hovedstad Posten
Hovedstad Posten
Volume 38, Issue 5
Fra Presidenten
Kjære Venner,
Board Meetings
Usually 2nd Monday of each
month at 10 am at
Lacey Top Food Cafe .
All members are invited
to attend.
Regular Meetings
September – May
4th Monday each
month at 7:00 PM
Columbian Hall
6794 Martin Way E
Olympia, WA 98516
Need directions?
Have a question about an
upcoming meeting or event?
Contact President
Linda Fialkowski
You made our Norway Day a fabulous success! Even though our costs
went up on everything from food to rent, (and we didn’t raise our prices),
we still increased our profit a little. That means more of you came out,
brought a friend with you, bought an extra dozen cookies and had another
hot dog. Mange tusen takk! From the good comments we’ve heard about
how much you enjoyed the festival, it seems all of our hard work was
worth it. We have ideas for next year, be prepared!
This month, we welcome the Bressler Trio to Olympia for a special Syttende Mai concert on May 16th. For this concert, we have a special venue,
Faith Lutheran Church on Pacific Ave at Ranger Dr in Lacey. (You’ll appreciate the better acoustics.) This family trio sings traditional Norwegian
folksongs as well as contemporary and classical Christian music in 3 part
harmony. They’ll be singing selections from their new CD, “Reflections of
Norway”. It is heavenly! Their special guests will be musicians Jenny and
Austin Little. We’ll have cookies and coffee after the concert. You know, as
members, you get in FREE! Bring your friends and neighbors. Wear your
bunader or Norwegian sweaters. Come early to get a good seat!
Even though we’re taking a break from meetings for the summer, we’ll
have events. We’re in talks for our summer picnic. We don’t have a date
yet, but stand by for updates. We do know that we’ll be participating in
the Tumwater 4th of July parade and we’ll need Vikings, either to ride in
the ship, or walk along side. Alf Herigstad and Brenda Bright will be the
leads on the parade, so call them and volunteer to participate.
Hurra Syttende Mai and Happy Summer!
Fraternally, Linda
Hovedstad Lodge
Executive Officers
President, Linda Fialkowski
Vice President, Tad Tower
Secretary, Heidi Brownell
Treasurer, Joanne Gray
Counselor, Anne Vatshell
Program Directors
Social Director, Carol Tower
Support Directors
Ken Olson
John Olsen
Judy Byles, 3Yr
Rhys Hanson 2 Yr
Earl Tower, 1Yr
Youth Directors,
Bill Hegge & Rebecca Hegge
Hostess Coordinators,
Judy Byles
Aasa Sorebo
From PLU in response to our $2,500 donationDear Linda and members of Hovedstad Lodge,
Thank you very much for the generous donation in support of the SvareToven Chair in Norwegian and Scandinavian studies at Pacific Lutheran
University. Your contribution brings us closer to the intermediary goal of
reaching $1 million this month. TUSEN TAKK!
As some of you know, I retired from PLU after teaching Norwegian/
Scandinavian Studies for 38 years. During my tenure at PLU, I was fortunate to have the full support of the Presidents and the administration of
the university. However, I am well aware that a small language like Norwegian is not considered to be the most important subject at any college. Tough times and a new president not interested in Scandinavia
may result in Norwegian being dropped from the curriculum; it has happened other places. This is why in my retirement I have worked with the
Office of Development to establish a chair. Recently, the decision has
been made to announce the establishment of a Professorship in Norwegian and Scandinavian Studies on May 17th if the half-way point ($1 million) is reached by that date. The campaign will continue until $2 million
is reached and a chair can be announced.
I have had the pleasure of visiting Hovedstad and I know it is a very
friendly and active lodge. I very much appreciate that you took the lead
in supporting our effort and hope that other Sons of Norway lodges will
follow your example.
Vennlig hilsen,
Audun Toven
Congratulations to recruiters!
Recruitment award pins were handed out by Vice President Tad
Tower to people who helped bring new members into our lodge this
past year. Pins went to- Joanne Gray, Alf Herigstad, and Linda Fialkowski. There are more to be awarded!
To enter for a chance at the Norwegian Experience of a lifetime,
simply recruit a new, dues-paying member between Jan1 – Dec 31,
2011. The more people you recruit, the more chances you have at
winning the contest. From May until the end of August, for every
three new members you recruit you’ll receive a newly designed
2011 Sons of Norway coffee mug. You can recruit as many new
members as possible to increase your chances of winning!
Syttende Mai—17 May
Norwegian Constitution Day is the official National Day of Norway, celebrated on the 17th of May. Among
Norwegians, the day is referred to simply as "Syttende Mai" (17th of May) or Grunlovsdagen (The Constitution Day).
The Constitution of Norway was signed at Eidsvoll, Norway on May 17, 1814. The
constitution declared Norway as an independent nation. The celebration of this
day began spontaneously among students and other people in early years. At that
time, Norway was under Swedish rule, and for many years the King of Sweden was
reluctant to allow such celebrations. For a few years in the 1820s, King Carl Johan
forbade the celebrations.
It was not until 1836 that anyone ventured to hold a public address on behalf of
the day. That year, official celebration was initiated by the monument of the late
politician Christian Krogh, known to have stopped the king from gaining too much
personal power. In 1905, Norway separated from Sweden peacefully and became a truly independent country.
By historical coincidence, World War II ended when the occupying German forces surrendered in Norway on
May 8, 1945, just nine days before that year's Constitution Day. Even if the Liberation Day is an official flag
day in Norway, the day is not broadly celebrated. Instead, a new and broader meaning had been added to
the celebration of Norwegian Constitution Day on May 17.
A noteworthy aspect of Norwegian Constitution Day is its very non-military nature.
All over Norway, children parade with an abundance of flags. Each elementary
school district arranges its own parade with marching bands between schools. The
parade takes the children through the community, often making stops at homes of
senior citizens, war memorials, etc. The longest parade is in Oslo, where some
100,000 people travel to participate in the festivities. The Oslo parade includes
close to 100 schools, marching bands, and passes by the Royal Palace, where the
Royal Family greets the people from the main balcony.
Congratulations !!
September Hosts
to Brian Hegge on being awarded a
$1,000 college scholarship from
Hovedstad Lodge
Jytta Wagoner
Lowell & Marie Anderson
Ken Olson
Minutes of Regular Meeting – April 25, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by President Linda Fialkowski and she led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance,
the National Anthem and the Norwegian Anthem.
Our guests included: Rose Stevens (financial benefits counselor), Lyn Lyman, David and Donna Johnson (new members), Norma
Martin, Jolene Kreiling, and Donita Zblewski who brought exchange students Karoline, Kristin, Markus, and Thor.
There was one correction to last month’s minutes. The program guests from last month were from Normanna Lodge in Everett,
not Bothell. The minutes were moved and seconded by Dan Konopatzke and Ken Olson. Minutes were accepted.
President presented one bill for printing to the Treasurer.
Communications: The Norwegian Elkhound group sent a thank you note regarding Norway Day. They also sent along an article
about the experience that Evelyn Rheinschmidt submitted for the National newsletter.
Linda read from the Trollhaugen Newsletter. They are need in need of donated items including: 12 new folding chairs; 5 round
folding tables with wheels; 1 coin operated front loading washer; 1 backpack styled vacuum cleaner; 1 snowmobile in good repair;
1 cordless tool kit (18 v saw, drill); and miscellaneous hand tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, 1/2” socket set). They would accept
the items or a donation with an indication of how the money should be spent.
Nordic Heritage Night will be at Safeco field on July 14 th. The cost is $15 outfield or $32 infield or a packet of 25 tickets may be
purchased. A group of 40 or more gets 2 free tickets and the group name goes on the scoreboard.
The Vice President’s Report was shared by Tad. The Scholarship Committee met and made a decision to award Brian Hegge a
$1000 scholarship to help him pursue a WSU aeronautical engineering degree to become a pilot.
Tad presented recruitment pins to Bill Hegge, Linda Fialkowski, Joanne Gray, and Alf Herigstad for recruiting new members last
The Treasurer Report was shared by Joanne.
The Social Director’s Report was shared by Carol. Instead of a May meeting, on May 16 th we’ll have a change of venue and
change of event. Bressler Trio from Idaho will perform a concert. We will meet in the sanctuary at Faith Lutheran on Pacific. $5
admission unless you are a member in good standing of Sons or Daughters of Norway. There will be coffee and cookies afterwards. On May 17th, they will play again in Ballard. http://www.bresslertrio.com
Linda thanked everyone for their help on Norway Day. Next year we will probably need more help in the kitchen.
For New Business Linda asked for volunteers to participate in and pull the ship in the parade on July 4 th. It usually ends by 1pm.
Think about being a Viking or wearing a bunad in the ship.
Sunshine: Judy’s husband had rotator cuff surgery. A condolence card was sent to Marie after her brother passed away.
Rose Stevens presented Linda with a check to Linda for $71.25 for revenue sharing.
Our next meeting will be the 4th Monday in September on the 26th at 7pm. Info is forthcoming regarding a summer picnic.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Heidi Brownell, Secretary
The Bressler TRIO is coming to Olympia!
Celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day in song
with a concert by The Bressler TRIO!
Enjoy three part harmony as they sing Norwegian
folk music as well as Contemporary Christian songs.
Special Guest Musicians-Jenny & Austin Little
Monday, May 16th, 7:00PM
Faith Lutheran Church
7075 Pacific Ave SE, Lacey
Public Welcome! $5.00 Donation
Olympia Sons or Daughters of Norway Members– FREE!
Light refreshments following concert.
For more information call Linda at 459-3982-norwaydreamer@comcast.net
May 16th Bressler Trio Concert at Faith Lutheran
May 17th 6pm Syttende Mai parade in Ballard
May 21st 2pm Poulsbo Syttende Mai parade. Also Viking Fest
May 9, 16, and 23 Rosemaling at Bothell Lodge
Sept 4-11 Sons of Norway is sponsoring an Alaska Inside Passage cruise.
Sept 23-25 Adult Heritage Retreat at Trollhaugen. $115 before Sept 1 or $125 after.
Hovedstad Posten Editor
Joanne Gray
9205 Northwood Dr SE
Olympia, WA 98513