22 years old Grown` Older, But NOT Up!
22 years old Grown` Older, But NOT Up!
What TIME is it????????? It’s time for a TEAM drink!! (and a little info) Hellooooooo Tampa Bay Parrot Heads……. September 2016 Happy Birthday to TBPH, Happy Birthday to TBPH Happy Birthday dear TBPH……Happy Birthday to TBPH Fins Up!!! Dorothy Lovely Lady (President) Tampa Bay Parrot Heads in Paradise Inc. 22 years old Grown’ Older, But NOT Up! It’s the PHantastic Members of this Great Club that make it PHUN!!! TBPH Fins Up-coming Events Check calendar for current info http://www.localendar.com/public/finsup Date: Sept 7th (Weds) 6:30pm Location: Whiskey Joe’s TBPH Phlockings Music, drink specials, phree phood buffett (gotta have your lanyard), RAFFLE, trivia………. and on the beach!!!!! Follow us on Facebook! Tampa Bay Parrot Head Club Date: Sept 21st (Weds) 6:30pm Location: Whiskey Joe’s Dave McKenney Eric Ellis Dave Burks 22nd Birthday Party Sept 16 17 18 PARTY AT THE END OF THE WORLD! Birthday Charities Sept 16: Wall of Beer – Clearwater Aquarium Bring a 6-pak for a raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets can be purchased for $5. Denim or Diamonds? Holiday Inn Harborside 401 2nd St. Indian Rocks Beach 727-595-9484 Tickets still available at $45/$55 until 9/2/16 Sept 17: Silent Auction Baskets – Tampa Bay Watch Basket Wrapping – Sept 11th 2pm TBPH birthdate is Sept 14 1994 Meeting Of The Minds registration is open DEADLINE IS SEPT 15th PHiP.com Nov 2nd – 6th This year’s theme: "HERE WE ARE!" This is the 25th Year of MOTM Beach Clean Up – Sept 24th Saturday Rain or shine... TBPH provides gloves, trash bags, pickers and bottle water. Wear comfortable clothes and closed toe shoes. 9:30 - meet at Rusty Pelican, 2425 N Rocky Point Dr, Tampa Get on your teams and find out where your area is located from Capt Dave's map drawing of area. 10am-11:30 - cleeeeeeeeean the beaches 12pm- after party with drink and phood specials Your captains will have your wrist bands for the after party. Raft Up – Oct 1st Saturday More info to come Pirate Water Taxi - October 8th Saturday More info to come Sign Up Sheets will be available at ALL Phlockings It’s time to Renew Check with membership@finsup.com Rejoin the PHun!! Craig Bostock Bob Bradford Melanie Bradford Mary Brittain Danielle Chapman Jay Ferguson Perry Fisch Michelle Hardy Cynthia Johansmeyer Dustin Kanagy Mike Lents Tracy Lents Laurent L'Heureux Jeff Messman Tammi Nystul Dorinda Odell George Odell Julie Rocha Melody Sages Terry Sages Cathy Sharkey Dale Sherburne Judy Sherburne Courtney Shuckra Partricia Stuart Brenda Wilkins Doug Wilson Tracy Wilson Roger Worden Shelly Worden Curt Young Michael Chapman Bob Chiavacci Paul Dunham Paula Dunham Jen Gilmer Melody Hendrixson Judy Mancuso CiCi McIssac Jim McKinlay Janet Perrone Jane Spilko Paul Spilko Gwenyth Starr Susan Cherry Michael Czarnecki Shana Czarnecki Carolyn Deese Brenda Elizondo John Greenwood Julie Hilton Russ Hilton Debbie Holt William Jackson Bob Josefson Kevin Karcher Josh McCune Patty Neff Mary Omoth Tyler Omoth MaryPat Ortiz Sandi Sutkus Josi Walker Cathleen Williams Joel Wilson Get em up, Get em up, Get em up in honor of our September Parrot Heads who have made another trip around the sun: Bob Bradford Colleen Carryer Susan Cherry Denise Cone Shelly Cranston Shari Corbin Paul Dunham Donna Ellis John"VooDoo"Greenwood S.A. Gunter Kevin Hancock Jim Hanngan Linda"Key Lime Linny"Harrison Julie"Sparkles"Hilton Richard Johnson Brian Kautz Cynthia"Sunny Cyndie"Kautz Nancy Keefe Marck"Cajun Mark"LeBlanc Sharon Leverett Judy Mancuso Harri Miller Amiee Morgan Sue Nichols Mike Peacock Richard Persbacker Garrett Phillips Rene Rodriguez Terry Sages Pete"St Pete Pete"Sales Jack Schilling Michael"Mike"Schmidt Mark Shroka Steve Story Partricia Stuart Norman Sundin Carolyn Thomson Trish Timmerman Sharon Young Patricia"Patty"Jannarone Grown’ Older, But NOT Up! White Leis=Newbies Make ‘em feel welcomed. Have ‘em buy you a drink. Will you be the one to corrupt ‘em? Show ‘em how to……. Party with a Purpose!!! New members: Look for the Newbies buttons! Additional photos available online – www.finsup.com A big shout out THANK YOU to Steve’s Gourmet Olives for the raffle item donation. stevesgourmetolives.com Phlocking – Aug 3rd 25th Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) Nov 3-6 2016 HERE WE ARE!!!!!! Registration is open at www.phip.com and closes on 9/15/16 Come and join your PHellow Tampa Bay Parrot Heads for the 25th MOTM info@keywestkey.com for hotels information in the area phip.com/meeting-schedule for Entertainment and Activities Charity of the Month Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Keeptampabaybeautiful.org All Parrot Heads know that the environment is a major concern for Jimmy. Recently, TBPH’s 20 years of service was recognized. We go out to clean the beaches and raise money to donate to environmental education programs. Please sign up to volunteer for our next Cleeeeeean the Beaches Day. TBPH charities Save the Manatees - savethemanatee.org (Palm Harbor Days / Harboritaville) Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful - Keeptampabaybeautiful.org (Clean the beaches in Feb/April/July/Oct) Tampa Bay Watch - tampabaywatch.org (Pig Roast at Kahuna’s) Lowry Park - loweryparkzoo.org (WaZoo) Florida Parrot Rescue - floridaparrotrescue.com USF Marine Endowment - marine.usf.edu Clearwater Marine Aquarium - seewinter.com Toys for Tots (Holiday party) Pet Supplies (Holiday party) Metropolitan Ministries (Holiday party) Florida Resource Center – Flip Flops (June Phlockings) Operation Gratitude (November meetings) Shriner's Hospital for Children® (Music on the Bay) TBPH Cousins – Whiskey Joe’s Specials (Gotta have your hangy thing) $3 drafts or $7 pitchers – Domestic beers $3.95 Wells $5 Wine, Margaritas, Capt. Morgan $5.95 Rum Runners Martha Do you have a local business? Wanna get your name out to 500+ PHriends? Contact the Lovely Lady about how. Additional photos available online – finsup.com Aug 17th Phlocking It was Rich McGuire’s birthday. TBPH presented him a club t-shirt which he graciously changed into with the help from Heather. The ballots for the Trop Rock Music Awards are out. Voting ends Sept 30th. Not a member and want to vote, go to http://www.troprock.org/ and join for as little as $10. 14th Annual Bar Stroll Additional photos available online – finsup.com Have you taken some awesome photos at a TBPH phlocking? Wanna share them? Of course you can upload to our Facebook page – Tampa Bay Parrot Heads. And you can also upload to our website photos@finsup.com Music on the Bay Music on the Bay sure would like to win the TRMA Event of the Year again!!! If you want to vote for your favorite artists and MOTB, register today. Become a member of the Trop Rock Music Assn (troprock.org) for only $10. TBPH fearless leaders get educumacated in Ft. Lauderdale Entrance to the new Margaritaville Resort in Hollywood FL. Aug 31st Phlocking 5th Weds…. slightly delayed due to Hurricane Hermine. No Tryin to Reason with Hurricane Season Donations for Alzheimer’s Walk Beverly Gilliam is our Parrot Head lead in this endeavor. Each meeting, we will be passing a bucket to collect donations for the Oct 29th Walk. Can’t make a meeting? You can donate online. http://act.alz.org/site/TR/Walk2016/FL-FloridaGulfCoast?pg=entry&fr_id=8906 Walker name: Beverly Gilliam Team: Poptart Parrots Why We Walk: In 1994, Jimmy's Buffett's father, James Delaney Buffett, Jr. was stricken with Alzheimer's disease and passed away at age 83 in May of 2003, several years after being diagnosed. It was then that many clubs elected to do something as a tribute to Jimmy's father. Our PHiP chapters not only support Alzheimer's to honor Jimmy's father but because we're seeing this devastating plague insinuate itself into our own ranks. In addition, we'd like to state that Parrot Heads are unique. We take our fundraising responsibilities seriously, but at the same time we can add our own humor into the question Why We Walk as well as our own creativity into fundraising. We invite everyone to join us as we Party With A Purpose for Alzheimer's by donating to the Tampa Bay Parrot Head chapter today! You leave this world a little better with the eradication of Alzheimer's and having a blast while walking to end Alzheimer's. Additional photos available online – finsup.com Mascot Moment Tall Paul and Quincy at The Yard Sunny Jim made a special appearance!!! Pit Stop One Party at Gill Dawgs. Oct 29th 5419 Treadway Dr #1, Port Richey, FL 34668 gilldawg.com (727) 842-1070 26 Acts! 2 Stages! Non-stop music 11am – 11pm What is a Pit Stop Party???? As Parrot Heads begin the caravan down to Meeting of the Minds (MOTM), we stop, party, eat and drink with the many artists and PHlockers that are caravanning down too. Grab your room today! Riverside Inn riversidenpr.com 727.845.4990 ** use code "Pit Stop One" when booking for special rates "Shoes for Kids" was one of Jim's favorite charities and that would be a wonderful charity if anyone wanted to donate in his memory. That is the charity that all the money that Jim collected from the "$20.00 bill song" went to. The Charlotte Harbor Parrot Head Club website: www.CHPHC.com has a button on the home page where you can donate directly to the charity. The total to date from Jim and Sharon Morris and the "Twenty Dollar Bill Song" and is over $45,000 to date. This is a charity that 100% of all monies, shoes collected goes directly to kids in need. Visit Fins to Da Left store for TBPH merchandise Earrings and Pendants Tervis Tumblers T-shirts (you can NEVER have enough) Election news It's time to congratulate the Executive Committee who will lead our wonderful Club for the next two-year term beginning January 1, 2017. The three Candidates who "volunteered when called upon" and threw their hats into the ring are the same three Officers who currently lead the Tampa Bay Parrot Head Club today. Congratulations to them all! President/Captain: Dorothy Bedlin "Lovely Lady" VP/FirstMate: Joyce Cavaliere "Kahlua Kutie" Treasurer/Purser: Jennifer O'Connor See Michelle Morris at the Fins to da Left Store. Special September Meetings pricing! Jimmy Buffett’s new Christmas album “‘Tis the SeaSon” will be released on October 28, 2016. It is now available For Pre-Sale at Mailboat Records. No, you didn't sleep through the elections. I only had one Candidate for each of the 3 positions. Therefore, in my capacity as Elections Committee Chairperson, I announce that a vote will not be necessary. Each Candidate automatically wins the position for which they were running. You may be asking yourself, who will be serving as the Secretary /Yeoman for this next term? Well, as of the deadline no one had “thrown their name in the hat” for that position. Not to worry…. The Fruitcake Board will have that spot filled before the start of the new term on January 1, 2017. Details to come. Fins Up! Tim Gerlach Elections Committee Chairperson Ask Moma Q: What does “Wear your colors” mean? Parrot Heads like to strut their stuff. By wearing their club’s t-shirts, jewelry, hats or other tropical, beachy paraphernalia (big word for Phun articles of clothing) they show the civilians (non Parrot Heads) who they are. Though not mandatory, it is strongly suggested to “Wear your colors” to all Parrot Head functions. Bill Cockrell - Sept 10th The Yard – Tampa (theyardtampa.com) JPs - Sept 24th The Habitat – Bradenton (thehabitathouseconcerts.com) Sarasota Bay Parrot Heads (sbphc.org) Jimmy Buffett and The Coral Reefers Concert dates: I Don’t Know Tour Sept 1st – Omaha, NE Sept 3rd – East Troy WI Sept 16/17/18 – Del Mar CA September 23rd + 24th 2016 – Paris France Oct 13th – Denver Oct 15th – Las Vegas Oct 20th – Sacramento CA Beach Clean Up - Sept 10th Raft Up – Sept 24th Social – Sept 29th Nature Coast Parrot Heads Meeting – Sept 15th Charlotte Harbor Parrot Heads Birthday Party Sept 1-3 TAMPA BAY PARROT HEADS Raft Up – Oct 1st Pirate Water Taxi Krawl – Oct 8th Breast Cancer Walk – Oct 22nd Alzheimer Walk – Oct 29th Pit Stop One Party – Oct 29th Meeting of the Minds – Nov 2-6 Day at the Races – Dec 3rd Holiday Party – Dec 9-10 During the concert, an animated coconut appears on screen and talks with Jimmy. The voice is done by Jeff Bridges. It’s been 41 years since two legends of bro — Jimmy Buffett and Jeff Bridges — appeared in the western flick Rancho Deluxe. New Year’s Eve Party – Trop Rock Junkies (tickets are selling fast) Gecko Fest in Gulfport - Sept 3rd Labor Day – Sept 5th Beer Lover’s Day – Sept 7th Grandparent’s Day – Sept 11th Cheeseburger Day – Sept 18th Talk Like a Pirate Day – Sept 19th The following is the broadcast schedule on margaritaville.tv: Saturday, September 3rd East Troy, WI Show starts 7:00PM Central Thursday, October 13th Morrison, CO Show starts 7:00PM Mtn Drink Beer Day – Sept 28th If you would like to volunteer for any activities please feel free to contact any of these board members (in person or online – finsup.com): Dorothy “Lovely Lady” Bedlin – Lovely Lady Joyce “Kahlua Kutie” Cavaliere – First Mate Jennifer O’Connor – Purser Dick Dobkins – Yeoman Bill “Dancin Machine” Connolly – Chief Officer of Parties & Events Capt. Dave Becker – Chief Officer of Community Events Sharon Leverett – Chief Officer of Charities Susan Seamon / Loni Vroom – Chief Officers of Membership Michelle Morris – Fins to the Left Store Carol Gerlach – Member at Large Shane Wright – Member at Large
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