Sangre Grande Regional Corporation Spatial


Sangre Grande Regional Corporation Spatial
Sangre Grande Regional Municipality
Final Draft Municipal Development Plan
Excelling as a Premier International Eco-Tourism Destination
Prepared by Kairi Consultants Limited on behalf
of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation
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Sangre Grande
Regional Municipality
Final Draft Municipal Development Plan
(2010 – 2020)
“Excelling as a Premier International Eco-Tourism Destination”
Sangre Grande Regional Corporation
Ramdass Street, Sangre Grande
Telephone: (868) 668-2488 or 668-2461;
(868) 668-2492
Prepared by Kairi Consultants Limited
14 Cochrane Street, Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago (868-663 2677/1442;
Ronald Boynes
Chairman, Sangre Grande Regional Municipality
The Sangre Grande Regional Development Plan has been prepared in collaboration
with the following partners:
Private Sector and NGO and Community Sector Organisations:
NGO and Community Sector
Private Sector
Fishing Pond Turtle Conservation Group
Grande Riviere
SAD for Toco
Toco Foundation
Nature Seekers
Rampanalgas Village Council
Balandra Environmental and Nature Tour group
St Andrew/St David Association of Village and
Community Councils
BHP Billiton
National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago
• Including Various State Government Ministries and Statutory Agencies:
Environmental Management Authority
Development Company Limited
12. Ministry of Tourism
Housing Development Corporation
14. Public Transport Service Corporation
Institute of Marine Affaiirs
15. National Entrepreneurship Development Company
Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine
Resources – Head Office, Land Administration
Division, Land and Surveys Division, Forestry
Division, Regional Administration North, Grow
Box Project
16. National Reforestation and Watershed Rehabilitation
13. Ministry of Works and Transport - Traffic Management
Branch, Highways Division, Drainage Division
17. Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management
18. Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago
National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and
Tobago Limited Ministry of Education
19. Tourism
Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries Minerals Division and Energy Planning and
20. Town and Country Planning Division
21. Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards
Ministry of Community Development, Culture
and Gender Affairs
23. Trinidad and Tobago
Company Limited
Ministry of Health
24. Water and Sewerage Authority
22. Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission
10. Ministry of Public Utilities
11. Ministry of Social Development – Division of
Foreword ........................................................................................................... i
Contents ........................................................................................................... iv
Figures.............................................................................................................. ix
Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................x
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
Background ............................................................................................................................ 1
Purpose and Scope of the Plan ............................................................................................... 2
Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 3
Stakeholder Engagement and Participation....................................................................... 4
Related Planning Initiatives .................................................................................................. 5
Tunapuna/Piarco Municipal Development Plan................................................................. 6
Arima Municipal Development Plan .................................................................................. 7
Mayaro/Rio Claro Municipal Development Plan ................................................................ 8
Structure of the Plan .............................................................................................................. 8
Context and Strategic Analysis .................................................................. 10
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 10
Overview of Existing Conditions and Trends....................................................................... 10
Legislative and Institutional Framework ......................................................................... 10
Planning Framework ........................................................................................................ 11
Physical and Biological Dimensions ................................................................................. 11
Socioeconomic Dimensions................................................................................................ 17
Land Use and Economic Activity ...................................................................................... 19
Transportation .................................................................................................................. 20
Physical and Social Infrastructure ................................................................................... 23
SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................... 23
Social Issues ......................................................................................................................... 24
Economic Issues ................................................................................................................... 25
Environmental Issues .......................................................................................................... 25
Infrastructural ..................................................................................................................... 25
Administrative ..................................................................................................................... 26
Strategic Framework .................................................................................... 27
Sangre Grande’s Role in National Spatial Development ..................................................... 27
Development Goal, Strategic Vision and Direction .............................................................. 28
Development Goal ............................................................................................................. 28
Vision ................................................................................................................................ 29
Development Objectives.................................................................................................... 29
Development Strategy .......................................................................................................... 30
A Balanced Growth Strategy ............................................................................................ 30
Broad Spatial Context ...................................................................................................... 30
Population Dynamics of Sangre Grande ........................................................................... 31
The Overall Strategy ........................................................................................................ 32
Spatial Development Framework ..................................................................................... 34
Thematic Policies and Proposals ............................................................... 36
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 36
Urban Design (UD)............................................................................................................... 37
Urban Design Framework ................................................................................................ 37
Policy Objective ................................................................................................................. 39
Urban Design Policies and Proposals ............................................................................... 39
Environmental Management (EM) ...................................................................................... 44
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 44
Policy Objective ................................................................................................................. 46
Policies and Proposals....................................................................................................... 46
Economic Development (ED) ................................................................................................ 63
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 63
Policy Objectives ............................................................................................................... 63
Policies and Proposals....................................................................................................... 64
Transportation (TP).............................................................................................................. 77
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 77
Policy Objective ................................................................................................................. 78
Policies and Proposals....................................................................................................... 78
Housing (HU) ....................................................................................................................... 86
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 86
Policy Objective ................................................................................................................. 86
Policies and Proposals....................................................................................................... 87
Social and Community Amenities and Services (SC) ........................................................... 90
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 90
Policy Objective ................................................................................................................. 90
Policies and Proposals....................................................................................................... 90
Infrastructure and Public Utilities (IP) ............................................................................... 99
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 99
Policy Objective ............................................................................................................... 100
Policies and Proposals..................................................................................................... 100
Institutional Strengthening (IS) ........................................................................................ 106
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 106
Policy Objective ............................................................................................................... 106
Policies and Proposals..................................................................................................... 107
Municipal Management (MM)............................................................................................ 110
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 110
Policy Objective ............................................................................................................... 110
Policies and Proposals..................................................................................................... 110
District Policies and Proposals ................................................................113
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 113
Common Polices ................................................................................................................. 114
District Polices and Proposals ............................................................................................ 115
Town of Sangre Grande (TG) .......................................................................................... 115
Greater Sangre Grande (GS) .......................................................................................... 120
Matura to Matelot (MT) .................................................................................................. 122
Valencia (VA) .................................................................................................................. 127
Greater Tamana (GT) ..................................................................................................... 131
Manzanilla (MA) ............................................................................................................. 134
Fishing Pond/North Manzanilla (FM) ............................................................................ 138
Implementation ............................................................................................140
Implementation Mechanisms ............................................................................................. 140
Management of Development............................................................................................. 140
Funding .............................................................................................................................. 141
Community Participation in the Development Process ..................................................... 141
Programmes and Projects................................................................................................... 142
Monitoring and Review ...................................................................................................... 142
Table 1: Sangre Grande Population Statistics by Community ................................................ 17
Table 2: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats ................................................. 23
Table 3: Distribution of Population by Communities 2000 and 2020 ...................................... 32
Table 4: Protected Areas in Sangre Grande .......................................................................... 49
Table 5: Tourism Resources within the Municipality of Sangre Grande ................................ 51
Table 6: Food Basket Designated Areas in the Sangre Grande Municipality ......................... 69
Table 7: Priority Roads in Need of Improvement in the Short Term ...................................... 80
Table 8: Population, Household and Dwelling Units, 2000 and 2020 ..................................... 87
Table 9: Water Demand for Sangre Grande, 2020................................................................. 101
Figure 1: Location of Sangre Grande in the Trinidad and Tobago Context .............................. 2
Figure 2: Stages of the Regional Development Planning Process ............................................. 5
Figure 3: The Sub-Regions and Communities of Sangre Grande ............................................ 13
Figure 4: Land Use in Sangre Grande Town and Valencia ..................................................... 21
Figure 5: Generalised Land Use and Major Committed Developments .................................. 22
Figure 6: Land Use Proposals for the Municipality of Sangre Grande ................................... 35
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Close Circuit Television
Community Based Organisation
Certificate of Environmental Clearance
Churchill Roosevelt Highway
Commissioner of Police
Early Childhood Care and Education Centres
Economic Development
Environmental Management
Environmental Management Authority
Eastern Main Road
e TecK
Evolving TecKnologies and Enterprise Development
Company Limited
Integrated Development Planning
Institute of Marine Affairs
Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Institutional Strengthening
Land-related Education and Awareness Programme
Land Settlement Agency
Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources
Municipal Corporations Act
Ministry of Community Development, Culture and
Gender Affairs
Ministry of Local Government
Municipal Management
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Works and Transport
Ministry of Planning, Housing and the Environment
Ministry of
Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs
Matura and then along the coast to Matelot
National Conceptual Development Plan
National Environmental Policy
Non-Government organisation
National Physical Development Plan
Rehabilitation Programme
National Spatial Strategy
Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management
Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
Public Sector Investment Programme
Public Transport Service Corporation
People United Respecting the Environment
People with Disabilities
Rural Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Regional Development Plan
Social and Community Amenities and Services
Spatial Development Plan
Sangre Grande Regional Corporation
Solid Waste Management Company Limited
Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats
Town and Country Planning
Town and Country Planning Division
Tourism Development Company Limited Trinidad
and Tobago
Traffic Management Branch
Trinidad Rapid Rail Transit System
Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission
Trinidad and Tobago Police Services
Urban Design
Unemployment Relief Programme
University of Trinidad and Tobago
University of the West Indies
Water and Sewerage Authority
Water Sector Modernisation Programme
Water and Wastewater Master Plan
The importance of the Sangre Grande Regional Municipality lies in its vast natural
resources and its potential for the establishment of sustainable resource-based
development. The Municipality, as shown in Figure 1, covers the northeast corner of
Trinidad. It is noted for its agriculture, fishing, mining deposits of mainly sand and
gravel, and for its vast eco-tourism potential. More recently, the exploitation of oil
and gas in the waters off its coastline has added to its list of natural resources.
Within the Region also lies the Sangre Grande town centre, one of the largest
population centres in East Trinidad, an area targeted for economic growth and
expansion. Though noted as the poorest Municipality within Trinidad and Tobago,
over the years the people of Sangre Grande have shown their resilience, creativity
and independence by creating a model for community and regional development
utilising the surrounding natural resources in their midst for which their Region has
become internationally known.
Despite its potential for sustainable development, there are number of socioeconomic
priorities which must be addressed as the Region moves forward. However, a
number of developments proposed both within and just outside its borders could
provide the much needed impetus for positive growth and development of the
Municipality. This is the context in which the Draft Sangre Grande Municipality
Regional Development Plan (RDP) has been prepared in keeping with the mandate of
the Ministry of Local Government (MLG) for the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation
(SGRC) to formulate a development plan for the Municipality. This is part of an
overall programme to cover the landscape of Trinidad with regional comprehensive
development plans to address the issues of the Municipalities which the various
Municipal Corporations and
other agencies need to
handle in the discharge of
their functions.
Figure 1: Location of Sangre Grande in the Trinidad and Tobago Context
Purpose and Scope of the Plan
The Draft Plan provides a sustainable regional development framework for the
Sangre Grande Municipality from 2011 to 2020 and beyond to accommodate and
guide development and the spatial distribution of social, economic, cultural,
infrastructural and environmental activities of its burgesses and partner agencies
operating within its boundaries. The Plan has been formulated following a series of
consultations and dialogues with various stakeholders within the Municipality and
agencies operating in the Municipality on issues which need to be addressed in the
The RDP will set the framework for the formulation of detailed policies and local area
plans for areas that require more elaborate treatment.
To facilitate early and well-informed solutions to the problems that beset the Region,
the RDP goes a step further to include a number of concrete projects through which
the Municipal Corporation and other partner agencies will be able to implement the
policies on which the Plan is based. The projects can be included in the annual
budgetary allocations of the Corporation, and the implementing agencies established
under the MLG such as the Rural Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago
Limited (RDC), and in the national Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP).
The RDP provides details on the distribution of the population over the Region until
2020, and broad land use allocations including the general location of land to
accommodate population increases expected over the next decade, as well as social,
economic, cultural, infrastructural and environmental initiatives to be undertaken in
the Municipality. Mechanisms through which the Plan is to be implemented are also
The approach to the preparation of the Draft RDP involved the five distinct phases as
summarised in Figure 2. These key phases are as follows:
1. Orientation:
This consisted of discussions between the SGRC and the Regional Planning
Consultant (Kairi Consultants); a rapid reconnaissance survey of the
Municipality (including the review of relevant secondary information and field
visits); and finalisation of the spatial development planning process, including
the stakeholder engagement and public consultation process.
2. Survey and Analysis:
Involved an extensive review of collected information and data; the conduct
of several specialist studies, including a „windscreen‟ land and building use
survey in strategic urban centres; and consultations with public sector
agencies and other stakeholders of the Municipality. A first Stakeholder
Consultation was held during this phase.
3. Data Analysis and Synthesis:
Analysis and synthesis of data, at the end of which key development planning
issues and problems were identified.
4. Scenario Planning:
The phase usually involves the generation of alternative development
scenarios with potential to address the issues, followed by an assessment of
these alternatives and the selection of the preferred option. However, the
Municipality of Sangre Grande over the last two years has been in the middle
of socioeconomic development planning process out of which an Integrated
Development Plan had been prepared. It is during this phase that the two
development planning processes were dovetailed. The outcomes of the first
Stakeholder Consultation and the Integrated Development Plan were used to
formulate a selected scenario in keeping with the wishes of the stakeholders
5. Plan Development:
Preparation of the Draft RDP based upon the scenario preferred by
stakeholders participating in the second Stakeholder Consultation. Thematic
proposals were prepared based on Regional and Urban Form and Design,
Environmental Management (including disaster management and climate
change); Economic Development; Social and Community Services and
Facilities; Transportation; Physical Infrastructure; Institutional Strengthening;
and Municipal Management.
Policies and proposals are also formulated at the level of the nine designated
sub-regions within the Municipality.
A public consultation is to be held to present and review the plan and to gain
feedback on its contents. The results of this review process will be used to
finalise the final Draft Plan.
Stakeholder Engagement and Participation
Stakeholder participation was an integral part of the process, and involved
discussions with individual Local Government Councillors, the administrative and
technical heads of sections at the SGRC, government departments and statutory
agencies, public sector and non-government organisation (NGO) and community
sector agencies and individuals, on the challenges and future development of the
Municipality. Also included were public consultations at which burgesses and
agencies working in the Municipality were able to articulate and agree on the manner
in which the Municipality will develop over the long term.
Phase One
Phase Two
Survey & Analysis
Phase Three
Data Analysis &
Phase Four
Scenario Planning
Phase Five
Plan Development
Meetings between SGCRC
and Consultant
Stakeholder Consultations
- Individual Meetings with
Councillors, Technical &
Administrative Staff,
Central Government,
Statutory Agencies,
Private & NGO/CBO
Background Studies
(Identification of Issues &
Challenges) - Land &
Building Use, Socioeconomic, Tranportation,
Infrastructure & Public
Utilities , Environment,
Legislative & Institutional
Conduct of Stakeholder
Conduct of Further
Stakeholder Consultations
Finalisation of Preferred
Scenario Based on the
Feedback from the
Development of Strategies,
Land Use Plan, Proposals
& Projects, Implementation
Background Studies
(Existing Conditions) Land & Building Use,
Infrastructure & Public
Utilities , Environment,
Legislative & Institutional
SWOT Analysis
Assessment of Potential
Implications of the
Preferred Scenario
Preparation of First Draft
Conduct of rapid
reconnaissance Survey Review of Secondary
Information & Field Visits
Finalising the Regional
Development Planning
Preparation of Situational
Report 1
Presentation of Draft RDP
to the Public
Preparation of Situational
Report 2
Preparation of Stakeholder
Engagement & Public
Consultaion Report
Identification of Vision,
Goals & Objectives
Completion of Final Draft
Figure 2: Stages of the Regional Development Planning Process for the Sangre Grande Municipality
Public Consultations
Two public consultations are part of the process. The first public consultation was
undertaken to formulate a Vision for future development of the Municipality, to
identify the key challenges which must be addressed and possible strategies which
should be implemented to realise this shared Vision for the Municipality. This
consultation was attended by 69 persons and included the Member of Parliament for
Toco/Sangre Grande, the Chairman and other members of the SGRC Council, and
representatives of NGO and community sector organisations.
The second upcoming consultation will be held to present and obtain feedback on the
Draft RDP which will be used to prepare a final draft version of the Plan.
Related Planning Initiatives
Development activity, existing and proposed at the national level as a whole and in
adjacent Municipalities, would impact the development and use of land in Sangre
Grande and vice versa. The municipalities adjacent to the Municipality of Sangre
Grande are Tunapuna/Piarco, Mayaro/Rio Claro and Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo.
Moreover, many residents in Valencia and Sangre Grande look to Arima for services
and therefore any significant development in Arima would also impact on the
Municipality. There is also a probability of imminent boundary changes which will
further influence the Municipality.
The national context is contained in various planning instruments including the
statutory National Physical Development Plan Trinidad and Tobago (NPDP) of 1980.
Regional planning initiatives currently underway for the Borough of Arima, and the
Municipalities of Tunapuna/Piarco, Mayaro/Rio Claro, and Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo
are also relevant.
The following shows the main strategic directions for neighbouring Municipalities, as
outlined in the respective Draft RDPs.
Tunapuna/Piarco Spatial Development Plan
Tunapuna/Piarco includes the 416.5-hectare site of the Tamana InTech Park, a light
industrial estate with an academic and research component that includes the main
campus of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT). The completely built-out
Park is projected to contain a population of around 12,000 persons in addition to a
university population of 8,000. Another approximately 2,500 to 3,000 persons are
expected to be engaged in providing services to the Park.1 This development will
exert a tremendous influence upon Arima whether or not Wallerfield is incorporated
into the area to be managed by an Arima City Corporation.
Other major development proposals in Tunapuna/Piarco that would impact the
spatial development of Arima include HDC plans for an extension to the La Horquetta
residential development; and proposals by Home Construction Limited (HCL) to
continue the implementation of the Millennium Vision development at Trincity to
include multiple-family residential development on sites totalling approximately 24
The broad spatial development framework for Tunapuna/Piarco as proposed in the
draft SDP involves the allocation of the land in the Municipality to 2020 as follows:
 Conservation Forestry over the entire Northern Range system within with the
possible exception of low-impact forms of agriculture in limited areas, and
infilling and limited expansion of existing settlements;
 Agriculture on all of the undeveloped land between the CRH and the southern
boundary of the Municipality, new development within this area being
restricted to consolidation and limited expansion of the settlements to the
south of the Caroni River;
 Intensified urban development in the East West Corridor;
 Mixed development in the southern portion of the Wallerfield community to
include the Tamana InTech Park, housing and support activities, and
agriculture; and
Tamana InTech Park Community Development Plan and Transportation Report, Volume 1, All-Inclusive Project
Development Services Limited (APDSL).
 A hierarchy of centres at the apex of which is Tunapuna as Regional Centre;
and including Trincity and Wallerfield as Sub-Regional Centres.
 Development of a University Town consisting of St Joseph-Curepe-St.
The strategy of Dispersed Concentration on which the SDP is based will see economic
activity dispersed to the smaller centres within the region including Blanchisseuse, La
Laja, Aripo and Brasso Seco which currently are more oriented to Arima than they
are to the centres in Tunapuna/Piarco. Road improvements proposed in the Plan
include the upgrade of the Arima-Blanchisseuse Road.
Arima Spatial Development Plan
Many of the policies and proposals in the Draft Arima SDP require the necessary
resources of the surrounding Municipality for their implementation.
The Plan is based upon the Eco-Cultural City Concept a „resource oriented and
ecological‟ approach to development‟2. Three of the communities that are currently in
Tunapuna/Piarco are proposed to be annexed to the Borough under the strategy,
namely, Maturita, Olton Road, and Santa Rosa Heights.
Elements of the strategy include strengthening of the traditional role of Arima as an
important regional service centre in north east Trinidad. Investment in nature and
cultural tourism and other sustainable economic activities is to be promoted in order
to enhance and conserve the natural and cultural assets of the town and its environs
and to broaden the economic base. Policies most relevant to Tunapuna/Piarco, and
dependent upon the resources contained within its boundaries would ensure the
 Optimisation of the conservation and use of areas and features of high
landscape and amenity value including Cleaver Woods Recreation Park, Arima
Blanchisseuse Road, and the foothills of the Northern Range;
 Promotion of research and development activities in order to create and refine
new technologies and products through, inter alia, development of a
relationship between the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and
Evolving TecKnologies and Enterprise Development Company Limited (e TecK)
regarding the introduction of structured research activities at O‟Meara EcoIndustrial Park; and
 Development of functional links and complementary research and
development activities between the Eco-Industrial Park and the Tamana
InTech Park at Wallerfield.
Draft Arima SDP prepared by Kairi Consultants Limited
Mayaro/Rio Claro Regional Development Plan
The Plan is based on the Concentrated Focus on Selected Centres Strategy which
promotes spatial equity where development will be distributed across the
Municipality, but with emphasis on Rio Claro, Mayaro, Biche and Guayaguayare, and
Rio Claro having the dominant role as the Municipal centre, and Mayaro as a smaller
but more prominent centre. The strategy attempts to counter the tendency for
mono-centric development in Rio Claro, not by weakening the role and functions of
that centre, but rather by bringing fresh State and private investment into the other
identified centres, particularly Mayaro, Biche and Guayaguayare in order to improve
their competitiveness, their ability to provide a better level of socio-economic activity
and services and improve the quality of life for all residents.
Many of the policies and proposals in the Draft Mayaro/Rio Claro RDP require
utilisation of the natural resource base of the Municipality for their implementation.
Some of the policies are as follows:
 Conservation and use of some of these areas and features of high landscape,
cultural and aesthetic value in the development of a vibrant tourism/ecotourism sector;
 The revitalisation of agriculture through an improvement of infrastructure,
strengthened marketing system and facilities for farmers, and development of
agro- and fish-processing industries – The development of an industrial park
in Rio Claro mainly catering for agro-processing activities;
 The repositioning of Guayaguayare as a port town, through the development
of the Galeota Port and fishing facilities; and
 The provision of a basic level of social and community amenities facilities in
all communities consistent with the creation of sustainable communities;
caters to the needs of all regardless of gender, age and ability; and promotes
social cohesiveness.
Structure of the Plan
The Draft RDP for the Sangre Grande Municipality comprises this Written Statement
and a series of Annexes and Maps. This Plan sets the context for development;
includes the strategic framework for the sustainable development of Sangre Grande;
and provides detailed Thematic and District Policies and Proposals to be implemented
over the next 10 years.
Annex One provides a detailed analysis of the existing situation within the
Municipality, including an account of its natural assets, socioeconomic conditions,
local government administration structure, and the challenges currently affecting and
likely to affect its future development.
Annex Two outlines the three scenarios for future development, the results of
evaluation of the alternative scenarios and a future description of the selected
development alternative.
Annex Three describes the stakeholder consultation process, what stakeholders said
and provides recommendations for future participatory development planning
activities in the Municipality.
Context and Strategic Analysis
This Chapter outlines the principal national policy documents that have been used to
inform and guide the preparation of the Draft Sangre Grande RDP and provides the
Regional Context for the Plan. Further details are provided in Appendix One:
Situational Report One - Survey and Analysis.
Overview of Existing Conditions and Trends
Legislative and Institutional Framework
Land use planning guidance is provided by the Town and Country Planning (TCP) Act,
Chapter 35:01 which is the enactment utilised by the Minister through the Town and
Country Planning Division (TCPD) to regulate and control land use and land
development in Trinidad and Tobago. The Act makes provision for the orderly and
progressive development of land in the country and requires the Minister (with
responsibility for town and country planning) to carry out a survey of the entire
country and to submit for the approval of Parliament a development plan indicating
the manner in which it is proposed to utilise the land.
The Environmental Management Act (Act No 3 of 2000) is the principal enactment
regulating and controlling environmental management by the Environmental
Management Authority. The main link between environmental management and
development planning is via the Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) Rules,
2001 which guide the assessment of development projects which are anticipated to
have a significant impact upon the environment.
The Municipal Corporations Act (MCA) No. 21 of 1990 makes provision for regional
planning and physical development, and provides the basis for devolution of
authority to the Corporations. Several of the responsibilities assigned to the
municipalities under this legislation have not been assumed, including the
responsibility for physical planning which is still that of the Minister.
While the EMA has overall responsibility for environmental management, there are a
number of Government and Statutory agencies with responsibility for specific
functions relating to land use development and environmental management. The
non-governmental organisation (NGO) and community sector is also a significant
element in promoting sound environmental management at local, regional, and
national levels.
Planning Framework
The plan is being prepared within the context of a number of plans and policy
instruments, the most significant of which are:
 National Physical Development Plan (NPDP), which is the only statutory guide
to land use and development at the national level, and which designated
Arima as a Sub-Regional Centre;
 Vision 2020 Draft National Strategic Plan, which is based upon an overarching
vision for Trinidad and Tobago for “successful national development resulting
in a high quality of life for all our citizens”; and
 National Spatial Strategy – NSS (2007) a strategy for the spatial development
of the country to 2020 based upon Government‟s plans to achieve developed
country status by that year.
Physical and Biological Dimensions
The Municipality of Sangre Grande is situated in northeast Trinidad and is bounded
on the south by the Mayaro/Rio Claro Municipality and on the southwest by
Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo and Tunapuna/Piarco on the west. The Region is fringed by
the Atlantic Ocean on the east and with a series of bays, and by the Caribbean Sea
in the north. Sangre Grande covers approximately 898.9 kilometres squared. Figure
1 indicates the location and boundaries of Sangre Grande.
The Municipality is largely rural in character with 41 communities which are located
along the major arterial network and at their main intersections. The Region can be
divided into seven socio-economic spheres (Figure 3), namely:
 The Town of Sangre Grande (Sangre Grande Proper) which is the central
node, in terms of being a hub and business district for most of the
Municipality lying to the east of Valencia, and to the south, east and
 Greater Sangre Grande made up of the seven communities surrounding the
town of Sangre Grande, and Coal Mine, Sangre Chiquito, Turure, Maraj Hill,
Guaico ,Oropouche and Cunaripo;
 M2M communities which comprise 15 communities to the northeast, from
Matura and then along the coast to Matelot, also engaged in agriculture,
fishing and more recently in eco-tourism;
 The conurbation of Valencia, which is oriented to the East-West Corridor.
Melajo and the remote Northern Range community of Cumaca form part of
this sub-region;
 Greater Tamana which is made up of the southern communities undulating
towards the lower reaches of the Central Range of Trinidad and northern to
the EMR, engaged in agriculture, and other rural pursuits;
 Manzanilla comprising four communities to the east and southeast of the
Sangre Grande town centre, engaged in agriculture and fishing and strung out
along the Main Road heading east and then southeast to Mayaro and to
Biche; and
 Fishing Pond/North Manzanilla comprising four communities to the east of the
town of Sangre Grande engaged mainly in agriculture, fishing and ecotourism
Figure 3: The Sub-Regions and Communities of Sangre Grande
Topography and Drainage
The Municipality of Sangre Grande falls within three of the five physiographic zones
of Trinidad, namely the Northern Range, the Northern Basin, and the Central Range.
The Northern Range is the prominent landform in North Sangre Grande, is an
extension of the Southern American Andean Mountain System. Some of the highest
peaks within the Range found in the Sangre Grande Municipality are El Cerro Del
Oropouche rising to 658 metres and Zapaya at 374 metres. Both the Caroni and
North Oropouche Rivers which drain the Northern and Central Ranges through a
series of tributaries, form part of the Sangre Grande Region. A significant proportion
of the Municipality falls within the Northern Basin, extending from the foothills of the
Northern Range to those of the Central Range, consisting of the floodplains and
alluvial flats of Oropouche River system and the Northern Terraces and Las Lomas
Peneplain. The remaining sections of the Municipality form part of the Central Range
with its highest peaks reaching to 300 metres in the Montserrat District, 290 metres
at Mount Harris and 335 metres at Mount Tamara.
Geology and Geological Resources
The three main groups of geological materials found in the northern section of the
Municipality of Sangre Grande are metamorphic and sedimentary rocks (made up
essentially of schists, phyllites and limestones), and alluvial deposits. The only
igneous rocks observed in Trinidad are the volcanic, found exposed along the north
coast in the Sans Souci area. The North Basin and Central Range within the Sangre
Grande are mainly sedimentary in nature.
The main economic mineral resources within the Municipality are made up of veins of
blue and yellow limestone found in Northern Range; extensive deposits of the
"Melajo" and "Guanapo" gravels which occur from Wallerfield through to Valencia to
Matura; and quartzitic sands found throughout this Region including a valuable
deposit of silica sand at Matura which is used to manufacture glass. Sand and gravel
of various grades are quarried for use in the construction industry.
Soils and Land Capability
There are a high number of soil types per unit area within Sangre Grande with some
43 of the total 120 soil types found in Trinidad and Tobago occupying the Region.
The soils in Sangre Grande can be divided into three broad groups: soils of the
uplands; soils of the terraces and subsidiary ranges; and soils of the alluvial flats,
plains and valleys. The soils of the Northern Range are usually upland soils with free
internal drainage and small pockets of alluvial and terrace soils. Terrace soils
dominate as one moves from the foothills of the Northern Range to the Northern
Basin, while alluvial soils are found in deep bands along the rivers as they travel east
to the Atlantic. These soils have very poor internal drainage, are acidic and low in
plant nutrients.
The southern regions of the Municipality are dominated by the clayey upland soils
which have restricted internal drainage, ranging from being only slightly acidic to
moderately to strongly acidic. Some have good supply of nutrients. Clayey soils are
the main alluvial soil found along the banks of the northern tributaries of the North
Oropouche River, the southern tributaries draining the Central Range. These alluvial
soils have poor internal drainage, are acidic in nature with low to moderate supplies
of plant nutrients. Two hydromorphic soils with restricted internal drainage are found
in lower Manzanilla, while a sandy soil occupies the beachfront locations.
Most of the lands in Northern Range are classified as VII that is they are unsuitable
for agriculture due to very steep slopes and should remain in indigenous or forest
vegetation. At the north eastern tip of the Range from Sans Souci to Balandra, the
soils were classified between IV and VI which make them best suited for tree and
fruit crops or indigenous/forest vegetation. The terrace soils on the foothills and
flatlands north of the Oropouche River are classified as Class VI soils, that is, they
should be left under forest or indigenous growth. The alluvial soils along the
tributaries of the North Oropouche River and the upland soils in the Central Range
are the best agricultural soils in the Municipality ranging from Class II (north
tributaries of the North Oropouche River), Class III (the south tributaries) and Class
IV (upland soils in the Central Range, Cunaripo, Tamana, etc.).
Water Resources
Sangre Grande is one of the most important surface water sources for Trinidad and
so the protection of this Region is, therefore, vital and of strategic interest to the
country. The Caroni and North Oropouche Rivers are two major river systems which
drain the lands of the Northern Range and Northern Basin of Trinidad. They are
major overland sources of potable water and are important resources for agricultural
production, industrial activities and for recreational activities. Most of the Oropouche
River system is found in Sangre Grande. There are four major and seven minor
traditional aquifer systems in the Municipality. There is potential in the area for the
development of mega-watershed aquifers.
Coastal and Nearshore Resources
Coastal areas encompass both terrestrial and marine resources as well as
ecosystems lying at the land-sea interface such as river deltas, wetlands, beaches
and dunes, lagoons, estuaries, coral reefs and offshore embankments. In total,
Trinidad has 420 kilometres of coastline3 of which 24 percent (or 101 kilometres) is
As quoted by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation – Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.
found within the Sangre Grande Municipality. However, only a small portion of the
population of the Municipality lives on the coast. There are nine wetlands in the
Sangre Grande Municipality; the two of note are the North Oropouche and a small
section of the Nariva Swamp.
The North Coast consists essentially of a series of cliffs and headlands interspersed
with small bays, some of which are inaccessible by land. In all there are 14 such
small bays along the North Coast of Sangre Grande; among the more famous are
Matelot Bay, Grande Riviere Bay, Sans Souci Bay, Toco Bay and Salybia Bay. The
vistas along the North Coast make it a location of appreciable aesthetical value. The
East Coast is less precipitous and the headlands and bays are smaller and more
numerous. The East Coast is also spectacular and varied with three main stretches of
low coast separated by Manzanilla Point and Radix Point.
Biological Resources and Biodiversity
A significant proportion of the country‟s biodiversity is found in Sangre Grande. More
than 40 percent of the land area is protected by legislation. There are some 18
protected areas in the Region representing various ecosystems. One notable forest
type found extensively in east Trinidad, with one location in Sangre Grande (near
Matura), is the mora forest, which is dominated largely by Mora excelsa. In addition,
the Municipality is home to some 15 of the country‟s endemic plant species. In
addition, the Region is home to many bird species, including the Trinidad Piping
Guan (Pawi or Pipile pipile). The Nariva Swamp has the most varied vegetation of all
wetlands in Trinidad and Tobago, with distinct zones of swamp forest, palm swamp,
herbaceous swamp and mangrove woodlands. The Nariva Swamp is a critical habitat
for the manatee (sea cow) and several species of waterfowls. The Region‟s beaches
are nesting sites for the endangered and protected Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys
Only one coral reef can be described in Trinidad and that is Salybea Reef in Toco.
Fisheries are an important source of livelihood for many coastal communities and
this is so for coastal communities of Sangre Grande. On the Northeast coast, sea
grass communities can be found at Salybia.
Hazard Susceptibility
Sangre Grande, like the rest of Trinidad and Tobago, is subject to a number of
disasters, including tropical storms and hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, forest
fires, storm surge and tsunamis, mud volcanoes, and chemical emergencies. The
Region is particularly vulnerable to land slippage, flooding and high winds. Areas
along the Oropouche River and tributaries in the Tamana area are most prone to
flooding. Soil erosion and massive land movement are also major occurrences and as
a result landslip damage is common along major access roads – Naparima/Mayaro
Road and the Cunapo Southern Main Road. In addition, coastal erosion is a
significant problem along the entire coast, but is particularly worrisome along the
North Coast.
Socioeconomic Dimensions
Population and Labour Force
According to the 2000 Central Statistical Office (CSO) Community Register, the
population of the Municipality was at 65,807 persons, or just 5.21 percent of the
population of Trinidad and Tobago in 2000. Table 1 shows the distribution of
population and households across the Municipality. Most of the population is located
in the town of Sangre Grande (27.59 percent) and Valencia (12.4 percent). All other
communities account for less than 10 percent. Except for the Sangre Grande town
itself, the Municipality had a density of under 250 persons per square kilometre at
Census 2000.
Table 1: Sangre Grande Population Statistics by Community
No. of
No. of
Share of
Ratio of
to Dwelling
Coal Mine
Fishing Pond
Four RoadsTamana
Grand Riviere
Table 1: Sangre Grande Population Statistics by Community
No. of
Share of
Ratio of
to Dwelling
L'Anse Noire
Maraj Hill
Monte Video
Morin Bay
Plum Mitan
Sans Souci
No. of
Source: Community Register 2000, CSO
The labour statistics collected as part of the 2000 Population and Housing Census
showed that the municipal labour force is made up principally of agricultural workers
and workers in elementary occupations, together accounting for over 40 percent of
the workforce. Data also suggest a high dependency ratio among the population: one
in three persons worked in the Municipality.
Housing and Living Conditions
Most accommodation units in the Municipality are single family residences, however,
housing in the Municipality ranges from elite accommodation, mainly holiday homes
in the certain sections of the coastline to very poor squalid conditions in squatter
settlements and remote communities. Nonetheless, dilapidated housing and the need
for community upgrading are clearly evident in more rural areas. There are also
some locations where agricultural lands have been subdivided for residential
purposes without securing the necessary approval from the TCPD, and the
appropriate infrastructural development required for housing development.
One aspect of housing conditions that attests to problems of quality is access to
potable water. Some communities remain severely underserved in this regard,
particularly communities south of EMR. In these areas there is greater reliance on
truck-borne supplies and rainwater harvesting and so households in these affected
communities have greater responsibility for management of their water supply.
The Municipality has been among the poorest in the country based on data on
poverty for the last forty years. The three poorest communities in the Municipality
were among the first ten of poor communities in the country. Moreover, half of the
communities were in the first 100 of over 400 communities in Trinidad: in other
words, in the bottom 25 percent or 20 percent of the country. While 16.7 percent of
the national population was poor in 2005, in the Sangre Grande Municipality, 39.1
percent of the population was poor4.
Land Use and Economic Activity
Most of the land in the Region is undeveloped, being under either forest cover or
agriculture. The forested lands, the rivers and the beaches form the base for leisure,
recreational and tourism activities for residents and visitors to the Municipality. There
are numerous small recreational beaches from Toco to Matelot on the north coast,
and from Manzanilla to Galera Point on the east, which are utilised mainly by locals.
The best known beaches are at Balandra, Grande Riviere, Manzanilla, Matura,
Rampanalgas, Salibea Bay, Salybia, and Sans Souci. Natural watercourses also
Assessment of Living Conditions of Trinidad and Tobago, 2005. Prepared by Kairi Consultants Limited on behalf of
the Ministry of Social Development.
provide recreational outlets for significant numbers of persons who frequent the
Valencia, Matura, Sans Souci, and Shark Rivers on weekends and public holidays.
Turtle watching has developed into a significant activity on those beaches that are
used as nesting grounds by turtles. Ecotourism is emerging as an important industry
for communities in the Northeast and East - M2M, Fishing Pond/North Manzanilla and
Aside from recreation, some of the Region‟s beaches also function as landing sites for
fishers in Balandra, Cumana, Grande Riviere, Manzanilla, Matelot, Sans Souci and
Toco. Agriculture is the predominant land use in the southern one-third of the region.
The traditional cash crops of cocoa and coffee, despite their decline over the years,
still play a very important part in this sector. Large acreages are also devoted to
coconuts, citrus, plantains, bananas, mangoes, vegetables, and root crops including
cassava, dasheen, and yams. Rice production takes place in the Manzanilla and Plum
Mitan areas. Areas like Oropouche and Fishing Pond are used extensively for
vegetable production. Other important farming activities include livestock rearing
(cattle farming in Valencia and poultry production in Cumuto/Tamana) and
Conservation is a major land use in the area with over 40 percent of the land under
statutory protection. Quarrying also takes up an appreciable amount of land space
with extensive areas of Valencia and Turure being exploited. Water production is
another important economic activity.
Built development is mainly residential with a small amount of Office,
Trade/Commercial, Tourism, and Institutional activity. There is no industrial
development of any note in the Region. Data on establishments collected by the CSO
show that there was a major increase in the number of business establishments in
the Municipality between 2000 and 2001, from 485 to 799. Over the period 2001 to
2007, the number rose less dramatically and stabilised at around 900 over the period
2005 to 2007 reaching 907 in 2007. Most of these are located in, or in proximity to,
the town of Sangre Grande. Figures 4 and 5 show the land use patterns of the town
of Sangre Grande and the Municipality.
There are seven main roads servicing the Sangre Grande Region which give access
to all of the key population and activity centres. Secondary roads serve as
distributors/collectors connecting activity centres to the main roads, or as linkages
between two Main Roads. In this region, they also serve as local access roads. They
vary in width and surface quality.
Figure 4: Land Use in Sangre Grande Town and Valencia
(based on Land Use Surveys)
Figure 5: Generalised Land Use and Major Committed Developments
Source: MLG Database, TCPD Policy Map and Registers, EMA, Satellite Imagery, Field Surveys
Physical and Social Infrastructure
The Municipality is served by a range of social facilities and services that are
distributed across its geographic area and which bear close relation to the quality of
life that is experienced by residents. Despite the presence of such resources, some
critical infrastructure and facilities are limited at the community level, while
maintenance of these facilities is a critical issue in others. Critical among these is
drainage, which because of its inadequacy has increased and compounded the
incidence of flooding. Waste collection and disposal, another critical concern, are
performed mainly by contractors on behalf of the Municipal Corporation. The move
towards integrated waste management approach means that the Municipality must
improve the efficiency of such services, ensure that waste hauling trucks reach their
final disposal destination and better manage faecal waste facility.
There are primary and secondary health care facilities in the Municipality with a
hospital in the town of Sangre Grande and nine primary health centres located
throughout the municipality. The provision of primary and secondary education is
considered to be adequate, but there is need for facilities to adequately address
post-secondary and tertiary education. There is also a need for proper managed and
maintained sporting and leisure facilities as residents adopt healthier lifestyles. The
provision of sporting facilities must go hand in hand with the delivery of services to
encourage and facilitate greater participation in the sector.
SWOT Analysis
The SWOT Analysis was informed by the survey as well as by consultations with
stakeholders including the administrative and political arms of the Municipal
Corporation and public, private and NGO sector agencies operating the Region. The
results of the SWOT Analysis are summarised in Table 2.
In order to come up with a development concept that is sustainable and appropriate
to the needs of the people of the region, the Plan would need to build upon the
strengths and opportunities and convert them into development potential, at the
same time as it addresses the weaknesses and threats.
Table 2: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
Sangre Grande’s position as the main market town
and service centre for north-eastern Trinidad
Strategic location of the town of Sangre Grande as
the key element in the Northeast Triangle of
Wallerfield, Valencia, and Sangre Grande
Good Eco and Resort Tourism base and potential
Prolific destination for the nesting of the leatherback
Location with regard to the economic heartland of
the country
Lack of tourism infrastructure
Abandoned farms
Largely artisanal fisheries sector
Table 2: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
sea turtles
Established and pro-active CBOs
Extensive areas of good agricultural lands
Strong agricultural tradition
Established fishing industry
Extensive forest lands with legal protection
Well developed quarrying industry
Extensive expanse of flat land
Existing commercial and growing industrial base
Availability of lower cost housing
Water resources
Fair road network
Impact of quarrying on the environment
Shortage of job opportunities
Deficiencies in social infrastructure
Narrow and poorly surfaced roads in some areas
Traffic Congestion
Poor drainage infrastructure
Lack of incentives to attract businesses
Poor water supply and distribution infrastructure
Unbalanced regional growth leading to rural to urban
Good telephone network
Peaceful region with little violent crime
Competitive wages
Adequate supply of electricity
Maximisation of Eco-Tourism potential
Revival of agriculture
Loss of good agricultural lands to built development
Overfishing by large trawlers off east and north
Land degradation from quarrying
Out-migration of population
Competition from other Corporations
Lack of funding
Modernisation of fishing industry
Selective exploitation of forest products
Development of Toco Ferry Terminal
Spin-offs from e-TecK and UTT
Development of Sangre Grande into a modern
Commercial and Administrative Centre
Establishment of an incentive programme to attract
Lack of strict legislation or little policing of it with
regard to conservation and protective measures
From stakeholder and public consultations and based on the SWOT Analysis
undertaken for the Region, certain development issues have been identified at this
stage. The major issues that have been identified are as follows:
Social Issues
These revolve around the fact that Sangre Grande is the poorest region in the
nation. There is a greater percentage of persons living below the poverty line than in
any other region of the country. The associated issues relate to such areas as
illiteracy, underdevelopment of the human resource base, an untrained workforce,
rural to urban migration, youth (under)development, housing shortage, squatting,
inadequate health services, vagrancy, and increasing crime.
Economic Issues
The economic fortunes of the region which in the past were based principally on
agriculture and fishing have suffered greatly from the decline in these two sectors.
Within recent times, tourism, and in particular eco-tourism, have emerged as a
potential area for development. However, the Region continues to experience high
levels of unemployment, underemployment, and the scarcity of financial resources.
Other related issues are unbalanced regional growth, loss of agricultural land to
housing and other uses, under-development of the tourism sector and its base
including the beaches, lack of funding for projects, lack of meaningful business
partnerships between the public and private sector, and the inability of the SGRC to
generate funds of its own. It is necessary to find ways to fast track Tourism and
Fisheries infrastructure and to treat with the economic livelihood in isolated villages
and, hence, control rural urban migration.
Environmental Issues
Within recent years environmental concerns have surfaced because of the growing
awareness of matters environmental. Burgesses are concerned about the
environmental degradation taking place particularly in the quarrying and logging
industries. Quarrying has left giant holes filled with water which not only pose great
risk to humans traversing and living in the areas but also leave the vicinity scarred
and unproductive. There are areas where logging has been done in an unsustainable
manner. There is an urgent need to bring these industries under control.
The Region represents a major part of the country‟s biodiversity and therefore
addressing the conservation needs of this Region is critical. In addition, the
promotion of environmental community-based environmental stewardship is also
important and so there is need for Government (both local and central) to work
together with the Region in establishing sustainable and viable models that ensure
the livelihood needs of communities and environmental health. Other issues of
concern include waste management control, pollution, and littering. Reducing risk to
humans due to natural and other disaster is an issue which ought to be addressed.
The lack of infrastructural development, in particular, the poor roads, is viewed as
retarding economic development. The upgrading of agricultural access roads is
considered as a key ingredient to the revival of the agricultural sector and ultimately,
the wider economic development of the region. There is also widespread flooding
related to poor drainage systems in the region. There appears to be a grey area
relating to the fact that the MALMR may be responsible for upgrading some of the
agricultural access roads, and the Drainage Division of the MOWT for the major
drainage systems, while the SGRC is responsible for the remainder.
Public transportation systems are also inadequate. Traffic congestion in Sangre
Grande and Valencia is seen as being symptomatic of the need for reviewing the
urban road structures to address this issue. Garbage collection and disposal
infrastructure also require attention.
These issues relate to deficiencies in the dispensation of government services. They
range from what is considered to be the policies of the TCPD to shortcomings in the
SGRC itself including staff shortages, lack of training for Corporation personnel, lack
of resources and equipment for staff to function effectively, perceived political
partisanship, and lack of coordination and cooperation between government
agencies. A major administrative issue relates to the extent of unauthorised
development and quarrying that takes place in the region and the inability or
unwillingness of the State to monitor or enforce against the illegal activities.
Strategic Framework
In developing this strategy for the future development of the Municipality, it is
important to put the development of Sangre Grande in the context of the national
development as well as the development of East Trinidad, which also includes the
Mayaro/Rio Claro Municipality. The Sangre Grande Municipality will have a major
influence on the development of economic, social, cultural, and environment
development of the wider East Coast.
Sangre Grande’s Role in National Spatial Development
The National Physical Development Plan of 1984 is the sole statutory instrument at
the time guiding spatial development at the national level. The Plan identified the
town of Sangre Grande as one of the four proposed Growth Centres, along
with Point Fortin, Couva-Point Lisas, and Mayaro-Galeota, and therefore the
expansion of industrial estates was expected to be an integral part of this process.
The development of housing was also proposed for the centre along with the
development of appropriate physical and social infrastructure. The population of the
Northeast Region was expected to increase, generated by the development of the
Sangre Grande growth centre and its suitability for accommodating overspill from the
Capital Region.
Also identified as a sub-regional centre, the town of Sangre Grande was earmarked
as an important area with an expanded economic base and improvements in its
attractiveness for settlement, thus providing employment and offering service
facilities. As a town, Sangre Grande was considered as having several factors which
could be exploited, including a favourable geographical location in relation to Port-ofSpain and the major transportation lines in the Northeast and to the Southeast; its
function as the major administrative, commercial and residential centre in the
Northeast; a significant amount of developable land within its immediate environs;
and a hinterland rich in agricultural and forestry potential and containing high quality
sands and gravels.
While Toco was designated as a district centre to receive some level of facilities and
services, the wider Municipality was zoned to include extensive areas under
agriculture, conservation, quarrying, and resort development among others. The
Northeast of the Municipality and East Nariva were zoned for agriculture, forestry
and rural development, including the implementation of reforestation schemes in
suitable areas. The North and Northeast Coasts, and the Manzanilla-Nariva Swamp
area were earmarked for the development of resort complexes. Moreover, areas in
the Northern Range and other upland areas within the Municipality were designated
as conservation.
A National Conceptual Development Plan (NCDP) prepared in 1999 ostensibly to
update the planning framework of the NPDP is also relevant. More recently, a NSS
was developed to guide the spatial development of Trinidad and Tobago to the year
2020. These frameworks provide guidance to the role of Sangre Grande in the
national spatial system.
Under the NSS, Sangre Grande and Toco were classified as Rural Centres that will
contain between 10,000 to 15,000 persons and that will provide a range of social
and community services, facilities, and some employment opportunities. For Sangre
Grande this is a downgrading of its role stipulated in the NPDP as a Growth
Centre/Sub-regional Centre. The NSS also placed emphasis on environmental
protection that included protection of wetlands, forests, biodiversity, watersheds,
hillside development, heritage resources, water pollution, ecosystems and coral
reefs/sand dunes, all of which are represented in the Municipality of Sangre Grande.
Development Goal, Strategic Vision and Direction
Development Goal
The goal of the Sangre Grande Municipality RDP is to ensure successful regional
development resulting in the creation of sustainable communities and a high
quality of life for all burgesses. It is derived from the Vision 2020 Draft National
Strategic Plan which provides the framework for the development of Trinidad and
Tobago to 2020. Sustainable communities here are defined as those in which
residents are empowered to gain and retain access to their needs for adequate
housing, social facilities, physical infrastructure, recreation, employment and
commercial opportunities either within or in close proximity to the community
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs5.
as taken from the Vision 2020 Regional Development and Sustainable Communities Sub-committee Report
The Strategic Vision on which the RDP is to be based was determined from the
Participatory Visioning Exercise carried out specifically for the purpose of determining
the manner in which the stakeholders see the Region developing in the future. The
agreed vision is outlined below:
The Municipality of Sangre Grande will create a high quality of life, free of crime,
and, supported by equitably distributed social and infrastructural services to all its
burgesses, will lay a sustainable platform for a rejuvenated agriculture, agribusiness, fisheries, distribution, commerce and ecotourism, capable of providing
rewarding lives to all communities, and of encouraging the fullest participation of all,
and especially of its young people, with Sangre Grande, the town, becoming a fitting
centre of this progressive Municipality.
Development Objectives
To attain its Vision, the Municipality of Sangre Grande will pursue 12 broad
development objectives:
1. Poverty reduction (individual, household and community);
2. Creation of jobs within the Municipality;
3. Development of public-private sector partnerships to facilitate the economic,
social, and physical transformation of the Municipality;
4. Equitable provision of basic social and physical infrastructure and amenities to
all communities;
5. Provision of a comprehensive network of physical infrastructure to foster and
facilitate economic development within the Municipality;
6. Provision of affordable and good quality housing at safe locations;
7. Sustainable management of its natural resources, including the optimum and
safe use of its agricultural lands and eco-tourism resources;
8. Greater integration of the Municipality;
9. Development of functional and aesthetically appealing urban and rural spaces,
that are distinct, safe, well-connected, adaptable, manageable, and easy on
the environment;
10. Reduction of risks associated with climate change and natural disasters within
the Municipality; and
11. Effective municipal management.
Development Strategy
The Selection Process
The option for future development of Sangre Grande was born out of the RDP
participatory process and the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) process which
has taken place in the Municipality over the last two years, the result of which is the
Cabinet-approved Ten Point Plan and the formulation of an Integrated Development
Plan for sustainable development of the Region. The IDP process involved over 30
fora were held throughout the Region, with the conduct of a total of 20 community
outreach meetings in an effort to identify issues and workable recommendations
from burgesses on the future development of the Municipality and districts. Coming
on the heels of this initial process, the RDP process was modified from its original
methodology of conducting a second public consultation to evaluate the alternative
scenarios generated and the selection of a preferred scenario upon which the RDP
would have been based. Instead the Preferred Development Strategy was formulated
based on the IDP and the expressed wishes of stakeholders during the first public
consultation and the more than 20 stakeholders discussions held during the RDP
planning process.
A Balanced Growth Strategy
The basis for future sustainable development of Sangre Grande lies in the promotion
and support of balanced growth across the various sub-regions of the Municipality.
The Development Strategy for Sangre Grande promotes greater spatial equity
through a more polycentric and integrated approach so that development will be
distributed across the Municipality, but with emphasis on expanding the role and
functions of the town of Sangre Grande to be become a major growth pole in East
Trinidad. At the same time greater investment will be encouraged and focussed at
the various sub-regions, not only through the State and private sector, but mainly
through the efforts of residents in the sub-regions who have and are expected to
continue to play a dominant role in the rejuvenation and development of their
communities and the nodal centres – Toco, Valencia and Cumuto. Greater
investment in these identified centres should improve their competitiveness, their
ability to provide a better level of socio-economic activity and services and improve
the quality of life for residents, including those in remote locations.
Broad Spatial Context
Spatial policy for the Municipality recognises the wider context within which it exists.
The town of Sangre Grande is one of the most significant centres in eastern Trinidad
and exerts a major influence on the rest of the Municipality and the Municipality of
Mayaro/ Rio Claro. It is a transportation hub for people travelling to the north to the
more rural communities on the northeast coast and to the south to Cumuto, Rio
Claro, Mayaro, Talparo or to the west to Arima and further afield to Port-of-Spain.
The extension of the CRH would make it easier to get into and out of the
Municipality. The establishment of the campus of the University of Trinidad and
Tobago (UTT) at O‟Meara and the coming on stream of e TecK‟s Tamana Park means
that both facilities can be reached within 15 minutes from of Sangre Grande town
centre when the extension of the CRH is complete and this would add to the
conditions precedent to the Municipality‟s readiness for development.
In terms of size and services, the town of Sangre Grande is a significant centre
offering services to residents in Mayaro/Rio Claro, particularly in respect of
secondary health care since the Sangre Grande Hospital is at the pinnacle of the
Eastern Regional Health District. Residents of Mayaro/Rio Claro are also known to
view the town of Sangre Grande as the locus of educational opportunities. The
placement of strategic social facilities in Municipality of Sangre Grande would make it
attractive to a wider catchment beyond its boundaries and its sphere of influence
would be even greater with an expanded CRH and the development of a ring road
around the town of Sangre Grande.
The Northeast Coast leads the way in terms of ecotourism and community-led
tourism enterprise. Already the model centred on a partnering of the public sector
and community monitoring of turtle nesting and watching which began in Matura has
been adopted by other communities in the Region and elsewhere and has extended
to other utilisation of other neighbouring natural resources. The positioning of
Northeast Trinidad for ecotourism, recreation, scenic touring and leisure activities is
in keeping with proposals for the development of the Northeast Trinidad Anchor
Coast Resort Development area which now extends beyond the original proposed
zone of Matura to Toco to as far as Matelot. Such an anchor along with the
development of the East Coast Scenic Corridor, which can extend from Toco through
the sections of the Northeast Anchor, along the Atlantic Coast to the southeast
Trinidad at Guayaguayare, would position the entire eastern coast as the major
destination for nature based tourism pursuits and further strengthen the
development of the Municipality. The development of Arima as an Eco-Cultural
Centre and the development of Aripo Savannas Visitor Centre and community
tourism ventures in Tamana area would further help to booster this position.
Population Dynamics of Sangre Grande
The rate of growth of the population in the Municipality was 5.01 percent between
1990 and 2000, which is slightly higher than the national average. This can be
attributed to the continued expansion of housing development in the Region, and to
some extent to an increase in informal settlements. However, there has been
noticeable outward migration of residents in 20-30 year cohort who upon completion
of their schooling and in the absence of employment and growth in the area, are
drawn to other areas in the society and economy in search of a better future than
has been offered by Sangre Grande. The population projections provided in Table 3
assumes a reversal of this trend of out-migration. It is further assumed increases in
population in the Municipality will also come from the spill-over of the population
from the highly concentrated municipalities of Arima and Tunapuna/Piarco, with
people seeking relatively cheaper accommodation in Valencia and the town of Sangre
Grande, which is within easy reach by public transport to Arima, Tunapuna/Piarco
and Port-of-Spain. In this regard, the Municipality of Sangre Grande will need to
provide services to formal residents, many of whom find employment elsewhere. The
Development Strategy makes provision for the projected 2020 population of 80,000,
which is around 14,363 more than the 2000 figure.
Table 3: Distribution of Population by Communities 2000 and 2020, and Incremental
Population, based on the Balanced Growth Scenario
Fishing Pond
No of
No of
No of
No of
No of
The Overall Strategy
The Sangre Grande RDP seeks to provide for a future wellbeing of residents and to
facilitate sustainable development of the Municipality as the preferred place for
burgesses and visitors to live, work and recreate in a high-quality environment that
is in keeping with national strategic development goals. It is a place where enhanced
physical environment will be created in a sustainable manner to support the needs of
the residents and visitors to the Municipality, including the rationalisation and
upgrading of the town of Sangre Grande as a growth pole and the development and
rejuvenation of other identified centres which in the past have been neglected.
As a the growth pole emphasis will be placed on strengthening the economic base
and increasing employment opportunities and choices in the town of Sangre Grande
and within the Municipality as a whole; enhancing the integrity of the natural
environment as store house of the country‟s biodiversity and water production area
is important. Equally important to the development of the Municipality would be the
improvement of the delivery of transportation and other physical and social
infrastructure and services in a balanced and equitable manner. The implementation
of future activities under this Plan will be guided by the principles of sustainable
development and the recognition that corrective action is needed against global
climate change and dynamic international economic and financial situation.
The overall strategy, therefore, is to:
a. Encourage investment in resort, eco- and cultural tourism and other
sustainable economic activities such as would promote and conserve the
natural and cultural assets of the Region, and broaden its economic base.
b. Encourage and facilitate the revitalisation of the agriculture sector through
the upgrade of designated food basket areas, and strengthening research and
development, marketing and sectoral linkages.
c. Create a node of industrial development in northeast Trinidad giving
particularly attention to agro- and fish-processing.
d. Strict monitoring and regulation of the quarry industry in keeping with the
operation of a modern open-pit quarry industry observing best practices and
making a meaningful contribution to the development of the Sangre Grande
e. Provide and facilitate the housing needs of the projected population of 80,000
persons by the year 2020, including provisioning for the complementary
infrastructural and social services needs, and the implementation of standards
to guide the development of visitor accommodations and facilities.
Improve the social and physical infrastructure systems and facilities that are
accessible to all to serve the residents of the Municipality.
g. Protect the open character and aesthetics of the Municipality including the
protection of landscapes, open spaces, architectural, archaeological and
cultural heritage and material assets of the Municipality, ensuring that future
developments pay attention to the preservation of these areas and structures.
h. Upgrade and improve the functional efficiency and aesthetic appeal of the
town centres, key public spaces, and scenic routes in the Municipality.
Encourage greater participation and involve the municipal community in the
decision-making process on planning, environmental and municipal
management issues.
Develop a comprehensive regional spatial planning framework that combines
conservation, economic, social, recreational, and leisure uses, through
vigorous land use planning controls.
The Strategy assumes a high level of investment and participation in the
development process on the part of the private sector. Community-oriented
development and small business activity will also be encouraged. As well, local
government reform is expected to provide the SGRC with a higher staff level,
funding, and operational efficiency to coordinate the development process.
Spatial Development Framework
The policies shape the broad spatial development framework shown in Figure 6. The
framework gives a guide to the allocation of the land in the Municipality and the
treatment of major features to 2020 as follows:
Continued residential development in most of the Region to accommodate the
80,000 persons who are expected to reside there by 2020, with significant
expansion of Valencia, Sangre Grande Proper, Greater Sangre Grande and
Cumuto, and/or consolidation in Toco and along the Corridors;
Small resort/ecotourism development in the Northeast, East and Southern
sections of the municipality, most of which are community led;
Agro- and fish-processing in Greater Sangre Grande and other agro-based
Expansion of the CRH and the development of Sangre Grande Town Ring
Road and upgrading of the secondary road network;
Development of sports stadium and indoor facilities in Sangre Grande Proper;
Upgrading and enhancement of the Sangre Grande as the Municipal Centre,
and Toco, Cumuto, and Valencia as the major town centres of the
Upgrading and development of the open and green spaces, and cultural
assets of the Municipality;
Protecting key conservation areas throughout the Municipality, including the
18 protected areas – Matura National Park, Aripo Savannas Strict Nature
Reserve; and
Upgrading and improvement of social and physical infrastructure, including
public and protective services, throughout the Municipality.
Figure 6: Land Use Proposals for the Municipality of Sangre Grande
Thematic Policies and Proposals
Discussions with various stakeholders in the Municipality, an examination of the
physical and socioeconomic environment, and the placement of the Region in the
context of Vision 2020 and other National Plans have led to the identification of
policies and proposals which will be the basis for economic and social development of
the Municipality over the next 10 years. The policies and proposals are covered
under nine development themes, namely:
1. Urban Design;
2. Environmental Management;
3. Economic Development;
4. Housing;
5. Social Services and Community Facilities;
6. Transportation;
7. Physical Infrastructure;
8. Institutional Strengthening; and
9. Municipal Management.
Urban Design (UD)
Urban design policy for Sangre Grande can help not only to shape the quality of the
physical form of development but also influence its economic, social and
environmental impacts. Good urban design can ensure the development of
attractive, functional and adaptable places and structures, and is critical to achieving
sustainable development of the Municipality.
During the next 10 years and beyond the Municipality will be undergoing a period of
major development and regeneration as it realises its Strategic Vision. This
represents an opportunity for achieving quality urban design of its Municipal Centre,
main urban centres, rural communities, and landscaped environments. Therefore,
the development of an Urban Design Framework is necessary at this time to provide
broad urban design guidelines which can inform and guide the development of local
area development plans, local area transportation plans, sub-regional strategies and
programmes that can have a bearing on land use policies. Urban design treatment
for the SGRC must provide relevant direction with respect to the Region‟s rural and
urban communities. These broad Urban Design Policies and Proposals provided at the
thematic level are also reflected in the District Proposals that are articulated in the
following Chapter.
Urban Design Framework
Policy Formulation Context
Thematic Urban Design Policies and Proposals for the Sangre Grande Municipality
must be developed out of and build on the Broad Development Objectives of the Plan
(articulated in Chapter Three). The Urban Design Policies and Proposals will be used
by developers, planners and the planning approval agency in the preparation of
designs and in the evaluation process. They must be seen as guiding principles that
provide direction for the subsequent detailed urban design treatments that will be
prepared as part of future local area planning initiatives. Eventually, urban design
treatment must afford flexibility to cater to the range of conditions that would be
found in individual locations and sites. Although urban design is cross-cutting in
nature and therefore can be interpreted in several of the Plan‟s Broad Development
Objectives, Objective 10 specifically refers to the:
„Development of functional and aesthetically appealing urban and rural spaces that
are distinct, safe, well-connected, adaptable, manageable, and easy on the
The formulation of urban design solutions in the Plan relates particularly to this
Socioeconomic Context
The urban design improvements will be through the enhancement of the functioning
and amenity value of the built and non-built environments that interface with one
another. Implicit in this arrangement is the cyclical relationships between elements
in the space economy where investment is required to facilitate urban design
improvements and these in turn will facilitate improvements to the local economy
through increases in property values and an upswing in economic activity across all
Spatial Context
The urban design issues and solutions for the Municipality must be seen within the
context of the spatial framework that was detailed earlier in the Plan. Sangre Grande
is essentially comprised of lands of varying topography which includes forested
areas, active and abandoned agricultural lands and quarried lands, an established
main town centre, villages, ribbon settlements, and a rugged coastline of high
aesthetic and amenity value. Urban design treatment where it exists impacts upon
the variety of land uses in the Municipality, which are disaggregated to include areas
of commercial and industrial activity, transportation facilities, areas of residence and
recreation, parks, watercourses and other green areas within the public realm.
Summary of Major Issues
The major urban design issues identified earlier in the Plan may be summarised as
 Weakness in legibility, definition and identification of communities and
 Derelict appearance and decaying built form of some communities;
 Inefficient movement characteristics and conflicts between pedestrian and
vehicular traffic, especially in Valencia and the town of Sangre Grande;
 Inadequate and poor supply of public amenities within areas of built
 Inadequate and poor supply of safe, functional and attractive public spaces;
 Limited permeability and connectivity in many urban spaces and within the
„green‟ areas.
Policy Objective
The objective of the Urban Design Policies and Proposals is to promote and
facilitate good urban design by providing the context and guidelines within
which development in the Municipality will be encouraged and identifying
key urban design initiatives for public space which should be considered
over the next 10 years.
Urban Design Policies and Proposals
The following are the Sangre Grande Regional Urban Design Policies and Proposals.
UD POLICY-1: Clearly Defining Gateway Components to the Municipality,
Urban Centres, Sub-regions and Communities
1. The introduction of gateway areas at the entrances to the Municipality and to
its major centres to assist in defining the sub-regions, towns and villages, in
shaping their image, and to indicate a sense of destination or arrival;
2. The use of distinctive and well landscaped entrance features at the gateways
that bear relation to the nature and character of the centre; and
3. The introduction of appropriate and attractively designed signage that
identifies all settlements and communities in the Municipality.
UD POLICY-2: Improving the Identification, Functioning and Visual Appeal of
Commercial, Civic and Other Nodal Areas within Communities
1. The reinforcement of individual character of distinct areas in the Municipality;
2. The identification of core districts within urban and rural centres within which
comprehensive and integrated urban design treatment will be focused;
3. The provision and enhancement of permeability elements within centres
through improved pedestrian and vehicular linkages to facilitate quick, easy
and safe movement;
4. The identification of derelict areas of built development within urban and rural
centres within which regeneration-type activities would be planned and
5. The introduction of design guidelines, technical aid and financial assistance to
developers of properties along major streetscapes so as to allow for more
sensitive built form and more functional and appealing facades;
6. The provision of attractive, comfortable and convenient environments within
urban and rural core areas; and
7. The maintenance of the unique small-town character and ambience of the
smaller centre within the Municipality.
UD POLICY-3: Recognising and Enhancing Important Landmarks and Built
Heritage Inventory
1. The creation of powerful landmarks within the Municipality for identity and
2. The identification and conservation of sites and structures of historic and or
architectural significance; and
3. The incorporation of significant heritage structures into the enhancement
programme for town and community regeneration and revitalisation.
UD POLICY-4: Enhancing the Functional Capability and Amenity Value of
Roadways and Streetscapes
1. The improvement to the geometry of roadways and paths to allow for
improvements in their functional capability;
2. The introduction of traffic calming techniques within existing and planned
urban and rural communities;
3. The provision of safe, convenient and attractive spaces for the movement of
persons and vehicles in the urban and rural cores;
4. The enhancement of the visual appeal of roadways and streetscapes as a
major part of the public realm in towns and villages by the removal of
overhead utility lines, the provision and widening of pedestrian sidewalks, the
removal of unnecessary signage, the introduction of tree species within the
right of way that relate to the particular communities and the provision of
street furniture including formal and informal seating; and
5. The provision of specific guidelines with respect to on and off-street parking in
areas selected for more detailed urban design treatment in so far as this has
implications for the functioning and visual appeal of nodes and corridors of
commercial and civic significance.
UD POLICY-5: Creating a Network of Open Spaces Comprising, Parks, Paths,
Forested Areas, Wetland Areas and Watercourses
1. The creation of a linked system of open spaces comprising parks, pedestrian
and bicycle trails, watercourses, wetlands, beaches and forested areas;
2. The protection of important vistas onto elements of the system of open
spaces, particularly with respect to the coastal environment; and
3. The protection of unique vistas relating to the experience of coconut
plantations along major roadways.
UD POLICY-6: Providing and Enhancing Pedestrian Paths and Walkways
1. The provision of well lit and attractively designed pedestrian sidewalks and
paths within urban and rural centres and communities, including core
commercial and civic areas;
2. The provision of well lit recreational trails within the rural landscape,
providing connection between communities and designated urban and rural
green areas and facilitating the creation of an interconnected system of open
spaces; and
3. The provision of dedicated bicycle paths across the Municipality as part of an
interlinked system of recreational paths and trails.
UD POLICY-7: Providing and Enhancing Public Open Spaces within Urban and
Rural Communities
1. The upgrading of existing open spaces to allow for safe passive and active
2. The provision of appropriate shade trees and landscaping within parks and
parkettes to yield functional and attractive open spaces;
3. The provision of appropriate lighting, pavilions, formal and informal seating
and welfare facilities in public open spaces; and
4. The provision of safe and attractive passive urban parkettes that may include
bandstands and amphitheatres in close proximity to the core areas in existing
UD POLICY-8: Enhancing the Functional Design and Visual Character of
Industrial Areas
1. The provision and enhancement of landscaped compounds by the introduction
of perimeter berms and appropriate tree species to provide a visual buffer
that would also mitigate against air pollution; and
2. The enhancement of industrial car-parking lots by the grading and shaping of
lands, the introduction of hedges, berms and tree planting in interior aisles
and medians.
UD POLICY-9: Enhancing Existing Residential Areas
1. The incorporation of
aesthetically designed gateway elements
at the
entrances to existing and proposed residential neighbourhoods;
2. The provision of easily accessible passive and active recreational spaces in
keeping with the size of the residential area;
3. The provision of adequate sidewalks to cater to the needs of the residents;
4. The provision of well designed and safe neighbourhoods with attractive
streetscapes that include the introduction of shade trees within the road
5. The provision of communities with good linkages to the key activity nodes and
a wider system of open spaces; and
6. The provision of appropriate social and educational facilities in close proximity
to residents.
UD POLICY-10: Creating Enhanced Recreational Resort Areas
1. The creation of dedicated public facilities for parking, vending and sea bathing
at prime coastal locations;
2. The establishment of improved design specifications for new multi-unit resort
landscaping, maintenance of public access to the coastline, important vistas
and utilisation of enhanced improved architectural inputs; and
3. The improvement to the functioning and amenity value of existing and
proposed low-density resort areas in detached, semi-detached or two-storey
built form by the introduction of upgraded standards of design, maintenance,
security and safety, access and egress routes, and incorporating gateway
elements where practical.
UD POLICY-11: Identifying Keynote Initiatives
1. The following is a list of keynote initiatives within the Municipality that are
either currently identified for development or areas in need of significant
regeneration. These projects represent design opportunities:
a. Redevelopment of the Sangre Grande Municipal Centre;
b. Redevelopment of Major Urban Centres – Valencia, Toco, Cumuto;
Façade Rehabilitation Project;
d. Vision City;
e. Pueblo Nuevo;
Toco Port Development; and
g. Extension of the CRH.
Environmental Management (EM)
The residents of Sangre Grande often refer to their Municipality as the „Green Corner‟
or lungs of Trinidad and Tobago. The Region includes some of the country‟s main
protected areas and is home to a significant proportion of its biodiversity and
threatened species. For example, the Matura National Park has a good
representation of Mora forests and is also the home to several species that appear on
the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES), including orchids, the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), the tayra (Eira
Barbara), the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus), the wild hog/quenk (Tayassu
tajacu), the matte (Tayassu tajacu), the pawi (Pipile pipile) and cage bird species
such as Bullfinch and Picoplat. Each year, the Region‟s surrounding waters and
beaches provide habitat to the leatherback turtle which is a key attraction for local
and foreign visitors. It is the abundance of this sea turtle population and others
which affords the Municipality the distinction of being the Premier Turtle Destination
of the World. It is these resources along with its forests, wildlife, beaches, rivers,
serenity and picturesque landscapes and seascapes as well as the friendliness of its
people which add to its potential as ecotourism destination and which drives the
community-led conservation and ecotourism initiatives noted within the Municipality.
As the Region shifts to a sustainable development paradigm, socioeconomic
development must be balanced and achieved without compromising this rich
biodiversity and the state of its natural resources. It is important to ensure the
continued prosperity of future generations and to secure the legacy of the present
generation as good stewards of the environment. The goal is embodied in Broad
Development Objectives 12 and 14 of the RDP which state:
Development Objective
Sustainable management of its natural resources,
including the optimum and safe use of its agricultural
lands and eco-tourism resources.
Development Objective
Reduction of risks due to climate change and natural
disasters within the Municipality.
As the Municipality seeks to create sustainable communities and a high quality of life
for its burgesses, Environmental Management Policies and Proposals are aimed
1. Changing attitudes and behaviours and encouraging greater environmental
responsibility, and the promotion of sustainable environmental practices;
2. Conservation of the Municipality's non-renewable natural resources through:
a. Sustainable management of its protected areas and unique ecology;
b. Sustainable management of existing
rehabilitation of abandoned ones;
c. Minimising the consumption of the remaining green spaces in the
d. Identification, recognition and preservation of the remaining large
tracts of agricultural lands in the Region; and
e. Promotion of and facilitating co-management and monitoring systems
where communities, their community-based organisations (CBOs) and
NGOs continue to play a significant role in the protection of the
Region‟s natural resources;
3. Identification, preservation and protection of the quality of local landscapes,
open spaces, historical, architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage of
Sangre Grande;
4. Minimising all forms of pollution and improvement of water quality of rivers,
streams, and other waterways including the effective management of
municipal waste, wastewater and stormwater control;
5. Reduction of environmental hazards and protection of people and property
from exposure to such hazards;
6. Promoting and formalising the inclusion of stakeholders in regional decisionmaking and action; and
7. Addressing climate change in all aspects of regional development.
The overall thematic policies and proposals of the RDP seek to maintain a stable
natural resource base, while avoiding over-exploitation of renewable resource
systems or environmental sink functions, and allowing the utilisation of nonrenewable resources only to the extent that it does not adversely impact on them
thus allowing for the maintenance of biodiversity, atmospheric stability, and
undertaking other ecosystem functions6.
The Environmental Policies and Proposals, as stated herein for the Sangre Grande
Municipality, are largely set and guided by the various National Plans and Policies
referred to in Situational Reports 1 and 2 and by the expressed desires and vision of
the Municipality‟s burgesses and stakeholder organisations.
Taken from Jonathan M. Harris Basic Principles of Sustainable Development. Global Development and Environment
Institute at Tuft University, Working Paper 00-04. Website Source:
Policy Objective
The key objective of the Environmental Management Policies and Proposals
is to support the sustainable management, conservation and protection of
natural and cultural resources, and to promote and strengthen
environmental stewardship, while facilitating socio-economic development
in the Sangre Grande Municipality.
Policies and Proposals
EM POLICY-1: Changing Attitudes and Behaviours Regarding the Municipal
Addressing the attitudes and behaviours of burgesses (both Corporate and
individual) towards the environment is a major step towards achieving
sustainable development of the Municipality. The Vision 2020 draft National
Strategic Plan has, as one of its goals, increased public awareness and
development efforts by private sector groups and community-based
organisations in the maintenance and enhancement of the environment. The
Cabinet-approved National Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation
(2006-2020) also reiterates this goal and outlines the Land-related Education
and Awareness Programme (LEAP) which is listed as a Priority One Project
“meant to raise the importance of land resources in all levels of the education
system and to increase public awareness of the socio-economic, cultural and
ecological functions of land as a means of bringing about a change towards
sustainable management and wise use of natural resources and the
environment.” The specific objective under this Policy is to positively
influence the behaviour of residents and visitors towards the Sangre
Grande environment.
‘Lead by Example’ by promoting pro-environment actions
with the SGRC
In promoting pro-environment behavioural change, the shift starts
at the Local Government level. The SGRC by its actions will
demonstrate its commitment to the pro-environment ethos. The
SGRC will therefore audit its existing programmes and projects to
ensure compliance and to ensure that the activities of its agents
and contractors are in keeping with this focus.
Programme which will target and work with regional Leadership,
Public, Private, NGO and Community Sectors and Individuals in
promoting environmental responsibility, increasing awareness of
sustainability issues; and getting more people outdoors and
involved in the environment.
The Eco-Sangre Grande Environmental Programme will be
championed and implemented by the SGRC in keeping with the
principles of the LEAP and Vision 2020 National Strategic Plan. The
project, which will first be undertaken as a pilot, will involve the
Corporation working closely with a number of agencies - MLG, UTT,
MPHE, EMA, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources
(MALMR), and Ministry of Community Development, Culture and
Gender Affairs (MCDCGA).
The programme represents a unique opportunity for the
Corporation and the burgesses to define Eco-Sangre Grande and
to encapsulate and promote this through social marketing, and
public education initiatives. A website will be developed which
would provide information on a number of important environmental
and lifestyle topics of relevance to the Municipality and these
include Vector Control, Energy Use and Reduction, Waste
Reduction, Reuse and Recycling, Wise Purchasing Choices, Global
Climate Change and Sea Level Rise, Conservation in Homes and
Businesses, Rainwater
Harvesting and Storage, etcetera.
Interactive training activities will also be developed and targeted at
groups and organisations within in the Municipality. The objective
is to increase awareness, information sharing and social
interaction. Consideration will be given to undertaking an
annual municipality-wide event which encourages and
promotes an annual theme of relevance to the Municipality.
While most of the Eco-Sangre Grande Environmental Programme
activities will be voluntary, consideration will be given to
developing a Compliance Programme geared at certifying SGRC‟s
Positively influence visitor experiences and behaviours through the
distribution of information and education on visitor conduct and
norms in a special environment.
The SGRC to encourage, highlight and endorse projects in the
Municipality geared at pro-environment behavioural change as part
of the Eco-Sangre Grande Programme on their website and
through other suitable media.
Support and strengthen community groups and networks in the
Municipality with a commitment to environment and promoting the
link between environment and human wellbeing. It includes the
development of a register of and working with local environmental
groups and organisations engaged in environmental projects in the
EM POLICY-2: Conserving Non-Renewable Resources of Sangre Grande
Sangre Grande, as the largest Municipality in Trinidad, consists of a range of
ecosystems and natural resources including its geology, physiography, flora, fauna,
habitats and biodiversity. Its ecosystems include coastal environments, forests,
wetlands, urban environments (including parks, and other landscaped and managed
areas), streams and rivers, agricultural environments, and tourism sites. The state of
these environments directly and indirectly impacts on the quality of life of the
burgesses and visitors to the Municipality. Ensuring their conservation and
sustainable management is vital, as the Region embarks on its sustainable
development thrust. Defining sustainable environmental management and carrying
out the necessary actions to achieve this require strong collaboration and a coming
together of all major stakeholders in a common vision and effort to establish
effective and efficient management, monitoring and regulatory systems. In
protecting and enhancing its natural heritage base, the Municipality will:
1. Employ appropriate conservation systems geared at improving management
of areas of environmental significance, including the rehabilitation of
degraded areas;
2. Protect its best and most versatile agricultural land; and
3. Protect its key environmental tourism assets.
2A: Areas of Environmental Importance
The areas listed below are considered of Environmental Importance and, therefore,
conservation and enhancement of these areas will be encouraged and promoted.
These include the Statutory Protected Areas, the best and versatile Agricultural
Assets and the Environmental Assets of Importance to the Tourism Industry. These
areas are highlighted in an effort to protect and reduce adverse development on
these sites. The statutory Protected Areas status for the most part affords a type of
management which reduces the likelihood of adverse development of these sites.
The RDP recognises that while CEC process affords some protection at the planning
stage, it is important to apply safeguards to other environmental assets to reduce
adverse impacts resulting from poor management practices and to promote the use
of best practices in the utilisation and management of these areas.
The following highlights the Areas of Environmental Importance in Sangre
1. Protected Areas
Statutory Protected Areas in Sangre Grande cover some 40 percent of the total land
area of the Municipality. These areas include 18 forest reserves and ESA. Plans to
improve the protected areas system through the establishment of a system of
National Parks and Other Protected Areas developed in the 1980s, recommend a
total of 61 units within the System of National Parks and Protected Areas in Trinidad
and Tobago. Although the system never secured the necessary legislative support,
many of the designated areas under this Plan are currently being managed as if they
were Protected Areas. The Protected Areas noted in the Sangre Grande Municipality
are listed below in Table 4.
Table 4: Protected Areas in Sangre Grande
Protected Areas
St. David*
Forest Reserve
Matura Eastern Extension
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Matura Western Extension
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Long Stretch
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Manzanilla Extension
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Long Stretch
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Central Range *
Forest Reserve
Brigand Hill
Forest Reserve
Forest Reserve
Nariva Swamp*
Environmentally Sensitive Area
Matura National Park
Environmentally Sensitive Area
Aripo Savannas
Environmentally Sensitive Area
2. Scenic Landscapes
Due regard will be given to the following Areas of Landscape Importance:
 Toco/Paria Main Roads (Toco to Matura);
 Manzanilla/Mayaro Road; and
 Central Range Forest along the Cunapo Southern Main Road.
This list will evolve as consideration is given to other areas that are of unique quality
and high aesthetic appeal. The MLG and the Municipal Corporation, along with other
collaborating agencies, such as the TCPD, Forestry Division, Tourism Development
Company Limited Trinidad and Tobago (TDC), EMA, Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA),
among others should identify, assess and develop a full list of Landscapes of
Regional Importance.
It will be important to preserve such areas of high landscape and aesthetic value,
and areas forming an attractive background to tourist development. Great emphasis
will be placed on the visual impact of developments on such landscapes. It will also
be critical to design developments in such a way to retain high and unique quality
landscapes within the Municipality, including coastal protection structures.
Controlling development in these areas will involve commitment and collaboration
among the key partner State and Statutory agencies as well as the development of a
National Policy and Regulations which recognise and speak to the issue of the
preservation of Landscapes of High Aesthetic Importance.
3. Individual Trees and Group of Trees
There are a number of existing trees in the Municipality that are of outstanding
natural beauty, help create attractive landscapes and sometimes are of historical
importance. A list of trees and woodlands of conservation value will be developed for
the Municipality of Sangre Grande, and guidelines developed for the retention or
removal of these trees. Tree Preservation Orders made under the TCP Act will be
issued with respect to trees identified for protection.
4. Tourism Environmental Assets
It is important to protect key environmental assets for the tourism industry and to
prevent their damage or destruction for short term gain. A number of sites have
been identified as areas of importance because of the high quality of their landscape,
and the unique experiences they offer. There is a partial listing of these sites for
Sangre Grande which includes Areas of Quality Landscape, Scenic Routes, Protected
Areas and Sites of Historical Importance. The Environmental Assets in the
Municipality of Sangre Grande utilised by the Tourism Industry are
highlighted below in Table 5.
Table 5: Tourism Resources within the Municipality of Sangre Grande
Natural Attractions
Coastal Marine Features
i. Beaches
North Coast
 Matelot Bay
 Grande Riviere Bay
Sans Souci Bay
Sally Bay
East Coast
 Sena Bay
 Balandra Bay
Saline Bay
Salybia Bay
Matura Bay*
Cocos (Manzanilla) Bay
Landscape and Environmental Features
i. Geological
 Cumaca Caves
 Alan River Gorge
 Tamana Caves
ii. Water Features
 Valencia River
 Balandra River
 Hollis Reservoir
 Salybia
iii. Water Features
 Cirra
 Rio Seco
 Matura
 Homard
iv. Scenic Routes and
 Toco/Paria Main Roads
(Toco to Matura)
 Manzanilla/Mayaro Road
 Central Range Forest along
the Cunapo Southern Main
v. Scenic Landscape
 Galera Point, Toco
- swimming, fishing, food, stairs to beach
- parking, swimming, wash room/toilet
facilities, fishing, food, rip currents,
leatherback turtles
- swimming, fishing, rip currents, surfing
- swimming, surfing, camping/day picnics
- rip currents
- parking, swimming, fishing, snorkelling/
scuba diving
- swimming, camping
- parking, swimming, life guard, fishing, wash
room/toilet facilities
- parking, rip currents, leatherback turtles
- parking, wash room/toilet facilities,
swimming, rip currents, leatherback turtles
Swimming, kayaking, fishing
hiking, swimming
hiking, swimming
hiking, swimming
hiking, swimming
Completion of this register is important as Trinidad and Tobago focuses on
ecotourism as a viable industry and more community-led ecotourism is established.
There are a number of sites unique to the area and known only at the community
level. These sites will form part of a Register of Natural Tourism Assets of Regional
Importance. This Tourism Environmental Assets List will be fully developed by
the SGRC in collaboration with TDC, Key Tourism Industry Stakeholders and the NGO
and Community Sector.
2B: Co-Management Nature Conservation
It is important to acknowledge and ensure the protection of the natural resources of
the Region, including its forests, wildlife habitats, biodiversity, and the beauty of its
landscape. The establishment of co-management systems is one approach in
achieving this objective. The lessons of community-led conservation and ecotourism
initiatives within the Municipality can be used as a model to develop and strengthen
community–led schemes. The National Reforestation and Watershed Rehabilitation
Programme (NRWR) represents an opportunity for community-driven rehabilitation of
degraded and deforested areas. At present, there are a number of community
groups in the Region involved in the reforestation and forest protection as part of
this Programme. It will be important at this point to conduct an evaluation of the
Programme and to increase the involvement and collaboration with key partner
agencies, including Forestry Division and the Municipal Corporation.
2C: Managing Hillside Development
Where hillside development is to be permitted, policies, standards, and guiding
principles stipulated in the Hillside Development Policy of the TCPD will be
enforced. Included are the following measures which are intended to maintain or
maximise slope stability, reduce vulnerability to erosion and landslides, and limit the
migration of sediments from hillsides:
 Minimising of the removal of vegetative cover;
 Minimising of disturbance caused by cutting and grading of land for
buildings/structures, driveways, and roads;
 Re-vegetating disturbed land within one month of completion of the
development; and
 Prohibiting earthmoving operations on slopes in areas where the soils are
vulnerable to erosion or are geologically unstable.
In planning and assessing development proposals in hillsides and other sensitive
areas the Precautionary Principle will be applied.
2D: Strictly Controlling the Quarries Industry
Open-pit quarrying is a major economic activity in the Municipality, but it has
resulted in serious environmental challenges and problems for which there has been
much debate but little relief. It is critical at this stage of the development of the
Municipality to effectively control this industry, not only in light of current concerns
but for the sustainability of the industry beyond this present generation. There are a
number of activities which are undertaken to bring order to the industry and to
minimise negative impacts, including the following:
 Conduct of an audit of quarries and quarry operations and rationalisation of
operations of the industry;
Instituting strong regulation and monitoring of quarry operations consistent
with best practices and legislative reform;
Regularisation and closure of all illegal operations;
Operation of a Quarries Rehabilitation Fund based on funds collected at the
start of and during operations of quarries;
Provision of appropriate levels of security to guard against resource capture,
including the establishment an electronic monitoring system to ensure real
time information on quarry operations; and
Development and implementation of an Abandoned Quarries Rehabilitation
Plan initially targeting rehabilitation of spent quarries in Valencia area and
including activities such as the relocation of squatters from abandoned
quarries, exploring alternative uses of areas for productive activities – fish
farming, leisure and recreational activities, etcetera.
EM POLICY-3: Protecting Landscapes, Open Spaces, Historical and Cultural
3A: Open Spaces, Landscaped Areas and Outdoor Recreational Facilities
The RDP promotes the concept of Eco-lifestyles which recognises the link between
the natural environment and human health and wellbeing, and promotes greener
ways to stay healthy and all activities that lead to healthy choices and healthier
lifestyles. Eco-lifestyles also encourage all communities to know, appreciate and
have strong links with their natural and historical heritage. Part of this programme
requires the Municipality to have a well developed network of green resources,
including open spaces, landscaped areas, and outdoor recreational facilities. The RDP
encourages the protection and enhancement of the Municipality‟s open spaces and
outdoor recreational facilities for the benefit of all.
The provision of publicly accessible open spaces (such as parks and landscaped
spaces), and outdoor recreational facilities is the responsibility of both the Municipal
Corporation and Central Government agencies, such as the Sports Company of
Trinidad and Tobago Limited, the MOE and, and the Ministry of Sports and Youth
Affairs (MSYA). Various private sector organisations have provided open spaces and
outdoor recreational facilities for sports. The Region‟s forest resources are under the
control of the Forestry Division, while its water resources – rivers, waterfalls,
etcetera – fall mainly under the jurisdiction of Drainage Division and the SGRC. At
present, it is unclear who is responsible for the historical resources of the
The specific objective of this Policy is to ensure passive and active recreational uses
occur in a manner that is environmentally sensitive and takes place in accordance
with the principles of sustainable resource management.
The Municipality will:
 Protect and enhance existing open spaces and sites designated for future
 Ensure availability and accessibility of open spaces and recreational facilities
to all groups of the society including children, the elderly, and the disabled;
 Ensure that designated open spaces are provided as an integral part of new
residential development and that suitable provisions be put in place for their
management and maintenance in perpetuity;
 Ensure that the provision of new open space areas and outdoor recreational
facilities is in keeping with the environmental conservation principles and
helps sustain and enhance biodiversity; and
 Ensure the development of appropriate facilities and services to support
outdoor recreation.
1. Protecting and Enhancing Existing Open Spaces and Sites
The demand for recreational resources and leisure time will increase in the short and
medium terms as Trinidadians and Tobagonians seek to escape the stressors of their
daily lives. Green spaces are an intricate part of the urban landscape maintaining
and enhancing environmental quality while facilitating access to outdoor recreation
and natural areas, and preserving historical and archaeological sites and structures.
A range of such resources already exists in the Municipality. However, their numbers
are likely to increase as new residential developments are established. Allocation of
land for new open spaces and outdoor recreational facilities is already part of the
stipulations for planning approval process for new developments. However, the past
trend has been that developers sometimes use these lands for other uses than
otherwise designated, to the disadvantage of the neighbouring communities that
may not have easy access to open spaces and recreational resources. This trend will
stop with the establishment of an appropriate system of monitoring and enforcement
of regulations by the SGRC.
A minimum standard for the allocation of land for open spaces and outdoor
recreation resources and guidelines for their management and use will be developed.
Such standards and guidelines will take into account a number of factors including
anticipated participation rates, mobility and accessibility by all societal groups, nonrecreational use, environmental principles for conservation and protection of the
resource, etcetera.
There are in the Municipality open spaces that are being neglected. These open
spaces and recreational resources will be rehabilitated and brought back into
productive use. Where appropriate, innovative ways will be found to ensure their
sustainable management including employing community-led management
In cases where change of use is being proposed for open spaces and recreation
resources, an impact assessment must be conducted which will take into account the
cumulative and long term impact of the loss of such spaces.
There are several protected areas in the Municipality. The development of these
areas (establishment of trails and routes) and their use for recreational activities
must not conflict with their traditional uses and with the ecological, conservation and
protection objectives of these protected areas. Care must also be taken to preserve
scenic routes, green belts and areas of outstanding natural beauty. An inventory of
such sites and resources will be developed in the short term and proper signage
developed to highlight their presence. In addition, care will be taken to ensure that
such areas are not obstructed or considerably devalued by new development.
2. Increasing and Improving Opportunities for Rural Recreation
There are some recreational activities which are best undertaken in rural settings
including country walks and drives, bicycling, hiking, picnics, and sea bathing. The
Municipality has several locations ideal for such activities. However, it is recognised
that such pursuits create their own demand for facilities, such as parking, camping
sites, cooking facilities, picnic areas, garbage disposal system, etcetera. The RDP,
which is in support of these ventures, will encourage local communities offering
complementary facilities and services, such as tour guiding and hiking services, and
sale of food.
Much has to be done to ensure that these outdoor activities are conducted without
damage to the environment. There will be collaboration among the main
stakeholders which include the Municipal Corporation, Central Government agencies
and local communities in developing tourism products and in establishing suitable
systems for management of the resources.
3. Sustainable Use of Water Courses as Recreational Resources
Many persons use the rivers of the Municipality for recreational purposes - bathing,
fishing, riverside cooking, picnicking, etcetera. It will be important to preserve
traditional and new sites for recreational use and to provide services to enhance and
protect their integrity. Preservation of these sites including undertaking an inventory
and providing guidelines for their use, particularly with respect to waste disposal will
be a priority. The quality of water in some of these rivers is questionable and can
pose health risk to users. An appropriate programme for monitoring of recreational
water must be instituted, if the country is to achieve the national development goals
by 2020.
3B: Historical and Cultural Heritage
The conservation and enhancement of historical heritage of the Municipality can
contribute significantly to the quality of life of burgesses and help to develop a sense
of municipal pride. This heritage must play a part in the sustainable development of
the Municipality. It will be important to strike a balance between protecting and
enhancing these resources while at the same time allowing for their use.
The specific objective of this policy is to preserve and enhance the Historical and
Cultural Heritage of Sangre Grande.
There are several places and structures within Sangre Grande that are of cultural
heritage significance, some of which has been identified as part of the Situational
Report (Annex 1). Notwithstanding the national inventory of sites of historical and
cultural heritage significance, the SGRC will develop an inventory for sites, structures
and other artefacts within the Municipality in collaboration with relevant Government
agencies and NGO and Community Sector. As part of the initial assessment
undertaken in preparation of the RDP, a number of sites have been identified that
will be considered of cultural heritage value. An audit will be conducted to assess the
condition of these identified resources including the issue of ownership and/or
control. As a follow-up, it will be critical to devise a management and maintenance
plan for those resources and to identify sites and structures for priority protection. At
the same time, it will be opportune to set out guidelines and policies for the
protection of the historical heritage.
EM POLICY-4: Underpin the Development of the Municipality on Relevant
Advances in Science and Technology
1. Institutionalising UTT, UWI and Science Infrastructure Support
The protection and conservation of the pristine environment of the Northern Range
and the coastal waters constitute a permanent responsibility for the Municipal
Corporation, the residents of the Sangre Grande Municipality and the country as a
whole. The municipal space has not been seen in this light in the past.
However, given the strategic importance of the area, as a critical sector in the watershed, and as an ecosystem that influences the climate of the country, and as well as
its agriculture and plant and animal life, there is need for constant monitoring of the
state of the flora, fauna and other aspects of the eco-system with the most up-todate of scientific tools7.
Therefore, the objective here is to bring the Municipality fully into the information
age, and secure commitment of the scientific community to deploy their knowledge
in the service of R&D and appropriate applications on resources of the Region. The
Municipal Corporation should invest in maintaining a relationship with the scientific
community of Trinidad and Tobago in such institutions as UTT and UWI, and in the
event that either is unable to deploy the relevant personnel, there will be need to
develop an appropriate relationship with institutions abroad.
There is a scientific community in the rest of the world which would find this
Municipality very attractive for the establishment of a long-term arrangement. There
will be need to establish facilities to act as a support system in the generation of
information, and for the storage of samples and material. The development of
protocols on the generation and use of proprietary information that would come out
of such scientific analysis will also be necessary. The Municipal Corporation will have
the major responsibility in the creation of this high level infrastructure, in terms of a
long-term relationship with the local scientific community, and possibly with the
outside world.
Also of importance will be the establishment of a programme by the Corporation to
encourage students in primary and secondary school system and to generate interest
in their environment by facilitating and engaging them to conduct their own
research, monitoring and documentation on the flora and fauna of their Municipality.
The work of the students will be housed at a centralised location to the benefit of
people of Sangre Grande and visitors to the Region.
2. Establishing a Citizen Education Thrust
The protection of this unique environment depends in large measure on an
understanding on the part of the resident population of the riches of the perquisites
afforded them by Nature. All residents will be exposed to scientific and technical
information on their environment, starting with children at the Primary education
level – to be built around an understanding of the Biology and Environmental
Science, out of which can develop a sense of collective understanding and ownership
of their space, including historic sites which reflect the richness of an earlier past.
Primary and secondary school students, whose exposure to Science is built on this
platform of their unique natural environment, are likely to become good stewards of
their space. The assertion of the importance of scientific knowledge of their space
would ensure that young people, including those growing up in the more remote
For example, the birds and the bees that inhabit the forests contribute to pollination and generation of plant life
both with the forests of the Northern Range and to the agriculture on the plains of Trinidad.
communities would develop a deep appreciation for the assets and aesthetics and
possibilities of their Region, and would be spared any self-concept of being
marginalised. This could result in some considerable number of them being likely to
find the Region rewarding enough to remain, rather than to migrate.
The main objective here is to increase awareness of residents in the Municipality and
of the general public of the bounty provided by Nature, as an effective way of
enlisting their commitment to its preservation and to conservation generally. Among
the activities that should be undertaken as part of this Programme are the following:
 Mount popular education programmes on the resources of the area;
 Encourage visits among the population, especially among students to historic
sites in the area, as well as to environmental conservatories;
 Enlist the support of the educational system – primary and secondary schools
– in anchoring much of the Science taught, with the use of the area as a
living laboratory;
 Implement popular quizzes on the history of the area, from the contribution
of the First Peoples down to the recent history.
EM POLICY-5: Minimising Waste and Pollution
It is important to manage the amount of waste generated annually from within the
Municipality by reducing the generation of waste where possible, encouraging best
use, reuse and recycling of materials, and monitoring and regulating the handling,
processing and disposal of municipal waste. Ultimately an effective management
system leads to the protection of public health and safety and the environment.
Particularly difficult to treat with are tyres and scrap metal/vehicular waste.
Increasing car ownership rates will make disposal of these wastes increasingly
problematic. Behavioural change is paramount. Buy-in from Local Government, the
private sector, and the public is also critical as the Region moves towards the
establishment of an effective and efficient integrated waste management system.
The MLG is taking the initiative in improving waste management in Trinidad. Solid
Waste Management Rules have already been drafted and proposals are in place for
the restructuring of the entire sector.
The specific objective of this policy is to improve waste management in the Sangre
Grande Municipality. The RDP supports the establishment of an Effective
Integrated Municipal Waste Management System. The National Action
Programme to Combat Land Degradation (2006-2020) has, as one of its short-term
objectives, the need to improve municipal solid waste collection and disposal
systems as well as to explore the adoption of new technologies in waste disposal.
The SGRC in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Solid Waste Management
Company Limited (SWMCOL) will develop and adopt an integrated municipal waste
management system which supports the following:
1. Greater responsibility by individual and corporate burgesses for the waste
they generate;
2. A reduction in the amount of waste generated at household and institutional
3. Sorting waste at source;
4. Increasing recycling and re-use of waste;
5. Ensuring compliance with the system by negligent householders, business
owners, and other burgesses;
6. Ensuring compliance by garbage haulers contracted by the Municipal
Corporation to collect, handle and dispose of municipal waste, and a reduction
in illegal dumping by contractors;
7. Proper handling, transport and disposal of hazardous waste including medical
and industrial waste;
8. Developing a system and sites within the Municipality for composting of
waste; and
9. Cleaning up of illegal dumping sites and regulation of such activities.
The SGRC will formulate and implement an action plan which sets out its proposals
for reducing the amount of waste reaching the disposal facilities and for improving its
waste collection and disposal systems. It is envisaged that waste reaching the landfill
can be reduced by 40 percent. This action plan will address the establishment of
municipal recycling programme to encourage greater recycling and reuse by their
residents. It will also be important for the Corporation to strengthen its system for
waste collection and disposal.
In addition, the SWMCOL has designated the Municipality for the strategic location of
a waste transfer station.
EM POLICY-6: Strengthening the Municipal Disaster Management System
The SGRC will strengthen the municipal disaster management system, by identifying
and reducing risk to disaster and adopting a proactive approach to disaster
preparedness and management.
5A: Municipal Disaster Management Plan
As part of its remit, the SGRC will take the lead in developing a strong and
comprehensive disaster management system for the Municipality. This will entail the
development and implementation of a Municipal Disaster Management Plan, guided
by the National Disaster Management Policy and the Ministry of Local Government
Disaster Management Policy, but which will address issues specific to the Region,
Evacuation of Guayaguayare/Mayaro;
Industrial-related disasters;
Aviation and shipping accidents;
Regional and district early warning systems;
Building capacity for community emergency response;
Communication strategy for informing burgesses during upset times; and
Clear definition of the role of Municipal Corporation, ODPM and MLG.
The Plan will provide actions for the three areas of disaster management, namely:
 Pre-Disaster Management - Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation;
 Disaster Response; and
 Recovery and Rehabilitation.
5C: Shelter Management
The SGRC has responsibility for shelter management and will take a proactive
approach in the annual identification and evaluation of these, and in ensuring that
these facilities meet required standards. The Corporation will also ensure that
adequate shelter capacity is in place in the Municipality. Effective collaboration will
be required between the Corporation and the MLG, ODPM and disaster response
agencies, inter alia, in this activity.
5D: Early Warning Systems
In keeping with the National Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation in
Trinidad and Tobago, early warning systems will be developed for potential disaster
events, such as flooding, and El Niño dry seasons. Strategic vulnerable communities
will be targeted in a pilot study in the Municipality for the development of an early
warning system for flooding. Lessons in the establishment of an early warning
system pilot in the Santa Cruz/San Juan Valley will be incorporated into the
programme in the Municipality.
EM POLICY-7: Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change
There is recognition both at the Central Government and Local Government levels
that accelerated global warming and climate change are a reality. The current rate of
warming and climate change is as a result of human activity, primarily due to
increased emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as a result of the
burning of fossil fuel, industrial processes and waste management.
As a Region with an expansive coastline, Sangre Grande faces a heavy toll as its
entire coastline is impacted by accelerated coastal erosion. The projected changes in
the climate of Trinidad and Tobago will lead to a 1.1-2.6oC increased in atmospheric
temperature by 2060, along with less annual rainfall and increased sea level rise.
The impact of such changes is expected to be multi-sectoral, affecting agricultural
production, human health, human settlements, coastal zone and water resources.
The Government has produced a draft Climate Change Policy which is currently being
circulated for public review and comments. The Policy provides measures to mitigate
and adapt to the impact of Climate Change. At a regional level, the SGRC will:
In respect of Mitigation:
 Support and promote national initiatives to reduce the emissions of
greenhouse gases and will encourage the development and use of renewable
energy sources. To this end a study will be undertaken to explore the
feasibility of the coastal region as a site for wind-generated energy initiatives;
 Promote energy saving measures and devices;
 Promote and support energy-efficient building designs. The Corporation will
work with the TCPD and others in developing and enforcing a Green Building
Code and energy efficiency standards; and
 Encourage and support projects that enhance natural carbon sinks through
the conservation and protection of forests and natural systems and the
reforestation and rehabilitation of denuded areas that contribute to carbon
The Plan, therefore, supports the Nariva Swamp Restoration and Carbon
Sequestration Project currently being undertaken by the EMA in conjunction with
neighbouring communities, in replanting some 1339 hectares of the Swamp in areas
formerly deforested and degraded by illegal rice farming more than a decade ago.
The Plan also supports the replanting of other denuded locations as part of the
National Reforestation and Watershed Rehabilitation Programme (NRWRP) and
reforestation projects undertaken by the Forestry Division. However, there is need to
review and strengthen the NRWRP initiatives.
In respect of Adaptation:
 Support public education and social marketing initiatives through its Green
Lifestyles and Contractor Compliance Programmes and other initiatives;
 Develop its information system to collect data on the impact of climate
 Work with MOWT and other State agencies with responsibility
infrastructural development and natural resource management:
implementation of recommendations of Flood Mitigation and Integrated
Watershed Studies in the Region;
development of flood risk management guidelines for the Region;
development of a coastal protection strategy for southeast Trinidad,
which includes the identification of coastal protection and defence
mechanisms; and
conduct and implementation of recommendations of risk assessments
to manage risks associated with landslides and erosion.
Economic Development (ED)
The population of Sangre Grande is fully seized of the possibilities for putting the
Municipality on to a new platform of economic growth and development. On the basis
of the response of its residents to the regional and integrated development planning
processes, it is clear that they are committed to repositioning their Municipality from
being a lagging region, and to creating a dynamic one that is consistent with the
principles of sustainable development. The relative success of community groups in
changing their circumstances might have helped to create a shared vision of a
possibilities consciousness that involves bringing the Municipality into the
mainstream of 21st century, with due regard to the horrendous mistakes that have
been made in areas with similarly fragile eco-systems.
Sustainability and citizens‟ participation seem to be the hallmarks of the approach to
economic development that has been led in the context of a consultative framework
set by the communities themselves. The idea is to support and facilitate economic
development driven by the people across a range of economic activities that will
provide jobs and livelihoods within the Municipality. Generation of economic growth
in the Municipality must be informed and guided by the principles of sustainable
Policy Objectives
The objectives of the Economic Development Policies and Proposals are to:
Expand productive potential and generate viable employment
opportunities within the Municipality, centred on its natural resource
Stimulate continued economic growth activity in agriculture,
ecotourism, and community-based tourism, fishing, quarrying,
conservation, and water production; and
Support existing community-based economic activities through a
series of instruments – financial, training, scholarship, provision of
Policies and Proposals
ED POLICY-1: Economic Drivers for Sangre Grande
The economy of Sangre Grande will be driven by the following sectors over the next
10 years:
 Tourism/Ecotourism/Community-based Tourism – which would rely on
the resources that are available within the various localities;
 Agriculture – short-term crop production, tree crop agriculture; livestock
production – cattle rearing, poultry production, beekeeping; floriculture;
 Fisheries – marine fishing; fish farming;
 Fish and Agro-processing – packaging and chilling facilities, subsequent
product/produce transformation
 Financial Services – in the town of Sangre Grande, Toco and Valencia;
 Quarrying – sand, gravel, blue and yellow limestone, quartz sand;
 Commerce and Distribution – including micro and small businesses, in
main urban centres with smaller distribution outlets in other communities;
 Upgraded Public Services
Administration, Court House, Fire Station, Policing, Health Care
Services, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Technical Vocational
Education, Youth and Sports Centre in Sangre Grande Proper;
Fire Station, Court House, Hospital, Policing, Primary and Secondary
Education in Toco;
Policing, Health Care Facility, Primary and Secondary Schools to
service areas in Valencia;
Policing, Health Care Facility, Primary and Secondary Education in
Cumuto; and
Early Childhood Centres throughout the Municipality.
 New industries – water production.
There is also the fact that there is a burgeoning extractive sector of gas and oil offshore of the Municipality, which if managed properly, can contribute some
employment and other benefits to the area.
ED POLICY-2: Branding the Municipality as a Location for Traditional Tourism
and for Eco-tourism.
The area is rich in endowments that allow it to participate in a number of niches in
the tourism marketplace as recognised by the residents of the area and their
Municipal Corporation. Over the last two decades, there have emerged a number of
hotel and guest house establishments in the north-east of the municipality. The area
has long been popular for domestic tourism, especially for those seeking solitude and
peace in seaside locations. There are also a few beaches and rivers that have been
popular over the years for day-trips, especially on holidays and on weekends. More
recently, there has been the attraction of the turtles along the coastline that attract a
number of visitors.
Sun and Sea: The area may not have the beaches of a Barbados, but there are
conditions for bathing in an idyllic environment, with sun, sea and sand in some
locations. While there is need to encourage hotels and guest houses to attract
tourists to the area, it may be appropriate to avoid mass tourism with large hotel
establishments. The Corporation of the municipality is well advised to promote
smaller establishments, possibly with the market targeted at the higher end.
Eco-tourism: The area is blessed with a rainforest that is a treasure trove in respect
of the flora and fauna. The oil bird is perhaps the best known, but there are other
rare species of avian life, let alone the wildlife which inhabits the second largest
forest in the country.
The terrestrial resource of virgin forest and wildlife, is equally matched by the
maritime splendour. At least twelve types of turtles nest on the shores of the
Municipality. Indeed, the community thrust to conservation and protection of the
turtles taken about a decade ago seems to be paying off in the return of an
increasing number of turtles to the shores across the entire north and east coasts of
Northeast Trinidad Resort Anchor and the East Coast Scenic Corridor: The
Tourism Master Plan of 1995 called for the Northeast Trinidad Resort Anchor and the
East Coast Scenic Corridor, starting in Toco stretching all the way to Guayaguayare.
Already the Northeast Trinidad Anchor has expanded to include the entire M2M subregion, with strong tourism development experienced in Grande Riviere, Salybia and
Matura, and Toco and Fishing Pond to a lesser extent. At this juncture it would be
important to rationalise and develop tourism strategies for the holistic development
of these areas. There are also the potential of Greater Tamana and others parts of
the Municipality for ecotourism development.
The objective of this policy is to raise the profile of the municipality as a destination
for domestic, regional and international tourism, on the basis of its range of physical
amenities. A number of activities will be considered:
1. Developing a special branding and marketing strategy for the Municipality as
the Premier Ecotourism Destination of the Caribbean.
2. Mounting of regular programmes for residents in conserving and protecting
the environment, including fauna and flora of the area;
3. Developing and implementing programmes to educate residents in hosting
visitors and the public generally, to ensure high level of courtesy at all times;
to provide regular information updates on state of the environment and
inculcate a sense of ownership and responsibility among residents in respect
of their role in conservation and protection;
4. Training of interested members of the community in the running of small
guest establishments targeted at the upper end of the clientele market;
5. Providing signage across entire Municipality;
6. Providing nature trails to facilitate visitors;
7. Providing facilities for visitors to beaches, rivers and other locations likely to
attract visitors – changing rooms, toilets and baths, parking and information
8. Continuous training of tour guides, lifeguards; and
9. Collaborating with the school system of the municipality to ensure that
students gain exposure to Science, especially biological sciences, through the
rich environment of the Municipality.
ED POLICY-3 Promoting and Supporting Community-based Tourism
Apart from private sector-led tourism, emphasis will be placed on promoting and
supporting community-based tourism as a means of economic development,
whereby the social, environmental and economic needs of local communities in
Sangre Grande can be met through the offering of a range of community-devised
and or/community-led initiatives to attract and entertain visitors. Activities under
this category which will form part of the Sangre Grande tourism product include:
 Nature tourism/Ecotourism (turtle watching, bird watching);
 Historical tourism (historic sites, community and family history, event
 Agro-tourism (farm visits, farm stays);
 Soft adventure (hiking, kayaking);
 Cultural tourism (cuisine preparation and sampling, local stories, legends);
 Wellness tourism; and
 Research tourism.
Community-based tourism is already prominent in the M2M sub-region, with a
number of CBOs and umbrella NGOs working within their communities and
conducting tourism-oriented activities, centred on nature, ecotourism and soft
adventure attractions. However, there is a need to further
development efforts through:
strengthen its
 Clear definition of the various types of tourism activities which fall under this
category. This must be a participatory process and consensus reached as the
Region moves forward.
 Expanding the number of activities forming part of the Sangre Grande
community-based tourism experience.
 Strategically located facilities, totally integrated and compatible with the local
environment and unique in design and character.
 A scenic and well interpreted touring route coordinated among the CBOs that
provide high quality access to marine, riverine and rainforest environments.
 Small-scale resort developments that focus on the marine, rainforest and
agricultural environment, consistent with the objectives for the corridor
At present the M2M, and to a lesser extent Fishing Pond, is emerging as a
destination of choice with respect to the ecotourism and community-based
tourism activities. It will be important to duplicate this model in the other subregions, namely:
 Greater Tamana – Tamana Caves/Forests/Rivers;
 Manzanilla – Farms/Beach/Vistas/Swamp/Turtles;
 North Manzanilla – Forest/Farms/Coastline/turtles; and
 Valencia – Forest/Rehabilitated Abandoned Quarry Lands.
At the same time it would be important to strengthen the current M2M product.
There are communities within the region which must be strengthened in order to be
able to effectively function as a regional product. Some emphasis must there be
placed on bringing them up to par and facilitating their development.
All in all, emphasis should also be placed on sustaining the current forest
environment, the bays, and rivers and the vistas and the tranquillity of the various
locations which form part of their character. Thus, tourism development should be in
harmony with the natural environment. Equally important is the need to reduce the
potential for large concentrations of visitors in any one place. Spreading out the
visitor sites and facilities will facilitate spread of the income stream, greater
enjoyment for both visitors and service providers, and less pressure on the Region‟s
natural resources.
It would also be important to have an industry self-monitoring system, including a
code of conduct in place as well as to promote responsible and sustainable patterns
of behaviour at the various levels, by promoting best practices among operators and
encouraging responsible consumer behaviour.
ED POLICY-4: Positioning the Municipality to be a Key Contributor to the
Breadbasket of Trinidad and Tobago, to Satisfying the Food Security Needs of
the Nation and the Development of a Viable Floriculture Sub-sector.
The undoubted agricultural capacity of the area needs to be revisited, especially
since the country is now more sensitive to the strategic importance of addressing its
food security needs, following the substantial escalation in food prices that occurred
in late 2007 and early 2008.
Indeed, the Municipality is well endowed with capacity for a relatively diversified
agriculture, by way of vegetable production, tree crop agriculture, animal husbandry,
and poultry production. There are areas like Cumaca that seem to be blessed with
excellent soil for root crop production and tree crop agriculture.
Vegetable production can be promoted in North Oropouche and Fishing Pond in the
North Manzanilla/Fishing Pond sub-region, animal husbandry in the Valencia area,
and poultry production in Greater Tamana. There can be a return to cocoa and coffee
production in other locations, along the north coast in the M2M area, and also among
hinterland communities like Tamana and Cumuto in the Greater Tamana sub-region.
Greater Tamana and M2M, and other locations in the Municipality offer good
possibilities for floriculture. Training and extension services will be required to realise
the potential that exists in this field. On the other hand, there will be need to ensure
that the regime employed in the management of floriculture is not reliant on high
application of chemicals pesticides, which may compromise sustainable land use and
impact negatively on other resources of the area.
The main objective of this policy is the revitalization of the agricultural potential of
the Municipality. The main activities to be undertaken in the realization of this
objective are as follows:
Develop infrastructure to support productive agriculture in the Municipality –
agricultural access roads, irrigation and drainage control systems. This will be
undertaken in the first instance in the designated Food Basket Areas identified
by the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources (Table 6). Other
Areas will be targeted based on demand.
Table 6: Food Basket Designated Areas in the Sangre Grande Municipality
Name of Food
Size of Total
Food Basket
Area under
Mixed crops
Mixed crops
Mixed crops
No of
Type of Farming
Degannes &
Guaico Tamana/
Plum Mitan
Plum Mitan
Crops and
Crops, livestock
Tamana Hill Road
Tamana Hill
Fishing Pond
John’s Road off
Genda Road
El Recuerdo
Vega de
poultry, food
Crops/ livestock
Tree crops
Crops/ livestock
Collaborate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production to ensure
effective extension services across the municipality;
Engage farming community in pest control regimes to limit negative
environmental impacts;
Develop and maintain effective farm-to-market systems;
Provide training and upgrading programmes for existing and prospective
operations in Floriculture;
Provide extension services, in association with Ministry of Agriculture in
Floriculture; and
Provide regular information to farmers and the public in the use of biological
and other controls pest management.
ED POLICY-5: Developing Viable Income-Generating and Employment Creation
Possibilities in Fisheries, with Special Reference to the M2M, North
Manzanilla/Fishing Pond and Manzanilla Sub-Regions, along with the
Development of Aquaculture as a Niche Market Activity
There are a number of landing sites in the area. However, lack of chilling facilities
and the limitations of the road infrastructure have been the main constraints in the
growth and development of the Fisheries sector, with the result that it attracts few
young people as a viable and promising economic activity.
The elimination of the infrastructure constraints may act as a catalyst to the
exploitation of the fisheries which can provide sustainable livelihoods to some
percentage of the population and ensure that the inshore and offshore waters are no
longer exploited only by non-national fishers: it is known that there are nationals of
other countries who are engaged in the exploitation of the waters along the coastline
of Trinidad. There are also swamp-like conditions in some regions of the municipality
which might be amenable to aquaculture operations, especially in the North
Manzanilla/Fishing Pond area.
The key objective here is to upgrade the Fisheries Sector as a viable economic
activity in the Municipality. This will involve the following:
Establishment of chilling and freezing facilities at convenient locations along
the coastline to serve fishers in their respective communities;
Development of public/private/community partnerships in the management
and running of chilling and freezing facilities;
Encouragement of cooperative marketing of fish products;
Facilitation of fish processing operations at Sangre Grande Industrial Estate
and in two satellite locations in the Municipality, in the M2M sub-region;
Collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Production and Fisheries in
generation and provision of information on Fish Stocks, and in
institutionalising the monitoring of stocks; and
Development and facilitation of aquaculture in appropriate locations in the
Municipality. One possibility is the rehabilitation and utilisation of abandoned
quarry lands for fish farming.
ED POLICY-6: Stimulating Industrial Capacity in the Municipality, Starting with
Agro-processing Operations Linked to the Food Production Sector
The objective is the restoration and expansion of the productive potential of the
Municipality and the creation of attractive employment opportunities across a wide
swath of communities in the sub-regions of the Municipality. This calls for the
rebuilding and transformation of the Market in Sangre Grande, and provision of a
Farmers‟ Market to assist in the distribution and marketing of agricultural produce
from the Municipality. Emphasis is to be placed on the development of agro-industry
with linkages to new and traditional agricultural activity and the fisheries sector
within the Municipality. There is an important need to establish an industrial estate in
Sangre Grande or environs, with an agro-processing bias in the first instance, and
also giving consideration to the development of smaller plants or home-based
industries in the other sub-regions.
Of equal importance will be the promotion of the entry of firms into the industrial
estate, which are willing to engage in agro-processing and related activity. One
option is to provide space for incubator and other manufacturing activities for new
entrepreneurs seeking to develop productive enterprises on the basis of innovative
ideas and projects emanating from UTT, UWI and other tertiary establishments. A
special incubator programme should be developed which caters for students with
viable business ideas, who can be identified, targeted and supported as part of a
programme for developing young entrepreneurs.
A viable agricultural sector should support viable agro-processing, starting with
packaging and chilling facilities and ultimately product/produce transformation.
Sangre Grande, as a central location, should become the base for an industrial
complex specialising in agro-processing operations. This supports the need for an
industrial estate largely devoted to food processing and agro-processing activities.
ED POLICY-7: Ensuring that Quarrying Operations are Conducted in Such a
Way as to Facilitate Rehabilitation of Abandoned Spent Quarry Lands, Reduce
Environmental Degradation and Contribute to Positive Regional Development
The Municipality is the source of a substantial supply of sand, gravel and other
aggregate used in the construction industry of Trinidad as well as Tobago. There is
also substantial illegal quarrying in the area. On both counts, it cannot be said that
best practice is being observed. The result is that major negative environmental
consequences ensue from this activity in the Municipality. There have even been
attempts at resource capture by criminal groups. It is likely that the Valencia and
other sub-regions will continue to be an important source for quarrying materials
over the next 10 years. The objective is to rationalise and develop an orderly
approach to quarrying in the Municipality. The activities outlined in the Section on
Environmental Management Policies and Proposals will be implemented. In addition
consideration will be given to establishing an appropriate infrastructure, including
security and policing of the system for the operations of the industry.
Effective collaboration and cooperation is required between the Ministry of Energy
and Energy Industries, the SGRC, Forestry and the EMA. Consideration should be
given to the SGRC operating its own quarry as an income generation activity and to
reduce expenditure costs. Greater benefits must also be returned to the Municipality
from the operations of these quarries and also from its role as a major water
producing area. Therefore, it will be important to the SGRC to meet with the
respective Central Government and statutory agencies and the Quarry Industry
Association to identify ways where mutual benefits can be derived from the conduct
of these activities within its jurisdiction.
ED POLICY-8: Encouraging, through the Physical Planning Process, the
Provision of Space to a Basic Range of Private Businesses.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is committed to the promotion of SMEs. In
that regard, there is need to ensure that the population shares in the benefits
afforded to new entrepreneurs in the access to the credit and training assistance
provided by such institutions as NEDCO and the Business Development Company
The area might have suffered repressed entrepreneurship from the unavailability of
credit, having regard to the lack of stimuli provided to the sectors in which income
and employment creation might have been possible in the area. The state
institutions and as well the private sector - credit unions, banks and other financial
intermediaries providing credit – need to be made aware of the prospects for the
growth industries of the area.
SMEs are likely to predominate in agro-processing, and fish processing, distribution,
commerce and the range of services that tend to develop around concentrations of
population. A growing market economy is likely to generate activity and expanded
demand for:
Supermarkets and small groceries;
Fresh produce and fruit supply stores;
Department stores and dry goods suppliers;
Restaurant and Fast Foods outlets;
Automotive supplies and fuel;
Medical and Dental Services;
Legal Services;
Other personal services – fitness centres, laundries,
hairdressing, tailoring and beautician operations; and
Funeral Parlours.
The areas of population concentration in dispersed development are likely to trigger
demand for such services, which are already very evident in Sangre Grande, but are
likely to emerge in Valencia, Cumuto, Matura, and Toco, and in other locations that
attract larger settlements. Support for business development may allow some of the
emerging enterprises to develop a reach beyond the immediate community. Indeed,
some SMEs may well become involved in the provision of the export of goods and
Not all income generating activities will be private. In particular, the development of
eco-tourism in the area will include a substantial presence of community based
organisations: the “M to M” already establishes the commitment of CBOs to manage
their space to ensure sustainability but also to secure income from their efforts.
The support of the Ministry of Community Development and of the Cooperative
Department will be necessary to ensure that the „business model‟ that could allow for
effective community participation and equitable distribution of benefits can be
maintained for the foreseeable future, and surely over the plan period.
The objective here is to ensure that in each sub-region there is an increasing range
of private businesses that are required by residents as part of their every-day living
in a modern Trinidad and Tobago. To make this a reality, it will be important to
allocate or earmark space for SMEs in the respective sub-regions. In addition, the
SGRC will collaborate with such agencies as NEDCO and BDC in the provision of loans
to SMEs across the sub-regions, and in monitoring the level of development of SMEs
in the respective sub-regions.
ED POLICY-9: Distributing the Provision of Certain Financial Services to
Ensure Better Access for Residents.
A dynamic municipality requires a supporting Financial Services Sector to facilitate
transactions that are at the centre of economic activity. Sangre Grande has been the
home for a number of service providers in the Financial Services Sector. However,
residents and businesses in most communities have to journey long distances to
access these services. This has meant also that Sangre Grande dominates business
and Commerce in the Municipality since residents have to go there for financial
transactions. The objective is to ensure availability of financial services within easier
reach of residents of the Municipality. Several strategies are to be considered:
The allocation of space and facilitate banking and other financial services in
Toco and Valencia;
Encouraging and lobbying for the establishment of ATMs in selected locations
to facilitate services to various for far-flung communities across the
Municipality; and
Encouraging credit unions to modernise their technology and facilitate ATM
ED POLICY-10: Facilitating the Reach of Basic Commercial and Distributional
Services across the Municipality
In the context of the pattern of balanced development being promoted, there are
some communities that will still grow more quickly than others. These are likely to
serve as important district centres for other areas. Valencia has already established
itself in this regard. Toco and Cumuto and to a lesser extent Manzanilla and Matura
can be seen as other candidates for orderly expansion of Commerce and Distribution,
in their respective sub-regions. The objective is to ensure geographic balance in
distribution of Commerce and Distribution across the various sub-regions of the
Municipality. To facilitate this, space should be earmarked during the local area
planning phase for commerce and distribution activities in the respective subregions.
ED POLICY-11: Providing Public Services to the Residents of the Municipality
Which Should Comply with the Principle of Equity of Access Across the
The Municipality requires a major upgrade in the services of public administration
available to the citizenry. These include such basic requirements as the provision of
identification cards, passports, drivers‟ licences, birth certificates and social welfare
payments. User friendliness and ease of access should be the hall-mark of the
upgrade. Sangre Grande is likely to continue as the central node in the supply of
such services. A more appropriate administrative complex – one stop shop – is
required for centralisation of basic services. The objective is to guarantee basic
services of citizenship are available at a centralised location within the Municipality,
and in particular at the Main Administrative Building of the Municipal Authority of
Sangre Grande.
The Government in collaboration with SGRC and private sector should establish
structures to provide such services needed by residents of the municipality as
identification cards, passports, drivers‟ licences, birth certificates and social welfare
ED POLICY-12: Supporting the Emergence of New Industries
The uniqueness of the Sangre Grande environment can provide opportunities not
realised in other regions of the country which can be converted into businesses. It is
important to create the type of environment where such ideas, research findings,
etcetera can be easily converted into business opportunities. This means that there
must be strong linkages between research and business development.
The Municipality is strategically located in close proximity to the new University of
Trinidad and Tobago Main Campus, which with strategic links, can provide the
scientific and intellectual foundation in support of much of the development that can
be undertaken in the municipality.
Although further away in terms of location, the University of the West Indies has to
be seen as another source for personnel with the science and technological
information on which can be founded the industrial and economic transformation
platform of the Municipality.
Indeed, its amenity resources are unique such that it might attract think-tanks from
other universities and research organisations outside of Trinidad and Tobago,
especially if the Corporation markets the municipality as a location committed to
environmental sustainability of its unique terrestrial and maritime space, in its efforts
to create decent incomes for the people of the area. The information revolution
allows the municipality to market itself in this regard.
The Region can become a premier location in the world context of eco-friendly
development of fragile ecosystems. It would be ironic that the world might discover
the perquisites of the Sangre Grande area before residents and citizens of Trinidad.
In that regard, UTT and UWI have a vested interest in being involved in an effort
that might bring international repute to these two institutions.
The objective is to provide a supporting environment within the Region which can
identify, facilitate the start up of new and innovative industries.
The SGRC will liaise with UTT, UWI, NEDCO, BDC, and other relevant organisations
to continuously identify opportunities within the Municipality for the promotion of
innovation and research and development, thus develop strong linkages between
research and business. In addition the SGRC will promote the location of new
business and industry in the Municipality that is generated from innovation processes
which would help to promote its brand as an eco-centre of excellence.
ED POLICY 13: Providing the Resources for Sangre Grande Municipal Centre
to Benchmark the Municipality as a Vibrant Region, Contributing with Its
Unique Amenities to the Development of the Country.
The Municipal Corporation has been successful in engendering a strong commitment
on the part of the business community of Sangre Grande to the physical upgrade of
the town and to the creation of major developments, namely Pueblo Nuevo and
Vision City. The town will draw inspiration from its roots in the early post-Columbian
period, in restoring itself as a regional growth pole. The objective is to reconfirm the
status of the town as a major urban centre and modern market town in the east of
Trinidad, and as the administrative centre for the Municipality.
A major requirement is the complementing of public and private investment in
infrastructure of the town centre, with the private sector committed to upgrading the
facade of buildings in keeping with a coherent architectural design. There is need for
the building of a ring road around the town, complemented by the articulation of
streets, such that there is the appropriate balance among residential accommodation
and administrative, business and commercial uses.
The objective is to raise the profile of Sangre Grande by developing a befitting town
centre that recalls its earlier history as a vibrant and dynamic location tapping the
energy of the surrounding communities, when cocoa was king, by attracting
investment from both within and outside the Region.
Key activities will be to:
Finalise and implement local area plan for all of the town of Sangre Grande;
Develop and strengthen public/private partnerships and collaboration in the
enhancement of the town centre of Sangre Grande;
Invest in ring road around Sangre Grande;
Ensure coherence in architectural designs among buildings in the town and
especially in the town centre; and
Facilitate significant office development in Sangre Grande town centre and the
promotion of the town as a cheaper and people friendly environment for
commercial business development.
Transportation (TP)
The real purpose of transportation is access to socio-economic activities, and
includes both ambulatory and vehicular modes, both human and mechanically
powered. And in today‟s environmental sensitivity, there is an added emphasis on
employing techniques and technologies to improve that access and managing traffic
congestion, while simultaneously reducing environmental, social and climate change
impacts. In the context of the development of Sangre Grande, this would translate
into optimising movement and minimising the cost of movement within and outside
the Region, with costs including time, out-of-pocket costs, vehicle operation – fuel,
oil, tire, depreciation and depletion, and crew costs (for commercial vehicles) – and
insurance, all of which directly translate into increased cost of the socio-economic
activities that transportation facilitates.
Vision 2020 operational plan for physical infrastructure lays out the Policy Context for
the RDP, as follows:
“Physical infrastructure shapes and supports the living environment and is an
important determinant of the extent to which our economic, social and
environmental goals can be achieved. The goal is to create high quality, functional
and aesthetically appealing infrastructure that supports the economic, social,
physical and cultural transformation necessary to achieve Vision 2020.”
For Sangre Grande, transportation infrastructure will be dominated by roads for the
foreseeable future. This road surface transportation network of main roads, local
roads and agricultural feeder roads provides essential connectivity within the
Municipality, as well as with the neighbouring Municipalities to the West and South.
This connectivity, however, must be sufficient to support year round public and
private transport of people and goods, both by private and public means, particularly
to and from their place of work, the movement of industrial products and equipment,
the farm-to-market movement of agricultural products, and the market-to-farm
movement of agricultural supplies and infrastructural materials and equipment. The
transportation infrastructure to enable this must be developed, rehabilitated, and
subsequently maintained at levels of surface and structural conditions for the roads
and bridges, respectively, sufficient to support the projected heavy vehicle volumes
and loads, consistent with Vision 2020 Goal of a “modern physical infrastructure that
embodies the highest standard of quality, aesthetics and functionality”.
Likewise it is critical to cater for and improve the movement of residents and visitors
within the Municipality and the infrastructure that facilitate this process. Equally
important is the need to provide for walking and cycling safely including the
provisions for bicycle parking. Given the call for national social inclusiveness all
facilities should be developed with People with Disabilities (PWDs), children and the
elderly in mind.
Connectivity must also include Sangre Grande strategic location in relation to
Tobago, hence the call for the development of a modern port facility at Toco which
will facilitate interisland movement of locals and visitors to and from the area.
Policy Objective
The objective of the Transportation Policies and Proposals is to develop an
improved, integrated and friendly transport infrastructure and system which
will improve access in support of sustainable socioeconomic development
and travel within and outside the Municipality.
Policies and Proposals
The Sangre Grande Municipality‟s relative underdevelopment vis-à-vis regions in
northwest Trinidad, provides a unique opportunity and challenge to achieve its
strategic vision. Central to equitable service is ubiquitous transportation. The Sangre
Grande Transportation Policies and Proposals through to 2020 will cover solutions
falling under the umbrella of development of new roads and maintenance, repair,
rehabilitation, reconstruction and upgrading of existing rights of way, for the Central
Government (major), municipal and agricultural feeder roads. The overall
Transportation Municipal Programme also includes pedestrian, bicycle, taxi and bus
transport, and the attendant traffic management issues and plans. And given the
prospects for further development of sea and air transport to support the offshore oil
and gas explorations at Pt. Galeota, tourism and emergency response, directives that
follow include the associated infrastructure.
TP POLICY-1: Meaningful Cooperation and Collaboration between the Sangre
Grande Regional Corporation and Other Agencies/Organisations with
Responsibility for Transportation and Public Transport
1. Sustainable transportation solutions required to achieve the Municipal and
National Transportation Objectives necessitate a close and continuous
working relationship and collaboration between SGRC and all key partner
agencies with responsibility for transportation and travel, including MMOWT
(Highways Division, Traffic Management, PURE), MALMR, Port Authority of
Trinidad and Tobago (PATT), RDC, PTSC, neighbouring Municipal
Corporations, taxi and maxi taxi associations. Also key to these improvements
will be the proposed Roads Authority which in the future is expected to have
major responsibility for road transportation. Consideration should be given to
the establishment of an asset management database for the municipality,
which will feed into a national asset management system.
TP POLICY-2: Promoting and Supporting a Modal Shift from Private Cars to
More Sustainable Transport Modes such as Public Transport, Walking and
1. The RDP recognises that greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on
climate change present a major global challenge to the environment and the
need for transportation to make its contribution to the global response to this
challenge. The Municipality will promote and facilitate the adoption of more
sustainable and environmentally friendly forms of transportation, in keeping
with the municipal thrust towards eco-lifestyle choices and sustainable
environmental management. This regional policy is also in keeping with the
national transportation goals set for Vision 2020.
POLICY TP-3: Development, Rehabilitation, Maintenance of Central
Government Main Road Surfaces and Bridges in a State of Good Repair,
Including All Applicable Appurtenances.
1. As part of its National Highways Programme, the MOWT proposes the
construction of a ring road around Sangre Grande and an extension of the
CRH from Wallerfield to Manzanilla. The alignment for the CRH extension
starts at Cumuto, proceeding south and east along the old abandoned railway
reserve crossing the EMR, passing to the north of the Sangre Grande town
centre onto Manzanilla. The entire length of the new route is about 32 km and
consists of four-lane dual carriageway with landscaping and highway lighting,
seven major interchanges, three overpass bridges, four major river bridges
and retaining walls.
2. In the long term there will be need to determine the feasibility for the
development of the link road between Blanchisseuse and Matelot.
3. Regarding the Central Government (Primary) Road Network within the
boundaries of the Sangre Grande Municipality, the cooperation of the MOWT
will be required to secure the necessary improvements to these roads.
Emphasis must be placed on upgrading and maintaining the following roads in
accordance with best practices guidelines.
a. Eastern Main Road;
b. Valencia Main Road;
c. Toco Main Road;
d. Paria Main Road;
e. Sangre Grande Oropouche Road;
Cunapo Southern Main Road; and
g. Guaico Tamana Road.
Priority must be given in the short term to the rehabilitation and upgrading of
the following roads:
a. Toco Main Road
b. Paria Main Road
c. Guaico-Tamana Road.
TP POLICY-4: Development, Rehabilitation, Maintenance of Municipal
Secondary (Local) Roads, Road Surfaces and Bridges in a State of Good
Repair, Including All Applicable Appurtenances.
1. Through collaboration with the MOWT and other road agencies the SGRC will
undertake, facilitate and support improvements in the Municipal Secondary
Roads Network. The following roads will be given to be priority in the short
Table 7: Priority Roads in Need of Improvement in the Short Term
Caigual Road
Northern side of the
Gadjadhar Road
Southern side on the
Grande town centre
Repso Road
Plum Mitan Road
Road to Toco Main
South from Sangre
Grande along the
eastern edge of the
region and is a linkage
to Rio Claro via Biche.
Road surface is uneven and in
poor condition; narrow culvert
close to its intersection with the
EMR; no sidewalks
poor surface, sharp curves in
some areas
Road surface is in fair condition;
no sidewalks or centre line
markings; pose risk as a by-pass
No sidewalks
Road surface in many areas is fair
to poor with potholes and broken
edges. Pedestrian facilities are
limited and there are either no
sidewalks or sidewalks on only
one side in several areas.
Variations and/or adjustments to this list will be made as projects progress.
TP POLICY-5: Maintenance of Existing and Development of New Agriculture
Feeder-Farm-to-Market Roads and Bridges in a State of Good Repair, Including
All Applicable Appurtenances.
1. Agricultural access roads are critical infrastructure to the Sangre Grande
Municipality, with a significant percentage of the regional income being
generated through agriculture. In addition, some agricultural roads are also
used in other industries – tourism industry and quarries industry.
A number of agricultural areas has been designated as „Food Baskets,‟ (Table
6) and therefore are targeted for development which includes upgrading and
development of agricultural feeder road network. A detailed inventory and
assessment of the agricultural feeder road network is required with first
priority given to development and upgrading of those in the designated food
basket areas. A second phase in the long term can address roads in other
areas that are deemed priority by through community feedback and demand.
TP POLICY-6: Privately and Publicly Provided Public Transportation Service, in
Respect of Ubiquity and Frequency
1. The call for greater use of mass transit systems must be accompanied by a
better bus transportation system both to support inter-and intra-regional
travel. The recent upgrade of the PTSC Sangre Grande facilities will help to
facilitate intraregional connections. Throughout the Municipality there have
been calls for better public bus services to remote rural areas where at
present the population has serious challenges in securing regular
transportation. The Plan recommends that a roundtrip service between
Sangre Grande and Matelot in the first instance. A comprehensive study
will be required of the status of the town of Sangre Grande as a local centre,
and the transportation requirements that spring from that. Based on the
outcome of the study the service on other routes should be introduced as the
PTSC rationalises and expands its rural transport services. It would be
important here for Government to consider that public transportation like
other public services should form part of the package of basic services to
ensure quality living in rural communities. However, improved public
transportation is directly related to upgrading the conditions of the main road
2. Any future development of the town centre needs to consider the facilities for
public paratransit (taxis and maxi-taxis). There needs to be a review of the
location and operation of taxi-stands in the area, and the implementation of
measures to control behavior at these stands. The Government will have to
introduce legislation to create posts of Traffic Wardens. An efficient group of
wardens can make a great difference to the image of the town.
3. A major exercise will be the assessment of possible locations for a paratransit hub to accommodate the maxi-taxis and possibly taxis servicing the
region. Such a hub should include proper amenities for drivers as well as
passengers; street furniture; pleasant and safe approaches to the area in
recognition of the fact that walking is a major part of public transport, and the
walk itself must as aesthetically appealing as possible; signs indicating the
various destinations; and police controls for the general safety of passengers
and the civilising of the whole operation. Efforts will be made by the SGRC to
work with operators to develop the necessary facilities and amenities at the
4. The Corporation will work with privately supplied public transport operators
such as maxi-taxi and traditional taxi drivers in improving the service to the
5. The development of the Trinidad Rapid Rail Transit System (TRRTS) is a
major investment in national transport infrastructure and will have a profound
effect on travel patterns both within the Sangre Grande and to the major
centres to the west. The MOWT proposes the development and operation of a
rapid rail transit system in the two major urban corridors of Trinidad, namely
the East/West and North/South Corridors. The roll-out of the Arima to Sangre
Grande leg of the system is expected to be developed in the fifth and final
phase. Details of the alignment for this leg of the project has not been
finalised, but planning for this phase should begin during the latter period of
this planning horizon. The proposed design capacity of the system is 14,000
passengers per hour per peak direction. The SGRC will monitor the progress
of this critical initiative in light of significant impacts it is likely to have on
transportation and socioeconomic development in the Municipality.
TP POLICY-7: Undertaking Traffic and Transport Impact Assessments for
Major Developments within the Municipal Centre
The SGRC will require Traffic and Transportation Impact Assessments to be
undertaken for any major developments within the Sangre Grande town to assess
the traffic impacts on the surrounding road network and provide measures to
mitigate any adverse impacts - all in accordance with best practice guidelines. Traffic
and Transportation Impact Assessments will guide, should there the need for it, the
nature of any road improvements required as a result of the implementation of the
proposed projects.
TP POLICY-8: Improving Traffic Flow and Management in the Urban Centres
1. The SGRC will work with the Traffic Management Branch (TMB) to monitor
and improve traffic and transportation situations in the Municipality. At
present, that liaison exists, but it is recognised that the TMB would require
the assistance of the Municipal Corporation to carry out its traffic mandate.
The SGRC will take the lead in the identification of problems and traffic issues
within the Municipality. This requires more than police identifying congestion,
but in reporting, for example, on the difficulties residents have in obtaining
public transport from strategic areas. The Corporation will organise a system
for the collection of the information which can be used by the TMB for traffic
management and others.
2. The responsibility for traffic regulation and enforcement rests with the
Trinidad and Tobago Police Services (TTPS). The new municipal corporation
legislation will result in the establishment of a Municipal Police Service and
the establishment of traffic wardens. The Region will re-examine the role of
the Municipal Police Service and its new functions with a view to improving
traffic management.
3. The RDP recognises that some of congestion is caused by the operations of
some businesses (such as gasoline service stations, hardware stores and
groceries) in the major urban centres. The Corporation will take a more
proactive role in monitoring and regulating these businesses.
4. The TPRC will, in collaboration with the TCPD and the TMB, update its
assessment rules and methodologies. The location of exits, provision of
adequate parking, and in the case of large malls, even the internal circulation,
will all be considered before Planning Permission is granted to build.
TP POLICY-9: Making Sangre Grande a Pedestrian Friendly Location
1. The Plan recognises the need to encourage and facilitate pedestrian activities.
As a result, the town centres will be reconfigured as walkable centres, with
due attention given to appropriate pedestrian right-of-way networks, as well
as bicycle and motorcycle rights-of-way and parking facilities, as integral
components of the streetscapes.
2. The Plan promotes the shared use of bicycle and motorised movements
through road surface intersections, as well as along the roadway links.
TP POLICY-10: Traffic Safety Rules and Regulations Governing the Shared Use
of the Roadway Right-of-Way.
1. The responsibility for traffic regulation and enforcement rests with the
Trinidad and Tobago Police Services (TTPS). The new municipal corporation
legislation will result in the establishment of a Municipal Police Service and
the establishment of traffic wardens. The TTPS and the Municipal Corporation
will re-examine the role of the Municipal Police Service and its new functions
with a view to improving traffic management.
2. Road safety and the occurrence of vehicular accidents have become an
increasing critical development issue in Trinidad and Tobago. The SGRC in
conjunction with TTPS, MOWT and other relevant partners will develop and
implement a Municipal Road Safety Plan in line with national road safety
policies to promote and encourage road safety. The main aim of the plan will
be to reduce the risks and occurrence of collisions and to minimise potential
conflict among road users.
TP POLICY-11: Developing a Passenger Port Facility at Toco.
1. There are proposals for the establishment of a port facility and a Toco to
Tobago ferry service on the northeast coast to facilitate to facilitate
movement of passenger travel between Trinidad and Tobago and the tourism
industry. This proposal has already received cabinet agreement (Agreed to by
Cabinet Minute No. 1172 of May 5, 2005). The RDP endorses the conduct of
an environmental impact assessment along with stakeholders‟ consultations
during the feasibility analysis and design of this facility. The establishment of
a port at Toco will require improvements in the road from Matura to Toco in
order to make the port accessible to any significant amount of traffic.
Ensuring access to all population groups is vital in achieving the Municipal‟s principle
of social inclusiveness and for the success implementation of the various measures
under the RDP. The RDP therefore will support and facilitate the development of
suitable access for PWDs, the elderly and children, including improvements to
buildings, pavements, streets and public spaces. Consideration must be given to
PWDs when designing all facilities for pedestrians and the passengers.
The RDP in approving development plans will consider design elements which
support accessibility and inclusiveness, including the design of the new Corporation
building and other public buildings in the Municipality. The Municipal Corporation will
work closely with PWD interest groups and other partners to respond to issues and
complaints about poor accessibility. Accessibility audits will be carried in the
pedestrian network of the town centres with a view to developing solutions to make
them more accessible.
TP POLICY-13: Promoting Seamless Connectivity to Other Physical
1. The Plan promotes seamless connectivity among economic, physical and
social infrastructure and other installations/facilities to reduce cost, and
ensure sustainable socio-economic development. These includes ports, oil and
gas pipelines, schools, health care, recreational, etcetera – and public utilities
– electrical substations, water supply, wastewater and solid waste collection
and processing, hazardous waste management, etcetera.
Housing (HU)
The provision of quality housing affordable housing which meets the needs of all
households within the Municipality is a key component of building sustainable
communities. The number of households in Sangre Grande is forecast to increase by
2,299 over the next 10 years, with most of this growth anticipated in the Municipal
Centre of Sangre Grande, Greater Sangre Grande, Valencia and Greater Tamana. It
will be important for each household within the Municipality to have available to it
quality housing that is affordable, of good quality, suitable to its needs, offers little or
no health and safety risks to occupants, and has minimum impact on the natural
environment. Equally critical is the provision of other complementary facilities and
services to make their communities liveable.
As a result, new public and privately built housing should be more sustainable
through improved design and function. Therefore, there is need for housing
standards that respond to this approach and for Government and construction
industry to work together in designing, building and promoting the features and
benefits of sustainable housing. Moreover, it will also be critical to address the
number of abandoned dwellings and homes that have fallen into a state of disrepair
throughout the Municipality that are in need of regeneration.
The Municipality also has a significant number of vacation homes and small guest
house/room operators, mainly along the coastline that at present serve mainly the
domestic tourism market. Given the intended thrust of the Municipality towards the
enhancement of tourism in the Municipality, these facilities must be built and
operated at an acceptable standard that ensures a quality visit.
Policy Objective
The objective of the Housing Policies and Proposals is to support and
facilitate the creation of well designed quality sustainable housing,
delivering a mix of house sizes, types, tenures to satisfy different housing
needs within the Municipality. In addition, to provide supporting amenities
and services to established housing areas.
Policies and Proposals
HU POLICY-1: Meeting Housing Demand
1. Given an additional 2,299 households predicted by 2020 (Table 8), housing
demand will be met by the
a. Development of some amount of housing on greenfield sites in
compact discrete, housing development areas with necessary
supporting facilities and services to make them sustainable on suitable
land where expansion is anticipated that is essentially near the urban
centres – town of Sangre Grande, Greater Sangre Grande, Valencia,
and Cumuto.
b. Consolidation of loose development on the fringes of the town centres
and along main roads, and infilling in existing communities on vacant
Table 8: Population, Household and Dwelling Units, 2000 and 2020
Sangre Grande Proper
Greater Tamana
Fishing Pond
Source: Population and Housing Census, 2000
Current land use planning policy as applied by the TCPD allows up two to
three dwelling units on each of the 465 square metres plots that make up
almost all of the older settlements. The policy will continue to apply in all of
these areas. However, in cases where developments take place at the higher
of these densities, standards need to be devised to ensure adequate space for
light and ventilation, for the containment of storm-water on the site, and to
prevent the spread of fire from one property to another, and the provision of
other factors deemed as necessary for maintaining satisfactory living
HU POLICY-2: Improving Existing Residential Stock by Upgrading and
Maintaining Housing and Residential Amenities.
1. Rebuilding and upgrade of existing units and repair of dilapidated housing will
be promoted and facilitated through incentive programmes. Special attention
is to be paid to regeneration of such housing in areas like the M2M and
Greater Tamana, where the number of poor housing is greatest.
2. Housing will be developed by the public sector through the HDC and the LSA,
with the latter having responsibility for the regularisation and upgrading
designated squatter settlements. The LSA must address the imperative for
the relocation of squatters from protected areas, such as the Aripo Savannah
Scientific Reserve and the Long Stretch Reserve in Valencia and in sensitive
locations where there is increased risk to human health and safety, such as
steep hillsides and flood prone land.
3. The RDP recommends that, in order to increase the stock of all-round good
quality housing and develop truly sustainable communities in the Municipality,
plans for settlement upgrading must include the provision of social facilities,
such as health centres, children‟s health care facilities, educational facilities,
and recreational facilities to be located in association with residential
communities. These facilities with the relevant service providers (which
include services offered by Community Development Division) must be
developed along with housing and infrastructure development efforts to
improve integration of community. In cases of infilling in older communities,
attention will be paid to the retrofitting of infrastructure to match the
increased densities.
HU POLICY-3: Encouraging and Supporting Housing for the Elderly by
Supporting the Concept of Independent Living for Older Residents.
1. Sangre Grande, with its layback and peaceful settings, is an ideal location for
persons seeking tranquil lifestyle and so provides an opportunity for
developing housing developments which caters exclusively to the elders. The
RDP, therefore, endorses the concept of independent living for older residents
and supports the development of such sheltered housing schemes in the
Sangre Grande Municipality. However, standards must be developed for the
design and construction of such facilities.
HU POLICY-4: Encouraging and Supporting the Development of Quality
Vacation Housing as Part of the Regional Tourism Industry
1. Already, there is a fair amount of commercial vacation homes and apartments
along the east coast of the Municipality of varying standard and condition. It
is important to operate an industry within the Municipality that adheres to a
minimum standard for the development and operation of visitor
accommodations and facilities. The Plan, therefore, recommends that the
TDC, Municipal Corporation, MLG, TCPD, NGO and community sector
organisations and operators, and other partners work together in developing
standards and certification process for tourist accommodations and facilities
within the Municipality, including guesthouses, hotels, apartments, resorts,
villas/cottages, lodges, bed and breakfasts, and campsites/grounds. The
Municipal Corporation will take an active role in the implementation of these
standards, mindful of the critical role of the industry to the Sangre Grande
Municipality and maintaining a reputation for quality service.
HU POLICY-5: Supporting and Facilitating
Implementation of a National Green Building Code
1. The Draft National Climate Change Policy calls for the development of a Green
Building Code that „seeks to maximise renewable energy use and energy
efficiency.‟ The RDP, therefore, endorses the development of this Code. Apart
from energy, consideration should be given to the following factors in the
development of the Code – Water, Materials, Surface Water Runoff and
Management, Waste Management, Pollution, Health and Wellbeing,
Management and Ecology.
Social and Community Amenities and Services (SC)
In respect of socio-economic development, the last Survey of Living Conditions
indicated that Sangre Grande had the unenviable record of being the poorest
Municipality, followed by the Region of Mayaro/Rio Claro. This status relates not only
to economic realities of the Region, but also the lag experienced in the delivery of
physical infrastructure and social amenities and services compared to some more
prosperous Municipalities.
Therefore, many of the communities of Sangre Grande are characterised by
remoteness, poor infrastructure and a sense of marginalisation. There is need for
reversing this process of decay, especially through the provision of social and
community facilities and services, with due regard to ensuring a basic level of service
to all cohorts of the population, irrespective of geographic location, social status, age
or ability. Equity of access to the services required in a modern state and against the
back drop of the knowledge economy of the 21 st century imposes certain demands in
the provision of social amenities. Key to this strategy is the need for mechanisms to
ensure that local communities are on board and involved in the continued
identification, development and management of some of these facilities and services.
The present approach to decentralisation and to devolution of responsibility and
authority to the Regional Corporations will dictate massive investments in the very
social amenities and services that these marginalised communities have lacked. Such
improvements are necessary for creating sustainable communities and ensuring a
high quality of life for its burgesses and which will thus reverse the tendency to
outward migration from the Municipality.
Policy Objective
The key objective of the Social and Community Services and Facilities
Policies and Proposals is to ensure access and timely delivery of quality
social and community amenities and services that are responsive to the
expressed needs of local communities. Such facilities and services must
ensure social inclusion and be consistent with the promotion of the social
advancement and human development of all residents.
Policies and Proposals
1. The SGRC will use its resources and work with public sector, private sector
and NGO partners in ensuring the delivery of sustainable community facilities
and services. Where appropriate, the Corporation will collaborate and form
the necessary public-private sector partnerships required to develop needed
social infrastructure and services.
2. In the spirit of social inclusion and facilitating sustainable human
development, it is important to that all population groups have a chance to
realise their potential, and to contribute to and participate in community life,
regardless of their gender, age, ability, religion and the other characteristics
which make Trinidad and Tobago a unique and diverse society. This ethos,
therefore, will be at the centre of the delivery of social and community
amenities and services throughout the Municipality. In designing new
facilities, consideration will be given to ensure that they are adaptable to
meet the changing needs of the population and to provide potential for multiusage. In addition, such social and community facilities will be grouped
together wherever possible for economy and to foster community coherence.
SC POLICY-1: Improving Primary and Secondary Health Care Services Delivery
1. Construction of Sangre Grande New Hospital
The Ministry of Health, through the assistance of the Eastern Regional Health
Authority, is responsible for the delivery of health care services to the
Municipality of Sangre Grande. There are proposal for the modernisation of
the Sangre Grande Hospital to a capacity of 100 beds with 72 beds to be
provided in the first phase. There must be collaboration, however, with the
Municipal Corporation and the people of the Region in the design and
upgrading of this modern facility. Given the future expansion of residential
accommodation in such locations like Cumuto, Valencia and in Sangre Grande
itself, and the prospective developments in the Municipality it will important
to re-evaluate the demand for secondary and tertiary health care services
during the planning period to ensure that needs for the Region will be met.
Already there is the recognition that the Sangre Grande Hospital should be
complemented by a smaller facility that would serve the remote northeast,
which might be located at Toco. This hospital facility in Toco should be able to
treat with basic services, like births, and emergency services where victims
can be stabilised before being transferred to the Sangre Grande Hospital or
other institutions providing relevant services. The growth of tourism in the
area would involve greater traffic and involves the presence of a much larger
population on a daily basis within the Municipality and on the north coast
specifically, than the registered resident population. A viable tourism sector
requires as a complement, health and emergency services within easy reach.
2. Provision of Improved Primary Health Care Services
The 41 communities of Sangre Grande are served by 11 health centres, which
suggests, a priori that primary health care services are relatively well
distributed throughout the Municipality, with most communities being in
relatively easy reach of such services. Even the more remote communities on
the north coast are reasonably well served. However, attention must be paid
to the delivery of primary health services to the residents of Cumaca, who at
present have to travel to Valencia to secure services. At the very least, there
should be facilities on a weekly basis, such that even the most remote
communities would have access to basic primary health care services, with
personnel being available on scheduled days to treat with the members of the
public in the respective communities.
Any increase in population in the Municipality can be accommodated by
extending the hours of service to evenings at strategic primary health care
facilities, in Valencia and Sangre Grande and one of the centres on the
northeast coast. This will have implications for the staffing of these facilities.
Where appropriate, there will be upgrade of the existing primary health
The SGRC, with the assistance of the MLG and Ministry of Health, will assist
communities in the establishment of Community Wellness Councils to ensure
the delivery of high quality and appropriate health services (including public
health services) at the level of their communities. The Councils will be
appropriately resourced to ensure their proper functioning and operation.
SC POLICY-2: Strengthening of Education and Training Delivery
1. Delivery of Early Childhood Education
The Government is committed to the universal provision of early childhood
education. The guarantee that those at the bottom of the income hierarchy
will have access, requires substantial expansion since the country is some
distance from universal enrolment. In respect of educational facilities, the first
thrust in the next five years will be on the provision of facilities for early
childhood education as the State takes a role in its universalisation. The MOE
has taken steps to identify sites for the construction of 601 Early Childhood
Care and Education Centres (ECCECs)8 throughout the Trinidad and Tobago
by the end of fiscal year 2012. These facilities will be located in the various
neighbourhoods so that children will be within a distance of not more than
Early Childhood Care and Education Centre refers to all facilities providing learning support, care and development
services to children from three to children under six years of age. Early Childhood Services (ECS) are here defined as
all settings offering informal programmes to children under six, and include: Day Care Centres, Preschools,
Kindergartens, Early Childhood Care and Education Centres, and Nurseries. Website definition:
approximately 400 metres from their homes except in the isolated rural
communities where the distance criterion will not be practicable.
The RDP endorses the MOE‟s plans to construct additional centres in the
Municipality. The east, and more particularly, the northeast and southwest of
the Municipality are not as well served by early childhood centres as the rest
of the Municipality. As access to early childhood education is universalised,
there will be need for expansion of places in some of the more remote
communities of the Municipality. The Municipal Corporation will work with the
MOE, private sector providers and other partner institutions to ensure the
requisite number of ECCECs are established in the Municipality and quality
service is achieved and maintained. However, the Corporation recognises that
there is need for integration of housing and community facilities such as
ECCECs and would therefore promote the strategic location of these centres in
close proximity to any new major housing developments and employment
centres during the planning horizon.
2. Delivery of Primary School Education
The MOE will provide for the upgrading or establishment of facilities required
for educational advancement and skills development of residents, across the
board. This requires the repair and upgrading of existing schools, as required.
Where appropriate, the Corporation will collaborate with the MOE in the
provision of schools in new residential development.
3. Delivery of Secondary School Education
Enrolment increases at the secondary level will depend on the impact of the
demographics, as well as on the extent to which students elect to attend
school in the districts where they reside, and the degree to which the pecking
order in secondary schools continues to reflect patterns of yesteryear. There
will be need for the provision of at least one new secondary school in the
Municipality to cater for a larger population by the end of the plan period. This
potential requirement will be better assessed following the next decennial
census and an assessment of changes in the population over the ensuing
planning years.
4. Provision of Tertiary and Post-secondary Education Facilities
Post-Secondary and Tertiary Education is undergoing reorganisation in
Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, there is recognition that the country is
involved in catch-up in terms of tertiary enrolment relative to the age cohorts
involved, and compared to countries at a similar stage of development.
Indeed, compared to such dynamic countries as South Korea and Singapore,
Trinidad and Tobago is very far behind in respect of the percentage of the 2024 age group enrolled in tertiary education. The establishment of the main
campus of the UTT just outside its western borders will bring tertiary facilities
within closer reach. However, there will be need to develop distance
education services such that many in the far-flung communities can have
access through the communications medium. The Corporation will encourage
and work with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education
(MSTTE) and tertiary education institutions in the Municipality in developing
suitable programmes to increase enrolment in all age groups and gender.
Consideration will be given to ensuring that there is increased male
The SGRC will collaborate with its partners in putting in place the institutional
structure to ensure that large numbers of people embark on Adult Education
programmes to upgrade themselves and to complete their education,
including the introduction of online and distance education programmes.
SC POLICY-4: Provisioning of Sports and Recreational Facilities
1. The RDP promotes healthy lifestyle choices, wellness and social opportunities
in the communities of Sangre Grande. Therefore, all age groups within the
Municipality have to be catered for by the establishment of the appropriate
facilities and services for sport and recreation, both for those who are highly
active and for those whose demands are more passive. Such provisioning will
also cater for children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
2. Provision of Sports Stadium and Indoor Sporting Facilities
There is need for a sports stadium that befits the Sangre Grande
Municipality to be located in the town of Sangre Grande, with facilities for the
major sports of football, cricket, and athletics. The SGRC will work with MSYA
in making this a reality. The Municipality has contributed sports people that
have represented Trinidad and Tobago with distinction in spite of the absence
of facilities for training and nurturing high quality talent.
The RDP endorses the proposals by the MSYA to develop a municipal indoor
sport/multipurpose facility at Sangre Grande which caters mainly to the needs
of the eastern communities in several sporting disciplines, such as basketball,
netball, volleyball, weight training, badminton, table tennis and martial arts.
The SGRC recognises the need for gyms and fitness centres, and will work
along with private sector and NGO and community sector entities in the
establishment and provisioning of these facilities.
3. Upgrading and Maintenance of Recreation Grounds
The Municipal Stadium should represent the pinnacle of a complement of
recreation facilities across the Municipality, distributed in the various
communities such that most residents have relatively easy access to a
recreation ground, for active competitive sport for those so disposed and for
the enjoyment of those who need more measured activity. The Municipal
Corporation, therefore, will ensure that there is a basic provision of facilities
in all communities. Recreation grounds will be distributed across the districts
to ensure that all communities are within easy reach of some basic
complement of facilities – athletic track, tracks for walking and cycling,
facilities for popular sports like soccer, cricket, basketball, netball, lawn
tennis, etcetera.
Multi-use trails will be strategic localities for use mainly by residents and
visitors as part of the Municipality‟s eco-tourism and wellness thrust.
Lots for playgrounds must be provided in all new housing layouts, and the
Corporation will work to ensure that these facilities are developed to allow
opportunities for active recreation in safe settings for small children.
Given the number of recreational grounds/facilities in the Region in need of
maintenance, an audit will be required and a priority listing developed for
their upgrading and retrofitting as a central element to the recreation
infrastructure for the Municipality.
SC POLICY-5: Meeting the Demand for Services and Facilities by Age Cohorts
1. The demographic distribution is a good base for determining the range of
services required. The demands of the various age cohorts have certain
predictability. Babies and children make demands on the health system first
and then on educational facilities, and these have been addressed in earlier
sections. Likewise, secondary schools provide for the education of those
above 11 years of age. Part-time post-school education can be mainly
supported by the infrastructure of secondary schools.
2. Facilities for other services will anticipate requirements of youth, mature
adults and the elderly in their communities. Youth services, community
development services, and services for counselling and the catering to those
with social problems constitute the situation. It will be important to ensure
that in each major centre there is access to a minimum complement of
community and social services, with facilities well distributed for their
delivery. In this regard, Central Government and Local Government will
ensure the following in all district centres at the very least:
a. Youth facility – in each of the major urban centre;
b. Construction of a Multi-Purpose Social Services Centre in Sangre
c. Community centres – in locations where none exists, with immediate
need in Grand Riviere;
d. Homes and day activity centres for the elderly
3. The SGRC will also support the establishment of retirement communities and
provisioning of elderly care services, including assisted living services, nursing
care, independent living, adult day care, etcetera. The Corporation will
develop a list of facilities to be shared with its burgesses and the general
public, and, where necessary will collaborate with the Ministry of Social
Development in monitoring the activities and facilities of such operations.
SC POLICY-6: Effectively Delivering Youth Oriented Programmes
1. Critical in the provision of youth services is the need to create a sense of
place among the youth of the area. Given the history of marginalisation and
peripheral development, there is likely to be strong sense among youth that
economic and social advancement requires geographic mobility. Youth
development services would involve recreation services and the supporting
infrastructure of playing fields for football, cricket and athletics, tennis,
basketball and netball courts, as well as facilities for training and adult
education and general educational upgrading. The SGRC will work closely with
relevant stakeholders in the delivery of these programmes, ensuring that the
needs of remote communities are addressed.
There is also need for preventative services in terms of provision of family
planning services and anti-drug programmes, and services of a supportive or
remedial nature, for example, by way of services to teenage parents or unwed
mothers, and drug rehabilitation programmes. Some of the required services
will need to be discharged through a social infrastructure of Community
Development and Youth Development Services, and in a physical
infrastructure of community centres which can also function as information
centres or multi-purpose community facilities serving the population at large.
SC POLICY-7: Provisioning for Library and Information Services
1. The Public Library in Sangre Grande is the only branch in the Municipality
providing Library Services. The possibility for the provision of Library Services
in Toco, Valencia and Cumuto and bookmobile service in the other subregions has to be explored. The provision of online information and internet
services will increasingly become an important part of the Library and
Information Services in these localities and so ways must be found to
encourage this.
SC POLICY-8: Strengthening Security and the Delivery of Justice
1. Creating a More Effective Policing System
There has been some recent upgrades and development of the Toco and
Matelot Police Stations. Equipping these stations with adequate staffing and
resources is pre-requisite to promote a sense of safety and security among
residents and visitors.
The Corporation will encourage investment in an upgraded infrastructure and
networks built on an electronic platform allowing for closed circuit and wide
vision systems in the centres across the Municipality. This will ensure that
most public areas of the Municipality will be visible in real time – that is at all
times of day or night. The security of the individual is paramount, and must
be guaranteed by effective policing.
The new Municipal Corporation Bill will lead to the establishment of a
Municipal Police Service in each Municipality which comes under the authority
of the Commissioner of Police (COP). Space will be provided for the Municipal
Police and where possible, officers will be based in the same compound as the
regular Police Service operating in the area. A large part of the duties of
the Municipal Police Service will focus on community policing.
Special security plans will be developed and implemented for critical areas,
namely the Sangre Grande Municipal, Valencia and M2M in collaboration with
local business operators and NGO sector and other security related public
sector agencies.
Development of a municipal policing information system which will
complement a national system designed to ensure monitoring across the
country, with possible links to border and sea coast monitoring.
2. Promoting an Environment of Security
The RDP supports the development of secure environments through the
promotion of natural surveillance within the public realm, public walkways and
open spaces by encouraging supervised people-centred activities in these
areas, supplemented by increased use of targeted lighting and CCTV cameras
in critical areas. An environment of natural surveillance will also be
encouraged in newly-planned areas through high quality and sensitive urban
The establishment of Joint Policing Committees will enable closer co-operation
between communities, policing services and the Corporation to identify safety
and security issues in communities and develop appropriate interventions.
3. Expanding Fire-fighting Capacity throughout the Municipality
The RDP notes that a new Sangre Grande Fire Station has been constructed
and supports proposals for the construction and equipping of a fire station in
Toco, particularly in light of increasing visitations to the M2M sub-region and
the great distances that must be travelled from Sangre Grande to this area.
In addition, the size of the Municipality makes it important to establish a
voluntary emergency response team in selected communities that will have as
one of their remits basic fire fighting skills.
4. Improving the Judiciary System
The RDP supports the redesign and construction of the court in Sangre
Grande identified as one of the projects in the Vision 2020 Operational Plan.
Its redevelopment is required in the short term.
SC POLICY-9: Facilitating the Civic Occasions and Cultural Expression
1. There is general agreement within the Municipality that there is insufficient
wholesome entertainment and entertainment facilities in the Municipality, to
the disadvantage of all age groups, but the young in particular. The RDP
supports private sector ventures which lead to the development of
appropriate entertainment facilities easily accessible by residents and visitors
in keeping with the Vision of the Municipality.
2. There should be some emphasis on the development of centres of cultural
expression. These will take the form of:
a. A Heritage Centre in M2M; and
b. A Creative Centre in the town of Sangre Grande.
1. Developing a Regional Crematorium
There is a substantial population who are adherents of the Hindu religion for
whom last rites require cremation. Increasingly, people of other
denominations are adopting this approach given the growing challenge of
finding burial spots on the passing their loved ones. The SGRC will work with
private sector entities in developing a cremation site/crematorium in the
Municipality, with all attendant amenities.
Infrastructure and Public Utilities (IP)
Vision 2020 calls for the development and application of sound infrastructure for the
benefit of all residents of Trinidad and Tobago. The provision and development of
sound infrastructure by 2020 requires for the most part, planning for, and the
evaluation of the adequacy of existing infrastructure to meet present and future
demand in the Municipality, and the design and development of new physical
infrastructure and the upgrade of existing facilities, as deemed necessary. In respect
of infrastructure development, in the past SG has been underserved by infrastructure
compared to other parts of the country, particularly northwest Trinidad. In order for
the Municipality to meet the mandate for socioeconomic development in Vision 2020,
there must be considerable investment in infrastructure to boost economic and social
development and to combat poverty.
At present, the Municipality experiences problems in a number of communities in
respect of the delivery of potable water, thus forcing households in these areas to
rely heavily on truck-borne and rainwater sources. Wastewater disposal systems
remain at the household level. Given its propensity for high rainfall and runoff, and
the problem of poor storm-water management, flooding is commonplace in many
communities located in the floodplains of some of the region‟s major water courses.
The Region‟s drainage problems stem from not only the absence of appropriate
drainage infrastructure in critical localities but also from poor maintenance and
cleaning of existing systems. The drainage challenge faced by the Municipality often
translates into public health concerns given the high indices for mosquitoes and
dengue fever. Moreover land slippage is a major challenge in hilly terrains of the
Northern and Central Ranges, while coastal erosion has become a serious threat on
northeast coast.
The collection, handling and disposal of wastes are another issue as private waste
haulers and householders are known to dump waste illegally, thereby creating
unsightly and unhealthy informal dumpsites throughout the Municipality. A number
of initiatives are being proposed currently which should lead to reform and
improvements within the waste management sector. Equally important at this
juncture is the need for strong cooperation at the household and community level
towards waste reduction, reuse and recycle.
There is need therefore to deliver improved infrastructure and utility services that
would cater for residential, industrial and commercial requirements and facilitate the
continued growth of the Region. Priority must be given to certain specific areas
where problems are acute and in need of immediate attention.
Policy Objective
The objective of the Infrastructure and Public Utilities Policies and
Proposals is to facilitate the provisioning and equitable distribution of
physical infrastructure and public utilities to serve the municipal population
in support of sustainable socioeconomic development.
Policies and Proposals
IP POLICY-1: Meeting the Demand and Supply for Potable Water
1. The objective here is to secure adequate and safe supply of potable water for
householders and other users of the Municipality through the development
and improvement of water supply systems. Potable water provisioning is
mainly the responsibility of WASA. The Municipal Corporation‟s responsibility
in respect of potable water provisioning is the delivery of truck-borne water
supply to non-WASA customers. However, as part of its responsibility of
securing burgesses (individuals, corporate and institutional), the SGRC will
play a pro-active role and collaborate with the Authority in meeting present
demand and anticipating future needs. The municipal water demand for SG by
2020 will vary based on the successful implementation of its development
agenda which includes a number of initiatives earmarked by WASA to
increase safe water production and reduce water demand. These include the
 Universal metering
 In the short- to medium-term, the upgrading of the Sangre Grande
booster station and water distribution system in Sangre Grande,
Plum Mitan, and Sangre Chiquito; and the development of three
water treatment plants in Salybia, Cumuto, and Matura (at a
capacity to produce 12 million gallons) as part of the Water Sector
Modernisation Programme (WSMP);
 Continued infrastructure development and retrofitting - laying of
new pipelines in an effort to reduce unaccounted-for-water (UFW);
 Increased public education.
Table 9: Water Demand for Sangre Grande, 2020
Light commercial
Light industrial
High users
No. of
Users in
(litres /day)
Source: WASA
2. The RDP supports the management demand with a view to reducing per
capita consumption of water and therefore the Municipal Corporation will work
with the Authority and will make Water Use, Management and Conservation,
one of the key areas in their Eco-Sangre Grande Programme.
3. The Corporation will promote the adoption of improved rainwater harvesting
as a water source in areas with water supply challenges persist, and advocate
that the technology be incorporated into the National Green Building Code.
Now considered green technology, rainwater harvesting is becoming
increasingly important in many developed countries as a potable water source
but also important for stormwater management.
4. The Plan also supports self-help water infrastructural development
programmes in an effort to improve potable water supply to communities.
The Municipal Corporation will facilitate and work with the WASA and
communities in developing water sources.
IP POLICY-2: Improving Wastewater Management
1. Given the need to improve wastewater management and treatment in the
Municipality, the RDP recognises plans for developing, retrofitting and
upgrading wastewater facilities and services throughout as outlined in the
Draft Water and Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP). The WWMP calls for the
development of centralised/regionalised treatment systems across Trinidad
and Tobago. Trinidad will be divided into 25 catchment areas for which
detailed wastewater systems will be designed in accordance with good health
and water quality engineering practices. This centralised system will integrate
existing systems, new developments and currently un-sewered areas. The
Municipality is located essentially in four catchment areas9 –
Water and Sewerage Authority, 2008. Water and Wastewater Master Plan and Policy for Trinidad and Tobago: Draft
Wastewater Alternatives Report.
Area 2: Toco Area including Matelot/Grand Riviere/Monte Video/Sans
Souci/L'anse Noir/Mission/Toco
b. Area 5: East-West
c. Area 6: Sangre Grande/North Oropouche
d. Area 7: Balandra/Salybia/Matura
No design solutions were provided for the eastern section of the Municipality –
North Manzanilla and Manzanilla.
There are plans in the short-term to medium term for the development of the
Sangre Grande Wastewater Treatment Plant, with a capacity to treat 5 million
gallons per day. This will lead to the sewering of the town of Sangre Grande.
2. The need for short term and medium term solutions to the wastewater
problems in the Municipality makes it imperative that the SGRC work with
WASA and/or partner agencies in improving the current problems associated
with wastewater management in the Municipality. The corrective actions
 All existing sewerage system and waste water treatment plants to be
appraised and refurbished and brought into effective use;
 All existing and new housing developments and large institutions such
as schools and hospitals need to be sewered and the wastewater
treated in wastewater treatment plants;
 All pit latrines to be replaced by septic tanks and seepage pits;
 All industries are responsible for the proper treatment and disposal of
effluent and toxic waste. Any discharges into region‟s receiving waters
must meet Water Pollution Rules and other relevant standards;
 Safely treated wastewater to be recycled for use in agriculture, aquifer
recharge, industry and construction;
 Public awareness and social marketing programme relating to the
effects of littering, solid-waste disposal etc and their effect on the
 WASA needs to adopt all existing WWTP‟s and maintain effectively;
 Establishing an effective monitoring system to minimise the impact of
septic tank and soakaway systems and other municipal pollution
sources not included in the Water Pollution Rules.
IP POLICY-3: Improving Stormwater Management and Drainage Control
1. Flooding is a major problem and a main cause of distress for burgesses in
vulnerable areas. Over the years, the MOWT/Drainage Division and the
Corporation have done maintenance works on the main river systems.
However, because of the number of local flooding events, it is now necessary
to take a holistic look at entire river basin systems, and design solutions
which will effectively control stormwater flows and flooding. As part of its
Comprehensive National Drainage Study, Drainage Division has undertaken a
Flood Mitigation and Integrated Watershed Study for the North Oropouche
River, which will develop short term to long term flood mitigation
interventions and best management practices for those watersheds, including
the construction of retention ponds. The RDP supports the conduct of similar
study for Tamana River system in the area.
2. In the short- and medium-term, the Municipal Corporation will endeavour to
undertake the following measures necessary to mitigate the many negative
effects of flooding.
 Development and implementation of drainage plans for town of
Sangre Grande, Valencia, Cumuto and Toco.
 Monitor human settlements and watersheds
deforestation and new settlement locations;
 Support infrastructure designs which allow for free flow of water
along waterways, for example, appropriate drain sizing, bridge
decks high enough so that bamboo and cuttings can flow through,
 Educate the populace with regard to solid waste disposal and
 Restrict human activity on flood plains where there is a high
frequency of flooding;
 Promote and support green designs that reduce stormwater runoff.
Rainwater harvesting should be considered as an option for
controlling rapid stormwater flows;
 Support insurance and government subsidies for people and
businesses affected by flooding;
 Levees can be used to make available land safe for human
 Use engineering and biological measures to protect riverbanks,
bends and bridges abutments from erosion and failure.
3. The SGRC will work with TCPD, Drainage Division, Unemployment Relief
Programme (URP) and neighbouring municipal corporations and other
partners to develop and upgrade both inter-lot and main drains and to
develop and synchronise their annual drainage maintenance programme.
IP POLICY-4: Effectively Controlling Coastal Erosion
1. Coastal erosion is a major challenge and is occurring extensively along the
north and east coasts. Drainage Division, responsible for national coastal
defence works, has undertaken a North Coast Coastal Protection Works Study
as a component of the Comprehensive National Drainage Study. Emphasis
must now be placed on implementation of the recommended solutions of this
Study which will provide coastal protection and defence works between
Blanchisseuse and Toco
2. The aggressiveness of the coastal erosion in this Region suggests the need for
a continuous monitoring and protection of the coastline. A Northeast Trinidad
Coastal Monitoring Programme should be implemented and can involve
community groups in the M2M, Fishing Pond, North Manzanilla and
Manzanilla, already involved in turtle monitoring schemes and ecotourism
ventures in these areas. This programme will also require ongoing
collaboration among agencies such as, the Municipal Corporation, IMA,
Drainage Division, and stakeholders who reside and work in the coastal zone,
including oil and gas companies.
IP POLICY-5: Improving Electricity Supply to Sangre Grande
1. Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) is currently expanding
and building new substations and other infrastructure to handle any
anticipated increase in demand. There are plans are in place to increase the
generating capacity in Trinidad from 1600MW to 3000MW. In respect of
distribution and transmission, substations are being expanded at Wallerfield
and Tamana and new meters with automatic reading are installed throughout
the country for all customers. In addition, new pylons and high voltage lines
are being put up across the country.
2. The SGRC will work with T&TEC to target areas that require infrastructural
improvement, including the reduction in the number of unsightly overhead
wires; safer and more reliable fittings and fixtures; and maintenance of poles,
transformers, high voltage pylons, and switch gear equipment.
3. The SGRC will work with T&TEC in the municipal street lightning programme.
4. Medium and long term planning to ensure that the regions power needs will
be met in the future.
IP POLICY-6: Improving Telecommunications Services in Sangre Grande
1. Most communities in Sangre Grande along the EMR are relatively well served
in all aspects of telecommunication, that is, telephone, cable television,
internet and radio services, etcetera. However, emphasis must be placed on
upgrading of some services to rural communities, particularly with the
introduction of high speed internet service in M2M, Greater Tamana and North
Manzanilla. It is expected that the industry should be able to meet the
demand generated by the projected growth and will be upgraded to standards
consistent with Vision 2020 objectives.
Institutional Strengthening (IS)
There are a number of areas where the purposes of land use planning are better
served not so much by actual physical plans but rather by the institutional
arrangements that are put in place to ensure cross-cutting issues are constantly
being addressed.
The Municipality extends over some of the most sensitive eco-systems in this small
island state. There has been considerable scientific study of the Northern Range and
the impact of illegal or improper quarrying, deforestation, slash and burn agriculture
on the hillsides, and squatting, for example, on the increase in flooding, and on the
supply of water to aquifers etcetera. Given the widely available information on the
negative implications of these social practices, the frequent episodes of flooding,
landslides and other environmental disasters are partly people-made and constitute
institutional failure.
There is need to address certain institutional requirements as a part of spatial
planning and development. Firstly, environmental monitoring and evaluation has to
be shored up by legislation and strong enforcement. This means that as an aspect of
public policy, an agency like the EMA must be vested not only with the authority, but
also with the resources to intervene in the public interest where there is a threat to
the wider public from actions or lack thereof in respect of the use of space by
anyone. The Municipality might be deemed to be a conjoined or interested party in
that regard.
More particularly, there must be close collaboration between the Municipality and the
EMA and other agencies with statutory responsibility for natural resource
management. Community participation remains a major imperative in ensuring
sustainable natural resource and environmental management.
Policy Objective
The objective of the Institutional Development Priority is to strengthen the
institutional framework under which the Sangre Grande RDP will be
Policies and Proposals
IS POLICY-1: Strengthen the Legislative Framework for Physical Planning and
Cultural/Historical Heritage Management
1. The updating of TCP legislation to more properly deal with environmental
matters, and the revision of environmental management legislation to
effectively link development planning and environmental management
through the CEC process are among legislative changes that are critical to the
realisation of environmental protection goals. Although quarrying is not a
widespread commercial activity within the Municipality there have been
instances of illegal quarrying activities. The delisting, from the CEC
(Designated Activities) Order, of quarries of less than 60 hectares of land
should be urgently re-visited in view of the major conflicts and impact which
such activity have on the natural resource base. The cumulative negative
impacts of having a number of quarries in one location also make it
imperative that this Order be revised. In addition, forestry and water
resources management legislation would also need to be urgently addressed.
2. There is currently limited legislation to deal with the issue of protection and
preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Given the importance of these
resources and the fact that many would be in the hands of private entities, it
may be best to have a legal system to address this issue.
IS POLICY-2: Institutionalise community-based involvement in the regional
development projects
1. Experience has demonstrated that effective environmental management
involves community participation. A population that is aware of environmental
threats and is committed to the protection of its space will act as responsible
stewards, whether or not there are sanctions for infractions. Communities
currently involved in the reforestation efforts in the Nariva Swamp, such as
Kernahan and Plum Mitan are good examples where there is a general
awareness and commitment of residents to community based environmental
activities. In addition, the Matura to Matelot (M2M) communities in the
neighbouring Sangre Grande Municipality provide examples for communitybased co-environmental management systems revolving around tourism and
eco-tourism activities. The inculcating of the appropriate values among the
population will be a major factor in environmental management and
monitoring of spatial development. Community development agencies will be
critical in the working with the Municipal Corporation towards increased
involvement in environmental management efforts. The SGRC will collaborate
and work closely with frontline Government agencies (Forestry Division and
Division of Community Development) in the management of natural resources
within the boundaries of the Municipality.
IS POLICY-3: Enforcing existing laws to the betterment of the development of
the Municipality
1. There is also the matter of the application of sanctions. Squatter settlements
in vulnerable areas, informal hillside farmers using unsustainable practices
may have to be removed in the public interest. Moral suasion may not be
adequate, and there may be need for sensitively applied pressure to ensure
the protection of vulnerable areas and in arresting such poor practices like
illegal dumping and burning of garbage.
IS POLICY-4: Improving collaboration and cooperation with Central
Government, Local Government and Statutory Authorities, the Private Sector,
and the Community and NGO Sector in the Development of the Sangre Grande
1. The RDP recognises that the issue of inter-agency coordination that must be
institutionalised in the management of information and in the implementation
of action with respect to all aspects of the Plan, in particular coordinating the
Development of Infrastructural Facilities (such as drainage, coastal defence
works), Facilitating Industrial and Economic Development; coordinating the
Provision of Social and Community Development Services; and coordinating
Spatial Planning. Key areas where coordination and collaboration will be
required include the following:
a. Tourism development;
b. Industrial and economic development;
c. Heritage preservation and management;
d. Transportation;
e. Potable water supply and delivery;
Stormwater management and drainage;
g. Public Health;
h. Environmental rehabilitation and management;
Provision of Social and Community Development Services;
Physical Planning;
k. Solid Waste Management; and
Disaster Management.
IS POLICY-5: Institutionalising and Strengthening Stakeholder and Public
Participation in the Regional Development Planning Process
1. This RDP planning process carries with it, a number of lessons which will be
applied to improve the participatory response to the development of the
Sangre Grande. Given the size of the Municipality, its complexity and
dynamics, it will be important for the Municipal Corporation to improve
communication with its burgesses. A mechanism will be developed to ensure
continued communication and interaction and for developing sense of pride
for living in Sangre Grande.
Municipal Management (MM)
The planned Local Government Reform programme requires the SGRC to exercise
greater powers in the management of the Municipality than it currently does, and to
do so effectively.
At the administrative level this would require an improved complement of qualified
staff including Land Use Planning professional and technical staff who would guide
the Corporation in the implementation of the RDP mainly through development
control, monitoring, and enforcement; in the updating of the plan as necessary; and
in the preparation of Local Area and Special Area Plans. The control over
development would need to be exercised in collaboration with the TCPD which should
also improve its staff complement.
There is also need for the Municipal Corporation to be “more efficient and have in
place user friendly systems to deal with its burgesses.”
Policy Objective
The objective of the Municipal Management Policies and Proposals is to
improve management of Municipality by the SGRC.
Policies and Proposals
MM POLICY-1: Strengthening the Municipal Management System
1. Consideration will be given to the following proposals in order to strengthen
municipal management of Sangre Grande:
 The conduct of an annual participatory exercise to review and revise the
RDP and to gain consensus on regional projects going for annual
financing. The review will include the key stakeholder interest groups and
institutions operating in the Municipality and must be conducted prior to
the end of the budgetary cycle.
 The restructuring of the Corporation to include representation
stakeholder groups on the top decision-making committees;
 The creation of a Regional Planning Committee, comprised of
representatives of all stakeholders, which would operate at both regional
and community levels to, inter alia, identify needs, formulate plans,
prepare budgets, and locate resources for the development of the
 The grant to the Corporation of greater autonomy in the discharge of their
functions through establishment of a strong Regional Planning Body,
incorporating all stakeholder groups, and functioning as an integral part of
the Corporation, and having the authority to challenge decisions handed
down by Central Government without adequate consultation with the
Corporation; and
 Establishment of a Municipal Court to deal with infractions of the law such
as littering, illegal dumping of garbage, and non-maintenance of
abandoned property.
 Operation of an efficient complaints desk where complaints are recorded,
logged and follow-up action taken within a prescribed period of time.
Client feedback and follow-up should also be an integral component of this
MM POLICY-2: Continue decentralising the SGRC
1. Decentralisation of the SGRC activities will bring the Corporation closer to the
people. In this regard, the Municipality will be divided into sub-regions within
which an office in northeast would operate to treat with public health related
issues, in particular, and from which staff can become familiar with situations
before they reach crisis proportion.
MM POLICY-3: Strengthening Coordination and Collaboration
1. The new local government dispensation would require the SGRC to strengthen
coordination and collaboration, and to have proper working relationships, with
Central Government, Statutory and Special Service Companies – service
providers including WASA, the MOWT, and RDC in the provision and
maintenance of public utilities, infrastructure, and other relevant services.
There would be the need, as well for collaboration with agencies such as
CEPEP in order to more effectively serve the Municipality.
It is critical that the Corporation work closely with the TCPD to manage and
monitor the development process. In this regard, the Coordinating
Committees that previously operated would need to be re-established and
include agencies involved in land development, including the TCPD and the
WASA. The Committee should meet on a frequent basis to consider major
development proposals and ensure that infrastructure and services can be
provided to match the proposed levels of development, and in order that their
own planning can be informed by an appreciation of current deficiencies and
an understanding of future demand. The Committee should keep the Plan
continuously under review. Increased co-ordination will take place with the
Couva/Tabaquite/Talparo, Sangre Grande and Princes Town Regional
Corporations relating to cross-boundary issues, and in light of imminent
boundary changes.
MM POLICY-4: Improving Service Delivery
1. Critical to the success of these proposals and of efforts to improve the level of
service delivery to the burgesses is increased funding and well-managed
systems. In this regard, the Municipal Corporation should be allowed to retain
all rates, taxes, fees, and fines collected from its burgesses – residential and
corporate – and other persons, including the usual rates and taxes, new user
fees to be levied for services, such as entry to the selected attractions, and
fines collected by a Municipal Court.
District Policies and Proposals
The generation of strategic district policies and proposals is undertaken in the
context of the Development Goal and Strategic Vision for the Municipality and
the determination of objectives that came out of that process. Essentially, the
objectives are aimed at securing:
12. Reduced poverty levels;
13. Viable and meaningful jobs created within the Municipality;
14. Infrastructure in place to ensure sustainable economic growth;
15. Public-private partnerships in achieving comprehensive transformation;
16. Sustainable and socially integrated communities with affordable quality
housing and easy access to modern physical and social infrastructure
17. Optimisation of the tourism/ecotourism, agriculture, quarry, fisheries,
recreation, manufacturing, trade and service sectors to the benefit of the
Region‟s people;
18. Sustainable management and conservation of natural resources, agricultural
lands and heritage resources;
19. More integrated and coordinated Municipality and communities;
20. Safe, distinctive, well-connected, efficient and aesthetically pleasing urban
and rural areas and rejuvenated areas;
21. Reduction in climate change and natural disaster risks to lives, property and
the environment; and
22. Efficiently managed Region.
The overall Development Strategy for the Municipality is provided in the Strategic
Framework Chapter.
Common Polices
The continued promotion and support of community-led tourism projects is expected
to be expanded and the model documented for use within the Region and by others
to develop their own community led projects.
Some community facilities including social, public, and protective services that will be
provided throughout the Municipality are ECCECs, homes and day care
accommodation for the elderly. Sports and recreation grounds will be either
developed or improved in all settlements to improve health, and to help strengthen
community activity and cohesion. Police Stations or police posts will be placed in
communities based on standards to be determined by the Ministry of National
Security (MNS).
Full use will be made of existing facilities, particularly schools and community centres
where they exist, to multi-function for various purposes, for example, as the base for
some public services including libraries, and internet and information centres. Some
facilities will be grouped to service multiple communities and sub-regions for
economic reasons and to create a physical focal point at which the community would
be able to meet and develop relationships.
Attention will be given to the entire range of public utilities, infrastructure, and
transportation proposals. Improvements will be made to effect the following:
 Water supply infrastructure to provide safe pipe-borne water to all homes;
 Sewerage infrastructure appropriate to protect the health, safety, and welfare
of the residents, and to prevent pollution of the terrestrial and aquatic
 Drainage infrastructure including retention ponds as proposed in the Drainage
Division, for example, for stormwater management and flood prevention;
 A reliable supply of electricity, with attention given to remote areas where
supply is unreliable or inaccessible;
 Telecommunications infrastructure adequate to meet the needs of wireless
residential and business activities;
 Collection and disposal arrangements and facilities for domestic, commercial,
industrial, and agricultural solid waste;
 Improvement and upgrading of the general condition of roads throughout the
Municipality; and
 An efficient system of public transportation.
District Polices and Proposals
The following are the District Policies and Proposals for the seven sub-regions within
the Sangre Grande Municipality, namely:
 Town of Sangre Grande;
 Greater Sangre Grande;
 M2M;
 Valencia;
 Greater Tamana;
 Manzanilla; and
 Fishing Pond/North Manzanilla.
Town of Sangre Grande (TG)
The town of Sangre Grande will retain its position as the major centre in the
Municipality and will witness improvements to its functioning, provision of services
and aesthetic appeal. The town will retain its heritage character and personality and
will remain the major provider of public and commercial services to eastern Trinidad
and elsewhere. The town will be a major provider of employment opportunities in the
State and private sectors and will be the focal point for the provision of higher level
services for its wider catchment, eastern Trinidad and elsewhere. The town will
become important as a regional location for major sporting and cultural activities and
will witness the establishment of agro-industrial activities in keeping with the
character of its catchment area. With the cooperation of the private sector, the town
will offer cheaper, safe and cleaner commercial space to attract business
opportunities in keeping with the development of the UTT campus and its own
tourism/ecotourism thrust.
TG POLICY -1: Distribution of Built Development
A major determinant of the nature of town expansion in the town of Sangre Grande
is the intended expansion of the CRH from Wallerfield to Manzanilla which passes the
town to the north, the development of the Sangre Grande Ring Road to south and
the eventual development of the final leg of the TRRTS from Arima to Sangre
Grande. It is anticipated that there will be a northerly and southerly expansion of the
town centre, and along the secondary linkages of these systems. However, a
significant expansion of the town will occur outside the time horizon of this Plan,
particularly in respect of the influence of the rail system.
Two major developments are being proposed for the Sangre Grande town centre,
namely Vision City and Pueblo Nuevo. Both projects require huge private sector
investment and strong public sector-private sector commitment and cooperation in
order to become a reality, and the conduct of either one or both of these projects will
have tremendous impact on town life and the way it operates and does business.
The Pueblo Nuevo Town Centre development will be located on 6.5 hectares of land
in central Sangre Grande, bordered by Andre Street in the west, the Eastern Main
Road to the north and east, and the Cunapo River to the south. The second
development is the proposed Vision City will be developed on 13.4-hectare of land
and to be located on the eastern fringe of Sangre Grande, bordered by the Guaico
River to the north, Quash (Crown) Trace Extension to the east and the Toco Main
Road to the south. These projects will include the development of multi-storied office
building, a major new supermarket, a cineplex, an administration complex, a
10,000-person auditorium and a two-storied parkade with a capacity for 300
TG POLICY -2: Local Area Planning
A local area plan will be prepared for the town in the short term that will guide its
development over a 10-year horizon. This plan will refine the policy with respect to
the intended spatial expansion of the town and will adjust it accordingly based on all
the activities that are expected to take place. The Plan will be monitored and revised
periodically and will include, among other things, the treatment of the economy,
population distribution and density, land use allocations by type, the provision of
housing, the location of market places, the provision of lands for productive and
employment activities and of physical and social infrastructure, urban design,
recreation and conservation.
TG POLICY-3: Urban Design
Urban design treatment will be one of the areas covered in the local area plan noted
above. The urban design treatment will place emphasis on the functional and
aesthetical improvements of the centre and will include the provision of significant
high-quality gateway features at all entrances to the centre and features of identity
in various parts of the town, the interface between the pedestrian and vehicular
movement, improvements to streetscapes to include tree planting along the major
roadways, management of signage and advertising, overhead utility lines, lighting
and security, vehicular circulation and the related on and off-street parking, public
plazas, and an interconnected system of open spaces. Urban design treatment will
consider the form, appearance, height and bulk of new development within the
context of the need to retain the rural character of the town and provide a Town
Centre Design Framework for keynote projects to be undertaken within its
TG POLICY-4: Population
The population of Sangre Grande will grow to 22,470 by the year 2020, representing
an average annual rate of growth of 2.4 percent since 2000. The population of the
town will grow through natural increase but mainly through in-migration from other
parts of the East-West Corridor, representing 28.1 percent of the total anticipated
TG POLICY-5: Housing
The population for the centre in 2020 will reside in 5,405 dwelling units and this will
be in the form of a mix of densities with a greater tendency for higher densities
towards the core and at major nodal points. The increase in population will largely be
accommodated through infilling on the vacant lands within existing boundaries and
through possible town expansion. Population densities and the form of new
development will be detailed in the local area planning for the town. The proposed La
Aurora Gated Community development on a 13-hectare site south of the Sangre
Grande town centre will produce 76 residential plots, 45 villa lots, and 32 town house
units. The Picton Road Extension sub-division of 8.2 hectares will convert these lands
into residential plots (partly regularisation of existing development).
TG POLICY-6: Economy
The key economic activities for this sub-region will be:
 Agriculture/Agricultural Marketing and Distribution;
 Industrial Development – mainly agro-processing and light manufacturing;
 Sports and Events Tourism;
 Financial Services;
 Commerce and Distribution, including development of micro and small
businesses; and
 Upgraded Public Services and Administration.
TG POLICY-7: Transportation
Apart from the upgrade of all major roads into Rio Claro, the main transportation
proposals for the Sangre Grande town centre will be the expansion of CRH which will
pass north of the town centre, the development of the Sangre Grande Southern Ring
Road, and the development of the Arima to Sangre Grande leg of the TRRTS. The
upgrading of the public transport system and development of a transit hub for maxitaxis and taxis hub will facilitate intra-regional and interregional travel. A facility is
also proposed to cater for the demand for increased parking within the area. The
Sangre Grande town centre will be reconfigured to become a walkable centre, and so
attention will be given to the development of appropriate pedestrian right-of-way
networks, and bicycle and motorcycle rights-of-way and parking facilities.
TG POLICY-8: Social Facilities
A number of social facilities will form part of the infrastructure available in this major
centre, thus improving and strengthening the delivery of social services to the
Region. The following is carded for development in this sub-region – the SGRC
Administration Centre, Judiciary Centre, Fire Station (already built), Enhanced
Primary Health Care Facility and an Upgraded Sangre Grande Hospital, a Learning
Resource Centre, and a Sports Stadium and Indoor Facility and Youth Facility.
TG POLICY-9: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
The Sangre Grande booster station and water distribution system will be upgraded to
ensure that WASA‟s goals of at least 70 percent of the population get at least four
days of pipeline water supply per week are met in Sangre Grande. Wastewater
management will be tackled in a meaningful way with the development and
operation of the Sangre Grande STP which is expected to service the Sangre
Grande/North Oropouche catchment area. Attention will be given to improved
stormwater control and landslide hazard control. Drainage works must be carried out
along the Guaico River and in the context of a sub-regional drainage action plan.
Collaboration will be required among stakeholders in the development of this action
Greater Sangre Grande (GS)
GS POLICY-1: Distribution of Built Development
This corridor is essentially a ribbon of seven villages strung out along the main roads
in the sub-region and consists of Coal Mine, Sangre Chiquito, Turure, Maraj Hill,
Guaico, Oropouche, and Cunaripo.
The Plan will see the villages expanding modestly in population and this will take the
form of infilling within the existing communities and possibly new housing
development. Much of the development will be in direct response to activities taking
place in the town centre and the continued eastward expansion of the East-West
Corridor. The plan proposes the establishment of lower-order facilities to satisfy the
needs of the local communities. However, the service needs of this area will be
provided mainly by the town centre.
GS POLICY-2: Local Area Planning
A development study will be prepared for this sub-region that will review its existing
conditions within the area. The study will provide recommendations with respect to
the detailed form and pattern of development of this area for the next 10 years and
will refine the policies contained in this strategic municipal plan. The study will pay
particular attention to the improvement to the spatial economy and the provision of
housing, the provision of services, physical infrastructure, urban design and
recreation in creation to its role as a satellite area to the town centre.
GS POLICY-3: Urban Design
Urban design treatment will be one of the areas covered in the development study
above. The urban design treatment will significantly consider the heritage and
cultural context the sub-region and the neighbouring town centre. The urban design
solutions will address the issue of capitalising on the existing character of the area
with a view to enhancing the streetscape elements, the provision of shade trees,
street furniture, pedestrian paths, lighting and security, improved public spaces and
green areas, the treatment of advertising signage and overhead utility lines.
GS POLICY-4: Population
The population in this sub-region will grow by 3,318 persons by 2020 giving a total
of 13,485 at an annual growth rate of 1.8 percent. The population at this time will be
16.9 percent of the total municipal population.
GS POLICY-5: Housing
The population of the sub-region by 2020 will be accommodated in 3,455 dwelling
units, with most being single family units and multi-family structures in the
traditional form of single family houses or houses with one unit on either of two
floors or duplexes.
GS POLICY-6: Economy
The key economic activities for this sub-region will be:
 Ecotourism/Agro-tourism/Community Tourism;
 Agriculture/Agro-processing;
 Quarrying;
 Commerce and Distribution, including the development of micro and small
GS POLICY-7: Transportation
The major road works for this area will be the upgrading of the main roads and the
internal road network within the Corridor including the upgrade of agricultural and
quarry roads. Public transport services will be improved by the PTSC to facilitate
intra-regional and interregional travel.
GS POLICY-8: Social Facilities
Social services along the Corridor - educational and recreational facilities will be
upgraded to meet the changing needs.
GS POLICY-9: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Public water supply and distribution system in the settlements in the Corridor and
environs will be improved to ensure that at least 70 percent of the population will get
at least four days of pipeline water supply per week. Community-based water system
will be supported. Improved wastewater management will be facilitated with the
development and operation of the Sangre Grande STP proposed by WASA within the
Municipality. Attention will be given to improved stormwater control and landslide
hazard control and landslide control. Drainage works should be carried out in the
context of a sub-regional drainage action plan.
Matura to Matelot (MT)
MT POLICY-1: Distribution of Built Development
This area is essentially a ribbon of 15 villages strung out along the Toco and Paria
Main Roads and the neighbouring lands, most of which are protected or agricultural.
The communities include Anglais Settlement, Balandra, Grand Riviere, L‟Anse Noir,
Mahoe, Matelot, Matura, Mission, Monte Video, Rampanalgas, Salybia Village, San
Souci, Toco, Tompire and Cumana. One of the main characteristics of this area is its
high aesthetic appeal or rugged coastline against a backdrop of forest covered
mountains. The sub-region also forms the Northeast Trinidad Tourism Anchor.
The plan will see the villages expanding marginally in population and this will take
the form of infilling within the existing communities and expansion in a northerly and
southerly direction into the lands main roads. There will be no further expansion of
ribbon development within this Corridor. An important determinant of the future
expansion of built development in this sub-region will be the expansion of
tourism/ecotourism and the development of a port in Toco, and associated spinoff
activities which will be important employment opportunities in the area.
MT POLICY-2: Local Area Planning
A local area plan will be developed for the development of Toco and neighbouring
communities over a 10-year horizon. This plan will refine the policy with respect to
the intended spatial expansion of the town and will adjust it accordingly. The Plan
will be monitored and revised periodically and will include, among other things, the
treatment of economy, population distribution and density, land use allocations by
type, the provision of housing, employment, the location of market places, physical
and social infrastructure provision, urban design, recreation and conservation. It is
intended that the core of the town will remain at the existing location. The plan will
be informed by the development of a Sangre Grande Ecotourism Strategy which will
provide recommendations for holistic development Northeast Trinidad Tourism
Anchor and M2M ecotourism product.
MT POLICY-3: Urban Design
Urban design treatment will be one of the areas covered in the development study
for the nodal area identified above. The treatment will ensure that the village
character of the area is maintained, with enhancement of the streetscape along the
main road, the provision of shade trees, street furniture, pedestrian sidewalks,
lighting and security, improved public spaces and the management of advertising
signage and overhead utility lines.
MT POLICY-4: Population
It is estimated that the population of the area will grow modestly within the plan
horizon to 8,508 persons, having 10.6 percent of the total municipal population and
with an average annual growth rate of 1.7 percent to 2020. It is expected that the
population of the corridor, will be focused in the Cumana, Grand Riviere and Matura
MT POLICY-5: Housing
The population for the corridor in 2020 will be accommodated in 2,794 dwelling
units, with a significant proportion of this housing being vacation homes and
accommodation. These dwelling units will be in the form of single and multi-family
structures in the traditional form of single family houses or houses with one unit on
either of two floors or duplexes. The density and form of new housing will respect the
existing village character of the community.
MT POLICY-6: Economy
The key economic activities for this sub-region will be:
 Resort Tourism/Ecotourism/Agro-tourism/Community Tourism;
 Agriculture/Agro-processing;
 Fishing/Fish Processing;
 Financial Services in Toco;
 Enhanced Public Services;
 Nature Conservation;
 Commerce and Distribution, including the development of micro and small
There are number of infrastructural facilities strategically required within the various
communities which must be developed to improve resident and visitor tourism
experience. They include the following:
 Development and upgrading of tourism facilities – which include provision of
concessionaries, administrative facilities, lifeguard quarters, public change,
tourism information centres, car park facilities on main beaches - Manzanilla
Bay, Balandra Bay, San Souci Bay, Big Bay, Shark River, Grand Riviere,
Matura River, Broad Walk Fishing Pond.
 Provision of life guards on frequently used beaches;
 Upgrading of heritage structures –
development of car parking facilities;
 Community-led management
recreational facilities.
 Development of a heritage centre which provides information about the
natural and cultural history of the area.
The development of a Farm and Agricultural Resource Management (FARM) Centrewill organise and apply the existing reservoir of agricultural knowledge and
experience in the region, while conducting the studies necessary for charting the
best course for the future. In addition, there is need to explore the development of
organic agriculture niche for crops coming out of the area. These have been
highlighted a major proposal in Alternative Development Plan prepared by residents
of the M2M.
MT POLICY -7: Transportation
The major road works for this area are the upgrading of the Toco and Paria Main
Roads and the internal road network within the district, including its agricultural
roads. Port development will require a widening of the Toco Main Road. Public
transport services will be improved by the PTSC to facilitate intra-regional and
interregional travel. The town centre will be redesigned to become walkable centre,
thus attention will be given to the development of appropriate pedestrian and bicycle
and motorcycle rights-of-way and parking facilities.
MT POLICY-8: Social Facilities
However, number of social facilities will form part of the amenities available in Toco
as a major centre, thus improving and strengthening the delivery of social services
within the sub-region. Consideration will be given to the development of a multipurpose facility which should cater for the conduct of productive and social activities.
Educational and health facilities will be upgraded
the neighbouring communities. Recreational and
upgraded and children playgrounds developed for
be upgraded in particular an upgrading of the
to meet the changing needs and
open spaces in the area will be
the area. Community centres will
Grand Riviere centre is urgently
MT POLICY-9: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Public water supply and distribution system in the settlements in the Corridor and
environs will be improved to ensure that at least 70 percent of the population will get
at least four days of pipe borne water supply per week, particularly in Matura and in
Matelot. Improved wastewater management will be facilitated with the development
and operation of the Toco and Balandra STPs which are expected to service the Toco
and Balandra catchment areas. Attention will be given to improved stormwater
control and landslide hazard control and landslide control. Addressing coastal erosion
and coastal defence is a major priority particularly for along the North Coast where
the Coastal Protection Study has been conducted. A similar exercise is required for
the East Coast. Drainage works must be carried out in the context of a sub-regional
drainage action plan which should be developed for the area.
Valencia (VA)
Valencia consists essentially of the town centre and the surrounding communities of
Valencia, Melajo and Cumaca located some 12.1 kilometres of the town centre. The
area also forms parts of several protected areas including the Matura Reserve and
National Park, Valencia Reserve, Long Stretch Reserve and the Aripo Savannas Strict
Nature Reserve.
Valencia will retain its position as the major urban centre on the eastern coast of the
country. The centre will retain and enhance its traditional small-town charm,
historical and cultural importance as gateway to the Municipality of Sangre Grande,
the Sangre Grande town centre and M2M sub-region and will witness improvements
to its functioning, provision of services and aesthetic appeal. The town will be
provide some level of housing accommodation and higher level services to service
the UTT which will be within 10 minutes of its boundaries. The town will continue to
cater persons involved in the quarries industry and to visitors on their way to
recreational, leisure and ecotourism activities within the sub-region and the rest of
the Municipality. However the expansion of the CRH is likely to reduce traffic and
some commercial activities into the area. It is intended that there will be some
benefits to the community based on better control and management of the quarries
industry, rehabilitation of the Long Stretch reserve and the Savannas Strict Nature
Reserve in the Region.
VA POLICY-1: Distribution of Built Development
An important influence on the nature of town expansion for Valencia will be the
location of new housing development in the area which will cater for student and
staff accommodation and in-migration from person seeking housing along the EastWest Corridor. The town centre for Valencia should continue to expand mainly
through infilling of lands in the existing town centre and along the Valencia Road.
The amount of development which takes place within Valencia may depend largely
on outside forces. Some of the anticipated expansion of the town will occur outside
the time horizon of this Plan as the Tamana InTech Park continues to develop and
the other major projects in other neighbouring municipalities offer opportunities.
VA POLICY-2: Local Area Planning
A local area plan will be prepared for the town that will guide its development over a
10-year horizon. This plan will be refine the policy with respect to the intended
spatial expansion of the town and will adjust it accordingly. The Plan will be
monitored and revised periodically and will include, among other things, the
treatment of economy, population distribution and density, land use allocations by
type, the provision of housing, employment provision lands, the location of market
places, physical and social infrastructure provision, urban design, recreation and
conservation. It is intended that the core of the town will remain at the existing
location. The plan will devote special attention to the rehabilitation of abandoned
quarry lands and the opportunities presented for a mix of activities, from
conservation to fishing farming, active and passive recreation, and recreation and
heritage tourism potential of the town and its immediately adjacent environs.
VA POLICY-3: Urban Design
Urban design treatment will be one of the areas covered in the local area plan noted
above. The urban design treatment will significantly consider the particular heritage
and cultural history of the town and that of the wider community within which it falls.
The urban design treatment will emphasise the functional and aesthetical
improvements of the centre and will include the provision of significant, high-quality
gateway features at all entrances to the town, the interface between the pedestrian
and vehicular movement, improvements to streetscapes, management of signage
and advertising, overhead utility lines, vehicular circulation and the related on and
off-street parking, lighting and security, public plazas, and an interconnected system
of open spaces. Urban design treatment will consider the form, appearance, height
and bulk of new development within the context of the need to retain the particular
rural character of the town and will not take the form of mid-high rise structures.
Consideration will be give to the rejuvenation of some of the older housing
settlements within the area.
VA POLICY-4: Population
The population of Valencia will grow by another 3,154 to 12,094 by the year 2020,
representing an average annual rate of growth of 3.8 percent since 2000. The
population would grow through natural increase and in-migration and would
accommodate 15.1 percent of the total proposed municipal population.
VA POLICY-5: Housing
The population for the town in 2020 will reside in 2,741 dwelling units and this will
be in the form of a mix of densities with a greater tendency for higher densities
towards the town centre. The density, form, height and appearance of new housing
development will benefit from the consideration of the need to maintain the
character of the centre and will not take the form of mid-high rise structures. A
significant addition to the housing stock in the area will be the La Viviendas
development being undertaken by the Public Services Association on a 6.9 hectare
site at the corner of Valencia Road and San Pedro Trace. This development
comprises 103 residential units in 30 single-family and 73 town-house units, a
convenience plaza, clubhouse, gym and spa. In addition, there is need to continue
the programme of squatter regularisation in the area, particularly the relocation of
squatters from the Long Stretch and Aripo Savannas Reserves.
VA POLICY-6: Economy
The key economic activities for this sub-region will be:
 Agriculture/Agro-processing – livestock production, vegetable, root crop and
tree crop production;
 Quarrying;
 Tourism/Ecotourism;
 Financial Services;
 Commerce and Distribution, including the development of micro and small
businesses; and
 Upgraded Public Services and Administration.
VA POLICY-7: Transportation
The main transportation proposals for Valencia include the expansion of the CRH
which is expected to reduce the volume of traffic passing through Valencia, and an
improvement in services by the PTSC to facilitate improved intra-regional and
interregional travel. The town centre will be redesigned to become a walkable centre,
and as a result attention will be given to the development of appropriate pedestrian
and bicycle and motorcycle rights-of-way and parking facilities. Major roads leading
to and from Central Valencia will be upgraded and maintained in keeping with the
Thematic Proposals. The Cumaca Road will be completed to ensure connectivity of
the community with the rest of the sub-region and Municipality. Upgrading will be
required to certain sections of the Valencia Road.
VA POLICY-8: Social Facilities
A number of social facilities will form part of the social facilities available in this
major centre, thus improving and strengthening the delivery of social services within
the sub-region and the Municipality as a whole. All recreational facilities and grounds
within this district will be upgraded. Educational and health facilities will be upgraded
to meet the changing needs of Valencia.
VA POLICY-9: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Public water supply and distribution system in the settlements will be improved to
ensure that at least 70 percent of the population will get at least four days of pipe
borne water per week. Wastewater management will be tackled in a meaningful way
with the development and operation of the centralised wastewater treatment system
to cater to the Wallerfield/Valencia catchment area. Attention will be given to
improved stormwater management and control and so drainage works must be
carried out in the context of a sub-regional drainage action plan to be developed in
the short term.
Greater Tamana (GT)
GT POLICY-1: Distribution of Built Development
This area is essentially a ribbon of seven villages strung out along the main roads of
the area. The main centres include Cumuto and Tamana and the smaller villages Four Roads Tamana, Guatopajaro, Howsen Village, Carmichael, and Coryal. The Plan
will see the villages consolidating and expanding marginally in population, taking the
form of infilling within the existing communities. There will be some expansion in
Cumuto mainly due to increase housing demand in the area driven by the
development of the Tamana InTech Park and UTT Main Campus. Much of the growth
of Greater Tamana will depend on activities at the Park, and development of
ecotourism in the more far-flung areas.
GT POLICY-2: Local Area Planning
A local area plan will be developed for the development of Cumuto which
rationalising the development of the neighbouring communities over a 10-year
horizon. This plan will be refine the policy with respect to the intended spatial
expansion of the town and will adjust it accordingly. The Plan will be monitored and
revised periodically and will include, among other things, the treatment of economy,
population distribution and density, land use allocations by type, the provision of
housing, employment provision lands, the location of market places, physical and
social infrastructure provision, urban design, recreation and conservation. It is
intended that the core of the town will remain at the existing location. The plan will
be informed by the development of a Sangre Grande Ecotourism Strategy which will
provide recommendations for holistic ecotourism development in Greater Tamana.
GT POLICY-3: Urban Design
Urban design treatment will be one of the areas covered in the local area plan. The
treatment will ensure that the village character of the area is maintained, with
enhancement of the streetscape along the main road, the provision of shade trees,
street furniture, pedestrian sidewalks, lighting and security, improved public spaces
and the management of advertising signage and overhead utility lines.
GT POLICY-4: Population
The population of Valencia will grow to 12,352 by the year 2020 with most of this
growth in Cumuto, representing an average annual rate of growth of 1.9 percent
since 2000. The population would grow mainly through the presence of the Park and
UTT Campus in the vicinity. The sub-region will accommodate 15.4 percent of the
total proposed municipal population.
GT POLICY-5: Housing
The population for the corridor in 2020 will be accommodated in 3,141 dwelling
units. These dwelling units will be in the form of single and multi-family structures in
the traditional form of single family houses or houses with one unit on either of two
floors or duplexes. The density and form of new housing will respect the existing
village character of the community.
GT POLICY-6: Economy
The key economic activities for this sub-region will be:
 Resort Tourism/Ecotourism/Agro-tourism/Community Tourism;
 Agriculture/Agro-processing;
 Financial Services in Cumuto;
 Enhanced Public Services;
 Commerce and Distribution, including the development of micro and small
GT POLICY-7: Transportation
The major road works for this area are the upgrading of the sub-region‟s main roads
and the internal road network within the district, including its agricultural roads.
Public transport services will be improved by the PTSC to facilitate intra-regional and
interregional travel. The Cumuto town centre will be redesigned to become walkable
centre, thus attention will be given to the development of appropriate pedestrian and
bicycle and motorcycle rights-of-way and parking facilities.
GT POLICY-8: Social Facilities
However, number of social facilities will form part of the social facilities available in
Cumuto as a major centre, thus improving and strengthening the delivery of social
services within the sub-region. Consideration will be given to the development of a
multi-purpose facility which should cater for the conduct of productive and social
Educational and health facilities will be upgraded to meet the changing needs and
the neighbouring communities. Recreational and open spaces in the area will be
upgraded and children playgrounds developed for the area. Community centres will
be upgraded as required.
GT POLICY-9: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Public water supply and distribution system in the settlements in the sub-region will
be improved to ensure that at least 70 percent of the population get at least four
days of pipe borne water supply per week. The area forms part of the Sangre Grande
wastewater catchment area and so improved wastewater management will be
facilitated with the development and operation of the proposed STP for the area.
Attention will be given to improved storm-water control and landslide hazard control
and landslide control partly through recommendations of the North Oropouche Flood
Mitigation Study. Drainage works should however be carried out in the context of a
sub-regional drainage action plan.
Manzanilla (MA)
MA POLICY-1: Distribution of Built Development
This area is essentially rural in characteristics stretching from inland agricultural
communities to coastal community of Manzanilla. The major feature of this corridor is
its laid back environment and scenic coastal vistas, making it a sub-region of high
aesthetic value. Part of the region forms part of the East Coast Scenic Corridor.
The area is made up of Biche, Manzanilla, Plum Mitan and Caigual. Built development
in the Plan period will be restricted to the existing traditional settlements. Built
development south of village of Manzanilla will be contained to ensure mimimal
disturbance of the seascape. Recreational use will be encouraged throughout the
East Coast Corridor, eco-type uses and activities will be encouraged south of the
Manzanilla village due to the swamp ecosystems found in this area.
MA POLICY-2: Urban Design
Urban design treatment for this district will include the establishment of a major
gateway feature at the northern entrance to predict in the East Coast Corridor. In
addition, the Plan proposes the retention of the coconut estates along the
Manzanilla-Mayaro Road because of the high amenity value and contribution to the
unique character of the zone.
The plan proposes the overriding maintenance of large stands of coconut trees within
all resort projects as an integral aspect of the development of the area.
MA POLICY-3: Population
The population in this sub-region will grow modestly within the plan horizon to 4,427
persons, having 5.5 percent of the total municipal population and with an average
annual rate of growth of 1.9 percent to 2020.
MA POLICY-4: Housing
The population for the sub-region in 2020 will be accommodated in 1,263 dwelling
MA POLICY-5: Economy
The key economic activities for this sub-region will be:
 Fishing and Fish Processing;
 Agriculture/Agro-processing;
 Resort Tourism, Events Tourism, Nature Tourism, Ecotourism/Agro-tourism
 Commerce and Distribution, including the development of micro and small
businesses; and
MA POLICY-6: Transportation
The major road works for this area will be the expansion of the CRH, the upgrading
of the EMR and Mayaro-Manzanilla Road and the internal road network within the
Corridor, including the agricultural roads. Public transport services will be improved
by the PTSC to facilitate intra-regional and interregional travel.
MA POLICY -7: Social Facilities
Social services along the Corridor - educational and recreational facilities will be
upgraded to meet the changing needs within the district.
MA POLICY-8: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Public water supply and distribution system in the settlements in the Corridor and
environs will be improved to ensure that at least 70 percent of the population will get
at least four days of pipeline water supply per week. Community-based water system
will be supported. Improved wastewater management will be facilitated with the
development and operation of the individual wastewater systems and improved onlot septic tanks and soakaway systems. Attention will be given to improved
stormwater control and landslide hazard control and landslide control. Drainage
works must be carried out in the context of a sub-regional drainage action plan.
Coastal defence works will be undertaken to address coastal erosion along the
southeast coastline.
Fishing Pond/North Manzanilla (FM)
FM POLICY-1: Distribution of Built Development
There are four rural villages (Fishing Pond, Morin Bay, North Manzanilla and Brooklyn
Settlement) forming a linear development along the main secondary roads of the
sub-region. Policy for this corridor will result in a continuation of the current pattern
of residential use. There will be some consolidation of the ribbon development in the
Fishing Pond.
The plan will see the villages expanding marginally in population and this will take
the form of infilling within the existing communities and expansion in a northerly and
southerly direction into the lands main roads. There will be no further expansion of
ribbon development within this Corridor. An important determinant of the future
expansion of built development in this sub-region will be the expansion of
tourism/ecotourism and the development of a port in Toco, and associated spinoff
activities which will be important employment opportunities in the area.
FM POLICY-2: Population
The population in this sub-region will grow to 6,664 persons by 2020 at an annual
growth rate of 1.3 percent. By this time, the sub-regional population will account for
8.3 percent of the total municipal population.
FM POLICY-3: Housing
The population of the sub-region by 2020 will be accommodated in 1,901 dwelling
units, with most being single family units and multi-family structures in the
traditional form of single family houses or houses with one unit on either of two
floors or duplexes.
FM POLICY-4: Economy
The key economic activities for Fishing Pond/North Manzanilla will be:
 Ecotourism/Agro-tourism/Community Tourism;
 Agriculture/Agro-processing – mainly vegetable, tree crop production, rice
 Commerce and Distribution, including the development of micro and small
Improvements are needed in infrastructure to accommodate community based
ecotourism ventures.
FM POLICY-5: Transportation
The major road works for this area will be the upgrading of the main access roads
and the agricultural access roads. Public transport services will be improved by the
PTSC to facilitate intra-regional and interregional travel.
FM POLICY-6: Social Facilities
Social services along the Corridor - educational and recreational facilities will be
upgraded to meet the changing needs.
FM POLICY-7: Physical Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Public water supply and distribution system in the settlements in the Corridor and
environs will be improved to ensure that at least 70 percent of the population will get
at least four days of pipeline water supply per week. Community-based water system
will be supported. Improved wastewater management will be facilitated with the
development and operation of the individual wastewater systems and improved onlot septic tanks and soakaway systems. Attention will be given to improved
stormwater control and landslide hazard control and landslide control. Drainage
works must be carried out in the context of a sub-regional drainage action plan.
Coastal defence works will be undertaken to address coastal erosion along the
southeast coastline.
The Plan is to be implemented over the next 10 years, although some of the
programmes and projects will not be completed during that time frame.
Implementation Mechanisms
Proper development management and adequate and sustained funding are prerequisites to implementation of the Plan. Public-private sector partnerships are made
critical by the magnitude of the task of resolving the existing issues and forestalling
future problems, by the limits to the capability of Central Government and the SGRC,
and by the extent of private ownership of some of the resources. The participation of
the affected communities is no less significant if the Plan is to have the support of
the burgesses and to make a positive difference in their lives.
Management of Development
The successful implementation of the development proposals requires concerted
action on the part of both Central and Local Government, assisted by civil society. It
is, therefore, necessary to build managerial competence and capacity in all of the
relevant public sector agencies in particular, in planning, finance, and service
provision. The current uncoordinated approach to planning and implementation of
public sector projects will be replaced by a system which almost mandates
collaboration of the relevant agencies.
The establishment of the Coordinating Committee referred to earlier will serve to
assist the management of the entire development process. This Committee should
comprise of persons with the requisite training and with commitment to the task of
ensuring sustainable development of the Municipality. There also has to be a
willingness to allow the participation of civil society, including the land developers,
environmentalists, NGOs and CBOs as co-managers in the process, and an ability to
manage partnerships and resolve conflicts with these groups.
The PSIP will continue to be a significant source of funding for those programmes
and projects to be undertaken by the SGRC, MLG, or other Central Government
agency. These include the preparation of more detailed or focused plans, a number
of large projects, and the infrastructural programmes and projects – both social and
physical. Some housing will be funded by the HDC with partial cost recovery through
the sale or rental of the properties, and by the LSA as part of squatter regularisation
and upgrading schemes.
The funding situation of the SGRC will be improved if the agency is allowed to
introduce and retain user fees, for example, to enter attractions (which would also
serve to reduce visitation levels), and fines for infractions of the legislation.
The considerable resources of the Green Fund can be accessed by community based
groups to undertake reforestation projects on degraded Northern Range land in
collaboration with the Forestry Division.
Public-Private Sector Partnerships will be required for many of the projects. For
example, with respect to the proposals to develop the eco-tourism sector in the
lagging regions, the State would be required to invest in basic infrastructure and
services and to provide incentives to encourage the participation of the private sector
in the provision of tourism accommodation facilities and services. Incentives may
also be given to private land owners to encourage them to engage in reforestation
projects or other ecologically-friendly forms of cultivation on their holdings.
Fees collected by the EMA in accordance with the „Polluter Pays‟ principle that is
included in the NEP should go to clean up pollution in the aquatic environment in the
Community Participation in the Development Process
It will be important for the Corporation to develop a register of NGOs and CBOs
operating in the Municipality. The SGRC will support the participation of groups which
are already engaged in developing their communities in one form or another, by
opening lines of communication with them. This requires a much closer collaboration
with the MCDCGA, more frequent presence of Corporation staff throughout the
Municipality, and particularly in the more isolated areas, and a willingness to take on
board the views of persons who, by and large, are well informed and knowledgeable
about local issues.
The Local Government Reform Programme does, in fact, require greater collaboration
between the Corporation and the communities under its jurisdiction and a greater
level of community participation in the process of planning and decision-making. This
can be achieved through inviting, encouraging and facilitating representation by
relevant stakeholder interests at statutory and other meetings of the Corporation.
This can be assisted if some of the meetings are scheduled within the communities,
particularly where a pressing issue of direct relevance to the community is to be
As suggested by stakeholders and indicated in Chapter 4, the Corporation will give
consideration to stakeholder groups being represented on committees and or to form
committees that would have an input in the planning and management of their
communities. This would give to burgesses a vehicle for expressing their views, and
would help to ensure „buy-in‟ of development proposals. It would introduce a system
of checks and balances that is generally lacking from the current system of
The groups, however, need to be empowered and assisted with funding to participate
in the various opportunities that might be available, for example, in eco-tourism or
reforestation projects.
Programmes and Projects
The projects that derive from the RDP are listed in Table 6.1 along with the main
agencies which will collaborate with the SGRC in getting them implemented. The RDC
or other relevant Special Purpose Company will also play a role in the process.
Monitoring and Review
The Plan will be monitored and kept under continuous review to determine the
effectiveness of the policies and programmes and to make adjustments as
necessary. The Coordinating Committee will be important in this regard. However,
less formal monitoring through the community groups will be just as critical.
It is intended to take the RDP through the approval process set out in Part 2 of the
Town and Country Planning Act. In this case, the legislation stipulates that at least
once in every five years after the date of approval by Parliament a fresh survey must
be carried out and a report on this together with “proposals for any alterations or
additions…that appear to… be required…” be submitted for approval.
Notwithstanding, proposals for alterations or additions to the Plan can be submitted
at any time.
Sub-regional and Local Area Plans
Development of Sangre Grande Town
Centre Land Area Plan , including detailed
urban design
Town Centre
Public, Private, and
NGO and Community
Development of Valencia Land Plan,
including detailed urban design
Public, Private, and
NGO and Community
Development of M2M Sub-regional Plan,
including detailed urban design for Toco
town centre
Matura to Matelot
Public, Private, and
NGO and Community
Development of Greater Tamana Subregional Plan, including detailed urban
design for Cumuto
Greater Tamana
Public, Private, and
NGO and Community
Landscape Plan for Sangre Grande
Public, Private, and
NGO and Community
Public-Private Sector Investment Projects
Development of Vision City
Town Centre
Private Sector
Development of Pueblo Nuevo
Town Centre
Private Sector
Eco-Sangre Grande Research
Development Programme
Private Sector
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases
NGO and Community
Sector, EMA, MOH
Community Sector
Regulation of the Quarry Industry
Valencia, Greater
Greater Tamana
Community-based reforestation
National Reforestation
Rehabilitation of Abandoned Quarries
Quarry Operators
Eco Sangre Grande Environment
Programme – Forest Management, Public
Health, Improved Water Collection,
Handling and Safety, Waste Management,
Health and Wellness, Climate Change
Economic Development
Municipality Ecotourism Strategy and
Action Plan
Facilitating Community-led Ecotourism
Tourism Initiatives
Private Sector
NGO and Community
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases
Development of tourism facilities – which
include provision of concessionaries,
administrative facilities, lifeguard quarters,
public change, tourism information
centres, car park facilities
Provision of Lifeguard Services
Research Tourism Initiative
Development of a Farm and Agricultural
Resource Management (FARM) Centre
Establishment of Eco-Sangre Grande
Foods (Organic Farming) Programme
At main beaches,
rivers and scenic
areas which include
Balandra Bay, San
Souci Bay, Big Bay,
Shark River, Grand
River, Broad Walk
Matelot River/Bay
Salibya Bay, Sally
Bay, Balandra Bay
Agricultural areas
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases
Development of agro-processing facilities
Development of wholesale market and
refurbishment of the retail market
SGRC/Private Sector
Farmers, Wholesalers
and products
Extension of the CRH
From Antigua Road
to Manzanilla
Development of the Sangre Grande
Southern Ring Road
Road Maintenance Programmes
Agriculture Feeder Roads
Local Government Designated
Port Authority
Public Transportation Demand Study
Feasibility Study for the Development of
the Blanchisseuse-Matelot Road
Feasibility Study of the Toco Port Facilities
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases
Green Building Code
Country wide
Agencies, NGOs
Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Drainage Development and Maintenance
Drainage Division
Drainage Division
Local Government
Municipal Flood Mitigation and Integrated
Watershed Management Project
Drainage Division
Coastal Defence Works Programme
M2M – North Coast
from Matelot to
Greater Tamana
All Ministries
Development of Municipal Water Sector
Improvement Programme
Water Supply
Water Distribution
Asset Management Programme –
Inventory and Database Management (to
feed into a national system)
Development of Gateways to the
Municipality and Major Town Centres
Manzanilla, Toco
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases
Construction of Municipal Corporation
Development of Sangre Grande Town
Centre Centralised Wastewater Treatment
Upgrading of the Internet Network
Service Providers
Social and Community Facilities and Services
Upgrading of recreational and sports
Development of Regional Centre of the
Redevelopment and Expansion of a
Sangre Grande Hospital
Upgrading of Toco Hospital
Development of a Learning Resource
Development of Sangre Grande Judicial
Development of Indoor Sports and Youth
Development of network of CCTV systems
Main town centres
Primary Health Care
Trinidad and Tobago
Police Service
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases
Trinidad and Tobago
Police Service/SGRC
Municipal Management
Strengthening of the human resources of
the SGRC
Update of TCP legislation
Ministry of Planning,
Establishment of participatory process for
annual review and updating of the SG
Establishment of working committees for
implementation of SG RDP
Programmes and Projects
Development Phases