How to get to Viu Manent


How to get to Viu Manent
 How to get to Viu Manent Coordinates: S 34º 39. 083' W 071º 18. 611' The entrance to the winery is marked on the right-­‐hand side of the highway, about 1.5 km after the town of Cunaco. The winery’s large manor house appears on the left, surrounded by a white wall that bears the Viu Manent logo. • Kilometer 37, the winery gate on the I 50 Highway, which is also called the Wine Highway (Carretera del Vino). To reach the cellar and offices, turn left and continue approximately 600 mt., following the signs along the way. •
Turn left off the highway, cross over the railroad tracks, and follow the signs to the winery entrance •
Second sign along the access road. Proceed approximately 600 meters. •
The Visitors’ Center is approximately 200 meters beyond the main entrance to the winery. •
Sign that marks the entrance to the cellar (bodega) and its parking area. If you are here for a business meeting, a guard will meet you and give you directions. If you are here to visit the winery, continue another 100 meters to the Visitors’ Center (Centro de Visitas). •
The Viu Manent Visitors’ Center complex includes the winery’s Café, the Rayuela Wine & Grill, and the Llavería Parking area under the vines beside La Llavería. Signs indicate that you have reached your destination: the Viu Manent Visitors’ Center (Centro de Visitas). •
Rayuela Wine & Grill, Restaurant & Events. (Telephones: +562 840-­‐3180, +5672 85-­‐8350) •
“La Llavería” Visitors’ Center: Wine shop, Tours, Tastings, Conference Center, Events. (Telephones: +562 840-­‐3181, +5672 85-­‐8350) Information about traveling by bus from Santiago de Chile is available at Get off the bus at “Paradero km 37” on the “I 50” highway and follow the directions given above. Information about traveling by train from Santiago de Chile is available at Please note, however, that you must get off the train in the city of San Fernando and take a local minibus that leaves from the bus terminal two blocks west of the train station. Take a bus marked “Santa Cruz/Directo” and get off at “Paradero km 37” on the “I 50” highway and follow the directions given above. Options for lodging in the area are available at . The Viu Manent tourism department appreciates your interest in visiting our facilities and we hope that this document is helpful. Please don’t hesitate to contact regarding any further questions or concerns. You are cordially invited to visit Viu Manent.