AnnuAl RepoRt - Phelps Memorial Hospital


AnnuAl RepoRt - Phelps Memorial Hospital
Spring 2013
T o d a y
News from
I s sue
Dear Friends,
It is our sincere pleasure to share with you our special Annual Report issue of Phelps Today. In
addition to the magazine’s usual features on health topics, this special issue presents the year’s
highlights and conveys our thanks to all the members of our community who helped Phelps
accomplish its mission in 2012. Through the extraordinary generosity of our supporters and
record-breaking participation in our 25th Anniversary Champagne Ball, almost $2.2 million was
raised to enhance Phelps programs. With this support and our strong financial performance,
Phelps is well-positioned to adapt to the changes that are on the horizon for healthcare in our
country, while investing in new technology and programs.
It was the support of our community that enabled us to build a new, significantly expanded
Emergency Department in 2008, one so extraordinary that it became a model for other hospitals throughout the region. It has been exceptionally well received by residents in our area, and
the number of visits have increased dramatically. Last year, over 27,000 patients were cared for
in the Phelps Emergency Department – 20% more than in 2007. As always, care is available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Over the past year, Phelps demonstrated how a community hospital can improve healthcare
both here at home and throughout the world. For example:
•For the third year in a row, the Phelps Stroke Center received the highest level of recognition – the Gold Plus Achievement Award – from the American Heart Association/American
Stroke Association for its ability to provide aggressive, top-quality stroke care according to
AHA/ASA guidelines.
•Phelps was designated as a NICHE hospital (Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem
Elders), recognizing our commitment to the care of older adults.
•Phelps welcomed six physicians into the inaugural class of the Family Medicine Residency
Program, the first such program to be established in New York State since 1995. By 2014,
there will be 18 physicians in the program who will ultimately help meet the growing need
for primary care doctors in the U.S.
•Phelps physicians and educators share their knowledge and expertise with people from
throughout the world. Training programs were provided to emergency medical professionals in
Bhutan and to students from Japan and Australia who visited our Center for Emergency Education. Children in Ecuador received life-changing surgeries thanks to a Phelps physician’s
participation in a surgical mission.
We are pleased to report that Phelps recently received approval from New York State for the development of a state-of-the-art inpatient and ambulatory surgery center. The spacious facility will be outfitted with the most technologically advanced equipment and will provide an optimal surgical environment for our physicians and their patients.
As we move forward in 2013, there are exciting developments under way and we hope you
will be a part of them. We invite you to partner with us and support healthcare in your community with a gift to Phelps. Your gift will be an investment in the quality of life of your family, your neighbors and our region. The enclosed envelope can be used to mail your gift or you
can make a donation at
We are grateful to all of you who have chosen to entrust your care to Phelps and to the many
loyal and generous supporters who ensure that Phelps continues to provide extraordinary care
in our community.
Best wishes for a healthy, enjoyable spring.
Andrew C. Merryman
Chair, Board of Directors
Keith F. Safian, FACHE
President & CEO
Sinusitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Phelps Cancer Program Accredited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Dobbs Ferry Office Gets New Primary Care Physician . . . . . . . . . . 9
Understanding Hernias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Phelps Hospice Celebrates 30 Years of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Heart Disease Risk in Public Safety Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Phelps Day Care Center Expands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Healthy Life Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Maternity & Baby Care Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Phelps ofrece nuevo tratamiento para el asma grave . . . . . . . . . . 20
Comprender las Hernias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Phelps Programs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Annual Report: A Message from Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
New Treatment for Severe Asthma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Boards and Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
phelps today
2012 Year in Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mary Sernatinger
Managing Editor
Tina Dorfman
Medical Editor
Bruce Heckman, MD, MPH
Editorial Advisors
Lucy C. Engelhardt, RN
Leonard B. Fogel
Kenneth C. Kaplan, MD
Lisa Koch
Robert R. Lane
Keith F. Safian, FACHE
Community-Supported Programs and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Annual Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Donor Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Anson Phelps Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Phelps Locations in the Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Save the Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Phelps Website Redesigned
Phelps is pleased to announce that the hospital website has been
thoroughly redesigned and modernized. Please visit the new site at
Request Your Appointment Online!
Appointments for many of Phelps’ outpatient services can be made
on the hospital’s website, including: cardiovascular, diabetes, hyperbaric, infusion, nutrition counseling, occupational and physical therapy,
pain center, pulmonary/respiratory, radiology/x-ray, senior services,
sleep, speech & hearing, voice & swallowing, and wound healing.
You can even make an appointment to donate blood online. Just go to and click on “Request an Appointment” – any
time of the day or night!
PHELPSTODAY is a publication of Phelps
Memorial Hospital Center. Phelps is a
member of the Stellaris Health Network and the Hudson Valley’s first
affiliate of Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center.
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Phelps Offers New Treatment
for Severe Asthma
ore than 24 million Americans
live with asthma, a respiratory
disease that causes the airways
in the lungs to constrict and makes it difficult to breathe. For people with asthma,
this condition can significantly impact
their quality of life and in some cases can
be life threatening. Although there is no
permanent cure for asthma, it can typically be managed with medications.
“It is exciting to be
able to offer this new
procedure at Phelps
that helps improve the
For people who have severe, persistent
asthma, however, this condition is particularly debilitating. Their asthma may
not be well controlled even though they
are taking the highest doses of asthma
medications available.
The lungs consist of multiple airway passages surrounded by smooth muscle. Due
to chronic inflammation and spasm, the
smooth muscle in the airway passages of
asthma sufferers can be thicker than in
people without asthma. This narrowing of
the airways increases resistance to normal
airflow in the lungs and leads to the well-
known symptoms of wheezing, coughing
and shortness of breath.
A new FDA-approved treatment for people 18 and older with severe asthma that
is not controlled by medications is now
available at Phelps – the only facility in
the Hudson Valley to offer it. The procedure, called bronchial thermoplasty,
uses radiofrequency energy to reduce
the thickness of the smooth muscle in
the airway and limit its ability to contract
and narrow the airway. The Phelps pulmonologists trained in this treatment are
Alex Fijman, MD, and Laurence Miller,
“Throughout my years of practicing pulmonary medicine, I have often been frustrated when severely asthmatic patients
under my care continue to have frequent
exacerbations requiring ER visits despite
being on maximum doses of medications,
including high-dose steroids, which can
cause significant side effects,” says Dr.
Laurence Miller. “It is exciting to now
quality of life for
asthma patients.”
—Dr. Laurence Miller
Pictured above is the Alair catheter being inserted into a bronchial airway, where it
delivers radiofrequency energy to the airway smooth muscle. Image provided courtesy
of Boston Scientific Corporation.
Phelps Today
be able to offer this new non-pharmacological, state-of-the-art procedure at
Phelps. It has no side effects and helps
improve the quality of life for these patients.” Dr. Alex Fijman concurs, “I am
very pleased to be able to participate with
Phelps in introducing this revolutionary
and potentially life-changing new therapy
to patients throughout Westchester, who
benefit from having access to this cuttingedge option close to home.”
During the procedure, which is normally
done in an outpatient setting under moderate sedation, a bronchoscope (a thin,
flexible tube with a camera at the end)
is introduced into the patient’s lungs
through the nose. A catheter is then inserted through the bronchoscope, where
it delivers radiofrequency energy to the
airway walls, reducing the narrowing
of the airways due to smooth muscle.
Bronchial thermoplasty is administered
in three separate treatments, scheduled
approximately three weeks apart. Each
treatment lasts from 30-60 minutes. The
technology used is called the Alair System, which is manufactured by Boston
The treatment is not a cure for asthma,
but patients usually find they can take
their asthma medications less frequently.
Most importantly, bronchial thermoplasty
has been shown to reduce the severity of
asthma attacks, visits to the emergency
room, and time lost from work, school
and other daily activities.
Alex Fijman, MD, pulmonologist, is board
certified in internal medicine, pulmonary
disease and critical care. He received his
medical degree from New York Medical
College and completed a residency and
fellowship at Stony Brook University
Medical Center in Stony Brook, NY. Dr.
Fijman’s private practice is in Ossining
Laurence Miller, MD, pulmonologist,
is board certified in internal medicine,
pulmonary disease and critical care. He
received his medical degree from SUNY
Health Science Center in Syracuse. He
completed an internship and residency
in internal medicine at New York University Medical Center and a fellowship in
pulmonary medicine and critical care at
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.
He has been in practice in Westchester
since 1999. His private office is in Ardsley (914-231-7666). Image provided courtesy of Boston Scientific Corporation.
Phelps Today
Symptoms, Diagnosis,
and Treatment Options
hronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), also
known as sinusitis, is a major
health problem in the United
States, affecting up to 12.5% of the population or an estimated 39 million people
each year. It substantially decreases a
person’s quality of life and day-to-day
productivity, causing lost work days and
missed school days, and can result in
substantial healthcare costs for over-thecounter and prescription medications.
Sinusitis can be caused
by factors such as
an individual’s
anatomy or immune
system or reaction to
the environment.
Phelps Today
Simply put, sinusitis is inflammation
(swelling and irritation) of the lining of the
nasal passages and sinuses, the air-filled
spaces under the eyes in the cheeks, over
the eyes in the forehead, and between the
eyes. While the bones of the face in these
regions may feel solid, they are actually
hollow spaces.
There are a number of factors (either
alone or in combination) that can lead
to sinusitis, including an individual’s
anatomy, the effect of the environment
on the lining of the nasal passage and
sinuses (such as environmental allergies),
and the patient’s immune system. In addition, approximately 20% of patients
with sinusitis have nasal polyps, which
are benign, mucus-producing, inflamed
growths of the lining of the nasal cavity
and sinuses.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Patients with sinusitis commonly have a
combination of the following symptoms:
• Discolored nasal discharge or postnasal discharge dripping from the
back of the nose into the throat
• Nasal obstruction or congestion
• Facial pain or pressure
• Reduced or absent sense of smell
or taste
Less commonly, patients may also complain of the following symptoms:
• Headache
• Fatigue and irritability
• Bad breath or foul smell in the nose
• Fevers
• Persistent sneezing or coughing
• Hoarseness (change in voice quality)
• Sore throat
• Tooth pain, tingling, or numbness
• Ear symptoms such as fullness,
pressure, or hearing loss
Because each of the symptoms listed
above can also be caused by a variety
of other health issues, sinusitis is largely
diagnosed based on the history, timing,
and combination of symptoms, in addition to a physical exam. The physical
exam includes an internal examination
of the nose and sinuses with a very thin
telescope that allows the doctor to examine these areas in great detail. This procedure can be easily performed in the office
setting, with minimal to no discomfort
to the patient, and reveals important
information regarding the presence or
absence of inflammation, anatomic deformities, nasal polyps, and mucus and/
or pus in the sinuses. Based on the history
provided and the exam findings, imaging
studies such as a computed tomography
(CT) scan, or further examination such
as allergy testing, may also be recommended.
through the nostrils and usually on an outpatient basis, with patients going home
the same day. During the procedure, an
endoscope (a long, thin rigid telescope
with a light and video camera) is inserted
into the nose to visualize the inside of the
nasal cavity and sinuses. This allows the
surgeon to pass specialized surgical instruments through the nostrils to perform
the surgery. Most patients experience a
major relief in symptoms after surgery, including decreased facial pain and swelling, and decreased nasal congestion.
Do you have sinusitis?
Take the test on the
following page to
find out how it is
affecting your quality
of life.
The treatment of sinusitis can vary greatly
depending on the cause of the patient’s
disease. It may range from simple nasal
irrigation with saline (salt water) to a variety of prescription nasal sprays and oral
medications, including antibiotics if there
is active infection. While most patients
can be treated with medications only, if a
patient experiences a complication due to
a sinus infection or is not improving after
trying the treatments listed above, surgery
is typically considered.
If surgery is indicated for recurring or persistent sinus infections, it is performed using a minimally invasive technique called
“endoscopic sinus surgery” to remove the
blockages of the sinuses. The surgery does
not require external incisions on the face,
and does not alter the appearance of the
nose. The whole procedure is performed
Deya N. Jourdy, MD, is a board-certified
otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat
physician) and the only fellowship trained
full-time rhinologist in the Hudson Valley. He received his medical degree from
Weill Medical College of Cornell University. He then completed a residency in
otolaryngology at New York and Presbyterian Hospital – Columbia and Cornell,
followed by a sub-specialty fellowship in
rhinology and minimally invasive sinus
and skull base surgery at the University of
Miami Miller School of Medicine. He is
experienced in the treatment of complicated nasal and sinus disease and anterior
skull base disease. Dr. Jourdy’s office is
located in Ardsley (914-693-7636). For
more information about sinusitis and Dr.
Jourdy, visit
Phelps Today
Sino-Nasal Outcome Test
Does sinusitis have a significant impact on your quality of life?
If you think you suffer from chronic sinusitis, Dr. Jourdy recommends taking the following test.
Sino-Nasal Outcome Test
Below you will find a list of symptoms and social/emotional consequences of sinusitis.
To the best of your ability, rate the severity of each item over the past two weeks.
7. Ear fullness
8. Dizziness
9. Ear pain
10. Facial pain/pressure
11. Difficulty falling asleep
12. Wake up at night
13. Lack of a good night’s sleep
14. Wake up tired
15. Fatigue
16. Reduced productivity
17. Reduced concentration
18. Frustrated/restless/irritable
19. Sad
20. Embarrassed
Check the 5 most important
items affecting you
6. Thick nasal discharge
Problem as bad as it can be
5. Post-nasal discharge
Severe problem
4. Cough
Moderate problem
3. Runny nose
Mild or slight problem
2. Sneezing
Very mild problem
1. Need to blow nose
No problem
1. Considering how severe the problem
is when you experience it and how
frequently it happens, please rate each
item below on how “bad” it is by circling
the number (0-5) that corresponds to
how you feel.
2. In the right-hand column, please check
the most important items affecting you
(maximum of 5).
Total Score (maximum 100): _________
The Sino-Nasal Outcome Test is for patients with chronic sinusitis. Simply put, it measures the burden sinusitis has on an individual’s quality of life. Patients with chronic sinus disease often have a total score in the 20s and above. This tool can help you
and your physician identify symptoms that affect you the most, and how these symptoms improve over time with treatment.
To arrange for a consultation with Dr. Jourdy, call (914) 693-7636.
Phelps Today
Phelps Cancer Program Accredited by
Commission on Cancer
he cancer program at
Phelps was recently granted a three-year accreditation as a Community Hospital
Cancer Program by the American
College of Surgeons’ Commission
on Cancer. To be accredited, a
hospital must: have an oversight
body that meets quarterly, hold
multidisciplinary tumor board
cancer conferences that meet regularly to review existing cancer
cases, have quality improvement
measures in place, and participate in community outreach.
Accredited cancer programs are
nationally recognized by organizations such as the American Cancer
Society, the National Cancer Institute, the National Quality Forum and
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as having established
performance measures for the provision of high-quality cancer care.
Stanley Oiseth, MD, Director of
Pathology and Laboratories and cochair of the Phelps Cancer CommitPictured L to R, upon receiving certification are members
tee, says, “This accreditation puts
of the Phelps Cancer Committee: Stanley Oiseth, MD,
Phelps on the map as a communico-chair; Cherian Mathew, CTR; Nancy Fox, co-chair;
ty hospital that provides state-of-theAvraham Merav, MD; and Keith Safian, President & CEO.
Avraham Merav, MD, FACS, Chief
art care for cancer patients, thereby
of Thoracic Surgery and Medical
increasing their quality of life by
Director of Surgical Services at Phelps, is the Cancer Liaison enabling them to stay close to family, friends and jobs while
Physician responsible for providing leadership for Phelps’ can- they receive treatment.”
cer program and spearheading cancer-related activities. HavThere are currently approximately 1,500 Committee on Cancering a Cancer Liaison Physician is another of the Commission’s
accredited cancer programs in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, which
requirements for cancer programs to be accredited.
represents only 30 percent of all hospitals. These hospitals diagDr. Merav says that establishing an accredited cancer program nose and/or treat approximately 80 percent of all newly diagnosed
“ensures that Phelps cancer patients and their families have cancer patients each year. To maintain accreditation, cancer proaccess to the full scope of services required to diagnose, treat, grams must undergo an onsite review every three years.
rehabilitate, and support them through the entire process of
For more information about cancer treatment at Phelps, concancer treatment.”
tact Dr. Avraham Merav at 914-366-2333.
Dr. Cynthia Brown Seeing Patients
at Dobbs Ferry Office
nternal medicine physician Cynthia Brown, MD, has joined the
medical staff of Phelps Memorial Hospital Center and is providing care for patients at the Phelps
primary care office located at 18
Ashford Avenue in Dobbs Ferry. Dr.
Brown, who is board certified in
internal medicine, earned her medical degree at New York Medical College and completed an internship and
residency in internal medicine at The
New York Hospital-Cornell Medical
Dr. Brown (pictured center) joins family medicine physician Montgomery
Douglas, MD, (right) and internal
medicine physician Michael Loew-
inger, MD, who have been treating
patients at the Dobbs Ferry practice
since 2012.
Prior to joining Phelps, Dr. Brown
was Director of Primary Care Services at the Westchester Institute for
Human Development in Valhalla,
which develops and delivers medical, clinical and support services
to individual with disabilities, their
families and caregivers. From 19962006 she worked at the Farrell Community Health Center, an outpatient
clinic at New York Presbyterian Hospital. She also held faculty appointments at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons from
1996 to 2009 and is currently an as-
sistant clinical professor of Medicine
at New York Medical College.
Dr. Brown, who speaks English and
Spanish, is currently accepting new
patients. Appointments can be made
by calling 914-478-1384.
Phelps Today
Understanding Hernias
Your surgeon’s skill
and the type of hernia
operation you have
will influence the time
it takes for you to
recover and, more
importantly, whether
the hernia will recur.
im felt a lump in his lower abdomen as
he showered one morning and thought
there was something seriously wrong.
He went to see his doctor that afternoon
and told him he was sure he had a tumor. The doctor examined the lump and
laughingly told him, “You don’t have a
tumor, Jim, you have a hernia.”
According to the National Center for
Health Statistics, USA, approximately 5
million Americans have a hernia but only
about 750,000 of them seek treatment
each year. It is estimated that 800,000
people develop a new abdominal hernia
What is a Hernia?
Our organs are held in place by a wall of
muscle and tissue. If a weakness develops in that wall, the organ it protects may
push through it, creating a bulge called
a hernia. Some hernias are present at
birth, some come on suddenly and others develop slowly over months or years.
Hernias are usually not life-threatening
but can be if they become
strangulated. Hernias will
never go away without surgical attention.
pregnancy and weight gain. Sometimes
muscle weakness is present at birth and
worsens with time.
The most common symptom of an inguinal hernia is pain, with or without a lump
in the groin. The lump is more easily felt
when standing and seems to disappear
when lying down. Pain is especially noticeable when bending, lifting or coughing. There may also be a burning, aching
or feeling of heaviness in the groin area.
Risk Factors
Factors that increase the risk of developing a hernia include:
• a personal or family history of hernias
• being overweight or obese
• chronic constipation
• a chronic cough
• smoking (which can trigger a chronic
Inguinal Hernias
There are a number of different types of hernias, but by
far the most common is the
inguinal hernia, accounting
for about 70 percent of all
hernias. When an inguinal
hernia develops, abdominal contents can protrude
through a weakness or tear
in the lower abdominal wall.
The resulting bulge usually
can be seen and felt in the
groin region.
Causes: Muscle
Weakness, Strain or
Weakness in a muscle may
be due to an injury, chronic
coughing, surgery or age.
Straining is associated with
lifting heavy objects, sneezing or coughing, constipation,
Laparoscopic surgeon Har Chi Lau, MD
Phelps Today
abdomen or groin
when you stand,
cough or strain.
Sometimes, what seems to be a
hernia is actually a muscle pull or groin
sprain. Even a hip problem can mimic
the symptoms of a hernia. A physician
experienced in treating hernias has the
expertise to tell the difference.
When a hernia is small and not causing
pain, treatment may consist of being careful not to strain and having your doctor
look at it periodically. Once a hernia becomes large or painful, however, surgery
is usually the best option.
I perform laparoscopic hernia surgery,”
says laparoscopic surgeon Dr. Har Chi
Lau, Medical Director of the Phelps Hernia Center, “I do everything with one
hand, so only two incisions are needed
– one for the camera and one for my
The tear in the muscle is repaired with
surgical mesh. Preferring not to use the
standard-sized mesh, Dr. Lau customizes
the mesh size and shape to fit each patient exactly. This tailor-made fit ensures
that the repair is solid, which is why hernia recurrence is rare among Dr. Lau’s
Preventing Hernias
It isn’t always possible to prevent the
muscle weakness that leads to the occurrence of a hernia, but it is possible to
reduce strain, which will help to avoid
a hernia or keep an existing one from
getting worse. The following suggestions
may help to reduce strain:
• do not lift weights that are too heavy
for you
• when lifting, bend your knees, keep
your back straight, and tighten your
• maintain a healthy body weight
• avoid straining during bowel movements or urination
• see your doctor when you have a bad
cold or flu to avoid developing a
persistent cough
If you suspect that you have developed a
hernia, a visit to your primary care physician or a hernia specialist is recommended. The doctor will diagnose an inguinal
hernia by feeling for a bulge in your
Your surgeon’s skill and the type of hernia operation you have will influence
the time it takes for you to recover and,
more importantly, whether the hernia
will recur.
There are two common surgical approaches: minimally invasive (laparoscopic) surgery or old-fashioned open
Open surgery involves larger incisions,
more stitches, more trauma to surrounding tissue, and a longer recovery period
than minimally invasive surgery.
With laparoscopic surgery, the hernia is
repaired through small incisions, and the
procedure can take as little as 15 minutes.
Laparoscopic surgery uses a tiny camera
and specialized surgical skill. It is often
an outpatient procedure, and patients are
able to return to their normal activities
quickly. Laparoscopic surgery requires
less anesthesia than open surgery and has
less pain, less risk for infection and less
A typical laparoscopic hernia operation
involves 4 small incisions – one for the
camera and three through which the
hands perform the procedure. “When
The Phelps Hernia Center, under the
medical direction of Har Chi Lau, MD,
offers patients expert diagnosis and specialized treatment for hernias. Dr. Lau is a
board-certified surgeon with expertise in
minimally invasive surgery. Before entering medical school, Dr. Lau attended the
Nuclear Engineering Graduate Program
at the University of Wisconsin and was
Resident Assistant at the Department of
Nuclear Engineering at the University of
Wisconsin. He went on to earn his medical degree from the Medical College of
Pennsylvania and completed his surgery
residency and internship at Allegheny
University Hospital. He also conducted surgical research on wound healing
during his residency. The Phelps Hernia
Center is located on the Phelps campus
Phelps Today
The program’s Patient Care Fund, for example, enables Hospice patients to enjoy
complementary care services, provides
additional home health aide coverage,
and offers financial support for those in
Phelps Hospice
30 Years of Service
his year Phelps Hospice, the oldest hospice in Westchester County,
is celebrating its 30th year of providing compassionate end-of-life care to
area residents and their families. Over the
past 30 years, the program has grown tremendously. In 1983 it was staffed by one
full-time social worker/director and a medical director, who cared for 37 patients
and their families. Last year, 32 full- and
part-time employees as well as 40 volunteers provided care to 278 patients and
their families – an average of 53 patients
every day.
The philosophy of Phelps Hospice has
always adhered to the following principles: that end-of-life care should include
the patient and the family; that controlling distressing symptoms, such as pain,
improves quality of life; and that each
person has a right to choices with regard
to end-of-life care.
“For 30 years, we’ve committed to a personal touch for all of our clients, with our
staff available around the clock,” says Dr.
Bruce Heckman, medical director and
Phelps Hospice founder. “At the end of
the day, it’s about being there when people need you.”
How Hospice Works
When an individual has a terminal illness – typically with a life expectancy of
six months or less – he or she is eligible
for hospice care. At Phelps, an interdisciplinary team – including a medical director, nurses, social workers, home health
Phelps Today
aides, spiritual counselors, nutritionists,
therapists and volunteers – works with
the patient’s physician to develop a plan
of individualized care that will meet the
needs of both the patient and the family.
Most often patients receive hospice care
in their own home.
Services a patient may receive while on
hospice include: medication for pain and
symptom management, social work support, chaplain visits to support spiritual
needs, nursing care for ongoing assessment of distressing symptoms and nutrition advice from a dietitian regarding the
most appropriate diet. Complementary
care such as music, art and massage therapy may be offered.
Phelps Hospice volunteers play a significant role in the day-to-day comfort of
Hospice patients. Volunteers read and talk
to patients, give haircuts, shop, help them
create biographical booklets, and even
help with housework.
Perhaps the most comforting aspect of
Phelps Hospice care is that in most cases
patients are able to remain in the familiar surroundings of their home. When
patients experience acute illness requiring hospitalization, they can be admitted to Phelps, where the hospice team
remains involved to ensure that there is
continuity of care and family support
The Patient Care Fund
Also invaluable to the hospice program
are the donors who give financial support.
“Phelps Hospice helps lessen the pain
that patients and families are experiencing. That is the core mission of Hospice,”
Dr. Heckman says. “We take a holistic
approach, addressing physical pain, but
we also do all we can to ease spiritual,
emotional and even economic pain.”
Bereavement Support
Another integral part of Phelps Hospice is
bereavement support services. Bereavement counselors stay in touch with survivors for more than a year after their loved
one’s death. Hospice bereavement staff
offers individual and family counseling,
support groups, outreach, referrals and
workshops. All bereavement services are
available to the community-at-large, even
if the deceased family member was not a
Hospice patient.
Starting Hospice When It
Helps the Most
Wanda Cope Orton, RN, MBA, Director of
Phelps Hospice, points out that although
hospice services are routinely covered by
most insurance companies and Medicare
for six months of care, the trend over the
past few years has been that people are on
hospice for much shorter periods of time.
“There are so many treatments available
today that people need help understanding the risks and benefits of treating or not
treating,” says Orton.
Fortunately, a New York State law called
the New York Palliative Care Information Act that went into effect in 2011
ensures that patients and their families
have the information they need to make
decisions about care. The law directs all
primary care physicians and nurse practitioners to provide information and counseling—either verbally or in writing—to
patients who are diagnosed with a serious or terminal illness. Medical providers
are required to initiate this conversation
and to spend the time necessary to educate patients and their families so that the
treatment choices they make are informed
choices. The conversation must include
a detailed prognosis and the patient’s
options for care.
“One of our challenges is to help patients
understand that choosing treatment
makes sense only when there is more
benefit than risk. For some people, the
word ‘hospice’ has come to mean that
you’ve given up, or that something will be
taken away from you, but that’s not true,”
says Orton. “Coming under hospice does
not mean that we do not treat. It’s really focused only on beneficial treatments.
Our focus in on helping patients and families to make informed decisions that will
provide the highest quality of life for all
of a person’s life.”
In fact, Orton notes, hospice professionals frequently hear from patients and their
families that they wish they had known
more about hospice care and received it
earlier. “When patients come on hospice
at the last minute, they miss out on the
support and the many services that are
available for symptom control and a better quality of life,” says Orton.
The Profound Difference
That Hospice Makes
According to Dr. Heckman, one of the
most rewarding aspects of working in hospice is the far-reaching, long-term effect
that hospice care can have. “The people
we touch – not just the patients, but their
friends, spouses, and children – learn to
cope with trouble, grief and stress,” Dr.
Heckman says. “The deepening of relationships and coming to peace with their
own lives ultimately enables survivors to
be better parents, spouses, friends and
even business colleagues.”
Reflecting on Phelps Hospice’s 30 years
of service, the staff has a sense of pride at
being able to bring care into the homes
of patients and their families throughout
Westchester County. “People want to be
at home when they know their time is
short, not in a hospital room,” Orton says.
“They want to be with their family and in
control of their life. They want to spend
their last days living to their fullest capacity. They want to look out their window
and see kids getting off the bus, coming
home from school.”
Coming April 7– 5th Annual
Spirit of Jazz Concert
azz pianists Oscar Perez and Christian Sands will headline the fifth annual
Spirit of Jazz concert benefitting Phelps Hospice on Sunday, April 7, at
Irvington Town Hall Theater at 3 pm.
“This Sunday afternoon of great jazz has grown ever-more popular over the
years,” says Dr. Bruce Heckman, life-long jazz aficionado and medical director of the Phelps Hospice program. “It’s a relaxed atmosphere in an intimate
theater setting where people can share their love of jazz with top-flight performers.”
Concertgoers are in for a very special treat when Oscar Perez and band perform
his original composition, “The Afropean Suite,” commissioned by Chamber
Music America. In three movements, the piece premiered at the Jazz Gallery
in NYC and the OSPAC Jazz Festival in New Jersey in September 2009. After
many performances at venues such as Zinc Bar, Kitano, Iridium and various
jazz festivals, the suite was finished and recorded in November 2010.
Christian Sands is an emerging jazz force who takes a fresh look at the entire
language of jazz: stride, swing, bebop, progressive, fusion, Brazilian and AfroCuban. He says, “My music is about teaching the way of jazz and keeping
it alive.” He has shared the stage with a long list of jazz luminaries such as
trumpeter Wynton Marsalis. Sands has performed as a member of renowned
jazz bassist Christian McBride’s trio and quintet group “Inside Straight” and
will appear on McBride’s newest trio album to be released in 2013. Grammy award-winning vocalist Melissa Walker will be adding her voice to the
Oscar Perez piece and in duets with Christian Sands. Walker has enjoyed a wide
and varied career as a jazz vocalist, with performances at the Kennedy Center
Women in Jazz Festival, the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Joe’s Pub and
The Jazz Standard in Manhattan.She has opened for the legendary Ray Charles
and performed with the Lincoln Center Jazz
Orchestra led by Wynton Marsalis at the Duke
Ellington Centennial Celebration.
Concert tickets at $35 each may be obtained
online at or by
calling the Irvington Town Hall Theater box
office at 914-591-6602.
If you would like additional information
about Phelps Hospice, please call 914366-3325 or visit www.phelpshospital.
org. To make a donation or to remember
Phelps Hospice in your will, please contact Lisa Koch at 914-366-3108.
Phelps Today
High Heart Disease
Risk Found in
Public Safety Personnel
visits at the end of three months won a
$500 donation provided by the Heart and
Health Education Foundation, which Dr.
Zimmerman heads with his partners and
fellow Phelps cardiologists Arthur Fass,
MD, and Dina Katz, MD. The department
with the highest average number of visits
at the end of 2013 will receive a $1,000
Dr. Zimmerman is hopeful that the
program will be so successful in the
Westchester area that it can be expanded
and serve as a model across the country.
“When I spoke to the Westchester County
Chiefs of Police Association earlier this
year, the feedback was tremendous,” he
said. “They recognize the need to keep
their officers fit and healthy as a very
important part of their commitment to
public safety.”
In addition to his professional interest in
the health of the nation’s first responders,
Dr. Zimmerman has a personal interest
because his sister, Shelley Zimmerman,
is Assistant Chief of Police for the City of
San Diego. “She is also a triathlete and
trains regularly,” said Dr. Zimmerman, “so
I’ve had lots of support for this program
in the family and through my sister’s connections nationally.”
study recently conducted by
Phelps cardiologist Franklin
Zimmerman, MD, revealed that
public safety personnel are at a higher
risk of heart disease than the general
public. His findings were published in
Cardiology in Review and presented at a
meeting of the International Association
of Chiefs of Police held in San Diego in
These findings inspired Dr. Zimmerman to partner with Club Fit to initiate “Chief’s Challenge,” a program that
encourages fitness among members of
local police and fire departments by inviting them to participate in an exercise
program to improve their health and
wellness. The program started January
1 at Club Fit facilities in Jefferson Valley
and Briarcliff Manor.
Phelps Today
“The study showed that law enforcement personnel are at a high risk for
heart disease. They have a high prevalence for cardiac risk factors, including
high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cigarette smoking, psychological stress and
a sedentary lifestyle,” said Dr. Zimmerman. “Both police officers and firemen
need to be encouraged to build their
own personal health, beginning with a
regular exercise program.”
The “Chief’s Challenge” began with a
free three-month membership at Club
Fit for all interested police and fire personnel in Westchester and surrounding
counties. At the end of the first three
months, continued membership was
available at half-price. The departments with the highest average club
Dr. Franklin Zimmerman, Senior Attending Cardiologist and Director of Critical
Care at Phelps, lectures regularly on cardiovascular health and related emergencies to EMTs and other first responders at
the hospital’s Hoch Center for Emergency
Education. He and his partners are all
members of Club Fit Briarcliff and can be
seen exercising at the club nearly every
day, practicing what they preach to their
patients about a healthy lifestyle. Their
office is located in Briarcliff Manor (914762-5810).
Robin’s Nest Day Care Center Expands
he $1.4 million expansion of the
Robin’s Nest day care center at
Phelps is now complete, and the
center is currently accepting applications for children two months through
six years of age.
“We are thrilled to be able to provide
service to more families and to meet the
needs of the community as it changes,”
says Diane Matrafailo, Robin’s Nest director, pictured above. For the first time,
the center is offering a summer camp program for children ages 6 to 9. Activities
will include arts and crafts, nature photography, Smart Board technology classes, field trips and sports. Also thanks to
the new space, the center is able to offer
morning and afternoon nursery school
sessions, after school programs and
Health and
Wellness Fair
Saturday, May 18, 2013 (rain or shine)
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Fun for the whole family! Activities will include:
• Health screenings
• Cooking demonstrations
• Fitness activities
On the Phelps campus, 701 North Broadway in
Sleepy Hollow, NY.
Presented by the Phelps Vitality and Wellness programs.
Call 914-366-3937 or 914-366-3117 for more information.
“vacation club” day care during school
Established in 1988, the Robin’s Nest is licensed by the New York State Department
of Social Services and accredited by the
National Association for the Education of
Young Children (NAEYC). For more information, call Diane Matrafailo at 914-3663232 or go to
The Phelps
Annual Report
is a 5-time
Big W award
Phelps Today
Bereavement Support Group
h e a lt h y l i f e c a l e n d a r
An ongoing support group for adults
struggling with the loss of a loved one.
Meets the second and fourth Thursday of
the month.
Bess Steiger, LCSW, Bereavement
2 – 3:30 pm; Hospice Office in the
James House
Suggested donation: $10 per session.
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3325 or email
Michele S. Boyar, MD, medical oncologist,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Sleepy Hollow
Christopher Martin, MD, gastroenterologist, Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
7:00 pm; Phelps Auditorium
(light supper at 6:00 pm)
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Better Breathers Club
Monday, April 1, 2013
Look Good . . . Feel Better®
This free program teaches beauty techniques to women going through cancer
treatment to help them manage the appearance-related aspects of their treatment. The program is held the first Monday of the month. Makeup kits donated
by cosmetic companies are given to each
participant to take home. The program is
offered in partnership with the American
Cancer Society, The National Cosmetology Association, and the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA)
Sheri Silver, cosmetologist
7 – 9 pm; 755 N. Broadway, Room 225
Advance registration is required.
Call (800) 227-2345 to register.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
What You Need to Know
About Colon Cancer:
Screening, Diagnosis, New Advances in
This presentation will include an overview of colon cancer treatment and a
discussion about prevention with regard
to diet, aspirin and vitamin D.
Phelps Today
The Better Breathers Club is an informal
interactive support group for people with
breathing disorders. This presentation will
focus on the benefits of green vegetables
for individuals with lung disease. Recipes
and tasting samples will be provided.
Alaina Muckell, holistic coach,
12 noon – 1 pm; Pulmonary Lab
(B Level)
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Voice and Physical Therapy for
Parkinson’s Disease
Learn about voice therapy and physical
therapy programs that strengthen the
voice and improve movement for individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
Andrea Bracciante-Ely, MS Sp, CCC-SLP,
Senior Speech-Language Pathologist
1:30 – 3 pm;
Walkway Conference Room
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Wednesday and Thursday, April 10
and 11, 2013
Defensive Driving
Two-evening certification program. Lowers
insurance premiums, reduces violation
points, and sharpens driving skills.
Robert Fogel
5:30 – 8:30 pm; Auditorium
Fee: $45
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Thursday, April 11, 2012
The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club is a series of free
breakfast meetings designed especially
for seniors. Each session includes a free
breakfast, a presentation on a healthy
lifestyle topic and a light exercise program. The group meets monthly, except
for August and December.
throat clearing, voice changes, trouble
swallowing, nighttime cough, and vocal
spasms may be caused by chronic laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. Alternatively, some people feel a frequent tickle
in the throat that precedes a cough, a
dry spot or dryness in the throat, which
may be caused by irritation of a nerve.
Screenings for these types of coughs will
be offered.
Craig H. Zalvan, MD, laryngologist, Medical Director of the Institute for Voice and
Swallowing Disorders at Phelps
8:30 – 9:30 am;
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Look Good Feel Better
(for women undergoing cancer
surgery. Dr. Seebacher was recently invited to present his method at the annual
meeting of the American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons. Learn how injections and exercise can enable reconditioning and reduction of inflammation
and pain.
J. Robert Seebacher, MD
Medical Director of the Phelps Joint
Replacement Service
6:30 pm; Auditorium
(light refreshments at 6 pm)
8:30 - 10:30 am; Cafeteria (G Level)
See listing for April 1, 2013.
Call (914) 366-3937 to register.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Aging Voice
Swallow Screening
Lynne Marie Gagne-LeBlanc,
As we age, our voice quality may change.
It may sound quieter, breathier or unclear.
It may take more effort for you to be
heard. Your vocal range may be reduced
so that singing is not as enjoyable. If you
are concerned about the sound of your
voice, vocal exercises may help. Schedule
a free consultation with one of the voice
rehabilitation specialists at the Donald
R. Reed Speech and Hearing Center at
Andrea Bracciante-Ely, MS Sp,
1 – 2:30 pm; 777 N. Broadway,
Suite 303
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Paula Dinu, MS-CCC/SLP
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Better Breathers Club is an informal
interactive support group for people with
breathing disorders. This meeting will focus on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD), one of the most common types of lung disease.
Do you sometimes feel food or liquid
going down the “wrong pipe”? Does food
get stuck? Do you have pain when you
swallow? Do you experience food or
liquid coming back up? If you answered
yes to any of these questions, you should
attend this free swallow screening clinic.
10 am – 12 pm; Walkway Conference
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Chronic Cough Clinic
People often have a chronic cough despite
numerous doctor visits, medications, and
diagnostic tests. Coughing associated with
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Controlling the Pain of
Arthritic Knees Without
If you have arthritis of the knee, you have
probably thought about whether you
might need surgery. Orthopedic surgeon
J. Robert Seebacher, MD, will discuss a
non-surgical therapy that often helps people maintain active lifestyles while postponing – or eliminating – the need for
Call (914) 366-3100 to register.
Monday and Tuesday, May 13
and 14, 2013
Defensive Driving
Two-evening certification program. Lowers insurance premiums, reduces violation points, and sharpens driving skills.
Robert Fogel
5:30 – 8:30 pm; Auditorium
Fee: $45
Better Breathers Club
Gary Lehrman, MD, FCCP, Chief of
Pulmonary Medicine and Medical
Director of the Phelps Pulmonary Lab
6 – 7 pm; Pulmonary Lab (B-Level)
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Phelps Today
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Breakfast Club
Swapna Nataraj, AuD, CCC-A,
See listing for April 11, 2013
11 am – 12 pm; Classroom C (C-Level)
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Health and Wellness Fair
Monday, June 17, 2013
Does Anyone Really Like Their
Hearing Aids?
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Better Breathers Club
Phelps is holding its first-ever Health
and Wellness Fair, which will showcase
healthy-living activities for the whole
family. Presented by Phelps’ Vitality and
Wellness programs, the day will feature
health screenings, cooking demonstrations, medication reviews and fitness
activities. This is sure to be a fun event.
Bring your family and friends!
11 am to 3 pm; on the Phelps campus
(rain or shine)
Call (914) 366-3937 or (914) 366-3117
for information.
Hearing aids can be a major investment.
How do you know you’re getting the most
bang for your buck? Is one as good as
two? What area realistic expectations of
hearing aid use?
The Better Breathers Club is an informal
interactive support group for people with
breathing disorders. Learn how to make
natural, non-toxic cleaning supplies. Say
goodbye to chemical fumes and residue.
Light refreshments will be served.
Alaina Muckell, holistic coach and
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3712 to register.
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
(LPR) – Silent Reflux
Look Good Feel Better
Incontinence and Pelvic
Floor Issues
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Help for Dizziness and
Balance Problems
Are symptoms of dizziness or imbalance
affecting your life and the activities you
participate in? Learn about videonystagmography (VNG) testing, which helps
determine the cause of the dizziness, and
vestibular rehabilitation, which helps
reduce dizziness and balance problems.
Sheetal Sheenoy, OTR/L, occupational
therapist certified in vestibular rehabilitation
Phelps Today
9:30 – 11:00 am; Auditorium
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3010 to register.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
See listing for April 1, 2013.
Susan D. Reilly, MS, CCC-A,
6 – 7 pm; Pulmonary Lab (B Level)
Monday, June 3, 2013
(for women undergoing cancer
Audiologist Susan Reilly has over 25 years
of experience helping hearing-impaired
people use amplification comfortably and
effectively. Learn the factors involved in
recommending specific levels of technology, sizes and special features.
Don’t be shy! Learn about physical therapy
treatment for incontinence and pelvic
floor issues from two physical therapists
with special training in the treatment
of pelvic floor dysfunction in men and
Joanne Gelsi, MS, PT
Julie Lee, MS, PT, CLT-LANA
6:30 pm; Auditorium
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Changes in the voice, throat clearing, mucus in the throat with discomfort, swallowing problems and chronic cough that
does not respond to medications are all
symptoms of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux
(LPR). In addition, chronic asthma, recurrent sinusitis, dental disease and even
cancer can all be caused by or exacerbated by LPR. LPR is not GERD.
Craig H. Zalvan, MD, laryngologist, Medical Director of the Institute for Voice and
Swallowing Disorders at Phelps
8:30 – 9:30 am
Registration is required.
Call (914) 366-3220 to register.
Maternity & Baby Care Classes
The ChildbirthExperience/
LaMaze Method
Big Brother/Big Sister:
Sibling Preparation
Wednesday evenings 7:30 – 9:30 pm for 5-6 sessions
May 25, July 27
Start dates: March 27, May 8, June 19
10:30 am
$20 per child
OR two-day weekend session, 10 am – 3 pm:
April 13 & 14, May 18 & 19, June 8 & 9
Cost: $170 per couple
Breastfeeding: First Choice for Babies
April 4, May 6, June 3, 7 – 9 pm
Cost: $45 per couple
ABCs of Baby Care
April 8, 25; May 9, 20; June 6 or 17
7 pm
Cost: $65 per couple
Totsaver Program: American Heart
Association CPR for Family and Friends
April 6, May 4, June 1
9 am
$55 per person
For up-to-date schedule, visit
or call (914) 366-3382 for information or to register.
Prenatal Clinic: Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
and Open Door Family Medical Center, participants in
the Medicaid Prenatal Care Assistance Program, jointly
sponsor a Prenatal Program. Care for expectant mothers
is provided by a highly trained, caring, bilingual staff.
No one is turned away based on income or health
insurance. Women are encouraged to seek prenatal
care early in their pregnancy. Care is provided at Open
Door during the first 36 weeks of pregnancy and at
Phelps Memorial Hospital during the remainder of the
pregnancy and for delivery. For information, call: (914)
Atención Prenatal: Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
en Sleepy Hollow y Open Door Family Medical Center,
participantes en el Programa de Asistencia de Atención
Prenatal de Medicaid, auspician conjuntamente un
Programa Prenatal. La atención de mujeres embarazadas
es provista por un personal bilingüe y solidario,
altamente capacitado. No se rechaza a nadie basándose
en sus ingresos económicos o seguro. Se alienta a las
mujeres a recibir atención prenatal lo más temprano
posible durante su embarazo. La atención es provista
en Open Door durante las primeras 36 semanas del
embarazo y en Phelps Memorial Hospital durante el
resto del embarazo y el parto. Para mayor información,
sírvase llamar al: (914) 941-1263.
Phelps Today
Phelps ofrece nuevo
tratamiento para el
asma grave
ás de 24 millones de estadounidenses viven con asma,
una enfermedad respiratoria
que ocasiona que las vías respiratorias
en los pulmones se contraigan y haciendo
que sea difícil respirar. Para las personas
con asma, esta enfermedad puede afectar
significativamente su calidad de vida y en
algunos casos puede ser poner en peligro
la vida. Aunque no existe una cura permanente para el asma, por lo general se
puede controlar con medicamentos.
Es excelente poder
ofrecer en Phelps un
nuevo procedimiento
no farmacológico de
vanguardia que ayuda
a mejorar la calidad de
vida de los pacientes
Para las personas que tienen asma grave
y persistente, sin embargo, esta enfermedad es particularmente debilitante. Su
asma puede no estar bien controlada,
a pesar de que están tomando las dosis
más altas disponibles de medicamentos
para el asma.
Los pulmones consisten de múltiples vías
respiratorias rodeadas por músculo liso.
Debido a la inflamación crónica y el espasmo, el músculo liso de las vías respiratorias de los enfermos de asma puede
ser más grueso que en personas sin asma.
El estrechamiento resultante de las vías
respiratorias aumenta la resistencia al
flujo de aire normal en los pulmones y
lleva a los síntomas conocidos de sibilancias, tos y falta de aire.
Un nuevo tratamiento aprobado por
la FDA para las personas mayores de
18 años con asma grave no controlada
con medicamentos, ya está disponible
en Phelps, el único lugar en el Valle de
Hudson que lo ofrece. El procedimiento,
llamado termoplastia bronquial, utiliza
energía de radiofrecuencia para reducir el
grosor del músculo liso en las vías respiratorias y limitar su capacidad para contraerse y estrechar las vías respiratorias.
Los neumólogos de Phelps entrenados en
este tratamiento son Alex Fijman, MD y
Laurence Miller, MD.
“A lo largo de mis años de práctica de
la medicina pulmonar, a menudo me he
sentido frustrado cuando los pacientes
severamente asmáticos bajo mi cuidado
con asma.
En la foto de arriba, se ve el catéter Alair siendo insertado en una vía respiratoria bronquial,
donde administra energía de radiofrecuencia al músculo liso de la vía respiratoria. La imagen es
cortesía de Boston Scientific Corporation.
Phelps Today
siguen teniendo frecuentes exacerbaciones que requieren visitas a la sala de
urgencias a pesar de estar tomando dosis
máximas de medicamentos, incluyendo
esteroides a dosis altas, que pueden
causar efectos secundarios significativos”,
dice el Dr. Laurence Miller. “Es my importante estar ahora en condiciones de
ofrecer este nuevo y moderno procedimiento no farmacológico en Phelps.
No tiene efectos secundarios y ayuda a
mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes”. El Dr. Alex Fijman coincide: “Estoy muy contento de poder participar con
Phelps en la introducción de este nuevo
tratamiento revolucionario que potencialmente representará un cambio de vida
para los pacientes en todo Westchester,
que se benefician de tener acceso a esta
moderna opción cerca de casa”.
Durante el procedimiento, que se realiza
normalmente en un ambiente ambulatorio bajo sedación moderada, un broncoscopio (un tubo delgado y flexible con
una cámara en el extremo) se introduce
en los pulmones del paciente a través de
la nariz. Un catéter se inserta a través
del broncoscopio, donde administra energía de radiofrecuencia a las paredes
de las vías respiratorias, reduciendo el
estrechamiento de las vías respiratorias
causado por el músculo liso. La termoplastia bronquial se administra en tres
tratamientos separados, programados
aproximadamente con tres semanas de
diferencia. Cada tratamiento dura entre
30 y 60 minutos. La tecnología utilizada
se llama Sistema Alair, que es fabricado
por Boston Scientific.
El tratamiento no es una cura para el
asma, pero los pacientes por lo general
encuentran que pueden tomar sus medicamentos para el asma con menor
frecuencia. Más importante aún, se ha
demostrado que la termoplastia bronquial
reduce la severidad de los ataques de
asma, las visitas a la sala de urgencias y
el tiempo perdido en el trabajo, la escuela
y otras actividades diarias.
Alex Fijman, MD, neumólogo, está certificado en medicina interna, enfermedades
pulmonares y cuidados intensivos. Recibió su título de medicina en New York
Medical College y completó su residencia
y fellowship en Stony Brook University
Medical Center, en Stony Brook, Nueva
York. La práctica privada del Dr. Fijman
está en Ossining (914-762-4141).
Vías respiratorias antes y después de tratamiento con
termoplastia bronquial
Vía respiratoria de una persona sin asma
Banda normal de músculo de la vía respiratoria
Vía respiratoria abierta por donde se mueve el aire
Vía respiratoria de una persona con asma grave
Más músculo en las vías respiratorias
causa que las mismas se estrechen
Esta es el área a la cual Alair aplica calor
a la pared de la vía respiratoria durante el
tratamiento BT
Vía respiratoria de una persona con asma grave después del tratamiento
Músculo reducido de las vías respiratorias después del tratamiento BT
Después de BT, la pared interior de las vías
respiratorias y otros tejidos cicatrizan, pero
el músculo de las vías se reduce
Laurence Miller, MD, neumólogo, está
certificado en medicina interna, enfermedades pulmonares y cuidados intensivos.
Recibió su título de medicina de SUNY
Health Science Center en Syracuse. Completó un internado y residencia en medicina interna en el New York University
Medical Center y una fellowship en medicina pulmonar y cuidados intensivos en
el Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center.
Ha ejercido en Westchester desde 1999. Su consultorio privado está en Ardsley
(914-231-7666). Estas imágenes demuestran que la termoplastia bronquial reduce el grosor del músculo, lo cual
resulta en una abertura mayor de la vía respiratoria.
Phelps Today
Comprender las hernias
im sintió un bulto en la parte inferior del abdomen mientras se duchaba
una mañana y pensó que algo estaba
muy mal. Fue a ver a su médico por la
tarde y le dijo que estaba seguro que tenía
un tumor. El médico examinó el bulto y
riendo le dijo: “Usted no tiene un tumor,
Jim, tiene una hernia”.
La habilidad de su
cirujano y el tipo de
operación de hernia
que le realice
influirá en el tiempo
que tardará
en recuperarse y, más
importante aún, en si
la hernia reaparecerá.
Según el Centro Nacional para Estadísticas de Salud, EE.UU., aproximadamente
5 millones de estadounidenses tienen una
hernia, pero solo unos 750,000 buscan
tratamiento cada año. Se estima que
800,000 personas desarrollan una nueva
hernia abdominal anualmente.
¿Qué es una hernia?
Nuestros órganos se mantienen en su
lugar por medio de una pared de músculo y tejido. Si se desarrolla una debilidad en la pared, el órgano que protege
puede empujar a través de ella, creando una protuberancia llamada hernia.
Algunas hernias están presentes al nacer,
algunas aparecen de repente y otras se
desarrollan lentamente durante meses o
años. Las hernias generalmente no ponen
en peligro la vida, pero pueden hacerlo si
se estrangulan. Las hernias nunca desaparecerán sin atención quirúrgica.
Hernias inguinales
Hay varios tipos diferentes de hernias,
pero, por mucho, la más común es la
hernia inguinal, que representa aproximadamente el 70 por ciento de todas las
hernias. Cuando se desarrolla una hernia inguinal, el contenido abdominal
puede sobresalir a través de un punto
débil o desgarre en la pared abdominal
inferior. El bulto que resulta por lo general se puede ver y sentir en la región de
la ingle.
Causas: Debilidad muscular,
esfuerzo o congénita
La debilidad en un músculo puede ser
debido a una lesión, tos crónica, cirugía
o la edad. El esfuerzo se asocia con el
levantamiento de objetos pesados, estornudar o toser, el estreñimiento, el embarazo y el aumento de peso. A veces hay
debilidad muscular presente al nacer que
empeora con el tiempo.
Phelps Today
El síntoma más común de una hernia
inguinal es dolor, con o sin un bulto en
la ingle. El bulto es más fácil de sentir al
estar de pie y parece desaparecer cuando se está acostado. El dolor es especialmente notable al agacharse, levantar
objetos o toser. También puede haber una
sensación de ardor, dolor o sensación de
pesadez en el área de la ingle.
Factores de riesgo
• Los factores que aumentan el riesgo
de desarrollar una hernia incluyen:
• una historia personal o familiar de
• sobrepeso u obesidad
• estreñimiento crónico
• una tos crónica
• fumar (lo que puede provocar tos
Prevención de hernias
No siempre es posible evitar la debilidad muscular que conduce a la aparición
de una hernia, pero es posible reducir
el esfuerzo, lo que ayudará a evitar una
hernia o impedirá que una hernia existente empeore. Las siguientes sugerencias
pueden ayudar a reducir el esfuerzo:
• no levante objetos que sean demasiado pesados ​​para usted
• al levantar objetos, doble las rodillas,
mantenga la espalda recta y contraiga
el abdomen
• mantenga un peso saludable
• evite pujar al defecar u orinar
• consulte a su médico cuando tenga
un resfriado o gripe para evitar el
desarrollo de una tos persistente
Si usted sospecha que ha desarrollado una hernia, se recomienda una visita a su médico de atención primaria o
a un especialista. El médico diagnosticará una hernia inguinal palpando para
detectar un bulto en el abdomen o en la
ingle cuando usted está de pie, tose o
hace esfuerzo.
A veces, lo que parece ser una hernia
es en realidad un tirón muscular o un
esguince en la ingle. Incluso un problema
en la cadera puede imitar los síntomas de
una hernia. Un médico con experiencia
en el tratamiento de hernias tiene la pericia para notar la diferencia.
El desgarre en el músculo se repara con
malla quirúrgica. Prefiriendo no utilizar
la malla de tamaño estándar, el Dr. Lau
personaliza el tamaño y la forma de la
malla para adaptarse a cada paciente con
exactitud. Este ajuste a la medida garantiza que la reparación sea sólida, que es la
razón por la que la recidiva de hernias es
rara entre los pacientes del Dr. Lau.
Cuando una hernia es pequeña y no
causa dolor, el tratamiento podría consistir en tener cuidado de no hacer esfuerzos y hacer que su médico lo revise
periódicamente. Una vez que una hernia
se vuelve grande o dolorosa, sin embargo,
la cirugía suele ser la mejor opción.
La habilidad de su cirujano y el tipo de
operación de hernia que le realice influirá en el tiempo que tardará en recuperarse y, más importante aún, en si la hernia
Hay dos abordajes quirúrgicos comunes:
cirugía mínimamente invasiva (laparoscópica) o cirugía tradicional abierta.
La cirugía abierta implica incisiones
más grandes, más puntadas, más traumatismo a los tejidos circundantes y un
período de recuperación más largo que
la cirugía mínimamente invasiva.
Con la cirugía laparoscópica, la hernia se repara a través de pequeñas
incisiones y el procedimiento puede
tomar tan poco como 15 minutos.
La cirugía laparoscópica utiliza una
pequeña cámara y habilidad quirúrgica especializada. A menudo es
un procedimiento ambulatorio y
los pacientes son capaces de volver a sus actividades normales rápidamente. La cirugía laparoscópica
requiere menos anestesia que la
cirugía abierta y tiene menos dolor,
menos riesgo de infección y menos
El Centro de Hernias de Phelps, bajo la
dirección médica de Har Chi Lau, MD,
ofrece a los pacientes diagnóstico y
tratamiento experto especializado de hernias. El Dr. Lau es un cirujano certificado
por la junta, con experiencia en cirugía
mínimamente invasiva. Antes de entrar
en la facultad de medicina, el Dr. Lau
participó en el Programa de Postgrado
de Ingeniería Nuclear de la Universidad
de Wisconsin y fue Residente Adjunto en el Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear de la Universidad
de Wisconsin. Posteriormente
obtuvo su título de médico en la
Facultad de Medicina de Pennsylvania y completó su Residencia en Cirugía y Prácticas en
Allegheny University Hospital.
También llevó a cabo investigación
quirúrgica sobre la cicatrización
de heridas durante su residencia.
El Centro de Hernias de Phelps
se encuentra en el campus de
Phelps (1-888-888-2311).
Una operación típica laparoscópica de
hernia implica 4 pequeñas incisiones:
una para la cámara y tres a través de las
cuales las manos realizan el procedimiento. “Cuando realizo cirugía laparoscópica
de hernia”, dice el cirujano laparoscópico Dr. Har Chi Lau, Director Médico
del Centro de Hernias de Phelps, “hago
todo con una sola mano, por lo que solo
se necesitan dos incisiones: una para la
cámara y otra para la mano”.
Phelps Today
Ongoing Health Programs and Support Groups
Alzheimer’s Support Group
For information, call Curtis Au
(914) 253-6860
Outpatient Behavioral Health
dependency, counseling,
continuing day treatment,
supportive case
management (914) 366-3027
Bereavement Support Groups
(914) 366-3325
Better Breathers Club
(914) 366-3712
Blood Donations
(914) 366-3916
Blood Pressure Screenings
Generally the 1st & 3rd
Wednesday of the month,
9:30 - 11:30 am Appointments
necessary: (914) 366-3220
Cardiovascular Rehab
(914) 366-3740
Cardiovascular Wellness Center
Exercise under RN supervision
(914) 366-3752
Celiac Sprue Support Group
Sue Goldstein: (914) 428-1389
CPR Classes (914) 366-3166
Diabetes Education Classes
for Adults (914) 366-2270
Essential Tremor Group
Meets in Somers. Contact
for information.
Group Counseling
Help with issues such as:
separation & divorce, losses,
relationships, family issues,
parenting, coping skills (914)
(914) 366-3325
Look Good Feel Better® for
women undergoing cancer
(800) ACS-2345
(914) 366-3440
Maternity & Baby Classes
(914) 366-3382
My Sister’s Place
(800) 298-SAFE (7233)
Ostomy Support Group
3rd Sunday of every month
(914) 366-3395 (Call 366-3000
for cancellation information)
Parkinson’s Support Group at
Kendal on Hudson
(914) 922-1749
Physician Referral
(914) 366-3367
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
(914) 366-3712
Sleep Well Support Group
(914) 366-3755
Receive a Gift When You Give the Gift of Life!
Every time you donate blood at Phelps, you can choose a gift from one of the generous supporters listed below.
¡Reciba un regalo cuando dé el regalo de la vida!
Cada tiempo usted dona sangre en Phelps, puede escoger un regalo de uno de los partidarios generosos listó abajo.
A NU Toy Store, Tarrytown
Geordane’s, Irvington
The Art Barn, Ossining
Goldfish, Ossining
Atria Senior Living, Ossining
Good Food, Briarcliff Manor
Bark & Meow Pet Products,
Gordo’s, Hawthorne
Green Valley Nursery, Hawthorne
Basilico Pizza, Pasta, Mount Kisco
Hair on the Hudson, Tarrytown
Bella’s Boutique, Tarrytown
Heritage Frame, Tarrytown
Brasserie Swiss, Ossining
Highland Cleaners, Ossining
Bridge View Tavern, Sleepy Hollow
Hobston Jewelry, Tarrytown
Canfin Gallery, Tarrytown Hollywood North Pizza,
Capri Pizza & Pasta, Ossining
Sleepy Hollow
Caravela, Tarrytown
Horsefeathers, Tarrytown
Carpet Giant, Ossining
Il Sorriso, Irvington
Casa Rina, Thornwood
Images Art Gallery, Briarcliff Manor
Chiboust, Tarrytown Isabella Bistro, Tarrytown
Choice Pets, Ossining
J. P. Doyle’s Restaurant,
Coffee Labs Roasters, Tarrytown
Sleepy Hollow
Connections with Elena, Tarrytown
Jacob Burns Film Center,
Corsi Tire, Ossining Pleasantville
Courtyard by Marriott, Tarrytown
Josephine’s Hair Salon, Ossining
Doca’s Portuguese, Ossining
Kendal on Hudson, Sleepy Hollow
Dominick’s Limousine,
King Shell Service Center, Ossining
Sleepy Hollow
King Shell Service Center, Tarrytown
Doubletree Hotel, Tarrytown
Kittle House, Chappaqua
Eldorado West Diner, Tarrytown
L3 Couture, Briarcliff Manor
Elite Hair Design, Tarrytown
Landmark Diner, Ossining
Elmsford Chiropractic, Elmsford
Main Street Sweets, Tarrytown Fairview Golf Center, Elmsford
Mandee, Ossining
Family YMCA, Tarrytown Manor Wine & Spirits,
Fantastic Finds Boutique, Tarrytown
Briarcliff Manor
Phelps Today
Mediterraneo, Pleasantville
Tarrytown Floral Designs, Tarrytown
Melita’s, Ossining
Tarrytown Woodworks, Tarrytown
Moon River River Grill,
Taste of China, Tarrytown
Sleepy Hollow
Tasty Port Wine, Ossining
Mr. Nick’s Brick Oven Pizza,
Terra Rustica, Briarcliff Manor
TGI Friday’s, Tarrytown
mysherry&more, Briarcliff Manor
The Boathouse, Ossining
NY School of Esthetics, Tarrytown
The Cabin, White Plains
Okinawa, Ossining
The Huddle, Sleepy Hollow
Old Stone Trattoria, Chappaqua
The Red Hat, Irvington
OnTrack, Tarrytown The Tapp, Tarrytown
Paese Pasta & Pizza,
The Tuscan Grille, Briarcliff Manor
Briarcliff Manor
The Village Soccer Shop, Tarrytown
PHR Electrolysis, Tarrytown
W@tercooler, Tarrytown
Pleasantville Colonial Diner,
Thornwood Ale House, Thornwood
Threads of Life, Tarrytown
Pure Mountain Olive Oil, Tarrytown
Trapp Optical, Tarrytown
Quirky Consignments, Tarrytown
Ultra Clean Car Wash, Ossining
River City Grille, Irvington
UNO Chicago Grill, Yonkers
River View Wine, Tarrytown
Warner Library, Tarrytown
Rock Island Sound, Tarrytown
Westchester Broadway Theatre,
Santa Fe Restaurant, Tarrytown Elmsford
Sheraton Hotel, Tarrytown
Westchester Marriott, Tarrytown
South of the Border, Ossining
Wobble Café, Ossining
Sparx Hair Salon, Pleasantville
SpringHill Suites by Marriott
Please patronize these businesses
Squire’s, Briarcliff Manor and let them know you appreciate
Studio A Gallery, Tarrytown
their community-minded support.
Sunset Cove, TarrytownTo learn about donating blood, call
Tarry Tavern, Tarrytown
(914) 366-3916. Programs and Services at Phelps
Bereavement Support(914) 366-3325
Blood Donor Services*(914) 366-3916
Cardiovascular Diagnostic Lab(914) 366-3740
Cardiac Rehabilitation(914) 366-3742
Child Care – Robin’s Nest(914) 366-3232
Diabetes & Metabolism Center**(914) 366-2270
Diabetes & Endocrine Center for Children & Young Adults*
(914) 366-3400
Educational Programs and Free Screenings
(914) 366-3220
Emergency Department(914) 366-3590
Emergency Department’s PromptCare(914) 366-3660
Emergency Education Center*(914) 366-3577
Gastroenterology & Advanced Endoscopy* (914) 366-1190
Hernia Center (888) 888-2311
Hospice(914) 366-3325
Hyperbaric Medicine Center(914) 366-3690
Infusion Center*(914) 366-3523
Laboratory (Outpatient)(914) 366-3917
Lung Nodule Center(914) 366-2333
Maternal Child Center(914) 366-3382
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center**
(914) 366-0664
Mental Health – Outpatient Counseling*
(914) 366-3600
Mental Health – Outpatient Chemical Dependency
(914) 944-5220
Mental Health – Inpatient Substance Abuse – Co-occurring Disorders
(914) 366-3027
Mental Health – Inpatient Psychiatry
(914) 366-3513
Nutrition Counseling(914) 366-2264
Pain Center(914) 366-3794
Pastoral Care(914) 366-3090
Pharmacy for the Community**(914) 366-1400
Physical Medicine & Rehab (PT, OT, Aquatherapy) - Outpatient*
(914) 366-3700
Physical Medicine & Rehab - Inpatient
(914) 366-3702
Physician Referral Service(914) 366-3367
Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP)
(914) 941-1263
Pulmonary Physiology Lab and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
(914) 366-3712
Radiology/X-Ray(914) 366-3430
Respite Care(914) 366-3356
Senior Services and Memory Loss Evaluation*
(914) 366-3677
Sleep Center(914) 366-3626
Speech & Hearing – The Donald R. Reed Center**
(914) 366-3010
Surgery – Call Physician Referral (914) 366-3367
Thoracic Center for Chest Diseases* (914) 366-2333
Vascular Institute(914) 366-3008
Voice & Swallowing Institute**(914) 366-3636
Volunteer Services(914) 366-3170
Wound Healing Institute* (914) 366-3040
*Located in the Phelps Medical Services Building (755 North Broadway).
** Located in the Phelps Professional Building (777 North Broadway).
For more information about Phelps services, visit and click on “Clinical Services.”
It is now possible to request an appointment for many services on the Phelps website. Just go to and click on “Request an Appointment.”
Phelps Today
o here at
l to
at is centraand guides our visioto
y. It is a c
Communit efines our everyday nce and expand our
Phelps. It de as we look to enha
of the future you.
generosity dth
inary part tinue to offer a brea
better serv
s as extraord
Dear Frien
nity also se re that Phelps is able toy-based healthcare p
Our extend t of so many help ensu ed by other commun
is u
rvices that
d o n o rs
of quality se gion.
p p o rt fr o m sidenu
ported re
ers in ou
. P h il a n th
a ny fo rm s equipment and supssionals for our
it m e n t c o
d the
dical profe
Th a t c o m m the purchase of sta ms to develop me ing events supporte ned
has funded ing education prog d our many fundra experiences at reno s that
e-ofcy a
ividuals w
our volunte
njoying on
region. Ind d our efforts while e on of time offered by s to thrive.
hospital an the generous donati re of Phelps continu
venues. A people-centered cu
in this extr Office at
the uniq
we invite
s supporter, ase contact the Dev rmation.
ore info
ot alread
helps. Ple
If you are n by making a gift to P for m
del for
community 107 or go to
helps a mo
a part in
(914) 366-3
has played ll you do.
ank you fo
teful to eve
We are gra -based healthcare. Th
Robert R. L ent for Development
Vice Presi
Phelps annual report
Andrew C. Merryman, Chair
Sean F. X. Dugan, Vice Chair
Richard Sinni, Vice Chair
Louis Poulin, Treasurer
Hsin Cheng Chao, MD, Secretary
Keith F. Safian, FACHE, President & CEO
Gay Berger
Bard E. Bunaes
Sanda Carniciu, MD
David W. Coulam
Mark Frederich
Jim Goldsmith
Christy Joyce, MD
Glenn Kaufman
Kenneth Miller
Saleem Mir, MD
Richard Peress, MD
Diane Potter
Rebecca Srole
Louis Wachtel
Russell Watson
Franklin H. Zimmerman, MD
Development Committee
Katherine J. Mackie, Co-Chair
Jim Goldsmith, Co-Chair
Bard E. Bunaes
Arthur Cohen
Mark Frederich
Lianne Hales-Shaw
Aubrey Hawes
Lisina Hoch
Paul Mazzilli
Ted McGrath
William O. Melvin, Jr.
Andrew C. Merryman
Caryl Plunkett
Pamela Terracciano
Drusilla van Hengel
Craig Zalvan, MD
Keith Safian, FACHE
25th Anniversary Champagne
Ball Committee
Pam and Paul Terracciano, MD, Co-Chairs Laurie and Gary Billings
Adora and Floyd Byfield, MD
Barbara and Jim Casey
Katharine (Jinx) Chapman
Donna and Jim Goldsmith
Alice Marie and Thomas Hales
Lianne Hales-Shaw
Ingrid and Jack Hershman, MD
Rosalie and Bert Kavy
Barbara and Ted McGrath
Mary Beth and Andrew Merryman
Robyn and Richard Peress, MD
Christopher Radko
Reina and Richard Sinni
Laurie and Franklin (Bud) Zimmerman, MD
Phelps Classic Committee
William O. and Ellen Melvin, Co-Chairs
John and Connie Curran, Co-Chairs
Barbara and Jim Casey
Hsin Chao, MD
John (Jack) and Rose Goodyear
Tom and Alice Marie Hales
Mike and Anita Hegarty
Kaveh and Chandler Khosrowshahi
Sharon Pickett and Paul Mazzilli
Suzanne and Louis Poulin
Allison and John B. Robbins, MD
Petra and Klaas van der Kaaij
Thomas and Maureen Wright
Wine Tasting Event
Nick Antonaccio
David Beckwith
Len Fogel
Kevin Hunt
Marcella Oiseth
Tony Russo
Paul Terracciano, MD
Medical Staff Officers
Franklin Zimmerman, MD – President
Stere Carniciu, MD – Vice President
Frank Foto, MD – Secretary
Jay Weinberger, MD – Treasurer
Lorraine Carpino – Director, Medical
Staff Affairs
Medical Board
Paul Terracciano, MD
Emil Nigro, MD
Michael McCormick, MD
Arthur Fass, MD
Lawrence Mendelowitz, MD
Stanley Oiseth, MD
Margaret Stillman, MD
L. Mark Russakoff, MD
Robert Perelman, MD
Richard Peress, MD
Senior Management
Keith F. Safian, FACHE, President and CEO
Lawrence L. Faltz, MD, Senior VP for Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer
Daniel Blum, Senior Vice President
Vincent DeSantis, CPA,Vice President
Finance and CFO
Lucy Cioffiro Engelhardt, Vice President,
Nursing Services
Leonard B. Fogel, Vice President, Business
Robert Lane, Vice President for Development
Kerry L. Pisano, Vice President, Support
William Reifer, Vice President, Quality
and Case Management
Joanne Sturans, Vice President, Human
Janet Goldberg, Assistant Vice President
for Behavioral Health and Nursing
Development Office
Ana Berrueco, Development Associate
Marissa Coratti, Special Events Manager
Lisa Koch, Senior Development Officer
Robert Lane, Vice President for Development
Katherine Porter, Development Information
Specialist Board of Directors
& Committees
Board of Directors
Year in
udents from
Medical st dic students from
and param ited Phelps and the
Center for
isina Hoch r basic lifeL
Emergency ing and to learn abo
medicine in
, PhD,
erman, MD t the
er a
Dr. N
ulty memb
a senior fac r, and Anne Castioni,
Hoch CenteMedicine Education
Emergency r, traveled to the
Coordinato nation of Bhutan to tr rs
Himalaya roviders and educa
healthcare cy medicine.
in em
, MD,
raig Zalvan surgical
art of
uador as p
went to Ec children with cleft g
team to he other problems need
New Services
The inaugural class of the NYMC
Phelps Family Medicine Residency
Program – the hospital’s first
residency program and the
first family medicine residency
established in New York State
since 1995 – began training in
July. The same month, a group
of dental residents began their
training. New York Medical
College is the academic sponsor
for both of these programs.
Honors &ns
Phelps annual report
For the third year in a row, the
Phelps Stroke Center received
the Gold Plus Award from the
American Heart and American
Stroke Associations, the highest
award given to recognize
outstanding stroke care.
The Cardiovascular Diagnostic
Lab received accreditations from
the Intersocietal Accreditation
Commission for peripheral
arterial testing, peripheral
venous testing and extracranial
cerebrovascular studies.
Phelps received designation as a
NICHE (Nurses Improving Care
for Healthsystem Elders) hospital,
recognizing its commitment to
the care of older adult patients.
The program was developed by
the Hartford Institute for Geriatric
Nursing at New York University
College of Nursing.
& Support
The Westchester Lung Nodule
Center was established under
the direction of thoracic surgeons Dr. Avraham Merav and
Dr. Rocco Lafaro to provide
screening and treatment for individuals who have been diagnosed with a lung nodule and seek
a second opinion or who are at
high risk for lung cancer.
Videonystagmography (VNG)
was introduced. VNG is a diagnostic test for evaluating patients
with dizziness and balance problems, which helps determine
if the problem is caused by a
vestibular condition. Physical
therapist Puja Agarwal and occupational therapist Sheetal Shenoy
were certified in vestibular rehabilitation by Emory University.
The Sleep Well Support Group
was established to help individuals with sleep disorders. It is the
only such support group in the
de Initia
Partner joined the Ne
statewi ship for Patie w York State
hospita de initiative e nts (NYSPFP)
quality ls in activities ngaging more a
than 1
cations tient safety an at improving 70
This is
d redu
and av
Associa joint projec oidable read cing
Greate tion of New Y of the Health issions.
r New
part of
a natio ork Hospital te and the
nal init
iative. ssociation an
Five board-certified critical care
physicians joined Phelps’ staff and
formed an intensivist (critical care)
program. Patients in the intensive
care unit benefit from having at
least one of the physicians in the
ICU every day.
Phelps became licensed to
dispense donor breast milk. This is
a service that can be prescribed for
mothers who cannot provide breast
milk. Phelps is the first hospital in
the area to obtain this license.
The Hospitality Program was
established in 2005 to make each
patient’s experience in the hospital
more comfortable. Hospitality
representatives visit patients
throughout the day, ensuring that
all of their non-medical needs are
met. The program has been so well
received by patients and families
that it has been expanded to most
hospital units and the hours have
been extended.
Phelps in the
The Vitality Initiative offered
an array of health, wellness and
aging-in-place programs for
seniors in our community. The first
annual “Vitality Day” featured
health screenings, educational
sessions and a presentation by the
Westchester County Commissioner
of Senior Programs and Services.
Also under the Vitality umbrella,
Phelps held a weekly farmers
market to encourage healthy eating
and sponsored local athletic events
including the Sleepy Hollow Half
Marathon, the Sleepy Hollow
Sprint Triathlon and the American
Heart Association
Heart Walk.
Life Center of Sleepy Hollow and
Asociacion de Familias Hispanas
de los Tarrytowns.
A Special Events Medical Unit
consisting of a tent, equipment and
supplies was purchased through
a generous donation to provide
assistance to local emergency
medical services at community
events. It was in service at the
Toughman/Toughkids Triathlon
event at Croton Point Park and at
the Hudson River Swim for Life
at Kingsland Point Park in Sleepy
A second season
of Familia
(Healthy Family)
was completed.
This five-session
effort to
provide health
to Hispanic
families of
Tarrytown is
conducted in
with the
Off-site locations,
new construction
and expansion
Croton – A new medical suite was opened in Croton,
offering primary and specialty care and diagnostic
radiology and ultrasonography.
Dobbs Ferry – Phelps’ physician office at 18 Ashford
Avenue in Dobbs Ferry was re-established.
Groundbreaking took place for a $1.4 million addition
to the Robin’s Nest Child Care Center to create space
that will allow the center to care for 41 more children, in
addition to the 90 already served.
It Takes a
Exceptional healthcare doesn’t occur in a vacuum.
At Phelps, it is the result of many people supporting
our programs and services, ensuring our ability
to continue delivering the quality healthcare for
which the hospital is known.
We are grateful for the investment that numerous
individuals, corporations and foundations have made
in Phelps’ future. Following are some examples of
the impact our supporters have had on the quality
of care at Phelps and in the community:
Family Medicine
Residency Program
Inspired by a mission to address the national
need for primary care physicians, scores
of donors have given to the NYMC Phelps
Family Medicine Residency Program. The
first residency program of its kind in
New York State since 1995, this initiative
provides unique training opportunities
both in the hospital and in the community
for individuals dedicated to providing
continuing and comprehensive care to
patients of all ages.
Nursing Promise
Developed through the
vision and generosity
of Sean Dugan and his
family, the Nursing
Promise program
supports the development of
talented individuals by providing incentive and
financial assistance to Phelps employees who are accepted in an
accredited nursing program leading to an RN degree and license.
We are grateful for the many individuals, foundations and corporations
who have provided ongoing support for this important program.
Annual Report 2012
30 Phelps
annual report
Maternal-Child Health
The Maternal-Child Health Unit hosts over
1,000 births annually and is home to a
comprehensive maternity and newborn
care program. Thanks to the extraordinary
support of Linda and Pablito Almira, the
unit’s existing newborn warmer/monitoring
systems will be replaced with blanket
warmers and state-of-the-art systems called
Panda Warmers, ensuring an optimal
environment for newborns during their first
hours of life.
Frank and Lisina Hoch Center for Emergency
Education and the Phelps Emergency Department
Thanks to the generosity of Lisina Hoch, the Frank
and Lisina Hoch Center for Emergency Education
continues to be a model program for emergency
preparedness and training, attracting students from
throughout the US and the world.
We are grateful to a team of donors, including
Earle and Barbara Ellefsen who funded our
Special Events Medical Unit which provides
emergency health services at many community
events, Deborah Reich, who funded the purchase
of a passenger van to transport staff and equipment, and Entergy,
which provided the funds for an all-terrain stretcher transport. Earle
and Barbara Ellefsen also generously underwrote the purchase of a
glidescope for our Emergency Department, which will assist medical
personnel in providing advanced airway support.
Hospital Quality of Life
Enhancing the hospital’s environment lifts
the spirits of patients and visitors alike.
The gardens outside of the 755 building
entrance have been enriched, thanks
to the generosity of Mr. Howard Dean,
who underwrote a charming piece of
artwork called “Kitty Katt.” The functional
artwork depicts a young girl sitting on a
bench, playing with a cat in her lap. It’s a
wonderful spot for visitors to take a break
and enjoy some fresh air.
Phelps Annual report 2012
Fore! On a beautiful
June day, 96 golfers took
to the renowned course
at Sleepy Hollow Country
Club for the 9th Annual
Phelps Classic. Led by the
event’s founding chairman,
Bill Melvin, the Classic
was a great opportunity
for friends, supporters, and
Phelps staff (many of whom
spent the day on the greens
keeping our golfers honest)
to enjoy the wonderful
weather and spectacular
scenery. Special thanks to
our sponsors and foursomes
and donors of Hole-in-One
cars for making the day so
much fun.
Mark your calendar
and join us for the 10th
anniversary of this great
event on June 10, 2013.
9th Annual
Annual Report 2012
32 Phelps
annual report
Phelps Annual report 2012
Records were
shattered at the
25th Anniversary
Champagne Ball, which
took place on Saturday,
November 10 at the Trump
National Golf Club. Led by
co-chairs Pam and Dr. Paul
Terracciano and featuring a
journal exquisitely designed
by Christopher Radko,
nearly 400 attendees
enjoyed the smooth
sounds of the Michael
Dell Band long into the
evening. Lucky auction
winners walked away with
extraordinary lots such as a
personalized carriage ride
through the Rockefeller
State Park Preserve and an
acoustic guitar signed by
Bob Dylan. The highlight
of the evening was a
surprise announcement by
the Hales family offering
to match up to $100,000
of monies donated to this
year’s “Fund-A-Cause”
effort, which was
designated to help to
purchase cardiac monitors
for the Thomas E. and Alice
M. Hales Endoscopy Unit.
Join us for the 26th
Annual Champagne Ball,
November 16, 2013.
Phelps annual report
Champagne Ball
An Evening with
Le Grand
“An Evening with Le
Grand Orange” – On
Sunday, November 18,
Phelps and the Rusty Staub
Foundation partnered for
an extraordinary evening
of food and wine at the
award-winning Manhattan
restaurant Daniel. Hosted by
“Le Grand Orange” himself,
the legendary baseball great
Rusty Staub, guests were
treated to a five-course meal
prepared by world-renowned
chef Daniel Boulud. Each
course was paired with an
appropriate wine selected by
Mr. Boulud and Rusty Staub,
who is a wine connoisseur
and collector. Mr. Staub
served as wine auctioneer for
the event, raising a total of
$25,000. Proceeds benefited
Phelps and the Rusty Staub
Foundation, which raises
money to assist families and
children throughout NYC
through various services and
programs, including food
pantries and a mobile food
unit that serves more than
one million meals to the
needy each year.
Be sure to join us for the
next “Evening” in the
near future!
Phelps annual report
That was the
theme of this
year’s annual
which took
place on a beautiful May evening
at the Trump National Golf Club in
Briarcliff Manor. As host
of the event, Phelps
President and CEO Keith
Safian took the time to
celebrate and thank more
than 150 generous individuals who have supported many of the people and
programs at Phelps. In addition to hearing about the
hospital’s past achievements
and ambitious plans for
2013, guests enjoyed a presentation by Clare Pierson,
President of
the Friends
of the Rockefeller
State Park Preserve.
We look forward
to welcoming (and
thanking) you at
our next reception
on May 23, 2013.
An Evening of
& Wine
Fine Friends
Against the backdrop of
a crystal clear evening in
April, more than 140 guests
enjoyed An Evening of Food
& Wine with Fine Friends
at the extraordinary
Tappan Hill Mansion
ballroom. Wine
experts regaled attendees
about the wonderful
wines from the Tuscany,
Piedmont and Southern
Italian regions, samples
of which guests
enjoyed in conjunction
with the artistically
presented regional
culinary offerings that
caterer Abigail Kirsch
is known for. Join us
on Thursday, April 25,
2013, when we add a
new twist – martinis –
to this wonderful event.
A Lift for
What Ales You
More than 200 guests
gathered in January to enjoy
inaugural draughts of beer
at the Captain Lawrence
Brewing Company’s new
location in Elmsford.
The informal midwinter celebration,
“A Lift for What Ales
You,” was Phelps’ first
food and beer-tasting
event. Area restaurants
such as Jean-Jacques,
Caperberry Catering,
and Bridge View Tavern
provided a sampling of
delicious delights. It was
a great event that really
provided “a lift” for
everyone there.
Phelps annual report
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hales
Mrs. Frank W. Hoch
The Phelps Memorial Hospital
Estate of Joanne J. Pitt-Bruscki
($50,000 - $99,999)
Charitable Trust of Chester Cawood
Ms. Deborah Reich
($25,000 - $49,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Pablito A. Almira
Ambrose Monell Foundation
Mr. Michael Bakwin
Barbara and Earle Ellefsen
Entergy Nuclear Northeast
Mr. Glenn D. Kaufman and
Ms. Laurie Greifer Kaufman
Mr. David Rockefeller
TD Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M.
Waterhouse, Jr.
($10,000 - $24,999)
Active Media Services, Inc.
Estate of Robert Albertson
BBL Construction Services, LLC
Janet Maslin and Ben Cheever
Mr. Howard Dean
Mr. Sean F. X. Dugan
Mrs. Harriet E. Gamper
Gordon & Silber, P.C.
International Business Machines
Mr. and Mrs. Kaveh Khosrowshahi
M&T Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Mackie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frannk Martucci
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
McGrath, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Melvin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Merryman
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Murff
Mrs. Sascha Rockefeller
Mr. Keith F. Safian
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sinni
The van Hengel Family
Mrs. Maarten van Hengel
Dr. Drusilla R. van Hengel
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. van Hengel
Mr. and Mrs. Maarten R.
van Hengel
Mr. and Mrs. John Louglin
Dr. Lucy R. Waletzky
Westchester Anesthesiologists, P.C.
Dr. Silvia Gutierrez
Dr. Pawel Kohutnicki
Dr. Ching Fun Lin
Dr. Paul Terracciano
Dr. Phat Tran
Dr. Jay Weinberger
Mrs. Bina Batheja
Mr. Kiran N. Batheja and
Dr. Jenny So
Mr. Edwin W. Bright
Caduceus, Inc.
Ms. Katharine M. Chapman
Children’s & Women’s Physicians
of Westchester, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Coulam
Croton Enterprises LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeSantis
Mr. James C. Diao and
Ms. Catherine Knickerbocker Diao
Divney Tung Schwalbe, LLP
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield
Favour Royal, LLC
Garfunkel, Wild, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey E. Hawes
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hobson
Mr. Harry A. Jacobs, Jr.
Dr. Elisabeth Lachmann and
Mr. Kevin Hunt
Mr. Robert R. Lane and
Ms. Janine Guercio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manfred, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Mascia
O’Connor, McGuinness, Conte,
Doyle & Oleson
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Robbins
The David Rockefeller Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Shames
Sovereign Electric Corp.
Stellaris Health Network
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Terracciano
Unitex Textile Rental Services
Urstadt Biddle Properties Inc.
Mrs. Maarten van Hengel
Ms. Joyce Weiser
($2,500 - $4,999)
Gay and Horst Berger
Drs. Sanda and Stere Carniciu
Mr. and Mrs. James Casey
Cedar Manor, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Hsin C. Chao
Mr. Arthur Cohen and
Dr. Ellen Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. DeLaMater
Mr. and Mrs. Martin B.
Engelhardt, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Epstein
Mr. Leonard B. Fogel
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gershner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Gillespie
GNYHA Ventures, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrier A. Haddad
Health Fitness Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Jack I. Hershman
Ms. Sharon Pickett and
Mr. Paul Mazzilli
Medline Foundation
Phelps Patient Accounts
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Phillips
Mr. Kerry L. Pisano and
Ms. Lynn Perton
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Plunkett
Pomarico Design Studio
Ms. Diane G. Potter
Quality Billing Service, Inc.
RETS Institute
Mr. Nelson A. Rockefeller and
Ms. Amy Taylor
Safe Flight Instruments Corp.
Mrs. Maryellen Salop
Sky View Rehabilitation & Healthcare
Spinal Associates
St. John’s University
Ms. Elizabeth A. Straight
Mrs. Dorothy C. Treisman
White Plains Radiology
Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman
& Dicker, LLP
($1,000 - $2,499)
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Abate
Mr. Nick Antonaccio
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Billings
Ms. Maria Blessing
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Blum
Dr. Kevin R. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Buccini
Mr. and Mrs. Bard E. Bunaes
Dr. Louis A. Buzzeo
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Byfield
Clean Air Quality Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thomas
CRB Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Dominick Desantis
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Donovan
Ms. Maureen B. Dugan
Eastwick College
Eileen Fisher Inc.
Empire General Contracting Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Faltz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Filardi
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ginsburg
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Goldsmith
Gould-Shenfeld Family Foundation
Ann E. Grow, Ph.D.
Harry Winston
Hell’s Kitchen Advertising
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Herlitz
Hospice Bereavement Group
Hudson Valley Surgical Group
Institute of Allied
Medical Professionals
Jackson Lewis LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kavy
Mrs. Jane Kavy
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kopf
KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP
Mr. Roger M. Kubarych and
Ms. Janet Wynn
Ms. Edith L. Litt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mandel
Mr. Steven L. Marks
Dr. Marjorie Merryman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Miller
New York Imaging Service
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Oltman
Open Door Family Medical Groups
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Pedowitz
Mr. Scott Perrin
Phelps Cardiovascular Services, P.C.
Proskauer Rose, LLP
Dr. and Mrs. William Pulleyblank
Mr. James S. Sligar and
Ms. Diana M. Sattelberger
Ms. Rebecca Srole and
Mr. David Schroedel
Mr. and Mrs. E. Nicholson Stewart
Ms. Joanne Sturans
W/P/R Lactation Consortium Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wachtel
Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Watson III
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wendorf
Westchester Medical Center
Mrs. Lindsey Willis
Dr. and Mrs. Craig H. Zalvan
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin H.
Mr. Christopher Zuehlsdorff and
Ms. Anita Suchdeo
($500 - $999)
Dr. Eliz Agopian
Mrs. Robert Albertson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Altschul
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ames
BAE Systems Employee
Community Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Barreiro
Mr. Spofford J. Beadle
Ms. Jacqueline A. Brennan
Briarcliff Congregational Church
Broadway Hawthorne
Mr. Emmet Conlon
Dr. David Dayya
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Devlin
Dr. and Mrs. Montgomery Douglas
Emdeon Corporation
Mrs. Priscilla Ewing
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Fass
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Finn
Ms. Ermelinda R. Grippi
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hagan
Ms. Lianne Hales-Shaw
Shantie Harkisoon, MD, and
David Layman, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harnischfeger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hautau
Health Resources
Optimization, Inc.
Dr. James Hellerman
Information Methods Incorporated
Mr. Nikhil Jagga and
Ms. Richa Jindal
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Jensen
Dr. Christy E. Joyce and Dr.
Jonathan Gold
Judith Ripka Jewelry
Kendal on Hudson
Ms. Joan M. Kent
Mr. James F. Kittsley
Dr. Irina Klyatis and
Mr. Piotr Torban
Dr. and Mrs. Martin A. Krumins
Dr. Michael Min T. Kyi
Dr. Peter Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Madori
Mr. Richard Mandel
Ms. Kaye E. Marron
Dr. Christopher A. Martin and
Dr. Donna Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Varghese T. Mathew
McBee & Associates, Inc.
Mr. John McCaffrey
Mrs. Mary L. Melvin
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mendelowitz
Dr. and Mrs. Avraham D. Merav
Mid-Hudson Valley Federal
Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Milazzo, Jr.
Dr. Laurence Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Saleem Mir
Dr. Karen Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Neuwirth
Dr. and Mrs. Emil J. Nigro
Dr. Paul C. Nowak
O Positive Films, LLC
Mr. Peter Oden
Mr. John O’Leary
P.W. of the Irvington
Presbyterian Church
Mr. Steven Peltz
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Peress
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Poulin
Ms. Betty Putnam
Mr. Josyula Rao and
Ms. Sailaja Josyula
Dr. Stuart Rasch
RTR Financial Services, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Mark Russakoff
Dr. Claes G. Rymond
Ms. Billie Jeanne Sanders
Phelps annual report
Dr. Rajat S. Sanyal
Mr. Richard Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. Smith
Mr. Jeffrey Smith
Dr. Rafael Soltren and
Ms. Maria A. Marzan
Mrs. Valerie S. Stimpson
Mr. and Mrs. Morris D. Storck
Teamsters Local Union No. 456
The Erna and Isaac Stern
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Pamela Tran
Trans-Continental Credit and
Collection Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Tung
US Foodservice Metro New York
Dr. Jill Waldman and
Dr. Marc Waldman
Westchester Corvette Association
Mr.* and Mrs. William J. Willis
Willis of NY, Inc.
Wiss & Company
Mr. and Mrs. James Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Yoken
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zand
* Deceased
($250 - $499)
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Abitabilo
Alperson Party Rentals
Mr. Robert Altomare
Mr. and Mrs. David Ames
Ms. Loretta S. Annese
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Appelbaum
Mr. Robert J. Arminio
Mr. Soma Banerjee and
Ms. Lina Hamadeh
Bark & Meow
Bella’s Boutique
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Bischoff
Boustead & Costello
Briarcliff Pediatric Associates, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Buell
Ms. Catherine Calandra
Ms. Velia Cantelmo
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cartenuto
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chapin
Mrs. Florence Chodosh
Collection Bureau of the
Hudson Valley, Inc.
Ms. Joan Cronin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cunningham
Delta Dental of New York, Inc.
Ms. Nadine Di Iorio
DW Design & Decor LLC
First Reliance Standard Life
Insurance Company
Mr. Harvey R. Fuchs
Ms. Barbara J. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gilmartin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gioscia
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Goldfrank
Ms. Joan Gronowski
Mr. Ahmet Gursoy
Dr. and Mrs. Christian I. Guzman
Ms. Jennifer Hahn
Ms. Georgia Higbie
Ms. Jane Hofe
Mr. P. Daniel Hollis III
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holzman
Ms. Marybeth Hough
Hudson Infectious Diseases
Associates P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Kail
Ms. Christine Kourkoumelis
Mrs. George E. Kruger
Mr. Gregory Lacasky
Ms. Sharon Lucian
Mack-Cali Realty Corp.
Mrs. Ann Mara
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McCallion
Dr. Michael S. McCormick
and Ms. Adrienne Thompson
Mr. Timothy A. McGowan
MedAllies, Inc.
Microsoft Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. Hugh O’Neill
Mr.* and Mrs. William A. Orton
P & A Group
PepsiCo Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. George A. Pianka
Prospero Winery
Ms. Ann Reese
Mr. David Resnick
Mr. and Mrs. James Rittinger
Ms. Samantha Samuels
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schwamb
Mrs. Bess L. Silverman
Ms. Joyce Stewart-Bee
Mr. David Swope
Ms. Marilyn Szatkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thanhauser
The Thursday Club
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Vecchiotti
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker
Westchester Medical Center New York Medical College
Westover Landscape Design
Mr. Mark L. Wilson and
Ms. Denise Rempe
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Zegarell
* Deceased
($1 - $249)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abbott
Dr. Tancredi J. Abenavoli
Abington Dermatology
Associates, PC
Ms. Frances Abitabilo
Mrs. Laura Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Agatston
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Agro
Mrs. Susan Aguado
Aguiar Family
Ms. Natalie Ahlbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ahrendt
Mr. and Mrs. Nessim Algranati
Mrs. Mary Dale Allen
Ms. Rebecca Almogabar
Mrs. Inell Alston
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Altamuro
Mr. William Altman
Mrs. Susanne Alvado
Mrs. Irene Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Ambrose, Jr.
American Legion
Parker-Bale #1597
Ms. Vicki Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Andrew
Mrs. Albert M. Antaki
Mr. Joseph A. Anton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Antos
Mrs. Marcia B. Arcate
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Arena
Mr. Hal Aronoff
Mr. John A. Ascatigno
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Asnis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Attinelly
Ms. Suzanne Aubin
Mr. James Aucune and
Ms. Joanne McGrath
Mr. Michael J. Austin
Mrs. Sandra H. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Avenaut
Ms. Agnes Aversa
Mr. Rene Avigdor
Mr. and Mrs. August Baccari
Mrs. Marie B. Badagliacca
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Baer
Ms. Dorothy Bagg
Mr. Alan Bailey
Mr. George Bailey
Ms. Rita Baldo
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Elliot Balog
Dr. Tobe Banc and
Dr. Adrian C. Banc
Mr. Soma Banerjee and
Ms. Lina Hamadeh
Mrs. Amelia M. Banino
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bant
Mr. James Barash
Mr. William T. Barnes
Mrs. Harriet Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Barreiro
Ms. Corinne Barrett
Mrs. Rosemarie B. Bartzick
Ms. Renee Baruch
Mr. Michael Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bates
Mr. Charles T. Bates
Ms. Karen O. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bayer
Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Bazley
Ms. Linda Beadnell
Mrs. Patricia A. Beall
Ms. Lucyna Beck
Sr. Margaret Beck
Mr. Garo Bedonian
Ms. Kathleen M. Behrens
Mrs. Anne Behuniak
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Belanich
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bell
Mrs. Florence Bella
Ms. Josephine Bellantoni
Mr. Michael Benigni
Mr. Robert Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Benke, Jr.
Ms. Joyce Benza
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beranato
Ms. Claire M. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Berger
Miss Ruth Bergman
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bergstein
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Berry
Better Carting Service Inc.
Mr. Jack L. Billig and
Ms. Judy North
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Billig
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Biloon
Miss Rita M. Bisceglia
Ms. Carol S. Blancard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blank
Ms. Rosemary Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Block
Dr. and Mrs. Serge Blumenfeld
Mr. Todd A. Boccabella
Mr. Nicholas R. Boccia
Ms. Mary Boerner
Ms. Suzanne Bogdanoff
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Bogen, Jr.
Ms. Alice Bohuniek
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bonner
Ms. Carol Booth
Ms. Nelly Borun
Mr. Barry F. Bosak
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Bosco, Jr.
Ms. Claire M. Bosse
Mr. Ray Boswell
Mr. Walter M. Bradshaw
Max Braun & Sons, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breglia
Mr. Charles Breitenbach, Jr.
Ms. Geraldine V. Brennan
Mr. Andrew E. Brennemann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Brewster
Mr. Vincent T. Brice
The Bridge Girls
Brooke St. Stafing, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brott
Ms. D. Elizabeth Brown
Ms. Marva C. Brown
Ms. Laura Browne
Mr. Brad Bruckner
Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Bruno
Buchanan Engine Co. #1, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buckner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Budin
Ms. Lillian Burdi
Mr. Mitchell Burkowsky
Mrs. Angelina Burns
Ms. Ruth Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Bushel, Jr.
Mr. Kevin T. Byrne and
Ms. Maryanne Barranco
Ms. Edna K. Cahill
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Calabrese
Mrs. Mary F. Calabro
Ms. Catherine Calandra
Ms. Catherine Calandra
Ms. Anne Caldara
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Caldarola
Ms. Patti Camilo
Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Campbell
Mr. Michael J. Campbell
Ms. Joanne Camuto
Roseann Cantelmo
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Canter
Mr. Christopher Caparelli
Ms. Sandra Capello
Dr. John Cappa
Ms. Connie Cappuzzello
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Caragine
Mrs. Marilyn Carano
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Carducci
Mr. Peter Carini
Mr. Alfred W. Carlson
Mrs. Jacqueline Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carnazza
Ms. Catherine Carpenter
Mr. Kenneth J. Carpenter
Ms. Lorraine Carpino
Ms. Dolores Carr
Mr. Robert Carr
Dr. Elisa A. Carrillo
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Case
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cassedy
Mr. John Casti
Mr. Salvatore Catalano
Sister Joan Catherwood
Ms. Patricia Cavaliere
Mrs. Joan Ceconi
Mrs. Marion Cerbone
Mr. Consuelo Cerdena
Mr. and Mrs. V. Anthony Cestone
Mr. Edmar E. Chahine
Mr. James Chalmers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chandler
Dr. Cynthia Chazotte
Mr. Julius R. Chemka
Chevron Corporation
Mr. Gaetano Chiapparino
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Child
Ms. Martha Child
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Chivily
Mrs. Ronald Chodosh
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Chookazian
Dr. Judith Christopher
Ms. Letitia A. Chuckas
Ms. Lisa Ciardiello
Ms. Marie Anne Ciardiello
Mr. Robert Ciccarone
Mr. Nicholas W. Cicchetti
Mrs. Catherine Citarella Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Citron
Ms. Meaddows Ciuzio
Ms. Beth Ann Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Clark
Mrs. Shirley E. Clark
Ms. Allison Clarke
Ms. Janis F. Clery
Ms. Emily Coca
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Code
Coffee Labs Roasters
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Coffey
Ms. Elinor Cohen
Mrs. Sue Ann Cohen, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cohen
Ms. Sue Ann Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Jess M. Collen
Mrs. Jean Collender
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Colombo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colucci
Mrs. Edith Comins
Ms. Margaret Conforti
Mr. and Mrs. William Conlin
Ms. Carol Connick
Mr. Eugene Connick, Sr.
Mr. John Connors
Construction Industry Council of
Westchester & Hudson Valley
Ms. Giovanna G. Conti
Mrs. Carolyn M. Cony
Mrs. Ann R. Cooney
Mr. Melvin C. Corbett III
Mr. Vito Corcella
Mr. Anthony Corda
Mr. and Mrs. Domenico Cordoano
Mr. Joseph Cordoni
Ms. Phyllis M. Corelli
Ms. Catherine Corsetti
Ms. Lea Cossa and
Mr. Daniel Campanini
Ms. Eileen Count
Ms. Joyce Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Crawford, Jr.
Ms. Debra L. Crescenzi
Mrs. Margaret B. Crescenzi
Ms. Donna Cribari
Croton Senior Citizens
Mr. Enrique Cruz
Bela and Inge Cseh
Ms. Karina Cuji
Mr. Matthew Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Curran
Ms. Maria Cusano
Ms. Virginia B. Cutler
Ms. Louise D’Agosta
Mrs. Adele W. Dahlberg
Eva-Marie and Gunter Dahling
Ms. Marion M. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. James Daleo
Mr. and Mrs. David Dalia
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Daliso
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Hank D’Amato
Mr. Frank D’Ambrosio
Mr. Gilbert D’Andrea
Mr. Charles Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick D’Anna
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Darby
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D’Arco
Ms. Mary Jane D’Arrigo
Mr. Braulio Dasilva
Ms. Joyce W. Davis
Ms. Kathleen Davis
Ms. Giovanna R. De Vuono
Debbie Allan Photography Inc.
Mr. Robert Defendorf
Mr. and Mrs. John DeGiorgio
Ms. Karen Del Casale
Mr. Leo Del Savio
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Del Savio
Ms. Barbara Y. Delassio
Ms. Theresa Delemarre
Dr. Ari Delevie
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Delmonaco
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Demarchis
Mr. Robert DeMasi
Mr. and Mrs. John C. DeMilia
Ms. Caryl DePalma
Ms. Anne Marie DePaolis
Ms. Suzanne DeRenzis
Mr. Guy DeSanctis
Mr. and Mrs. Caesar Desiano
Ms. Elaine A. Desimone
Mr. Martin Deutsch
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Devaney
Mrs. Ruth Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dezenzo
Mr. John Di Liddo
Mr. John T. DiChristina
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Didomenico
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Diloreto
Mrs. Josephine DiMuro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dimuro
Ms. Diana Dinitto
Mr. Alfredo A. Diniz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinkler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Dinkler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dirito
Diversified Recovery Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Donato
Ms. Lani Donlon
Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Doran
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doss
Ms. Linda K. Doughty
Mrs. Mary Ellen Douglass
Mr. James M. Dowdle
Ms. Virginia Downer
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Downing
Ms. Patricia A. Doyle
Mr. Scott Drath and
Ms. Pamela Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dreyfuss
Phelps annual report
Ms. Jane Dubin
Mrs. Marian Duclos
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Duffy
Ms. Martha Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Duggan
Mrs. Gertrude Dunbar
Mrs. Cynthia E. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Duva
Ms. Karen Duzy
Mr. Stephen F. Dyott
Ms. Patricia Eade
Mr. James E. Eagens
Eclipse Hair, Body & Nails
Ms. Linda Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Effros
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eichenberg
Ms. Nancy Eichorn
Ms. Nancy J. Eisenhuth
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Eisert
Ms. Ann Marie Ellinghaus
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis
Mr. David M. Ellis
Ms. Janet Elmiger
Elmwood Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Enax
ENT Faculty Practice, LLP
Ms. Marilyn Entwistle and
Mr. Paul E. Dinter
Ethical Society of Northern
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Evans
Mr. Nazareth Evans
Ms. Denise Eve
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Everingham
Mr. Edwin Ezrine
Mr. Raymond J. Fagan
Ms. Helen M. Fahy
Ms. Mary T. Fahy
Family Podiatry Associates, P.C.
Ms. Elvira Fantacone
Mr. and Mrs. Hercules Faranda
Ms. Mindy Farkas
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Farrell
Ms. Catherine A. Farrell
Mrs. Kathleen Farrell
Ms. Audree B. Farrington
Mrs. Gertrude H. Farrington
Mr. and Mrs. George Farthing
Ms. Kristy Fasano
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Feiman
Mr. Ivan L. Feinblum
Mrs. Ruth E. Fenton
Mrs. Rose-Marie Fenyvessy
Ms. Amy Ferrara
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferrini
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Ferris
Mr. Michael Finnigan
Mr. Frank Fiore
Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Fiore
Ms. Christina Fisher
Ms. Patricia R. Fisher
Mrs. Sheila Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Patrick Flanagan
Mr. Peter A. Flihan and
Ms. Linda P. Hejduk
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Florent
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Florio
Mrs. Maud Fluchere
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Flynn, Jr.
Mr. Jay Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. William Forcellon
Ms. Janet Forcina
Mr. Thomas H. Ford
Mr. Rocco Forese
Ms. Sarah Fornols
Ms. Mildred Forrell
Mr. and Mrs. John Evans Forsberg
Ms. Krystal Forsyth
Ms. Marilyn Foster
Ms. Charlotte L. Foulk
Mrs. Patricia Fracassi
Ms. Margaret Francis
Ms. Patricia Frank
Mr. James Fraser
Ms. Catherine Frayler
Mrs. Ruth Frayne
Ms. Lorenza Freddo
Frederic W. Cook & Company, Inc.
Mr. Mark Frederich
Mr. Michael Frenza
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Fried
Ms. Antonia Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Friedman
Mrs. Muriel Fritsche
Mrs. Dee Fritts
Mr. and Mrs. John Furtado
Ms. Wendy Galayda
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Galdi
Ms. Josephine Galgano
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Galgano
Mr. and Mrs. John Galindo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gallagher
Mr. Frank Galvao
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gambelli
Mr. Jeffrey Gammel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gantar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Garbowit
Mr. Jacinto Garcia
Mr. Peter Gardner
Mrs. Maria Garrido
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gavin
Mr. and Mrs. John Gehebe
Mrs. Lenore B. Geller
Ms. Marcia Gellert and
Ms. Marion Heim
Mrs. Barbara Jane Gellman
Mrs. Jeanette C. Gennity
Ms. Deborah Gerelli
Mr. Lee Gherardi and
Ms. Susan Colombo
Ms. Jeanette Gibbons
Ms. Kathleen Gibbs
Mr. Carlton Gibson and
Ms. Kaia Heimarck
Ms. Marjorie Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Girgenti
Mr. and Mrs. Donato R.
Giuseppi Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Giustino
Mrs. Joan H. Glascott
Mr. Michael Glennon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glielmi
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Glister
Mr. Walter Glosque
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Gluckson
Ms. Paula Goldberg
Ms. Sally A. Goldberg
Ms. Marilyn E. Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Golden
Golden Nail & Spa
Mrs. Rebecca Goldfarb
Mr. Peter B. Goldsmith
Ms. Betty Jane Goldstein
Ms. Nancy Goldsworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Golubock
Ms. Sara Gomez
Ms. Myra G. Gordon
Dr. Evan Goren
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gottlieb
Mr. Kenneth and
Dr. Terry D. Gottlieb
Ms. Margaret S. Gould
Mrs. Laurel D. T. Gouveia
Mr. and Mrs. David Graham
Ms. Bonnie Grande
Mr. Alan D. Grant
Ms. Jeanette Grassi
Ms. Barbara Gray
Ms. Laurie Gray
Ms. Helena Greco
Greenrock Corporation
Mr. James J. Grefig
Ms. Daria A. Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Gregorio
Mrs. Gabrielle Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. David Gross
Mr. Jesse Gross
Mrs. Jean Gualtiere
Ms. Rona Guidone
Ms. Damodar N. Gujarati
Mr. and Mrs. George Gumina
Ms. Eleanor Guss
Mr. Amparo Gutierrez
Mr. William Haas
Mr. Harry S. Haber
Ms. Marie Hafenecker
Mr. Denis P. Halliwell
Mr. Mark Hallock
Mr. William Hanauer
Mr. Paul Hanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hanover
Ms. Lynne W. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardcastle
Ms. Dorothy Harmonay
Mr. Daniel S. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Harter
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hass
Dr. Mahjabeen Hassan
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Hatzmann
Mrs. Josephine Hatzmann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauben
Ms. Miriam Hawley
Dr. Bruce H. Heckman and
Dr. Lynn G. Heckman
Ms. Rachel Heese
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Paul Heideman
Mr. Gregory Heineman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Heit
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Held
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Held
Ms. Leila Hernandez
Ms. Albania Herrera
Ms. Doriann D. Hersh
Mr. Eugene Hertz
Mr. Peter Hertz
Ms. Janet Hertzberg
Ms. Tamara A. Hervey
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel A. Herz
Mrs. Karsten Hess
Ms. Susan Higgins
Ms. Nancy Higgons
Highview Sunshine Fund
Mrs. Iris E. Hill
Ms. Marilyn E. Hill
Dr. Timothy J. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Hilliard
Mr. Sydney A. Hinds
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hinman
Rabbi Jo Hirschmann and
Ms. Elizabeth Wilson
Ms. Pamela Hohlweck
Dr. Angela Damiano and
Dr. Samuel A. Hoisington
Ms. Martha Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Holmgren
Mr. Joseph P. Holohan
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Holzer
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Holzer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Honzak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hooley
Mrs. Stephanie S. Hooper
Mr. John Horgan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Howard
Hudson Health Plan, Inc.
Ms. Judith R. Hultquist
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hunt
Stephen and Betsy Hunter
Mrs. Judith E. Huston
Mrs. Roberta D. Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Hyman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Iaboni
Ms. Joan Indusi
Mrs. Marian Ingegneri
Ms. Karen Introcaso
Iona College
Ms. Liliana Ionascu
Mr. Louis Iorio and
Dr. Reinemarie Willimann Iorio
Dr. and Mrs. Erich Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard H. Isele
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Isler
Mr. Donald Isler
Ms. Amy Itzla
Mr. and Mrs. A. Iurato
Mr. Steven Ivkosic
Ms. Bettie S. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jadick
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Jaenike
Mr. and Mrs. Gary James
Ms. Marsha Jamil
Ms. Clare Janos
Ms. Sophie Janos
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Janovsky
Ms. Beverly Jansen
Mr. and Mrs. William Jelinek
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jenkins
Mrs. Vera M. Jenne
Ms. Luz Jimenez
The Rev. Carole Johannsen
Ms. Agnes M. Johnson
Ms. Monica Johnson
Mr. and Ms. Walter C. Johnson
Mr. John R. Jolly
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones
Ms. Clarice Jones
Mr. Richard D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Judd
Ms. Eileen Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jugler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Junta
Ms. Dolores S. Jusko
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Kane
Mr. Michael Kane
Ms. Bernice Kanter
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kantor
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Kaplan
Ms. Caroline A. Kaplan
Ms. Rosalind Kaplan
Ms. Lynn Karadis
Mr. Seymour Kaston
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Katinborland
Dr. Kenneth H. Katz and
Dr. Jane H. Katz
Mr. Bruce M. Kauderer
Mr. Edward W. Kelch
Mr. Timothy E. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly
Ms. Frances M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Keltz
Mrs. Anne D. Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Keyes
Mr. Abraham Kierszenbaum and
Ms. Laura Tres-Kierszenbaum
Ms. Carolyn Kihm
Ms. Margaret Killcoyne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kilmer
Ms. Julie A. Kingman
Ms. Karolyn R. Kingman
Mr. Harold Kipperman
Mr. Charles W. Kirby
Mr. William Kircher
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kistler
Mr. David M. Kleiner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Klekman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Klotz
Mr. Adam Kluge and
Ms. Kathryn Neel
Mrs. Virginia M. Knapp
Ms. Piccola Knowles
Ms. Doris T. Knox
Mr. Frank Koelble
Mrs. Frances Kofka
Ms. Joan B. Kofka
Ms. Marjorie Kogelman
Ms. Dorothy G. Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. Kole
Ms. Patricia Kole
Mr. Rudolf Kopecky
Ms. Jacqueline Kopera
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Kopf
Ms. Elaine Kosloff
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kovacs
Mr. Charles F. Koval
Ms. Francoise Kovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Kozelek, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kraus
Ms. Ilene Kreilsheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Kreuzer
Mrs. Eve-Ann E. Kristiansen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kristiansen
Ms. Emma C. Krumeich
Mrs. Kay H. Krysty
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kucker
Ms. Eleanor G. Kull
Mr. William Kumka
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kunz
Ms. Joanne Kurina
Ms. Nicola Kurz
Mr. Howard W. Kutcher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lafleur
Mrs. Susan LaGrotta
Ms. Elizabeth M. Laite
Mrs. Carol Lamar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Landau
Dr. Tali Lando
Ms. Carolyn Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lang
Ms. Margaret S. Langlois
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Lattarulo
Mr. William Lauch
Ms. Francine Laura
Mrs. Florence Lauria
Mrs. Kathleen Lauro
Ms. Michele Lavarde
Mr. Edward Lavelle
Mrs. Kay Lawless
Michael P. Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lawton
Ms. Alice Layne and
Mr. George Beda
Le Jardin du Roi
Mr. and Mrs. Greg LeBel
Mrs. Nancy F. Leddy
Ms. Joan F. Lederman
Miss Jane Lee
Mr. Harry B. Leeds and
Ms. Wilma Gitchel
Lefteris Greek Restaurant
Mrs. Wendy Leibowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Leichtling
Mrs. Audrey Lenoff
Ms. Sue Lent
Mrs. Elise B. Lentz
Mr. and Mrs. Kent T. Leo
Ms. Patricia A. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Leroy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lessa
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levine
Ms. Sandra Levis
Mrs. Olive Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lewin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leyman
Mr. Jonathon Lichtenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lichtstein
Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas
Liddle, Jr.
Ms. Peri Lieblich
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Liftin
Ms. Astrid Liljestrand
Ms. Marian Linden
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lipperman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Locke
Mrs. Frances Loffredo
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Loffredo
Mrs. Dorothy M. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lonce
Mr. William R. Losee
Ms. Marion Losier
Ms. Irene Lowenkron
Dr. David S. Lubell
Dr. and Mrs. Harry R. Lubell
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Ludlum
Mr. Glenn Ludwig
Mrs. Margaret K. Lundy
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Lupetin
Mrs. Emma Luposello
Ms. Socorro Lux
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lynch
Ms. Lydia Macci
Mr. and Mrs. James MacCurtain
Ms. Mary MacDonald
Mr. John Macey
Mrs. Barbara A. Mackey
Ms. Elizabeth C. Mackey
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Mackintosh
R.H. Macy & Company. Inc.
Ms. Florence A. Maffucci
Mrs. Jeanmarie Maier
Main Street Sweets
Ms. Nancy Maleska
Mrs. Lisa Marie Maleska
Philip M. Maley, Esq.
Ms. Carol Malfitano
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Malm
Ms. Carol Mamara
Mr. Ross Mandel
Dom and Nancy Mangialardi
Phelps annual report
Ms. Dorothy R. Mangini
Mr. and Mrs. Florito Mangubat
Suresh Manjanath
Mrs. Michelle T. Mann
Mrs. Lois R. Manning
Ms. Terry Manning
Mrs. Nellie Maranino
Ms. Anne Margotta
Ms. Rosalind Mariani
Mrs. Lois P. Mariano
Mr. and Mrs. William Marmo
Ms. Elizabeth Marrapodi
Ms. Mary Ann Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Martin
Ms. Mary Martin
Ms. Diane Masloski
Mr. John Masloski
Ms. Angela Massari
Mr. Dennis Mastafiak
Mr. and Mrs. James Masullo
Mrs. Mamie Masullo
Ms. Millie Matero
Ms. Ruth Matthews
Ms. Barbara Mattson
Ms. Irene Maxwell
Ms. Tina Maxwell
Ms. Eva Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mazza
Mrs. Olive J. Mazzurco
Mr. J. W. McAuliffe
Ms. Maria McCann
Ms. Bridget McCarthy
Ms. Marie P. McCarthy
Ms. Mildred McCarthy
Mr. Charles J. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. McCuen
Ms. Ellen McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. George McElroy
Mr. and Mr. John J. McElroy, Jr.
Ms. Nora E. McGauley
Ms. Anna McGill
Mr. and Mrs. James A. McGough
Mr. and Mrs. William D. McGovern
Ms. Diane McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGrail
Ms. Carol A. McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McInerney
Mr. William McIntyre
Ms. Nadja McKay
Ms. Ann McKenna
Mr. Bruce McKenna
Ms. Nancy McKenzie
Ms. Christine McLaren
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLarty
Mrs. Sarah McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLaurin
Mr. James McMahon
Ms. Karen McMahon
Ms. Deirdre McMullen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. McNeill
Ms. Dorothea McRedmond
Ms. Eileen Meade
Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher
Ms. Jayne Meany
Medical Management Corp.
of America
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Meegan
Mr. Edward S. Melega
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Meleski
Ms. Annette Melillo
Ms. Lynn Mellor
Mr. Ronald Melter
Memphis Mae’s BBQ Bistro
Ms. Gladys Mera
Ms. Lynn Merring
Mr. Roger Michaels
Ms. Ruth Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mickel
Mickey’s Automotive
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Miles
Mrs. Lillian D. Miller
Mr. Edward Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Miller
Michael H. Miller, MD
Ms. Mildred Milligan
Dr. Nancy Mills
Ms. Carleen Millsaps
Mrs. Susan Minozzi-Guzzardi
Josephine Miraglia
Ms. Isilda Miranda
Mrs. Ann von der Misten-Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Mitchell
Mr. Joseph F. Mitru
Ms. Margo Moehring
Ms. Doris M. Molinari
Ms. Frances Molinari
Ms. Carmella Monea
Mr. Charles W. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Monroe
Mr. Gary Montesano and
Ms. Karen Dybing
Ms. Prudence Montgomery
Ms. Virginia C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Moran
Mr. Clive Morgan
Mr. Barry Morris and
Dr. Clarice Morris
Ms. Diana Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Morrisett
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Morrison
Ms. Mimma Mosca
Mr. and Mrs. David Moses
Mr. Donald A. Mostrando
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mozian
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Mueller
Ms. Mary Ellen Muendell
Mrs. Barbara Muldoon
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mulhall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Murden
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray
Ms. Rose Murrow
Ms. Maria Musumeci
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Mutter
Ms. Janet G. Myers
Mr. Thomas W. Naar
Mr. Nicholas Nacerino
Mr. Vinod Nair and Ms. Rosy Singh
Ms. Mary L. Napurski
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F. Nardullo
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Naylor
Mrs. Lucille Joan Nechis
Ms. Jennifer E. Needham
Mrs. Blanche Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Nevin
Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nicol
Ms. Marie Nicol
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolich
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nolan
Ms. Mary Jane Noonan
Ms. Pauline Nova
Novartis - The Matching Gift
Mrs. Dolores Novomesky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Occhiogrossi
Mr. Kevin O’Dell
Mr. Harold Ohlson
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Oiseth
Ms. Anna Mae O’Leary
Mr. Roy Oleet
Mr. Steven Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Oliveri
Mrs. Carol Olivieri
Ms. Mary K. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Olstein
Mrs. Agnes T. O’Neill
Dr. Owen O’Neill
Ms. Mary Ellen Onofrio
Oracle Corp.
Mr. Leonel Ordonez
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Orlando
Mr. Donald Orr
Ms. Janemarie Owen
Ms. Patrice E. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. Agostino G. Paese
Mr. Walter Palacios
Ms. Mary Lou Paletta
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Palladino
Ms. Rosanna Palumbo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Panzarino
Mr. Michael Papanicolaou
Ms. Janet E. Parke
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parker
Ms. Evelyn Partalis
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Passariello
Mr. Edward J. Pastucha
Patient Care Council
Mrs. Mary Patten
Ms. Nancy Paugh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Paul
Ms. Jennifer Pawliczak
Mrs. Patricia Paz
Mr. Arnold Pearson
Mrs. Aileen Pellegrino
Mr. and Mrs. Staats M. Pellett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peress
Ms. Judy Perise
Ms. Mary Chapyak Pernicone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pero
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Persell
Mrs. Rhoda Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Petraglia
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Medical Staff
Mr. Laszlo Phillip
Ms. Ann D. Phillips
Mr. Paul R. Piazza
Mr. Evan J. Pickman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Piedimonte
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Pierantoni
Ms. Clare Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pill
Ms. Carol A. Pilla
The Pilzer Family Foundation
Alon Plitt
Ms. Yvette Plotch
Mr. George Policello
Mrs. Clarice Pollack
Ms. Gloria Pollak
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pollak
Ms. Vilma Ponce
Ms. Joan M. Ponzini
Mr. Richard Poolman
Ms. Moira Poppen Gargano
Poppy Studio
Mr. Herman Poritzky and
Ms. Elaine Hartel
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Postel
Ms. Mary Ann Power
Mrs. Kathleen Powers
Mr. and Mrs. John Prauda
Ms. Bridget Price
Ms. Maureen Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Puff
Mr. Richard Pugh
Mrs. Josephine M. Pugliese
Mr. Mark Puleo
Ms. Dawn Pulsoni
Ms. Leslie Grey Puner
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Puram
Ms. Mary D. Quartermain
Ms. Natividad M. Racho
Mr. Mario Raciti
Mr. Christopher Radko
Mr. Reynold Radoccia
Mrs. Nancy Raftery
Mr. George Rainer
Dr. Hashmat A. Rajput
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rakotz
Mr. Jose Ramon
Ms. Deborah Ramsden
Ms. Serafina Randazzo
Dr. Judith A. Rapiejko
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ratner
Red Hat on the River
Ms. Katherine Reece
Ms. Millicent Reid
Ms. Charlotte C. Reinhardt
Ms. Debora K. Reiser
Mrs. Marilyn T. Remy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rennert
Mr. Dennis Resino
Mr. Calvin Reynolds
Mrs. Adele Riccio
Ms. Annegret Wolf Rice
Ridge Street School Sunshine Fund
Mr. William Riedy
Ms. Rebecca Rigau
Mr. Edward W. Rippstein
Mrs. Henry Rissmeyer
Riverside Hose Co. #4
Mrs. Anne E. Rizzi
Dr. David B. Robbins
Ms. Noemi Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson
The Rockefeller Group
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos M. Rodrigues
Ms. Molly Roffman
Dr. Craig Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. David Rokeach
Mr. Hans Rolfes
Mrs. and Mr. Daphne H. Romeo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Romweber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rose
Mr. Paul Rosen
Rosen Publishing
Mr. Steven Rosenbaum
Mr. Neil Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. James B.
Rosenwald, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth A. Rossi
Ms. Geraldine K. Roth
Dr. Allan L. Rothman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rotindo, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas Rowe
Ms. Regina M. Rubenstein
Mr. Jonathan Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ruf
Mr. Robert Ruotolo
Mr. and Mrs. J. Warner Rush
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rush
Ms. Renate Russ
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Russell III
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ryan
Ms. Dana Sabatino
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Safirstein
Mrs. Albert Saias
Dr. Emma Lou Sailors
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Salama
Mr. Moises Salazar
Ms. Mary Ann Salerno
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Salop
Mrs. Christine L. Salvatori
Ms. Sandra G. Sanford
Ms. Patricia Sansone
Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Santana
Mrs. Joan A. Santini
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Santoro
Mr. Paul Sanzari and Ms. Rosemary
Mr. N.J. Sarcone
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Satran
Mr. Chris Savva
Mr. George J. Scaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schainman
Mrs. Karen F. Schatzel
Ms. Annette S. Schecter
Mr. Fred Schell
Miss Francine L. Schept
Ms. Kathleen M. Scherf
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schifman
Ms. Risa Schifter
Mr. Heinz E. Schlenkermann
Mr. Steven Schlessinger
Mr. Howard Schnapp
Mrs. Mary L. Schreiber
Mr. Timothy Schutte
Mr. Ethan Schutz
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Schwartz
Mrs. Esther E. Schwartz
Ms. Irene Schwartz
Mrs. Marilyn G. Schwartz
Ms. Joyce Schweiger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A.
Frank and Barbara Sciulli
Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Scopino
Mr. and Mrs. William Scumaci
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Seaman
Ms. Jean See
Mr. Joseph Seguna
Mrs. Elizabeth Seideman
Mr. Michael Seidenfrau
Mr. George E. Seitz
Ms. Laura S. Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seldin
Ms. Florentina I. Sellecaerts
Ms. Aurora Sequeira
Mrs. Denise Serico
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sernatinger
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Serricchio
Ms. Diane Servello
Ms. Mildred Servello
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Seymour
Ms. Karen M. Sharman
Ms. Ernestine Shaving
Ms. Carolyn Kihm
Mrs. Barbara Sherman
Ms. Helen Sherman
Ms. Phyllis Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph S. Sherman
Ms. Selma Sherman
Ms. Barbara Sherry
Ms. Linda Shevchuk
Ms. Jacquelyn Shotts
Ms. Theresa Sicard
Ms. Rhonda Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Silber
Ms. Susan Sills
Mr. Don N. Silver
Ms. Dara Simms
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Simoncini
Mr. and Mrs. Neil S. Simonson
Mr. Biagio Siniscalchi
Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Sisto
Mr. Stanley Slaw
Ms. Jane Slotnick
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Slutsky
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Ms. Miriam Smith
Ms. Stefanie L. Smith
Ms. Tracy M. Smith
Mr. Robert W.D. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Karsten Soleng
Ms. Giovanna Solla
Ms. Paolina Spagnoli
Ms. Mette Spaniardi
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Speier
Mrs. Rena Speisman
Mr. Mathew Spetter
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin J. Speyer
Mr. Joseph R. Spota
Mr. Richard Spota
Ms. Louise Springer
Mr. and Mrs. David W. St. Clair
Ms. Barbara Staats
Ms. Patricia Stack
Ms. Debra Stackhouse
Ms. Wendy Stahler
Ms. Mary Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. David Steiger
Ms. Lillian Stein
Mrs. Margaret B. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Stein
Mr. Henry Stern
Mr. Lawrence D. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Stifel
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stiloski
Mr. and Mrs. R. Leonard Stokes, Jr.
Mr. Herbert S. Stoltz
Ms. Janet S. Storck
Mr. William C. Stothers
Mr. George Strauch
Ms. Lore Strauss
Mr. John Stroligo
Mrs. Debra J. Sullivan
Ms. Eileen M. Sullivan
Ms. Jean L. Sundermann
Sunnyside Flower Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrio Surace
Mr. and Mrs. William Suswal
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Swankie
Mr. David C. Sweet
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Swirsky
Ms. Beatrice Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tagg
Mr. Peter Tagni and
Ms. Dorothea Tagni-Trenk
Mr. Richard Taksel
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tannenbaum
Ms. Marcy Tannenbaum
Ms. Deborah Tarlow
Mr. Michael Taveniere
Ms. Bonnie Taxter
Ms. Patricia Taxter
Mr. and Mrs. C. Powers Taylor
Ms. Margaret Teixeira
Ms. Lasca Terhorst
Mr. Guy A. Terhune
Ms. Cheryl L. Thalle
Ms. Florence L. Thiele
Phelps annual report
Mr. Robert C. Thies
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Thomann
Mr. David Thomas
Mrs. Glynda Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. R. Denis Thomson
Ms. Carrie Tindal
Ms. Anita Tobias
Mr. Martin P. Tobin
Ms. Catherine Toolan
Mrs. Phyllis Tortora
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Towbin
Mr. David Trager
Mrs. Catherine Trapasso
Mrs. Lila Trask
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Travis
Ms. Linda M. Troani
Mr. Thomas R. Trotta
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt O. Trueb
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Trustman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Tucker
Mrs. Judith Uman
United Way of Westchester and
Putnam, Inc.
Mrs. Beverly Vaillancourt
Mr. Alphonse J. Valente
Ms. Susan Vallo
Miss Lammechina J. Van Der Heide
Mr. John Van Raalte
Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Vande Vrede
Ms. Maureen Vanginderian
Ms. Nancy Vannucci
Mrs. Edith Vano-Wren
Mr. John Vanscoy
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Varanda
Ms. Joyce Veasley
Ms. Lizandra Vega
Ms. Kathleen Velardo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Verardo
Mr. Jon Vercesi
Ms. Diane M. Verdi
Ms. Francine Vernon
Ms. Maria T. Vieira
Ms. Diane Virva
Mrs. Lisa Viskup
Mr. and Mrs. John Visoky
Vitec Videocom Inc.
Ms. Joan Vogel
Dr. Ronald Volino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Volpe
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Vonderheide
Ms. Judith Wachs
Ms. Florence Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Wancier
Mrs. Lillian M. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warren
Ms. Anita Waschenko
Mr. James Waters and
Ms. Robin Santandra-Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Watkins, Jr.
Ms. Mary A. Webber
Mrs. Katherine C. Weber
Ms. Elizabeth Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Weinstein
Ms. Elaine Weiss
Ms. Debra Weissman
Ms. Marie K. Werner
Mr. Fredric C. Westendorf
Ms. Sara Wetzstein
Ms. Denise E. Wheatley
Ms. Dorothy M. Wheeler
Mr. Thomas S. Whipple
Ms. Audrey D. Whittemore
Mr. Herbert D. Wienkoop
Mr. Timothy Wike
Ms. Robyn Wild and
Mr. Alexander M. Quinn
Ms. Patricia A. Will
Ms. Susan Willner
Mrs. Joan Willsea
Mrs. Ann D. Wilson
Mrs. Anita Windas
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Windisch
Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Wing
Mr. Mark H. Winnegrad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wintermeier
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wixon
Mr. Lou Wollin
Ms. Deborah Wood
Mrs. Barbara G. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wright
Ms. Elaine Wright
Mrs. Kathleen A. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wright
Mr. Roger Wrigley
Mrs. Mary Louise Young
Mr. and Mrs. John Yurczak
Ms. Kristen Yurczak
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yurczak
Ms. Laurie Zeitlin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Zinman
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore S. Zulla
Phelps Financ
Years Ended
December 31
2012 2011
Unrestricted revenue
and other support:
00 35,000 $181,970,0
04,406,000 $196,5
7,275, 0 2,000 venue
Other revenue
000 287,000 189,245,
other support
Total revenue and
0 113,928,000 6,000 122,435,00
57,887,000 benefits
66,000 ,8
Salaries and employee
10,272,000 10,554,000 Supplies and expenses
10,675,000 1,269,000 1,207,000 1,074,000 Depreciation 1,673,000 1,119,000 1,048,000 Interest
Provision for bad debt
000 181,000 185,029,
209,675,000 197,
Total expenses
4,216,000 7,106,000 6,789,000 ns
Income from operatio
1,296,000 1,604,000 2,675,000 Non-operating gains
5,512,000 8,710,000 9,464,000 e “Bottom Line”
The A Society
f Anson Phelp
l was
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The Anso
and philanthro
of people who
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rs are a sp
an extraordina
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ociety membe
named. An
lp to ensure o
state plans, de
cy gifts.
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by including P
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in our Annual
the importan
healthcare to
ociety a
mission to pro
nson Phelps S
ceive our Soc
tion eac
the future. Me
sident’s Recep
Report, invit
careful plannin
of age o
Your Person
. When
ne, regardless
are about most
g a gift to Phe
e people and
ns, consi
allows you
your estate pla
spital Center.
Memorial Ho
er these quest
with the pro
ks, cars or jew
To get started
yet of legal ag
e you
- Wh
e children if
take care of th
ur estate?
ld not receive
enefit from yo
- Who shou
, Senior
harities y
call Lisa Koch
- Are there c
or visit
If you have an
14) 366-3108
g Essentials
istributed exa
Estate Plannin
res that your a
- A will: Ensu
e managemen
as you intend
cify special arr
- Trusts: Spe
urself and oth
concerning he
of your
- Living will:
to handle
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attorney: Desi
e incapacitate
the even
- Durab
ill make healt
ial matters in
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to do so
power of atto
ou be unable
our beh
decisions on y
Phelps annual report
Phelps Memorial
Hospital Center
has been personally
and emotionally a
part of our lives for
many years and,
consequently, we
have made it part
of our Charitable
Remainder Trust.
May their great
success continue for
many happy years
for the benefit of the
grateful people they
have served.
James and Patricia
Anson Phelps Society Members
Estate of Robert M. Akin, Jr.
Robert* and Betty Albertson
The Annim Estate
Estate of Giovanni Bagarotti
Michael Bakwin
Estate of Ruth Balli
The Barnes Estate
The Barnum Estate
Estate of Helen C. Barraco
The Batheja Family
Estate of John Beach
Josephine W. Beach
The Becker Estate
Gay and Horst Berger
Estate of Max J. Bloch
The David and
Anita Botnick Trust
Estate of Mary F. Bump
The Cartwright Estate
Charitable Trust of
Chester Cawood
Gerald and Millicent Citron
Estate of Ward R. Clark
The Cobb Estate
Estate of Martha Cohen
Estate of Harry Colish
The Cornell Estate
David and Lucy Coulam
Estate of Susan L. Cullman
Estate of Margaret Delanoy
The Donald Estate
James and Patricia Donovan
Priscilla Ewing
Estate of Albert Feer
Estate of Sheelah Feinberg
Estate of A. Louise Filipek
The Flewellyn Estate
Marilyn B. Foster
The Fowler Estate
The Frothingham Estate
The Fuller Estate
Aphrodite and Bruce Garrison
Emanuel and Ellen Genauer
Jim and Donna Goldsmith
The Edwin Gould Trust
Estate of Arnold S. Greenspan
Ann E. Grow
Estate of Freda B. Halpern
Estate of Milton Hammel
Estate of Marie Hermann
Estate of Howard Holmes
Estate of Dora May Holmes
Harry A. Jacobs, Jr.
The Joline Estate
Estate of Gregoire Karch
Estate of John Gustave Licht
Estate of Marguerite Mack
Robert and Katherine Mackie
Estate of Sylvia A. Mahler
Wayne and Linda Martin
Estate of Elizabeth Ranney
Estate of Marion McKenzie
Estate of Alice Melady
Nathan and Ruth Melman
William O. and
Ellen Melvin, Jr.
Estate of Clement E. Merowit
Estate of John Millar
Estate of Robert S. Newman
Norman and Mary Ann Nichols
Estate of Egon H. Ottinger
Bert and Peggy Pepper
Estate of Violet S. Persson
Estate of Joanne Pitt-Bruscki
The Potter Estate
Estate of Barbara W. Ray
Robert H. Reibel
Jim Reidy and Pat Jehle
Estate of Blanchette H.
Antonio and Linda Rodrigues
Estate of Lore Rubel
Estate of Rufus R. Russell
Keith F. Safian
Estate of Anne O. Sande
Estate of Theresa Dustman
John and Doris Schwamb
The Benjamin Shapiro
Charitable Remainder Trust
The Sherwood Estate
Estate of Doris Bernard Sinnott
Fernando and Grace Sisto
Marion A. Smidinger
Smidinger Trust
Irwin and Ruth Stein
Estate of Katherine Stephens
Estate of Esther Strom
The Taylor Estate
The Tirzah J. Sweet Trust
Maarten* and
Drusilla van Hengel
Estate of M. Grace Waidler
The William T. Warnock and Evelyn Joan Warnock
Charitable Remainder Trust
Russell and Susan Watson
The Wilhelmina
Charitable Trust
R. Douglas and Betsy Wilson
Estate of Marion T. Wright
The Young Estate
Estate of Edward V. Zegarelli
* deceased
If we have inadvertently
neglected to include you in our
listing or have listed your name
incorrectly, please contact Lisa
Koch, Senior Development
Officer, at 914-366-3108.
Please accept our sincerest
Phelps Memorial Hospital Locations in the Community
Phelps at Croton
(Primary & Specialty Care
and Diagnostic Radiology)
Continuing Day
Supportive Case
Ossining Family
(Primary Care)
briarcliff manor
Addiction Treatment
Services (ATS) and Ossining
Counseling Service
Phelps Memorial
Hospital Center
Ossining Internal
(Primary Care)
Medical Group
(Primary Care)
Dependency Services
dobbs ferry
Phelps at
Dobbs Ferry
(Primary Care)
Heritage Medical Group
Primary Care
Sleepy Hollow
Ossining Family Medicine
Primary Care
Ossining Internal Medicine
Primary Care
Phelps Today
Phelps at Croton
Primary & Specialty Care and
Diagnostic Radiology
Croton on Hudson
Phelps at Dobbs Ferry
Primary Care
Dobbs Ferry
Tarrytown Endocrinology
Addiction Treatment Services (ATS)
and Ossining Counseling Service
Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Services
Continuing Day Treatment
Briarcliff Manor
Supportive Case Management
Briarcliff Manor
Save the Dates:
An Evening of Food, Wine,
Martinis & Fine Friends
Thursday, April 25, 2013, 6:30 pm
Tappan Hill Mansion
Tarrytown, New York
10th Annual
Phelps Classic
Monday, June 10, 2013, 11:00 am
Sleepy Hollow Country Club
Scarborough, New York
26th Annual
Champagne Ball
Saturday, November 16, 2013, 6:30 pm
Trump National Golf Club
Briarcliff Manor, New York
for information
Contact: Marissa Coratti, Special Events Manager • 914-366-3104 or
or register online:
Events to benefit Phelps Memorial Hospital Center.
Phelps Today
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
701 North Broadway
Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591-1096
Your support saves lives.
Nonprofit Organization
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