FALL 2014 SEASON AYSO REGION 345/Okeeheelee Park


FALL 2014 SEASON AYSO REGION 345/Okeeheelee Park
American Youth Soccer Organization
Region 345
Okeeheelee Park
March 2014
AYSO REGION 345/Okeeheelee Park
Saturday, March 29
Saturday May 3
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
(Okeeheelee Park)
Soccer Sign-up Early Discount Cost:
$85 per Player (1st Child)
$80 (Each sibling)
(Cost after these (2) two registrations will be $95 with
NO Discounts for siblings and only for available openings)
All New Players must
Includes: Uniform shirt, shorts, socks, Subscription to
“PLAYSOCCER” magazine, Accident Insurance, &
bring a copy of their
Trophy at end of season
birth certificate
Boys & Girls Ages 4 to 18 as of July 31, 2014 (Separate Boys & Girls Teams)
American Youth Soccer Organization/Region 345/Okeeheelee Park
7715 Forest Hill Blvd., West Palm Beach
642-5449 or Region345@aol.com or website AYSO345.ORG
Open Registration, Everyone Plays, Good Sportsmanship,
Balanced Teams, Positive Coaching, Player Development
Not-for-Profit Organization #95-6205398
AYSO Region 345/Okeeheelee Park
Spring 2014 5 v 5
Who: Spring AYSO Region 345 coaches can make a team made up of players from their
rostered players in U10 to U19 (roster up to 8 players) or if a coach is not participating,
players may go to another team or players can create their own team
What: Three short-sided 30 minute fun games plus medal round
Where: Okeeheelee Park
When: April 12, 2014 (Boys) and April 13, 2014 (Girls)
Why: FUN!! ALL proceeds go to AYSO Region 345 National Games teams and our AYSO
Region 345 scholarship fund
Cost: $150 per team
Come on out and join the fun!
Spring 2014 AYSO Region 345 Coaches create a team or two from your Spring 2014
AYSO Region 345 (U10 & above) team.
Roster up to 8 players including a goal keeper.
No special uniform needed you can create your own or wear matching t shirts.
Registration March 22, 2014
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Okeeheelee Park Soccer Activity Building
All rules, field sizes and other information can be found on AYSO345.org.
AYSO run so smoothly!AYSOAYSO Region 345/Okeeheelee Park 5 v 5 Soccer Tournament December 7 & 8, 2013
A Special Thank You to all the Volunteer Referees (Todd Masi, Basilio Ajchicu, Bob Mock (AYSO Big Pine),
Cezar Caleap, Chris Prew, Frantz Guillaume, Sean Cotter, John Cotter)for donating their time to this endeavor.
Another Special Thank You to Wendy Smith for scorekeeping. Plus all the parents and players of the U14 Girl
National Team, U16 Girl National Team, and the U19 Girl National Team for the donation of their time and effort
in set up, garbage pick up, refereeing, etc. to help raise monies to go to the 2014 National Games in California and
make this tournament such a wonderful success!
U10 Boys
U12 Boys
U14 Boys
High School Boys
U10 Girls
U12 Girls
U14 Girls
High School Girls
1st Place-Rockets-Coach Ramzam Mohammed
2nd Place-Dream Team-Jonathan Franco
1st Place-Golden Stars-Coach Karl Plummer
2nd Place-Blue Knights-Coach Geoff Waite
1st Place-Los Pumas de Oro-Coach Jose Gonzalez
2nd Place-Minions-Coach Frenchie Hilaire
1st Place-Coach Basilio Ajchicu
2nd Place-Eli5-Coach Raul Elias
1st Place-Yoshi-Coach Gabby Rodriguez
2nd Place-The Lightning Bolts-Coach Joshua Gary
1st Place-Real Madrid-Coach Jose Fiallos
2nd Place-Acreage Arsenal -Region 1521-Coach Jon Casey Long
1st Place-Lemonheads-Coach Paul Forberger
2nd Place-Coach Bert Winkler
1st Place-Coach Douglas Rodas
2nd Place-Coach Luis Villegas
AYSO Regions all across the Nation
are trying to break a world record!
May 3rd AYSO regions all around
the nation will be
playing small-sided soccer games!
How much: $5 per player
Who: All U6 & U8 players
What: Three 3v3 Pickup games
Where: Okeeheelee Park
When: May 3rd starting @9:00am
Pre-Registration Only (Limited Space Availability)
March 29, April 12, or April 13 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Food, Fun, and Soccer! First 250 children registered will receive a participation
medal. AYSO Region 345 National Teams will be offering treats and activities as
Contact: Region345@aol.com or come on into office to find out more and sign up!
2014 AYSO Section 14 State Games
The 2014 AYSO Section 14 State Games Tournament was another big success for Region 345 in Wellington.
Congratulations to the following teams: First place to the U10 Girls coached by Jennifer Hamel, U14 Girls coached by
Paul Scala, U14 Boys coached by Thomas Vaughan, U16 Boys coached by Jay Brown, U16 Boys coached by Jose
Marte, U16 Girls coached by Mike James, U19 Boys coached by Basilio Ajchicu, and U19 Girls coached by Douglas
Rodas. We also had second place finish by the U10 Boys coached by Mario Moreno, U12 Girls coached by Juan
Montoya, and U12 Boys coached by Rick Cerreta. Third place to U10 Boys coached by Jamie Estok, and U12 Boys
coached by Karl Plummer. 4th place U10 Girls coached by Seth Baer. U12 Girl Sportsmanship Winner was won
by our U12 Girls team coached by Juan Montoya (second year in a row) and all the players received AYSO Section 14
Sportsmanship Patches! We had 21 teams compete in this tournament. We want to thank and congratulate all the kids,
coaches, and families for their participation!!
A special thanks goes out to the volunteer referees from Region 345. The tournament cannot happen without their
efforts. Basilio Ajchicu, Rick Cerreta, Jamie Estok, Paul Picard III, Mike James, Jennifer Hamel, Brad
McCollum, Frantz Guillaume and Douglas Rodas, led the way as referees as well as coaches and parents. Sharon
Cuevas, Jennifer Li, and Maxine Furtado as a referee and a player. Luis Villegas and Rachel Forberger as a parent
of children playing. Todd Masi, Cezar Caleap, Mike Szakacs, Nathan James, Jerry Poulette, Nemesio Caraballo,
and Chris Prew, volunteering their time even though they did not have any children participating in the State Games.
Another special thanks needs to go to the members of the Region 345 Tournament Committee (Todd Masi, Nora
Huspek, Rachel Forberger, Mike James, Bert Winkler, and Jim Cummins) for volunteering their time in coordinating all the teams with tryouts, rosters, uniform orders etc. for the State Games for our region. Many details are needed to
send these teams to the State Games and they make the job much simpler. Also, to Melisa Cummins, Nora Huspek,
Nancy Perez, John Rodriguez, Natasha Rodriguez, Laura Scala, Paul Scala, Jill Vaughan, and Tom Vaughan, in
coordinating the shirts and supplies for the tournament as well as helping the tournament itself. A special thanks to Emily
Winkler and Jayden Jones for singing the National Anthem. Plus a special Thank You to Andrew Jones for donating his
time for music and sound system at the State Games! Once Again, Thanks for all the Hard Work!!
A special thanks to Rachel Forberger in coordinating the VIP game and barbecue at the tournament with help from
Zaki Moustafa, Raul Elias, Matthew Anselmo, Dina Winger, Paul Forberger, Jim and Belinda McKendry and all
the Region 345 VIP Buddies that came out to help!
The State Games continues to be a place where Region 345 can show off the talents and hard work of all the kids who
work hard all year and everybody who volunteers their time to the organization. Let’s always keep it safe, fun, and fair!
End of AYSO Spring 2014 season parties
Being provided by the U14 Girls National team
(Please support the team in their fundraising effort to
travel to the 2014 AYSO National Games in Torrance, California!!
We will be providing food and drinks for teams celebrating the end of the 2014 Spring season
Saturday, March 29, 2014
For teams participating in early morning games, we will provide breakfast items
(choice of one either bagel or muffin) and juice or water.
We will also provide choice of one (hamburger, cheeseburgers or hotdog)
chips and choice of drink of either
Water, soda (Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew or Sierra Mist) or Gatorade.
The cost will be $5.00 per person.
Order Forms will be available in the Soccer Activity Building
There will be a box in the office to leave orders and money.
All orders must be received by March 22, 2014
For more information, please contact Paul Scala at 307-2321 pnlfam@aol.com or
Natasha Rodriguez 389-9589 or asha415@aol.com
AYSO Region 345 Division Coach of the Fall 2013 Season
Congratulations to the following coaches that won the Coach of the Season Award for their division. These awards are
based upon each coach adhering to the (6) six philosophies, coaching conduct along with the completing of their ratings.
Each coach received a plaque and a Dick’s Sporting Goods ball bag. These awards will be handed out each season.
U6 Boys– Darrell Locket, Sonia Vicente
U8 Boys– Matthew Anselmo
U10 Boys-Ramzan Mohammed
U12 Boys-Brad McCollum
U14 Boys-Nemesio Caraballo
U19 Boys-Nate James
AYSO Region 345 Coach of the Season Fall 2013
U6 Girls-Freddy Gutierrez
U8 Girls-Edwin Perez
U10 Girls-Kourtney Denker
U12 Girls-Alex Guanarita
U14 Girls-Francisco Aguirre
U19 Girls-Luis Villegas
AYSO Okeeheelee Park Region 345 Service Awards
Service Awards were given out at the Annual Volunteer Party on November 9, 2013. We
would like to congratulate and express our deepest gratitude to the
following volunteers for their effort and time they have contributed in volunteering at AYSO
Region 345 to make our program so outstanding!!
5 Year Award
Afranio Avendano
Kenneth Carr
Christine Edwards
Wayne Edwards
Gabby Gianoli
Luis Giraldo
Frantz Guillaume
Roxana Jaimes
Nathan James
Ricardo James
Ronald Joachim
Juan Montoya
Mike Mousseri
Lenny Perez
Chris Prew
Natasha Rodriguez
Chelsia Sams
Anival Sanchez
Lisa Sjogren
Sonia Vicente
Dina Winger
10 Year Award
Jamie Estok
Paul Forberger
Michael James
Bert Winkler
15 Year Award
Todd Masi
Paul Scala
AYSO Region 345/Okeeheelee Park
U10 & U12 Coach Clinic
Saturday , May 10
Saturday, June 14
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
All coaches should come in tennis shoes or cleats (no sandals) as we will be doing drills
outside. The clinic will be held at the Okeeheelee Park and all coaches must fill out a
volunteer application with their drivers license and social security number. If you need more
information, please contact Mike James, Coach Administrator at 254-9760 or
mike jamesnc345@yahoo.com or check our website at AYSO345.ORG
Remember, the sooner we have coaches certified,
the easier it is to formulate our fall season!!
AYSO Region 345 New Player & Returning Player Registration Policy
Parent Orientation Classes
The board of AYSO Region 345 has implemented a Player Registration Policy in which one parent and/or legal
guardian for each child MUST attend a mandatory Parent Orientation Class in order to register their child. (All
players who attended a meeting for the Fall or Spring Season(s) do not need to attend).
Due to the violence and misunderstandings in sports today, we feel that a representative from each family
should have an understanding of how our league works. No child will be allowed to register unless they have a
representative from their family attend one of these classes.
The Mandatory Parent Orientation class will last approximately 30 to 45 minutes. The next scheduled class is
Wednesday, April 2, or Wednesday, May 7 at 6:30 pm or 7:30 pm.
If a parent/legal guardian, does not attend the class, the child/children will not be allowed to play in our Fall
2014 Season. If you would like more information, please contact Debe Carter at region345@aol.com or check our
website at AYSO345.ORG.
A Special Date of March 26, 2014 at 7:00 pm
has been set up for those who have not attended a class and wish to do
so you can register at the first registration!
As an all-volunteer organization, we are looking for energetic volunteers to
help fulfill various positions!! If you are willing and able to volunteer (or know of
someone who would like to volunteer, please contact us at region345@aol.com!!
Currently, we are in need in the following areas:
Sponsor Administrator
Coaches-All Age Groups (We will Train)
Referees-Any and all appreciated! (We will train)
Field Painters, Field Set Up, & Field Take Down
Website –to put information in
Why is AYSO the leader in youth soccer?
It’S Our 6 Philosophies!
OUR TOTAL FOCUS IS ON THE KIDS. As parents and friends
volunteering to organize and operate this AYSO organization, every goal and decision points to keeping our kids
teaching the wonderful game of soccer, and, most
importantly, making certain that they are having fun!
WE DON'T "STACK" TEAMS. We start each season by setting
up new teams as evenly as possible. When some players
have more developed skills than others, those with less experience can learn from those with more. It's more fun
when teams are of equal ability! (Not only soccer skills are
learned...many learn leadership, role modeling, and social
skills, too. This builds self-esteem and self-confidence in
every player!)
What does AYSO Have To
Offer My Child?
Every child that wants to play soccer, plays on our team...thus, our "EVERYONE PLAYS" slogan. Every
player on every team will play at least half of every game.
We promote GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP on and off the soccer field. AYSO has created a positive
environment based upon mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude. Since our program is
non-competitive, every player is considered a WINNER!!
Our soccer REGISTRATION IS OPEN TO EVERY CHILD. We don't require anyone to "try-out" for team
play. Interest and enthusiasm are the only requirements for playing on our team!
We provide POSITIVE COACHING for our players. We train and encourage our coaches to make the extra effort to understand and offer positive help to our players, rather than use negative criticism, thus
building a positive team spirit.
We believe that all “Player’s Development” “should be to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to
the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize the
enjoyment of the game.
Challenger British Soccer Camp (July 21-July 25)
4 to 5 years old
5 to 16 years old
5 to 16 years old
5 to 16 years old
9:00-10:30 am
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 pm, and
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Fee: $95.00
Fee: $125.00
Fee: $125.00
Fee: $180.00
Deadline to Register: July 11 ($10 late fee if payment received after July 11
Free British Replica Jersey (limited quantities) if you register online at least 45 days before camp
at Challengersports.com
All campers receive a Challenger t-shirt and a soccer ball.
Registrations can be done March 29 or May 3 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Soccer
Activity Building located in Okeeheelee Park, 7715 Forest Hill Blvd. We are looking for
families to host coaches during camp week in their homes. Any host family will receive one
camper scholarship to camp. For more information, please contact Rose Arsenault at
Torrance, California
June 29 , 2014 to July 6, 2014
The AYSO National Games offers an opportunity to bring together different regions and sections to share in the diverse culture of
the AYSO Family. This occasion focuses on sportsmanship, team spirit, and making new friends through the activities and events that
are offered during this weeklong event. The Games should not be interpreted nor represented as any form of an AYSO national championship.
Every two years 240 AYSO teams with over 3000 players come together for a week of fun, friendship, and soccer. The National
Games will be held Sunday, June 29, 2014, through Sunday, July 7, 2014 in Torrance, California.
Teams for the National Games are picked through a lottery system. Every Region of AYSO that wishes to participate may enter this
lottery. The lottery was held on Sunday, May 24, 2013 which determined what teams will be able to attend these games. There are 24
teams picked in each division and gender from U10 to U19. The first 15 spots in each division and gender will be one Region from
each Section (there are 15 Sections in AYSO). The next 9 spots will be given out in the order picked during the lottery drawing. Our
region will be represented by (3) three teams-U14 Girls coached by Paul Scala, U16 Girls coached by Mike James, and U19 Girls
coached by Douglas Rodas.
Please support these teams while they are fundraising to get to Torrance, California for a week-long memorable tournament.!
U14 Girls 2014 National Games Team Sponsors
American Southwest Mortgage Corp
James & Bari Martz
Jack Bankston
Patricia C. McNealey, ART
CES Design Group, Inc.
Maria Mercado
Gary & Jeannette Fitzwater
Regina Mittler
Michel Lanteigne
Paul Scala, Attorney-at-Law
Steve Martino
Simon Orthodontics
U16 Girls 2014 National Games Team Sponsors
Fredda Butowsky
Florida Aggregate Sales Inc.
M and B Dental Services Inc.
P.M.C. Preventive Maintenance Care
Maria Ramirez
Lisa Rosenberg
Naomi Rosenberg
Southern Awning, Inc
U16 Girls 2014 National Team
Mike James-Coach
Paul Picard-Assistant Coach
Nathan James-Technical Director
Ivette Baez
Vania Cancela
Priscilla Cruz
Maxine Furtado
Joan Fyfe
Victoria Jaimes
Ellese James
Ashley Johnson
Naomi Kelly
Jennifer Li
Ariana Mouring
Kristina Picard
Barbara Prol
Alexandra St Germain
Imani Tillett
Ashley Vecchio
U19 Girls 2014 National Games Team Sponsors
Landex Resorts International Inc.
Publix Super Market Charities
.Searcy, Denney Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley
U14 Girls 2014 National Team
Paul Scala-Coach
Paul Forberger-Assistant Coach
Bert Winkler-Assistant Coach
Jacqueline Anzueto
Isabel Berkoff
Amanda Doran
Briana Estela
Corina Forberger
Katherine Howe
Jayden Jones
Angelina Kapiniaris
Alexa Martinez
Elizabeth Michaud
Karina Ortiz
Karrianne Rodriguez
Sabrina Rodriguez
Shania Vassell
Emily Winkler
U19 Girls 2014 National Team
Douglas Rodas-Coach
Rick Cerreta-Assistant Coach
Ariana Barajas
Michelle Nilsen
Hayley Brunner
Leslie Perez
Noelle Cabral
Kelsey Poole
Kristina Cerreta
Lainey Poole
Sharon Cuevas
Gabriella Rodriguez
Ana Garcia
Angelina Rutigliano
Gabriela Gianoli
Andrea Sifuentes
Gracie Gonzalez
Amanda Torres
Annie Huspek
Juliana Villegas
Jamie Estok-Coach
Todd Jakusik-Assistant Coach
Jonathan Roberson-Technical Director
Jamie Estok
Kevin Franco
Adonte Jakusik
Donaldo Montes
Denny Mosso
Anthony Murillo
Diego Perez
Liam Roberson
Gabriel Vasquez
Juvenal Vasquez
Gabriel Villanueva
Richard Williams
Russell Mohammed-Coach
-Technical Director
Mario Moreno-Coach
-Assistant Coach
Technical Director
Eduardo Benitez
Isaac Lopez
Miguel Cortes
Brandon Mendez
David Flores
Sebastian Perez
Christopher Galeano Henry Rodriguez
Sebastian Guerrero
Giovanni Sanchez
Jonathan Leonardo
Noel Vigil
Anthony Lopez
Mason Adcock
Mickey Adcock
Christian Castillo
George Delapena
Luis Feliz
Marcello Ladino
Isa Mohammed
Jesus Munoz
Alex Reyes
Abdul-Hakeem Russell
Adrian Vazquez
Juan Vazquez
Howard Willson
Seth Baer-Coach
Joshua Gary-Assistant Coach
Jodi Jones-Technical Director
Allison Baer
Madison Barrella
Gabriela Brocious
Alissa Gary
Kendra Howe
Anna Jones
Jennifer Hamel-Coach
Sergio Esteves-Assistant Coach
Lynette Payton-Technical Director
Nyela Calnek
Julissa Castillo
Kallie Davenport
Isabella Esteves
Leila Etemadi
Joelle Hamel
Natalie Hamel
Ariana Molina
Jennifer Moradel
Tarah Smith
Christina Zamora
Natalie Zamora
Karl Plummer-Coach
Melissa Lauture-Assistant Coach
Sandy Cafarelli-Technical Director
Kelvin Bonilla Christopher Jean-Louis
Cameron Cafarelli
David Murcia
Jacob Eisenberg
Kardon Plummer
Moise Flores
Joseph Roark
Eros Garay
Luis Rodriguez
Daniel Heller
Anthony Sanchez
Aditya Jadvani
Sebastian Santana
Christopher Knight
Sabrina Martinez
Katelyn Nadeau
Haylee Owens
Gianna Perez
Valeria Rodriguez
Camila Viloria
Rick Cerreta--Coach
Geoff Waite-Assistant Coach
Heidi Cerreta-Technical Director
Josue Alvarado
Paul McCue
Mateo Arango
Christian Moncado
Francky Baudet
Andres Prieto
Christopher Castillo Ulises Solis
Anthony Cerreta
Samuel Soliz
Jasen Edmond
Dean Subiera
Alejandro Guerrero Robert Waite
Joseph Lopez
Brad McCollum--Coach
Steve Garner-Assistant Coach
Wendy McCollum-Technical Director
Luis Barron
Tyler McCollum
Lucas Bustamante Brandon Mejia
Bryan Castro
Xavier Molina
Bryan Franco
Eric Nunez
Andy Garcia
David Perez
Evan Garner
Gabriel Perez
Bryan Gonzalez
Emilio Villegas
Michael Plummer-Coach
Nathan James-Assistant Coach
Stacey Upson-Technical Director
Juan Montoya-Coach
Jeremy Caron-Assistant Coach
Zubida Persaud-Technical Director
Maddy Adcock
Isabella Alvarez
Briana Bermudez
Emma Bermudez
Natalia Buitrago
Melanie Castillo
Daisy Coronado
Cyerra Edwards
Daphney Jean
Victoria Montoya
Nalini Persaud
Erin Raymond
Kenia Ruiz
Julieanna Salgado
Blake Willson
Diane Altidor
Isabella Botero
Andrea Castaneda
Simone Debron
Isabella Fiallos
Natalie Gonzalez
Heather James
Vanessa Jimenez
Jade McLeod
Raelyn Orlick
Aaliyah Plummer
Khrisana Robinson
Brianna Upson
Krystal Valenzuela
Arryan Williams
Kenneth Carr-Coach
Enrique Salazar-Assistant Coach
Seema Paul-Technical Director
Nicholas Cardona
Hunter Carr
Arturo Castillo
Ryan Cortes
Jonathan Diaz
Andy Lanza
Brandon Leiva
Ausel Lopez
Carlos Mercado
Julio Navarro
Bryan Ortiz
Matthew Paul
Sean Ramos
Christian Salazar
Alessandro Sancho
Kevin Sanchez
Alejandro Singh
Kurt Taegar
Demetrio Tarquino-Coach
Denise August-Technical Director
Sabrina Amorin
Julia Fisher
Ashleigh August
Jade Grant
Janett Bejarano
Melissa Gutierrez
Jordyn Chatoff
Maria Mendez
Chloe Cohen
Karol Paucar
Gabriela Colon
Katherine Tarquino
Selena Diaz
Victoria Valenzuela
Basilio Ajchicu-Coach
Jose Colin-Assistant Coach
Billy Aguilar
Antonio Li
Limvano Ajchicu Guillermo Lopez
Jose Colin
Bryan Molina
Oscar Colin
Walter Ochoa
Alex Diaz
James Ordonez
Luis Gonzalez
Carlos Osorio
Miguel Keller
Frank Velasquez
Nick Klemczak
Tom Vaughan-Coach
Michael Plummer-Assistant Coach
Francisco Aguirre-Coach
Marcelo Aguirre-Assistant Coach
Rosario St Germain-Technical Director
Walter Alvarenga
Jose Murillo
Amilcar Batres
Shiloh Plummer
Luis Borrego
Carlos Rosales
Noe Deleon
Jean Sandoval
John Nicholas Doran
Bryan Saravia
Yasmin Flores-Marquez Andreana Petrides
Santiago Garcia
Derek Saravia
Taeja Garrick
Jo’Anya Sainval
Danny Martinez
Luis Umana
Tanya Gonzalez
Juliana St Germain
Jefferson Mejia
Angel Zamora
Danica Jean
Jayda Valencia
Cristian Meza-Perez
Edward Zelays-Ramos
Jay Brown-Coach
Natasha Rodriguez-Technical Director
Maxx Brown
Lenny Perez
Leonardo Cuevas Odeth Riquelme
Jornan Diaz
Brandon Rodriguez
Jonathan Franco
Jerson Rubiano
Mauricio Hernandez Manuel Saravia
Kristopher Howe Jonathan Tejeda
Jason Mazariegos Carlos Vasquez
Francisco Navarro Miguel Villanueva
Michelle Benitez
Emily Morejon
Destiny Delapena
Kellie Morejon
Jett Miller
Jose Marte-Coach
Marco Abrego
Andres Mendoza
Santiago Caballero-Sosa
Alejandro Fernandez
Christian Montenegro
Samuel Giraldo
Jason Orrego
Juan Gutierrez
Juan Perez
Luis Herrera
Daniel Reyes
Bryan Lopez
Abdul Russell
Jonathan Marte
Keyvan Taghizadeh
Frantz Guillaume-Coach
Rachel Forberger-Assistant Coach
Elizabeth Almanza
Leanne Fland
Preetha Anbu
Victoria Forberger
Alexa Botero
Jillian Halperin
Katherine Buitrago
Roxana Jaimes
Sasha Burrell
Natalie Johnson
Sasha Burrell
Angelica Ordonez
Gabby Estok
AYSO REGION 345 SPRING 2014 SPONSORS (Okeeheelee Park)
We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support for our Spring 2014 season.
Please support these local businesses as they have supported us.
Boynton Drywall Outlaws
Boynton Drywall Red Skeletons
Classical Oriental Medicine
Dick’s Sporting Goods (6 Teams)
Evergreen Insurance
George’s Boom Truck Services
The Goddard School
Gordon & Doner P.A.
Jen’s Paving Inc.
JMX Enterprises Inc.
Law Office of Max R. Whitney, P.A.
Lazzo Martin Insurance Agency CSR
Lunsford Orthodontics
Mahoney Pediatrics, P.A. Dr. Lily Wiedrich
Napelton’s Palm Beach Acura
Off Lease Only Inc.
The Open Doorway
Paradise Shave Ice
PD Painting Inc. (2 Teams)
Publix Super Market Charities
Randy Poulette Air Conditioning LLC
Sobeys Produce Inc.
Tacos Al Carbon (6 Teams)
Windsor Air Conditioning
Okeeheelee Park AYSO Region 345 Fall 2013 Sponsors
We wish to thank each and every one of our sponsors who gave willingly to our league for
our Fall 2013 season. With the help of these gracious sponsors, we are able to keep the cost
of registration affordable. Please support these local businesses as they have supported us.
Boynton Drywall & Construction, Inc.
CMEs Training
Congress Auto Parts
Dalia Accounting Service, Inc.
Dan Cavin Agency
Dick’s Sporting Goods (6 Teams)
El Bodegon Grocery
Engecon Construction Inc.
Fiesta Musical Party Outlet
FL Auto Services & Tires
Florida Green Inc.
FORTIS Institute
Gordon & Doner, P.A.
Gracie’s Bridal
Green House Bazaar, Inc.
High Ground Ventures, Inc.
Jen’s Paving, Inc.
Kanner & Pintaluga, P.A. Accident Attorneys
King of Kitchen & Granite
Lodgebox Developments
Los Catrachos Restaurant(2 Teams)
Lunsford Orthodontics
Max R. Whitney, Attorney
Monterrey Supermarket (2 Teams)
Mousseri Painting Inc.
Patriot Flooring Supplies
PD Painting Inc. (2 Teams)
Prairie Landscaping Inc.
Professional Concessions (6 Teams)
Publix Super Market Charities (4 Teams)
Raza’s Uniforms
Secret Garden Photography
Sharpmoto Suspension
Shullman Orthodontics
Sobeys Produce Inc.
Tacos Al Carbon (8 Teams)
Tacos Al Carbon Carniceria
TAC Pizzeria
Tiny Tikes Academy
William W. Price, P.A.
YouFit Health Clubs
The task of securing sponsors for each of the over 150 teams in the fall league is a big job.
However, in the past, difficulties centered not only on obtaining sponsors, but also in getting early
sponsor commitments and payments. Those who commit early will receive the maximum exposure
and benefits.
Children are our future, and you can make a difference! By becoming a sponsor for the American Youth Soccer Organization, you can watch how a little attention from a coach, a kind word from
the team manager, and friendship from teammates can make a world of difference to a child who
might otherwise be standing on a corner looking for trouble.
Here are the benefits you receive:
Your business name on the team practice jerseys
An ad in the AYSO Handbook, distributed to all league participants
Recognition of your business before approximately 3000 people at Opening Ceremonies.
Sponsors are announced as teams march Olympic-style past a panel of celebrities who judge team banners
displaying their sponsor and team name.
Recognition in all AYSO newsletters, like the one you’re reading now. The earlier you
commit, the more newsletters in which you’ll be recognized.
Additionally, all sponsors will receive a 10” x 13” personalized team photo plaque and the satisfaction
of contributing to the development of good citizens and athletes.
In an attempt to bolster early commitments, discount sponsorships are available for those who
send in their support before June 07, 2014
SPONSOR NAME:_________________________________________________
CONTACT PERSON:_________________________________TITLE:___________________
BUSINESS ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________
BUSINESS PHONE:___________________FAX:_______________HOME PHONE:___________
CHILD’S NAME TO SPONSOR:____________________________________
Checks Dated By June 7, 2014
_____$100 Under 6 (4 & 5 years old) team sponsorship (6 players on team)
_____$125 Under 8 (6 & 7 years old) team sponsorship (9 players on team)
_____$200 Under 10 (8 & 9 years old) team sponsorship (10 players on team)
_____$250 Under 12, 14, or 19 (10 &11, 12 & 13, 14 to 18 years old) team sponsorship (15 players on a team)
Checks Dated After June 7, 2014
_____$125 Under 6 (4 & 5 years old) team sponsorship (6 players on team)
_____$150 Under 8 (6 & 7 years old) team sponsorship (9 players on team)
_____$225 Under 10 (8 & 9 years old) team sponsorship (10 players on team)
_____$300 Under 12, 14, or 19 (10 & 11, 12 & 13, 14 to 18 years old) team sponsorship (15 players on a team)
Please make checks payable to and send to: AYSO, Region 345
PO Box 541431, Lake Worth, FL 33454-1431 Attention: Sponsor Coordinator
Also, enclose a business card and/or logo for use in printed materials.
Wednesday, March 26 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 22 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday, March 29 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday, March 29
Wednesday, April 2 6:30 pm or 7:30 pm
Saturday, April 12
Sunday, April 13
Saturday, May 3 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Wednesday, May 7 6:30 pm or 7:30 pm
Saturday, May 10 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Saturday, June 7 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday, June 7 9:00 am
Saturday, June 7 10:00 am
Saturday, June 7 11:00 am
Saturday, June 7 12:00 pm
Saturday, June 14 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
June 29 to July 7, 2014
July 21 to July 25 9 to 12 or 6 to 9
AYSO Region 345 Parent Orientation
AYSO 5 v 5 Registration
Fall 2014 AYSO Region 345 Registration &
Challenger British Soccer Summer Camp Registration
Last Games of AYSO Region 345 Spring 2014 Season
AYSO Region 345 Parent Orientation Class
AYSO Region 345 5 v 5 Tournament for Boys Teams
AYSO Region 345 5 v 5 Tournament for Girls Teams
AYSO Region 345 Fall 2014 Registration &
Challenger British Soccer Summer Camp Registration
Region 345 50th Anniversary Soccerfest
AYSO Region 345 Parent Orientation Class
AYSO Region 345 Coach Clinic (U10 & U12 level)
Fall 2014 AYSO Region 345 Registration (price goes
to $95 per Child) & Camp Registration
U14 & older (12-18 year olds) Player Skills Evaluation
U8 (6 & 7 year olds) Player Skills Evaluation
U10 (8 & 9 year olds) Player Skills Evaluation
U12 (10 & 11 year olds) Player Skills Evaluation
AYSO Region 345 Coach Clinic (U10 & U12 level)
AYSO National Games Torrance, California
Challenger British Soccer Camp