national annual general meeting
national annual general meeting
American Youth Soccer Organization NAGM Proxy & Voting Information NATIONAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2016 NAGM Protocols Proposed Amendments Information INCLUDED Candidates for National Board of Directors Candidates for National President May 27-29, 2016 Chicago, IL INFORMATION BOOKLET A M E R I C A N YO U T H N AT I O N A L S O C C E R A N N UA L O R G A N I Z AT I O N G E N E R A L M E E T I N G DEAR EXECUTIVE MEMBERS, Dear Executive Members, The National Annual General Meeting (NAGM) serves as an opportunity for our members to make important decisions on the future direction of AYSO. To help you make informed decisions, AYSO National President, Mark Stewart (Chair of the NAGM pursuant to AYSO Bylaws), instructed the National Office to compile this booklet, which contains two proposed changes to AYSO’s governing documents, the National Board of Director and President Candidates’ statements and biographies, and voting and proxy information. We trust you will find this booklet a helpful tool as you prepare for the 2016 NAGM. We look forward to seeing all of you in Chicago! MICHAEL HOYER AYSO ACTING NATIONAL EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET TABLE OF CONTENTS Proposed Amendments Information Voter Registration Deadlines 4 5 6 2016 NAGM Protocols 8 NAGM Proxy & Voting Information Proposed Amendment to the National Bylaws Bylaw #1 – Formally requires Areas to have certain board positions 15 15 Bylaw #2 – Allow Regional Commissioners of the largest 20% of chartered 1 7 Regions to have two votes at meetings of the Executive Members Questions for Candidates 20 Margie Close (NBOD) 22 Bill Hummell (NBOD) 24 Charlie Johnson (NBOD) 26 Michael Karon (NBOD) 28 Dave Oram (NBOD) 30 Jeffrey Stern (NBOD) 32 Eileen Tabert (NBOD) 34 Carolyn Taylor (NBOD) 36 Matthew Winegar (NBOD) 38 Janet Braun (National President) 40 Mark Stewart (National President) 42 FY 2016 Budget Information 44 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 3 TO: All Executive Members FROM: Michael W. Hoyer, Acting National Executive Director SUBJECT: Meeting and Voting Information and Proposed Amendments to AYSO’s National Bylaws Included on the following pages are the 2016 NAGM Protocols, the NAGM Proxy and Voting Information Notice, information regarding the two proposed amendments to the AYSO National Bylaws, information regarding the National President and National Board of Directors candidates; and information concerning the FY 2016 Budget for your consideration prior to the 2016 NAGM. There are no proposed amendments to the National Rules and Regulations. A presentation of the proposed amendments and an opportunity for questions and discussion with the proponents is scheduled for the Proposed Amendments Review on Friday, May 27, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (CDT). All executive members and other delegates are encouraged to review and consider the proposed amendments, the 2016 NAGM Protocols and the Proxy and Voting Information Notice and Instructions, which will allow for effective consideration of the proposed amendments and voting at the 2016 NAGM in Chicago, Illinois. Voting on the proposed amendments and elections for the National Board of Directors and National President takes place during the 2016 NAGM at the annual business meeting of members (the “Business Meeting”) on Saturday, May 28, 2016 beginning at 1:00 p.m. (CDT). Proxy forms have been mailed to all Executive Members. In case of a lost or misplaced proxy, the proxy form is available for downloading at, along with the “NAGM Proxy and Voting Information” Notice section of this Booklet. 4 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET NAGM 2016 Voter Registration Dates and Times for All Executive Members and Proxy Holders (Registration required to vote at Saturday Business Meeting) Friday May 27 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. May 28 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 5 IMPORTANT NOTICE NAGM Proxy & Voting Information The American Youth Soccer Organization (“AYSO”) will hold its National Annual General Meeting this year from May 27 to May 29, 2016 (the “NAGM”), with the annual business meeting session beginning at 1:00 p.m. (CDT) on Saturday, May 28, 2016 (the “Business Meeting”). Each currently registered, in term executive member (“EM”) of AYSO (i.e., each Regional Commissioner of a chartered Region, Area Director, Section Director and member of the National Board of Directors) is entitled to vote at the Business Meeting in person or by proxy. As explained in this notice, an EM may vote: (1) in person; (2) by submitting a “pre-cast proxy/absentee ballot” in advance; or (3) by submitting a discretionary proxy authorizing another person to vote for him/her. A proxy form (the “Proxy Form”) is provided for EMs who cannot attend the NAGM but who would like to exercise their voting rights at the NAGM by proxy. An EM may use the Proxy Form to either: (1) vote in advance by submitting a proxy as explained in “Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot” sections in this notice (a “Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot”); or (2) appoint another person as the EM’s designated proxy holder (“DPH”) to vote and act for him/her at the NAGM (a “Discretionary Proxy”). The Proxy Form must be signed by the EM and submitted by one of the delivery methods set forth below. 1. An EM may send his or her completed Proxy Form in advance of the NAGM by mail, email or fax to the addresses specified below, however, the Proxy Form must be received by 5 : 0 0 p . m . ( P D T ) Monday, May 23, 2016 (if sent by mail) OR by 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on Monday, May 23, 2016 (if sent by email or fax). The National Office will not be held responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected mail. By Mail: By Email: By Fax: 2 NAGM Proxy, American Youth Soccer Organization, 19750 South Vermont Avenue, Suite 200, Torrance, CA 90502 (Due by 5:00 p.m. (PDT) Monday, May 23, 2016) (Due by 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on Monday, May 23, 2016) (310) 525-1155 (Due by 11:59 p.m. (PDT) on Monday, May 23, 2016) The National Office will make arrangements for an onsite computer kiosk station with printer so that an EM may email a Proxy Form to his/her DPH, and to provide the DPH with the ability to log into a personal email account to retrieve and print a Proxy Form. It is the responsibility of any EM submitting a Proxy Form after the deadlines listed above to identify his/her DPH and to arrange for the Proxy Form to be registered at the NAGM by 10:30 a.m. (CDT) on Saturday May 28, 2016. The National Office will not accept any Proxy Forms by mail, email or fax after the May 23, 2016 deadline described above. Mandatory Voter Registration at NAGM (for ALL Executive Members and Designated Proxy Holders) • Every EM and DPH who attends the NAGM must register at the “Voter & Proxy Registration Desk” (each a “Registered Delegate”) at the NAGM by 1 0 :30 a.m. ( C D T ) on Saturday, May 28, 2016, in order to be admitted to the Business Meeting and be eligible to participate and vote. EMs and DPHs who do not register by that time will not be admitted to the floor of the Business Meeting nor be allowed to vote. • No EM, DPH or Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot may be registered after the deadline – Saturday, May 28, 2016 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . (CDT) (National Bylaw 3.14) Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot – There is no requirement to register your proxy at the NAGM if: (1) you submit a Proxy Form to the National Office by the above deadline in which you choose the option to have your proxy be voted “Only as Indicated” and you do not identify a DPH; (2) you do not attend the NAGM; and (3) no one attends in your place as a DPH. Your pre-cast proxy will be treated as an “absentee ballot.” The voted Proxy Form is also referred to as a “Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot” and is described further in this notice. If you choose to vote your proxy as “Only as Indicated” but you also designate an individual as your DPH, your proxy will be treated as a Pre- cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot and your DPH will not be permitted to vote at the Business Meeting except for the limited matters described in the “Instructions and Information” section on the following page. 6 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET Voter & Proxy Registration Desk at NAGM – Voter registration is required for all EMs and DPHs in order to be able to participate and vote at the Business Meeting. Unless a Proxy Form was previously submitted to the National Office as described above, the Proxy Form, including a Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot, must be registered at the NAGM in order to be valid for the NAGM and Business Meeting. The scheduled hours for voter and proxy registration are listed below. (See the NAGM meeting agenda on site in Chicago to confirm hours.) Mandatory Voter & Proxy Registration Dates and Times Friday May 27, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (CDT) 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (CDT) May 28, 2016 7:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (CDT) Saturday 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 7 INSTRUCTIONS & INFORMATION REGARDING COMPLETING THE PROXY When completing the proxy, please check one of the two boxes in the voting instruction section (at the middle of the page). As an executive member (“EM”) you may choose either: (1) to require that your votes are cast “Only as Indicated” in the Proxy Form (a “Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot”); or (2) to authorize your designated proxy holder (“DPH”) to follow any written or oral instructions you may give him/her and to use his/her discretion on additions and/or changes submitted during the NAGM or the NAGM Business Meeting session on Saturday, May 28, 2016 (a “Discretionary Proxy”). If you do not check one of the two boxes in the Proxy Form, votes will be cast under the second option that gives your DPH discretion. ONLY AS INDICATED (PRE-CAST PROXY/ABSENTEE BALLOT). If you indicate that your votes are to be cast ONLY AS INDICATED, your proxy will be treated as a “Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot” for ALL items covered in the proxy, even if you do not indicate a vote for one or more items on the Proxy Form, and the following statements shall apply: • If a vote is not indicated for an item on the Proxy Form, such item will be treated as an abstention . • If a “friendly amendment” is offered from the floor of the Business Meeting and accepted by the author of the initial proposed amendment, your vote will be counted as you indicated in your Proxy Form. As detailed in the “2016 NAGM Protocols” included in the 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET, a friendly amendment may not materially alter the scope or impact of the amendment as initially proposed to the membership for consideration. • You are not required to appoint a DPH. If you appoint a DPH, the voting portion of the Proxy Form will not be given back to your DPH when he/she registers the proxy at the NAGM Voter & Proxy Registration Desk. Therefore, since your Proxy Form will be treated as a Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot, your DPH will NOT have any authority to vote or act in your place for any matters presented for action at the NAGM or Business Meeting. Your DPH, however, will have authority to participate as a Registered Delegate on the floor of the NAGM Business Meeting with respect to all matters other than voting or acting on items presented for action. PROXY HOLDER DISCRETION (DISCRETIONARY PROXY). If you authorize your DPH to use discretion regarding voting, then your DPH will have the right to vote on your behalf on any matter listed in the preprinted proxy and on any other business matter brought before the NAGM or Business Meeting for action, and the following statements also shall apply. As previously noted, this is referred to as a “Discretionary Proxy.” • The voting portion of the Proxy Form (bottom half) will be given to your DPH when he/she registers at the NAGM Voter & Proxy Registration Desk, so that your DPH will have any vote indications or instructions that you may have noted on the Proxy Form. • For any matter that is listed in your Proxy Form for a vote, you may provide your DPH with any written or oral instructions you wish your DPH to consider when voting on the matter during the NAGM Business Meeting. Your DPH has authority to vote on friendly amendments. • As to any matter listed in the Proxy Form for which you have elected not to provide any instructions directly to your DPH, you are authorizing your DPH to use his/her discretion to vote on your behalf as he/she believes is appropriate; this authority includes voting not only for friendly amendments, but also for material amendments that are treated as new proposed amendments. • For any voting item that is not listed in your Proxy Form (including any business matter brought before the NAGM Business Meeting that is not identified in the pre-printed Proxy Form), you are authorizing your DPH to use his/her discretion to vote on your behalf as he/she believes is appropriate. 8 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 2016 NAGM PROTOCOLS These Protocols govern the conduct of the proceedings related to the 2016 National Annual General Meeting (“NAGM ”) of the American Youth Soccer Organization (“AYSO” or the “Organization ”), including the annual business meeting session scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. (CDT) on Saturday, May 28, 2016 (the “Business Meeting”). They are prepared to make certain that the Business Meeting and all other sessions of the NAGM are conducted in a professional manner that enables the Executive Members and other registered delegates to accurately, efficiently and effectively perform the important business that the Organization must conduct during its annual business meeting. In accordance with National Bylaw 3.17, the NAGM, including the Business Meeting, will be chaired by the National President, Mark Stewart, or by any person who the National President designates as the meeting chair for all or any part of the meeting. The person acting as the chair of the meeting is referred to in these Protocols as the “Meeting Chair.” 1. (a) Access to the Business Meeting Floor. The following individuals will be permitted on the floor of the Business Meeting: Executive Members (i.e., Regional Commissioners of chartered Regions, Area Directors, Section Directors and members of the National Board of Directors) and designated proxy holders of Executive Members who have timely registered at the NAGM Voter and Proxy Registration Desk (“Registered Delegates”); National Office Staff; and any other individuals as the President or Meeting Chair may authorize (“Authorized Individuals”); individuals who are not Registered Delegates, National Office staff or Authorized Individuals, shall not be admitted to participate in the Business Meeting except as provided below. If none of the submitters of a proposed amendment to the Bylaws* that was submitted at least 75 days prior to the Business Meeting is a Registered Delegate, a member of the National Office staff or Authorized Individual in attendance and available to speak in favor of the proposed amendment at the Business Meeting, the Meeting Chair shall grant at least one of the submitters or an individual representing a submitter (each a “Designated Submitter”) a temporary right to participate on the floor of the Business Meeting to propose the amendment and participate in related discussions. * Note that there was no initially proposed amendment related to the Rules and Regulations (R&Rs) provided to the membership for consideration in advance of the 2016 Business Meeting. 2. Decorum . Each Registered Delegate shall respect the other Registered Delegates and exhibit behavior that is appropriate for a business meeting. Pursuant to National Policy Statement 2.12, derogatory comments (written or verbal) directed at another person are prohibited. Please no booing or cheering while speakers are addressing the Business Meeting. Violations of this policy will be strictly enforced. 3. Scope of Friendly Amendments and Treatment of Material Amendments . A “Friendly Amendment” is a suggested change to a proposed amendment to the Bylaws provided that such suggested change: (a) is accepted by the submitter(s) of the proposed Bylaw; and (b) does not materially alter the scope or impact of the amendment as initially proposed to the membership for consideration (“initially proposed amendment”), as determined by the Meeting Chair. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 9 2016 NAGM PROTOCOLS (a) For voting purposes, an initially proposed amendment may be modified by a Friendly Amendment and considered for approval at the Business Meeting as so modified. If an initially proposed amendment is modified by a Friendly Amendment at the Business Meeting, votes for or against the initially proposed amendment in Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballots shall be counted and treated as votes for or against the initially proposed amendment, as modified by the Friendly Amendment. (b) A suggested change to an initially proposed amendment that materially alters the scope or impact of the initially proposed amendment (a “Material Amendment”) will not be considered a Friendly Amendment because it effectively becomes a new proposed amendment at the Business Meeting and: (1) its introduction contravenes National Bylaw Sections 10.01(a) and 8.02(a), which require that an amendment be submitted to the National Office at least 75 days in advance of the Business Meeting; and (2) votes cast for or against the initially proposed amendment in a Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot cannot be considered votes for or against the initially proposed amendment if its scope has been materially altered. Therefore, any Material Amendment may only be considered as a separate new proposed amendment at the Business Meeting, which will be handled in accordance with the Bylaws as described in paragraph 4 below. 4. New Proposed Amendment to Bylaws or R&Rs Made at the Business Meeting. The requirement that a new proposed amendment to the Bylaws be submitted at least 75 days prior to the Business Meeting may be waived by a vote of threefourths of the Registered Delegates (not including abstentions.) The requirement that a new proposed amendment to the R&Rs be submitted at least 75 days prior to the Business Meeting may be waived by a vote of two-thirds of the Registered Delegates (not including abstentions). Any Registered Delegate who was appointed by an Executive Member that submitted a Pre-cast Proxy/Absentee Ballot is not authorized to vote on any such waiver or on any new proposed amendment. 5. Limited Voice Vote: Favor Written Ballots. No voice vote concerning any proposed amendment to the Bylaws or R&Rs shall be determinative unless it is unanimous or unquestionably overwhelming, as determined by the Meeting Chair. A voice vote that is not unanimous or unquestionably overwhelming may not accurately reflect the actual votes, which include Discretionary Proxies from persons not physically present at the Business Meeting (in effect, silent votes.) For example, three Registered Delegates who hold no Discretionary Proxies and have a collective total of three votes easily could “out shout” a Registered Delegate who holds 15 Discretionary Proxies. Accordingly, a written ballot shall be used in all cases in which the voice vote does not meet the criteria stated above. When considering if a voice vote is unquestionably overwhelming, the Meeting Chair shall consider that an amendment of the Bylaws requires a “super majority” vote of two-thirds of the votes of the Registered Delegates and pre-cast proxies/absentee ballots (not including abstentions) and that an amendment of the R&Rs requires a “simple majority” vote of more than 50% of the votes of the Registered Delegates and Precast Proxies/Absentee Ballots (not including abstentions.) 10 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 2016 NAGM PROTOCOLS 6. Nominations During the NAGM. The Meeting Chair will make certain that Registered Delegates are provided the opportunity to nominate one or more additional candidates for one of the open Director positions on the National Board of Directors (also referred to herein as the “NBOD”), and for the National President, as provided for in National Bylaw Section 4.04(c). The opportunity to nominate additional candidates for open Director positions on the NBOD shall be given at the b e g i n n i n g o f t h e Candidate Speeches Session at the NAGM on Friday, May 27, 2016. The opportunity to nominate additional candidates for the National President shall be given at the Business Meeting after the results of the election of Directors to the NBOD are known in order to determine who is eligible for nomination since only members of the NBOD are eligible for election as the National President. 7. Vote for NBOD Candidates Will Precede the Vote for National President. As mandated by National Bylaw Section 4.05(b), the election of Directors for the National Board of Directors shall precede the election of the National President at the Business Meeting. 8. Possible Voice Vote for Directors. In the event that the number of nominated as Directors to the NBOD following closure of nominations NAGM is equal to the number of open NBOD positions, the Meeting choose, but is not required, to conduct a voice vote among the Delegates at the Business Meeting for an election by acclamation. 9. Possible Voice Vote for National President. In the event that there is only one candidate who has been nominated for National President following closure of the nominating process for National President, the Meeting Chair may choose, but is not required, to conduct a voice vote among the Registered Delegates for an election by acclamation. 10. Opportunity to Be Heard. At the Business Meeting, Registered Delegates shall be provided a reasonable opportunity to speak to each of the amendments as they are presented for consideration at the Business Meeting. A reasonable opportunity with respect to a proposed amendment includes allowing Registered Delegates to present new ideas, new thoughts, or new concerns regarding the proposed amendment, either in favor or in opposition. The Meeting Chair is responsible, however, for curtailing repetition of ideas or discussion not related to the amendment being considered. Curtailment by the Meeting Chair is not intended to preclude meaningful discussion, but rather to further the following objectives: candidates during the Chair may Registered (a) facilitate an efficient and effective administration of the business of the Organization; (b) avoid repetition of information that might distract the Registered Delegates from considering the initially proposed amendment that was timely submitted for consideration by the membership in advance of the Business Meeting; (c) avoid the introduction of information that is not relevant to the initially proposed amendment; 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 11 2016 NAGM PROTOCOLS 11. avoid the inadvertent introduction of a new proposed amendment that was not timely submitted for consideration in advance of the Business Meeting; and (e) permit submitters to withdraw their proposed amendments to the Bylaws or the R&Rs. Opportunity to Question Candidates. Delegates shall be provided a reasonable opportunity to ask questions of the candidates for the National Board of Directors and for the office of National President. The Meeting Chair is responsible, however, for curtailing repetition of questions and “speeches” in lieu of questions. Curtailment by the Meeting Chair is not intended to preclude or prevent questioning of the candidates, but rather to avoid repeating questions that have been asked and answered by the candidates thereby allowing the opportunity for new questions to be asked to assist Registered Delegates in their evaluation of the candidates. (a) (d) Executive Members who are unable to attend the NAGM and who have questions or would like further clarification from any of the NBOD or President candidates may submit written questions to the National Office in advance of the NAGM (“Written Questions”). The Written Questions will be reviewed for appropriateness consistent with the governing protocols. During the Q&A period held at the Candidates Forum for candidates for the NBOD held on Saturday at the NAGM, and during the Q&A period at the Business Meeting on Saturday for candidates for National President, up to one-third of each of the Q&A periods will be devoted to Written Questions. The Written Questions WILL NOT be revealed to the candidates prior to the Q&A periods. The balance of the Q&A time will be available to the individuals present to ask questions. Written Questions must be submitted by email to or by mail to the attention of Frankie Shabsin at the AYSO National Office for receipt by Monday, May 16, 2016. When submitting Written Questions, please provide your name, AYSO position and Region or Area, which will be provided during the Q&A period when the question is asked. In addition, please indicate whether your question is directed to candidate(s) for the NBOD or National President and specify to which candidate(s) you are directing your question (e.g., all NBOD candidates, two or three particular NBOD candidates, all National President candidates, etc.) 12. Ending Discussion: “Call the Question.” In accordance with these 2016 NAGM Protocols, the Meeting Chair shall not allow, and will not recognize, a request to “call the question” and end discussion with respect to any proposed amendment, or to end the questioning of the candidates if, in the opinion of the Meeting Chair, it would preclude meaningful discussion or questions. 13. Meeting Chair and Parliamentarian. The Meeting Chair shall be responsible for conducting the Business Meeting and other sessions at the NAGM and determining the proper application of these procedural rules. When conducting the meeting, the Meeting Chair, in his or her sole discretion, may consult with a parliamentarian (if one has been appointed) or any other person(s) with respect to the application of these procedural rules, the Bylaws and the R&Rs and such other matters as the Meeting Chair deems advisable. 12 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 2016 NAGM PROTOCOLS 14. Collection and Counting of Ballots. When there is a vote by written ballot, the ballots shall be collected in a manner designed to safeguard the privacy of each Registered Delegate’s vote. All written ballots shall be counted by impartial persons whose identity is not published in order to protect the integrity of the count. An individual appointed by the NBOD will serve as the inspector of election and will supervise the ballot counting process. Ballots shall be counted in a room separate from the room in which the Business Meeting is held in a manner designed to avoid interruption or disruption of the count. The inspector of election shall provide the Meeting Chair or his/her designee with the final tabulation of votes, including votes by Pre-cast Proxies/Absentee Ballots, with respect to each matter submitted to a written ballot vote to enable the Meeting Chair or such designee to announce the results. 15. Friday Review and Q&A Relating to Proposed Amendments. A review and question and answer session will be held at the NAGM on Friday, May 27, 2016 starting at 2:00 p.m. (CDT). Similar to last year, the scope of the review session will be slightly expanded to permit brief comments about any proposed amendment to be directed to the submitter. The purpose of the review and Q&A session on Friday is to provide both the submitter and others attending the review session with an opportunity to ask questions and make comments that seek clarification and/or a better understanding of the proposed amendments. The purpose of the Friday session is not to debate the merits of any particular amendment or to formally entertain and adopt Friendly Amendments. Debate shall be conducted during the Business Meeting on Saturday, May 28, 2016. At the Friday session, a potential Friendly Amendment may be identified to the submitter of a proposed amendment, provided it is consistent with paragraph 3 above. Detailed discussions, if any, relating to requests for Friendly Amendments are expected to occur with the submitter of a proposed amendment after the Friday session. As noted in paragraph 16 below, to the extent possible, proposed Friendly Amendments should be submitted on Friday, May 27, 2016 or Saturday, May 28, 2016 before 11:00 a.m. CDT in order to allow time to review the Friendly Amendment and prepare any needed information for use during the Business Meeting. Any Friendly Amendment agreed to by the submitter of a proposed amendment prior to the Business Meeting must be presented at the Business Meeting when the proposed amendment is presented for consideration. Moderators for the Friday question and answer session shall ensure adherence to this paragraph. 16. Assisting with Friendly Amendments. The Parliamentarian was requested by the AYSO National President to update the protocols for the NAGM and Business Meeting, and assist in preparing comprehensive documentation by which the proposed amendments, supplemented by information concerning the economic, practical and legal “impacts” of each proposed amendment, have been presented to the Executive Members for their consideration during the Business Meeting. During the NAGM, the Parliamentarian, Darryl Ross, will assist submitters of proposed amendments, Registered Delegates and others, in preparing proposed Friendly Amendments to the proposed amendments. Submitters of proposed amendments and others should provide Darryl with proposed Friendly Amendments as soon as possible so that all matters can be reviewed and materials can be prepared prior to the Saturday Business Meeting at which Friendly Amendments must be presented and proposed. To the extent possible, proposed Friendly Amendments, together with contact information for the submitter(s) of the 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 13 2016 NAGM PROTOCOLS proposed amendments and individuals proposing the Friendly Amendments, should be provided before 11:00 a.m. (CDT) on Saturday, May 28, 2016. Please notify Darryl Ross at 949-533-3800 and/or by email: if you are interested in submitting a Friendly Amendment or have any questions relating to the amendment process. 17. Meeting with Submitters. In an effort to facilitate the process involving proposed amendments and Friendly Amendments, individuals as requested by the National President, will review the processes and procedures relating to proposed amendments and Friendly Amendments with the submitters of the proposed amendments to the Bylaws. 18. Quorum and Vote Approval Requirements. At the beginning of the Business Meeting, the Meeting Chair or his/her designee will present the number of Registered Delegates and the various vote approval thresholds required pursuant to the Bylaws in connection with the business being conducted during the Business Meeting. 14 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET American Youth Soccer r a za Proposed Bylaw Amendment #1 SHORT DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT: This amendment seeks to require Areas to add certain board positions similar to the way regional boards have required positions. SUBMITTED BY EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: Alan Gandall (Area 11K Director), and AYSO's National VIP Task Force. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED AMENDMENT (bold underlining for additions and strikeout for deletions): AYSO NATIONAL BYLAWS SECTION 7.02: AREA DIRECTOR An Area Director shall be nominated by themselves and the Regional Commissioners within each Area. If the Section Director, whose territory includes that Area approves the nomination of that person as Area Director, then, in such event the nomination subsequently (i) will be delivered to the National Board of Directors for its consideration; and (ii) the National Board of Directors shall have the discretion whether or not to appoint the nominee, and, if the National Board of Directors elects in its discretion to appoint the nominee, the National Board of Directors shall have the discretion to make the appointment for a term of three years or for shorter time period as the National Board of Directors deems appropriate. Each Area Director shall: (a) Report to the Section Director and be responsible for the performance and growth of their Areas and all inter-Regional and extra-Regional activities within their Areas; (b) Organize and maintain volunteer staff to assure adequate support and services to the Regions in their Areas; (c) Be the official spokesman for the Area in regard to publicity, outside development, cultural exchange, internal development, business systems, budgets, Bylaws, Board policies, Rules & Regulations; (d) Be responsible for such other matters that directly relate to the operation of the Area; and (e) Oversee dispute resolution within the Area; and (f) Appoint, at a minimum, a Treasurer, Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator, and a VIP Administrator. An Area Director may be suspended by the Section Director responsible for such Area and suspended or removed by the Board. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENT: August 1, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 15 American Youth Soccer r a za Proposed Bylaw Amendment #1 REASON FOR AMENDMENT: proponent(s).] [The views in this section represent those of the amendment Section 1.01 of our National Bylaws states that “The Philosophy of the Organization is to educate and develop young people by encouraging their interest and participation in soccer through its 'Everyone Plays,' 'Open Registration,' 'Balanced Teams,' 'Positive Coaching', 'Good Sportsmanship' and 'Player Development' concepts.” Our Bylaws task our Regions with a variety of responsibilities including operating quality youth soccer programs in a fun, fair and positive environment (1.04(a)), and “to maintain good community relations with the primary objective being youth development and to become involved in other community activities” (1.04(b)). Areas are tasked with "Organizing and maintaining volunteer staff to assure adequate support and services to the Regions in their Areas" (7.02(c)). Mandating that each Area have a Treasurer, Coach and Referee Administrators will bring our Areas into conformity with Region responsibilities. At a time when our organization is focused on player growth and improving the quality of our programs, it is very logical to require Areas to formally adopt board positions to help support the Regions. Further, adding a VIP Administrator to our Area boards will further our organizational philosophies and program objectives as every Area will have the ability to distribute information about the VIP Program as we try to reach more families. The proposed Amendment does not seek to require any Area or Region to start a VIP Program. Regions have required board positions for coaching, refereeing, child advocacy, registration, treasury and safety. It is time to formally require Areas to adopt board positions requiring a Treasurer, Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator and a VIP Administrator so that each Area is in a better position to support our Regions. POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF AMENDMENT: OPERATIONAL, FINANCIAL, eAYSO, ETC. (e.g., documents requiring revision, training materials requiring revision, changes required to eAYSO, potential costs): [The “impact statements” below were prepared to provide information to the membership to be able to better understand the potential impacts of the proposed amendment.] The proposed amendment to the National Bylaws, if enacted, would have the following impacts: 1. Updating the National Bylaws to reflect the change. 2. Except as noted above, no other financial, operational, or other impacts have been identified. 16 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET SHORT DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT: Allow Regional Commissioners of the largest 20% of chartered Regions to have two votes at meetings of the executive members SUBMITTED BY EXECUTIVE MEMBERS (listed alphabetically): National Board of Directors) Jeffrey Stern (Vice President, PROPOSED AMENDMENT (bold underlining for additions and strikeout for deletions): AYSO NATIONAL BYLAWS SECTION 3.05(a) RIGHT TO VOTE and SECTION 4.05(c) VOTING PROCEDURES FOR ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 3.05 RIGHT TO VOTE (a) Only executive members shall have the right to vote. Each executive member of record shall be entitled to cast one vote at meetings of the executive members. Regional Commissioners of the largest 20% of chartered regions as of March 31 in any year shall each have two votes at meetings of the executive members that occur between April 1 of that year and March 31 of the following year. All other executive members shall have one vote each. Whenever any corporate action is to be taken by vote of the executive members, it shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law (the “Law”) or by these Bylaws, be authorized by a majority of votes cast (not counting abstentions) by the executive members. 4.05 VOTING PROCEDURES FOR ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (c) The eleven Directors to be elected from the membership at large shall be elected by classes, with each class consisting of either three or four seats. The executive members shall cast their votes for all Directors of the same class at the same time. Each executive member shall be entitled to cast the number of votes one vote for each seat in the class as determined by Bylaw 3.05(a). These votes may not be cumulative, but each vote must be cast in favor of a different candidate. All nominations for the class must close before the first ballot is taken. After the executive members have cast their ballots, the candidates receiving the highest number of votes, either in person or by proxy, are elected. EFFECTIVE DATE OF AMENDMENT: August 1, 2016 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 17 _______________________________________________________________________________ REASON FOR AMENDMENT: proponent(s).] [The views in this section represent those of the amendment Based on March 31, 2015 numbers, the median size region was approximately 400 players, so the smaller 50% of the regions contained only about 16% of the players. To be more specific, regions accounting for approximately 75,000 players have as much organizational authority as those regions totaling approximately 390,000 players. Giving the regions containing this relatively small group of players the power to control the organization is a poor way to manage an organization and unfair to the remaining 84% of the players. Giving the largest 20% of chartered regions (148 regions as of March 31, 2015) an additional vote on Bylaw and Rules & Regulations change proposals would give these regions only about 29% of the vote (vs. 17% now), far short of a majority. They wouldn’t have control, but rather would have a greater voice on governing proposals. Similarly, these regions would have additional votes for Directors and President. This re-alignment of voting strength would more fairly represent the needs of all players across the country. _______________________________________________________________________________________ POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF AMENDMENT: OPERATIONAL, FINANCIAL, eAYSO, ETC. (e.g., documents requiring revision, training materials requiring revision, changes required to eAYSO, potential costs): [The “impact statements” below were prepared to provide information to the membership to be able to better understand the potential impacts of the proposed amendment.] The proposed amendment to the National Bylaws, if enacted, would have the following impacts: 1. Updating the National Bylaws to reflect the change. 2. Except as noted above, no other financial, operational, or other impacts have been identified. 18 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET This page was left blank on purpose. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 19 2016 QUESTIONS FOR NBOD CANDIDATES The candidates for the National Board of Directors and for National President were asked to respond to a series of questions. They were notified that their responses would be distributed to all Executive Members who are eligible to vote at the 2016 AYSO NAGM. The candidates’ biographies, statements and responses to these questions are listed on the following pages. Please review them carefully in preparation for your vote in the upcoming election at the 2016 AYSO NAGM in Chicago. The questions posed to the candidates for the National Board of Directors for the candidate statement were as follows: 1. Why do you want to be on the AYSO National Board of Directors? 2. What is motivating you to run for the Board? The questions posed to the candidates for the National Board of Directors were as follows: 1. Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. 2. In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? 3. AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. 4. “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. 20 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 2016 QUESTIONS TO CANDIDATES FOR NATIONAL PRESIDENT The questions posed to the candidates for the National President for the candidate statement were as follows: 1. Why do you want to be the National President of AYSO? 2. What motivated you to run for this position? The questions posed to the candidates for the National President were as follows: 1. What qualifications do you possess, both professionally and as a volunteer, that demonstrate your ability to lead AYSO as National President? 2. How will you work to support the goals contained in the new strategic plan recently approved by AYSO’s National Board of Directors? 3. How have you personally provided leadership to AYSO volunteer management? NOTE All candidate statements appear exactly as submitted and have not been edited in any way. NAGM 2016 Voter registration dates and times for all Executive Members and Proxy Holders (Registration required to vote at Saturday Business Meeting) Friday May 27 Saturday May 28 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 21 MARGIE CLOSE CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT MARGIE Personal Information: • Children – Dave (39), player, National Coach & Coach Instructor, referee, former National Office staff Katy (37), player, AYSO Silent Auction organizer for years Steve (35), player, coach and referee, former National Office staff Kevin (33) deceased, player and coach and my daily inspiration #keezitforward • Four step-grandchildren -- two former players Region 862 • Born July 31, 1950 in Berkeley, California • Graduate of the University of California, Berkeley • Transplant to Los Angeles in 1972 CONTACT (310) 560-5080 AYSO Experience: • Volunteer since 1984 • RC Region 78 Hollywood-Wilshire 1989-1994 and 1996-1999; Asst. RC 1994-1996 • Referee 1995-2013, Referee Instructor since 1998, Referee Instructor Evaluator since 2005 • National Management Instructor and Instructor Trainer since 2003 • National Tournament Commission Member 1999-2012 • National Office staff – 1999-2015 – former Director of Special Programs and Member Services • Extended Play Task Force – on team that developed the EXTRA program • Hall of Fame staff liaison 2003-2015 – Big 3 Partner with NSCAA and NISOA 2003-2009 • VIP Administrator 2003-2015; VIP Instructor • United States Adult Soccer Association Rep 2003 – 2015 • United States Soccer Federation Disability Committee Member 2007-2015 Other Recent Volunteer Experience: • Special Olympics World Games 2015 – Sports Information Desk at Aquatics venue • Special Olympics Southern California -- Volunteer Spring/Fall 2015 • One Legacy, Los Angeles County Organ Procurement Organization – Ambassador For Donate Life – representing the benefits of organ and tissue donation at public events Professional and Parent Experience: • AYSO National Office -- Coordinator, Administrator then Director 1999 – 2015 • Mother to four children – volunteered in all school activities and sport activities 1976 - 1999 • Administrator for UCLA Engineering and Science Department Placement Center 1972-1976 CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT AYSO is my organization of choice. Numerous great groups and good causes need volunteer support, and I choose AYSO to have the majority of my time and energy. I have been a local and national volunteer for thirty-three years and a National Office staff member for sixteen, and in this next phase I would like to serve the membership from a seat on the Board of Directors. From local RC to Director at the National Office, I have seen AYSO inside-out and know that it is the engagement of our volunteers, providing soccer programs and so much more for families and communities, which reap the rewards of sustained player registration and family loyalty. It is important to me to help secure a renewal of AYSO’s reputation for integrity of leadership, programs and national requirements; to welcome the voices and active involvement of independent volunteers from all persuasions; and to champion the transparency that a non-profit owes its members who are its lifeblood. I do not put people politics or personal agenda ahead of honest dialogue and collaboration; my conscience is strongly geared to the importance of volunteer insight and buy-in. I want to be close to the issues that are critical to the volunteers who are closest to the players and their families. I believe that as a Board member I can be a good representative of people like myself who choose AYSO, whether this is their first year or their fortieth. Back now full time now among the volunteer corps, I see this as a role that I can take on with passion and integrity, and a role that I can succeed at with the guidance of the membership and vast experience. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. My entire life has been one of service – learned early on in a large family grounded in church and community. High school and then college provided numerous opportunities to volunteer, notably as Attorney General of the Model United Nations and as Director of the CAL Summer Orientation Program at UC Berkeley. These taught me to be a good, effective leader and a good teammate. Working at UCLA added office and communication skills – helping to match up employment recruiters with student prospects. While rearing my four children I volunteered in every activity important to them – running the SITE Council and managing fund raising drives. AYSO, among all of them, fulfilled my sense of the importance of community and of local leadership. Skills including registration, data systems, scheduling, budgeting, managing volunteers, negotiating and programming were my education on the ground in Region 78 for 15 years. I joined the National staff and acquired more sophisticated computer skills, player and volunteer program design, national customer service and instruction - each enhancing my ability to work effectively both alone and as a collaborator. 22 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET Working now with One Legacy, I have broadened my outlook on giving Region, Section and national tournament opportunities to attract players to meaning and dignity at the end of life through service to families who have the AYSO club gaming circuit? Do facilities exist and, if not, how are they lost loved ones, and to those who are looking for a way to prolong their own being acquired? Can we design a selection process that preserves AYSO’s lives through the gift of donation. reputation as a “player-first” organization? Building on each experience in my life to date, I have learned to be present, Currently other Clubs are the definers and drivers of highly competitive to listen, to stand up, to be honest, to be respectful, to follow through, to youth soccer. AYSO is late to this, and needs to develop programs that are put others first. I believe that a person of my nature and character, together understood, readily adoptable and realistic. Knowing the fear of Regions with my vast and intimate knowledge of AYSO and youth sports is what the that might lose players to others that adopt such programs, and the AYSO membership and organization need at this time. overzealous nature of parents who desire competition for their children, I QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? The AYSO National Board of Directors, since bound by California nonprofit law, have legal duties – acting as the trustee of AYSO’s assets and ensuring that AYSO is well-managed and remains fiscally sound. The Board evaluates financial policies, approves annual budgets and reviews financial reports to ensure that AYSO is financially accountable to its membership. A key responsibility is to hire and set the compensation of a talented National Executive Director to run the day-to-day management activities of AYSO. With paid staff relied on to run the operations, the board can provide foresight for a sustainable future; oversight by adopting sound, ethical and legal governance policies; and insight, assuring that AYSO has adequate resources to advance its mission while being advocates for that mission. Further, by law Board members must actively participate in planning and decision-making and make sound and informed judgments. Board members must put the interests of the AYSO before any personal or professional concerns and avoid conflicts of interest. Board members must ensure that the organization complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. In my opinion, beyond required duties, being a Board member means listening and responding to the membership who elects you. It means making a best faith effort to hear all voices, to respect those voices and adopt meaningful policies that the membership can support and execute such as our Safe Haven standards. The board should promote programs consistent with AYSO’s mission and monitor effectiveness. They should enhance AYSO’s public face by clearly articulating AYSO’s mission and accomplishments to ensure sustained support from the communities it serves. The Board can stay healthy by encouraging new candidates, orienting new members and periodically evaluating their own performance to determine if they are fulfilling their legal and moral obligations as leaders in AYSO. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. The most effective way for me to support this goal is to understand what the Board has approved. Without the Plan, I am unable to comment fully. However, having participated on the Task Force that designed the EXTRA can be a temperate voice in what is a discussion that needs to be heard from many sides. I do support the need for expanded programs as defined by our membership and customers, but they must be rolled out for long term success and growth. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. Without the content of the Strategic Plan, I can comment on the three statements provided: a. Strengthen board composition and leadership continuity Assess the present board (or the newly elected one) and map its strengths and weakness. With a clear picture there can be an assessment of the board’s needs and a strategy for strengthening the board. Ensure that the Nominating Commission is fulfilling its purpose by starting early in the election process, or perhaps all year long, to identify and encourage individuals to run for the board. Board leaders have choices about focus. A periodic review of what the board is focused on makes a board more effective. Leadership continuity could better focus the resources of the board and organization; but this starts with quality members identified and elected. b. Review governing documents for focus on mission and goals of Strategic Plan. I assume this means that some goals will require a rewrite of some Bylaws, Policy Statements or Rules & Regulations. It is critical when programs and requirements change, that AYSO’s governing documents keep up with those changes so as to avoid confusion, misunderstandings and potentially legal challenges. This should be done on a regular basis with online access to revised documents readily available to the membership. c. Re-assess governance structure. Together, with collaborative conversations and no surprises, the Executive Membership is capable of having a conversation about what will work best for our organization in 2016 – 52 years after the structure of AYSO started to form. Many ideas have been shared, but few instituted - sometimes because one or another group feels threatened. Caring, passionate people can approach this together. It will take patience and honesty and selflessness, but I believe that it can be accomplished if change is best for AYSO to be strong. program, I understand questions AYSO needs to ask as it expands into more competitive programs. By AYSO, I mean the volunteers who provide our core program and see a need or not in their communities for more programs - they are most in tune with the potential benefits and consequences. As AYSO’s stakeholders look at the expansion of Academy-Club, questions arise: Have we provided a pathway for players to move between levels? Is EXTRA a bridge program? Are we ready to allow the AYSO identity (logo, philosophies) to be rebranded or unused? Will we alienate core customers? Can Regions provide administrative structures that will be needed? Has consideration been given to supporting club play beyond the season – 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 23 BILL HUMMELL CANDIDATE FOR NBOD CONTACT (212) 500-7387 Statement, including Answer to the Two Designated Questions I am confident I can continue making a substantial ABOUT BILL contribution as a National Board member. My primary Personal Information: • Reside in Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow, NY; Section 3, Area 3-T, Region 220 • Wife, Kathy; three children • Arizona State University (with honors) • University of Arizona (J.D.) • Former resident of Section 6, Section 12) provides for children, including fun and happiness, AYSO Positions: • Volunteer, Region 220; coach, referee, board, RRA • Regional Commissioner • Area Director • Section Director • National Board of Directors (NBOD) • National Secretary • National Vice President • NBOD Liaison to: o Section 1 o Section 2 o Section 3 o Section 8 o Section 9 o Section 11 o Section 13 o Section 14 o National Referee Advisory Commission o National Marketing Commission o Legal Commission o CRT • Chair: o NBOD Governance Committee o Hall of Fame Commission o Legal Commission o Nominating Commission • Compensation Committee Other Volunteer: • U.S. Soccer Foundation • USSF delegate Honors, Accomplishments, Certifications: • Region 220 - player #’s grew 75%, multiple Pele Awards for growth, multiple RAP “Platinum Awards” for superior programs • Area 3-T – multiple AAP “Platinum Awards” • Section 3 - finalist for Section of the Year • President’s Citation of Gratitude – multiple • Section 3 Distinguished Service Award • As a National Board member, substantial accomplishments including the items summarized in my Candidate’s Statement • Advanced Coach • Advanced Management Instructor • Co-founded Future Famers’ Cup - Section 3 tournament • Author, Section Director Manual • Co-Author Due Process and Dispute Resolution Guidelines • Instructor - RC Training, Section EXPOS, Area Super Camps, region Profession: • Partner - Kucker & Bruh, LLP (in NYC) • Practice Areas: risk management, insurance, formulation of business agreements, commercial disputes, complex civil actions, corporation law, business governance/ management, employment law – agreements/compensation/benefits/pensions/ disputes re: work circumstances and claims – disability/ discrimination/harassment/hostile environment/civil rights/employment opportunity, real property law, leases, administrative law, mediation, arbitration 24 CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET motivation is knowledge of the vast benefits which AYSO enjoyment of sports, opportunities for friendships, and development as athletes and good citizens. I have a proven record of success as a NBOD member which includes as a few examples: • Performed a key role in 2014 protecting the powers of Section Directors under Bylaw 7.01, and protecting the powers of Area Directors under Bylaw 7.02 regarding the AYSO Polices and Protocols • Created the concept of a modern Legal Commission in 2007, and recruited as volunteers dozens of highly skilled attorneys across the United States with geographic and practice area diversity who have provided invaluable assistance to Regions, Areas, Sections, the National Board, NED and National Office • Participated in team which utilized my concept for modern Legal Commission to create a new National Marketing Commission which recruited as volunteers highly skilled advertising professionals who have provided invaluable assistance throughout AYSO • Devoted enormous time and effort assisting countless Regional Commissioners, Area Directors, and Sections Directors to successfully address practical and legal issues and challenges in their location • Facilitated Section 11 to strengthen the team building among Section and Area leaders, and, in 2015-2016, update the guidelines for competitive play programs in southern California to remain consistent with AYSO philosophies • Assisted Section 14 with Florida State Games from 2007-2016, and, in 2016, resolved key funding which is provided by the Palm Beach Sports Authority • Assisted Sections with growth opportunities, new Regions, RC training, other training • Significantly contributed to leadership concerning board governance, strategic planning and development of constructive national policies QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. My Bio/Resume reflects the fact that I have substantial professional training, education and experience in operating a business, management, governance and law, and strong skills sets in many subject matters which are important for AYSO. I have a record of accomplishment in each volunteer position I have held in a Region, Area and Section. I have been a highly effective contributing member of the National Board, and a leader in addressing significant matters, protecting the interests of AYSO players, parents, volunteers and the organization, and growing the organization. I listen, but am not and area volunteers to promote AYSO has been undermined, and there hesitant to take action or challenge items which should be questioned. My has been player attrition. It has been demonstrated that a club program or skills sets have enabled me to make vast contributions for AYSO’s benefit. academy program can succeed and grow, and that parents and children Personal experiences have caused me to respect others regardless of their are clamoring for it. AYSO can develop high quality club and academy background, income or profession, appreciate their own achievements, programs. Our current members and the youth soccer market are crying be willing to listen to them, and help them succeed. My grandparents had out for us to do this. We should listen and respond. It is not prudent to small farms in Iowa, and had character, honor, integrity and kindness. My ignore the market. We must continue to protect AYSO philosophies and our parents began in modest circumstances, worked incredibly hard to improve precious core program. However, our offering AYSO alternative programs things for our family, and moved us to Arizona which had new opportunities. which expand our reach and deliver a positive AYSO experience to more My father devoted more than 30 years of his life to serving his country in children can produce success, and it can be achieved without sacrificing the U.S. Army, and became a high school teacher who helped thousands our philosophies or our core program. of children. My mother, who was an equal mentor for me, trained herself to be a computer programmer, and worked for the City of Phoenix. I cherish AYSO and the tremendous good that it has done for millions of children. I will provide excellent leadership and positive results. QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? The primary roles for the National Board of Directors (NBOD) are: (1) attempt to make certain that the Regions, which deliver AYSO programs to the local communities in a fun and safe environment (the most important function in our organization), have sufficient resources and tools, including excellent training, to do this effectively and efficiently, and that the Areas and Sections assist the Regions achieve success; and (2) engage in strategic planning and develop constructive policies which promote the fulfillment of AYSO’s vision and mission statements; and (3) oversee the budget, protect financial integrity and avoid noncompliance with the law; and (4) make certain the National Executive Director (NED) has resources to succeed in his or her responsibilities and hold the NED accountable. During my time as a National Board member, I have been a leading advocate for focusing the attention of the Board on performance of these four key roles, and avoidance of micromanagement of Regions, Areas or Sections, and avoidance of involvement in day-to-day operations. I remain dedicated to these principles. Regions must be able to deliver the programs in a manner which takes into account QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. Governance structure can be enhanced to make AYSO more democratic, efficient and effective, and increase our success and reduce the work load for our volunteers. Since June 2014, the National Board implemented many new practices which increased our efficiency and strengthened the Board’s focus on strategic planning and its other primary roles. We also streamlined practices to reduce the burden on Regions and provide clarity (one example is the set of AYSO Policies and Protocols that are being implemented which streamlined the Standard Regional Guidelines and provided greater clarity). Serious consideration should be given to increasing the voice of large Regions in our governance by enhancing at least slightly their number of executive votes because it is more democratic to avoid treating 3,000 players and their parents in a large Region as having the exact same voice as 300 players and their parents in a small Region. A sliding scale which provides one additional vote for very large Regions would create greater democracy. There is a proposed Bylaw amendment for the 2016 NAGM which I support that would address this matter. I respectfully ask for your vote for the National Board of Directors. local needs and challenges, and obtain meaningful assistance. We must minimize obstacles, streamline our practices and focus on the delivery of our programs in the local communities while protecting the philosophies which are at the heart of AYSO. In addition to being a leading advocate, I have significantly influenced the dynamic and there have been substantive changes which enhanced the position of Regions, focus the attention of the Board, and protect and promote AYSO. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. Working together we should continue to provide excellent soccer programs, deliver a great AYSO experience to children and parents, attempt to grow the program and avoid attrition. We have programs which are truly excellent. However, we should expand our reach to provide quality alternatives for children and parents who already are AYSO members and want a more competitive experience, and to reach players and children who have not yet joined AYSO because of the absence of more competitive programs. The youth soccer market has experienced significant changes since 1964. One of the changes during the past 20 years especially is the enormous increase in club and academy programs. Additional evidence is provided by the exponential grown of US Club Soccer. In many AYSO Regions, especially in large cities, competing soccer organizations have attacked AYSO Regions in the market with adverse effects. The efforts of region 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 25 CHARLIE JOHNSON CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT CHARLIE AYSO Experience: • Volunteer since 1978 when my daughter was U6; Region Treasurer, Region Coach and Referee Administrator, Region Tournament Director, Section and Area Coach Trainer, Area 10D Director (13 years) with many years a Platinum Area, Finance Commission, National Systems and Software (eAYSO) Commission • “B” Coach Instructor, National Coach, National Referee, Advanced Referee and Management Instructor, National Coach Instructor, Coach for U6 to U19 teams (certified at all age levels of coaching) CONTACT (760) 868‐2080 Education/Professional: • BS – Management – San Diego State, MBA – California Lutheran University, Vice President and Financial Controller, Major Project Manager for financial management systems, IT Financial Management Consultant (clients include Union Pacific Railroad, AIG Insurance, and Experian), Conduct IT Finance seminars, University Professor (10 years) for MBA and MS programs – University of Redlands and University of Texas‐Dallas Personal: • Chair of Phelan Piñon Hills Community Services District Feasibility Committee, Elected Director and President (2 years) of Phelan Piñon Hills Community Services District President of Phelan Piñon Hills Community Improvement Association (501(c)(3) non‐profit), President of Phelan Chamber of Commerce (501(c) (6) non‐profit), Vice Chair Diocese of San Bernardino Finance Council, Trustee of Catholic Education Foundation, Trustee of Catholic Foundation, Director for Caritas Telecommunications, Charter Member and Past President (3 times) Tri‐Community Kiwanis (501(c) (3) non‐profit) CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT Since becoming the Area 10D Director, I have attended every EXPO and NAGM, and I have encouraged all of the Region Commissioners to attend. Each time I watched with great interest, the process and conduct of the meetings. What an unbelievably great experience and learning opportunity this has been for me. I am amazed at the great volunteer leaders we have in AYSO! I am in awe of the many thousands of hours our volunteers spend providing wonderful soccer, and life, experiences for the children of AYSO. I have taken the time, and made the effort, to move up the ladder of knowledge in coaching, refereeing, and management. I am proud to say that I have earned certification as a National Coach and a National Referee. There are only a few “Double Nationals” still active. This has helped me understand the many issues that we face every day in AYSO. I can honestly say that the education I have received from AYSO is equal, or greater, than my college degrees. It has made me a better person. To me the most important phrase in AYSO is our Vision Statement: “To provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children’s lives”. These eleven words drive me every day in my AYSO activities. I often say, if what you or I are doing does not serve this vision, then we are doing the wrong things. Yes, of course, we have distractions (wild parents or coaches), but we must minimize these and move to the activities that support the vision. This is why I want to be on the National Board. Every decision we make from the NBOD to the Region MUST consider our Vision, and realize that all these decisions affect the child on the grass. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. It may sound corny, but most of my experiences have helped me develop the qualifications for serving on the NBOD. My education and experience in management, finance, systems, and working in non‐profits will all be helpful as a director. My AYSO volunteer time is critical, I think, in understanding this very unique organization. There is no other organization that has such a strong volunteer base supported by a very effective, and capable, office team. QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? The role of the NBOD is to set policy and direction, both short‐term and strategic, and establish By‐laws and Rules and Regulations for all of AYSO. In addition, the NBOD hires the National Executive Director. The Board must monitor the process to ensure that the policies and direction set by the Board are being implemented, and, when necessary, change policy or direction to fulfill the vision and mission of AYSO. 26 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET I would work with the Board to effectively monitor the activities of the National Office, WITHOUT micromanaging, to ensure AYSO is on the correct course as set by the Board. The Board must be transparent in its actions, and communicate effectively to all the Executive, and other members of AYSO. The Board has not done an effective job in being transparent to the membership. As of this writing (3/25/16) the Board Minutes are posted through October 2015. What has the Board done over the past four months? I assume, and trust, it is work in support of the Vision and Mission, but we do not know. The agendas for upcoming meetings are not posted for the membership to view. I, for one, would attend, in person or on the phone, meetings where significant issues are being discussed. I would work to remedy this by posting agendas, and timely approval and posting of minutes. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. Honestly, I believe that the AYSO Academy‐Club program is a good one for us. However, I am not sure that it is the number one objective. I would place revitalization of our core program at the top of our objectives. Really, I believe that our programs are progressive in the process of offering Player Development to our children. The Primary Core program is our foundation, and always has been. We must also offer higher levels of competition for those children who want this, and are capable of success at this level. This is why the EXTRA and Academy‐Club programs are so important. We need to grow with the rest of the soccer world. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. The objective of strengthening the composition of the Board is a good idea. The members of the Board need to have a variety of skills, talents, and experiences. This enables a wide range of conversation on very important issues, which may come before the Board. This provides a foundation for improved decision‐making. I believe that my experience in financial, systems, and project management and work with non‐profits will be a strong addition to the current Board. I believe that our governing documents are, and must remain, evolving and growing along with the AYSO organization and its strategic plan goals. As the strategic plan is established and strengthened over time, our governing documents must grow and strengthen also. I have worked with several non‐profits in reviewing and revising their by‐laws and other governing documents. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 27 MICHAEL KARON CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT MICHAEL Personal Information: • Married to Carolyn for 31 years • Two children: Lauren (25) and Andrew (23) • BA, Chinese 1981 (UCLA); MBA, Finance 1986 (UCLA) CONTACT (310) 990-1324 AYSO Experience: • AYSO player (4 years, starting in 1968) • AYSO volunteer (44 years, starting in 1972) • Regional Commissioner, Region 76 (4 years) • Referee Administrator, Region 76 (10 years) • Assistant Regional Commissioner, Region 76 (6 years) • Area Referee Administrator, 1P (6 years) • Extra Program Manager, Section 1 West (2 years) • Assistant Area Director, 1P (2 years) • Section 1 Director of Referee Assessment (4 years) • Co-Director, Ken Aston Cup (5 years) • Instructor, Ken Aston Camp (7 years) • Expo/Section Meeting Presenter (15 years) Honors, Accomplishments and Certifications: • Platinum Region • National Referee • National Referee Instructor • National Referee Assessor • Developed Referee Instructor curriculum (Ken Aston Camp) • Developed and delivered Regional Commissioner Continuing Education workshops (Expo) • Developed regional player programs (Monday night open practice, Flex play, Kick It in the Spring, Pre-Season Boot Camp) to drive family engagement and increased participation. Grew Regional enrollment from less than 1500 to over 2000 players. • Identified specific growth opportunities for AYSO Regions on a National basis • Trained over 5000 new referees • Assisted in the start up and funding of the Watts, LA Central, Los Feliz and South LA Regions • Developed new field space for more players to play Commissions and/or Task Forces: • National Development Commission • U4 Task Force Other Volunteer Work: • UCLA Alumni Mentor Professional Experience: • Certified Financial Planner • Started multiple companies • More than 30 years Executive Level experience at both large and small technology and financial service companies • Experienced at achieving successful results through sound business strategy development and execution CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT As a young player in AYSO over 45 years ago, I personally experienced the benefits our program offers. Even as a committed, but not very talented athlete, I enjoyed my experience, developed an interest in soccer and made lifelong friends. As the RC of the Region I played in I get to pass it on to the families in my community. If we want AYSO to thrive for the next 50 years, we need to recognize that there are multiple models for success and that every program is local and has its own unique flavor. While we need common policies to ensure AYSO continues to be the first choice for families desiring a family friendly, safe and fun youth soccer experience, we need to empower local programs to do what is necessary to make their programs relevant in their own communities. There are many ways to accomplish this, but here are a few specific actions we can take: 1) modify AYSO materials to focus on best practices from local programs; 2) highlight and promote success stories about programs that work, including action steps to take; 3) use metrics such as percent of surrounding school age children served to help gauge success; 4) create advisory groups of regions with common needs and ask them how the organization can best help them; 5) allow the National Staff to say yes more often; 6) get the NBOD to be clear and specific about the vision and execution tactics of the business plan; 7) redirect membership funds to fund small experiments to test new programs; 8) focus all National efforts on helping local programs succeed and eliminate practices which just add friction; 9) don’t force all Regions to do business the same way or to be completely dependent on the National Office for support. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. After receiving my BA in Chinese and my MBA in Finance from UCLA, I have worked for more than 30 years at the managerial and executive level building, managing and leading companies in the software and financial services industries. I have worked in both the public and private sectors, with both start ups and large public companies. I have managed large teams and small, led culture change and business turn around situations and consistently achieved positive results, often by thinking outside the box. I currently own and operate my own small business in a rapidly changing industry where I have to strike the balance between setting good strategy and actually getting work done. I believe that achieving success means having a clear vision, getting buy in from all stakeholders and relentlessly pursuing concrete steps to achieve the goal. I am energized by business and organizational challenges and committed to helping others make quality decisions, informed by data. 28 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? have different needs. Our current governance structure and documents Members of the National Board are first and foremost stewards of an difficult to make decisions that satisfy all local programs or be efficient in organization which delivers the best youth sports program on the planet. This means that they need to define, communicate, monitor and revise those strategies and policies which best serve the needs of AYSO’s Regional programs in order to ensure the long term health and wellbeing of AYSO. The challenge is that the needs of local Regional programs are incredibly diverse. What works in one place may or may not work in another. Anyone connected with AYSO for any length of time knows that as an organization we are having difficulty adapting to the current business reality of running a National program, in part because we don’t explicitly recognize in our guiding documents that there are differences between programs. While many of us agree that the AYSO Philosophies should govern the decisions we make in our local programs, Regions need to be empowered to implement programs that best meet the needs of their local communities. There is no “one size fits treat all programs in the same way. This leads to a situation where it is our approach to service delivery. It’s very challenging to improve decision making until we understand how to properly group Regional programs by common needs and business practices. While both programs involve a soccer ball, it takes a different set of considerations to run a successful inner city program than it does to run a program in an affluent suburban township. A “one size fits all” approach to governance won’t satisfy anyone and alienates the leadership of many successful Regions. What we can and should do instead is identify groups of programs with common needs and business practices, determine major pain points and outline where current governance structure and practices are hindering the ability of Regions to be successful. This will lead to a more constructive solutions that improve efficiency, governance structure and practices. all” solution for running a Regional program. While there can and should be a National reference program guide for running a local program, Regions should be actively encouraged to do what it takes to meet the needs of their families, consistent with the AYSO Philosophies. If elected, I will devote my effort to making sure we have an ongoing, systematic way of understanding local program needs, defining solutions that meet these needs, facilitating discussion between Regions with similar needs, prioritizing resources to meet these needs and doing what is necessary to help Regions execute on their programs. I am not in the slightest bit confused that without strategies and policies that work at the local level, there is no National Organization. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. To remain sustainable programs, AYSO Regions must have programming that their local communities value. The litmus test for determining whether a given community values their Regional program is whether parents sign up their children in numbers that are meaningful. Even within a single community, some parents want an experience for their children that is different from what a purely recreational program offers. Where there is significant demand for an Academy-Club programming and the Region is equipped to offer this programming in a way that meets the needs of the families who want this service without compromising AYSO Philosophies or other components of their Regional program, Regions should offer Academy-Club programming. This doesn’t mean that Academy-Club programming should be required in every instance or that it is even appropriate for every Region. Rather, Academy-Club programming should be regarded as another program option that is available to the Region, when and if the Region decides it is appropriate. I will support this goal by gathering information on program effectiveness from the Regions with experience and facilitating discussion about how we can best support their needs. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. The purpose of enhancing efficiency, governance structure and practices is so that we can best support local Regions with better service and program execution. If all AYSO programs were the same, it would be easy to accomplish this goal. But AYSO Regional programs are not the same. AYSO Regional programs are diverse because the communities we serve 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 29 DAVE ORAM CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT It has been an honor and a privilege to serve on the American Youth Soccer Organization’s (AYSO) National CANDIDATE FOR NBOD Board of Directors (NBOD) for the past six years. I am asking for another term because I want to see AYSO ABOUT DAVE continue moving in the right direction; becoming a world class organization again. I feel I am the right person for Personal Background: • Married to Linda for 40 years • Two Sons: Justin (35) wife Lacey Shawn (33) wife Megan • Two Granddaughters, Cambree and Kayla • Two Grandsons, Carson and Bennett this position as I possess the qualities of a good leader and lead by example. My greatest strength is having held various positions in AYSO for the past 30 years. I feel the decisions made during my tenure on the NBOD and future plans detailed in the Strategic Plan are on course as long as we ensure new ideas are presented Occupation: • Maw Equipment 30 years, now retired • Real estate agent • Owner Dave’s Onsite Repair CONTACT (801) 725-7167 to the membership with a plan to succeed before roll out. I want to participate with each of you in making AYSO great again. I have a proven track record for AYSO experience: Regional Team Coach 1986-2002 Regional Volunteer 1986-2012 Regional Chief Referee 1987-1989 Regional Chief Coach 1989-1990 Regional Commissioner 1990-1992 Asst. Regional Commissioner 1992-1993 Regional Commissioner 1994-1997 U5 Jamboree Coach 2012-2013 U6 Girls Coach 2013-2014 Area Area 9R Director Area 9R Instructor 2000-2003 2010- Present Section Section 9 Developer 1999-2003 Section 9 Director 2003-2009 Tournament Nat’l Programs Section Tournament Director 2003-2009 National Tournament Commission 2006-2008 National Development Commission 2004-2005 National Operations Commission 2008-2009 National Nomination Commission 2003-2009 Chair of Endowment/Bustamante Fund 2010-2012 Marketing Commission Liaison 2011-2012 Liaison to Section 1, 4 2010-2011 Liaison to Section 8,10,11,12,13,14,99 2011-2012 Liaison to Section 4,7,8,11,13,99 2012-2013 Liaison to Sections 1,4,5,8,10,11,12,13 2013-2014 Vice President2011-2014 Strategic plan 2012-2016 Liaison to referee Commission 2014-2015 Liaison to VIP Task Force 2014-2016 Finance Committee2014-2016 Pertinent accomplishments or achievements resulting from participation with AYSO: • Instrumental in starting 13 Regions in Section 9 (1999-2009) • Instructed at Section conferences (2003-2015) • Section 9 nominated AYSO Section of the Year (2009) • Section 9 received AYSO Green Thumb Award (2008) • Mentored Section Directors/Area Directors • Advanced Management Instructor • Advanced Coach Instructor (B Coach) • Intermediate Referee Experience outside AYSO: • Board Member Swan Creek Village HOA • President Swan Creek Village HOA 2011-2016 2013-present making correct decisions even when they are difficult rather than taking the easy route. If re-elected, I will be able to hit the road running as there won’t be a learning curve. My desire is to see AYSO work better as a team while focusing on the needs of our organization. I have experienced the same challenges and issues that are currently being faced by both parents and volunteers and will work side by side with all to overcome obstacles and achieve success. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. Through 30 years of volunteering for AYSO, I have served in various leadership positions at every level providing me the background necessary to be an effective board member. Over the past six years, I have served one year as National Secretary, three years as National Vice President and two years as a board member. I have demonstrated the ability to work as a team with fellow board members to achieve common goals, balance the budget and make difficult decisions to bring AYSO back into the competitive market and to evaluate future needs of each region, area and section within AYSO. I have tackled many difficult issues assigned to me by the board and National President concerning discipline and due process and have helped struggling sections become successful. Some of the qualities I possess include good leadership and visionary skills, the ability to make difficult decisions even when they are unpopular and work with fellow board members to complete board assignments in an honest and trustworthy manner. I am a good listener and always listen to both sides of a situation before making a decision. I have the ability to work with all levels within AYSO and commit to work hard to advance the AYSO mission. I display a common sense attitude and ensure focus on the true needs of each region, area and section within AYSO. I have always had an open door policy whereby I encourage each member of AYSO to reach out to me 30 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET on the NBOD with questions regarding policies or procedures that may I will support the Structure and Governance Committee by reviewing not be fully understood. As a contributing member of AYSO, I value your governance documents for focus on the AYSO mission and goals of the input because your boots are on the ground; you know what works best strategic plan, ask questions as necessary to ensure understanding and for your geographical area. provide input as applicable. Whenever possible, I commit to reviewing prior QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? In my opinion, the role of the AYSO NBOD is to ensure compliance with its governing documents, contribute firm strategic direction, set overall policy and targets, define goals, evaluate performance against agreed targets, protect the good name as well as the philosophies of the organization, ensure effective and efficient administration of the organization and ensure the financial stability of the organization. Additionally, the NBOD appoints the National Executive Director and monitors his/her performance. If re-elected, I will support the above statutory duties by using my specific skill set including the knowledge and experience I have gained through working on the board for six previous years assisting them in reaching studies about our brand, structure and governance in an effort to form an unbiased opinion. I will use my knowledge gained through this process as a tool to support the areas under evaluation and assist in making decisions and setting priorities. If re-elected, I will assist in enhancing and implementing a new governance structure by suggesting a talent review as an essential first step for all executive members. This review would assess strengths and weaknesses and determine where additional team building and training may be needed. The training could include motivational aspects and follow through will be critical component. Assignments could then be made by mutual consent, based on who has the expertise to make certain decisions and determining how the decisions should be made. sound decisions. I have a good understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of this position including scrutinizing board documents, leading discussions, focusing on key issues by providing advice and guidance on new initiatives or other issues in which I have special expertise. I am committed to the success of the AYSO organization and willing to devote the necessary time and effort required to achieve our strategic goals. I have the ability to think creatively and am willing to speak my mind even when my opinion may be unpopular. I display good, independent judgment and have the ability to work effectively as a member of the NBOD team maintaining a positive working relationship with fellow board members. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. AYSO is at a crossroads in their growth. We can either expand into new areas such as Academy-Club or stay status-quo as a recreational soccer league. Membership has steadily declined since 2007. The March 2016 NBOD finance report presented to the board on March 30, 2016 shows AYSO down 15,500 players, a 3.4% decrease from FY 2014/2015. I believe one of the reasons we are losing players is because we do not currently offer the competitive component. We have experimented with various competitive programs such as Tournament Teams, National Games, AYSO Plus, AYSO Challenge and AYSO Extra. Some of these programs still operate successfully but are not sufficiently increasing our overall numbers. I believe we are on the right track by introducing the Academy-Club Program. I plan to provide leadership, direction and support as applicable to those responsible for driving the Academy-Club programs to achieve and surpass goals and objectives of the AYSO business and strategic plans. Additionally, I will assist in analyzing, planning and developing the Academy-Club programs; assist in monitoring fiscal conditions, discuss with team members and make recommendations for changes as necessary. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. To strengthen board composition and leadership continuity, I would take action to improve the working relationship among current and new executive members. This would include opening the lines of communication among all executive members, achieving common goals as a team and sharing pertinent information in a timely manner. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 31 JEFFREY STERN CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT JEFFREY Personal Information: • Age - 64 • Home - Chicago, Il. • Married to Linda for 38 years • Children - Scott, 34; Adam, 30; Alexa, 25 • Grandchild – Etta, 2 • Cornell University, BS 1973 • University of Michigan, MBA 1975 AYSO Experience: Region 418, 1987-1992, 2013-present • Coach, Referee, Board Member, Division Head Coach, Co-Chief Referee, Regional Treasurer CONTACT (847) 530-2994 Region 425, 1992-2013 • Coach, Referee, Board Member, Division Head Coach, Regional Coach Administrator Maybe this is an overused term, but AYSO is at somewhat of a crossroads. The youth soccer environment has changed substantially over the years and AYSO must adapt or else be negatively impacted. While it was not my intention to seek a 4th term on the Board (which is why I didn’t submit my name to the Nominating Commission), I became convinced that in light of our attempts to stay in step with the youth soccer world, a certain level of continuity on the Board was important going forward with our Strategic Plan and that I could offer that for the next 3 years. Additionally, I’m on the board of a large region that has successfully integrated Extra, Academy/Club and U5 and is discussing how to institute the Playground program. So I can also offer that experience to the NBOD. Looking at all this, I decided to submit a 6 signature petition in order to run for the Board. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. Serving on the NBOD for 9 years in the roles of Area 6D 1992-1997 • Area Director of Referee Instruction treasurer and vice-president speaks for itself. In that Section 6 • Co-Director of Youth Referees 1995-1997 • Section Referee Administrator 1997-2002 • Section Director 2002-2007 as well as being the NBOD Liaison to the Coaching, Other • Advanced Coach, National-2 Referee • Advanced Referee Instructor • Advanced Management Instructor • National Instructor Trainer • National Games 2006 Assistant Venue Director • AYSO National Treasurer 2007-2014 • AYSO National Vice-president 2014-present Commissions and/or Task Forces: • National Referee Commission • eAYSO Volunteer Functional Team & Commission • Operations Commission • Finance Commission • Endowment Fund Commission • National Coaching Advisory Commission (NBOD Liaison) • National Referee Advisory Commission (NBOD Liaison) • eAYSO Commission (NBOD Liaison) • IT Task Force (NBOD Liaison) • AYSO Liaison to USSF • National System and Software Commission (NBOD Liaison) • 2016 National Games Task Force Other Volunteer Work: • Co-Founder & past Commissioner of Chicago Area Soccer League (adult), High school referee Professional Experience: • Commodity trader, member of Chicago Board of Trade since 1973 32 CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET time, I’ve been on various commissions and working groups dealing with all aspects of the organization, Referee and eAYSO Commissions. Additionally, for the last 6 years I’ve acted as AYSO’s Liaison to USSF, so have been involved in our activities with them. During my time on the NBOD, I was also on the Region 425 board in various roles and, after moving back to Chicago from the suburbs, re-joined the Region 418 board as treasurer. (I started in that region in 1987.) Prior to joining the NBOD, I was Section 6 Director and before that, Section 6 Referee Administrator. During my time as SRA, all SRAs were part of the National Referee Commission, so I served on that group, too. QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? The NBOD has the overall responsibility for every aspect of the organization. It ultimately determines what programming AYSO offers to the public and the content of that programming. It then delegates delivery of that content to the Sections, Areas and ultimately, the Regions and provides the methods by which that occurs. Because AYSO is a single-entity organization, the Board must also oversee all of its business aspects, including insurance, legal and finance. But it doesn’t do this in a vacuum. It has to be aware of the larger youth soccer environment, while working with and listening to the Sections, Areas and Regions about how to best offer our overall program. All of this—the Board’s fiduciary duties as detailed in our corporate documents, the associated operational requirements and the overall organizational operating methodologies—have to be kept in mind as an NBOD member. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. The Academy-Club program is a necessary part of the current youth soccer environment for some regions. If they don’t offer it, someone else will offer something similar and attractive to the local market. The region of which I’m part, 418, is a model for supporting this Strategic Plan goal. While I was not part of the Region when the club component was started, I was aware of what was happening, including dealing with some problems while Section Director. Since returning to the region in 2013, I have been able to observe and help with the club component’s implementation, so can pass useful practical information about it on to the NBOD and other volunteers. This includes methods that help to keep these types of programs consistent with AYSO’s overall philosophy and management style, which would include maintaining the position of our core program as the most important part of our organization. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. For virtually its entire existence, AYSO has adhered to the region/area/ section/national model. Perhaps it’s time to review that model with an eye on the future. We must have a structure that is most efficient for delivering our programs. This could include more sections or maybe less. The same goes for the areas. Maybe we need to change some section and/or area boundaries. Perhaps we need assistant SDs or ADs with certain specific responsibilities that are consistent across the country. Whether we keep the same structure or change, we have to give our management the right tools and training in order to be as efficient as possible. So we would have to review how we provide the tools and deliver the training. Additionally, we have to review the corporate business structure of AYSO. In that light, I have submitted a Bylaw change proposal related to NAGM voting. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 33 EILEEN TABERT CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT EILEEN Personal: • Married 39 years to Herb Tabert. Mom of 3 children; Chip, Erich and Natasha. • Bachelor of Science degree in Child Development and Family Relations. • Co-owner with husband of our travel agency CONTACT (801) 244-1496 AYSO Experience: Regional • Regional Commissioner 3 yrs • Regional Tournament Director 3 yrs • U 16 Coach 1 yr • Treasurer 4 yrs Area • Area Director 6 yrs. • Assistant Area Director 1 yr • Area Management Admin 3 yrs Section • Section Director - 2009 to present) • CVPA • Advanced Management Instructor National • RC Training Instructor – Class 1 to present • AD Training Instructor 5 yrs • EXPO Management Instructor Task Forces: • Chair, Section Meeting–1 yr • EM Expired Term 2 yrs • RAP/AAP Assessment 4 yrs • Extended Play 2 yrs • Strategic Plan: Volunteer Development 2 yrs Commissions: • Programs and Education 2 yrs • Development 1 yr • NBOD Nominating 5 yrs • National Management Advisory 4 yrs (Chair 1 yr 4 months) • National Tournament Advisory 1 yr USSF Appeals Committee member 2 yrs Assistant National Secretary to NBOD 1 yr Accomplishments/Awards: • Chair, NMAC 2008-2009 o Teamed with Rosanne MacPhail for creation of RC Training o Developed RC Training format and curriculum • AD caucus facilitator May 2004 – 2008 o Transformed format to positive, productive environment with change recommendations to NBOD and NO and issue resolution follow up o Created facilitator training o Managed facilitator selection • President’s citation of Excellence May 2006 • National Management Spirit Award 2008. • Section of the Year - 2010 & 2011 • Green Thumb Award in 2010, 2011 Professional/Work Experience: • BS degree: Child Development & Family Relations, includes education curriculum development • Director preschool for 2 preschools • Curriculum author for AYSO management program. • Being co-owner of our travel agency affords me an understanding of customer service and its related issues and general understanding of managing a business. 34 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT AYSO has celebrated more than 50 years in the soccer community. Many things have changed since its humble beginning in 1964 and will continue to change as its forges through another 50 years. Our organizations ability to adapt to a changing soccer and business climate is paramount in ensuring our relevance and survival. While change is necessary, if done correctly it doesn’t have to be a time of high stress, frustration or difficulty! I believe the key to good change management is excellent communication and a clearly defined process! With over 21 years of experience as a volunteer moving through the hierarchy of AYSO, I have honed my leadership, management, decision making, and communication skills, which I will use as a member of the board of directors as they face the future decisions that must be made. In my leadership roles, I have learned that when changes need to be made, it is easier to get support of the executive members by sharing information and giving opportunity to have input. I will be an advocate for executive member inclusion in the discussion phase of decisions that may potentially have direct impact on regions, areas and sections whenever possible. I learned volunteerism from my father. I watched him give often of his time and talents. From him I learned that volunteers could indeed make a world of difference when working in concert with others for a common goal. With this in mind I ask for your vote as I run for the National Board of Directors to represent your best interests. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. Professionally I have worked in numerous preschools as the Director. I was responsible to manage the overall facility and its programs. I was also instrumental in developing the curriculum for 2, 3, and 4 yrs olds. As a co-owner of our travel agency my primary responsibilities are to manage the finances, the customer base, travel bookings and customer communication. I keep current by participating in continuing education and trade shows of the industry. I have volunteered in my children’s elementary, middle, and high schools as a teachers aid and chaperone on school trips. All of the above require organizational, administrative and leadership skills which are needed as a member of the board of directors. As the NBOD endeavors to keep AYSO relevant in the soccer community, I believe my skill sets will be beneficial in helping the NBOD communicate early and often regarding issues, discussion and decisions that will have an impact on how regions, areas and sections operate. QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? I believe the primary role of the National Board of Directors is to be strategic planners and policy makers for the organization. They should also ensure the National Office is carrying out the strategic plan and providing customer friendly support to the AYSO members. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. I am a supporter of the AYSO Academy-Club program. As the Section 9 Director I submitted an application with guidelines to run our own program. With approval we have moved into the club circuit with enough players to have gained a seat on the UYSA board. If elected to the National Board I will be an advocate for continuing support of the National Office in completing the program and roll out on a National level. I would like any section who believes AYSO Academy-Club program will enhance their overall program to have a basic structure with all supporting forms and documentation to get it up and running. A mother looking for a soccer program for her son emailed me asking a lot of good questions about opportunities for her son in AYSO. At the end of our conversation I realized with our strong primary programs, VIP, EXTRA, and AYSO Club in Section 9 we truly offer soccer at whatever level a player seeks. AYSO has become a real competitor in our soccer community! That was a powerful realization, one I’d like every section that desires AYSO Club to have. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. In all my leadership positions I have seen and experienced some of the challenges faced by other executive members. Since we are a volunteered based organization I firmly believe we need to find ways of making the jobs of our volunteers easier not harder! We need to find ways to make it easier to get the necessary training we ask of volunteers. We also need to streamline our processes so volunteers can spend time on doing things that improve their local programs to live up to AYSO’s Vision to provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children’s lives. If elected to the National Board I will constantly work and speak out if necessary to ensure we aren’t making decisions that make it harder to volunteer! I will advocate for seeking input from the executive membership on things that present barriers to our current volunteers and to recruiting future volunteers to run the regions, areas, and sections. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 35 CAROLYN TAYLOR CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT CAROLYN CONTACT (810) 656-8006 Personal: • RC Region 1106 2003-2006 • AD Area F 2007-2013 • SD Section 8 2012-2015 • Team Coach 2003-2012 • Strategic Plan Structure and Governance Committee 2012-2014 • NAGM Task Force 2013-2014 • Current Asst. AD Area F • Current SCVPA Section 8 • Mike Fultz AYSO Warrior Award 2012 • U6-U12 Coach Certified • Management Instructor • Management certifications: Auditor, CVPA (Region & Area/Section), Treasurer, Registrar, Safety Director, Basic Management, Intermediate Management, Area and Section Staff Training • AD Trained 2007 • CDC Training • Held the 1st successful RC training in Michigan June 2013 I have been a volunteer with AYSO since 1999; holding many various positions. I assist with our local High School band program and Quiz Bowl program for the past 13 years. I have recently returned to the work force and after 3 weeks on the job, I was offer a promotion with much more responsibility. I will be now assisting with setting prices and assuring that a profit is being made on the items sold. CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT Having served in many positions over the past 17 years with AYSO in various leadership roles, I feel that I can bring “new blood” to the NBOD. I think that having representation from all areas where AYSO is located is essential to aid in the growth of AYSO. I will bring my knowledge of the smaller regions [under 500 players] to AYSO and how they struggle with many different things in AYSO. My motivation to run for the NBOD is simple, I want to help AYSO grow and having the knowledge of the smaller regions within AYSO is a great asset. QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. Having held many various positions with in AYSO and serving as the Section Director for 3 years in Section 8, I bring the “out of the box” thinking, and the ability to manage my time very well. I have met deadlines when given, and research things before making critical decisions. QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? The role of the NBOD is to maintain the governance of AYSO, review training material and continually update them, support all volunteers of AYSO and maintain the transparency with in AYSO to the membership. If I am elected I will do my absolute best to support all and work together. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. I think this program has great potential for a lot of regions/areas in AYSO. I will first learn more about the AYSO Academy-Club and talk to those operating this program and see how it can be expanded for other regions/areas. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. I believe that the board should continually strengthen their leadership and composition. Strong leaders are ones who are willing to listen and not make decisions on what is best for a specific region/area /section; but are willing to make those decisions if it is best for the majority of the membership. Re-assessing the governance structure is something that any business/ non-profit should do regularly. By doing this it helps the organization grow and that is what we need AYSO to do. 36 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET This page was left blank on purpose. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 37 MATTHEW WINEGAR CANDIDATE FOR NBOD ABOUT MATTHEW AYSO EXPERIENCE: • REGION 304: Regional Commissioner (2006-2009), ARC, CVPA, Safety Director, RDRI, Management Administrator (current position, Region 304) • AREA 10W: Management Administrator, 2010-present • NATIONAL: Development Commission, 2011-15; Chair, 2012-15; Nominating Commission, 2015; Chair, National U-4 Task Force (present), “AYSO Field Guy” • CERTIFICATIONS: o Advanced Referee o Advanced Management Instructor CONTACT (805) 701 6747 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: • President And Principal Of Sitespacific, Inc., A Land Use Planning And Management Services Firm Based In Ventura, Ca. ( ) • Almost 40 Years Of Municipal Planning And Infrastructure Management Experience, Including 20 Years As Director Of A 60 Staff Member Department (Planning, Building, Traffic And Transportation, Project Management) With An Operating Budget Of $6.5M, And A Capital Budget Of Up To $100M/Yr • Experienced And Trained In Mediation, InterestedBased Negotiation, And Organizational Development • Certified Management Trainer • Certified Planner NON-PROFIT EXPERIENCE: • Gull Wings Childrens Museum (Oxnard Ca), Member, Board Of Directors, 1994-99; Vice President, 1996; President, 1997-99 • Oxnard Downtown Management District, Member, Board Of Directors, 2008-2013 • American Planning Association, Central Coast Section, Member, Board Of Directors, 1980-85 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • AYSO Platinum Region Every Year During My Tenure As Regional Commissioner (First Time, And Continuing To Present) • Reinstituted Annual Region Fund-Raising Tournament, And Continue To Serve On The Tournament Committee CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT I am running for the National Board of Directors for several reasons. First and foremost, I was asked by several Executive Members to consider running for the NBOD and it is an honor to do so. Many Executive Members and volunteers that I talk to are concerned about three principle issues: 1) A lack of communication between the NBOD, the National Office, and volunteers, 2) A perceived lack of transparency regarding the actions and activities of the NBOD, and 3) A lack of appreciation for the contributions and experience that volunteers make to the success of the Organization. As someone who has been involved as a leader of an AYSO national commission and a task force, I share those concerns and I believe they can be readily addressed and resolved. The National Office simply cannot provide all of the necessary services that it takes to successfully maintain our core programs at the regional level. Much of that support must come from other AYSO volunteers. Yet the NBOD has eliminated much of the significant volunteer services that were provided by the former AYSO commissions. Some, but not nearly all of those efforts are now being conducted by “task forces”. I fear that the contributions of many of our bright and experienced volunteers are being pushed aside in the name of expediency. I think we can do better. In summary, if elected I will advocate for the following: • A reassessment of our organizational structure and volunteer participant model • Improved communications between the NBOD, National Office, and volunteers, including better utilization of “The AYSO Insider” • Improved transparency concerning the agendas and minutes of the NBOD, a requirement for more timely production of minutes, and limiting executive session items • Clear and measurable performance expectations for the NED and key staff QUESTION 1 - Please share your personal and/or professional experiences that best demonstrate your qualifications to serve on AYSO’s National Board of Directors. I have served in many leadership positions, both professionally and on four non-profit boards of directors. I served as president of two of those boards, including a children’s museum, providing strategic and fiscal oversight and policy direction to a paid executive director and staff. I am familiar with the financial and management challenges that face many non-profit organizations. I adapted a strategic planning model for my regional board when I was appointed regional commissioner. This model has been used as an example for other regions in Section 10 as well. Professionally, I have lead the activities of several municipal departments, including a public works department that managed the development and construction of numerous large capital projects. The 38 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET staff of the development services department managed the planning and development of thousands of new homes, as well as shopping centers and industrial complexes. This was all accomplished through the creation and performance of multi-disciplinary teams. In my role as the Chair of the National Development Commission and now the National U-4 Task Force, I have lead efforts to attract and retain new players and provide support and recognition of our volunteers. These efforts have resulted in the fostering and launching of the following: • The new U-4 programs: AYSO Playground Soccer and Playtime Adventure • AYSO Labs • The President’s Circle • The AYSO Field Guy • Development of a Regional Marketing Director job description (with the National Marketing Commission) I am and will continue to be an “Every Saturday” volunteer. I referee every Saturday during the regular season and Area and Section playoffs (look at my Facebook profile) and I am on our Region Board and referee staff. I believe the NBOD needs more members who are out there supporting coaches, referees, and team parents and experiencing what is needed at the grass-roots level. QUESTION 2 - In your opinion, what is the role of AYSO’s National Board of Directors, and if elected, how will you support your view? As discussed above, I have served in the capacity of both a non-profit board member as well as staff of a city governed by an elected city council. QUESTION 4 - “Enhance efficiency governance structure and practices” is listed as Goal Number Five in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on enhancing efficiency within AYSO’s governance structure and practices. I have several observations about this question. First, again to my knowledge, I have never seen a reference to the adoption of a Strategic Business Plan in NBOD minutes or discussed in the “AYSO Insider” That doesn’t mean neither of those things occurred, but as someone who considers himself somewhat aware of what is going on at the National level, I only became aware of it as part of my NBOD Question and Answer packet. This goes to my “communication issue”. Second, the Objectives listed under this heading are “1. Strengthen board composition and leadership continuity. 2. Review governing documents for focus on mission and goals of strategic plan. 3. Re-assess governance structure”. I have no issue supporting Objective #2. Items 1 and 3 give me pause. As far as Objective 1 is concerned, as long as there are elected board members and a one year term for the National President (NP), there is going to be the potential for a lack of leadership continuity. I’m not sure how you strengthen the composition of an elected board. That is a judgement for the Executive Members to make. With regards to Objective 3, I believe an organization should periodically reassess how it functions (or doesn’t function) and make adjustments accordingly. I would not support changes that further diminish volunteer participation, but I do think there is a need to clearly define the roles and boundaries of the NP and NBOD members and the role and responsibilities of the NED. This absolutely should be done before attempting to recruit a new permanent NED. I have a clear notion of the distinction between to two roles. I believe the role of the Board is to 1) understand the needs of their constituents (executive members), 2) hire a competent executive director (NED), 3) establish clear expectations for key results, 4) periodically review the performance of the NED and the fiscal condition of the organization, and 5) inform the membership of the performance of the organization. I believe there is room for improvement in all of these areas. QUESTION 3 - AYSO Academy-Club opportunities is listed as Goal Number One in the Strategic Business Plan recently approved by the National Board. Please identify how you will support this goal, including stating your views on Academy-Club programming. The Academy-Club program was evaluated as an AYSO Labs project by the National Development Commission, of which I was Chair. As Chair I promoted a player growth strategy called A.R.E.-Attraction, Retention, and Expansion. The Academy-Club program addresses a retention need, and may over time attract new players as well. I support a full range of AYSO program offerings that serve players and parents who find the AYSO Philosophies appealing. And while I support the Academy program as an element of that strategy, I think it needs to be recognized that it appeals to a rather limited number of players. Therefore, scarce National AYSO resources need to be allocated accordingly and revenues generated to make this program self-supporting. This is also a topic that I believe could benefit from additional communication and transparency. As chair of the National U-4 Task Force, I believe that programs such as U-5 Jamboree (now Schoolyard Soccer) and AYSO Playground Soccer, (which is Strategic Business Plan Goal Number TWO!) that drive players to our Core program, would benefit from significant NBOD and National Office support as well. After all, these programs have the potential to actually increase our player count on an annual basis and consequently help AYSO’s financial bottom line. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 39 JANET BRAUN CANDIDATE FOR NATIONAL PRESIDENT ABOUT JANET CONTACT (626) 808-5473 (cell) (626) 799-0707 (home) AYSO Experience: • National Board of Directors, 2015-present • National Legal Commission, 2008-present • Area Director (1C), San Gabriel Valley (14,000 players) 2006-08 • Regional Commissioner (214), South Pasadena, CA (2,100 players) 2003-05 • Regional Board Member (214) 2000-08, positions included Assistant RC, VIP Director, Tournament Director and Secretary • Coach 1995-2013 • Regional Referee • VIP Coach 2002-07 • 21-year AYSO Volunteer 1995-present • Recipient, R214 Regional Commissioner’s Award 2006 Nonprofit Board /Leadership Experience: • Current Vice-Chair and Past Chair (2014-16), South Pasadena Public Safety Commission • President, Women in South Pasadena Political Action • Flintridge Preparatory School, Board of Trustees (200814), including 3 years on the Executive Committee and Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee • Boy Scouts of America, San Gabriel Valley Council, Board of Directors, Executive Board and Vice President, Marketing (2010-14), and Greater Los Angeles Area Board of Directors (2015- present) • Pasadena Ronald McDonald House, Board of Trustees (2009-12) • President, Flintridge Preparatory School Parents Association (2006-08) • Girl Scouts Mt. Wilson-Vista Council, Capital Campaign Cabinet (2005-07) • President, Crestview Preparatory School Parents Association 2003-05, and Strategic Planning Committee 2003 Professional/ Work Experience: • Corporate lawyer for over 25 years, with broad experience including mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, corporate governance and general business matters • O’Melveny & Myers, Los Angeles, CA • Associate General Counsel, Santa Fe International Corporation, a multi-national, oil drilling services company • Associate General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a publicly-held biotechnology company • Co-Founder and General Counsel, Brightside Innovations, Inc., a start-up technology corporation • General Counsel, HBT Labs, Inc., Brea, CA • Education: Ohio State University, J.D. 1985 and B.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering 1982 Personal Information: • Married 29 years; three children, Kristin (26), Kevin (23) and Brian (20), all AYSO alums • Played on first Cincinnati-area girls soccer team in 1969 and played SAY soccer 1970-76; played on high school’s first girls varsity soccer team 40 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT AYSO is the best youth sports organization in the country. AYSO’s reliance on our six underlying philosophies and volunteer efforts creates positive and healthy opportunities for children, adults and communities. I am running for President of AYSO because I am concerned about the 25% decline in AYSO player registration over the past 8 years, direct player costs that represent only 19% of player registration fees and my perceived growing sense of dissatisfaction within the organization. We need to change the direction of AYSO by returning more control of local programs to Regions, Areas and Sections and bringing a renewed and infectious sense of positivity back to AYSO. AYSO must recognize our fundamental strengths and capitalize on what we do better than any other organization. The primary focus of our national organization should be developing soccer programs, volunteer training and support and player and volunteer safety. We need to understand and acknowledge that growth and strength are derived from our local programs and that our volunteers are in the best position to assess their local environments. Specifically, our priorities should be as follows: (1) Develop and provide a variety of relevant soccer programs from which our local Regions and Areas can choose, based on their communities’ needs; (2) Provide more autonomy to local Regions and Areas, within the confines of AYSO’s six philosophies, to operate their programs to meet their needs, and return Section meetings to Sections and Areas to address issues relevant to their volunteers and local programs; (3) Provide current, accessible and useful training to our volunteers; (4) Ensure player and volunteer safety; and (5) Lead the organization forward with a renewed sense of “positive coaching” and “good sportsmanship”. I believe I have the strategic vision, leadership skills, business expertise, positive approach and passion to help guide AYSO forward. QUESTION 1 - What qualifications do you possess, both professionally and as a volunteer, that demonstrate your ability to lead AYSO as National President? I have participated in AYSO as a volunteer for 21 years in numerous capacities, served as a Board member and leader of many other nonprofit organizations and worked as a corporate lawyer for over 25 years. As a result of this experience, I possess the leadership skills, vision and knowledge to lead AYSO forward as National President. As an AYSO volunteer, I have been an RC of a 2,100 player Region in which we re-built our referee program, developed new fields, re-established community relations and increased player registration by 10%. As an AD of a 14,000 player Area, I helped unite nine diverse regions as a collective and supportive group. As a member of the AYSO Legal Commission for the past 8 years, I have advised both the Board and President on many governance and operational matters. As a member of the NBOD for the past year, I have become acutely aware of the challenges and opportunities for AYSO going forward. As an Area Director, I helped unite a diverse group of nine regions by I have been involved in many other nonprofit and volunteer organizations emphasizing that the Regions needed to support each other and build unity and have acted as president or chairman of several of them, most recently among neighboring communities. The RCs responded, and each Region establishing a new volunteer emergency preparedness team in my city. I offered the assets and resources that it could for the benefit of the Area as have insight into the best practices for organizations like AYSO which rely a whole. I worked hard to rebuild the Area’s Upper Division program, which on volunteers to carry out their missions, and I fully comprehend the need required taking some unpopular positions. By providing support to our to empower and motivate volunteers. referees and establishing and enforcing clear rules, the program flourished, In my professional career, I have focused on corporate transactions, including contract negotiations, finance, employment matters and litigation oversight, knowledge of all of which is critical to the AYSO National President role. with the support of referees, coaches, players and families. As a member of the Legal Commission, I have provided guidance to the Board and President on a number of issues, many of them related to AYSO needs a President who is a strong leader with a vision to grow our governance of the organization. As a member of the NBOD for the past program and work with our volunteers. I have demonstrated leadership, year, I have asserted my opinions and positions for the betterment of our analytical ability, creative problem-solving skills and the work ethic necessary organization, even when I am in the minority. to lead AYSO as National President. QUESTION 2 - How Will You Work To Support The Goals Contained In The New Strategic Plan Recently Approved By AYSO’s National Board Of Directors? AYSO needs to provide our outstanding program to more children and families. It will take hard work with volunteers throughout the country and may require some unpopular decisions. I have the experience, work ethic, courage and tenacity to get the job done. First, AYSO needs to roll-out a menu of innovative and relevant soccer programs that addresses the needs of our diverse AYSO Regions. These programs and attendant training materials must be one of our top priorities as an organization. Second, AYSO must recognize that more training and education needs to be provided and completed at the local level. While online training is practical for certain functions, many of the responsibilities within a Region require hands-on training and sharing best practices with other local volunteers. We need to reinvent the EXPOs and return to local Section gatherings to facilitate both program and volunteer training and networking opportunities. Third, as a single corporation, AYSO faces complex fiscal oversight issues. Our Regions are diverse in size, geography and maturity within their markets. At a national level, we must provide both fiscal support and incentives for financial self-governance. Regions with the necessary local resources should be provided the option for more self-governance and thus more fiscal responsibility, provided that player and volunteer safety will remain absolute imperatives of the national organization. Fourth, AYSO branding and marketing are critical to our organization. Marketing must be embraced by our local Regions as a priority. Growth will come from local marketing efforts, but we must provide support at the national level and continue our efforts to promote and expand our outstanding brand. Fifth, I have had many opportunities as a member of the Corporate Governance task force and Legal Commission to review bylaws, rules and regulations and other AYSO governance documents. AYSO must modify and simplify our governance structure, with an understanding that our local Regions are the backbone of our organization. We need to simplify procedures and remove barriers to the efficient operation of our Regions, Areas and Sections. QUESTION 3 – How have you personally provided leadership to AYSO volunteer management? I have provided leadership to AYSO volunteer management on many levels over 21 years. At the Region level, I co-founded our Region’s VIP program, which I also coached for 5 years, built fields, helped restructure and rebuild our Region’s referee program, reaching out to neighboring Regions for help and guidance, and established a positive attitude and strong AYSO brand within our community. I worked extremely hard with our Region volunteers and community leaders, and sometimes took unpopular positions for the good of our organization. I was honored with the Regional Commissioner’s award after my term as RC. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 41 MARK STEWART CANDIDATE FOR NATIONAL PRESIDENT ABOUT MARK Personal Information: • Married to Cristi Stewart • Two sons: Cory and Kyle, three grandchildren CONTACT (808) 223-9412 (cell) AYSO Experience: • Regional Safety Director: Region 100 Kailua, Hawaii 1982-1983 • Asst. Regional Referee Administrator: Region 100 Kailua, Hawaii - 1983 • Asst RC: Region 100 Kailua, Hawaii - 1984-1985 • Regional Commissioner: Region 100 Kailua, Hawaii 1986-1990 • Co-founder and Tournament Director of Windward Classic Tournament - 1990 • Kirk Banks Tournament Director - 1991 • Area Director: Area 7 /0 - Honolulu Metro, East Oahu, Windward Oahu - 1995-2000 • Section Director: Section 7 Hawaiian Islands 2001-2005 • National Games Staff: 2002 • Section 7 Developer: 2001-2005 • Liaison for various years for Sections l,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 14 and 99 • National Vice-President: 2006-2014 • National President 2014 -2016 Honors, Accomplishments and Certifications: • Advanced AYSO Coach • “B” coach certified • N2 Referee • Grade 2 Coach Instructor • Grade 5 Regional Teacher • Advanced Mgmt. Instructor • National Section of the Year 2003 & 2005 Commissions and/or Task Forces: • Endowment Fund Commission: 2001-2014 • Management Commission Liaison: 2005-2009 • Coaching Commission Liaison: 2010 • Management Task Force: 1998 • Chair: National Office relocation task force • NED Search Committee Professional Experience: • President, Principal Broker :Stewart & Assoc., Inc. Real Estate Sales & Property Management • Past Chair: Honolulu Board of Realtors Central Region (Metro Honolulu and Waikiki) • Chair: Honolulu Board of Realtors Mediation Council • Board Member: Honolulu Board of Realtors • Charter Member and Instructor : Oahu branch National Assoc of Residential Property Managers ( NARPM) CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT The last two years the NBOD has been actively engaged in managing a major structural change in the way we do business. I am again offering my candidacy to continue to lead and facilitate the re-engineering of our business to meet the challenges of the rapidly changing market place. It is no secret that today’s competition for parents and players is fierce. The competing dynamics for those players and families that engage in soccer is continually evolving. Ambitious new competitors are arising in every market across the country every day. We must recognize that business as usual or a status quo approach to the organizations future will not lead to the desired growth or long term sustainability. Winners will win bigger, and the rest will fight harder for what’s left. I want to make sure we remain a winner because what we do is unique and worth fighting every single day for. To achieve our strategic vision there are still many important operational and financial needs we must continue to address. Having had experience at all levels of executive membership I have a deep understanding of the challenges AYSO faces every day. I know I can continue to be an effective leader of your team to lead AYSO into the 21st century and beyond. QUESTION 1 - What qualifications do you possess, both professionally and as a volunteer, that demonstrate your ability to lead AYSO as National President? Having run my own successful real estate brokerage company for over 25 years I bring to the table a strong background in fiscal accountability and corporate knowledge. I will continue to bring to AYSO my management knowledge and experience to help facilitate responsible business practices. I have also served on other nonprofit boards, the most current being a board of Directors member of the 6000 member Honolulu Board of Realtors (HBR). I am a current member of the audit and governance committees and have chaired the Professional Standards Meditation and Ombudsman committee for over 12 years. As a volunteer I have literally held every position in AYSO, from coach, referee, regional board member, Regional Commissioner, Area Director, Section Director, National Board member to your National President. This experience gives me a unique perspective of the entire organization. I have walked in your shoes, and understand the challenges that every volunteer faces in balancing work, family and our volunteer commitments. In addition to having a strong business background, I am a professionally trained mediator. The mediation skills I have developed assist me in providing the membership solid people skills, open communication, common sense, and strong ethics. 42 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET This skill set is powerful and matched with my business background they are a strong combination that I bring to continue to facilitate leading your National Board of Directors. QUESTION 2 - How Will You Work To Support The Goals Contained In The New Strategic Plan Recently Approved By AYSO’s National Board Of Directors? It has been said that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. I could not agree more. I will continue personally making it my goal to make sure we produce quality leadership in every aspect of our organization. It is clear that to achieve the goals and strategic vision set forth in the strategic plan that there are important operational and financial needs that we will need to continue to address in our strategic direction and operating model. As President I have already taken lead and facilitated with the NBOD and the National Office staff key action items in support of those goals * For the first time ever we have secured marketing at a national level with our partnership with Fox Sports 1. The level of national exposure and value added with the video production of commercials and coaching video is unprecedented. *The RMS system from Blue Sombrero moves us to a management and registration tool that is compatible with mobile devices and tablets and will improve commucation at the local and national level. *Financial structure of the NAP department was transitioned from a passive data entry process to a proactive Financial Services Department. The reimbursement system has been brought online by transitioning to Chrome River which reduces the typical time of payment to seven to ten working days which is twice as fast as before. *We have created a new position at the National Office that will identry specific target markets for the launch of existing and new programs, and have strengthened our risk management with the hire of a full time paralegal for the oversight of volunteer screening and legal matters .. I will work to continue the support of the goals by keeping the board first and foremost focused on what is best for AYSO and to provide transparent and timely information to the membership. Communication is key; we need consistent, modern and clear commucation channels to renew our understanding that this is a shared partnership. QUESTION 3 –How have you personally provided leadership to AYSO volunteer management? I have always viewed leadership as a collaborative effort, a banding together if you will, with other volunteers to promote personal and quite often professional development and growth. I have been able in the wide variety of roles and responsibilities that I have had with AYSO to constantly promote and provide education, leadership skills and resources to our members. The leadership project that I am personally the most proud of was to have helped , develop and deliver RC training. Along with Rosanne McPhail and Eileen Tabert we were able to develop and champion to the NBOD the first three pilot RC classes back in 2009. We are scheduled to hold one of our largest classes in April with over 40 RC ‘s in attendance. We have now trained well over 700 Regional Commissioners from every section in the country, and will be holding our 25th class this coming June. This training has provided our front line managers the skill set to be effective leaders in their regions and has set the career path for our future leadership in AYSO. I have continued to have an ongoing role as an instructor and curriculum developer for both RC and AD training. I also have been a liaison to every Section during my tenure on the National Board of Directors. In that role I have been able to mentor, advise and assist the Section Directors in the management of their individual Sections. 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 43 FY 2016 BUDGET INFORMATION The Annual Budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 will be available for your review after May 17, 2016. To view or download a copy of the budget prior to the NAGM, log in to and select the Annual Budgets menu item as described in the picture below. Please download a copy of the budget and bring it with you to the NAGM. 44 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET NOTES NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 45 NOTES NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET 46 2016 NAGM INFORMATION BOOKLET American Youth Soccer Organization NATIONAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING May 27-29, 2016 Chicago, IL AYSO National Office • 19750 S. Vermont Ave., Suite 200 • Torrance, CA 90502 800-USA-AYSO •
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