File - Corpus Christi Catholic Church


File - Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Corpus Christi Catholic Community
3597 N. Sunridge Drive, Carson City, NV 89705 x (775) 267-3200
Pastor- Rev. Father James J. Setelik, Jr.
Welcome to Corpus Christi!
Office HoursWednesday,
Thursday & Friday 9-5
(Closed for Lunch)
Please call before coming to
the office.
Mass Schedule
Saturday (vigil): 4:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:30 am
Weekdays: Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 9:00 am
Friday 12:10 pm
3:00-3:30 pm or by appt.
cada sábado de
3:00 a 3:30 pm
Preparation Class
required, call for an
Sacrament of
Holy Matrimony
6 months advance
preparation, call for an
Anointing of the Sick
By appointment, please call
the office
Holy Days of Obligation
Times vary– please check the
schedule—regularly scheduled daily Mass is
usually cancelled
Parish Email-generaloffice@
Twelfth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
June 19, 2016
Receptionist- Susan Zampirro
Pastoral Assistant (DRE, Youth Minister, Ministry Development,
Facilities Director, Art and Environment) - Karen Smeath
Gifts to God...Have You Given Yours?
Corpus Christi Catholic Book Club
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 13,
at 6:30 p.m.
Lord of the World & The Dawn of All
by Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson
All are welcome!
Reflection of the Week
Our Gospel Reading for today finishes with
the Lord telling us, “For whoever wishes to
save his life will lose it, and whoever loses
his life for my sake will save it.” That may sound
somewhat foreboding to us as we strive to follow Him
and to be His disciple.
We need to see that from another perspective, however.
Jesus was fond of teaching by using references to plants
and planting. On multiple occasions he cites seeds in His
teachings. If we consider it, we bury a seed; in effect it
dies. Nevertheless, it must die for it to fulfill what it was
intended to be. It cannot produce fruit, become a tree
unless it goes through the process of dying to what it
once was.
That is Jesus’ message for us. If we truly wish to follow
Him, we must die to what we once may have been, or in
some cases to what we may think we want to be. We
have to learn to look at ourselves as the Lord might look
at us. The ongoing question is “What does the Lord want
me to be?” or “How does the Lord want me to serve Him
and others?”
It is not easy to serve the Lord. It is not comfortable to
always think of others first. Yet, those are Jesus’
instructions to us. That is His call to us. As He reminded
us many times, “I came to serve, not to be served.” That
needs to be our goal as well. That is what stewardship is
all about.
is burning this week for the Porter family
is burning this week for the healing of Julius Villaflor
We are looking for a musician to help with the Saturday and/
or Sunday English liturgies.
If you play organ, piano, guitar, or other stringed instruments
we need you!
If you can take the role of song leader for one of these two
Please apply to the office.
Events in our Parish…..
Spooner Lake Picnics
July 17th and August 14
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions—July 2016
Universal: Indigenous Peoples— That indigenous peoples,
whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be
shown due respect.
Evangelization: Latin America & the Caribbean— That the
Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her
mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with
renewed vigor and enthusiasm
Corpus Christi Sunday Collection/
Colecta Semanal
Catholic Home Missions
Thank You !
Stay connected with what is happening at our parish and enjoy
great faith building resources on-the-go all week
How to download our parish app
1) Text App to 88202 to download (or visit
2) 2) Select our parish
Please add the following to our monthly “pray
for” list in our Just for You newsletter…..
Hal Minshew, Wayne H. Jones, Tom Minshew, Lorraine
Turner, Debbie Forkins, †Edward Juchtzer, Gloria Bishop,
†Leona Porter, Michael & Paula Bishop, Julius Villaflor.
Call the office if you wish to add someone to our prayer list
including; our military and members of our parish family and friends
who are sick or who have passed away recently.
Pilgrimage Around the Diocese
During the Year of Mercy, the Diocese of Reno is
encouraging a pilgrimage to various parishes around
our diocese. The Passbooks are available in the office
for a small $2.00 fee. There are two options and at
each parish you receive a seal. Once completed, the
pilgrim presents it to the Bishop’s office and may
receive a plenary indulgence.
Lecturas Dominicales
Sunday’s Readings
First Reading — Zechariah foretells the Messiah
(Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1).
Psalm — My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63).
Second Reading — There are no distinctions or divisions; we
all belong to Christ (Galatians 3:26-29).
Gospel — Peter proclaims Jesus as the Christ; Jesus speaks of
his great suffering to come (Luke 9:18-24).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 12-13;
Mt 7:1-5
2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;
Ps 48:2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37, 40; Mt
2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29
Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pt 1:812; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13
-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21;
Mt 8:15-17
1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62
Primera lectura — El profeta habla del dolor que Jerusalén
sentirá por el que será traspasado
(Zacarías 12:10-11; 13:1).
Salmo — Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti (Salmo 63 [62]).
Segunda lectura — Todos son uno en Cristo Jesús (Gálatas
Evangelio — Los que quieren seguir a Cristo tendrán que
negarse a sí mismos y tomar su cruz (Lucas 9:18-24).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la
Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Father’s Day; Julian Calendar Pentecost
St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Wednesday: St. Paulinus of Nola;
Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More
The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Blessed Virgin Mary
It’s almost midsummer day! One of the great hidden
treasures of our liturgical calendar occurs this week. There
are only three “nativity” feasts on our calendar: for the Lord,
the Blessed Mother (September 8), and the Nativity of Saint
John the Baptist on June 24. Friday’s date is anchored by the
Annunciation (March 25), when Mary learns not only of her
own child’s advent, but of Elizabeth’s child. We are exactly
half a year away from Christmas Eve. There are strong
traditions around this feast. Just as the winter solstice
provides a rich vocabulary for Christmas, so does the
abundance of light at midsummer inform this celebration.
Just as at Christmas, a religious festival spills over into
culture. As summer light reaches its peak, the sun-drenched
zones of northern Europe see people staying up all night,
kindling “St. John’s Fires” in the long summer twilight.
Bonfires seem to be the unifying force in all these
celebrations, kindled along the shores of the St. Lawrence in
Quebec and Montreal, with harbor illuminations in France.
You may be most interested in the custom in San Juan,
Puerto Rico, the Baptist’s own city. People there will leap
into the sea between midnight and dawn to honor John. Why
not find your way to a pool, a lake, or a sandy beach this
week and plunge in to recall your baptism? It’s a tradition!
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5,
12-13; Mt 7:1-5
2 Re 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36;
al 48 (47):2-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14
2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):33-37,
40; Mt 7:15-20
2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 106 (105):1b-5; Mt 7:21-29
Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pe
1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17 Día: Is 49:1-6; Sal 139
(138):1-3, 13-15; Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, 80
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7,
20-21; Mt 8:15-17
1 Re 19:16b, 19-21; Sal 16 (15):1-2, 5, 711; Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lc 9:51-62
Domingo: Decimosegundo Domingo del Tiempo
Ordinario; Día de los Padres;
Domingo de Pentecostés en el calendario
San Luis Gonzaga
Miércoles: San Paulino de Nola;
San Juan Fisher y santo Tomás Moro
La Natividad de san Juan Bautista
Santa María Virgen
Según san Mateo, una noche mientras los discípulos
estaban en la barca de Pedro, Jesús vino hacía ellos caminando
sobre el mar. Ellos se espantaron creyendo que era un fantasma
de algún pescador pero él los calmó diciendo “¡Ánimo!, que
soy yo; no teman”. Debió ser impactante ver al Señor caminar
sobre las aguas, especialmente en una época donde las aguas
venían consideradas como el caos.
En varias partes de latinoamerica los fieles celebran a
distintos santos con procesiones de barcos sobre ríos o mares.
En el Puerto de Paita, Perú se llevan a los santos Pedro y Pablo
en una procesión acuática. San Pedro, que fue pescador, está
en casa sobre la barca, ya que normalmente son barcas de
pescadores las que forman la procesión. Esta procesión
reconoce el caos del mar reconociendo a los pescadores, que
durante el año perdieron sus vidas en el mar, con guirnaldas
lanzadas a la bahía. Pero, esta procesión no se espanta del mar
ya que es una fiesta en honor de dos siervos de aquel que
camina sobre las aguas, dominando el mar.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
This Week at /Esta Semana
Corpus Christi
Around the Diocese
Around the Diocese
Year of Mercy Diocesan Pilgrimage
June 29th (7:00am) - June 30 (ap. 9:30pm)
Bus Trip
Wednesday—June 22
9:00 am— †Rose Denton by the Zampirro Family
Thursday— June 23
9:00 am— †Arley McBride by the Zampirro Family
Friday—June 24
12:10 pm— Kathy Jilk
Diocese of Reno Scholarship (DORS)
Imagination Graduation or 775-326-9430
Healing After Abortion Retreat
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
July 8-10
Sacramento, CA
Saturday—June 25—13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 pm— People of the Parish
Senior Follies: Follow Your Dreams 2016
To benefit the Carson City Senior Citizen’s Center
Friday, July 15th at 7:00pm
Saturday, July 16th at 1:00pm and 7:00pm
Sunday, July 17th at 1:00pm
Sunday—June 26—June 26—13th Sunday in
Ordinary Time/13º Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario
9:00 am— †Juana Villapando by her daughter
See the entry for more information on most of these
including flyers from NAMI and English as a Second
11:30 pm— †Antonia Suarez by her family
Minister Schedule/
Horario de los Ministerios
Friday, July 1 at 7pm
Sunday, August 7 at 4pm
Wednesday, September 14 at 7pm
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Married Couples
Saturday 4:00 p.m.
EM – Phyllis Zink, Deborah Lundberg, Cecilia Kness
Lector - Phyllis Zink
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
EM – Jeff Smeath, Peter Stoelton, Cindy Pardini
Lector – Christine Carmazzi
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
M.E. – Evangelina y Rodolfo Velasco
Lectóra - Evangelina Velasco
The Jacks Valley Elementary School Food
Drive will begin again with school.
Thank you for all your donations
over the last year..
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a gift for your
spouse. It’s a breath of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new
beginnings. If you’d like to make your marriage even more special
than it already is—register now! The next weekend dates is
August 26-28 in Sacramento & October 7-9 in Reno, NV
Early registration is highly recommended. For more information
visit our website at: or
contact Terry & Janet at or
Knights of the Holy Eucharist
Attention, single Catholic men 18-30: The Knights of the
Holy Eucharist, a community of consecrated brothers
dedicated to fostering reverent devotion to Our Eucharistic
Lord, invite you to discern your vocation at their House of
Formation, located at the Shrine of the Most Blessed
Sacramento in Hanceville, Alabama. Learn more at or call 541-375-0195.
Corpus Christi Information
Respect Life
Respect Life is praying across from the West
End Abortion Clinic at 5915 Tyrone Rd in
Reno twice a month. Directions: From
Business US 395, turn east on Neil Rd., Turn
right at Meadow Wood Ln, then turn right
onto Tyrone Rd If you are interested in praying with us,
please call Lori at 885-6880.
Next Date: Sturday, July 2, 2016 at 9 a.m.
“Las etiquetas clínicas pueden describir algunos aspectos del
"funcionamiento" de un individuo pero no cuentan toda la
historia… Es como mirar un vitral desde afuera… Desde
dentro, cuando el sol la atraviesa, el efecto puede ser
brillante. Desde dentro de nuestra familia, el amor ilumina
nuestra vida con Charlie*. Lo que puede parecer sombrío
para otros, tal vez hasta insoportable, realmente está lleno de
belleza y color”.
St. Benedict Society - Sunday
July 3rd at 4:00 pm
Knights of Columbus - normally the 1st
Wednesday of each month - 7:00 pm
Next date: July 6th
Catholic Daughters - usually the 3rd Wednesday of
each month at 4:00 pm
No meetings in July and August
Next date: September 21st
Rosary normally held every
Wednesday & Thursday
after Daily Mass &
Friday at 11:20 am except during
Eucharistic Adoration Fridays,
then the Rosary is at 10:00 am.
— “Un regalo perfecto” Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16 Secretariado de
Actividades Pro-Vida de la USCCB ( *Los nombres fueron
cambiados para proteger la privacidad
“Clinical labels may describe some aspects of an individual's
‘functioning,’ but they don't tell the whole story. … It's like
looking at a stained-glass window… From the inside…with the
sun shining through it, the effect can be brilliant. From inside
our family, love illuminates our life with Charlie.* What may
seem dreary to others, perhaps even unbearable, is actually
filled with beauty and color.”
— “A Perfect Gift,” 2015-16 Respect Life Program USCCB Secretariat of ProLife Activities (
Eucharistic Adoration
usually held on the first Friday.
from 10:45 - 11:45 a.m., with
Rosary at 10:00 a.m.
Next date: July 1st
Altar Servers/Acólitos
Contact Parish Office
Youth Ministry/ Grupo de Jóvenes
Terrie Juchtzer-Youth Minister (The Club)
Contact Parish Office
Hands of Christ/Ministry to Sick
Las Manos de Cristo/A Los Enfermos
Contact Parish Office
Convalescent Home Coordinator
Terrie Juchtzer
Minister Scheduling/La Programación de Ministerios
Charlie Muller - 220-6242
Claudia Morales (en español)
Spanish Baptism Classes
Rodolfo y Evangelina Velasco
Pastoral Council/El Consejo Parroquial
Contact Parish Office
Knights of Columbus
Chris Thomsen - Grand Knight
Adult Conversion Classes/
Los Sacramentos de los Adultos
Father Jim- Parish Office
Respect Life Committee/
El Comité de Respeto por la Vida
Lori Courtney - 885-6880
Catholic Daughters/Las Hijas Católicas
Joan Wong-Regent
Rosary Maker’s Guild/Maniobra de Rosarios
Cindy Pardini - Parish Office
St. Benedict Society/La Sociedad de San Benito
Jeff Smeath- Minister - 742-6199
Hispanic Marriage Encounter/
Encuentro Matrimonial Hispano
Rodolfo y Evangelina Velasco
Boy Scout/Girl Scout Information
Marty Schwedhelm 250-9564
Susan Zampirro 882-7523

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