TNBGMHOF Newsletter1
TNBGMHOF Newsletter1
VOLUME I, ISSUE 1 SUMMER 2012 Board of Directors Gary Copeland President Newsletter TNBGMHOF Proudly dedicates our first Issue in memory of the late Rev. Howard Holmes a 2007 Inductee. Dave King Vice President Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Col. 3:16 IN THE BEGINNING...OUR STORY Welcome everyone! Welcome to the Premier Issue of our Newsletter! We certainly hope you enjoy what is written between the pages and, if you have ideas or suggestions please let us know. (See back page for contact information.) We will do our best to be informative and bring you the Gospel Music news from our beautiful province of New Brunswick and even noteworthy Gospel events happening elsewhere! Frank Springer Secretary The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of fame is a Christian Organization which was founded in the fall of 2001 by Rev. Darleen McGraw. It was started for the purpose of preserving and promoting Gospel Music on behalf of the people of New Brunswick. The main objective of TNBGMHOF is to recognize the contributions, dedication and commitment of individuals or groups for the purpose of the advancement of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through music and song and to support and edify members and associates through prayer and acts of charity. TNBGMHOF recognition awards and photos are displayed in Marysville Place in Marysville, (Fredericton) New Brunswick, Canada. Ann Goddard Treasurer As of this year, a new Category has been initiated to TNBGMHOF to honor those who have passed on before being officially received by The Hall Of Fame and it will be known as “The POSTHUMOUS Award” TAKE A LOOK INSIDE FOR THESE STORIES! FAREWELL NIGHTWATCH PAGE 2, PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, PAGE 3 GOSPEL CONCERT & AWARDS SHOW & UPCOMING CONCERTS PAGE 4 INDUCTEE BIOS—DWANE DROST PAGE 5, GOLDEN HARMONY PAGE 6 JOEY KNIGHT PAGE 7, DAYBREAK PAGE 8 ERDIE & JULIE PRICE PAGE 9, GERRY FLOWER S PAGE 10 FRANK & DORIS ROBICHAUD PAGE 11 EDITORS PAGE/CONTACT INFORMATION PAGE 12 Darrell Hope Director Page 2 FAREWELL AND THANK YOU TO NIGHTWATCH! Since 1991 the Gospel group known as Nightwatch have entertained us with their gospel music abilities. They began their music ministry as a part of the Canadian Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers doing music at meetings of the Fellowship. For the past twenty years they have ministered in Churches and Halls throughout the Maritimes. In 2002 Nightwatch received an award from The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame as the “Mixed Gospel Group of the Year.” Also, in 2006 Darrell Hope, an original member of Nightwatch was inducted into The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall of Fame and in 2010 Nightwatch received an award from The Hall of fame as “Long Service and Artists of the Year.” “In twenty years of ministry Nightwatch produced four CD’s. It will be nice to know that their CD’s will be ministering in homes as they finish their live concert Ministry. They thank all who have supported their Ministry down through the years.” Nightwatch’s last concert was held in November, 2011 and sponsored by The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame. Front, left to right: Ron Gallant, Keith St-Amand, Don Crossman, Carl O’Connor & Bob Thibodeau Back, left to right: Darrell Hope, Craig Kelly and Terry Chase Page 3 Psalm 100 (KJV) Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. From The President’s Desk Every once in a while we discover a kind of volunteerism in life that presents a challenge, requires dedication and at the same time, blesses us tremendously. I have also discovered these blessing are increased one hundred fold if the activity is connected to the “Body of Christ.” I hope that I have achieved one of my major objectives and that is to instill in all who are involved with The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame that it is one of our Lord’s ministries. From the days of David and Solomon music has soothed the Soul and is a major part of worship, promotion of the gospel and yes even entertainment for the Christian. On November 18, 2010 I accepted a position of president of “The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame.” I quickly realized that our Board of Directors were loaded with the skills and experience to get the job done. Further to this, we also identified several issues that needed to be fulfilled in New Brunswick Gospel Music Industry. Our purpose is to preserve and promote Gospel Music through recognizing the contributions, dedication and commitment of individuals or groups to the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and song. Myself and the rest of the Board knew that here were many musicians who were writing music or singing/playing music and have been for years here in New Brunswick but have never received recognition. We as a group had to place more focus on that issue. Another major role or responsibility of the Board was to keep the “Hall Of Fame” displays in Marysville updated and presentable. We seized the opportunity to visit the New Brunswick Country Music Hall Of Fame© in Fredericton, The Minto Country Music Wall Of Fame© and the Miramichi Hall Of Fame and Opry. (Bill Mullin) All of my associations in the past have been with these groups and I knew these groups and their models were and still are very successful. Another issue your Board had to devote time to was our 2012 Mercy Awards Concert and Induction Ceremonies which we are presently working on. We have also undertaken the revision and update of our Constitution and the establishing of this Newsletter. We also as a Board had to deal with many unexpected events such as our loss of one of our Inductees, Rev. Howard Holmes and working a Farewell Concert for Darrell Hope and Nightwatch. I want to mention here that we were not playing politics during the past two years and every decision was made without prejudice. I further would like to note that the Committees led by Darleen McGraw through the past ten years were very pro-active and I called on her quite often for information and direction. I am looking forward to the 2012 Mercy Award Concert and Induction Ceremonies with great anticipation and hope to be involved in the future regardless of what role the Lord will have me play. God bless you always, Gary Gary L. Copeland President, TNBGMHOF Page 4 MERCY AWARDS & GOSPEL CONCERT SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 in MONCTON, N.B. The Concert runs from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will be held at the Salvation Army Citadel located on 20 Centennial Drive of St. George Blvd. The Awards Ceremony will start at 7:00 p.m. that evening at the Wesleyan Celebration Center, 945 St. George Blvd. (Right next door to the Salvation Army Citadel.) Tickets can be purchased for $15.00 at the door. This will cover both events. (Other locations will be posted) ********************************************************************************************************************* We kindly thank you for your support of The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame’s Upcoming Concerts! July 27, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m. with, Ted Lynch & Gerry Flowers at The Miramichi Fellowship Centre, 401 Main St., Blackville, N.B. August 17, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m. with Frank Robichaud and special guest, Jerry Bennett of Laverge Tennessee, USA at The United Baptist Church. #10 Highway, Minto, N.B. August 18, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m. with, Ted Lynch, Erdie & Julie Price and Dwane Drost at the River of Life Assembly, 345 Beaverbrook Rd. in Miramichi City, N.B. Page 5 DWANE DROST Born 1957 in Toronto Ontario, Dwane's Mom, who used to play and sing as a child, showed him a few chords on the guitar. Self-taught since then, Dwane has been performing in public for 30 years. A long time performer with the NB Country Showcase, he has also performed at the Imperial Theater in Saint John, Maritime Countryfest, The Aubrey Hanson TV show for 5 years and has played all over New Brunswick at weddings, funerals, church groups, seniors groups, veterans hospitals and songwriters circles. He is an Independent Recording Artist and a good hearted Christian man who loves to sing, write songs and reach out to touch people. Dwane has 6 full length, original CD's in the Country, Gospel and Christmas genres and received formal acknowledgement for the song "Thank A Vet" from former USA President George Bush Senior as well as Prime Minister of England’s Tony Blair and Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and also Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada wishing me all the best in my efforts to Veterans and Legions abroad. We look forward to following Dwane's career and working with him for many years to come. (Dwane is in the process of writing a book.) Page 6 GOLDEN HARMONY Avis Golden (Tenor), Jacy Golden (Lead), Chris Smith (Baritone), & Delton Hanley (Former Baritone and Sax Player) are dedicated in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to any who will listen. Their harmony is hard to beat and the anointing they sing with will touch your heart. You will laugh, cry and worship the Lord with this trio. Avis and Jacy are from L’Etete , N.B., Chris Smith is from Sussex, N.B. and Delton is from Pocologan, N.B. Statement Of Faith We believe that Jesus Christ came to Earth in the flesh by virgin birth, that He lived a sinless life and performed miracles. We believe that He died on a cross and shed His Blood for the atonement of our sins, that He rose again on the third day, that He ascended into Heaven and that He is coming back to receive His bride. We believe the original Old and New Testament was given by God, is divinely inspired and is the final authority in all matters of faith. We believe that Salvation comes through the shed blood of Jesus by faith, not by works and that those who accept Him as Lord and Savior are made new and are no longer under sins bondage for His blood has made them clean. We believe the Holy Spirit enables us to live holy lives that we may serve Jesus Christ! Accomplishments: 1. Performed along with some of today's best in Southern Gospel Music. Groups such as "The Anchormen", "Gold City Quartet", "Karen Peck and New River", "Dixie Melody Boys", "The Wilburns", "Tribute Quartet", "Kevin Spencer", "James and Starla Dean", "Joel and LaBreeska Hemphill", "Candy Hemphill Christmas", "Brian Free and Assurance" and more. 2. Recorded with Nashville's finest musicians such as, "Dirk Johnson", "Aubrey Hayne", "John Hammond", "Jason Webb", "Kevin Williams (acoustic guitarist for Gaither Homecoming)", "Adam Crabb (harmonica player for The Crabb Family and Crabb Revival)", and more! 3. Travels and minsters throughout Canada and The United States of America. 4. Avis Golden was an original member of The Ascensions. 5. Awarded Jacy Golden the "Sing Unto The Lord Award" from 96.1 New Song FM Radio Station in Saint John, NB for dedicated work in gospel music. 6. Awarded the "New Artist Of The Year Award" from the New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame (NBGMHOF) in 2004. 7. Awarded the "Group Of The Year Award" from the New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame (NBGMHOF) in 2005. 8. Awarded the "Group Of The Year Award" from the New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame (NBGMHOF) in 2010. 9. Reach recording agreement with Chapel Valley from Tennessee in 2010. 10. Performed at the National Quartet Convention in Louisville, KY as well as placing a display booth in 2010. 11. Several radio interviews including "This Week In Gospel Music with Mickey Bell" in 2010. Page 7 Joey Knight ~ POST HUMOUSLY We are saddened beyond words to announce the death of Joey Vautour (Joey Knight). He was an outstanding husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend. His passion for singing and entertaining truly blessed his life. He has touched so many lives with his warm personality and charismatic charm. His purpose for living was to make everyone happy. He has enriched our lives and our hearts are broken. Heaven is smiling because now they have a beautiful singing angel. Survived by loving wife Carolyn (McLean) Vautour; son, Jason (Catherine) their daughter, Chloe; daughter Stacey (Jamie); mother in law, Vivian McLellan; 1 sister and 5 brothers; several nieces and nephews. Joey was predeceased by his parents, Telexphore and Obeline (Cormier) Vautour; 2 brothers. 1955-2011 Biography: Joey Knight was born and raised in the small coal mining community of Minto, NB. The proud son of a coal miner, Joey Knight is one of the most friendly, charismatic entertainers that the music industry has to offer. Joey possessed a sincere and unique quality that is instantly likeable. Passion for what he does is evident both on and off the stage. Whenever Joey Knight steps on stage, his audience was sure to be captivated and entertained. From a very young age, Joey began to develop his gifted and natural talent. During his teenage years, he led his own four-piece band and performed in local venues. Joey Knight's popularity and reputation continued to grow throughout the Maritimes which later enabled him to expand across Canada. Constant requests for recorded products led Joey to Nashville in 1984 where the first Joey Knight album was recorded. A number of tracks from the album did exceptionally well for Joey gaining him national exposure. Many tracks were national top ten hits and received international airplay. In 1986, three new singles were recorded and also did equally well. With his strong vocal ability, dynamic performances, showmanship and increasing success, Joey soon found himself performing on several popular television shows such as "The Tommy Hunter Show", the Canadian Country Music Awards Show and radio talk shows. Joey was chosen as opening act for major US performers including Mickey Gilley, Gene Watson, Tanya Tucker, John Conley, etc. He has performed many major concerts and festivals across Canada and the USA with showcases in Nashville, TN being the highlight of Joey's career. At each venue, he entertained and thrilled the packed audiences beyond all expectations. At the 1988-89 CCMA's, Joey was nominated for various awards including Vista Rising Star. In 1993, Joey Knight was honoured by being inducted into the NB Country Music Hall of Fame for his contribution as one of NB's most popular performing artists. In 2001, he was inducted into the Minto Wall of Fame. Joey is well known for his compassion and willingness to help those in need. He gave back to his community and surrounding areas by generously donating his time to perform at numerous benefits and charity concerts. He is a remarkable and well respected individual. In addition to his love of country music, Joey has always felt a very deep connection to country gospel music. In fact, one of Joey's career goals was to record a country gospel CD. Following through with his aspiration, Joey had just completed his very first country gospel CD which he recorded at Master Tracks Recording Studio in NB. Joey is extremely pleased with this recording and saw it as a beginning with much more to come. Joey maintains his belief in family values and says his strong commitment to family has helped him to accomplish goals in his life. His familywife Carolyn, daughter and son-in-law, Stacey and Jamie, son and daughter-in-law, Jason and Catherine and little granddaughter Chloe had helped to keep Joey focused, positive and determined to succeed. He thanked the good Lord each and every day for his blessings and for what he had accomplished in his life. (Editor’s Note) At the time of his untimely passing Joey had hosted several Gospel Concerts and had planned to meet with TNBGMHOF Board of Directors for the planning of hosting the 2012 Mercy Award Gala Event at the Playhouse in Fredericton, N.B. On April 28, 2012 Rollie Waddingham and the Joey Knight family founded “The Joey Knight Legacy Foundation.” Funding received will be used to enable young potential talented musicians to further develop their careers and produce their first recording. Page 8 DAYBREAK Daybreak is a vocal trio that puts a piano twist on Southern Gospel style music. Made up of singer/pianist Bardy Egers, (sitting far right) singers, Kynda Bryant (left) and Sheldon McLean, (standing) the group began singing together in 1998 when the Lord unexpectedly and emphatically placed them in Prison Ministry. Prior to this, the third part harmony escaped Kynda’s ear and the two gentlemen had only sung together at their home church in Chipman, N.B. One verse to sum up the past fourteen years:11 Corinthians 5:7 ~ “For we walk by faith not by sight.” Daybreak had no intentions of forming a group and traveling as a trio but they continue to leave the past, present and future with Christ. Daybreak’s ministry is one of reconciliation. They pray their music acts as a conduit for the Holy Ghost to minister and to allow the listener to reconcile with Christ Jesus, whether within the prison walls, the church walls or in a room of someone’s house. The Trio very much appreciates the support they have had over the past fourteen years and are thankful for the body of Christ whom the Lord has used to shower them with so many blessings. AWARDS: 2003, The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame “Mainstream Artists of the Year” 2006, The New Brunswick Gospel Music Hall Of Fame “Mercy Award, Southern Gospel Artists of the Year” DISCOGRAPHY: 1. The Anchor Holds, 2001 2. Shepherd’s Embrace 3. You’re Not Alone 4. Christmas With Daybreak 5. Truth Marches On, 2003 Page 9 ERDIE & JULIE PRICE Biography: For more than 20 years , Erdie Price traveled across Canada and the United States playing and sining Country music. He had a featured band called, “Bandit” that played their way across Canada in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. Erdie was a lead singer and lead acoustic guitar player. He managed the band members just like a “Father figure” for many years and had great success in this industry. The latest acknowledgment in Erdie’s Country Music career was in the early 1990’s when he appeared on the Tommy Hunter Show. While on this journey, Erdie played clubs in Nevada, Nashville and various stops along the way. It was later in the early 2000’s that Erdie began to obey his inner voice calling him to acknowledge his true calling in music. It was during the summer of 2004/2005 that God started speaking to his heart. Erdie made a life changing decision to give his heart back to the Lord. Later that fall he was reacquainted with Julie Young, his now present wife. Her mother’s family was from the Miramichi where Erdie is from, so their families knew each other for many years. Little did they know that their paths would cross like this! Erdie and Julie continued to date and were engaged by Easter of 2006 about one month after singing their very first concert together in Minto, N.B. Since their marriage in September 9, 2006 they have gone on to record two CD’s and achieve a very busy singing ministry. We sing at churches, funerals, weddings, benefits, the Fredericton Playhouse and Soul’s Harbour Television broadcast out of Corinth, Maine, USA. Their first CD entitled “Hallelujah, I’m Ready” was launched in June of 2007 with the second CD entitled “I Know” released in November, 2009. Some inspirational artists include; Doyle Lawson & Quick Silver, Dottie Rambo, Jeff & sheri Easter and the Isaacs to name a few. The style of music would be best described as a little bit of Country Gospel and a little bit of Gospel Bluegrass. Erdie plays various instruments such as; bass and acoustic guitar, mandolin, banjo and is learning the fiddle. He also sings lead vocal and harmonizes. Erdie works fulltime at the Doaktown JD Irving Sawmill and Julie is a Personal Banker in Fredericton. Erdie works with the home church in McNamee teaching home Bible studies, hospital visitation and other duties. Julie works in the same church as a Sunday School Teacher—Primary Class and supports in the Sound Room as an overhead operator. Erdie has three daughters, one of whom was tragically killed in a car accident in Alberta in 2001 when she was nineteen years old. He has two grandchildren. Erdie and Julie share the responsibility of two cats, Samson & Delila. They are very excited and honored to be inducted in TNBGMHOF and are looking forward to the celebration on September 15, 2012 in Moncton, N.B. Page 10 GERRY FLOWERS Biography: Gerry was born in Ripples on October 2, 1935 the son of Percy and Violet (Ackerson) Flowers. He has lived in Salmon Creek, Minto and Ripples for several years. Gerry began singing when he was eight years old with his brother Bob and his sister Juanita in church. At 18 years of age he left Salmon Creek and went to Ontario. Gerry is an accomplished guitar player, loves to sing and has written some of his own songs. In 1958 he was a member of the "Conestoga Trail Riders" who had their own TV show in Kitchener, Ontario. Gerry continued with his music at many venues in the Kitchener area until he moved back to Minto in 1960. In 1961 he joined the "Diamond Trio" with Wayne Nightingale and Dwane Pond. They had their own TV show on CHSJ and frequently made appearances on the Don Messer Show. They also appeared on the Maritime Farmer's Show and had a regular radio show on C.F.N.B in Fredericton. In 1965 Gerry and his family moved back to Ontario playing and singing in the local area. However, in 1973, Gerry rededicated his life to Jesus Christ and began playing and singing Country Gospel. In 1974 he moved back to New Brunswick. He is a regular performer at the New Brunswick Gospel Music Festival one of the largest Gospel Festivals in the Maritimes. Gerry now resides in Fredericton and performs almost every weekend at benefits or at Country Gospel Shows. He has produced four CD's "When I look Down The Road"-"Another Brand New Day” -"Wait for the Light to Shine" and “Forever Changed.” Page 11 Frank & Doris Robichaud Frank and Doris have dedicated over fifty years to Country Gospel and church music. Frank’s first LP Recording entitled, “My God Is Real” was recorded in the early 1970’s in Saskatchewan with one of his first bands, “The Blazer Boys.” Since then he has recorded 11 CD’s. A recent album, and there were many more in between entitled “Avenue Of Prayer” has received lots of air time on CJRT Radio, (Fredericton) with Gerry Rushton’s and Randy Griffith’s Gospel Programs. The Robichauds along with their band, “Maritime Gospel Express” have blessed multitudes with their music in both the East Coast of United States and Canada. They donate many hours of their time visiting and singing in nursing homes, hospitals, special care homes and funerals. Another important characteristic of the Robichaud’s ministry is that they have been able to combine their careers in gospel music and their pastoral ministry to reach far beyond the doors of their own church. In later years, Frank has become involved with the technical side of recording music through the setup and engineering from his own sound studio. Frank and Doris presently pastor The Pentecostal Gospel Light House in Minto, N.B. Frank and Doris were nominated by Ruth Barton of Hardwood Ridge, N.B. Page 12 Editor’s Note: Praise the Lord! The bible says in Psalm 100:2 to “Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing” and from what I have been hearing from these various groups and individuals it is exactly what has been happening and is going to happen in a real big way at the Awards Ceremony on September 15th when they are there in person! You really don’t want to miss it! Preparing this Newsletter certainly would not be possible with out the Lord blessing us and giving such devoted persons to help. I am of course talking about the rest of the Board of Directors of TNBGMHOF. After many meetings and telephone chats with the president, Gary Copeland we have finally produced something we certainly hope you will be blessed from either by the Bios that were written or any other content within these pages. I thank each of our Inductees for their years or contributing to the Gospel Music scene especially here in New Brunswick. Each of you are deserving of your award! You have given countless hours of volunteering unselfishly but more than spread the love of Jesus wherever you go! God bless each of you! Frank Springer PS I do apologize for the length of this newsletter but I wanted to make sure each of you had a chance to meet these real “Ambassadors of God! If you have any “Gospel Music” information that you think others might benefit from please give Gary a call at, 506-850-6291 or e-mail at: If you just want to drop us a line please feel free to at the following address: TNBGMHOF C/O Gary Copeland 53 Arthur St., Moncton, N.B. E1C 9Y1 Take a look at our new Website!
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