Bulletin April 2013 - Bribie Island Orchid Society


Bulletin April 2013 - Bribie Island Orchid Society
Bribie Island Orchid Society
Bulletin April 2013
Easter Show Edition
PO Box 127 Bribie Island Q 4507
Cr. Gary Parsons
John Hopgood
Lynnette Hauck
3410 1919
Bernie Schulz
John Stokes
3408 9228
Wal Corney R.I.P.
Sadly we have to advise that one of longest serving members passed
away on 27th April.
Wal, (and Jean who predeceased Wal), joined our society in 1988.
Wal was a grower of prize-winning orchids and is shown in this photo
receiving the Longman Award for community service.
He loved to sit at the door during our shows and greet visitors and also
helped with our displays at other regional shows.
He was truly a gentleman of the “old school” who was always cheerful
and willing to lend a hand wherever needed.
He will be sorely missed by all who knew him but his name will live on
as he donated his orchids to the society for sale when he was admitted
to the nursing home and proceeds will be used for a suitable memorial.
Committee Meeting
Held on the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting commences at 1.30 pm at The Bribie
Island Bowls Club. This meeting is restricted to Committee members only.
Cultural Meeting
Held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at The Orchid House, 156A First Avenue, Bribie
Island. Meeting time is 1.30pm. Plants to be benched by 1.15pm please.
New Growers Meeting
Normally held on the second Saturday of the month. The April Meeting will be replaced
by a bus trip to the Tweed Heads Show. The May meeting will be held at home of
John and Bev Hopgood. These meetings are normally held at The Orchid House commencing at 1.30pm.
NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS: The Annual General Meeting of the Bribie Island Orchid
Society will be held on Tuesday 25th June 2013 at The Orchid House, 156A First Avenue,
Bribie Island at 1.30pm. All members are invited to attend. The election will follow the
procedures as stated in the Constitution.
All positions are declared vacant and nominations are invited for the positions of:
Vice President
Bulletin Editor
Publicity Officer
Show Organiser
New Grower's Coordinator
Property Officer
Social Organiser
Management Committee
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant New Grower's
Honorary Auditor
Nomination Forms & Proxy Forms will be available at our meetings or from the Secretary.
All Nomination and Proxy Forms must be with the Secretary by 11th June 2013.
Nominations will only be taken from the floor at the Annual General Meeting if the Secretary
has received no previous nomination.
Membership Renewal is now due. Payment of $15 can be made to the Treasurer,
Bernie Schulz. Members MUST BE FINANCIAL to be eligible to vote in June.
----------------------------------------------------------Nomination Form for Office Bearers 2013/14
I, ______________________(Name) hereby nominate ________________________(Name)
for the position of
________________________(Position) with the Bribie Island Orchid Society Inc for 2013/14.
Signed ___________________________
Date ____________ 2013
I, _____________________(Name) second this nomination. Signed _____________________
Date ____________ 2013
I, _____________________(Name) accept this nomination. Signed _____________________
Date ____________ 2013
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proxy Form for Office Bearers 2013/14
I, __________________________ (Name) being a member of the Bribie Island Orchid Society
Inc, hereby appoint _________________________as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at
the AGM of the Society, to be held on 25th June 2013.
Signed _________________________
Date ____________ 2013
This form is to be used:
* In favour of the resolution
* Against the resolution
* Strike out whichever is not desired. (Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as
he/she thinks fit.)
Please review the article in last month’s Bulletin re Proxy Votes.
If you do not wish to vote at all, you can abstain.
Easter Show
Clockwise from above:
C. Porcia (Show Champion
& Champion Specimen )
Champions Table
Champion Foliage
Champion Species (Bulb.
Reserve Champion (Vasco
Pine Rivers)
Yes, I take great pleasure in saying “we hosted another successful
orchid show”, even though visitors through the door did not reach
last Easter’s numbers.
To all the ladies who cooked, the kitchen ladies who fed us, members who manned our sales tables, raffles and door, and all those
who helped with the set up, pull down and cleaned at the Student
Centre-a big Thank You.
Remember many hands make light work and your contribution, no
matter how small is greatly appreciated.
My story of the show-a member from a visiting club asked me for
help as it was the first time she’d benched at another show. You
can imagine her surprise when she arrived on Saturday afternoon
to find her plant had won Foliage Grand Champion. Moral of the
story “Never judge your own plant. Bench it and wait for results.”
My thanks to all. Judy Carleton (Show Organiser).
More on the Show
Two of our members (Paul Thomas and John Hopgood) with their prize-winning blooms.
Show Messages
From Beverly
A special thank you from Val and I to all the ladies who cooked and helped in the kitchen.
From Ro
Thank you to all who donated the lovely craft to sell at our stall.
We had another Happy Easter Orchid Show this year.
The next show is not until October but already we are collecting craft-items suitable for Christmas gifts
would be good. Thanks again. Ro and Jan.
(Editor’s Note-Ro and Jan received special recognition at the show in the form of Certificates of Appreciation for their longstanding service on the Craft Stall which was originally started a long time ago when
the society was struggling to pay rental for the show premises.)
From Stephanie
Many thanks to all those who sold raffle tickets. About 1400 tickets were sold. The main raffle was won
by Trish from Sandstone Point (No. F85) and the Foliage Raffle by Anita from Wynnum (no.W27).
Also thank you Lynn Hauck for donating the Easter Bunny and John Stokes for the orchid (Den. Burana
Easter Show Results Page 1
Easter Show Results Page 2
Cultural Meeting
Guest Speaker at the March meeting was Ken Unsworth who shared with us his extensive
knowledge and experience in growing hard cane dendrobiums, particularly in dealing with
the common fungal problems that afflict this genus.
Benchings were down a bit as some of our more prolific growers were unable to attend but
Zelda’s very nice Rlc. Island Charm was chosen by the judges and Popular vote went to
Dries’ eyecatching C. bowringiana. The foliage choice went to Mel’s Aglaonema.
See photos of winners below.
Judges Choice
Next Meeting(April)
Our speaker will be Des Warnock from
Batphone Fertilisers who is a mine
of information about natural fertilisers
and how they work. He usually also
has products for sale at discount
March Benching Results
1st (Plant Name)
Rlc. Edisto ‘Newberry’
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
Miniature or Compact
Rlc. Island Charm
Z&D Holm
Lc. Angel Heart ‘Hihihmanu’
J&J Stokes
J. Saviane
Hksa. Rest in Peace
M&V Anderson
M&V Anderson
C. bowringiana
D&T Walterfang
Den. Masako Taki
D&M Neldner
Den. Jade Junior ‘Sawasdee’
J&J Stokes
Over 60mm
V. Robert’s Delight
B&M Elliot
Under 60mm
Ascda. Chia Spots
M&F Wheeler
Dor. pulcherrima
J&J Stokes
Bllra. Sadie Lou x Christmas Eve
M&F Anderson
D&M Neldner
J&J Stokes
D&M Neldner
D&M Neldner
D&M Neldner
J&J McKinnon
D&M Neldner
D&M Neldner
Spatulata & Intermediate
Any Other
D&T Walterfang
Other alliance
Aust Natives
Black Caterpillar
B&C Schulz
J&J McKinnon
D&M Neldner
M&F Wheeler
M&F Wheeler
Foliage other
Popular Vote Orchid– C. bowringiana (D&T Walterfang)
Popular Vote Foliage– Aglaonema (M&F Wheeler)
Judges Choice– Rlc. Island Charm (Z&D Holm)
Judges– T. Davis, J. Carleton, J. Stokes, (B. Elliot—Foliage)
Scribes— B. Elliot
B&M Elliot
New Growers
At our March Meeting Merv briefed the attendees on how to prepare plants for benching and
sale at our forthcoming Easter Show.
John Stokes also gave a brief presentation about orchid nomenclature and correct writing of
orchid labels for plants benched at the show.
It was suggested that we include a list of the more common abbreviations in the Bulletin
and this is included below.
Benching results were as follows:
New Growers
First- Bulb. lepidum (A. Edwards) (photo right)
Second– Milt. Lilian Nakamoto (B&C Schulz)
Third– Den. unknown (B&C Schulz)
Foliage– B&C Schulz
First– Ddcm. macranthum (J&B Hopgood) (photo right)
Second– Rhv. Bay Sapphire x Rhy. coelestis (J&B Hopgood)
Third– Ctsm. expansum x Jumboheart (J&J Stokes)
Foliage– M&V Anderson
Bus Trip to Tweed Show on 13th April replaces next New Growers Meeting.
The May meeting will be held at the home
of John and Beverly Hopgood. At this
meeting John Hopgood will speak about
cultivation of Vandas. Please bring a chair
and a hat.
Some Common Orchid Abbreviations
Aer. - Aerides
Angcm. - Angraecum
Ascda. - Ascocenda
Ascps. - Asconopsis
Asctm. - Ascocentrum
B. - Brassavola
Bc. - Brassocattleya
Bl. - Brassolaelia
Blc. - Brassolaeliocattleya
Bllra. - Beallara (Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia X
Bro. - Broughtonia
Brs. - Brassia
C. - Cattleya
Chtra. - Christieara
Colm. - Colmanara
Ctna. - Cattleytonia
Den. - Dendrobium
Dor. - Doritis
Dtps. - Doritaenopsis
Enc. - Encyclia
Epc. - Epicattleya
Epi. - Epidendrum
Eplc. - Epilaeliocattleya
Gram. - Grammatophyllum
Hknsa. - Hawkinsara
Kgw. - Kagawara
L. - Laelia
Lc. - Laeliocattleya
Mkra. - Mokara
Mtssa. - Miltassia (Brassia x Miltonia)
Odm. - Odontoglossum
Onc. - Oncidium
Phal. - Phalaenopsis
Pot. - Potinara (Brassavola x Cattleya x Laelia x
Rdza. - Rodriquezia
Ren. - Renanthera
Rhrds. - Rhynchorides
Rhv. - Rhynchovanda
Rhy. - Rhynchostylis
Sc. - Sophrocattleya
Slc. - Sophrolaeliocattleya
Soph. - Sophronitis
V. - Vanda
Vasco. - Vascostylis
Wils. - Wilsonara (cochlioda x odontoglossum x
23rd April
Cultural Meeting
7th May
Committee Meeting
11-13 April
Sunshine Coast Show
13 April
Bus Trip to Tweed Show (replaces New Growers Meeting)
27 April
New Growers Day at Trost Nursery (10.00 to 2.00).
11-12 May
Pumicestone Orchid Show
8th June
Bus Trip to Gympie Golden Orchid Spectacular (replaces New
Grower meeting).
15th June
Bus Trip to Phantom of the Opera
5-7 July
Caboolture Show
10-11 August
Maroochydore Show
31st August
Bus Trip to Orchid and Bromeliad Show at Mermaid Waters
6-7 September
Nambour Show
20-21 September
Noosa Show
27-28 September
Glasshouse Show
5th October
Bus Trip to Pirates of Penzance
12-13 October
1-2 November
Nambour Species Show
National/International Shows.
8-9 June 2013, Gympie Golden Orchid Spectacular
21-25 August 2013, 7th Australasian Native Orchid Show, Strathpine
The item below is reprinted (with permission) from
the Gympie Newsletter. The information and photo
are attributed to Ian Chalmers, State Registrar for
News /Notices
We have some new members to announce this month.
Please make welcome:
Marilyn Rock from Morayfield
Carmel Buchhorn from Sandstone Point
Alan Williams from Morayfield
Bernadette Wilson form Sandstone point
May all your orchids prosper and flower at the right time for our shows.
Have you noticed all the Geodorum densiflorum
(Shepherd’s Crook orchid) popping up everywhere in
the mulch this year?
We have at least a dozen in flower in back yard and
we’ve never seen them there before. Maybe its something to do with our unusual weather this year.
Paph. malipoense
Paph. rothschildianum
Paph. Harold Koopowitz awarded
FCC this month. Owned by
Robertson’s Nursery.
How’s this for striking colour?
A compot of three seedlings of
this plant (Cym. Kiwi Midnight
‘Geyserland’ FCC/AOS) recently
sold for $465 on Ebay. The next
offering went for $290.No doubt
future offerings will continue to
decline in price.
Cultural Notes Autumn
Cultural Notes – Autumn
There can be no doubt now that Summer is well and truly
over. There is now little likelihood of leaf burn so we can
now remove any extra shading we applied during the hottest months, or we can reposition plants to let them get
more light. Many plants will be preparing for their main
flowering period and some will have already started. Ensure
the growing conditions are focussed on flower production
and not just plant growth. In particular, lessen waterings
and use fertiliser with lower levels of nitrogen, or proportionally higher levels of phosphorus and potassium.
The flowers that appear in the coming months make this a most rewarding time but it is
also a busy time. As soon as the flower spikes appear consider what sort of support or
staking the plant needs and later what is needed just to make the inflorescence show at
its best. Be very careful about two things. Avoid water lodging in places where it can
damage or rot emerging buds and open flowers. Because flowers will try to open towards the brightest source of light don’t move them unnecessarily. If you do have to
move the plant to stake it, put it back in the same orientation.
The other continuing job is repotting. Immediately after the flowering is over and before new growths become too large consider repotting. I say consider because you
may not have to do so. You do not want the roots sitting in broken down mix and rotting during the winter months, but if the mix is still fresh consider whether the plant is
outgrowing the pot.
There will still be some risk from aphids, mealy bugs and fungus. Check for aphids on
developing blossoms and whether your plants need some Confidor (for aphids), Twoin-One [Killyptus & Pyrethrum] (or metho, for mealy bugs) and Mancozeb or Fongarid (for fungus).
Cattleyas (and their hybrids with Brassavolas, Laelias and Sophronitis) Many of these
will have started their Autumn flowering.
Water twice weekly and use weak, low nitrogen fertiliser. Make sure that water does
not sit for long in developing flower spikes, & try to avoid spraying chemicals on the
flowers and buds.
Repot after the flowering if your plant is starting to “climb out” of the pot. Cattleyas
“enjoy” repotting. Consider dividing the plant and potting the back bulbs.
These are used to a hot, wet, monsoon type summer with a winter drought. They come
from open woodlands so need high light levels. Water twice weekly and use weak balanced fertiliser. These plants usually start new growths well before the flowering and
certainly before the flowering is over. If these plants have already flowered, you can
start them on their winter drought regime BUT do not kill any small new shoots.
Fortunately these plants do not mind being pot-bound. If you do have to get a larger
pot for the stability of a big plant, either bury the original pot in it or make sure you tie
the whole plant down firmly in the pot.
Dendrobiums (Soft cane types & their hybrids)
These are used to a hot, wet, monsoon type summer so it is impossible to overwater or
overfeed them in the summer months. Now that Autumn is here they require completely different treatment.
STOP all feeding, and only water when necessary. Put them somewhere bright and dry
for the next six months. They can be repotted now as they will not flower until Spring.
Most are deciduous so do not worry about leaf loss. If they get water and feed now, all
you will get is lots of kikis. [Kiki = adventitious growth (Hawaiian for baby)]
Cultural Notes Autumn (cont.)
Oncidiums (As well as Miltonias, Brassias & their hybrids}
In Summer, the main requirements were not to let their leaves burn and to keep them moist. By
now many of the Brassia hybrids will be flowering and the Oncidiums will be sending out new
flower spikes. Fertilise with low nitrogen fertilisers for flower development rather than plant
growth. After they have flowered, let them dry out a little and rest.
Repot if necessary, because you think the potting mix is likely to have broken down or because
the plant has outgrown the pot. The Oncidium family usually send out two new growths from
every pseudobulb and so can be broken up regularly. Think $$$ Excess plants could be sold at
our next Easter show, when they are well established and sending out new flower spikes.
Vandas (and their related species and hybrids )
Most of these grow with bare, exposed roots and so need to have moist air around them. They
should be watered every second day, and humidity levels can be kept up by extra, light mistings
or by damping down the floor below them. They need high light levels so you can remove any extra shade that may have been added for Summer.
If you are lucky they will now be showing flower spikes. Give them high phosphorus fertiliser and
pray. Watch out for the nasties such as aphids who love new growths. If everything goes well
these are the most rewarding of all orchids.
These orchids are like the Vandas in their growth habit, their big fleshy, exposed roots and their
lack of pseudobulbs. They must not be left to dry out, nor should they be left with water in the
crown of the plant. Treat them as indoor plants but make sure they have good light. If I may be
excused a repetition and a contradiction, these are the most rewarding of all orchids
(The Asian ‘Slipper Orchid’)
These plants also lack pseudobulbs and so need regular watering, probably every third day. Again,
water sitting in the crown of the plant can rot newly emerging flower bulbs.
My Phragmipedium, a South American ‘slipper orchid’, now is showing its 20th and 21st flowers,
having started flowering in the last week of November. It grows in straight sphagnum moss, kept
continually moist and sitting in a tray of water. The current plant will die off, and the two new
plants will be allowed to grow in this same pot.
Ian McLaren 21 – 04 – 09
These notes have been used at our Cultural and New Grower’s Meetings. They are from various
sources and we thank the authors. All articles are supplied in good faith and the Bribie Island Orchid Society and its members will not be held responsible for any loss or damage.
Smile Awhile
That’s all folks.
(Note-Bulletins can be viewed in colour on our website)
Contact Editor John ( phone 3408 9228 email stokes@sillyfrog.com) for more information on
any of above items.
DISCLAIMER While the Executive Committee and the editor of the BIOS Newsletter endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the content of this Newsletter, neither the editor nor the Executive Committee and members of BIOS can assume any responsibility or liability for the views
expressed or information included in this Newsletter.
Return Address
Bribie Island Orchid Society
P.O. Box 127
Bribie Island QLD 4507