June 2016 - Bribie Island Orchid Society


June 2016 - Bribie Island Orchid Society
Bribie Island Orchid Society
Bulletin June 2016
PO Box 127 Bribie Island Q 4507
Cr. Gary Parsons
Carolyn Burke
Bernie Schulz
Ros Grant
John Stokes
3408 9228
Committee Meeting
Held on the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting commences at 1.00 pm at The Orchid
House. This meeting is restricted to Committee members only.
Cultural Meeting
Held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, at The Orchid House, 156A First Avenue, Bribie
Island. Meeting time is 1.30pm. Plants must be benched by 1.15pm when judging will commence.
New Growers Meeting
Normally held on the second Saturday of the month. These meetings are held at The Orchid
House, commencing at 1.30pm.
Experienced Growers can also bench as many plants as they wish at these meetings, for
discussion purposes, but these will not be judged so as not to detract from the New
Growers’ plants.
Important Notice-Date Change
Annual General Meeting
AGM is now scheduled for Tues 12th July.
The postponement is due to the Electoral Commission hiring our hall until 6th July.
Committee Nominations and Proxy Forms (see page 8) are due two weeks before the new date.
Only financial members are eligible to vote.
Please bring along the seedlings you received at the last AGM for assessment of
progress and a prize for the best grown plant. New more advanced plants will be
given to all attending the meeting.
Please also note that the AGM will not be followed by a Cultural Meeting as has been the
practice in the past which means the next Cultural Meeting will not be until 26th July.
May Cultural Meeting
A good roll-up of members was rewarded by a very informative session on growing orchids
conducted by the very experienced Barry Kable from Queensland orchid Society and Redland
Orchid Society. Barry spoke about growing catasetums and gave some tips for new growers of
all types of orchids from his own personal experience includeing the use of Tropical Strength
Aerogard to control weeds in pots.
He also chose the Judges’ Choice Orchid which went to Zelda’s Hknsa. Koolau Sunset ‘Hawaii’
which also won Popular Choice.
Barry strutting his stuff in
front of the assembled
The Winners.
Above Judges and
Popular Choice (Z.
Left Novice (J&L
Right Foliage (G. Hayman)
May Cultural Meeting Benching Results
1st (Plant Name)
Rlc. Redland Landing ‘Quandry’
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
S. Maller
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
Any other colour
Rlc. Burdekin Dream ‘DJ’ FCC/
Rlc. Karen’s Sunrise ‘Waianae’
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
Z&D Holm
Bc. Hawaii Stars
J&G Watson
J&J Stokes
G. Hayman
Any Other
Exhibition Lavender/
Over 60mm
Any type
Any Other
Any other
Other Alliance
Australian Native
Dendrobium species or
Hknsa. Koolau Sunset ‘Hawaii’
Z&D Holm
D. Sirett
C. guatemalensis ‘Autumnalis’
P&T Thomas
J&J Stokes
S. Maller
Den. Touch of Gold
Den. Mickey ‘Mew’
J&B Hopgood
S. Maller.
J&B Hopgood
J&B Hopgood
V. Fuch’s Harvest Moon x Kultana Gold Spot
J&J Stokes
J&J Stokes
J&J Stokes
G. Hayman
J&J Stokes
Phal. pulcherrima
J&J Stokes
Phrag. Noirmont
J&J Stokes
B&C Schulz
G. Hayman
Onc. ornithorhynchum
Onc. Sharry Baby
Alcra. Flying High ‘Stars &
S. Maller
P&T Thomas
S. Maller
J&B Hopgood
S. Maller
Bulb. curtsii var. lutescens
J&J Stokes
J&B Hopgood
J&J Stokes
Den. superbiens
J&B Hopgood
Rlc. Home Hill ‘Bridal Blush’
J&L Grubb
J&L Grubb
J&L Grubb
J&G Watson
D. Sirett
Ctt. Little Susie ‘Orchidglen’
Den. Zumina Plum
J&L Grubb
Ons. Eye Candy ‘Pinkie’
R. Grant
D. Sirett
Anth. Black Queen
Other Foliage
D&J Worley
D. Sirett
G. Hayman
D. Sirett
J. Harrison
J&L Grubb
J&G Watson
D. Sirett
J&G Watson
G. Hayman
D. Sirett
G. Hayman
J. Harrison
Popular Vote Orchid– Hknsa. Koolau Sunset ‘Hawaii’ (Z&D Holm)
Popular Vote Foliage– Nephrolepsis exalta (G. Hayman)
Judges Choice Open– Hknsa. Koolau Sunset ‘Hawaii’ (Z&D Holm)
Judges Choice Novice– Den. Zumina Plum (J&L Grubb)
Judges– T. Davis, J. Hopgood, J. Stokes (B. Kable for Judges Choice)
Scribe— J. Grubb
D. Sirett
J&G Watson
May New Growers
What a great New Growers’ Meeting with 45 in attendance to participate in a hands on
session dividing Steph’s huge Brassia Starex and repotting the divisions which were
then given by Steph to the new growers present.
Other plants brought to the meeting for advice were also discussed with the owners by
the experienced growers in attendance.
More than 20 Novice plants were benched which was very pleasing to see and the quality was generally very good.
The Judges’ Choice went to Barry Svensson’s C. Scarlet Imp shown below.
First Plant Name
Den. Dal’s Wonder x Dal’s Dazzler
G&G Kleve
J&D Worley
V. Boonyarit ‘Little Flame’
T. Watson
C. Burke
R. Grant
Oncidium Alliance
Brat. Charles M. Fitch ‘Izumi’
K. Smythe
Any Other
Paph. unknown
S. Styman
Orchid of Month
C. Scarlet Imp ‘Ari’
B. Svennsen
Foliage Ferns
Maiden Hair
J&D Worley
M&B Saunders
Foliage Other
Nodding Violet
G&G Kleve
M&B Saunders M&B Saunders
C. Scarlet Imp ‘Ary’
B. Svenssen
G&G Kleve
R. Grant
K. Butcher
Membership Renewal
Was due at end of April. The fee remains at $15. Payments to our
Treasurer please.
Afternoon Tea Roster for New Growers and Cultural Meetings
As advised at the May Cultural Meeting we have introduced a roster for serving afternoon tea at our meetings. Volunteers for the next two months are as follows;
June K. Smythe, B. Svensson, M. Svensson
July J. Watson, M. Saunders
If you are unable to attend can you please arrange for someone to take your place.
Thank you for your cooperation with this.
New Member
This issue we are pleased to welcome the
following new member:
Rita and Kevin Bultitude from Bongaree.
A site worth visiting.
The Australian Orchid Council has
a wealth of information on their
website at orchidsaustralia.com
AOC Guidelines for Judging Handbook (59 pages)
Guidelines for Judging Australian
Native Dendrobium Hybrids
RHS (Royal Horticultural Society)
(11 pages)
RHS registered genera names
(78 pages )
Plant name changes in award
records x-ref. listing (35 pages)
AOC awards lists
Election Day BBQ Stall
If you can help out with manning
this stall at The Orchid House on
2nd July from 8..00am to 2.00pm
please contact Bernie 54295649.
Social and Other News
Our monthly luncheon at Bluey’s Hotel was well-attended as we were joined by
some of the craft ladies to help celebrate Lyn Hauk’s birthday. A great gettogether.
Our next lunch will be on the 3rd Tuesday of June (21st June) at Ebony’s Café Jacana St Woorim when we will be celebrating Jeanette Saviane’s 70th.. Please let
Diann (34081130) or Kay (340892890) know if you will be attending as we have to
book a table and space is smaller than the hotels.
Please remember our next New Growers Meeting will be replaced by the bus trip to
Lake Kawana Diamond Festival Orchid Show on 11th June. These trips are very
informative, especially for new growers, and are subsidised by our club costing
members only $10 plus entry fee. Again names to Diann or Kay to reserve a place
on the bus for a great day out.
Thanks Diann and Kay.
Flying the flag at St Michael’s Fair.
11-12 June
STOCQ Diamond Festival of Orchids, hosted by Nambour at Lake
Kawana Community Centre, Sunshine Coast
11th June
21st June
Bus Trip to above show (replaces New Growers’ Meeting)
Monthly Luncheon at Ebony’s Café Woorim
2nd July
5th July
Election Day BBQ stall at Orchid House 8.00am to 2.00pm.
Volunteers to man please contact Bernie.
Committee Meeting
12th July
22-24 July
Caboolture Show
26th July
Cultural Meeting
5-6 August
Maroochydore Show
2-3 September
Nambour Show
15-16 October
BIOS Spring Show
NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS: The Annual General Meeting of the Bribie Island Orchid Society will be held
on Tuesday 12th July 2016 at The Orchid House, 156A First Avenue Bribie Island at 1.30pm. All members are
invited to attend. The election will follow the procedures as stated in the Constitution.
All positions are declared vacant and nominations/appointments are invited for the positions of:
Vice President
Bulletin Editor
Publicity Officer
Show Committee Coordinator
Property Officer
Social Organiser
Delegates to STOCQ
Management Committee Members
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Honorary Auditor
Nomination Forms & Proxy Forms will be available at our meetings or from the Secretary.
All Nomination and Proxy Forms must be with the Secretary by 28th June 2016.
Nominations will only be taken from the floor at the Annual General Meeting if the Secretary has received no
previous nomination.
Membership Renewal is now overdue. Payment of $15 can be made to the Treasurer, Ros Grant.
Members MUST BE FINANCIAL to be eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting in June.
----------------------------------------------------------Nomination Form for Office Bearers 2016/17
I, ______________________(Name) hereby nominate ________________________(Name) for the position
________________________(Position) with the Bribie Island Orchid Society Inc for 2016/17.
Signed ___________________________
Date ____________
I, _____________________(Name) second this nomination. Signed _____________________
Date ____________
I, _____________________(Name) accept this nomination. Signed _____________________
Date ____________
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Proxy Form
I, __________________________ (Name) being a member of the Bribie Island Orchid Society
Inc, hereby appoint _________________________as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf at
the AGM of the Society, to be held on 12th July 2016.
Signed _________________________
Date ____________
This form is to be used:
* In favour of the resolution
* Against the resolution
* Strike out whichever is not desired. (Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit.)
Bits and Pieces
You’ve probably heard all these before but please take pity on the poor Editor who has to
try to find something new and interesting or funny every issue!
The following questions were set in last year's GED examination. These are genuine
answers (from 18 year olds)
Q. Name the four seasons?
A.. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar
Q. How is dew formed?
A.. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire
Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on?
A.. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed
Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections?
A.. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election
Q. What are steroids?
A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs
Q What happens to your body as you age?
A.. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental
Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty?
A.. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery
Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes?
A.. Premature death
Q. What is artificial insemination?
A... When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow
Q. How can you delay milk turning sour?
A.. Keep it in the cow
Q. What is the fibula?
A.. A small lie
Q. What does 'varicose' mean?
A.. Nearby
Q. What is the most common form of birth control
A.. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium.
Q. What is a seizure?
A.. A Roman Emperor.
(Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit)
Q. What is a terminal illness
A. When you are sick at the airport. (Irrefutable)
Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?
A.. Benign is what you will be after you be eight (brilliant)
Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorized (e.g. The abdomen)?
A.. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium
contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels:
That’s all folks.
(Note-Bulletins can be viewed in colour on our website)
Contact Editor John ( phone 3408 9228 email stokes@sillyfrog.com) for more information on any of
above items.
DISCLAIMER While the Executive Committee and the editor of the BIOS Newsletter endeavour to ensure the accuracy of the content of this Newsletter, neither the editor nor the Executive Committee and
members of BIOS can assume any responsibility or liability for the views expressed or information included in this Newsletter.
Return Address
Bribie Island Orchid Society
P.O. Box 127
Bribie Island QLD 4507