The Cheerful Earful - District Six of Altrusa International, Inc.


The Cheerful Earful - District Six of Altrusa International, Inc.
The Cheerful Earful
Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL
October 2015
Next Meeting Information
 Next meeting information
 Sept. General minutes
 Updates
 Minute with a Member
 Our Favorite Recipes
 Calendar of Events
 Bazaar information
What: Potluck and speaker
Terri Hare, WIU Scholarship
Where: Georgetown
Clubhouse, 95 Charleston
Dr., Macomb
When: 6:00pm
Potluck details will be
Hosted by the Membership
The Cheerful Earful – October 2015 Page 2 of 11
Draft of September 2015 Meeting
September 23, 2015
General Meeting at the Everly House, Macomb,
Illinois at 6:30 p.m.
President Karen Trusley asked if any guests were
present and Kerrie Bishop introduced her
daughter Lauren.
The minutes of the August 2015 were presented
for approval. Karen Iversen moved to approve,
seconded by Miriam Satern, approved by all
Treasurer’s Report: Brae Hattaway reviewed the
Treasurer’s Report and is filed for audit.
Correspondence: Karen Iversen- We received
thank you notes from the Canton Club, the
Galesburg Club, the Quincy Club and the district
officer. We received a notice about Bowl for Kids
Standing Committee Reports:
The members enjoyed a presentation by Kassie
Courson from McDonough County VIBE about
The finance committee provided fall desserts.
The following members were in attendance:
Alta Sargent, Ann Abbot, Brae Hattaway, Cindy
Roon, Heather Munro, Judy Dallinger, Karen
Iversen, Karen Trusley, Kathy Wyatt, Kerrie
Bishop, Lara Lessard, Lin Stults, Liz Duvall,
Lynne Brinker, Marsha McCormick, Miriam
Satern, Nancy Dobey, Nancy Reed, Peggy Ma,
Sara Wood.
The business meeting was called to order at 6:55
The members recited the Pledge of Aallegiance.
Karen gave the Alzheimer’s T-shirt to Marsha
because she wore both pins.
Finance: Brae Hattaway reported the following:
Shop n Share date is next weekend at Hy-Vee.
We are rescheduling the March speaker to make
room for the District representative visit.
Communications Committee: Heather Munro
passed out flyers for the Bazaar. She also passed
out the “who is district 6” flyer. Remember to
check out the Facebook page to check out all of
our wonderful photos from our volunteer projects
and Quad Club meeting. She also posted two
versions of the newsletter on the Facebook page.
We are listed in the Choice community event
Membership Committee: no report.
Service Committee: Liz thanked the group for
donating children’s books for the YMCA. Liz also
passed around the service hour binder. Liz also
discussed Make a Difference day project and
passed around a sign-up sheet for donating
baked goods.
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Tutoring Committee: Sandy Collier reminded
everyone to review the final tutoring report that
was emailed. Sandy gave a brief report on the
program and the expenses were around $4,700.
We use about $3,400 in Bazaar funds to cover
that amount. She also highlighted parent
Bazaar Committee: Kathy Wyatt discussed the
contract with the high school. Kathy discussed
ways to celebrate 50 years for the bazaar. She
suggested buying stickers like “ I attended the
50th Altrusa bazaar”. She also discussed giving
away some prizes by a raffle. Several people
made some suggestions about how to handle the
Miriam Satern made a motion to have the
baskets and instead of the 50/50, have a raffle
tickets for a prize such as a Chamber of
Commerce gift certificates, seconded by Karen
Iversen. Discussion was held. The 50/50 was
discussed as well. The vote was taken: the
motion failed.
Cindy Roon made a motion to continue with the
50/50 raffle and the raffle baskets. The motion
was seconded by Karen Iversen. A vote being
taken, the motion passed.
The publicity committee will work on the stickers.
Brae stated there is money available in the
Cindy Roon has extra baskets. Miriam passed
around a sign-up for the raffle baskets. Nancy
Reed volunteered to wrap the baskets.
Nancy Dobey passed around the sign list around
for yard signs.
Ann Abbot sent around a sheet for the
pie/dessert list for the kitchen.
Old Business:
Please email Liz if you are missing a meeting. The
service hour binder was also passed around.
Quad Club Meeting- Karen thanked everyone who
attended and/or volunteered to help. It was
awesome and all club representatives would like
to do it annually.
The Arts Fair-Thank you to those members that
Alzheimer’s Walk- Karen Iversen walked. Karen
Trusley showed our sponsorship sign that was
displayed along the route.
Discussed helping at the Homecoming Parade
with the Lion’s Club Fundraiser. Please see Cindy
Roon if you can help. It is there national candy
day sale. Cindy will provide the meeting location
and details in a follow-up email
New Business:
Adopt A Classroom- We have readers going to Ms.
Scott’s first grade classroom on the third
Thursdays and Mrs. Olson’s classroom will be
scheduled monthly. The same books will be used
for both classes. Do not leave the books in the
classroom because the books are checked out to
the club. If you are the second reader, please
return them to the library. If you are volunteering,
please make sure you have a volunteer form
turned into the Lincoln School office prior to
Mosaic Event-Karen was asked to be a table
captain November 3 from 12 to 1pm at Spoon
River College Outreach Center. We need to fill a
table of 8. It is a free luncheon to learn about the
organization but they asked for a donation.
Karen asked if anyone wanted to make a
donation for Bowl for Kids Sake on November 7th.
It was suggested that we give an individual
donation if you wish. The donations can be
brought to the next meeting.
The next board meeting is October 8, 2015 at
5:15 p.m. the Everly House.
The next general meeting is October 28, 2015.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
Liz Duvall, Secretary
Bazaar Committee
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Finance Committee
The Finance Committee wanted to
share information regarding one of
the local programs we support.
We still need 2-4 more people (or groups of
people) to volunteer to provide a gift basket to
raffle off at the Bazaar. Miriam will bring the signup sheet to our next meeting on Wed, Oct 28.
We also need baskets. If you have a basket you
want to donate, please bring it to the same
We will collect all the contents for the baskets by
Monday, November 9. The committee will arrange
the contents nicely in the baskets and wrap the
baskets with a clear wrap and bow.
Please provide a list of items that make up the
content included in the basket when you turn in
your items to Miriam. We will display the list in
front of your basket on Bazaar Day to share the
contents with the patrons that will may be
interested in winning your basket.
Thanks for your support of this fundraising effort.
Miriam Satern and Brae Hattway
Yard signs and banners have been distributed.
Two radio interviews are scheduled on Mon. Nov.
2 and Thurs. Nov. 12 both at 7:30-8am. Flyers
have been distributed to all members and posted
at businesses around the square. Bazaar has
been posted on numerous area Facebook pages
and websites and on radio and TV station
community calendars. Listed in newspaper.
Story in newspaper will be forthcoming. Local
business outside marquees will be posting
Decorating /Celebrating
There will be 50th Anniversary sheet cake served
to the public from 1:30-2:30pm. Commons will
be decorated with balloons. Shopper stickers
have been made.
This year we gave $200.00 to the
MAP Program. Here is what the MAP
Program is so we know where our
money is going and what our money
is supporting.
Macomb After-School Program (MAP)
The Macomb After school Program
provides youth in Kindergarten
through grade 8 with a safe, drug
free environment. Youth enjoy fun
activities, get help with homework
assignments, and take part in
enrichment activities such as
computers, team building,
leadership, drama, arts & crafts and
science experiments. They go on
field trips, enjoy special speakers,
and community activities.
-Brae Hattaway, ChairFinance Committee
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Service Committee
October Community Service
Project -- Oct 31
The Service Committee project for
October is cleaning up the yard at
the Bailey House.
The date will be October 31 at 9:00
am for all who can help. Rain date
will be November 7. Depending on
number who help it should take no
more than 2 hours. Some rakes,
clippers, etc. would be helpful. I will
have yard waste bags.
Donations to Bowl for Kids' Sake
which is happening on Nov. 7will be
collected at the October meeting. Any
member wishing to contribute on
their own to this cause please bring
your donation and it will be collected.
For your information there will
be no newsletter issued in
November. We will have a
combined November/December
issue that will emailed to
members one week before our
December meeting.
“Leading to a Better Community”
Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service
This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois
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with a member
Each month we feature a Macomb
Altrusan - to learn a little bit more
about each other.
"Minute" by Karen Iversen,
Communications Committee member
Say "Hello" to Brae
Hattaway, our
featured member of
the month!
Tell us a little about
I was born and raised in
Macomb, IL. I have one
older sister who lives in
Macomb. She is married
with a son and two
daughters. My parents
also live in Macomb. I
recently got engaged to
Marc Huston who is
from Carthage, IL. After
graduating from Macomb High School, I
went to the University of Illinois at Chicago
and received a dual Bachelor’s degrees in
Marketing and Management from their
College of Business. I stayed in Chicago
for a total of eight years before moving
back to Macomb.
What type of work have you done, and/or
are currently doing?
After college I stayed up in Chicago for
four more years. I worked at Urban Lux as
a Leasing Agent for luxury downtown
apartments for two years. After that, I
started my banking career at BMO Harris
Bank. After being gone for eight years, I
was ready to move back to Macomb to be
closer to family. I started working at
Citizens Bank. I now work in the Loan
Department as a Retail Community
What do you like to do for fun?
I am an avid golfer and try to get out and
play as much as I can. I also love to spend
time with my family.
Please tell us something that most people
might not know about you.
I was a three sport athlete ever since I was
very little. Due to all of those activities, I
had knee surgery when I was 15.
Who introduced you to Altrusa? What is
your involvement in Altrusa now?
Nancy Dobey introduced me to Altrusa. I
am currently the Treasurer and the Chair
of the Finance Committee.
Is there anything else you would like for
your fellow Altrusans to know about you?
I have truly enjoyed my first year as a
member of Altrusa. I have had the
pleasure of getting to know each one of
you. I also enjoy the volunteer service
projects we are involved with.
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Our Favorite Recipes
Recipes gathered by Lara Lessard,
Communications Committee member
If you will not be at
a meeting
please email
Liz Duvall at
This recipe
comes from
Lynne Brinker,
and Mother
made this recipe
a family
favorite. Now
Lynne makes
this cookie at
Christmas time
and tells us that her children, grandchildren, and
great-grandchildren expect these every
2 c. sugar
1 ½ c. butter
1 tsp. salt
2 eggs
4 c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
2 squares melted baking chocolate
Cream sugar and butter; beat in eggs. Add salt,
flour, chocolate and baking powder. Chill dough
at least 2 hours. Roll out paper-thin on pastry
cloth. Cut into 2” rounds and place on a cookie
sheet. Bake at 375 degrees until lightly
browned. These will burn quickly! When cookies
are baked and cooled, place one cookie on top of
another with a dab of powdered sugar frosting in
the center to hold them together. Place another
dab of frosting in the center of the top cookie and
sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
The Cheerful Earful Staff
Heather Munro
Karen’s Korner:
Karen Trusley
Minute with a Member: Karen Iversen
Our Favorite Recipes: Lara Lessard
Reader’s Corner:
Ann Abbot
Calendar and Events:
Lynne Brinker
Photographers: Lin Stults, Miriam Satern
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Macomb Altrusa Officers
and Board
President - Karen Trusley
Vice-President – Penny Pollock
Past President - Cindy Roon
Recording Secretary – Liz Duvall
Treasurer – Brae Hattaway
10-24 Make A Difference
United Nations Day
Corresponding Secretary – Karen Iversen
Communication Comm.: Heather Munro
10-28 General Meeting,
Potluck dinner, 6pm
10-31 Halloween
11-14 Holiday Bazaar
11-16 American Education
Midwest Regional
Quidditch Tournament
Finance Committee:
Brae Hattaway
Membership Comm.:
Jeanie Sowers
Service Committee:
Paula Rhodes
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Members - Bazaar information - letter and applications for vendors please share with anyone you know who is interested!
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