tariefbrochure 2014 brochure tarifs 2014 rates leaflet 2014
tariefbrochure 2014 brochure tarifs 2014 rates leaflet 2014
TARIEFBROCHURE 2014 BROCHURE TARIFS 2014 #7-8 -JULI-AUGUSTUS 2013 Weekendje bed & bikes K Normandië Impressionisme aan het water Eropuit Zomerse uitstapjes dichtbij ust n va an eP tD e to ijd ks Ko a Extderl- en ne gië wan es in Bel ch fietsfi 001 0713-3497.indd 13 maandblad van de kwb jaargang 66 | september 2013 Patagonian dreams Langs sporen van de Groote Oorlog 1000 km langs het IJzeren Gordijn Ploeteren in de Beaufortain Fietsvakantie in eigen land Proeven van Schotland 6 12 Streek-GR Uilenspiegel • GTA • Verdun • Roemenië • Close up GR en LF 2013 • 6 9 771379 018132 12/06/13 14:12 330820_OpWeg_2013_6.indd 1 CONTACT Bert van Uytsel Manager Leden & Marketing T + 32 (0)496 59 87 55 bert.vanuytsel@pasar.be Jill Vliegen Manager Advertising T + 32 (0)478 94 32 56 jill.vliegen@pasar.be Marijke De Medts Administratie Leden & Marketing T + 32 (0)2 246 36 49 Marijke.demedts@pasar.be Haachtsesteenweg 579, 1030 Brussel Fax: + 32 (0)2 246 36 69 BTW BE0410.130.351 www.pasar.be/advertising Gezond op school afgiftekantoor: 3200 aarschot 1 - Maandblad, verschijnt niet in augustus - p106332 Fietsen in het spoor van de Tour de France Limburg raak Magazine voor Wandelaars & Fietsers TijdschrifTen ToelaTing - gesloTen Verpakking 3200 aarschoT 1 - Bc 1145 AFGIFTEKANTOOR GENT X Corsica BELGIE(N) - BELGIQUE Retouradres: Grote Routepaden vzw, Beatrijslaan 72, 2050 Antwerpen - Afgiftekantoor Gent X - Erkenning: P 309099 - Tweemaandelijks December 2013 - januari 2014 - 4,90 € magazine voor je vrije tijd PB- PP B- 21170 Foto John Amis - UGA College of AG RATES LEAFLET 2014 18/11/13 13:23 Gezonde leefstijl 18 Van Kessel-Lo tot Peru 28 De race naar goedkoop voedsel PASAR-MEDIA PASAR-MEDIA: 4 MEMBER MAGAZINES Scope of 180.000 families/exclusive readers - with little or no duplications (merely 3% between Pasar & Femma) Pasar Total (Nett) Pasar + Femma FemmaRaakOp Weg Circulation 2012 38.738 77.750 55.000 7.500 178.988116.488 Total Distribution 2012 37.346 75.587 55.000 7.500 175.433112.933 LLP CIM 12-13 (Paper) 126.400 112.700 niet CIM gecontroleerd -224.500 Total Readers CIM 12-13 217.700 147.900 niet CIM gecontroleerd -338.800 € 2.650 € 3.200 Cost 1/1PQ 2014 € 2.250 € 8.900 € 800 € 5.850 ADVERTISEMENT RATES 2014 all titles combined: 180.000 copies to active members! Size Pasar FemmaRaak Op Weg TOTAAL 2/1 page € 4.700 € 6.400 € 4.200 € 1.500 € 16.800 1/1 page € 2.650 € 3.200 € 2.250 € 800 € 8.900 1/2 page € 1.850 € 2.000 € 1.300 € 550 € 5.700 1/4 page € 1.050 € 1.200 € 850 € 350 € 3.450 Femma only for advertisers in tourism Rates are excl. 21% VAT. For the general sales conditions, please check www.pasar.be/advertising Combination PACKAGES: S (with ¼ pQ advertisements) – M (with ½ pQ advertisements) RATES LEAFLET Pasar Media 2014 L (with 1/1 pQ advertisements) PACKAGE ACTIVE (outdoor, walking, cycling & camping) - Advertisement in Pasar magazine (40.000 copies) - Advertisement in Op Weg magazine (7.500 copies) - Offer in Pasar e-letter Walking & Cycling (27.500 copies) - Offer in Grote Routepaden e-letter (10.000 copies) - 1 month banner on www.pasar.be/wandelen and/or www.pasar.be/fietsen - 1 month banner on www.groteroutepaden.be PACKAGES CULTURE & NATURE - Advertisement in Raak Magazine (55.000 copies) - Advertisement in Femma magazine (80.000 copies) - Offer in e-letter to kwb members (16.000 copies) - 1 month IMU on www.kwb.be - 1 month skyscraper on www.femma.be s Normal price ACTIVE = € 4.570 Package price ACTIVE = € 3.650 M Normal price ACTIVE Package price ACTIVE 22 – L Normal price ACTIVE Package price ACTIVE s Normal price CULTURE = € 3.300 Package price CULTURE = € 2.970 = € 4.400 M Normal price CULTURE = € 4.450 Package price CULTURE = € 3.895 = € 6.620 = € 5.570 = € 5.150 L Normal price CULTURE = € 6.700 Package price CULTURE = € 5.695 PASAR Who reads Pasar? (source CIM ’12-‘13) x Pasarmagazine informs readers through travel reports, cycling and walking trails, camping trips and technical information for camping lovers, family holidays, … both in Belgium and abroad. afgiftekantoor gent magazine voor je vr ije tijd Pasar non-profit organization (formerly known as Vakantiegenoegens) is a social, cultural & tourist association which wants to motivate as many people as possible and offer them opportunities to have the most valuable holiday and spare time. Each year, Pasar organizes about 2.500 activities and travels and can count on more than 150.000 participants per year. Pasar members are very active members with a distinctive interest in travelling, walking, cycling and culture. PASARMAGAZINE #12-december 2013 Pasar Aarschot Parel van het Hageland Winterplezier • 2 x skiën Fran krijk • Dichtbij op de latten M Scandinavië Betaalbaar kamp eren Tanger & Mekn es arokko 001 1213-4049.indd met kinderen neer Aboniend(in) een venr ga op cruise 7 p. 36-3 6 Average distribution 2012: 38.738 copies Total number of readers: 217.700 Readers each month: 126.400 Very loyal readers: 48% 48% women - 52% men Age 45+: 79% Professionally active: 48% Upper & middle class Rural 13/11/13 15:27 Publication dates Pasar 2014ADVERTISEMENT RATES Pasar 2014 Pasar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 8 9 10 11 12 PublicationSpecials/pocket guidesSizeRate Pasar 23/12/2013 2/1 page € 4.700 27/01/2014 Pasar Camping Guide 1/1 page € 2.650 24/02/2014 1/2 page € 1.850 24/03/2014 Short Trip guide + special: Cruises 1/3 page € 1.350 28/04/2014 Special Cycling & Walking 1/4 page € 1.050 26/05/2014 Special: Holiday Guide 1/6 page € 750 23/06/2014 Short Trip guide 1/8 page € 650 25/08/2014 Cover 2 € 3.300 29/09/2014 Special: Motorhome & Caravan 2015 Cover 3 € 3.050 27/10/2014 Short Trip guide Cover 4 € 3.600 24/11/2014 Pasar Camping Guide - Reservations: 20th of the previous month - Input advertisements: 10th of the month SURCHARGES: Vleugels voor je vrije tijd dé wandel- en - - - - Preferential lay-out with context or guaranteed of right-hand page: + 15% Advertisements with reply card/voucher: + 15% If Pasar-Media takes care of advertisement lay-out: € 75 lay-out costs In case of cancellation less than 6 weeks prior to publication dates, additional costs may be invoiced - Non-sector related rate for Pasar, Raak and Op Weg: 20% discount on base rates for the following sectors: car/motorcycles, pharmacy, banks and insurances VOLUME DISCOUNTS: - 2 + 3rd 50% discount - 4 + 1 free of charge - 7 + 2 free of charge - 8 + 3 free of charge fietsGIDS 2013 E-bike in Land van Herve O_01-32-W&F-3300.indd 1 Fiets- en wandelcafés Verrekijkers Fietsen en wandelen 1 met Pasar 17/04/13 17:14 23 sizes pasar magazine ADVERTISEMENT RATES SPECIALS GROUP TRIPS, PASAR SHORT TRIP GUIDE AND PASAR-INFO 2/1 page € 1.700 1/1 page € 900 1/2 page € 700 1/3 page € 600 1/4 page € 500 Cover 2 € 1.100 Cover 3 € 1.000 Cover 4 € 1.200 Target audience Special Group trips 2014-2015: responsibles for the organization of group and association’s trips of all departments within the organizations of Pasar, Femma, KWB and Okra. Circulation 6.500 copies – Publication end May 2014 Pasar Trip guide: Member advantages leaflet (A5 size) in Pasar Magazine April, July/August and November. Circulation 40.000 copies Pasar Info: Inspirational magazine for Pasar associates and volunteers, groeps with up-to-date themes, event schedule, latest news, tips for trips, … uitstap-pen – 3.000 copies 2013 • 2014 Sizes advertisements Vleugels voor je vrije tijd 1/1 page bleeding: 148 W x 210 H - non bleeding: 128 W x 190 H 1/2 page landscape - bleeding: 148 W x 100 H - non bleeding: 128 W x 90 H portrait - bleeding: 70 W x 210 H - non bleeding: 60 W x 190 H 1/3 page landscape 128 W x 55 H 1/4 page landscape 128 W x 40 H portrait 60 B x 90 H t r ipGIDS natuur 2013 Delivery address at marijke.demedts@pasar.be Korting bij 35 attracties Voor het hele gezin 1 Tripgids Natuur_Cover 3513.indd 1 12/06/13 17:11 RATES LEAFLET Pasar Media 2014 Sizes Pasar magazine 24 2/1 bleeding 446 W - 285 H 2/1 non bleeding 426 W - 265 H 1/1 bleeding 223 W - 285 H 1/1 non bleeding 203 W - 265 H 1/2 landscape bleeding 223 W - 141 H 1/2 landscape non bleeding 203 W - 131 H 1/2 portrait bleeding 110 W - 285 H 1/2 portrait non bleeding 100 W - 265 H 1/3 landscape 203 W - 86 H 1/4 portrait 100 W - 131 H 1/4 landscape 203 W - 64 H Bleeding + 5mm bleed on all sides 1/6 landscape 203 W - 42 H 1/6 portrait 100 W - 86 H 1/8 portrait 100 W - 64 H The advertisements are delivered by the client in digital format (certified hi-res pdf incl proofing). Indesign CS5 for Macintosh with delivery of all fonts (no Truetypes) and all images in 300 dpi. INPUT MATERIAL around the 10th of the month at nancy@gevaertgraphics.be TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS POCKET GUIDES – on request. We would like to receive a blank or example 4 weeks prior to publication. This way we can check if the insert or adhesive card is fit for a correct execution. Delivery address inserts and adhesive cards Pasar Corelio Printing, attn. Evy De la Marche, Keerstraat 10, 9420 Erpe Mere pasar packages #9 -SEPTEMBER 2013 AFGIFTEKANTOOR GENT X magazine voor je vrije tijd COMBINATION PACKAGES: Oostenrijk Op ontdekking langs de Adlerweg S (with ¼ advertisement) – M (with ½ advertisement) – L (with 1/1 advertisement) - - - Advertisment in Pasarmagazine (40.000 copies) Offer in Pasar e-newletter Tourisme & Recreation (16.000 copies) 1 month banner or skyscraper on www.pasar.be Marseille Culturele hoofdstad Wandelen door de S Normal price PASAR = € 2.795 Package PASAR = € 2.375 Netevallei S outh Dakota er ktob 13 o osdag nB Ope et Pasar m 18 camperreis M Normal price PASAR = € 3.595 Package PASAR = € 2.995 L p. 001 0913-3715.indd 13 14/08/13 09:57 2013 Normal price PASAR = € 4.395 Package PASAR = € 3.600 kampeer wijzer Pasar CAMPING Reach the Pasar campers thanks to: - Advertisement in Pasar Camping Special (February, October, December) - Advertisement in Pasar magazine context Camping -www.pasar.be/kamperen - www.pasar.be/koopwijzer – Purchase Guide (information platform for caravan, motorhome and tent) - Pasar e-newsletter Camping - NEW: Weigh Action 26 April 2014 – each participant having his/her caravan or motorhome weighed, receives an info package with flyers, magazines, coupons, Camping advantages, … Your message will be inserted in this Pasar Weigh Action-package! COMBINATION PACKAGE Pasar-Kampeerwijzer 2013-2924.indd 1 Vleugels CAMPING: S (with ¼ advertisement) – M (with ½ advertisement) – L (with 1/1 advertisement) - Advertisment in Pasarmagazine, context camping (40.000 copies) - Offer in Pasar e-newletter Camping (18.500 copies) - Flyer or gadget in Pasar Weigh Action- package (500) S Normal price PACKAGE CAMPING PACKAGE PASAR CAMPING = € 3.295 = € 2.795 M Normal price PACKAGE CAMPING PACKAGE PASAR CAMPING = € 4.095 = € 3.395 L = € 4.895 = € 3.950 Normal price PACKAGE CAMPING PACKAGE PASAR CAMPING rije tijd d Kampeerkal ender 01-53-3998.indd 1 month banner or skyscraper on www.pasar.be/kamperen of Koopwijzer voor je v kaémpeer O_KampeerGids_ - 17/01/13 15:09 1 GIdS Winterkamp eren Handige kam peerapps Koken op de camping 15/11/13 09:26 25 CREATIVE FORMULAS CREATIVE FORMULAS Summer brochures in Pasar, Femma, Raak and Op Weg The newest holiday brochures are combined in a neatly overview. The brochures appear in the 4 member magazines: Pasar, Femma, Raak and Op Weg, together 180.000 copies! Interested readers can request the brochures on www.pasar.be/zomerbrochures. After 2 and after 4 weeks, we send a first readymade excel file of interested readers. Pasar is not responsible for sending the brochures. Material to be delivered: Cover image max 6 cm high jpg 300 dpi + text max 120 signs Media cost for publication in the 4 member magazines: € 950 Publication end January/beginning February 2014 Pasar Contest A contest is announced in Pasarmagazine (40.000 copies) and in Pasar’s e-letter (approx. 16.000 copies). Contestants can subscribe on www.pasar.be/wedstrijd during 1 month. Pasar is in charge of the follow up of the contest and will afterwards communicate the winner(s) and the e-mail addresses of all participants. The advertiser is responsible for sending the prizes or vouchers. Maak nu kans op een Belvilla vakantiebon t.w.v. € 450. Pasar wedstrijd EXCHANGE value Size Media Cost Rates INPUT Winters wit of winters warm? Of allebei? 1/2 page € 1.500 € 250 text max. 750 signs, 2 images, logo 1/1 page € 2.000 € 500 text max. 1.500 signs, 4 images, logo 2/1 page € 3.100 € 1.000 text max. 3.000 signs, 6 images, logo Een BELVILLA® met sauna in de sneeuw! Kijk alvast op www.belvilla.be en zoek naar jouw favoriete winterwoning met of zonder sauna. Voor een weekendje weg of langer. Ook chalets voor hele grote groepen. Wist je dat je zelfs kan kiezen op aantal badkamers, afstand tot de skilift, open haard en veel meer? Laat die winter maar komen! Vraag: In hoeveel landen kan je een winterchalet van Belvilla vinden? Surf snel naar www.pasar.be/wedstrijd LEZERSAANBIEDING Readers’ Offer: an exclusive offer for the readers of Pasar/Raak/Op Weg. Our services ABSOLUTE WERELD TOPPER Punto Y Seguido Calatayud DO Garnacha Vinas Viejas 2009 are in charge of lay-out based on the text and images delivered. Rates include lay-out for each title. Profiteer nu! € 11,98 € 5,99 Size Nu gratis . thuisbezorgd Pasar Raak Op Weg 1/1 page € 1.950 € 1.700 € 650 1/2 page € 1.350 € 1.000 € 450 “Bekroond met 91 Parkerpunten” Schitterende Spaanse Grenache wijn, deze is door wijncriticus Robert Parker ook nog eens met maar liefst 91 (van de 100) punten bekroond. De wijn is donkerrood van kleur met iets paars in de rand. Uitbundige en aangename geur van bessenfruit. Volle en intense smaak met indrukken van kersen, bessen en specerijen. Elf maanden houtlagering zorgen voor subtiele vanilletonen die in combinatie met de (hand geplukte) druiven zorgen voor een schitterende afdronk. Deze week voor de sensationeel lage introductieprijs van slechts 5,99! Dit kan alleen bij Wijnvoordeel! Robert Parker De Amerikaanse Robert Parker (Wine Advocate) is de meest invloedrijke wijnjournalist ter wereld. Hij kan als geen ander een wijn maken of breken. Jaarlijks beoordeelt hij vele duizenden wijnen die hij beoordeelt op een schaal van 100. Wijnen met 90 of meer punten worden gerekend tot de absolute wereldtop. Castillo de Maluenda Deze gerenommeerde Bodega bevindt zich in Aragon, ten zuiden van Rioja. Met enige regelmaat vallen deze wijnen in de prijzen en veel van haar wijnen zijn bekroond met één of meerdere medailles. De beroemde wijncriticus Robert Parker beloonde deze top wijn, de Punto Y Seguido. Castillo de Maluenda heeft de beschikking over schitterende wijngaarden die zich ten zuiden van Rioja bevinden. De echte schatkamer van deze Bodega beperkt zich tot slechts enkele hectares waar we de wijngaarden vinden met 40-jaar oude wijnstokken. Deze wijnstokken zorgen voor de meest schitterende, volle en complexe wijnen met een uitzonderlijk fruitige smaak. BESTEL VIA www.wijnvoordeel.be/raak of bel 078 480 121 (ma. t/m vrij. 8.30 - 17.00 uur) Of stuur deze bon in een > voldoende gefrankeerde envelop naar: Wijnvoordeel, Ekkelgaarden 6a, 3500 Hasselt RAAK BESTELBON Ja, Ik bestel: .............. dozen à 6 flessen Punto Y Seguido Calatayud DO Garnacha Vinas Viejas 2009 aan € 5,99 per fles. Naam: Straat: wijnvoordeel.be Postcode: - Al 5 jaar de voordeligste online wijnwinkel Emailadres: - Klanten beoordelen ons gemiddeld met een 8,7 Tel.: - Snelle levering binnen drie werkdagen - Betaal pas na ontvangst van de wijnen Nr: Gemeente: Geboortedatum: Stuur deze bon in een voldoende gefrankeerde envelop naar: Wijnvoordeel, Ekkelgaarden 6a, 3500 Hasselt Betaling per factuur na levering. Gemakkelijk en zonder risico. Publi-report/Advertorial: a mix of editorial and commercial. Our services are in charge of text revision, final editing and lay-out based on the text and images delivered. This according to the look & feel of Pasar/Femma/Raak/Op Weg. Rates include lay-out. Size Pasar FemmaRaak Op Weg TOTAL 1/1 page € 2.800 € 3.400 € 2.450 € 1.000 € 9.550 2/1 page € 4.900 € 6.700 € 4.500 € 1.800 € 17.900 more than 2 pages also possible – rates available on request Inserts: RATES LEAFLET Pasar Media 2014 send your flyer, leaflet or magazine with the magazine, stapled or under blister. As from 10.000 copies till full circulation of 180.000 copies. 26 INSERTSMediakost/1.000ex 2 pages € 80 4 pages € 95 6 pages € 110 8 pages € 120 12 pages € 135 16 pages € 150 20 pages € 165 > 20 pages On request Fixed additional technical cost: € 18/1.000 Additional postal costs in case of loose insert: € 25/1.000 Full circulation: 180.000 copies Regional partial circulation based on postal code groups, available for Pasar Femma and Raak: only fixed insert Advertisement page with adhesive card: rate available on request Specials and pocket guides are made-to-measure Rates available on request – per title or full circulation of 180.000 copies Nazomeren in natuurlijk Limburg Op stap langs de Meetjeslandse Kreken Nieuw wandelnetwerk strekt zich uit over 260 km Ontdek het Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen Van 24 september tot en met 28 oktober 2012 Wandelen rangeractiviteiten Gps-tochten Fietsen Geocaching Vakantiepromoties Bus: pasar online PASAR ONLINE www.pasar.be and Pasar e-newsletters www.pasar.be is a portal site for travels, recreation and spare time with an average of 45.000 unique visitors and 235.000 page views per month (source: Google Analytics). Advertising can be done per section: Homepage – Walking – Cycling – Holiday choice – Tourist information – Op Weg practical NEW: www.pasar.be/koopwijzer Purchase Guide Camping – all novelties on the camping market are in scope. Caravan, motorhome and tent, new models, special series, comparison tests, presentation of new products or a product in the spotlights. This information booth is built as an addition to Pasarmagazine. Pasar e-newsletters: Pasar sends 3 e-newsletters to a specific target audience. You can include your message in one of these newsletters. - - - Tourism & Recreation: 11 x/year – general tourist information and practical tips for fun trips Walking & cycling: 6 x/year – discover new cycling routes, nice walking trails, … Camping: 10 x/year – all novelties and info for those who enjoy travelling with the tent, caravan or motorhome Pasar Advertorial: Combination banner at www.pasar.be + Pasar e-newsletter + landing page to www.pasar.be/adverteerder Material to be delivered for Pasar Advertorial at marijke.demedts@pasar.be: Same input Pasar e-newsletter + banner size + - Header picture/image: 633 wide x 200 high - File format: jpg, gif or png - Characters title: max 50 / characters text: max 3.200, text in word Online size Price/monthSizesInput material Leader board Banner top Maxi skyscraper Medium skyscraper Small skyscraper Pasar e-newsletters € 1.600 € 995 € 995 € 795 € 595 W 957 x 100 H W 468 x 60 H W 160 x 600 H W 160 x 240 H W 160 x 120 H File format: jpg, swf (max. 39 Kb) or gif (animated & non-animated), hyperlink Price/Publication*CirculationInput material E-letter Tourism & Recreation E-letter Walking & Cycling E-letter Camping Pasar Advertorial € 750 € 1.350 € 950 € 2.000 16.000 ex 27.500 ex 18.500 ex Size picture/image: 220 wide x 175 high File format: jpg, gif or png Characters title: max 50 / text max 500, text in Word Hyperlink * Rate depends on circulation – circulation increase and price increase possible during 2014 Input material Pasar Online: 2 weeks prior to publication at marijke.demedts@pasar.be (dates available on request). If Pasar-Media takes care of the lay-out of the advertisement banner: € 150 per creation leader board Banner top small skyscraper maxi skyscraper e-newsletter 27 op weg Op Weg – Cycling and walking magazine by Grote Routepaden België-Belgique P.B.-P.P. 9099 Gent X BC21170 Grote Routepaden is a non-profit organization such as the French GR (Grande Randonnée), which maintains long distance walking trails (3.680 km) with white and red signs and LF cycling trails (1.500 km). ‘Op Weg’ is the best magazine with up-to-date cycling and walking news, cycling and walking material and interviews with enthusiastic walkers and cyclists. The main focus lies mainly in Belgium and our neighboring countries, but also in the outer corners of Europe. April– mei 2013 - Tweemaandelijks den vzw, Beatrijsl Nieuw: het Eisleck Retouradres: Grote Routepa Only available in Dutch: bi-monthly (6x per year: February, April, June, August, October and December) Subscribers + loose sales in up-scale news stands Trail Hoe word ik bergw andelaar? 2x Auvergne me t de fiet 2x Normandië te s voet Iedereen flandrie n 04 9 771379 018132 Catalonië • Ligur Target audience: active walkers, cyclists, hikers, backpackers and nature lovers Fietsers Gent X - Erkennin g: P 309099 aan 72, 2050 Antwerp en - Afgiftekantoor Who reads Op Weg? Current circulation: 7.500 copies Wandelaars & - 4,90 € Magazine voor ië • Oman • Close up GR en LF 2013 • 2 Publication dates Op Weg 2014ADVERTISEMENT RATES Op Weg 2014 1 3/02/2014 2 1/04/2014 3 2/06/2014 4 18/07/2014 5 1/10/2014 6 1/12/2014 -Reservations:10th of the previous month - Input advertisements: 1st of the month 2/1 page 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page Cover 2 Cover 3 Cover 4 € 1.500 € 800 € 550 € 450 € 350 € 1.000 € 950 € 1.100 GROTE ROUTEPADEN ONLINE www.groteroutepaden.be is the best site for those who want to know all about walking and cycling long distances in Flanders and abroad, met dynamic Google map, web shop, recent gps tracks… Average 16.000 unique visitors per month Average 150.000 page views per month Average 6,17 page views/visit Average visit duration 03:30 New visitors: 62% Grote Routepaden e-newsletter: Each month, GR sends an e-newsletter to approx. 10.000 subscribed readers, with plenty of cycling and walking news. Average opening rate 40% and click through rate 15% RATES LEAFLET Pasar Media 2014 Online Size 28 Banner top Maxi skyscraper Medium skyscraper GR Advertorial Price/monthSizesInput material € 375 € 350 € 275 € 375 W 468 x 60 H W 160 x 600 H W 160 x 240 H W 250 x 300 H File formats: jpg, swf (max. 39 Kb) hyperlink GR e-newsletter Price/Publication*Circulation Finished banner: 600 W x 200 H (jpg) E-letter € 450 10.000 copies Picture 185 W x 120 to 150 H in jpg + text: Characters title = max 50 / Characters text = max 600 (text in Word) Hyperlink Material to be delivered at nieuwsbrief@groteroutepaden.be (dates on request) * Rate depends on circulation – circulation increase and price increase possible during 2014 raak Raak – Family magazine by kwb Kwb (Christian Employer’s Association) is a family organization with 89.000 members. These members are locally organized in 750 kwb groups. Together these groups organize over 13.000 activities per year: culture, sports, education, gastronomy, social action, community building… Raak magazine is assembled on monthly basis with a focus on a specific and up-todate theme. raak verschijnt niet in augustus - p106332 maandblad van de kwb jaargang 66 | oktober 2013 1 - Maandblad, Who reads Raak? afgiftekantoor: 3200 aarschot Current circulation 55.000 copies Sport voor iedereen TijdschrifTen ToelaTing - gesloTen Verpak 3200 aarsch oT 1 - Bc 1145 king Dutch only – 11 editions per year 66% men - 34% women Yearly growth of approx. 3.000 members of which 50% is younger than 45y. 9 Age -45y: 25 % / +45y: 75% Sport in de gevangenis Target audience: active families 19 Spelen in het park 28 Toplonen Publication dates Raak 2014ADVERTISEMENT RATES Raak 2014 1 27/12/2013 2 24/01/2014 3 27/02/2014 4 28/03/2014 5 25/04/2014 6 30/05/2014 7 & 827/06/2014 927/08/2014 1026/09/2014 1127/10/2014 1227/11/2014 2/1 page 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/4 page Cover 3 - - € 4.200 € 2.250 € 1.300 € 850 € 2.250 Reservations: 10th of the previous month Input advertisements: 1st of the month KWB ONLINE www.kwb.be and kwb e-newsletters The kwb website is the focus point for all online communication with (board) members. Kwb sends 5 digital mailings per year, more specific about member advantages. These 5 include both general mailings and specific mailings on target audience level. Average opening rate = 50% Online Size Price/monthSizes IMU kwb e-newsletters € 300 W 180 x 175 H Price/Publication*Circulation To board members (for group trips) To members – multiple suppliers exclusive mailing to members** € 250 € 350 € 1.500 4.000 copies 16.000 copies 16.000 copies Publication Maandelijks 4 x/jaar op aanvraag * Rate depends on circulation – circulation increase and price increase possible during 2014 ** kwb reserves the right to whether or not accept an exclusive mailing Material to deliver kwb e-newsletter at steven.buelens@kwb.be (dates on request) - Size picture/image: 220 wide x 175 high - File format: jpg, gif or png - Characters title: max 50 / characters text: max 600, text in word -Hyperlink 29 femma Femma – Women’s magazine by Femma (Only for advertisers in tourism) Femma is an organization with approx. 65.000 members in Flanders and Brussels. Femma has over 800 departments which organize thousands of activities each year. Femma is sent by monthly postal mail to all Femma members and informs readers on women’s’ interests: health, relationships, family, social themes, creative, garden and dining. Femma members love to go out, often travel and are interested in nature and culture. Who reads Femma? Statistics CIM ’12-’13 Average distribution 2012: 77.750 copies Dutch only – 10 editions per jaar Total number of readers: 147.900 Readers each month: 112.700 Very loyal readers: 61% Target audience women 35+: 90% Professionally active : 40% Publication dates Femma 2014ADVERTISEMENT RATES Femma 2014 1 31/12/2013 2 30/01/2014 3 28/02/2014 4 31/03/2014 5 2/05/2014 6, 7, 8 13/06/2014 9 2/09/2014 1030/09/2014 1131/10/2014 121/12/2014 2/1 page 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page Cover 2 Cover 4 - - Reservations: 10th of the previous month Input advertisements: 1st of the month www.femma.be 10.000 unique visitors per month RATES LEAFLET Pasar Media 2014 Online Size 30 € 6.400 € 3.200 € 2.000 € 1.460 € 1.200 € 4.000 € 4.800 Price/monthSizes Leaderboard € 800 W 728 x 90 H Skyscraper € 600 W 120 x 600 H sizes Sizes Op Weg, raak en femma Op Weg: 2/1 bleeding 420 W - 297 H 2/1 non bleeding 385 W - 260 H Op Weg: 1/1 bleeding 210 W - 297 H 1/1 non bleeding 175 W - 260 H Raak: Raak: 2/1 bleeding 390 W - 273 H 1/1 bleeding 195 W - 273 H Femma: 2/1 bleeding 414 W - 282 H 2/1 non bleeding 374 W - 242 H Femma: 1/1 bleeding 207 W - 282 H 1/1 non bleeding 167 W - 242 H Op Weg: 1/2 landscape bleeding 210 W - 145 H 1/2 landscape non bleeding 175 W - 128 H 1/2 portrait bleeding 105 W - 297 H 1/2 portrait non bleeding 85 W - 260 H Op Weg: 1/3 landscape 175 W - 85 H 1/4 landscape 175 W - 62 H 1/4 portrait 85 W - 128 H Raak: 1/2 landscape bleeding 195 W - 136,5 H 1/2 portrait bleeding 97,5 W - 273 H Femma: 1/3 portrait 49 W - 242 H 1/4 portrait 83 W - 121 H Femma: 1/2 landscape bleeding 207 W - 141 H 1/2 landscape non bleeding 167 W - 121 H 1/2 portrait bleeding 103 W - 282 H 1/2 portrait non bleeding 83 W - 242 H Raak: 1/4 portrait 97,5 W - 136,5 H Bleeding + 5mm bleed on all sides The advertisements are delivered by the client in digital format (certified hi-res pdf incl proofing). Indesign CS5 for Macintosh with delivery of all fonts (no Truetypes) and all images in 300 dpi. INPUT MATERIAL always the 1rst of the month at marijke.demedts@pasar.be TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS POCKET GUIDES – on request. We would like to receive a blank or example 4 weeks prior to publication. This way we can check if the insert or adhesive card is fit for a correct execution. Delivery address inserts and adhesive cards Op Weg Vanden Broele, t.a.v. Veerle Seys, Lieven Bauwensstraat 33, 8200 Brugge Delivery address inserts and adhesive cards Raak and Femma Corelio Printing, attn Evy De la Marche, Keerstraat 10, 9420 Erpe Mere 31