Our Mission at Most Holy Redeemer


Our Mission at Most Holy Redeemer
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 7, 2014
Worship Hours
Monday-Saturday 8:00am Mass
Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 8:00am &10:00am Mass
6:30pm Twilight Mass
Holy Days 8:00am and 7:30pm
Saturday 3:45-4:30pm
or by Appointment
Baptism & Marriages
Please contact the Parish Office.
For Marriages please call the parish
office six months in advance.
Our Mission at Most Holy Redeemer
Most Holy Redeemer Parish is a Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition.
The Parish draws people from isolation to community, from searching to awakening,
from indifference to concern, from selfishness to meaningful service, from fear in
the midst of adversity to faith and hope in God.
The community of Most Holy Redeemer shares God’s compassionate love with all
people. The parish offers a spiritual home to all: senior citizens and youth; single
people and families; those who are straight, gay, lesbian, and transgendered;
the healthy and the sick, particularly persons with HIV disease.
As a parish community, we celebrate God’s loving presence in our lives. In worship and
sacrament, especially the Eucharist, we are nurtured and challenged to extend God’s
kingdom of justice, truth, love and peace by growing in the spirit of
Jesus, the Most Holy Redeemer.
Worship Hours
Monday - Saturday 8:00AM Mass
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00PM
Reconciliation 3:45PM - 4:30PM
Sunday Mass 8:00AM and 10:00AM
Twilight Mass 6:30PM
Holy Days 8:00AM and 7:30PM
The MHR Parish is a faith community in the Roman
Catholic tradition. The MHR community reflects
and fosters this religious experience in an
atmosphere of welcome and inclusion.
A Message from Fr. Matt and Fr. Jack
“Let us remember we are in the Holy Presence of God.”
This Week at Our Parish
Monday, September 8
7pm Administration Committee Mtg. - Conf. Room
7pm Centering Prayer - Church
Tuesday, September 9
10am - Noon Gardening
Wednesday, September 10
1pm - 8pm Wednesday Night Suppers - Ellard Hall
Thursday, September 11
10am - Noon Gardening
Saturday, September 13
11am - 1pm Gardening
Sunday, September 14
Exultation of the Holy Cross
Coffee Hour after 8am and 10am Masses
Library open after 8am and 10am Masses
Our shared worship is the life blood of our parish family.
We believe that we are in the Holy presence of God,
absolutely and without question when we gather to
become that which we consume. We take in the Word of
God. We take and eat. We take and drink: All at the
command of our Most Holy
Please join in prayer as we
discern the gifts necessary
and the skills needed to
nurture our Worship. Pray that
we open our hearts to those
who would welcome a call to
be an integral part of our
Worship and continue the
development of the gifts and
expressions of music. Help us discern a new member of
our staff to provide oversight and implementation of
sound liturgy practices and provide music leadership.
Thanks for your concern and interest in our parish life.
Thanks for your prayer.
Mass Celebrants
Saturday, September 13, 5pm - Fr. Matt
Sunday, September 14, 8am - Fr. Jack
Sunday, September 14, 10am - Fr. Matt
Sunday, September 14, 6:30om - Fr. Jack
Daily Readings September 8 - 14
 Monday: Mi. 5:1-4a or Rom. 8:28-30,
Mt. 1:1-16,18-23
 Tuesday: 1Cor. 6:1-11, Lk. 6:12-19
 Wednesday: 1Cor. 7:25-31, Lk. 6:20-26
 Thursday: 1Cor. 8:1b-7,11-13, Lk. 6:27-28
 Friday: 1Cor. 9:16-19.22b-27, Lk. 6:39-42
 Saturday: 1Cor. 10:14-22, Lk. 6:43-49
 Sunday: Nm. 21:4b-9, Phil. 2:6-11, Jn. 3:13-17
Frs. Jack and Matt
Today there is a Second Collection to help support
the good work of the Most Holy Redeemer
AIDS Support Group. The baskets will be passed
a second time for this collection.
August 23 and 24
Saturday 5pm $414.00
Sunday 8am $583.79
Sunday 10am $2,770.00
Sunday 6:30pm $177.00
Outside Mass $558.77
Collection Total $4,503.56
Weekly budgeted - $4,800.00
Collection for Saint Vincent de Paul - $3,005.00
+ a $3,200.00 match from an anonymous donor!
Thank you for your generosity!
The MHR Parish family provides a caring
environment where a sense of community is
nurtured and grows. This takes place through the
many ministries and programs of the
Pastoral, Administration, Social and
Worship Committees.
MHR AIDS Support Group
Castro Street Fair: If you are available for a few hours on
Castro Street Fair Day (Sunday, October 5th), we are
looking for "greeting volunteers". Volunteers would greet
guests at one of the entrances, accept free-will
donations, and give out discount beverage
stickers. Funds are Given to The Support Group
based on the number of Volunteer Hours
Worked. Please call the Support Group at 415863-1581.
Volunteers Much Needed: If you are available
for a couple of hours a week and are a good listener, you
can bring comfort and companionship to our clients. Most of
our clients are middle-aged long-term survivors. Currently,
we need help for clients living in: Mid-Market - Franklin at
Market, Western Addition - Fillmore between McAllister
and Fulton, The Tenderloin - Ellis between Polk and Larkin
and The Western Addition - O'Farrell at Fillmore
Parish Library Notes
The library is open for your browsing and borrowing after
the Sunday 8 and 10 AM Masses. Our parish web site allows you to search the library by title, author, subject, or
media (enter "DV" or "CD"). If you see an item that interests
you, click on it for more info and, if you wish, then click on
"Reserve this item" to send an email to the librarian and the
item will be ready for you.
Community Life
Tuesday, September 16th, 7:30pm - Young Adults
Group - In the Children’s Room - Email yag@mhr.org
for more information.
Tuesday, September 16th, 7pm - 8:30pm - in the MHR
Library - Grief Support Group email gcm@mhr.org or
call (415) 640-4251 for information.
Saturday October 4th – 1:00pm to 5:00pm Introduction to Centering Prayer – Children’s Room
Saturday, October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th – 10am to
1pm – Reconnecting - Rectory
Saturday, October 4th, 6pm - “Cocktails at Tiffany’s”
St. James Catholic School’s Fall Fundraiser in the MHR
Sunday, October 5th, 11am - 6pm - Castro Street Fair
- Support the MHR AIDS Support Group at the Diamond
and 18th Streets Gate!
Visit us at mhr.org! On our homepage you can join the
MHR email list or click the “Contact Us”
tab to register as a parishioner.
“Like us” on Facebook: Most Holy Redeemer Church
Our Parish Community Birthdays
St. James “Cocktails at Tiffany's Fundraiser
Most Holy Redeemer will be hosting St. James Catholic
School’s Fall Fundraiser on Saturday, October 4th. Event tickets are $35 and raffle tickets are $25 for a chance to win
$5000 or a years tuition for one student at St. James Catholic School. Please visit the “Events” tab at mhr.org or visit
saintjamessf.org for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA is an invitation to discover and engage in the richness
of our Catholic faith. It is an opportunity for women and
men, at varying places in their spiritual journey, to gather
together in discernment and reflection. RCIA welcomes those
considering becoming Catholic as well as those who are
Catholic but who have not yet been confirmed. If you are
interested in exploring RCIA with our MHR community, please
contact Richard Fraumeni at RCIA@mhr.org. If you are a
parishioner who would like to support the work of RCIA, we
invite you to contact Richard to discuss how your personal
gifts may be of service to this ministry.
Michael Hackett, Mario Donoso, Joan Guerra, Tony
Procaccini, Gerlando Palazzatto, Chuck Wright, Enrique
Sanchez, Sean Vahey, Debbie Enriquez, Mike Edmonds,
Steve Foster, Ed Ludeman and Stephen Steczynski.
Mass Intentions
Mass Intentions are published in the bulletin for those to
remember a loved one or honor someone on an important
date. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to
schedule a Mass Intention. If you would like to request a specific date, please let us know as soon as possible.
Grief Support Group at MHR
The Most Holy Redeemer Grief and Consolation Ministry is restarting a series of drop-in grief support groups on third Tuesdays, starting September 16th. The groups will be co-led by a
licensed therapist and will take place in the parish library from
7pm - 8:30 pm. For questions please email gcm@mhr.org or
call (415) 640-4251.
╬ Mass Intentions ╬
Our Mass celebrants will remember the following
intentions during the celebration of the Eucharist:
Saturday, August 6
8am John Squeri †
5pm Carmela and Ralph Quarto †
Sunday, August 7
8am In Honor St. Joseph
10am MHR Parishioners
6:30pm Roy John Cairo †
Monday, September 8
8am Marie Krystofiak †
Tuesday, September 9
8am Patsy Soltau †
Wednesday, September 10
8am Wednesday Night Suppers
Thursday, September 11
8am Steve Forsberg †
Friday, September 12
8am Vincent Callan †
Saturday, September 13
8am Cora Egan †
5pm Gladys Fuller †
Contact the Parish Office at 415-863-6259 to
donate towards the Church flowers or to have
Mass celebrated for a special intention.
Prayer Requests:
AJ Anderson, Jorge Arongo, Gene Barduson, Mary Bass, Dave
Borstel, Karen Brunaman, Victor Cadiz, Philip Carrizosa,
Fr. John Conley, Marilyn Faulk, Bonnie Fernandes, Wallace
Green, Ellen Grund, Ben Gundrum, Teri Hemeker, Ellie Howes,
Elsa Kane, Robert Kane, Maggie Kenny, Don Lynch, Bernie
Maddox, Edna Mailom, Stephen Matlaga, Gerald McCann,
John McCann, Ronald McCann, William Moore, Judie Neitge,
Rick Odelli, Frank Olszewski, Sheryl Ostroski, Hugh Pettis,
Stephen Toms, Dave Vargas, Jeanne Vicini, Nancy Walter
and †Barbara Hatton†.
MHR Parish Registration
 New parishioner?
 Birthday, Anniversary, sacraments, milestones?
 Notices and announcements?
 Did we miss your birthday? We are sorry if we did. Let us
know when your birthday was, by updating your information
with the Parish Office at www.mhr.org/MHRedeemer/contactus/add-registration-link
Most Holy Redeemer
100 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Parish Office:
Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-12:30pm/1:30pm-5pm
Closed Holidays
Phone: 415-863-6259 Fax: 415-552-8786
Visit us on the web: www.mhr.org
Most Holy Redeemer Parish Staff
Fr. Jack McClure, C.PP.S., Pastor
Fr. Matt Link, C.PP.S., Parochial Vicar
Bryce Robinson, Director of Music
Michael Poma, Parish Manager
Mary Geracimos, Bookkeeper
Will Ives, Secretary
Pastoral Council
Kellyn Antolak, Co-chair
Paul Hufstedler, Co-chair
Finance Council
Marc Colelli, Chair
Jim Stockholm, Chair
Community Life
Larry Steffensen, Chair
Nanette Miller, Chair
Jim DeWan, Chair
MHR AIDS Support Group
100 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
415-863-1581 Phone
415-552-8786 Fax
Monday-Friday: 9am-2pm
Peter Toms, AIDS Support Group Program Coordinator