back to school bash national golf month discover texas
back to school bash national golf month discover texas
DISCOVER TEXAS BACK TO SCHOOL BASH NATIONAL GOLF MONTH No. 159 AUG 2015 Bridge between military service and the IT industry for transitioning service members and veterans • Advance into high-trajectory and highdemand careers • Accelerated technical training in IT • Agile learning with industry mentorship • Acquire Microsoft certifications • Assured interviews with Microsoft and partners Start your story and learn more at Director of Fort Hood Family and MWR Column From the desk of Nicholas Johnsen contentAUGUST HOOD HAPPENINGS MAGAZINE VOLUME 14 • NUMBER 8 • 2015 In August of 1942 Camp Hood was occupied and the history of the “Great Place” began to take shape. At one point according to historical numbers Camp Hood had a troop population of around 95,000-can you imagine what the traffic on 190 would be like if we had that many Soldiers living on Post in the same numbers? 1942 is still a living memory to “The Greatest Generation” and the amount of change since that time has been tremendous. One can marvel at the changes we have seen in our lifetimes and wonder what changes await in the future, but there will be changes. Change is in many ways a fabric of who we are, and how we evolve and become hopefully better both individually and as a society thru these change. While the summer continues to ramp up the temperature gauge I would ask you to plan your outdoor activities for the right time of day and ensure you hydrate sufficiently to prevent any heat related injuries. Use this edition to find some activity that you never thought you would try and as the Aussies say “Give it a go!” Be safe and vigilant! 2. CALENDAR OF EVENTS FORT HOOD SPOTLIGHT Respectfully, 20. ACS EFMP Nicholas R. Johnsen DirectorofFamilyandMorale, Welfare and Recreation 4 4. ENTERTAINMENT Operation Rising Star 6. FEATURE Oktoberfest 8. RECREATION National Golf Month 10. SPORTS Intramural Flag Football 6 12. FORT HOOD FAMILY AND MWR LOCATION GUIDE/PHONE LISTINGS Map, Listings, Locations & Phone Numbers 14. TRAVEL Discover Texas 16. FITNESS Triathlon and 5K Run 8 18. BLORA Re-Creating Recreation Re-creating 21. OUTREACH EmotionalSelfSufficiency 22. CYSS Back to School Bash Recreation! 18 24. EXCHANGE Best in Class Friend us at: or Scan the QR Code with a Smartphone Hood Happenings is an unauthorized, official monthly magazine for Family, and Morale, Welfare and Recreation activities within Fort Hood. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Fort Hood Command. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Fort Hood Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Fund. Everything advertised in this magazine shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical/mental handicap, political affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy is confirmed, Family and MWR shall refuse to accept advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The information in this issue is current at time of publication. Activities and events are subject to change. For confirmation please call the activity. Garrison Commander COL Todd M. Fox DFMWR Nicholas R. Johnsen Deputy DFMWR Lorenzo J. Westbrook ACS Chief Donna Morrisey NAFSS Chief Stacye Downing Want to know the latest on special events, trips, contest, prizes, giveaways & more? 23 BD Chief Marketing Specialist Production Manager Lead Designer Mike Ernst Teresa Maynard Nixie Romero Robert Johnson RD Chief Jade Coleman Graphic Designers Copy Editor Johnny Pelton Marketing Assistant Tanna Jones Tina Wilgeroth CYSS Chief Wilson Mathews III Robert Johnson Teresa Maynard Get Connected with Fort Hood CYSS Sheila Curtis Sales Manager Visual Information Editor Youth Programs on Facebook! Marketing Chief Shelly Damo Tracy Thomas Specialist Tracy Thomas Sales Assistant Jason Weiss Libia Ortiz EXCHANGE•Fort Hood General Manager Paula Gunderson Food Business Manager Ted Pennington Retail Business Manager Barbara Newman Clear Creek Main Store Manager David Swenson Warrior Way Specialty Store Manager Daniel Wise To advertise in this publication: Directorate Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation ATTN: Marketing, Shelly Damo Bldg. 197, 37th Street, Fort Hood, TX 76544-1369 Email: • 254-532-5481 Visit us at,, for all the latest information CALENDAR AUGUST 1 1 3-13 5 AquaZumbaPoolParty,MartinPool UFC190WatchParty,BackboneLounge Adult Swim Lessons, Martin Pool ExceptionalFamilyMemberProgramEmpowerment Seminar,OvetaCulpHobbySoldierandFamily Readiness Center 5,12,19,26SoldiersandFamilyNewcomersOrientation Club Hood 6, 20 BOSS Meeting, BOSS Headquarters 7 BOSS Bowling Tournament, Phantom Warrior Lanes 7, 14 Music on the Lawn, Memorial Park (behind Chili’s Grill and Bar) 7,14Children’sMovieNight,CaseyMemorialLibrary 11 Hood Hero Luncheon, Club Hood 13 HoodHowdyInformationFairandMini-CareerFair,ClubHood 15 HotterthanHades5K,HarveyFFC 15 ExceptionalFamilyMemberProgramAquaticsSpecial Olympics,Mexia,TX 15 Fort Hood Hunting and Fishing Permits on Sale, Sportsmen’s Center 15 NAF Auto Auction, Storage Lot Yard 36, Clarke Road 18 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Town Hall, OvetaCulpHobby,SoldierandFamilyReadinessCenter 20 BOSSPoolParty,13thESCPool 20 MakeandTakeArtsandCrafts,CaseyMemorialLibrary 21 BOSS Schilitterbahn Trip 22 Hawaiian Luau, Legend’s Pub and Pool 22 ArtSaturday,CaseyMemorialLibrary 22 Back to School Bash, Montague Youth Center 22 Back to School Bash, Muskogee School Age Care & Kouma School Age Care 28 Phantom Warrior Scramble, Courses of Clear Creek 30 - Sept 2 BOSS Bahamas and Cancun Trip SEPTEMBER 2,9,16,23,30SoldiersandFamilyNewcomersOrientation, Club Hood 3, 17 BOSS Meeting, Boss Headquarters 4, 11, 18, 25 Operation Rising Star, Phantom Warrior Center 5 UFC191WatchParty,BackboneLounge 5-6 Club Championship, Courses of Clear Creek 7 Outdoor Pools Close 7-11 Be Your Own Boss Seminar 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 All-level Ladies Golf Clinic, Courses of Clear Creek 11 Garrison Commander’s Tournament, Courses of Clear Creek 11 StoryTime,CaseyMemorialLibrary 12 FortHoodHuntingandFishingDay,Sportsmen’sCenter 12 Sprint Triathlon, Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area 15 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Town Hall, OvetaCulpHobby,SoldierandFamilyReadinessCenter 19 Oktoberfest, Sportsmen’s Pavilion located on 53rd Street andMurphyRoad. 2 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Fort Hood Spotlight Labor Day The end of the critical days of summer are upon us, as well as the beginning of another school year, signaling a reason to hold large gatherings and often big parties with Family and friends. When you do attend these Labor Day outings,pleaseremembertodosocarefullyandresponsibly, becausemishapsmayoccur,whenweletourguarddownjust a little. Didyouknowthatmorethan42,000motoristsarekilled annually in vehicle accidents nationwide, with the majority occurring on Labor Day weekend? Please take the time to buckle up and travel well rested, while allowing for an ample amountoftimetoreachyourdestination.Remembertodrive defensively,especiallyonthisholidayweekend. While we all know that drinking and driving is bad, boating anddrinkingisjustasdangerousandshouldalsobeavoided. DuringtheLaborDayweekend,therewillbeplentyofactivities on the waterfront and drinking should be conducted in a safe and responsible manner. In addition, as is the case with many summer/fall activities, there will be some grilling taking place. Make sure that the meat is thoroughly cooked and that you wash your hands well and often. Also, remember not to leave perishable items uncovered or out of the cooler for more than two hours, otherwiseyoumaydevelopafood-borneillness. Finally,protectyourselfinthisTexassunwithsunscreen or remain covered up. It will be brutal having to go into work aftertheholidayweekendwithaterriblesunburnorirreversible skin damage. Have a wonderful time celebrating with your FamilyandfriendsandHappyLaborDay! Bringing it to you Whether your event is a full scale conference, wedding reception or breakfast meeting overlooking the golf course. Club Hood Catering offers event planning with a personal touch! Mix it up or stay the course, room rental options! Breakfast Break Service Lunch or Dinner • Club Hood or Legends Pub • Phantom Warrior Center or Backbone lounge • Community Events and Bingo Center • The Courses of Clear Creek Club Hood Catering Bldg. 5764 24th & Wainwright Drive, Bldg. 5764 For more information, call 254-287-5215 or 254-287-8815 CONVENIENT ON-POST DENTAL CARE for Military Families, Retired Military, & DOD Civilians We believe every visit should be a great experience. Whether you have a dental emergency, need a dental check-up, or want to transform your smile, we can help. Our services include: • Exams & cleanings • Dentistry for children • Fillings & sealants • Braces & retainers • Crowns & bridges • Wisdom teeth removal • Dentures & partials • Gum disease treatment • Implants & restorations • Cosmetic dental services • Root canals & pain relief • Teeth whitening Call Today! (254) 285-2014 Across from the Ft. Hood Post Office on Tank Battalion Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Saturday: By Appointment Same-Day Emergency Appointments Budget-Friendly Payment Options Special Offers at Advertisement does not include endorsement by the U.S. Army or Fort Hood. The dentists and hygienists are employees or independent contractors of Coast Dental of Texas, PC, (Cindy V. Roark, DMD, Lic. 26480). © 2014 Coast Dental. All rights reserved. CD-101959 3 ENTERTAINMENT by Jade Coleman FRGs and Units Show Support For Your Chance ToWin$300! Unit/FRG with the most participation will win the Spirit Award and $300 for Unit Funds Calling all Soldiers and DoD ID card holders…. It’s that time again, Fort Hood is hosting the annual Operation Rising Star contest!! Operation Rising Star is a program provided by US Army Installation Management Command’s G-9 Family and MWR Program’s and Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) Program. Every year, Soldiers and civilian employees from all over the world compete, putting their vocal chords on the line. The Soldiers hang up their ACUs and trade them in for formal wear, in hopes that they will be the next “Rising Star.” The civilian employeestakeabreakfromprovidingsupporttothe Soldiers and compete head to head with them. Operation Rising Star operates in much the samefashionastherealityvocalcompetitionsthatwe tuneintoeveryyear.Likeshowssuchas“TheVoice” and “American Idol”, it all starts with an audition. In 34 locations, worldwide, auditions are held and the select few are put through to the first round of competition that takes place at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio. The Pentagon Channel online shares webcasts of the competition and viewers are asked to vote for their favorites. PROUD SPONSORS 4 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Sponsorship does not imply endorsement by U.S. Army or Fort Hood. 5 FEATURE by Teresa Maynard PROUD SPONSORS CentralTexasOrthodontics-AlliedAmericanUniversity Guten tag! Oktoberfest is coming to town, so grabyourlederhosenandblowyouralphorn,because you won’t want to miss this opportunity to experience an authentic German tradition. Oktoberfest began as a celebration in Munich, Germany in 1810; today, this festival has grown to be well-known for its vibrant crowds, laughter, dancing, singing and the clattering of giantbeersteinsagainsttables!Millionsofpeoplecome together in Germany to experience the single most famousfallfestivalinthecountry,butyoudon’thaveto travelthatfarforanOktoberfestexperience! Fort Hood will host our annual Oktoberfest on September 19 at the Sportsmen’s Pavilion located on 53rdStreetandMurphyRoad. The fun begins at 5 pm with drinks, food, entertainment and activities until 10 pm. Once the dignitarytapsthekeg,thecelebrationwillbeon!Families andfriendscanjointogethertoenjoythetrueheartand soulofOktoberfest,FortHoodstyle. Theairwillsurelybefilledwiththetauntingaromas of juicy bratwursts and sweet German-style desserts. Savor a variety of ice-cold German beer that will be available for purchase throughout the evening. Comeandenjoyaneveningdancingtolivemusic brought to you by the 1st Cavalry Band and much more! Take part in some of the competitions including 6 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 abeersteinrace,ayodelingcontestandastrongman competition where strong willed contestants test their stein-hoistingskillsbyholdingaceramicsteinfilledwith two liters of water for as long as possible. Are you up for the challenge? There will also be a costume and Hamerschlager contest, so wear yourlederhosen,dirndlsandhatsorcomeasyouare, because we will also be doing the Chicken Dance in true Germanfestivaltradition! Even the little ones can have a blast…our KidZone area will have a face painting and arts and crafts station, apumpkinpatchandseveralbouncyhouses,therewill evenbeapetadoptionstationsetupbyourFortHood StrayAnimalFacility.Thisfestivalisguaranteedtobring funforeveryone! StopbytheArtsandCraftstenttherewillbeseveral vendors selling a variety of fall crafts, ceramic mugs, and decorated gourds and wreaths. The festival is free but food and drinks will be available for purchase and all ages are welcome. Come out and share the experience of Oktoberfest withus-spirit,friends,musicandgoodtimes!Formore informationaboutOktoberfestoranyothergreatevents this month, contact the Fort Hood Family and MWR SpecialEventsOfficeat254-288-7835orvisitusonline at s 7 RECREATION National Golf Month by Teresa Maynard PlayLikeaChampionToday SinceAugustisNationalGolfMonth,wedecidedtobringyousomefunandinterestingfactsaboutyourfavoritegame and its counterparts. ? First off, did you know that there are 336dimplesonaregulationgolfball? N ? How about, up until about 1848, golf ballsweremadeofreallythinleather millionwomenplaygolftoday,in stuffedwithtightly-packedfeathers? comparison to the 4.1 million 20 yearsago? Here’sonemoreinterestingfactforyou:golfballstravelsignificantlyfurtheronhotdays. ational Golf month is set aside for all the men, women, boys and girls who love the game of golf.Whetheryouliketo get out to the driving range and hitballsorplayafriendlyroundofgolf,comeouttothe CoursesofClearCreek! Here at Fort Hood, nestled among the rolling hills of Central Texas, the Courses of Clear Creek offers a privatecountryclubatmospherewithoutthehassleand expenses of country club membership fees. Golfers areabletoenjoyapeaceful,relaxingexperienceonthe greens at Fort Hood’s premier 27-hole championship golfcourse! Challenge and discover swinging techniques at the practicegreenwithsandbunkers,playashortgamein the practice area or hit a few golf balls at the driving range because there is enough green to go around at the Courses of Clear Creek. The Courses of Clear Creek features a beautiful stateof-the-art grass surface, designated practice areas and driving range that accommodates up to 35 golfers. 8 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 ? Didyouknowthatmorethan6.2 Every Tuesday Courses of Clear Creek 254-287-4130 • “Ladies Day” • Twilight Green Fees • 10% off all in-stock ladies’ apparel purchases - Get your tee times reserved, and we will see you at the Course! Ladies if you are looking for some advancement in your golf swing, sign up for the - Golf Clinics that begin September 8th. - They are open to all lady players and are for beginners as well as advanced players. Open to All Bldg 52381, Battalion Avenue, west of Clear Creek Road The Premier Tournament of the Year: 36-hole individual stroke play tournament. Courses of Clear Creek CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP Three Division’s: Open, Senior (50 & over), and Ladies. Flighted after the first day. Winners receive trophy with their names engraved on it. Awards dinner for players and their guests upon completion of play on the final day. September 5-6 Battalion Avenue and Clear Creek Road, Bldg 52381 8 am Shotgun Start 6:30 – 7:45 am on-site registration $125 per person includes all fees Call 254-287-4130 or visit 9 SPORTS CAPTURE THE FLAG by Montgomery Campbell A s the time ticked down, five...four...three… two…one, the 36th Engineers knew that theyweregoingtobethe2014FortHood Intramural Flag Football Champions and take a huge leap in winning the coveted Commander’s Cup. But the celebration that was taking place on the Hood Stadium field was not one concerned with the overall intramural championship that comes with the Commander’s Cup, this was for the hard work and dedication it took to win thisFlagFootballPostChampionship! The two and a half months that the team took to master its craft and become the best intramural flag football team on Fort Hood was now well worth it and the bragging rights that accompanied such a prestigious honor have helped propel the anticipation for this upcoming season. Can anyone dethrone the 36thEngineersasKingsoftheGridiron? Rather than face the instrumental task of unseating the Champions, many units may prefer to play one gameatatimeandletthepiecesfallwheretheymay. We play for the love of the game and at Fort Hood the love continues to grow with many units signing up to gain valuable points in the Commander’s Cup 10 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Standings and to become Champions of this intramural sport – Flag Football. Flag football is a version of American football or Canadian football where the basic rules of the game are similar to those of the mainstream game (often called “tackle football” for contrast), but instead of tackling playerstotheground,thedefensiveteammustremove aflagorflagbeltfromtheballcarrier(“deflagging”)to endadown.Flagfootballisareallyfungamewhichwill guaranteefuntoallthatplay. The game within the Fort Hood Intramural Flag Football guidelines consists of two, 7-player teams playing on a field that is 80-yards long by 40-yards wide. The team with the most points at the end of the contest is considered the winner. Will the 36th Engineers repeat as Post Champions or will some otherunitcomeoutontop? The season is slated to begin September 9, with the Post Tournament set for November 11-21. Registration is free and open to all Active-Duty Soldiers. To sign a team from your unit up for this year’s competition, contact your local physical fitness center or call Mr. Homer Beck at 254-288-3622. s National Football League Fans… Are You Ready for Some Football?? Free popcorn! Snack foods and drinks available for purchase NFL Sunday Ticket 42” flat-screen and one whopping 80” TV ‘s for your viewing pleasure, showing every Sunday game Open to the Public (18 & Over) Doors open at 11:30 am and close at 8 pm (or when the game ends) Inside the Backbone Lounge - Phantom Warrior Center 37th Street, Bldg. 194 254-532-5073 It’s out there… Come in out of the heat to the Community Events & Bingo Center! (Clear Creek Road, Bldg 50012, behind AAFES gas station) 254-532-9253 Offering three progressive jackpots Tuesday through Sunday! • Cash prizes • Over $3000 paid out daily “Beat the Heat” and join us for a round of B.I.N.G.O!! Tuesday - Saturday doors open at 5 pm, Bingo starts at 6:30 pm Sunday doors open at 12 pm, Bingo starts at 1:30 pm 11 (All area code 254) 287-7310 287-3626 288-3590 Modified 2/15 Fort Hood, Family and MWR Marketing & Advertising Subject to Change To ATV Park & North Fort Hood Child Development Centers Child Development Services, Admin Clear Creek CDC Comanche CDC Darnall CDC Fort Hood CDC Meadows CDC Montague CDC Kouma CDC/SAC Family Readiness Centers Oveta Culp Hobby SFRC Soldier & Family Assistance Center 1CD Center 3rd Signal Brigade Center Brave Rifles Readiness Center TURKEY RUN RD NORTH AV 73RD ST 74TH ST SANTA F $ 8 13 CLEAR CREEK GATE CENTRAL TEXAS COLLEGE R DR ENGINEE 12 MONTAGUE CDC 77 84 79 81 $ 82 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Lodging Bldg Holiday Inn IHG Army Express Keith Ware Hall Reservations Desk 36006 Poxon Guest House 111 Candlewood Suites Fort Hood 144 Information / Assistance Programs Relocation Assistance Program 121 Volunteer Services 16005 Abuse Hotline 121 Army Community Service 121 Army Emergency Relief 121 Army Family Team Building (AFTB) 16005 Consumer Affairs 121 Financial Readiness Program 121 Food Program 121 Loan Closet 121 Mobilization & Deployment 16005 Visitor’s Control Center 69012 Inprocessing 18010 Client Services (Legal Assistance) 4617 Library Services Casey Memorial Library Circulation Desk 3202 Library Overdue Section 3202 Library Reference Section 3202 86 22 LIBERTY VILLAGE KOUMA CDC/SAC 10 Map Phone 37 40 45 532-8233 532-8233 532-8233 44 52 44 44 44 52 44 44 44 44 52 39 49 23 287-4471 287-8657 287-2273 287-4227 288-6330 286-6600 287-2489 288-2862 288-6868 287-4471 288-2794 287-9909 287-3832 287-7901/3199 20 20 20 287-4921 287-4878 287-5202 4 36 III CORPS DARNALL HOSPITAL HQTRS 37 85 33 od Fort Ho Center RAILHEAD DR Recycle 21 CLEAR CREEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 35 23 U.S. HIGHWAY 190 9 76 MONTAGUE YOUTH CENTER/ SAC/YSFF 24 46 34 WRATTE T E AV E AVE 77TH S T 14 THRIFT SHOP TO COPPERAS COVE & WEST FORT HOOD AL AVE E OUSE AV WAREH 47 32 31 SUPPORT TROYER TERMIN T CLEAR CREEK COMMISSARY CLEAR CREEK MAIN POST EXCHANGE 30 TANK DES R TROYE NK DES 72ND S TA U.S. HIGHWAY 190 12 AV E Oveta Cu Hobby SFRClp 48 29 T COMANCHE II 79TH S SHOPPETTE 28 E 13TH SU ST COMMANAINMENT D (E) 26 D 1 3 HOOD STADIUM 80 1ST CAV HQTRS INPROCES AND VISITOSI INFORMAT R IO CENTER 27 E BATTALIO N AV 25 SMITH MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH CLARKE RD GATE SUPPORT AVE NSIDES AV 20 CLEAR CREEK CDC WHEELS 62ND S R EK YER LZ PHANTOM CLARKE RD 11 RE 4 2 TRO RC DES MUSKOGEE SAC EA TA N K CLARKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CL HOBBY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HELL ON OLD IRO 19 7 5 RD RO 18 SOL DEVELODIER PM CENTERENT COMANCHE III MURPHY 67TH ST 15 HOWZ THEATEE R COMANCHE I AV E 16 76TH ST C.W. DUNCAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AUDIE MURPHY MIDDLE SCHOOL WHEELS 75TH ST COMANCHE III 77TH ST 6 180 360 370 44 94 Sportsmen’s Pavilions E HELL ON 17 Bl 12 410 520 360 11 33 700 483 53R DS T 43 47 64 Bldg Map Phone 52024 1 288-6556 37012 15 288-7607 31001 19 287-0469 24008 29 287-4034 12013 56 553-1195 9406 70 288-7494 39010 25 287-1391 53 46 288-6545 91074 80 288-9442 320 83 288-6545 N DR 136 2218 419 Chapels Comanche Chapel Iron Horse Chapel 1 Cav Memorial Chapel OIF Chapel Spiritual Fitness Center 19 Street Chapel 13th SC(E) Chapel Historical Old Post Chapel West Fort Hood Chapel Spirit of Fort Hood Chapel 58TH ST Bldg Map Phone 36045 33 287-2892 36045 33 287-6702 2242 34 288-4931 WEST RA NGE RD Army Substance Abuse Program ASAP Control Office Employee Assistant Program Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Travel / Museums Leisure Travel Services 1st Cav Museum 3d ACR Museum CPAC DARNALL CDC U.S. HIGH WAY 19 0 NORTH LINK DR KOUMA VILLAGE Lounges & Restaurants Bldg Map Chili’s Grill & Bar 50 50 Java Café 123 38 Legends Pub 5782 63 Club Hood 5764 63 Phantom Warrior Center 194 54 Backbone NCO Lounge 194 54 Courses of Clear Creek Snack Bar 52381 6 Sportsmen’s Center 1937 5 Strike Zone/Phantom Warrior Lanes 49010 13 Outdoor Recreation Belton Lake Outdoor Rec Area (BLORA) NAF 126 75 BLORA Boat Dock 2120 75 BLORA Reservation Office NAF 126 75 BLORA Sierra Beach 20140 75 Courses of Clear Creek 52381 6 Recreation Equipment Checkout 4930 14 Hunt & Saddle Club 1937 5 Hunt Control Office 1937 5 Sportsmen’s Center 1937 5 Skeet Range 1937 5 West Fort Hood Travel Camp 70013 76 Bronco Youth Skate Park 6602 60 Comamche Youth Skate Park 52019 4 ATV Park Area 111 P 52 55 53 28 28 53 28 53 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 53 28 53 53 28 28 28 53 INDEX ldg Map 21 44 015 11 024 3 060 85 13 41 33 56 004 77 303 10 Phone 288-3196 553-9443 287-4848 553-9556 287-6037 553-8355 287-8835 285-6017 Family Services Employment Readiness Branch Army Community Service Exceptional Family Member Prog. Parent Central Services Family Advocacy Program New Parent Support Program Civilian Personnel Advisory Ctr Family Child Care Youth & School Age Care, Admin 00048 287-9793 Parent Central Services 051 86 286-5768 Information & Referral 007 17 286-6284/6285 School Liaison Office 475 24 285-5411 SKIESUnlimited Academy 409 71 286-6728 Woman, Infants & Children (WIC) Survivor Outreach Services Youth edge Program The HIRED Program Archery Kids on Site Bldg Map Phone 284 53 286-6684 121 44 287-4ACS/4227 121 44 287-6070 121 44 287-8029 76020 79 286-6774 290 53 287-2286 4220 21 288-2089 283 53 553-4620 121 44 287-8436 121 44 287-8029 121 44 287-4227 121 44 288-7946 121 44 287-4592 289 53 532-8680 10043 66 288-3655 121 44 553-3995 121 44 287-9658 121 44 287-7438 Range Physical Fitness Centers Bldg Map Phone Abrams Physical Fitness 23001 31 287-2016 Applied Functional Fitness 12018 57 287-8219 Burba Physical Fitness 9301 69 287-8298 Harvey Functional Fitness 31006 18 287-0195 Iron Horse Physical Fitness (SRP) 37017 16 287-0193 Kieschnick Physical Fitness 39008 26 287-4293 Grey Wolf Physical Fitness 24006 28 287-0194 North Fort Hood Physical Fitness 56480 ** 288-0111 Starker Functional Fitness 87010 72 287-9639 West Fort Hood Physical Fitness 90007 82 553-2010 Fort Hood Comprehensive Soldier Training Facility Fort Hood CSTF HQ 12022 58 285-5693 Warrior Adventure Quest 12019 58 319-1619 Army Center/Enhanced Performance 12020 58 288-4671 Spiritual Fitness 12013 56 553-1195 Personal Financial Asst Ctr., Ste 400 12020 57A 553-4698 Military Family Life Cons, Ste 500 12020 57A 553-4705 SOUTH RANGE RD Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Training Facility 5 GUN CLU FRANK W. MAYBORN GATE VENABLE VILLAGE PERSHING PARK 62 SS RD D WAY 19 5 R ILL RH VE O HO Recreational Leisure Bldg Apache Arts & Crafts Center 2337 Phantom Warrior Lanes 49010 Community Events & Bingo Center 50012 Sprocket Auto Crafts 9138 BOSS Headquarters 9212 School Age Services (SAC Sites) Muskogee SAC 52943 Venable Elementary School 60160 Montague SAC 70020 Walker Site 85018 Kouma 48303 Sports & Fitness Programs Competitive Sports Office 23005 Aerobics & Skating Center 324 Intramural Sports 23005 Varsity Sports 23005 Youth Sports 6602 75 R 74 ST WARRIOR WAY COMMISSARY TH WALKER VILLAGE M MAG IST COU RATE’S RT RAN CIER ILIT 10th ARY STR RES E GAT ET ERV WARRIOR WAY E ATI GATE ON BOR DER FT. H TO KILLEEN BUSINESS 190 61 DFMWR Headquarters Y RD OOD PATTON PARK U.S.O. HOOD ARMY AIRFIELD 73 CEN Chapel Complex & Religious Education Facility American Red Cross MAR TIN D 16TH ST 63 $ DR R WAIN DR WRIGHT FT HO GATE OD RD Law Enforcement 10 60 d MWR HQ FISHER AVE CENTRAL WAINW RIG HEIGHT HT S Gold Star Family Vehicle Registration WARRIOR WAY PX AV E ON AV E TRA LD 19TH ST ST H 20T ST MEADOWS ELEMENTARY FAMILY an CHAFFEE VILLAGE ST 64 56 83 HQTRS AV E ST $ 54 55 CE 87-4907 87-8303 87-8303 87-6644 87-4130 87-4126 32-4552 87-5847 32-4552 32-4552 88-9926 88-3770 87-5834 32-4552 MCNAIR VILLAGE AC Phone 26-7271 53-1099 32-9324 87-5215 87-5215 32-5073 87-4130 32-4552 87-3424 45 BATTA LI 65 66 1ST ARMY 59 HIGH LS B LVD TJ M IL 43 42 41 BN AVE 70 WHEELS 72 OLD IRONSIDES AY RW 761ST TANK $ 57A 58 Dental Clinics E HELL ON 71 Post Office MURPH NORTH AV RIO 50 38 44 57 69 67 $ Bank R WA 53 68 21ST REPL 24TH ST 21ST 27TH ST 52 33RD ST 51 49 25TH 37TH ST 42ND ST ING R’S ON 40 EAST RANGE RD GATE B LOOP 31ST ST OD AND N NOL ORTH A 9 MILN RD. TO B ES LOR A Fort Hood Recycle Center Map 30 13 8 68 67 Phone 287-0343 287-3424 532-9253 287-2725 287-6116 2 61 84 73 10 553-7706 523-4217 553-7662 287-7950 285-6017 31 55 31 31 60 288-3622 287-5623 288-3622 285-5459 288-3770 Centralized Information Area Copeland Center (Front Desk Open 24 hrs 7 days a week) Oveta Culp Hobby Soldier & Family Readiness Center (Open Mon-Fri 7:30 am-8:30 pm) Swimming Pools Aquatics Office Abrams Pool (Indoor) Comanche Pool 13th SC(E) Pool 62nd St Pool 42nd St Pool Martin Pool Patton Pool Thomas Pool West Fort Hood Pool Youth Centers Bronco Youth Center/YS&F Comanche Youth Center High Chaparral Youth Center Montague Youth Center/SAC/YS&F Miscellaneous Services American Red Cross (toll free) 1-877-272-7337 Combined Federal Campaign NAF Civilian Personnel Advisory Center Palmer Theater Howze Theater Veterinary Clinic Robertson Blood Center Family and MWR HQ Fort Hood Recycle Center Bldg Map Phone 18010 49 287-3832 18000 48 287-9274 23001 23001 52932 2239 2479 1676 137 5774 193 91075 31 31 4 35 27 51 42 63 54 81 287-9430 287-4648 287-7544 287-3689 618-7336 287-4094 287-5037 285-5837 287-8637 288-9838 6602 52019 5485 70020 60 4 62 84 287-6745 287-5834 287-5646 553-7662 8640 194 4220 334 3000 4909 2250 194 4626 53 54 21 59 7 12 32 54 22 287-0400 287-0345 288-2055 287-3066 288-5048 287-2823 285-5808 287-4339 287-7881 13 Discover Texas TRAVEL by Whitney Smith W ithonlyafewweeksleftofsummervacation, now is the perfect time to get up, get out and discover Texas! Here at Fort Hood we have the privilege of being centrally located, putting us inthemiddleofsomanyamazingthingstoexplore! Leisure Travel Services provides several discounted ticketoptionstohelpyougetoutandfuelyourcuriosity. Located close to Fort Hood, in Copperas Cove, isTopseyExoticRanch,afunplaceforyouandthe Familytodrivethroughandseeover50speciesof animals. Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch is another drive through safari located in New Braunfels that allows you and your Family to enjoy an African stylesafaririghthereinTexasandrightnextdoorat NaturalBridgeCavernsyou’llbeabletoseeamazing rock formations that have been created from simple dropsofwater! Travel to San Antonio and catch a ride on the Rio River Cruise Boat! While you’re aboard the guides will inform you of San Antonio’s beautiful and rich history, while you enjoy the great view of the River Walk!TravelalittlefurthersouthtoHoustonandvisit the Houston Space Center and discover over 400 14 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 spaceartifactsandseveraldifferentexhibits!Leisure TravelServicesalsooffersaHoustonCityPassthat cangiveyouaccesstovariousattractionsincluding the Kemah Boardwalk, Houston Space Center and theDowntownAquarium! LeisureTravelServicesalsooffersticketsforyou to explore the very exciting coast of Texas! Moody Gardens located in Galveston offers three different pyramidsforyouandtheFamilytoexplore,including the Rainforest, Discovery and Aquarium pyramids! DowninCorpusChristiyou’reabletotourtheUSS Lexington,aWorldWarIIAircraftCarrier!Then,right next door you can visit the Texas State Aquarium and experience daily dive shows, animal feedings, training sessions, and “hands on” programs with sharksandstingrays! Texas has many different things to discover, just a car ride away! So no matter if you want to experience safari animals up close and personal or get a firsthand experience of space or see natural beauty in the form of amazing rock formations, Leisure Travel Services has the discount tickets that willmakeyouradventureevenmoreenjoyable!s IHG Army Hotels on Fort Hood Fort Hood, TX Sportsmen’s Center Hunting & Fishing License FREE Texas Resident Active Duty Super Combo and All Water Fishing Package available to any Texas resident on active duty in the US Military, Reserves, and National or State Guard The right place to stay is right on post. Call the Sportsmen’s Center for more information The IHG Army Hotels on Fort Hood, including Holiday Inn Express®, offer comfortable, pet-friendly suites*, complimentary breakfast, and courtesy on-post shuttle service. So why not stay right on post? Phone: 254-532-4552 The Federal Waterfowl Stamp is not included (must purchase) RESERVATIONS: 877.711.TEAM or 254.532.5157 Bldg. 1937, Rod and Gun Club Loop 53rd Street and Murphy Road IHG Army Hotels on Fort Hood Bldg 36006, Wratten Drive Fort Hood, TX 76544 * Pets welcome at Poxon House. A non-refundable pet fee applies. © 2012 InterContinental Hotels Group. All rights reserved. IHG Army Hotels are independently owned by Rest Easy, LLC, an affiliate of Lend Lease (US) Public Partnerships LLC, and operated by an affiliate of IHG. s a nd S p i r T , av s t e in ck i g T Di Ti sco ck un et t s sa We Get ekend aw ay Help is here to prepare for your travels! Leisure Travel Services provides information on regional events and tickets for entertainment, sporting events, amusement parks, tourist attractions and popular cultural programs. Special interest and unit/group tours are also offered for attractions throughout Texas and the Southwestern region. t Yo V n tio a ac ur F ing s p i erT Leisure Travel Services (Bldg. 136, 761st Tank Battalion, next to Military Clothing Sales) 254-287-7310 or 254-532-5292 Monday – Friday 10 am – 6 pm Closed Saturdays, Sunday and Federal Holidays 15 FITNESS Just Get Out There and Do It!7 by Millie Land s Hotter Than Hades 5K Run/Walk Take on the Central Texas heat at this year’s Hotter than Hades 5K Run/Walk! Venture out from yourair-conditionedabodeandjoininthecompetition on August 15 at 8 am. Hydration is key to success duringthisparticular5K.Makesureyouarethoroughly preparedfortheweatherandmakesuretoenjoyyour time in the sun. Water will be available throughout the racecourse;however,itisimportanttostarthydrating yourselfafewdayspriortotheevent.Ifyourruntime isgoingtolastlongerthan45minutesyoushouldbe hydrating with some type of energy drink in order to get salts and sugars to properly balance your body. Running a 5K is an achievable distance for all ages andabilities.It’snotashardasyoumightthink,“You canrunit,jogit,walkit,oryoucancrawlit-however youwanttodoit,”justgetoutthereanddoit. You can register up until the day before the race onlineatHoodMWR.comoratanyofthepointsofsales throughout Fort Hood. All run events are fee-based. Pre-registration: DoD $10/Non-DoD $15. On-site Registration: DoD $12/Non-DoD $20. This event will beheldatHarveyPhysicalFitnessCenter,thecourse willbeentirelyonFortHood.Trophiesandmedalswill beawardedineachagecategory.Besafeoutonthe courseandenjoythisyear’schallenge! 16 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Sprint Triathlon Feelingadventurousorreadytotrysomethingnew? Areyoureadytopushyourselfoutofyourcomfortzone? Comeoutandtestyourlimitsandseehowfityoureally are at Belton Lake Outdoor Recreational Area, Sprint Triathlon on September 12. Athletes can suit up and hit the start line for an 8 am race start. The event includes a 300-meter swim (pending lake conditions), 12-mile bikeand3.1milerun.Theswimwillgetyoustarted,the bikeridewilltestyourlimitswiththefamoushill,and thelastlegoftherace,therun,willpushyoutoalevel youhaveneverbeenbefore.Spectatorscanseeparts of both the biking and running portions of the race as well as the swim portion taking off from the Bass Boat Ramp.Thoseagesfiveyearsandolderarewelcome to register and participate in the event. Transition areas are open for staging to competitors beginning at 6:30 amonraceday. Registration for this event begins at 6:30-7:45 am. This event is open to all participants. Competitors canregisteratHoodMWR.comoratanyofthelisted points of sale. Individual trophies will be awarded to overall winners for both male and female categories as wellas1st-3rdplaceforeachagecategory.Formore information on this or any MWR fitness event please call 254-285-5459. s *DoD (Department of Defense) TWO DIFFERENT STYLES OF GYMS FOR FREE! them out: Physical Fitness Centers (PFC): Functional Fitness Centers (FFC): Burba PFC: 19th & Old Ironsides, 254-287-8298 Applied FFC: 33rd & Old Ironsides, 254-287-5586 West Fort Hood PFC: Clarke Rd, 254-553-2010 Starker FFC: 16th and Old Ironsides, 254-287-9639 Grey Wolf PFC: 58th & Old Ironsides, 254-287-0194 Harvey FFC: 73rd & Old Ironsides, 254-287-0195 Multi-purpose strength training facilities , that support self-directed exercise. Kieschnick PFC: 72nd & Support, 254-287-5493 North Fort Hood PFC: 12th Street, 254-288-0111 Functional Fitness training conditions your body to better perform daily activities of daily life more easily and without injuries. For complete details check out Pla nning a m i l i tar y func ti on, bi r thday par ty, weddi ng r ec ept ion, b us ines s m eeti ng, or a s pec i al oc c as i on for fr i ends and F amily? L et us p r ov i de y ou and y our gues ts wi th ex c epti onal food a nd g r ac ious s er v i c e fr om our ex per i enc ed and dedi c ated staff. O ff e r i n g ev er y t h i n g f r o m a c on t i ne nt al b r e a k f a s t t o a m ul t i - c o ur s e d i n n e r e x p e r i e n c e . Club HOOD C AT E R I N G we prep any occasion Bldg. 5764 24th Street Tank Destroyer Boulevard For more information, ph: 254-287-5215 or 254-287-8815 17 BLORA Re-creating Recreation! by Lisa Lorenz-Bass Squirrels may be busily storing nuts this fall, birds may be flying south for the winter and bears may be preparing to slow down to hibernate, but the staff at Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area (BLORA) are NOT. This fall, BLORA’s crew will be out and about, working hard to refresh the park and re-create the recreation area, just for you! Fall at the park finds: • workers resurfacing the main roads and traffic areas • deliveries of new inflatable waterslides for next summer’s Water Fest • installation of a new nature inspired playground, complete with tree house, tree swing, mushroom steppers, wishbone balance beam, log benches and acorn chairs • planting of trees and shrubs to enhance the landscape • placement of faux log benches and mushroom stools along the hiking and biking trails for rest breaks • sprucing up of BLORA Ranch in preparation for new management this spring • creation of viewing stands at the paintball course for guests to observe games up close to the action, behind netting • continued planning for a Warrior Adventure Quest challenge/ropes course • additional bench swings being mounted throughout the park • new ceramic tile flooring being laid in select cottages • erection of additional party pavilions at BLORA’s paintball facility • contracting for new stairs and decks alongside the Phantom Phlumes • creation of new holiday displays for the 2015-2016 Nature In Lights program • designing and constructing new elements for the Modern Warfare Zone at the paintball course • development of plans for two additional cottage builds • upgrading select RV sites from gravel to concrete pads • installation of a multitude of individual campsite fire rings • planning for increased access and speedier park entry • enlarging, paving and fencing an RV and boat storage facility Re-creating and refreshing, all for you, all this fall and winter. Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area isn’t just for summer fun. We’re open every season, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Give us a call, 24 hours a day, at 254-287-2523 or visit us at for park info, maps and directions. s 18 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Clues & Critters Draw a line from each numbered clue to the species that best fits the description. 1. Furbearer 6. Largest member of the deer family 2. Common across the U.S.; one of the first species to lay eggs in the spring 7. Originally from China, now wild in many states; popular with hunters A B C D 3. Challenges anglers in both fresh and salt water 8. Opaque eyes E F G H 4. Reptile 9. Found across western North America J 10. Amphibian I ANSWERS: 1-D (fox), 2-F (robin), 3-I (striped bass), 4-C (alligator), 5-A (bald eagle); 6-J (moose), 7-H (pheasant); 8-E (walleye), 9-B (mule deer), 10-G (frog). Learn more at 5. National symbol of the United States of America Get out to “The Great Outdoors”! Join us on September 12, as we celebrate Fort Hood Hunting & Fishing Day 2015. The Sportsmen’s Center will conduct a fun-filled day of outdoor activities designed for novice to experienced enthusiast, as well as exciting activities for children to enjoy! Each event will be at the Sportsmen’s Center Complex, except the Fishing Derby, which will be located at the Cantonment B pond, across from Central Texas College. Bring the whole Family out and have a great time in the outdoors with children’s activities and much more! Open to the Public For more information, call 254-532-4552 Sportsmen’s Center Bldg. 1937, 53rd Street and Murphy Road, Rod and Gun Club Loop 19 ACS Thoughts about the Sibling of a Special Needs Child by Dr. Thomas L. Jones In an article written in 2009, Kyla Boyse asked “What’stheupsideofgrowingupwithasibling withspecialhealthordevelopmentalneeds?” In the article Ms. Boyse points out that siblings of children with special needs have special needs themselves. Their sister or brother with special needs may get a bigger share of attention. While having a special needs sibling presents challenges, it also comes with opportunities. Kids who grow up with a sibling with special health or developmental needs may have more of a chance to develop manygoodqualities. In an open letter to siblings of a special needs child, Katie Corken (2014) writes: “I know your life might seemhardordifferentfromyourfriends,buttrustme, youmostdefinitelywillbemorepreparedforthislife thananyoneelse.Letmeexplain…Didyouknowyour parentswatchyouandyoursibling’sinteractionsona dailybasisandtheirheartliterallywantstoburstoutof theirbodywithprideandlove?Theyseeeverything youdoforyourbrotherorsister.Theyquietlyobserve you as you help with therapies, put oxygen masks back in place and hold hands during tests or doctor visits. Your parents recognize every time you perch yourselfonthecountertohelpprepmedicinesorbring themadiaper,asyringeorwhateverelsetheyneed. Youdosuchacrazyamazingjobhelpingyourparents. Itsurelytakesawonderfullittleboyorgirltodowhat youdoonadailybasis.I’msuretheytellyouthank you, but sometimes if they don’t, just know they are beyondthankfulforyou.” 20 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Parenting in and of itself can at times be stressful and challenging. With this in mind, Parent Press (2015) encourages parents to seek out professionals for guidance. Professionals can often recommend local resources that are available to provide respite for Families, so that understanding siblings are not overburdened and have a chance to be kids. If you are feeling overwhelmed by day-to-day activities,pleasecontacttheArmyCommunityServices (ACS)ExceptionalFamilyMemberProgram(EFMP)- Respite Care 254-287-6070 or 254-618-7763 or email REFERENCE Boyse, K., (2009). Siblings of kids with special needs. specneed.htm Corken, K., (2014). Dear sibling to a child with specialneeds,letmetellyouwhyyou’reAmazing. Parenting Press, (2015). What’s needed by siblingsofspecial-needschildren? needs.html Copyright2004-2015.Allrightsreserved OUTREACH ME EMOTIONAL SELF SUFFICIENCY J erryMaguiresaiditbestwhenheproclaimed,“Helpme, help you!” This is clearly a simple notion that many of us have requested from our co-workers, spouses and children. We all need the help and guidance of others and FortHoodhasthepleasureofhousingaphenomenalcoach/ mentor–Ms.BarBara“BB”CrawfordandherEmotionalSelf Sufficiency(ESS)Program. At the request of the military, BB moved her company Emotional Self Sufficiency from California to Fort Hood in mid-Januaryof2012.SheopenedherofficeatFortHoodin the Ohana Place (19th Street and Battalion Avenue). She offers coaching/training for groups and individuals as well as for couples and Families. Since opening her office, BB has coachedmorethan1,100hoursofcoaching/training(nocost totheMilitary)fortheSoldiersandFamiliesatFortHood. Emotional Self Sufficiency offers a unique blend of pro bonocoaching/trainingforthemilitaryandforprofitcoaching/ training programs for companies and civilians. ESS was created to fund BB’s commitment to never charge the Soldiers and Families for coaching and training. In essence, it was her way to serve them. This is a win-winforeveryoneinvolved. The Soldiers and Familiesbenefitlearningtoolsand exercises on how to reduce anxiety and stress while increasing peace of mind and enjoymentintheirlives.Companiesbenefitastheiremploy- by BarBara Crawford ees become more focused, creative and productive as absenteeism,stressedemployeesandturnoverisreduced.Also whenacompanyhiresESSfortraining,theyknowitprovides BBtheabilitytogivemorehourstothewellbeingoftheSoldiers and Families. “Over the last 12 years the Global War on Terror war hastakenagreattollontheArmy,itsSoldiersandFamilies. As a Battalion commander to over 1,400 personnel, I deal dailywiththeaftermathofpoorcopingskills,Post-Traumatic Stress,traumaticbraininjury,andagenerationofpeoplewho haveonlyknownanArmyatwar,”LTCAngeliaK.Holbrook 4th STB/4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command said. “Ms. BarBara “BB” Crawford has been one of thosetoolsformyorganization.Her‘rubber-meets-the-road’ approach to everyday crisis management that our Soldiers and their Families face has been a life preserver for many ofmypersonnelwhohavefailedotherattemptstorighttheir vessels.Ifyourorganizationneedsatune-upthenBBCrawfordshouldbeyourfirstcall.Hersimple,effectiveapproach worksandmySoldiersandIcanattesttoit.” BBwastrainedinAnxietyReductionoversixyearsago. As she implemented the tools and exercises in her own life, theresultswerenothingshortofamazing!Asanxiety,stress andfrustrationwasdiminishinginherlifeitwasreplacedby an inner peace. Her cliental quickly changed from business executives to victims of violent crimes as they heard of the results others were experiencing coaching with BB. Ifyouhavebeenchallengedwithanxiety,stressfulfeelingsandlookingforwaystoenjoyyourworkandrelationships more,contactBBat949-933-0915ore-mailheratbarbara@ s 21 CYSS PLUS Youth Sports and Fitness’ Health and Wellness Fair August 21, 2015 at 1 to 5pm MIDDLE BRONCO SCHOOL & YOUTH TEENS CENTER SAC CAMPERS & OCCASIONAL CARE MUSKOGEE SAC LUAU 254-553-7706 CELEBRATE WITH US August 21, 2015 at 1 to 5pm by Kristine Fernandez A s summer comes to an end, Youth Services begins celebrating with many Back to School Activities! Make sure to come out and join the Youth Centers Teen Camp and School Age Care (SAC) Camps as they finish out the summer with the best trips and parties of the season! Don’t let back to school bring you down! Join Youth Services as we tour Six Flags Over Texas to celebrate the last days of summer with fun in the sun and thrill rides. The teens will travel to Arlington on Thursday August 20 to enjoy the best Six Flags has to offer! Youth Sports and Fitness will host the 5th Annual Health and Wellness Fair to share ideas on how to kick off the school year active and healthy! There will be vendors from the local health professionals sharing ideas and tips on how to be the best YOU this school year! Don’t miss the healthy cooking ideas for after school snacks from the Central Texas College Culinary Chef program. If you’re looking for a new workout routine join us August 21, and try your hand 22 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 at the latest and most effective workouts and activities to keep the whole Family healthy and moving offered right in the Fort Hood area! If you’re looking for a Tropical Paradise to celebrate the summer, stop by the School Age Care Back to School Bash on August 21 from 1-5 pm. Muskogee SAC will host a beach luau for the youth to enjoy and be sent back to school relaxed and refreshed. Grab your grass skirt and Hawaiian shirt and join the fun! The event is open to all SAC campers and occasional care participants so make sure to sign up by calling Muskogee SAC at 254-553-7706. For more information, stop by or call the Youth and School Age Services at 254-553-7662 or 254553-7661 for Youth Sports and Fitness and Teen Camp details located at the Montague Youth Center Bldg. 70020 Clement Drive West Fort Hood. There will be plenty of activities and prizes to help you end the summer with friends and fun, no matter what your taste! We hope to see you at the biggest parties and bashes of the summer! s E HEALth and WELLNESS FAIR ndyoursummerattheBacktoSchoolBashHealth andWellnessFairandBuildaBetterYou! August 21 Bronco Youth Center Bldg 6602, Tank Destroyer Blvd FREE! Open to parents and children of all ages KickofftheschoolyearrightatourannualBackto SchoolBashHealthandWellnessFair!Startthenew schoolyearlivingahealthierandmoreactivelifestyle, bygainingknowledgeaboutfun,quickhealthysnacks andrecipes.Then,participateinaFoodPyramidrelay. For more information on how to get involved, contactyourlocalYouthSportsoffice: Bronco Youth Center 254-288-3770 Montague Youth Center 254-553-7661 *Fall Sports registration July 20 -August 27 for soccer, flag football, and cheerleading. Registration for wrestling and the Run Club is on-going. s Back to School Health & Wellness Fair August 21 10 am - 1 pm High Chaparral Youth Center Friend us at: or Scan the QR Code with a Smartphone Want to know the latest on special events, trips, contest, prizes, giveaways & more? Get Connected with Fort Hood CYSS Youth Programs on Facebook! Get Your Teen Involved Youth Centers are open 12-8 pm Monday-Saturday Middle school and teen programs to include activities, events,andprojectsthatareageappropriate. OrientationsheldMonday-Friday,6pmatallfouryouth centers listed below. Centers offer a wide variety of social activities, game rooms, and social areas. USDA Snacks are provided at nochargetoallCYSSmembersTuesday-Saturday. Comanche YC Bldg 52019, Tank Destroyer Phone: 254-287-5834 High Chaparral YC Bldg 5485 Phone: 254-287-5646 Bronco YC Bldg 6602, Tank Destroyer Blvd Phone: 254-287-6745 All children, youth, and Families are welcome. For more information call 254-288-3770. Montague YC Bldg 70020, Clement Drive Phone: 254-553-7662 Youth Centers are always looking for new teen sponsors. To participate, please contact the School Liaison Office (SLO) call 254-553-3340, email or visit: Child, Youth, & School Services, Bldg. 121 (Rivers Bldg.), 761st Tank Battalion Ave., Fort Hood, TX 76544. s 23 THE EXCHANGE Fort Hood Exchange Named “Best in Class” by Kenya Hodo You save, we give back. Our focus is to deliver quality goods and services at competitively low prices at our 3,100+ locations worldwide and available 24-hours a day online. The Army & Air Force Exchange Service remains committed to increasing the value of the Exchange to its customers while continuing to give back to the military community. Stay Connected! T he Fort Hood Exchange has been awardedtheArmy&AirForceExchangeService’ highest honor, the Director/CEO Cup, for operational excellence. The award, specific to leadership, expert customer service, innovation and business results,isawardedannuallytoonelarge,medium and small operation. The Fort Hood Exchange broughthomethelargecategoryprize,beating out 18 other Exchanges worldwide, on April 28 at an annual gathering of Exchange managers. Some factors cited in awarding the Fort Hood Exchange the Director/CEO Cup included management forging personal bonds with installation leadership and keeping their shopping destinationextraordinarilyexcitingwithregular customer contests and prizes, ranging from gift cards to trips. “We are ecstatic and humbled to receive thisgreathonor,”saidGeneralManager,Paula Gunderson. “It’s further proof that Fort Hood hasoneofthebestExchangesintheArmy.Our focus is providing and excellent customer experience at the Fort Hood Exchange. We will doeverything possible thisyeartoensure our teamisprovidingthelevelofservicenecessary towinagainin2016.” s 24 hoodhappeningsaugust2015 Proudly serving America’s armed forces for over 116 years! NOW WITH COUPONS! Did you know that your Exchange operates solely on funds generated through the sale of merchandise/services and a portion of the earnings generated support Family and MWR programs? The Exchange pays roughly two-thirds of yearly earnings to IMCOM G-9 Family and MWR Programs. In the past ten years, the Exchange has contributed more than $2.4 billion to quality-of-life programs such as youth services, Armed Forces Recreation Centers, arts and crafts, aquatic centers, golf courses and more! A GREAT REASON TO SMILE! ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS FREE CONSULTATION NO REFERRAL NEEDED CALL TODAY! (254) 526-8666 • 0% Interest • Low Monthly Payment Options • No Credit Checks • Tricare Insurance Accepted PLU SM ILIT ARY DIS COU N TS Full Orthodontic Treatment! at Central Texas Orthodontics Not valid with any other Orthodontic offer. Must present coupon at consultation. New patients only. Expires 12/31/2015 Hood Happenings Central Texas Orthodontics | 300 Morgan St. • Harker Heights, TX 76548