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BESTY TEEN COMMUNITY A soulful place for friends, friends fun, and fun becoming the leader you were meant to be. 2013-14 Program Brochure Temple Beth El of South Orange County The Samueli Center for Progressive Judaism 2A Liberty ● Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ● 949.362.3999 ● What it is BESTY Teen Community: a soulful place for friends, fun, and becoming the leader you were meant to be. A SUPPORTIVE PLACE TO BE WHO YOU ARE BESTY’s primary value is that at all of our events, you feel like you can be yourself. We know that in high school, there is a pressure to fit in and it is some mes difficult to feel welcomed. Our teen leadership board, youth director, and rabbis are deeply commi ed to crea ng an inclusive space where your unique presence and contribu on is appreciated. A SOULFUL PLACE The unique opportunity of a synagogue community is a place to explore what is meaningful and important in life. Our BESTY teen leadership board will pick a handful of topics that our teen community wants to explore and will offer some fun events with our warm and spiritual rabbis to discuss. Our Shabbat Club experiences in our youth lounge and at people’s homes are informal environments for singing and celebra on. A FUN PLACE Whatever fun ac vi es you envision, we can make a reality. Everyone month, we’ll come together for an evening in our youth lounge, various weekend ac vi es, including include Broomball overnights, professional sport ou ngs, Yogurt and a Movie, our infamous Club night, and many more.... A PLACE FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Many teen programs are just places to connect socially and hang out. Our perspec ve is that teens have an important contribu on to make to our synagogue community and the wide world. BESTY is unique in that our core programming fulfills middle and high school community service requirements. In both the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board and 9th-12th Grade Teen Leadership Program, teens learn the skills necessary to transform vision into ac on, supported by the wisdom of our Jewish tradi on. Page 2 The Big Events 9th-10th Grade Fall Retreat New York Trip October 25-27, 2013 Camp Hess Kramer, Malibu An opportunity for a weekend with friends to bond deeper, enjoy sports, dance, music, art, Shabbat, and much more. This retreat is a joint Temple Beth El and TALIT retreat, so we will enjoy programs with just our BESTY 9-10th graders, as well as the larger Orange County Jewish Teen Community. April 9 - 13, 2014 Expand your world with your BESTY friends. The i nerary will include the Empire State Building, Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Museums, a Broadway show, Central Park, Shabbat on the upper westside, and a window into Jewish NewYork. 11th and 12th graders who are enrolled in the Teen Leadership Program with good a endance are eligible to a end this trip. BESTY Club Night 3rd Annual Tzedakah Board Banquet Saturday, November 30th, 2013 - 8 pm Dress to the nines; rock out to a professional DJ with laser lights, win big at casino games, including high stakes dreidel, drink mocktails, connect with great people. Win the raffle of assorted gi cards and movie ckets to keep you busy this winter vaca on.This is a club scene, the real deal, especially designed for you. Bring friends, Jewish or not. Extra casino chips, raffle ckets, and refreshments are available for purchase. Friday, May 16, 2014 7:15 pm following services Join our 8th Grade Tzedakah Board for an inspiring Shabbat dinner and learn about how our eighth graders consensually decided what social issues they wanted to address, how they chose and evaluated different non-profit organiza ons, and their ul mate decision where to grant thousands of dollars. Graduation and Mitzvah Recognition Evening June 13, 2014 A Friday evening dinner and Shabbat service celebra ng our teen leaders and gradua ng seniors. Our teens will be recognized for their commitment, crea vity, teaching skills, ability to connect with younger students, and contribu ons to the community. Page 3 8th Grade Tzedakah Board The 8th Grade Tzedakah Board is a philanthropic founda on of eighth graders who are willing to commit me outside of school to engage in ques ons of how to fix our broken world. In this influen al and dynamic program, par cipants will learn about Jewish wisdom on charitable giving and social change, financial literacy, and modern philanthropy, and then award $4,000 - $10,000 to organiza ons that they deem effec ve in making the world a be er place. Being part of the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board will give you the following: • Greater sophis ca on about money and how it can be leveraged to make posi ve change in the world. • Deeper knowledge about how the wisdom of Judaism can inform your decisions about money and how to use it for prosperity for all. • Connec on to other TBE teens around the mission of making a difference in the world. • A remarkable extracurricular ac vity on your resume to help open the door for college and other job posi ons when you reach that stage. 8th Grade Tzedakah Board will meet on two Tuesday Meet Me ets ts tw two o nights each month from Tuesdays a 6:30-8:30pm. Besides month from registra on, par cipa on 6 30 6: 30-8:30p 0pm m will entail a student contribu on of $100 to a group fund. While you as parents may need to help with this amount, it is our hope that your child be able to contribute some or all of their own money to this fund. The group fund will be matched by an anonymous donor and students will have the opportunity to par cipate in a group fundraising ac vity to increase the fund amount. Madrikhim in Training (MIT) An opportunity for 8th graders who want to stay connected to our Shabbat community to begin to acquire the leadership skills necessary to become a madrikh - teacher in training. You will meet with the Madrikhim mentor for 30 minutes at 4pm at the beginning of Shabbat Chai and then will be assigned a classroom to observe. All MIT’s will gather for 15 minutes at the end of Shabbat Chai to share and learn about their experiences in the classroom. Page 4 9-12th grade TEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The Teen Leadership Program is open to 9th-12th grade teens where we learn how to transform vision into ac on. In this program, you will learn leadership skills such as: public speaking, leading a discussion, planning an age-appropriate lesson, or program, excellent communica on skills while con nuing to develop Jewish knowledge that is personally relevant and meaningful. You have the opportunity to deepen your Jewish thinking and learning by planning and execu ng a “program” to engage others. You can choose be a “Madrikh” where you plan a: • 25 minute lesson for 3-5th grade or 6-7th Grade Shabbat Chai • 15-30 minute lesson in individual Shabbat Chai classroom There are other op ons for leadership besides being a madrikh. You can: • Lead an ac vity for a BESTY program • Create Jewish educa onal content for online interac on • Create a visual display to showcase Jewish themes at TBE • Share Jewish content through songleading at Shabbat Chai programs • Run a BESTY board mee ng. • Teach computer class for older members of the congrega on • Helping organize and be a resource for the Temple library • Develop storytelling skills to prac ce with all different ages in the synagogue. • Peer Counseling Teen Lea Teen Te Lead dershi ders de hip hi p Prog Progra ram m al allllows lows you you u to to fulfill community service requirements for your school, keeping you connected to your friendss at Temple Beth El. It meets two Tuesdays a month from 6:30-8:30pm Page 5 Ongoing Events Shabbat Club tuesday Lounge Night We gather for a Friday night Shabbat dinner six mes a year. Half of our gatherings are in the comfort of member’s homes and half take place in the Youth Lounge a er services. This community building evening including games, movies, homework space, holiday celebra ons, special presenta ons. Occurs once a month. Deep Questions with the Rabbi Special Holiday or Weekend Events In our teen community, we celebrate holidays like Purim, Sukkot, or Simchat Torah our way with dance par es, games at parks, costume par es and fashion shows. Special events also include Broomball overnights, professional sports events, bowling and mini golf, Yogurt and a Movie, etc... Our BESTY leadership board will plan a series of events with our Temple Beth El rabbis to explore deep ques ons and life’s mysteries. Passport to Regional Youth Events As Temple Beth El is affiliated with both Reform and Conserva ve Na onal Movements, the BESTY community is both the local NFTY Reform teen chapter and the USY Conserva ve teen chapter. BESTY members can choose to par cipate in the Regional Youth Events, allowing them to make friendships with an even wider group of teens. In addi on, BESTY and Bureau of Jewish Educa on’s TALIT program have synergis c programming, allowing our teens access to the wider Orange County Jewish Teen Community. Page 6 PROGRAM FEES PROGRAM COST BESTY ONLY $136 8TH GRADE TZEDAKAH BOARD (Includes BESTY membership and MIT) TEEN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM (Includes BESTY membership) Madrikhim in Training (Includes BESTY membership) $665 $665 $136 Registration for our teen community will be available after May 15 on our temple website under the tabs Social/BESTY Teens Please don’t hesitate to contact Rabbi K’vod Wieder at with any questions Page 7 949/ 362.3999 2A Liberty Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
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