Inland navigation in the north of Italy: a new opportunity


Inland navigation in the north of Italy: a new opportunity
Inland navigation
in the north of Italy:
a new opportunity
Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po
Interregional Agency for the Po River
Central Office:
Navigation Offices:
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 75
43121 Parma - Italy
Tel. +39 0521 7971
Fax +39 0521 797296
Via della Conca, 3
26100 Cremona - Italy
Tel. +39 0372 592011
Fax +39 0372 592028
Via S. Leone 43
46037 Governolo di Roncoferraro (Mn) - Italy
Tel. +39 0376 669100
BORETTO (Reggio Emilia)
Via Argine Cisa, 11
42022 Boretto (Re) - Italy
Tel. + 39 0522 963811
Fax + 39 0522 964430
Agenzia Interregionale per il fiume Po
Interregional Agency for the Po River
and navigation
The Po River - that crosses the north of
Italy and flows into the Adriatic Sea - is a
waterway of international importance
and it’s the supporting column of the
Padano-Veneto Waterway System, an
important opportunity for the growth
of commercial traffic between Northern
Europe and the Mediterranean sea.
AIPo - the Interregional Agency for the Po River - is a
public institute for the italian Regions crossed by the
most important and longest river of the nation: Piedmont,
Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto. Established in 2003
it took over the role of a previous organization which
had been part of the national Ministry of Public Works.
In additional to carrying out flood protection and flood
damage, AIPO now has several new responsibilities
regarding inland waterway navigation:
Management of the waterway system of the Po
River and connected waterways - Mantova-Adriatic
Sea, Pizzighettone-Cremona, Ferrarese waterway,
planning and construction of all relative water works
Management of the Central Emilia-Romagna Harbour
(Boretto, Reggio Emilia) located on the banks of Po
Watercraft navigation, loading and unloading of goods
and passengers at designated docks
Dredging, control of the depth
Navigation regulation and granting of permits for
docks, deposits, warehouses which occupy and use
public lands
Collection of tariffs and rents
Administrative and river law enforcement
Projects and studies
AIPo can make use of its own Navigational Department to
manage the planning, implementation, operation and
maintenance of locks, cofferdams and its navigable
The navigation offices are in Cremona, Mantova, Boretto
(near Reggio Emilia).
AIPo is carrying out studies, with financial
support of Lombardy Region, to regulate
the flow of the Po in order to increase
the navigability of the river in its most
difficult stretches:
projects for establishing the free water
flow of the Po River for the navigation
unit of the V class CEMT through spur
studies to control the distribution of
the water flow through the creation
of a series of reservoirs on the Po River
between the river section from Cremona
to mouth of the Mincio River.
studies concerning a new waterway
between the Po River, near Cremona,
and the city of Milan.
A sample of the project for the free water flow on the Po River
Studies about dykes on the Po River
AIPo takes part of the institutional
Working Group for the Development of
Navigation System in the North of Italy
and it’s involved in several European
programs, like TEN-T, and projects, like
RIS (River Information Services), supporting the inland waterway transport sector, intermodality and safety of
The Po River
and the waterway
Mantova-Adriatic sea:
a new opportunity
about inland
The Po River Basin is one of the most developed
areas in Europe and a crucial area in the national economy, because of a high population density and the
presence of large industries:
Number of concerned Regions
Number of municipalities
Resident population
16 million
Density of population
225 inhabitants/km2
Developed agricultural surfaces
2.900.000 hec
GDP (% in comparison with the overall Italian GDP)
536 billion euros (40%) (2005)
Hydroelectrical energy (% in comparison with the overall Italian production)
19TWh/year (46%)
Thermoelectrical energy (% in comparison with the overall Italian production)
76 TWh/year (32%)
The Padano-Veneto Waterways System in
the north of Italy is a new and great opportunity for enterprises. The Po River and the
Waterway Mantova-Adriatic Sea, with their
harbours and docks (in Cremona, Mantova,
Boretto, Rovigo) represent a crucial junction in the italian and european logistic
network, thanks to its strategical position between Venice and Milan, North
and South of Europe. From the harbours of
the Adriatic Sea, ships and boats can reach
the heart of the industrial system of Italy.
The inland waterways count on a important intermodal system, with connections and integrations with iron and
The Padano-Veneto Waterways System is also an important network for tourism, with wonderful cultural, artistic and
sport itineraries. The Delta of the Po River (4000 km2) is one of the best protected natural areas in Europe.