July - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce


July - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Fo us
A monthly publication of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Volume 9 | Number 7 | July 2016
Photo Gallery  6
One-on-One with Corporate Planning Resources, LLC 8
Join Us!  4
Contact Us!
july 2016:
Independence Day, Chamber office is closed
Clipper Magazine Ribbon Cutting
Healthcare Committee Meeting
Chamber Development Meeting
Education Committee Meeting
10:00 a.m., Chamber office, 6133 Highway 311
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
8:30 a.m., Chamber office
Fairfield Inn & Suites - Houma Southeast
Business After Hours Event
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Belemere Luxury Apartments, 100 Belemere Luxury Court
For more information call (985) 851-1233
Ignite, LLC Ribbon Cutting
11:00 a.m., 7942 West Park Avenue
For more information call (985) 262-9186
Economic Development / Infrastructure Committee Meeting
General Membership Luncheon
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Quality Hotel, 210 South Hollywood road
Sponsored by: Morgan Stanley
For more information call (985) 876-5600
Government Activities Committee Meeting
Leadership Terrebonne Alumni Association Luncheon
Women, Wine & Fashion
Chairman of the Board
Earl J. Eues, Jr.
KEE Environmental Services, LLC
Kathleen “Kate” Theriot
Coaching for Change, LLC
Jason Bergeron
Technology Professionals
Vice Chairman-Community Development Division
Janel Ricca
Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center
Vice Chairman-Chamber Development Division
Paul Labat
Foundation for Terrebonne General Medical Center
Vice Chairman-Infrastructure & Economic Develop. Div.
Mitchell Marmande
Delta Coast Consultants, LLC
Vice Chairman-Government Activities Division
Chad Hebert
Workforce Logistics
Immediate Past Chairman
Stephanie Hebert
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
HTV Studios, 7938 Main Street
For more information call (985) 876-5600, ask for Kay
Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency
Doors open at 5:00 p.m., Homewood Suites by Hilton, 142 Citiplace Drive
Women Business Alliance, www.wbahouma.org
For more information about Chamber Events call (985) 876-5600 or Email: info@houmachamber.com
Events in red denotes Chamber events
Ann Barker
Terrebonne Ford
Joseph Boudreaux
Blackhawk Specialty Tools
Natalie Campbell
Roslyn Chauvin
Big Mike’s BBQ Smokehouse
Mona Martin Christen
Terrebonne Port Commission
Michel Claudet
Claudet Properties
Reggie Dupre
Terrebonne Levee &
Conservation District
William Eroche
Watkins, Walker & Eroche, APLC
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
Cindy Landeche
Baymont Inn & Suites
Mona & Company, Inc.
Doug Gregory
Morrison Terrebonne Lumber
Campbell Technology
Consultants, LLC
Southdown Mini Storage
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Michael J. Garcia, M.D.
South LA Medical Associates
Mike Lewis
David Rabalais
Darlene Rodrigue
The Courier
John Rogers
Coastal Commerce Bank
Brian Rushing
Rushing Media
Chuck Weaver Jr.
South LA Financial Services, LLC
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
New Members
Gulf Coast Credit
Repair Nerds, LLC
Dimitri Kamarullah
(949) 798-9747
605 Wilson Avenue
Houma, Louisiana 70364
Financial Services, Credit Repair
Errands by Lisa, LLC
Ann Barker
P.O. Box 589
Houma, Louisiana 70361
(985) 876-5100 / 1-800-244-3262
Email: abarker@terrebonneford.com
Areas of Expertise:
Business Administration, Employee Benefits, Accounting, Computer
Programming, “Jack of all trades!” Licensed Notary Public.
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
Nick J. Hebert Designs
(985) 262-9186
7942 Park Avenue
Houma, Louisiana 70364
Marketing, Website Design
(985) 262-4813
216 Mystic Boulevard
Houma, Louisiana 70360
Well-Ahead Louisiana
Robin Deroche
Nick Hebert
Cajun Canine
(985) 872-2331
447 Grand Caillou Road
Houma, Louisiana 70360
Pet Grooming
Alarms • Audio
Radio Systems
Louisiana State Fire Marshal License No. F2
1482 Highway 665
Montegut, LA
(985) 594-4474
(985) 876-1834
1029 West Tunnel Boulevard
Houma, LA 70360
Restaurants, Restaurants-Seafood
Blake Hebert
(985) 655-6001
220 Bayou Blue Road
Houma, Louisiana 70364
Oil & gas, Oilfield Services
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
4512 Country Dr.
Bourg, LA
(985) 594-5888
(985) 805-0757
191 Maggie Lane
Houma, Louisiana 70364
Legal Services, Identity Theft Protection
Donna Bourg
Mark Moreau
Cajun Critters Seafood
Cased Hole Well Services, LLC
Why do you serve on the Board of Directors?
I am proud to serve as the third generation of the family to participate
and contribute to the Houma Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce. My
son, John Jaccuzzo, is currently on track to continue on as the fourth
generation in years to come. The people of Terrebonne Parish have
supported our businesses for over 80 years now. Our family believes it
is only right to return that gift by serving as needed, on whatever level.
Ginger Griffin
Shane Comeaux
(337) 288-2225
P.O. Box 62509
Lafayette, Louisiana 70596
Non-Profit / Government
Why did you join the Chamber?
I joined the Chamber to continue our family’s history of participation
in the growth of Terrebonne Parish. It is also vital to our companies to
have the legislative and educational support that membership gives us.
What is the Chamber’s role in the business
The Chamber serves as an important coalition
of local businesses of all sizes. By our Chamber membership, we are connected with each
other, support each other and educate each
other. Critical issues of the day are communicated to the business community and support
gathered for important legislative issues as
Pilant Court Reporting, Ltd.
Jeanne Clair Solis
Other interests:
Spending time with my family, gardening, reading, and anything “on the
(985) 868-9700
1512 Polk Street
Houma, Louisiana 70360
Investments, Stock & Bond Broker
(985) 384-1626
1025 Victor II Boulevard, Suite O
Morgan City, Louisiana 70380
Court Reporting
Brad Thibodaux
Photo by Cody Blanchard, White Car Marketing
Leon Stiel
Lisa Brown
(985) 790-0166
Houma, Louisiana
Personal Assistant,
Errand Service - Business and Personal
Secretary Treasurer / Partner
Terrebonne Ford, Terrebonne
Lincoln, Barker Mazda
Edward Jones-Leon K. Stiel, III
510 W. Tunnel Blvd.
PO Box 4336
Houma, LA 70361
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
notes from the
Beware of Cyber Attacks!
Suzanne Nolfo Carlos
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Most of us know not to open
an attachment on an email
that looks odd, even when it
appears to be from someone
we know. Emails are hijacked
and hacked on a regular basis
and used to infect our computers, steal our contacts to tell
our friends that we’re in some
sort of trouble and need money wired to us in some foreign
country, etc. You know the
I’ve recently discovered a
couple of new ways these sophisticated and intelligent cyber crooks and creeps are robbing and scamming us. You’ve
probably heard recently in the
news of various organizations
across the country, law enforcement departments, doctor’s offices medical facilities,
etc. having their files stolen,
encrypted, and then ransomed
back to the owners they were
stolen from.
Well it almost happened to
us here at the Chamber just last
week, and it wasn’t through a
phony email. This happened
simply by Googling for a legitimate website, and clicking
the link to open that website.
Thankfully, the staff member
recognized that something
was wrong and immediately
shut down the computer.
While our files aren’t as sensitive as a doctor’s office or law
enforcement, they do represent a tremendous amount of
work and this would have created a great hardship for our
organization over the next few
years. The one file that was
encrypted before the computer was turned off was restored
and so was the information
on the desktop of the infected
FYI – the website was a bogus I-49 Coalition website, we
actually needed the I-49 South
Coalition website which is legitimate and that web address
is www.i49south.com.
Within two days of this ransom attack, someone I know,
was on their personal computer when they received some
sort of Microsoft error message. Within a few minutes
their home phone rang with
the caller id reading Microsoft.
Long story short, they allowed
them access to their computer
to ‘fix’ the problem, charged
$109 to their debit card, and
sent confirmation emails to
their account that read something about an iTunes card.
Fortunately, their spouse
walked in during the ‘fixing’
of the computer and further
damage was averted. But,
they had to change all their
passwords, go to the bank and
get new debit cards, dispute
the $109 charge, and bring the
computer to be cleaned by a
local professional at the cost
of about $200.
This unscrupulous activity is
beyond my understanding. So
much intelligence and potential used in such a dishonest
way to make a living. Here’s a
few tips from a non-IT person
• Be prepared for these types
of attacks. They’re becoming
more and more prevalent.
• Make sure your files are
regularly backed up to an offsite location.
• Keep your firewalls, antivirus, and malware software up
to date.
• Turn off your computer as
quickly as possible if something seems off, and contact
your IT professional.
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
• Change your passwords
immediately if you suspect
you’ve been hacked.
Like Us on Facebook!
On a positive note, the
Chamber has been increasing our participation on Facebook since the beginning of
the year. We now have New
Member Monday, Business of
the Week on Wednesdays, and
Flash Back Friday that features
vintage photos from around
Terrebonne Parish or longtime
members of the Chamber.
Be on the lookout for a spe-
cial Lunch & Learn session devoted to creating a Facebook
page for your organization and
ways to get the most out of the
posts for your business.
We’re methodically going
through and ‘Liking’ all the
Facebook pages of our Chamber members. So, ‘Like’ us on
Facebook at www.facebook.
com/htchamber and help us
to promote each other. This
is one more way we can be
Chamber Connected! Chamber Strong!
Join Us !
Networking at its best!
Business After Hours is held each month for Chamber members and
their employees to network and enjoy food, drinks and door prizes.
Thursday, July 21 • 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Belemere Luxury Apartments
100 Belemere Luxury Court
Tuesday, July 26 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Quality Hotel, 210 South Hollywood Road, Houma, LA
Sponsored by: Morgan Stanley
Speakers: Senators Bret Allain & Norby Chabert
and Representatives Jerome Zerngue & Tanner Magee
Admission is $25 per person (deadline is Friday, July 22) and $30 after
deadline and at the door. General public is invited to attend,
please call the Chamber office at (985) 876-5600 for admission fees.
Register by calling the Chamber at (985) 876-5600
or send an email to: info@houmachamber.com
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
This past month, the Houma-Terrebonne
Chamber of Commerce held our membership drive which I think was a success.
Thanks to all of our members who assisted
us with this important event. As I was making phone calls to potential new members,
it occurred to me that many businesses
do not join the Chamber for two reasons:
they were never asked to join or they were
not familiar with the opportunities that
our chamber offers its members. I hope to
fix these two notions with my message this
First, here is your personal invitation to
join our nationally recognized, five-star
chamber, accredited by the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce. Please call the Chamber office at (985) 876-5600 to schedule an appointment today!
Second, I will describe some of the great
opportunities that the Chamber can offer
your business.
• Networking – The Chamber provides
an excellent way for you and your employees to meet others who may need your services and to learn about other businesses
within our community. These opportunities are provided through our monthly
Business After Hours, General Membership Luncheons, Business to Business luncheons, our annual golf tournament and
our annual banquet.
• An Active Voice in the Community –
By participating in our committees on government activities, economic development
and infrastructure, education, healthcare
and chamber development, you will have
a voice on important matters that affect
your business and employees. The Chamber provides its members an opportunity
to participate on many important boards
in the community, including the board of
directors for Terrebonne General Medical
Center, the Terrebonne Economic Development Commission and the Terrebonne Port
Commission. The Chamber has a state lob-
byist working on your behalf to keep you
abreast of state legislative actions affecting the business community and to relay
our opinions on bills that affect your business to the legislature.
• Business Visibility – Through the
Chamber’s website, you can list your business and give a description of your business, location and hours of operation, a
slide show of your pictures, a bullet list of
the important aspects of your business and
a direct link to your business website. As
a new member, we will post your logo on
our homepage and link it to your business
website. We also provide many paid advertising opportunities such as but not limited to, our monthly Focus newsletter and
weekly eFocus newsletter, annual business
and community guide, and our website.
• Other Opportunities – The Chamber
offers ribbon cuttings, cost-effective employee education, listings in our annual
Business and Community Guide- listing
your business alphabetically, by business
category, and alphabetically by business
representative with their name and phone
number. We also have several chamber
discounts from area businesses and a bonus coupon package for new members only
that includes approximately $800 worth
of advertising. Members of the Chamber
can also utilize our meeting room free of
charge when available.
Of all of these great benefits, my favorite
is networking. By being an active member
of the Chamber, I have met so many amazing people who have assisted me with the
success of my business. If you are not a
member, I encourage you to become an
active member of the Houma-Terrebonne
Chamber of Commerce and experience
the difference it can make for your business. Contact Kay Thibodaux at the Chamber office and she will assist you in signing up and describe your new benefits. If
you are currently a member, I ask that you
share the great opportunities that you are
receiving with other businesses in your
network who can benefit by being a memEarl Eues
ber of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of
2016 Board Chair
KEE Environmental Services, LLC
I hope you are having a great summer
and I look forward to seeing you at our various Chamber functions. Please continue
to support our local businesses as we work
toward the Chamber’s mission of Uniting
community and building a stronger Terrebonne – Chamber Connected.
Charlotte Grace
Agency Owner
Allstate Insurance Company
1208 Louise St.
Thibodaux, LA 70301
Office 985-492-1579/Cell 985-665-3585
Fax 985-492-1264
Your trusted Allstate advisor
Suzanne Nolfo Carlos
President and CEO
Chantell Pepper
Administrative Assistant
Betsy Breerwood
Events Coordinator
Kay Thibodeaux
Membership Account Executive
Heidi Ohmer
Communications Specialist
6133 Hwy.311 | Houma, LA 70360 | 985.876.5600 | 985.876.5611 fax
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Photo Gallery
From left to right: Karen Schilling, Leadership Terrebonne Alumni Association, Chamber President/CEO Suzanne
Nolfo Carlos, Tay Rusich, A Place of Restoration, and Roslyn Chauvin, Southdown Mini Storage, pose at May’s
Business After Hours at Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Center.
Greg Landry, Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Center selects a winner for a door prize at the Business After Hours
in May as Doug and Elise Gregory prepare to announce the winner. Special thanks to Morrison Terrebonne
Lumber Center for sponsoring the event.
Karen Rousse, Ramada Inn of Houma, and Desiree Hayes, Cameron Isles Apartments, enjoy networking at
May’s Business After Hours event at Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Center.
Chamber Board members Mona Christen, Mona & Company, Inc., and Stephanie Hebert, Stephanie Hebert’s
Insurance Agency attend May’s Business After Hours at Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Center.
Jason Bergeron, Technology Professionals speaks during the Chamber’s General Membership Luncheon in May.
Specials thanks to Technology Professionals and their entire staff for attending and sponsoring the event.
LaDonna Cruse, Stephanie Hebert’s Insurance Agency, and Laura Bourgeois, Business First Bank, attend May’s
Business After Hours at Morrison Terrebonne Lumber Center.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Photo Gallery
Pictured from left to right are Lafourche Chamber President/CEO Lin Kiger, Lafourche Chamber Chair Joni Tuck,
Houma-Terrebonne Chamber Chairman Earl Eues Jr., Houma-Terrebonne Chamber President/CEO Suzanne
Nolfo Carlos, speaker LABI President/CEO Stephen Waguespack, Thibodaux Chamber President/CEO Kathy
Benoit, and Thibodaux Chamber Chair Marguerite Knight at A Joint Business at Breakfast Meeting May 25th.
L.E. Fletcher Technical Community College Chancellor, Dr. Kristine Strickland, speaks at May’s General Membership Luncheon about the issues the institution faces and the college’s future goals.
Jason Areng (center wielding scissors), Vice President of Sales and Marketing is joined by Kristi Liner, Best Western General Manager, Terrebonne Parish President Gordon Dove, hotel staff members and Chamber members
at a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the hotel’s new renovations. Best Western is located 117 Linda Ann
Avenue in Gray.
Mary Wayne, Holiday Inn, volunteers for the Chamber’s Membership Drive. The Membership Drive was a volunteer-driven initiative to build the Chamber’s membership.
Cameron Isles Apartments celebrated its grand opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony at their location at
100 Cameron Isles Court in Houma. Robert Aiello (center with scissors), property owner is joined with fellow
owners Ron Turner and Michael Bauduin, Fairfield Management Company owner Edward Taylor, Charles Giglio,
Terrebonne Parish Councilman Darrin Guidry, and Cameron Isles Apartments representatives Renee Wiggins,
Kimberly Booker, Cindy Treadway, Murray LeCompte, Tommy Luke, Desiree Hayes, Nicolette Pellegrin, Anissa
McKay, Chris Theriot, Joel Bye and Jeff Guerreo.
Roslyn Chauvin, Southdown Mini Storage, makes calls to prospect members for the 2016 Membership Drive
in June.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
One-on-One with Corporate Planning Resources, LLC
The Chamber selects member businesses, organizations and individuals to
highlight in our monthly newsletter, Focus. Chamber member Corporate Planning Resources, LLC was selected at a
recent General Membership Luncheon
to be featured. Earlier this month we
interviewed Corporate Planning Resources managing director John Driscoll
to learn more about him and his company.
In your own words, describe Corporate
Planning Resources, LLC.
Corporate Planning Resources, LLC
(CPR) is a business advisory firm that
strives to drive and create shareholder
value by understanding the business
inside and out: the value proposition
to customers, production processes,
product delivery systems, the competitive landscape, industry structure and
then work with management teams to
increase the value of the firm.
Typical engagements include: business/financing plans, acquisition analysis and due diligence, introductions to
financing sources, economic feasibility
studies, business succession planning,
structuring transactions, contract negotiation, turnaround management and
business coaching – basically all things
Corporate Planning Resources is driven by just one thing – creating shareholder value through fact based analysis and execution.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
What is your background?
My background is a bit eclectic. I began my career with a predecessor firm
to the international accounting and
consulting firm Ernst & Young working
with companies engaged in oil & gas,
oilfield services, marine transportation,
construction, banking, and real estate.
After leaving public accounting, I
worked for two Fortune 300 companies.
At The Louisiana Land & Exploration
Company (LL&E), then a Fortune 300
company and a company with a long
history in Terrebonne and Lafourche
Parishes, I ran financial planning and
analysis and designed and implemented
the company’s first ever financial modeling systems for worldwide operations.
I authored economic feasibility studies
and was instrumental in corporate decision making including the formation of
the LL&E Royalty Trust.
After that I was the CFO for a struggling company during the 1980’s oil
bust and then returned to school at
Tulane University earning a MBA. After
graduation, I was recruited to FreeportMcMoRan (Freeport) where I held a
number of positions in Finance & Business Development and operations. My
duties ranged from running financial
planning and analysis, being actively
involved in mergers and acquisitions,
the evaluation of new development
projects, operations re-engineering and
corporate restructuring initiatives. I received two President’s awards in recognition of my contributions.
I was then recruited to a large regional bank holding company, now part
of Capital One, as a corporate finance
consultant to their commercial lending group and their customers and I
later joined their private equity group,
Hibernia Capital, where I led a large
venture capital investment in a cutting
edge technology company. I remain a
general partner in a fully invested Atlanta-based venture capital firm.
Can you give us some examples of
how “fact-based” analysis can add
value to a business?
Actually, I could go on and on. Family
owned and operated businesses tend to
“shoot from the hip”. Fortune 500 com-
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
panies got to be global leaders in their
industries by making decisions guided
by fact-based analysis and economic
evaluation. Fortune 500 companies
don’t make decisions that simply “feel
good”; they make decisions guided by
careful analysis - the kind of analysis
that I provide.
How do you approach client engagements?
I don’t accept every assignment. I
have to believe that the situation presented is one where I can add value. So,
before meeting with a prospective client I generally research the company,
the industry and their competitors, as
well as, review their financial statements and marketing materials to give
me a sense of what the business does,
how it serves its customers and how it
is doing financially. I then sit down for
as long as it takes in an extended question and answer session in order for the
company to get to know me and for me
to gain an in-depth understanding of
the business and management’s goals
and objectives.
How are you involved in the community?
I am the membership chair of the New
Orleans Chapter of Ducks Unlimited,
consistently a President’s Elite chapter.
I serve on the board of the Turnaround
Management Association of Louisiana.
I also work with the Tulane Institute on
Water Resources, Law and Policy on
Louisiana coastal policy issues related
to Master Plan funding.
How can people get in touch with
I can be reached at by phone at 504329-6310 or by email at jdriscoll@corporateplanningresources.com.
Why should other businesses invest in
the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of
I investigated a number of Chambers around the region. I invested in
this Chamber because it is simply the
best run Chamber that I found. Each
and every staff member is dedicated to
providing excellent customer service.
Membership in the Chamber has also
afforded me the opportunity to meet
key decision makers in the Houma metro area.
Fletcher to Offer New Program in
Business Administration
Fletcher Technical Community College is pleased to announce that the
College will begin offering a Business
Administration program at the main
campus in Schriever starting this August.
“We are proud to offer the new Business Administration program. This new
program responds to both the needs
of businesses for a skilled workforce
as well as increasing interest from students,” said Fletcher Chancellor Dr.
Kristine Strickland.
Credentials for the Business Administration program include the following:
• AAS (Associate of Applied Science)
in Business Administration, 60 credit
• CTS (Certificate of Technical Studies) in General Business, 33 credit
• TCA (Technical Competency Area)
certificate in Business General Clerk,
15 credit hours
The new Business Administration
program is consistent with previously
approved programs offered by Fletcher.
The College currently offers two Business programs: 1) Accounting Technology and 2) Office Systems Technology.
The new program is an expansion of
courses offered in previously approved
Fletcher Technical Community College is a student-friendly center of
learning, committed to ensuring the
learning experience is one that will
benefit its students’ post-graduation.
As the area’s only technical community
college, it fosters significant strategic
partnerships with business and industry and offers high quality academic
and workforce training programs
aligned with the region’s economy.
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Chet Morrison Contractors Introduces Waterless Riser
Cleaning Tool: MUDBUG
Chet Morrison Contractors announces a new tool
for cleaning drilling and production risers that is
safer, faster and more cost-effective than current
methods. MUDBUG is an air-actuated, self-propelled device that uses oscillating brushes to clean
debris build-up inside risers, moving through the
length of the riser and back out again.
“MUDBUG is a giant leap forward in deep-water
riser cleaning,” said John DeBlieux, vice president
of Deepwater Riser Services for Chet Morrison Contractors. “It’s not only more cost-effective and safer,
it’s also better for the environment and customer’s
bottom line.”
Unlike other methods, MUDBUG does not require
high-pressure water to remove the rust, scale and
drilling mud that builds up in drilling and production
risers. Instead, MUDBUG uses only 120-psi air to operate, thus eliminating the problem of water disposal
and risk associated with high-pressure washing.
MUDBUG is portable, it can easily be transported
via plane or helicopter to any remote location either
onshore or offshore. Its small job box (two feet by
four feet) takes up very little space, making it ideal for
rigs or other offshore operations. When operational,
MUDBUG is approximately three feet long and 19
inches in diameter.
The “MUDBUG” name was inspired by the crawfish, which pushes back mud and debris to make its
home. It has been successfully tested and used in the
offshore environment by major drilling contractors.
The device comes with an extra motor and all brushes, and is available exclusively through Chet Morrison Contractors in the United States, Gulf of Mexico,
Caribbean and Trinidad. For more information, visit
BTNEP Conducting Prothonotary Warbler Conservation
and Monitoring Project
The Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP) has begun conducting a Prothonotary
Warbler conservation and monitoring project in order to promote the conservation and education of
the species.
The Prothonotary Warbler is a small bird with
brilliant yellow plumage. The species prefers wetland habitats in both its summer and winter range.
Unfortunately, the species population has declined
40 percent since the 1960s. Habitat loss in both its
breeding and wintering grounds along with pollution,
pesticides, and other causes may be escalating the
population declines. To reverse its declining population trends, collaborative conservation and monitoring efforts are underway throughout its entire range.
This spring BTNEP initiated its project with a workshop dedicated to educating a local Boy Scout troop
about the species and with a hands-on activity to
construct Prothonotary Warbler nest boxes. Past
studies have indicated that the breeding density of
Prothonotary Warblers can increase five to six times
with the addition of nest boxes while increasing the
annual reproductive success of individuals.
Sixteen nest boxes were installed along the nature
trail in Brownell Memorial Park and Carillon Tower
in Morgan City, Louisiana. The nests and adults are
monitored during the breeding season and data is
collected to estimate productivity, and nest site fiH o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
delity. In order to determine where these birds go
and for what length of time, some of the birds will be
tagged with geolocators.
“It’s a great feeling to see Prothonotary Warblers
raising their young in a nest box that you helped create,” said Natalie Waters, BTNEP Bird Conservation
Coordinator. “It still astonishes me that these tiny
songbirds, weighing half an ounce, are such incredible travelers.”
BTNEP intends to create additional Prothonotary
Warbler nest box trails throughout the estuary and
host nest box workshops in the future.
Submitting Your Articles
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Our Member News section of the Focus
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Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
USI Recognizes Top Producer and
Top Leader
With Allstate life insurance,
Mr. Michael J. Sicard, President/CEO of USI Insurance Services recognized Mr. Edward J. Daigle, CIC,
President – Louisiana Operations, for his Outstanding
Production in the First Quarter of 2016 in the Southwest Region. Daigle has been with USI for 27 years.
Daigle serves as President and oversees Operations
in the three USI offices located in Louisiana.
USI is a leading local and national insurance brokerage and consulting firm, delivering property and casualty, employee benefits, personal risk and retirement
solutions throughout the United States. Visit usi.com.
love wins.
TGMC Earns ACR Lung Cancer Screening
Center Designation
CT scan. Lung cancer
screenings and appropriate follow-up care, significantly reduces lung
cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the nation’s leading cancer killer – taking
the lives of more people
each year than breast,
colon and prostate can-
I can help you protect your growing family
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Do you have enough life insurance? It’s one
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cers combined.
For more information
on Lung Cancer Screenings visit mpbtgmc.org/
lung or call 985-8506052.
TGMC Earns Another ‘A’ for
Patient Safety
Terrebonne General
Medical Center (TGMC)
has once again received
the ‘A’ Grade for Patient Safety in Leapfrog’s
Spring 2016 Hospital
Safety Score.
An announcement released nationally by the
watchdog The Leapfrog
Group, shows key shifts
among many hospitals on
the A, B, C, D and F grades
rating them on errors,
injuries, accidents, and
infections. TGMC earned
an A in this elite national
ratings program, recognizing its strong commitment to patient safety.
The Hospital Safety Score
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Stephanie Hebert
is the gold standard rating for patient safety,
compiled under the guidance of the nation’s leading patient safety experts
and administered by the
Leapfrog Group. As the
first and only hospital
safety rating to be peerreviewed in the Journal
of Patient Safety, the
Hospital Safety Score is
designed to give consumers information they can
use to protect themselves
and their families when
facing a hospital stay.
For a complete list of
hospital grades, please
visit www.hospitalsafetyscore.org.
854 Grand Caillou Rd.
Availability from a particular company varies by product. Subject to availability and qualifications. Life
insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, and Lincoln Benefit Life Company,
Lincoln, NE. In New York life insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge,
NY. Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. © 2011 Allstate Insurance Co.
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
Terrebonne General
Medical Center (TGMC)
has been designated a
Lung Cancer Screening
Center by the American
College of Radiology
The ACR Lung Cancer
Screening Center designation is a voluntary
program that recognizes
facilities that have committed to practice safe,
effective diagnostic care
for individuals at the
highest risk for lung cancer. In order to receive
this elite distinction,
TGMC had to be accredited by the ACR in computed tomography (CT)
in the chest module, as
well as undergo a rigorous assessment of its
lung cancer screening
protocol and infrastructure. Also required are
procedures in place for
follow-up patient care,
such as counseling and
smoking cessation programs.
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC offers lung cancer screenings through a low-dose
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Jeffrey Marx to Speak at Leadership
Terrebonne Alumni Association Luncheon
Fletcher Graduates 146 Students
Fletcher Technical Community College (Fletcher) celebrated its 2016
Spring Commencement Exercises May
25, 2016 at the Houma-Terrebonne
Civic Center. Chancellor Kristine Strickland presided over the fifteenth commencement exercise since Fletcher
became a technical community college
in 2003. Special guest speaker was Mr.
Greg Stock, CEO, Thibodaux Regional
Medical Center. Out of the 146 students, there were seven Chancellor’s
Honor Graduates who maintained
a 3.8-4.0 GPA, and 16 Deans’ Honor
Graduates who maintained a 3.5-3.79
The Leadership Terrebonne Alumni
Association (LTAA) is pleased to present Jeffrey Marx, Pulitzer Prize winning author and speaker, to speak at
an alumni luncheon on July 28, 2016.
Mr. Marx’s most frequently requested
presentation, “This Thing We Call Success”, will focus on the major themes in
his New York Times bestseller Season
of Life: building healthy relationships,
building community, building leaders.
He inspires audiences with a new definition of what it really ought to mean
to be a successful person in this world.
Marx offers the power of a personal
journey focused on concepts such as
empathy, integrity, inclusion, justice,
and living a life of service to others.
Marx has traveled the country
speaking to small and large groups. His
books have been required reading in
leadership classes at the United States
Naval Academy and he has presented
to Fortune 500 Young CEOs.
Spring 2016 LPN Pinning Ceremony
(Fletcher) celebrated its
spring 2016 Pinning Ceremony for Practical Nursing on May 23, 2016 at
Fletcher’s main campus
in room 213/217. Chancellor Kristine Strickland
presided over the ceremony. Special guest
speaker was Shellie Plaisance.
LPN graduates:
Blanchard, Lynsey Rae
Breaux, Ashley Renee
Duet, Celeste Richard
Griffin, Aimie Lynn Hebert, Kristy Marie Poiencot, Amanda Kirsten
Richard, and Conishia
Rene Tucker.
He lives in Baton Rouge and is an
enthusiastic LSU Tiger fan. Marx is the
author of Walking with Tigers, an unconventional collection of LSU sports
stories that is not about winning games
but about the people and their lives.
Paid LTAA members can reserve a
seat for $20.00 by calling 876-5600.
Graduates who are not members of
the LTAA and the general public can
reserve a seat for $25.00. Reservations
must be made and confirmed with payment by July 20, 2016. The event will
be held at HTV Studios at 7938 Main
Street, Houma, Louisiana from 11:30
a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided and Mr. Marx will have a selection
of his books available for purchase and
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H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/June 26, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Ce ce
s Offi
Fit ales Open
S ow
“The new Wellness Center is a game changer
helping people live better, feel better and work
better.” – Archie Manning
For a virtual tour of the
Wellness Center, go to
985-493-4326 | thibodaux.com
Greg Stock
CEO of Thibodaux Regional
Archie Manning