August Newsletter 2016 - St Paul Lutheran Church
August Newsletter 2016 - St Paul Lutheran Church
The Connection Pastor - Rev. Aaron Chittick St. Paul Lutheran Church Sonshine Kids Preschool Worship Coordinator - Larry Bruce August 2016 Preschool Staff 3 year old teacher - Lisa Dove Church Secretary - Renee Taden 4 year old teacher - Courtney Eaton Administrative Assistant - Laura Oswood Assistant - Michele Broughman The deadline for the September issue of The Connection will be August 22. Please have all items to the church office by 8:30am. Thank you. Inside this issue: Neighborfest 1 Preschool News Family Promise Pastor’s Note 2 3 Welcome Rock Party Neighborfest Pictures 4, 5 Letter about the 6, 7 LCMS Convention Voters’ Meeting August 28 Youth Group Kids College The Neighborfest Committee would like to thank our St. Paul family for another successful Neighborfest. We broke another record for lunches served and food collected for the pantry. Sixteen children received car seat checks and 10 received free new car seats. Six more car seats were destroyed because they were determined to be unsafe. Thank you to everyone who sent prayers, spread the word, offered encouragement, donated food and other items, rolled up your sleeves and applied elbow grease, and shared the love of our Lord. We are truly blessed!! Check out the pictures on pages 4 and 5. Looks like everyone had fun! Rummage Sale Member News NEIGHBORFEST THANK YOU 8 Preschool News Our first day of preschool for this year is coming quickly. We have already started getting things ready. Our first order of business will be our open house for enrolled families on August 25 from 5-7 PM. This will be a time for parents and children to see their classroom and start to make new friends. We ask that you keep us and our 24 beautiful little students in your prayers. We look forward to helping them learn and grow in every way that they need. Our first day of preschool for the 3 year olds is September 6 and for the 4 year olds, September 7. Thank you, Courtney Eaton, Lisa Dove and Michele Broughman St. Paul is scheduled to serve the homeless through the Family Promise program on August 17th, 18th and 19th. Volunteers are needed to make and serve meals; and to chaperone overnight. Please contact Alice Conrad for more information. Sign up on the bulletin board today. The Connection Page 2 Greetings in the name of Christ, I am very happy to be back in Coldwater and worshiping with my family here. Going to New Orleans for the National Youth Gathering was a wonderful experience, though, and I want to tell you all about it. The city itself was a great place to visit. Despite the heat, walking around the city and finding our way to the interesting sites was very easy. We got to see Bourbon St. and try some authentic Cajun food. All of the youth tried Gator bites, but there was some debate over whether blackened or fried was tastier. Tyler made sure to get a cheeseburger at every place we stopped, so be sure to ask him for his in depth critique. The Riverwalk next to the Super Dome had a lot of good food and shopping, too. Be sure to ask Nikole to show off her new crocs, and ask her about them winning her an award. Blake also got a new Pokémon wool cap, and it was so cool that he wore it out in the 100 degree heat all day without breaking a sweat. Probably the best part of the trip was the mass events that took place every night. We would walk down to the Super Dome nice and early to get good seats, and they would play live music to sing along to while we waited. Each night had its own theme that went along with the general theme ‘In Christ Alone.” We used the book of Philippians as a guide as well. Each night “Paul” would come out and act out a different part of the book. There was lots more music, and skits that explained the theme of the night in greater detail. We also stayed after the event when we could to see Rend Collective and the Skit Guys preform. By the time we got to the hotel there was barely enough time to talk a little about our day and pray together before passing out from exhaustion, sometimes as late as 2:00a.m. There was a lot to learn at the event too. After studying the Bible, we would get to go to different learning centers, depending on what was most interesting to us. The youth will be sharing with you all what they learned soon during our fellowship hour, so keep a look out for that this month. I got to see a few presentations on using movies to talk about the gospel message. I learned some new games, activities, and children sermon ideas from some very dedicated DCE’s. There was also some improv comedy and an illusionist. When we weren’t in the learning centers, we were playing in the Experiential Learning Center. We got lots of free stuff there, and got to become bowling balls, Pac-men/women, and race through giant obstacle courses. The boys and I tried to knock each other off of inflatable towers with a big inflatable balloon. Quentin said it was cheating for me to get off my tower to get a better shot at him, but he got some pretty good shots on me, too. We all learned a lot and had a great time doing it. I am so glad to be a part of a congregation that cares so much about God’s Word that it makes sure their youth get to hear about it every chance they get. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful trip. Keep an eye on the bulletin board and the worship folder. There is so much joy to take part in this month, and God has so much more planned for the future. Blessings on your August, Pastor Aaron POBLO Presentation (People Of the Book Lutheran Outreach) A guest from POBLO will be here Sunday, August 7, while Pastor Aaron is out of town. An ordained minister will lead us in worship. Then he will share with us information about this outreach organization and some of the people they have helped during the Bible Study hour. Bring your stuff: August 14-24 Set up: August 23, 24, 25 Dates of sale: August 26, 27 The Rummage Sale will be here soon. Please sign up on the bulletin board for the time you can help. We need all hands on deck so we can keep having fun and sharing God’s love at Neighborfest. “POBLO International is a Christian organization working to transform the way missions is approached in the United States by responding to the changing demographics that have brought the mission field to our own front yard. We serve immigrants and refugees. We train and educate churches on how to engage in cross-cultural outreach. We share the Gospel message. We love people.” ~ Page 3 The Connection Member News Upcoming Events August 1 2-9 6 7 14-24 17, 18, 19 20 21 22 23, 24 25 26, 27 28 Larry’s 1st Day Pastor out of town 1 Concert @ Fairgrounds 3 POBLO guest Bring stuff for rummage sale 3 Family Promise 17 Landscape Rock Party 30 Voters’ Meeting & Ice Cream Social Newsletter Deadline Set up rummage sale Rummage Sale Officer & Sunday School Teacher Installation Sunday School Teacher Training August Anniversaries Dan & Tammy Johnson Keith & Mary Bollwahn Bob Malcolm & Patty Pipe Damon & Betsy Cramer Larry Parks & Barb Vainner Congratulations, Connor Dwyer. Connor graduated from Trine University this spring with a degree in Golf Management. Coldwater High School Alum and member of St. Paul, Connor was awarded with his second Cleveland Golf/Srixon All-American Scholar honor. We welcome to our church family the Powell family: Jimmy & Ashley were married in 2011. The Powells usually sit up front on the pulpit side of the sanctuary. You can’t miss their adorable kids: 3 year old Makenzie, and 1 year old Hunter. August Birthdays 1 Bill Mirgain 2 Carmen Bruce 10 McKenna Vainner 12 Carl Hunker 12 Payton Hines 17 Madison Moore 20 Mark James 22 Kay Guenther 22 Sienna Brown 23 Hayden Downs 24 Melissa Chittick 25 Diane Harmon 25 Elise Smith 30 Becca Harmon Attention! Attention! Sally Stewart has a new email address: The Kitchen Fairies paid us a visit and cleaned out the cupboards. They are organized and labeled. Check it out! Please remember to inform the office any time you get a new: address, phone number, email address, spouse, child, pet...ok, maybe not pets. Thank you!! It’s a Rock Party!!! Landscape rock, that is. You are all invited to help keep our church beautiful! We have been very busy getting the outside of St. Paul looking better, but there is still a little more to do and we would really appreciate extra help with the next task. We are having rock delivered on August 20th and need all hands on deck to spread rock into place over current landscape rock. We will have a loader move the rock to the location, but will need help shoveling it back into position. When: Saturday, August 20th at 8:30 am - ? Tools needed- shovels and muscles. (Rakes may not be sturdy enough to push rock into place.) Donuts, Juice, Coffee and bottled water will be provided Any questions please contact Tammy Johnson, Sally Stewart. Kevin Luckert or Bill Tunison (Beautification Committee) Donations for Humane Society = $87, towels, rugs, 2 collars 454 people came 132lbs of food was donated for the food pantry Page 6 The Connection To the Congregations of the LCMS Michigan District, Circuit 44 7/22/2016 Dear Friends in Christ, Literally the word synod means coming together. The disciples of Christ Jesus our Lord have been coming together to discuss important matters of Church and Ministry since His Ascension. In Acts 1, the disciples came together to cast lots for the successor of Judas. In Acts 15, the Church convened in Jerusalem to discuss the function of circumcision in the New Testament era. Through the means of grace, God the Holy Spirit guided the work of these synods to bless his people. This July 9–14, delegates and visitors from around the world came together in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the 66th regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. According to our synodical bylaw 3.1.1, “the national convention of the Synod shall afford an opportunity for worship, nurture, inspiration, fellowship, and communication of vital information.” This summer’s synodical convention was no exception. I would note that it was a great honor to represent you this summer as a voting delegate; this was my first convention. The convention theme “Upon This Rock: Repent, Confess, Rejoice” was drawn from Jesus’ words, “On this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt 16:18). “This rock” refers to Peter’s confession: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt 16:16). In Jesus we too are given a rock solid confession (John 14:6). In his epistle to the Church, St. Peter tells all disciples that they are “living stones” built on Christ (1 Pet 2:4-5). By faith, God has established us on Jesus Christ the rock that shall never be moved. The convention worship, led by chaplains Rev. William Weeden and Rev. Peter Bender, was a blessing to my own soul as it was structured around the three-fold theme: Repent, Confess, Rejoice. Most especially the robust singing of hymns and Christ-focused preaching refreshed me for ministry in the coming days. Beyond this, much business was conducted in the span of five days. I would personally encourage you to review the official news of the convention posted at: tag/2016-lcmsconvention. If any of the convention stories are of specific interest or concern to you, please feel free to contact me. I will do my best to explain the significance of the subject matter, the will of the voting body in convention, and the implications for our congregation’s ministry. Also, the official Convention Proceedings shall be published in the coming months and distributed to every congregation. In the course of convention, 18 different floor committees presented resolutions and recommendations for the future work of our Church body. Concerning specific items of business. I would like to inform you of the following decisions: The Connection Page 7 - Concerning our National Mission Resolution 1-01 moved to expand our synod’s evangelism work here in the United States. Specifically, we resolved to encourage use of the newly-developed Every One His Witness Lutheran evangelism program. - In the same vein, Resolution 2-01 gave thanks to “God for Faithful Service of LCMS Missionaries” and Resolution 2-02 recognized the increased number of Lutheran missionaries that have entered the field in the past 3 years. - One difficult issue that we faced addressed biblical and confessional standards for the office of public Word and Sacrament ministry. Resolution 13-02A instituted a plan to regularize the status of Licensed Lay Deacons who are currently involved in preaching and consecrating the Lord’s Supper. It was decided that deacons currently serving in such a role can choose (by July 1, 2018) to either pursue:1) apply to one of the Synod’s seminaries for admission into an alternate-route program; 2) apply for entrance into a Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) program; or 3) apply to the regional colloquy committee for admission to the SMP roster, unless granted a waiver by the applicant’s district president, the plenary of the Council of Presidents, and the appropriate regional colloquy committee. Happily, the synod pledged much funding to ensure the continuing education of these men. The resolution states that care must be taken to ensure that no congregation is left without a man to serve it the public ministry during this process. - Resolution 14-02A confesses the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman as an estate which cannot be altered. The resolution also charges pastors, commissioned workers and congregations to provide responsible care with mercy, gentleness and respect to those wounded by sins (specifically those against the 6th Commandment). - Resolution 16-02 sought to “strengthen and support the Lutheran family in living out God’s design” through the Lutheran Family Initiative. As our culture becomes increasingly hostile towards traditional families, this initiative will be of great service to the Church. - Floor committee 18 presented items of business pertaining to Church worker wellness. Resolution 18-04, encouraged Congregations, Ministries, and Church Workers to Develop an Intentional Wellness Care Plan. We pray that God would continue to bless our Church workers with the good health needed to serve in their calling. Finally, we should note that all incumbent vice-presidents of synod (Praesidium) were reelected to another term of service of partnership with our Reverend President Matthew C. Harrison. Our region’s vice president is Rev. Dr. John C. Wohlrabe Jr. May your congregation ever find your strength in the Rock Jesus who shall not be moved! Your Servant, Pastor Scott Johnson LCMS Voting Delegate, Michigan District, Circuit 44 Associate Pastor, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Hillsdale, MI The Connection Page 8 Voters’ Meeting and Ice Cream Social August 21 6:00pm Please come to make your voice heard on important decisions that need to be made. Also, there’s gonna be ice cream. Who doesn’t want ice cream? Come and get it! Officer Installation and Sunday School Teacher Installation Sunday, August 28 During 9:00am worship All of our Elected Officers and all of our Sunday School Teachers will be Installed. Please plan to be there. New Calendar Style This month marks the beginning of our new calendar style for the monthly newsletter. This calendar comes from the online Google calendar, which can be found on our website. This new style comes with some benefits, some changes, and some limitations. We are limited with the information we can include, but we only have to maintain one calendar, which leads to fewer mistakes and less confusion. Also, we are just learning about Google calendar, so please bear with us through this time of transition. Thank you!! LWML on a Bus Trip Join the to Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne and tour Multi-Media Studios on Sept 30 (Friday). Learn how Worship for Shut-Ins is filmed. See your M ite M oney in action. Limited Seating on bus. Register before Aug 20 for $25.00 after that $30.00. See flyer itinerary for details and ingathering information. Questions? Ask your LWML Representative, Jacque Osborn, or Renita 269-251-4504 August 28 Also on this Sunday, there will not be Bible Study. Pastor and our Sunday School Teachers will be having a Teacher Training. If you are a Sunday School Teacher, please plan to come to this important event. Branch Community Kids College August 15-19 9:00am-noon Coldwater High School Kids College is free for ages 7-14. Pick up a brochure from the bulletin board. Preregistration should be post-marked by August 9, or register at the door. For more information contact: Sharon McMeen 517-227-7540 or Wanda DeBolt 517-238-2872 Saturday, August 6, 2016 @ 7:00pm Branch County Fair Presents Hawk Nelson Also Showing - John Tibbs & Cody Collier Tickets are available at the Fair Office or at the Lamp Post Christian Book Store beginning June 1, 2016 Prices are: $15.00 PreSale & $20.00 at the Gate Children 12 & Under are $10.00 There is no charge to enter the fairgrounds on this day. August 19 & 20 CAMPING at EnGedi Campground