Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631-757-8184 rectory@olqmparish.org SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 24th Sunday in ordinary time Pastor Rev. Msgr. John D. Gilmartin Children’s Faith Formation Director Ninette Euler Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Parish Social Ministry Director Jini Baltrus Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran Youth Minister Bill Leone Deacon John Rieger Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Administrator Mary Martin Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka We Celebrate the Eucharist Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12 noon Daily Masses: Monday - Thursday at 12 noon Saturday at 9am Special Needs Mass: Saturday, September 14 at 5:00pm in the Community Room Holy Days 7:30pm Vigil and 9am Visit our website at www.olqmparish.org for more information and to view the bulletin in color. ~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~ “Expect A Miracle”. Each summer, under the direction of Chris Sisinni, a number of teens from our parish travel to Nazareth Farm in West Virginia to serve the community of Doddridge County by fixing roofs, siding, fencing, painting and serving each other and living in community for one week with teens from other parts of the country. They live simply by doing without cell phones, I-pads, I-pods, makeup and immerse themselves totally into the four cornerstones that define Nazareth Farm. Aileen Fitzpatrick reflected,” Spiritually I feel it made me closer to God and helped me remember the four cornerstones of Catholic life, community, simplicity, prayer, and service. It seemed challenging at first however, I feel confident that I can take these four cornerstones and apply it to my everyday life.” Other teens shared reflections on what this experience meant to them. Two of our past teen volunteers participated again this year and were great role models and shared their experiences of their ongoing service now that they are in college. You can about the trip and all of their reflections in the new issue of CenterView. Mark your calendars and save the date to celebrate with us. Farewell Mass & Reception for Deacon Chris Sisinni Sunday, September 29th 12:00 noon Mass Reception to follow in Community Room WE BUILT A HOUSE! The garage sale fundraiser for Nicaragua raised $2,333.03 which is enough money to build one house. Special KUDOS TO LISA CONEYS who spent seven hours on Thursday pricing the donated items. Lisa is noted for her garage sale expertise, but she out did herself for the sale. Thank you parishioners, friends and community for your support. We proved once again, that it definitely takes a community not only to raise a child, but to build a house in Nicaragua. FIRST MEETING FOR STUDENTS INTERESTED IN PROJECT NICARAGUA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH AT 8:00PM IN COMMUNITY ROOM 1 All 9th and 10th graders are welcome to come and be a part of this special mission. Questions?? Contact Paula Dodge at (631) 470-9385 ~ ALL ARE WELCOME ~ THE 31ST ANNUAL MSGR. JOSEPH F. COLLIGAN MEMORIAL GOLF AND TENNIS OUTING Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 Huntington Crescent Club We are looking for donations of bottles of wine or liquor and restaurant gift certificates for our raffle baskets. Please drop off any donation at the rectory. Donations are tax deductible. We hope you will join us for an afternoon of golf or tennis, an evening cocktail hour, dinner and wonderful raffles and auctions! We appreciate your support! The “Over 50 Club” will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, September 17th 11:00 am in the Community Room. Dear Msgr. Gilmartin, On behalf of everyone here at the Maura Clark-Ita Ford Center, we would like to thank you for your generous contribuion to further our mission here at the Center. Your support assists many economically disadvantaged men and women learn English, acquire the leadership skills they need to become active participants in their communoity and to gain the education and job skills they need to support their family and become economically independent. We truly appreciate the Patricia M. Koenig Fund’s support with assisting these individuals. Thank you for your generous contribution. Sincerely, Janet Marcic, Executive Director Maura Clarke-Ita Ford Center New members are always welcome! PRIEST SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 21st & 22nd Sunday, September 22nd 8:00 am Father Dowling 10:00 am Msgr. Ryan 12:00 pm Father John BANNS OF MARRIAGE First Announcement: William Folk St. Patrick’s Lauren KlimekSt. Matthew’s Second Announcement: Alyson Whitehead Erik Storck Saturday, September 21st 5:00 pm Father John OLQM St. Patrick’s PRAYER AND WORSHIP Bill Ayres shares his reflections on the scripture readings. September15, 2013 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time A Reading from the Book of EXODUS Judaism is the first great monotheistic religion. All other religions of the time worshiped more than one god so when Aaron has them make a molten calf and them worship it as a god, Yahweh, the only true God is angry, very angry. After all, it was he who brought them out of slavery and eventually into the Promised Land. Who were they to complain after all God had given them? It is easy now, so many years later to see their sin of betrayal. It is much more difficult for us who have so much and complain over meaningless slights and disappointments to see our own lack of gratitude and have a change of heart. It is difficult but it is something we need to do repeatedly. A Reading from the Letter OF SAINT PAUL TO timothy It is no secret that Saul was a great sinner, a persecutor of Christians. But Paul was also a brilliant courageous man once he literally saw the light and became a convert and the first evangelist to the pagan world. He tells us here that he was “mercifully treated” and is forever grateful to God. Without him would Christianity have spread beyond a small group of Jewish converts? Who knows? What we do know is that he was a complicated sinful man who accomplished great things for God. It is amazing how God calls forth strength in weakness and a change of heart in a heart that was hardened. REFLECTIONS ON A READING FROM THE HOLY GOSPEL ACCORDING TO LUKE When I first studied this Gospel passage as a young man it changed my life forever. I consider it to be the most important of all the parables of Jesus. It seems like a simple message but it has many layers, an important context in the religious culture of the time and a punch line that can change your life as well. Jesus starts off with two other parables that tell the story of God’s extraordinary love. In the first he compares God to a man with a hundred sheep who leaves the ninety nine to search for the lost on. It sounds a bit crazy to leave ninety nine sheep to find only one and what’s the big deal about the woman who sweeps the whole house to find one lost coin. Jesus is telling His audience who God really is, a “Crazy Lover” whose love for us goes beyond accepted sanity. Then Jesus tells them the powerful story of what we have come to call the Prodigal Son except that the real point of the story is not the son but once again the Father’s love. Here is the historical context for the parable. The younger son asks his father to give him his share of the inheritance. STOP! That was not likely to happen in this patriarchic society. The older son would get his share first. So, right away we see that this is a very generous father. Then ,of course the son squanders all his money on a “life of dissipation”, a famine comes to the land and he is so destitute that he, a Jewish man is tending swine and so hungry he wants to eat the same pods the pigs eat. What a terrible life on the verge of death and severe shame! He finally comes to his senses and decides to go home and ask his father’s forgiveness. He knows he is no longer worthy to be called a son. The family considered him dead but maybe his father would treat him as a hired worker. Anything would be better than where he was, so he goes home. ~Bill Ayres reflections Continued ~ Now comes the greatest truth about God. “While he was still a long way off ’ his father caught sight of him and was filled with compassion”. You can imagine that was not the first time that the father went out looking for his son, always hoping and up until then always disappointed. It gets even better and crazier. “He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him”. STOP! No good father at that time and perhaps few today would do that. The father should not run to his son, how demeaning of his position in the family is that? The son should first get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness. Then, the son asks for forgiveness and the father does not simply say he is forgiven. No, he orders a huge feast to celebrate the return of a son he feared to be dead, at least to him. The “good son” angrily protests but the father explains his great love for both sons. Jesus tells this story to focus not on the prodigal son but on the father’s love, the same crazy, unconditional love that God our father has for each of us. Jesus turns our thinking upside down. God does not love in the way we love. His love is so much better, more generous and forgiving than we can imagine. Well, that is the parable that changed the way I saw God so many years ago. Once you experience God’s unconditional love there is no turning back. The Diocese of Rockville Centre Golden Wedding Liturgy Honoring Couples Married Fifty Years or More Sunday, Oct.6 -- St.Rose of Lima in Massapequa Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 pm Sunday, Nov. 3 - Christ the King in Commack Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration is required to participate. Forms are available in the rectory at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs (631) 757-8184 Education & Faith Discover the learning opportunities available to your family at the ten Catholic High Schools on Long Island. Open Houses present students and parents with a special opportunity to gain information about the programs, faculty, and facilities of the Catholic High Schools on Long Island. OPEN HOUSE DATES & LOCATIONS DATETIME SCHOOL SEPTEMBER 2013 Sunday, Sept. 22nd 12:00pm - 2:30pm Holy Trinity Dioc. H. S. 2:00pm - 4:30pmSt. Mary’s High School Saturday, Sept. 28th Sunday, Sept. 29th 11:00am - 1:30pm 1:30pm - 4:00pm Our Lady of Mercy Academy St. Dominic College Prep. H. S. OCTOBER 2013 Saturday, Oct. 5th 10:00am - 1:00pm Kellenberg Memorial H. S. 2:00pm - 4:00pmChaminade High School Sunday, Oct. 6th 10:00am- -1:00pm St.Anthony’s H. S. 11:00am - 3:00pmSacred Heart Academy Saturday, Oct. 19th 9:00am - 12:00pm McGann-Mercy Dioc. H.S. Sunday, Oct. 20th 10:30am - 2:00pm St. John the Baptist Dioc. H. S. ~ For your information ~ Contemporary Choir News: Singers and Guitarists: The Contemporary Choir is looking for singers!!! If you enjoy singing and would like to join our Choir, now’s the time. We are a group of dedicated people who sing traditional to contemporary music. All singing parts are welcome. We are also looking for experienced guitarists. If you’re looking for a group to play all types of music with, consider joining. We have a vast repertoire of traditional to contemporary church music. Rehearsals start on September 19th at 8:00 PM. Please check the bulletin for location. For further information, call: Valerie Asaro, Director: 757-0931. Calling all children in grades 2 and up to join OLQM Children’s Choir. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:45pm and we will sing on the first Sunday of each month at the 10:00 am Family Mass. Returning members will begin their first rehearsal on September 17th at 5:30 pm Feeling a little worried about joining? Come watch first few rehearsals to help you decide. New members will be accepted until October 4th ONLY. VIRTUS CHILD ABUSE AWARENESS AND PREVENTION TRAINING New members are welcome. We have a variety of music from well known composers as well as current selections for worship. Please contact me for further information. Lillian La Barbara, Director (631) 261-5216 As part of our diocesan effort to prevent any further abuse occurring in our parishes we have a multipronged prevention process going on. The biggest piece of this is the Virtus course. Our goal is to make each and every person who works in our parishes a partner in the quest to never again have abuse occur here. We must all be part of this effort and become protectors of children in an informed way. The Virtus course will be offered here on Saturday, September 21, 2013 9:30am - 12:00pm. You must pre-register. Go to our website at www.olqmparish.org and click on the Virtus online box. Select the Diocese of Rockville Centre and follow the simple steps. ~ Faith Formation ~ CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION 7th & 8th Grade Catechist Meetings Monday, September 16th at either 10 AM or 7 PM in Community Room 1. 1st Grade Catechist Meetings Thursday, September 19th at either 10 AM or 7 PM in Community Room 1. All catechists are asked to attend one of these meetings. Initial teaching material, class plans, as well as class lists will be distributed. CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION There are still families who have not registered for this year. If you are one of those families, please contact the Faith Formation Office as soon as possible. We are currently placing students in classes for the Fall. If you have any questions, please contact us at 757-0720. Do you have experience or training in special education for children? Do you have a child in Pre-K or Kindergarten? Do you attend the 10 AM Family Mass? We are looking for adult volunteers to assist in our children’s faith formation program. Over the past years we have offered a Sunday Pre-School program during the 10 AM Mass for children in Pre-K & Kindergarten. It is an informal class led by a catechist, with teen aides, using diocesan approved material geared to the level of these young children. Please call Ninette Euler at 757-0720 for more information or to volunteer. There is no registration for this program. Parents can simply bring their young children downstairs to Classroom C before Mass begins, and pick them up after ward. In order to offer our Pre-School again this fall, we need to enlist the help of another volunteer catechist for the program. Please email the Children’s Faith Formation Office at olqmreled@optonline.net if you would be interested in helping us. Thanks & God bless! ~ Faith Formation ~ “FREEDOM, HAPPINESS AND THE CHRISTIAN LIFE” All of us value freedom, but we rarely stop to think about what it really means to be free. All of us want to be happy, but often we cannot figure out what will bring us true happiness. Chris Vogt will explain some of the ways that Catholic theology can enrich our understanding of freedom and happiness, and help us explore con -nections between happiness and everyday Christian spiritual practices. All are welcome! Presenter: Chris Vogt, a member of OLQM parish and Chair of the Department of Theology St. John’s University Date: October 1, 2013 7:30-9:00PM Community Room Free will offering. ~ Please register by contacting S. Eileen at 757-6520 or secorcoran@olqmparish.org ~ SCRIPTURE BY THE SOUND Sunken Meadow Park Boardwalk (main entrance) 10:30am Listen to the readings of the day Hear a brief reflection Meditate with the word Faith sharing Walk alone or with friends September 17th; Sr. Eileen Corcoran, O.P., Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish September 24th; Kathleen Reid, St. Philip Neri Parish * Inclement weather, Sept 17 & 24, St. Philip Neri. AN INVITATION Do you know someone who would like to learn more about becoming a Catholic? Perhaps a neighbor, a friend or relative? Possibly they are just waiting for someone to invite them to take the next step. You could be God’s instrument—The Lord’s word of invitation. The RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) and RCIC (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) is a process which attempts to meet those who have questions about the faith, the Church, what it means to be a Catholic Christian and, in the course of discussion and reflection, invites them to explore the Lord’s invitation to faith as it takes shape in their lives. Anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic is welcome to join us. For further information, please contact S. Eileen at 757-6250 or secorcoran@olqmparish.org. Please join us for an evening of TAIZE PRAYER Friday, October 4th at 7:30pm in the chapel. All are welcome. ~ Parish social ministry ~ OUR RESPITE PROGRAM BEGINS Training for our Respite Program volunteers is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 pm in our Community Room. Please call Jini Baltrus @ 631-754-9045 to register for training and commit to this wonderful Ministry. Our Respite program starts on Saturday, September 28th 9:30AM to 12:00 Noon in the Community Room and will be scheduled for the last Saturday of each month. We are looking for a Registered Nurse volunteer to be onsite in the event we need assistance. Please contact Jini Baltrus @ 631-754-9045 if you are a registered nurse and would like to help us in this ministry. Looking for ward to hearing from you! Annual Baby and Child Equipment & Toy Sale October 19, 2013 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church Community Room and Patio October 19, 2013 STROLLERS, CAR SEATS, TOYS, LITTLE TYKES, BOOKS, PUZZLES AND LOTS MORE! Don’t miss it....this sale comes around once a year! For more information or to volunteer, Call (631) 754-9045 (OLQM Parish Social Ministry) Email: parishoutreach@olqmparish.org Sunday, September 15, 2013 In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the shepherd rejoices when he finds one lost sheep. The story tells us that nothing and no one is insignificant to God who is compassionate and loving to all. Is there a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of a job or an illness? Please leave a message for the Society of St.Vincent de Paul…we want to help! Poor Box last week: $373 Stewardship ~ A way of life eGiving through Faith Direct is the easiest and most convenient way for Our Lady Queen of Martyrs to receive your weekly offering and other Church support. eGiving through Faith Direct will also save you time while helping Our Lady Queen of Martyrs reduce our expenses. You can either go online to www.faithdirect.net and use our parish code NY229 or pick up an enrollment form from the parish office and mail the form to Faith Direct. Thank you for your prayerful support of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. God Bless! STEWARDSHIP SHARING Current Fiscal Year September 8, 2013 Collection Previous Fiscal Year September 9, 2012 $17,973 Collection Budget Envelopes Faith Direct Cumulative To Date Sunday Collections Budget $17,020 272 117 $15,952 $16,666 298 82 $44,117 $34,040 $41,672 $33,332 Catholic University Collection: $1288 Thank you for your continued support. St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility “Caring for Those who Cared for Us” The special collection for retired priests, living at St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility, will take place the weekend of September 21/22. Our Priests, at retirement, often have given forty years or more to the mission of our Church and bringing people closer to Christ. The St. Pius X Residence enables these dedicated men who need extra care and attention to live at a facility that provides them with that special care, while still enabling them to serve as active fully engaged members of the community. The Catholic Church of Long Island is blessed and privileged to be able to care for our senior priests - men who have dedicated their lives to serving God and our community. We welcome your support of this important endeavor. For more information or to donate online go to www.drvc.org/stpiusx or call 516-379-5210 ext 229 for more information. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2013 PARISH GOAL: $105,100 PLEDGES TO DATE: $142,185 PAID TO DATE: $124,250 NUMBER OF PLEDGES: 294 Thank you for supporting the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Mass Attendance Attendance: Sept. 8, 2013 Sept. 2, 2012 Sat 5:00 Sun 8:00 10:00 12:00 240 203 342 224 268 212 389 229 WEEK OF September 15, 2013 PRAYING FOR AND SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER MASS INTENTIONS DATE TIME OFFERED FOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 - TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ex 32:7-11,13-14 1 Tm 1:12-17 Lk 15:1-32 CATECHETICAL SUNDAY - ALL MASSES 9/14 5:00 PM Patrick Hoermann - Living Intention 4:00 PM Soul School with S. Pat Duffy CommRm2 7:00 PM Teen Choir Rehearsal Church 5:00 PM Special Needs Mass in CommRm MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 - SAINTS CORNELIUS, POPE AND CYPRIAN, BISHOP 9/15 8:00 AM Daniel Carriero 1 Tm 2:1-8 Lk 7:1-10 10:00 AM Grades 7 & 8 Catechist Meeting CommRm1 7:00 PM Grades 7 & 8 Catechist Meeting CommRm1 10:00 AM Danilo A. deSoto Jr. Michael Duffy Eileen McFadyen TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 - SAINT ROBERT BELLAMINE 1 Tm 3:1-13 Lk 7:11-17 Parishioners of Our Lady Queen 10:00 AM Book Discussion PC2 of Martyrs 11:00 AM Over 50 Club CommRm 7:30 PM Golf & Tennis Committee Library 12:00 PM Anthony Chillemi WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 - WEEKDAY 1 Tm 3:14-16 Lk 7:31-35 9/16 12:00 PM Yuk-Lin Lam 4:00 PM Falling Upward Discussion Group PC1 Margaret Howell Ramage 7:00 PM Respite Training CommRm2 8:00 PM Project Nica Student Meeting CommRm1 9/17 12:00 PM Henry & Rolie Rainone 50th Wedding Anniversary 9/18 12:00 PM The Fograshy Family 9/19 12:00 PM Alma Pohland 9/20 No Daily Mass on Fridays 9/21 9:00 AM Anne Holinski 5:00 PM Michael & Elizabeth Martino 9/22 8:00 AM Natalie Carriero 10:00 AM James Grant William Grien Walter Wojszwilo Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 12:00 PM Frank Monello THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - SAINT JANUARIUS 1 Tm 4:12-16 Lk 7:36-50 8:00 AMFood Ministry CommRm2 10:00 AM Grade 1 Catechist Meeting CommRm1 10:00 AM Small Christian Community Library 7:00 PM Grade 1 Catechist Meeting CommRm1 8:00 PM Contemporary Choir Church 8:00 PMAdult Choir CommRm1 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 - SAINTS ANDREW KIM TAEGON AND PAUL CHONG HA-SANG 1 Tm 6:2c-12 Lk 8:1-3 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 - SAINT MATTHEW Eph 4:1-7,11-13 Mt 9:9-13 9:30 AM Virtus Training CommRm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 - TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Am 8:4-7 1 Tm 2:1-8 Lk 16:1-13 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word CommRm1 12:00 PM 9th Grade Call to Continuing Conversion Church 2:00 PM Family Fiesta CommRm Remember to Like Us on Facebook OUR LADY QUEEN OF MARTRYS directory SACRAMENTS Pastor: Msgr. John D. Gilmartin Baptisms Marriage jgilmartin@olqmparish.org Pastor Emeritus: Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Rectory: (631) 757-8184 (631) 262-0155 (fax) rectory@olqmparish.org Mary Martin, Administrator Judy Smith, Asst. to Administrator Deacon John Rieger mmartin@olqmparish.org We celebrate the sacrament jsmith@olqmparish.org of Baptism on 2nd Saturday johnrieger@msn.com of each month at 1:00 pm Pastoral Associate: 631-757-6250 631-754-0824 (fax) Please call the rectory to Sister Eileen Corcoran secorcoran@olqmparish.org schedule a baptism. Parents Joanne Pontani, Secretary jpontani@olqmparish.org are required to participate in a preparation program. Children’s Faith Formation: 631-757-0720 631-757-3512 (fax) Ninette Euler, Director ninetteeuler@olqmparish.org Patricia Althoff, Administrator Assistant palthoff@olqmparish.org Eileen Ferrara, Secretary eferrara@olqmparish.org Reconciliation ParishSocialMinistry: Jini Baltrus, Director 631-754-9045 631-754-0824(fax) jbaltrus@olqmparish.org Parish Maintenance: 631-754-5782 Alexei Korenevski, Facilities Director akorenevski@olqmparish.org Youth Minister: Bill Leone bleone@olqmparish.org Music Ministry Deirdre Kupka, Coordinator Valerie Asaro, Contemporary Choir Lillian LaBarbara, Adult Choir Nancy Dufek, Teen Choir Hugh Carroll, Organist 631-261-2951 631-757-0931 631-261-5216 631-549-2874 631-269-7352 Trinity Regional School: 631-261-5130 Jeanne Morcone, Principal L Confessions are heard on Saturdays 9:30 - 10:00 am and 4:00 - 4:45 pm or by appointment. Please call the rectory to schedule an appointment at least six months prior to the desired date. Couples are required to complete Foccus and to attend a marriage preparation program. Eucharist to the Homebound Please call the rectory to request a communion call to the sick or the elderly. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Anointing Mass is the first Saturday of each month at 9:00am. Please call the rectory to request the sacrament at home or in the hospital. R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. Our church welcomes new members through a process call the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your entrance into our church through Confirmation and/or Holy Eucharist, please contact Sister Eileen. PRAYER REQUESTS et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. Paula Martocci Rose Gargiulo Don Bright Alice Gabrielle Carol Geiss Joseph Finneran Jane Schiano-Wigutow Marie O’Toole Thomas Mulhern Ryan Barnett Lorinda Bellone Tim Creeron Brian DowlingChris HardieCarol RoccoLouis Bonavita Bill Dufek Dick Borstelman Cynthia Giordano Karen LaBarbara Harry GrawCarole Thornton Pray for the peaceful rest of all our beloved departed parishioners and friends especially Anna Carrese and Thomas Shevlin, Jr. May all those who have gone before us share the joys of eternal life . IN THE COMMUNITY GIRL SCOUT PRAY AND PLAY DAY All Girl Scouts, Brownies through Senior Girl Scouts are invited to the Girl Scout Pray and Play Day Saturday, October 5, 2013 Shrine of Our Lady of the Island Eastport, NY. Crafts, fun and prayer will begin at 9:30am and conclude with Mass at 2:45pm. For information, call Diocesan Catholic Scouting office 516-678-5800, ext 245. 5th Annual “Friends of the Poor Walk”. Saturday, Septemper 28th 11:00 am at Bethpage State Park Our members of St. Vincent de Paul Society are “lacing up our walking shoes”. Join us or please sponsor us with a donation. Every dollar we raise will go to help people in our community. For further information, go to fopwalk.org or call our Parish Social Ministry office at 754-9045. St. Hugh’s Widows & Widowers Interfaith Club Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th at 1pm in the cafeteria at St. Hugh’s school in Huntington Station. New members are welcome. $2 for non-members For information, call Lucy at 427-7645 IN MEMORIAM August 24 – September 7 2013 AGHANISTAN Jason Togi 24 Pago Pago American Samoa Ricardo Young 34 Rosston AR Michael H. Ollis 24 Staten Island NY Joshua Bowden 28 Villa Rica GA Todd Lobraico Jr. 22 New Fairfield CT 613 Iraqi sisters and brothers 232 Afghani sisters and brothers 2271 Total US Fatalities “War is suicide for humanity.” Pope Francis All of these service people are especially remembered on Wednesdays after the 12:00 noon Mass when the Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group meets. Please call the rectory at 757-8184 with names you want to include in our prayer. David Amabile-Oyague Michael Bonaparte Evan D’Onofrio Austin Beierle Maj. Peter James Janow Paul J. F. Zohorsky Stephen Whaley Daniel Smith Robert H. Benton III Ryan Brady Jason Bellezza Joseph McDonnell Capt. Phillip Stone Sean M. Quigley Gregg Steuer Robert O’Brien Lt. Devon Hubbard Capt. Marc Stanco Gregory Pawson Lt. Walter S. Smith Captain Kevin Rebholz Lt. John Peter Corrigan 2nd Lt. Brian McGrath 1st Lt. Daniel McGrath Robert Graham Andrew Giusto Nicholas Lander Stephen Kitay Michael McCormick Robert O’Brien Scott Michalowski Michael Gabriellini Zachry Wilson SSGT Michael Grabowski Paul Wilson Sgt. Evan Van Nostrand Capt. Michelle Pohland Kyle P. Knapp-Rice Joseph Metcalf Capt. Elizabeth Verardo 1st Lt. James Byler Matthew Parker