Off-Season Triathlon Training
Off-Season Triathlon Training
TRIPL E Y O UR C O N F I D E N C E GIVE IT A TRI! Join the BHC Tri Team and get ready for a great summer race season! Train with 10-time Ironman, Coach Raul Sosa. Individualized training programs for both newbies and veterans. Choose your own distance! SP RIN G TRIAT HLO N T R A I NI NG DATES: Full Session - Mar. 28 - June 18 Session I - Mar. 28 - Apr. 23 Session II - Apr. 25 - May 21 Session III - May 23 - June 18 TIMES: Monday - Thursday 5:45 AM - 6:45 AM WORKOUTS: Swimming, Cycling, Running and Strength Training ABOUT: - Individual consultation, race plan development & tailored workouts - 4 coached group workouts per week, plus 2 workouts to complete on your own - Great support & fun team dynamic - Discounts from local sponsors including Level Multisport - 12 week session is $480, 4 week session is $200, non-member pricing available too! - Our first triathlon is on May 28! TO SIGN UP, CONTACT: COACH RAUL SOSA CAPTAIN STACEY SMITH