June 20 - Newport News Shipbuilding
June 20 - Newport News Shipbuilding
6 | 20 | 2016 A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding NNS Sponsors STEM Day at CNU On June 4, Newport News Shipbuilding sponsored the Christopher Newport University and Newport News Public Schools STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Community Day, which included a health and wellness fair. The event was held at Christopher Newport University’s Freeman Center where students and parents from Peninsula and Isle of Wight County Public Schools were able to enjoy stimulating hands-on activities, health and wellness screenings, robotics competitions, and STEM-related demonstrations from local businesses and organizations. During the event, Career Pathways volunteers from NNS offered visitors demonstrations of augmented reality and helped students build boats out of duct tape. Pierrette Swan (K18), who helped coordinate the effort for Career Pathways, said, “It was a great experience for the volunteers to be able to participate at this family-friendly event where they could encourage and educate students about STEM.” Career Pathways works with Hampton Roads Public Schools to mentor students and provide opportunities to experience future careers at NNS. To learn more about how to get involved, contact Pierrette Swan at 688-2201. Lempke to Lead Newport News Shipbuilding’s Energy Programs Newport News Shipbuilding President Matt Mulherin announced on June 13 that Michael Lempke has been appointed vice president of Energy Programs. He will succeed Pete Diakun, who will retire at the end of the year after 31 years of service. Lempke will lead the shipyard’s energy programs strategy once he transitions into the new role. Read Mulherin’s letter to shipbuilders regarding the organizational change and Lempke’s biography. The Community Congratulates NNS on 130 Years Visit the 130th Anniversary website to watch new congratulatory video messages. New videos are added to the website each week. 22 CURRENTS 6 | 20 | 2016 NNS Sponsors 2016 Hampton Roads PrideFest More than 20,000 people attended Hampton Roads PrideFest at Town Point Park in Norfolk this past weekend. As a presenting sponsor of the event, Newport News Shipbuilding gave away more than 1,500 promotional items, including more than 500 “Our Pride is Building” T-shirts. A boat parade kicked off the festival. Barry Fletcher, vice president of Nuclear Propulsion, and executive sponsor of STRIDE (Shipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality), sailed his boat, Nickel Plate in the parade to represent NNS. Following the parade, members of STRIDE volunteered at the NNS booth, where they talked about the shipyard’s focus on inclusion and diversity. Members of STRIDE represent NNS during the PrideFest boat parade, which kicked off the festival on Saturday. Photo by Lauren Shuck (O29) HII Scholarship Program Accepting Applications June 20-July 29 Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Bill Ermatinger announced to employees on June 20 that applications are now being accepted for the HII Scholarship Fund for the 2016 – 2017 school year. As it was announced in March, the opportunity to establish this new program is the result of Mike Petters, HII’s president and CEO, declining his annual salary, but for $1, to fund the program. The fund will award annual scholarships of up to $3,000 towards pre-school education costs; $1,500 annually for selected students enrolled in a two-year college program; and $3,000 per year for selected students enrolled in a four-year program. For more information about the scholarship fund and to apply, visit the following Scholarship America sites: Pre-Kindergarten School Readiness Program https://www.scholarsapply.org/hii-readiness Two and Four-Year Post-Secondary Programs https://www.scholarsapply.org/hii-scholarship To help sustain the fund in future years, an endowment is being established and is now open for charitable donations from anyone interested in helping to provide educational assistance to the children of HII employees. Mail checks payable to: Scholarship America SDS-12-2719 PO Box 86 Minneapolis, MN 55486-2719 Please indicate on the check or cover letter that you are designating your contribution to the HII Scholarship Fund. Within two weeks of receipt of your tax-deductible contribution to Scholarship America, you will receive a confirmation letter from Scholarship America. HRT “GoPass365” Program Available for 2016-2017 Current passes for the Newport News Shipbuilding Hampton Roads Transit “GoPass365” program will expire June 30, 2016. Employees who have met the required monthly usage, will automatically receive a 2016 – 2017 pass. These employees will be contacted with instructions on how to pick up a new pass. Additional passes will be distributed to interested employees, on a lottery basis. Any employee who previously received a HRT “GoPass365” pass who did NOT meet the usage requirements will NOT be eligible to enter the lottery and/or receive a new pass. Shipbuilders interested in entering their name into the lottery for a FREE pass should complete the NNS/HRT application. All applications should be submitted no later than June 30. For questions, contact Ann Willis (O69) at 688-3094. 6 | 20 | 2016 CURRENTS 33 New Project Management Organization at NNS A new organization called PMI-NNS has been established at Newport News Shipbuilding for Project Management Institute (PMI) certified employees or those interested in becoming PMI certified. The organization’s mission is to introduce and maintain a company-wide approach to project and program management by developing employees and enhancing their project management skills in accordance with PMI standards. Members will receive valuable networking and collaboration experience, acquire professional development units (PDUs) needed for re-certification, and they will gain knowledge and support for obtaining PMI certifications from other PMI certified employees. The PMI-NNS organization will hold a kickoff meeting on July 19 in VASCIC from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The topic of the meeting will be, “What is Project Management?” presented by Vice President of Integrated Planning and Production Control, Brian Fields, executive sponsor for the PMI-NNS organization. A standard cleaning station located near building 1744 contains a broom, trash can, dust pans, and trash bags. Photo by Mike Romanelli (O46) Project Management Institute is the world’s leading not-for-profit professional membership association for the project, program and portfolio management profession. To learn more about the new organization, visit the PMI-NNS SharePoint site on Yardnet or contact NNS-PMI Chairperson Ashley Cadwallader (X89) at 688-4821. O46 Plant Operations Pitches In In an effort to encourage employees to help maintain shipyard cleanliness, the Plant Operations Department (O46) is pitching in by supplying new cleaning stations to various locations in the shipyard. The stations will give employees the resources to clean areas that accumulate debris. Each station is outfitted with a push broom, straw broom, dust pan, litter picker (pick stick), trash can and trash can liners. Department O46 will supply and deliver the stations to locations throughout the yard by the request of a department. Departments with cleaning stations are responsible for maintaining and replacing consumables. Part numbers are affixed to the cleaning stations, so items can be ordered through company stock or Perfect Commerce. To request a cleaning station or for more information, contact David Crews (O46) at 534-3822. Fred Peedle (E51), Apprentice Alumni Association representative, left, stands with the winner of a 40 inch Smart TV at the 2016 NNS 5K held on May 21. The Virginia Peninsula Foodbank and The Apprentice Alumni Association are grateful for all of the support received in collecting over 450 pounds of canned goods and $415.07 in cash donations this year. Heart Walk Team Leads Needed Newport News Shipbuilding is sponsoring the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk again this year and is looking for team leads for both the Peninsula and the Southside Heart Walk events on Oct. 22 and 29. Employees are encouraged to attend an informational meeting from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on June 22 to learn more. To RSVP for the informational meeting, contact Amy McDonald (O29) at 688-6489. Visit www.hamptonroadsheartwalk.org to register as an NNS team lead or to join an existing team as a walker. 42 CURRENTS 6 | 20 | 2016 AROUND THE YARD Hourly Performance Feedback Performance Management and Engagement Survey Newport News Shipbuilding would like to inform all craft workers that the annual Hourly Performance Feedback Process is now complete for 2016. Crafts workers who have not completed the feedback process should contact their supervisor immediately. Notice: Don’t Forget to Add Your Work Location to the GAL All Newport News Shipbuilding employees with company email accounts are encouraged to update their work location in the Global Address List (GAL) in Outlook. The update process is simple and can be completed online. NNS users should visit http://yardnet/info/gab/default.htm to update their profile. All other users who have access to the GAL, but do not have access to NNS’ network can update their profile at https://pen.nn.huntingtoningalls.com/. Congratulating Ethics On-the-Spot Award Winners SSN 800 named USS Arkansas On June 15, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced that SSN 800, a Virginia-class attack submarine, will bear the name USS Arkansas. The submarine will begin construction in 2018 and be delivered by Newport News Shipbuilding. It is expected to join the fleet in 2023. Read the full navy press release by visiting www.navy.mil. Listed below are the most recent winners of the On-the-Spot Ethics Recognition Program Award. Congratulations to the following employees: Janet Jenkins (X10), Charles (Charlie) Price (X71), Quinton Jones (O53), Trey Clifton (O53), Lora Donald (X31), Nathan McInnis (O38), Neil Voris (X42), James (Butch) Yost, Jr. (X59), David Babcock (X57), Lt. Michael D. Taylor (O15), Angelia (Angie) Browne (O53), Brian Sawyer (O39). Want to nominate a fellow employee? Contact Catrina Hagwood (O18) at 688-1907. The Human Resources and Administration Division (HR&A) would like to thank NNS employees for participating in the 2016 Performance Management and Engagement Survey, which was conducted amongst all salaried employees in March. Survey results are used to measure the effectiveness of the company’s performance management and engagement processes. Overall, the survey received a 78.3 percent participation rate, resulting in 7,792 responses. Below is a summary of the results: • 65.1 percent of employees reported the Performance Agreement and review process helps them in performing their job. • 62.5 percent of employees reported their work teams are making progress on their Engagement Action Plans. Of the divisions with 100 or more employees, Submarines and Fleet Support had the highest ranking of 78.7 percent. • 90.4 percent of respondents say their management team helps them improve safety performance. Employees in the John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) Program ranked this item at 100 percent. Watch Gerald R. Ford Turn On Saturday, June 11, shipbuilders, sailors and five tugboat crews worked together for nearly two hours to turn the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) 180 degrees at Pier 3, moving the ship another step closer to delivery. • 85.5 percent of employees would recommend their boss to a friend as a great person to work for. Watch a highlights video of the turn on Yardnet. Inclusion + Diversity While we continue to seek stories that showcase each of our unique personality traits; we are also looking for people to share stories of being or feeling excluded based on age, race, gender or other cultural differences. Shipbuilders interested in sharing their stories should contact Jeremy Bustin (O29) at 380-4384. The ad on the next page is part of an ongoing series of print communications in support of the Inclusion and Diversity initiative at Newport News Shipbuilding. Learn more about Jered’s story in the Inclusion and Diversity video. 6 | 20 | 2016 I am not TOO SHORT. About Face Rethink what you think. “When you’re little and you’ve been picked on, you’ve got a choice. Cry about it, or get over it. Being short has been a blessing. I feel like I was made to work at the shipyard. Being able to get in a lot of tight spaces as a welder has helped my career. It’s been a challenge, and I enjoy the challenge.” Jered “Tea Cup” Wright CURRENTS 3 62 CURRENTS DATEBOOK JUNE 25 oin SHIPs Network for their annual picnic on J June 25 from 1 p.m to 5 p.m. at Bethel Park in Hampton. There will be food, games, a photo booth, face painting and more. For additional information, or if you would like to sign-up, contact Danielle Heaney (X73) at 688-7573 or visit the SHIPs Network website on Yardnet. JULY 8 Aramark and Food Service Operations is sponsoring a Newport News Shipbuilding Farmers Market on Friday, July 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the visitors parking lot of Bldg. 520. Locally sourced fruits and vegetables will be available for purchase using cash or credit cards. Interactive Health will also be on-site to provide recipes and resources on purchasing and storing fresh produce in season. Employees are expected to flex their time for the event with approval from their supervisor. For more information, contact Dwain Jenkins (O23) at 688-7281 or Patrick O’Keeffe 380-3685. JULY 16 Newport News Shipbuilding is a sponsor of this year’s World Arts Celebration from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, July 16. The family-friendly event will take place at City Center at Oyster Point Fountain Plaza in Newport News. International food vendors, free children’s activities, exhibits and entertainment from more than 30 cultures from around the world will be present. The festival promotes learning, acceptance and diversity and serves as a reminder of how well so many cultures have positively impacted American living. For additional information call 926-1400 or visit www.nnparks.com. 6 | 20 | 2016 REMINDER SUBSAFE Audit This Week Newport News Shipbuilding will undergo a NAVSEA SUBSAFE, Deep Submergence Systems – Scope of Certification (DSS-SOC) and Fly-By-Wire (FBW) Functional and Level I Audit June 20-24. The audit team will review NNS processes, controls, procedures and records associated with the control of work and testing performed within the SUBSAFE, DSS-SOC and FBW boundaries. The specific areas to be audited include management, material control, quality assurance, re-entry control and technical. NAVSEA will also conduct in-process surveillances of critical production processes that affect the SUBSAFE/DSS/FBW Programs. Sean Coons, SUBSAFE/DSS-SOC/FBW Program manager, said strict compliance with procedural and contractual requirements by all NNS employees is key to ensuring that NNS-built or maintained submarines and deep submergence systems are safe for the sailors who operate them. “Our submarines are a success story of the most complex and sophisticated weapons platforms in the world – designed, built and maintained with an unwavering dedication to safety,” Coons said. “All of us at NNS should take great pride in that, but also be humbled by the extraordinary task ahead of us. It requires each of us to exercise continuous vigilance, attention to detail, and a questioning attitude.” For more information about the audit or for questions, contact Sean Coons (O03) at 688-1595. Cover Photo: Parnetha Callahan (O20), left, and Latasha Jarrett (O67), right, help Rochelle Robbins (X80) and her daughter Ariana Robbins at the NNS Career Pathways booth during the Community STEM Day held at Christopher Newport University on June 4. Photo by Matt Hildreth (O27) JULY 23 The Apprentice School Jaycees is hosting a 3-on-3 basketball tournament at The Old Apprentice School Gymnasium (Bldg. 601) on July 23. The event is free and open to all NNS employees and guests. NNS employees that are interested in registering as a team should contact Donte Anderson (X06) at 688-5368, no later than July 1. Each team is required to have at least one current or alumni apprentice. The registration fee is $45 per team and (12) teams will be selected on a first come first serve basis. SEEKING LEADERS Job Title Requisition Number Foreman Mgr. Product Training 1 Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman Foreman 13319BR 13284BR 13231BR 13230BR 13228BR 13227BR 13215BR Editor: Christy Higgins Currents@hii-nns.com (757) 688-2843 Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. Visit www.buildyourcareer.com for more information on how you can build your career with Newport News Shipbuilding. Dept. X36 O26 X79/X33-I X79/X33-I X79/X33-D X79/X33-D X79/X43 Location Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News To submit a story or classified ad, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/currents. For classified ads, the deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. each Thursday for publication the following week. Get News. Give Feedback. Follow Huntington Ingalls Industries on: 6 | 20 | 2016 CURRENTS 37 EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS AUDIO/VIDEO BLACKBERRY BOLD - 9930 Noncamera Touchscreen great condition refurbished Sprint and unlocked. $60 text (757) 285-1145 WEDDING DJ - Elegant and Fun Weddings! Dance floor lighting included. Call (757) 356-1166 65 MITSUBISHITV - 65” Mitsubishi HDTV, WD-65733, 4xHDMI, 3xComponent, 2xStandard, Works just fine. $250 OBO (757) 508-5399 AUTO MOTORCYCLE - 04 Honda VT750C - Red/Black, 13,100 miles, Chromed out $4,800, (757) 585-5661 08 ACURA TSX - 76k miles, silver, heated leather seats, tinted windows, clean inside and out. All maintenance kept up. 12,50 (757) 372-2913 07ZX6R KAWASAKI - bike is clean and runs great! Scotts steering damper, Yoshi RS-5 exh, vortex sprockets and chains. $4500 OBO (757) 372-2913 98 MERCEDES BENZ - SLK230, silver, new brakes, new tires, new inspection, excellent condition. $4,700 (757) 758-0001 NISSAN ARMADA - 04 Nissan Armada LE. Fully loaded 5.6L V8 4X4. Leather, DVD, Navigation, Bose and more. 129K miles. text 4 pi (757) 236-2902 HAYABUSA - Motorcycle - 2013 Suzuki Hayabusa limited edition. 2,869 miles, full exhaust Brock $11,500 (757)303-6865 06 HARLEY DLUXE - Like New, Saddle bags, Vance & Hines, Windshield, too much to list. 8,700 miles. 11k OBO, call or text. (804) 854-9556 2009 YAMAHA - V Star Touring Motorcycle 1300cc. 7,100 miles. Many extras included. $5500 (757) 827-0784 07 HARLEY DLUX - Chromedout, <7 miles, like new, 12k OBO, HD soft tail (757) 365-9694 Auto cont. Hobbies cont. Furnishings & Appliances cont. 2008 YAMAHA FZ6 - 7,000 miles. Brand new battery and tires. Many extras. Runs great - don’t ride enough (207) 694-1416 CAMPER - 19ft (2006) StarCraft Trailer w/ slideout, sleeps4/ propane hook-up/A/C/ Awning & more $7000 OBO (757) 329-3328 NEW PATIO SET - New patio Set, Stone top table, chairs with cushions, Never Used. Asking price $150. Can send picture. (757) 813-9643 1987 CADILLAC - Sedan Deville complete not running. Good for restore. Can deliver $200 (757) 267-2581 COMIC BOOKS - 13 Comic Books Action Heroes DC and 1950’s Beany & Cecil all for $20 call (757) 812-9763 CAPTAINS BED - Full-Captains Bed w/ mattress, 4 drawer insert & shelves on hdboard. Exc. cond. $550 (757) 329-3328 BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY 2012 GLASTRON - 16.6 bowrider with 90hp evinrude etec less 100 hours great condition trailer included ask. $13,000 (757) 876-9439 24’ BOWRIDER - 24’ Rinker Captiva Bowrider. Less than 200 hours on 5.0L I/O Volvo Penta. Excellent condition. Marina kept (207) 694-1416 DAY SAILER - MFG Redhead 17 Fair sail-able condition. $200 boat only. $600 boat plus trailer. (757) 380-2477 BAYLINER CAPRI - 19ft Bowrider w/ Volvo motor & Volvo Penta outdrive. Almost new drive on trlr. VGC, asking $2,500 OBO (757) 357-5542 COMPUTERS COMPUTER TUTOR - Programming and math tutoring available. Please call after 5pm. (804) 824-0114 COMPUTER REPAIR - PC/Laptop Repair, Remove Viruses, Install programs, $85/Parts (757) 329-6761 HOBBIES GUITAR CLASSES - Pat Benatar “Hit me with your pet shark.” 1-on-1 Midtown NN Wk/bi-wk sched. Call/ text (757) 528-7017 HILTON TENNIS - Want fun? Meet new people? Clay courts. Year round fun. Near ShipYard. All ages (757) 268-5207 ROLAND V-DRUMS - TD-11k Model, 5-piece electronic drum kit, lightly used, DW-1000 kick pedal included. $750. Text (757) 813-7795 GOLF IRON SET - Set of Wilson staff C17 irons w/ Ping 4 hybrid & Cleveland GW. New midsize grips installed. $160 OBO (757) 778-0713 CAMPER - 06’ Mallard 24ft great cond. Central heat/AC dry WT 4K sleeps 6+ $5800 OBO Text for pics (757) 880-4969 BOWFLEX - Motivator 2, Pulley system, attachments, and bench in good condition. $120 OBO (757) 532-9510 DINING SET - 8 pc Dark Cherry set by American Drew. Ex cond. 6 padded chairs, lighted hutch/cabinet, table w/ leaf. $1000 (757) 268-1080 DINING TABLE -Dining room table antique with fold out leaf, 1930’S 4 chairs Duncan Fythe $400 Great condition (757) 619-3903 TWIN BUNK SET - Pine bunk set w/ ladder, desk chest and ent. center. Built in drawer, shelf and storage w/ mattress. $500 OBO. (757) 218-4552 FILE CABINET - HON 600 series 42” wide 2 drawer lateral black metal file cabinet cost $400 selling for $55 call (757) 812-9763 HUNT CLUB - Club openings available. 2700 acres in Sussex on Nottoway River. $550/year. (757) 342-4771 PICTURE FRAME - 36 x 48 w/ peninsula map under glass $20 call (757) 812-9763 300 GAL TANK - Black poly tank on pallet with cage. Good for agricultural or lawn/garden use. Can deliver to NN $30 (757) 267-2581 PATIO UMBRELLA - four foot square brown mesh patio umbrella and stand. $20. (brand new still in wrapper). (804) 305-1351 BOWFLEX - Bowflex Revolution. Like new condition. Retails for $3k. Asking $700 OBO. Comes with all attachments. (443) 880-3949 CHERRY HUTCH - Beautiful cherry hutch. Solid wood with handmade glass doors. Has interior lighting with TONS of storage. (757) 380-4267 FREE FREE HOT TUB - 12 yr old ThermoSpa, seats 7 people, needs work. (757) 846-6335 CHERRY DINETTE - Solid Cherry Dining Set, six chairs & additional leaf. E/C, paid new $2500 asking $375 (757) 357-5542 REAL ESTATE FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES HOUSE 4 RENT - Ghent 4BR 1.5BA Den DinRm WalkupAttic LaundRm WoodFlr DetGar GasFirepl EatinKit $2340 (757) 652-9857 DINNETT SET - Dark brown dinette Set, good shape, cloth seats. $75.00 (757) 813-9643 HOUSE FOR RENT - Norfolk 4 br 2 ba 2000 sqft, LR, FamRm, Eat-in Kitch, carp, Cent Heat&AC, Laund Rm, Lg yard on Lake, No Pet (757) 340-6653 82 CURRENTS 6 | 20 | 2016 Real Estate cont. Real Estate cont. Miscellaneous cont. Miscellaneous cont. BEACH HOUSE - 3 Bdrm, 1-1/2 Bth on Beach Rd, Kitty Hawk, $950/ $100 Deposit, Beautiful Ocean View. (757) 846-1036 HOME FOR SALE - 2 bdr/1.5 Bh Townhouse in Hampton. 13min from NNS. Lots of Upgrades call (757) 477-9123 LAWN CARE - Affordable lawn care to include cutting, edging, leaf removal, flower beds & more. Call (757) 713-0660 ALL YOU CAN EAT - Dine Dance Shrimp/Crab Feast & Shop $155 incl transport. Aug 6 6:30AM. $100 dep due ASAP. (757) 508-3733 OBX HOME RENTAL - 5BR, Oceanside, Pool/Spa, Linens & Towels, Wet Bar, Game Rm, No Pets. Wkly $995-$3295 (757) 826-0740 TOWNHOME 4 SALE - Coventry end unit, 2 bdrm, 2.5 ba, new flrs, 1 car gar, 2 car drvwy, 6ft fence on water no flood insurance (757) 846-8357 TRACTOR WORK - Grading gravel/ dirt, front end loader backfilling, brush/log grapple. Tractor Service in Poquoson (757) 810-9052 LIVING ROOM SET - Lg couch, recliner & bed, frame & mattress. Great cont. $100. No answer leave message. (757) 509-1849 BUSHOGGING Clear fields, pastures, overgrown areas. 4WD tractor, experienced operator. Tractor Svce in Poquoson (757) 810-9052 24’ DIA POOL - 24’ above ground pool. Used as demo pool last year. New liner and ladder still in box. $1950 OBO (757) 739-8879 MAKEUP ARTIST - Makeup Artist who travels! Book for wedding, prom, date night, etc. Pictures available upon request. (757) 206-5357 RIDING MOWER - Cub Cadet with 42 inch deck. Very low hours on 19 hp Kohler motor. E/C, paid $1700 asking $900 (757) 357-5542 HOUSE FOR SALE - 3BR, 1-1/2BA, Ranch on cul-de-sac, w/fenced yard. Near LAFB in quiet Fox Hill area. New kitchen & more $136K (757) 570-0886 HOME 4 SALE - 3br/1ba flipped ranch, detached & finished shop with AC and elec, new roof, new appliances, 154k (757) 810-3460 CONDO FOR RENT - 2Br, 1BA, Condo, Gated comm., Pool, 1St Floor, W/D, AC, Gas heat, 1100 Sq Ft. $900/Mo, Dep Req (757) 715-7127 MISCELLANEOUS CRAFTSMAN 42” - Craftsman riding mower with rear bagger. Excellent condition. $1000 Can send pics if requested. (757) 871-1481 2010 CANAM 400 - EFI, Exc. cond. Maint up to date, winch w/remote. With snow plow. Only 100 hrs., new batt. Txt only (757) 232-7588 MARY KAY ITEMS - Makeup, Skincare & Fragrances for him & her. Inventory on hand for purchase. Call/Text (757) 206-5357 FOR RENT - Quaint 2BR,1BA house on York River, Dandy Yorktown. W/D hookup, Lg yard & more. Pets ok. Available now. $900m (757) 945-8168 MAKE-UP ARTIST: - Services incl: Bridal, Proms, & More! Will travel. (757) 325-5353 ENGAGEMENT RING - 3/4ct Heart Diamond, Platinum Setting. Beautiful Shape, color and clarity. Have papers. $2k. Call or Text. (804) 854-9556 LAKE GASTON - .47 acre Waterfront Lot N.C. $114,900 MLS 115836 (757) 672-9895 LAWNMOWER - 24 HP BS Riding Mower. Craftsman 46” Broken Deck Bracket. 5 years old 148 hrs Runs Good. Call after 5 pm (757) 722-1341 LANDSCAPE - design and install, create an inviting yard you’re happy to come home to. (757) 535-9279 CONDO 4 SALE - 2BR, 2BA 1st Fl condo in Eagle Harbor/Carrollton. 12 mins. across JRB. New floors and paint. (804) 305-1351 HOUSE FOR SALE - Bethel Heights Upgraded, 3bd 1.5bth, brick, new ac/ furn+appl, 1/3 ac, fenced, hardwood, att garage 179 (757) 504-5845 HOUSE FOR RENT - 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bth, liv rm, din rm, den w/FP, 2 car att gar, 1 car det gar, Mnchvil Zone, pets w/ dep, $1495 (757) 508-1856 HOME FOR RENT - 3 bdrm 1-1/2 bath, on lake, in Cul-de-sac , Burnetts Mill, Suffolk. 1,050/mnth+depst refs req. (757) 618-6015 HOME FOR SALE - 3bd/2bth near Mariners Mus in NN. New roof, tnkless wtr htr, scrn porch, det garage, backs up to woods. $220k (757) 268-4900 HOME FOR RENT - 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath, Peachtree area of Portsmouth, corner lot, attached garage, $1,100 month (757) 778-3384 FOR LEASE - 1st Fl Apt/Condo, 1230 sq ft - 2 Bedroom/1 Bath/LR/DR/ Sunrm/SC Det Garage. $1,000 p/mth, incls utils/W&D. (757) 329-4141 PEST TERMINATOR - Bee, spiders, mice, all pests, Termite Treatments/ Bonds, Moisture Control, sand, poLy, Under House Repairs. (757) 873-4999 2009 FAT BOBBER - Iron Hobby Horse, 96ci/6 Spd,1700 mls, VH pipes, SE Hi-Vel AirFlo, cust seat, Like new. Extras $9750 (757) 812-5550 CRASH COMING - Best Seller Aftershock Investor by Wiedemer & Spitzer $12 call (757) 812-9763 ECONOMIC CRASH - The Real Crsah by Peter Schiff $10 (757) 812-9763 SPIDERS GAME - Entex table top Spiders Video Game w/box model #906083 uses 4-C Batteries $65 (757) 812-9763 THE BUBBLE - The Great Crash Ahead by Harry Dent $10 call (757) 812-9763 NEW SHELVING - 12’ L X 12” & 20” deep. Save $$ & improve the look of your home, call for prices. (757) 535-9279 LAWN CARE - Mowing, edging, etc. (NN, Hampt., York. Area) (757) 535-9279 GUTTER CLEANING - Hand Clean gutters, bag debris, flush down spouts and brighten outside. Licensed and Insured. (757) 810-5115 HOUSE WASHING - House, Roof & Concrete Cleaning. Most methods used with less than 500PSI. Licensed and Insured. (757) 810-5115 LAWN CARE - Mowing, edging, trimming, ect. Large or small lawns. Services Newport News, Hampton, York County. (757) 597-3202 ROTARY CUTTER - Woods 4 ft. brushbull. Good Condition (804) 693-6793 NEED BRAIDS? - Get hair braided by the best licensed professionals. Call 757-827-3282 for more info. (757) 827-3282 CHILDCARE - M-F 5 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., FT-PT 20+ yrs exp. OY. PT, reasonable rates. (757)249-2624 A/C SERVICE - Offering 15% off all A/C Services for the month of June. Call today (757) 771-3441 SAINT LEO MATH - Never used MyMathLab Plus Student Access Code. $75, (757) 329-2361 PETS 20 GAL TANK - Reptile Tank w/locking lid, stand, heat pad, thermometers, water bowl, extra bedding, decorations, $50 (703) 501-4255 EXT WANTED VAN RIDERS - Van leaving from Belvidere Nc, Chowan, Gates County and down town Suffolk to NNS 1st shift (252) 619-3117 RADIO CONTROL - Looking for radio controlled battery or gas powered trucks or cars fairly cheap (757) 813-8350 YARD & GARAGE SALES CRAFTSMEN MOWER Selfpropelled Craftsmen Lawnmower runs great starts on first pull recently serviced. (757) 880-8697
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