May 26 - Newport News Shipbuilding
5 | 26 | 2015 A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding Warner Successfully Completes Initial Sea Trials John Warner (SSN 785) successfully completed its initial sea trials on Saturday, May 23. Sea trials are aggressive operational tests that demonstrate the submarine’s capabilities at sea. John Warner, the first Virginia-class submarine to be named for a person. “Alpha sea trials represent the first underway test of the quality of the craftsmanship that went into the construction of this great vessel and the skill of the crew that operates her,” said Jim Hughes, vice president of Submarines and Fleet Support. “Both the ship and the crew performed incredibly well, resulting in extremely successful trials that enable the ship to advance directly into its next set of tests. The John Warner is now well on its way to being another successful and early Virginia-class delivery.” All systems, components and compartments were tested during the trials. The submarine submerged for the first time and operated at high speeds on the surface and underwater. John Warner will undergo several more rounds of sea trials before delivery to the Navy by Newport News Shipbuilding. CONTINUED ON PG 3 Stop by the NNS Booth at Patriotic Festival The Virginia Beach Patriotic Festival is this weekend. Enjoy concerts and a new military expo right on the beach. Newport News Shipbuilding will be located on the boardwalk, between 18th and 19th Street. Stop by and spin the wheel for great prizes like beach chairs, T-shirts, backpacks, gym bags, tumblers and much more. Concert tickets are 35 percent off for NNS employees and their families. When ordering tickets online from, use the promo code SPONSOR to get the discount. Quarterly Safety Trophies Awarded to Leaders and Teams. HRSD Presents NNS with Two Environmental Awards. Attend Engineering Career Days on Thursday, May 28. ... READ ON PG 2 ... READ ON PG 2 ... READ ON PG 4 2 2 CURRENTS 5 | 26 | 2015 Production Refueling and Nuclear Support Division Presents Safety Trophies On May 11, the Production Refueling and Nuclear Support division presented quarterly safety trophies to division leaders whose crew went above and beyond to improve safety in their work area. This is the second year the division has presented trophies recognizing safety efforts of “standout” teams and leaders. The trophies were presented by Mary Cullen, Production Refueling and Nuclear Support director. The “Foreman” trophy was given to April Barnes and the “Team” trophy was awarded to Dennis Grady, Paul Winfield, George Gallman, Eldrin Wallthall and Brandon Greenhow for cleaning up a warehouse that had areas that were unsafe due to tripping and striking hazards. The team worked with Maintenance Department (O43) to clean the area, get the lights repaired and the heat working. Pictured (L to R): General Foreman Art Fladger, General Foreman George Gallman, Foreman April Barnes, Dennis Grady, General Foreman Larry Gibson, Brandon Greenhow. Not pictured: General Foreman Bill Fralich, Paul Winfield, Eldrin Walthall. Photo by Chris Oxley The “Construction Team” trophy was given to General Foreman Larry Gibson and General Foreman Bill Fralich. Gibson and Fralich had The “General Foreman” trophy went to Art Fladger for his dedication to ensuring the safety of his areas during the past snow storms. Fladger made sure his paths were clear and the employees shoveling snow correctly and were taking necessary breaks. zero accidents last year and worked to ensure that the culture and expectations in their work areas always have safety as a priority. EH&S Announces Earth Day Coloring Contest Winners Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) recently announced the winners of this year’s Earth Day Children’s Coloring Contest. Pictured (L to R): Keith Ogburn (O46), Lennie Routten (O31), Doug Mitchell (O46), Dave Conley, Laboratory Services manager, Tamera Crouch (O31), Dru Branche, EH&S director, Dwain Jenkins Jr. (O27), Hogie Thorn, Environmental Engineering manager, Buzz Halleen (O46), Bill Bell, vice president of Human Resources and Administration, Ivy Hopkins (O46). Visit the EH&S Yardnet website to view the winners of each age group. On April 23, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) held an awards luncheon at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. During the event, Newport News Shipbuilding received two awards from for its exemplary environmental compliance record and its commitment to environmental excellence. Artwork by Michael Dubovsky (6 year age group); child of Jessica Dubovsky (E34). NNS received a Platinum Achievement Award for the North Yard Permit for achieving six consecutive years (20092014) of perfect compliance and a Platinum Award for the Main Yard Permit for achieving five years (2010-2014) of perfect compliance. This was the first time NNS received platinum awards for both permits. NNS Receives Two Environmental Awards 5 | 26 | 2015 CURRENTS 33 AROUND THE YARD NNS Night at the Pilots is Back Newport News Shipbuilding has a limited number of FREE tickets to the Peninsula Pilots game on Thursday, June 11. Contact Kimberly Zayakosky (O29) at 380-4460 or via email if you are interested in tickets for yourself and your family. Learn Skills for Long-Term Weight Loss with “Lose2Win” Challenge yourself to lose weight with the “Lose2Win” program June 2 - Aug. 6. Participants will learn about fitness and nutrition through weekly meetings and will participate in challenges for a chance to win prizes. Visit Yardnet for more information or to register. For questions, contact Emily McCarley at 380-4578 or Gabrielle Willis at 534-4568. Career Pathways Kicks Off eSHIP Career Pathways recently partnered with Newport News Public Schools (NNPS) to create the Engineering Shipbuilding Internship Program (eSHIP). The purpose of the program is to develop students with engineering career goals, some of which are the first generation in their family to attend college, while also providing Newport News Shipbuilding a pipeline for recruiting “home grown” engineering talent. Twelve students from local high schools were selected by NNS to participate in the semesterlong job shadowing program. Students are eligible for hire with the company, following the successful completion of a semester-long job shadowing program, a series of summer internships and graduation from an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) accredited two-year or four-year engineering program. Employeees Participate in “Red Nose Day” Training Services (O36) employees wore red noses on May 21 to raise awareness about children living in poverty. “Children are born innocently into this world and it’s up to us to take care of them and support them,” said Margo Scicchitano. “Our department is constantly looking for ways to support our community and this was a great opportunity!” Front row (L to R): Cindy Oxley, Margo Scicchitano, Lisa Baptiste, Susan Swanson, Carol Gardner. Back row (L to R): Chris Gelfand, Betty Lewis, Shirley Martin, John Fleming and John Martin. The students begin their NNS internships in June, following their high school graduation. They will continue their internships every summer at NNS until college graduation, where they will then be eligible for hire as engineers and engineering technicians. “This program enables our engineering departments to work with students before college, train them and provide awareness of the shipyard and engineering processes,” said George Holmes, engineering liason to the program. “The students supplement their education with practical experience, and hopefully gain a better understanding of their interests through rotations, which should enable the students to hit the ground running as a new employee.” The program has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a model of outreach and as a positive example of development in the area of STEM. Visit the Career Pathways website or contact Gordon Sproat (K18) at 688-3176 for information. Seated (L to R): Nelson Alvarado, Ashley Daniels-Kosiek, Olivia Ritz, Mekhi Garner. Standing (L to R): Jon Calma, Lynne Showalter, Nicholas Albright, Chad Biever, Michael Voelp, George Holmes, Jayson Davidson, Reynard Taylor, Sherri Thompson, Esmond Calvin, Pat Finneran (NNPS), Kyle Allen, Mike Burkett (NNS), Ann Ifekwunigwe (NNPS). Photo by Ricky Thompson Warner Successfully Completes Initial Sea Trials CONTINUED FROM PG 1 “The sea trials were a huge success,” said Cmdr. Dan Caldwell, the submarine’s prospective commanding officer. “The ship is in great material condition, and I could not be more proud of the way the crew performed. They have worked tirelessly for the last two years preparing to take this ship to sea, and it showed during sea trials. We look forward to completing the ship’s delivery and joining the operational fleet.” View a highlights video of Warner on Yardnet. Pictured on front: The Virginia-class submarine John Warner (SSN 785) completed alpha sea trials on Saturday. All systems, components and compartments were tested. The submarine also submerged for the first time and operated at high speeds on the surface and underwater. Photo by Chris Oxley 2 4 CURRENTS 5 | 26 | 2015 DATEBOOK MAY 27 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers will host a dinner meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 100 Colubus Way in Newport News. NNS Vice President of Manufacturing Rob Hogan will discuss the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing. Cost is $15 for members and guests and $10 for students and seniors. Reservations are required by May 25. To RSVP, send an email to or contact John Edwards (E84) at 876-8386. MAY 28 The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Bldg. 812-2 conference room. Guests are always welcome. Contact Rose Brodie (K75) at 534-3382 or Donna Graves (E08) at 688-6204 for more information. JUNE 5 Reactor Services will host its annual Spring Golf Tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Club from noon to 6 p.m. The cost is $75 per person and includes green fees, 18-hole cart fee, prizes, food and unlimited range balls. Reservations are required by May 22. To RSVP, contact BJ Maben (X73) at 380-3957 or Kyra Kimmeth (X73) at 688-9408. JUNE 6 Show your family, friends, co-workers and everyone at Harborfest (June 6-7) that you are a shipbuilder. Build and captain your own boat for FREE at the 21st annual “Quick-n-Dirty Boatbuilding” contest at Harborfest. Contact Mike D’Amato (AMSEC) at 226-1114 or via email for additional information. JUNE 16 MAY 28 The Apprentice School Students Association (ASSA) is holding an interest meeting for the second season of the ASSA Softball League at 4:30 p.m. in the new Apprentice School gym (Bldg. 812). View the flier for additional information or contact the ASSA Activities Chair Tierra Jones at 567-2440. MAY 30 The Progressive Club will hold its second event of the year at 4:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus in Newport News. Complete the second outing form on Yardnet and submit it to their club representative. All guest or trial membership may attend at a cost of $15 to be paid in advance (preferred) or at the event. You must be a salaried or retired salaried employee to participate in a trial membership. Contact Kenny McBurney (X88) at 380-3659 or Loria Mooneyham (X42) at 534-4559. JUNE 4 NNS President Matt Mulherin will speak on the current state of NNS during an after-work event from 4:30-6 p.m. in the James River Room (B520-6). Prizes and refreshments will follow the presentation. The event is open to all employees and by reservation only. Visit the L.E.A.R.N. Yardent website to sign up. Career Pathways invites you to attend Engineering Career Days as your schedule allows from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 28 at the Freeman Center at Christopher Newport University. This year, Newport News Shipbuilding, the Peninsula Engineering Council (PEC), NASA and Jefferson Labs will be participating in the event. For questions, contact Sherri Thompson (K18) at 534-1990 Give Blood. Save a Life. The bloodmobile will be at Newport News Shipbuilding at the following times and locations: • June 2: Bldg. 902 The International Compliance Office will hold Annual Export Training-Basic from 9-10 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). Register via the Learning Exchange (LX) or contact Sarah Williams (O19) at 380-3599. To schedule an appointment, call 380-4029. JUNE 19 • June 16: Bldg. 802 Support Apprentice Athletics by playing in the 10th Annual F. Farrell Sander’s Memorial Builder Backer Golf Tournament at Cypress Creek. Tee off is at 11 a.m. and dinner is at 3:30 p.m. Contact Sarah Gentry (X72) for information at 329-2449. JUNE 20 E83 is hosting its annual Best Ball Captain’s Choice golf tournament at Cypress Creek Golf Course in Smithfield. The tournament will begin at 8 a.m. and reservations are required. For additional information or to request a sign-up form, contact Mike Howell (E83) at 688-7484. • June 3: 902 To schedule an appointment, call 380-2803 To schedule an appointment, call 688-7196. • June 18: Bldg. 520 To schedule an appointment, call 688-9191. View upcoming bloodmobile dates on the K18 Yardnet website. JULY 14 The International Compliance Office will hold Annual Export Training-Basic from 9-10 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). Register via the Learning Exchange (LX) or contact Sarah Williams (O19) at 380-3599. SEEKING LEADERS Job Title Spvsr Test Inspection 1 Mgr Org Development 1 Attend Engineering Career Days This Week Requisition Number 9542BR 10286BR Visit for more information on how you can build your career with Newport News Shipbuilding. Dept. O68 K18 Location Newport News Newport News Editor: Lauren Ward Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. Visit the archives. (757) 380-4622 To submit a story, visit The deadline for submissions is COB Wednesday for publication the following week. NEW! Have You Watched the Latest Edition of Focus NNS? In this edition of Focus NNS, we honor NNS Master Shipbuilders, those who have dedicated their lives to building the most complex ships in the world for more than 40 years. Then, we’ll give you a sneak peek of the new Huntington Ingalls Health Center currently under construction. Finally, a simple egg is challenging high school kids to think like shipbuilders. Join host Bryan Moore for the latest news from Newport News Shipbuilding. 5 | 26 | 2015 CURRENTS 35 NNS Lays Keel for Indiana (SSN 789) Newport News Shipbuilding laid the keel for Indiana (SSN 789) on May 16. During the ceremony, Heather Johnson welded Ship’s Sponsor Diane Donald’s initials into a plate that will be permanetly affixed to the submarine. View a photo slideshow of the event or watch the full ceremony at Photo by John Whalen 2 7 CURRENTS 5 | 26 | 2015 EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS AUDIO/VIDEO Auto cont. Auto cont. Computers cont. 97 CHEVY CAVALIER - 2 door AT new tires, new front brakes, 200K, Cold AC, $1,150 (neg.); (757) 556-2117 AUTO DETAILING - Basic, Full Detail and Shampoo packages. Specials for motorcycle riders and military this month. Low prices (757) 933-1464 SURFACE - Surface loaded w/ Microsoft Office Suite. Wi-Fi capability. Like New. $220. Keyboard not included (757) 951-3949 MOTORCYCLE PART - Travel trunk and saddlebags for 1985 Kawasaki 1300 in very good condition. Asking $150. (757) 358-8495 COMPUTER REPAIR - PC/Laptop Repair, virus removal, program reinstalls, etc. $85+ parts (757) 329-6761 BLACKBERRY BOLD - BlackBerry BOLD 9930 Touchscreen, NON CAMERA, Verizon, clean ESN, Great shape. $75 (757) 285-1145 TAILGATE - Stromberg Carlson VG-97-100 tailgate vent for Ford fits F-150 1997-2003. $90; (757) 746-9239 WEDDING DJ - Elegant and fun! Dance lighting included. Call (757) 356-1166 MOTORCYCLE - 2005 HONDA VTX1300R 19K miles, $3500 (757) 279-0052 SELFIE STATION - Photo booth w/ attendant - Weddings, Graduation, Parties, etc. (757) 621-0464 DJ JAY ROPE - Guaranteed to rock it and I wont break your pockets. DJ/MC for every event. (757) 632-9929 PHOTO BOOTH - Up and running, for your wedding, picnic, party, $25 4 ur ref, call for info (757) 359-0292 EXPERIENCED DJ - customized playlists suited for any event, lighting effects & photography (757) 869-1876 RAZOR DIRT QUAD - Razor Dirt Quad(electric), Great condition, 2 new upgraded (9ah) 12V batteries(24V), retail $450, asking $250 (757) 880-0390 2000 FORDTAURUS - Grn SE, 160K, prem audio. New: inspect, 2 tires, brakes, trans100K, fuel pump-125K. Great Shipyard car. $200 (757) 897-2654 CAMPER SHELL - white fiberglass camper shell, fits small pick up. came off S-10 but fits Toyota 6’ bed. $75. (757) 876-3319 DJ - Professional MC & DJ with lighting and rentals (757) 621-0464 04 CAMARY Blue SE sedan 4cyl AT,AC,PW,CC,SR. call for pic. Looks and runs good. NADA value 6,900 asking $5,800. (757) 876-3319 WEDDING PHOTOS - Professional wedding photographer capturing all of your special moments. We offer a discount (757) 639-9773 03 TACOMA - Red extra cab 4X4 pick up 6cyl. AT,AC,PW,PD,CC,162K miles. call for pic. NADA value 13,000 asking $12,000 (757) 876-3319 AUTO 12 CHRYSLER - 200 S. EC, AT, NAV, Remote Start, Power Everything. Silver, 26,900 mi. $14,500. Txt for pics. (757) 814-1243 JEEP - MOPAR Hard Top Storage Bag For 07-15 Wrangler part no. 82210325AD. Like new cond. $50. (757) 236-0789 M/C TRAILER - 2013 Continental open motorcycle trailer, carries 2 bikes, 14” tires w/ spare, LED lights. Like new. $1,100 (757) 650-9329 LUGGAGE RACK - Cobra Luggage rack was used on Suzuki cruiser, $40 for pic call/txt (757) 236-0789 FORD RADIATOR - 99-04 Mustang GT radiator. Perfect condition. Only has 40K miles. $40 (757) 553-2931 FUEL TANK - 99-04 Mustang GT fuel tank with stock pump,fuel sender unit and shield. 40k miles $50; (757) 553-2931 KAYAK RACK - Thule Kayak/Surfboard rack for pick up truck. Adjustable height, with locks and keys. (757) 775-7080 07 JAYCO CAMPER - 2007 Jay Flight 29BH, VGC, Sway Ctrl Hitch & extras incl, brand new awning skin, text/call 4 info/ pics. $7,000 (804) 815-9717 07 JEEP - 58K miles, lifted, winch, tow package, a big toy, $15,900 obo (757) 692-8295 MC TRAVEL TRUNK - Large motorcycle removable travel trunk. Fits on any motorcycle luggage rack and secures to backrest. EC. (757) 672-8256 MC WINDSHIELD - 23” Removable motorcycle windshield off an ‘01 HD Fatboy w/ hardware. Will fit any Fatboy 1990-2015. EC. $350 (757) 672-8256 MC HANDLEBARS - 1-in dia. Chrome Buckhorn handlebars off a ‘01 HD Fatboy motorcycle. Will fit any Softail 1990-2015. GC. $55. (757) 672-8256 AUTO REPAIR - Fix it for less. Experienced in most makes and models, call for a free estimate. (757) 344-2833 00 JEEP GR CHER - body, motor, tranny, and transfer case GONE lots of parts already removed; (757) 850-3568 09 PT CRUISER - Touring edition, nonturbo, no pets, non smoker, one owner, driven daily, silver, 51k miles, $5,000 firm (757) 850-3568 TOW BAR - Tow bar never used still in the box &150 OBO. Pix can be provided. (847) 372-9808 CONVERTIBILE - 97 Mustang 3300 OBO. Excellent running condition. 145K I have the stock wheels or 20”. Pix can be provided. (757) 777-0409 TIRES LIKE NEW - 4 used tires 265/35r22 $150 for all 4 (757) 597-4397 TRAILER HITCH - TRAILER HITCH - New Curt Trailer Hitch w/ Hardware fits 19802001 Dodge Ram 1500 (757) 897-0298 2010 BUELL 1125 - Good condition, low miles. $5k OBO. Have shop and owners books. txt for pics and further info (757) 753-2972 BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY 2006 TROPHY - 2006 21Ft Trophy, outboard, cubby cabin, motor 150 hp $13,500. Call or text for pics/info (757) 727-3701 BOAT FOR SALE. - 2008 Bass tracker Pro 190 Fully rigged ready to fish. 90hp with two power pole anchors. Excellent condition. (757) 592-9184 2011 BOW RIDER - Monterey 194FS Volvo-Penta 5.0L I/O only 75 hrs. lots of extras, trailer included. Like New condition $29,500 (757) 870-9055 SCRAP/PARTS CAR - 99 Ford Escort ZX2, AS-IS does not run, for recycle or parts, you pick up, $400 OBO (540) 538-4889 BOAT FOR SALE - Grady White 226 Seafare (23ft)Walk Around, 200 Yamaha Salt Water Series Engine Trailer includ, Extras $20,000 (757) 652-8919 TOYOTA HITCH - Toyota Highlander Hidden hitch for only $125; w/the bolts & wiring harness (757) 813-7756 2006 TROPHY - 2006 21ft Trophy, outboard, cubby cabin, motor 150 hp. $13,500. Call or text for pics/info (757) 727-3701 00 LESABRE - Blue, Limited Edition, Leather, CD, power everything. 180k miles $2,000; (517) 281-6953 20’SHAMROCK ’83 - Cuddy, T-top, trailer. Newly rebuilt 351 inboard w/ < 15 hours. Real nice bay boat. 10,500 OBO (757) 369-3535 SUZUKI DRZ400S - 2015 street and trail bike with only 129 miles. Asking $5,500. MSRP is $6,600. Still brand new. (724) 557-3341 14 FORD FOCUS - 16,900 mi, garage kept, special tuxedo black color, Microsoft SYNS, Avg. 38 MPG. $15,500 obo (757) 374-2334 HARLEY DAVIDSON - 02’ Fatboy pearl white 15k miles EC too many extras to list $10,500 OBO V&H short shot pipes Garage kept (757) 592-1100 COMPUTERS REPAIR!! - A+ Certified,confidential,fast turnaround,can meet for Pickup/Dropoff located in Gloucester-Call for Details (757) 585-0487 CHAPARRAL 2830 - 28ft Bowrider with enclosed head. E/C, freshwater use only. Tandem Alum trlr. 454 EFI. $24,000 OBO (757) 357-5542 HOBBIES GOLF TOURNAMENT - golf tournament June 6th, last call for teams. Cash prizes top 4 teams (757) 438-0243 GUITAR CLASSES - I’ll be your guitar teaching app– not virtual but REAL TIME. 1-on-1 (Midtown NN) Wk/bi-wk sched Call/ text (757) 528-7017 YOUTH FOOTBALL - Registered your child or children’s for Football or cheerleading (757) 254-1914 5 | 26 | 2015 CURRENTS 38 FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES ELECTRIC RANGE - Kenmore electric range 4 burners and oven. Very clean,black and white,everything works, remodeling kitchen (757) 871-3085 REFRIGERATOR - Whirlpool, white, 33”W x 30”D x 65”H, 25 cubic-ft. Paid $1,200 last year, asking for $500. Text for pics. (757) 371-6192 BEDROOM FURN - Queen 4 post/canopy bed , dresser, armoire, mirror, night stand Stickley Cherry $5,300 (757) 812-9763 MIRROR - 30”x 36” Wall Mirror $10 call (757) 812-9763 WASHER & DRYER - GE Washer & Dryer/ White. Good condition, like new. Ft. Eustis area. $400. for both. (757) 813-5914 KEURIG BREWER - Keurig R500 Rivo Cappuccino and Latte Single Serve Brewer - brand new - still in box. $140 (757) 567-0310 FURNITURE $300, hardwood (757) 759-2549 Antique dresser desk/shelves $200 PATIO TABLE - Patio table and 6 chairs. Glass top and metal, good condition, $155 and another set for $100. W. BENCH $65 (757) 589-7248 WALL UNIT - 10-1/2 foot long, 7 foot high. Light color stain. Currently disassembled. Best offer. You pick up. (757) 525-5149 TEMPUR-PEDIC Q - Queen Mattress with Power Frame, Cloud Supreme Breeze mattress, Bed is 2 years old and I want a King. $1,900 obo (757) 650-0919 REAL ESTATE BRICK RANCHER - 149 Little Florida Rd, Poq, 2654 sq ft, 3 BR, 2.5 bath, many extras call Chris for more info. $329,900 (757) 342-7045 HOUSE FOR RENT - NORFOLK 4 BR 2 BA 1800 sqft LR FamRm Eatin Kitch w2w carp Cent Heat&AC Laund Rm Big yd on Lake Lg Driv No Pet (757) 340-6653 HOME FOR SALE - Beautiful 4BED, 3BATH home in shore park NN! 121 Skipper Court 229K. Lots of upgrades!! 1,866 sq. ft. (757) 846-0801 FOR RENT - 2 BR E Ocean View across ST from beach 1500+Deposit paid utilities no lease. (757) 650-0156 FOR RENT - 1 BR E Ocean View across ST from beach 600+Deposit no lease. (757) 650-0156 Real Estate cont. Real Estate cont. HOME FOR SALE - FOR SALE Hampton,165K,3br/1ba 1061 sqft, new trane hvac, tile, shed, deck, lrg fenced in yd. (757) 771-1703 HOUSE FOR RENT - 4 bd rm,2 1/2 bth,liv rm, din rm, den w/FP, 2 car att gar, 1 car det gar, Menchville zone,pets w/ dep, $1,525/ month (757) 508-1856 TOWNHOME -RENT - Chesapeake (Greenbrier) - 2 MBR/2.5 BA. $1050. W/D. Deck/fence. Avail 6/15. Central location. (757) 871-3682 RENT TO OWN!! - 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath ranch1006 New St., Hampton 23661 5 min shipyard Nice! $1,100 month $3,800 down, $119,900 (757) 675-9954 HOUSE FOR SALE - Colony Pines (off Denbigh Blvd) 3BR/2.5BA. Price Reduced! Please call after 4pm. (757) 719-0427 FOR RENTHAMPTON - 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath ranch on quiet street 1006 New Street, Hampton, $1,138 month 5 min. shipyar (757) 675-9954 HOME FOR SALE - 224 Apple Ave. Lower Price: $105k! 2Bed/1B, gutted and remodeled, almost everything is new! Granite/stainless (757) 880-2948 TOWNHOUSE - Near LAFB, 1500 sqft, 3BD, 2.5 BA, Large Kitchen & Master, 122K (757) 406-2256 LOGISTIKS - Townhouse for rent-3BD/2,5B A.2stor.1,600sqft,pool. 1092Willow Green N.N.$1,100mo (540) 454-3694 ROOM FOR RENT - Fully Furnished $450/mo. plus $200 security deposit. Utilities included 30th St Newport News (757) 810-7925 FOR SALE - TOWNHOUSE - Near LAFB, Hampton, 1,500 sqft, 3BD, 2.5 BA, huge kitchen/Master $121K (757) 406-2256 APT FOR RENT - Detached 1bd,1ba apartment. $600 monthly, $600 deposit. Walk to NNS. Sm.pets welcome. Background/credit check. (757) 771-9873 MOBILE HOME - $48,500 3BD 2BA built in 2008, 1200sqft, whirlpool in master bath, near Ft. Eustis in Americana Park East (757) 303-8119 BARRIER ISLAND - July 4-11,sleeps 12. Completely furnished with all amenities. Private beach access. Rent + security deposit. (757) 303-5347 HOUSE FOR SALE - Move-in Ready, 3BR/1BA near Langley. Completely Remodeled, Security System, 15 min from Shipyard. Only $100K (757) 235-1199 HOUSE FOR RENT - 3 bdrm,1-1/2 bath,on a culdesac,pond in back yard, Burnetts Mill, Suffolk, 1,100/mnth + 1,100 dep,refs required (757) 539-8240 BURKE’S GARDEN - 20.8 acres - beautiful & unique property in southwest VA includes a spring fed pond. Google BG. $110,000 (757) 303-5347 FOR SALE/OWNER - $109,900 3 bedrooms, 1 bath brick ranch with carport newer kitchen Fenced, shed 17 Tillerson Dr., NN (757) 675-9954 HOME FOR SALE - 3BR/1BA 1,074 sq.ft., detached garage, rear deck, fenced backyard, all appliances, Hilton School Dist. $123K (757) 869-2550 HOUSE FOR SALE - 2BD charming cape cod on .26acre, all new appliances included, fenced, just reduced $110K (757) 746-4611 HOME FOR RENT - Skiffes Creek 3BR/2.5Ba townhome, 1,430 SF, quiet area. No pets. Available 7/1. $1,095 + Dep. (757) 880-1782 HOME RENTAL - 607 Brenda Rd,NN, 1K sqft, 3BR/1BA rancher, 2 car barn det. gar., lrg bkyd, abt 20 min from shpyd, $1,195/ mon (757) 877-1200 MOBILE HOME - HOME 4 Rent/Own3BR/2BA NN by Int.64/Mall MB w/jacuz tub & wlk in closet,Lg Deck,Util-wshr/dryer New Shed $95 (757) 642-7678 PETS MISCELLANEOUS THROW BLANKETS - Thin, soft chocolate brown throw blankets. Good for light covering. Selling both together. 2 blankets for $30 (757) 951-3949 CURTAINS - Eclipse Blackout Curtains-(2) sets. $40/set. Both sets are taupe in color. (757) 951-3949 SPIN BIKE - Spin bike $ gym supra $150, Hedge trimmers $35, works plus weedeater $75, Nutra Bullet, new, $85 (757) 589-7248 EXERCISE EQIPMT - Ellipticals $50-$250 & exercise bikes $40- 250. I also have 4 treadmills $150-250 and a small stepper for $50; (757) 589-7248 DRESS FOR SALE - Red size 16 dress for sale. Never worn. Dry cleaned once. $40. Text for a pic of it. (757) 325-0433 LADY A TICKETS! - Lady A, Hunter Hayes, and Sam Hunt lawn seats in VA Beach on Aug 9th at 7PM. Two tickets at $30/ticket. Cheap (757) 705-6803 POOL - POOL - 27x4.5 pool. 2yr old pump & filter. Chemicals incl. 2 ladders. Needs new liner. Best reasonable offer (757) 570-3912 WINE CHARMS - Make great gifts! Choose from a variety of themes and colors. Includes gift box. (757) 236-0789 ENGAGEMENT RING - 1/2 carat Engagement Ring. Appraised at $2,000. Make offer. (757) 812-2719 CHICKENS 4 SALE - Various Chickensalmost laying. Roosters and hens available. Located in Gloucester- Call after 10AM (804) 824-4432 DOG WALKING - A Barking Good Time! Dog walking in Downtown Norfolk and Ghent and pet sitting in the greater Southside area. (830) 965-5620 LOST & FOUND KEYS - LOST two small black keys on ring maybe lost between 50th street and OB1 (757) 850-3568 FREE ITEMS HORSE MANURE - Freedom Farm has free horse manure and free loading. Located just across the JRB in Carrollton. call for info (757) 846-8183 BRICK WORK - Steps,Mail box,fire place,patio.does very good work.brick mason,good rates. (757) 224-1974 ZUMBA TEACHER - Looking for students. Classes Tues & Wed 5:30 at ArtInspired Denbigh. First class free. Call/text Elizabeth. (757) 814-9881 TREADMILL - Nordic trac treadmill T5zi 275.00 runs great, not used much downsizing must sell. Pics available (757) 536-1811 SHOPPING TRIP - Bus Trip to Maryland Live Entertainment & Shopping Mall. 10 hours in Hanover Maryland 7/11/15 $55 per seat (757) 240-1856 WEEDS - Stihl FS45 curved shaft weed eater. Excellent condition, like new. $100 or best offer. (757) 652-8919 MEMORABILIA - Eddie Murphy 1986 program tour book “Pieces of my Mind” signed by Eddie Murphy $85 (757) 812-9763 PIGGY BANK - Large 1940 Piggy Bank Carnival Chalk 18”x 8” $40 (757) 812-9763 2 CURRENTS 5 | 26 | 2015 Miscellaneous cont. Miscellaneous cont. Miscellaneous cont. Wanted cont. BURTON PANTS - Brand new tags, never worn Burton snowboarding pants, size Large, crimson & blue, model Southside Mid-Fit. (757) 650-0919 DAYCARE - caring for children 5-9 yrs old. $150 wk. Next 6 sign up’s get $50 off weeks 2 & 3. (925) 303-7264 JANITORIAL - office cleaning, stripping & waxing floors, carpet cleaning, power washing (757) 503-0934 DRUMLINE - Apprentices for Apprentice School Drumline. (757) 933-4829 LADDER EXCHANGE - Have 24’ Al Ext Ladder w/arms,good condition,looking to trade for 10’ or 12’ al or fiberglass step ladder (757) 877-9257 CONCERT TIX! - Lady A, Hunter Hayes, and Sam Hunt lawn seats in VA Beach on Aug 9th at 7PM. Two tickets, $30/ticket. Cheap! (757) 705-6803 LAUNDRY DETERGT - 5 gallon bucket $40. 400+ loads. Lasts 4-6 mo. H.E. Formulated (757) 589-7248 SNOWBOARD GOGGLES - Never been used, only tried on. Still have the original box, include both black and yellow lenses w/ cloth/ba (757) 650-0919 A/C SERVICE - Installations, service and repairs. Your comfort is my concern. Licensed and Insured. (757) 771-3441 TREADMILL - Golds Gym Treadmill 1 year old. Works great. $100 pick up in Hampton or I deliver for $125. (925) 303-7264 TREADMILL - Sole F-63 gym quality treadmill, exc condition, $400 OBO. txt for pics/details (757) 753-2972 BOWFLEX - Works good. Folds up vertical. As seem on TV. $65. (757) 869-9308 TREE REMOVAL - Licensed and insured. Free estimate; (757) 592-6497 SNOWBOARD - Burton 156 Snowboard (2015 Custom Flying V) Been used 6 times, All-mountain board w/ burton Cartel Bindings (757) 650-0919 MAKE-UP ARTIST - Certified Make-Up Artist services include Bridal, Prom, Special Events & More. Will travel (757) 325-5353 BURTON JACKET - Brand new with tags, never worn Snowboard jacket, size Large, blue and crimson. Retail $225 contact for price (757) 650-0919 THE BEARS - Signed NFL Authenticated Urlacher jersey (w/papers) hung in NFL Bears monogram frame. $550 obo (757) 236-0789 HELPING HANDS - General home cleaning. Free Estimates. One time or special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & Insured. (757) 371-3904 BUGS HATE US - Get a jump on all types of critters this season. Professional pest/ moisture/termite control (757) 873-4999 CHILDCARE - CHILDCARE - M-F 5AM-5:30 PM, FT-PT 20+ yrs exp. OY.PT, reasonable rates. (757) 249-2624 TILE SERVICES - Specializing in custom masterbaths and other applications, lic.& ins. call B & G Tile (757) 232-1299 LANDSCAPING - Mowing, Gutters, Fences, Decks, etc. (757) 535-9279 WIRE SHELVING - New 12’L shelving 12” & 20” deep. Save $$ & update your home. 12”D-$10/ 20”D-$25 - (757) 535-9279 HOUSE WASHING - House, Roof and Concrete Cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500PSI. Licensed and Insured. (757) 810-5115 YARD SERVICE - Lawn Service. Mow/ edge/cleanup. Fair prices. Call for estimate. Weekly service. (757) 508-5708 HOME CLEANING - FREE ESTIMATES on pressure washing homes, Roofs, gutters, Decks and Driveways. Licensed and Ins. low prices (757) 933-1464 CHILDCARE - $150 weekly.Save $50 signing up before the slots are filled. Receive addition $25 off when you refer a friend (925) 303-7264 CHILDCARE - 15+yrs, Fun filled backyard, fun learning 95 a week, $20 off 1st week, 2 slots to fill, N. Hampton (757) 947-4408 HAIR TOOLS - Full set Gold-n-Hot hair tools w/electric oven. Used only 2 times on a mannequin. Make an offer. (757) 371-3904 CLEANING - Spring is here, go outside and enjoy it! Let me do your cleaning! Prices start as low as $75 (757) 880-8519 CHILDCARE - M-F, 1st/2nd shift available, FT/PT, CPR & First Aid Certified, low rates, smoke free, Foxhill area (757) 869-1876 ROOFING/SIDING - Roof repairs and exterior renovations (757) 581-0075 HANDYMAN - Call for a free estimate on fixing all of your home’s problems. (757) 256-8131 BABY SHOWER - Planning a baby shower or know someone who are, have a diaper cake made, various sizes (757) 243-4395 LAWN CARE - Mow/Edge/Landscape/ Mulch/Bushes beautified/Weed Ctrl/ Fertilize/1X or weekly/Detail Oriented/Call for estimate (757) 871-4589 CASINO RUNNN HarringtonDelaware10/17/15$30in slot play freebuffet $25 6/18/15 $25 10/3/15leaving from Hampton(757)713-3055 LANDSCAPING - Reliable, clean and quality lawn service. Cleanup, mulch, trimming. We do it all and care about our work. (757) 525-0259 CUSTOM TILE - Specializing in custom kitchens, backsplash, bathrooms/showers + flooring. (757) 604-6814 ORGANIC BEEF - Check us out on FB: “Soul Shine Farm Grass Fed Beef”; Beef organically grown! (540) 255-1292 A/C SERVICE - Get coldest air possible. Lower your energy costs.Clean & service.$65 tune up,$45 diagnostic $65 lb refrigeran (757) 525-0259 WANTED BOX TOPS - Looking for Box Tops for Education! I will come to you to pick them up! Each Box Top is $0.10 for the school! (757) 755-5040 VAN RIDERS - Leaves Ahoskie, Winton, Gates County and Suffolk, 2nd shift (252) 287-7395 BK2SCHOOL DRIVE - Need school supplies, bookbags for free community drive. Pickup of donations is available (757) 434-6320 SCRAP COMPUTERS - I will take all of your old broken CPU’s, cell phones and sim cards, anything with a circuit board! (757) 813-1797 WASHER & DRYER - Broken washers & dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 812-2719 VAN RIDERS - Van comes through King William, West Point and New Kent Counties 1st shift (540) 907-5811 YARD & GARAGE SALES LAWN MOWERS - Push Mowers BrokenRunning that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 897-4737 MOVING SALE! - MUST GO! May 30 & 31, 8am-3pm. 106 Steffi Pl, NN. Bdrm sets, wt sets, clothes, furn & more! (714) 900-5048 ROOMMATE - Residential (Hampton, Fox Hill), use of kitchen/laundry, wifi, 500/mo. flat (757) 449-4799 LAWN SERVICE - Top Notch Lawn Service. Call for estimate. Mow/edge/cleanup. Weekly services available. (757) 508-5708 LAWN SWEEPER - used rotary brush type lawn sweeper, for parts, does not need to work (757) 238-8160 NEED STROLLERS - Looking for a jogging and/or double stroller in very good condition. (757) 705-6803 BABY GIRL STUFF - Looking for baby girl stuff (clothes/toys/etc.) in very good/ excellent condition. Baby girl is due Sept 1st! (757) 705-6803 SEAMSTRESS NEED - Need wedding guest outfit. I have the idea and need you to make it a reality. (757) 472-0899 BOX TOPS - Looking for Box Tops for Education! I will come to you to pick them up! Each Box Top is $0.10 for the school! (757) 755-5040 DOUGHNUTS - Doughnut sell. Friday Please support. (757) 672-0248 JANITORIAL - Cleaning service, commercial, residential and housekeeping. Always the cheapest quotes in the business. (757) 535-8293 TRAILER - Older model enclosed trailer.6X10 but will consider other sizes, cash paid (757) 620-4472 MOTORCYCLES - British Motorcycles or parts wanted will pay cash, Also other pre 1980 motorcycles or parts. (757) 620-4472 VAN RIDERS - Van leaving from Belvidere, Chowan, Gates County (Hwy32) and Suffolk to NNS 1St shift (252) 619-3117 IN APPRECIATION THANK YOU - I would like to say THANK YOU for those that stopped to help my hubby on the on ramp to 664 5/17/2015. THANKS - BaRay, Thanks for a good job on the LCDM shipout. How to Submit a Classified Ad Ads can be submitted online at or a hard copy can be mailed via Yardmail to ATTN: Classifieds, Dept. O29, Bldg. 520-1. The deadline to submit ads is Thursday at 4 p.m. For questions regarding classified ads, contact Lauren Ward (O29) at 3804622 or via email.
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