currents - Newport News Shipbuilding
currents - Newport News Shipbuilding
CURRENTS JUL A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding 09 Delta Dental Group Number Has Changed Employees under the Delta Dental plan are reminded that the group number has changed. The plan has remained the same. Read on p. 3 Apprentice Basketball Teams Host Youth Basketball Camp Read on p. 2 X33 painters (L to R): Horace Sutton, Ronnie Brown, Charles Broadus, Danielle Fleetwood, Foreman Wayne Maxwell, Ronell Alexander, and Sheila Harrison. Photo by Chris Oxley An Island House of Their Own X33 painters working on USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) are working diligently to finish painting the island house aboard the carrier. The team has been prepping, wrapping, spraying and painting the island since the beginning of January and are on-track to have the job complete by December 2012. “The team strives to keep the island house free of paint service order requests while maintaining a safe work environment and they are doing a phenomenal job,” said Foreman Wayne Maxwell. “These shipbuilders’ dedication, focus, drive, and awareness of safety is outstanding. Each member does his or her best work to the highest standards and has taken personal ownership in the core values that are set by Newport News Shipbuilding.” Shipbuilders are reminded to call Newport New Shipbuilding’s Employee Information Phone Line for up-to-date information on shipyard operations. Please note this is a tollfree number and employees must dial “1” to be connected. The phone line is frequently updated. Continuing Educational Agreement Signed The Apprentice School and Saint Leo University have had a longstanding agreement designed to meet the program management needs of Newport News Shipbuilding. On June 15, Everett Jordan, director of Education for The Apprentice School, signed an updated agreement for continuing education with the university. The agreement will continue to support apprentice graduates pursuing associate and bachelor degrees in business administration with a specialization in July 9 - 13, 2012 Susan Paulson, assisant vice president for Continuing Education at Saint Leo University, and Everett Jordan, director of Education for The Apprentice School, sign agreement on June 15. Photo by John Whalen technology management and project management. NNS Employee Information Phone Line: 1-877-871-2058 CURRENTS p. 2 JUL 09 Builders Host Free Youth Basketball Camp On June 29, the Apprentice School basketball teams hosted a free youth basketball camp for children of Newport News Shipbuilding employees. Seventy-five participants attended the one-day camp led by Coach Lanica Williams-Tallon and Coach Franklin Chatman as well as members of both Builder basketball teams. During the camp, participants received hands-on instruction, lunch and a camp t-shirt. “It was a great experience working with the kids,” said Lady Builder Shanae Hilliard. “Working with them was a good way to help enhance my leadership skills, by being a good role model for the kids. I spoke to quite a few of the campers and they all had a great time, and that’s what I wanted to hear -- that it was fun for them.” Lady Builder Shanae Hillard gives hands-on instruction to camp participants. Photo by John Whalen Shipbuilder Steering the Way Shipbuilder David Hamm (X88) was presented with a level one On-The-Spot Ethics Recognition Award on June 29 for the ethical actions he displayed during recent bad weather that moved across the Hampton Roads area. On June 1, a tornado hit the Hampton Yacht Club. Hamm was at the club prior to the storm and alerted club staff to move all the guests inside. Hamm’s quick response may have been critical in ensuring the safety of all guests. Pictured (L to R): Rolf Bartchi, vice president of CVN 78 Carrier Construction, presents David Hamm (X88) with ethics award. Photo by Chris Oxley Where is it Now? USS Nimitz CYBER T.I.P.S. Mobile Phone Tips USS Nimitz (CVN 68) arrived at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam on July 2 to support Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2012 exercise. Twenty-two nations, 42 ships, six submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC from June 29 to Aug. 3, in and around the Hawaiian Islands. RIMPAC is the world’s largest international maritime exercise and provides participants with the opportunity to foster and sustain relationships that are critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans. U.S. Air Force Capt. Jason Coleman and his daughter watch as the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz pulls into Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam to support the Rim of the Pacific 2012 exercise. U.S. Navy Photo by Jon Dasbach • Download with caution. Be wary when downloading or purchasing applications and ringtones, some may come with a virus attached. • Use passwords. Protect email and applications using passwords. • Be wary of SMSishing. A counterfeit text message that appears to be from a legitimate bank or credit card company can ask to verify account info. Source: JUL 09 CURRENTS p. 3 Delta Dental Group Number Has Changed Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Benefits staff reminds employees under the Delta Dental plan that administration of the plan was transitioned from Delta Dental of California to Delta Dental of Virginia, effective July 1. All Delta Dental plan participants should have received new ID cards in the mail. The new ID cards are green and include a July 1, 2012, effective date. Plan participants who have not received a new ID card should call Delta Dental of Virginia at 1-800-237-6060. Note: The plan has remained the same. Only the group number and customer service number have changed. Visit for more info. “Thank You” GreeNN Coordinators and Volunteers There are many GreeNN initiatives taking place at Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) every day. The GreeNN team would like to thank all GreeNN coordinators and volunteers for their efforts on leading the recycling program at NNS. Shipbuilders are encouraged to visit the GreeNN Yardnet website to find information about GreeNN, NNS’ recycling program, and to view a full list of program coordinators and volunteers. Win FREE Tickets to Sara Evans Newport News Shipbuilding has received a handful of tickets to the USO Military Concert Series with Sara Evans on Friday, July 13. Shipbuilders are encouraged to check the Huntington Ingalls Industries Facebook page from a home computer for a chance to win tickets! See What Shipbuilders Are Saying About the NNS Shuttle A continuous shuttle service from the shipyard to the parking lot on 50th Street and Warwick Boulevard began on March 5. Here is what riders had to say: “Riding the shuttle has been a great experience. It picks me up right at the gate and takes me to my car. The buses seem to be pretty consistent and I haven’t had to wait very long to get to my car at 50th Street. I think this service is a great thing Newport News Shipbuilding is providing for its employees.” James Burrell (X11) “The shuttle has been good for me because it takes a big load off my feet. I plan to ride this shuttle more often, especially with this hot weather. I hope the shipyard will continue the shuttle in the winter.” Warren Manley (X36) FREE Tickets to the Peninsula Pilots Come out and enjoy the ball game with fellow shipbuilders! Newport News Shipbuilding Night at War Memorial Stadium is July 14. FREE tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Jeremy Bustin (O29) via email or at 380-4384 to reserve tickets. Tickets must be picked up from the Communications office in Bldg. 520-1 by 4 p.m. on July 13. REMINDER Changes to Short-Term Disability Plan On July 1, two important changes to the Huntington Ingalls Industries Short-Term Disability Plan for eligible salaried employees went into effect. One of the new changes ensures that shipbuilders with significant medical conditions receive immediate short-term disability benefits. The second provision extends the reset period for shipbuilders with long-term recoveries who lose additional work time following their return to work. Details about the benefit plan changes are being mailed to eligible employees’ homes. Questions about the changes should be directed to the Leave of Absence Administrator at 757-688-3800 or toll-free at 866-667-5627. “With the heat the way it has been lately, I think I will plan to ride the shuttle more often. I’m looking forward to this free ride to my van.” Lee Warren (X18) The shuttles are available to all employees, contractors and leased employees from 5-8 a.m., 2-5 p.m., and at the end of second shift. The bus makes two stops: north yard gate and the gate at 50th Street and Washington Avenue. Actions are being taken to improve the shuttle bus air conditioning. Questions and concerns should be directed to John Gies (O45) at 688-4440 or Tommy Cragg (O45) at 688-2620. Reminder: shipbuilder vehicles parked in unauthorized areas around the north yard and in residential areas will be towed. CURRENTS p. 4 JUL 09 Give Blood. Save a Life. Let HRT Drive You to Work Tired of driving yourself to work? Did you know that the Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) offers bus service specifically for shipyard and downtown Newport News workers? Visit the Red Cross Bloodmobile at 8 a.m. on July 10 at Bldg. 902 or on July 24 at Bldg. 802 (NetCenter). Call 0-4029 (Bldg. 902) or 8-7196 (Bldg. 802) for an appointment. More at SEEKING LEADERS: employment opportunities with Newport News Shipbuilding Job Title Requisition Number Department Location Foreman (2nd Shift) 1549BR X82/X43 NNS Foreman (2nd Shift) 1559BR X82/X42 NNS Foreman 1558BR X82/X31 NNS Foreman (2nd Shift) 1560BR X82/X43 NNS Foreman (2nd Shift) 1571BR X73 NNS Mgr Prod Plng Sched 3 1557BR M10 NNS Mgr Administration 3 1529BR X82 NNS Mgr Tech Product Mgmt 3 1610BR O84 NNS DATEBOOK JUL 13 JUL 14 JUL 20 The Outstanding Women’s Exchange (OWE) will present “Feminine Edge in a Masculine World,” a part of the Empowerment Series on July 13 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Virginia Peninsula Association of Realtors in Hampton. Jennifer Boykin, vice president of Engineering and Design, will serve on the panel to speak at the event. To register or for more info, visit the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce website from a home computer. The African American Shipbuilders Association (AASA) will hold a family cookout at the Newport News Park (shelter four) from noon to 4 p.m. All shipbuilders, families and friends are welcome to attend. Contact Purcell Robinson (E83) at 688-5220 or Vanessa Wise (X71) at 688-6048 for more info. Apprentice Alumni Association will host the annual Apprentice Alumni Association Crab Feast at Knights of Columbus in Newport News. Advance tickets are $20 each for alumni or current Apprentice students and $20 for their sponsored guest. Tickets will be available at the door for $25. Purchase tickets through the alumni delegates, officers and Judy Hester (022) at 688-2512. Visit: for info. JUL 21 Active apprentices and Apprentice Alumni volunteers are needed to support the 17th Annual Children’s Fishing Clinic from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the James River Fishing Pier. Volunteers will set up tents, put together fishing rods/reels for children, and teach children how to fish. Lunch will be provided. For more info contact Rodney Huffman (X82) at 534-4089. The International Compliance Office will conduct the following training courses. Shipbuilders should register via the Learning Exchange. Contact Tamara Wine (O19) at 380-3599 for info. • Annual Export Training-Basic: July 18 from 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. in the VASCIC Auditorium. • Commodity Jurisdiction and Classification Training: July 20 in VASCIC (room 219); registration is limited to the first 40 employees. • Data and Services Export Authorization (DSEA) User Training: July 25 in the NetCenter Training Lab (room 116). Editor: Lauren Ward Contributing writers: Jordan Bryan and Phoebe Doty Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. Visit the archives. (757) 380-4622 To submit a story, visit www.huntingtoningalls/currents. The deadline for submissions is COB Wednesday for publication the following week. Huntington Ingalls Industries Find us on Facebook for company news, photos, videos and more. Huntington Ingalls @HIIndustries With 100o F becoming the norm, shift schedules can change. NNS employees should periodically call 1-877-871-2058 for updates. #NNS CURRENTS, p. 6 JUL 09 Classifieds AUDIO/VIDEO VERIZON BLACKBERRY, GOOD CONDITION, $75; CALL 757-813-5074 WEDDING DJ: UPSCALE ENTERTAINMENT/PHOTOBOOTH BY HAMPTON ROADS DJ. CALL 757-621-0464 BLACKBERRY 9650 - LIKE NEW. W/ CASE & PROTECT SCREENS. PAID $199; LOOKING FOR $90; 757-871-2024 EXPERIENCED DJ FOR HIRE, CUSTOMIZED PLAYLIST SUITED FOR ANY EVENT! CALL/TEXT 757-869-1876 SILVER STAR DJS. ELEGANT & FUN WEDDINGS! MAKE YOUR CELEBRATION MEMORABLE. CALL 757-356-1166 PSP, GREAT CONDITION. $75; CALL 225-921-3727 XBOX 360, LIKE NEW; $125; CALL 225-921-3727 BOATS / MARINE SUPPLIES ‘89 BAJA SPORT190 WATER SKI BOAT MERCRUISER ALPHA1 3L PERFORMAX TRAILER $1,100 OBO CALL/TX 757-869-8207 14’ JON BOAT W/TRLR POWERED BY UPGRADED 9.9 YAMAHA W/ FRONT TROLLING MOTER & FISHFINDER $2,200; 757-615-9349 ‘79 CHRIS CRAFT EXPRESS CRUISER FREE TO ANY HOME; DOES NOT RUN. TAKR OVER DRY STORAGE FEES; 757-769-4103 COMPUTERS APPLE G4 MACBOOK LAPTOP. 500 GB HARD DRIVE. GREAT CONDITION. BAG INCLUDED. $300; CALL 757-871-7221 PC/LAPTOP REPAIR, VIRUS REMOVAL, PROGRAM RE-INSTALLS, ETC. $85 + PARTS CALL 757-329-6761 FURNISHINGS / APPLIANCES FLATWARE 80 PIECE SET, ONEIDA, PAUL REVERE, COLONIAL PISTON HANDLE, SATIN FINISH, $80 CALL 757-898-9095 ETHAN ALLEN ROYAL CHARTER OAK COMPUTER/TV/ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 37W X 80H $1,400 CALL 757-898-9095 60” ROUND TABLE WITH FOUR CHAIRS AND HAS OAK FINISH; $75 OBO 757-647-8229 LG TRON, FRONT LOADING WASHER & DRYER WITH PEDESTALS. EXCELLENT CONDITION. BOUGHT JUL ‘07; $700 757-358-1516 POOLTABLE, FULL SIZE, SLATE, VICTORIAN STYLE LEGS, DARK WOOD, ACCESS. INCL. $950 CALL 757-876-4285 FUTON BED FOR SALE. LIGHT WOOD,RED COLOR MATTRESS, SIDE DRAWERS. $50 FIRM. TEXT FOR PICS 757-602-5623 TREADMILL-GC,WORKS GREAT.MANY OPTIONS/PROGRAMS/INCLINES/SPEEDS, PRO MODEL $300. CALL 757-651-3205 HOBBIES GOLF BALLS (USED, BUT NOT ABUSED!)- MANY BRANDS AVAILABLE; $3 PER DOZEN. 757-599-1960 OFFICIAL BILLIARD RULES BOOK SIGNED BY JOE BALSIS & (3) FATS, CARAS, MASCONI ALL $55; CALL 757-898-9095 TILE INSTALLTION,GET QUALITY AT AFFORDABLE PRICE. ALL NNS EMPLOYEE’S SAVE CALL 757-752-7536 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS GRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORT GROUP WEDNESDAYS 6-8PM; FOR INFO CALL 757-812-1906 (PALMER11@COX.NET) I MAKE GIFT BASKETS FOR ANY OCCASION, CALL 880-1713 FOR DETAILS STARTER LOCS $30 & UP. LOC RETWIST $20 & UP. CALL/TEXT 757-303-1201 FOR AN APPT. NEED A GREAT DAYCARE PROVIDER - LICENSED? CALL 947-4408 INFANTS & UP! 2 PAINTBALL GUNS. EACH USED ONCE. $100 FOR BOTH. CALL 225-921-3727 HAIRCUTS $10!!! SHAPE-UPS $5. COLORS & DESIGN AVAIL ALSO. CALL/TEXT 757-715-3301 TO MAKE AN APPT. WOMENS 3X/SZ.24 CLOTHES: BUSINESS, DRESS, CASUAL. CALL/TEXT FOR PICS OR APPT. 876-4285 NEED HELP CLEANING YOUR HOUSE? CALL 757-218-1657 DEPENDING ON SIZE ITS $60 OR LESS ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE; CARTRIDGES; LIQUID SMOKE; CHARGER. CALL 678-524-9811 SELLING MARYKAY PRODUCTS CALL 810-1713 FOR DETAILS SELLING 31 PURSES, CALL IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO A PARTY! CALL 817-9600 DOG BOX FOR SMALL PICKUP, DIAMOND PLATE ALM. ONE DOOR WITH BOTTOM. $200 / OBO; CALL 757-869-9031 NEED CASH? I BUY GOLD GUNS JEWELRY ELEC BOATS OUTBOARDS ANYTHING W/ MOTOR, ANTIQUES TOOL; 863-381-8518 ORGANO GOLD COFFEE!! BEST ON THE MARKET. BLACK, CAFE LATTE, CAFE MOCHA, GREEN TEA & HOT CHOC; 804-815-2409 PAMPERED CHEF PRODUCTS (10% DISC. TO NNS EMP), SHOW HOSTING/RECRUITING; CALL 757-224-889 KIDS POWER WHEELS KAWASAKI 4-WHEELER. NO BATTERY/TIRES WORN. $50 TEXT FOR PIC 757-344-7965 JUL Classifieds 09 CURRENTS, p. 7 BOYS STROLLER. GREEN/TAN PLAID. GREAT CONDITION. $40 TEXT FOR PIC 757-344-7965 HIGH CHAIR. GREAT CONDITION. $30 TEXT FOR PIC 757-344-7965 KIDS TABLE/CHAIRS. GREAT FOR CRAFTS. $15 TEXT FOR PIC 757-344-7965 TUPPERWARE! FORGET THE REST & BUY THE FOREVER KITCHENWARE AT THE BEST PRICE! CALL 365-4096 NOW! CAR SEAT. EDDIE BAUER. GREAT CONDITION. $30 TEXT FOR PIC 757-344-7965 ‘89 INGERSOLL RAND 185CFM AIR COMPRESSOR 4CYL J. DEERE 2348 HRS RUNS GREAT $4,500 OBO; 757-813-4956 LIGHTNING MCQUEEN TRICYCLE. VERY GOOD CONDITION. $30 TEXT FOR PICS 757-344-7965 NEED A HANDYMAN? WINDOWS, FLOORS, DOORS, PAINTING, TILE, GUTTERS ECT. CALL 757-723-4971 9930 BLACKBERRY BOLD NO CAMERA (VERIZON); USED, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. $215 CALL/TEXT 572-1433 BLUEPOINT ROLL AWAY TOOL CART; RED W/ LOCKABLE SINGLE WIDE DRAWER $150 CALL/TEXT 757-775-0589 MOTOR VEHICLES / SUPPLIES / PARTS ASST ‘88 FORD DISO PARTS: FENDORS, DOORS, HOOD, GRILL, DASH, ETC. CALL 224-1596 FOR PRICES & DETAILS ‘98 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 100+MILES BUT RUNS LIKE A CHAMP!, ~30 MPG, NEEDS BODY WORK. ASKING $800. 814-418-0197 ‘06 PONTIAC G6 2DR, SILVER, LEATHER INTERIOR, 74K MILES, LOOKS & RUNS GREAT $9,500; CALL 757-870-7584 ‘89 CADILLAC BROUGHAM. $3500. THE CAR IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 103,500K MILES CALL 757-344-4734 RED ‘04 DODGE RAM 1500 4X4 HEMI, 4DR, PD, PL,COLD AC. 108K MI. CLEAN $10K OBO. 232-0228 FOR PICS ‘98 CHEVY S10, BLACK, 5-SPEED, 143,000 MI, VERY DEPENDABLE $3,000 CALL 225-921-2782 ‘56 CHEVY BELAIR EXCELLENT CONDITION APPRAISED AT 40K ASKING 35K OBO. 757-813-4956 ‘11 TOYOTA RAV4 TAN, 3YR LEASE W/ 29MO LEFT, $199.64, ACQUIRE W/ NO DOWN PAYMT, CALL 534-1228 ‘05 YAMAHA YFZ 450 STOCK AXLE, EXCELLENT CONDITION. PERFECTLY STRAIGHT. $130, 804-815-9438 ‘96 FORD EXPLORER XLT $1400 OBO CALL/TEXT STEVEN FOR INFO/PICS 757-719-1231 ‘02 MAZDA 626 LX, GOOD BODY. RUNS GOOD BUT NEEDS NEW HEAD GASKET & BELT PULLEY; 757-375-783 ROTORS 2 NEW REAR FITS 2001-2009 VOLVO S60, $28 PR & 2 SLIGHTLY USED FRT ROTORS $20; 757-898-9095 ‘86 SILVERADO 175K MI RUNS GREAT, NEW INSP/TIRES, $2,000 CALL 757-329-6761/757-342-2762 SMALL RED TRUCK TOPPER (CAP). COMES WITH CLAMPS $80 OBO; 757-879-5386 CAMPER SHELL FOR 6’6’’ BED OFF OF ‘91 TOYOTA FIBERGLASS GOODSHAPE (RED) $175 OBO; 757-869-9031 ‘93 FORD TAURUS GOOD DAILY DRIVER $1,000 OBO. 757 334-0239 SET OF 4 22” CHROME RIMS & TIRES. $700 OBO. FOR PICTURES TEXT/CALL 757-955-4726 ALUMINUM RIMS 17X9” W/ HP TIRES FITS CHEVY CAR/SMALL TRUCK 5 LUG. EMAIL/LEAVE MESSAGE. $600 OBO; 757-589-5632 ‘08 HARLEY SOFTAIL CUSTOM, WINDSHIELD, ALL SYN OILS, NEW TIRES, HAVE MAINT RECORDS $11,500; CALL 357-5806 ‘98 BMW M3, ALPNE WHTE,TASTEFULLY MODIFIED, CLEAN, NEW TIRES$7200 CALL/TXT MATT 757-232-9280 ‘04 LEXUS RX 330. 131K MILES GREAT CONDITION. FACTORY DVD, NAV, LEATHER & MORE. CALL 757-438-8238 NAVIGON 2100 GPS NAVIGATION SYSTEM W/CAR CHARGER, MTG BRACKET, IN BOX $35 757-898-9095 ‘03 INFINITI SPORT.UTILITY-1 OWNER SILV/BLACK W/SPORT PACKAGE 104K MILES. $12,500; CALL 804-815-399 ‘00 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT 4X4 12-CD CHANGER AUTO/LOADED $2,800 OBO CALL 757-814-4984 ‘03 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT, HEMI, AUTO, 2WD, 2D, 8’ BED, LINE-X, 97K MILES, $8,500; 757-268-6170 ‘09 TACOMA TRD PACKAGE, 43,000 MILES, 4X4, BEDLINER, EXCELLENT CONDITION 26,500 OBO 313-820-3684 PETS GREAT DANE FAWN MALE 1 YR OLD HOUSE TRAINED & GREAT WITH KIDS. $300 TEXT 757-647-2832 3 8-WK MALE GREAT DANE PUPPIES, BLACK WITH WHITE MARKINGS, DEWORMED, UTD, CONTACT TJNUM13@COX.NET 12WK F SHIPYARD TABBY KITTEN, SHOTS UTD LOVABLE FRIENDLY TOWARDS DOGS FREE TO GOOD HOME 540-250-516 5-YR OLD AKC MALE BOXER W/ PAPERS. DAUGHTER SCARED OF ANIMALS; NEED TO FIND HIM A LOVING HOME; 757-371-1698 REAL ESTATE 16X36 FT SING RM IN NN; AIRCOND/UTIL/FRG/MICRW/TVSET/CABLE RDY, NO SMKNG/PETS; $650/MO+$325DEP; 757-247-5753 OBX TIMESHARE FOR SALE $3K AT OUTERBANKS BEACH CLUB II WK 41 POOLSIDE; CALL 757-630-9760 ROOM 4 RENT-3BD/1BTH, FOXHILL HAMPTON, 500/MONTH, INCD UTLTS, PETS MAYBE, GARAGE SPACE,757-816-3085 FOR SALE 2 BR/2.5 BA TWNHOUSE (NN-KILN CREEK), 1479 SQFT, OPEN PLAN, $169,900 (NEGOTIABLE) 757-771-7655 CURRENTS, p. 8 JUL 09 Classifieds MODERN 1,700SF TOWNHOME FOR RENT IN PORTS. NEAR CITY PARK. 2 BED, 2 1/2 BATH, GAR, $1,350; 757-613-2006 3 BR BRICK RANCHER IN HAMPTON FOR RENT; CLOSE TO SHIPYARD. VERY CLEAN. 757-879-1810 RENT IN SMITHFIELD, 15 MIN. FROM BRIDGE, 3 BR, 1 1/2 BATHS, AVAILABLE 7/31 $1,000/MTH CALL 334-9184 2 BR, 1.5 BATH, TOWN HOUSE. WELL KEPT, NEW APPLIANCES, FLOORING, NEAR VA BCH TWN CNTR; 757-232-0228 NORTHAMPTON - SPACIOUS 3BR/1.5BA HOME W/ FLORIDA ROOM & GARAGE. $1,000/MONTH. CALL 650-1990 VACATION RENTAL, SEPT 30/OCT 6TH. 2 BEDROOM/2 BATH, LVRM, KIT.OCEAN FRONT VA.BEACH $1,200; 804-815-3991 RENT $800 OWN $90K N ARMISTEAD COTTAGE 2BR 1BA+ATTIC PORCH FRIDGE STOVE FENCED-YARD; CALL 715-135 FEMALE ROOMMATE: OWN ROOM & FULL BATH, UTILITIES, CABLE & INTERNET $500 MONTH; CALL 757-768-3680 2-STORY, 1,725SF HOUSE, 3 BR, 2.5 BATH, 1 CAR GARAGE. SCREENED IN BK PORCH. FENCED IN BK YD, NEAR; 804-247-2358 3-STORY 3BED 3BATH HOME 4SALE/RENT IN NORTHERN SUFFOLK; MINS FROM NNSB 757-438-8238 KILN CREEK, WATERFRONT HOME, FSBO, 901 FOXBORO,4BR, 2.5 BATH, PIC’S AVAILABLE, 287K, 757-898-9095 GATES COUNTY, NC. BEAUTIFUL 20 ACRES, PARTIALLY CLEARED. LAND PERKS. $159,000. 757-567-7127 IOW, CARRSVILE, 4BD, 3BA, GRT RM, MSTR ST, EIK, 2,300SF ON 18.3AC,CLOS/COST ASSIST, 757-569-0495 IOW, CARRSVILLE AREA,10.3AC, ALL WOODS, PRICE REDUCED, CLOS/COST ASSIST, 757-569-0495 OBX-RENT5BR HOME: POOL/SPA/WETBAR/INTRNET/FREE GOLF/BOWLING/SUNSET CRUISE. WK $995-$2,895; 757-826-0740 3-BR HOUSE, 2.5BA, LR, DR, KI, GRANITE COUNTER/SS APPL! WYTHE AREA, 165K CALL 757-329-6761 2-BR, 2BA, LR, DR, KI, DEN DET GAR UPGRADED APPL! NEAR BUCKROE BEACH OWN IT, 145K CALL 757-329-6761 WANTED LOOKING FOR AN ARCHTOP GIBSON HOLLOWBODY JAZZ GUITAR: ES-175; L5; CALL 757-380-3356 MASTER SHIPBUILDER RECOGNITION CEREMONY PROGRAMS: 1ST TO 20TH ANNUAL. FOR NNS COLLECTION; 757-599-1960 LACROSSE EQPT FOR A HIGH SCHOOL PLAYER. HELMET, PADS, GLOVES, & STICK; CALL 757-375-7831 CHURCH MUSIC DIRECTOR SEEKS POSITION IN YOUR CHURCH. 25 YRS EXP. MANY REFERENCES. 757-567-7127 OLDER JEEP WRANGLER, MANUAL, GOOD CONDITION, HALF DOORS & NO LIFT KIT PREFERRED; CALL 757-969-9715 APARTMENT FOR ONE +PETS, CHEAP RENT, PREFERABLY IN NEWPORT NEWS. NEED FOR AUG. 1; CALL 757-603-2856 WANTED - ROOMATE: RESIDENTIAL, PRIVATE BATH, USE OF KITCHEN/LAUNDRY, $500/MONTH FLAT; CALL 757-449-4799 YARD AND GARAGE SALE YARD SALE: JULY 12-14TH. 816 BURTON ST. HAMPTON 23666 CLASSIFIEDS REMINDER Classified ads are published FREE of charge for active employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. Ads will be accepted in the following categories: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Audio, Video & Computers Boats & Marine Supplies Free Items Furnishings & Appliances Hobbies Pets “In Appreciation” Lost & Found Miscellaneous Items Motor Vehicles & Supplies Real Estate Wanted Yard & Garage Sales Ads can be submitted online at or a hard copy can be mailed via Yardmail to ATTN: Classifieds, Dept. O29, Bldg. 520-1. The deadline to submit ads is Thursday at 4 p.m.
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