SCR Receives K-HEN Grant - St. Claire Regional Medical Center
SCR Receives K-HEN Grant - St. Claire Regional Medical Center
T h u r s d a y, D e c e m Tbu ees r d a y,1J 9 a n, u a2r 0 y 41, 3 2012 St. Claire Regional Medical Center Congratulations Denise Mooney, RN, CGRN SCR Staff Christmas Party 3 4 SCR Medical Staff Officers Congratulations Nancy Maggard, RN, BSN 9 11 SCR Receives K-HEN Grant for Staff Education and Development to Implement an ICU Delirium Treatment and Prevention Program. S t. Claire Regional will be receiving a K-HEN grant in the amount of $8000 for implementation of an educational program to prepare the nursing staff for care of patients in the ICU that may suffer from ill effects of being on mechanical ventilation. Four of the staff will be going to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee to learn about order set and treatment of ICU delirium. The need for such was identified by Courtney Hollingsworth, RN, SCR Nurse Manager and Sister Judi Lambert, SND, BCC, Director Mission/Pastoral care. Dr. Freda Kilburn, SCR Nursing Practice Consultant was the primary grant writer. A guest educator from Vanderbilt will be invited to SCR for a one day workshop for the clinical staff. The plan is for the entire program be developed and fully implemented by April, 2014. Donna Meador, RN, MSN, CENP, K-HEN Project Director said, “We are very appreciative of your planned work to reduce harm that impacts several different areas –falls, VAE, etc.! We felt that your project was very well written and planned. We are very excited for your project to get started, and can’t wait to hear your progress.” Last month, Courtney and Freda gave a poster presentation in the hospital cafeteria and started a required one hour session for all nursing staff to become knowledgeable of the fall program. Congratulations to Countney, Sr. Judi and Freda for their hard work and commitment to SCR and to the patients that we serve. Courtney Hollingsworth, RN, SCR Nurse Manager; Freda Kilburn, SCR Nursing Practice Consultant and Sister Judi Lambert, SND, BCC, Director Mission & Pastoral care Check Out the SCR Ne wsbrief online at St. Claire Regional Medical Center Breakfast with Santa Submitted by Terri Winkleman and Barbara Davis W ith sleigh bells jingling, Santa Claus once again visited SCR for EMPACT’S annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 7th. With wide eyes and excited smiles, over 100 children sat on Santa’s knee, promised him that they had been good and told him what they wanted for Christmas. While they waited for their turn, the families also enjoyed a complimentary breakfast that included sausage biscuits, doughnuts, doughnut holes, juice and milk. Santa passed out candy canes and stockings the kids could color. The stockings had all kinds of goodies for the kids inside such as crayons, a stuffed elf toy, candy and clementines. The day also happened to be National Cotton Candy Day and cotton candy was available for the kids to take home and enjoy. Free photos with Santa are available by contacting Barb Davis at extension 7621 or via email at bldavis@st-claire. org. All photos are also available on the SCR intranet under EMPACT events. EMPACT would like to thank Santa and all of his elves as well as the Citizen’s Bank for donating the use of their cotton candy machine and supplies. If you would like to become involved with EMPACT please contact the group’s president, Angel Beamon, at 7599 or 2 T h u r s d a y, d e c e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 3 Congratulations Denise Mooney, RN, CGRN First SCR Nurse Certified in Gastroenterology Submitted by Libby Fannin Denise Mooney, RN, CGRN, just passed the board certification in the field of gastroenterology. She is the first nurse at St. Claire Regional to receive this certification. Denise has been an R.N. in the endoscopy unit at SCR for all but a couple months of her 18 year career at SCR. Denise started off as a staff nurse and was promoted to PCC in 2001. She was also selected by her peers for the Nursing Excellence Award in 2004 and again in 2007. Please congratulate Denise on her recent certification and for all the years of outstanding service she has dedicated to SCR. Denise Mooney, RN, CGRN Patient Care Coordinator, OPCC 3 St. Claire Regional Medical Center St. Claire Regional 2013 Staff Christmas Party 4 T h u r s d a y, d e c e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 3 …the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord… Romans 6:23 T his Christmas season we want to consider the greatest gift of love… the gift of Jesus Christ. A gift so precious, so costly, so huge, so unimaginably extravagant that we cannot comprehend such LOVE. It is a LOVE that is bigger than our minds can grasp. God the Father, Who is LOVE – loved us so much that He gave His Only Begotten Son – a gift of life, salvation, deliverance, healing, reconciliation and restoration, to give us eternal life. How great is our God…How great is His LOVE for us. Merry Christmas to you all! Originally emailed to all SCR staff by Quality and Case Management 5 St. Claire Regional Medical Center 6 T h u r s d a y, d e c e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 3 Dr.’s Remedy® Enriched Nail Polish Tea Tree Oil • Garlic Bulb Extract • Vitamin C & E • Wheat Protein Buy 2 Get One FREE SH ES 25% Choose from more than 20 colors. (Color, Top Coat or Base Coat) OFF Brooks® • Landau® • Orthofeet® • Sanita® • Dr. Comfort® Bed Buddy® 10% Foot Warmers OFF with Aromatherapy Treat your feet and senses to instant soothing warmth with these aromatherapy foot warmers. 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A small crowd watched as the tuba ensemble played everyone’s favorite Christmas tunes to perfection, including “Silent night,” “The Grinch,” “Joy to the World,” “Jingle Bells” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” At one moment, the MSU Tuba band director, Dr. Stacy Baker, handed out sleigh bells to the children and other spectators, who danced and jingled along with “Jingle Bells.” The group of 16 Tubas made a very diverse, low-pitched, but beautiful sound that could be heard throughout the hospital. The performance that ended on the classic, “Merry Christmas,” lasted about 30 minutes and was a great success that put every listener into the Christmas spirit. 8 T h u r s d a y, d e c e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 3 M edic al S taff O fficers 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 President & Chief of Staff Immediate Past President President Elect Charles E. Crouse, MD Amy J. Conley, MD William D. Lewis, MD Department of Surgery Chair Secretary-Treasurer Member-at-Large Mansha U. Kahloon, MD Thadis C. Cox, MD Department of Surgery Vice Chair Department of Medicine Chair Department of Medicine Vice Chair Stephen B. Mitchell, MD Stephen A. Williams, MD Carolyn A. Moore, MD Jacob E. Perry, MD 9 St. Claire Regional Medical Center HappyBirthday January 1/1 Dianna McIntosh Bentley Susan Bryant Hamlin Pharmacy OPCC 1/2 Cheryl Kay BridenthalHospice Courtney April ElliottMMS Clinical Services Willard HowardICU Eva Renee StoverBehavioral Health Unit Melissa R. ThomasSCMG Central Billing Office 1/13 Nancy Jo BondEnvironmental Services Tracey Lynn DickersonMMS Administration Leigh Anne Stiltner Patient Financial Services 1/21 Kathy BlevinsEnvironmental Services Casey Lee Craft Patient Access Joyce K. DulinEnvironmental Services Cindy J McKenzieHome Health Leslie D WattsFM - Olive Hill Happy Birthday 1/3 Mildred K CooperFamily Medical Supply Patricia Ruth EldridgeFM - Olive Hill Curtis Lee HolbrookInfusion Solutions Marsha A HorsleyHome Health William D LewisRadiology Physicians Shannon L. MooreHome Health Melinda Elaine OakleyEmergency Department Kathy E RichardsonMMS Clinical Services 1/4 Dreama D RuckerFM - Frenchburg Anita Lynn Wells 3rd Floor North 1/5 Calvin R ConnBio Medical Engineering Crystal L Donathan OPCC Melissa D MontfortLaboratory Jo Ann PenningtonFinancial Services Beulah Francis WhittFM - Sandy Hook 1/6 Dylan Keith GoseEnvironmental Services Dillon LittleMaterials Management Tanya Lee WeaverLaboratory 1/7 Judy M Buelterman Palliative Care 1/9 Cathy J BlairRespiratory Therapy Melinda SturgillFood Services Alicia Swim 3rd Floor Central 1/10 Nancy J Conn Patient Access Tiffany Michelle Sartin 3rd Floor North Raymond Cecil SteagallFacilities Management 1/11 Mary Lou McCormack 3rd Floor North Shawna Leann Rose Nuclear Medicine Carrie Lynn RouttEnvironmental Services David WhiteLaboratory 1/12 Debra L DickersonHome Health Rebecca L DownsFM- Owingsville Holly L. IsonCentral Scheduling Carl JonesInformation Services 10 Rebecca Lou ParkerEmergency Department William Grant RobertsEnvironmental Services Melinda J Sexton Nursing Administration Jana Porter ThomasSame Day Surgery 1/14 Brandon Matthew ArmsSurgery Emily C Bailey Patient Financial Services Carol J BarnettSt. Claire Counseling Services Christopher Phan-Ann Do 3rd Floor Central Erika Elizabeth HuntMMS Clinical Services Melanie Ann HurstHospice Amber Brooke O’Neal Occupational Therapy Glenna S StevensFood Services 1/15 Tracy FanninICU Kia L. LittletonLaboratory Rachel K MeadowsInfusion Solutions 1/16 David Alan GrossAHEC Patience Murphy 3rd Floor North Lorri Danielle RaleighFM- Owingsville Charles Rudd Pharmacy Michael T SmedleySecurity Services 1/17 Shelia CaltonFood Services Angela Lynn GillespieBehavioral Health Unit Kayla R. JamesEnvironmental Services Sayama RashidFM - Olive Hill Wilbur Clifford RutterHouse Staff 1/18 Robert D. Craft Denise Lynn Lipps Ryan L Miller Pharmacy 3rd Floor North 3rd Floor Central 1/19 Emily M GinnRadiology Connie B Mayhorn TCU Jason D McKenzie OPCC Johnny B. NapierHome Health Mandy L Smith 3rd Floor North 1/20 Andy L CooperEnvironmental Services Lisa Ann GoldsteinFM - Sandy Hook Anita GulleyMMS Clinical Services Jessica N HendersonMMS Clinical Services Catherine D MetteyST. Claire Telecare Amanda K RoseRadiology Maranda Gail WatsonEmergency Department Chad Allen WilsonSleep Lab 1/22 Latoshia Nicole MorrisCave Run General Surgery 1/23 Ada Ruth AlbertHospice Pamela Sue ChristySPD Veronica Gail HintonHospice Kimberly Jaudon Short 3rd Floor North 1/24 Veronica Fannin 4th Floor Nursing Sarah B NewcombCave Run General Surgery Tracy Manley Stewart Quality Management Tammie Kaye WitzkeSurgery 1/25 Salahadin GharadMMS Clinical Services Donna Frances LucasMMS Administration Victor J PilewskiCave Run General Surgery 1/26 Carolyn Sue Ingram 3rd Floor Central Cody M Littleton Patient Access Frances A MerittFM - Morehead 1/27 Alice C. FergusonFM - Sandy Hook Victoria HendersonFood Services Diana Sue King Nursing Administration Kimberly Lynn LambertEmergency Department Brenda M Moore SCMG Central Billing Office Joshua Thomas Purcell TCU Kimberly Lenn SmallwoodFM - Frenchburg 1/28 Hal W BledsoeBio Medical Engineering Bethany Lynne McClureEmergency Physicians Jessica Nicole OldhamCentral Scheduling 1/29 Crystal Lynn DunawayFamily Medical Supply Fhonda Kay Thornsberry HitchHome Health 1/30 Latisha M Fyffe Patient Financial Services Kristina L. KegleyHome Health Trina PierceLaboratory 1/31 Nina J McCleeseHospice T h u r s d a y, d e c e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 3 Congratulations Nancy Maggard, RN, BSN SCR’s New Clinical Support Leader for Third North Submitted by Lerae Wilson Nancy Maggard, RN, BSN U P C O MI N G C.E. Programs December 20 | Tumor Board 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. TC Conference Room Credit: ACPE, Category 1 AMA, Nursing Nancy Maggard, RN, BSN, has accepted the position of Clinical Support Leader for Third North. Over the next few months, Nancy will be transitioning into this new role until a replacement is found for her current position. Nancy has been with SCR for 28 years. She began her career at SCR as a staff nurse on the Behavioral Health unit. Since then, she has worked in many nursing capacities including Nursing Coordinator, Nurse Manager, and Director of Med/ Surg. Most recently, Nancy has worked as the Director of Nursing Informatics since 2011. Nancy is currently pursuing her Master’s Degree from Kaplan University, with an anticipated graduation date of June 2014. 11 News & Events Family Medical Supply Holiday Special Date: Sale ends Dec. 31 Location: Family Medical Supply, Kroger Shopping Center Time: Mon. - Fri. 8am - 6pm | Sat. 10am - 2pm For more information, contact Kimberle R. Mullins at ext. 6517 or St. Claire Regional Medical Center Have an article or event to submit for the Newsbrief? Please send articles and/or information to be placed in the SCR Newsbrief to Merry Christmas! Visit the SCR web site at to read past editions of the SCR Newsbrief NEED A CAMERA TO COVER A SCR EVENT? The Marketing/PR Dept. has several cameras available for loan. Contact ext. 6419 for more information. 12
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