Presspack Misa Criolla -


Presspack Misa Criolla -
 Season 2012 José Carreras sings Misa Criolla Written in 1963 by Ariel Ramirez, Misa Criolla has become one of
the most wellknownand oft-performed South American choral works
throughout the world. A product of the composer's long study of
Argentine folk music, the piece synthesizes popular and liturgical
styles, drawing on the rhythms and melodies of Argentina and other
South American cultures. Almost 25 years after its birth, millions of
CD's of the piece were sold when José Carreras recorded it in1988.
P r o d u c c i o n e s L a s t r a S . L – C / E s t r e l l a P o l a r 1 2 , 5 º -­‐ 2 8 0 0 7 -­‐ M a d r i d José Carreras Producciones Lastra has represented and produced all the Misa Criolla tours interpreted by Ariel Ramirez and José Carreras since 1987. Misa Criolla Piano: Lorenzo Bavaj
Musicians: Grupo Alturas
José Carreras occupies a privileged position in
the music world. Born in Barcelona, he studied
music in his hometown. In 1970 he started his
professional career in the Gran Teatre del Liceu
of Barcelona with Nabucco and Lucrezia Borgia.
His meteoric musical career resulted in early
debuts at the world’s most prestigious opera
theatres and festivals, including the Teatro alla
Scala of Milan (“Un Ballo in Maschera”, 1975);
the New York Metropolitan Opera House
(“Tosca”, 1974); San Francisco Opera (“La
Bohème”, 1973); the Vienna Staatsoper
(“Rigoletto”, 1974); London’s Royal Opera
House (“La Traviata”, 1974); The Oper of
Munich (“Tosca”, 1974); Chicago’s Lyrics
Opera (“Un Ballo in Maschera”, 1976); and the
Festivals of Salzburg (“Don Carlo”, 1976); Aix
en Provence (“Roberto Devereux”, 1977);
Edinburgh (“Verdi Requiem”, 1982) and Verona
(“Carmen”, 1984).
José Carreras has collaborated with the most
renowned orchestra conductors, among others
Herbert von Karajan (an artistic and personal
relationship which lasted over twelve years and
included performances in Salzburg, Berlin and
Vienna), Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Muti, Lorin
Maazel, Riccardo Chailly, Colin Davis, Giuseppe
Sinopoli, James Levine, Carlo Maria Giulini,
Leonard Bernstein and Zubin Metha, and with
pre-eminent stage directors such as: Franco
Strehler, Luigi Comencini, Harold Prince.
La Bohème, Tosca, Werther, Don Carlo,
Carmen, La Forza del Destino, I Pagliacci,
L’Elisir d’Amore and Un Ballo in Maschera.
Together with his opera activities, he has
given frequent recitals in the world’s most
famous halls. He has performed at Carnegie
Hall and the Avery Fisher Hall of New York;
the Royal Festival Hall, the Barbican and the
Royal Albert Hall in London; the Salle Pleyel
in Paris, at the Musikverein and Konzerthaus
of Vienna, the Berlin Philharmonie, Suntory
Hall and the NHK Hall in Tokyo, the Grosses
Festspielhaus of Salzburg, the Philarmonie
and the Hercules Saal of Munich. His repertoire includes over sixty operas, of
which the following stand out: Andrea Chenier
Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 2 His wide concert repertoire includes over 600 titles of
the most diverse styles ranging from the baroque to
contemporary music.. His extensive discography
includes over 150 recordings, notably 50 complete
operas,oratories, popular and classical recitals. He has
been awarded many Gold and Platinum Discs worldwide.
José Carreras has performed the leading role in
several operatic films for Television, Cinema and
Video, including La Bohème, I Lombardi, Andrea
Chenier, Turandot, Carmen, Missa de Rèquiem de
Verdi, Don Carlo, La Forza del Destino, Stiffelio,
Fedora and Jerusalem.
As for his cinema activities, two films stand out:
Romanza Final, in which José Carreras portrays the
life of Julián Gayarre and A Life Story, a report on Mr.
Carreras life and artistic career. A Life Story,
International Emmy Award in 1993 by the Academy of
Arts and Sciences of the US Television.
Among the numerous national and international prizes
and distinctions which have been bestowed upon José
Carreras, there are the Grand Prix du Disque from the
Academy of Paris; the Luigi Illica Prize; a 1991
Grammy Award; the Sir Lawrence Olivier Award for his
performance in “Stiffelio” at the Royal Opera House,
Covent Garden; Kammersänger and Lifetime Honorary
Member of the Vienna Staatsoper; Honorary Member
of the London Royal Academy of Music; he received
the Gold Medal of the New York Spanish Institute; the
Gold Medal of the City of Vienna ; the Gold Medal of
Fine Arts bestowed by His Majesty the King of Spain;
the Gold Medal of the City of Barcelona; the Gold
Medal of the Generalitat of Catalunya; Prince of
Asturias Award 1991; and The Albert Schweitzer Music
Award 1996. He is Honorary President of the London
Arts Orchestra.
He is Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres
and Chevalier dans l'Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur de
la République Française; Gran Croce di Cavaliere and
Grande Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana; Honour
Medal of the Bavarian Government, Grand Honour
Award of the Austrian Republic, Komandor’s Cross of
the Order of Merit of the Polish Republic, Commandeur
de la Médaille du Sahametrei of the Royal Cambodian
Government and Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO.
José Carreras Awards
In 2004 he received the Civil
Order Golden Cross of the
Social Solidarity bestowed by
Her Majesty the Queen of
Roumanie) of Romania in a
degree of Grand Officer and
the Big Cross of the Order of
Merit of the Federal Republic
of Germany.
He has also been awarded the
title Doctor Honoris Causa by
the University of Barcelona
(Spain), the Universities of
Loughborough and Sheffield
(Italy), the Napier University
in Edinburgh (Scotland), the
Rutgers University (United
States), the Miguel Hernández
University of Elche (Spain),
the University of Coimbra
Bucharest (Romania) , the
recently, the University of
Pécs (Hungary).
Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 3 He has also been awarded the title Doctor
Honoris Causa by the University of Barcelona
(Spain), the Universities of Loughborough and
Sheffield (United Kingdom), the University
Mendeleyev of Moscow (Russia), the University
of Camerino (Italy), the Napier University in
Edinburgh (Scotland), the Rutgers University
University of Elche (Spain), the University of
Coimbra (Portugal), the National University of
Music in Bucharest (Romania) , the University
of Marburg (Germany) and, most recently, the
University of Pécs (Hungary).
In 1992 José Carreras was engaged as Musical
Director of the memorable Olympic Games
held in Barcelona.
The 3 Tenors concerts offered by José Carreras
together with his colleagues Plácido Domingo
and Luciano Pavarotti, are now legendary.
Followed by world-wide audiences of over two
billion, they have created an unprecedented
impact in the world of opera.
Since 1988, in addition to his professional
activities, he presides with total dedication and
established in Barcelona and with branches in
the United States, Switzerland and Germany.
Currently his Leukaemia Foundation is one of
his most important goals and priorities.
Misa Criolla
(chacarera, carnavalito, estilo pampeano), it is
also one of the first masses to be celebrated in
a modern language - being contemporary to
the Second Vatican Counc. Ariel Ramirez, born
in 1921, draws on the metres and rhythms of
Latin-American music, and employs dance
forms from Argentina, Bolivia and Peru; it is
music that is heartwarmingly approachable, of
a light, devotional kind. In trying to
characterize it I was reminded of parts of Orff's
Carmina burana and Britten's church parables,
though here the accompaniment to soloists
and chorus is provided by varying instrumental
combinations including, besides percussion, a
guitar, accordion, five-string charango and
various other Latin-American folk instruments.
José Carreras sings Misa Criolla Japan Tour 2005
Nothing better exemplifies the variety to be
heard in the Misa Criolla, though, than the
way it ranges from the Gloria, with its hints
of South American carnival, to the final Agnus
Dei with harpsichord accompaniment.
The first recording of the Misa Criolla took
place in 1964, sung by the choir of the
Basílica del Socorro and the folkloric male
quartet 'Los Fronterizos', who sang the soloist
parts either one by one or together. The first
live performance took place in Colón Theatre
in Buenos Aires in 1965 , the first European
performances were in March 1967, when
Philips organized a tour of Ramírez and his
musicians in 7 European countries, starting in
The score was edited in 1965 in Buenos
Aires, together with the score of the
Christmas cantata Navidad Nuestra. The Misa
Criolla became extremely popular. It was
sung all over the world and its recordings
were sold in huge amounts. Almost 25 years
after its birth, millions of CD's of the piece
were sold when José Carreras recorded it in
Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 4 Press releases
1. Carreras cantará en el Palau la 'Misa Criolla' y
dúos con Teresa Salgueiro
“Barcelona--Josep Carreras presentó anoche en un
hotel barcelonés los dos próximos conciertos del
Festival del Mil.leni con encendidos elogios a la
música de...”
2. Noche Hispanica at the Arena di Verona: Before
and After
“Tomorrow's concert will be very important for me,
almost more important than the Gala which was
an honour for me professionally...”
3. Carreras interpretará con Madredeus una pieza
inédita del grupo
”Misa Criolla del compositor argentino Ariel ...
conferencia de prensa que la Misa Criolla es una
obra «fácil en ... de una manera visceral». Misa
Criolla para tenor, coro mixto...”
Misa Criolla Terraza dil Dumo di Milano, 2010
4. José Carreras, Madredeus y Ariel Ramírez se reunirán en el Festival del Milenio
“Misa Criolla», que se estrena en ... de que consta la «Misa Criolla», obra original del argentino, ... en
su género» la «Misa Criolla», una composición que «funde...”
5. Sound Recordings Review--Ramirez: Misa Criolla
“Philips first recorded Ariel Ramirez's Misa Criolla shortly after its composition in 1964; it went on to
become one of their best-selling discs—some three million ...”
6. José Carreras en el Luna Park de Buenos Aires “El Martes próximo se realizará en el Luna Park
una nueva puesta de la "Misa Criolla", de Ariel Ramírez, que contará con la presencia del tenor José
Carreras como intérprete principal...”
7. Llangollen Festival Misa Criolla – José Carreras “S4C has live and exclusive coverage of iconic
tenor José Carreras’ concert from the Llangollen International Musical Festival on Sunday, 15 July...”
8. Duomo di Milano Misa Criolla – José Carreras
Josè Carreras canterà sulle terrazze del Duomo di Milano in una serie di tre concerti che fanno parte
della rassegna organizzata per raccogliere fondi che serviranno al restauro della guglia maggiore della
Cattedrale. Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 5 About Misa Criolla
Luis Antonio de Villena El País - Madrid, 1983
The idea of reclaiming folklore in any nation as an integrated part of its national culture is, of
course, not new. But perhaps it is more so the idea of transforming that folklore into a
musical creation of first-class virtuosity, without lessening its value or depriving it of its
moving force. This is what Ariel Ramírez, one of the most important folklorists of America
today, has done with the popular music of his country, Argentina."
Napoleón Cabrera Clarín - Buenos Aires, l964
In his Misa Criolla - as in most of his works Ariel Ramírez knows how to keep himself
within folkloric projection with a high degree
of sincerity and respect which refuses
demagogic complicity. The spiritual balance is
exemplary. He knows how to reach emotional
peaks without deviating from the nobility of
his means The devotion with which it was
received at the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires
Misa Criolla recording – Laredo – Spain, 1988
was yet another proof, though this was not necessary, that its majestic premises were not, in
fact, too big for it. The work is beautiful, warmly American, and achieves a synthesis ranging
from the wild to the is academic; this places it as unique in the Argentine art of our time.
Jacques Lonchampt Le Monde - Paris, 1970
The Misa Criolla (Messe Creole) by the Argentine composer Ariel Ramírez, which all of a
sudden, in a few months became widely celebrated thanks to an admirable recording, is one
of the rare masterpieces originated by the recent reform in liturgy.
The alliance of the ordinary of the Misa in Spanish, the instruments (guitar, clavichord,
drums, gong, tom-toms, jingles, etc.) and folkloric rhythms occur in it miraculously: the
tragic "Vidala" an "Baguala" of the Kyrie": the tender voices of the choir and the solos "torn
from the soul"; the joyfulness of the carnavalito yaraví in the Gloria, with its quick
interchange of responses like in the "negro spirituals".
The sparkling guitars and charangos, the prayers, the gliding and motionless of the Domine
Fili Unigenite and the simple and candid gaiety of the Sanctus; the vibrating, obsessed
rhythm of the "Chacarera Trunca", which underlines the rotund affirmations of the Credo with
the wonderful parapharase of the Resurrection; "Carnaval" from Cochabamba for the mirth of
the angels in heaven; finally the admirable Agnus Dei, luminous like Mozart's."
Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 6 Michael Cookson – Naxos - The Choral Arts Society of Washington 2004
For this release entitled Celebrating Sacred
Rhythms, Naxos have chosen American
conductor Joseph Holt who made his Choral
Arts debut conducting the Misa Criolla The accomplishment of Ariel Ramírez with
the Misa Criolla is beyond comparison. The
Argentine composer and pianist Ariel Ramírez
is widely acclaimed throughout South
America for his unique synthesis of popular
and liturgical styles. He is represented here
by his settings of the Misa Criolla and the
Navidad Nuestra. The accomplishment of Ariel Ramírez with the Misa Criolla is beyond comparison. Over forty
years after its creation in 1964, this Mass is considered one of the utmost expressions of
popular music in Argentina. It has transcended international borders to gain worldwide
acclaim Even Ramírez, a composer with a career of long-standing, could not have foreseen
that it would become such a famous work amongst his prolific output comprising
compositions for chorus, voice and piano. Musically speaking, the Misa falls into a category somewhere between strict academic and
urban popular but. Ramírez does not intend to preserve folklore but to achieve an artistic
recreation of folk-derived traits within a personal compositional style. The Misa Criolla
consists of musical settings of theKyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.
With liturgical texts in Spanish it is one of the first Catholic Masses to be composed in a
language other than Latin. Each part of the Mass is based on either traditional Argentine
dances or songs. The vidala-baguala for the Kyrie, refers to the lyrical vocal form of Bolivia
and northern Argentina.
The Mass is written for tenor, mixed chorus, percussion, Andean instruments, double bass
and harpsichord or piano. It should be noted that Ramírez is considered today the first within
the ‘nativist’ tradition to introduce the piano in the performance of traditional music in
Argentina. In this Naxos recording, however, conductor Joseph Holt utilises the charango, a
small guitar made of an armadillo shell, with the guitar replacing the keyboard part.
The Andean notched flute, quena and the panpipes, siku, which are also featured in this
recording, follow the Argentine criollo tradition where they usually accompany the charango,
the guitar and the bombo.
The Misa Criolla comes across as an appealing and inspiring work right from the first bars of
the opening movement Kyrie. The atmosphere provided by the excellent performers is electric
and at times magical. The three tenor parts lack the individual character of the acclaimed
performance by the eminent and charismatic tenor José Carreras, on his 1987 Philips
account, but the collective effect is thrilling.
The first section of the lively carnival mood of the Gloria is dominated by the guitars before
the tenors and choir gain prominence. Alongside the heavy dance elements of the Credo
distinctive use is made of panpipes. The carnival mood of the Sanctus features guitars. The
superbly performed closing movement Agnus Deiis notable for its dream-like and softly
coloured textures.
Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 7 Salvador de Madariaga London, 1965)
"...without abandoning its tone, without aspiring to the vulgarity of imitating a bourgeois
tone, it maintains a ritual level and rises in intensity without effort. With this work of
undoubtable universal value, Argentina gives to the world an example of how it is possible to
incorporate the people with greater culture by means of the safest way, which is that of
religion. It is to be expected that the whole of the Christian world will be able and will know
how to enjoy promptly the beauty and originality of this admirable Misa Criolla."
Programme Llangollen Festival 2007 José Carreras sings Misa Criolla Symphonic concert – 1st part El Eco de tu voz Albéniz Lejana Tierra Mia Gardel Silencio Cantatore Lama Vurria Rendine Cioffi Na Sera ´e Maggio L´Oreneta Morera Pel Teu Amor Ribas Misa Criolla Andean Pieces Los Calchakis Misa Criolla Ariel Ramírez Kyrie Gloria Credo Sanctus Ariel Ramirez. Born in Santa Fe, Argentina, he
roamed the South American hinterland in his
early twenties playing piano and studying
regional musical traditions. After a brief stint
in Buenos Aires, he spent several years in
Europe, studying in Madrid and Vienna and
teaching music in a German convent.
Returning to South America in 1954, he
completed his musical training in Buenos
Aires, where his politically engaged popular
songs rapidly earned him renown as a leader
of the nueva cancion movement.
His breakthrough onto the international stage
came in 1967 with the first performance and
recording of the Misa Criolla (Mass in Native
The success of this innovative work owes
much to its timing. Set in Spanish rather than
Latin, it was one of the first major masses
composed after the Second Vatican Council
mandated the use of the vernacular. It also
profited from the period's burgeoning interest
in folk music. As a result, the work quickly
captured the imagination of audiences
worldwide and has received thousands of
The mass's reception abroad, where its style
was perceived as novel and exotic, actually
helped stimulate appreciation for native
culture among more skeptical audiences back
in Argentina. Like all Ramirez' major works,
the Misa Criolla draws substantially on the folk
traditions in which he immersed himself as a
young man.
Agnus Dei Bis -­‐ José Carreras + Piano Lorenzo Bavaj Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 8 Company references
Among the most renowned music agencies in Spain,
Producciones Lastra is proud to present and promote
the biggest names in latin music, dance, and
Since 1978 Producciones Lastra has vast experience in
organizing music events, with a wide variety of genres
including tango, folk, opera, classical and world music.
successful large and small scale events for both
During the last 3 decades Producciones Lastra has
worked in collaboration with some of the most
important festivals and venues, organizing more
than 6000 concerts and promotions that guarantees
us as one of the most stable agencies in Spain. Many
prestigious cultural organizations have confided in our
expertise, ranging from “Teatro Albéniz” in Madrid
or “Palau de la Música” in Barcelona to “Suntory Hall”
in Tokio and “Carnegie Hall” in New York.
Producciones Lastra is proud of its long association
with José Carreras, since he recorded the famous
masterpiece Misa
Criolla which
encompassed a huge range of high profile projects
around the world over many years.
C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq.
28007 Madrid
Tel (+34) 91 521 77 23
C/ Numància 111-115, Local 2
08029 Barcelona
Tel (+34) 93 181 28 06
With offices located in Madrid
Barcelona, Producciones
Lastra provides an unparalleled
concert booking service to our
clients in Spain and the rest of
the world, having promoted a
wide range of events from largescale
thousands, private
events and festivals.
Highlights from the most recent
seasons include:
José Carreras sings Misa
Criolla – Japan Tour 2005
Accentuating the requirement for creative and original
programming at various stages, our work also
encompasses a commitment to a wide range of music
from contemporary to world music.
Veranos de la Villa de Madrid
Los Calchakis – Lebanon
Tour 2005
With an emphasize on creating projects that combine
our artists, orchestras and groups with the leading
world, Producciones Lastra has achieved notable
success in the creation of events that have a strong
artistic vision coupled to conceptual reality. We also
work with other major international figures from the
music world who realize the benefit of our approach to
project creation and development.
José Cura – Concerto di
Natale di la RAI – Italia 2007
Internacional de Llagollen –
Walles 2007
Accentuating the requirement for creative and original
programming at various stages, our work also
encompasses a commitment to a wide range of music
from contemporary to world music.
José Carreras Misa Criolla
concerts - July 2010
Producciones Lastra S.L -­‐ C/ Estrella Polar 12, 5º Izq. (28007) Madrid – Tel: 91 521 77 23 -­‐ Mov: 676 929 479 -­‐ E-­‐mail: 9