May 8, 2016 - St. Charles Borromeo Church


May 8, 2016 - St. Charles Borromeo Church
He is risen,Alleluia!
seventh sunday of easter
the Solemnity of the Ascension
of the Lord
Saint Charles Borromeo Parish
parma, ohio
Benjamin West (1738-1820), The Ascension, 1801. Oil on canvas, 49½ x 34 in. The Berger Collection, Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado.
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 Entrance Let the Earth Rejoice and Sing Sprinkling with Holy Water Springs of Water...L. Trapp Text & Music © 2005 , Lynn Trapp. Published by OCP. All rights reserved Reprinted under LicenSingOnline #602033 Offertory #89—Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise Communion #578—Worthy Is the Lamb Closing #738—Crown Him with Many Crowns This Week’s Liturgy SUNDAY, MAY 8 The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Luke 24:46-53
10:30 AM Mother’s Day Confraternity
Knights of Columbus
Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm MONDAY, MAY 9 Acts 19:1-8; John 16:29-33 7:00 AM † Florence C Zust & Anne P Grischik
8:30 AM † Michael Pachuta
7:00 PM † Dennis Spisak
TUESDAY, MAY 10 Acts 20:17-27; John 17:1-11a 7:00 AM † Teresa Fallon
8:30 AM † Stanley Kovalsick & Karen Dennis
7:00 PM † Members of the Niksa & Copfer Families
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 Acts 20:28-38; John 17:11b-19 7:00 AM † Fr. William Gavron
8:30 AM † Rose Herwatt
7:00 PM † Coletta F. Stanton
THURSDAY, MAY 12 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; John 17:20-26 7:00 AM † David Ferlito
8:30 AM † Raymond Adams
7:00 PM † Karen Lonero & Family
FRIDAY, MAY 13 Acts 25:13b-21; John 21:15-19 7:00 AM † Edward Walick
8:30 AM † Emily Collaros
7:00 PM † John & Katherine Kopchak
SATURDAY, MAY 14 St. Matthias
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; John 15:9-17 8:00 AM † Dec'd of the Minchak & Kriz Family
10:00 PM Wedding—
Sarah Black & Sergio Basurto
12:00 PM Wedding—
Julie Golem & John Garswood
2:00 PM Wedding—
Astrid Hernandez & James Smith
VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 & 6:00pm
SUNDAY, MAY 15 Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1-11; I Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13; John 20:19-23 2:00 PM May Crowning
Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm
Merici Chapel… As you make plans for Spring
activities, sporting events, graduations, showers,
weddings and gardening, try & make time for the
most important event in your life — preparing for
eternity. Visit Jesus in Merici Chapel. He’ll help
you with your plans.
St. Charles Borromeo Church III Sarah Black & Sergio Basurto
III Julie Golem & John Garswood
III Astrid Hernandez & James Smith
II Nicole Hwodeky & Jeffrey Kincaid
LIFE IS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Sharon Ranieri William Carr Evelyn Melinsky Margaret O‘Keefe SUNDAY COLLECTION May 1, 2016 Offertory Collection
ACH / Online / Credit Card
Thank you! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE May 7th & 8th After all Mother’s Day weekend Masses. Carnations will be available in a variety of colors for $1.00. Surprise your Mom with the gift of flowers or honor her memory if you plan a visit to the cemetery. FOR MOM ON MOTHER’S DAY Looking for the perfect way to remember
Mom on Mother’s Day? Enroll your Mom,
living or deceased, in St Charles Mothers'
Memorial Confraternity. All Moms will be
remembered at the 10:30am Mass on
Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8th. Moms
will also be
at a Mothers'
Confraternity Mass to be offered once-per-month June 2016
to Apri1 2017. Pick up a Confraternity card from the Parish
Office after Mass today. Your free-will offering will be
gratefully accepted.
May 8, 2016
This Sunday, May 8, is Mothers’ Day.
At all our Masses this weekend we will remember
our moms, both the living and the deceased. Our
Youth Group is sponsoring a Mothers’ Day Carnation Sale.
Today the Church marks the Solemnity of the Ascension.
At one time, the Ascension was celebrated exactly forty days after
Easter (which would have fallen on last Thursday.) In recent
years, many Bishops in the United States have transferred the
observation of the Ascension to the Sunday following the forty-day
This Thursday, May 12, at 7:00pm in church (the
7:00pm Mass that evening will be celebrated in Merici Chapel)
we will host Christopher West, internationally known Catholic
speaker and evangelist.
West’s presentation is entitled
“Life, Love, and Mercy.” West is a dynamic speaker, originally
inspired by St John Paul II and now highly motivated by Pope
Francis’ Year of Mercy. St Charles has offered some excellent
speakers in year’s past; Christopher West is one of the best and
will be long-remembered. See you Thursday evening! Our
recently founded Evangelization Commission heartily endorses
this presentation. In Pope Francis’ words, “ministers of the
Church must be ministers of mercy above all.”
I have asked each 2016-2019 candidate for Parish Council
to tell us a little about (him/her)self. You will find those statements
in this bulletin. Please look them over and then select your four
candidates. The Parish Council election will take place next
weekend before Mass begins. Thank you to all who accepted
Four years ago, St Charles parishioners pledged generously
to the diocesan-wide Rooted in Faith Capital Campaign. Thirty
percent of the funds received are returned to St Charles.
We agreed at the time of the campaign that our share would be set
aside in a Rainy Day Fund for unexpected but necessary improvements/repairs to our parish plant. This week we were faced with
areas of asphalt in our parking lot requiring immediate attention.
At last Thursday’s meeting, our Finance Council reviewed the
situation. It is more cost-effective to provide concrete pavement at
the east entrance of the Charles Ave lot, in front of the PAC.
Asphalt in the Wilber Ave lot will be patched. We are also
examining the replacing of other asphalt areas with concrete. Our
Rainy Day Fund will bear the cost. Work should be completed in
June (before the Carnival!)
Some sharp young priests of our Diocese have begun a
program called “Theology on Tap.” It caters to young adults, in
their 20’s and 30’s. Fr Tim Roth (St Charles born and bred) is
now associate pastor at St Angela in Fairview Park; he is a mover
and shaker in this endeavor. There is a social, appetizers, and
a cash bar. An interesting and informative talk is then given. The
locale is Beach Cliff Tavern, 19245 Detroit Ave in Rocky River.
Each evening begins at 7:00. This Wednesday, May 11, Jacob
Bearer, St Mary seminarian, will speak on “Mary, Not Just Your
Gramma’s Momma.” The next presentation will be Wednesday,
June 8. Eric Garris will offer “All In: Mysticism or Nothing At
All.” By the way, Father Terry and Father Ryan have already
been guest speakers—to sell-out crowds! Check the bulletin
article for details.
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP MINISTRY (Grades 9-12)
Summer 2016
Steubenville Conference
 Upperclassmen Leadership Team  Youth‐Focused & Youth‐Led Mass  New Days & Times for Events  Twice a Month Events for 9th‐12th Graders St. Charles High School Youth Group
Friday - Sunday
June 17, 18, 19
Saturday, May 7 Encounter! ...7:30-10:15pm starting in
church with Mass followed by Open Gym & hanging out this
evening. Jeff Botos will lead praise & worship during the
Youth Mass. All 8th graders are invited!!
Saturday/Sunday, May 7 & 8… Mother’s Day Flower Sale
after all Masses. We need your help (including 8th graders)!!!
Call Sr. Denise Marie if you are available (884-3030).
June 17-18-19… Save the date...Franciscan University’s
Steubenville Summer Conference.
Registration forms
available in Parish Office. Deposit of $50 is due ASAP to
reserve your spot. Cost for the weekend is $195. All 8th
graders are invited!!
!! Space is Limited !!
All 8 graders are invited!!
Registration forms available in the Parish Office.
Please return to Sr. Denise Marie with a
$50 deposit ASAP (Weekend cost is $195.)
PCRF (Parish Christian Religious Formation)
Any questions, contact:
Lena (216)-544-6164 /
Fr. Ryan (440)884-3030 /
Sr. Denise (440)884-3030 /
Registration of PCRF for the 2016-2017 school year is
going on now. Any child attending grades Kindergarten
thru 8th in the Fall can register at the Parish Office.
Classes are held on Mondays (September thru May). You
can call the PCRF office (440)886-5668 for more
2nd Annual May Crowning Our 2nd Annual May Crowning will take place
on Sunday, May 15th, 2016 at 2:00pm in our
church. We are asking that any member of our
parish that would like to participate in the
“Living Rosary” to please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number.
This could be one adult or teen individual, a
couple or a family of no more than four who
would be willing to lead a Hail Mary or another part of the
Mark your calendars now for Sunday, June 5 at
10:30am. Your parish family is planning a special
Mass and reception to celebrate your graduation. We
invite ALL graduates to be a part of this celebration
(high school, college). Please call the Parish Office
(440)884-3030 if you can attend. Invitations to
known high school seniors were mailed out recently.
More details to follow.
BOY SCOUT TROOP 221 CAR WASH FUNDRAISER Boy Scout Troop 221 will have a car wash at the Unity
Catholic Credit Union parking lot on Sunday, May 15
from 9:30am to 1:30pm.
$10 donation appreciated.
Interior service available. All monies go to benefit the 2017
Sea Base High Adventure trip.
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION St. Charles School participates in the Box Tops for Education
fundraising program. Box Tops can be found on items like
Progresso soup, Cheerios and Kleenex. We
would appreciate it if you would save them
for the school. Box Tops can be dropped off
at the parish or school office. Any questions,
call Debbie at the school office (440)8865546. Thank you for your support!
St. Charles Borromeo Church May 8, 2016 Winter is coming!
Don’t be left out in the cold! St. Charles Drama Club Presents: The
Snow Queen
By Hans Christian Anderson SUMMER BIBLE FUN July 25 ‐ 29, 2016 It is time once again to register for Summer Bible Fun.
This year's theme is The Rosary. SBF will take place
July 25th-29th for students entering grades 1-5 in Fall 2016.
Registration forms are available in the Parish Office and are
due back to the Parish Office by May 9. If you have any
questions, please contact the PCRF office at 440-886-5668.
Friday, May 13th ‐ 7:00pm & Saturday, May 14th ‐ 1:00pm Performances are in the School Gym. Admission is free! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Spring is around the corner and it is time for the Annual
Knights of Columbus Super Cash Bonanza. Each ticket is
only $5 and the proceeds from each sale benefit
St. Charles. For more information and for tickets please
contact a fellow St. Charles Knight, PTU member, or visit
the Parish Office by May 9th.
Brother Knights, please remember that there is a meeting
on Monday, May 9th. Officers Meeting at 7:00pm, Rosary
at 7:30pm, followed by the Business Meeting at 7:45pm in
the Borromeo Room of the Parish Activity Center.
Please Pray the Rosary.
THEOLOGY ON TAP | WEST Each month, young adults in their 20's and
30's are invited to gather at Beachcliff
Tavern (19245 Detroit Ave.. Rocky River) at
7:00pm to hear an engaging speaker reflect
on some aspect of the faith while enjoying a
pint and some tasty food! Each night kicks
off with a social, which includes complementary appetizers and a cash bar, followed by
a speaker. Admission is only $5.
Our next speaker on Wednesday, May 11th will be Jacob
Bearer, a 4th year theologian at St. Mary Seminary, who will
be offering us an interesting reflection on Mary, our Mother,
in his talk entitled, "Mary: Not Just Your Gramma's
Momma." Theology on Tap is a great way for young adults
to go deeper in their faith and connect with other young
Catholics in the area. For more details, please contact:
Fr. Tim Roth (440.333.2133 / or
Fr. Jeff Barnish (440.734.13001 /
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 CASINO BUS TRIP Fundraiser Sponsored by the St. Charles Ladies Guild Meadows Casino St. Charles Ladies Guild
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“Bring your own tea cup & saucer”
Saturday, May 21st
Lower Parish Hall
Ages 10—110
A lite luncheon with all the tea & coffee you can drink will
be provided. Our speaker will be Deborah Lime —
“What Parma has to offer its Residents”
Door Prizes & Raffle Prizes
Welcoming great grandmas, grandmas, mothers, nieces,
daughters, sisters (no children under the age of 10, please)
$5 for ages 10-16 | all others $7
Stop in the Parish Office to purchase tickets.
For more information, please call Pat Lawler (440)843-9186.
Washington, PA Wednesday, June 8th
$40/pp / $30 play back money Leave new parking lot 9:00am; return around 7:30pm All are Welcome!! Reservations due by June 3rd to the Parish Office in envelope marked Ladies Guild Bus Trip ‐or‐ Pat Lawler Checks payable for $40 to: St. Charles Ladies Guild For more information, call Pat Lawler (440)843‐9186 Basista Furniture 5295 State Rd, Parma 216‐398‐5900 Stop in the Parish Office for a Discount/ Donation Voucher! Need new furniture or accessories for your home? Stop in
Basista Furniture on State Rd in Parma and present a special
Parish Discount/Donation Voucher upon entering the store.
St. Charles parishioners will receive an additional discount
from sale prices. Also, a donation will be made to St. Charles
Borromeo Parish upon delivery of your order!!
St. Charles Borromeo Church May 8, 2016 MARY QUEEN OF PEACE (216‐749‐2323) Join us for a Reverse Raffle, Saturday, May 14th, 6:30pm in
the Parish Center for a chance to win $1,000. Tickets are
$35 and include a delicious home-cooked dinner and beer.
Only 250 tickets will be sold and all 250 will be drawn.
Don’t miss out on your chance to win! For tickets or more
info, call Roger (216)269-3114.
ST. LEO THE GREAT (216‐661‐1006)
Bus trip, Tuesday, May 10th, Mansfield, Ohio, stops at
Mansfield Memorial Museum, Richland Carrousel Park,
Der Dutchman Restaurant, Possum Run Greenhouse,
Wayne’s Country Market, Eatmor Bundt Co. &
Olivesbury General Store. $66/person. For more info, call
Joanne (440)426-3505.
ST. THOMAS MORE (216‐749‐0414)
Travel to Italy with Fr. Bill Bouhall & Fr. John Miceli from
October 7-17, 2017. Cost is $3,990 (airfare & all-included).
We will visit Rome, Assisi, Tuscany, Florence, Siena,
Padua & Venice. To register, please contact (855)842-8001
or register online at
The annual 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on
Sunday, July 31st at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
Bishop Richard G. Lennon, will be the principal celebrant.
Reservations are now being accepted for couples married 50
years (married in 1966). Couples celebrating other significant
anniversaries (55 or over) or who have missed previous celebrations are welcome to register and attend. Seating is limited in
the Cathedral. The number of guests will be determined by the
seating capacity and total number registered.
Date & Time: Sunday, July 31st, 2016—2:30pm Mass
Place: Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Please register in the Parish Office by June 26th. On or after
July 15, registered couples will receive a letter with
instructions, map and driving/parking details.
If you have any questions, contact:
Jane (216)334-2978; email
or Jason (216)334-2974; email
SENIOR HEALTH & FITNESS PROGRAMS Mount Alverna Village in partnership with Seven Hills
Community Recreation Center are sponsoring,
Senior Health & Fitness Day on Wednesday,
May 25th, from 9:00am to 12:00 Noon at
7777 Summitview Drive, Seven Hills, Ohio. Each
Wednesday leading up to the Health Fair, we will
be offering Focus Groups on various topics. There
is no fee to attend any of these events. Listed
below are other focus groups beginning with continental breakfast & entertainment from 8:30am-9:00am followed by the
presentation from 9:00am-10:30am.
May 11
Food Safety for Seniors
May 18
Medicare 101—We Educate you on the Difference
between a Medicare Supplement, Medicare
Advantage Plan & Part D Prescription Plan
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 RAFFLE TICKETS ARRIVING SOON TO YOUR HOME! SACRED STEPS TO PEACE / CATHOLIC DIVORCE RECOVERY The Department for Marriage and Family Ministry is featuring a Catholic Divorce Recovery Program entitled Sacred
Steps to Peace. The Sacred Steps General Meeting is held on the third Friday of each month, with a focus on spiritual
healing and growth through education, discussion and reflection on Scriptures and Church teachings. A “Working on the
Steps” group meets the first and third Thursday of each month, and is guided by a team in a support group format, using
prayer, exercises and a workbook as a pathway to divorce recovery. Participants are welcome to join at any time.
Sacred Steps General Meeting, for 14 sessions
Place: St. Joseph Parish, 12700 Pearl Road, Strongsville, Ohio 44136.
Cost: $25 for series, including the workbook
Date & Time: The first meeting was Friday, 18 September 2015 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. but you can join at any time.
It continues to meet the third Friday of each month, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Working the Steps Support Group (optional)
Date & Time: First and third Thursday of each month from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Register online at Sacred Steps to Peace, or call 216-334-2978.
St. Charles Borromeo Church May 8, 2016 Statements of Candidates for Parish Council, 2016‐2019 Term Please review and select four of your choice; election is next weekend. Allesan Armstrong: My husband, Tom, and I are the parents of three children. I am an attorney
with a discovery firm. I am a PTU member; my husband is Financial Secretary of the K of C. Our
oldest daughter, Xoe, is in kindergarten and PCRF, Shoshanna attends St Charles Pre-school. You may
hear our youngest, Gabriel, at Sunday Mass! Formerly we were members of St Francis in Oklahoma
City, joining St Charles in January 2015. I would like to serve on Parish Council to become more
involved and to share prior leadership experience.
Danielle Brooks: My husband, Chris, and I were married at St Charles ten years ago. Our
three children were baptized here and attend St Charles School. I have been involved with Youth
Group, Pre-Cana Team, CYO Sports, Scouts, and PTU. Currently I am PTU Treasurer and next year
I will serve as PTU Co-President. I am an Emergency Room Nurse at Parma UH Hospital. I would like
to foster more lay involvement in the church and school. The legacy of St Charles should continue for
the next generation. I offer my support to keep the mission of St Charles alive for my children and
Tracy Callihan: My husband, Chris, and I are 16 year St Charles members. We have three
children: Nathan (16), Anna (12), and Elly (4). I attend CSU for my Bachelors and Masters. I am a
20 year licensed social worker working with foster care, juvenile court, and Cleve Metro School
District. I am an active PTU member, two terms as recording secretary, with five years as Craft and
Vendor Chair. This year I became involved in Junior High Youth Ministry. It is important for me,
and for my family, to play an active role in community and Church.
Rob Dufala: I am a lifelong member of St Charles. I attended St Charles School, pre-school to
eighth grade. I was active in Youth Group and World Youth Days. I graduated from St Ignatius High
and the University of Dayton (2012). I work as a chemical engineer. I seek to become more involved
in the parish. My mom once served on Parish Council and was elected Council President.
Fran Leisz: My husband, Joseph, and I have been St Charles parishioners for 48 years. Our two
daughters, Pamela, who now lives in Michigan and Cynthia, who now lives in Medina, both attended
St Charles School and Holy Name High. I am a long-time member of the Worship Commission,
a Eucharistic Minister, Summer Carnival, collection counter, and Ladies Guild member. The recent
talk about “Evangelization” prompts me to seek a seat on Parish Council.
Lee Walczak: I have been a parishioner for eighteen years. We were married at St Charles in 2002.
Our two sons graduated from St Charles. Our two daughters are currently students there. I was asked to
run by a friend. Our family’s faith has grown tremendously as members of this parish. I want to offer
my suggestions for continued growth in our church and school. I look forward to collaboration with
Father Carlin and Council members to keep our parish strong in faith and viable in our community.