Annual Report 2015


Annual Report 2015
Porchlight, Inc. 2015 Annual Report
Porchlight Mission
Porchlight strives to decrease the Dane County
homeless population by providing shelter, housing,
supportive services, and a sense of community
in ways that empower residents and program
participants to positively shape their lives.
Letter from the Executive Director and
Board President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3
Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Porchlight Program Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tony Gonzalez: New Chapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Erica Moore: Finding a Clear Path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Joseph Frey: Looking Forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Aisha Chestnut: Family First. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Financial Statements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–11
Thank You.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13
Individual Donor List.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–23
Organizational Donor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24–25
Drop-In Shelter Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Where to Find Us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover
Time For Transition
In. boy; go first. You houseless poverty –
Nay, get thee in. I’ll pray, and then I’ll sleep.
Poor naked wretches, whereso’er you are,
That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm.
How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides,
Your looped and windowed raggedness, defend you
From seasons such as these? O, I have ta’en
Too little care of this! Take physic, pomp;
Expose thyself to feel what wretches feel,
That thou mayst shake the superflux to them
And show the heavens more just.
William Shakespeare, King Lear, Act III, Scene 4, lines 26-38.
As my twenty-five plus years as a
volunteer, board member and employee for this
organization nears its end, I have been reflecting
on my relationship to Porchlight and its mission.
In one sense, the organization exists to help
individuals and families experiencing a range of
issues, some beyond their control, but others
recognized as their responsibility. These persons
are not friends, family or acquaintances, but instead,
are complete strangers. So, why do I care so
passionately about Porchlight and its mission?
a much greater understanding of homelessness
and our own response. Lear represents the
powerful and wealthy brought to homelessness in
the span of merely a few short weeks. Seeking
shelter from a terrible storm in a shack, he meets
“Poor Tom,” who is actually Edgar, the rightful
heir of Gloucester, hiding, as a homeless wretch
feigning mental illness to add to the legitimacy of
his disguise. The rapid and radical reversals of
fortune for both Lear and Edgar remind us that we
may not be that far from destitution, ourselves.
Remarkably, Shakespeare provides
insight into this quandary through his tragedy, King
Lear. This is remarkable because it was written
in the early seventeenth century as entertainment
for the middle and upper classes of his day
as the long and prosperous Elizabethan Age
concluded. Certainly, extreme disparities in power,
privilege and property existed, but the King was
considered divine province and such disparities
were just a part of the human condition. Yet, in
this scene, King Lear has his fool enter the hovel
for shelter from the raging storm before him while
regretfully ruing the condition of the homeless,
confessing his failure to do more to help.
Those volunteers providing meals for
our shelter, when describing their experience,
often observe that those served are no different
from those serving. All of us realize that our
circumstances are heavily influenced by where,
to whom and with what we were born. For my
own family, we were born in the United States,
to middle class families and without the genetic
inheritance of the mental illness that is a part of
our family history. By helping the homeless, we
are in a sense actually treating those no different
than ourselves, as we would hope to be treated.
Although Shakespeare’s motivation for this
incredible scene and passage is unknown, when
viewed in the context of the entire play, it provides
But there is more. Lear’s tragedy is
his arrogant confusion of his eldest daughters’
fawning adulation of power, privilege and property
for love. In fact, love is the continued caring by his
youngest daughter, despite being disowned and
Steve Schooler, Executive Director of Porchlight, with
Sheri Carter, President of Porchlight’s Board of Directors
disinherited, for her father even though he is a
powerless, property less and pitiful old man. As
the quoted passage makes clear, the meaning
of love is caring for others regardless of their
circumstances extends to family and beyond.
Lear realizes this too late for him, but not for us.
As most of you already know, Porchlight
is undergoing a transition of leadership to a
new Executive Director. Thankfully, we have
been provided substantial time to plan and
implement this transition which is anticipated
to be complete by the end of this year.
In the midst of Lear’s raging storm, both
without and within, he cries out for the “poor naked
wretches,” regrets not having done more and
wishes “to shake the superflux to them…And show
the heavens more just.” When volunteering for the
shelter twenty-five years ago, I began to realize
that I had an opportunity to make a difference in
that regard. Hopefully, with your help, I have played
at least some small role in making that happen.
As we embrace a new Executive
Director, the Board renews its commitment to its
mission: reducing homelessness in Dane County
by providing shelter, housing, support services
and programs that create a sense of community
empowering residents and guests and positively
shaping their lives. Porchlight has been fortunate
that through the leadership of Steven Schooler,
it has substantially more housing, programs and
services than ever before. The Porchlight Board
is committed to continue the development of
housing, services, and programs to meet the
needs of the homeless in our community.
Thank You!
We look forward to the opportunity
presented for new leadership to reach broader
audiences, expand housing and programs
and enhance community understanding
of homelessness and its solutions.
Steven J. Schooler
Executive Director, Porchlight
Sheri Carter
Board President, Porchlight
Porchlight Board of Directors
Members of the Porchlight, Inc. Board bring a rich mixture
of skills, resources, perspectives and backgrounds to their
tasks as directors. They represent Madison’s business,
education and social service communities. The Board directs
the activities of Porchlight, Inc., overseeing operations
and monitoring management of its programs.
2015 Officers
Sheri Carter, President
Christine Thomas, Vice President
Kevin Huff, Secretary
Brian Donley, Treasurer
2015 Other Directors
Richard T. Chao
Gene Schaeffer, Jr.
Mary Ann Cook
Keith Schmidt
Antonio Gonzalez
Jeff Schraml
Ronald Luskin
Jeremey Shepherd
Beatrice McCoy
Sal Troia
Jeffrey McIntyre
John Tucker
T. Michael Osborne
Doug Van Schoik
Porchlight Programs
Porchlight’s Hospitality House is a daytime
resource center located on Madison’s south side
off Fish Hatchery Road. Hospitality House offers
guests food, clothing, personal hygiene essentials,
employment counseling, and housing resources.
In 2015, Hospitality House served more than
1,833 individuals.
As the largest nonprofit provider of low-income
housing in Dane County, Porchlight is able to offer its
residents the opportunity to live in a variety of
locations throughout Madison and the surrounding
area. Porchlight’s 303 housing units include both
transitional and permanent housing. Transitional
programs serve residents for up to two years or until
they transition into permanent housing at Porchlight
or in the community. Residents in permanent
housing may choose to stay indefinitely, or for a
period of time while they seek other permanent
housing options. Properties vary from single-room
occupancy units for single adults to multi-family
units. One of Porchlight’s central goals is to enable
residents to achieve independence and stability in
housing through case management and connection
to other services. To that end, all Porchlight residents
are assigned a case manager who assists with job
training, money management, development of life
skills, and referrals to appropriate resources in the
community. Porchlight Housing as a whole served
391 adults in 2015.
The DIGS program, located at St. John’s Lutheran
Church, is Porchlight’s emergency eviction
prevention program that provides aid to Dane
County individuals and families in collaboration
with local faith organizations. In 2015, the DIGS
program provided counseling to 1,260 households
and financial assistance to 1,020 households in
danger of eviction.
Safe Haven is a 14-bed transitional homeless
shelter for individuals with mental illness, located
on Madison’s east side. In 2015, Safe Haven
provided shelter to 51 guests on a transitional
basis. Eligible guests who are waiting for a shelter
bed may access drop-in services 7 days per
week, including meals, laundry, showers, and case
management. Safe Haven served an additional
196 drop-in guests in 2015.
In addition to providing housing and case
management, Porchlight fulfills its mission to
decrease homelessness by operating specialized
programs to meet the needs of the homeless
population in Dane County. The Men’s Drop-In
Shelter is the only emergency nighttime shelter for
homeless men in the Madison area. Shelter guests
are provided with meals, showers, laundry, and
outreach services. The shelter serves around 80
men nightly in the summer and expands to serve
160-190 men every night during the colder months.
When demand is higher, Porchlight accesses
overflow shelters for a total of three locations: Grace
Episcopal Church, St. John’s Lutheran Church, and
First United Methodist Church. In 2015, the Drop-In
Shelter provided services to 1,272 men who were
experiencing homelessness.
Participants in the Porchlight Products program
create handmade products such as jams, jellies,
sauces, and dry mixes that are sold in local stores
and restaurants. More than 75 percent of all
ingredients come from local farms using
sustainable agricultural methods. In this program,
individuals with mental and/or physical disabilities
receive job and life skills training in a supportive
work environment. Participants take great pride in
the work they do and the final product on store
shelves for the public to enjoy. To learn where you
can buy or taste these great products, please visit
Tony Gonzalez: New Chapters
I had been abusing alcohol since the age of 14
when I decided to get help for my addiction.
At this point I had been homeless just over two
years and was trying to make it in a world I
felt was completely against me. Survival was
always on my mind. Worrying about a warm
place to sleep, staying safe, my next meal, and
where I was going to get my next drink.
it all seemed to come together. One morning, I
woke up and the clouds were gone. I felt better.
My next step was to find sober and stable housing.
That’s when I met Kathy, Loran and Jen at Porchlight.
These people did so much for me and every other
veteran that came through their doors. It wasn’t
just a job for them. It came from their heart and
soul. I have never known three people that cared so
much. Kathy helped me apply for Social Security,
FoodShare, and a cell phone. I remember going to
Kathy when feeling really depressed and, by the end
of our conversation, I felt really good about myself.
She was always there when I needed to talk. Loran
made sure I had everything I needed and had gave a
lot of support. If you had appointments to get to, they
would make sure you had transportation. Jen was my
miracle worker from the V.A. She explained to me my
rights as a veteran and benefits for which I qualified.
One day, my oldest daughter woke me up and said
“you’re going to the V.A. to get some help!” She
knew I was hurting badly and was tired of seeing me
shake so much due to the withdrawls getting worse. I
made an agreement with her to quit drinking and get
some help so I checked myself into the VA Hospital.
Everyone was nice, but at first I was scared and
embarrassed. That is until I started meeting people
that had the same issues I had, so I didn’t feel so
alone. The program was 35 days long and I was kept
busy from sun up to sun down. I really tried hard to
belong but for some reason, I couldn’t do it. I tried to
absorb as much as I could, but it was like my brain
had shut down and next came the depression. I didn’t
want to deal with anyone or anything and I stopped
eating. It was like my body was in each group, but
my mind was fighting my horrible past! But, after
finding the right doctors and the right medication,
I was at Spring Street for approximately two months
when I was offered a mentorship position at Nakoosa,
which meant permanent housing. At first, it took a
little to get used to but Porchlight has given so much
to me and it was time to pay it forward. I moved to
Nakoosa embarking on a new chapter in my life.
Erica Moore: Finding a Clear Path
Erica became homeless at the age of 22 after a
personal issue caused her to be unable to stay with
family members. At first she stayed with her friend
but then her friend moved out of state. Erica found
herself without a place to stay. She then began
sleeping at the Salvation Army women’s shelter,
occasionally staying with friends or family members.
After Erica received a bed at Safe Haven, she
was able to really commit to her goals. She
began saving money, volunteering at the Boys
and Girls Club, going to doctors’ appointments,
and most importantly remembering to take her
medications daily. Erica also shared her beautiful
artwork with staff and other Safe Haven guests.
She heard about Safe Haven, a shelter for those
with a mental health diagnosis, and began
using day services there while she waited for
a bed. At the time Erica began using services
at Safe Haven, she was very depressed about
her housing situation. Being homeless was very
stressful and caused her to feel like she was “all
over the place.” She had difficulty saving money
and remembering to take her medications.
Erica worked with her assigned staff person to
overcome her fear of going to the eye doctor.
She attended her eye exam and was able to get
glasses to correct her severe nearsightedness.
Erica is continuing to work hard and hoping
to move into her own apartment soon.
Joseph Frey:
Looking Forward
I have done what I can to make it back
into a society that I had been wrongfully
incarcerated from for 23 years. How did I do
this? It was very hard work. First, I had to get
some kind of housing. That was something
that I had no idea how to do, but with the
help of Porchlight, I was able to figure it out.
seniors on how to get prepared to re-enter
the work force by teaching them basic
computer skills, resume writing, debt relief,
and anything else that can be done to get
them ready to go back to the workforce.
I’m excited for the beginning of many
things to come; all because of the help
and support that I have received from
UW Law School, MUM, and Porchlight.
Without whom, I would have never
been able to keep looking forward.
Once I was released, the first night stay
at a hotel was paid for by the UW Law
school’s Innocence Project. The second
night would be on me. I had to start at the
homeless shelter. I learned what had to be
done everyday and to make a routine that
I could follow. Because I had a disability,
it made things harder. But it wasn’t about
looking back; I had to keep my vision and
sight looking forward. Along with getting my
state ID, social security card, medicine and
care, (which I managed to secure through
St. Vincent DePaul and the medical students
who visited the shelter), I was able to get my
health back into shape. It seemed daunting
to ever reach a good place. Eventually I
got connected with Madison Area Urban
Ministries (MUM). They were able to offer me
services I needed as long as I was willing to
do the leg work to get it done…and I did!
Often I reflect upon what I have managed
to accomplish. I have managed to pay it
forward at every step that I could. I started
doing reintegration programs with MUM at
various locations, volunteering at Porchlight’s
Drop-In Shelter when I was able, and
have never stopped looking forward.
With all things, life moves on and I
have to keep moving forward. Now I do
independent studies and work as an
Administrative Liaison with the Wisconsin
Senior Employment program. I help train
Aisha Chestnut: Family First
Before coming to Porchlight my life was
horrible. I felt like giving up. My children
and I had been staying with family and
friends, bouncing from place to place for
over two years. I had a bad rental history
that left me with evictions and money
owed to multiple landlords. It seemed
impossible for me to find housing.
Housing in Sun Prairie, she recommended
me, even though I had only been in the
Housing First Program a short time, because
she knew it would be a good fit for my
family and our budget. I moved into a duplex
in Sun Prairie in December of last year.
Wendy is still my case manager in permanent
housing and we continue to work on financial
goals that will help me fix my rental history.
She provides support and resources for my
family, like helping me get my son enrolled in
school, connecting me with summer camps
and educational expenses for my children.
Because of Porchlight I no longer worry
whether my kids are safe or where they will
sleep at night because we have a home.
Porchlight has given me the housing stability I
needed to take care of my family and myself.
A friend of mine who rented from Porchlight
referred me to them and I filled out an
application for housing. I was able to
move into the Sun Prairie Housing First
Program at the end of last summer.
My case manager, Wendy, helped me make
the transition to a place of my own. She
assisted with furniture and household items,
provided school supplies, and helped our
family with Christmas gifts. When there
was an opening for Porchlight Permanent
2015 Funding Sources and Expenses
United Way
Hospitality Housing
Department of Housing
& Urban Development
Other Gov’t.
Madison Community
Block Grant
Dane County
State of Wisconsin
Special Costs
Total Agency Income for 2015:
$ 4,515,065
Total Agency Expenses for 2015:
$ 4,664,181
Capital Expenditures for 2015:
$ 151,729
*Figures are unaudited and do not include the capital campaign.
Revenue by Funding Sources 2015
United Way
Madison CDBG
Dane County
State of Wisconsin
Other Gov’t.
Expenses by Programs 2015
Drop-In Shelter
Hospitality House
Housing Support Services
Safe Haven
Brooks Street
$200,000$400,000$600,000 $800,000$1,000,000$1,200,000
Thank You
or many struggling to escape homelessness,
the barriers encountered daily often seem
insurmountable. Every day in 2015, Porchlight
helped families find housing, and connected
countless men and women with jobs and other
community resources. Porchlight would not be
able to do any of this work without the dedicated
volunteers and community partners that assist
with our many operations. We have groups and
individuals who not only donate their money,
but also their time, strength and personal
connections to help Porchlight continue its
mission. Our residents and staff thank everyone
who contributes to Porchlight.
respected that request. For those who would like
to be anonymous in future listings, also please let
us know.
The list of those who gave monetary donations
fails to recognize the many thousands who donate
their time and talents. The in-kind donations
received from these households, organizations and
businesses provide an essential sense of security
and support to the men, women and children as
they get back on their feet.
The doctors, nurses and students who staff our
public health clinics contribute greatly to assist
those in need. The medical clinics at the Drop-In
Shelter and Brooks Street have helped numerous
homeless guests with an array of medical problems.
The Volunteer Psychiatric Clinic, coordinated by Dr.
Ron Diamond, provides invaluable free psychiatric
services at Safe Haven and has expanded services
to include continued assistance with medication
monitoring. These clinics and their many volunteers
have been a welcome addition to the medical
services provided to those that have few other
options when it comes to medical care, particularly
those that need ongoing treatment.
In 2015, Porchlight was the beneficiary of an
amazing number of events. Porchlight would like
to recognize everyone who donated their skills and
talent to create community gatherings, concerts,
plays, galas and all-around unique occasions to
make a difference in the lives of those who need a
helping hand.
As in the past, our contributors are listed without
regard to levels of giving, not because amounts
are unimportant, but because we do not want the
amount to obscure the recognition and expression
of gratitude for the gift, however large or small.
Beyond the professional clinics, there are donations
of time by numerous individuals and organizations
who assist with work projects, provision of services
at Hospitality House and, of course, the Drop-In
Shelter. Our Drop-In Shelter volunteer network of
60-plus organizations and more than 1,700 people
has been an incredible contributor to the lives and
health of those we serve.
We have tried to provide an accurate alphabetical
list of contributors. There are numerous spouses
and other household members not listed. For
households, we have listed the person who actually
signed the check, but where there was an indication
of additional contributors for a household we have
tried to include them as well. If you have contributed
but your name is not included, we apologize. Please
let us know so we can correct any inaccuracy.
For those wishing to remain anonymous, we have
Also, there are the many donated services
and auction items that have made our Annual
Recognition Dinner and silent auction a tremendous
Our programs would not be possible without the
support of our long-term funding agencies:
City of Madison Community Development Block
Grant Commission, Dane County Department of
Human Services and the Community Development
Block Grant office, the State of Wisconsin, the
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development
Authority, the United States Department of Housing
and Urban Development and the United Way of
Dane County. We also received significant additional
support this year from numerous public and
private foundations, businesses, organizations
and individuals who advocated for Porchlight.
r ch i g
success. We raised more than $85,600 in 2015
from this event alone. At the 2015 dinner, we
highlighted the accomplishments that past and
current residents have made over the last 30 years
with the help of Porchlight’s programs and staff.
We are tremendously grateful for the overwhelming
community support received in 2015 and
throughout our 31 years. Without this compassion
and generosity, we would not be able to accomplish
many of our programs’ goals described in this
report. Your gifts of time, talents and resources have
made the difference in the lives of so many.
Thank You!
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Nancy Abraham
William and Barbara Babcock
Rick and Marnie Beebe
Mary Blohm
Gary and Marylou Ace
Doug Bach
Robert J. Beggs
Adam Boardman
Gordon and Jean Acker
Elizabeth Backes
Patricia Bender
Jeffrey Bogardus
Ramonda Aeschlimann
Margaret Bade
Craig and Christie Bender
Jay Bohl
Peggy and Mark Afable
Mary Bade
Lawrence and Janice Bensky
Helen Boley
David Ahrens
Carole and Dick Badger
Bonnie and Rodney Benson
Charles Bolt
Margo and Peter Ahrens
Mark Bakken and Margaret Merrick-Bakken
Eric Berg
Rick Bolton and Sandy Tarver
Mike and Debra Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bolz
Melissa Berger
Robert Bondurant
Lidia Berghammer
David Bonfield
Mary L. Albrecht
Baine Alexander
Mary Bakken
Glen and Sarah Allison
Dr. Adam Balin and Karen Mahoney
Richard Amasino and Janice Fullenwider
Thomas and Marie Balistreri
Debra Bergman
Tom and Teri Borgwardt
Ford and Penny Ballantyne
Linda and Niles Berman
Brett and Samantha Borne
Sam and Annie Ballweg
Lauren Bern and John Bell
Janice Busse Borski
Joe and Karla Anderegg
Kenneth Ballweg
Mary Berryman-Agard
Jim and Sue Boshers
Gary and Esther Anderson
Sarah Balz
Barbara Besadny
Terry Bosky
Joyce Anderson
Tania Banak
Louis and Janine Bessemer
Lydia Bouffiou
Harriet and Duane Anderson
Sarah and Timothy Barber
Megan Bessett
Debra Bougie
Karen Anderson
Steven and Leigh Barczi
Jacqueline Bessey
Kathleen and Steve Bouton
Kevin and Mary Jo Anderson
Elizabeth Bard
Barbara and Dennis Best
Fredi Bove
Carolyn Anderson
Elizabeth Barrett and Sam Bates
Lynne Bethke
Yvonne Bowen
William Bethke
Tom Barrett
Maurice Better
Laura Bowles and Neil McLaughlin
Megan Barry
Carolyn Betz
Jeffrey and Angela Bartell
Nancy Beyler
Robert and Nancy Barth
R. Roth Judd and Lynne Biancardi Judd
Harold and Lorraine
Janice Anderzon
Toni Andress
Helene Androski
Richard and Alice Appen
Deb and Dean Archer
Bradley and Barbara
Russell and Louise Bartlett
Mary Jo Biebl-Yahnke and Ross Yahnke
Sharon and John Bartosch
Brett Armstrong
Marie Barwick
Anne Arnesen
David and Inez Baskerville
Anna Biermeier and Roger Hanson
Barbara and Stephen Arnold
David Baum
David Billing
Carol Aspinwall
Martin and Suzanne Bauman
Doug Bingenheimer
Tom and Marilyn Atamian
Susan and Ellis Bauman
Mary Binkley
Ben and Gretchen Atkinson
Faith Bauman
George Black
Lee Atterbury
Norm and Marion Beachley
Barbara Blackburn
Judith Aubey
Robert and Mary Bean
James and Freda Blair
Melissa Auchard-Scholz and Karl Scholz
Monica Bear
Theresa Blakley
Marvin Beatty
Rebecca Blank and Hannes Kuttner
Jon and Erin Augspurger
Elliott August
Kenneth Axe
Brian Aydemir
Kenneth Beck
Dave and Terri Beck-Engel
Alice Beckner
Claire Box
David Boyden
Lori Bozacki
Philip and Helen Bradbury
Kay Bradley
Fred Brancel and Mary Ann Litwiller
Dorothy Brar
Matt Braun
David Braun
Don and Carola Breckbill
Sandra Breitborde
C. Brooks Brenneis
Barbara Bressler
Douglas Brethauer
Malcolm Brett
Matthew Blasinski
Charlene Breunig
James Blochowiak
Lois and Edmund Brick
Judith Block
Sue and William Bridson
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Judith Broad
Margaret Carlson
Steve and Wendy Brockert
Jack and Sandy Carlson
Mary Brod
Kent Carnell and Barbara McFarland
Mia Brodersen
Karl and Aimee Teo Broman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brooks
Paul Buckalew
Adam Buckingham
Diane Budyak
Marlene Buechel
Mark and Sally Buffat
Charles and JoAnne Bunge
Ann and Richard Burgess
Susan and John Burmeister
Michael Burns and Nancy Zucker
Judith Burstyn and Stephan Deutsch
Sara Buschman
Cynthia Bush
Dr. William Busse
Thomas and Jeanne Caine
Ashley Caitlin
Peter and Aine Calgaro
Bernadette Callan
Renee Callaway
Ann Camillo
Rev. Peter Campbell
Andrew Campbell
Terressa Campbell
Peter and Marsha Cannon
Max Carbon
Claire and Tom Carlson
Jonathan Cottom
Sarah Clemons-Wagner
William Courtenay
Keith and Linda Clifford
Linda and John Coyle
Kevin and Kathleen
Barbara and Ted Crabb
James Clum
Pamela and Gary Crapp
William and Constance Clune
Christine Craven
Joseph Cohen
Laura and Bernard Cohen
Mark Crawford and Mary Zietz-Crawford
Deborah Cohn
Dawn Bryant Crim
Holly Cohn
Alan Crist
Juan Colas
Kathleen and Howard Crook
Fred and Wendy Coleman
Rev. Clyde and Mary Jo Cross
Victoria Colle
Marilyn Crowley
Joel and Colleen Collins
Carol and Mark Cullen
John and Erica Colmenares
Margaret and Michael Cullen
Joanne Conger
Shirley Culp
William and Kathleen Conn
Linda Cunning
Mark Connell
Kerry and Paul Curtis
Jatinder Cheema
Terri Connelly Cronk and Jack
Lois Curtiss
Evonna Cheetham
Starla Cook
Timothy and Barbara Chesney
Allan Czecholinski
Frank and Mary Ann Cook
LuEllen Childress
Samuel and Kaye Cooke
Chuck and Kathryn
James Chiolino
Jeannette and Guerdon Coombs
Quentin and Mary Carpenter
Pat Carruthers
Dean and Martha Brusegar
Nancie and John Cotter
Daniel Cottom
Philip and Kristine Brown
Barbara Brunette
Edward and Victoria Cothroll
James and Charlene Cleasby
David Brow
John Brugge and Sara Hulsether
Colleen Cleary and David Anderson
Kathleen Caron
Jessica Carrier and James Friedman
Virginia Brown
Lauren and Christopher Clausen
Carol and Peter Carstensen
Nancy and Vincent Caruso
Sarah and Peter Case
Keretha Cash
Jane Castagna
Ronald and Charlene Caucutt
Doug and Sherry Caves
James Ceithaml
Natan Chaitin
Doug and Christine Chambers
Richard Chao
Diane Chapman
Peter Chase
Rafael Chavez-Contreras
Daniel Chitek and Mary Delaney
Janis Crandall
Betty and Corkey Custer
Mary Czynszak-Lyne
Dana Corbett
Donn D’ Alessio and Julie Hayward
Nadine Cordio
Carey Dachik
Pamela Christenson
Tammy Droessler Cordray and Jeff Cordray
John Dachik
Mary Jo Christiansen
Richard Corey
James Dahlberg and Elsebet Lund
Rev. Brent Christianson
Louis Sampson Cornelius
Julie Dahlen
Andrea Christofferson
Judy Cornelius
Richard and Peggy Daluge
Chuck Chvala
Karen Cornwell
Mary Ann and Michael Damm
Michelle Cihla
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornwell
Thomas and Sharon D’Arcy
Mary Claridge
Susan and Kevin Corrado
Thomas and Kathleen Dare
Marcella and Thomas Claridge
Joseph Corry and Barbara Weston Corry
Dennis and Patricia Darwin
Coletta Corwin
Peg Davey and Tom Zanzig
Laurits R. and Bea
Matt Carlson
Nancy Dast
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Wynn and Loree Davies
Jana Draeger
Paul and Nancy Evans
Grant and Sarah Frautshi
Peter Davis
Marina Drake
Carla Draper
David and Mary Ellen Ewanowski
Carl Bernard Frederick
Emily Daw and Zachary Keir
Rayburne and Maria D’Costa
Linda and Michael Drea
Amy DeBaker
Jon and Phyllis Dresser
Thomas Fahey and Mary Ellen Hickey
Dr. David Michael Deci
Robert Duecker
Sally Falk
Richard and Patricia Friday
Eve and Carl Degen
Jessica Dugan
Gail and Richard Farrell
Bernard Friedlander
Paul Delong
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap
Karen Faster
Leslie Frisinger
Joan Deming and Donald Schultz
Janice Durand
Elizabeth Faye
Jeanette and Mike Froehle
Meg Durso
Elizabeth Fayram
Carol Froistad
Lloyd and Pat Eagan
Luke Febock
Marilyn and Donald Frye
Robert and Marilyn Eagle
Hildy Feen
Priscilla Fu
Kelly Eakin and Marla Maeder
Theresa Felton
Barbara Fuerst Sgro
Amanda Ferwerda
Mimmi Fulmer
Bob and Pat Fessenden
Mary Fulton and Steven Koslov
Bruce Deming
Joshua Deno
Rosario and Penny DePaola
Steve and Katherine Derene
Edouard and Jeannine Desautels
Permela Lee DeSpain
Maureen Detmer
Daniel and Shirley Dettmann
Ann and Phil Dettwiler
Marianne Ewig
Donna Eaton
Beth and Michael Eaves
Sue Fieber
Lauren Edelman
Florence Filley
Lori and Gary Edelstein
Keith and Susan Findley
Thomas Eggert
Helen Findley
Barbara and James Freeman
Carolyn and Perry Frey
Gary Freyberg
Mary and Ricardo Gandolfo
Eunice Gandt
Tim Garland
Gene and Beatrice Dewey
Jeffrey Kassel and Alison Einbender
Carla DiIorio
Linda Eisele
Dr. Ron and Cherie Diamond
Leslie Eisenberg
Nic Dibble
Jane Eisner
Michael Fisher and
Stephanie Motz
Claire Dick
Dick and Judy Ela
Steve and Mary Fix
Evelyn Dick and Danny Woolpert
Joseph Elder
Shannon Flasch
Peter Ellestad
Karen Fletcher
Delores Elmer
Bill Foote
Beth Elver
Ariel Ford
Janet Emmerich
Milton and Emily Ford
Jill and Richard Endres
Laverne Forest
Diane Endres Ballweg
Vernon and Sally Forsberg
Delorman and Louise Enge
Robert and Margo Forsberg
Michelle Eno
Rita Fose
Victoria and Timothy Enright
Kendra Eppler
Scott Foss and Kitt Reuter-
Amy and Miles Epstein
Susan and Fred Foster
Anders and Kristine Gilchrist
Rae Erdahl
Veronica and David Franchino
Elizabeth Walker Gill
Greg and Jayme Frank
David and Faith Ginger
Emily Dickmann
Robert Dietrich
Maxine Dimick
Donolea Dinsmore
Andrea DiPiazza
Damian and Karen Dischler
Susie and Matthew Dixon
Brian and Beth Donley
Carrie Dorman
Lori Dorn
Jane Doughty
Judy Douglas
Ruth and Warren Downs
Melody and Robert Doyle
Heidi Fischer
Margot Fischer and Don Dean
Judith Ettinger
Kristin Rae Evans
John Franz
Roger Garms
Deirdre Garton
Roberta Gassman and Leter Pines
Douglas and Sherrie
Pamela Gattenby
Elinor Gbedey
Barbara Gehl
Jane and Time Geier
Margaret Geisler
Steven Genheimer
Barbara Gerloff
Ronald and Sue Geurkink
Patricia Gibeault
Ron and Lucy Gibson
Charles and Jan Gietzel
Charles Gilliam
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Gaspar Giorgi and Kathleen Helm
Karen and Jerry Gipp
Julia Glab
Kaneisha Gladney
Jane Glaze
Sara and Edward Gleason
Steven and Nancy Gloe
Denise Gloede
Thomas and Joanne Gobel
Ken Golden
David Goldfoot and Lorraine Broll
Jeanne and Tom Grist
Dennis Harrison-Noonan
Donald and Karen Hester
Paula Gross
Jennifer Hart
La Jeane Hettrick
Frederick William Groth
Michael Hart
Robert Hetzel
Jeanne Grover
Mary Ann Hartl Biel
Patrick Heyn
Leona and Don Grubb
Colleen Hasler
Fannie Hicklin
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Hatheway Hasler
Charles Higley
Heather Gullickson
Paul and Jacqueline Hass
Kerry Hill
Karen Gunderson
H. William and Susan Hausler
Randolph Hill
Randy Gundlach
Robert and Judy Havens
Linda and Theodore Gunkel
Susan Haviland
Jean Gunnulson
Mary and James Haynes
Michael and Kelly Gustafson
Patricia Hillner
John Hills
Lois Hindhede
Ann Haynes
Brad Hinkfuss and Anne McKenna
Kristine Hebel
Thomas and Joyce Hirsch
Rudolph and Ilse Hecht
Rita Hockers
Rachel Heilizer
James and Barbara Hodder
Robin Heilprin
Ann Hodges
Keith Heimforth
Robert Hodgson and Dorothy Steele
Jennifer Goldsberry
Diane Gutschenritter
Herman Goldstein
Robert and Jessie Gwynne
Susan Goldwomon
Lawrence Haas
Benjamin Gonring
Jan and Donald Haasl
Laura Good
Melinda Habecker
Theodore and Mary Lou Goodfriend
Anne Habel
Eric Hagen
Robert Gooze
Richard Heinemann and Laura McClure
Dorothy Haines
Dorothy Gosting
Jerome and Jean Heinrichs
Glen and Michelle Hofer
Sylvia Gould
Aurelia Hale-Fabian and Peter Fabian
Paul and Pat Heiser
Susan and Stephen
Daniel and Alice Gould
Michael and Paulina Hall
Ben Graf
Maureen Hall and Randy Bruce
Laura Graham
Dean and Barbara Hekel
Herb Held
Kathleen Held
Josh Hoesch
James Hofsteen
Adam and Barbara Hogan
Kim Hogan
Donna Halleran
Kirsten Held
John Hallick
Herbert Hellen
Christopher Graupner
Doug and Juanita Halls
Dana Hellgren
David and Bridget Grauwels
Beth Hamelink
Jessica Henderson
Barbara and Herman Holtzman
Fred and Carol Graves
Michael Hammer
Nancy Henderson
Penny and Daniel Holum
Vivian Greblo
Richard Hammerstrom
Stan and Jane Henning
Grace Homb
Zorko Greblo
Linda Hammes
Marilyn Henry
Patricia Hoppe
Lauren and John Greene
Duane Hansen
Thomas L. Herman
Jim Horn
Dianne Greenley
Nilajah Hardin
Melissa Hermann
Marsha Gregg
Daniel Hardy
Richard and Susan Herndon
Helen Horn and Ralph Petersen
Patricia Gregory
Hall Hardy
Kenneth Herrmann
Marie Griesbach
Kathy Harker
Norman and Barbara Herro
James Griffith
Marjorie Harrington
Susanna and Stuart Herro
Timonthy Grilley
Michael Harris
Heidi Hershberger
Dr. Philip and Dale Grimm
Stephanie Harrison
Craig Hesness
Ronald Grasshoff and Terri Broxmeyer
Heidi Holden
Paula Hollenbeck
Julie Horner and Miachael Vahldieck
Brian and Julie Hornung
Sharon and Gary Hougland
Ryan Hover
Laurie Howard
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Nancy and Steve Howard
Richard and Adelle Johnson
Keith Kerle
Diane Kramer
Judith Howard and Amy Scarr
Ken Johnson
Jennifer Kerwin
Ron and Deborah Krantz
Joan Johnston
Amy Kerwin-Kobishop
Carol Krause
Michelle Jolly
Jan Ketzler
Lisa Kromanaker
Michael Jones
Laura Kiessling and Ron Raines
Jean Kronzer
Tom and Sue Howe
Jerilyn Howe
James and Cindy Hoyt
Kevin and Amy Huff
Diane Huibregtse
Hickorie Hurie
Brendan Iglehart
Mary Ihlenfeldt
Rachel Imsland and Robert Newsom
Karen Ingmundson
Margaret and Paul Irwin
Sharon Isensee
Bob Israel
Krystal Jackson
Ellie Jacobi
Mary Jacobs
C. Lynne and Paul Jacobsen
Brian Jacobson
Omer and Mary Jones
Kathy Killian
Frederick and Kathleen Kruger
Becky Kilzer
Joe and Diana Krupp
Hailee King
John and Virginia Kruse
Mary and William King
Merriel Kruse
Kathleen King
James and Jill Kubek
Steve King
Kris and Penelope Kubly
Sharon Kahn
Christopher Kirchgasler
Paul and Atsuko Kusuda
Linda and Stephen Kailin
Richard Klaas
Linda Kwiatkowski
Nancy Kaiser
Christine Klann
Winifred and Phillip Lacy
Balkrishna and Vanmala Kale
Joan Klaski
Meg and Andrew Laird
Daniel Kammer
Rochelle Klaskin
Mark Lajiness
Grayson Kampschroer
Judie and Stephen Kleinmaier
James and Shirley Lake
Emily Jones
Edward Jordan
Deborah Jorstad
Ian Joyce
Deborah Juneau and Jerome
Andrea and Thomas Kannal
Emily Kline
Madeline Kanner
Ann and Robert Klinger
Dee Kanter
Jennifer Klippel
Leslie and Kevin Lally
Jon Lanctot
Deborah Kmetz
Carol Landahl and Louis Kubai
Karyn Knaak
Megan Landauer
Ann Knapstein
Scott and Lani Largent
Milka and Ivan Knezevic
Joshua and Julia Larkosh
Kimberly Knoche
John and Barbara Larson
Dr. Constance Knop
Terry Larson
Doug Knudson
John Larson
Phyllis and Robert Kauffman
Joyce Knutson
Susana Lastarria-Cornhiel
Josh Kaurich
Lisa Koeppel
Jessica Lathrop
Karoline Kaylor
Dan Kohls
R. David Keesey-Berg
Scott and Mary Kolar
Richard and Kathleen Lathrop
Ann-Britt Keillor
Beverly Koltes
Shirley Keller
Shirley and Robert Kopp
Terry and Mary Kelly
Korey Kopp
Bob and Marita Kelter
Rebecca Kordahl
Janet Kennedy
Nancy and Andrew Kosseff
Phylis Johnson
Eileen Kennedy and Johnnie Johnson
Carol and Gordon Kowing
Patricia Johnson
Mary Beth Keppel
James Jaeger
Angela James
Rhonda James
Jim and Betsy Jansen
Paula Jarzemsky
Virginia Jefferds
Vince Jenkins and Stefanie Moritz
Mary Jenny
Mary Jensen
John Jensen
Ronnie Jo Sokol
Cheryl Johnsen
Dave Johnsen
Rebecca Johnson
Terri Johnson
Linda Johnson
Barbara Karlen
Rod and Diana Lakes
Carol and Richard Karls
Peter and Kathy Karofsky
David Karpe
Barbara and Walter Karst
Hari and Jeeva Karthik
Elizabeth Katt-Reinders and John Reinders
Glenn and Barb Kramer
Jennifer and Jim Lattis
Valerie Laufenberg
Michele Lavigne
Clifford Lawton
Rachel Laylan
Peggy Leah
Jane Leahy
Richard and Lynn Leazer
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Jane and David LeCount
Anna Losacano
Michelle Manning
Laura McCormick
Barbara Lee
Robert and Susan Loudon
Mark Mansfield
Joseph McCormick
Joanna Lee
Judy Loveless
David Manthe
Richard McCoy
Mercile Lee
Nancy and Truman Lowe
Cindy Manthe
Gerald and Charlotte Lefert
Wanda and James Lowrey
Kim Mapes
Audrey and Stephen
John Leja
Janet and John Lubniewski
Norma Marchant
Randy and Karen Lemcke
Anne Lucke
Marjorie Marion
David and Cheryl Lemle
Victoria Luglio
Bruce and Ruth Marion
Paul Lenhart
Ellen Lugome
Laurel Mark
James and Susanne Lenz
Peter and Jill Lundberg
Scott Leonardson
Randy and Paula Lundberg
Margaret Maroney and Edward Marion
Joan Lerman
Bill Lunney and Judie Pfiefer
Scott and Staci
Dan and Kathy Levin
Ronald Luskin
Charles Marshall
Drew McLean
Jeremy Levin
Lesleigh Luttrell
Jim and Pat Marshall
John McLellan
Lynn Levin and Mark Lederer
Dave Lyford
Laird Marshall
Daniel and Evelyn McMillan
G.F. Leydorf
Janie Lynaugh
Mary Marshall
James McMillan
Janet and Harry Libby
Daniel Lynaugh
Kathleen Martin
David and Jean McMillan
Suzanne Liddle
Mary Ann Lynch
Michael and Beth Martin
Ruth McNair
Allen and Joan Liegel
Joe Lynde and Connie Colussy
Shareen and David Martin
Cary and Brenda McNatt
Julie and Randy Martinson
Ann McNeary
Eric Marty
Mary McNeill
Jason Marx
Kathleen McQuade
Abulkhair Masoon
Nancy and Howard Mead
Mary Mastaglio
Darlene Meis
Todd and Catherine Lilly
David and Ruth Lindorff
Jane Lindsay
Ann Lindsey and Charles Snowdon
Diane Linn
James Lins
Dan and Bettine Lipman
Ruth Litovsky
Roland Littlewood
Susan Lloyd
Dennis Lloyd
Catherine Loeb and David Griffeath
Susan and David Lynett
Judy Lyons
Stewart Macaulay
Don Macaulay
Joseph and Mimi MacFarlane
Paul McGuirk
Chandler and Beverly McKelvey
Ronald McKinley
John and Linda Merrill
R. Leroy Metcalf
Jessica MacNaughton
Jennifer and Martin Mathinson
Gale Meyer
Kory Macy
John and Carol Mathis
Sara Mader
John Luke Matthews
Doug and Norma Madsen
Linda Matusewic
Lester and Cheryl Mahaffay
Carolyn May
Eileen Maher
Arden and Linda Mahlberg
Leslie and Michael Lombardo
Christopher Malas
Ruth Loomis
Fran and Kay McGuire
Robert Mathieu
Elaine Lohr
Fred and Deborah Loomis
Lance and Emily McGrath
John L. Mathews
Mary Maher
Kathryn Longo
Jill McDoanld
Cindy and Mark Mackenzie
Janet and Jay Loewi
Willis Long
Patricia McDermott
Laruie Mayberry
Corinne and Dan Mayland
Doug and Joan Maynard
Charlotte Meyer
Nathan and Katie Meyer
Daniel and Debra Meyer
Bernard Micke, M.D
Terry Mikrut
Carol Milanich
Jesse and Jessie Miller
Allen and Jody Miller
Kathlyn Maldegen
Stephen and De Sales McCardell
Bridget Malesytcki
Sarah Elizabeth McAchran
Elizabeth Miller
Joanne and Olav Malvik
Patrick McBride
Robert and Lynette Miller
Stephen and Jane Manke
Michael Rothstein and Sharon McCabe
Thomas and Patricia Milliken
Jon and Maurine Miller
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Jocelyn Milner and Mark Ediger
Barbara and Henry
Vicki Olson
Joyce and Vince Petruzates
Sacha Milton
Scott Neitzel
Craig Hungerford and Linda Olson
Roger and Linda Pettersen
Danial Minkus
Keith Nelson
Susan Olson
Mary Miron and Gene Summers
John Nelson
Peter and Cheryl Olson
Beverly and Gerald Nelson
Shannon O’Mahar
Paul Nelson and Jane Lewis
Kenneth O’Neill
Lois Nelson
Nancy O’Neill
Meryl and John Nemeth
Deanna Opsal
Joseph Nestler
Janette Osborn
Al Nettleton
Marian Osterberg
Judith Nicholls
Carol Ottenstein
Bliss Nicholson
John and Sally Ouellette
Anne Niebler
Janice Palmer
Bill Niebuhr
Mary Jeanne Palmer
Mary Niederehe and Bruce Meredith
Paula Panczenko
Joan and Steven Misustin
Rita and James Mitchell
Marguerite Moeller
Kenneth Mohr
Linda Moore
Jane Morgan
Mel Morgenbesser
Lauri Morris and James Cole
Christopher Morris
Matt and Jennifer Morris
Tamara Peyton
Stanley Pfrang
Erik and Robin Phelps
Rick Phelps
Lynn and Sally Phelps
Robert Phillips
Jami and Sean Phillips
Jeanne Pien
Judith Pierotti
Linda and Robert Pigorsch
Allen and Judith Pincus
Eric Piotrowski
Lori Ploetz
Joe and Donna Parisi
Thomas and Claudia Pogreba
Doc and Frances Parker
Nancy and Paul Pokorney
Eric and Kara Noah
Timohty Parks
Seth and Ashia Pollen
Vicki Nonn
Mike Parrott
Carol and Nick Pollis
Al Nonn
Susan and William Parsons
Caroline Polster
John and Jane Norman
Jeanne Parus
Christine Pomerening
JoAnn Wagner Novak
Christine and Steven Paske
John Pope
Brian and Julia Nowicki
Patricia and William Paul
Emily Pope
William and Susan Mueller
Jeannine Nusbaum
Madeline Popelka
Laureen Mueller
Dan and Beth O’Brien
Dr. Richard and Mary Lee Pauli
Paul Muench
Daniel O’Brien
Nikki Muenchow
Monica O’Brien
Jarilyn and Brian Mullane
Mary K. O’Connor and Bob Bocher
Stephen Morton
Gail Morton
Jeremy and Molly Morton
Anne and Mike Moser
Wayne Mosley
Nancy Motisi
Gregory Motl and Laurel Brooks
Donald Moynihan
Laurie Elwell and Richard Niess
Curt Pawlisch
Gregory Payne
Bobbi Peckarsky and Steve Horn
Phyllis and Greg Porter
Steve and Robin Potter
Julia Potter
Emily Potter
William Peden and Chelcy Bowles
Jeffrey Potter
Cheryl and Kevin O’Connor
Jill O’Connor
Donald Pederson
Seth Pourciau
Richard Munz
Vince O’Hern and Linda Baldwin
Marguerite Pedracine
Phillip Premo
Julia Murphy
David Ohls and Leticia Bode
Rev. William J. Pekari
Jerome Pribbenow
Michael and Suzanna Murphy
David and Elizabeth Olig
Tom and Terri Pellino
Walter and Karen Pridham
Mary Beth Peranteau
Paula Primm
Gayle Perlberg
Anne Pryor
Rick Petershack
Betty Ptacek
Doreen Peterson
Beth Ament and Steve Pudloski
Tersea Mulrooney
Peggy Munson
Earl and Eleanor Munson
Daniel Muxfeld
Craig and Debra Myrbo
Joseph and Joan Nagle
Peter and Donna Napoleone
Richard Olin
Kelly Olmstead
Bruce and Cheryl Olsen
John Folts and Margaret Olson
David R. Petit
Gary L. Poulson
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Simon Puleo
Jim Riordan
Steven and Lennie Saffian
Molly Anne and Ben Schmidt
David Quade
Joel Robbin
Lori Saffian
Holly Schmidt
LuAnn Quella
Gregory and Janice Robbins
Donette Lynn Sainsbury
Michael Schmidtke
Christopher Queram
Mary Ann Roberton
Maria Sainz-Ranney
Erich Schmidtke
Dagny Quisling Myrah
Rick Roberts
Richard Sals
Peter and Nancy Schmitt
Robert Rabin
Janet Robertson
Jack Saltes
Eunice Schmitz
Paul Rabinowitz and Birgit Christensen
James and Lynne Robertson
William and Barbara Samdahl
Rob Schnake
Laurel Rabson and William O’Brien
Celeste Robins
Daniel Rodman
Richard and Clare Radtke
Mary Roed
Thomas and Karen Ragatz
Rebecca Roeker
Kathy Rahn
Mark and Dana Roffers
Molly Raisbeck
Pat and Jeff Roggensack
Lynne Ramos
Michele Rohan
Linda Ramsden
Judi and Al Sanders
James and Barbara Schneider
Ruth Sanderson
Helen Schneider
Pat Sartori-Wharton
Anne and Larry
Lois and Gary Sater
Norma Satter
Marsha Mansfield and Steven Schooler
Diane Sattinger
Jeff and Monica Schraml
David and Miriam Rohrer
Rita Sauer-Hissom and
Russell Hisom
Nancy and Paul Schreiber
Nancy Ranum
Thatcher Root
James and Marge Saunders
Bill Rasche
Judith Rose
Susan and Scott Saunders
Marla Rauls
H. Robert and Brenda Rosebrough
Robert and Rita Schaefer
Craig and Ann Recob
Jeff Redington
Tim Reilley and Janet Nelson
Glenn Reinl and Sara Krebsbach
Cheryl Rosen Weston
Ernell Rothe
Jason Rothenberg
Michael Schroeder
John and Mary Schroeder
Gary and Janie Schaefer
Keith and Sandra
Holly Schaefer and Nicholas Siebers
Donald Schuette
Gene Schaeffer and Jennifer Collington
John Rothschild
Alfred and Alta Schroeder
Eric and Jane Schulenburg
Barbara Schultz
Edward and Mary Lou Reisch
Judith and Michael
Joanne and Don Schalch
Brian Schultz
Sheryl Schaller
Rhea Schultz
Linda Reivitz
Catherine Rottier
Elizabeth and Mark Schar
Rockwell and Clare Schulz
James Remer and Alice Lonsway
Mary and Kendall Rouse
Diane Scharmer-Downie and Duane Downie
Thad Schumacher
Kate and Patrick Remington
Joanna Rouse and Damon Hesse
Steven and Susan Reusser
Sandra Rowe
Barbara Rex
William Rowe
David Rice
Mary Frances Rowley
Dean Richards
James and Carol Ruhly
Ronda Richards
Ann Rulseh
Stanley Richardson
Cathy Runnels
Jeffrey Richter
Frank Ryan and Susan Spahn
Claire Rider
Priscilla Riecks
John Rinehart and Barbara Conley
Jim Ring
Roy Schenk and Kathy Seifert
Fredericka Schilling and Bonita Sitter
Joseph Schirmer and Jane Brelis-Schirmer
Katherine Kvale and Thomas Schirz
Margaret Schmelzer
John and Carol Schmid
Janice Schur
John Schuster
Barbara Schwab
Ellen Louise and Howard Schwartz
Eric and Sara Schwartz
Diane and James Scorgie
Peter Scott
Linda Seaquist
Karen Saari
Patricia Schmid
David and Katherine Sebastian
Maria and Rob Sadowski
Philip Schmidt
Melanie Seiser
Jane Sadusky
Willa Schmidt
Kathleen Sell
Susan Saeger
Rick and Ann Schmidt
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Joe and Mary Ellyn
Florian and Louise
Erica Serlin and Ken Kushner
Linda Snell
Jonathan Seymour
Eileen Snyder
Annemarie Shanahan and Graham Anderson
Tom Sobota
Glenna Shannahan
Dr. Greg and Barbara Sheehy
Justin Shell
Robert Shipley
Dr. Richard and Joan Shropshire
Cheryl Shult
David Siebert
Jessica and Ben Stritesky
Christine Thomas
Paul Strommen and Judi Leimer
Pauline Thome
Charles and Elizabeth Strother
Doug and Beckie Strub
Louis and Elsbeth Solomon
Mary Struckmeyer
John and Sharon Soman
Katerina Suchor
Michael Soref
Edith Sullivan
Carrol and Nancy Spencer
Annalee Sundby
Joanna Spragia
Mrs. W. Sundquist
Anita Sprenger
Gordon Sussman
Bhavani and Lakshmi Sridharan
Jane Sutter
John ThompsonKristi Thorson
Guy Throvaldsen and Mary Paulauskis
Rebecca Thousand and Eric Anderson
Willard Thurlow
Lisa Tiedemann
Mary Tierney
David and Nancy Topp
John and Rebecca Tradewell
Michael Trepanier
Tim and Lori Stadelman
Frederick Swed, Jr.
Karl and Judy Stadler
Julie Swedarsky
Dave Stalowski
Patricia Sweeney
Gloria Stange
Ann Marie Sweeney
Dr. Robert J. Stanley
Mary Ann Sweeney
Michael Shank and Carol Troyer-Shank
Carl and Elizabeth Silverman
C.E. Stark
Susan Sweeney
Charles Tubbs
Daniel Silvers
Phil Stark
David and Sandra Sweeney
Jo and Herman Tucker
Harold and Marilyn Silvester
Debra Steaffens
Elliott and Marion Sweet
Sachin Tuli
Debra Simon and William Wambach
Kevin and Donna Steffens
Barb and Jon Swinter
Bruce Tulloch
Otile Steinbeck and Weston Ledford
Karl Taeuber
John Turben
J. Taffs
Judi Turkel
Myron and Margaret Talcott
Karen Tusack
Jerry and Ralph Tarr
Steven Tuschy
Michael Tuten and Carol Huber
Peggy Siegel
Jerry Sieling
Judith Siers-Poisson
Jeanne and Joseph Silverberg
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Singer
Woody Kneppreth and Monica Sitter
Dorothy Sivam
Bruce and Dawn Steinhofer
Betty Steinhoff
John Stephany
Sharon Trimborn
Sal and Judy Troia
Cheryl Trow
Terry Sizer and Mark Miller
Cathy and Larry Stephens
Martha Taylor and Gary Antoniewicz
Wendy Skinner
Mark and Mona Stern
Esther Taylor
Robert and Joann Skloot
Gretchen Twietmeyer
Tom and Marian Stevens
Mary Lou Taylor
Dennis Skogen
Mary Lou Tyne
Gloria Stevenson-McCarter
Rayla Temin
David Slautterback
Benjamin Umlauf
Heidi Stewart
Irene Temple
Nancy Slavik and Loren Wagner
John Unertl
Tom Stolper
Margaret Tennessen
Mary Upshaw
John and Lou Stolzenberg
Ei Terasawa-Grilley
Marlene and Mathew Storms
John Terrill
Acacia Latka and Nicholas Utphall
Carmen and Katie Stout
Lois Tesch
Louise Loehnertz Uttech
Kevin Straka
Marlayne Testolin
Brian Utter
Gregory Straub
Jan Levine Thal
Sravani Vadde
Richard and Judith Strauss
Elizabeth Theisen
Nicole Vafadari
Kelly Smithback
Galen Strebe and Shannon Dolan
Karla and Zach Thennes
Leslie Van Buskirk
Marvin and Colleen
Gertrude Thiel
Victoria Van Deventer
Barbara and Michael Streibel
Janette Smart
Peg Smelser
Sharene and David Smith
Charles and Patricia Smith
Merribeth Smith
Ryan and Danica Smith
Philip Thomas
2015 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Patricia and Rodney Van Deventer
Jo Anne Wanninger
Cathi Wiebrecht-Searer and Richard Searer
Len Van Ess
Joseph and Mary
Cynthia Van Pelt
Dana Warren
Marnie and Daniel Wielgus
Janet and Michael Van Vleck
Mona Wasow
Natasha Wiemiller
Gary Vanalstine
Scott and Margaret Watson
Barbara and H.K. Wiesner
Joan Vandenbrook
Lawrence and Patricia Watson
Marybeth Wilk and Katherine Brophy
Nathan Wautier
Josephine Willborn
Rev. Jeff VandenHeuvel
Gregg, Kate and James Vanderheiden
Rudy and Marilyn Wieland
Rebecca Wayman
Jim and Ellen Willett
Jean and Richard Vandreel
Janice Weatherhogg
Jeanette Williams
Ann Varda
Chris Webb
Barbara Williams
Joseph and Mary Varese
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Webb
Teri Varney and Linda Scharnberger
Christopher and Margaret Webber
Peter Williams and Sandra Esrael
Brian Vaughan
Christine Wood
Kimberly Wood
Ray Woodruff
Jill Wootton
Nancy Worcester
Dale Wortley
Jennifer Wright
Alexandra Wright and Michael Soref
Erik Wright
Eva Wright
Thew Wright III
William Wuellner, Jr.
Roger and Kristi Williams
Joyce and Steve Wuetrich
Steven Weber
Kathy Williams
Susan and Rolf Wulfsberg
Steven Vedro
Laurie Wegger
Michael Williamson
Amy and Doug Wulz
Sallie Vergeront
Katherine Wegner
Marc and Marcia Williamson
Jenna Wuthrich
Mr. Charles Vetzner
Kathy and Craig Wehrle
Joan and Phillip Yagla
Cheryl Vickroy and Mitchell Hagens
Charles Mittchell and Sally Weidemann
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Williamson
John Willis
Michele Yazici
Clayton and Janet Vinje
Marc and Leslie Weinberger
Doris Yerke
Todd Violante
Warren and Marie Weinstein
David Wilson and Ann Jarvella Wilson
Matt Visker
Phyllis Weisbard
Clifford Voegeli
Margret Weiss
Barb Voelfer
Karl and Mary Janet Wellensiek
Denis and Laura Vogel
Dr. Victoria Vollrath
Randall Wade
Eunice Wagner
Charles Waity
Ellen Walczak
Kim Waldman
Jean Waldman
Robert and Elaine Waldo
Michele Walker
Carol Walker
John and Vicki Wilson
Judie Wilson
Damien and Judith Wilson
Ruth Wilson
Elise and Kevin Yanke
Mary Unmuth-Yockey
Kendall Young
Karen Young
James Young
Stephen Young
Sarah Welther
Kara Wilton
Harvey and Bonita Wendel
Michael Winger
Eric and Kathy Wendorff
Robert and Janice Wink
Steve Zekoff and Jane Follmer Zekoff
Bernard Wendricks
Philip and Judith Winkel
Lydia Zepeda
Lisa West
Leah Wisdorf
Martin Zietlow
Florence Wetzel
MJ Wiseman
Thomas and Karen Zilavy
Linda Sue Weynand
John and Mary Witte
William Zilisch
Chelsea Wezensky
Curtis Wittwer and Kay Knipfer
Linda Zimbelman
Amy Whitcomb
David Wittwer
William White
Donald and Shirley Wallace
Christine White and Edward Ryan
Sue Wallinger
Julie Walser
Robert Walton
Larry and Donna Wold
Cheryl Anne Zander
Tom and Judy Zimmer
William Zimmerman
Jody Wolf
Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman and Rabbi Renee Bauer
Jennifer White
Timothy Wolf
Margie Zutter
Dean Whitley
Michael Wolff
Donald Wichert
Kurt and Sarah Wolff
Sheri Walz
2015 Organizational Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
#6618 Maria House
CUNA Mutual Foundation
J & K Security Solutions, Inc.
A. Paul Jones Charitable Trust
Daisy’s Café and Cupcakery
J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc.
Dale Heights Presbyterian Church
J.P. Cullen & Sons, Inc.
Menasha Corporation Foundation-Hartford Plant
Advantage Osborne, LLC
Advent Lutheran Church
Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc.
Altria Group, Inc.
American Family Insurance
American Transmission Company, LLC
Dane County Bar
Association, Inc.
Dane County Credit Union
Dean Clinic-Patient Account Services Dept.
Dean Health Systems
Deanne’s Custom Decorating
Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin
DL and LF Rikkers Family Foundation Inc
Arbor Covenant Church
Downtown Madison, Inc.
Athletic Business Media
Employee Benefits Corporation
Austad & Son, Inc.
Bashford United Methodist Church
First Business Bank
Benjamin Franklin Lodge #83
First Congregational UCC
Bethany UMC
BMO Harris Bank
First Weber Group
First Weber Group Foundation, Inc.
Chase Bank
Chase Family Foundation
Chubb & Son / Federal Insurance Company
Clarence W. Firari Revocable Trust
Metcalfe’s Market
Knapp House Fellows
Mid Town Pub
Knights of Columbus Assembly #1200
Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP
Knothe & Bruce Architects, LLC
Midvale Community
Lutheran Church
La Force, Inc.
MIG Commercial Real Estate
Lake Edge UCC
Monona United Methodist Church
London Moravian Women’s Fellowship
Luther Memorial Church (ELCA)
First Federal Bank of Florida
First United Methodist Church
Keller Real Estate
Lawton & Cates, S.C.
First Baptist Church
M3 Insurance
Madison Bead Company
Madison Community Foundation
Franke Family Trust
Frederic Ogg Testamentary Trust
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
National Mutual Benefit
Nordic Consulting Partners, Inc.
North American Mechanical, Inc.
Orpheum Theater
Oak Bank
Oakhill Correctional Institute
Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club
Student Life Office of Ogg Residence Hall
Madison Festivals, Inc.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Madison Gas & Electric Foundation, Inc.
Painters Local Union 802
Madison Investment Advisors
Good Family Foundation
Meriter Hospital
Messiah Lutheran ELCA
Landmark Credit Union
Epic Systems Corporation
Mendota Financial Group
Johnson Bank
Churchwomen of Lake Edge UCC
Endres Manufacturing
Becker Law Office
Beth Israel Center
John Knox Presbyterian Church
Madison Monona Lioness
PHD Candidates of UW School of Social Work
Phoebe R. and John D. Lewis Foundation
Clarmar Apartments
Good Food
Community Development Division
Gorman & Company, Inc.
Madison Pentecostal
Community of Hope UCC
Grace Episcopal
Madison Rotary Foundation
Constance Botanicals, LLC
Group Health Cooperative
The Coopers Tavern
H & H Foundation, Inc.
Corporate Business Systems
Heritage Senior Living
Madison Veterans For Peace, Chapter 25
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Hooper Foundation
Madison West High School
PLS Financial
HP Company Match
Markesan United Methodist Church
Pontoon Porch
Crossroads Church
Crossroads UMC
Cummings Christensen Family Foundation
Madison South Rotary Foundation
Hughes Flooring, Inc.
Isthmus Brass
Martin Schreiber & Associates, Inc.
Bradley Residence Hall
McGann Construction
PhotoGraphic Creations
Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation
Pierce’s Community
A Pig in a Fur Coat
Preceptor Delta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi International
Primrose Lutheran Church
ProAxis, LLC
2015 Organizational Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Programmed Cleaning
Steenbock’s on Orchard
TOSA Foundation
Wild Birds Unlimited
Quality Hardware Inc.
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church -- Outreach
U.S. Bank
U.S. Bank Foundation
St. James Church
University Hill Farms
Wisconsin Bankers
Realtors Association of
South Central Wisconsin, Inc.
Richard B. Anderson Family Foundation
Rochdale International Co-Op
St. John’s Lutheran Church
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
Rotary Club of Madison Breakfast
State of Wisconsin-
Unemployment Insurance Employees
Rough Sportswear
Steve Brown Apartments
Sagacious Consultants
Strand Associates, Inc.
Scholz Nonprofit Law
Sub-Zero Wolf Foundation
Sergenian’s Floor Coverings
Sustainable Engineering Group, LLC
Shomos Family Foundation
UW Health & Unity Health
V.F.W. Post No. 7591
Women of Evangelical
Lutheran Church of Mt. Horeb
Waunakee Rotary
Wear Your Music LLC
Women of St. John’s Lutheran Church
Welton Enterprises
Women’s Ministry of Bethel Lutheran Church
WPS Health Insurance
West Koshkonong Lutheran Church
Silver Lining Foundation, Inc.
Temple Beth El
UW Madison Society of
Human Resouce
The De Atley Family
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Thomas Kemp Foundation
Wollersheim Winery
Woman’s Club of Madison
Sweet Orchard Outreach Ministries
The Evjue Foundation, Inc.
Wisconsin Dept. of
UW Hillel
Short Stack Eatery
Southern Wisconsin Apple Group
Wisconsin Craft Market
UW Credit Union
Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C.
2015 Drop-In Shelter Organization Volunteers
Activity Group
Covenant Presbyterian
Sherman Avenue UMC
Amma Satsang of Madison
Crossroads UMC
Knights of Columbus
Arbor Covenant Church
East Madison Baptist Church
Lake Edge UCC
Sikh Society of WI. -- Madison
Asbury United Methodist Church
First Baptist Church
Lake Mills Moravian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Waunakee
Lake Mills UMC
Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Madison
Bashford UMC
Beth Israel Center
Bethany UMC
Bethel Lutheran Church
First Unitarian Society
First United Methodist
Glenwood Moravian Community Church
Madison Christian Community
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
St. Ignatius Church
Madison Firefighters
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Messiah Lutheran ELCA
St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
Midvale Community Lutheran Church
Temple Beth El
Blackhawk Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Blessed Sacrament Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Orchard Ridge UCC
Blowin’ Smoke Barbeque
Grace Episcopal Food Pantry
Cathedral Parish
Harvest Church of Madison
Plymouth Congregational UCC
Christ Lutheran Church of DeForest
High Point Church
Hope Lutheran Church Youth
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Prairie Unitarian
Second Baptist Church
Unity Church
Vedanta Society of Madison
Wellspring UMC
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Windsor UCC
Nonprofit Organization
US Postage
Madison WI
Permit No 2333
Administrative Offices
306 N. Brooks Street
Madison, WI 53715
Where to Find Us
306 N. Brooks Street,
Madison, WI 53715
1490 Martin Street,
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: (608) 257-2534
Fax: (608) 257-2507
Phone: (608) 255-4401
Fax: (608) 258-4848
116 W. Washington Avenue,
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 255-2960
322 E. Washington Avenue,
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 252-8522
4006 Nakoosa Trail,
Madison, WI 53714
Phone: (608) 241-9447
Fax: (608) 241-4441

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