Annual Report 2013


Annual Report 2013
P O R C H L I G H T, I N C .
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Porchlight Mission
Porchlight strives to decrease the Dane County
homeless population by providing shelter, housing,
supportive services, and a sense of community
in ways that empower residents and program
participants to positively shape their lives.
Letter from the Executive Director and
Board President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3
Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Porchlight Program Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Chenille: Beginning Anew.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bob: A Moment of Clarity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Mike: Proving His Worth.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Stephanie: Moving Forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–11
Thank You.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12–13
Individual Donor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–23
Organizational Donor List.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24–25
Drop-In Shelter Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Where to Find Us.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back cover
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t is only fitting that the winter of the 30th
anniversary of the opening of the Drop-In
Shelter should have been the coldest and longest
in recent memory. There were 42 days of below
zero temperatures with wind chills often 30
degrees below or more. But it was not just the
cold temperatures; Madison just completed the
fifth-longest streak of consecutive days with a
snow depth of one inch or more—99 days, from
December 9 to March 17.
These tragedies spurred this community to open
a drop-in shelter during the winter of 1984–85.
The prevention of prolonged exposure to extreme
cold is as important today as it was then. With the
extensive support of our funding partners and our
volunteers, we were able to provide shelter and
meals to all of those in need this year, as we have
for the past 30. It is an incredible testament to this
community that over the past 30 years, we have
provided more than 800,000 nights of shelter and
1,400,000 meals.
The numbers served at the Drop-In Shelter were
commensurate with the cold weather. In 2013,
Porchlight provided shelter to almost 1,300
persons for a total of more than 36,000 nights at
the Drop-In Shelter and an additional 46 men and
women suffering from serious mental illness with
almost 5,000 nights of shelter at the new Safe
Haven facility. For January through March of 2014,
Porchlight provided more than 1,400 nights of
shelter through the Drop-In Shelter.
In addition to our celebration of 30 years of shelter
operations, this year marks another milestone
anniversary. Ten years ago, we formed Porchlight
from two agencies— Community Housing and
Services, Inc. and Transitional Housing, Inc. This
anniversary celebrates the housing and programs
developed to eliminate homelessness. Today,
Porchlight has 24 properties, with approximately
300 units of low-cost housing combined with
support services for families and single adults.
Porchlight also rents apartment units and buildings
from other landlords to provide housing to about
another 20 households.
Nearly everyone who needed shelter entered, despite
over-crowding, regardless of intoxication and often
notwithstanding prior rule and policy infractions. The
Salvation Army, the Central Library, Bethel Lutheran,
First United Methodist, Hospitality House, Safe Haven
and the Catholic Multicultural Center all strove to
expand hours and services to provide shelter and
warmth during the incredibly cold temperatures.
Ultimately, no one died or suffered life-threatening
injuries because they were refused shelter. It was a
winter to remember but one we hope not to repeat
anytime in the foreseeable future.
Safe Haven, at its new Nakoosa Trail location,
is better able to serve more homeless adults
who suffer from severe and persi stent mental
illness, stabilizing their lives through treatment,
medications, counseling and assistance with
employment, income and housing. We recently
added a six-unit building for returning veterans
to provide permanent housing, in addition to
our existing successful Veterans Transitional
Housing Program.
In contrast, prior to the opening 30 years ago,
there were four reported deaths due to exposure.
Porchlight recently sold Hospitality House on
Martin Street to Dane County with the hope
of allowing a much more robust expansion of
services to assist homeless persons out of the
shelter system. We look forward to being a part of
the new daytime resource center and will continue
to offer our DIGS eviction prevention assistance, as
well as help with transportation, birth certificates
and outreach services to thousands of households
as we have in the past. We will use the proceeds
from the sale, along with donations from a new
capital campaign, to construct a new warehouse
and donation center facility combined with an
expanded commercial kitchen for Porchlight
Products and 16–20 units of low-cost housing,
all at one site.
Steve Schooler, Executive Director of Porchlight, with
Sheri Carter, President of Porchlight’s Board of Directors
it was not needed.” While we continue to expand
programs and housing, sadly we have not ended
homelessness in Madison. Therefore, we continue
to work toward meaningful solutions, and are
grateful for this community’s generous support so
that the shelter remains a temporary respite from
the extreme elements for those most in need. This
winter reminded us all of this necessity.
Porchlight Products has been our most innovative
program. Using primarily locally grown produce,
we manufacture high-quality jams, scone and
pancake mixes, sauerkraut and a variety of sauces
that are sold in numerous locations throughout
Dane County. This provides more than just training
and employment, it gives those with disabilities
pride and meaning to their lives that they have
never previously known. With the completion of
the current capital campaign, we will expand to
a larger, more efficient commercial kitchen that
will utilize residents of the on-site housing in
its operation.
With gratitude,
Steven J. Schooler
Executive Director, Porchlight
We opened the shelter in 1984 with the expectation
that it would be temporary. As former Executive
Director Lester Strom stated, “It has always been
our hope that one day we would close the shelter,
not because it was not wanted, but rather because
Sheri Carter
President, Porchlight Board of Directors
Porchlight Board of Directors
Members of the Porchlight, Inc. Board bring a rich mixture
of skills, resources, perspectives and backgrounds to their
tasks as directors. They represent Madison’s business,
education and social service communities. The Board directs
the activities of Porchlight, Inc., overseeing operations
and monitoring management of its programs.
2013 Officers
Sheri Carter, President
Christine Thomas, Vice-President
Kevin Huff, Secretary
Kelly Eakin, Treasurer
2013 Other Directors
Tracey Caradine
Beatrice McCoy
Brian Donley
T. Michael Osborne
Jeffrey Femrite
Jeff Schraml
David Ginger
Jeremey Shepherd
Brian Hornung
Christine Thomas
Kevin Huff
Sal Troia
Barbara Karlen
Doug Van Schoick
Porchlight Programs
“portal of entry” to the community service system
and offers basic services, such as three free meals
a day, free laundry, shower facilities and a mailing
address, as well as a free psychiatric clinic. Safe
Haven also offers 14 temporary-placement single
room occupancy (SRO) units. In 2013, Safe Haven
served 135 drop-in guests and overnight housing for
an additional 46 mentally ill persons.
Porchlight’s Housing Program offers low-cost
housing at 24 Madison and Dane County locations
providing a total of 302 units to families and
individuals. Transitional housing is available for
up to two years; permanent housing is available
indefinitely. Porchlight staff helps residents manage
money, develop job skills and connect to basic
services. In 2013, Porchlight programs provides
services to more than 7,500 people, including more
than 175,000 nights of shelter.
Porchlight’s affordable housing, with case
management services, is offered to homeless
individuals and families. Operating more than 300
units at 24 locations in Dane County, this program
provided more than 175,000 nights of shelter to
men, women and children in 2013. Properties vary
from SRO units for homeless single individuals to
multi-family units. At Porchlight’s main building
at 306 North Brooks Street, there are 102 units
of SRO and efficiency housing. Support services
for residents include counseling for employment
and maintaining housing as well as assistance in
developing better skills in money management,
personal health and parenting. Referrals to other
agencies are made as needed for education, legal,
medical or mental health services. All residents are
responsible for paying rent, which varies by program
requirements. The goal for all residents is to obtain
and maintain permanent housing.
Porchlight’s Drop-In Shelter offers temporary
emergency shelter for homeless men every night
of the year at three locations: Grace Episcopal
Church, St. John’s Lutheran Church and First United
Methodist Church. In 2013, the Drop-In Shelter
provided shelter, meals, showers and laundry
facilities for 1,276 men.
Hospitality House is a daytime resource center at
1490 Martin Street that provides services to Dane
County’s homeless and low-income population.
Services include employment and housing
counseling, telephone access, transportation and
medical and legal clinics. In 2013, Hospitality
House assisted more than 4,200 individuals.
DIGS, Porchlight’s eviction prevention program,
is located at Hospitality House and at Sunshine
House in Sun Prairie. DIGS collaborates with area
faith communities to centralize emergency eviction
program aid. In 2013, more than 1,100 households
were counseled and more than 971 received
financial assistance through DIGS. Through followup checks on households receiving CDBG funding,
80 percent of households maintain housing at six
months while more than 75 percent retain housing
for a year or longer.
The Porchlight Products Program provides
employment opportunities, job and life skills training
and a safe, supportive community to formerly
homeless men and women with mental illness and/or
a physical or cognitive disability. In 2013, 42 program
participants, including permanent part-time staff
members, worked with 49 community volunteers to
create jams, pickled items, sauces and dry mixes for
baked goods. More than 75 percent of all ingredients
are sourced from local farms using sustainable
agriculture methods. The Porchlight Products kitchen
is located at the Brooks Street facility.
Safe Haven is a program for homeless men and
women who suffer from chronic and persistent
mental health illnesses. Safe Haven serves as a
Chenille: Beginning Anew
Bob: A Moment of Clarity
henille moved to Wisconsin to
provide a fresh start for her and her
five sons. She had been in an abusive
relationship with her husband for years.
When she finally filed for divorce, he hit
her with his car. Both of Chenille’s legs
were broken in multiple places and she
suffered permanent injuries as well. She
continues to require invasive surgeries
from this incident. Chenille became
physically disabled and as a result, was
unable to continue her work as a certified
nursing assistant (CNA). Although she
received social security disability income,
it was not enough for her and her five
children. She struggled for years to keep
her family safe and together.
His drinking was out of control. “I couldn’t
be a good father,” Bob says of this time. “I
couldn’t be a good friend or a good boss.
All I cared about was my next drink.” After
losing his business and multiple jobs, Bob
turned to small crimes to help pay for
his addiction. After being caught for theft
of property, Bob’s probation officer had
had enough. Bob was sentenced to three
years in prison.
In the summer of 2013, Chenille reached
out to DIGS, an emergency program that
provides small grants for households at
Chenille (right) with her case manager, Wendy.
risk of losing their utilities or housing. Her
mother had a brain tumor and she needed
to travel back and forth to Chicago to care
for financial aid, has enrolled at MATC and will
for her. This expense had diverted her income so
begin a two-year associate’s degree program in
she was unable to pay her electric bill. When her
events management this fall.
mother passed away in July, she lost her support
Chenille is a wonderful and compassionate
system and was left feeling helpless and alone.
person. She took pride in her job as a CNA and
Recognizing that Chenille needed additional
not being able to work was especially challenging.
support, Wendy, the DIGS case manager, offered
The financial assistance Porchlight has provided
case management services. “I felt like I was falling
is helping her lay the framework for long-term
apart,” Chenille says, “but Porchlight kept me
stability through continuing education and
from losing my housing and my hope. I feel truly
career advancement.
safe now.” Wendy helped to connect Chenille
with resources that helped her better provide for
her children and Porchlight assisted with a major
car repair so she could get back and forth to her
doctor appointments. With her home life stabilized,
she is now able to go back to school. She qualified
Six months into his sentence, Bob had
a moment of clarity. “I realized I had to
get sober and make huge and lasting
changes or I would die when I got out,”
Bob says. He enrolled in every recovery
program available and earned early
release for good behavior. Bob attended
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics
Anonymous meetings and stayed
in Porchlight’s shelter while waiting
for a spot in Porchlight’s Partnership for
Transitional Opportunities (PTO) Housing
program. PTO provides affordable housing
coupled with intensive case management services
centering around individual recovery plans that
empower residents to be responsible for their
successes. “You have to do the work. But you can’t
do it alone,” shares Karen Romonouski, a PTO
case manager. “That is what we’re here for—to
give people the tools and support they need to
really succeed.”
Bob enjoys the sunshine while on a break from his job as
head cook at Baldwin Street Grill.
rowing up in northern Wisconsin in a
wealthy family, Bob never thought he would
find himself homeless and living only to find his
next drink. He grew up as a star athlete and
always maintained good grades in school. After
graduation, Bob felt the call to serve his country
and spent the next four years in the U.S. Army.
After receiving an honorable discharge, Bob took
over the family restaurant business. He had the
support of his friends and family and became a
husband and father. But he still turned to alcohol
to cope with stress and to feel relief—a pattern
that had started in high school at weekend parties.
Bob has gone back to work as a cook and is
enrolled in Madison College’s Human Services
program. He maintains a 4.0 GPA while working
full-time. He has become a Peer Support Specialist
and hopes to serve others in recovery after
Fifteen years later, Bob got divorced and suffered a
major trauma. He lost his house and custody of his
children, and became clinically depressed.
Mike: Proving His Worth
Stephanie: Moving Forward
ike moved to Madison 24 years ago
to work as a truck driver. He thrived
at his job, raised a family and purchased a
home. Throughout the years, he struggled
with alcoholism that began during his
time in the U.S. Army, when he discovered
that his anxiety and boredom could be
fixed—for the moment—with drinking
or drugs. WIth ongoing demands at work
and the end of his marriage, his alcohol
dependency resurfaced. Mike was soon
also using drugs to get through the day.
Before long, he reached rock bottom when
he was sentenced to three years in prison.
expenses and rent piled up. Stephanie
wondered if she would be the mom
she had once been ever again. That’s
when a friend suggested she apply for
Porchlight’s affordable family housing.
While in prison, Mike was connected
with Porchlight’s Veterans Housing case
managers Kathy Bouton and Loran Meier.
Mike (front, center) with Porchlight case managers (left to right),
They provide intensive case management,
Kathy, Loran and Jen.
including ongoing sober living support, to
the 24 veterans living in Porchlight’s two“I felt like I was home immediately,” Mike
year Veterans Housing Program. Mike applied to the
shared. His optimism and determination to live
long waiting list for this location while still in prison.
independently had a deep impact on his fellow
He looked forward to proving his worth and finding
veterans. Loran states, “Mike’s positive attitude
stability on his own again. He knew Porchlight
had a definite influence on the house as a whole.”
would help him gain back his self-sufficiency and
While he was still in recovery, the veterans
independence. And then, with only weeks left on his
delivered meals, helped him learn how to walk
sentence, Mike was diagnosed with kidney cancer.
again and practice going up and down stairs.
He was admitted to UW Hospital for surgery
to remove the cancerous kidney. Due to
complications, Mike suffered a heart attack during
surgery. Over the next few weeks, Kathy and Loran
visited him often and in partnership with Jen White
from the Federal Veterans Affairs Department,
they worked with Mike’s family and friends to
ensure that he would have the support and care
system he would need to successfully take part in
Porchlight’s Veterans Housing program. Kathy also
obtained donations from the community to prepare
Mike’s apartment with living essentials.
More than 15 months after his first surgery, Mike is
still cancer-free and lives in permanent affordable
housing provided by Porchlight. He visits the
hospital three times a week to receive dialysis. Mike
has one more year of treatment before he can be
considered for a transplant, but he is already back
at work part-time and hopes to eventually be strong
enough to work full-time again. “Porchlight helped
me at the worst time of my life,” Mike says. “I want
to keep going so that I can make room for the next
person in need of this chance!”
Within two weeks of moving into
Porchlight housing, Stephanie was
reunited with her children. Helping her
every step of the way was her Porchlight
Case Manager Thomas Eno. He assisted
Stephanie in getting Arhyanna, 6, Trevion,
7 and Aajiyah, 10, registered at their
new school as well as helping her get to
the grocery store, medical appointments
and eventually, back to work. Thomas
states, “Stephanie is a perfect example of
why we need supportive family housing
programs. She is an incredible mother
and with Porchlight’s help, she is back to
building a life for her family!”
Stephanie enjoys leisure time with her children (left to right),
Arhyanna, Aajiyah and Trevion.
With the support and stability provided by
Porchlight, Stephanie plans to go much
farther than she thought she could before
her accident, saying, “I take it as a challenge.
Taking care of my credit and staying on top
again—it’s a chance to keep moving forward.”
Stephanie is now in school pursuing a degree
in social work so that she may work with others
needing a helping hand in the future.
irst, Stephanie lost the ability to walk. The she
lost her job, her income, her good credit and
her children. Finally, she lost her housing.
Three months earlier, Stephanie had been in a
car accident. The driver that hit her had ignored
a stop sign, and in a single moment, every part
of Stephanie’s life became uncertain. She was
in a coma for two weeks and required multiple
surgeries. Her recovery took more than three
months and during that time she was unable to
work. Her fiancé’s income was not enough to
support their family of five. Stephanie reluctantly
sent her children to stay with their grandparents
while she slowly—and painfully—learned how
to live independently again. Healthcare bills, living
2013 Funding Sources and Expenses
2013 Revenue*
United Way
Madison Community
Block Grant
Dane County
State of Wisconsin
United Way
Madison CDBG
Dane County
Other Gov’t.
Department of Housing
& Urban Development
Other Gov’t.
Revenue by Funding Sources 2013
State of Wisconsin
2013 expenses*
Special Costs
Expenses by Programs 2013
Drop-In Shelter
Hospitality House
Total Agency Income for 2013:
$ (104,527)
Total Agency Expenses for 2013:
Capital Expenditures for 2013:
$ 135,984
Total Restricted Income for 2013:
Housing Support Services
Safe Haven
Brooks Street
$200,000$400,000$600,000 $800,000$1,000,000$1,200,000
*Figures are unaudited and do not include the capital campaign.
As in the past, our contributors are listed without
regard to levels of giving, not because amounts
are unimportant, but because we do not want the
amount to obscure the recognition and expression
of gratitude for the gift, however large or small.
We have tried to provide an accurate alphabetical
list of contributors. There are numerous spouses
and other household members not listed. For
households, we have listed the person who
actually signed the check, but where there
was an indication of additional contributors for
a household we have tried to include them as
well. If you have contributed but your name is
not included, we apologize. Please let us know,
so we can correct any inaccuracy. For those
wishing to remain anonymous, we have respected
Beyond the professional clinics, there are
donations of time by numerous individuals and
organizations who assist with work projects,
provision of services at Hospitality House and, of
course, the Drop-In Shelter. Our Drop-In Shelter
volunteer network of 60 plus organizations and
more than 1,700 people has been fabulous.
Also, there are the many donated services and
auction items that have made our Annual Dinner
and Silent Auction a tremendous success; we
Our programs would not be possible without the
support of our long-term funding agencies: City
of Madison Community Development Block Grant
Commission, Dane County Department of Human
Services and the Community Development Block
Grant office, the State of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin
Housing and Economic Development Authority, the
United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development and the United Way of Dane County.
r ch i g
The list of those who gave cash donations fails
to recognize many thousands who donate their
time and talents. The in-kind donations received
from thousands of households, organizations and
businesses provide an essential sense of security
and support to the men, women and children as
they get back on their feet. The doctors, nurses
and students who staff our clinics contribute
greatly to assist those we serve. The medical
clinics at the Drop-In Shelter and Brooks Street
have helped numerous homeless guests with
an array of medical problems. The Volunteer
Psychiatric Clinic, coordinated by Dr. Ron Diamond,
provides invaluable free psychiatric services at
Safe Haven and has expanded services to include
continued assistance with medication monitoring.
Dr. Cate Ranheim and Meriter Foundation have
been instrumental in operating additional health
clinics for treatment of our guests and residents.
These clinics and their many volunteers have
been a welcome addition to the medical services
provided to those that have few other options
when it comes to medical care, particularly those
that need ongoing treatment.
raised more than $75,000 in 2013 from this event
alone. A listing of all the persons who contribute
time, talents and items to support our programs
would comprise a telephone directory.
that request. For those who would like to be
anonymous in future listings, also please let
us know.
or many struggling to escape homelessness,
the barriers encountered daily often seem
insurmountable. Part of our challenge at Porchlight
is to effectively provide both the tools and longterm support needed to overcome these barriers.
For 30 years, this community has generously
supported our annual operations, helping us to
sustain such critical programs as Safe Haven,
the Drop-In Shelter and Hospitality House, which
charge no fees for shelter and services. We
have also expanded services and housing
both for families and individuals
and employment and job
training opportunities through
our newest initiative, Porchlight
Products. Porchlight Products
are created through locally
sourced produce from small
family farms in Southwest
Wisconsin and can be found on the shelves
of local grocery stores and restaurants.
of Solutions to Homelessness
Thank You for 30 Years
We are tremendously grateful for the overwhelming
community support received over the last 30 years.
Without this compassion and generosity, we would
not be able to accomplish many of the goals of the
programs described in this report. These programs
and the people they help are the difference your
gifts of time, talents and resources have made in
the lives of so many. Thank you!
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Nancy Abraham
David Aswegan
Norm and Marion Beachley
Paul Abramson
Ann Fischer Athas
Robert and Mary Bean
Gordon and Jean Acker
Lee Atterbury
Marvin Beatty
Michael Adas
Judith Aubey
Kenneth Beck
John Aeschlimann
Melissa Auchard-Scholz
and Karl Scholz
Dave and Terri Beck-Engel
Ramonda Aeschlimann
Peggy and Mark Afable
Valentina Ahedo
David Ahrens
Richard Albert
Mark Albertini
Alec Albrecht
Emily Auerbach
Brian Aydemir
William and Barbara Babcock
Carolyn Bell and
Lincoln Ramirez
Elizabeth Backes
Mary Bade
Michael Ambrust
Margaret Bade
Carol and Chris Anacker
Daniel and Linda Bader
F. W. Anderson
Kathryn Bader
Marolyn Bahr
Julie Bailey
Kevin and Mary Jo Anderson
Nancy Baillies
Harriet and Duane Anderson
Richard Baker
Carolyn Anderson
Thomas and Marie Balistreri
Gary and Esther Anderson
Ford and Penny Ballantyne
Elizabeth Anderson
Kenneth Ballweg
Mary Anderson
David and Linda Balsiger
Toni Andress
Sarah and Timothy Barber
Helene Androski
Steven and Leigh Barczi
Helen Apel
Elizabeth Bard
Joyce Apfel
Jacquelyn Barnes
Richard and Alice Appen
Tom Barrett
Deb and Dean Archer
Jeffrey and Angela Bartell
Lisa Armstrong
Jane Bartell
Bradley and
Barbara Armstrong
James and Vicki Bartholomew
Anne Arnesen
Rayne Arneson
Carol Aspinwall
Anita Been
Michelle and Darrell Behnke
Doug Bach
Lois Anderson
Rick and Marnie Beebe
George Austin and
Martha Vukelich-Austin
Brian Babler
Joe and Karla Anderegg
Alice Beckner
Emily Austin
Michael and Susan Ales
Paula and Robert Alt
Paul Beckett
Jon and Erin Augspurger
Jose Alcauter
Robert Alexander
Matthew Becker
Florine Bayer
Geoffrey Blanding
Sharon Blattner Held
Judith Block
Bonnie and Robert Block
Gabrielle Blood
Katherine Boardman
David and Sarah Bogen
Jim and Janis Bohl
Barbara and Keith Bohringer
Dean and Martha Brusegar
Deborah Cardinal and
Walter Burt
Rebecca Brynelson
Adam Buckingham
Alice Buechner
Patricia Coakley
Laura, Benard and
Toby Cohen
Margaret Carlson
Melissa Craig
Pam and Ron Cramer
Martha Cranley
Pamela and Gary Crapp
Deborah Cohn
Nancy Crawford
Juan Colas
Mark Crawford and
Mary Zietz-Crawford
Diane and John Buechner
Kent Carnell and
Barbara McFarland
Mark Buffat
Robert Carome
Fred and Wendy Coleman
Beverly Buhr
Quentin and Mary Carpenter
Susan and Charles
Charles and JoAnne Bunge
Kathy Carpenter
Nathan Collins
Jim and Holly
Barry Burden
Jessica Carrier and
James Friedman
Margo Collins
Alan Crist
Jennifer Burian
Carol and Peter Carstensen
Joel and Colleen Collins
David Cullen
Ronald Burke
Sheri Carter
Kathryn Colwell
Margaret and Michael Cullen
Mary Burke
Jane Castagna
Terri Connelly Cronk and
Jack Connelly
Shirley Culp
Susan and John Burmeister
Michael Burns and
Nancy Zucker
Ann Catlett
Marvin and Mildred Conney
Ronald and Charlene Caucutt
Jim and Susan Connors
Judith Burstyn and
Stephan Deutsch
Doug and Sherry Caves
Starla Cook
Kathy Chambers
Frank and Mary Ann Cook
Doug and Christine Chambers
Samuel Cook III
Richard Chao
Jeannette and
Guerdon Coombs
Charles Bolt
Patricia Bender
Mr. and Mrs. John Bolz
Lawrence and Janice Bensky
Fredi Bove
Bonnie and Rodney Benson
Claire Box
Eric Berg
Katrina and Brooks Boyd
Mike and Debra Bergen
David Boyden
Lidia Berghammer
Paul and Ann Boyer
Barbara Bergum
Bill and Nancy Boyle
Michael and
Rosalind Buchnell
Linda and Niles Berman
Philip Bradbury
Dr. William Busse
Jatinder Cheema
Lauren Bern and John Bell
Fred Brancel and
Mary Ann Litwiller
Barbara Byrne
Daniel Braun
Kevin and
Kathleen Clougherty
Kimberly Carlsen
Susan and Carl Benck
Sara Buschman
Cynthia Bush
Robert and Betty Bush
Jeffrey Charlson
Nancy Crawford
Myrna Cummings
Anna Curkeet
Joan and Richard Curtin
Charles Curtis
Lois Curtiss
Betty and Corkey Custer
Laurence Cutforth
Patrick Cooper
Allan Czecholinski
Nadine Cordio
Mary Czynszak-Lyne
Evonna Cheetham
Tammy Droessler Cordray
and Jeff Cordray
Donn D’ Alessio and
Julie Hayward
Ralph Cagle
Timothy and Barbara Chesney
Richard Corey
William Calcese
Melissa Catherine Childress
Louis Sampson Cornelius
James Dahlberg and
Elsebet Lund
Robert Calder
James Chiolino
Judy Cornelius
Laurits R. and
Bea Christensen
Karen Cornwell
Mary Berryman-Agard
Darlene and
Donald Braunschweig
Barbara Besadny
Don and Carola Breckbill
Peter and Aine Calgaro
Barbara and Dennis Best
C. Brooks Brenneis
Renee Callaway
Lynee Bethke
Barbara Bressler
Eric Callisto
Carolyn and Richard Betz
Malcolm Brett
Barbara Camarta
R. Roth Judd and
Lynne Biancardi Judd
Lois Brick
Esther Cameron
Robert and Mary Kay Bright
Bill Campbell
Judith Broad
Jeffrey Billerbeck
Allen Chase
Susan and Kevin Corrado
Dianne Christensen
Mary Ann and Michael Damm
Thomas and Kathleen Dare
Dennis and Patricia Darwin
Nancy Dast
Mary Jo Christiansen
Joseph Corry and
Barbara Weston Corry
Carissa Christner
Coletta Corwin
Katherine Davey
Daniel Christoph
Christine Costanzo
Fred and Shirley Davie
Rachel Campbell
Lauren and
Christopher Clausen
Edward and Victoria Cothroll
Wynn and Loree Davies
William and Joan Brock
Terressa Campbell
James and Charlene Cleasby
Daniel Cottom
Kennthe and Arrietta Davis
Linda Billings
Steve and Wendy Brockert
Glen and Ami Campbell
Zoya Cottom
Peter Davis
Grant and Linda Billings
Michael Brolin
Andrew Campbell
Kristopher and
Angela Clemons
William Courtenay
Rayburne and Maria Dcosta
Mary Binkley
Karl and Aimee Teo Broman
Peter and Marsha Cannon
Craig and Mary Clemons
Douglas and Carol Cowgill
Barbara Blackburn
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brooks
David Cannon
Casey Clobes
Susan and Corey Cox
Tom Dean and
Sieko Yoshinaga
Mary Jo Biebl-Yahnke
and Ross Yahnke
Susan and Ellis Bauman
Sarah Bland
Max Carbon
Helen Boley
Steve and Trudy Bernsten
Faith Bauman
Katherine Blake
Charlyne Bruce
Joyce Ann Bell
Don Bernards
Marie Barwick
James and Freda Blair
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Peg Davey and Tom Zanzig
Dr. David Michael Deci
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Eve and Carl Degen
Ruth and Warren Downs
Beverly DeGroot
Melody and Robert Doyle
Dave Delap
Marina Drake
Paul Delong
Ann-Charlotte and
James Drake
Bruce Deming
Kenneth and
Marge Engelman
Victoria and Timothy Enright
Teri Enters
Kendra Eppler
Bill Foote
Aaron Gember
Benjamin Gray
Duane Hansen
Steven and Vicki Hill
Milton and Emily Ford
Annette Gendron-Fitzpatrick
Marilyn Greaser
Catherine Hanson
Christopher Hill
Robert and Margo Forsberg
Steven Genheimer
Vivian Greblo
Mark and Janis Hanson
Kerry Hill
Rita Fose
Mary Ellen Gerloff
Zorko Greblo
Daniel Hardy
Susan Hill
David and Kay Foss
Tom and Karyn German
Elizabeth Greene
Hall Hardy
Randolph Hill
Susan Foster
Justin Gerstner
Lauren and John Greene
Freda Harris
George and Audrey Hinger
David Fowler
Patricia Gibeault
Dianne Greenley
Michael Harris
Thomas and Joyce Hirsch
Ron and Lucy Gibson
Patricia Gregory
Henry Hart
Stephen Hirshfeld
Kim Giese and Bob Stabler
Terri and James Gregson
Jennifer Hart
Lynn Hobbie
Charles and Jan Gietzel
Marie Griesbach
Bette Hartley
James and Barbara Hodder
Anders and Kristine Gilchrist
Dr. Philip and Dale Grimm
Elizabeth Hartzheim
Gerald and Alana Hoddinott
Elizabeth Walker Gill
Walter and
Marcia Griskavich
Monet Haskins
Glen and Michelle Hofer
Paul and Jacqueline Hass
Susan and Stephen
Carla Draper
Amy and Miles Epstein
Linda and Michael Drea
Rae Erdahl
Jon Dresser
Andrew and Linda Erdman
Kathleen Drew
Marla Erdman
Veronica and
David Franchino
Steve and Katherine Derene
Robert Duecker
Charles Erickson
Carrie Francis
Gordon and Gail Derzon
Marilyn Duerst
Judith Ettinger
Wendy and Matt Franczak
Rahel Desalegne and
Girma Tefera
Nancy and Michael Dunham
Paul and Nancy Evans
Laurel and Chris Franczek
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap
David and Mary Ellen Ewanowski
Sharon Frank
Joshua Deno
Robert and Christine Denzin
Alfred Andreychuk and
Allan Deptula
Edouard and
Jeannine Desautels
Denise Duranczyk
Robert Dettman and
Eleanor Curtin
Janice Durand
Daniel and Shirley Dettmann
Lloyd and Pat Eagan
Ann and Phil Dettwiler
Margie Deveraux and
David Hall
Johanna Fabke
Susan Fadness
Mary Lou Dzick
Sally Falk
Gail and Richard Farrell
Kelly Eakin and
Marla Maeder
Karen Faster
Tammy Earl
Elizabeth Faye
Beth Eaves
Elizabeth Fayram
Gene and Beatrice Dewey
Beth and Michael Eaves
Hildy Feen
Ron and Cherie Diamond
Alice Ecker
Annette Felice
Nic Dibble
Lori and Gary Edelstein
Mark and Janet Felton
Claire Dick
Thomas Eggert
Theresa Felton
Emily Dickmann
Mark and Rebecca
Ehlinger Ibach
Justin Fermenich
Mary Devine
Patricia and John Diehl
Mary Hathaway Dilba
Maxine Dimick
Donolea Dinsmore
Damian and Karen Dischler
Peter Dohr
Isa Dolski
Susan Domini
Brian Donley
Dennis Dorn
Jane Doughty
Judy Douglas
Robin Douthitt
Tammy Downing
Amanda Ferwerda
Jeffrey Kassel and
Alison Einbender
Amy and Marty Fields
Greg and Jayme Frank
Bernell Franke
John Franz
Marie Faser
Karen and Jerry Gipp
Matt and Brittany Gitzlaff
Carolyn and Perry Frey
Denise Gloede
Janice and Fritz Grutzner
Gary Freyberg
Thomas and Joanne Gobel
Patricia Guhleman
Lisa Friedman
Richard Goldberg
Thomas and Tami Gulland
Susan Friedman-Hill
Ken Golden
Heather Gullickson
Otto and Patricia Frischolz
David Goldfoot and
Lorraine Broll
Karen Gunderson
Carol Froistad
Marilyn and Donald Frye
Lisa Goldsby
Susan Goldwomon
Eric Golueke
Barbara Fuerst Sgro
Theodore and
Mary Lou Goodfriend
Robin Gallagher
Keith and Susan Findley
Dick and Judy Ela
John and Jo Fischer
Read Eldred
Sandra Fisher
Peter Ellestad
Steve and Mary Fix
Katherine Elliott
Shannon Flasch
Nancy and Gordon Enderle
Donald Fleischman
Judy Endle
Jessica Fleischman
Jill and Richard Endres
Amy Flesch and
Hannah Goodspeed
c/o West Activities Comm.
Elinor Gbedey
Nelson and Ann Flynn
Dina Geier
Jerome and Jean Heinrichs
Ruth Heins
Dean and Barbara Hekel
Kathleen Held
Richard Holdener
Paula Hollenbeck
Ahna Holliday
Charlotte Holzman
Grace Homb
Mark and Kathleen Hoover
Jim Horn
Herbert Hellen
Eric Horn
Janeen Hellenbrand
Jeanne Heller
Julie Horner and
Michael Vahldieck
Billie and Simon Hellerstein
Brian and Julie Hornung
Herb and Sue Heneman
Angeline Hougas
Stan and Jane Henning
Ryan Hover
Ellen Henningsen
Mathew Howard
Maureen Hall
Kathy Herbst
Judith Howard and
Amy Scarr
Michael Hall and
Paulina Skiba
Thomas L. Herman
Christine Hall and
Craig Barnekow
Donald and Karen Hester
Jean Gunnulson
Diane Gutschenritter
Jan and Donald Haasl
Anne Habel
Mitchell Hagens
Dorothy Gosting
Roger Garms
Sylvia Gould
Aurelia Hale-Fabian
and Peter Fabian
Deirdre Garton
Daniel and Alice Gould
Elizabeth Gates
Ben Graf and Ann Sheehy
Douglas and Sherrie
Laura Graham
Nadine and Samuel Gratz
Phoebe Rose Hefko
William and Deborah Holden
Helen Horn and
Ralph Petersen
Dorothy Haines
Ronald Grasshoff and
Terri Broxmeyer
Kristine Hebel
Adam and Barbara Hogan
Andrew Held
Robert Gooze
Barbara Gehl
Ann Haynes
A. Archer and Jeanne Grover
Eunice Gandt
Tamara Graham
Palmer and Lydia Haynes
Briana Grove
Leona and Don Grubb
Jeanette Froehle
Robert and Judy Havens
Glenn Grothman
Steven and Nancy Gloe
Leslie Frisinger
John and Gwen Haugen
Deborah Gross
Barbara and James Freeman
Leslie Eisenberg
Daivd Ginger
Jeanne and Tom Grist
Catherine Frederick
Florence Filley
Diane Endres Ballweg
Haywood and Audrey Gilliam
Philip Glende and
Ruth Vander Horck
Linda Eisele
Ronald and Sheila Endres
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Dianne Hesselbein
Robert Hetzel
Donna Halleran
Fannie Hicklin
Richard Hammerstrom
David Hildner
Linda Hammes
Tom and Sue Howe
Jerilyn Howe
Joni Howe
Ashley Howell
James and Cindy Hoyt
Sharron Hubbard-Moyer
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Mark and Leslie Johnson
Bob and Marita Kelter
Max Koletzke
Scott and Lani Largent
Jane Lindsay
Michelle Manning
Terri Johnson
Katherine Kemper
Beverly Koltes
Marilyn Larsen
Susan Mansfield
Phylis Johnson
Richard Kempf
Shirley and Robert Kopp
Terry Larson
Ann Lindsey and
Charles Snowdon
Elizabeth Johnson
Janet Kennedy
Korey Kopp
Marcia Larson
Frederick Hunt
Ken Johnson
Erika Keough-Zeidlhack
Rebecca Kordahl
Audrey Larson
Catherine Loeb and
David Griffeath
Jeanne Hunter
Rebecca Johnson
Mary Beth Keppel
Nancy Korn
John Larson
Janet and Jay Loewi
Dolores Margelafshy
Mary Jo Hussey
Valerie Johnson
Keith Kerle
Daniel Korth
Michael Lashua
Jamie Logsdon
Marjorie Marion
Ellen Hustad
Robert and Helen Johnson
Jennifer Kerwin
Frank Koss
Michele Lavigne
Elaine Lohr
Laurel Mark
Eric Huttenburg
Carl Johnson
Gary Kessler
Nancy and Andrew Kosseff
Clifford Lawton
Jack Longert
John and Lorrie Hylkema
Joan Johnston
Jan Ketzler
Helen Le Roy
Fred and Deborah Loomis
John and Karen Icke
Emily Jones
Katherine and Peter Kiesch
Julie Kotschevar and
Ken Hunzicker
John Markson and
Diane Rivard
Jane Leahy
Brian Lorbiecki
Margaret Maroney
and Edward Marion
Mary Ihlenfeldt
Omer and Mary Jones
Gordon and Carol Kowing
Charles Marshall
Clayton Mehnert
and Monica Bear
Edward Jordan
Maureen Leary and
Talish Barrow
Robert and Susan Loudon
Rachel Imsland and
Robert Newsom
Laura Kiessling and
Ron Raines
Rebecca Kilzer
Dennis and Marjorie Kozich
Julie Lechelt
Judy Loveless
Michael and Beth Martin
Darlene Meis
Karen Ingmundson
Lois Krantz
Jane and David LeCount
Kathleen Martinson
John and Linda Merrill
Margaret and Paul Irwin
Deborah Juneau and
Jerome Buhman
Mary and William King
Nancy and Truman Lowe
Wayne Kinos
Marcia Kraus
Mercile Lee
Janet and John Lubniewski
Julie and Randy Martinson
Elaine Meszaros
Olivia Ishikawa
Kari Kahl
Christopher Kirchgasler
Carol Krause
Barbara Lee
Carmen Lucey
Sarah Marty
R. Leroy Metcalf
Sally Iverson
Nancy Kaiser
Doug Kirk
Deborah Kretchmar
Joanna Lee
Ken and Elrene Lund
Jason Marx
Jacqueline and John Meyer
Greg Jackson
Daniel Kaiser
Karoline Kirst
Karen Krueger
Naomi and Paul Lee
Steve Lund
Rachel Maske
Nathan Meyer
C. Lynn and Paul Jacobsen
Balkrishna and Vanmala Kale
Richard Klaas
Debra and Thomas Leffler
Peter Lundberg
Mary Mastaglio
Gale Meyer
Gwendolyn Costa Jacobsohn
Daniel Kammer
Christine Klann
Frederick and Kathleen
Bill Lunney and Judie Pfiefer
John L. Mathews
Kathy and Cliff Michalski
Brian Jacobson
Andrea and Thomas Kannal
Rochelle Klaskin
Ronald Luskin
Robert Mathieu
Bernard Micke, M.D
James Jaeger
Madeline Kanner
Sanford Klein
Marion Lussier
John and Carol Mathis
Carol Milanich
Margaret and Robert Jahn
Vince and Retta Kanthak
Linda Matusewic
Barbara Karlen
Jane Lynaugh
Carolyn May
Harry Miles and
Susan Earley
Vanessa Jambois
Ann Klinger Eleonora
and Gerard Klinzing
Lesleigh Luttrell
Virginia James
Carol and Richard Karls
Mary Ann Lynch
Laruie Mayberry
Jim and Betsy Jansen
Trudy Karlson
Judy Lyons
Brian and Becky Mayhew
Virginia Jefferds
Peter and Kathy Karofsky
Don Macaulay
Corinne and Dan Mayland
Vincel Jenkins and
Stefanie Moritz
Lori Karst
Stewart Macaulay
Doug and Joan Maynard
Cindy and Mark Mackenzie
Sarah Elizabeth McAchran
Mary Jenny
April Kats
Kimberly and John Jensen
Karoline Kaylor
Jane Jiumaleh
Rita and Timothy Kehl
David and Jean Johnsen
Ann-Britt Keillor
Richard and Adelle Johnson
Kristina Keillor
Trevor and Shabvon Johnson
Douglas Keillor
Barbara and Larry Johnson
Shirley Keller
Michael and Erica Johnson
Sam Kellerman
Melissa Huggins and
Jack Opel
Diane Huibregtse
Craig Hungerford and
Linda Olson
Mary Joy Johnson
Deborah Jorstad
Barbara and Walter Karst
Marianne Kellman
Lisa Johnson
Kate Kowalski
Merriel Kruse
James and Jill Kubek
Kris and Penelope Kubly
Khuyer Kue
David Lehr
Peter Leidy
Scott Levin
John Leja
Tammara LeMay
Kim Mapes
Arthur and Susan Lloyd
Norma Marchant
Elizabeth Marcott
Jennifer Klippel
Ross Kuehn
Jennifer Kloskey
Paul and Atsuko Kusuda
Deborah Kmetz
Mrs. Geraldine Kutz
Karyn Knaak
Linda Kwiatkowski
Lorna Knapp
Joan Kwiatkowski
Karen Leonard-Berg
and Ronald Berg
Milka and Ivan Knezevic
Kelly and Steve Lagman
Scott Leonardson
Kory Macy
Patrick McBride
James and Renee Knight
Mark Lajiness
Rosalind Levin
Doug and Norma Madsen
Isadore Knox, Jr.
James and Shirley Lake
Dan and Kathy Levin
Laura Mael
Michael Rothstein
and Sharon McCabe
Doug Knudson
Rod and Diana Lakes
Lynn Levin and Mark Lederer
Shana Magill
Joyce Knutson
Leslie and Kevin Lally
Ronald and Jean Lewis
Mary Maher
Audrey Koehn
Carol Landahl
Janet and Harry Libby
Betty and Kenneth Koenig
Sandra Lane
Beth Koerber
Nelda Lemmenes
Cheryl Lenerz
Paul Lenhart
Chandler and
Beverly McKelvey
Carol McKinney
Tara and Mike McKuen
Tom and Kate McMahan
James McMillan
David and Jean McMillan
Cary and Brenda McNatt
Kathleen McQuade
Nancy and Howard Mead
John and Patricia Meade
Sally and Charles Miley
Dr. Paul and Maragret Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Donald Miller
Allen and Jody Miller
Jane and Duane Miller
Robert and Lynette Miller
Jon and Maurine Miller
Jody McCann
Kerri Miller
Joseph McCormick
Regan Miller
Mary and Eileen Maher
Audrey and
Stephen McCubbin
Jesse Miller
Suzanne Liddle
Christopher Malas
Patricia McDermott
Jocelyn Milner and
Mark Ediger
Dennis Lange
Todd and Catherine Lilly
Kathlyn Maldegen
Fran and Kay McGuire
Danial Minkus
Rebecca and Robert Kohl
Thomas and Connie Lange
Matthew Lind
Joanne and Olav Malvik
Stuart McIntosh
Rita and James Mitchell
Mary Kolar
Mary Langenfeld
David and Ruth Lindorff
Stephen and Jane Manke
Kathy and Bob Mohelnitzky
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Noel Reading
Deborah Rohde
Sherry and Fred Reames
Andrew and Elisa
Kenneth Mohr
Debra Nelson
Nancy O’Neill
Dick Moll
Meryl and John Nemeth
Deanna Opsal
Allan Moore
Joesph Nestler
Catherine Orr
Margaret Peterson
and Andrew Laird
Noah Moore
Donna and Wayne Neu
Elayne Orr
David R. Petit
Robert and Rita Reif
H. Robert and
Brenda Rosebrough
Peder Moren
Deborah Neuman
T. Michael Osborne
Joyce and Vince Petruzates
Tim Reilley and Janet Nelson
Kathleen Rothering
Charles and Lynn Morgan
Mary Neuman
Marian Osterberg
Roger and Linda Pettersen
Sheri Rein
John Rothschild
Mel Morgenbesser
Pam and Chris Nuemann
Carol Ottenstein
Tamara Peyton
Catherine Rottier
Paul Moriarty
John Nevin
Gale Otterson
Lynn and Sally Phelps
Glenn Reinl and
Sara Krebsbach
Lauri Morris and James Cole
Judith Nicholls
John and Sally Ouellette
Jeanne Pien
Edward and
Mary Lou Reisch
Stephen Morton
Kathie Nichols
Richard and Jean Page
Russell Pietz
Linda Reivitz
William Rowe
Timothy and Julie Moskal
Anne Niebler
Parker Palmer
Allen and Judith Pincus
Mary Niederehe and
Bruce Meredith
Mary Jeanne Palmer
Gary Plummer
James Remer and
Alice Lonsway
Kimberly Rowe
Wayne Mosley
Nancy Motisi
H. Dale Peterson
and Julie Goplin
Paula Panczenko
Bethany Pluymers
Joe and Donna Parisi
Nancy and Paul Pokorney
Vicki Nonn
Ms. Mary Parks
Carol and Nick Pollis
Brian and Julia Nowicki
Mike Parrott
Christine Pomerening
Rebecca and John Oaks
Terri Paskey
Emily Pope
Dan and Beth O’Brien
Julie Patrick
Phyllis and Greg Porter
Daniel O’Brien
Jonathan and Jean Patz
Emily Potter
Monica O’Brien
Dr. Richard Pauli
Stever and Robin Potter
Cheryl and Kevin O’Connor
Diane and Dave Pauly
Gary L. Poulson
Jill O’Connor
Robert and Jane Pearson
Jerome Pribbenow
Wendy Murkve
Mary K. O’Connor
and Bob Bocher
Areatha Pearson
Walter and Karen Pridham
Richard and Janet Murphy
Stephen and Sue Pearson
Mary Kay O’Connor
Julia Murphy
Debra Oetzman
Gregory Motl and
Laurel Brooks
Robert Mougin
Donald Moynihan
Janet Mraz
William and Susan Mueller
Kathryn Mulligan
Bradley Mullins
Tersea Mulrooney
Earl and Eleanor Munson
Laurie Elwell and
Richard Niess
Paul Nelson and Jane Lewis
Lois Nelson
David and
Katherine Sebastian
Rick and Ann Schmidt
Mary and Kendall Rouse
Willa Schmidt
Sandra Rowe
Joan Schmit
Deborah Schmitz
Eunice Schmitz
Mary Frances Rowley
Mary Schneeberger
James and Carol Ruhly
Pat and Judy Sebranek
Kathi Seeman
Christine Seibert
Lydia Seifter
Mafmudije Selimi
Jane Sadusky
Daryl Severson
Carrie Richard
Susan Saeger
Diane Schobert
Jonathan Seymour
Ronda Richards
Steven and Lennie Saffian
Jan Richardson
Scott and Katherine Sager
Anne and Larry
Dr. Greg Sheehy and
Barbara Sheehy
Stanley Richardson
Donette Lynn Sainsbury
Mark Schoenleber
Justin Shell
Jeffrey Richter
Richard Sals
Marsha Mansfield
and Steven Schooler
Colin Shepard
Ronald Prince
Clarissa Sue and
Marvin Richter
Jack Saltes
Francis and Sally Schrag
Greg Peck
Ann Pryor Beatrice Ptacek
Claire Rider
Virginia Sample
Jeff and Monica Schraml
Beth Ament and
Steve Pudloski
Lisa Riehl
Kathy and Gary Sandefur
Dana Schreiber
Ruth Sanderson
Michael Schroeder
Stefania Sani
Keith and Sandra
Dagny Quisling Myrah
Vicki Olson
Daniel Pekarsky and
Stephanie Stone
Peter and Cheryl Olson
John Pelletter
Adrienne and Thomas Olson
Tom and Terri Pellino
Laurel Rabson and
William O’Brien
Patricia and Gerald Olson
Julie Penosky
Bette Rackow
Mary Pat and Dennis Olson
Mary Beth Peranteau
Judy E. Olson
Jennifer Person-Arvizu
Reese Railling
James and Judy Olson
Kristen Peterson
Bill Rasche
Kim Olson
Doreen Peterson
Mark Ratzburg
Kenneth O’Neill
Kent and Luanne Peterson
Deb Raupp
Laurie Schmidt
Paul Sergenian
LuAnn Quella
Julie Nelson
Linda Seaquist
James and Marilyn Schoberg
Marguerite and
Leroy Pedracine
Scott Neitzel
Patricia Schmid
Sophie Rzchowsi
Virginia Olin
Ray Nashold
Peter Scott
Joseph Sepe
David Quade
Peter and Donna Napoleone
John and Carol Schmid
Helen Schneider
Donald Pederson
Joseph and Joan Nagle
Isaac Scott
Fe Semira
Raymond and Star Olderman
Sue Nagel
Margaret Schmelzer
Hans and Miriam Schneider
Andrew Reschovsky
and Julia Murray
Craig and Debra Myrbo
Eric and Sara Schwartz
David Schneider
David Ohls
Bruce and Cheryl Olsen
Willa Schlecht
Kathleen Sell and
Betta Owens
Ralpy and Sue Murphy
Mary Myers
Carol and Robert Reneau
Ellen Louise and
Howard Schwartz
Jeanne and David Schneider
Bobbi Peckarsky and
Steve Horn
Daniel Muxfeld
Mary Reed
Katherine Kvale and
Thomas Schirz
Paul Rabinowitz and
Birgit Christensen
Thomas and Karen Ragatz
Margaret Rentmeesters
Steven and Susan Reusser
Barbara Rex
Christine and Tim Rice
James and Marilyn Rice
Ashley Rindle
James and Lora Ring
Gregory and Janice Robbins
Leigh and Ellen Roberts
Jodi Roberts
Ann Roberts
Susan Robertson
Celeste Robins
Daniel Rodman
Mary Roed
Diana Roehr
Michele Rohan
Nathan Rohan
Cathy Runnels
Frank Ryan and
Susan Spahn
Pat Sartori-Wharton
Lois Sater
Norma Satter
Diane Sattinger
Jeff and Jamie Sauer
Joseph Schaeve
Bruce Schiefelbein
Fredericka Schilling
and Bonita Sitter
Cameron Shimniok
Michael and Paulette Siebers
Peggy Siegel
Vicki Siekert
Judith Siers-Poisson
Michael Schultz
Teresa Signorile
Rhea Schultz
Jeanne and
Joseph Silverberg
Janice Schur
Robert and Rita Schaefer
Eva Shriffin
Eric and Jane Schulenburg
Rockwell and Clare Schulz
Holly Schaefer
Becki Sherven
Donald Richard Schuette
Brian Schultz
James and Marge Saunders
Jeremey Shepherd
Carl and Elizabeth Silverman
Daniel Silvers
John Schuster
Jeffrey Simmons and
Branda Weix
Kristine Schutte
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Singer
Barbara Schwab
Amy Sinner Ann and
Thomas Sippy
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
2013 Individual Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Kathy Sitter
Gloria Stange
Kathleen Swanson
Julie Tracy
Eunice Wagner
Larry White
Darren Wolter
Dorothy Sivam
Dr. Robert J. Stanley
Mary Ann Sweeney
John and Rebecca Tradewell
John Wagnitz
Kimberly Wood
Terry Sizer and Mark Miller
Marcie Stark
Michael Trepanier
Ray and Pat Wahlton
John and Carmen Skilton
C.E. Stark
Ann Marie and Robert
Christine White
and Edward Ryan
Sal and Judy Troia
Charles and Gloria Waity
Wendy Skinner
Phil Stark
Charles Tubbs
Carol Walker
Robert and Joann Skloot
Debra Steaffens
Sachin Tuli
John and Diana Walker
Dennis and Judith Skogen
Kevin and Donna Steffens
Bruce Tulloch
Sue Wallinger
David Slautterback
Jane Stegner
John Turben
Elizabeth Wallman
Cathi Wiebrecht-Searer
and Richard Searer
Nancy Slavik
Jim Stehley
Donna Turner
Robert Walton
Paul and Rosemarie Wieland
Marie Wunsch
Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan
James Steinbach
Deneen Wanta
Barbara and H.K. Wiesner
James and Sue Wyatt
Heather Small
Bruce and Dawn Steinhofer
Martha Taylor and Gary
Michael Turner
Karen Tusack
Diane and Michael Wilcox
Kalia Xiong
Janette Smart
Betty Steinhoff
Rayla Temin
Joseph and
Mary Warnemuende
Loma Will
Joan and Phillip Yagla
Merribeth Smith
Carolyn Steinhorst
Anita Temple
Jim and Ellen Willett
Keith Yefchak
Charles and Patricia Smith
Carol Stemrich
Irene Temple
Peter Williams
James Young
Sharene and David Smith
Kay Stevens
Margaret Tennessen
Roger and Kristi Williams
Karen Young
Kelly Smithback
Tom and Marian Stevens
Willam and Cheryl Tesnow
John and Mel Williams
Stephen Young
Marvin and
Colleen Smitherman
Jon Stielstra
Kathy Williams
Chad Zadrazil
Barbara Williams
Christine Zeal
Burlie Williams
Cheryl Zeegers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Williamson
Steve Zekoff and
Jane Follmer Zekoff
Krista Willing
Lydia Zepeda
John Willis
Thomas and Karen Zilavy
Damien and Judith Wilson
William Zilisch
Elizabeth Wilson
Tom and Judy Zimmer
John and Vicki Wilson
Alex Zimmerman
Ruth Wilson
Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman and Rabbi Renee Bauer
Patirck and Kelley Sweet
Laurie Swimm
Marguerite and James Sykes
Ralph and Jerry Tarr
Vicki Taylor
Esther Taylor
Michael Tuten
and Carol Huber
Dana Warren
Gretchen Twietmeyer
Mona Wasow
Susan Ullman
Sarah and Richard Watts
Michelle Umberger
Janice Weatherhogg
Mary Ann Test, PhD
Acacia Latka and
Nicholas Utphall
Norman Webb
Tom Stolper
Marlayne Testolin
Louise and Peter Uttech
John and Lou Stolzenberg
Jan Thal
Brian Utter
Mary Sobota
Sallie and Leigh Stone
Elizabeth Theisen
Grace Valentine
Becky Soderholm
Jennifer Stone
John Thomas
Len Van Ess
Sally Weidemann
and Charles Mittchell
Ronnie Jo Sokol
Marlene and Mathew Storms
Philip Thomas
Janet and Michael Van Vleck
Marc and Leslie Weinberger
Thomas Solheim
John Stott
Christine Thomas
Ashley Vanderbosch
Warren and Marie Weinstein
Louis and Elsbeth Solomon
Carmen and Katie Stout
Gregory Straub
Ann Varda Joseph
and Mary Varese
R. Weiss
John and Sharon Soman
David and Rhonda Thompson
Vivian Sommerville
Richard and Judith Strauss
Kristine Thompson
Michael Soref
Galen Strebe
John Thompson
Teri Varney and
Linda Scharnberger
Ann and Ben Sowaske
Patrice Streicher
Mindi Thompson
Carrol and Nancy Spencer
Daniel and Therese Strome
Judy Thorpe
June Spencer
Paul Strommen
and Judi Leimer
Ronald and Laureen
Mary Strope
Rebecca Thousand and Eric
Florian and
Louise Smoczynski
Daniel Splaingard
Anita Sprenger
Carrie Springer
Consuelo Springfield
Skye Spurgat
Bhavani and
Lakshmi Sridharan
Doug and Beckie Strub
Willard Thurlow
Michael Stuart
Mary Jo Tierney
Edith Sullivan
Mary Tierney
Margaret Sullivan
Joyce Tikalsky
Roger Sunde
Tim and Lori Stadelman
Mrs. W. Sundquist
Karl and Judy Stadler
Kaia Lynn Sunne
Ken Stanek
Kathleen Swanson
Lorene Titley
Debra Tompkins
David and Nancy Topp
Chris Webb
Katherine Wegner
Kathy and Craig Wehrle
Steve Weiss
David Weissburg
Sallie Vergeront
Sue Welch
Martin Verhelst
Karl and
Mary Janet Wellensiek
Cindy Vethe
Clayton Vinje
Todd Violante
Matt Visker
Ashley Viste
Clifford Voegeli
Pamela Vorass
Geoffrey Vorlander
Joan Vorlander
Carolyn Voter
Gary and Dee Wade
Susan and Rolf Wulfsberg
Joan Zingsheim
Mary Alice Wimmer
Bernard Wendricks
Rose Mary Wise
Ricky Werre
M.J. Wiseman
Steve Wessel
David Witte and
Christina Delgadillo
Linda Sue Weynand
William Wuellner, Jr.
William and Judith Wilson
Nancy Winter
Haley and Matt Weygandt
Alexandra Wright
Vicki Widdicombe
Eric and Kathy Wendorff
Florence Wetzel
Jennifer Wright
Patricia Whyte
Philip and Judith Winkel
Jack and Nancy Westman
Nancy Worcester
Jennifer White
Harvey and Bonita Wendel
Lisa West
Jill Wootton
Tim White
Carrie Zondag
Alan and Marilyn Zuckerman
Kate Zurlo-Cuva
John and Mary Witte
Larry and Donna Wold
Barbara Wolfe
Elizabeth Wolff
2013 Organizational Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
#6618 Maria House
Community of Hope UCC
Good Family Foundation
A. Paul Jones
Charitable Trust
Constance Botanicals, LLC
Grace Episcopal Church
A1 Furniture, Inc.
Advent Lutheran Church
AFGE Local 1732
Agrace HospiceCare
Alliant Energy
Foundation, Inc.
Alpha Delta Kappa–
Iota Chapter
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Dane County Bar
Association, Inc.
Dean Health System
Austad & Son, Inc.
Badger Insurance
Services, Inc.
Baha’i Faith–Madison
Bashford United
Methodist Church
Baskerville Centennial Fund
Menasha Corporation Foundation
Quality Hardware Inc.
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Richard B. Anderson
Family Foundation
St. Martin Lutheran
Rough Sportswear
Sam’s Club
Sephora USA, Inc.
Monona Plumbing &
Fire Protection, Inc.
First Business Bank
Luther Memorial Church
M3 Insurance
First Congregational UCC
Madigan Contracting LLC
First Federal Bank of Florida
First Unitarian Society
Madison Community Foundation
First United Methodist Church
Madison Development Corp.
Madison Folk Music Society
First Weber Group
Madison Gas & Electric Foundation, Inc.
First Weber Group
Foundation, Inc.
Madison Investment Advisors
Franklin Energy Services, LLC
Madison Memorial
High School
Frederic Ogg
Testamentary Trust
Madison Monona Lioness
Frostwood Farm, LLC
Madison Rotary Foundation
Godfrey & Kahn, S.C.
St. Michael
The Archangel Parish
Unity Church of Madison
Wines for Humanity
University Book Store
St. Peter Lutheran Church
U.S. Bank
Wisconsin Craft Market
Steve Brown Apartments
UW Credit Union
Wisconsin Reinsurance Corp.
Black Student Union
Lakeview Moravian Church
Livesey Painting, Inc.
Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek
Sun Prairie United
Methodist Church
Midvale Community
Lutheran Church
Lawton & Cates, S.C.
U.S. Bank Foundation
Slow Food UW-Madison
Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP
Lakeview Moravian
Women’s Fellowship
St. Mary’s Hospital
Sub-Zero Group
Lake Edge Lutheran
(ELCA) Church
Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Mt. Horeb
WHEDA Foundation
UW Health &
Unity Health Insurance
Metcalfe’s Market
Epic Systems Corporation
Thomas Kemp Foundation
Strand Associates, Inc.
La Force, Inc.
Morgridge Family Foundation
Mount Olive Lutheran (LCMS) Church
National Guardian
Life Insurance
Activity Group
Divine Savior UMC
Messiah Lutheran
St. Ignatius
Amma Satsang of Madison
East Madison Baptist
Midvale Lutheran
St. John’s Lutheran
Arbor Covenant
First Baptist
First Presbyterian Waunakee
Monona Knights of Columbus
St. Martin Lutheran
Asbury UMC
Assumption Greek Orthodox
First Unitarian
Mt. Zion Baptist
Orchard Ridge UCC
First UMC
Beth Israel Center
Glenwood Moravian
Next Generation
Bethany UMC
Good Shepherd Lutheran
Nimick Forbesway
Bethel Lutheran
Grace Episcopal
Congregational UCC
Harvest Church of Madison
Prairie Unitarian
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Parkside Presbyterian
Blessed Sacrament
High Point
Second Baptist
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Cathedral Parish
Hope Lutheran
Sherman Avenue UMC
Outrider Foundation, Inc.
Christ Lutheran Church
of DeForest
John Deere Credit
Sikh Society of Madison
Lake Edge UCC
Springs of Hope
Local 311 Firefighters
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal
Madison Christian Community
St. Francis Xavier
Phenomenal Women LLC
Phoebe R. and
John D. Lewis Foundation
Zion Church (ELCA)
2013 Drop-In Shelter Organizational Volunteers
Bashford UMC
Peach Pies Caberlesque
Women’s Club of Madison
Sustainable Engineering Group, LLC
National Mutual Benefit
North American
Mechanical, Inc.
Wellspring Learning, Inc.
Shomos Family Foundation
Keller Real Estate
Endres Manufacturing
Waunakee Student Council
The Northern Trust Company
Meriter Hospital
Solidarity Singalong
Waunakee Rotary Club
Presbyterian Church
Mendota Financial Group
Messiah Lutheran
Vorlander Revocable Trust
The Kuntz Family Foundation
Seymour Environmental Services, Inc.
Johnson Bank
First Baptist Church
Columbus-Fall River
Ecumenical Association
Memorial UCC
Temple Beth El
Employee Benefits
Bethel Lutheran Church Women
Co Leigh Co Salon Studio
Hilton Madison
Monona Terrace
Symphony Corporation
St. Dunstan’s Church–
Outreach Committee
Primrose Lutheran Church
Mertier Hospital
Friends 4 Friends Program
Bethel Lutheran Church
Clasen Quality Coatings
Hillel Foundation–University of Wisconsin-Madison
Martin Schreiber &
Associates, Inc.
St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church
Jack DeLoss Taylor
Charitable Trust
Faith Technologies, Inc.
Chubb & Son/Federal
Insurance Company
Madison-Dane County
Martin Luther King, Jr. Coalition
Sweet Orchard
Outreach Ministries
Specialized Electric, Inc.
St. Dennis Parish School
El Grupo Vida/The Life Group
Bethany UMC
Chase Bank
Madison West Kiwanis
Social Workers at
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
FBC Hartsville, IN
Center for Public
Research, Inc.
Congregational UCC
Merrimac Community
Charter School
Benjamin Franklin Lodge #3
Calvary Gospel Church
Madison West High School
J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc.
Douglas Stewart Co.
Evjue Foundation, charitable arm of The Capital Times
Buffalo Wild Wings
Pierce’s Community
H & H Industries, Inc.
Hope Lodge No. 17
Door Creek Church
Madison South Rotary Foundation
Markesan United
Methodist Church
Hooper Foundation and
General Heating &
Air Conditioning
DL and LF Rikkers
Family Foundation Inc
Becker Law Office
BMO Harris Bank
Group Health Cooperative
Amgen Foundation
Credit Card Staff
Arbor Covenant Church
Great Clips Hilldale
CUNA Mutual Foundation
Dashelito Enterprises
Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin
Grand Central
Crossroads United
Methodist Church
American Family Insurance
Angelica Music Ministry
Grace Episcopal Church Women
Corporate Business Systems
2013 Organizational Donors to Porchlight, Inc.
Covenant Presbyterian
Crossroads UMC
Dale Heights Presbyterian
Temple Beth El
Unity Church
Vedanta Society of Madison
Waunakee Knights of Columbus
Westminster Presbyterian
Windsor U.C.C.
Holly Teffler
Rose Wood
Non-Profit Organization
US Postage
Madison, WI
Permit No. 2333
Administrative Offices
306 N. Brooks Street
Madison, WI 53715
. . . . .
Where to Find Us
administrative office
306 N. Brooks Street
Madison, WI 53715
Phone: (608) 257-2534
Fax: (608) 257-2507
drop-in shelter
116 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 255-2960
hospitality house
and digs
1490 Martin Street
Madison, WI 53713
Phone: (608) 255-4401
Fax: (608) 258-4848
Phone: (608) 252-8522
safe haven
4002 Nakoosa Trail
Madison, WI 53714
Phone: (608) 241-9447
Fax: (608) 241-4441

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