

Supported by
Choose Porchlight as your
Charity of the Year!
Welcome from the editor
WELCOME to the spring issue of The Porchlight Post. I manage the
Dover young persons’ shared houses project and look after nine young
people, aged between 16 and 24. I am part of a wider Porchlight team
which supports more than 200 homeless young people each year.
Their experiences are all different but many have faced trauma and
isolation from family breakdowns, which can lead to mental health
issues including anxiety and depression. It’s my job to help the young
people I support towards independence by increasing their confidence
and self-esteem and giving them a future they can look forward to.
We have many successes along the way (amongst all the hard
work) including service users getting jobs at P&O Ferries, Saga and
Holiday Extras! (turn to page 7 for Genna’s story). I’m pleased to say
that three of my current service users are studying hard at college and
another has got a work placement as a graphic designer.
My job is extremely rewarding and every day is different. The ‘kids’
keep me on my toes, but I like to think that I keep them on theirs too!
Read on, and enjoy...
Wendy Checksfield (pictured centre, front)
Porchlight project leader/resettlement coordinator
WE’RE delighted that Kent law firms Whitehead Monckton and
Cripps LLP have chosen us as their charity of the year. Both have
a wealth of experience in charitable support and are definitely on
a mission to make a difference!
Whitehead Monckton aims to beat its own record by raising
more than £10,000 this year. Associate director Garry Warman
said: “We’re so pleased that staff have chosen to support
Porchlight and we hope to raise both funds and social awareness
over the course of the
Activities include staff
picnics, dress down
days, Christmas parties
and there are even plans
to rent out the car park
over the summer period.
Cripps staff are putting
their heads together to
discuss sweet sales,
BBQs and roller discos.
There’s more about
the different ways we
work with companies
The Porchlight Post is produced by the Porchlight Fundraising and Communications Team. Head Office, 2nd Floor Watling Chambers, 18-19 Watling Street, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2UA
T: 01227 760078 • E: • Registered charity no. 267116. Est 1974. Design by Deeson Group
We’re Crisis Champions!
WE’RE proud to announce that, once again, we’ve been
awarded Private Renting Champion status by Crisis, the
national charity for single homeless people.
We’ve been working with Crisis since 2011 to
develop relationships with landlords and improve
people’s access to private rented accommodation.
This year’s award recognises our work in the area
of health and wellbeing, specifically the partnership
between our private rented sector access service and our
Primary Care Community/GP Link service.
This partnership helps to improve the
health and wellbeing of the people we
support, with the result that tenancies are
more likely to be sustained.
“Rough sleeping must be kept in the spotlight”
AT the beginning of the year we launched a fundraising and
awareness campaign to save our rough sleeper service.
Local authority funding cuts have seen our rough sleeper
team of 20 reduced to just six covering the whole of Kent. This
is against a backdrop of increasing demand, our latest figures
showing that rough sleeping in the county has doubled in the past
three years.
“We’d like to thank our supporters for getting behind our
campaign and sharing our message so effectively,” said Jane
Redman, Porchlight’s director of fundraising and communications.
“We do, however, have an ongoing challenge which is to keep
the issue of rough sleeping – and the cuts to our vital service –
firmly in the spotlight. Sadly, there are hundreds of people living
on the streets in Kent and they don’t stop needing our help just
because the weather’s got warmer.
“Many have extremely complex needs which require very
specialist support. Our concern is that with numbers on the
increase, and our service already stretched to breaking point, this
situation is set to become even more critical.”
Donate now at
OUR conference was the
highlight of a very successful
40th anniversary year. The event
saw leading representatives
from across the homelessness
sector come together to discuss
Our 40th anniversary year
saw us help 4000 homeless
and vulnerable people
Here’s some other 40th birthday facts...
Over 821
organised or
took part in
a fundraising
celebr ht conferen
ates 4
of inn
ovatio ears
• Key messages focused on the importance of keeping service
users at the heart of all developments.
• We launched our groundbreaking research which shows that
better support is needed in youth homelessness projects for
people who have become homeless because of their sexual
orientation or gender identity.
• Read our conference report and watch our short highlights film
Raising a total of
£36,255 to help
support our work
21 local
companies signed
up for Purple 4
on a range of crazy
purple challenges
to help us raise vital
Well done to staff
at Barclays
branches across
Kent who raised a
whopping £2133.98
with matched
Thanks for your
support – we couldn’t
do it without you!
Take on the challenge
WE’VE come up with loads of ways to raise money – and your
pulse – this year! You don’t even need to be superfit, there are
events to suit all abilities from a gentle walk or ramble, to a
daring abseil, a 54 mile bike ride or a gruelling triathlon.
Go on, you’ll enjoy it! And, best of all, you’ll be helping us
provide a better future for the many thousands of homeless and
vulnerable people we support.
KM Assault Course
Saturday 3 October, Fowlmead Country Park, Deal
IT’S time to get down and dirty! Teams of six compete to tackle
a number of obstacles including balance beams, a rope walk, a
water jump and a tyre wall.
Nominate us as your charity of choice and we receive 70% of
any sponsorship raised! We had eight teams taking part last year,
enjoying some healthy competition to raise a total of £1722!
Ephraim 10K
Sunday 23 August, Faversham
GOOD news for runners! Porchlight’s own 10K event is back
for a second year and we also welcome a new event sponsor,
Pharon Independent Financial Advisers! This popular race
takes you through the beautiful Mount Ephraim estate and the
surrounding countryside. Entry starts at £14 and includes free
family admission to the gardens.
Last year over 220 runners raised an amazing £3265 for us.
Sign up today and if you raise £20 or more in sponsorship, we’ll
send you a Porchlight running vest!
Twitter: @Porchlight1974
Transforming young people’s lives
PORCHLIGHT is currently supporting 70 young people in accommodation projects
across Kent. We provide more than just a roof over their heads. We offer a full
programme of support, encouraging and challenging our young people so that they
develop the life skills and the confidence to live independently in the future.
AARON, 22, lives in one of Porchlight’s
young persons’ shared accommodation
projects in Dover. He’s been homeless and
in temporary accommodation since the age
of 15 when he was forced to leave home
because of family issues.
“I’ve been with Porchlight for almost
a year now and it’s the first time I’ve felt
really settled and secure,” he says.
“My key worker Wendy has supported
me 100% from the start and given me the
encouragement that I’ve never really had
Aaron has some learning difficulties and
didn’t do well at school. But with Wendy’s
guidance he’s completed courses in health
and safety and first aid, as well as put
together a CV and undertaken a range of
work experience placements.
“I’ve worked with Growth Rings and
Abbot’s Mill which are Community Interest
Companies offering practical opportunities
to young people like me,” he explains.
Aaron’s also been involved with the BASTA
project, a Swedish social enterprise
model which allows people to grow their
self-esteem, at the same time as gaining
professional skills and experience.
“I make sure that I take every opportunity
going because it’s all helping me with my
confidence,” says Aaron. “I also really
enjoy keeping busy and when I’m not on
placements, I like to volunteer for gardening
and other projects.”
Aaron is currently working seven days
a week at a carvery restaurant – a job he
enjoys – but is hoping to reduce his hours
so that he can continue moving towards his
dream of setting up a small carpentry and
cabinet-making business.
“I want to start my own social enterprise
so that I can offer vulnerable people a
chance to do something meaningful and
productive with their lives and help them
see that there is a light at the end of the
tunnel,” he says.
£40 could fund a room and
staff support for a 16-year old
for a day in one of our hostels.
Donate at
donations or on 01227 813 199
GENNA, 21, was made homeless when an already troubled relationship with
her mum completely broke down. “I stayed with my dad for a while but he
lives in a bedsit so it was just too difficult,” she says.
Genna’s now being supported by Wendy in one of our shared
accommodation projects and describes the work that Porchlight staff do as
“just amazing.
“Wendy and all of the others have been there for me every step of the
way,” she says. “I was at such a low point but they’ve supported me on a
practical and an emotional level, helping me build my self-esteem and regain
some of the confidence that I’d lost.”
Genna’s done so well that she recently landed a full-time job at Holiday
Extras after being introduced to the award-winning holiday add-ons company
through our jobs, education and training scheme.
The scheme gives our service users the opportunity to develop the skills
they need to compete in the job market by helping them build CVs, take part
in interview practice and find work placements.
Genna, who previously worked for P&O, was hoping to be considered
for a work experience placement but bosses were so impressed that they
invited her back to interview for a permanent role in the contact centre.
She says that being offered a full-time job is a dream come true. “It still
doesn’t feel real... Holiday Extras is such a fantastic company, I’d have been
happy with a work placement, so to get a permanent job is so brilliant.”
Genna’s plan is to stay with Porchlight until she’s built up her confidence
enough to live independently. “I’m not there yet but I hope to be soon,” she
says. “I’m just so happy because I’ve already come so far – I wouldn’t have
believed any of this was possible last year.”
Holiday Extras was the first to sign up for our Employability
Sponsorship Scheme. Turn to page 10 for more information.
Giving in memory
ASKING for donations instead of flowers
at the funeral of a friend or relative is a
wonderful way to remember their life and
helps us to continue changing people’s lives
for the better.
Last year, family and friends of Ceri Palmer
(née Howells) donated an amazing £719 to
Porchlight in her memory. Ceri tragically
passed away aged just 22, and her family
chose Porchlight as one of the charities to
support with the collection at her funeral.
Ceri’s mum, Alison, said “We suggested that
people may like to donate instead of giving
“Ceri felt passionately about the plight
of homeless people and became aware of
Porchlight’s work after moving to Canterbury
to study. We were so pleased with how
generous people were and that one of the
ways we were able to celebrate Ceri’s life was
by supporting the charity in this way.”
Go Purple 4 Porchlight!
We’ve been blown away by the many businesses, schools and
community groups that have supported us by going Purple 4
Porchlight. Last year’s fundraising total was a whopping £5833!
THINK you can do better? Mark World
Homeless Day this October by going
‘Purple’ once again to help raise vital
funds so that we can continue to support
homeless and vulnerable people across
It’s easy to get involved; take part any
time in October and wear purple for a day
(the crazier your outfit the better!), or hold
a Purple bake-off or cake sale. Be bold, be
creative – as long as it’s PURPLE!
The highest fundraisers will receive the
prestigious Homelessness Heroes trophy
so there’s every reason to set yourself a
purple challenge this autumn.
Many thanks for the support!
We really enjoyed going
Purple 4 Porchlight and doing
our bit to support the work of
this fantastic charity
Claire Fosbeary, Asda
For further information,
Helping people back to work
WE actively encourage our service users to become involved
in education, employment and training because we recognise
these as the main routes out of poverty.
Our weekly activities programme includes basic maths and
English lessons, as well as university taster sessions and access
courses. Our ultimate aim is to help people realise their full potential
so that they can move away from homelessness for good.
Visit our website for more information on our jobs, education
and training service.
“I never fail to be impressed by
Porchlight’s commitment to providing
practical opportunities to help people
gain, and sustain, employment.
Hugo Fenwick, High Sheriff of Kent
Calling all local businesses!
Become a Porchlight Employability Sponsor
WE launched our Employability Sponsor Scheme at the end of last
year. The scheme engages the support of local businesses to help
young people and adults back into employment by giving them the
confidence and skills required to compete in the job market.
Simply donate £500 or more and join companies like Holiday
Extras, the Brett Group and Robinsons Solicitors in funding our
vital work and helping us change the lives of more people like
Genna and Aaron.
to find out more or contact 01227 813 199.
Thank you
Huge dedication from
community fundraisers
WE are extremely grateful for
the generous donations received
from several Rotary, Lions and
Lioness Clubs across Kent, and
their dedication to getting involved
in and helping improve their local
communities. Special thanks to
Ramsgate Rotary Club who have
committed to supporting us with
£3000 over the next three years
towards our work in Thanet.
And relax...
THANK you to the staff
and pupils at Holy Trinity &
St John’s Primary School in
Margate for getting comfy
in their onesies and raising
£472 by wearing their PJs 4
Festival flair
THE St Nicholas Festival
chose Porchlight as one of its
charities for 2014 and decided
to donate an amazing £3000
towards our work with young
people in the Canterbury
District. We are so grateful for
their generosity and support.
Cutting a dash
Braving the elements
THANK you to the
Canterbury Academy
students who braved
the elements and did a
Sponsored Sleep Out for us
in November, raising £838!
If you think your students,
scouts or youth group
would enjoy and value this
experience, contact us for
a Sleep Out Pack to help
organise your event.
IN November, Peter Berg and Alan
Callaghan attempted the London to
Brighton Veteran Car Run in a 1902
Curved Dash Oldsmobile. Although
not quite reaching the finish line,
they did make it to Brighton and
raised £378 for the charity! Thanks
and well done!
Marathon effort
THANK you to the six
intrepid runners who ran
the Brighton Marathon
for us in April 2014 and
raised £2281! A great
We’ve got another six
determined supporters
taking part in the London
and Brighton Marathons
for us this month – Go
Team Porchlight!
THANKS to the Garfield Weston
Foundation which has supported
our rough sleeper service with a
donation of £10,000!
WE’VE also been awarded
£85,000 by The Henry
Smith Charity towards our
jobs, education and training
We are looking for
superstars to take on a
challenge in 2015 and raise
money to help homeless
people across Kent have a
better life. Could you make
a difference by taking part
in one of these events?
31 May
Folkestone Coastal 10k
A flat route, traffic-free and a great race for beginners and
more experienced runners. Entry starts at £13.
7 June
KM Colour Run
Baypoint Club, Sandwich
A fun, non-competitive 5km run where you get coloured
powder paint thrown at you!
14 June
KM Folkestone Abseil
Leas Cliff, Folkestone
See the English Channel from a totally unique vantage
point! £12 registration fee and we receive 70% of your
sponsorship total!
Any time in October
Mark World Homeless Day and change the lives
of homeless people in your community by doing
something Purple for Porchlight.
28 June
KM Charity Walk
Mote House, Maidstone
Choose from a gentle 5 mile or a more challenging 10 mile
walk through pretty Kentish countryside.
5 July
23 August
KM Dragon Boat Race
Mote Park, Maidstone
Book a team of 11 for this 250m race! It costs £400 to
book a boat, use code KMDB15 for a £50 discount!
Mount Ephraim 10K
Mount Ephraim Gardens, Faversham
Porchlight’s own 10K run is back for a second year! Entry
starts at £14
For more details and to get involved in any of these
events please visit
or call us on 01227 813199